Index of Names
INDEXOFNAMES Acamas 262 Danai 5, 44, 162, 170, 413, 423, Achaemenides 57–76, §2 440 Achaica 462 Dardanaarma618 Achilles 29; Achilli (gen.) 540 Dardanidae 59, 445 Achiui 45 Dardanis 787 Aeneas and Mt.Ida 634–78 (iii); and Dardanium...litus 583 penates 293; as narrator 506–58, Deiphobus 310, HE, §4(ii) 559–66; dolor of 589–633; father Dido as audience 506 of people 2; on roofs 458 Diomedes 164 Aiax 414 Dolopians 7, 785; exercitus 415 Anchises 300, 597, 634–78, 747; Dorica castra 27 phys. state of 647; and Venus ib.; Dymas 340, 394, 428 and Priam 560, 687; recovery of 679–704; as seer 679–704 Eois equis 417 (i); as interpreter of portents, Epeius 264 ib. Erinys 337, 573 Androgeos 371 Euripides, Philoctetes 77–104 Andromache 453–68, 456, 562 Eurus 418 Apollinis infula 430 Eurypylum 114 Argiua phalanx 254 Argolica 119; tela 177 Gorgone 616 Ascanius 598, 652, 666, 674, 747 Grai 148; Graiae 598, Graiae Asia 193, 557 matres 786; Graiarum...iubarum Asinius Pollio 506–58, 554, 556 412 Astyanacta 457; Astyanax 526, Grillius 77–104 562 Atridae 104, 415, 500 Hector 522, 543; tears of 271; Auster 111; Austri 304 abuse of body 272, 278; while Automedon 477 alive 272f.; arms of Achilles 275; burning of ships 276; Belus 82 appearance of ghost 277; treatment of body in Hom., Calchas 100, 123, 176, 185 ib.; hair, ib. ; as paladin 281, Capys 35 285, 289–95; and penates Cassandra 404; and Coroebus 343 296 Coroebus 341, 386, 407, 424 Hecuba 501, 515 Creusa 562, 597, 651, 666, 738; Helen 567–88; hides in temple HE, Creusa as spectre 772; geneal.
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