North Lanarkshire Council Planning Applications for consideration of Planning Committee Committee Date: 30-01-2020 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING COMMITTEE 30th January 2020 Page Application No Applicant Development/Site Recommendation No 8-14 19/00002/FUL Peter D Construction of a Road Link Grant Stirling Ltd/I D Between the A8 and Existing M8 Meiklam Trust Overbridge Mossend Rail Head Reema Road Industrial Estate Reema Road Bellshill ML4 1RR 15-20 19/00671/FUL Mr William Two Bungalows Grant Fraser Brownieside Cottage Brownieside Road Plains ML6 8NP 21-27 19/00754/FUL Mrs Ghufura Change of Use to Hot Food Refuse Arif Takeaway 214 Main Street Holytown Motherwell ML1 4TP 28-38 19/01096/S42 FCC Reclamation and Restoration Grant (P) Environment Operations by the Importation of (UK) Limited Non-Hazardous Waste Materials (Section 42 Application for a Reduction in the Scale and Extent of Previously Approved Landfill Operations, with Resultant Changes to Conditions of Previous Permissions 07/00924/MIN and 18/01479/AMD) Greengairs Landfill Site Meikle Drumgray Road Greengairs 39-49 19/01107/FUL Star Properties Part Change Of Use From Class 5 Grant Ltd (Industrial) to Include Class 1 (Retail), 3 (Food and Drink) , Class 6 (Business with Trade Counter) and Class 2 (Financial and Professional services). Site At: Philip Murray Road Bellshill ML4 3HL 50-55 19/01187/FUL NLC New Two storey houses and cottage Grant Supply flats (31 units) Site at Northburn Place Airdrie 56-61 19/01260/FUL Mr Andrew Use of land for vehicle storage and Refuse Storry repairs, vehicle sales and for the siting of 12 containers for self storage Brucefield Farm Allanton Road Allanton Shotts ML7 5DF 62-70 19/01517/FUL John Stewart Continued Use of Land as Two Grant Mobile Home Pitches The Pines Telegraph Road Longriggend (P) 19/01096/S42 - If minded to grant, permission not to be issued until an amendment to the existing legal agreement is concluded, in order to ensure site restoration. Application No: Proposed Development: 19/00002/FUL Construction of a Road Link Between the A8 and Existing M8 Overbridge Site Address: Mossend Rail Head Reema Road Industrial Estate Reema Road Bellshill ML4 1RR Date Registered: 15th January 2019 Applicant: Agent: Peter D Stirling Ltd/I D Meiklam Trust Albert Muckley Mossend Railhead 111 McDonald Road Reema Road Edinburgh Bellshill EH7 4NW ML4 1RR Application Level: Contrary to Development Plan: Local Application Yes Ward: Representations: 15 Bellshill 1 representation received. Colin Cameron, Angela Campbell, Harry Curran, Jordan Linden, Recommendation: Approve Subject to Conditions Reasoned Justification: The proposal represents an acceptable infrastructure development associated with the Mossend International Rail Park and upgrade of the M8 Motorway and is justifiable in Green Belt policy terms due to the specific locational need in this context. Reproduced by permission of Planning Application: 19/00002/FUL the Ordnance Survey on Name (of applicant): Peter D Stirling Ltd/I behalf of HMSO. © Crown Copyright and database right D Meiklam Trust 2009. All rights reserved. Site Address: Mossend Rail Head Ordnance Survey Licence Reema Road Industrial Estate number 100023396. Reema Road Bellshill North Lanarkshire ML4 1RR Development: Construction of a Road Link Between the A8 and Existing M8 Overbridge Proposed Conditions:- 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings numbered - 50309/101 Rev E dated 25.10.18. and 50309/501 rev B dated 12.12.18. Reason: To clarify the drawings on which this approval is founded 2. That before commencement of work on site, the applicant must apply for and obtain a European Protected Species Licence from Scottish Natural Heritage for all related development works affecting the identified bat habitat within the application site. Furthermore, the applicant shall provide written confirmation to the Planning Authority that this licence has been obtained prior to commencement of works on site. Reason: In order to comply with the relevant European Protected Species legislation. 3. That prior to commencement of works on site, an intrusive site investigation survey as recommended in the Geological and Mining Risk Assessment Report produced by Johnson Poole and Bloomer Ltd dated May 2019 shall be carried out and detailed findings including required remedial works shall be submitted in both hard copy and electronic format for the written approval of the Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the site is free of contamination in the interests of the environmental amenity of the area. 4. That any mitigation works identified as part of the Site Investigation in condition 3 above shall be carried out and verified by a suitably qualified environmental engineer to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority prior to construction work commencing on site. Reason: In the interests of the environmental amenity of the area. 5. That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, a scheme of landscaping for all landscaped areas and all boundary treatments shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, and it shall include details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, grass seeding turfing and boundary treatments/fencing etc. Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects. 6. That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, a management and maintenance scheme shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, and it shall include proposals for the continuing care, maintenance and protection of the landscaping and boundary treatments identified in condition 5 above. Reason: To ensure the maintenance of the landscaping scheme in the interest of amenity. 7. That before the development hereby permitted starts, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority; full details of the proposed surface water drainage scheme shall be submitted to the said Authority and shall be certified by a chartered civil engineer as complying with the most recent SEPA SUDS guidance. Reason: To ensure that the drainage scheme complies with best SUDS practice to protect adjacent watercourses and groundwater and in the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of existing and future residents adjacent to and within the development site. 8. That the SUDS compliant surface water drainage scheme approved in terms of Condition 11 shall be implemented contemporaneously with the development in so far as is reasonably practical. Within three months of the construction of the SUDS, a certificate (signed by a Chartered Civil Engineer experienced in drainage works) shall be submitted to the Planning Authority confirming that the SUDS has been constructed in accordance with the relevant CIRIA Manual and the approved plans. Reason: To safeguard adjacent watercourses and groundwater from pollution and in the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of existing and future residents adjacent to and within the development site. 9. The proposed A8 Roundabout shall be constructed generally in accordance with Ironside Farrar Drawing No. 50309/516 "A8 Roundabout Plan, Horizontal Geometry" and Ironside Farrar Drawing No. 50309/517 "A8 Roundabout Profile, Vertical Geometry" to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority, in consultation with Transport Scotland. Reason: To ensure that the nature of the design of the proposed junction meets current design standards and implementation will not adversely affect the safe and efficient operation of the trunk road network. 10. There shall be no connections to the trunk road drainage system permitted from the access roads on the north and south sides of the proposed roundabout outwith the extents of trunk road adoption. Reason: To ensure that the efficiency of the existing drainage network is not affected 11. Details of the lighting within the site shall be submitted for the approval of the Planning Authority, after consultation with Transport Scotland, as the Trunk Roads Authority. Reason: To ensure that there will be no distraction or dazzle to drivers on the trunk road and that the safety of the traffic on the trunk road will not be diminished 12. Prior to commencement of development, details of landscape planting and fencing along the boundaries with the trunk road shall be submitted for the approval of the Planning Authority, in consultation with Transport Scotland Reason: To minimise the risk of pedestrians and vehicles gaining uncontrolled access to the trunk road with the consequential risk of accidents, and also to provide appropriate environmental screening. Background Papers: Consultation Responses: Transport Scotland received 29th January 2019 and 17th January 2020 The Coal Authority received 13th June 2019 Environmental Health (including Pollution Control) received 10th April 2019 NLC Greenspace received 19th July 2019 Contact Information: Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr Paul Williams at 01236 632500 Report Date: 17th January 2020 APPLICATION NO. 19/00002/FUL REPORT 1. Site Description 1.1 The site lies to the north of Bellshill and Mossend and to the south of Carnbroe and straddles the new M8 motorway and the A8 trunk road to the north. The site covers an area of 18.9 Hectares and is made up of former farmland which has been bisected by the construction of the new M8 motorway with a mixture of maintained fields with boundaries defined by hedgerows
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