The God Reality.

Scientific proof of God. And the scientific religion of Source, Love and Light. By Thomas Eidsaa 18.03.2020.

Part 1 of 6 books in the GRRRRR series: The Great Romantic Revivalist`s Reformation Revolution Renaissance series!!!

Let us kick off by proving God!

¨There is in nature one most potent force by means whereof a single man who could possess himself of it, and direct it, could change the future of the world. ¨ - Albert Pike.

¨Only the liberation of the natural capacity for love in beings can master their sadistic destructiveness. ¨ - Wilhelm Reich.

¨Source, Love and Light = God, the Holy Ghost and Jesus. It can be made into a philosophical formula/equation. This is the principle that unites religion, science and philosophy. ¨ - Thomas Eidsaa

Dedicated to the rediscovery of the all-permeating force with thanks and dedication to beloved teacher, David Wilcock.

Writing by Thomas Eidsaa. 2019

Cover by Thomas Eidsaa.

No part in this publication may be used or transmitted in any way without the expressed written consent of the publisher, except for short excerpts for the use in reviews.


The ¨GRRRRR¨ series, by Thomas Eidsaa:

The 6 book GRRRRR series, or ¨The Great Romantic Revivalist Reformation Revolution Renaissance¨ book series, is the lion`s roaring wake-up call for all Christian truth-seekers to unite in an ever-changing world, an eye-opening 21st century upgrade of Christianity which I saw much needed, detailing my research into neo-charismatic theology, apologetics, ontological arguments, the problem of evil, eschatology, and conspiracy theories of great importance to every Christian. Things we are too afraid to talk about… With Luke 12:3 and Hebrews 12:27 as inspiration. All books are one-of-a-kind blockbuster compendium of never-before published content I saw myself imbued to write, with passion for revival in the Church, because I happened to have that knowledge. Thank you God with dedications…

It is a work aimed at waking YOU up to the evil you never thought existed. ¨What you don`t know can still kill you¨, and being a Thomas, I took this authorship upon me as doubter at first, but found Christianity to be the most viable faith… My books are a guide, and a compendium of all important topics relating to the radical Christian faith in a dangerous, unpredictable 21st century change of Europe.

I take the reader on an amazing journey – re-discovering 1st century Nazarene knowledge and philosophy with 21st century science, theology and societal problems as an ailment to society. My work can be seen as a paradigm shift or a reformation of Christianity in an age where we watch YouTube movies about occultism and conspiracy theory, yet never hear it preached in Church, and I truly, personally believe the knowledge herein will create peace on Earth if acted upon, being a pacifist myself.

I believe Christians hold the sole responsibility for the Earth and must act as such. To eliminate polarities and create peace, I have therefore created the Ontological, Metaphysical Law of Source, Love and Light, which I hope will be the universal, humanistic, inter-religious, and scientific ¨conduit of all things¨ for the future; the bedrock of a Golden Age Utopia, upon which all differences are set aside.

I also believe the neo-charismatic Christians deserve their own theology, unity and nation by now, being the largest growing Christian group in the world, which I dedicated myself to see happen as outlined in the last book, the Kingdom of God, where I outline a utopian system of Christian governance that I hope can be a light for all nations...


I myself am only a disabled, humble servant of God, and pray for Aarons to wake up and lead that romantic renaissance parade of love, light and laughter. Yours sincerely and thank you for buying my book for the mission of knowledge. Author of the GRRRRR series, Thomas Eidsaa.

Books in the GRRRRR series.

1. The God Reality? Scientific proof of ¨God¨? And the scientific religion of Source, Love and Light. 2. The Christian Path – Biblical Theology – The Last Reformation! (This book has no conspiracy, or controversial topics, and relates to every Pentecostal and Neo-Charismatic Christian. 3. Jesus, Lucifer and the ritual of the cross explained – How Jesus was the messiah. 4. The Wisdom of All Golden Ages – The ontological, metaphysical law of source, love and light! 5. The Secrets of St. John`s Revelations – The Revelation Conspiracies! 6. The Kingdom of God – Strategies to guarantee global Christian utopia!

Other books: - The People`s Army`s Revolution – The Battleplan against the New World Order! - How to make the world`s best Orgonite – All mistakes so you don`t have to. (I have two more books under pen-names, but you`ll have to discover them yourself, which might be very impossible.)


Table of content.

Chapter 1: Creationism? 9 Intelligent design. 10 Ontological philosophy for God. 11 Thomas Aquinas five ways (ontology) 11 Evolutionary creationism through source-field biogenesis. 13 The Source Field investigations 15 Chapter 2: Wilhelm Reich and (Source-field) Orgone energy. 18 The archetypal hero. 18 Properties of orgone. 19 The universal 4-stage formula. 21 Reich`s Orgone Accumulator. 22 All life energy= positive or negative sexual energy. 24 Confirming Reich through personal experience. 28 Chapter 3: Disproving Darwinism. 33 Reich in Norway – the discovery of bions – the origin life. Life began through the source-field. 33 The history of the source-field discoveries. Anton Von Leeuwenhoek and Robert Brown. 35 Professor Ignacio Pacheco replicates Reich`s discoveries. 37 Dr James DeMeo replicates Reich`s discoveries. 39 Dr. Luc Montagnier`s DNA discovery. 41 The torsion field- the 5th force of , or the primal source of all forces? 42 Pyramids funnel the source field, which intensify evolution. 43 The Cloudbusters – greening the deserts. 45 My own orgone experiments. 46


Conclusion on evolution: 49 Chapter 4: A spiritual reality. 50 Are we walking in a state of trance? 50 The Backster effect: Plants talk to each other! 51 Affecting the source field. The meditation/prayer effect. 53 The Cavity Structure effect. 54 The sacredness of life. 57 Satanic rituals shatter the source-field. 58 Personal philosophy regarding the soul. 59 The synchronicity effect. What source matters to experiencing God. 61 My experience with higher dimensions. 64 Chapter 5: The flat Earth Theory – Easily visible. 68 The math speaks for itself. 68 Discovering the flat Earth. 70 The purpose for a round-Earth conspiracy. 74 A prophetic warning for the future! 77 Chapter 6: The mathematical, geometric source-field. Nothing is coincidence! 81 String theory and Michio Kaku 81 The golden ratio, and the Fibonacci sequence 82 The Flower of Life, and the Merkabah. 85 How the seed of life is formed – the 6 days of creation. 87 Metatron`s Cube 88 Other shapes contained within the fruit of life. 91 Comments: 92 Numerology and gematria in the Bible. 93 Listings of the Phenomenal Features of Sevens Found in Genesis 1:1 98


Evidence of Divine Authorship of the New Testament 99 Am I a pantheist? 100 Comments on Panin. 100 Chapter 7: Proof of Christianity through miracles, near death experiences (NDE) and historical validity. 102 Healings. 102 Hell, and the afterlife is real: 105 Incarnation is wrong 111 Lament to those burning in Hell: Save us to God 115 The Bible is the most valid historical document! 116 Ron Wyatt discoveries confirm the Bible. 117 Chapter 8: Destroying Satanism. 122 Satanism is dead. 122 Controversy: 125 Enlightenment Philosophy. To get you thinking: 127 The Purpose of Life. 128 This is the most perfect world, and the problem of evil is solved. 130 Can good exist without evil? 131 Regarding sin. 133 Thelema. 134


Chapter 9: Conclusions and The Scientific Religion. 136 The ontological and metaphysical law of Source, Love and Light. 137 Some thoughts on the Holy Spirit: 146 The Lessons of the Law: 148 Follow the law! 150 Reloveution is for all. 152 Yet Revolution is for the west. (Why particularly blondes are chosen by the law of Source, Love and Light.) 152 Because. 154 Sources: 155


Chapter 1: Creationism?

Gaining in popularity is creationism, and the scientific intelligent design theory. A scientific theory well respected and taught at school in America. As society grows more atheistic, and void of moralistic backbones: Many are seeking spiritual answers, and codes of morale. The discoveries of dark-matter which according to super-string-theory science, constitutes 91% of the , has led many a scientist to ask: Are we living in a multidimensional universe? Is reality closer to the ancient Norse traditions, where we have a tree of life symbolizing the multidimensional? As far as history knows: The Norse were well ahead of any religion when it came to metaphysics, as discovered in Marie Kvilhaug`s books.

But is the world only 6700 years old as according to traditional Christian creationism, and the the Jewish calendar? Of course not. If you have read any other of my books, you will understand that astrology, and mythological retellings of an extra-terrestrial, angelic, or non-human race of arguably giants played a huge part in the creation of religion and myth. The Israelites were the people who fought these, and today we will fight the Sampson of modern day: The grand irrefutable atheism of the scientific establishment.

Creationism is the religious belief that the universe and life originated "from specific acts of divine creation", as opposed to the scientific conclusion that they came about through natural processes. The first use of the term "creationist" is found in an 1856 letter of Charles Darwin describing those who objected on religious grounds to the then emerging science of evolution. So you might say it`s a negative term. And we`ll discover that science is on ¨creationist¨ side, making us all ¨scientists.¨ We just don`t know it yet. Creationism covers a spectrum of views including evolutionary creationism, a theological variant of theistic evolution which asserts that both evolutionary science and a belief in creation can be true. We will discover that evolution started through a source-field, or tachyon field. An unmeasurable, etheric, or spiritual field, and that this field might very well be the super-conscience we all live in, popularily called God, or more accuratly the ¨pan-theo¨, or ¨the all¨. This field theoretically substitutes Einsteinian physics, and the four forces of physics, namely electromagnetism, gravity, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force, according to investigative author David Wilcock who claims

10 there is a false-physics conspiracy movement by masonic pseudo-scientists meant to undermine the factual evidence of evolutionary creationism, that is, evolution through the source-field. Literal creationists base their beliefs on a fundamentalist reading of religious texts, including the creation myths found in Genesis and the Quran. I personally know many young Earth creationists who believe the Grand Canyon was formed by the Noahic flood, etc, but this cannot be taken seriously, as fossil records alone show proof the Earth IS very old. I believe that evolution cannot adequately account for the history, diversity, and complexity of life on Earth. Only evolution through an intelligent source- field`s bion bio-genesis can, and will account for the complexity, beauty, and diversity of life, in future school-books.

Intelligent design.

It is the age-old debate. Is there a creator? Is there a spiritual reality? How did we come here?

Intelligent design is also called teleology. Teleology means goal-oriented and argues that everything has a purpose. Ontology however, is a branch of philosophy. It is the study of being i.e ¨what makes an object, what is it made of, what is it made for etc¨

The most known teleological argument is the watchmaker analogy or watchmaker argument which states, by way of an analogy, that a design implies a designer. Sir Isaac Newton upheld "that the physical laws he had uncovered revealed the mechanical perfection of the workings of the universe to be akin to a watch, wherein the watchmaker is God." The watchmaker argument was first asked by british apologetic William Paley; ¨If you were walking through the woods and found a watch. Would you ask yourself if the watch appeared by itself, or that it was put there by intelligent design? Would you marvel at the complexity of the integrating parts of the watch which fulfils it`s purpose, or would you see no purpose at all? Would you look at the neighbouring flower, and ask the same questions?¨

So teleology basically argues that ¨every design has a designer. ¨

This book is written as a response to the book ¨The God Delusion¨ by British professor, and world-renowned atheist Richard Dawkins. Dawkins mention the ¨five ways of Aquinas¨ which we will discover here. We discovered

11 teleological arguments. But are there philosophical arguments for the existence of God as well?

Ontological philosophy for God.

An ontological argument is a philosophical argument for the existence of God that uses ontology (the study of being). The first ontological argument in the Western Christian tradition was proposed by Anselm of Canterbury in his 1078 work Proslogion. Anselm defined God as "that than which nothing greater can be thought» and argued that this being must exist in the mind, even in the mind of the person who denies the existence of God. He suggested that, if the greatest possible being exists in the mind, it must also exist in reality. If it only exists in the mind, then an even greater being must be possible—one which exists both in the mind and in reality. (Doesn`t make sense ey?) Therefore, this greatest possible being must exist in reality. Seventeenth-century French philosopher René Descartes deployed a similar argument. Descartes published several variations of his argument, each of which centred on the idea that God's existence is immediately inferable from a "clear and distinct" idea of a supremely perfect being.

Ok. Let me explain this. Anselm`s argument ties into relativism. Reality is relative to the observer, in this Matrix universe. If a concept exists in your mind, it is relatively speaking: Real. Or at least real enough for you to believe it. I therefore argue that: The concept of 1, the concept of unity, (which I refer to as the superconscience) must exist! We will discover that science shows all are in fact part of this unity which exists as an intelligent, omnipresent superconscience field of physics.

Thomas Aquinas five ways (ontology)

Thomas Aquinas was a Christian philosopher who discovered five irrefutable arguments to why God exists. A philosophical argument as to why God exists is called an ontological argument.

First argument: The Argument of the unmoved mover. We can see some things are changing in the world. Whatever is changing is being changed by something else. If that by which it is changing is itself changed, then it too is being changed by something else, but this chain cannot be infinitely long, so there must be something that causes change without itself changing, namely God. Second argument: The Argument of the first cause.


This is a world where things are caused. But it is not possible for something to be the cause of itself because this would assume that the thing being caused exists prior to itself, which is a contradiction. If that by which it is caused is itself caused, then it too must have a cause, but this cannot be an infinitely long chain. There must be a cause which is not itself caused by anything further. This must be God. Third argument: The Argument from contingency.

We all have to agree that there are some things that are possible to be, and others that can not be, perishable things. If everything were contingent, or perishable, and thus capable of going out of existence, then, given infinite time, this possibility would be realized, and nothing would exist now. This is a so- called philosophical absolute. But things clearly do exist now. Therefore, there must be something that is imperishable: a necessary being. This, everyone understands to be God. Fourth argument: The Argument from degree. I see things in this world that vary in degrees of truth, goodness, and nobility. A heallthy animal is better than a sick animal. A well-drawn circle is better than a poorly drawn one. But judging something as being "more" or "less" implies some standard against which it is being judged. Therefore, there is something which is goodness itself, and this everyone understands to be God. (I will leave out my one-page long elaboration I wrote) Fifth argument: The Argument from final cause or ends.

