Japan Informs U. S. It May Act Alone in Far East's War I. T

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Japan Informs U. S. It May Act Alone in Far East's War I. T 'V-' PAOBFOUBTEEN THURSDAY, NOVEBfBER 11,198^ | tflanrteetnr Ettraim t V ^ralb AVERAGE DAOLT CnBOVLATION for the Moath ot October, 1887 fforeeaat a( G. S. Weatl Hartfard Helen Davidson Lodge, No. #8 The Oeneral Welfare club win A public bridge and whist party The Ladles Aid society of the The Toung People’s society of the Joseph C Carter Is today moving Daughters of Scotia, will hold Its hold its regular meeting tomorrow] will IM given tomorrow evening at 6 Concordia Lsitheran church an­ Concordia Lutheran church will from Us former home on Main ABODTTOWN regular monthly meeting tomorrow evening at the East Side Recreation o'clock In the vestry of the Buck­ nounces a food sale foi Saturday bowl as usual tomorrow evening at street to his new home. Mr. Carter 6,014 night in the Masonic Temple at parlor at the uaual hour. The refer­ ingham Congregational church. Miss forenoon at iO o’clock at the J. W. 8 o’clock at the T. M. C. A. aileye. bad planned to move on November Motnber ot the AsdN TlM NbtiBet Canwim CSub will 7:45. ence room, which the library will Dorothy Tomlinson, is chairman ot Hale company’s store. On Saturday evening they, will en­ 1, but the new home was not com­ Bnrees et CIrealatieM bold tti refulcr monttaly meetlns vacate, or rather the book racka, the committee froir the Ladlee Aid tertain the league from S t Paul's pleted in tlmj. Harold Norton, who MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM Friday evenlay, November 13, at Mrs. HenrietU StoKenfeldt of will be ready to occupy about the society -making arrangements, church, Bridgeport at the T. and a purchased the Carter home ia now laat of this month and the club will tha homa of Dr. T. C. Tiffany, *0 182 Vernon street, haa been con •-'rlzes will be awarded the winners Members of the Daughters of B(.>cial time will follow at the church. occupying part of the house and Self Serve 2:30 to 5:30 VOL. LVII., NO. 37 PRICE THREE CENTS Bearborougli road. William Ben|^- flned to bed with a severe illness then be favored with ar every week and refreabmenta served. Attorney Liberty, No. 125, Loyai Orange will take over the whole house (n a aoMed AdvertialBg ea Paga IS), MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1937 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) reservation. This opportunity will Ladies Institution, will meet tonight when Hr. Carter baa moved out Bon win ^ ve a talk baaad on the during the past month. Her condl Henry Hunt who was to nave ipoK- The Past Pr^dents* club of Mary FRIDAY SPECIALS Baatman Kodak Company’! lecture tlon la not Improved. be much appreciated as then out of at 7 o'clock in front of Orange hall, town speakers can be better ac­ en early in the evening, will be un­ from whence they will proceed ^o Buahnell Cheney auxiliary, U. S. 4 f ■•The EaienUala of Picture Mak- able to do ao. WASTE DEEP IN WATER, Inc". 'The talk will be Uluatrateo commodated In regard to seating the Ddugan Funeral Home to pay W. V., will meet tomorrow after­ STANDS AT ATTENTION The regular monthly meeting ot noon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Edward Any Flavor Seeking Way to End Japanese Conflict in China by 30 alidea fumlahed by the EU«t Nathan Hale Lodge will be held to­ ci pacity. their reapecta to their departed PAT HARRISON J[obn D. HcEvitt, now of Hart­ member, Mrs. Jane Wilson. T. Waterman of 18 Franklin street man camera>club aerrice. night at 8;30 in Orange Kali. The ford, but formerly of Manchester, Londem, Nov. 12.— (A P )__If St. Biidget'a Women's Ouild held someone only knew his name, the annual election of officers will be has filed a voluntary petition in JELL-O JAPAN INFORMS U. S. Its usual weekly card party laat London public might have a new held and each member Is urged to ibankruptcy In which he liita no aa- URGES CHANGES attend the meeting. evening In the parish hall, with a British hero.. For Service ond Qnality good crowd of players present In seta and liabilities as 3‘J,907.(I7, an Men’s • Womea'e • LlilMrea’e unsecured. Included In the list ot The unidentified Briton was SHOE REPAIRING SEE Mias Doris Hennequin did the tap bridge the winners were Miss Ann 5c pkg. rowing In Regenta Park lake .