Gate to Vergil

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Gate to Vergil THE GATE TO VERGIL BY CLARENCE W. GLEASON, A.M. MASTER IN THE ROXBURY LATIN SCHOOL »'• * GINN & COMPANY BOSTON . NEW YORK • CHICAGO • LONDON COPYRIGHT, 1898, BY CLARENCE W. GLEASON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 613.10 Wf)t gtftcngtttn jgregg GINN & COMPANY • PRO­ PRIETORS • BOSTON • U.S.A. Poeta fui e cantai di quel giusto Figliuol d' Anchise, che venne da Troja Poich^ '1 superbo Ilion fu combusto. "A poet was I, and I sang that just Son of Anchises, who came forth from Troy, After that Ilion the superb was burned." Inferno, I, 73-75 (Longfellow's translation). PREFACE. THE course of a pupil beginning the study of Latin is not a smooth one. He starts out bravely enough, with his beginner's book and easy Latin reader, but is no sooner comfortably under way than he finds himself upon the ragged reefs of the Gallic War or, perhaps, stranded on the uncertain shoals of Nepos. If by careful steering he gets safely past these dangers he is immediately confronted by new obstacles which threaten him in the form of Latin verse. The sky grows dark, difficulties gather on all sides ; eripiunt subito nubes caelumque diemque. Sometimes he loses heart and drops the helm or, in spite of all his efforts, drifts back and must begin his cruise anew. It is with a view to remove some of the chief difficulties in the beginner's way that the present book has been pre­ pared. As the purpose of the Gate to Vergil is somewhat different from that of the Gate to Caesar and Gate to the Anabasis the work has been planned on slightly different lines. An attempt has been made to lessen the difficulties of Vergil, not by simplifying the text or by omitting trouble­ some portions, but by placing in juxtaposition to the text the same words rearranged in the order, not of English VI PREFACE. prose, as in some familiar text-books, but of idiomatic Latin prose. Words omitted in the text are supplied in the prose version when necessary for translation. Familiar synonyms of less common words or of common words with unusual meanings are given as footnotes. The notes on the text are designed for the pupil's assistance, grammatical references being given only when needed as aids to transla­ tion. It is hoped that the notes on scansion will be found particularly useful. I am greatly indebted to Mr. William C. Collar and Mrs. Caroline S. Atherton for many suggestions and criticisms during the preparation of the book. CLARENCE W. GLEASON. BOSTON, May i, 1898. CONTENTS. PAGES PREFACE . v-vi TEXT 3-58 NOTES ON TEXT 59-94 HELPS TO SCANSION 9S-ioi VOCABULARY , 103-162 GATE TO VERGIL. VERGIUS ^NEID, BOOK L >g %• PREFACE AND INVOCATION. Arma vi,rdmque cajno, ,| Tro,is& qui , primus ab ^ oris Itali,am, [, fa,t6 profu,giis, „ La,vfniaque , venit litora, , miilt"'" il,l® et ter,rfs „ iaCjtatus et , alto VI supe,nim ,| sae|V26 memOjrdm Iu,n6nis ob , iram ; 4 miilta quo,qu^ et bel|16 pas,sus, |, dum , cdnderet , lirbem, infer,retque de,ds Lati,6, „ genus , linde La,tinum, Alba,nfque pajtres, „ at,qu® dltae , mcfenia , Rdmae. Miisa, mi,hi cau,sas memo,ra, |, quo , ntimine , IsSso, qufdve do,lens, „ rejgina de,um tot , volvere , casus insig|nem piCjtate vi,rum, „ tot ad,ire la,b6res lo impule,rit. „ Tan,t2&n® ani|mfs ciae,lestibus , irae ? Arma cano, virumque qui, fato profugus, primus Trdiae ab oris in Italiam Laviniaque litora venit; ille vi superum et terris et alto multum est iactatus ob iram memorem sae- vae Iiinonis; et multa quoque bello passus, dum urbem conderet, Latioque de5s inferret, unde est genus Latinum, patresque Albani, atque moenia altae Romae. Memora mihi, O Musa, causas, quo numine laeso, quidve regina deiim dolens, virum pietate ihsignem tot casus vol­ vere, tot labores adire impulerit. Tantaene irae sunt (in- sunt) caelestibus animis ? 3. multum: dm. alt5: mart. — 4. saevae: crudelis. — 8. laeso: violdtd. — 9. volvere: sublre. — 10. dL^^\ suscipere.—11. impulerit: coegerit caelestibus: divtnts. GATE TO VERGIL. THE WRATH OF JUNO. Urbs an^tiqua fU|it, y Tyri|i tenu^ere C0|ldni, Kartha|g°, n Itali|am con|tra „ TibCirmaque , longe dstia, I dives 0|pum „ studi|isqu® aS|perrima , belli; quam Iu,nd fer,tur „ ter|ris magis , omnibus , linam 15 posthabijta colUjisse Sa,m6 ; ,| hie , illius , arma, hic cuiirus fuit; y hoc reg|num dea , gentibus , esse, SI qua I fata si|nant, n iam , tiim ten|ditque fO|Vetque. Pr6geni|em n sed e|nim TrO|iano a , sanguine , duci aiidie|rat, n Tyri,as 0|lim quae , verteret , arces ; 20 hinc popU|lum y la|te re|gem n bel|16que sU|perbum ventU|r""^ excidi|6 Liby|2^ : n sic , volvere , Parcas. Id metu,ens, ,| vete|risque me,mor Sa,tiirnia ^ bdlli^ prima quod , ad Tro,iam ,| pro , caris , gesserat , Argis — Urbs antiqua fuit, n5mine Karthago, quam Tyrii coloni tenuere, contra Italiam ostiaque Tiberina longe, dives opum asperrimaque studiis belli; quam unam luno magis omnibus terris, Samo etiam posthabita, coluisse fertur ; hic fueruiit illius arma, hic fuit currus; hoc gentibus esse regnum, si qua via fata sinant, iam turn dea tenditque fovetque. Sed enim progeniem a Troiano sanguine duci audierat, quae olim Tyrias arces verteret; hinc populum late regem bello- que superbum venturum esse Libyae excidio : sic Parcas volvere. Saturnia id metuens veterisque belli memor, quod prima pro caris Argis ad Troiam gesserat — 14. dives: abunddns.— i8. sinant: patiantur. — ig. diici: deduct. — 20. olim: a/i^uando. verteret: everteret. — 21. regem: regnantem. — 22. excidio: clddu volvere: statuere. THE WRA TH OF JUNO. 5 need"*" eti,am cau,s^® ira,nim ,| sae,vique do,16res 25 excide,rdnt ani,m6: „ manet , alta , mdnte re,p6stum iiidici,um Pari,dis „ spre,t26qu^ in^iiiria , fdrmse, et genus , fnvijS^"^, „ €t rap,tf Ganyjmedis ho,n6res. His aCjCensa su,pdr, |, iac,tatos , s^quore , toto Troas, , reliqui,as „ Dana,^^ dtqu® im,mitis AjChflli, 30 arce,bat lon,gd Lati|<5, „ mul.tdsque per , annos errajbant, aC|ti fa,tis, „ mari,^ omnia , circum. Tantae , molis e,rat „ Ro,manam , condere , gdntem ! Vix e , cdnspec,tu |, Sicu,ls6 tel,luris in , altum vela da,bant l£e,tV H ^t spU|mas salis , s6re ru,ebant, 35 cdm Iu,n^, 26ter,niim j, ser,vans sub , pdctore , vdlnus, hsic se,ciim: ,j " Me,n® incep,t6 de,sistere , victam, necdum etiam causae irarum saevique dolores ex animo exci- derant: in sua mente alta repositum manet iudicium Paridis iniuriaque suae spretae formae