Summary We see various non-sentient, and non intelligent objects in the world behaving in regular ways, like for instance a computer. This cannot be due to chance since then they would not behave with predictable results. Everything is set in motion by something. But it cannot be set by themselves since they are non-intelligent and have no notion of how to set behavior. And I, who made a computer, must be set in motion by something even greater, and the list continues until we reach God, the primordial, and eternal one. All mechanical behavior, and physical laws must be set in motion by something eternal that MUST also be intelligent. This must be God. This is also known as the Teleological Argument of the "Cosmic Watchmaker" we discovered. The Fifth Way uses Aristotle's final cause.


Aristotle argued that a complete explanation of an object will involve knowledge of how it came to be (efficient cause), what material it consists of (material cause), how that material is structured (formal cause), and the specific behaviors associated with the type of thing it is (final cause). The concept of final causes involves the concept of dispositions, use, or "ends": a specific goal or aim. For example, seeds regularly develop into trees but never into whales. The tree is the "end" towards which the acorn "points," its disposition, even if it fails to achieve maturity, which is sex. The aims and goals of intelligent beings, and sentient life is sex. This must have been set in motion by someone, or something. The implication is that if something has a goal or end towards which it strives, it is because something intelligent is guiding it. Which is? The Source-Field, the tachyon field, the Ether of the Greeks, Spirit, or Orgone, that investigative author David Wilcock, late Dr. Wilhelm Reich, and Dr. DeMeo proofs exists prior to all life, prior to all forces of physics, creating all, and setting all in motion. We`ve now scratched the surface of the branches of creationism, intelligent design and ontology. I would believe in God but am not fully convinced. The above-described theory is called:

Evolutionary creationism through source-field biogenesis.

While mostly all the world`s population still believe in the Creationism, there are few who question how creationism actually happen. Which this book will aim to discover. How come nobody does this research? All Christians agree that Darwin`s theory of evolution of the species is absolutely insane, unproven, and impossible by chance of billions to one. This is true. But it doesn`t matter unless the religious adherent would prove otherwise. And that is what we`re actually going to do today. We will call this scientific hypothesis- theory for source-field biogenesis.

My personal field of interest is whether to discover if I am right in my hypothesis that the sexual act symbolizes creation, and my hypothesis is that everything=sexual energy. Or source-field=sexual energy. And even spiritual energy=transmuted forms of that sexual energy. I will further come to the conclusions that negative energy = Hell. Energy that cannot be recycled by God. God being the super-conscience that embodies this matrix/all life and space-time.

Our main study will be the replicable discoveries of Austrian Dr. Wilhelm Reich. He discovered something called Orgone Energy, another word for the ETHER,

14 the Greek word for quintessence, which I claim is the spiritual tachyon field of physics, the field from which all space-time and forces of physics originate with. A universal field creating bions – the building-blocks for all life. A force of physics still unrecognized by science, because it confirms the existence of most probably, a singular God. Russia calls this the Torsion Field. America often calls it Scalar Energy, and you will find these 3 terms intermixed on the internet. I will go by Source Field, Ether and Orgone energy, as defined by Mr Wilcock. David Wilcock concludes in his recent book Source Field Investigations, that. ¨Space, time, matter, energy, conscience and biology is being created by a (God) universal conscience. And it`s main script is love. ¨

This source field (or force-field, like in Star-Wars) , which is all we see, has historical been termed as the force (by the Egyptians), as ether by the Greeks, as mana (by the Polynesians at Hawaii), and Vril (by Nazi Germany) who were eager to tap into this force. For those interested: Read the Secrets of Vril by Robert Sepehr. I own it.

I postulate that love, and light constitute an eternal law, or code for the entire universe which I have claimed to have rediscovered from the Egyptians. Did you hear me? This is actually not a joke. Think about it. Think about how love, and light really constitutes an eternal circle of life, for as long as this universe last. Water is only a constitute of life, but not life itself. It does not involve the photosynthesis as sunlight does. But this book will take it further. After all: The source-field (which is orgone – orgone being named after orgasm), the act of procreation, and light (photosynthesis) gives all life we see on this planet. You need of course, the presence of water, and love/sex/procreation. But since the source-field construct all matter (the whole universe - including water), and has a conscience based on love and light: It seems valid to put these 3 together in what I call a spiritual triangle. Source-field- light-and love.

You might find it strange, but I hypothesize in this book, that: The source-field = positive sexual-energy. WOW! And that: All life energy=negative, or positive sexual energy. The positive energy being male, and the negative energy being female. And since God/creator is the source field, we come up with a sacred trinitarian law: The law of God (Source): Love and Light. Or: God, Holy Ghost, and Jesus son/sun of God. For Wilhelm Reich`s research shows that the SUN, and SEX are the greatest orgone/source- field generators.

I have later edited my former book to encompass this sacred trinity concept. An archetype of religion, mythology, and the entire universe. God (the father), Jesus (the son/sun) , and the Holy Ghost (love, dove, moon, water, womb etc.) We will expand upon these at the end of the book, connecting the dots.


The Source Field investigations

A kind hippie gave me David Wilcock`s Source Field Investigations, a book that was the first of its kind. It`s revolutionary content stunned me. Here was undeniable scientific proof of God!!! I was at YWAM Kona Hawaii in 2012, the year it came out. After I was thrown out of school, I ended up on a harsh, messianic journey that continues until today. The Source Field Investigations is the greatest sci-fi-spirit-science book that I ever read, and nothing comes close. I encourage everyone I meet to read it. It should be elementary-school-stuff. People should go like ¨Of course God exists, that was proven in the 1600s by Leeuwenheuk`s experiments on sterilization! ¨

God exists, is a measurable field, and God drives evolution/creates all species. This should be taught in kindergarten. But it is not so. Why? It is simple, yet hard to grasp for the naiive. Because of secret societies. Yes. The most elemental fact that should have been established in kindergarten as the basic for all physics, religion, AND science has become a secret hidden for 400 years since its first modern discovery!!!

It has always been known to the initiates, but to us non-Illuminati, this is mind- blowingly modern! Wow! God actually exists!? There is a force in nature which creates life`s genetic code out of thin air? This is what countless scientists have discovered ever since Leeuwenheuk. Sterilized water, and beach sand miraculously produces life out of nothing from what W. Reich called ¨bions. ¨ These bions are the binding-blocks between inorganic and organic matter. The force surrounds everything, and holds everything together, endlessly creating new life-forms. Dr James DeMeo is a Reichian scientist and has a website with YouTube videos where you can see life forming from nothing but sterilized water and sterilized beach-sand. He calls this bion biogenesis, and it explains how life started: The source-field.

The Big-Bang (sex?) theory, and theory of evolution of life stemming from nothing but a single cell struck by lightning 3.5 billion years ago is far less believable than the Source Field theory, and bion biogenesis. Atheistic belief- systems have been brainwashing us for so long that we clinge to them as one would clinge to a religion, even in this New-Age of information. We have forgotten that science was carefully constructed by whom we will call the ¨cabal¨, and is solely build on faith, and not on facts at all! Atheistic contemporary mainstream science is just another religion. The craziest religion of all. Solve the cabal. Illuminati doesn`t sound right. They`re just a kabbalist cabal of daath. Not our sunlight.


This is science withheld from the general public, as it would shatter 400 years of theories, and awake the public, and Christians to the reality: God is a scientific reality? A MEASURABLE force that holds all things together? Yes absolutely.

Intelligence agencies, and secret government sci-ops have long utilized this secret of physics, the existence source-field for mind-control, and worst of all: Spirit control. Yes, you heard me right. The so-called ¨mark of the beast¨ is here: A technology of artificially controlling etheric vibrations to exclude you from the Heavenly court! No justice here, ey? At least not for me… We`re talking advanced black magick implemented on every person in a global scale, but that will not be revealed until my book on Revelations.

David also states in his book: ¨Might we believing in amnesia- going through experiences that will eventually guide us through a full awakening into the vastness of this (God`s) infinite consciousness? ¨ In other words: The Kingdom of God. A world tuned into the source field of love and light? Where peace, love and enlightenment reigns, and no man raises his fist against his fellow human.

New-Agers have long been LIGHTYEARS ahead of Earth population when it comes to defeating the Cabal and disclosing hidden science. It is time theistic people like Christians took over and did their part. The lion SHOULD rise…

Our universe is the result of a superconscience, an intelligent field, or a divine mathematician that creates space-time, gravity, the nuclear forces, electromagnetic energy, conscience, and life through biogenesis. Renowned physicist Michio Kaku believes this ¨God¨ exists in the 11th dimension as he said himself. They are throwing pearls for swine. Google ¨Is God a mathematician? ¨

Charles Darwin`s father was a 33rd degree mason. This Luciferian brotherhood is a spiritual cult and believe in the survival of the fittest. The discoveries of spontaneous generation of life, and the Source field is proof of a secret society conspiracy to steer science, and all scholarly fields away from the existence of God, and concepts of morale, good and evil. The theory of evolution was formed accordingly, based on their ideology of survival of the fittest. Not about beauty, perfection, harmony and love! They simply replaced Nietzsche with Christ. God says: The strength of the strong is shown through love in how long your arm is. Scientists I know always say that the source field is the source of all-time space, matter, electromagnetism, gravity, nuclear forces, life and conscience. All is the matrix of a superconscience: God. The 4 forces of physics will disappear when the unified physics theory of source- field physics is presented. Science today is nothing but a scientific religion. Nikola Tesla, and Wilhelm Reich are the only historical scientists to further true physics, and not Einsteinian physics.


Tesla said: “Einstein's relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king... its exponents are brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists.” We have forgotten that atheistic science as promoted by our schools is just as much a theory as any religion. I don`t have the time to reform physics, but you will see how Darwin`s theory of evolution is wrong. We will call this God-field for Source-Field after David Wilcock`s book ¨Source Field Investigations. ¨ Reich called it ¨orgone¨ after orgasm. Funny how God makes himself clear. Everything is based on love and reproduction, and that is a scientific fact. If interested in knowing more about the Source-Field: I recommend watching David Wilcock`s ¨Wisdom Teachings¨ at www.gaia.com . After explaining the basics of the source-field, I will go into the the flower of life, Fibonacci, and the perfect mathematics of this source-field matrix.


Chapter 2: Wilhelm Reich and (Source-field) Orgone energy.

The unheard genius Dr. Wilhelm Reich with his wild hair.

The archetypal hero.

Dr Wilhelm Reich was born (Jewish) in Austria 1897, and died in prison in america 1957 at the humble age of 61 years.

Reich was homeschooled by his mom in a strict family. Reich`s father was a dictator figure who would explode on him if he ever got one thing wrong. His mother took suicide because of this when Reich was 13 years old. His father became mentally ill, and died of pneumonia only 5 years after, when Reich was 17.

Reich tried to run the farm on his own, but WW1 destroyed his farm. He had nothing left and joined the Austrian army. He did well in the military, and used the leverage for collage, and later studied in Vienna where Sigmund Freud (Jewish) made pioneering work. He graduated in 1922, becoming Freud`s pedigree during taking his doctoral agree. He then got a job at Freud main clinic where psychoanalysis was being practiced. Many thought Reich was Freud apparent heir, because of his skill. I`m sure you`ve all heard of Sigmund Freud at grade- school. Freud, the father of psychology, studied psychoanalysis, and libido, which was his term for ¨life force¨, which Freud believed was equal to sexual energy.


Freud believed that our mental health, and development was related to sexual energy which Freud called libido. It was this concept of libido that would later catapult Reich into groundbreaking discoveries of orgone and bions. Freud believed sexual repression led to mental complexes, anxiety, stress, anger, and fear as this internal energy isn`t being released. While sexual expression led to happiness, a healthy body, success, boldness etc. And remember Freud is the father of psychology. Freud believed this sexual libido should be transmuted into work while Reich wrote a book called ¨The Sexual Revolution¨. Yet both stressed the need for sexual stimuli, and love as a countermeasure against ill physical and mental health.

Reich moved to Oslo, Norway from 1934-1939 to lecture on character analysis and vegetotherapy. During his time in Norway, Reich attempted to ground his orgasm theory in biology, exploring whether Freud's metaphor of the libido was in fact electricity or a chemical substance, an argument Freud had proposed in the 1890s but had abandoned. Reich being the heir of Freud, took this much further, and succeeded. He hypothesized that this sexual energy was an actual non-electromagnetic, omnipresent wave, and that it created the building-blocks for life, a spherical, toroidal, energy particle – something physics, and science had missed out. Reich studied sex for years, and discovered this particle, which he called the ¨bion¨ while in Norway. Amazing isn`t it? And in my home country. Ok. So, the idea is that there is a super conscience, a God, preceding both the chicken, and the egg, but which holds them both together. All life on Earth is made from BIONS! He had discovered both the sexual-energy field, and the life it creates: BIONS! BIONS! BIONS!

Properties of orgone.

Reich believed this sexual energy to have made the universe. He redefined Freud`s concept of libido/life-force, and called it cosmic orgone or orgone, after orgasm. Similar to my philosophy of how Light and Love has created the cosmos both as a field, and as a law of philosophy to follow in human endeavours. Reich had discovered what David Wilcock renamed the Source Field – the Creator. An omnipresent loving, sexual, intelligent field responsible for giving organism their genetic code, and consciously driving evolution with emphasis on sexual reproduction.