->rranton, Mrs. L. Smitu, George creditors are the Manchester Trust HAIR CUTS - 25c. WaltsrN. Leclerc IN PROnrS TAX dance epeclalty at the Kiwanis Company for 3300 and Wllbroo when Big Ben aounded the sig­ SAM“ YIJLYES Bryan and Edward Mortarty; In 3 Barbers — No Waiting! And one package JeD-0 nal yeaterday for two minutes IT MAY ACT ALONE show, and not Misa Margaret Hen- Messier for 3460. Other creditors v.'blst. Miss Nellie Doyle, Mrs. Funeral Director Chocolate Pudding Free! of silence honoring the war SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Lequln as was suited in yesterday's Frank Handley, Sr" H. Stratton are mostly Ure concerns. CULOTTA’S 301 Mala Street account of the play. ta» No. Mala S t Pboae 588b Senate Democrat Asserts dead. and Paul Cervini; in setback. Miss BARBER 8HOP—84 Oak Street Attempting to stand In hla P. Edgerton, Mrs. James Gleaaon. Company No. 4 of the South Man- Btaxwell House akiff, he tumbled Into the lake F ank Morin and P. R. Brannlck. eheater fire department was called Flatly There Most Be but came to rigid attention waist Cash prizes nere aw arc^ and case on a atill alarm at 10 o'clock this IN FAR EAST’S WAR deep In water. and coffee served. Another card morning to extlnguiaiied a brush COFFEE He was praised fer carrying CHICKEN social will be held on Wednesday firt at School and Autumn atreeta. Modification; House Group on. evening of neat week. We have bmahes for all tjrper The fire did not cause much trouble. et ptiwei motnm <a sbick and oaa Enyoy At Brussels Declares PIE SUPPER make rrpalre wlthnnl delay. Ponders Tax - Exempts. —PLAV— Housewives are reminded of the 27c lb. < Russians Envoys To lecture demonstration to be given Miss Faith E. Spiilane Pulleys — Belting America StiD Has TickeU ' *1116 Laughing: Cure’ tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at BEAR WHEEL the Y.M.C.A. by Mrs, Helen Hum­ Washington, Nov. 1 3 ^ (A P )— CHINESE F A U Member Dancing: Masters of America and Conn. NORTON AUtlNMENT Christmas Fair phrey Holl, nutritionist of the Con­ Campbell's Beans Statements from Democratic and Reich, Turkey and Of Entry” To Discuss Safety Lane necticut "Dairy and Food Council Afliliated Club No. 19 ELECTRICAL EqutpmenL Vernon Grange Hall Samples of the dishes will be serv­ ROOFING Republican senators gave new im­ BACK ON THEIR Spectallred ed, and an opportunity given to ask and INSTRUMENT (’0. petus today to a growing campaign Peace Throngh Amba^ Brake Service November 12, 1937 questions. Ptinne 4060 to reduce business taxes. From Poland Withdrawn Announces The Opening Hlinard Strert Manchester 7c can Chairman Harrison (D-lflss.) of Supper 350-5:30-7:30 P. M. Asbestos Shing:les the Senate Finance Committee MAIN_DEFENSE sador Grew In Tokyo. GIBSON’S GARAGt Ftoy33o-8:00 P..«. A SPECIALTY of a came the unqualified assertion that Moscow, Nov. 12.— (A P )—Soviets 183 aiala S t Pboae 3013 be continuing unabated. Fourteen Call "there must Im some modification of Russia’s ambassadors to Germany, more executions were reported by the imdlstributed profits tax.” Har­ Agent For 400.000 Of Than Take Up With most of the world hopeful that it would ease the Sino-Japaneae crisis, the Far Eastern Peace Con­ Turkey and Poland were reported the provincial press. Including 10 Brussels, Nov. 12.— (A P )— A. J. TOiJRNAUD rison, telegraphing this statement ference met under terms of the Nine-Power treaty in the Palais des Academies In Brussels, Belgium, to persons in Kaxakhstan who were An authoritative Japanese Contractor and Builder BALLROOM CLASS to Secretary Morgenthau from his find a mutually satisfactory formula for action to end hostilities. Pictured above Is the opening session by diplomatic sources today to have accused of Nationalist tendencies, 7662 29 Phelps Road home late yeaterday, added that the 'Tfindenborg Line” Posi­ jnder the presidency of Paul Spaak, Belgium Foreign Minister. At left, the attitude of Norman H. Davis, been recalled and there were uncon­ and four charged with spoiling source declared today the Unit­ HEALTH UPPERS AT TINKER HALL — MAIN STREET administration should endeavor "to chief U. S. delegate, makes the peace conference seem wearisome business. But perhaps he Is only firmed rumors that two of them had grain in the Vladivostok region. ed States, acting for itself, atill SILENT GLOW OIL BURNERS restore confidence to business." thinking, not napping, Anthony Eden, at right, on the other hand refreshes himself with a cup of tea — been arrested. had “a ticket of entry” to dis* IN SEA FOODS Other legislators spoke in the tions 50 MHes West Of All the latest ballroom routines will be tauffht in­ perhaps from China. The same sources also said that Dr. Youreneff, 48 years old, was cuss Far Eastern peace with »ro o p f Dial 4151. Ptnehunit wlU cluding “The Big Apple” , ”81131-0*’ “ Collegiate Shag” same vein, praising Morgenthau’a Rudolf Sommer, German consul an "Old Bolshevik." He was a have many vaiirtlea of the stand for balancing the budget general at Leningrad, had been re­ member of the party since 1905 and Japan, despite Tokyo’s refusal finest flih available for year OKE and others.
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