
PAOBFOUBTEEN THURSDAY, NOVEBfBER 11,198^ | tflanrteetnr Ettraim t V ^ralb AVERAGE DAOLT CnBOVLATION for the Moath ot October, 1887 fforeeaat a( G. S. Weatl Hartfard Helen Davidson Lodge, No. #8 The Oeneral Welfare club win A public bridge and whist party The Ladles Aid society of the The Toung People’s society of the Joseph C Carter Is today moving Daughters of Scotia, will hold Its hold its regular meeting tomorrow] will IM given tomorrow evening at 6 Concordia Lsitheran church an­ Concordia Lutheran church will from Us former home on Main ABODTTOWN regular monthly meeting tomorrow evening at the East Side Recreation o'clock In the vestry of the Buck­ nounces a food sale foi Saturday bowl as usual tomorrow evening at street to his new home. Mr. Carter 6,014 night in the Masonic Temple at parlor at the uaual hour. The refer­ ingham Congregational church. Miss forenoon at iO o’clock at the J. W. 8 o’clock at the T. M. C. A. aileye. bad planned to move on November Motnber ot the AsdN TlM NbtiBet Canwim CSub will 7:45. ence room, which the library will Dorothy Tomlinson, is chairman ot Hale company’s store. On Saturday evening they, will en­ 1, but the new home was not com­ Bnrees et CIrealatieM bold tti refulcr monttaly meetlns vacate, or rather the book racka, the committee froir the Ladlee Aid tertain the league from S t Paul's pleted in tlmj. Harold Norton, who MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM Friday evenlay, November 13, at Mrs. HenrietU StoKenfeldt of will be ready to occupy about the society -making arrangements, church, Bridgeport at the T. and a purchased the Carter home ia now laat of this month and the club will tha homa of Dr. T. C. Tiffany, *0 182 Vernon street, haa been con •-'rlzes will be awarded the winners Members of the Daughters of B(.>cial time will follow at the church. occupying part of the house and Self Serve 2:30 to 5:30 VOL. LVII., NO. 37 PRICE THREE CENTS Bearborougli road. William Ben|^- flned to bed with a severe illness then be favored with ar every week and refreabmenta served. Attorney Liberty, No. 125, Loyai Orange will take over the whole house (n a aoMed AdvertialBg ea Paga IS), MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1937 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) reservation. This opportunity will Ladies Institution, will meet tonight when Hr. Carter baa moved out Bon win ^ ve a talk baaad on the during the past month. Her condl Henry Hunt who was to nave ipoK- The Past Pr^dents* club of Mary FRIDAY SPECIALS Baatman Kodak Company’! lecture tlon la not Improved. be much appreciated as then out of at 7 o'clock in front of Orange hall, town speakers can be better ac­ en early in the evening, will be un­ from whence they will proceed ^o Buahnell Cheney auxiliary, U. S. 4 f ■•The EaienUala of Picture Mak- able to do ao. WASTE DEEP IN WATER, Inc". 'The talk will be Uluatrateo commodated In regard to seating the Ddugan Funeral Home to pay W. V., will meet tomorrow after­ STANDS AT ATTENTION The regular monthly meeting ot noon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Edward Any Flavor Seeking Way to End Japanese Conflict in China by 30 alidea fumlahed by the EU«t Nathan Hale Lodge will be held to­ ci pacity. their reapecta to their departed PAT HARRISON J[obn D. HcEvitt, now of Hart­ member, Mrs. Jane Wilson. T. Waterman of 18 Franklin street man camera>club aerrice. night at 8;30 in Orange Kali. The ford, but formerly of Manchester, Londem, Nov. 12.— (A P )__If St. Biidget'a Women's Ouild held someone only knew his name, the annual election of officers will be has filed a voluntary petition in JELL-O JAPAN INFORMS U. S. Its usual weekly card party laat London public might have a new held and each member Is urged to ibankruptcy In which he liita no aa- URGES CHANGES attend the meeting. evening In the parish hall, with a British hero.. For Service ond Qnality good crowd of players present In seta and liabilities as 3‘J,907.(I7, an Men’s • Womea'e • LlilMrea’e unsecured. Included In the list ot The unidentified Briton was SHOE REPAIRING SEE Mias Doris Hennequin did the tap bridge the winners were Miss Ann 5c pkg. rowing In Regenta Park lake .->rranton, Mrs. L. Smitu, George creditors are the Manchester Trust HAIR CUTS - 25c. WaltsrN. Leclerc IN PROnrS TAX dance epeclalty at the Kiwanis Company for 3300 and Wllbroo when Big Ben aounded the sig­ SAM“ YIJLYES Bryan and Edward Mortarty; In 3 Barbers — No Waiting! And one package JeD-0 nal yeaterday for two minutes IT MAY ACT ALONE show, and not Misa Margaret Hen- Messier for 3460. Other creditors v.'blst. Miss Nellie Doyle, Mrs. Funeral Director Chocolate Pudding Free! of silence honoring the war SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Lequln as was suited in yesterday's Frank Handley, Sr" H. Stratton are mostly Ure concerns. CULOTTA’S 301 Mala Street account of the play. ta» No. Mala S t Pboae 588b Senate Democrat Asserts dead. and Paul Cervini; in setback. Miss BARBER 8HOP—84 Oak Street Attempting to stand In hla P. Edgerton, Mrs. James Gleaaon. Company No. 4 of the South Man- Btaxwell House akiff, he tumbled Into the lake F ank Morin and P. R. Brannlck. eheater fire department was called Flatly There Most Be but came to rigid attention waist Cash prizes nere aw arc^ and case on a atill alarm at 10 o'clock this IN FAR EAST’S WAR deep In water. and coffee served. Another card morning to extlnguiaiied a brush COFFEE He was praised fer carrying CHICKEN social will be held on Wednesday firt at School and Autumn atreeta. Modification; House Group on. evening of neat week. We have bmahes for all tjrper The fire did not cause much trouble. et ptiwei motnm

Scenes in Manchester’s observance of Armistice Day yesterday pictured bearing wreaths in tribute to their departed buddies. I. T w o o n rn are pictured here. At the left. Rev. Thomas Stack, of St. Next, at the right, Manchester’s Gold Star flag bearing 45 stars James’s R. C. church, is seen on the Memorial hospital portico is dipped in reverence as the names o f the hero dead are read. A t the extreme right are pictured Rev. and Mrs. P. J. O. Cornell delivering the Memorial address as Major John Mahoney, pro­ whose two sons gave their lives in the war that ended 19 years gram chairman, stands by. Directly above service veterans are ago yesterday. ■I > A G B r w o MAICCHE9TEK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONN., FRIDAT, NOVEMBER 12.1987 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12.1987 tlngendea and having to pay tbs Sept. 16 would latuzn to work with­ P A G E t h r e e lender interest. The making at an REVENUE DEPARTMENT Read the Proposed LEGION TO FROUC in a week. CONSIDER NEUON annual tax to be laid by for future Gamer Declines To Talk Tbe workere voted yeattoday to two year term and four aldermen (Jolumbta la 'coon himtlng. Stamey expenses, would, in effect, constitute Marion McCorkle, and Ulaa Anna Zoning Law , reaume their duUeo. About 330 per- for four year terms F'eld was recently rewarded for a which waa adjourned la June, a form of finking fund. It faM been WINS LEGAL BATTLE BILLY ROSE TO WED Dlx. The number preaent waa 88. adL AT RAINBOW DANCE eons are affected. Under the present plan all of the COLUIffilA three hour chase by bagging an 18 LEGISLATbRS GATHER the wives and frlenda o f many, ware FOR COLLECTOR contended by those who ar^oppoaed A town aiivertlaament on Page Aldo Cureo, repreoentatlve o t the ROCKVILLE twelve members of the Council will The echoola of the town were on hand to enjoy the festlvltlea, Politics On His Way East pound coon in the Ravine, a favor­ to this method, that the collection Tan of today's Issue of The Herald Amalgamated aothing Workers of cloeed Thursday In recognition of \ hich Include election o t perman­ Judgment Found For Former Committee Assured O f Good conclude their services but many ite ^lot for the flashlight hunters. A T HARTFORD REUNION of small annua] amounts would cost carries a copy of the proposed America, said the workers would re­ will seek re-election. Armistice Day. Two of the teach- ent officers, llmitsd speech-making Collector In Sait Brought To ELEANOR JARRETT MRS. ELSIE COLLINS WEDS The 'coons are trailed by special­ as much as the interest now paid St. Louts, Nov. 12.— (A P )—VIce-ithat he felt fit for the special ses- Zoning Law upon which the Attendance At Bolton To­ turn under an agreement providing WUI Attend FootbaO Game cra, Miss Gladys Rice, and Mra. and a dinner In the evening which on borrowed amounts. Opposition ty trained dogs who will follow a alon starting nest Monday. Recover Taxes Paid By voters will pass tomorrow after­ morrow; Variety Of Dances for a 40 hour week with the same Through the efforts of Edward L. Ethel Colburn, took a "poatman'e C/ov. Cross may attend. OBderstood He Will Be to the sinking fund idea claim that Presldent John N. Gamer made a Hartford, Conn., Nov. 12—(A P ) He allowed one of the few who Estate. noon at 2 o'clock in High School pay as for 42 hours, recognition of VERNON GRANGE FAIR Newmarker, commander o t Stanley MAN FROM WILUMANTIC scent for hours until finally tbe holiday’’ and^.vlaited ackoola of Two of the speakers during tit the present method is the least cost­ bee line for a barbel ahop when he hall. To vote Intelligently on this Dance-lovers o f Manchester and the union and agreement to ailkltr^ Doboes Post of the American I ^ "ringtail’’ beconles hard pressed ana North Windham, South Windham, —The State Capitol bummed with afternoon meeting in the caplW met him to feel the hard, firm unwonted activity today aa mem­ ly now. anived today from San Antonio, measure be sure to read the act. nearby towns will have another op­ tion of any future grievances by. Bat First Tliey Most Be Di* gion, chairman o t the District Boy cllmbi a tree. Then a light is turn­ and Windham St. School of WUH- were Rep. Noah Swayne, house ma­ Named Tonight; No Other In the proposed naming of Mr. muscles of his right arm. Hartford. Nov. 12.— (A P )—Judg­ bers o f the 1937 General Assembly Tex., enroute to Washington, and portunity for a big fling tomorrow the State Board of Arbitration and TODAY AND TOMORROW Scout Finance committee and- a Married To George E. Bum- ed on him and he la shot down, a mantlc. jority leader, and Sen. Joseph P. .Velum as collector of the district. “ Mighty glad to see you but 1 ment la found for the defendant. r.rrived to attend the state’s first emphatically declined to night _at the Rainbow dance ball In Mediation. past president ot the Connecticut good 'coon skin la worth from six Cooney of Hartford. The third and It tS’ thought that the firs comm'i- discusa ' have nothing to say," he said. "The A. Don Bltgood, former acting col­ Torced From Present ham In Millerton, N. Y.< Legislative reunion In many years. Candidate Listed As Yet. politics. Bolton. Charlie Tucker announces State College Alumni, more than to eight dollars. TLe roasted meat lest of the spellbinders was Elmer, slcners concur, and that a much old mill la out of order. It used to lector of Internal revenue. In a suit Opens This Afternoon And Ceremony Wednesday; Cou­ Oxford, the English, university Most of the members who parti­ For 26 minutes the vice-president produce some grist but It can't any that everything is In readiness to GETS SEVEN YEABS one hundred Boy Scouta and Sons la one of the fall huntsman’s favor­ city, Is 64 miles from London. ventriloquist dummy of'Rsp. Donald more capable collection of district by John F. Jenkins and the Union Continues Through Until cipated in the five-month session Fraser. “ * i-elaxed for u shave at the hands of more." accommodate a large' crowd. The Mates, They TeD Scribes. of the American Legion will attend ple To Live In Columbia. ite dishes. taxes can be made by utilizing the A New Haven Trust company, exe­ OBITUARY Providence, R. 1., Nov. 13— (A P) 11:30 Tomorrow Evening. the football game at tbe Connecti­ I t ’ ta understood that town Tax ft duties available at the town tax Dexter Davis, Union station barber As he lef.t the barber shop he cutors under the will of the late W and M Committee has considered Notes who has had Mr. Gamer in his chair — Edward H. Mason, 47, who spent cut State College on Saturday, No­ Mrs. Elsie Horton Collins of Collector Sannuel Ne’eon, Jr., will cTlce, handed the negro shine boy a quar­ Lieonard A. Jenkins. _Uie renting of shin-guards for those Tbe Ladies Ala society held Its four of the clglit times in recent more than half his life in prison, got vember 13th. This will be the game Columbia, recently divorced In Mr. .N’elson would not comment ter. Judge EMwin S. Tbomaa In Unit­ who wish to practise the Big Apple, Denver, Nov. 13— (AP) — Show­ November meeting Thursday after­ tie nominated for the position ol years he has stoppeil here. D E A T H S ______anoU.er seven-years stretch from Rockville. Nov. 12.—The Vernon between tbe rollege and tbe New Reno, Nev., from Harvey Collins ot this morning on his proposed noni- "Thank you, suh," smiled Uie ed States Dlatrict Court beard the but will defer action until there la Judge Patrick P. Curran In Superior man Billy Rose said today be baa South Manchester Fire District tax Then he rejoined .Mis. Gamer and boy. Grange will hold Its annual Grange London Coast Guards. The scout this town, waa married to George noon In tbe chapel. Plana were dis­ ,oollector at the annual district ir.ation for the collectorship, but It aiilt to recover alleged overpayment Mrs. Harold W. Barrett a greater demand. Any kind of a Court today for breaking and enter­ W e have the right answer to boarded a train for the capital. "That'i a quarter." reminded Gar­ dlcarded all "silly shenanigans" Fair today and tomorrow at tbe delegation will Include Ellington, E. Burnham ot Hayden street, Wllll- cussed for the comL-.f. year. Rev. meeting to be held tonlglit. Mr. 1.- thought that If he Is named ami o i about $10,000 income taxea for Mrs. Bertha Smith Barrett, wife daiice goes, and goes well, to the ing. Waving away any questioners who ner. about concealing hls romance with Vernon, Broad Brook and the Union mantlc, Wednesday - 'ernoon. i'he Ralph Rowland gave an Intereatmg pKalaon baa been servlnR as Interim approved by the voters, he will ac­ the year 1932. Tbe deceased was of Harold W. Barrett of Baatford, music of the Society Club Orches­ Known as “ tbe sheriff" becausa Grange Hall In Vernon Center. The sought his comment on whether Eleanor Holm Jarrett and decided Churen Cuba of Rockville. ceremony waa performed in Htller- talk on the slgnlUcanct. ot Armistice “What's New?” “W hat’s Smart” [doliector of the district, and it Is cept the position. No other candi­ "Yes, sub, I know it's a quarter." a director of the Mercbanta Na­ died yesterday at Uncas-On- tra, hence everyone has a grand of hls spectacular prison-van braak fair will be held today sUrtlng at Congress would repeal or amend the to declare publicly they would be Transportation will be provided ton, N. Y., alter conformance had Day. Special music wa fumlsbed by xmnaidered desirable by many of the date has evidenced public interest replied the joy. tional Bank of New Haven. In rhames, Norw-lcb. at the age of 33. time. A vestige of decorum la pre­ from the state prison In 1916, In 3:30 and continuing until 10:30 this undlstrilmtcd protlls tax or would ] "Well. I want some change,” Gar- married aa soon as they are divorc­ for each troop by the committee been made with tbe law recently Mrs. Philip Isham and Mrs. Chaun- and “What’s Popular?” in our jtajtpayers to continue him in this In contending for the job. 1031 an examiner found the bank's She was bom in Woodstock; a served by the presence of the af­ which two deputy sheriffs were evening on Saturday it will be from co-opcrale in balancing Ihe budget.! iicr demanded, ed from their present mates. and Scout leaders, and the boya are passed In New Yoik requiting three cty Squier. Sewing was done tor the ; ager of B. Schwanda and Sons, pearl Rose recounted. "I was out In Walter Luetjen, Miss Alice Usher; together out ol a trough and romp Grid Games Charles Donnelly. Buri.al wa.s In hutton manufacturers, announced Fort Worth lii summer." Food table, Mrs. Wallace Thrall, er was believed to have been drink­ the-Minute Fashions in Dresses, Overcoats Frank Healey said, presented the the East eenieteiN*. Coats (omplaint, was repres-mted at the together. today that the employes of the "She came from Hollywood to Miss Ethel JacK, Mrs. Luther Skin­ ing before the kilting. On Air plant who had been on a .strike since Fort Worth last week to see the ner. Mrs. A. 'C. Pitkin, Mrs. irvtng Police said the slayer epparently Sport Coats and Furred Coats for Sizes 12 to 18. W ilh Mlsa .Annie Coegrove opening of my new show and then Dunn; Grag Bag, Mrs. John Wilson, beat the woman In an effort to make CROSS FOX LYNX The funeral of .Miss Annie Cos- she came along with the troupe to Mrs. Adelbert Ward. her reveal the hiding place of her In sturdy fabrics that Saturday football broadcasts: giove of 689 Main street who died larger women that make you look PERSIAN RACCOON Denver. Candy table. Miss Bernice Bam- money, and then strangled ber with I Via network*: 1:15 p. m.—Ariiiy early Thursday morning at the Man­ "Several In my show were good forth. Miss -Vnne Webster, Miss ■■ twisted cloth. give substantial Exquisitely Tailored Professional Show win vs. Notre Dame. WEAF-NBH and chester .Memorial hospital will be f lends she made at Cleveland and Geraldine Rlsley, Miss Della Wor Hidden under tbe cushion ot a years younger and pounds lighter.^ \VABr-CB.S. 7 BIO ACTS! NO COVER! wear. Interlined with quilted wool held from the Farley a Malloy Dancing — Fun — Music! she. wmted to be with them. cester. Miss Rose Friedman, Miss chair, in an Icebox and under a sofa Sizes 14 to 44 1:45—Princeton vs. Yale, WOK- Funeral Home, 129 Capitol avenue, OUR RRANB "Well, It v/as after we’d been to­ Dorothy Coles, Miss Marian Han­ pillow police found $151 In cash, a STAR MARKET MBS. gether a couple of Jays again that son, Miss Alice Gunther, Miss Jane Hartford at 8:.30 and from St. Paradise Club bankbook showing $352 In deposits 2:45— Alabama vs. Georgia Tech, Michael’s church at 0 o'clock to­ WllllmsntIc, Conn. IIAIHM L SNOW a reporter came to my door last Andrews, Miss Barbara Thrall and 47 North Street Phone .‘1885 anC securities with a face value ot VVJZ-NBC, also to WSGN morrow. Burial will be li. St. Bene­ SATURDAY, NOVE5IBER 18th nigbt. Miss Faith Skinner. $1,600. Police said add'tlor-' money ' $ 2 8 - 0 0 Soda and Ice cream, Herman FRADIN’S 4:45—Latter part of Minnesota dict’s cemetery. Tired of_Dodglng might have been found by the slay­ vs. Northwestern, WOR-MB3. “ Instead of trying any silly shen­ ■fcoles, Charles White, Percy Simp­ $ 15-00 TONIGHT er. Other Fur Trimmed AND anigans then about ducking tbe kins, Wallace Thrall. Jr„ Thomas Other station groups: There was eviaence the woman Specials On Favorite Steaks All at 1:45— Dartmouth vs, Cor­ newspapers, I decided to make a West. Herbert Nelderwerfer. White Winter Coats Modem and Old Fashion pvt up a savage fight for her lUe and np nell, WBZ. WBZA. PLENTY OF EXCITEMENT S A T U R D A Y ^ simple, clear statemeut,” elephant table, Mrs. James Mc­ Sl.").75 to $68.00 Cut from Swift’s heavy steer beef. and savings. Pitt vs. Nebraska, WCAB Wh’BG DANCING! Now 37, Rose’s career stepped Carthy, Mrs. John LaChappe'le, WTBO WLEU WBAL WJEJ KKAB. BUT LIHLE DAMAGE CITY VIEW DANCE HALL through stages as shorthand ebam- Mrs. Kate Smith, Mrs. Lewis Skin­ Top Round, Short, Sirloin Brown vs. Holy Croat,. WUKC Keeney Street plon, song writer, ana "Fannie ner; vegetable table, Kenneth Web­ Erlce’s husband” before he attatneo ster; Bower table, Mrs. Wallace A pleasant treat— well trlmnied. 40c lb. WEEI WMAS WORC WPRO. SATURDAY NIGHT top recognition as a producer with Jack, Mra. Frank Andrews. EXTEND SPEED UMIT Afternoon Pennsylvania vs. Mlciilgan, WCAU I .\mbulancc, Police, Doctor And Real Snappy Music. Children *s Adm ission...... 35 cents hla first spectacle, “Jumbo." The supper will be In charge of Miss Faith E. Spillane W H P WERE WGBI VVCBA VVKOK I Tow Car Dash To Scene But Miss Holm, a re.mrd-breaking Mr. and Mrs. Perry Lathrop aa- TO STATE AID ROADS Chuck Roll Roast 33c lb. WPG. 1 It’s Only A Minor Crash. .y -i backstroke ewlmmer, smashed the slsted by Mrs. Clara Lathrop, Mrs. FROCKS For ov^n or*pot. Try this dollclouB, Juicy roast. Tm sure you’ll Ohio State vs. Illinois, WHK i ------front pogaa when ahe waa banned BMna Johnaon, Mlsa Edmt Ham­ Member Dancinff Masters of America and Conn. bo plca^d. WHEC WADC WSPD WBNS Howard Carpenter of 1128 Mam i from the 1936 Olympic .earn. mond, Mr.'and Mrs. Henry Gunther, Hartford, Conn., Nov. 12 —(AP) OVERCOATS Affiliated Club No. 19 WTAM. street, Hartford, was trected at the American Olympic officials drop­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jackson, Mrs. — The Connecticut traffic commis­ Sport Woolen Columbia vs. Syracuse. WUV Manchester Memorial hospital this ped her on charges ahe drank ebam- Clarence Bamfortb and Mt;a. Her­ sion announced today It had extend­ Rolled Pot Roast 25c lb. W SYR WHAM W'BEN. morning shortly before 11 o’clock : C a r l y l e B . FIrtt pagne aboard the liner that carried man Friedman. ed the 50-mtle-an-hour speed limit Announces Opening Duke vs. N. Carolina WRVA followmg an accident on Demm g! Manehutar American conteata.its to Germany. Men’s Union Banquet ruling, previously effective only nn The Her husband, radio crooner and or­ trunk line highways, to all state aid Sizes 5 to II $7-50 and W BT WDNC. street, just west of the bridge over Showing The annual banquet and meeting u p FROCKS chestra leader, went to Germany, roads. F. A M ., vs. Geneva, WGAL, the Hocktmum-Deming river in of the Men’s Union of the Union of a J o h n s o n protesting her disraissal. DRAMATIC STYLES in Fresh Pork Roast 27c lb. WORK. Oakland. Congregational church will be held The last session of the General Jarrett la now In Hollywood. this evening In the church social Assembly extended the commission s Crepe. High Shades and I-oln nr Rlh end. All ue ask yon to do Is buy this pork and At 2:15—Virginia vs. V. P. 1., A one ton truck loaded with milk ; Instructor taste the difference! WRNL WCHV WLVA WbTM WUH MARY "A ll of us have the nicest feelings rooms. The Ladles Aid society of authority, previously limited to the Black . . . cans and driven by Frederick Eck- : (MSS. JACK BfNNY) about our mates," Rose stated, in the church will serve a turkey sup­ trunk highways, to Include the WRBJ WSVA. er of Rockville, traveling west on FLUTE AN D BALLROOM CLASS Also Florida vs. Clemsc.n, W JAX WlOU direct, matter-of-fact manner. per, at 6:30 o’clock. state aid roads. Demlng street came to a stop when LIVINGSTONE Too Many Careers The ruling announced today WRUF. SAXOPHONE 'Die speaker will be Dr. John AT TINKER HALL — MAIN STREET Underwear SM AR T TAILORED Fresh Pigs' Liver 25c lb. about 50 yards over the bridge. Fol­ “But too many careers in a fam­ makes the 50-mile-an-hour speed A t 2:45 —Georgia vs. lulane, Curry Walker of Waterbury who STYI.ES in bright wool This liver Is reslly and truly fresh— as we said before, taste the lowing the truck was Carpenter, -Studio, 113 Brandford St. FIBBER MeGEE ily mean too much separation. limit the law for all paved roads In WSB WTOC WRDW; Tennessee vs will give an address on "The Last All the latent ballroom routines will be tauffht in­ piaid.s and stripes, also solid difference! driving a small sedan. He craiheil- you are being asked to pay will not MO'TOR O ILS of profit selling at the start and United Stataa Army in the 80'a, station each night If they are given dolph Scott Is a forceful young off, Raymond WaJburh and Charles today. Beth Steel ...... 