Liv~ Q,Oo~ \ L 218 LIVY, BOOK ONE I I · the Coc.Trast, Tarquinio ••• Jiberatorem, Tum This Sentence Into the I' Passive
Liv~ Q,oo~ \ l 218 LIVY, BOOK ONE I I · the coc.trast, Tarquinio ••• Jiberatorem, tum this sentence into the I' passive. I 1. 14. regnatum (est), impersonal pass.,' there were kings'. I 1. 14. ab condita ••• Jiberatam. The perf. parties. pass. are to be n VOCABULARY rendered here by English DOUDS : r from the foundation of the city to its liberation '. (In the following vocabulary only irregular vwb5 are given thllir principal 1. 16. coDSUles. Actuallythesetwomagistrateswhotookoverthe parls in fall. Othllrwise Iha ficuru (1), (2), (3), (4), foUowing a vwb d8nou functions of the kings were called praetors until the time of the that ii is a raplar exampk of that conjucation. No conjucation numbw is decemvirate. given in Iha casa of -io vwb5 like capio. Refwmcu are lo section nos.) 1. 16. comitiis centuriatis, 'at the assembly by centuries'. It is ' very doubtful whether this assembly was in existence at this time. a, ab, prap. with abl., from, by ; on, ab81lm, -eae, afui, be absent, dis in consequence of, after. tant. See the notes on Chap. 43, ll. 30, 37, 43· abdo, -ere, -t1idi, -cli\um (3), con abUDdans, -antis, excessive, super- l. 16. a praefecto urbis. The praefectus is presiding over the ceal, bide away. fluous. election in the capacity of interrex. The latter name is actually abduco, -ere, -clmi, -cluc\um (3), abundo (1), overflow. given by one historian Dionysius ( V, 84) to Lucretius, father of lead away. ac, 566 atque. Lucretia. abeo, -ire, -ii, -itum, go away, acceclo, -ere, -cesai, -cessum (3), go depart ; 'Withdraw. to, approach, be joined, added to.
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