These are some clues regarding the ether or Orgone. 1. Matter arises from mass-free orgone/etheric energy. 2. It is the medium for the two forces of physics , 1 the electromagnetic spectrum, and 2 the gravity/levity phenomena. No nuclear force or particle exists as they are an etheric phenomenon displaying a structure


of sacred phonetic geometry (in relation to the Source-Field Universe thesis where all shape the universe expresses itself in is based upon the sacred, ancient Merkaba of the platonic solids.) 3. The aspect of the Ether, (or Source-Field) that Reich discovered which we call ¨Orgone¨, which we will be working with in this book, are forces of a spiritual non-physical nature (because we cannot measure them yet), and appears in many different wave-forms as Reich determined: Atmospheric Orgone, biological Orgone, or really just Oranur, POR and DOR. 4. This Orgone is omnipresent. Orgone energy fills all space in differing degrees of concentrations. 5. Orgone is in constant motion. 6. Orgone ¨contradicts¨ the law of entropy. It is attracted to itself, and flows from low potential (percentage) to high potential. 7. The Source-Field is responsible for the phenomena of life, and spontaneous generation of living organisms out of non-living matter ((bions) see Dr. James DeMeo`s repetition of Reich`s bion experiments.) 8. Reich observed something very interesting. The Superimposition Function: Separate streams of orgone energy may be attracted to each other and converge in spiral form. – This convergence of energy may be viewed in cyclonic storms and is the principal expression of mating in living nature, according to Reich. 9. Atmospheric, and biological Orgone is attracted to water and life. 10. Water condenses in the presence of orgone, forming clouds. 11. Steel, copper, and diverse metals, not all metals, attract, and repel ether like that of a magnetic field. 12. Atmospheric Orgone transforms into biological Orgone when forced to travel through biological matter, like that of the polyester resin and metal combination in Orgonites. 13. Large steel pipes (Reich used copper) with a higher (or lower) Orgone- matrix potential/percentage inside would funnel the atmospheric Orgone, creating, or destroying clouds when pointed at them, as Orgone always flows low to high potential. Thus, if you want to bust a cloud, your cloudbuster pipe-array must have a higher etheric potential than that in the cloud, which is a topic of another book that will never be published due to the dangers it involves.


14. Alexander Golod and Victor Grebennikov later discovered the cavity structure effect, that all structures shape the Orgone field to lesser or higher degrees of concentration, the biggest example being a pyramid. 15. Reich described three forms of Orgone. You have POR (positive Orgone) , Oranur (overcharged Orgone) and DOR (deadly Orgone.) 16. I can`t give you ALL the secrets. Rather join the ORC (only results count forum) , research Thomas Joseph Brown, Trevor James Constable, and Rudolf Steiner who researched the ether (orgone).

The universal 4-stage formula.

Reich believed that sexual energy was the energy of the cosmos, the creator, and that it was a sexual, uplifting, positive energy, the source of all life. Or in other words: Light and Love. After all: Orgasm is the most ecstatic emotion you can feel. I believe orgasm is the sensation of what it feels like being in Heaven. Freud had argued that one should channel this libido into constructive acts like work, but Reich wanted to take this ¨all the way. ¨ He believed the orgasm revealed a deeper energetic process in nature and developed a four-part formula which is genius. During the sex act you have 1 Tension as the muscles are firing up. 2 Then you have a Charge, which is a tangible, energetic field you charge up from surrounding cosmic orgone, 3 and then you have a Discharge during orgasm followed by relaxation in which you have opened the chakra-points/pores of letting you reabsorb the orgone generated. Statistics show people who are sexually active are happier, healthier, have a greater IQ, and are less repressed than others. Reich later developed Orgone measurement devices and was discovered that orgone levels peaked at the moment of discharge, which further proved his hypothesis as a valid scientific theory. Reich had discovered the source field. God. The tachyon field that creates all other fields of physics: All that exists. The force. Prahna. Chi. Chakra. Vitus mundi. Dragon-veins. Vril. Mana. Ruach. Ether. Etc. Sex is simply a way of harnessing this universal energy, which is the reason gathering sexual energy is vital in ritual magic. It has countless names and is the secret of secret societies. The force that binds all things together. The Russians called this torsion-fields, which will get to later.

Reich applied this 4-stage formula to all biological processes, and human activities, believing the sexual act (the God act – the moment of creation) to be the archetypal act of which all other activities in nature, and our human lives can be figured after when demonstrated with a graph… Some say Reich, and Freud were too focused on sex though, but think about it…


If you never release your tension, you get contracted, and you get sick. Speaking your heart and living to your true self is vital for good health, which I`m sure Nietzsche, and many others would agree with. Without regular exercise, without stimuli, without time off, etc, you build up tension which Reich called dead orgone energy.

Reich`s Orgone Accumulator.

Reich proposed that if you only absorb energy without releasing it, it dies inside you. This can be applied to any desire for instance the desire for success, fame, recognition, work etc. I can tell you that this dead orgone energy forms of a suppressed magical will. Magic is the act of will, and the will is procreative/creative in nature. Thus, any unfruitful desires which never amount, lead to stress, and when the desire eventually dies, you end up with dead orgone. If this desire was sexual, and related to an acquaintance, then it can be really dangerous if never expressed. In Christianity, we call these things for ¨soul ties. ¨ Even worse is when a nurturing, energetic friendship cracks, and the formerly natural exchange of energy becomes hateful. This can end with dead orgone being channelled to you, through unforgiveness, and may even evolve to the state where you feel this person vampirize you.

That is why I stress the importance of positive; relationships, vibes, manifestation and energy. What goes around comes around. I had to forgive and send positive orgone thoughts to my friends for 7 years until the voices disappeared. My sexual, and willpower contraction led to negative orgone levels that had become so severe that they became an attraction for unclean spirits. Now I`m telling you secrets of magic here. I am 100% certain most cases of schizophrenia are due to negative orgone levels being possessed, as dead orgone attracts similar spirits. (Orgone is attracted to itself, and forms clusters around the person.) As I am a gifted psychic, and has experienced both this possession, and the process of being healed through positive thinking, I therefore find Reich`s work very fascinating, especially since his discoveries were made in my home country, Norway. Positive thinking, forgiveness, and endless merciful love healed me. But the key to my healing was working out all that dead orgone. Achieving my dreams, bearing fruit, and thus positioning myself in the right timeline of God`s plan for my life. I got all that positive energy from what I call God, who is love like a child, believe it or not... Once again, we see that love is the answer, which led to my philosophy of Love and Light. Jesus says: ¨None can enter Heaven unless they (become like / receive it) like these children. ¨


Wilhelm Reich never gave up, and neither will I, although he was mocked by the mainstream media, and the science community, even more so than Freud. Dr. Reich discovered that alternating layers or organic, and inorganic materials would increase orgone levels as metal like steel, copper and iron attracts atmospheric orgone, which must pass through the organic material like hydrocarbons, or wool, which he used, which transforms the atmospheric orgone to biological Orgone. He made boxes of alternating layers of wool and steel-wool with the last layer being steel so that the orgone would have to travel through the patients biological bodies, and he had great results. Many patients were cured, and many who had terminal cancer were healed. That`s a fact. The patients, and Reich would observe a blue-grayish fog, and clusters of bions inside the dark box. The orgone levels inside were measurable by, 1 a thermometer (as orgone molecularly changed the mercury), 2 A Geiger-meter, and 3 An electroscope. Yet that is all we have. There is sadly no ¨spirit meter¨ out there, but the ether/source/orgone affects other spectrums, and physical substances.

Above: Dr Wilhelm Reich and his Orgone accumulator. This doesn`t have to be boring science. Reports were that the energy got tense in there.

Reich theorized that orgone is the source of gravity, and electromagnetic energy. David Wilcock has further theorized that orgone/source-field is the source of all the 4 primary forces of physics, or in essence the tachyon field. The original field. The Source field. The field that is the medium from which we observe the four forces of physics; gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak and strong nuclear (nucleus) forces, reducing these 4 to only electromagnetism and ether/Orgone.

Reich discovered that secondary forces like radiation, and electromagnetism, and even chemical smells (smells incite spirit energies, and thoughtforms good and BAD) would amplify in the presence of an orgone accumulator. Reich called this the Oranur Reaction. ¨ You have POR (positive Orgone) , Oranur (overcharged Orgone) and DOR (deadly Orgone.)


Reich repeatedly measured that radiation increases in the presence of his accumulator, transforming POR to Oranur. There are also a few YouTube videos on this. After Reich`s Orgone accumulators were exposed to these harmful, electronic, and nuclear, non-biological, non-orgonic fields, Reich’s generator would send agitated, stressful energy. The orgone energy generator went into a frenzied state that irritated, and severely overcharged several of Reich`s patients. Many patients got sick, but became well as their Oranur was drained from them. I have felt this personally when Cloudbusting, which we will get to.

It is a technique to draw down DOR from the atmosphere into metal pipes, since metal attracts Orgone, and a pipe acts like a funnel, when connected to water, which has a higher atmospheric Orgone potential than the dry clear sky. Reich used this to green many deserts, which angered the FDA who falsely accused him of crimes he never committed, and put him in prison where he died of a ¨heart attack¨ 2 weeks later… As a normally healthy 61 year old man.

In my experiments, since orgone is attracted to itself, my first experimental Orgonite pyramids– if not spiritually cleansed – might be overtaken by dead orgone, and go into a frenzied state – as happened with Reich - eventually becoming Oranur generators which almost killed me – as I overcharged from my idiotically powerful Orgonite that was the first Orgonite I made. The crystal combination wasn`t right. That is why I now always use clear-quartz crystals, and harmonious ingredients inside orgonite, to direct only pure energy. We`ll get to that. We`re talking about a field spectrum not acknowledged by science! Was that why they killed, and silenced Dr Wilhelm Reich, and Dr Nicola Tesla, who worked with a different school of physics than what we are taught at school, cured people of cancer, had wireless, unlimited free energy, and simple methods for levity propulsion ¨UFO`S¨? I even know people who are building cars running EXCLUSIVELY, yes 100% on WATER, through electrolysis! Nothing of what you`ve been told is true. But knowledge is power, power for the elite, and knowledge can be dangerous.

All life energy= positive or negative sexual energy.

In my experience: Dead orgone or ¨negative God energy/Hell energy/black vampire energy¨ can be lost timelines, lost dreams, dead willpower, and broken relationships, occupying your thoughts, and draining your pride, willpower, and affecting your sense of self. We are not living inside a CPU, because this is the only philosophically possible reality, but the code of God/the Architect is seen in the sacred geometry, and math of our Earth, which we will get to later. We live in a fractal universe where everything is repeated in cycles, and that`s a fact. Winter, summer, and the orbit of the planets.


Plants are based upon sacred geometry and fractal repetitions. A fractal is a picture that you can zoom endlessly into as the same archetypal figure repeats itself, like the Mandelbrot set, or the branches of a tree, a pinecone, or almost any plant for that matter… Energy that cannot be recycled by the Creator is dead Orgone, is exemplified in sinful acts, and ends up in the deleted section of the ¨mathematical matrix universe.¨ Hell.

Vampires. People who drain Orgone energy from others… I am certain you have felt the effect of vampirization yourself when a person verbally, or in some form wound, attack, or harass your spirit body. Your etheric duplicate that exists surrounding your body, and in higher dimensions. Wounds to your etheric/astral body can become wounds of the flesh. If you don`t stand up, or speak your heart, that woundedness or shame leaves you energetically void with a broken heart, a tummy-ache, or a scar that is spiritual, and not easily expressed in contemporary scientific terms. If untended, it can become an infection leading to depression, bad self-esteem, a circle of evil, and vampirizing relationships. In essence: Dead orgone is anything that God (the source field) the super conscience cannot recycle. In the religious term, we call it sin. For it is the nature of the super conscience matrix to rid itself of dead energy that is foreign to itself. Thereby: All evil deeds, the traditional 7 deadly sins, but also things like lack of confidence, and unhealthy lives are unsuited for ascension. They end up in Hell which is like a computer`s ¨deleted folder¨ section of the matrix. All who visit Hell in Near Death Experiences (NDE`s) see people trapped within cages or bubbles where they experience the same moments of sin for all eternity, because those moments were the reason why they were deleted. But the matrix can never completely rid itself of energy, of course, and therefore you remain there forever. For all eternity. 1000 times 1000 times 1000 times who knows years. Nothing ever dies. And that`s a bad thing. However, there are Christians who do claim there will be a second death after God recreates this universe. I often say that mankind will not be the dominant species of the planet until we have reached mass awareness about the existence of Hell.

For me it was so bad that my very identity was forcefully changed. I almost died, and it took years to recover, and find my powerful male vitality.

My discoveries after this terrible night of the soul, the spiritual fight of my life, was that willpower/life is directly equal to sexual drive, even though it may be channelled into work as Freud proposed. I would even go as far as to say this is a law of physics. This discovery boggled me, as I was CERTAIN I had discovered something brand new. But it was only after I had written my book on


Love, and Light that I discovered Wilhelm Reich, and Freud, although I had heard some about them in 2016. I even went so far as to building orgone accumulators like pyramids and orgonite, measuring their given energy both as a psychic, and with devices. I conclude with 100% certainty that: The source-field = positive male sexual- energy. And that. All life energy=negative, or positive male sexual energy. This energy symbolized by a hermaphrodite, blonde, young, male God with an erected penis. I say blonde, because his epithet is the Sun, also seen as male, with his hair symbolizing the sun-beams. The woman receives, and the man gives. The symbol of the female is a downward V, and the symbol for males is an upward V.

That the All-father is a man, is seen through philosophy, mystic religious practices like the Christian mysticism or hinduistc meditation, the male representing the semen or the light, also as the sun, thus the creator, the woman being fire, etc. It is also seen in metaphysics etc; that observation of creation/nature, nature-philosophy, and nature metaphysics point to the creator being a man, which all Abrahamic religions, if not all religions in general inc Zoroastrianism, Zuism, Canaanite religion, Egyptian religion, Hinduism, Åsatru/Odinism, etc agree upon. Just look at the animal kingdom, homo sapiens, and the phallus symbols in nature.

The Hindus have long known this with their true, complicated chakra system science, a system of human orgone/ether levels depending going upwards from the root chakra in seven stages unto the head/crown chakra, depending on the spiritual state of the person.