55 numerous issues, after sllpplug, shall be grounds for immediate dis­ Thus there threatened to develop A. R. “Is an aristocratic outfit” and -gea, but I doubt that," he said. cover even a part of the thrill you PRAH AND WHITNEY CO. 188 South Main St. Phone SSlt when Chief Oeronlmo and bis war- a cell In which to sleep It leaves but Pennsylvania farmer who has begun Bickford. Only final approval of the Metho­ Beth Steel, p f d ...... 97 came baejk' for gains running to 2 missal." anew a controversy over a D.A.R. “possibly some of Its members felt "Pressed for food, they occaaional- will receive when Conn. State kicks Hore were on the loose. one cell that cat. be occupied If a drilling for oil on his term, making dist Episcopal church. South, re­ Borden ...... 19% points. 'There were a few wider The company furthermore agrees : The soldiers chased Oeronlmo ly kill a borie or cow—but that's off to the Coast Guard tomorrow. Campbell's local officer makes an nrre.st. the first oU drill in the country. mained after bishops of the Metho­ Can Pao 8 Li swings In high-priced specialties. SIGH PACT WITH UNION three years and never once even got about all." -Let's have a 100 percent attendance. not to aid, promote or finance any On Wednesday night a man was These two, from widely different ekerlia dist Episcopal churcl] (North), BO­ Case (J. I.) ...... 100- Extreme advances were reduced labor group or organlzaUon which As you perhapu have beard there backgrounds, meet, fall In love, and Service Station S' cepted the merger plans officially Cerro De P a s ...... 46% Use the Up-To-Date 1988 Gas . . arreeted. The charge was Intoxica­ will be a District hike the first Sat­ Cor. Main St. and Middle here and there near the fourth hour. (Oonttnoed from Page One) purports to engage In collective marry. On their wedding day, oil Is COLDS tere last night. Ches and O h io ...... 40% More orders for American securi­ tion. Ho was arrested too late to be urday In December. More later. This man ta C. A. Hartley, 81, Tpk. ' bargaining or make any agreement Heights was re-elected Secretary of discovered In Scott's well, and be The Methodist Protestant church Chrysler ...... 72 ties from abroad were reported and “Indeed wo are very happy and TYDOL brought before the Town Court that who has lived In Pomeroy, O., with such organization for the p\ir- MINER IS ELECTED the Italian Alliance clubs of North A Court of Honor will be neld at plunges into development of hIs And, FEVER Telephone 4129 already had voted for unification. < ^ a Cola ...... 122 foreign markets did better. Bonds very grateful to have such a pro­ night and was held over until to­ for 60 years. He has never pose of undermining the union. FLATS FILLING STATION America at a meeting held this the end of this month so gel going finding but little Ume for bis new 6 6 6 ir«l Officials of the southern denomi­ Col O r b o n ...... 82L4 exhibited strength In spots, al­ night's session. He has been In the owned an auto, never touched a gressive plant In Hartford w d sin­ Arrangement Is made for adjust­ week In Meriden. on those merit badges. Watch this wife. nation announced at Nashville, 03l Gas and El ...... 11 though South Americans weakened cerely hope that the present har­ 156 Tolland Tnrnplka PIGEON a U B HEAD police station cell room for two column for the date. steering wheel, never entered a Accustomed to an exciting and ■Hlnataa Coml Inv T r ...... 47L4 ment of grievances, recognition of A t a meeting of the Current Tenn., the Armistice Day voting in­ following the Brazilian con.stit

He even Is considering going to WE WELCOME THE OPENING COMMERCIALIZED s^ioiisors and. demanding that If DAILY RADIO PROGRAM RADIO®"^*^ the network la faced with having FIREDIS11HCT Questions and Answers to accommodate recognised epekk- OF THE REMODELED CIRCLE THEATER ______Day ere who. oppoee their commenta- IPIODAY, HOVrMBEfI 1t (CRitnT mnfl Kastern. Standard Tlm«| Eatlcm Standard Ttnw VIEWS MAY PERIL ters* views that the sponsors put t NsUt AH prmrraau to koy and basic cbalnii or ^oupi thereof unless spo«^ MEETS TONIGHT Explaining Corporate Tax mistice Day Incident at the White­ Lisborite Hsrald, aald: "The service Bad; coast to coast (s to e) dasicnatlons include au avslIabU stations. the rebuttiUs on their programs. Most of the new commentators STRICTER PRECAUTIONS hall Cenotaph yesterday showed the should never be held again. The si­ '^l••0rsmB subject to ebangs by ststlsns withewt previous notiee. P. M. New York, Nov. 12.— (A P )—The ease with which an attacker might lence haa lost Its meaning. NBC-WEAF XRED) NETWORK ------MIDWEST — ---- wmbd------wisn wlbw- kfh have been antl-admlnistratloa If VISIT THE NBW CIRCLE FOB GOOD ENTERTAINMKNT wkbb wtaq wkbh wcco wsbt kecj wnax second of those ambitiously-planned FREEDOM OF AIR left unchecked, there may be a Washington, Nov. 12 —(AP) — *galns over a short period than those break through guard lines and ap­ 'i/ BASIC—cast; veaf ^nae wile wiar all-movie produced Radio programs oeSnIte gangtnjg up against Roose­ Aonoal Sessbo To Be Held Here are some questions and realized over a long period. If, for TO SAFEGUARD KING proach the King. FIRE CN CAPITOL ■I* vtaff iresb kyw wfbr arc #jry when MOUNT__kvor kls koh ksl kgvo kfbb example, a person realizes a gain FOR FINE WINES, UQUORS and BEER ^ areas wtarn wwj weal w M : M id g e t; COAST—knx koln kol kfpy ku kafo koy Ik being readied for the networks. velt on the radio. NBC doesn't anawers about the takes on undls- It appeared certain that tS-yeat- 01 E. capital asset he baa held for « kad wmaq who wow wdsf wire katp; Cent. East* Announcement today indicated It By NORMAN HIEOEl. want to be In the position of hav­ old Stanley Storey, who shouted Washington, Nov. 11—(AP)— i Meuntsln: koa Kdyl; South; wmbg; At No. 3 House; To Beet •.ributed corporate profits and capi­ not more than a year, he muat in­ » Paeiflo: kfl kxw komo khq kpo kfu: 4:30— 8:30—Dorothy Oordon Corner— would start jarly In, December, NEA‘ Service Radio Editor ing to answer to the govemmei-t Armistice Day Incident Show­ "All this ia hypocrisy" yesterday Fire broke out today In a mop YOUR BEST BET IS raat: Kathryn Craven, Talk—west The programr to be called "Holly­ tal gains, modification of which Is clude all the gain in his net income, 7i OPTIONAL (stations operate Inter- 4.45_ 5:45—Hilltop House Sketch for that sponsored attack. ed Ease With Which An At­ during the two minutes of silence closet near the top of a stairway alMMsably on either RGD or BLITS wood Parade’’, would take over the being considered by a House sub­ and the gain Is taxable at regular In the Capitol. The blaze, appar­ 'J, astvorks): BASIC — test: wlw wfea 4.00— 6:00—Howard Barbour Concert New York,- Nov. 12 — Radio, Lohr poiota out that be specifi­ A Tax CoDector. for the war dead, had not planned 5:80— 4:30—Press-Radio Newt Period Wednesday night 48-minutes now which has long enjoyed a su­ cally doesn't Intend. to gag a Income tax rates. If. however, he tacker Could Break Through ently caused by spontaneous com­ £ waan work wcol: Midwest: S'SS— 8:35—Frank Dailey's Orcheatra committee at the behest of business haa held the'asset for more than 10 an attack on the King, but he bad 3 wibf wbow webe ksoo kana OTHER 4 0(V-> 7:00—Poetic Melodies — east; u.ied on WEAF-NBC by the hit pa­ blime existence of sweet music Cl mmentator or radio speaker. Guards. struggled through the guards al­ bustion, was extinguished quickly 3 OW-IONAL STATIONS — Csnsdian: rade and extend the period to an men: yean, he must Include only 30 per ? anrt rfcf: Central: wcfl wtmj wibs wdsy Ths University Bookshelf—west light comedy and a wide rsmge ol However, by the same token - he most to where the Monach stood. by emplojreea before any extensive Tony’ s Package Store . kf\T koam: South: wUr. wprf wls wjax g;15— 7;15—Football Resume—wabei hour. Dick Powell who ran the variety from amateurs to a vreu- doesn't want a commercial pro­ The annual meeting'of the Smth What la the undistributed profits cent of the gain In his net Income. damage occured. Microphens Song Time—network tax? Yarylng In-between rates are fixed. Officials said Storey was suffering :.■* wna*WBtm wind wsoc wfbc wwno were g.jO— 7:30—Dinner Concert Orches.— Hollywood Hotel progiam on CBS trilogulst'i dummy, has suddenly gram to be the meana o f aweeo- Manchester Fire District will be London, Nov. 12— (AP)—British Fanned by a natural draft, the ■4 w avs wsin wme' wab w.api w^mb wjdx held tonight at 8 o'clock la No. S's A levy on surpluses which corp- What arguments l.ave been ad­ from delusions and would not be 39 Oak St. Anthony Diana, Prop. 7 1^ 0 0 trky wfas wbap knre wonl kths has!'' Nral O'Hara —New Gnrrland Friday nights for a year or so, is to found Itself facing a problem that Ing away the rights to present the authorities today studied the possi­ fire generated sufficient heat to e-4S— 7:45—Boake Carter's Commsnt omtlnns do not distribute In divi­ vanced for the tax? prosecuted. ktbe kark kxnc; Mountsin: he the master of ceremonies, with a may result In government kctinii other side. Upon the outcome ot house on Spruce street. Reporta bility of adopting more rigid pre­ crack some o f the glass which T iR t kobrpscTnc: kh>k kwj kmj 7<0O— 8:00—Hammerstein Mutie Hell dends to stockholders. The rates That eap'tal galhs constitute In­ 7:30— 8:30—HsI Kemp's Musi«—c to e dlflercnt group of movie stars In to preserve the principal of equal this controversy hlngea the future will be given by the district offlcen , cautions to safeguard King George Newspapers praised the courage formed the rear wall of the closet 4:04— 8:00—Hoilyweod Hotel—a to e each program. The Saturday Night including a report by the treasurer. range from 7 to 27 per cent, Increas- come and thus shouio be taxed VI during his public appearances. CUht. CseL rights on the airwaves. course of radio In this country. of the King, who abxid motionless and through which the flames could 9:00—10:00—Ths Song Shop—also cst The annual report of Chief Albert Irig In proportion to the amount ot along with wages, dividends and * 4 :k ^ 8;S0—Jaeic Armstrong, Strfsl— • :4^10;4S-T o Bt Announced (13 m.) Hit Par^e on CBS would continue A sudden outburst of sponsored It was pointed out that the Ar­ during the disturbance. One, the be seen In the rotunda. r/CfurOVO basic: Josh Higgins. Sketch-west 10:00—11:00—'Glen Cray end Orchestra as at present. commentators who deal In one Foy, with recommendations will be surplus withheld from distribution. other Income: that the tax encour­ 4 t 4 ^ 8:4S—Little Orphan Annie — —bnstf; Poetic Melodiee—west rpt Talent for the program Is to be read and there will be a report by What was Its purpose ? ages long-term Investment cs •sst: Johnnlf Johnston’s Song—w 10:30—11:30—Dick Htmber'e Orchestra side of controversial subjects has HAT NEW.^ SiO (^ frOb—Education from the News ;00—12:00—Guy Lombardo Oreheetra that from the Warner Brothers lots. struck the broadcasters a kilo­ the superintendent o f fire alarms, First, to get more revenue from against quick, speculative buying g « t ^ trlS^Oon Winslow of the Navy 11:30—12:30—Ted Fiorlte A Orchestra In the other movie-produced broad-' cycle blow that has them stagger­ WAPPING James O. McCaw. corporations storing up surpluses; and selling. . S:3(^ I'ao—Prees*Radio News Period NBC-WJr (BLUE) NETWORK cast, "Good News of 1938’’ on ing. They are drawing radio to­ Because of conflict with Armis­ second, to encourage distribution of On what grounds Is It opposed? 6:lS^Sengs by Alberta Hunter profits. Blily A Betty—wtaf: To BASIC — Eaeti' wjs wbs-wbsa wbal WEIAFriMBC Thursdsy nights, which ward the pit it has carefully The men of the First Congrega­ tice Day there will be a recommen- Opponents argue it takes so largi Be Announced—west: Little Or* ahnni kdka wear ways wjtn wnyr replaced the flve-year-oId Show­ avoided since the government latjon that the date for the annual How does It affect Individuals T a share of security profits that It Congratulations tional church of South Windsor, phsn Ann»e—midwest repeat tvmal will wabv webr wcky wspd wean It causes many corporations to tends to drive traders from the JIMMY’ S 7d»—Amos 'n' Andy—oast only; wire wieu: Midwest; wenr wls kwk knll boat, two weeks ago, U. G. M. turned the lUrlEuies over to com­ served a turkey supper last evening meeting be changed from the sec­ Irma Glen’s Orgen Concert— west talent does the entertaining. disburse In dividends funds which Stock Market. This, they contend, Neighbors wren wmt ksn wowo wrtn: South! mercial broadca.sting. They have ond Thursday In November to the ... 4 ;^S*. 7:1S—Uncle Errs Radio Station at six o’clock. to the management on the wrtd wnbr krjrY kfdm wrol krls wjbo Injected the cry of "Private In­ third Thursday la November ia the they otherwise might hold as re­ veakens the market and lays the 7:30—Eddy Duehin Orchestra— wrimi waira warn kxya: Mountain: klo Women from each church o f the weaf kyw, Panico Orches—chain Tuning In tonight: terests"^ Into broadcasting. futuBS. serves. This Increases Income In basis for sharp price recessions. reopening of the kvnd kkhf: Pacific: kgn kfM kez kga Hartford East Association of Con­ SHOE SHINE * 4:40— 7H0—Bugheuee Rhythm—chain keca kjr Talk—WJZ-NBC 7:45, John D. The situation haii become so the hands of Individual stockhold­ i 1:00—Lucille Manners—e to cst (NOTBi See WEAP-NBC for optional gregational churches, are Invited to The death of William Taylor, for ers, who pay Increased Ihcqme . trOO— 9:00>-W*Haing by Abe Ljrmen Rockefeller, Jr, on "Unemployment acute that a few weeks ago Lenox over 20 yeiu's collector la the dis­ • •SO-. f:S0—Court Human Relatione Hat of atatlons.) attend a special meeting, at the taxes. CELEBRATION Cent. East. Census", Owen D. Young and Dr. R. Lohr, president of the National trict, makes a vacancy la that of­ Yes, The Oak St. Entrance i g:00—10:00—Piret Nighter Play—to c Henry Sloane Coffin also speaking; Rroadrasting Co,, is.siied orders Glastonbury church, next Thursday What are some argumente ad­ ^ g:S0—'10:80—Jimmie Fidler, Hollywood 4:30— B:3(^Herman Middleman Orch. afternoon at three o'clock, Novem­ fice and It Is understood that there vanced for the tax? Camden, N. J.—Ordinarily, Ralph PARLOR Circle Theater WJZ-NBC— 10, Edward Lamb, ' 0:45—10:45—Dorothy Thompson, Tslk 4:45— 8:45—Tom Mix, Sketch—basic; that no new commentators could will be several candidates for the . 10:00—11:00—Back of the Newa—eant; Al Vlerra end Hie Orchestra—weat Ohio C. I. O. counsel, on "Ohio la­ be signed for NB programs with­ ber 18. Mrs Francis D. Bills, presi­ Treasury spokesmen have said It Scian would not protest strenuous­ 31 Oak Street 4|gl , ------^ Amoa *n* Andy—repeat for wejt 5:00— 8:0(^Newe: H. Kegan Concert bor faces victory—a reply to Gov. dent of the Council of Oingrega- office. In addition to the election preventa accumulation of funds ly If bandits held up his gasoline . 10:18—11:15—Eddie Le Baron Orcheatra 5:30— 8:80—Prets*Redio News Period out his approval. He al.so Indl of a collector the incetlng tonight To Our Self Serve & Health ’ 10:8^11:00—Joe Rinse A Orchestra 6:35— 8:88—Ths Revelers—wJs only: Davey." cs.ted that when the contrails ol tional Women of Oonnecticut, will which should go to security holders. station, but these two came around ’ 11:0(^18.'00—Trump Davidson Orchee. Songs by Charlea Seafe—network be the speaker. Some of the women will elect one person to the three- Wien surpluses are not distributed on his birthday. B:4V— 1:45—Lowell Thomas — east; WEAF-NBC—7:15. Uncle Ezra; some of the present editoriallzers 11:80—12:80—Reggie Child's Orchestra 6. Lucille Manners concert; 9. Waltz of the Wapping Community church year term on the district’s board, they said, security holders enjoy So he took a punch at the pair Hartford Tailoring Co. CBS-WABC NETWORK Eaeorta—w.: Tom Mix—mldw. rpt. come up for renewal they may Shoes Dyed 8:00— 7:00—Mary Small A Her Songs Time; 10. First Nighter play; bejield up. arc making arrangements to attend an assistant chief luid a second as­ their benefits In the form of more of them and they fied. N. Della Fera BASIC—East: wabc wade woko wcao •t15—» 7;15—Or. K. Reiland, Comment this meeting. sistant chief, an assistant superin­ valuable Investments, but avoid pav- Market Is Next Door To The weal wfr wkbw wkro whk wjr wdre 8:30— 7:30—Lum A Abner — caxt; 10:45, Dorothy Thompson comment; "Any other time they could've TO 21 OAK STREET Any Color 15 Oak Street Phone 7040 wean wjas wpro wfbl wlsv wgar: Mid- Dinner Concert Orchestra—west 11:30, Joe Rlnes orchestra. Problem of Equal Rights ■fhe Y. M. C. A. of Wapping, held tendent of fire alarms and two audi­ rtient of higher Income taxes. Also had the money," said be. weelt wbbm wfbm kmbe kmoz whas 4:48— 7:45—Louise Florae, Soprano WABC-(3S- 7:30, Dinner con­ One of the cardinal princlnals their regular meeting Wednesday tors. some persons contend, the tax tends kfab kmt 7U» " 8:05—Grand Central, Orametta The chief Is appointed from year to Increase the buying power of se­ •• BAST—wbns wpg whp whec wore efrb 7:80— 8:80—Death Valley Days, Play cert; 8. Hammerstein Musica] Hall; ol radio broadcasting Is that evening, at the Community Church FOR THE BEST IN WINES, ; ckae wibz wmaa wees wnbf wlbi wkba •:0(^ 8:00—Varsity Vanetloe—also « 8:30, Hal Kemp Music; 9. Hollywood both sides of a controversial sub­ house. to year by the district's board and curity holders. Modernized Circle Theater Before visiting the whlo wfbi 8;3(5~ 0:80—Tommy Dorsey, Orchestra Chief Foy will be renamed. The What are argumente against It? DIXIE—wgst wafa wbre wqam wdod 9:00—10:00—To Be Announced i30 m.) Hotel;’10. Kitty Carlisle Song Shop; ject be given equal hearing before The Wapping Grammar Schools OLD CORNS COME LIQUORS AND BEERS klrm wrec wlao wwl wtoo krld ktrn 9;3<5—10:8(V—Detective Series, Drama 12, Guy Lombardo orchestra. the bar of the loud.ipiaker. When district board also names the super­ Business men contend the levy new Circle stop in are holding their regular sessions weal.ens corporation financial ktsa waeo koma wdbo wbt wdae wblg 10:00—11:0(^New8; Vagabonds Quartet WJZ-NBC—7, Mary Small, songs; the President goes on the air, 'ils today, Armistice Day. intendent of fire alarms and James OFF BY THOUSANDS wdbj wwva wmbg wajs wmbr wala 10:15—11:15—King's Jesters Orchestra structures by forcing payment of At the J. W. Hale Co. the clerks for a shine. ktul kgko wcoa wdno wnox kwkh know 10:80—11:30—Eddie Vnrzoe Orchestra 8, Grand Central Station; 9, Var­ opponents can demand and do ob Mrs. Francis Foster of Windsor- O. McCaw will be given the re-ap- Thousands of thrifty shoppers pass through our Oak wmmm wjno wcha wpar wmaa wooo 11:00—12:00—Henry Ousse'e Orchestra sity Varieties from Michigan State tain equal time to answer him. pointmenL excessive dlWdends and prevents are demonstrating how easily v rra 11:30—12:30—Ell Oantxig A Orchestra ville is confined to her bed with the accumulation of reserve' for use In END-O-CORN removes the most U.; 9:30, Tommy Dorsey music; Ihe facilities of radio are equally grip cold fuid a fever. The meeting will be asked to Oak St. Package Store Street doors every week to take advantage of the un­ 11:05, Pimehlto and Orche.stra; business recessions. They say the stubborn old corns or callouses. open to all gruupa. A few yenia Wapping Grange No. 30. has re­ make an appropriation to have the L. Cervini, Proprietor 12:30, Earl Hines music. district’s accounts audited by a cer­ dividend dtatributlona often prevent Beginning today and all next week 9:48—Fiddler’s Fancy. B"o when Gen. Hugh Johnson et- ceived an invitation to "Neighbor" What to ICxpect .Saturday; tified public accountanL plant expansion, thus retarding em­ thousands of Manchester men and excelled Food Values found in th e - Self Serve and 9:55—Star Gazing in Hollywood. Ueked the Reverend rh.arles R with Good Will Grange No. 127 next WEAF-NBC- 12. noon. Allen No tax will be laid. ployment, and that the tax welgns, women will profit from the demon­ Free Delivery— Call 6550 1C'05— Ruth Brooks. Ivan White. Coughlin, the radio priest a.sked Wednesday evening, and to furnish Leafer’s orchestra; (:30 p. m.. Kal- for Emd received the same time njre heavily on the small company strations being given about END- Health Market. WTIC 10:18—Fred Felbel at the Organ. part of the program. The other Beer On Ice at All Times tenmeyeris Kindergarten. WABC- the following week to reply to UPPEB 'IBtSr seeking to grow than on the big, O-CORN. You who have become Welcome Back! 10:30—Let’s Pretend. Welcome Xw v ittt Brm dcutlBC Servkse. C B S -11:30 a. m., Cincinnati Con­ Johnson's charges. Except In a Granges ;nviled are Eiast Haddam. eztabllshed corporation. discouraged by poor results ob­ 11:00—Cincinnati Conservatory of Colchester, Middlcfleld, Higgsuium. What Is the capital gains tax? tained from the use of so-called Bmrtford, (Joan. servatory muslcale; 8:48 p. m., [/Oliti.'ai camp.algn. when time is Salt Lake City—Soclalitea puxsied MT. VERNON and OLD OVERHOLT— Music. Eind Cromwell. A tax which takes part ot the "com curea" should learn TODAY E0.000 W. 1040 K. c ; S M M. 12:00 noon—CapUvators Codlldge string quartet. WJZ-NBC sold to the campaignerj, radio ha.a over a name In bait Lal:e City’s Bottled in Bond — 100 Proof. Baitani Standard Time —12:30. American Farm Bureau been open to everyone on equal gala an Individual realizes on a about the ONLY remedy that will $1.60 HrH: Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. THE REA\ODELED P. M. new social register. capitiU aaset. If, for Uatance, a surely remove all corns and cal­ 85c '/, Pint. $3.15 Quart. Pint CIRCLE 12:18—News Service Federation, L. J. Taber, speaker; terms. A suit of clothes was made In Listed among the 400 were: 1:30, Club matinee. The policy Is necessary to keep 3 hours and 4 minutes from the person bought a security for $100 louses quickly and without pain Fridsr. Nor. IS. 12:30—Ad-Uner. "Nlbiey, Mr. and Mrs. Pm-k— EUid sold It at $200, he would have —END-O-CO^. It coats only 60 1:00—Orientals Some weekend abort waves for an y on e vested Interest from cor­ time the sheep was sheared in Hyland 3872." Saturday: ZTJ, Johannesburg, 2 p. nering the radio with Its own to pay the tax on the $100 g a la cents, but It's worth $80. THEATER P. iL Yorkshire, England, In 1931. Nlbiey Park la a municipal golf ' 4KK>—liorenso Jonee. m.. Dance program: TPA3, Paris, propaganda. How does It w ork? CIRCLE THEATER ‘ 4:10—Tba Guiding Ught 3:10, Messages from Paris; JZK, However, In the last tew course. It taxes at a greater rate capital 4:S0—The Story of Mary Marlin. JZJ, Tokyo, 4:45, London. 6:'J0. months, new commentators have END.K>-€ORN ■ 4:48—The Road of Life. RADIO SHORT SHOTS "Ecsa of the D'Urbervtllcs"; appeEired on the air on sponsored TIk JW H A L C CORR > 6:00—Hank Keene. YV5RC, Caracas, 7:45, Waltz Hour; programs. They have taken def­ PERIODIC PAIRS Modern ' 6:15—(Community Chest Program. GSD, GSe, GSB. London. 9:30, Louis inite stands on controversial is­ The Screen Actors Guild and Dt!:UGHTED WOMEN Man chester Conn* We’re glad to have you back 8:80 — Jack Armstrong — All- Freeman's Band: JZK. Tokyo. 12:46. sues. They have presented thcli eT«rywber« writ* that American Federation of Radio Blind music. American Boy. Artlnts are planning to clamp side o; the argument. The other ACQUIN TABLSTS work with us again-----with your 8:46—“Little Orphan Annle.