et genus invisum et rapti honores Ganymedis ; his accensa (in)super Troas in aequore toto iactatos, reliquias Danaum atque immitis Achilli, longe a Latio arcebat, atque illi multos per annos, fatis acti, cir­ cum omnia maria errabant. Res tantae molis erat gentem condere Rdmanam. Vix e conspectu Siculae telluris laeti in altum vela dabant ventis, et aere spumas salis ruebant, cum liino, aeternum volnus sub pectore servans, haec secum volvit: " Mene victam incepto desistere, 26. exciderant: abierant — 27. spretae: contemptae. fdrmae; pulchritudinis. — 30. immitis : crudelis^ saeviy 1. 25. — 31. longe: procul. — 32. errabant: vagdbantur. 6 GATE TO VERGIL. ndc poS|S« Itali|a n TeU|Cr6r'i'^ a|Vertere , regem ? Quippe ve|tdr fa|tis. „ Pal|lasn« eX|Urere , classem Argi|VO™ atqu^ ip|Sds y potU|it sub,mdrgere , ponto, 40 linius I 6b nO|X^"^ et furi|as A|iacis 0|ilei? Ipsa, IO|Vis rapi|diim |, iacU|lat^ e , niibibus , fgnem, disie|Cftque ra|tes y e|Vertit,qu« s^quora , ventis, ill^™ eX|Spiran,tem |, tranS|fixo , pectore , flammas turbine , c6rripU|it n scopu,ldqu^ in^fixit a,cuto. 45 Ast ego, I qu2§ diiV^"^ „ fnce|d6 re|gfna, IO|Visque et soror , et con|iunx, n U|na cum , gente tot , annos bella ge^r^! fit quiS|quam n nU|men IU|ndnis ad|6ret prs^tere^^ aut sup^plex n a|ris imponet hO|ndrem?" SHE CONFERS WITH -flSOLUS. Talia , flamma|t6 n se|Cum dea , corde V0|lutans 5° nec regem Teucrorum ab Italia avertere posse ? Quippe fatis vetor. Pallasne classem Argivom exurere atque ipsos in ponto submergere potuit, ob unius noxam et furias Aiacis Oilei? Ipsa ignem rapidum lovis e nubibus iaculata, ratesque disiecit aequoraque ventis evertit; ilium flammas e pectore transfixo exspirantem turbine corripuit scopuloque acuto infixit. Ast ego, quae regina divom incedo, lovisque et soror et coniunx, cum una gente tot annos bella gero ! Et quisquam praeterea numen Iiinonis adoret, aut supplex aris hon5rem imp5net ?" Dea talia secum flammato in corde voliitans 38. avertere: arcere. — 39. quippe: scilicet, vetor: impedior. exurere: incendere. — 42. ignem: fulmen. — 46. inced5: gradidr^ sum.—48. adoret: colat, — 49. praeterea: posted.— 50. volutans: volvens. SHE CONFERS WITH MOLUS. 7 nfmbo,r^"^ in patri|am, „ loca , feta fu,rentibus , aiistris, ^oli|am venit. , Hfc ,| va,st6 rex , ^olus , antro liictan|tis ven|t6s |, tem|pesta,tesque S0|n6ras imperijO premit , ac vin,clfs et , carcere , frenat. Ili'^ in,dignan,tds j, ma,gn6 cum , miirmure , montis 55 circum , claiistra fre|munt; „ cel|Sa sedet , ^olus , arce sceptra tejnens, „ mol,litqu® anijmos et , temperat , iras. Nf faci^at, |, mari,^ dc terjras cae|liimque prOjfiindum quippe fejrant rapi,di se,cum j, verjrantque per , auras. Sed pater j 6mnipO|tens y spejluncis , abdidit , atris, 60 hoc metu,ens, „ mOjlemqu® et , montis , insuper , altos imposu,ft, „ re,gemque de|dit, „ qui , foedere , cdrto et preme,r® et la,xas „ sci,ret dare , iiissus hajbdnas. Ad quem ^ tum lUjno „ sup,plex his j vdcibus , lis^ est: in patriam nimborum Aeoliam, loca furentibus austris feta, venit. Hic rex Aeolus in vasto antrd liictantis ventos tem- pestatesque sonoras imperio premit ac vinclis et carcere frenat.
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