PS! I make myself clear: Sex is unholy and Heaven is not sexual. This is a third dimensional realm, and I never say that the highest God/Yahweh/Allah/Brahman etc = male sexual energy. I say the SOURCE- FIELD, God/the Creator exemplified in THIS realm, originates as male sexual potency/energy in all things. This is Lucifer, or Satan, whom Jesus calls the God of this world. I am not saying that the highest God (I worship) is a phallus God, as in ancient Babylon with Tammuz, Nimrod, or the Hinduistic Shiva etc, as this worship/knowledge of this chapter was known to the ancients. These are Lucifer figures, and Lucifer is the creator of this lower realm, as the Elohim made the Earth and Heavenlies, the Elohim sons of God, not God, as Genesis 1:1 must start with an Aleph, reading: ¨The father of the beginnings created the Elohim.¨ Do you have me clear? To ascend, spiritual teachers like Jesus, the hindus, the Buddhists, etc, taught us to utilize our root chakra libido towards higher degrees of conscience, because the God of 13th dimensional Heaven (8 dimensions above us) , is a God of Holiness, and sex is a sin. As Jesus teaches; there is no sex in Heaven.


Ok. That`s all I wanted to clarify, because this is a studybook of Reichian topics and religious philosophy in general, not only your regular Christian book… So let`s continue.

When facilitating your energy, and kundalini up the spine towards intellectual, and emotional enlightenment (love and light) some monks are even able to magically transform to LIGHT as they magically disappear and leave this world to ascend to higher realms as in the phenomenon of the Buddhist rainbow bodies. The ancients knew sex was the prime intelligence, and purpose of the Source- field and creation. To them, trees symbolized phalluses, mounds symbolized breasts, Churches symbolized phalluses, as did the Egyptian obelisks, Pyramids etc. Today we celebrate the phallus in the form of the Christmas tree, which is a historical tradition from ancient Babylon where the tree symbolized the penis of the vegetation-god Tammuz, or the penis of Nimrod.

Jeremiah 10:3-5 3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with ham- mers, that it move not. 5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.

The Christmas tree is most evident example of ancient fertility worship masquerading in modern times.

It is not the source field which creates negative sexual-energy, or dead orgone energy. We have been given free will. It is only angelic, human, or demonic life that creates negative sexual energy, or dead orgone energy out of free will. And a creation of free will is the only philosophically valid creation. Imagine a world without it is impossible. Hell is the prize of existence, it seems…

Dead orgone is therefore by definition; negative sexual energy or ¨vampirizing energy. ¨ Energy that is from Hell.¨ I.e dead forms of life like the ghosts of former angels having become demons, dead timelines, dead dimensions etc.

It seems we are all living inside the mind of a super-being. God. I had to draw conclusions after discovering this, and I came up with a sacred trinitarian law: The law of Source, Love and Light. God, Holy Ghost, and Jesus son/sun of God

28 which we will discover later. It will be the completed mission of love and light as stated by Alice Bailey.

Confirming Reich through personal experience.

For the 20 years that I was constantly harassed, bullied, shut out, and surveyed by all, I built up exceeding amounts of positive orgone to FIGHT, prove myself, and counter these unimaginable expectations, only to fail every day, leaving me with a black heart of dead orgone every night. I saw myself as surveyed since I was 9, and saw life as a series of painful, useless trials ever since, which was better left untouched, because I feared the wall of complexities. Now. What is this wall? The scope of my imaginary reality, of thousands of people`s expectations seemed like thousands of bricks in a wall. When a kid who has never experienced anything, but loneliness confronts such a wall, he will kneel, and cry instead of climbing it like a hero. But if he only saw one brick/expectation at a time, he would have been able to climb the entire wall. Sorry about that.

The result was a zombiefied kid before he touched his teens. Yet I still possessed higher than average levels of sexual drive/orgone/chakra until 2013, when it completely vanished as I became a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL for death by electronic weapons, witchcraft and gangstalking. It was then I realized that lifeforce= male sexual energy. I`m serious! It`s symbols are everywhere in creation. Trees, Christmas-trees, Churches, Egyptian Obelix` etc symbolize the rising phallus of God. Yes, The mainframe of this Matrix realm, the God, if you will, the Source-Field of this realm IS certainly male. That is something all present, and historical religions would agree on, which was widely known in all ancient religion, but seems to have been forgotten. I cannot stress this fact of physics enough.

I was dead. If I even TRIED masturbating, I could not get it up unless I had a positive-orgone spiritual connection to the partner I was envisioning, and it stayed that way for 5 whole years. The deader I became, the more psychic, and sensitive to other`s energies I became, and the more female I became. Gay. Until I was COMPLETELY sure that we have an ETHERIC/ASTRAL duplicate, a soul, a spirit, and that WHENEVER thinking about someone, yes, always; your astral body actually attaches to that other person in the spiritual realm WITH an exchange of energy. 100% certain. I was attacked by harassment, evil intention, and black magick. Whereas I was a joke, they were DEAD SERIOUS about killing me! Im not kidding! Yet I can love them, forgive them, and laugh about it now in past tense. The deader, the better some say, until I could tell all about a person just by sensing their energy, which when combined with a trained third-eye payed me many free beers by amazed girls, and boys at pubs.


I could even see whatever card there was the other person hand, but this is not too far-fetched when considering the barriers of my own self had deteriorated, and that we`re all part of one field. But I was weak. I am with Christ now, and these abilities have vanished, although I need source-field energy for my broken heart. Love every day. Working with Source: Holy love, forgiveness and light.

During the 5-7 years of Hell, I would feel strangled, and in need of protecting my own energy. I experienced that whenever I felt negative emotions of for instance shame by thinking of my own dead-orgone (described as dead relationships, dead expectations, dead timelines, and dead sexual energy) ¨astral thoughtforms¨, or (dead orgone spirits) who would otherwise be non-present, they would jump up in my mind from a stomach ache as if attracted to this negative orgone. Everything dead is negative orgone, and as Reich said: Orgone is attracted to itself. Dead orgone accumulates just like positive orgone.

I personally believe that if I had not saved my soul from deletion by working out the dead orgone through retracing lost time through hard work, I would have ended up in Hell as a ¨failed program in the matrix.¨ I forgave my attackers a total of 200.000 times by 2018, and each time was a painful act of selfless forgiveness and uncompromising unconditional love with tears. The pain could hardly be explained.

During this experience, I would nurture myself with sun-energy, and could literally tap into lifeforce as a breatharian: A person who eats only through breathing in prahna/orgone, which I did for about 3 years of eating 1/3-1/5 of my formerly needed diet. As of today, I eat only 500-700 calories a day, and it has been so for 2 years. That`s a FACT. I never once fed myself with energy from people. Not once. I got my energy from the wind (atmospheric orgone) and physical fire. I did not control it at first but learnt how to. Whenever I would vampirically start feeding my dead orgone energy with positive orgone energy: My hands would tingle intensely, and turn deep, deep purple with my blood-vessels almost bursting, but my hands still remaining cold. Whenever I did so, i found out I could also put my hand into the fireplace and hold it there for a long while until the fire went out: I had absorbed it, and my hands would feel even colder afterwards. It would harm me if I held my hand directly in the flame, but I once held my hand in the flame of a campfire for at least 6-7 seconds no joke, and everyone saw it. This was one of many ¨miracles. ¨ I could also extinguish a fireplace by simply looking at it, by slowly draining it`s energy from the distance. Repeatedly. I could also INCREASE the fire, but that drained me of chakra. This is not so far fetched when the barriers of the mind have disappeared, and we are all part of one field. That is: The same energy in me is the same energy in the fire, as there are no 4 forces of physics: Just one etheric field in different forms. There are lots of

30 hindus levitating, surviving without food as breatharians, who control fire, can even create fire, or create electricity. Just use YouTube. I still can control lots of different energies, and entities if I want to, but I barely escaped from my alien assailants, and have not even sinned for years...!!! In fact: The persecution made only more observant to Jewish law and religious. I learnt why, and how the spiritual laws work, and why they were put in place there by people like Moses, if he existed. I can to this day talk with any entity by imagination, and always know whatever is sin, or if a person is going to Hell or Heaven, if that person is a sinner, and what that person hides etc. But these are abilities I have always had. I was dead, but now I am reborn! This is the ancient mystery schools of initiation that all sages, yogi`s and magi`s go through, and what Jesus, and John the Baptist taught. Death and rebirth of the self, your ego, in a pilgrimage through the desert, or dark night of the soul, on the journey seeking enlightenment leads to superhuman abilities, arcane knowledge, enlightenment, and is the path that all great spiritual teachers went through like Zarathustra, Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad.

I could not get enough energy and needed to fill myself up! It`s not that I wanted to feed from energy, it simply happened. I spent 3 years completely possessed, as I am a channel by nature. Whereas I once healed the sick, and once walked on water, I was then possessed, and struggling with voices in my head from 2013-2016. Yet throughout these three years, I never once stopped praying constantly. The fire magick trick came only natural to me but amazed many people on several occasions. One witness even gave me a big painting which read: WHAT THE HELL DID I SEE underneath a BIG Illuminati eye. But this was not healthy. I am all healthy by now and has not experienced any magical absorption of energy through my hands for two years since 2016. None whatsoever, and of course my hands don`t turn purple anymore. I don`t need energy stolen from me, and none should. I get all the energy I need from Jesus, from the Source-Field and atmospheric ether/orgone. All this gave me an INCREDIBLE hatred for vampires who were the ones who had emptied me in the first place. Yet it is amazing what God can restore. are made to get all their energy from God, which is a pure blissful energy, and not the feminine vampyrizing orgone. All vampyrizing is feminine in spiritual terms. Why? It`s a historical fact because the women receive the sperm of the male. The vitus mundi. Yet this is a man`s world. Men make far stronger magicians to cooks to athletes to inventors than females.

Yet I discovered all the secrets of the magical force, both its light, and dark properties which gained me a lot of insight. I discovered to which angel, planet, star, colour, etc everything vibrated, but was too crazy to note it down. I also met all the Gods and realized the archetypes.


I discovered the antique magick, and what Gods were good, and what Gods were bad. I was amazed to discover that the Babylonian, Canaanite, and Sumerian pantheon were the real Gods and Devils, more so than the Egyptian, Greek and Norse, and that Lucifer, not Satan, was the mainframe, architect if you will, of this realm. PS! But there is only one God who deserves all worship, the New Testament God in the 13th dimension/Heaven, and there is no sex there. It was Nicola Tesla who said that ¨if wanting to understand the nature of the universe, think in terms of vibrations and frequencies¨. My story is sadly very different from his.

So what do we learn from all this: The main purpose of the biological source-field is reproduction: Sex. This is evident in all life, and the symbol of the male phallus, God`s creative force is displayed in all nature, and by all historical religious culture from the Shiva lingam, to Christian Churches and Christmas trees, and Egyptian Obelisks etc. The tree, phallus, sword, terminated crystal or wand, as in Harry Potter symbolizes the creative power of the universe when doing magick. Humans have the ability to transform this sexual-prime-energy from the root chakra up the chakra system. All energy on Earth is sexual in origin, stems from the God of this world (Lucifer), who (as the ancients believed) is in a constant state of ¨orgasm¨/creation. This is a spiritual and philosophical absolute, considering the multiverse, where only Earth is a dimension of time and death. The mainframe of Earth is therefore sexual reproduction, and so is the God of Earth symbolized, with his constantly erected penis. Yet although energy is sexual in origin, we exhibit transmutated/elevated forms of that energy and return to the HIGHEST God above this world through spiritual practices. So, I do not lie when I say all energy is sexual. Reich suitably called this ether for Orgone after orgasm, and he really knew what he was talking about…!

And now, let`s journey to discover how life first began 3.5 billion years ago.

I say it is the song of the planetary deities, the Elohim, much like the creation story of J.R.R Tolkien`s Silmarillion, the Ainulindale. But let`s jump to science and thank you for reading my story. Please send me some loving energies now and then. Do not clone and rape me. Thank you.



Chapter 3: Disproving Darwinism.

I have now put forth new theories that run contrary to mainstream science. There is only one field, the etheric field of the superconscious, and it`s all created through his continuous orgasm (creation) expressed in how all life evolves, and grows towards reproduction and dies in eternal fractal cycles… But is there proof of this continuous, intelligent evolutionary creationism? Is there proof that the etheric field of atoms, sacred geometry, the atmosphere, and biological life is intelligent? If so, we would have to observe evolution as it happens, the creator working through the field. I will show you…

Reich in Norway – the discovery of bions – the origin life. Life began through the source-field.

In 1939, while in Oslo Norway, Reich accidentally burned a small quantity of sand (contamination) and sterilized it by warming it to 1000 degrees. He then cultivated it on aegar, which would not feed on the sand unless there was biological life in the sand. What they got was yellow slime, shattering the theory of evolution forever.

Reich further experimented with preparing sterilized water infusions of dead moss and grass, and observed them microscopically over extended periods of hours and days, noting how the plant tissues would slowly disintegrate into tiny oval vesicles of around 1 micron in diameter, which he called bions, the tiniest living particles in the universe, the building-blocks of all life. Half alive, and half dead.


Bions forming. Notice the blue color, as also discovered by Reich. From http://wilhelmreichbiologist.org/resources.html

The bions would form at the edges of the dead grass as the formerly living material slowly disintegrated into bionous vesicles which would fill the water infusion. The bions would show subtle movements and had a blueish glow. Over time, the bions would cluster together, which progressively developed new membrane structures, and increasingly life-like movements. New microorganisms emerged from these clusters, once they got a membrane, indistinguishable from similar microorganisms in soils or pond water. And it all came out of sterilized water and moss! So, the question is. Where did the micro-organisms get their genetic code? They got them from the orgone- field. The source-field. Testifying of a spiritual universe.

He discovered that whenever there is (even sterilized) material building blocks for life, these tiniest possible living particles would form from these dead materials. All these bions shone with an intense blue color and would clump together to miraculously evolve into the tiniest possible lifeforms we know of. While science recognize these bacteria, it does however not recognize the bions which create the bacteria. He also called them SA-PA (sand-packets). So, I am telling you that sterilized sand create life?