“ For Sunday; DJD, Berlin, 11:10 .side has gone unheard. Should Welcome Tailor Shop /a ste r to relieve Periodic down upon free radio appearances m.. Symphonic concert; JZK. 8:00—News. of screen celebrities. One feminine the other side ask for equal time, Boffering simple headache*, Leo Diana 35 Oak Street bright lights___ making this 0:18—“CaMy at the Mike.” JZJ, Tokyo. 4:45 p. m. Current or the same time, the networks muscular aebaa and pain*. radio broadca.ster depends entirely problems: HAT4. Budapest. 7. Hun­ 0:SO—Wrlghtvllle Clarion. upon her ability to get the stars \ ould be stjunied. And If it were Contains autblnic harmful To OsJc Street’s New busy street a more important garian Rhapsody; DJD, Berlin. 7:30. or habit formiag. 6:45—Vie Arden's Orchestra and to broadcast tor nothing and Is not granted them there might be Order A Winter Guests. Beethoven's Sixth Symphony; Federal action. Welcome Neighhor- GALA OPENING OF THE REMODELED business section than ever! plenty worriet^ about the pro]>oaed mmmwasMWHSU Tailor-Made ; 7:00—Amos V Andy. move. YVSRC, Caracas, 7:30, Melodies of 7:18— Uncle ICsrs’s Radio Station. the World: GSP. GSD. GSB, Lon­ Gag Isnt Intended CIRCLE THEATER SUIT AND Manchester folks who want the Hollywood's salute to Eddie . 7:30—Concert Program. don, 8, English singers quartet; Since most of these editorialists ACOUl OVERCOAT : 7:46—"W hlU BSsglos." Cantor on the 2Sth year In show GSD, 03C, GSB, Lonflon, 9, Crystal nre on NBC. . Lohr has been unusual in floral decorations.. 8:00 — Ludlla . Manners ' with business coat bis radio sponsor and Palace band; JZK. Tokyo, 12:45, forced to take steps to keep them THE REMODELED From Oak Street’s Newest Market. CIRCLE THEATER NOW 20th Century-Fox *12.000. Ask For Acqala At Rosario Bourdon's Orchestra National program. and their programs in bounds. ARTHUR DRUG STORB combined with personal, cour­ ' 9:00—Waite Time. Horace Heldt and bis musical : 0:30—Court of Human Relations | Brigadiers switch from Columbia teous sei’vice...... have found 10:00—The First Nlgbter. to the NBC "blue" network Dec. Furs 10:3O-^lnunie Fiddler. 28. The band will Occupy a Tues­ that Pentland’s . . . . at 17 Oak day 9 p. ra. air spot. Tonight 10:48—Dorothy Thompson. CIRCLE THEATER Remodeled Constance Bennett and Cary Tip Top Market .11:00—News. Street___is the place to shop. 11:15—Eddie La Baron's Orchestra. Grant, comedy stars of "Topper" ITALIAN AND .\MERICAN GROCERIES 11:30— Joe Rlnea' Orchestra. will be teamed In a Silver The­ Doors Open at 6:45 All Kinds of 12:00—Weather Report. ater comedy over Columbia Nov. Make This Your HEADQUARTERS COR, OAK AND COTTAGE STS. PHONE 3929 H Welcome back to Oak Street___one of 12:02—Trump Davidson's Orches­ Tailoring tra, Jascha Helfetx fiddles with An­ Manchester’s busiest shopping dis­ 12:30— Ell Dantzlg'a Orchestra. dre Kostrlanetz's Orchestra Nov. For REFRESHMENT NEEDS Grand Inaugural 1:00 a. m.—Silent 18. tricts. This department of ours is new We carry a com- Slngin' Sam will appear as a SATURDAY SPECIALS Tomorrow's Program - plete line of MEMBER 17 OAK A. M. gtiest star on the "Song Shop" pro­ Q uaiiiy iniqMar.S"Df»pvnda bie» also, to the street___having been 6:00— Blue Grass Roy gram again Dec. 3. opened only last June. Still it is al­ »FRANKFURTS, lb, . . . ^ Show Tonight n'~ Shirts, Ties, F. T. D. STREET 6:30— Francis Cronin. Organist Socks, Pajamas 7:00— Morning Watch— Ben Haw­ d u a r a n i e ^ d ready the town’s largest, busiest and 2 lbs, HAMBURG ,.... M thorne. Y o u nmmifonty OSfS and Sweaters . 8:00— News. tSinS to t » t , too'n most popular home appliance store. and Saturday PERSONAL not*, fho m bitity t o Center Cut Fresh _ A U M m n i - 8:15— Good Morning Melodies. mmhm smo/t. rogU’ PRICES EFFECTIVE NOV. 11«> to lYta -A:30—Radio Bazaar. lor ropmyihonlm on PORK, lb...... TNC PLORiST 9:00— Wise Man. LOANS plonyou rolool. Mary (Mrs. Jack Benney) '9 :1 5 —Jake .ind Carl PENN Livingstone f4:30—Food Newa • If you need r o a s t p o r k '9 :( 5 — Landt Trio...... lb. 25c Fibber McGee and Molly CANADIAN RYE HALL «»«• 2 . 1 9 Try this Pork and find out the difference! It la dellcioas! :00— Nancy Swanson up to *3 0 0 , get it here :15— Charioteers. A FULL FLAVORED 7-YEAR-OLD STRAIGHT RYE—90 Proof—Bottled In Bond Charles Buddy Rogers eM:30—Manhatters. Boned and Rolled Veal R o a s t___ lb. 25c 11:00— Florence Hale entirely "on your own . Cut from Quality Veal! — In— 11:1.5—Ford Rush and Sllefit Slim. 11:30— Half Pa-it Eleven. 11 :(8 —Cobwebs and ('H.lenrn's. • Repay to suit your Cube Stea k s ...... lb. 25c-35c 'This Way Please' 18:00 n oon -T h e Continentals. CRAWFORD 3 C'S CARLTON HOUSE •t*. M. purse a Quick, Friendly ihT M • f f * ■ Delicious Pot R o a st...... lb. 25c-30c After An Enjoyable Evening 18:30—Connecticut State College , v . c t Plus Wm. Colt MacDonald’s •.Program. d ItlX)— News. Weather apd Market Service a Strict Privacy. SCOTCH ''1.99 C IN 99c Oven R oasts...... lb. 35c Story of the West Report Cut from Sirloin Steak—eeleot heed A t The New A MILO •.YEAR OLD HIOHLANO WHISKEY •4.4 PROOF Refrigerators, Gas and ® Come in — or phone us Ellectric Ranges, Washers', Swift’s Premium Quality Lamb! Ironera and Room Heaters ‘•h, \ Trigger Tno' . . all based on the engi­ Forequarters L a m b ...... lb. 18c neering skill that has WDRC PERSONAL made Norge Refrigerators CIRCLE THEATER WATSON NO. 10 CHIMNEY CORNER outstanding. Loin Chop s ...... lb. 35c Popular Low Prices. RE-OPENING TONIGHT 828 Hartford.'f'onn. 13.3(1 FINANCE COMPANY Eastern Standard rime MATINEES ...... ' Vfnin atrrrt. lifMim 2. Stale Theater R Y E 1 . 4 9 Rib Chops ...... lb. 25c Make Your Evening a Complete iMdx. Itl. aruk—Mr. i^«iae. SCOTCH ..2.45 As*S III We*4 (or Over IB Montn»— I- Frldav, Nov. 12 EVENINGS ...... 15C-25C ^ H»tr lit liiirrcat f;«) ceat aeatb- A MILD MELLOW SCOTCH PROOUCCD CXCLUSIVCLY for A 4 P bv SoAeela, Calves’ Liver — Bacon — Spare Riba — Pigs’ Feet and Success With a Bite to Eat at the f ’ f I9 on uii|t:tl(i i»riiirl|tal not ea«ree4lag ^•4:00—Ted 'la.'one's "Between the FHHi iind i2» (irrcttif mnntbir #a aaz a Full Line of Cold Cut Meats. Bookends.” ^ rminlmler. Dual-Oven Ranges for cooking, 4:15— Magic from the Gold Coa.st I i*i»r Im ‘'lou r I iiapea FHe«4** baking and heating with coal Florence Range OH Burners. 4:4.5--.Mary Herman — Organ Mel­ i:»pr> -n!iiriln).s ^ H l>KC and gas (or oil and gas If Florence Kitchen. Parlor and odies. equipped with Oil Range Burn­ Garage OH Heaters are Modem ^ GROCERY SPECIALS 6:00—Ad-Uner. ers.) 28% of all Dual-Oven APPLE BRANDY HiidickiliS* q. 1,99 In design, economical and effi­ Always A Good Show 6:30— "Magic Island." Ranges In use are Bengals for cient. See the complete line ■Lw House Cleaner...... 3 for 10c OAK GRILL 8:45— “ Hilltop House." Bengal pioneers In fine rangea here. At The Circle— 8 :00— News Service. Heinz Baby Foods...... 3 cans 25c 30 Oak Street—“The Old Reliable” 8 :18—Atlantic Sportcast. 8:30—Dick Leibert — Organist. ^Wax Paper, 80 sheets...... 5c 8:35— Frank Dailej-'s Orchestra. Alw ays Delicious Ravioli and Other Italian Dishes 7:00—PoeUc Melodies. r Madonna Tomato P a ste ...... 5c • :15—Police Headquarters. AHEAD FASTER SOUTHERN CROSS S a lt ...... box 7c Highest Quality Wines and Liquors t:.2u—.’Meal O'Hara’s Radio Gaz­ New Ilnyai wUl bMp( Faster, x Located at: ette. easier thaa wrlttoa h y haadl > IjM., ^ diti G ood F ood A rxvn^ can tur it/Haodwme. IMPORTED Refrigerators, Electric Ranges, Washers, Ironera, C F lakes...... large package 20c Try A Glass of Your Favorite Beer Drawn From Our Temprite System. 7:45— Hoake Carter. ftturdy. bae U—CX)N- r * M i i a p ^ VINOK YOl'RbKLri, In Manchester Vacuum Cleaners, New England-made electrical Silver Floss Sauerkraut...... 10c AT 8:00— Hammerstein Music HaU.

of balBg a thinking, balaoosd hu­ could argue Hr. Byrd Into a fit on 20 Boy Scouts and 15 neighbors the Army base In Boston. Identin- SEVERE ALASKA STORM warned might be as destrucUve as nearly wiped It out Many water­ man being. A t least nlne-tantha at that very point And yet it was wma organised for the eearen. cetldn was made through the U. 6. its vanguard, which wrrecked $136,- ' - - Nome, Alaska, Nov. ii.— (AP)- front’ buUdlaga were swept aivay DUELS POPULAR Hartford—^Tha body of a man Army’s fingerprint records. The largely on this vague and meaning- Nome, d ty on the golden zande. 000 damage yesterday. and others undermined. n new ork SmaU Property Owner killed by on automobile Nov. l in driver, William Gleason of Meriden, I Y wralted behindbehln...... hastily constructed Heavy breakers and a strong Newington waa Identified as that ot has been exonerated after a coro­ bulkheads today the tall end of a ■outhwrest wind battered portions of IN REICH AGAIN Owen J. King, a soldier attached to ner’s Inquiry. Simona Simon plays tennla to Benefits By Zoning storm which the Weather Bureau the city, rebuilt since a 1934 fire keep her weight down. YESTTEBDAVS FLAYS 4were turned back to the univer­ V HAVE S MOBBOWS sity's funds. Tomorrow afternoon in High, 7oto u d houses more destrable By OBOBOE BOJIS Light Criticlam school Jiall a special town meeting .aw ahead this year, jret he does not real estate developers have found Rapiers And Pistols For ^ I ■ II I Alexander Woollcott baa Intei^ wlU act on a proposal that Man­ it necessary to provide some of the Not one In a thousand of them point out that thla entire deficit and New Nork, Nov. 12—A Manhat­ rupted his summer-lung retirement cheater adopt aoning provlslona and features of zoning by Imposing re­ haa the remotest Idea of what steps {200,000,000 of other expenditure tan Miscellany: Over In Brooklyn, tu do eome political atumplng U. the set up a zoning commission to make strictions in deeds to property In Men, Boxing doves For New York campaign. such rules and regulaUona. their tracts. would be necessary for the estab­ besides, are attributable not to re­ Constdnee Dwight Morrow and Mar­ The frequent duo-upearancee S4MMi|^ the Tl^Wn llB - In seeking a largo attendance at lief, not to any enlargement of the got Morrow, sUter and sister-in- However the deed restrlcUona are lishment of A communistic state nl of Tjrrona Power and Janet Oay- tomorrow’s meeting, advocates of only good for a term of years, after Yonths To Settle Honor. ■society, even If everyone were will­ Public Works program, not to the law, respectively, of Anne Lind­ Dor around town Is inviting que­ aonlng are pointing out that with­ which the owner of a lot could erect ries os to what has become ot the ing to have such a system estab­ W PA and not to the wastage In bergh, are running a theater— for out zoning the only property own­ a nuisance next door to a family their own amusement. Tyrone Power—8d to th* uM of ropublleatloo U.ey hope to put on more modern their homes In real estate develop­ ^ 1 grows In bottles or cans, who have of ordinary Agricultural Depart­ lights. Now It has become the voters to attend the meeting tomor­ the men and boxing gloves for •f oU now* 41«p«i«bM ero^ltod to It nrorka. And both the Morrow ments. row, are seeking the support of tha •>r not otborw ito erodlt*6 to thl« no understanding whatever of the ment and highway spending, on the glrla have the moral -support of goal of staid critics. For the In­ youth who would settle affairs of Tbs owner of a large estate does smaU home owner and those con­ I»or oad oloo th* toool oow* o«b> Mrs. Lindbergh who has sent ternational Casino, Manhattan’s honor. processes of production and know boost-the-farmer ( meaning only not need to worry about unslgbUy cerned with the..prope1' future de­ Khod horola them her best wishes from Eng­ largest cabaret, Ja featuring the Oldest tradition of German uni­ 411 rtvhto of ropaOtteotlono of nothing about the Involved steps of the grain belt or cotton farmer) and tmdezlrable nulaancea a long land. There is the likelihood, by reniorks of the critics in an elec­ velopment of the town, reeidenttal- versities, the duelling of today haa •poefai dtoDotehoo horoto or# oloo ro« way from his home. To make their ly, commercially and Industrially. •onrod distribution—except that the distri­ program. the way, that Mrs. Lindbergh tric running sign and their names been given some modern touches— bution ought to be free. So J)ere we have two conspicu­ may contribute a script or two. In larger type tbaii tha etars’. a lighter rapier uoually replaces the Fall oorrteo eltont of N Bl 4. Soro- once . customary heavy aabre; an loo lae Their average mental ago la a ous members of the American gov­ F In addition to her literary filng In "North to the Orient." Other Side of Maaillle Rockville were guests of ToUand apology clauae under a revised stu­ Mombor AmoiieoB Novopapor Fah- dull seven, their dispositions a crazy ernment practically telling us that they report tiiat Anne Morrow There was a rumor around that relatlvaa Wednesday evening. dent honor code makes mediation lUhora Aoooolotlon mixture of cowardice and exasper­ the one thing this country needs to Lindbergh also has interested T<.mmy Manvllle, the :mbestoa heir, WILLINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reed of possible; and an honor court re­ places the older duel committee, Pablfohoro RoproionUCfTOO Tbo ating belligerency, their sense of Insure the well-being of the people herself In dramaturgy. was getting to the bottom of the Kingston Rhode Island were recent Jttltoo Mothowt Spoclol Affoncy—Now sugar barrel when he promised hie Charles Wochomurka, Henry, guests of Mrs. Reed's parents, Mr. comprised of the four deputies of responsibility nil and their social L> a balanced national government. Tork Chleavo. Doirott and Bootoa. Profitable Kudos fourth wife, Marcelle EMwards, Farrs, Frank Farrs and Joe Mrocz- and Mrs. Edwin (Jrandall. Mrs. the combatants. Yet nothing could be easier than to "Sanctity of man's honor" hss MBMBBR AlTOrr BHRSAO OF program aa Intelligent aa that of a Bing Crosby won a Doctor of {1000 a month and sundriea. Tom­ kowskl went 'coon bunting Wednes­ Crandall who has been seriously til CtRCULjtTtuNS lot of lemurs, stupidest of monkey get It. We can balance the budget Music decree at bis alma my effectively put a stop to . that day night near WarrenvlUe. They for several weeks with a registered become a Nazi battle cry, and a Nazi itudent or party member from kin. In a jiffy by having the government r. atcr, Gonzaga University In gosalp when be shelled out {3000 for have two of the best 'coon dogs In nurse In attendance la reported at Tho Horald Piinilnf Oompanf loo- Spokane, Wash, and thus entered a, special train to bring Dolly the state and caught five 'coons ons this writing to be able to sit up for the youngest Hitler youth up may Maainoo BO AnonelBl rooponotbltUy They can make more noise, do quit all expenditures—and all taxa­ use Ute duel to maintain It. for typorrophioot orroro oppooHnt to ti e academic ranks that Include (Honey Chile) Goering, hla secre- night last week. , a short time. odvortloomonti la tho llonebootof more damning if the existing social tion. In other words, by Its going Rudy Vallee, Graham McNamee, U'.ry, back from vacation. Mrs. Julia Beruby and children A. C. Schaeffer who made a bus! Honor courts for ruling on the duels .are maintained throughout BroBtaa Horald. order, scare more timid old ladles out of business. No government Katharine Cornell and Arthur The point of this item Is that a Arthur. Rose and Mabel Squire ness trip to New York thla week Murray. But It seema that there close associate of ManviUs's con­ movetf Wednesday to Providence, R. boa returned. the nation, their rules patterned and millionaires almost equally Ig­ services of any kind—no federal after tho student honor code which FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 13 wa.s a mercenary side to Crosby's fides that be Is as. shrewd a busi­ L, where Mrs. Beruby and Arthur Mrs. Minnie Berry U spending norant with themselves than If they postoffices, no army, no navy, no wearing of the cap and gown; for ness man aa there is In town. And Squire will oe employed In the was Issued last June. several months tn Riverside, Cal. The Nazi party Itself operates ALL.WOOLI amounted to something more than diplomats abroad to get us Into Gonzaga was (20,000 the richer that he never lets nls marital pec­ rubber factory. W. Hoyt Hayden with relatives In five honor courts, there are the stu­ ZONING MEETING a BB popgun In the battle of Shang­ trouble, no Supreme Court, no Con­ when the crooner completed the cadilloes Interfere with multiply­ Hr. and Mrs. George Creesy Ellington made a b u s in g trip to ceremonies ano went home. These ing his fortune. This fellow adds moved to Baltimore, Maryland, dents' honor courts, and similar In­ NEW STYLES! I t iB Bcarcely credible that there hai: but they don’t. gressmen or people trying to oe Boston, Maas., Tuesday. stitutions are operated by branches proceeds came oui of the public that Tommy still can pay off the Tuesday for the winter and closed Mrs. Carrie Carpenter of Crystal it any very considerable part of the if the entire collection of them Congressmen, no lighthouses, no appearance In Spokane. for all Finnish debt and have enough left their home In Moose Meadow. Mr. of the Industries, craftsmeit's guilds Finer woolent, finer Lake has been a recent guest of her and Nasi journalists. people o f Mancheater who are real­ bad gotten full doses of elixir ot Coast Guard, no federal priaona, no the proceeds — twenty grand — over for a carload of blondes. Clreesey Is affiliated with the Brown daughter Mrs Ellery Neff and fam­ tailoring, finer styling Swiss club of New England and for Duels with pistols are the excep­ G-men, no federal anything. No ily of the Stafford ‘Turnpike road. ly, on principle, opposed to the prin­ sulfanilamide the world would have some time had one of the few Brown tion—the recent fatal wounding of The new bouse being built by Mr. than you usually ace ciple of municipal zoning. Zoning been quieter and might have had federal taxes—no protective tariff. Swiss herds In this section of the SS Leader Roland E. Strunk In con­ with the usual meal? Also, what and Mrs. Arthur Buthnell Is nearing test with Horst Krutschinna, Hit­ at this pries! Com­ la a long established and well test­ some Job to prove It bad suffered a Expenditures, zero; liicome, zero quantity would you suggest as suffi­ state. Mr. Creesy's farm Includes Save ■ the Tlnkervllle property, once the completion and will soon be ready ler youth worker, is the only one ed device by which communities are loss exceeding two centa. An exact balance. cient for a meal If taken with pare! New patterns. W ashington site of a busy mill, bouses and a for them. known to have occurred In Ger­ 20c able to grow In an orderly, rational So much for the agitating, pro­ Bo what? Beautiful prosperity milk?” Mrs. Richard Haun of MUe HiU many since the ban on duelling was Answer: One who U easily sus­ ■tore. He has restored part of the Monthly Poymenta. and everybody happy because of no section of Tolland entertained the lifted In 1933. Krutschinna, party manner instead of weedlly. It la a fessional or semi-pro Communist— ceptible to fermentation from car­ Daybook mill premises and the dam and the picturesque place Is named "Beslda sewing circle of the Rockville Meth' sources said, committed suicide. system under which, for example. the bawlers, the stone throwers, the more federal Interference and no bohydrates may not be able to use “—By Prtston Grover—— The light rapier generally la used; Brook." odist Church Friday at her home. Blankets It 1s made impoesible for a malodor­ borers-from-withln. unbalanced budget to scare capital the figs or dates In any large quan­ but old alumni are permitted the Washington—In all the huUa- SUvio DeCScco, son of Mr. and Domenlc Gerardl made a buslnesa Into Idle biding? What do you tity without producing excessive heavy sabre. The b ^ n g gloves ous chemical factory to be erected But they are not the only nit­ Mrs. John DeClcco of South Wll- trip to Poughkeepsie, New York, Reg. $2.39 fermentation. Elach one must . baloo over the marine labor Wednesday. are for the settlement of Inddenta In the midst of some quiet residen­ wits. Almost equally exasperating think? Perhaps you may just pos­ Ilngton was operated upon this among Nazi jrouth groups. periment for nlmselt to see what unions' blast at Joe Kennedy, week by a Boston spectallst It is Mrs. Ellen A. Colson of Holyoke. pair. tial area where people take aatis- are the Nervous Nellies who see a sibly think that there maj be some­ The combat ring Is a rectangis 2 1 9 quantity It Is possible to take with­ chairman of tha maritime com- hie third major operation. Mass., is a guest at the home of her "Red menace" every time they open thing to this thing besides a bal­ out making an unusual amount of seven by 38 feeL within which the factlon and pride In their homea n.isslon, for his tirade against poor Fifteen members of the Girl Scout niece, Mrs. I. Tllden Jewett and Mr. gas. It Is best to use the figs with opponents can move about freely__ Thru Saturday! Wool com­ and to the good order of their sur- their eyes—and so keep their eyea anced budget. discipline aboard ship. It la almost troop attended the eurprise, fare­ Jewett sweet milk and the datea with but­ a style which is called the "iprung- bined with best China cot­ 'roundlngs. 2k>nlng keeps industry tightly shut aa to what la going on overlooked that American ship- well party given Gal Creesy at the Harry Morganson of Buff Cap mensur." This form requires •ftrttire liH u iletfi ton. Ehctra large size. 70” x termilk, using five or six figs or per­ l>lng Is getting the -worst public home of Mrs. William A. Moore. section of Tolland who recently sold 80". Pastel plaids. 