Japan's in World

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Japan's in World [i' (T V m t^ y PA6BS) SOUTHjMANCHBSTOR, f BBRUARY 17i 1933. *0 :j ▼OL. LH« NO. 119. (caaMUtod AdvarOsteff fm ASSASSIN H ^D BY MIAMI AOTHORITIES JAPAN’ S IN WORLD Makes rr^ DOLLAR DAY For Settfiif HERE TOMORROW D is^ e But Japan R ioses State labor Leader Says ToAcc^Tkem. Extra Fme Vataes Offered Towns Witheot Hearing About a For Snpreme Bargain Geneva. Feb. 17.—(AP)— Lees ,thaa an hour after tbe League of As R a M Is Bronght Forward Under Nations had transmitted to all the EraitoftheYear. Bri^eport, :^ b . 17.-7-(.AP)—John vnorld’s government a its report and J., Egan, secretary'; of * toe State Federation .of Labor today called at­ Has Nodiing To Say--€on$tiw pf Victmis; recommendations on the Manchurian Tomorrow is Dollar-Day and Man­ <ji8pute todays Tosuke Matsuo^ chester merchants are offering ex­ tention to toe possibilities of relief the Japanese spokesman, said «his traordinary ^ values. With depres­ "for unemployment to be found in the- "^Satisfactory” — government would not awcept theim sion prices in effect the event is be­ Federal Emergency Relief and Con­ He dtfended preparations fof in-J ing .called, “The Bargain Event Su- struction Act of 1932 as analyzed Special Train. vasion of the Provinco of Jehol, as­ pteme.” by toe American Federation of serting that Japan will fight if she Labor. has to, but ho evaded questions Dollar Day offers values that will Egan said toe Federation, from provide buyers with ' merchandise Miami; Fla., Feb. 17-—(A P)—*1116; * vioTiBis’ GoFi>nibi»li^ ' 2 about the possibility of his gbvem- statistics it had compiled estimated Dade County Medical Assoriation , CALLED ment’s withdrawal from the League. for dollar bills that two- dollar bills approximately toe number of per­ couldn’t have purchased a short was asked today to appoint physi- . - Another snag appeared in the at­ son" in toe United States who may Miami, Pla., Feb.“J.7rf--(AF)>"^; time ago; values that exceed all ciams on a sanity coinmission to titude of the spokesman tor Russia, previous offers; values so positive le engaged in gainful employment Mayor Anton Cenuak of Cbteigo.’ vfiiose government together with that they will be talked about for in normal times to be 43,000,000. To­ examine Guiseppe Zangara, charged was sleeping and' his coUd|tlw®v that of the United State-, the weeks to come. day over 12,000,000 of these work­ with the attempted assassination of vai “very satisfactory,^*' a buUef-;: League asks to cooperate in nego­ Ample parking space will be pro­ ers are out of work and at the pres­ President-elect Roosevelt. The ye- tin issued by .-Js phyisiciansiaf- tiations for a Manchuriqi settle­ ent rato of decline in employment vided for. automobiles on i Main quest'was made by. toe three at­ 12:30 p. m. today arid.’ ment. He indicated that Russia be­ street and adjacent, streets not to one million more workers "v/Vl be ’Hie bulletin read; lieves new effort to find a solu­ mention aretus in. the rear Of sev­ added to toe total. torneys appointed- by Criminal Court “Mayor Ceirinak is sleejilhgf* tion never will reach the stage' of eral stores. ^ Extra salespeople will “The Real S<fiation” Judge E. C. Collins; to defend Zan- and his condition is vtey sat&- _ the negotiations proposed. be on hand- to' make the shopping She real solution for our* employ­ factory. Pulse 96; temperateu^' easy and conyeni^*' for the btiyers. ment and economic problems,” he The announcement waa mad-^ by 99.8; res]ritotlon“29.' glCFJa AID OF T7. S. The Dollar Day sales drive is b^ said, "lies in Initiating .work of a LewiU Twytoan,, pi^dent of the Mayor Cermak was shot'ip,-the^ Geneva, Feb. 17.— (A P )—The ing sponsored by. the Merchants Di­ kind that will furnish toe greatest Dade (^imty Rar.-Astociatiou; after abdomen when he got ttto' tl|o.^ League of Nations report on Man­ vision of the Manchester Chamber amount of useful employment and a ednfere^ of toe attornejdi with line te fire from the gun . qf churia, sent today to all nations of of Commerce. -RSzpectatioiis are consume toe most materials without toe prisdpaiar. ju^er attorneys ap­ Gi^eppe Zangaia'whd atttenpted the world by the League’s own that the town’is. busmess section trill adding to toe present siui>lus of pointed, are J.M> Mc<?askill,.. past toassassinate President-^riect, wireless telegr^ station, de- be crowded: tonoRow:night. marketable goods. One o f toe most presideut of. the.Bar Association -and Rqoeaveit in Bayfront Patt htyO' Dounoes JauMufs policy in that ter­ Read today's advertisements. feasible plans and one, which would Alfred E. R^a- . - . Wednesday, night ritory and the aid of the Readers will find many extra tine bring toe greatest returU per dpllac “ We have been appointed by.,tha: United States in kittling the dis­ Dflr T. W. ‘HUtson, .