April 11, 2006

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April 11, 2006 April11,2006 U.S.Department 400SeventhStreet,S.W. ofTransportation Washington,D.C.20590 Pipelineand HazardousMaterials SafetyAdministration DOT-SP12431 (THIRDREVISION) (FORRENEWAL,SEE49CFR '107.109) 1. GRANTEE : (Seeindividualauthorizationletter) 2. PURPOSEANDLIMITATIONS : a.Thisspecialpermitauthorizesthetransportationin commerceofnon-DOTspecificationcylindersconformingwith allregulationsapplicabletoaDOT4BAspecification, exceptasspecifiedherein,forthetransportationin commerceoftheDivision2.2materialsauthorizedbythis specialpermit.Thisspecialpermitprovidesnorelieffrom theHazardousMaterialsRegulations(HMR)otherthanas specificallystatedherein. b.Thesafetyanalysesperformedindevelopmentofthis specialpermitonlyconsideredthehazardsandrisks associatedwithtransportationincommerce. c.Unlessotherwisestatedherein,thisspecialpermit consistsofthespecialpermitauthorizationletterissued tothegranteetogetherwiththisdocument. 3.REGULATORYSYSTEMAFFECTED :49CFRParts106,107and171- 180. 4. REGULATIONSFROMWHICHEXEMPTED :49CFR ''173.302a, 173.304a,175.3,inthatanon-DOTspecificationcylinderis notauthorizedexceptasspecifiedherein. 5. BASIS :Thisspecialpermitisbasedontheapplicationof 3MCenterdatedMarch30,2006,submittedinaccordancewith '107.109. ContinuationofDOT-SP12431(3rd Rev.) Page2 April11,2006 6. HAZARDOUSMATERIALS(49CFR '172.101) : ProperShippingName/ Hazard Identi- Packing HazardousMaterialDescription Class/ fication Group Division Number Dichlorodifluoromethaneor 2.2 UN1028 N/A RefrigerantgasR12 Chlorodifluorobromomethaneor 2.2 UN1974 N/A RefrigerantgasR12B1 Chlorotrifluoromethaneor 2.2 UN1022 N/A RefrigerantgasR13 Tetrafluoromethaneor 2.2 UN1982 N/A RefrigerantgasR14 Bromotrifluoromethaneor 2.2 UN1009 N/A RefrigerantgasR13B1 Dichlorofluoromethaneor 2.2 UN1029 N/A RefrigerantgasR21 Chlorodifluoromethaneor 2.2 UN1018 N/A RefrigerantgasR22 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2- 2.2 UN1958 N/A Tetrafluoroethaneor RefrigerantgasR114 Chloropentafluoroethaneor 2.2 UN1020 N/A RefrigerantgasR115 Hexafluoroethane,compressedor 2.2 UN2193 N/A RefrigerantgasR116 1-Chloro-1,2,2,2- 2.2 UN1021 N/A tetrafluoroethaneor RefrigerantgasR124 1-Chloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane 2.2 UN1983 N/A orRefrigerantgasR133a 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethaneor 2.2 UN3159 N/A RefrigerantgasR134a Dichlorodifluoromethaneand 2.2 UN2602 N/A Difluoroethaneaxeotropic mixtureorRefrigerantgasR500 ContinuationofDOT-SP12431(3rd Rev.) Page3 April11,2006 ProperShippingName/ Hazard Identi- Packing HazardousMaterialDescription Class/ fication Group Division Number Chlorodifluoromethaneand 2.2 UN1973 N/A Chloropentafluoroethanemixture orRefrigerantgasR502 Chlorotrifluoromethaneand 2.2 UN2599 N/A Trifluoromethaneazeotropic mixtureorRefrigerantgasR503 Hexafluoropropyleneor 2.2 UN1858 N/A RefrigerantgasR1216 Refrigerantgases,n.o.s. 2.2 UN1078 N/A Refrigerantgases,n.o.s. 2.2 UN1078 N/A (Trichlorofluoromethane,R11) Refrigerantgases,n.o.s. 2.2 UN1078 N/A (Trichlorotrifluoroethane, R113) Refrigerantgases,n.o.s. 2.2 UN1078 N/A (Dichlorotrifluoroethane,R123) Liquefiedandnon-liquefied 2.2 As N/A compressedgases,authorized appro- forDOT4BAspecification priate cylinders 7. SAFETYCONTROLMEASURES : a.PACKAGING -Packagingprescribedisanon-DOT specificationstainlesssteelcylinderconformingwithDOT Specification4BA( ''178.35and178.51)exceptasfollows: '178.35(f)Markings. (1)Eachcylindermustbemarkedwiththefollowing information: (i)Thecylindermustbemarked ADOT-SP12431" insteadofDOT-4BAfollowedbytheservice pressure. **** ContinuationofDOT-SP12431(3rd Rev.) Page4 April11,2006 '178.51(a)Type,sizeandservicepressure. Cylindermustbecylindricalinshape,withintegrally formedsphericalorellipticalheads.Cylinderends closedbyspinningarenotauthorized.Shellsaretobe seamlesscylindricalwithintegrallyformedheads,and joinedbyweldingofonecircumferentialseam.The maximumwatercapacityis90pounds,andthemaximum servicepressureis350psig. '178.51(b)Steel.Materialofconstructionmustbe ASTMA240Type304,Type316,orType316Lstainless steel.Thesteelanalysismustconformtothe following: Composition(%) Stainlesssteel 304 316 316L Carbon(Max.) 0.08 0.08 0.03 Manganese(Max.) 2.00 2.00 2.00 Phosphorus(Max.) 0.045 0.045 0.045 Sulphur(Max.) 0.030 0.030 0.030 Silicon(Max.) 0.75 0.75 0.75 Chromium 18.0-20.0 16.0-18.0 16.0-18.0 Nickel 8.0-10.5 10.0-14.0 10.0-14.0 Molybdenum ---- 2.0-3.0 2.0-3.0 Copper(Max.) ---- ---- ---- Nitrogen(Max.) 0.10 0.10 0.10 '178.51(g)Heattreatment.Heattreatmentisnot required. b.TESTING -Cylindersmustberequalifiedinaccordance withtherequirementsof '180.209asapplicabletoDOT4BA specificationcylinders.Cylindersusedinrecovered refrigerantservicearehereindefinedbyDOTasbeingin corrosiveservice. ContinuationofDOT-SP12431(3rd Rev.) Page5 April11,2006 Sections180.209(e),180.209(f)and180.209(g)donotapply tocylindersusedforrecoveredrefrigerants. 