4" sateen la the part or narta of the town or In a changing world. Who do not haps ten or twelve datea. A good great skill and considerable cour­ san d b ag^g It has had In many a They had a happy time playing his farm to a party from Rockville age. bound. understand, who haven't even a quantity for a meal would be two d ty where It logically belongs. It day. games and preaented Gal with a has moved his household effects to The commonly used light sabre glasses of the milk or buttermilk. Girl Scout memory book. Refreab- Lavishly Furred controls the Intrusion of unsuitable st.splcloo, that there can exist peo­ The whole thing was set off by his new home In Rockville and the weighs 28.2 ounces, and has a MENUS manta were served of cake, cookies, commercial structures In such ple who are profoundly Impressed the uprising of the crew of the gov­ new owners of the farm have taken blade length of 35 Inches. Fifteen (Skin Tnmors) ernment-owned freighter "A lglc" pie, lee cream, hot chocolate and possession and moved the family areas. It provides the simplest, with barriers of error standing be­ A Week's Supply (9 Patterns. N et all slaes in esteh pattoni) inches of the edge and six inches Question: L. P. wants to know; In Montevideo. In that South Amer- candy. there. of the back of the blade are ground tween a bewildered world and prog­ most elastic and perhaps the only For (iood Health "What causes skin tumors and what ic. I. port the crew for a time re A dancing achool for young peo­ The Tolland schools were closed sharp. The point Is filed off. ' really feasible form of city or town ress, and who stoutly Insist on the Is the quickest way to get rid of fis e i to handle the ship’s cargo on ple baa been organized at Soutl Thursday Armistice Day. In serious cases, the opponents Recommended them?” wilUngtoD and will be held Wednes ‘’planning." removal of those barriers, without the grounds that It would be deliv­ Miss Bessie Terhune Is entertain­ face each other with exposed COATS Answer: The cause is not defi­ ered to a crew o f strike-breakers day evenings In the gymnasium of being Communists. These Jittery By Dr. Frank McCoy ing a friend from New York. chests, only the main arteries and A proper and adequate sonlng nitely known. About the only hired during a Uruguayan long­ HsJI Memorial school. Twenty-five Mrs. Ida Gold and son of Hart­ the abdomen being protected by ordinance la aa essential to the folks haven't the faintest notion method of Immediate removal la by shoremen's strike. boys and glrla have enrolled and ford have been recent guests of her leather bandages. Duels of a Valuss at DAILY MENUS Mr. Caron of Wllllmantlc Is the right kind of uommunlty develop­ that the sober minded people who surgery. However, In some cues, Kennedy, who Is no aweetle-pie parents. lighter character call for bandages teacher. P 44 .’’J 4 . P, (k look at those barriers with the en­ such tumors have been known to executive, directed the ship cap­ to protect bead, eyes, neck, arms, original prieo ment as a fire or police department. Dr. McCoy's menus suggested for disappear spontaneously. tain to put the men in Irons If they Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hoehla heart and abdomen, and for gloves There are few municipalities of any gineering eye, seeking to devise the week beginning Sunday. No­ refused to work. It was a foreign were God-father and God-mother of of malL 2 4 J S . . . Now vember 14, 1937. $30 Quality I alM, nowadays, that have not ao- safe and effecUva means of remov­ port, and In such circumatances, in Raymood C. Baker, eon of Mr. and The “ simple" sabre duel Is fixed *21 Sunday Kennedy's view, a strike amount­ Mis. Oarl Baker, who waa ehria- GILEAD at 80 minutes, with twro-minute In­ espted^ aonlng as a vital factor In ing them, are the real nope of civil­ Breakfast—French omelet; Melba ed to mutiny. tened at St. Phillip’s church In W ar termissions every ten minutes. The Tweeds,------, - fleeces------boucles or the noveltica M en’s W ool sseurtng, to the home owner piima- ized zodety. Instead, they shriek toast; dish of berries (canned with OPEN FORUM reavtUe, Sunday. A fter the service "heavy" duel ends when one of the they'rethey'r< raving about! Ganerously furred with rOy and to the business Interests "Commiiiilsts!" and telephone for out sugar I. Conduct CriUdaed Mr. and Mrs. Baker entertained P' combatants la disabled. Skunk,Skunk French Beaver,* Chinese Badger, Well, the men went to work, friends at their home In Warren- the Farm Bureau meeting held at It still Is unwritten law among secondarily, the property security the police every time they see one Lunch —Vegetable soup made of MRS. SOUTHERGILL LOSES the home of Mrs. Paul Potocek Squirrel or Raccoon! Black or colors! Hurry tomatoes, spinach, celery and pars­ the ship returned to Baltimore, vine which Included Mr. and M rs the students that wincing is "dis­ '5 to which ownership should by all of the engineers measuring one uf HER BERRIES Tuesday. The topic waa on "Foods for best choice! Sizes range from 12 to 52. i' <**•■!!!!;! ley, adding desired amount of hot its home port, and then was pub­ Stephen Hoehla, Mr. and M rs John honoring conduct." Seconds and the tangled heaps of economic barb­ to Prevent Colds." Miss 8^ Helen •Dr^eCorwr S u it s Petiovlcb, Miss Lillian Blits, Joe rights entitle them. Manchester cream Just oetore serving; crackers lished the whole sorry buslnssa of witnesses of either party are on H i«jijS| ed wire and broken glass. Editor of The Herald: Fllegel and John Bllta ot Willing Roberta, Tolland County demon­ the constant lookout to detect the baa ao far neglected to protect It­ Dinner—Koaat veal; string beans; This morning I wanted to tell the disputes between the crew end the officers, which latter ossertedly too. The hostess served sand­ stration agent was present and con­ slightest flicker In the eyes of the self and Its home owners from the It’s bad business for peace lov­ oyster plant; celery and ripe olives; world but tonight 1 want to tell ducted the meeting. A luncheon were not members of any sea­ wiches, cake, doughnuts, cookies opponent, or an expression of pain dangers of financial loss and dis­ ing. orderly people. They got them­ gelatin. your readers. I hod a very beauti­ HOSPITALITY AU thla month we'ra offering theae auggestlons and coffee. which consisted of liver en caaserole, Monday going union. after a cut. In such ease, the duel Il >5 ai 2 2 » * selves Into strait-jackets by It In ful barberry hedge. 1 carried water to help make your home more hospitable for the spring salad, relish, wholewheat would be stopped Immediately and concertion. By rare good luck it to It during the drought aa 1 can Kennedy accompanied the bread, coffee, apple pie and cheese M Breakfast— Coddled eggs; toast­ hoiue-comlng with a pubUc crttl- HEADQUARTERS Holidays ahead. Let ua eaalat you. the "weakling" be dismissed from has so far escaped seriously Injuri­ Italy and Germany, they brought no longer afford to use the outside waa cooked and served to the wom­ ed whole-wheat biscuit; stewed clam of the conduct of seme Amer­ the fraternity. hell to Spain, they are going to get hose. It repaid me by a wonderful en. ous consequences of the neglect— prunes. ican seamen at sea. Disobedience, TOLLAND In case of the death of one op- Made to Wards atand- but we cannot bank on the continu­ it In the neck In Brazil, likely Lunch—Squash: spinach, raw mass of shiny red berries that were contributed, he said, to a very un­ Mrs. Benjamin Lyman of Hebron, ponenL the old Imperial Army a pleasure to my neighbors and my­ arda! Lon g-wearing enough. They have got the British celery; glass ot milk. satisfactory picture of the Tankee Jehn Lyman and hla daughter, Mrs. Corps tradition of six months to ance of that kind of luck. It has self. When the frost killed my Mrs. Lucy Usher left Thursday empire groggy—and there are too Dinner—Veal loal; buttered vege­ sailor afloat. Benjamin Lord of Marlborougn cne year’s confinement for the other BARGAIN DAY woolens, baad~ttilored already been overplayed. tables (carrots, oeeta, and turnips I; ffowera at first I felt as II tbere morning with a friend from Spring- called on friends In town Monday. In a fortress Is said still to be In Following that, wrltere bunted field, Masi., for De Land, Floric^ Ev«ry1iliO0 drastlldlly reducisdl at vital points I No al­ Tomorrow afternoon the voters many of them here for our abso­ salad of chopped cabbage and pars­ was not much more worth living The Men's committee of the Tri- force. out consular reports and other where ehe will spend the winter lute safety from Fascism. ley; applesauce. for; but I hastily cut and carr.ed County Christian Union have Invit­ teration charge I are called on to decide. In town away their blackened leaves and lo sourxies of stories of the poor per­ months. It’s bad business to set the dogs Tuesday formance of American seamen In ed the men of this community to a P r i a ts meeting, whether Manchester Is to my barberi es gave my lawn a look (3ards received from Mrs. Ads W. meeting to be held tomorrow eve­ on the man who came to tell you Breakfast—Glass of grapejulce recent years. Instances of unruly Herrick who Is B inding the winter Join the ranks of the thousands ol of Chriatmaa cheer. conduct at sea, especially In the ning, November 13 In the social Men'i Preihrunk thirty minutes Before breakfast; Then came an advertisement In in Melbourne, Fla., writes the Overnight News American communities which have your bouse was on fire. You may well browned waffle; crisp bacon. Ptclflc trade, were atreesed, to the i rooms of the Colchester Congrega­ Through i C your paper saying that children weather now la warm and beautiful tional church at T;4S p. m. Tl-e assumed the authority and the re­ make him mad enough to come back Lunch-^Potato soup; cooked car­ exclusion of records of skilled and after a brief cool spell. Saturday would be paid 10c per pound for Uijral seamanship. That sort of pic­ speaker will be Captain Edward A. O f Connecticut DRESS SHIRTS sponsibility for their own orderly with a club ano a can of gasoline. rots; lettuce salad. barberries. My doorbell rang of­ The Red Cross drive Is now ture Is not a good one to thrust be­ Holmes of Westbrook who wlU give (By Asaoctated Praaa) Dinner—Celery soup; asparagus ten. Young men and children asked started Mrs. L. Ernest Hall Is the Compare at aa-wg development—or Is to leave every­ fore travelers, ahlppers, and Insur­ a lecture on deep sea diving, ^ p - Crowd-bringing valnes. N tw salad: roast pork; buttered beeta; If they might pick my berries. But collector for Tolland. 1.291 Brand M ■ ance companies whose hualneae it !4 tain Holmes haa woticed on many thing to chance and a kind of mu­ B.4LANCED BUDGET ‘ baked apple a la mode. 1 told them they were like my The Tolland Grange will sponsor Hartford—The state liquor con assortments ot stnrdy per- new, fast color ■ is to gamble on the proepecta ot a fr.moui salvage operations In Egypt. nicipal anarchy. Weilni-sday dowers to beautify the lawn. a public whist party at the Com­ trol commission announced revoka- calss for school or house pattarnal -B . On the same platform on Wed­ ship arriving safely with iU cargo ¥ Australia, Norway, South America. It Is an extremely important Breakfast—Cottage cheese; sliced Alas one night a boy about 15 and munity House, thie evening, when Canada, Alaska and United States. tion of the liquor licensee of the drssies. Brighter colors. nesday evening Sccretaiy of the in good order. matter. Tomorrow s meeting should pineapple. one of 12 came and with a stick prises are to be awarded ,jid re­ Mrs. Winthrop Porter and Mlos Portugese Holy Ghost Society ot Tubfast. 36 inches widt. Treasury Morgonthau defended the Lunch—Cooked carrots and peas; knocked off the beirlea and stole freshments served. Mrs. John Ed­ Florence Jones attended Columbia Stonlngton, .he Poltsh-Amerlcan 9 2 be largely attended. It should be stuffed celery: gla.ss of milk. what to me was worth more than Pay Lower wards Is chairman o f the commit­ policies of the Kooscielt admlnis- As far as American shipping la Grange and supper, which was serv­ Citizens' Club of Danbury and tne representative of all elemenu In the Dinner—Broiled mutton chops: money. We who have nad our bar- tee. ed by the single membera who lost Polish Falcons Club, Inc., of Mid­ t ration while urging the balancing herrlea despoiled should Insert an concerned, eixh "advertising’’ n community. We believe the pro­ baked parsnips; lettuce: carrot and hpella troublous days. If trade Mrs. Jacob Chorches, who waa at the competitive program, Wed­ dletown. advertisement In the Herald. posed zoning ordinance should tie of the national budget, and Senator asparagus salad: baked pears. should fell off there will be less taken critically 111 several weeks nesday evening. New Haven—Oarence G. Willard. Byrd attacked those policies while Thursday “ Wanted—small blue spruce trees or ago and removed to the S t Francis Mrs. Charles Fish and son Calvin, Secretary o f the Republican state adopted. But at all events the rose bushes, will pay children ten profit for the owners end leaa em­ also urging the balancing of the Breakfast—Poached egg on Mel ployment for the crews. The mer­ p ~ i i ? hospital Is improved and It will be called on Mrs. W. B. Hibbard In committee, announced a testlmomal meeting should be largi enough to cents each fo ' all they can bring i > necessary for her to remain there ba toast: stewed tigs. chant marine In general will suffer Manchester, Monday afternoon. dinner would be held for newly, I budget. Both agreed that the bal­ In. no questions asked" I wondei for several weeks for a serious prevent Its defeat by a handful if Lunch—Pint of buttermilk; 10 or and It will cost the American pub­ — e 1 Sir. and Mrs. Floyd FogU and chosen officials of the committee ■j9c Vtote' ancing ol the budget la Immediately how that would w orj and who 1 heart ailment. any voters— and there Is always pres­ 12 dates. lic a beavivr subsidy n « " It now £i Mrs. Clarence J. Fog^ were visitors Nov. 19 In Hartford and that John would be to blame If the children Mrs. Annie Prlckett of Rockville at the home of Mr. and Mra. Conrad or almost Immediately necessary Dinner— Vegetable soup; Salis­ is paying to keep Yankee ahlpa on D. M. Hamilton wrould be n speaker. ent. at ary town meeting, a hand­ got them for us. They know where called on Tolland relatives and Dorau In New Britain, Wednesday They also agreed that there should bury steak; string beans; salad of the high seas. Hartford—Philip Hewes, execu­ ful of thoae queer folks who achieve grated raw carrots; applesauce. they grow. friends Tuesday. evening. Mr. Dorau entertained I am sorry the children sneaked Who Is to blame la perhaps de­ r 4 i ! tive secretary to Gov. Cross, said their only distinction In the com­ be no heavier taxation. But each Friday batable. but It haa bene a Charles Johnson had as recent them with colored plcturea of up and stole what was every day "about hair’ of the {2o.(KX> needed pre.sented the problem from a dif­ Breakfast Baked eggs: Melba n.atter of record by senate Investi­ guests several relatives from Bris­ Alaska which be took while oa a munity through their town-meeting cheer to one who haa not much to In private subscriptions for con­ toast; dish ot raspberries (canned gations that pay of eeamen tol, Conn. tri there this summer. objections to any rmd every propo­ ferent angle. And both failed to be cheerful over. 1 hope they go to struction of a Connecticut building without sugar). S'sled off since the war In spite of Harry Morganson of Buff Cap sec­ -Educational Week is being oh- bring complete satisfaction to the confession. I am glad that aflsr at the Eastern States’ exposition sition that sav . rs of progress or Lunch— Pineapple and cottage government payments through tion has disposed of bis farm. The kirved at the Gilead Hall school readers of the texts of their ad- 'ou are fifty the years are tew. 1 new owner being a party from has been given to dale. change of any m rt. cheese salad. mall subsidy to keep the ships and Mra. Berl Lewis spolce to the I lf g le s s I,. dc not look ahead cheerfully to this Rockville. rcsses that both or either of them Dinner - Baked halibut; baked gi ing. children on “ Costumes of China and Hartford—The State Welfare De­ Patent Trimil 2.49 Values I Let there be full nt.d ' . di.K us- Thanksgiving Day. The one who The next regular meeting of Tol­ Japan". She also sang two Chinese partment revealed a four per cent I «a s entirely candid in all parts of ground beeta; asparagus; salad of sat at the head of our table last Fo.elgn competitioo Is tough and Ston -In the mood of ■ imni.ir.itv the owners argue that they get no land Grange will be held at the songs. Increase In relief cases In Septem­ what he said. sliced tomatoes: no dessert. year has passed on. May our re­ Kitchen Cabinets with Community House next Tuesday helpfulness, Lit the proposed ordi­ Saturday cargoes unless they haul cheaply, Frank Clanflone of M L Vernon, ber over AugusL The department Dressy Blacks For Instance, Senator Byrd de­ union be soon. 1 want no fiowers and low costs mean low pay. evening, Nov. 16. when sever^ N. Y., was an overnight guest at pointed out the Increase marked nance oe fully con.eldercd • ven. il Breakfast—Small slice of bam; tiien. ffo n s members are to be reinstated and a the home of his sister, Mra. Joseph the seasonal upswing through the It bo the '.ei'd ..f the meeting, a’t- r- clared that "the prospenty ol ea:h Melba toast; coddled egg; prunes CLARA T. SOUTHERGILL, T h e only Immediate solution ad­ New 7-eyelat titsl vanced also has come through the Linoleum Counters! listed in the first and sec- Barrasao, Tuesday. fall and winter months and began a I. I ed If nerd t- to ro'.f i-m to n ijorltv .\merican citizen depends on the Lunch—Broiled sweet potatoes 84 North School Street. iMgreea. Mr. and Mrs. WUliara Bralnard One-sldsdstrsps! Step- and bacon: string bean salad. Mancheater, Conn.. senate invesUgaUons. The remedy month earlier than last year. 18 preservation of the cretdlt ol the ns- I weekly reading club will meet and sons of Hartford and Mr. and inst Pumps! Many view. B".t lit the n..-.■ling’s action. Dinner— Vegetable soup; broiled November , 1937 ■fSgeeted la simply for the Waterbury— (Seorge Hough. 51. ot tlon" and that "It la Inevitable that 10 public to pay enough Into the kitty r Mrs. Mary Healy next Monday Mra. William Porter and children of cleverly patent trins- whateMT it may be, be taher. In lean beef; lettuce salad; turnips; this city, died In St. Mary’s hospi­ through subsiules ao that seamen A new Fashion Note for Kitchens noon. This will be the first Ea.it Glastonbury were guests at mad. 4 -1 . " the national credit will be Impaired green peas icanned); cup custard. A P T P U P IL tal of Injuries suffered Wednesday 57 complete realization that If the can be paid well and itUI allow etiffg of Che fall months and a the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop unices we retrench." Tlila haa prob­ ‘ Baked Apples a la mode; Bake fun attradance Is expected. Porter, Armistice Day. when he waa struck by an automo- ngularly 6Se pair community does not fake steps to operators a fair profit. Wle. Deputy Coroner Walter W. ably been said i million times. But until tender, medium sized apples to Los Angeles—Buffalo Bill's tac­ Look to the kitchen for smart deco­ the toe space to match ranges, etc.) Several women met at the Feder­ protect Itself Its growth will soon ated church social rooms Thursday Smjrth said be released the driver, j 3.93 FootheaHh Tics, Black...... 3 ^ ^ FLANATELETTE what, after all. does It mean? What which no sugar or spices have been tics routed a would-be assailant. rating ideas! Linoleum for built-in with chromium trimmed counter top. Compare theae pare ailk be controlli-d by- protltrtakers who with Mias Gladys Stratton, home NEOBO ‘vorrtvs'SLAIN Howard F. Judd. 26. of Waterbury. added. Allow to cool, and Jiut be­ When Mrs. Albert McCreary, 70. counters have been a fashion note for Choose it in white enamel with blue boas for looks and wear! did Byrd mean—what do those peo­ fore serving. scoop out about a saw a man hovering jv e i her bed, Deaths Last Night management spi^allst of the Farm under bond of {1,000. will make a mess of the town. some time. Now you can have this Coahoma, Hlos., Nov. I L — (A P ) 2.49 Sport Oxfords, Black, Brown. Saa bow they flatter your ple who are forever talking about tableapoonful of the fruit from he brickbat In bend, she 1rew e pistol or red linoleum,'|6£00. The handy Bureau. The subject ot Kitchen A r­ Wallingford — Michael Oonnera, 218 legs with their theer, The meeting will be at 2 o’clock —Sheriff Lee Hattbewe announced Sleepers stem end and fill the hollow with a same decorative material for your dish and utility cabinets at right and rangement was discussed and plans about 48, a farmhand here, was clear tezture. And yon at High School HalL It mean—by "Impairment of the na­ from under her pillow and fired. The By ASSfXTATED FBE88 last night that a young nagro who small amount of lee cream. Intruder fled. Mrs. McCreary said movable kitchen cabinet counters. left, decorated to match, are $25.00 for doing so was drawn. The meet­ kUled Instantly when struck by two f*? 3.30 ‘T^uxury" Ties, Straps ...... 2 ^ ® actually aaye orsr 30c a tional credit?" ing was arranged through Hits bad attackad him and earaprd had automobUes. Officer James Tierney William F. (Buffalo BUI) Cody PhUadelphia — The Rev. Dr. Pictured is a new Hoosier ensemble each. See these, as well as other de­ been shot and kiUed by ao armed pair in this salat Also Frankly we don’t believe Senator Sarah Helen Roberta. Home Demon­ said the drivers, Georgs Sheldon, 41, Regularly ringltsa aerrice weight I REDS .A.ND JFTTERERS QUESTIONS ,\.VD ANSM EBS taught her to ahoot. Charles H. Collett, 49. former gen­ posse of deputy sheriffs, police of­ with a smartly designed cabinet (note signs, tomorrow. 11^ 2.98 Rochelle Arch S h o es...... 2 ^ 8 B>-rd knows what he means. eral secretary of tho NaUonal Coun­ stration Agent of the Farm Bureau of 234 Cook avenue, Meriden, and 59c foltowlng a request from several of ficers and dtlzens. We know of no group or e i»«« of So long as a nation can keep on Question; Mrs. R. K. asks; "Do STEALTHY CUSTOMERS cil of tha Protestant Episcopal William Nolan, 84, of Sigourney 4 9 c the town women. The sheriff said tha nagro. Jesse parsons better calculated to arouse you bavs any recipes which tell bow ChUTClL •traeL Hartford, were arretted on Xhrii Saturday! Compare for borrowing whatever sums It aaka M rs Kimmell who has been 111 Turner, waa arraigned on a robbery P i 1.98 Girls* Sport Straps...... to ipake healthful soups?” Chicago— LllHaa and Rose Scar- Baltimore—Dr. Paul W. charge and attackad him whlla tn technical charges o f reckless drtv- 178 warm, fleecy quality, attrac­ resentment, contempt and a well for at Increasingly lower rates of and confined for several weeks at ' Answer: Send lor my article caU- dina wars forced to postpone m- 65, secretory of the Board ot For­ Ing tive destgna, full cut and nigh uncontrollable urge to kick the Rockville City hospital has been route to a Clarkodala jolL aacaping li,tereat and under a currency sys­ ed SOUP RECIPES. A copy wUl deflnltaly the grand opening of their eign Missions ol the United Luther^ other Hoosier Cebhieto (with porcelain into a cypress jreak. Hamden— Fire caused $3,000 dam­ sturdy workmanship. Drop them in the pants than the blatant, tem that is crazily based on debt be sent to anyone who writes to me an Church. counters) ere priced from {32.50 up. moved to the home of friends In age to a wing of the caretakers L,... seats. Sizes 3 to 8. new lingerie shop. New Lemdon. Conn. A member ot the posse, eatimated ignorant but enormo>jaly vain noise Itself, what room Is there for de­ in care of this newspaper and en­ W ha."they went to the store to New York—Edgar C Proctor, 65. WATKINS at 300 men, said the negro was home on the game preserve ol A- C. tBOTHCRS I N C Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Clough of trailed to a bouse here and shot Gilbert. Everett Doherty, a fireman, nsakers who, In this country, call bating Its credit and what likeli­ closes a stamp and a large, aelf-ad- open for buatneas, they found bur- former secretary to President Wil­ dressed envelope. New London made a brief visit at when be refused to surrender. suffered a badly cut band whDe themselves Communists and bowl g la n bad been there flrsL Shelves, liam McKinley and Hark Hanna. hood Is there ot Us credit falling? the home o f Mr. Clough's mother, The sheriff waa not seriously Bghtlng the blase. ctoaeta and drawers bad been clean­ Phoenix, Arix.—CharUe 8. Dau­ »rs. Nellie Clough who been ■outhUy about a “rule of the Perhaps one of the worst possible (FIga and Datea) hurt. ^ West Cornwall—Searcbera locat­ ed of the entire stock. gherty. 77, one time aergeant-at- confined to her home with Ulnesa ptoletariat." Wa have never aeen QuasUoo; W. M. aaka: "Is tha ed Ulaa Molly Flax. 16, lost for more coothtlons lies m the very tact of arme ot the United Stotee Senate. for four waeko. with a trained nurse er Bstooed to a alngle one of tham unlimited government credit. There high carbohydrate of starch cootODt Tutaakhamae la iatorprstod aa Severna Paik, Md.