According to Reich, these bions are the building-blocks of life. They lump together, and create life based on either the positive, or negative orgone levels in the atmosphere, forests, or at home impacts your health. Whereas negative

35 orgone create viruses, and bacteria form from thin air, positive orgone creates probiotics, and oasis of life in nature. The omnipresent orgone-field varies.

Wherever there is water, there is life. What is happening in the clouds and atmosphere? They are filled with bacteria, and minor life-forms! In 2016, Russian scientists found sea-plancton on the windows on the international space-station. We see that when we have humidity, and any material, life forms spontaneously.

Reich further proved that airborne germs were generated in sterile areas. Now this is voodoo-science that most people would laugh of. Germs forming out of thin air in the atmosphere. Unbelievable but true. We are all part of this orgone- field, and can consciously affect it to create positive, and negative orgone. We can literally think ourselves into well-being, which I am sure all of you would agree upon.

The history of the source-field discoveries. Anton Von Leeuwenhoek and Robert Brown.

Back in the 1800`s there were tons of scientists investigating the lifeforce, but the masonic-controlled scientific community decided to rule God out of the picture. There even was a big scientific contest involving Louis Pasteur. The question was: Who can prove that life is either spontaneously generated, or that the universe is dead. Pasteur won, and the scientific community agreed that the universe was dead: Life does not form spontaneously.

Anton Von Leeuvenhoek. 1632 – 1723.


Secret societies have long guarded their ultimate secret. The existence of the magical force-field, which creates all we see. But the first discovery of God at work in modern times was done by Anton Von Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch scientist who was the first to discover micro-organisms. Prior to him, doctors would not wash their hands during surgery, as they believed nothing so tiny could exist. If they could not see it, then it was not there. He called micro-organisms for animalcules. But what`s fascinating about Anton, is that not only was he the first to discover bacteria and micro-organisms! He discovered spontaneous generation of life AND the bions that Reich discovered! It should have ended there, 1600 years ago, with God being proven, but the evil of lies was allowed to exist. He boiled peppercorns in a sealed glass tube, sterilizing them, waited 24 hours, and was surprised to see tiny dancing dots at about 400x magnification, which was the power of magnification available at the time. What Leeuwenhoek saw were tiny, tiny bions, the smallest lifeforms in existence. He saw how they formed of the degrading peppercorns, lumped together, and created microbes: Just like Wilhelm Reich. Leeuwenhoek was obviously bought up, as he denied his discoveries, and stated that life cannot spontaneously occur. This battle between truth, and pseudo-science continued in the 1800`s with Dr. Bastian, and Pasteur battling each-other in a contest of the English scientific establishment: Is life a spontaneous occurrence or not? Louis Pasteur won by denying his own date, saying spontaneous life was by contamination, saying he made a mistake. And now we have mind-control that has gone on for 135 years that say life forms through evolution. Of course, it doesn`t. The first scientist to discover microbes proved it!

Dr. Robert Brown. 1773-1858.


Then we have Dr. Robert Brown who claimed to have discovered the primal building blocks of life in 1828. He sterilized pollen, put it in sterilized water, and then the pollen swell under the microscope, disintegrating into tiny dots which he called ¨active molecules¨ , which are actually bions. He noted their apparent spontaneous movement, and how they created lumps, which in turn evolved into microorganism. He made a clear comparison between his own discoveries, and Leeuwenhoek, but was met with harsh critique from the scientific masonic establishment. He completely denied his discoveries one year later. Probably silenced from a cabal hit-squad who have steered science into an etheistic viewpoint where there is no higher power or God. Brown`s discoveries went down in science as ¨Brownian motion¨ where gas, and fluid fluctuation makes particles seem like they are alive, when they in reality are not. This was also what discredited Wilhelm Reich. They said ¨he only rediscovered Brownian motion. ¨ I say take a look at the pictures of microbes formed by these bions! For instance those by Dr. Luc Montagnier!

Professor Ignacio Pacheco replicates Reich`s discoveries.

And Reich`s experiments has been proven thousands of times. Reich`s experiment was replicated by Prof. Ignacio Ochoa Pacheco from Peru.

Professor Ignacio Ochoa Pacheco put sterilized sand (which is silicon dioxide) with regular water into a sealed tube and sterilized the tube. Then after 24 hours: Hundreds of complex, microscopical, biological lifeforms emerged!!! Plants, cells, and plankton emerged as you can see below:

A little porcupine – unidentified organism, possibly plankton - formed by bion clusters. You can see what is possibly it`s head in the front. This formed in 2

38 weeks of the creator`s evolution. Where did his DNA come from? H2O2 and Silicon Dioxide? It came from the source field.

Identified as possibly seagrass, or some plankton – formed by clusters of bions from beach sand and sterilized water evolving in the source-field over two weeks.

You can find his research online. The question is then: HOW DID THESE COMPLEX ORGANISMS RECEIVE THEIR GENETIC CODE, AND DNA FROM ONLY STERILIZED SAND? They got them from the source field. And we conclude is not only intelligent, but so VASTLY more omnipresent and intelligent than ourselves. The diversity, and perfect symbiosis of all lifeforms, forests, and even the medicines, minerals, and tools humans need to create their complex cities is proof that this mutation of bions does not happen at random, but is a carefully coordinated effort by ONE supermind or group of beings with one goal. For if the mutation was random, or done by one God at one place, creating a monster-species, and at another place by another God creating another monster; our world would not be the PERFECT ecological symbiosis we observe in nature and perfect mathematical physics. We know this is an intelligence. But how do we know this intelligence is a being? Look around you. Every intelligence is a being, therefore the God, or Gods must be beings as well. This is a philosophical absolute. Therefore: Since we have proven the creator, God or Gods exist…


Which intelligence is this? We do not know. But it certainly qualifies as God. In this experiment we saw how God is caaarefully, and consciously creating more, and more complex biological life continuously in only a matter of weeks through his source field superconscience ¨matrix¨ that we all live inside. From nothing but beach sand. And don`t tell me the bions evolved by their own cellular intelligence, for how did the bions come there in the first place? Surely God exists…

Dr James DeMeo replicates Reich`s discoveries.

Multiple groups have replicated Reich up to our very day, but it is still hushed off as pseudoscience. To think that the simplest of discoveries 400 years ago by Anton Von Leeuwenhoek is still cutting-edge science when it should have been taught at kindergarten that God exists as a field!

The most important scientist aside from Luc Montagnier, who replicated Reich`s work is probably Dr. James DeMeo at his Orgone Biophysical Research Lab. (OBRL) Here you can see pictures of the bions, and micro-organisms created by the source field. http://www.orgonelab.org/DeMeoBionsColor.pdf

So, you see: There is no proof of the pseudoscientific religion of evolution through random mutation. There is however proof that life originated 3.5 billion years ago, with the arrival of water, through bion-biogenesis through the source-field, which lifeforms was consciously created, and further evolved by this intelligent design in a continuous creation theory, to be simple.

Over the period from 1996 through 2003, OBRL hosted a series of summer laboratory seminars for professionals, and students on the subject of Wilhelm Reich`s discovery of the bions, and his related findings on biogenesis, the cancer biopathy, and the Reich blood test. The seminars provided laboratory demonstration, and photographic evidence of Reich`s experiments. The seminars were team-taught by different groups of orgonomic professionals, to include Dr. Richard Blasband, Dr.Stephen Nagy, Dr Bernard Grad, and Dr. James DeMeo. Many of Reich`s central experiments – such as the spontaneous organization of protozoans from disintegrating moss and grass, Reich`s incandescence experiments with iron-filings, charcoal and sand, experiment 6, experiment 20, as well as the Reich blood-test, were all repeatedly reproduced, demonstrated, and confirmed over these 7 years. How come life form from inorganic material like iron and sand?


It was Dr. DeMeo who produced most of these experiments, and as Reich had discovered, if you put a 0.1% solution of HCL (hydrochloric acid) to the sterilized water, bions will start forming with 60 seconds, and not within 24 hours.

The bions would cluster together, and form into Ameba, Paramecium and Vorticella life-forms. But where did they get their DNA from?

The Reich Blood Test involves taking blood and seeing how long it takes for the blood to form bions, which is amazing. If you are healthy, your blood will form blue bions that seem alive. But the speed on how fast they arrive depend on healthy you are. If you unhealthy, for instance if you take drugs, the blood forms into bions that shrink. If you have a pathological illness, the blood form a bion cluster called the t-spike form: like a spiky ball. As you see below.

So you see: Conscience, health, good, and evil create what they are.

Reich`s experiment 20 involved filtering water from soil to the extent there was no possibility there could be organic matter, only 100% pure H2O in the water. Still bions formed AFTER the water was sterilized! This is evidence of the homeopathic effect of water as proven by Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto. What effect? The effect that water has memory, and that this memory (of DNA) can be transferred by electricity as renowned nobel-prize winner Luc Montagnier demonstrated.


Dr. Luc Montagnier`s DNA discovery.

Dr Luc is a recognized scientist that won the noble prize for discovering the HIV virus. What he is not known for however, is that DNA can electromagnetically teleport itself.

He discovered that DNA emits electromagnetic signals that can be mistaken by enzymes as the real deal, replicating itself.

He had one vessel of DNA water, and one with sterile water. He zapped them with 18 hours of zapping, and then the sterile vessel had all signs of DNA being there. This was all over the science-news in 2011!!!

I have now demonstrated proof of spontaneous generation of life. God is a field. The superconscience of this matrix called the universe. God is the all. We are in that sense animist pantheists. But also, trinitarists. Source is God, and God is love and light. We will delve into the ethics of love and light soon enough... But let`s stop for a while, and ask some questions concerning what we have read.


The torsion field- the 5th force of physics, or the primal source of all forces?

Torsion field is the Russian name for the Source Field, or what the Americans call the ¨scalar field¨. Is God a field? Can you measure life force? How much spirit science is kept hidden from us? Scientists operate with 4 primary forces. David Wilcock seems confident that there are only one or two forces in physics, namely the Source-field/torsion-field, as gravity, electromagnetism, and the nuclear forces is ultimately mediated through the Source-field, which in turn would make all physics wrong. Anyways. The discovery of this “fifth force” torsion, ¨Source field¨, or ¨God-field¨ is generally credited with the first research that was done in the late 1800s by Russian professor N.P. Myshkin. It was later researched by Anatoly Akimov, and Gennady Shipov who lead the Internation Institute for Theoretical, and Applied Physics (called UVITOR). The other four forces being: • Electromagnetism • Gravity • Strong (nuclear) force • Weak force (in nucleus) Russian scientists are reported to have written around 10,000 papers on the subject in the 1990s alone. However, shortly after the USSR collapse in 1991 at a meeting of the Committee on Science and Technology at the Supreme Soviet of the USSR the research program was identified as pseudoscientific and research funds were stopped… Seems the freemasons are at it again. Knowledge is power, but if we learnt of God`s existence through math, sacred geometry, and bion bio-genesis; school would be more interesting!


Pyramids funnel the source field, which intensify evolution.

The Russians, by scientist Alexander Golod, built Pyramid to harness the Source Field. These phallus pyramids are famous, enormous tourist attractions today, the largest, near Moscow as seen above, being 70 meters tall. Yet compared to its grandeur, few know of the ENORMOUS benefits of harnessing the Source- Field. What struck me as most interesting is that: Biological life surrounding the biggest pyramid would sometimes genetically jump to extinct species – a proof that it really is the source field that magically, and consciously creates DNA out of its own WILL. But let`s go back to the benefits. They built one over an oil well. It became 25% more productive, and the oil was 25% more pure. The pyramid would make poisonous chemicals less poisonous. Diseases would be cured: Even cancer. They had white underbred mice and injected them with toxins that would normally destroy them. 60% of the laboratory mice died, but only 6% of the pyramid-mice died. Why? Because cancer cells are a frequency phenomenon. Look up Royal Raymond Rife, or Wilhelm Reich who cured cancer by numerous frequensies. The Russians discovered up to 400% increase in production of agricultural seeds stored in the pyramids. The taste was better, the fruit larger etc.


They discovered a strong electrical activity atop the pyramid, and they could generate electricity. Proof that the etheric field ties into, and shares many similar attributes with the electromagnetic spectrum. They discovered a significant reduction of earthquakes around the area of the pyramids. There were many small ones instead of one large one. The Russians have secretly developed torsion field technology and detectors. They discovered a huge column of energy hundreds of miles wide around the energy. Sadly; the public does not have etheric measurement devices as of yet… The Russians discovered severe weather activity would deflect around the torsion-field of the pyramid. The Russians took giant granite slabs inside the pyramids, stored them, and later built prison-cells for 5000 prisoners, and discovered substantial increase in addiction recoveries from alcohol and drugs i.e better health, as well as better attitude and behaviour. Alexander Golod had confirmed that all crystal stores torsion energy, and that pyramid charges molecules to the degree that red granite slabs would physically get white stripe-marks from the torsion-field epicenter after being placed on the pyramid floor for a few months. White circles inside the pyramid so to speak. The source field when harnessed through a pyramid works just like the magnetizing effect, as how you can magnetize an otherwise non-magnetic iron nail. So, the energy that makes you who you are can be harnessed in a pyramid. Alexander Golod discovered that any metal in the pyramid disturbs the source- energy flow dramatically, so all his pyramids were made of fiber-glass with NO metal inside, or around it. We know this from Reich earlier. Metal attracts, and repels all Orgone/Ether/Torsion field, and would have disturbed the natural flow of ether surround the pyramid`s (cavity) structure effect we will soon touch upon. If we built an oval structure, or any other structure, it will have less effect as the pyramid acts as pyramid, or an obelisk acts as the best funnel for the source field. I like to call them ¨God`s penises.¨ For that IS what it IS. God`s penises. It is very simple. The source/force is all around, and the pyramid is a simple funnel: Strengthening the energy emitted from the Earth. The Source Field would make extinct plants come alive through DNA change caused by the nearby pyramid. Could evolution be energetically driven by the source-field? By God?


