THE DIAPASON DECEMBER, 2007 The Brick Presbyterian Church New York City Cover feature on pages 30–32 Dec 07 Cover.indd 1 11/8/07 8:39:21 AM a total cleaning and releathering. Given siderably smaller than the Trinity organ the prices that have been bandied about (about 100 ranks). St. John the Divine THE DIAPASON for the “temporary” instrument, it prob- (another historic Aeolian-Skinner from A Scranton Gillette Publication ably would have cost the same or less to the 1950s, 150 ranks) is being rebuilt for Ninety-eighth Year: No. 12, Whole No. 1177 DECEMBER, 2007 restore this legendary organ with up-to- about $5 million after the disastrous gift date retrofi tting and new consoles in the shop fi re. Established in 1909 ISSN 0012-2378 Skinner tradition. My advice would be to store the his- An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, 5) Dr. Burdick will not be at Trin- toric Aeolian-Skinner intact for many the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music ity forever. Given the prestige of Trin- years, with the intention of reinstalling it ity Wall Street, when a replacement is at a later date with upgrades. It would be hired, I am sure the new director of a shame to sell it piecemeal, as the organ music will want a real pipe organ to had its own integrity and worked as an CONTENTS Editor & Publisher JEROME BUTERA
[email protected] replace the current digital organ. New integrated musical unit. 847/391-1045 pipe instruments (even with some digi- I have worked with many organ com- FEATURES tal voices because of space or budgetary panies in sales, construction and consult- In celebration of the 100th birthday, concerns) are being installed around the ing for the last 35 years.