—Edward J. Begun tn the 13th century, N o ti« than eight hours tn tha Housatonic in attandsnee. Dame Cathdral. In Paris, never has srho gave the sUghtect t^dlcatioD of figs or dates likely to cauaa far- Meaning the living Image of Oioc. 78, veteran Editor at tha Ae- state toreet, a mfle and a half from Montgomery Ward are ptaaty of wise economlsta who Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Usher of mentatton la tha latagOaea U takoa A aon, ooe at tha B g ^ U a n gods. sodated Praaa ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD —IT PAYSl been completed. her home. A posse at »S COC boys, 824-828_fiOQ MAINILTAT-hT STREETcrroEicwm — — 9 / . f- TELEPHONE 5161 MANGHESTEI| MANCHESI KK KVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER U . 19ST MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12.198T PAOEELEVEII classed parts of the textile, garment weeks ago of violating the Federal a -Usbonest set of books it la Im- DECLARES BRAZa and cannery Industries as examples. CONFUCTING R E P O P GUILTY OF NAIL FRAUD Securities Act and the Mall Fraud possible to determine how much Two other major changes in the CHINESE FALL Act. more was taken." PAT HARRISON bill alao were reported to be under The five aenteneed are: Edward . The goverhment cbvTwI Um STIU DEMOCRACY discussion. ^ FROM SPANISH WAR GET PRISON SENTENCES A. Attix, Detroit attorney and defendants mlarepreaented that tha 'The first would eliminate the pro­ president of the company five years; company waa the aame aa that BACK ON THEIR Harry H. Landay, vice-president which once operated in Kentucky URGES CHANGES (OontinDed from Page One) posed board f o r . fixing minimum Detroit, Nov. 12— (AP) — Five Barker Picks Notre Dame, Pitt And Minnesota Loyals Say Rebels Forced To atid general manager, five years; under the same name. wages and maximum hours, and officera and ztockbolden of R. Cum. would substitute an administrator Flee On Aragon Front; Reb­ Frank R. Lane, secretary-treasurer, served to the president broad power irlnz A Co., Battle Creek, Mich., four years; Leonard B. Brown, for­ IN P R m TAX to Initiate and guide legislation. It in the Labor Department. MAIN DEFENSE els Say They Were Vic- diatiUery, were eentenced by Feder­ A new British chemical process iarty Brothers at toe north end to The second would give to joint mer ^ce-president, three years and donate jerseys, equipment, etc.,to was placed In effect immediately, to torions. al Judge Arthur F. Lederle today to Samuel la Fata, stockholder, two for rendering wool non-shrlnkabie HIGH TIE be passed upon in a plebiscite to be committees representing tabor and (Continued from Page One) terms ranging from two to five Colleges Should Use Pro st,-rt US off. Our men went out and (Ooettimed fron Paga Oaa) years. has attracted considerable atten­ CORNELL ALSO CHOICE .old tickets on a raffle In order to ORIOLES CONFIDENT OF held at the discretion of the hlef industry the power to fix the wage Hendaye, Franco-Spanish Fron­ years In the Federal penitentiary at tion. Chemicals utilized by the pro­ societies operating In the Interna­ Judge Lederle said a report by start the season. For twro years »«■» “Under tbia levy,” he said, “a executive.) and hour schedules within limits tier, Nov. 12.—(AP) —Spanish gov­ Leavenworth, and fined *10,000 cess are said to cost 19 cents per tional Settlement. the SEC "reveals that the defend­ Pass Ruling Says Grange FAVORED WINDSOR now we haven’t made any money. ooinpany can't accumulate a nickel It was reliably leafned that Ital­ prescribed by law. These commit­ ernment sources reported today each. hundred pounds of dry wool, and Stirling Fessenden, American ants have taken *391,000 worth ot Wo have just about cleared ex­ to be. used for new employment, ian and German envoys to BraxU tees could bold bearings and sub­ that a Catalan Infantry attack In They were convicted several st'vik and from what appears to ue Utfle special equipment la required. TO TOPPLE DARTMOUTH ANNEXING TOWN SERIES -had made overtures to gain Brazil- poena witnesses and documents af­ secretary-general of the councu, penses. This season there Is a ray plant expanalon and reaerves." the Sablnanigo sector ot the north­ of hope unless some dreadful Injury **We have all the raw materials 1s t adherence to the Italian-Oer- ter the administrator determined said he did not believe Japanese ern Aragon front bad forced the Chicago, Nov. 12.— (A P )—CollegeAsatd. "Against Nortowrastern last man • Japanese antl-Communiam what industries, were "subnormal." would interfere with the Interna­ This wron’t be easy, but we like Min­ week. DUnols used a 9-4-2 aetup and sends us to toe sidelines. TTie for an unprecedented proepeiity and Spanish insurgsnts to retire from football. Red Grange believes, should M. E S. Gains 1*1 Deadlock Orioles have in a way been quite If the prem m ent would give bual- pact but had been turned down. Administration officials were said tional group’s functions and added several front line posltiona. TOWN ADVERTISEMENT TOWN ADVERnSEMENT TOWN ADVERTISEMENT A. P. Expert Dons Shock Ah* nesota. "quit being stubborn and take a tip toe WUdoats couldn’t get going, l IN TWO MORE CONTESTS (.. Berlin dispatch aid Nazi cir­ to believe these three changes would that there wis little friction be­ The Insurgents Insisted, however, Basra To Bsiioiuid think coaches have concentrated on fortunate In regards to serious and neaa b i^ a chance we could attain from 'he profcsstoTials." expensive Injuries (rap tap on It." cles held high hope Bruril would answer the American Federation o1 tween the council and the Japanese. that the assault had failed. Oregon-CaUfornla: The soorelesa defense so much that offensea nave Fith Team That Won join the nntl-comlntern front. The insurgents attempted to en­ lUes by the chief executive officer "I see where some coaches are been neglected anu If oollege play- ivoodl). One bad Injury last season players showing up for practice Is' The recurrent question of tax- Labor’s principal objections to the Creeks, canals and lakes slice the Chanter 29, Public Acts and on cause shown, grant a re­ sorbers In Making Selec­ draw with Washington indicated just about floored us. but we are exempt aecurltlea came before a (There are 800.000 ‘Germans in present biU. terrain Japanese must cross before circle the Catalan spearhead, the of such munidpality, and any mem­ straining order. The authority Is­ there was a touch of gilt about toe worrying about defense being so era could pass from any point be­ Moriartys EqoaBy As Sore quite encouraging. Pottnger and Brazil, not Including Brazilians of government reported, but failed. In­ good that toe game* la slowing First Encounter By 5-1. very hopeful tola season. I^ngston strengthened their lineup Houae tax aubcommlttee. One pro­ reaching the lew Chinese lines. X'be Revision of 1930 ber may be removed for cause by suing toe citation In sueh appeal Golden Bears. This trip Into the hind the scrimmage line the secon­ ^ playing at Mt. Nebo we have German origin. Their support of surgent communiquea reporting the such commission or by- such chid shall take from toe appellant, un­ tions For This Week’s north may spell more trouble, but down," said toe 'ainoua, one-time dary defense would have to stay tremendously and more Is expected posal would raise taxes on persona countryside Is Ideal for guerrilla something we have never had be­ Oi these men during toe second game holding such bonds by including the new regime was regarded as warfare such as Chinese stragglers action yesterday said "whole regi­ Concerning Zoning executivs officer, with the approv­ less such appellant be an official ot toe ballot goes to California. galloping ghost of Illinois today, back where It belongs. Champs Will Be Dethroned ir.,ely to react favorably on Brazll- ments” of the Catalonians had been A fighting Manc’uestcr team held fore. A perfect field, fenced In and of toe series. Angelo ^ stated the income therefrom In the tax WATT NEXT MOVE In the North are using against SEC. 423 (Sec. 88c). AUTHORI- al of four membera of such zoning the municipality, a bond or recog­ Grid Tussles; No Trouble Rlce-Texas A. and M.: Rice Is toe "and 1 think they have something "Look at toe scoring in toe pro lined off. No goal posts or benehe.s Gcrman commercial relations. crushed. authority, but before removal nizance to said board, with surety, perfect illustration of toe futility ol to wrorry about 11 they persist on a heavily favored Windsor eleven to there will be more forward passes base. (In Tokyo, the foreign office said Japanese. Reports from Pelpmg TY. The zoning authority of each game," be continued. "Lots of action to put up on Saturday afternoon In As Rivals Prep For Sec­ thrown by (3obb. Daigie appears to Senator King (D-Utah) expressed "Our brave troops beat them charges shall be presented to such to prosecute such appeal to effeo^- figures. The Owls couldn’t score a refusing to make one simple rule all the time. The colleges could have It bad no official Information on the TO AID BUILDING were that thousands of Chinese were back to the(r starting poloL Our city, town or borough is authorized a one-all deadlock at the visitor’s order to prepare for Sunday. be at present toe number one pass concern that Morgenthau's economy harassing Japanese In Hopeb prov­ to regulate the height, number of member in writing aad be shall be and comply with toe orders and de­ Ahead For Yale, Hairard point in their first three games and change just because we pros are It toOj under our pass rule, bui We havo hundreds of loyal fans Brazilian coup. A spokesman ex­ machine guns mowed them down given reasonable opportuaity to be fluid Wednesday. Earlier In toe sea­ snatches. His work Sunday both proposals might not succeed. "As plained that the anti-Communlsm ince. Food and famine refugees tied stories and size of buildings and crees of toe court. Said board shall DOW have pushed over Texas, Au­ using IL when a pass play comes ‘tc alwrays frem toe north end who travel each ond Clash At Neho Snn- defensivaly and offensively was like files,” one communique said. heard In bis own defense. Any va­ be required to return either the son Windsor banded toe locals a 9-1 long as there are public demands pait was open to all nations with (Contlnaed from Page One) southward In Shantung province. Insurgent diplomatic sources said other structures, the percentage of burn and Arkansas In succession. "Too many scorel.as Uoa? Too pretty obvious and toe secondary la Sunday to toe far end of the town superb. Much drpend.i on Daigle— cancy shall be filled for the unex­ original papers acted upon by It, And Holy C ron. Maybe tola Is Where toe Owls ^st setback, and a very confident second for Federal funds,’’ King said, ’ Con­ ir'eological positions similar to those Flags of Defiance Japan, Portugal and Hungary were the area of the lot that may be oc­ many dull games?" he continued. up in a jump to make virtually team went Into toe game to beat It watch their favorite team play. day; Both At FuD Strength who by the way Is the fastest man gress undoubtedly will continue to many authorities for some time had cupied, the size of yarda, courts and pired portion of the term. All meet­ and constituting the record of the off, but they get toe ballot just toe "One rule adjustment would take- eight and nine men on the line. No What Is more they dig down aiid on either team and Angelo wfO cer­ of Italy. Germany and Japan but ' 1 As affinal gesture of defiance to expected soon to accord full recog­ ings- of said board shall be held at i ; -.Chester. vote them, because public appro­ (.m unable to say at present whether been calling the heaviest drag on nition to Generalissimo Francisco other open spaces, the density of case appealed from, or certified same. ~ care of them—allow the college wonder the backs can't do much pay their thirty-five cents willingly. tainly use him to good advantage Japan’s conquest of the Shanghai the call of tha chairman and at such copies thereof. The court, upon After the first quarter went score­ priations are the moat powerful Brazil will be Invited to join.’’ ) the business parade. Franco’s government A dlplomat- population and the location and use By HERBERT W. BARKER Alabama-Georgla Tech: on Its players to pass from anywhere back rushing. A few trick pass plays anu less and the^Red and White hooters That is one reason why we are not against toe Orioles. ' vote-getting instrument a Congress­ Boom In Spring area and in honor ot the anniver­ other times aa said board may de­ such appeal, shall review the pro­ good days, Tech is liable to smear of the line of scrimmage at, we do, in the hole. Taking the part of toe imderdogs All In all Sunday's game sfaoold sary of the birth ot Bun ¥at-Sen, Is spokesman expressed gratifica­ of buildings, structures and land for termine and shall be open to the toe secondary would have to play began to pi'ppcr the Windsor goal man has." tion at the agreement between the trade. Industry, residence or other ceedings of said board and, If, upon New York, Nov. 12r-(A P)— anyone (ask Vanderbilt) but rhij. instead of not closer to the line back.” It la a well-known fact that for twro years In a row during toe be a thriller from start to Itailah, Early In the year a rising trend founder of the Chinese republic, public. Such chairman, or, in his ab­ toe hearing upon such appeiri. It the first team came In. In about >Vonld Call for Haste In home building was widely hailed Insurgents and Britain under which purposes AND THE HEIGHT. Newly-equipped with toe latest type corner strings along with Alabama. than five yards." Grange said he hasn’t seen enough toe middle of the second period. Bill Hickey's Grove Is the Ideal spot 'n towm fotball championship series, with plenty of good football being SEE SLOW BEGINNING Chinese flags fluttered from many sence, the acting chairman, may shall appear to toe court that testi­ town for an enclosed fieid. It should Horgenthau had suggested that aa the spearhead of the recovery they will exchange "commercial SIZE AND LOCA’nON OF AD­ of shock absorbers, this corner Duke-North (Carolina; This virtu­ Grange, whose radio work, busi­ football this fall to naire many Murray dribbled down the field and the Orioles were expected to win displayed. The north end has 1939 expenditures could be brought buildings in the Shanghai Interna­ agents.” administer oaths and compel the at­ mony la necessary for toe equitable ally decides the southern conference ness affairs and duties as assistant be a swell paying proposition for promised to have the scrappiest advance. VERTISING SIGNS AND BILL tendance of witnesses. The board bends a wary eye on the national players he considers outstanding, kicked in toe goal that gave Man- this year’s title In two straight into line with revenue by a *700,- tional Settlement and Frencu Con­ (The British foreign office an­ BOARDS within the limite of such disposition of toe appeal, it may title and toe vote goes to Duke. coach of toe Chicago Bears bas pre­ choster Ita one point lead. any team to be able to play In an eieve non the field Sunday that they FOR SPECIAL SESSION P« e • O-IS 1.65 ter to listen to—try IL opposite thereto extending one hun- BOARD TO COURT. Any person SEC. 431. CONTROLUIIM rE- Whiskey d r ^ feet from the street frontage or persons severally or jointly ag­ QUIREMENT IN CASE OF V A R I­ W u a rt ...... $1.^ 4oTS*19 e.e • am • • g| 6.70 1.65 grieved by any decision of said Regular Price $109.50 Less Aerial. of such opposite lots, such change ATION. If toe regulations Ve>de y One Year Old. 4o7S*20 •-* • e e *>• • 6.85 1.60 «h»ii not become effective except by board, or any officer, department, under authority of toe protislons of 3> $1.44 5.00-19 7.20 1.80 REG. $64.50, ONLY $54.50 board or bureau of any municipali­ this chapter shall require a greater Two Yeere OM. GOOD LIQUORS unanimous vote of the soning au­ 5.00*20 ••• e • e • 7.40 1.90 Overcoats All Gray W’ilh Pump. ty, charged with toe enforcement width or sise of yards, courts or Old Glow thority If such soning authority is 5e00*21 »•••.•» M • 7.65 2.00 f or rouR COST $84-50 a Boning commission, or a vote of of any order, requirement or decl other open spaces or a lower height Kentucky Champ rye Whiskey e e e • three-fourths of all the members of Sion o f said board, may, within fif­ of building or a fewer number of 5*2«^*17 *** **• 7.70 1.80 REG. $74.50, ONLY $64.50 Powered With 8 PhUoo High Efflcteney Tubes. teen days from toe date when such Rye Whiskey e * « • « Me any other such zoning authority- stories or a greater percentage of 5.2o*18 am 8.00 1.80 That X a n Take All White With Pump. r Good Drinks decision shall havs been rendered, The provlBlons of this sectipn rs)a lot area to be left unoccupied or 5*2o*20 m a e ••• e « e e 8.50 1.90 take aa appeal to toe court of com­ full ql. $1.37 Uve to public hearings and official shall Impose other and higher 5.2^*21, me e e e e*e e e • 8.80 2.00 mon pleas or tha superior court of standarda than shall be required In U Months OM. quart $1.19 Yes, Sir—Keep out the cold, wear well and keep look­ BO.ARO’S GIN, notice shall apply to all changes or Ome Temr OH. 5.50*1T me me « me •■•jg 8.75 2.10 REG. $89.95, ONLY $79.95 By Gordon, 8to . . . . amendments. toe county in which such munld- any other statute, by-law, ordinance $1.09 FREE GIFT paUty shall be located, which ap­ or regulation, the provisione of toe Gearbrook Gin 5.50*tl8 e>e e«e • eJ< e e a 9.05 2.25 ing good for g long time. For the quality in them you’ll All White—8 Pounds—With Pump. CRAB ORCHARD GIBSON'S SEC. 427. BOARD OF APPEALS peal shall be made returnable to regulatlona made under the provi­ Meadow Gold 5.50*19 e^ sm • me em « 9.15 2.30 Dlec. WITH EVERY PHILCO be Burprii^ at the moderate prices: DECANTER, 8to .. There shall be a board of appeals such court In the same manner sions of this chapter shall govern. A FIm BtaM. Reg- *2-88 5.50*20 e-e e e e am r 9.50 2.50 $1.49 iSOLD TODAY AND consisting of five membera, one o t that prescribed for civil actions If the provisione of any other full qt. $1.19 FREE FILLER HOSE WITH EVERY MODEL Q“ n a ^ rt * C O 6 .0 0 -1 * ...... 9.75 2.40 OLD MONA8TART the original appointees to serve for brought to such courts. Notice of statute, by-law, ordinance or regu­ 88 Porof TERMS — FREE TRIAL WINES, quart ...... SATURDAY full ql. $1.35 6.00-20 H.D. —. 12.70 2.50 CL e m o o iy r \ _ 98c osie years, one for tsro yaus, oaa auch appeal tbsU be given by leav­ lation Shall require a greater width ing a tnie and attested copy there­ 6.00-21 H.D...... 13.00 2.50 BUM. F t / s i c STRAIGHT RYE. PHILOO 4XX for three years, ooe for four yesra or size of yards, courU or otosr 18 mos, q u a rt...... sad one for five years, sad thera- of with said board within twelve open spaces or lower height ot Londonahire 30x3W a E xt. Sira 5.55 L 3 5 $1 6 * 5 0 to $1.25 after one member shall be appoint­ days before toe return day to srhicb building or a fewer number of sto­ CAN BEER Come to such appeal aball have been taken Distflled Gin Liberal Trade-In Allowaiice On Yovr Old Tires! 99c SLOB GIN, ed annually for a term of five years ries or a greater percentage of I’ll We have a coat for you at a price to fit your budget. Pta» ...... at the time members of other com- The appeal shall stata the reasons area to be left unoccupied or Impose BARSTOW*S OOONAO . 69c BENSON’S BENSON FURNITURE and RADIO MANCHESTER’S RADIO HEADQUARTERS wilsshms shall be appointed In such upon srtilch it shall have been pred­ other and higher standards than quart $1.04 BRANDT, STRAIGHT RYE, munlcipaUty. The mambeis a t said icated aad sbaU not stay proceed­ shall ba requlrad by toe regulations 3 25c Flat ___ For Better Deal 79c Year old, qnart . . . . $1.15 705 MAIN STREET JOHNSON BLOCK board shall be appointed by the ings upon tha decision appealed mads under authority at tbs provi- MORIARTY BROS. RADIO SHOD Call 3535 snnlrig eommisston whersrar the 'from, but tha court to which such slons of this chapter, the provtsions Phone 3234 Just North ^ P . O . soning authority may bs a a appeal shsU be returnable may, on o f such statute, by-law, ordlaanoa 301-315 Ccatar Street—Corner Broad Street Est. 1922 Open Every Day To 9 P. H. commission, but ^ other municipal- appUcatloo. CO notice to tha board or rcgulaUoa ihall sovera. ARTHUR DRUG STORES, he. toyeald H ays Telephone 3873 GLENNEY'S Every House N e ^ V ^ ^ n gh ou e MANCHiBSTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FHIDAY, NOVEMBER 12.1981 HANUHBHTER SVEM USa HERALiJD, MAWUHB8TBR, F K W A Z , NO VE M BER 12, 198T PAGE THIRTEEN' PAOBTWBLVB wildly; "Ton mustn't o o j things like premier’s guarantees. He bojda the was announced that Judge EMwia 8. ment until tonaorrow, pending for­ Uke that .The fall did th at There's "Sword of Islam,” bejewaled fight­ JAPAN INFORMS U. S. mal receipt o f the re^ y to the sec­ COLLEaOR SMITH ASKS Thomas baa offered to let them use BY no- need for police." REIGIOUS PLANS ing emblem o f Islamte authority ISSUE BODY W RnS ond overture toward Tokyo. Dele­ the United States District Court " I beg jFour pardon, ma’am. That presented by Arab Mohammedans gates said there appeared to be two room as long as possible, and this MARY RAYMOND may be true or It may. not be. But during bla visit to Libya last March. IT MAY ACT ALONE courses open: MORE ROOM FOR BUREAU FOREraOPIANS M O P f offer has been accepted, to take Manchester Public Market 1 wouldn't be satlsflad, beg your Mussolini has given orders for First, If the reply were final and FOR LOCAL COUPLE effect Monday. pardon again, ma'am, until the po­ the establishment of a model Mos­ By W. J. DAVIS IN FiOt EASTS WAR negative, issuance of a statement of Hartford, Nov. 12.