Problems of Learning Languages

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Problems of Learning Languages Министерство образования и науки кыргызской республики кыргызско-российский славянский университет кафедра теории и практики английского языка и межкультурной коммуникации о.Ю. Шубина, в.Ш. Хасанова, н.в. курганова PROBLEMS OF LEARNING LANGUAGES учебное пособие для студентов старших курсов языковых специальностей бишкек 2010 уДк 80/81 ббк 81 Ш 95 рецензенты: в.Д. асанов, доц., р.и. кузьмина, доц., г.а. вишневская, доц. рекомендовано к изданию кафедрой теории и практики английского языка и межкультурной коммуникации и ученым советом крсу Допущено Министерством образования и науки кыргызской республики в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений Шубина О.Ю и др. Ш 95 Problems of learning languages: учебное пособие для студентов страших курсов языковых специальностей / о.Ю. Шубина, в.Ш. Хасанова, н.в. курганова. – б.: крсу, 2010. – 118 с. isbn 978-9967-05-573-5 настоящее учебное пособие “Problems of learning languages” предназнача- ется для студентов старших курсов языковых специальностей. Цель пособия – совершенствование навыков чтения, развитие навыков ре- чевого общения, введение и закрепление лексики по изучаемой теме. пособие состоит из четырех разделов, в каждый из которых включены тематические тексты, определенные задания по различным видам чтения (по- исковое, просмотровое и др.), задания на лексику, задания, направленные на развитие навыков написания аннотаций и эссе. в пособие включены также ролевые игры и тестовые задания для контроля знаний студентов: лексические тесты, тесты к видеофильмам и аудиотесты. в пособие включен словарь-минимум, охватывающий лексику всего мате- риала пособия. задания, предлагаемые в сборнике, предполагают парный и групповой виды работ и предназначены как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы. Ш 4602000000-09 уДк 80/81 ББК 81 isbn 978-9967-05-573-5 © крсу, 2010 CONTENTS Unit I. Problems of second language acquisition . .5 Part i. learning a second language. .5 Part ii. Problems of learning foreign languages. .8 Part iii. acquisition of a second language. 12 Part iV. idea of the universal language. .20 Part V. role Play. 26 Part Vi. Viewing the film: Joe speaks french. .26 Unit II. Bilingualism and multilingualism. 29 Part i. bilingualism. 29 Part ii. World english. 35 Part iii. Test of listening: learning foreign languages . 40 Unit III. Set expressions and varieties of language. .42 Part i. slang. 42 Part ii. idioms. .52 Part iii. Jargons . .60 Unit IV. Endangered languages. .65 Part i. The Crumbling of the ecosystem of language and Culture. 65 Part II. education for multilingualism and multi-literacy in ethnic minority Communities . .71 Vocabulary. 77 Literature. .82 3 UNIT I PROBLEMS OF SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Part I. Learning a second language Text 1. Should you learn a second language? 1. Before reading the article given below, share your ideas about advantages of knowing a second language or being bilingual. 2. Read the text and do the assignments below. Yes (Jeremy Westwood, Berlitz Publishing) it would be surprising if someone in my position were not convinced of the joy – and practical benefits – of learning a language. i was seduced by the world of language classes early, having started my working life teaching english in a language school in ferrera, italy. i was not a great teacher – i got the job because the director of the school an english vicar in milan thought that i had gone to the right public school. but, having had a classical education, i proved a good learner. furthermore, i was aided after hours by a lovely signorina – always a wonderful educational aid – who corrected my exercises. my acquaintance with languages pure and simple also began early – perhaps a key to enthusiasm and aptitude for learning a foreign tongue. i was sent to boarding school when i was four and i started to learn french when not much older, beginning with les adventures de madame souris. i can now speak french and italian to a high standard (with dashes of german and spanish), something i have found very useful in both my personal and professional life. not everyone has had my opportunities but most people have the chance to learn a second language to some degree. but why should they bother when english is an international language and when shouting louder is rumored to work well in many foreign parts? Well, there are good reasons for trying, even if only with the aid of phrase book order the dinner or find the nearest loo. first, it’s the convenience and simple practical virtues of being able to communicate. second, it’s a matter of