The Cloudbusters – greening the deserts. Back to Wilhelm Reich again. While persecuted by the FDA for his discoveries, Reich began devising weather-modification technology, and found a way to measure orgone in the atmosphere. In 1946, in Maine, Reich constructed an DOR (dead-orgone) accumulator that would eventually be known as the cloudbuster, a term often applied to Orgonite. Reich hypothesized that orgone was like the immune-system of nature. You had places with good orgone, and bad orgone, depending on the water content as we discovered earlier. Lush, green places like forests, and lakes would have good orgone. Dry places like deserts would have dead orgone. Reich compared human behaviour to the levels of orgone, and found that people were more spiritual, tolerant, liberal, including, non-racist, humanistic, and hippie-like depending on the water content where they lived. For instance, the inland of America is more conservative, while the green east, and west-coast is liberal. This continues up into Canada. It is the same when comparing Europe to the Middle-East. All desert landscape on Earth like f.i Mexico have an extremely conservative population caused by the lack of orgone life-force, with war, poverty, drug-cartels etc. Ironically: Israel is green while as its neighbouring lands are dry. Water cleanses the soul it says. That is why Muslims perform oblation. They remove sin/dead orgone. It is why you feel refreshed after a bath, why the Johanites do baptize rituals, and why you feel renewed after rainfall, as the storm pushes away the dead orgone. Have you ever felt that? When the sun- rays generate orgone – shining through right after a rainstorm is when I feel the most powerful sensations of positive orgone in nature. I`m sure you will agree. Chemical fumes, radiation, and electromagnetic fields are some of what create dead orgone. Reich knew that water also attracts dead orgone, and that metal funnels it. Reich set out to heal nature. The device was simple. 10-20 metal pipes leading into a water reservoir- and that`s it. Yet it worked and has been demonstrated by scientists and hippies worldwide. The FDA seized all of Reich`s cloudbusters because of his success. Reich would measure how the dead orgone would be sucked out by his metal pipes just like you suck air through a straw. Simple but extremely effective. Dry deserts would receive rainfall. A remarkable experiment was conducted in the California desert of Tuscon Arizona, October 1954. Local residents had lived there for 50 years, and had never observed grass growing, so they called in Dr. Reich. Reich put his metal pipes down into the underground water-reservoir, and immediately the amount of water-vapor in the atmosphere increased. Then the hydrometer showed increased humidity. And before rain even came: The humidity had already caused grass to grow knee high! An area of 40-80 square

46 miles to the north, and east of Tuscon of 50 years of former desert now became lush with grass. Streams of water would start running where it had been drying for EVER. They even aired it on television. This infuriated the government. The local government were so desperate they actually accused him of tapping into the water-supplies. The airforce, and military came after him. It did not take long for We have now discovered how pyramids, and orgone accumulators could affect orgone, with the latter having the possibility of effortlessly, and cheap transforming Sahara into fertile land. Think of the implications… My friends in the ¨only results counts¨ forum has replicated this result in the California desert creating two ¨superblooms¨ two years in a row. Just google it! If we had the resources, that is, more people, and if they stopped with HAARP and Chemtrails (…) , we would green hundreds of deserts, and have already destroyed hundreds of hurricanes, saving thousands of lives, all thanks to to the God-given effort of my close, dear friend Harry Rhodes, and Trevor James Constable who furthered Reich`s cloudbuster work some time after Reich`s death. Harry`s youtube channel is ¨chemtrail chemtrail¨ as of 2019… But be careful. As soon as you set up the cloudbuster, DON`T TOUCH THE METAL PIPES. EXTREME amounts of dead orgone create viruses, and germs out of thin air. If you touch the metal, the Orgone will be forces to travel though your biological body, which can lead to a loose stomach, fatigue or mental illness. Or even death in the worst cases. I once touched my cloudbuster steel when destroying a Norwegian drought, and felt a surge through my body. To be correct, it is the same feeling as an evil spirit. This tingling… DOR. Deadly Orgone. I had to cleanse myself with Orgonite devices, which is the best tool if you get smacked by DOR. My own orgone experiments.

In the 80's, another independent researcher, Karl Welz, discovered that a mix of metal particles suspended in hardened resin was superior to the alternate layers of organic and metalic material that Reich was using. He called this new composite material Orgonite. And from there we went from an orgone accumulator to an orgone generator. Don Croft intuitively understood the potential of this innovation, ad combined it with his knowledge of Reich's cloud-busters to create his own version of a cloud- buster, and several other devices thereafter. He also found that this configuration could transmute DOR into POR.


Adding quartz crystals as an amplifier in the middle of the Orgonite allowed to project the energy in a much wider range. The real breakthrough with these new devices is that they become active in the presence of powerful negative energy fields, transmuting the deadly energy into positive, life-giving energy, contrary to Reich`s devices. These new devices would actually benefit from being exposed to negativity. The cloud-buster "movement" then became a vivid and fast-growing community of independent researchers, as Orgonite is cheap, and easy to make, and positive effects could easily be felt and experimented first-hand as seen on YouTube. Could this be a community way of geo-engineering deserts? I have myself made LOTS of relatively large orgonite pyramids in hand-sized dimensions, which channel NOR and DOR, and transform them into POR and felt crazy effects, as I made sure to perfect it`s science. I also have a book on Orgonite… There is substantial evidence of orgonite creating some field, but just as with Reich`s accumulators, the public has no way of measuring it, as the secret military by up all scientists. I also built some of the orgonite pyramids with 72-degree angles – crystals covering the outer 4 corners - as replicas of Alexander Golod`s pyramids. I also have several miniature versions of these pyramids made from wood- material. Whenever I walk into my room filled with orgonite, and pyramids: I feel a very powerful presence of calming, healing energy.


Above: In the middle you see two Giza-pyramid shaped orgonite pyramids, and one 72-degree vertical Alexander Golod shaped orgonite pyramid with crystals as outer layer. Only use clear, holy quartz crystal imo. I did put my cannabis seeds inside the Golod-pyramid, and for the first time in my life, all of them became resistant to fungi during the first week of sprouting, which was a MAJOR increase as the best results I had had so-far was that 50- 70% of my seeds survived the early growth stage, and the experiment repeated itself 3 times with only one seed ever dying due to fungi every time. This amazed me as it was either pure coincidence, or it seems this field is conscious somehow, and protected the growth of the plant, while stopping pathogens like fungi. Perhaps it`s in relation to positive vs negative orgone. Very strange.


Above are a few of the first pyramids I made with both metal shavings, ball- milled crystal powders, ball-milled metal powders, and lots of expertise.

Conclusion on evolution:

The source-field/God gives micro-organisms their genetic code, and drove evolution over time through continuous acts of creation, as all the universe is one singular conscience creating functional, harmonic lifeforms within itself that all fit together, and even benefit mankind, the end-product of this intelligent evolutionary bion biogenesis creationism theory… We have seen that the source-field is omnipresent. We have learnt that life on Earth started from bions. We thus have a scientific theory: Life originates from bions and evolves through an intelligent designer, the Source Field. We have also learnt of the cavity structure effect, learnt of cloudbusters, and that DNA can be changed through light. And that water stores memory. As if it was created from some higher divine perspective. Which is certainly the case. What is this ¨God¨, and why does he never show himself? We will discover that the source-field, or what we call reality, is indeed a mathematical matrix, and that this higher force shows himself through the act of miracles in the Christian faith.


But what is conscience?

Chapter 4: A spiritual reality. We are on the path to discovering our role as gardeners, and caretakers of God`s green garden. We are God`s sons, the end-product of evolutionary creationism intelligent design, and therefore it is likely to assume, as so many seers report, that the creator, or creators resemble our form. As I said earlier. God is a male. Former journalist and conspiracy theory author David Icke has popularized the idea that we`re living inside a mathematical computer system, or a matrix, and that this matrix is ruled by the archonic forces of the planets, and primarily Saturn. He is as such a gnostic heretic, and our world is certainly real, and the only philosophically valid creation a creator could imagine, taking free will, yin-yang, polar opposites, or good vs evil into consideration. Yet the fact that what we call reality is a projection, and more close to spirit (ether) than physics doesn`t change, or as Nicola Tesla proposed: There are no atoms, only waveforms… And if they lied about the shape of the Earth, what else could be lies but everything they`ve told you? We are as such living inside a dream, not only from your illusionary state by state programming, but our very existence is a spiritual reality. Not the spiritual illusion. The spiritual REALITY. It IS a dream, but it`s the main dream, and the real dream…

Are we walking in a state of trance?

Some people have abilities like telekinesis, telepathy etc. How? Dr. Cleve Backster worked for the military early before his discoveries. He was into hypnosis and hypnotized the secretary of the commanding general of the counter-intelligence corp, and told her to give her a top-secret document, which she did, but didn`t remember giving him afterwards. We must conclude that some part of the brain just obeys command! A lot of CIA mind-control technology like Mk-Ultra started with Cleve Backster.

Dr. Thomas Garrett hypnotized people into a state of deep trance. He would then tell them they could see through objects, go through walls, fly, and teleport to anywhere in the universe. I experience similar realities in dreams, which I call the TRUE reality. I can do all these things in my dreams, even copy myself, change form, grow wings, and meet people. I once spied on George Bush Senior who was sick, praying for Lucifer to return soon. I woke up, and without my knowledge: It was Obama`s inauguration day. They stated. ¨The Bushes are not present as Senior is very ill.¨ No, I am only curious as to what our leaders are

51 doing, as they`ll have to answer for their crimes one day… Or how do you think I became a targeted individual??? I have had this ability all my life, and lived my life in my dreams, not in my body, where I have a fraction of deeds, and memories compared to my dreams which I always remember.

The Backster effect: Plants talk to each other! From hypnosis, psychics, lucid dreams, and astral projection, we learn that consciousness is not strictly limited to our own brains and nervous-systems. But if all is spirit, and if spirit is conscious, then what about all other lifeforms? Are not they spirit too? Perhaps they are conscious as well… By 1958, Cleve Backster had developed the first standard system for numerical evaluation of polygraph charts – which is still being used today. Or simply: A graph used to measure electromagnetic response when connected to the human body, which he had worked with for 18 years at the time. In 1966 – Backster had an idea. He had never owned any plant but decided to connect his new Dracnea plant to the polygraph. Much to his surprise, the plant didn`t have a smooth, flat pattern of electrical activity. It jumped around like that of a person! About one minute into the chart recording, the tracing exhibited a short reaction similar to that of a person who experienced the fear of detection! The plant realized it was being monitored. In other words. It reacted just like a person who was hiding a lie. Backster, stunned at this discovery, figured that he would find a way to threaten the plant to get a reading on the polygraph. What happened next would change the world of science forever, and still has not reached public awareness. He was fifteen feet away at the very moment he got the idea of burning the plant with a match, the polygraph recording pen JUMPED to the top of the chart! No words were spoken, no touching the plant, nor lighting the matches, just Backster`s clear intention to burn the leaf.


The plant had an enormous panic-attack! Author David Wilcock arranged a repetition of the original experiment 40 years after its discovery, and caught the same reaction on camera, with a different plant of course. Backster writes ¨after returning the matches to the secretary desk, the tracing (finally) returned to the calmness displayed prior to the original decision to burn the electrode leaf.¨ When Backster`s associate Bob Henson came to work- and cheered at the magical discovery, Henson repeated the experiment, and the exact same reaction occurred. Backster now felt sympathy for the plant and decided not to burn any of the leaves. Backster used synchronized watches and discovered that when you start caring for the plant, it seemingly track your thoughts. He writes: ¨I found that the moment I decided to return to where the plant was, the plant often showed a fairly significant reaction-especially when my decision to return was made in a spontaneous manner. ¨ Then Backster got more plants and connected them all to polygraphs. Backster first discovered that all living matter is in constant conversion when he poured boiling water down a dirty, bacteria-overgrown sink in his lab –had a huge panic-attack. He started experimenting with dropping living shrimp into boiling water, and Backster says ¨the plants reacted strongly each time he dropped a shrimp.¨ But it only worked at night when there were no humans in the lab, or else, the human energies would be more interesting to the plants.


Backster performed hundreds of more tests, even on America, and Russian tv- shows, but the scientific community was not amused. Russian scientist V.N Pushkin replicated Backster`s experiments in 1972 using EEG instrumentation, but Dr. Otto Solbrig of Harvard University`s biology department wrote: ¨This is a waste of time. This work is not going to advance science very much. We enough already about plants- so that when someone comes up with something like this, we say it`s quackery. ¨ Backster also connected yoghurt bacteria, ordinary chicken-eggs, and even live human cells to his polygraph- and continued to get stunning results. He discovered all living things are constantly tuned into their environment so that when one living thing suffers, all other living things react. He put eggs inside a lead-lined box and dropped an egg into boiling water. The other eggs ¨screamed¨, but since they were inside a lead-lined box, their communication could not have been electromagnetic. How does all nature conversate? Through the (God) Source Field. Backster also discovered that distance matters not, and that cells from a test-person responded to his daily stress-moments even 300 miles away. For when two beings are intimately connected, they respond to each-other even at the other side of the globe! And it`s made of love.

Affecting the source field. The meditation/prayer effect.

The meditation effect was proven by Maharishi Yogi in the late 1960. He believed that if 1% of the people of Earth together in one room, you could affect the whole world. 7000 thousand people meditated peace together. And terrorism rates worldwide reduced by 72% for the days of meditation! This effect has since been proven in 39 attempts, with a chance of billions to one that the effect was a random happening. Just think of the implications of prayer! This proves that within the source-field conscience, our natural blissful, loving happy selves, have a radiant effect of ressonance. David Wilcock also proposes that every species has their hive-mind telepathy - to a stunning degree as seen with how historical invertors did breakthrough simultaneously. We are all one! Our brainwaves, and mental states affect each other, which I am certain you will agree with. For instance, when a depressed person comes into the room, and the vibes suddenly sink. From reading Wilcock`s book, I got new proof of the ¨circle of attraction¨, and ¨think yourself healthy. ¨ Think of the amazing, dormant human potential when we synchronize our thoughts through love and light! That is why I wondered if: Should I call this book the Kingdom of God? I, like Jesus, and Isaiah believe in we can eliminate sin, and suffering for a future golden age! Perhaps you now start realizing how much sacred knowledge is hidden from us.