— (A P )—Collec­ Such arrangements Indicate the Copyright^ 1937, NEA Sarvlea, Inc lice see him. A t least, I'd Uke for lem capital la Harrar, aecond larg­ "hletorlc" nature, possibly a con­ tor Thomas S. Smith said today he urgency of the problem, and Mr. Mr. Jack to aee him before he’a II Doce Adopts Poficy Of est city In Ethiopia. MAINTAIN PEACE demnation of Japan’s campaign In expects to leave for Waahlngton soon. Smith will be accompanied to Wakh- U*■ ILL moved." Tolerance of other sects has been China. CAST OF CHARACTEBS The eveata o f BtnotoM jrsai* (Oontfamed from Page One) In an effort to obtain .additional Ington by Postmaster William J. Saturday Food- News ter," Mrs. Wentworth spoke again would hear John saying: "Having upon her. I t gave her a new feel­ Mrs. Wentwrorth nodded her head. decreed. To make the decree effec­ Second, If the reply seemed at all Rankin, custodian of the building. m x W ENTW ORTH, heroine, at­ Setk S tO la M l Of M e - space for the overcrowded force of with such cold finality In her voice a bad dream, Ehrelyn?" ing of command. She sank Into a chair and covered Tolerance Bot Is Building tive, a religious census has been or­ have proven that the Armlstloe ference circles were that this favorable, the dispatching of a sec­ the Internal Revenue Bureau. The latter said one solution would be Our Saturday offerings bring you variety, quality, economy. It matters not whether tractive debutante. dered. ond note urging Japan once again that the secretary retreated haatUy, But dreaming or not, abe must She chirruped cheerfully In her her face with her hands. did not really mark ths aaS ot should avoid taking the form of A t the same time he la seeking en­ to build an additional floor on the your choice he Veal, Beef, Poultry, Lamb, Smoked or Cured Meats, your Public Market A L A N JEFFRY, hero, riling A t present, looee figures Indicate * a o t A m i M F«HowiB{ “ quarantining” or boycotting Japan, to enter peace talks. larged quarters for branches In New west part of the building where it la f o m f ftrttste hurrying down the hall and Into her plan, plot quickly. Barry, hla thto, btrd-llke voice; "It'a nothing - " I ’U wake Mr. Jack and Mr. Bar­ war, bloodthsd., can supply your every desire at Prices Sure To Please! own little nook like a frightened frightened eyes . . . bow incapable, at "all, very likely." Cathofic Churches. there are about 1,740 Protestant na­ but should extend material help to (A dispatch from Berlin said the Haven, Waterbury and Stamford. only one story high at present. The BARRY WENTWORTH, JUTe ry," Mias Dexter said. “And Mlis a n d turmoil, mouse slipping safely into Its hole. of planning to help himself. He' tives in Ethiopia. Of these, about RnrOrerPropnt; lines. China, particularly In the form of Idea of German mediation of the Social Security tax workers have building of a fourth floor above the ntbrother. They had reached the lower floor, JUl, too, I gueaa. Oh, poor Miss Jill. but was mere­ Mrs. Wentworth waited only un­ bad said John was dead. Ob, no,' and she saw Mrs. Wentworth reach Rome, (Correspondence of the As­ 580 owe their oonvictiona to Am eri­ supplies and financial credits. conflict was given new Impetus by been ejected from temporary quar­ preaent third floor on the east has / A O R W ENTW ORTH, JIB’e She loved him so." ly a convent- L til the secretary's door bad closed, no! It couldn't be. Surely, he was automatlcajly to turn the hall sociated Press)— Premier Benito can rellglSus missions. The others A proposal by China's Dr. V. K. movements of Japanese and Chinese ters In the civil service room on the been considered, but the architects SMOKED LITTLE HAMS lb. 27c iroUier. A few moments later, she was and then hastened down the stairs. only unconscious. The thought awltch, llo i^ n g the big itx>m with are proteges of various European ent way of ob-T Wellington Koo for “moral, diplo­ officers. third floor of the Hartford Federal said the foundktlona were not con­ Mild, sugar cured; whole or shank half. SYLVIA SUrrON, oU hetreea Mussolini has adopted a policy of Ai» •rfnnwot tlsmt ■tarted back In Crossing the still shadowed hall, brought momentary respite from pounding on Jack's door. And then missions. talning Inter­ matic and economic restraint” of (Colonel TakahashI, described as building because of civil service ex­ structed with that possibility of ad­ warm light. on Barry's. religious tolerance toward Ethi­ April when Martin Ruff of Olaaton- aggression excited comment today a member of the Japanese general aminations held there. Today It ditional burden in mind. Small, Lean, Fresh she s to ^ tor a moment outside the the blackness bearing down on her. The next moment they were opia's 10,000,000 natives, although With the field open to Catholic mission Ycr|| Yeeterdayi Barry and hie father Jack bad boundsd out of bed in­ bory and John Trymbulaka of Man- among the Far Eastern peace eon- staff now traveling In Europe, de­ door of the atuite. Then oulckly standing In the open study door. A Catholic churches are going up In teaching. Pope Pius has responded joarrel over monej-. Suddenly the stantly, answering the summons; making gunair cheater, had an argument over a fereea parted for “ southern Germany"—a Roost Beef lb. 35c opened It. ‘ ---- She summoned all her strength, scream rose to Miss Dexter’s Ups, the newly acquired domain under vigorously. Monslgnor Giovanni and for d?vel-1 ilder Wentworth cmmplea at his “Anything wrong. Miss Dexter?" boundary line came to a head today. Some diplomatic quarters believ­ term which, sometimes means BoneMsa Rolled Chuck Boaat tor Oven or Pot Pork Shoulders Barry w u standing as though went over and bent to the still form. and died toere, as abe felt Mrs. his direct orders. Castellanl already la Installed In optnr bands In A t the time of the spat Trymbulaka leak. Addis Ababa as Apostolic delegate, ed Dr. Koo's suggestion— made In Munich or Berchtesgaden, Reichs­ Roast. Best of-Beef! (CHAPTER XXI turned to atone, looking down at a She placed her hand on the hand Wentworth swaying againat har; “ Your father's Ul," Miss Dexter Thus n Dues has offered the Vati­ which to place them. It Is tor waa oonsldering giving a deed to an Armistice Day broadcast to the chancellor Hitler's Bavarian re­ figure outstretched on the rug. An that lay outflung on the rug. She then arms clinging as her employer spoke mechanically: can an open door In Ethiopia, and the first to be sent to Ethiopia. ns, the citizens of the great- the town of Manchester for land to Cnlted States—might have been In­ PORK LOINS lb. 25c at the same time left the way clear Under the Apostolic delegate’s eat country In the world, to treat. Brtghtwood Rib or Loin End. lb. 20c Mrs. Wentworth bad been star­ object, which she recognised dully recoiled with a cry. It was true. slipped without a word to the floor. "T il be with you In a moment,” natend HUlitown road to the Man- spired. Inasmuch as It followed a To \'lsH Hitler Face Rump lb. 38c S to 6 pounds each. tled out o f deep sleep by the sound as a heavy paperweight; that her He was dead. People might not be­ “My God!" Miss Dexter's frantic came Jack’s sober voice. for enlightenment of a non-sec­ Jurisdiction, Ethiopia baa been as­ preserve the peace for onr- rhester-Glaatonbury town line. He for Oven or Pot Roast. signed four Apostolic prefectures lengthy talk with the chief dele­ (The Japanese officer waa expect­ Sf loud wKces. And then, there was husband bad useiTror years, was in lieve what Barry said. They might thoughts ran. “The poor man's It had been more difficult to tarian nature and for the native selvesselvea and puri— posterttr— '— •- became Involved with Ruff and and two vicariates. Previously, gates of the United States, Britain ed to visit Hitler at one of those Roasting Pork—Strictly Fresh Bib >nc)(^er sound. Something had fall- Barry's hand. call It murder. died with bis heart. And now may­ awaken Barry. "Drunk as usual," pursuit of native faith. maintainingI ia m l^ ty narional Rosie Trymbulaka. coming to the church matters came direct to tbe defense. and France. places. A Chinese general, Pa Lt- Native PORK lb. 29c, 33c ! y) the room under her own bed. ‘ “ He'a dead," Barry whispered “ It She must do something. The be, Mrs. Wenthwrorth Is dying from Miss Dexter muttered to herself Mussolini's engineers have built, amlstance of her husband, used an Lamb Fores lb. 19c Vatican froni one prefecture and Ready To Talk Peace Taiang, returned from Brusaels and lyiUBband's study, was his heart" servants would be coming in. They shock." But finally, Barry's flush face ap- or are completing, eight Catholic old grub axe and cut Ruff on the Boned and Rolled if yon wish. Roast Pork lb. 25c churches with dozens of auxiliary four vicariates. It bos ahvaya beaa the poBoy The Chinese delegation; headed was said to bear a letter from Gen­ e was out of bed, pulling a And then as his mother’s a would find her grieved but compos­ She bent over Mrs, Wentworth. pearsd at the door. of the Davis Home Bakeiy, of bead. A body n « t baa been Issued eral Chlang Kai-Shek assuring Hit­ about her, shivering a little, guiahed eyes still held hie: “ Good ed. They must also find Barry In schools, dispensaries and clinics in to both Tfymbulaks and bis by Dr. Koo, announced only that the LAMB FORES There, her eyes were fluttering "W hat's the Idea of waking me S19 Main St., to maintain the ler that the Cflilnese government did lb. 18c SATURDAY SPECIAL STEAK SALE waa silly to be frightened by an heavens, mother! You don’t believe .his room, asleep In hla bed. open. She was moving. A t least Ethiopia. Further, D Duce has wife to HarUord because they were Chinese had assured Ambasandor- Boned if desired. at tha crack of dawn?" he had highest standards o f qmUlto not Intend to ally Itself with Soviet nfamlliar sound. Those careless I did this! We bad a row. Ha was Mrs. Wentworth shuddered vio­ she wasn’t dead. stimulated the Idea o f Catholic mis­ unable, or refused to pay a Judg­ At-Large Norman H. Davis, For­ queried, gruffiy. and servtoe. They wlU famisli Russia. SIRLOIN, SHORT ...... lb. 45c young people might have left the talking about cutting me out tor a lently as she remembered that she “I'm all right,’’ Mrs. Wentworth sion education. ment secured against them In a dvll eign Secretary Anthony Hlden and NATIVE "Your father-has bad a stroke or only baked g o ^ ot flnest Foreign Minister Tvon Delbos that (During hla stay In Berlin Colo­ PORTERHOUSE ...... lb. 49c ront door open and the wind might long while. I started toward him must go through the quiet house, said. She got to her feet and something.” Miss Dexter told him He estimates 800 priest mission­ quality and parity and offer suit nel TakahashI made no secret of lave blown something down. with this thing In my hand. 1 open the back door tor Barry, leav­ aries and 1,200 nuns are needed to A t the time of the mixup in HIIls- China was still willing to discuss steadied herself by the table. “ Get bluntly. ^'It looks pretty bad." prompt, conrteons servleo at peace, even In event of Japanese the fact thaf the Japanese military Chickens and Fowl lb. 35c FRESHLY GROUND HAMBURG ...... 2 lbs. 45c She went to the door that opened might have bit him If I had ever ing the lonely figure on the rug. the servants, and then call a doctor She bod the feeling that Jack aid Fascism in the work of “ Italian­ all times. Stop In today for town Officer Herman Muske waa izing" the conquered territory. The refusal of the conference's latest demanded resignation of Gcneralls- nto her husband's room and turned reached him. But before I got there But she was already doing It. tor Mr. Wentworth." bad felt the blow—eoftened as it some delicious c ^ e s, pastries, caUed. The fight bad been stopped Dcllclons Home .Made CHUCK BEEF GROUND...... lb. 29c Saleslan Brotherhood—famous for overture. slnv} Chlang, leader of the Central ihe knob. John was up. Tbat was be fall, hitting bis head— Passing swiftly through the ball, “ She doesn’t know It’s too late had been for him— much more than rolls or bread. by men employed on the road pro­ Chinese government. It was re­ unlocking a door. Then back, and Its work in South Africa—has been ject. Both husband and wife were A Chinese spokesman said Dr. LOWER ROUND GROUND...... lb. 35c t His bed bad not been slept In. “ You must get out o f here now, for a doctor,” Miss Dexter thought Barry. Though she had to admit ported that Hitler would not accept quickly . . . and get rid of that on up the stairs, to the east wing. authorized to lead the mission work before the town court and from the Koo's suggestion of International SAUERKRAUT In the upstairs hall, she met Miss She looked back from the door. that Barry had looked sort of sick Manchestitr's Best Buy such a condition If ho were to at­ lb. 5c She knocked on Miss Dexter’s door. On the other band, he has reno­ decisloa In the local court Judge pressure had not been supported— Saturday Only! 3exter hurrying from the other paperweight In your hand." Mrs. Wentworth was moving some and bothered. But that might be tempt mediation. FRESH PORK CUTS ON SALE PRIME MILK-FED POULTRY ON SALE “ But, mother, you can’t, you don’t "Miss Dexter! Miss Dexter!" It vated dozens of crumbling churches For Saturday William S. Hyde took an appeal to at least until now—by any definite vlng, looking like a little gray owl papers on the desk. Arranging liquor. I f be didn't watch himself, CThls was believed possibly to Fresh Cut Up Fowl, Our Kind, 7 0 was her own voice speaking. “ I'm of the Coptic congregation, by far And AO Next Week: the Superior Court In the June proposals to the conference. NA-nVE Fresh Bacon (Unsmoked), n her woolly wrapper, her eyes believe I did It? " them neatly. drink was certainly going to get No Radical Action have halted mediation pending a Pigs’ Knuckles or iund with alarm. “ it doesn't matter what I believe, frightened. 1 went to the bottom "She doesn't know w-hat ahe’s do­ him. the greatest numerically In the cen­ Date and Nat Muffins, SSo doz. harm Mrs. Trymbulaka pleaded SPARE RIBS, lb. 2 5 c tral Ethiopian uplands. Italian co­ One prominent statesman parti­ report by the Japanese colonel to Neck Bones, lb. . .. 1 5 c 'Then, you beard It, too,” Miss Barry,” Mrs. Wentworth whispered. of the stair and called Mr. Went­ ing," Miss Dexter’s thoughts ran on. A t JiU's door. Miss Dexter knock­ Delldoiu for breakfast. giiilty to breach of the peace and Fresh Pigs’ Hocks, n q Fancy, Large Fowl, 4 to Q ffi lonial officers have shown respect cipating In the conference said his government and the possible We Carry A Large Variety Of dexter whispered. "Do you think “ You mustn't be found here. Leave worth. He doesn't answer. I'm “ Making the room nice for the doc­ ed gently. Several times. But WORCESTER the case against her husband waa C.ALVES’ LIVER, 4 Vi pounds each, lb...... X C for the authority of Its "abundas," nothing In the way of ''radical'’ ac­ receipt of new Instructions. BEER ON ICE lb...... l O C t might be burglars?" the bouse. When 1 flash on the afraid he’s 111. You know his heart tor, when It Isn't a bit of use. Mr. there was no answer. DoUed. < lb...... Fancy, Fresh, Little Hen Turkeys, Q C or bishops. other Week-End Spcdala: A dvU suit was brought by Ruff tion was planned at present by the (A source close to the Germsn 4 5 c Fresh Spare Ribs, 2 4 ^ 'I don’t think anything of the lights In the hall, slip up the back tan't strong." Wentworth waa particular like that, “ I must think of some way to Chancellery reported a week ago OR.VNGES, O O Moselms In the east and south of Assorted Layer Cakes. .28e « against both and at the September 19 conferring governments. He em­ Ib...... 3 D C tlnd," Mrs. Wentworth snapped. stairs to your room. Lock the door Miss Dexter had put on the gray too. He always kept bis papers break It gently," she thought BALT phatically denied reports that a that Hitler expected to mediate the PUR.\SSOW FLOUR, dozen ...... d e s/ C behind you. Get undressed." robe again. As the thought of her the domain also have received the Chicken P le a ...... ISo ea. term of the Oommona Pleas Oourt Home Dressed Chickens to Roast, Q Q It’e 5 or 6, almost time for the stacked under the marble paper­ "She's so sweet. I f I could. I’d Meat P ie s ...... lOo < joint naval demonstration In the Chlnesc-Japanese war after unoffi­ 241, lbs...... Large, Sweet Floridas.______Fresh Pork Liver, emplyoer's possible Illness swept a Judgment of <1T5 waa given In ! 9 9 c lervants to come In. Burglars don't Barry’s face, frozen with fear, weight, In a nice, neat pile.” ispare her this trouble. Her mother Squash and Costard P ie s ___ Far East was imder consideration. cial feelers by both Japanese and Party Bowl Free! lb...... ^ U C 4 to 4 Vj pounds each, lb...... O %/ C aside nervous fancies, she said prac­ favor of Ruff. GRAPEFRUIT, ireak In at this hour. Mr. Went- registered for a moment before be It seemed a long time, but abe doesn't seem to think much of her, The Buggeetlon of Dr. Koo was Chinese. tically; "Poor dear, and you were Sweeten it with Domino ...... SOo-tOe ea. Tbs Judgment was never satisfied. 6 f o r ...... Small Fresh Hams from Home Dressed PRIME MlLK-FED VEAL vorth is up. He probably turned obeyed. knew it was only a few minutes be­ and her father loved the ground her Apple, Mince, Pineapple, Blue­ for restraint by “ peace-loving na­ (A Japanese foreign office source Don’t Forget To Order One of 2 5 c chair over. Go back to your room His mother waited a moment, afraid to go to the study. I guess fore the study waa filled with quiet, Judge Henry H. Hunt who ap- Those Tasty Home Style Pork, whole or shank half, rx p; little feet walked on." cane clean full weigh! berry, Peach, Prime and Apri­ tions" but without recourse to In Tokyo, however, said Japan was Boneless Rolled Veal to Roast, O lefore you wake everybody." averting her eyas from the still I upset you talking about burglars. sober-eyed servants. panred tor Ruff In ths d vll suit and . LUerwursts. JELL-O, lb...... Z O C She turned the knob quietly. Refined in USA cot Pies...... SOe-SSoea: won. this week appeared before force. “unable to accept any mediation 4 pkgs. . all lean meat, lb...... m D C Suddenly, she realized she was form on the rug, the white face with Don’t worry. 1 suspect be went to And then, Howell, the second but­ The room was revealed in dainty 1 7 c Pork Steak for Frying, 0 f\ lO lhfc- Judge Thomas J. MoUoy In the com The delegatton’s spokesman de­ whatsoever" and the Chinese dele­ FAR.M STYLE Ightlng a dreadful premonition of the dark spot on the temple. Her sleep. Tbat's all.” ler, was saying In a low but firm disorder. Jill's lovely dress was Order yonr Plnm Podding, clined to embellish the proposal but. gation at Brussels denied there was SUGAR CURED CORNED BEEF SST' Pies and F m lt Cakes Early m/CT, pleas court and made known B IT T E R , lb. .. 4 0 c LAND O’LAKES lb...... OVC llsaster. Barry bad been drinking head waa splnnnlg. She put out a "W e must go down,” Mrs. Went­ tone; thrown carelessly acros.e a chair. that bla client had not been paid borrowing a term from Jprcaldent a "single trace of tnith In the re­ PEAS, can ...... 1 1 c .ON SALE ast night. When he waa drinking hand to steady herself. This worth Insisted. “Nobody should go near him un­ Her satin slippers were near. A for Thanksglvteg. Rooeevelt's Chicago address against port.") nndsr the Judgment and had Fancy, Tender Calves’ Liver, 0 rv Lean Rib Com ^ Beef, m |w IS was always In an ugly mood. couldn't have happened. It was “ Yes, of course," Miss Dexter til the police come. It might not froth of silken things were on the aggressor nations, he said In some Suppose he had gone to his father’s only a nightmare. She would agreed. “ You poor thing, you're have been bis heart He'a had a bed, which was empty. Open All Day Wednesiiay. quested a l ^ y w rit respects execution of the plan lb...... « 5 U c « lb...... 1 5 c This waa granted and an exacu- There are more than 1500 foreign KLEIN'S FOOD STORE itudy— awaken soon, crying out as people shaking." blow on the head." tton eras Issued. The execution. Is would resemble a “quarantine.” Home Made Pure Pork q r; Fancy Boneless Brisket 0 0 “ Go back to your room. Miss Dex- did in troubled dreams; and she She sensed the sudden dependence M ra Wentworth's voice rang out (T o Be OonUnoed) Two Courses Open language newspapers In the United 1(11 Center St. Open Sunday Dial S25« In ths >««” Ss Deputy Sheriff Har­ Corned Beef, lb...... « 3 0 C at The conference waa in adjourn­ States. Sausage Meat, lb...... m DC old ffsaHng with Instructions to se­ Chuck Pieces (horned Beef, 0 pj cure ths money, or to have* the de- all lean meat, Ib...... o O C tondants furnish sufficient proof of A REAL VALUE! DAISY HAMS having property to the value of Mild sugar cured, ry 0 Salt Spare Ribs, 2 0 c gaUJS or to taka both Mr. and Mrs. lb...... O O C Saturday's Super Specials Spell Savings! All You Have To Do To Save Is C O M P A R E O U R PRICE&! Trymbulaka to Jell until the Judg- Small, I.,ean, Smoked Shoulders, O *7 flMttt Is SAtilflSAl* THE NEW Fresh Beef Kidneys, m f\ This would mean that while they mild sugar cured ...... ^ § C each ...... l U C aia In Jail the cost of keeping them would have to be paid by Ruff at SAVE ON THESE WEEK-END SPECIALS the rate of II a day for each. Deputy Sheriff Keating has call ad at the home of the Trymbulaka P O P U L A R M A R K E T I BUTTER—FairmonPs Creamery Better Butter ______lb. 39c | could find ito equity in the amount asked. As there are tnro y 855 MAIN STREET RUBINOW BUILDING Cheese—Whole Milk, medium snappy...... lb. 29c Everybody Saves at EVM BODY’S MARKET! small children that must be taken ears of be did not take them to JaU Gruyere Cheese, Tiger Brand (12 Portion 35c) 6 portion .... 33c FREE DEUVERYI GALL YOUR ORDER IN AS SOON AS HERALD IS OUT! DIAL 5721! whan he called. The property that “ WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP” Is owned by the defendants la mort­ Pabst-ett Cheese Ham Spread, delicious on toast...... pkg. 15c M * T O THE FIRST 50 CUSTOMERS SATURDAY MORNING WE W ILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING EIGHT BARGAINS gaged to the Home Owners Loan Large (lOo Size) Package «ii/i there is only a horse and a few Eggs, Native Strictly Fresh, medium size...... dozen 40c Large (I5c Size) Cellophane Bag ■ Buy One and Get One Free! ■ to Pounds Firm, Solid small tools that might be taken. Sugar, Confectioner’s XXXX Jack Frost...... pkg. 7c There la on record In the town WEEK-END SPECIALS Pancake Flour 5c I Corn Puffs 3 for 25c I 'Toddy'' Savin ea. 25c | Sweet Potatoes 10c dark's office a quit claim deed from Miracle Whip ...... quart jar 39c Mr. Trymbulaka to the town for Large (lOc Size) Can Pint Jar—Regular 2So! 16-- 18« lbs. Marlin, president of the United — 1 Automobile Workers, said today that Peanut Brittle, Royal Scarlet ... eedless Grapefruit 7'° 25' EMPEROR GRAPES “we expect a ctoeed shop In the auto 1 Fancy Dry Picked 4 industry very soon" and indicated Ivory Flakes ...... small pkg. 9c, large pkg. 21c the union's Interpretation of “closed Cut-up F o w l SPECIAL VALUE! DELICIOUS, TREE-RIPENED, JUICY FIRST OF THE YEAR OUT OF STORAGE! NO. 1 MeINTOSH OR GREENING shop" was based on 100 per cent 1 29« ^ Turkeys » 29* ^^Cea. 6 9 ^ Swedish Imported Peas...... union membership rather than Swedish Imported Brown Beans,.. These apples, ag In the past, are pot In eold stor­ agreements with management. SUCED MINCED HAM •...... lb. pkg. }f n age in order to preserve their flavor—tbsy're Jnst He made the statement In a press 1 COUNTRY ROLL I STAR I Swedish Imported Fat Herring.. ' 2 2 9 ^ like the day they were picked! Solid— F ir m - ranfrrence while outlining plans for Oranges APPLES 7 >-25 Tasty! conferenrea here tomorrow with del- BUTTER 1 LARD BOILED HAM AM. BOLOGNA egatea from union locals In General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor com­ Gold Medal pany plans throughout the country. Sale On Sealdaweet Florida Oranges, full PURE (Bulk) SUGAR New Crop Figs! pkg. lOe He said the committee negotiating 3 5 c lb. 10 lbs. 50c PALM & OLIVE SOAP .of juice, Yellow Globe Turnips, FLOUR! POKING OIL! 6bars 19c amendments to an existing agree- 2'‘’>'69* 1 2"”-2S* 2ibs.25« peck ...... Chcfltnuta! 8 Iba. 25c mont with General Motors would dozen ...... i b O C 29c 19c SCOTCH HAM lb. 39c meet again with corporation officials Fancy Large Grapefruit, O O Fancy Native Spinach, Local Hickory Nuts! MARVEL CLEANSER (1 Free!) 4 cans 15c this afternoon and “by S o'clock" peck ...... Lgst. 98c 99c gale 4 Ibfl. 25c should havs reached the stags where BAK ERY 3 f o r ...... 15c BOILED HAM lb. 39c a rsport can be made to the delegates Fancy Large Bunches Carrots, Q Fancy Well Bleached Olery, FAVORITE DOG FOOD 6 cans 25c for ratification or rejection. Fifty- 1 PIGS FEET F* c LAYER CAKES LOAF CAKES 2 hunches f o r ...... 2/ C bunch ...... Save Money On Strictly Dra locals will sand 290 delegates to 10c FINE FRANKFURTS NO. 1 POTATOES! Geod Look MMlon. lb. 19c Maxwell House COFFEE lb. can 27c Be said tha General Motors aego- 2 for 27c SPECIAL AT OUR BAKERY DEPT. 19c Peck, 75c Bushel PIE FILLING! FRESH EGGS! ttatlona have not considered a closed SAUERIOtAUT >^i,, 27c PURE LARD 2 lbs. 27c Fine TUNA FISH shop and added "but that doesn’t SO.METHING NEW! Home Made Open ’ NO. 2 POTATOES! Pnlkt Size...... 88e doz. 2 Ig. tins 29c hasp us from getting 100 per cent COFFEE RINGS DANISH PASTRY Apple Turnovers, membership." Apple Pies, Very Delicioual each 5c KOREAN CRAB MEAT 2 Ig. tins 35c 49c Bushel 3' pkgs. 25c Large S ize...... 89e doz. "Anglo" CORNED BEEF Ona hundred union delegates from Cottage Cheese Each ...... 