courtesy to try to talk to people in their language in their own country, even if it is only to say “good morning”. even australians will appreciate if you greet 4 them with “g’day”; you may seem to be less of a Pon which is sometimes a distinct benefit. it is also fun to succeed in saying the right thing, even if your few words then release – as they invariably do – a torrent in reply of which you can generally understand little. one of the most important phrases to learn, perhaps, it’s “i don’t understand”. There is nothing wrong in saying this; you are going to have to own up somewhere , sometimes as even the greatest polyglot cannot speak every language. The important thing is to show you are willing to try. What else should move one lo learn a foreign language? self-interest is a good place to start. from the fun of being less of a foreigner to the thrill, in the halcyon days of youthful (and perhaps not so useful) travel, of the knowing smile from the girl or boy on the next bar stool. oK, the smile may be the start of a laugh at your pronunciation but the ice has been broken. more vital, perhaps, is the ability to say – something important in an emergency when your phrase book is back in the hotel; or to have a chance of understanding a phone call received in your rented villa. and if you are in a country where the alphabet and the script are unfamiliar, then being able to recognize a few words is even more important. it does. of course, depends on the level of your abilities; but arguing that it’s not worth trying because you’ll only learn a little is like saying there’s no point starting tennis unless you’re going to be able to play like Tim Henman. in addition, it’s simply not true that “everyone speaks english”. even in the business of publishing, where i work, there are senior executives with whom i deal in france and italy who don’t speak english. i believe my ability to communicate in their language helps my business with them and certainly helps my personal relationship with them. of course, one can hire an interpreter, but have you ever tried to tell a joke through one? it takes time and money to learn a language as an adult, especially if you have one-to-one lessons in a language school. but the cost will be rapidly repaid. Yes, a degree of skill is required and it’s true that some people will always struggle. but i am convinced that anyone who can learn a language to whatever degree of expertise should do so. Note: Pon – a popular, important person (in Australia means popularity) Assignments I. Answer the following questions: 1. Do you agree with the author’s point of view that one should learn a second language? 5 2. Have you personally experienced any advantages of being bilingual? 3. What did move you to learn l2? II. Match the following words with proper synonyms: 1 loo a placid 2 aptitude b admit 3 one-to-one c lavatory 4 halcyon d private 5 own up e propensity f peaceful g tкte-а-tкte III. Cite the reasons given in the text or give your own reasons why: 1. Though not everyone has good opportunities, but most people do have a chance to learn a l2 to some degree. 2. It is a matter of courtesy to try to talk to people in their language in their own country. 3. Language knowledge helps in business and personal relationships. IV. Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1. It is also fun to succeed in saying the right thing, even if your few words then release – as they invariably do – a torrent in reply of which you can generally understand little. 2. From the fun of being less of a foreigner to the thrill, in the halcyon days of youthful (and perhaps not so useful) travel, of the knowing smile from the girl or boy on the next bar stool. 3. But arguing that it’s not worth trying because you’ll only learn a little is like saying there’s no point starting tennis unless you’re going to be able to play like Tim Henman. Text 2. No (Tim Jepson, Sunday Telegraph) Read the text and do the assignments below. learn a language? are you kidding? Come on? You know it’s not going to happen. it’s one of those resolutions – or slightly desperate promises you make to yourself, invariably of the self-improving kind – that collapses within days under the weight of the application and sheer tedium required to achieve it. When the last time you tried to learn a language? school? Probably. and the time before that? When you an infant. 6 let’s go to school first. Years of french and german, perhaps spanish and italian if you were lucky, and latin, greek of Welsh (only kidding) if you weren’t. now how much can you remember? i studied french for seven years, and what a seven years.
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