If good humans ruled the Earth, we would have declassified technology to end disease, starvation, poverty, electricity crisis, aging, and transportation. The future world I envision can be found in my book ¨the wisdom of all golden ages¨.

The Cavity Structure effect. Russian Dr. Victor Grebennikov discovered the cavity structure effect. And now we`re talking. It is simply the same effect as with Golod`s pyramids, that all physical structures like for instance through Feng Shui shape the source field, and that some structures direct the field more powerful than others, for instance pyramids. Dr. Grebennikov`s research is ground-breaking, and further explores the technological abilities of the source-field in relation to healing and antigravity. He was the one to discover how the bumble-bee, and beetles like scarabs actually fly despite their impossible weight. This is due to the cavity structure effect in their wings. You see, their wings have microscopic hexagonal bee-hive- patters which (amazingly) cancels gravity. Well. Gravity doesn`t really exist, as there is both gravity, and levity, and it all depends on the speed of the waveform of the atoms/objects in question etc. It is a huge topic, and I know at least 3 completely different ways to achieve antigravity. I pray that such knowledge of simple, and inexpensive antigravity will be available for the masses. Buying a not too expensive flying bicycle is totally within reach of the future… Like in E.T. Lol. Google, vimana, die glocke, mercury Hermes ufo, and ww2 foo fighters. Yes. The nazis developed a form of antigravity based upon rotating suspension of superconductive mercury metal… And yes, it takes a lot of electrical power, so of course they had both fusion and fission reactors. Research Open Mind with former American radio host Bill Jenkins, and know that fusion reactors are simple, would solve all world-wide energy needs, and are being kept from us… Back to topic. America Dr. Ed Wagner is a recognized physicist who researches plants, and claims to independently have discovered the source-field, calling it the Wagner Wave. He is one of the few living scientists available to the public who researches the source-field to this date. His website is www.darkmatterwaves.com where you can order his book ¨Waves in Dark Matter.¨ We don`t have time to get into the gravity matters, but both Grebennikov, and Wagner discovered the cavity structure effect, and how the source field relates to gravity apparently depending on microscopic structures, which according to Wagner, is how the trees draw sap from the ground, which until now has had no sound explanation. It`s due to the physical structure of the small nodes inside the tree trunk fibers, according to Wagner.


Just like with the bees, a certain structure cancels out gravity. Wagner drilled a hole inside a tree trunk, and measured lower gravity. This is something you can do at home… It`s like Newton`s falling apple: How does the tree transport water against gravity??? Nobody questioned it seriously prior to Wagner… Lol. His main research is independently discovering the Backster effect in much greater detail, namely how plants talk to each other. Dr. Ed sat fire to one tree in a forest, and had polygraphs connected to trees around the forest. The chaotic reaction of the fire spread for kilometres at the speed at 5 meters a second. So you it is arguable to say they ARE ACTUALLY talking to each-other, as 5 meters a second is an impossibly low wavelength speed phenomenon. Or it might be that the forest mycelium (one cellular network of one underground mushroom`s roots (mycelium) often cover the entire forest living in symbiosis with all trees) was the medium for this exchange of information as proposed by a guy I really like: Mushroom mycologist Dr Paul Stamets. Check out ¨6 ways mushrooms can save the world.¨ Yes. Our reality is closer, if not identical to a fairyland, a child`s wildest immagination, or the movie ¨Avatar.¨ So now we know plants, and trees have actual emotions, and TALK to each other like the Ents in J.R.R Tolkien`s The Lord of the Rings. We must realize we are gardeners of this SACRED, SACRED REALM, and are meant to live by prahna, vegetables, eggs, and be thankful to every living thing we kill, just like the American Indians offered thanks to the Great Spirit after killing an animal or buffalo. Yes. The American Indians were REALLY onto it. In fact: There is so little difference between the idea of the Great Spirit, and the Christian Holy Ghost that Christianity was easily introduced to American Indians, although the Indians knew more about it, it seems… Grebennikov, a very credible scientist with no psychiatric disorder, according to himself, and many witnesses, used scarab bug-wings to build a flying platform by stacking hundreds of wings in a row connected to wires in a trey connected to his ¨bicycle brakes¨ so that when he pulled the brake, the wings would flip, and be stacked on top of each other, producing the antigravity effect. He never told which scarab beetle he used, but bumblebee wings have a similar effect. Try placing them above each-other. One will float, or jump off the other wing because of the cavity structure effect. Lol.


Above: Victor Grebennikov demonstrates his bug-wing platform. What profit would Victor Grebennikov have from producing this image other than to be hunted by the KGB? He was a genius scientist in sole service to mankind…!!! This has to be the easiest of all possible levitations. And why doesn`t the government mass-produce microscopic hexagonal sheets for us to ride flying cars, bicycles etc? What`s better is that no fuel is needed other than food or water. Grebennikov also stated he could fly really REALLY fast because the antigravity effect was so large he was partly in another dimension, and thus protected from wind. Isn`t God who made this a genius??? And will this science soon be available for mankind? Is this the secret of the Egyptian scarab hieroglyphs, and the flying carpets of King Solomon? Think of the implications… We could transport material to live in the beautiful, secluded valleys of Norway, build pyramids, heal ourselves, and have free electricity of which there are a hundred devices out there. For instance, research Keshe`s newly invented ¨plasma generator¨ , or Tomislav Tesla`s river power-plant to begin with... When will we have a Tesla village of True Tesla Technologies in Norway??? I remember I researched anti-gravity before I was lobotomized and wondered if I should not try cultivate these beetles, and make myself my own flying platform. Haha! Considering the 1000+ ton solid blocks moved in the antique levant, it`s no secret they had anti-gravity, and it was either sound levitation of scarab-wing ¨magical carpets¨ like in the cartoon Aladdin. They also knew of the source field, but it was lost in time, and monopolized by the Freemasons, and Knights Templar who hid their treasure at Oak Island, and flew to America, and killed the remaining giants for their theory of Homo Sapiens Sapiens, and world history to be accepted. I have talked to Illuminati members who confirmed these suspicions. Just be smart, and you can get a LONG way in life! I pray that this book will give courage to young, aspiring scientists to never grow up, and create fairyland for all of us! Yes, all you believed was impossible can be achieved by any man by himself. If Nicola Tesla, and Victor Grebennikov built flying platforms, then so can you!


My dream was always to fly. I fly in all my dreams and am a natural born angel. The Creator constructed the world so that mankind was MEANT to discover his grandeur, and dream of flying – and fly MUCH faster than jet-airplanes on much more simplistic devices that they CERTAINLY had in the antique, with the hundreds of 10-20-600, yes, 600 ton stone blocks the Egyptians, and ALL ancient cultures effortlessly raised. Because when you cancel gravity: EVERYTHING within the field floats..! Even Solomon`s Temple`s foundation has stones weighing over 200 tons.

The sacredness of life. The ancient Greeks, and Druids believed that oak trees mature into spirits called Dryads in their old age. These dryads are humanoid children like fairies that play in the astral realm of the forest and live inside their respective tree. I have met thousands of these dryads, and all other elemental creatures like gnomes and sylphs in my astral-travel-lucid dreams. I have flown across all the Earth, met Lord Ashtar the most, he`s the most powerful, wise and loving, but also Sanat Kumara in Nepal. Lord Ashtar taught me how to summon all the elementals when I am in my dreams. Lord Ashtar lives in the Heavens, and he is an ascended being that teleports to and through Heaven. He is an ascended Master working with Jesus, not to be confused with the descended devil Ashtaroth of catholic demonology of ancient Canaan, and Ashtar of the Moabites. I swear this to be true by God. Ashtar was also the original Lucifer figure whom the Lucifer of the Bible is built upon. He has now ascended to help humanity`s Christian, spiritual, and technological evolution, and his message is love and light. But don`t channel him! The Ashtar I know told me he was raised in Heaven as Christ`s son, and to represent, and work under Archangel Michael after being sacrificed as a baby here on Earth... Damn the Vatican… This is the topic of a 180 pages long book I HAVE WRITTEN, but will never publish… Not ever. Do you now understand how sacred all life is? I once grew magic-mushrooms, and cannabis, and could talk to tree-nympfs, plants, and see the aura of all living things, as well as clearly seeing the guardian-animal of the people I met. The strange thing was: Those who I was tripping with could ALSO see the exact same entities, and guardian-animals as I saw independently. Now how is that? Try magic mushrooms, and you will experience the same thing. Those who trip with you will see the same guardian animals of people independently. Guaranteed. LSD, Mescaline, Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and psilocybin and psilocin will open your eyes to the REALITY of the spiritual realm you are in.


I recommend the work of mycologist Paul Stamets who independently found the cure to the flu virus in a mushroom of the Agaricus species, but was shut down. Isn`t the creator a genius? If nature has a problem, nature always has a way to fix it. Why are mushrooms important research? Because their immune system is similar to ours. That`s why penicillin works so well. Who knows what else lies out there waiting in the rainforests of Amazon? Another cure to the flu-virus waiting to be hushed down by the powers-that-be? Nature is sacred, and if there is a problem like disease, nature provides a cure. After all: Nature is God expressing his love to us! The source field = love! More on this later… We must joyously dance, sing, meditate, and love in nature, and at home, filling ourselves with love and light, which facilitates the Source Field! Perhaps I should upgrade the saying to Source Field (God), love and light!

Satanic rituals shatter the source-field. Let`s have a thought experiment. Let`s say I have tortured clones, and had aware, telepathic contact with them since I was 9. Dr. Cleve Backster discovered that if you have a cultivation of the same bacteria (same organism) at different places, even countries away, both would have a polygraph shock response if either were harmed. You got that? Think how Satanic-ritual-sacrifice would ripple through the Source-Field and affect the vibrational field of the entire planet! That`s why historical dark magicians like the Aztecs, or Druids used sacred spaces like pyramids, Churches, or altars when sacrificing humans, because the effect of evil intention devastates the conscience of the otherwise sacred Source-Field to a higher degree when done in sacred spaces with a greater concentration of the Field: Creating ripples of fear, stress, anxiety, and depression that could keep a child running an entire night with desperate tears in his eyes, as I did most of my childhood. Yes. 3 nights every week for almost 10 years not knowing what to think, or do with my dreams, where I saw such happen… A little, scared child in a state of oblivion. Any magician would tell you that the source field is real, and that those who have a higher intellectual, loving, or artistic conscience make better magick. Because they a have a greater force, or influence on the Source Field. The British occultist, Aleister Crowley defines magick as ¨making change from a distance in accordance with will.¨ I have been a victim of black-magick voodoo myself, and whenever I facilitate fear, or think of the person attacking me, the astral body of the demon is attracted to that ¨dead orgone energy¨, and can affect my with physical damage, like for instance raping, or stabbing, which eventually led to my slow, horrible, and most painful death. And here I was trying to be the God- conscience protecting the universe! Lucifer ascending!


Anyways. It`s just a thought experiment. I`m mentally ill (allegedly) so don`t take me seriously. It seems there are several dimensions of life, and much more to reality than what we have believed until now! And that brings us to the soul. I have a dream of starting a New-Age inspired, not New-Age, but New-Age inspired Christian spirit-science university, and rewrite the sciences, especially Darwin`s theory of evolution, physics and history. Come on. It`s 2019. Someone HAS to measure torsion-field energy (The God field). Perhaps in a Christian congregation, and preferably on someone that gets healed. I leave you with it and believe the world has reached only 10% of it`s potential.

Personal philosophy regarding the soul.

Here it gets confusing. We know that the source-field/orgone permeates, and creates all time, matter, and time-space including gravity (as proposed by David Wilcock).

I mentioned soul, chi, chakra, prahna, life-force, libido, mana, vril, ether, etc, earlier in this book as part of the orgone force. Does that mean that our souls are an orgone field? Yes! But there is something more to it. The spirit, conscience – the seat of what makes you an independent individual. What is that? Orgone- physics do not know. All we know is that our soul-body-spirit has both an electromagnetic field, and an orgone/etheric field. But_what_is_you? Science simply do not know. And this bothers me…

It is said that the soul of a man stays the same throughout his life. Frankly, i agree, even after all I have been through. Although everyone has a light, and dark aspect, an angel, and demon so to speak. A saint, and a sinner. And as the first Christian Nazarenes believed in the Mazaroth (astrology) the core of a person is woven by his/her`s birthchart when the angels sang. The greater the angel, the greater the demon. The greater the saint, the greater the sinner. This is a metaphysical law to me. Man consist of many bodies in different dimensions. Most religions operate with body, soul (emotion/ether/aura) and spirit.

The spirit is in continuous fluctuation, interacting with other spirits in the higher mental planes. I am sure you have experienced this. You feel like you have a spiritual connection to someone. A heart connection. You see them in your dreams. You think of them, and they suddenly call you. The soul, is an energy- body surrounding you called the aura. They have even developed something called ¨kirlian photography¨ which lets you photograph your aura. For real. Google it. Most Christians refer to the soul as prone to emotional change, while the spirit is in Heaven with God. There is a clear difference between soul and spirit, but so little is known about the different spectrums of the Source Field. The

60 ancient Egyptians, who were clever men, operated with NINE parts of what is called ¨you¨.

Then we have your angel, and your demon, which strictly are both a part of you, and part of an eternal circle. Most people who remember incarnations do so from memory of spirits… When you die, your spirit is trialled, and put either in the ascended, or deleted folder of the matrix. Hell is simply a place where energy the superconscience can`t recycle is dumped, the supeconscience being light and love. So, you are literally ¨thrown in Hell¨! It`s not a perfect universe, but what do I know. It`s probably the only way creation could work.

