Images Are Indicated by Italicized Page
INDEX Images are indicated by italicized Anderson, Tom, 33–34 page numbers. Andes Mission: J. Vernon Sharp called to, 241–42; division A. B. Dick Company, 153–55 of, 242–43; indigenous A. Delbert Palmer School, 310 population and, 243–48; J. Abarcherli, Lionel, 140 Vernon Sharp released from, Abrea, Angel, 228 248–49; David Tuttle called activities, public relations, 321 to, 252–53; organization of, adversity, 129–31, 323 296–98 advocate, Elder Tuttle as, 12–14 Area President and supervisor, Alianza Popular Revolucionario Elder Tuttle serves as, 330 Americana (APRA), 238 Arequipa, Peru, 281 Allen, Arthur, on building Argault, Eduarda, 161, 163 program, 209 Argault, Jeanne Seguín, 161 Allen, James, on stakehood, 172 Argentina: construction programs Allen, Rufus, 102 in, 24; Elder Tuttle tours, Allred, Cohen, 220 71–76; political concerns Allred, Verle, 293–94 in, 85–86; Andrew Jensen Almack, Dr. John C., 47 recommends sending Anderson, Leland, 32 missionaries to, 103–4; South Anderson, P. K., 277, 279 American Mission opened Index in, 104–6; Melvin J. Ballard mission president to Wilford leaves, 106–7; Reinhold Woodruff Whitaker, 36; Stoof’s hope for, 114; history Wilford Woodruff Whitaker of, 187–90; Church opens in, asks advice of, 37; J. Vernon 190–92; work of Reinhold Sharp replaces, 78; on Stoof in, 192–94; Church missions in South America, growth in, 194–95; chapels 101; opens South American to be improved in, 196–201; Mission, 104–6; leaves chapel construction in, 201, Argentina, 106–7; begins 203–12; Church buildings missionary work in Argentina, to be improved in, 201–2; 191; returns to United States, first mission home in, 201–2; 233; on Peru, 238–39; unique architectural needs prophesies on Church growth in, 219–20; geography and in South America, 241–42; politics of, 264; improving visits Bolivia, 254; dedicatory public relations in, 270–72.
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