8. SPECIALPROVISIONS : a.Apersonwhoisnotaholderofthisspecialpermit,but receivesapackagecoveredbythisspecialpermit,may reofferitfortransportationprovidednomodificationsor changesaremadetothepackageoritscontentsanditis offeredfortransportationinconformancewiththisspecial permitandtheHMR. b.Acurrentcopyofthisspecialpermitmustbemaintained ateachfacilitywherethepackageisofferedorreoffered fortransportation. c.Packagespermanentlymarked'DOT-E12431',priorto October1,2007maycontinuetobeusedunderthisspecial permitfortheremainingservicelifethepackageoruntil thespecialpermitisnolongervalid.Packagesmarkedon orafterOctober1,2007mustbemarked'DOT-SP12431'. d.Shippingpapersdisplaying'DOT-E12431'maycontinueto beuseduntilOctober1,2007,providedthespecialpermit remainsvalid. e.Newmanufactureofthepackagingsunderthisspecial permitisnotauthorized. 9. MODESOFTRANSPORTATIONAUTHORIZED :Motorvehicle,rail freight,cargoaircraftonly,andpassenger-carrying aircraft. 10. MODALREQUIREMENTS :Acurrentcopyofthisspecialpermit mustbecarriedaboardeachaircraftusedtotransport packagescoveredbythisspecialpermit.Theshippermust furnishacopyofthisspecialpermittotheaircarrier beforeoratthetimetheshipmentistendered. 11. COMPLIANCE :Failurebyapersontocomplywithanyofthe followingmayresultinsuspensionorrevocationofthis specialpermitandpenaltiesprescribedbytheFederal hazardousmaterialstransportationlaw,49U.S.C.5101et seq : o Alltermsandconditionsprescribedinthisspecial permitandtheHazardousMaterialsRegulations,49CFR Parts171-180. ContinuationofDOT-SP12431(3rd Rev.) Page6 April11,2006 o Personsoperatingunderthetermsofthisspecial permitmustcomplywiththesecurityplanrequirement inSubpartIofPart172oftheHMR,whenapplicable. o Registrationrequiredby§107.601etseq .,when applicable. Each"Hazmatemployee",asdefinedin§171.8,whoperforms afunctionsubjecttothisspecialpermitmustreceive trainingontherequirementsandconditionsofthisspecial permitinadditiontothetrainingrequiredby§§172.700 through172.704. Nopersonmayuseorapplythisspecialpermit,including displayofitsnumber,whenthisspecialpermithasexpired orisotherwisenolongerineffect. UnderTitleVIIoftheSafe,Accountable,Flexible, EfficientTransportationEquityAct:ALegacyforUsers (SAFETEA-LU)-'TheHazardousMaterialsSafetyandSecurity ReauthorizationActof2005'(Pub.L.109-59),119Stat. 1144(August10,2005),amendedtheFederalhazardous materialstransportationlawbychangingtheterm 'exemption'to'specialpermit'andauthorizesaspecial permittobegranteduptotwoyearsfornewspecialpermits anduptofouryearsforrenewals. 12.REPORTINGREQUIREMENTS: Shipmentsoroperationsconducted underthisspecialpermitaresubjecttotheHazardous MaterialsIncidentReportingrequirementsspecifiedin49 CFR ''171.15 BImmediatenoticeofcertainhazardous materialsincidents,and171.16 BDetailedhazardous materialsincidentreports.Inaddition,thegrantee(s)of thisspecialpermitmustnotifytheAssociateAdministrator forHazardousMaterialsSafety,inwriting,ofanyincident involvingapackage,shipmentoroperationconductedunder termsofthisspecialpermit. ContinuationofDOT-SP12431(3rd Rev.) Page7 April11,2006 IssuedinWashington,D.C. forRobertA.McGuire AssociateAdministrator forHazardousMaterialsSafety Addressallinquiriesto:AssociateAdministratorforHazardous MaterialsSafety,PipelineandHazardousMaterialsSafety Administration,DepartmentofTransportation,Washington,D.C. 20590.Attention:PHH-31. Copiesofthisspecialpermitmaybeobtainedbyaccessingthe HazardousMaterialsSafetyHomepageat http://hazmat.dot.gov/sp_app/special_permits/spec_perm_index.htm Photoreproductionsandlegiblereductionsofthisspecialpermit arepermitted.Anyalterationofthisspecialpermitis prohibited. PO:CF/DL/KAH.
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