30c Coffee Cakes Filled With Rasp- ry Ig. tin 19c SO Word plants also will meet tomor­ lOe 29^ doz. Coffee Cakes, Sugar Frosted, row to disniss plans tor an organ­ herry, Almond, Pineapple, each.. Swift's "ALL SWEET" OELO Pfellllpe'Fine PINEAPPLE OR Citron, Lemon, Orange ising program. This, Martin aald. 15c each. 2 for...... 25c lb. 21c IVORY SOAP (Medium) 5 bars 25c probably would include creation of Home Baked Beans, w PEEL! lb. 29c Floridh'Onnges I GRAPEFRUIT BANANAS W in esap Apples CHESTNUTS CRANBERRIES Squash or Pumpkin Pies, Tomato Juice! PRUNE JUICE! a "council" strallar to that named each ...... quart ...... ID C Kraft's AMERICAN CHEESE prior to ths General Motora’ strtka 30c lb. 29c Seedleas Raisins! 3 lbs. 25c WAXED PAPER (60 Sheets) 5pkgt.2Se hMt winter. Pound Cake, Cherry or Nut, And Our Usual Full Line of Home Made Dried Mixed Fruit! Askad about the number of UAW 25cl4 for 15«IS lbs. 25e|39e bskt. I 3 lbs. 25c 12 1^* 25« Ih...... Bakery Goods. Delicious CREAM CHEESE lb. 39c to Ford’s cmplor, Martto aald. 20c 3u.j^4..20e 3 25c 2 lbs. 19c WALNUT MEATS 1-2 lb. 25c Vo hawa enough to go hiMln COME TO THE STORE OR PHONE -> DIAL 5111 ’ ;.■! j.t- ■'‘‘t "■■>''■ = Z' ^ “ ■ '■■' *''■■'> :"■',.;^v *|U| PJLOB.FOCTMBBiy 1CANCSE8TER EVENING BERALD. MANCBE8TER. CONN, FEUDAT, NOVEMBER 12.1987 , MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BtANUHEBTER, CONN,. FRIDAT, NOVEMBER 12,1987 PAGEUFTBBIf 1^ day with tha explratkm e ( tha Praridnt mid, th« battm it win be period fo r which Nfurraganaett held for tha, buyer sad renter o f homee. LOOKI THCftC'S eral Bureau of Investigation, deelln. they vrsra again callad tc Manchss- planned to etop at Calala, Franca, MAR11ALUWMAT a Ucenae to conduct a meeting. PRESIDENT PLANS Amuml lacenw ' being mlsaiqg 11 days, recuperated Still awaiting hearing are ISOO,- th at' SWEU from exhauraon and bniliaa In a ed to dlecuu a kidnap theory. BRUSH AND GRASS FIRES tsr Green ro ^ to sstlngulsb anoUf PERMANENT ARMISTICE before proceeding to Sofia. HARTFORD M AN KILLED Another angle o f the study he cr. grass lira that bad started further 000 civil libel suite O'Hara and NEW HOT WHEAT FBI INVESTIGATES hoopttal today while Tedertl agents Doctor's Theory ORANGKS ^ArCANSEIT Quinn have filed agalnat each other ANOm PARLEY listed as a more or leas guatmateed pressed an Investigation Into his A t the time Dr. Seder disappear­ east from tbs firs In ths sariy part al.,ce their fued began, and a crim­ annual income for buUdteg trades C ER E ALl ed, Dr. Edward F. ReoMr, pwchla- KEEP FntEMEN A(H VE of tha aftsmooa. DAY GROUP TO MEET IN FARMINGTON CRASH mechanics. dlsappearancs. MANUFACTURERS HOLD' Sweet, Lascions \ inal libel charge brought agalnat [THE ONE WITH THE KIDNAPING REPORT '-he one-time head o f the West trial of the Huntington State hoepl- the Narragansett managing direc­ Ha esU the program, to be financ­ Virginia Anti-Saloon Ueague, Dr. tal said he believed that the retired ed entirely by private coital, would Both Departments Called Out Officers Win Be Elected Mon­ Hartford, Nov. 1a 1(APV—Prises oozing: with juice Expect To Withdraw Troops tor by the governor. Qvilnn baaed To Talk With Utility Execo- 'SURPRISE TASTE"! James I. Seder, was fotmd naar a minister might have been suffering supplement the Federal alu^FSSiSSV NEW HAVEN MEETING the latter charge on statementa In cave in a lonely wooded section 35 from a piyt^oeU which sent him Several Times Yesterday'To BANK OF FRANCE CUTS day Night At Army And A . Ries, 84, of Hartford, was klll44 start yoor days with a O'Hara’a Providence Star-Tribune. ance and low-coat homes project miles from Huntington yestsrday Into biding. Navy Gab And Reports In an automobile ooBMaa early this and would involve primarily indivi­ Extinffuisb Small Biases. bif clan of fresh Orange Soon A s Track’s License The fued revolves about Quinn’s thres Next Week Oo Low­ fMADE OF WHOU Dry Leader Found In Hills; by a farmer who heard him groan- Willard Seder, a eon and officer of morning on tha Farmington ootoS dual and small apartment > house DISCOUNT RATE TO 3 P.C. Read. Jnice sqneesed from these determination to drive O'Hara, m WHEATI GIVES the Bethlehem Steel Corporation In In addlUon to tbs brush firs to New Haven, Conn., Nor. 13 — naar CorWB*q Oemsr, Pannlngtoa. remocratic rival, from Rhode Is­ dwellings for the low Income groups. Fhttsbiinh, said he was "not at (A P )—Manufacturers from every wonderfully sweet and Expired Yesterday. er Property Values. Asked what was causing me YOU THE Glenn Johnson of nearby which No. 4 of the South Manches­ Tbs annual msetlng and election Rica disd apparaatly Instantly, land, aad O'Hara’s determination to Had Been Ifissns For Wayne gave emergency treatment liberty'’ to eay whethsrne believed Paris. Nov. 13y—< A P )—Ths Bank section of Connecticut gsthered juicy Oranges. It will pep remain. The turfman-publisher slump In the construction Industries, OLD ilPI hla father had been kidnaped or ter fire department was called yes­ of officers of ths Permanent Armls- .lere today to attend the annual when tha .^esr in whidi hs was rid* the President enumerated: and said both_0f Jeder'e eyee had of Francs today lowered the dis­ up energy and build up characterized Quinn’s employment whether ransom had been demanded terday morning on School strsst, Uca Day commlttM will be held nr.eetlng of tbelr association. lag was struck la ths rear by an­ High real estate costa and the THAT'S RIGHT, KIOSI AND The Last Eleven Days. been blackened, apparently by a count rata from three and one-hall resistance to eolda. Pawtucket, R. I., Nov. H — (AP) o f troops as the “ malicioua" tactics Washington, Nov. 12— (AP) — blow. 0 paid. Willard and another aon. there were two other calls for com­ to three per cent. Monday evening at a o'clock In uie It was expected more than 400 other machlna. Two othar pstnoas A President Roosevelt said today he problem of getting traneimrtatlon would attend the biutmesa session — A prediction that martial law of a "dictator.” DON'T FORGET TO TEti Albert Honk, who found the re­ Arthur Seder of SL Paul, came to panies of the South Manebsster de­ Ths change followed reports that Army and Navy club. Reports ot In tbs ear with Rios received minor would talk with private power util­ to town for persons who go out of In the late afternoon when officers might be lifted aoon at Narragan- MOTHER POST-O COOKS tired Ehrangellcal minister and to> Huntington to direct 'Jie' eearch for partment during the day. At l:)iu gold la retuming la large quanti­ sub-committees for the past year Injuries and were dlaehaigsd after ity executives next week, presum­ population cinters to obtain low Huntington, W. Va., Nov. 13 — and four directors will be alectsd. aett Park race track came today for OBID INJrRIES FATAJL n,ar miseionary, said Dr. Seder told tbelr 'father. yesterday aftemooo No. ). Company ties to the bank's vaults. Advances will* be given. Arthur E. McCann la treatment at Hartford bos^taL ably about his efforts to get them acreage coats. FERFSCTIT AND THOROUOHIY Chief address of the eonferenee d o r. lieutenant governor ttaymond B. (A F )—A T9-year-old dry loader and bln, be had bMn kidnaped and bald Son's Statement was called to extinguish a .rass fire on securities wars brought down the retiring chairman of the com­ According to PoUeeman Donald BUTTER to lower property valuations with a . Coat o f BUterials WUIard said: will be given by Joseph B. Ely ot Jordan. Bridgeport, Nov. 13.—(AP)— IN ONIT THREE MINUTES f former miseionary, found aftef captive but F. E. Veterl: of the Fed- In the rear of 88 Palrfisld straet and from four and one-half to four per mittee. Groosman of Farmington, tha aeci* view to brining down electric Cost o f materials and coat of "The matter of prime concern .o Wet^leld, Maas., who dtrvsd tsrms dent occurred about 3:30 ajn. whan Head of the atate government In Thomas U McGuire, IS, died at hla labor in some sections. at 11:30 last night No. 8 Company cent and on SO-day advances from It Is expected plans will be formu­ the absence o f Governor Robert E. rates. my brother and me is that we have as governor ot Massachusetts. He th:- Rice car, either parked, or back­ lb. home Thursday evening a few The fact that there has been lit­ was called to 133 Flrch strest to 'ui- three and one-half to three. lated Immediately for the organixa- ^ In n at Washington, Jordon aaid He told a presa conference be did our father back and bli chances of will speak at the evening session. 2 uled opening, of. N ar^ a n aett's fall brought home by companions with the bousing and heavy building erials. He said very high interest Blood-stained b^clotbing lay In a fires. The first call came at 13;lb fered at a rata under two per cent tee, said yesterday the name of rick, Hartford, also a passenger, re­ meeting. He aaid he acted to quell whom he bad been playing and com­ field. ROYAL SCARLET STORES Seedless Grapefruit rates charged for what he" called cave near the spot where Dr. Seder yesterday afternoon when 15 mem­ —It bad been as high as 14 and 15 R IN G RETDBNINO HOBIE Harold D. Fairweather of Hartford ceived minor lacerations. “ Insurrection" there. plained of palna in the head. They In the housing study, the Presi­ first, second and third money, was was found and the Huntington Her­ bers of the department went to par cent would be proposed for treasurer. Both Martin and Bradley were For three and a half weeki the dent said two prime factors were another factor. troopa prevented racing, though the did not realize the aerlousnesa of ald-Dispatch said it had teamed It Exchange experts said the bonk London, Nov. 12.— (A P ) —King Nominations for the four director­ held on technical charges of reck­ hla injury, however, until he loet being given attention—to get capi­ Theae rates, he sold, run on the "WISE HOUSEWIVES' Manchester Green road to sx- K race aecretary posted entries each tal to go into the field and to gain was from the Seder home In Hunt­ tlnguisU a brush and grass firs, "must have purchased nearly one Boris of Bulgaria, accompanied by ships, Williams said, would be H. H. less driving. Bond for each was day and regularly scratched them conaclouaness. average more than 8 per cent in the Buy only the best at lowest possible prices. That’s why. ington. Veterle declined to dlscusa hundred million dollars" In the for­ Queen Glovanna and their 4-year- Kapp of Danielson, C. L. Campbell placed at 81,000. the double objective o f low interest north and from 10 to 13 per cent In which was stubborn. They bad just 4 25* a rev. hours before post time. and low building coats. particular shoppers buy st Royal Scarlet Stores where lU bearing on the Investigation. returned when a call came to ex­ eign exchange market and that the old daughter. Princess Marie of Hartford, R, E. Pritchard of New The Injured men were taken to the south. Louise, started for home today aft­ The need for troops ended yester­ ‘ Caraway seeds are fruit. The lower these costa are, the Quality and Economy rule. Relatives barred visttors ftpm Dr. tinguish a grass fire at Woodland market for the franc now Is suffl- Britain, and Edwin Pugsley of Hartford hospital by West Hartford er a week's visit in London. They New Haven. BALDWIN APPL^ New Crop English Seder’s room at the bospltarbut at­ and Hilliard streets and at 4 o'clock clenUy strong to lower rates. policemen and a passing motorisL A il advertisements, with certain tendants said bis condition was fair. 16 qts. 75c 4 lbs. 25c WALNUTS OR exceptions, in the daily newspapers ROYAL SOABUET BOYAL SCARLET and magazines o f Lima, Peru, will Banorkraut, Jumbo Marrow Beans, O C ^ • <1 DELICIOUS APPLES MIXED NUTS be subject to an ad valorem tax of large cane, 3 tor . . . . m O C 1 lb. pkg., 3 f o r ...... 10 per cent under a law recently Cut BMts, Pea Beans, Q TO CROWN SUlHirr ST, 3 lbs. 25c enacted. large oona, 3 tor .... 4faOC 1 Ib. pkg...... v C lb. Cot Ureea or Wax Beans, Lima Beans, 1 1 Ib. pkg...... iU C PROVIDE GOOD DRAINAGE McIn t o s h a p p l e s No. 3 can, OQ m Self Serve and Health Market Saturday Specials PEARS...... 6 for 2Sc 3 f o r ...... a SFC Green BpUt Peas, T C ^ 2 lbs. 50c Nat. Garden Pens, O Q ^ 1 lb, pkg., 3 l o r ...... A O C nCS DATES Best Grade! so le No. 1 can, S f o r ...... m UC B. B. Chocolate SPECIAL DEMONSTRA'nONi Northern Jullenae Camta or 4 Q ^ Armour's Slaw Beets, No. 3 oaa, 3 for A •/ C Pudding. 3 pkga.' 2 5 c 'Asparagus flpa, Q C - S Sherbet Ghuttee Free With Each Purchase. TURKEYS Lb. 3 C lOi/j os. can, 3 fqr . . . O O C HAM Lb. 2 7 c B. A Egg Noodles, O 7 . PUTNAM FreriiFresh KlUed Young HtHeael 5-10 Poimda Average. U IR D S EYE Bye-Thin Health Armour's Star, Short Shank, Smoked Large Roasting >rooos Brood, pkg...... 2 5 c raosTsd^ Regular $1.00 bottle o f Medium Prunes, 1 Salt Uerringe, COFIIEE 3 Ib. pkg...... 1 / C 1 0 c SHOULDERS Lb. 2 2 c 5 Lbo. Aver. Lb. Moltez Bruakfaet Black Raspberry Jelly, O C _ CHICKENS "SECREToeJEURELLE" Food. pkg...... a OC 13 OB. j a r ...... ^ O C Armoar*i Pure H.-0. Oata, 1 1 .• B. B. Coeoa, | Lb. ib. can, 3 f o r ...... A O C 34c FANCY FOWL Each 73e 1 9 . WEEK! B. L. Tomatoes, LARD lLb.Pkg. porohaao o f a |3.M 14 with purchase of 13c Na. 1 QuaUty > pkga...... large can, 3 for . . . . 2 7 c some jpots, only a few Inches high. BUax OloM OoffM fitoker get 1 Oox Gelatine, Regular Size Hale's Milk Spinacll Special box 19c Prices For Economy Dog Food, ...... Prime Rib or Pot ;#:■ S cokes of CAin AY Friday and Saturday 3 eona ...... B. 8. Whole reeled Seve-On Dog Food, BREAD Loaf 6 C No. 1 Tan Coa Sonbeam R aspbcrciC C Special box 1 9 c Aprteots, Ig. can . . . settle on the walk. Sliced or Unslloed. B. S. Pineapple ROASTS Lb. 32c Large Size Whole Apricots WAX BEANS .'...... box 19c Naggete, Ig. can.. ■. FRESH OYSTERS Fresh LANDO’LAKES EDMUND BEACCHEBfIN ILL SUNDAY Butter lb. 4 i « FB U m AND VEGETABLES H P l a t i g c « “‘ 3 5 c SQUASH...... box 19c Florida Oranges, O O ANGEL CAKES DINNER Torrlngton, Nov. 12.— (A P )—Ed­ l i e SHOULDERS BIEAT DEPARTMENT 2 cans 4-S Pounds Average. 21c RHUBARB...... box 19c PEAS OR Actvol SIm mund BMUchemln, president of the Newton-Roberteon Individual 29c Fresh Ground Connecticut Fish and Game Asso- STRAW­ 4 lbs...... 10-13-Pound Lolna BHi GREEN B E A N S ...... box 19c Baker's Cocoa Hamburg, Ib...... OUC BERRIES A rggulor $1.00 bettU of *S«crst d* 2 15* Orapefmlt, Small Sausages, COFFEE CAKESPkg. of 8, Each 3C No. 1 Tan Oaa Stmbaam J9urg|t«*'-*«iteitinQ, •xotle, •xp«n»/v« nww 4 f o r ...... Ib...... 3 8 c Lb. YOUNG BERRIES...... box 19c 20c McIntosh Ap ROAST PORK 26c fregrone#— jrowrs now for onlylM Anomot* lea. Box SUced Gold Medal or FUIabary*e CHOPPED STEAK...... Ib. 19c tng effor, for this fino porfumo is biondod Campbell's Beans 5 lbs. .. Bacon, lb. 4 5 c f 4 9 c Yellow Cling of roroondcottly Bcontt by Iho world-fomout 2 2 0 * Tokay Grupea, Moifion Joorollo. Cot yovr bottio TODAY. 3 lbs. .. FOWL FOB FBICA88EB donger list. FLOUR 24Vi Lb. Bag 99c LAMB LEGS u> 29cb 32c Averuge weight over 3 pounds Pinehurst 1*11000 Scrrlce Until 8:00 Tonight. LettuceCelery Oerrota PEACHES GAY COMPANION —"Secret de Fine QnaUty Creamery Baker's Chocolate 2 ^ * Puraaine Toealps 9 9 c - 2 * " $ 1 . 9 7 FEATHER FOR DONA'HON Jeurelle"! An odor that’s 4i}~ 29 Soup Baaehes Fresh Peas STEAKS AJerent because it’s ntw — t subtly Spinach Craaberriea Large Roasting Beaetttely, leader, Ftamp, Freek 2Lbs. fragrance chat w ill thrill men's Sweet Potatoes Chickens, lb. ... 4 2 c BUTTER 77c Cans SI8 LO IN OR CUBE OR hearts—a perfume you w ill always TURKEYS...... lb. 39c Legs of Lamb e Van Camp's want to use! At Meat Markets Brightwood Fresh Pork Roast. Swedish Korf, B rl^tw ood Fresh Shoulders. armed with large red feathers as SHORT TOP RO U N D DUCKS...... lb. 32c And it's yours now —a regular (.ean—^Tender nx ...... 3 8 c Brightwood Fresh Spare Ribs. they set out this morning to raise No. 1 Tan Can Bun beam $1.00, half-ounce bonie, for just $795,478 tor the Hartford Commu­ MILK 3 Cans ^m^^C when you buy 3 calces o f Casnty. nity cheat. Each contiibutoi J FOWL, 4 to 4V2 lbs. .. lb. 34c Pork to Roast lb.27c Order your Thankaffivinff Turkey or Chicken now. The get a feather. Bartlett Pears W e make this unusual offer just Lb. 49c Lb. 45c ROASTING CHICKENS FRYERS BROILERS so you w ill ^ Camay. W e feel that Boneless— Fancy * quality wiD be the best and the price riifht. Dial 4076. Special Sale of Canned Vegetables once you give your skin Camay’s gentle care, you'll want to keep on Sl-Ounoe Coa Armour's using it regularly. For you'll find Pot‘•.s Roast Ib. 35c-38c AT St. Lawrence Golden Bantam 2 s Cans 2 5 c OYSTERS no other leading beauty soap has Qenalne SpriBK Roast Pork stewing...... pint 33c CORN BURSACK BROS Pork & Beans lQ c,2 ,„19c the same velvety lather O m ay has. Red and White CORN Can 10C Whole 10 to 11-lb. atrlpe. Ckope eat OYSTERS Camay's bubbles get skin clean, ONLY Tan Caa Ubby*s Hale's Cluality Bed Bag Frying...... pint 48c leave it fw lin g fresh, alive! Legs of Lamb lb.29c Fancy Golden Bantam If yam wlah or Rib Roast of Pork. Boned and Rolled N o other beauty soap is miUer Nation-Wide Stores ^ It^s CfU^r Treat/ SPARE RIBS No. 2 6 Cans 57c Doxen $1 «09 Red Salmon COFFEE BEEF LIVER..lb.25c than Camay. In tests against all All day Ssmrdiy— ___ Lb. 19c ocher leading beauty soaps, on Veal to Roast lb.29c Tins CBEAMEBT / /. C oos sad try ths Hole's Orange Pekoe lb. PIGS’ FEET every type o f skin, Camay came No. 3 Can Burt Olney*a Diced 2S< Boned and Rolled ^ V ' tssty osw drink- Cook With Kraut out JefsHsUly, p rovM y sniUer, " Hot Cbocolsts mads with—’ 27c TEA Note Lower Bacon Prices! ib.sy2c And you’ll find no other beauty Red BUTTER M b. roll 39c CARROTS 1 0 c ___ Lb. 39c soap is finer than Camay or better Lamb Shoulders Ib. 19c C a n i a t i o a la rg e Package Boftoailk for your skin. This 1< offer is New England Dressed Chose B Saabem’s MILK really going fast—to buy three and Plenty of Sanaage, taiclndlng Deerf oot aad Rrigktwood. 6 Cans Doxen cakes o f Camay loJay and for 14 5 7 C $1*09 IRISH TEA CAKE FLOUR m lin k Sanaage or Sperry a I Sliced Bacon...... lb. 42c more, get your bottle o f perfome. Fresh Shoulders lb.24c White cans ___ 27c Hunshlne Bamee’ Bog Sanaage, Bacon Squares Lower At the soap of Brisket Coffee 2 5 c No. 3 Can Shoe String 33c lb. • HUKItrr HUKItri rear domfts't Fancy C c beautiful women Uffly h galag qakUyl Natloa-Wlde Blue Bag 1 -43 Mortini Crackers apt,,. 25^ Corned Beef lb.35c Sifted CARROTS 1 0 c LAMB LEGS— 6V2 lbs. and over...... ; ...... 32c lb. Rib Coffee •*>• 2 0 c Bakei^ Baking Shoulders of Lamb, boned or with chops cut off . .lb. 21e 6 Cans FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Corned Beef lb.16c Campbeira • 5 7 C d.».$1.09 GROUND BEEF for meat loaf, Q Q ^ SWEET PEAS P r i c e s a n d CHOCOLATE Juicy, Sweet, Florida pound ...... O a j C Garden Fresh Burt Olnay*s SUeed Oordeu M L b . PATTERSON’S MARKET Beef Liver lb.23c Tomato Juice 3 2 5 c Q u a l i t y ORANGES 15c Wilson Ham Rolls ,.. Ib. 45c Canadian Bacon. B u TELEPHONE 3386 101 CENTER STREET Ralston's _ BEETS 1 0 15c Fresh, Juicy Wilson Cooked Hams, whole Fresh ShoaMers. Sausage Meat 2 3 5 < Jack Frost Sugar, rf a c or shank half...... Ib. 41c Fresh Hams. PATTERSON’S MARKET—THE PLACE TO TRADE, Ib. 27c 10 lb. cloth bag...... OX Butt Halves Ham___ Ib. 38c Chop Saey...... Ib. 29c . BECAUSET OF THE REPUTATION WE HAVE MADE. BveaJefast Food 24 oz, pkg. 2 1 c Maitex, a o Dos*n $1*09 H-Fouad Box Baker's GRAPEFRUIT 5 17c Veal Cutlets and Roasts. Boneless Pot Roasts. pkg:...... l O 6cans57C SUNSWEET Freeh It is coming near Thankssrivingr, it is not too early to leave Prune Juice I'-iug 1 9 '^ Kellogg's Bran, o 1 St. Lawrence Fresh CELERY MUSHROOMS your order for Turkey, Chickens, Fowl, Ducks, etc. We take a Crisco or Spry large pkg...... ^ X CRANBERRIES Spry, 4\ 1 LIMA BEANS 2 Lbs. 25c 'W ^ f Double StsDu lb. 29c s:reat interest in the orders we get and you are sure you get 3 Ib. can * can 1 0 c IS-Quart Boalcet, Medium Size, Oellelous the best. Kre-Mel Puddings 2 1 0 * 5 5c 19c Pumpkin, n (J 3 largest cans...... ^ O CARROTS • f o r Cleaning! Fancy Alaska 6 Cans I><»eB APPLES y-- A Favorite! Sauerkraut, n p* 5 7 C $1w09 39c 1 2 * “ • This week-end we have some real large.Native Chickens from d'/j lbs. to near- Om Flo Sbo Osa Fresh, Large Iceberg 1 OAKITE .-.— ...... 2 pkgs. 21c IVORY SOAP . .. .M< 3 largest cans...... m O 2 bunches 15c^ Ijr 8 lbs. They are nice too and Fowl also which are priced at 32c lb.. Chickens 37c lb. Bped Salmon tail can 2 3 c ' SL LawieBoa Ooldaa Out Bed and White Fancy Bed aad White Green Giant Peas, O Q BLUEBERRIES - ' RED GRAPES LETTUCE Head 7 C Scotch Ham with the exclusive taste 45c lb., spiced or plain. Scotch Sausages, SUced PEACHES... 2 tins 27c CORNFLAKES, 21g. WAX BEANS Cut LETTUCE 9c Tomatoes, O Q lOc Freeh lb. 10c aUecd or in the link 28c lb. Our good Tea 60c lb. Everybody likes it Smith's Tellow or Oreea Shirley TCmple's Cereal! E^p. Milk 4 tall cans 2 7 c 3 largest cans...... dbO Can 16c 2ror31c Cnenmbers...... ea. lie SPLIT PEAS ...... 3 pkgs. 25c PUFFED WHEAT ... .pkg. 8c 4"' Rib Roasts ...35c, 38c lb. Fresh Brisket, Cabe Steaks...... 45c lb. Krasdale Flour, Q a 6 Prudence Hash, 2 cans 39c Red Band Cana 5 7 C SPINACH Peck c Ripe Tomatoes...... Ib. 15c Boneless...... 28c lb. Red aad White 9 Ib. b a g ...... 4b X DcSIcOO 11 CampbcU’a Pot Roasts ... . 28c, 32c, Veal Steaks, Porterhouse FRESH FRUITS AND Face Rump — Boneless Yellow 35c, 38c, 40c lb COFFEE...... 1 lb. bag 19c Grapefruit Juice___2 tins 29c Maine Clams, O Q Tomato Soup . .3 cans 23c Native Corned Brisket, and Short Steak. VEGETABLES Oven Roast, S t Lawreaee Out Befngaa ' Center Cat Roast Boneless...... 28c Ib. I 3 cans...... 4bO Cranberry Sancc. .can 15c Spinach...... Vi peck 18e Apples, Fancy O C - Ib...... Here’s good valn^— ...... 34c lb. Fresh Pork Top Round...... 45c lb. 39c Pure Catsup, g TURNIPS 5Lbs. 14c 4^-'i BLUE LABEL - ?**• CMking, 6 Ib^ .. fc O C BEANS Can PEA BEANS Yellow Globe Sikonlder Steak ... .29c lb. Shoulders, Fresh, O Q . 3 large bottles'...... duO 10c HeaHhfnl Tomato Jnice! Center Pork Chops 35c Ib. Shoulders...... 23c Ib. Karo Ssrrup Fancy Orances, O Q ^ Large Bunch Fresh Plat bottles of Bine Label Turnips...... Vi peck 13c lha ••aeaeeoaeoo Lifebuoy Soap, g ? . V doxen...... cake ...... O 2 for 23c Swift’s and Puritan Daisy Hams «44c lb. Swift’s Saroked Shoulders 2.5c Ib. Lamb Fores, 'P .:^ CaoUflower. Rinso, small sin Q 6c™57e Dona $1*09 Sisa Can I P C BROCCOLI SUced Cheese...... Ib. 35c SwifCs real Spring Lamb Legs 30c, 32c Ib. Swift’s Lamb Rolls made out of lean J. Brogan P. F.C^hion *> G. {..antieri Ib...... 10c SwIh Cheese... Vi Ib. 42c .... 13c •19c Pkff- ...... O Green Beans. Lamb 29c Ib., tender, tasty. Lamb Chops, Rib, Loin, Shoulder. * K Plae Street M. UIS Boot Center Street Plmae 88M Mcato aat. Uroeerica Daisy Hams, ' BartOfamy'aOoldeaBaatana Old Factory Cheese, Ib. 35c Sweet Potatoes.. .5 lbs. lOe ■5 COataa Street m tan Sweetheart Soap, a m GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH CASH SALES. ' ' L ' ' Depot Sq. Market D. Herlihy Jr’' .....lOc Ib...... 39c 3 bars ...... X / Meats aad Oreeeriaa A good beef loaf is always deiraUe, economicaL Round Ground 40c Ib. Beef 145 Main S t ^ Tel. StM Frank Hillery , Krasdale F ^ h CORN .c-2 5 c FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS FOR 61.00 AND MORE. toa Ne. Mala S t TM. ISSS Hartford Road fel. Hlhl. Ground 28c ib. Veal Ground 30c Ib. You can get pork added or veal as desired. PATRONIZE THESE NATION-WIDE STORES: Prunes, 2 largest cans 4u # KITTEL’S MARKET I W. HARRY ENGLAND /Toqd'\ 6cua 71c 'P.inchu n t Qroa'nt ^nc. f ' f000\ U Blasen St. TeL 43M I Maaeheatar Oreea TM. 5451 / D li.: . *•'- N " Free delivery, quality goods, coorteoua aervice. A foD line of first class groceries, RED & W H ITE BlIRSACK BROS. No. 3 4 Caa Burt Olaay'a Pnilts. VegeUbIcs, etc. WE CLOSE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS. 45S Hartteid Bead — T«L MEI JW. HAX4 CORK NaOsa-WMa Fsofi I ia< Mow I GROCERY PUMPKIN c12cv 6 ,.6 9 c M A N C H R S T R R . C O H M * 183 Spruce Street