‘^'aCtepdlngt bargains Usted. ’Ttox pages of invented would h i the yridwpread court to dete;^.thls roau because of : Mint Jefe H. Gin o f M lkn^ iu io^ : pute. ■ those included in •today’s Hwald a'ce'ptahce and use ol tto.govern­ tem pobitibn toTmembers of the Dafie - OF of - the assassin’s victiate/. saiff' declares against the malnten- have be«i prtoietf .toto a sumite- . Immedi^feiy after b.e;h^:attompted-to km BtesiaBnt-eTect?®*^^®;:^^^^ w l^ re^ ted to tive ment’s offer to lofcn ‘xmfflcipalities. 'County* Rar Association,’’. .’Triyiuttt AtiA, recogntiion of the State a second blood, tiaasfiiMqf wofiMf ^ ment that, naa diatributed^^ to otter pertoriidWhg Wdunded-ySluitoppe Zangara wds 'Belied by t t e p f l ^ croufd „ advaaced shouting money to fipance toe^oonstruction.qf aiUd."' “ We itel that a ,;sanlty ‘ be' pertoEmed:r4n .toe aftornDoU.t of M aB ditO ^ pfoposes new n^;o- outlylpg towna. TUa to' expeictod to: *iLtetthlto,’' to»d token to jaill^t NO is shown (cep,te?)^^b^^^giiP^ Dsn Hppaie (I^)^mid Pa* *telf liquidating* publ^ ^ Bltoifid W .n u i^ . aqd .: .<ittBjB^en? •HeTM^ a la b A to ty 'm eatt x ^ tiatioim, b^twiiin China and Japan, bring'large eromSB> from' x;’«^X^ws:.(T$|t) ;,c'AAter Jd? W io:also Jiavi' Mkad^tte'lRuleXiDunty: K with tM laikMiw afain assisting, near here. yrio M r s T ^ ’s gtteriiB. bapdllidi; ^vhfions o f tte t t swwddr aritWdMd-'-lilOMr-i and extends th f tnviiatian to pa^ gist tia beto b t ^ GoBstrnction A ct _ . tidpate to 8ovi0 Russia aa waU.as but aligbtty bfelbw ' nonaa), r t ' ■ ttfd ,Hir did not JtaestoSdoblls u®?* .'teidJavel;"'.: •' .’SIR ^<VVi;.irinjiii^:%h^toia^8tato scribed to by nineteen leadmg menxbMs o f the League. It adU. be. avail- themab^M tlfto offer and Jt? ■ . provide work for toeijr unemployed ber' df! -’'out od # • * biirr wite? submitted oi^ T iie s ^ fo r M tiwa» Eimi,' .FJa-^; Feb. - , » . —r(A tioh by the full Lrague A pm tit without anjvJacrease ot the tax rate ith iia n ."!'' - ■ '*: ■ •' ’ and ^ be debated on Friday and or any InCtyfi^ in the amount of Witoout beaJ&g a sinpe pfias^of ‘*thty haveoOiteehted^t tte boni^ jndebtedness. The money the case, CWtnlnal ..Judgo B. C. (5te- Saturday of next week before a linsj in a-flVe^minute -oourt' Sttddn, the defttdant I-vriff' nbW’: final vote *s taken. vrill be loaned only for public works Courts untfi 'iO 'o’riott In asserting that Mdnchurla which .to* .proven necessary - *no lx>d^<iptttponed imtil tomqrrpw; ! ^ in o«teg:’' • •-• • •;•- ’ — n>ust be retained rmder Chinese Wandendl Mnrder Case Whitt will produce income cuffeient arridgnto^ .of-GuisePP^ ^unSiF^ ; . _ _Hted,:CodC^e^ • ' Sovereignty, and iri.opposing rec­ to pay. for themselves over-a term of ttarged'w ito toe. attempted-assasn^- itetion. a t Presidoit-elect Frvddin' ’ Judge : cS i^ ^ . cteiiteiad-'- ognition of the State of Manchu- ydars.” ' vdto toc'attoriMyalwifi.ttf kuo, the reports takes a position Comes To End^Mjstery Wet lea d ers Confidirat h Win P olj^ Sttspeide^Prolnig D. Roosevelt alongside tbatof the United States Fifalking to toe front of-the.couxite eS^Q^rted ZaiosartC over to as enunciated in the Stimson doc­ .STATE POULTRY SHOW room, in front of tte' 'bench, Judge dttterence. \ , Remains As Deep A s Eyen Pass On MondajNSenate Collins briefly- .' announced - t t e ' &P* Six deputies surrounded Vi trine that the powers do not recog­ as toe ;^ectatorSn cia n i^ ; pc nize territorial acquisition made Hartford, .Feb. 17.— (-AP)—^W. H. wintmeut of- three tewyeiB to repre^ Brovm, Jr., of Danbury, was winner Agopd glimpse'Of 'tte patmteiefi''- by use of force. Approves It By Vote of 63 sept the-.:33'<year-old Italian,.‘ and I^tton Report Long Beach, Calif., Feb* IT — . Boston, Feb. ■ -16.i^(Ag‘)-;^The of toe Governor Cross cup in toe then ordered him returned to tte oirt o f ttb 'roort ,.‘^ .apgliraT The report is based largriy on suspension Of Oaptain ^ white egg contest, at toe first poul­ county jail pending formal aitMgn-^ ui^terested in tte- crovril , ,t|te ' (AP)—^The state’s aqilanation of try sTiow of toe Connecticut State short proceediPga ' ' the findings and conclusions of the T o 2 3 . IMmority l e ^ ^ t e Beaupre, executive' .officer, , 6 t .toe ment at 10 a. m. the sensational slaying, of “Captain” Poiitry 'Association at Foot Guard Soon after the adjounuptt^' Lyttrm. Commission vdiich, under Styte police, on' ebafgea of - sd/Ktm- Arraignment'' of zangara <m the auspices of the League, inves­ Walter Wanderweil-^-a myster^ Armo^v today.
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