P m . J By MARTIN y'HMOVA), »^O»0Ey~ IM OE POfeT PLACE.AiU. OE 9 0 ^ 0(*)CS MEEEE 60lt MEESE .EXCEPT EEEK3 NOO AT OE TEN «OOM *. OKAV». WOVd. SOMETHIN' OFKH, THSet \T VOMS THYS TVMMVtihi’ S O O T * DEV A\MT (&(AJ)h)E EEMJ VOO OOT HOH r V)KV LOK16 E’POPE BUY CLASSIFIED W EUOMO C(JR\A , IK VO O U 5 T E W NONE LE&E'h) OEV!> ‘Ihomao, who have Icnown him. Hla name la Ruth, IS hla own conceit, nor make the gage and oariieaa repairing. t.Yiaa V’ANTED—EXPERIENCED sales­ Foster streeL fights Schmellng next month, was rMstake of taking the conceit ot the boyi and girls have any time WHAT'S TH’ WITHIN AAV BRAIN, A STUPENDOUS lady, state qualiflcatlons. Write Fresh eggs„ delivered direct trom stop wide open. (George Herman (Babe) Ruth, ohdl Laktng. Wl Cambridge street, leie- Carlson A Son Poultry Farm. I'ele- FOR RENT--0 ROOM tenement, The extravaganza Is the result of bom Henry Pontitu and once caught for nearly 20 years he wan the beat 1 I others for Wisdom. or energy left for what atlll Is the AVO-TER'? NOU IDEA-— ^THE WONPER-IS THAT pbone 4740 Box J, Herald. for Los Angelea in tbs Pacific Oiast known and gTeatest baaebalier In prime business of the schools. phone 4217. with all modem Impiovementa, hours of drill on a regulation size LOOK CUCKOO, SOAAE OTHER OREAT AMNP HAS garage If desired. Adults prefer­ gridiron marked on the Mlaslasippi L«ague ... guess you all noticed the business. You’ve bean out with worse­ —Dr. N. Henry Black of Harvard. WB 8PB(nAl.lZE IN applying Mr. Dlxxy Dean didn’t rate even WANTED—EXPERIENCEL' cook. FOR SALE—NATIVE llv' turkeys. red. Inquire 35 Lewis streeL river bottom flats near the campus. It la strange that the flrst turn* looking fellows than I am, haven't AMCHOREO -THERE NOT THOUaMT OF IT BEFORE-^ asbeatoa sidings and recovering Order early. Joe Schaub, 188 HUls- honorable mention In the poll for stile tickler of the game comes back You have a great deal more In­ roota Wnrkmansoip guaranteed Call 4131 or 4279. It was all diagramed flrst In dialk you? aAPiKJtS A T T h a t MV WORD.' THINK OF THE town Road. Phone 4678. FOR RENT—ON OR ABOUT Nov. talks to the band. It took weeks to the National League’s most valuable to the sport headlintxi not as mana­ terest and excitement about raunlet- Painting and Arpentei work. A A. player ... Charlie Woods, aem- She did not reply. JJEVOLVDsia p o o r / MILLKONS WHO PASS THROUaM 15. three 5-room and one 6-room formulate such designa as the Iowa ger of a major league team, but as 1 said you've been out wltn pal elections in tbla country than | Dion, 81 WelU street. Tel. 4IMS0. H E U ' w a n t e d — nat tenements. All ImprovemenU. pij and the Minnesota gopher, which sbn's classy center, baa played 387 a member of a golf foursome that we have In ELigland. a r e t o u r P O O S REVOLVINO P007a«'-'-*-ANP IT of a possible 420 minutea this year worse-locking fellows than 1 am, i MALE OK FEMALE .27 AKTK i.ES HIK SALE 4.' Write, staUng place of employ­ now wags Its tall. will play for chtrity at Fresh Mea­ haven’t you? — Donald Attwater, English lectur­ and snapped the ball 874 times dow In Flushing, L. I., Sunday. CHAINEP TO THAT RBMAINEPFOR THE iNOENUrTV ment, to Box N, The Herald. “Practice?’ director Gerald Pres­ “I beard you the first time. I was er and writer. WANTED—BOYS AND glrla to USED STEAM furnace, for 6 or 7 without a miscue ... nice going. Three other notables wdll play SPCrr, O R MAS TH' OF A HOOPLE TO GRASP THE POSS- cott said. “It takes about six hours Butch. tiylng to think." pick , barberry hemes lOo per rooms. Inquire Walter Kohls, cor­ of concentrated practice for a slx- with the big fellow; mysterious John The time-honored tradition of PROST SPRUNO iBiLmss IN t h e a a / u m f — h a w - Caam ass aneaaa eetas •• a Noe Montague, the degendary California iBitlale seaihsra aad abareelsiloas pound paid cosh when bernes are ner Maple and Clinton streeta. DIISINK.S.'« 1,01 ATIONS ralnute performance. We have just aborting pneumonia by becoming TH' HOOPS ON SWUFFV, VIDU SMALL-BE THE FIRST NOTICE Telephone 8232. Cloutier, and Mrs. Sylvia Annenberg Ever notice that the fellow who sack aoeef as a oarO sag aamaaaae delivered at office Allen Place. Not FOR fE N T 81 as Intricate formations as the foot­ Is always In n burry Is usually late. drunk has in our experience only VOUR THINK TO HAVE THE OPPOKTUNITV TO wares as twa oarOa Mlalatssi seal Is necessary to call o phone, will ball team, and my men work as will pair against the Babe and an­ the support of wishful thinking. artes a« ikroa m SOUTH MANCHKSTER FIRE $EANS(M BEATEN other “Babe” , the wiry Mias Dldrlik- B A R R E L ^ JWVBST take all clean berries brought m hard as the varsity squad.” Husband—Have you ever wonder- —Dr. J. O. M. BdUown of New York Lios ratas oar Oav DISTRICT C. E. Wilson & Co. F U K I A N II F K K II 49 A FOR RENT-STORE at 995 Main son. University College of MedliUne. SO M E street Apply Edward i HolL There Is a lot of interest In ths ad what you would do Lf you bad If. iwr ANNUAL MEETING IN A PHOTO FINISH CAPITAL/ FOR SALE — SEASONED bam other three, but it all comes back to Rockefeller’s income? Cm I» CHarv* ..he big fellow. As soon as he hit Wife—No, but 1 have often won­ They come without warning and • Qm m m u v * Omf Notice ta hereby given to all the SITUATIONS WANTED— wood, sawed atove lengtb and un­ Spjrts Roundup leave the same way. — • OeeeewUvelv« Da m ••I • II vtv FEMAI.E der cover S& UU pel load, caab. L. W A N T E D I'D K E N l < Uwn yesterday he went out to dered what he would do If he bad I o v ...... ••••.| tl It legal votera of the South Manches­ Baltimore, Nov. 12—(A P )—Hum­ Fresh Meadow for a practice round. mine. —Elennor PowelL doneer^ctress ter Fire District ‘ hst the Annual T. Wood iU>. Pbone ftftytf. By EDDIE BRIETZ commenting on new dances. All •rA*r» fM irr****!*# PRAtrriCAL NUPSE would like WANTED—3 OR 4 ROOMS, tene­ bled by a mare in hla laat 1937 ap­ He bad, he said, been tracking bear, will to toanito •! ito ••• iimv m * Meeting of anid District will be pearance, C. S. Howard's Seabtscult. flto«l«l totto f*f Iwfit awr? work, taking care of baby, or light ment or flat. Call 3316. New York, Nov. 12.— (A P )— dee. and assorted wdid ilfe In the BUI’S Booster There Is nothing dramatic about held In Hose House No. 3, Friday money-winning king of the turf this north w(X)ds for about 12 miles a I’re got troubles now Samantha, toy •4torti*Ni9 fftvM •po* rwtoft evening, November 12, 1037, at 8 housework. Write Box G, Herald. HOI SEHOl.l) (;OO0S 51 Broadway Lullaby; Max Schmellng, me; I am the antithesis of dra­ Ato •rtorto tof»r* ito ibtrA «r flfito WANTED TO RENT 3 room apart- just off the boat, hurrying to the year, turns westward tomorrow to dLy. but he was ready, or trould bs Tve got troubles now wltb BUI, matics. Am win A* •torvvA » «lf tor tli# o’clock for the following purposes: train for the rich Santa Anita han­ after a little practice, to give Mont­ 1. To take action on the reports REAL HEATER VALUES In par- ment, near Main street, modern nearest movie ... “ 1 hear ’Perfect He has dealth with me unkindly. —Benito Mussolini. ttol MMitor mi ihrito ito *A ap|>va^* Specimen', ta pretty good” , says dicap. ague the battle of his life. •A toarwlPS •! ito rai« aamto hui and recommendations ol the officers lot, kitchen ar.d wuud stuves. useu conveniences. Muat have atove ana And ru klU bis old red rooster, to alipwapto «r to pi«4» Max ... “Did you saw It?" ... 'The handicap champion all but If the legends from Hollywood Yes I will. of the District. furniture. Wm. oUriusky, 33 oak frigidaire. Telephone 5291. Taxation of capital la reaching Ml Hb tiiM ato aiapavA aftar ito My wife, Antonette, having left Trainer Max Machon says: “That hail the 810,000 added Bowie handi­ are true, Montague outclaasea the Every day that rooeter scratches. the point where It la but a few Ank Aar. 2. To see 11 the District will au­ street. Open evenings. R'.be. But the big guy from the Ito^m f»rbMg**| ItMv Ml tiy bed and board X will be respon­ feller Is nuts about the movies, ain't cap won 3reaterday when William Scratches up my garden stuff. steps ahead of confls(R.tion, and we thorise the C/immlssliiners to have HOI SES FOR SAI.E tI Zlcj^er, Jr.'s fleet, lighting mare. time he came up from Baltimore, a APIA the Treasurer s and Tas iv.llector's sible for no bills contracted by her FOK SALE--OAK v a ^ y dreasing It?” ... Frankie Frisch, In a brand Yes he ecratebes, scratches, scratch­ all know what that means. Tto MaralA will aai to ftotonatbla new overcoat, puffing a big cigar in E2lpoaa, closed with a rush to nip raw left-hander, until the day when, es. —WlUlam S. Knndson, president. accounts audited Dy certified public after this date, November 12, table and bench. Appiy 81 Laurel FOR SALE—27 Huntington atreet, portly and tired, he reached the end Ito atora thaa aaa laaarraat tnavrilna front of Dempsey's and wishing he him by a nose. Burning Star was And I’ll klU him, kill him, kill him General Motors Corporation. af aaf aAvartlavmaat arA«r*A far accountants and make an appropri­ 1937. street. 7 room alngle lately remodeled, Ol the big league trail always “had Mara Itoa aaa lima had a pair for Army-Notre Dame third. Sure enough I ation theiefor. new beating ayatem, nard wood ...up comes a reporter and hands it' in the tough ones. Hi Tto laaAvartaat amiaaiaa ar laaar- 8. To take action In regard to Stanley J. Brazauskaa. SALE-A CHAMBERS l-ire- Bsposa had to set a new track “Now you'd better hold your horses. In design she la beautiful but ■aat aaklfeatloB af atfvarilataa will to floors, brass plumbing etc., double Frank a pair on the .50-yard line... recoil for the mile and live eights If he were as good a golfer as ha that’s a Uttte Immodest for me to taailAaA aaly to caaaatlattaa af Ito appropriations for the expenses, re­ less gas range, A-1 condition. Can garage, extra large comer lot. was a ballplayer there wouldn't bs For that rooster’a going to live, "Ussen”, said the old Fordham to beat Seabiscult In a thrilling say because I had something to do ll'.il' A tofm ataAa tar tto avrrtaa raatorto pairs and maintenance of the Fire after 5 p. m. 26 Proctor Road. I'el. Price cheap to settle estate. CaU any search for a “second Bobby Though you grumble like tarnation, All aAvanitofnatiia aiaal aaafnria 8025. flash . . . “the Cards will win the photo-finish before 20,000 closing livery scratch the scratcher scratch­ with the design. 'BREAK FOR M Mfla. aapjr aai ippaAraakr wltk Department and other activities 5666. National League pennant and you'll Jones.’’ But hla putting Isn’t up Ui —.Mayor L^nnrdla, New York and property of the Fire District day fans at Pimlico. The mare ran pro standards, and when be turns on es, S N U F F V a tavalatlaaa aatoravA to tto pahliah- GREEN PORCELAIN Console gas have a whole box to all seven the distance in 2:45 1-5—1 2-5 sec­ City, commenting on the Gold ata aaA ttop raaarva tto licht ta for the ensuing year. games.” the power his. drives don t stay true. You'U forglTS. Star Mother, n new ferry boat. V seeaiiwstsaiMSiia;^- aAtt. ravtaa ar rajaai aap aapf aaa* 4. To see If the District will au­ REAL ESTATE range. Insulated, reasonable. Allow onds under the old mark. He has no delusions about hla abil­ Don’t forget that BlU’a your nelgb- “*■“* “ maaabla. thorize Its Treasiirei to borrow. In $16 on trade In tor stove. 26 West Trainer Tom Smith announced he ity. ■ bor, ^ ^ HOUIUl.>.Ctaaa1toA __ Middle Turnpike. GREEN BULLDOGS TOP Mike Jacobs limping out of the would ship the entire Howard string The Japanese government has a (ft IMt. F to to pabllabaA asma Aajf aiaal to ra- the name of Hie South Manchestei FOR SALE Algonquin restaurant on a cane... Yet there are a lot of big league Was your neighbor when the flu clear conscience and wlU not be de­ gblf*A to It a*alaab m—mi AatarAav* Fire District, money for the ex­ Andover — Five room to California tomorrow. Seabiscult pitchers still around who aren’t the Made you very weak and helpless SAiM a. to FC R SALE — KITCHEN range, CENTER SPRINGS, 6 0 a bambler In front of Daven’s Blue will be pointed for the $100,000 flected from Its present policy, penses and uses ot the District house, electricity, running equipped with oi burner, also gas Room calling Wa.«hington and Lee, least bit sentimental but who will And he eat there, watchln', watchln'. which will continue In operation un­ S( OR( HY SMITH Offstage Sound Effects By JOHN C. TERRY during the coming year, and give Santa Anita on March 5, but may volunteer the Information that the Over you. TBLBPHONB YOUR water, 1'2 acres land. Easy hut water coll. Call 676’l. "Washington and L o o e y "__ Joe make several conditioning starts be­ til CTilna offers to collaborate with ft >07 na X r. Al I the note or notes of the District tor Jacobs, the fight manager and Da­ Babe la at his best when big things Neighbor BUI la kind and gentle. Japan of her own free will. WANT ADS the same. commuting distance to Hart­ A highly superior Manchester fore then. are expected of him. Thafs what Neighbor BlU la good and true. FOR SALE ONE COAL bronze Green team crushed the Center mon Runyon, the author, make a —.Admiral Klyoehl (Haaeqawa acosaia. avsr ths tslspkeas h. To elect officers for the Dis­ ford on state aid road, 1 hot water beatei, Uke new. Aiao night of It In a Greenwich Village Seabiscult ended his 1937 season risde him a great ball p'ayer and Don't you dare to kin hla chicken M the CHAIUIB NATK glesa abars trict' tor the ensuing vear. Springs football team yesterday. with 11 wins In 15 starts and total that's what may make btm, for s ■a a aanvaolsaas ta aersnlssra. bui mile from village. Terms cne automatic Rudd Ai.tobot gas 6-6, at the old Golt Lota. Fortu spot ... and Jimmy Kelly, owner ‘though rd like to see that rooster People eat too much and exercise B. To see tl the Dlstrlcl will au­ of same. lamenting: "Tbinge are earnings of $168,642. Hla nearest day at least, a great golfer. In the etewt fts.CABH RATKB will bs aaca.tse as reasonable. not water beater. Price reasimabie nately for Center Springs, the Bull­ money-winning rival. War Admiral, too little; by a Judicious reversal of ru u . PATMIUrr It bsM SI tbs bssl- thorise the change ot the date ot Robert M. Reid, .01 Main atreet, lousy with me ... business U off Yes Samantha, yes, 1 reckon, this process . . . a correction of the !?*" .iff** •• bstors Iba .sesaib the Anniisl Meeting Irum the sec­ dogs' entire first team was not pres­ 8500 per night ... 1 bsven't won a the three-year-old champion, retired •as nllovlng tbs •rsi lassriloB al Manchester. ent, but enough were there to stop for the season with eight straight I wUI let the rooster go. condition could be attained. SMb ad atbarwiss iha CHAHUr ond Thursday In Novemlwl to the Howard Stanley bet in 30 days ... and when I bid L 78t Night *s Fights Though It pains me like the dickens. —Or. Reginald Fitx, Boston Univer third ITiiirsday In Nuvemner. Telephone Wililmantlo 474-5 any offensive the West SIders might $10,000 tor the chief, a rich guy victories and 8166,500 earned. win be asllsetsd. Na rsspsnst- have. We must llvs lu pesos with nelgii- slty Medical School. Mltty tar arears la islepbonsd ads 7. To take action on any other . Ml M INSTKI'MEN’I'S .VI comes along and goes me four bors. •in to aaaomsd aad Ibale aasarass matters proper to come tiefore said 'The only touchdown came In the grand better ... Jack Dempsey A 3500-pound automobile, trav­ (By Associated Press) ^ to ffaaraata^ third quarter on a rush through eling only 15 miles per hour, has West Pa'm Beach. Fla. —Bob Yes 1 know." I threw the rocks because 1 w.-int- meeting. busy applying the old hot foot at a sd to be sent to Jail. . . . I want to iNUKx or W. J. CKOCKlOTT tackle by the Bulldogs' star back. luncheon for boxing writere In his more momentum than a SO-pound Godwin, 179, Florida, knocked out FOR SALE—UPRIGHT llano. In Bin Ford. shell fired at a velocity of 3,000 Stanley 'Hasrato, 169, Yonkers, N. Opinions are Uke watches—no two go to Jail and think. EMIL L. O. HOHENTHAL, JR. good condition, (hill 4637. Joint ... Lou Gehrig and the Mrs. are ever alike, and each man swears —Frank I.owls, 28, Portland, Ure., CLASSinCATlONS KOBEKl J. SMITH. 19.3.1 BUICK SEDAN Throughout the rest of the game emerging from a swanky restau­ feet per aeconcL Y. 8. Mrtba •••••••••••••••• the victors pounded at the enemy by bis own. tired of working 14 hoars a du> Dated at Manchester, (kinnectl- With Extras rant. as a cook decided be wanted to toarrtfAaa ••••••••••••••••••••• C cut, this 6tb day of November, W ANTED— ID HIIV S'* goal line and one touchdown was 19.13 FORDCODI'E called back because of a slight ar­ Some folks Insist on figuring llte go to Jail and think It over so he Xtoatha • a a•a ae••••••••••••••••• 1937. The boys around town are having like a custard pie. If ths crust is threw a lirirk through a depart CarA at Tbaaka ••••••••••••«•• K I 1931 FORI) ROADSTER ODD PIEC'ES or 3 or 4 rooms of gument as to whether or not the a good laugh on Walter (Good Time la Maatorlaai . # T goal-line had been moved. Lineups Charllel Friedman who (may the good the filling wUl get by. ment store plate glam nindnw. Laat aaA rwaaA ••••••••••••••• 1 I 193(1 CHEVROLET Coach furniture, 46 Griswold street, sec­ AaaoanaaaMBta e.o**«o«****oao« S ond floor. No dealers. were not available. Saints forgive him) was responsible Taraaaala .s* ■sadsaaaoo***** S All Oood Running Cara. Awtwebitae We Also Have imeu Tlrea AaiaaMiMlaa far tUla ..aao»««« 4 EMERGENCY and Parts. FREC KLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser AaiaaMbiiM for KichoRt* ft ROOMS VM I HOU’I HOAKI) r>» WASHINGTON TUBBS By O ane OUT OUR WAY By WUUams Aata Aoaooaorloa—Tlr«R ...... ft Aata Ropalrlov—epalaiiac ••••• 1 Pantaleo Brothers FOR RENT—3 ROOMS unfurnish­ Ant# lehoola ...... T-A f i i j Aalaa Bhia hf Track...... ft C\LLS Horace Street Phone 8346 ed, In private borne, U rciidD:e I PROBABO* WOUT Aatea>~ror Hiro ...... ft 0 |ien 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. party, all Improvements. Ua.age U SEE TtHJ ULfTIL AFTER Oarm«oa—Borvico—Atoras* ••••• la desired. Writ: Box H, Hera,d. Motereirelaa^Blrycloa ...... 11 P O U ( E THE (3AME IS OVER .... WaatoA Aatno—yotoreiroioo IS laaiaoao aM Profooolaool AcrvWro Mulaoaa torvtcoa OfTrrrt ...... II 4 3 4 3 HooartinlA torvicoo <»fforaA •••.lt>A BallAlaa-^41onlracttBA ••.aa«o*« 14 TlarUta—NarOOrlOO s.aaaaaa*«oo II FiKB Taaaral Diroetor* a.a...... U Baattair—PtBiabtaa—lleoAna ••• South AUCTION Xaaaraiiaa ...... ii llllllnary—b»l>r*eemoklBg ...... It HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Mairltig—eTrucklag-—Ainraaa ddae So TONIGHT AT 7 O’CLOCK Pabtte Paaornaor Aorvloa «aodoa.tO-A 4321 Talatlag—Paporing ...... Si AT REIDS’ AUCTION AUDITORIUM PrafoBalaaal AorvloM ...... SS North U. S. ROUTE 6. BOLTON. CONN. lUpainag ...... n TRllerlng^Drolap—Oaafilng •• S4 Dressers, Bed.s, Bureaus, Chairs, Rockers, Dining Sets, Toll#! Oooda an4 lor%leo •••••• Sft WsRlod—Boelnroo torvlea •••••• Sft 5432 Parlor Set, Gas Stove, Dishes, Glassware, •T BAwaftoeel Linens, Biioks, Etc. tearasa aad Clsssaa ...... tl rrlvata laalraellena ...... ti AMBULANCE ROBERT M. REID & SONS. AUCTIONEERS. Daarlna ...... li-A 201 Main St., Manchester, Conn. Phone 3193 M^ssleal—Dramatis ...... tt (DouRan) wsatsd Ibsinicilons ...... M SHE HUICT HEI? ankle.X (^OOKUM! WHITE W W STieACK^ PlaoaHal XMOW SHE 03ULDNT Beads—-Cteeks—Menasasa ..... ti 5630 f a r AWAV ' Bsslnsas Opportseltlss ...... n Moea. ta Ixiaa ...... It (Hulluran) Nrl. aad ailaallaaa Bsib Wanird—Fsmala ...... II 5 0 4 0 'F O R s a l e - Rsla Wsnisd—Mala ...... Is •alssmrs WsBisd ...... II-A (Q uish) Hsla Wsnisd—Hals ar Fsatala.. IT 47 TANNER STREET Agsnis Wanisd ...... IT-A In one of the Onest residential aectlona of Manchester. ■livsilnns WsBlsd—FssiSls ... I> Beautiful six-room Colonial with flreplace; modem kitchen •llnalinns Wanisd—Msis ...... IS 4313 Xmplnrmsnl Aasnniss ...... 4S with built-in cablneta. Inlaid linoleum and counter tops. Steam beat. Standard plumbing Uxturea, copper tubing Boas—Birds—Psis ...... tl HOSPITAL gutters. Basement garage. Large lot, nicely landscaped. LIss ktash-Vsklslss ...... St Long term financing. Fnalirj sad kappliad ...... SI Waalsd— rsta— Pnaltrr—SUnah St Fas ants Ntsssttaasaaa 5131 PRICED TO SELL QUICKLY Arttclas Far Oals ...... Dial 3906 • Moriarty’s Store Beats aad Aamaaurtsa ...... Balldlaa blatenals ...... ST WATER l)El*T. "Now, look us up right slier the final whittle. We’re in Seats 17 and IX Diemuada—Wairbsa Jawatry .. SI Depot Square Row J, SectionB, Lower Tier, Gate i, on the South Side." BIseirTral Appllaeeaa Badta .. SI Feel aad Fssd ...... Sl-A 3 - » 7 7 “Poor Tom! Hit wife insitlt on making bit $1 Bsrdsa— Farm Dairy Fred eels Beaesbcild Otpods ...... II (After 5 P. H.) Nerblnsry sad Tsais ...... II Mesisal iBctramaals ...... II MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE ALLEY OOP DFIas and aisrs Reatpoiaol . ... It 7848 Gosingr In By THOMl*SON AND COLL Three of a Kind— All Bloo By HAM LIN ■perlsla al lbs lUnraa ...... M Wsarlna AoaarsI—Fare ...... IT MANCHESTER KJOl VECV WELL.MVEA THECE ,THEI?E_. JUST t y m , w s SURE I? Wealed—Te Ray ...... II [ MV JAW FEEL^ LIKE mrd WstsSe R, t a k e it EASV. I LNOOEe- iTlSAUYRAPPENET) IN lOOTBAlL'! ,A HOVV'PEEPO! WATER CO. rrs&BOKEXl. STAWD.'UElTHEe BOLL ) IT'S (b02 HlM- Baaaia ftrittom Btof _IMILE'«' MO« AWV OF THE REST © U TSIO E ^ AW Am u6> LOOK JSEUv MONARCH Itaaetora Waaiad • •, WILL TROUBLE US. VOM BODENlS WHO'S WOFA50O.' Oaaatry Baer#— Iteei 5974 TUF AOAIM. HDUSE.THE B a f la Brataaraata ••••••• #1 ARRIVAL RDLICE C f AAAKE Baal MM«te Tmm Beaft (iAS CO. JACK ANO Apartmanta. Fteiik Taaantvaia.a ELAB042ATE Bvalaaea Lwaatt«ma far Baat -THE PREFAKATIOOS Baaaea Far Baat aaaaa»aa*««»«« POLICE, p o e Bakarbaa For Itaat seas #«••••• 5075 MVEA STORM iwe> Bsmaiar llaaMa Far Beat •••••• •1 Di»COVER5 Yfaatad ta Rssi ...... -THE ELE(rTRlC CO. THAT C>AM<5’S ■aai ■Mat# Fae Sale r e JASOM AFartaaal BatMiag far aala . m r HEAD- Playing in a heavy snowstorm, two eastern college teams were dose Bastassa Prato"r far Sale . .... HAS I OUARTEI2S to the sideliiMa when an inebriatod Tan Jumped from the standc aad Farow aad Uiad tor Bala . .... 5181 eeE K j Maaaaa See Bala ...... HURT... nishad onto tte IW^ Unnotieed by players or officials, he made ooa Lata for Bala ...... splendid flying tackla and broke up a play, without loeisi his hat. An- Bsaart Ptobarty tor Bala ...... EVENING HERALD othar play, aad he was in the thick of it Fleeted from the game, be Ssbarbaa tor Bala aaaaaaBBBB*** Baal Batata far Bsakaaga •••«« woo lastiv fame for Us valiant efforts. TbacoUagaba to loyally aided W^totaB^^Beal Mstata assaaaa*B« voted Mra an boooniy lattar, altboogh the neanat be avar got to ori- : 5121 ' FasmaaatvlaghotdogBtoeollaglataaataroadaidaaUal «.j