Scientists, and as proposed in David Wilcock`s Source-Field Investigations document that your DNA stores photons, and that your thoughts create photons wherever you send them. Photons will also be stored in a trail of your movement up to 3 months after you`ve been there. Is this a coincidence? I think not. Remnants of your thoughts, and energy-body will continue to exist like a ¨ghost¨ for 1-3 months on this plane before vanishing, as most wizards, and astral- physic books will agree upon. I read quite a few before I was lobotomised, you know, that dark night of the soul those 7 years I told you about. But I used to be a genius before it started when I was 21… But these photons not your conscience. These are unconscious thoughtforms you`ve created. These are the energies you produced while alive, which takes time to be deleted. If these thoughtforms are negative ¨orgone¨, they can however be possessed even after you are dead, and demons who possessed you while alive can feed from this and are often the accounts of hauntings. I don`t believe human souls can be trapped in this dimension. It`s either Heaven or Hell, although the ancient Nephilim – half angels were said to not ascend to Heaven, but were left to incarnate. That is why Nephilim mummies of Egypt (like the one found near the Djoser Pyramid) were always chopped up prior to mummification so that they should not incarnate.

The clever Egyptians believed in 9 parts of the ¨soul¨, but I believe there to be mainly 8. Spirit (you) , soul (your emotions-energies and aura) , 4-5 your angel and demon, and 6-8 your ¨higher selves, your inner child, your adult warrior, and the wise old sage.¨ I have operated with these 8 since I was 12, and am quite psychic, so I am pretty certain. Esoteric scientists, and spiritual practitioners, and I myself am certain that the seat of the spirit is the pineal-gland! The pine-cone look-alike gland in your brain that emits light through piezoelectric crystals that hits an actual retina in this third eye, giving you the ability to train yourself to see what cannot be seen, or as Christ says: If your eye be single, your whole body will be filled with light. Actual pineal-gland depictions, and third eye practice go back to some of our most ancient civilizations including Egypt and India, so the pineal-gland was very well known even back then. Was it the angels who taught us this??? Who knows, but Jesus, and the ancients certainly knew about it.


For I once had a near death experience. I was dying, lying in my bed. I lost feeling in my feet, then my hands, and all my body until only my head was left. The pineal gland. I felt dragged out my body, and then let go. I flew through a tunnel, and immediately ended up in a boat floating down a river in Alvarheim, a portion of the Heavens that is local to Norway. (…) I was wild awake. The scents, the light, and the tree! I stayed away from the Sirens, and the cave of temptation, and paddled onto the shore where I found Idunn, and her apples, comparative to the garden of Hesperides. This is not the only time I have consulted the Gods. I am well known and know well the spiritual layouts of the seven Heavens. All spiritual practitioners I know of see the pineal gland as the seat of the spirit. Thought I`d let you know… None of our pineal glands work though, as they have all been calcified by chlorine in the water. Only a tiny amount is needed to calcify the pineal gland for the rest of your lives, and it will never work again unless you eat only your own vegetables, your own food, and decalcify it for years…

The synchronicity effect. What source matters to experiencing God.

This world is a superconscience source-field expressing infinite experience through recurring mathematical fractals, and embodies you, and all life - guided by the Heavenly Mazzaroth, and the 7 planets symbolized by the Jewish menorah lamp.

Jesus taught of the kingdom of Heaven, resonance, that it has come close. That is what the Lord`s prayer, translated into 1st century Aramaic translates to. That the Heavenlies sphere of influence has come close, exemplified here by a Holy Man, who sheds his blood to make a covenant, and ascends his spirit to pace the way for ascension by that conscience, becoming in many ways, a God of mankind. This is not far away from New-Age terms like Christ-Conscience, or Universal Conscience, which New-Age have stolen from us.

But was Jesus a God, or had he lived before? I don`t believe in reincarnation. And is he God`s son? Well, he certainly became! But not so much more than any of you are. He was simply God`s son because God said: ¨That`s my boy! ¨ when the spirit descended upon him after he was baptized, and because he was the firstborn of the new covenant. Thus ¨God`s first, and only son. ¨


Christians has forgotten the mystical gnosis of the 1st century nazarene church, and believe such things as: ¨the work is done, and we have won¨, and ¨only do what God leads you to¨, and ¨you can do nothing except through the Holy Spirit¨, and ¨Christ will return soon.¨

No. Where is that in the Bible? It says ¨go preach the Kingdom to all nations!¨ Christians are at least 500.000 years away from establishing a world-wide Christian governmental institution. You have to do everything yourself, through Christ, but still WORK HARD, or nothing will happen. You have forgotten the most vital teaching of Christ. That God`s kingdom is within YOU. Heaven, Jesus, and even the voice of God is subjective to your own conscience through synchronicity.

Why do you think God never spoke to you before you believed in Him or sought him? Why do you think Jesus never tells a person ¨the state is killing you – denounce it¨. Why? Because of the synchronicity effect. God never spoke it until you knew at least SOME of what he was going to say, and synchronized to that sphere of influence. God IS you!

Since: God`s kingdom is within you, God is the source-field-matrix, and you are a part of God: God nor Jesus can never speak to you unless you access that vibration of conscience. In simpler words: God rarely speak things you do not already know. God does not break the laws of physics of the source field. He plays along.

That doesn`t mean you cannot receive prophetic information whence you tap into higher, timeless extradimensional fields. But you only read what your mind can understand. It`s all in your mind. You are ¨The God¨ speaking to yourself. Let me give you another example. When someone gets healed, others increase their faith, and often they get healed as well.

This is the synchronicity effect expressed here by ¨faith. ¨ It is accessing the conscience of one Holy Man that broke the curse of death, and opened a path for us all. Christ-conscience is therefore a very valid Christian term.


Through accessing the vibration memory of Christ`s holiness and conscience coherent in the matrix web, we experience that Christ speaks to us, and do miracles in His name.

And that is all there is. You are Jesus. But you say: Jesus really does reveal things to me! Let me explain. Christ is a singular individual facilitating a powerful energy conscience of love in the Heavenlies. When we access this energy conscience, the matrix works it`s miracles. We experience that the spirit speaks words to us because we seek it and connect with this matrix. This is similar to how telepathy works.

I am a master telepath, and have hundreds who receive knowledge, and hear my voice, even though all I do is focusing my mental energies on love, knowledge etc. I do not consciously speak to them. Synchronicity with my mental field does the work. I do not speak consciously. When we access more knowledge, our brains resonate with that knowledge, and we receive words accordingly.

I am sorry to tell you, but the source-field physics won`t lie: it`s all in your mind. The kingdom of God is within.

Also: Christ is dead, he is not coming back, and you have to do all his work yourself. (Of course.) Work hard. His second coming was a pyramidal, and astrological riddle. The Bible is a riddle. Your lack of understanding the most important lesson of Christ might lead to the utter defeat of Christianity. If only you had known the true nature of the universe like the first Christians did. The nature of the Source-Field, and how God speaks through the Mazzaroth. This is TRUE!

You have no reason to sleep. The Bible tells all Christians are the body of Christ. Christ`s what? Christ conscience. Science… God… Being conscious. But are you conscious, or is Christ sleeping? Remember: Your Christ only exists as far as you can stretch your faith, and your mind/knowledge.

Christ is thus a concept of conscience. YOU are Christ today through his ¨spirit in you. ¨ Which we have explored what really means. You say ¨only through Christ. ¨ but Christ says ¨only through you.¨ There is something you have

64 misunderstood. There is a world`s difference. The Christian life is not about slacking off, and waiting for Jesus to emerge, or reveal your destiny or truths.

It`s about being Christ yourself, and pursuing knowledge and destiny to reach his conscience. Not the other way around. You learn as you walk in his footsteps and conscience. Jesus doesn`t want you to wait for his agreement in every step you take. You listening to the voice of Jesus forever will do you no good without ACTING, and is probably just yourself doing magic with the superconscience source-field, and drawing in random information to excuse yourself from facing reality: Christianity is DYING.

Ok. All I want you to remember is: YOU are CHRIST. Is that not what the Bible teaches? Are we not disciples? Why then do you not exceed your master, and obtain what he had of knowledge? After all: Being a disciple means to aim at becoming the master yourself! If you follow Jesus, but do not pursue his knowledge, sacrificial life, and aim for world conquest, how can you call yourself a disciple! We are all judged by both faith and deeds. What matters is what you do with the gifts given you. Be it much or less.

My experience with higher dimensions.

Scientists like Dr. Bill Deagle, whom you should listen to, operate with a 13th dimensional universe. The 5 dimensions of this physical world, the seven Heavens, and the thirteenth eternal realm. All I know is that there are THOUSANDS of dimensions with millions of gateways related to this Earth, and that once you leave the highest after defeating the demons, angels or guardians: You enter the UNIVERSAL plane, the 12th, where I flew to that Mt. Purgatory. Basically: I have not read any viable source of information on the planes. It seems to me like those writing books on dimensions, and astral travel lack experience, which I happen to have.

Every night before the 7 years of torture, I would fly in dreams. That`s right: I would teleport, levitate, and even conquer ! Every night. And I would remember all my dreams. Lucid dreams. And every morning, my mother would SHOUT, pull the curtains, and FORCEFULLY wake me up within 5-30 seconds of awakening. 100% of the time. As if she knew my thoughts and preyed on my energy! I would cry, and this is the saddest experience in my life to date. Not the torture. Not the 7 years of pain, but my mom forcefully waking dragging my spirit out from Heaven every morning as if mine, and her thoughts were connected

65 through neuronic technotronic implants, or ¨the mark of the beast.¨ What beast? I cannot see any beast around here! Read my book on Revelations for more information regarding the beasts. For I am not from this world at all… And my dreams were more real than life. I had 7 colonies, and homes in my dreams. I had several kingdoms where I was a royal prince, guarding the spiritual world of this plane. After I lost my dreams, I had no way of defending myself. I lost my armour, my sword and my wings. It took 5 years before I had a dream of flying again, visiting the ruins of my former lives in higher realms, now fallen, as the evil Loke, and middle-earth serpent had taken over. You don`t believe in fairy-tales??? Well you should! Cause you`re in one! I have experienced hundreds of different dimensions and places.

All dreams are parallel realities. Remember: We are living inside a matrix where thought is matter. While dreaming, I discovered: A dimension might be fixed or fluctuating. Depending on if it`s the mental or astral plane. It might be a future dimension or ¨timeline¨, or a dimension of something frozen in time. It might also be the dimension of an entity`s conscience, a group of entities, or simply a dimension of friends. Every person has the ability to create, and affect dimensions, and have their own inner dimensions you can visit. These are their own mental planes, or fluctuating dimensions. You are in a very real sense: God. Or at least, you can become one.

A dimension might be relative to the location of the dreamer as for instance I have been to mostly the druidic, and Norse-belief planes of elves relative to the Heavens above Scandinavia. These are fixed dimensions, where you can change little. But I was so powerful, I was able to fly even in all these dimensions. Even that spiritual world bordering this one, where I kept watch over all that happened globally, and met many famous people. I`m not kidding!!!

I was particularly fond of affecting weather when out of body, which can be done to terrible effect if you have a powerful chakra. Most of us divide the dimensions into 7 Heavens as described by esoterics after primarily the Catholic cosmology. I doubt if there is anyone good enough to categorize the planes where fantasy meets matter. Each dimension has a thousands of inner dimensions and sub- categories. One for every person in every dimension. It`s truly a magical universe.

The lower dimensions are more in tune to Earth layout and happenings than the higher who are mostly archaic, mental, and contain essences. Until you reach the 12th or ¨logoic plane.¨ Where people who reach Nirvana goes, like Buddhist monks who ascend, or transform into the rainbow body. Trust me. I`ve met them there. Yes, I know, I`m perfect am I not…


Essences of concepts, a species, etc, as well as every idea of the creator sort-of solidifies downwards through the tree of life into its own kingdom for instance the Kingdom of Mushrooms, Kingdom of Birds, or realm of Elves etc all of which I`ve been to wild awake, which is SO real, and definitely NOT in the astral realm, but higher up.

I mostly cross into the Astral layers, but strange as it is: I always had the ability to travel through time – yes you heard me. I travel back, and forth through time, and have been everywhere, and seen everything… Think about that for a minute… Yes… Beneath this face of flesh and blood… The Eye! When I greeted angelic councils, they would always refer to me by that name. You see: After HE fell, the matrix tries to reprogram itself. That is the story of eternal saviour that reappears. He`s been Odin, Osiris, Oannes, Krishna, and Jesus, the lamb of God who carries the sin, carries the dead, and was the only one of all the saviours who actually found out what he was meant to do, and completed it, which ironically, taking the circumstances into account; his birthchart, the romans, the Jews, the law, and the practice of crucifixion, only could have happened between two eternities of timelines. I`m serious.

If I told anyone what I know to be true, nobody would believe me. I lost already when I was 12. I once had the greatest voice on Earth. I could do all styles. I had a most potent male spirit of leadership and charisma. Now I`m ruined by Mk- Ultra, and look 20 years older than I am… The worst of it all: I dreamt it all in a single dream when I was 9… Poor me…

We can never change the past but prepare for the future! And today, I find no other purpose but God, love and light, the source of all things. All I could do for 7 years of bitter pain, and trials was trying to get back my wings. Let me tell you a story.

I also have crossed all Earthern dimensions and entered the afterlife plane. The logoic plane. At this second highest plane, (nobody knows God resides in another dimension above it) you completely leave dimension Earth as an ascended being, which is very rare. Earth is nowhere to be found. There`s an everlasting grassy field of archaic rocks looking like Stonehenge on top of an eternally high cliff that surrounds the entire ¨universe¨ in a circle. There: Your eyesight is changed so you can zoom in. All knowledge is also immediately revealed by only entering this ALIEN plane of non-terrestrial Gods. You can download it. I met many who had reached Nirvana there. Too bad for them. They would never know that above the highest realm lies another. Lol! To the right are seven mountains of infinite height in seven colors. In the middle is a mountain in the abyss, called the mound of the Gods, Mt. Doom, Mt.Purgatory, the Omphalos, Ymir`s body etc. I found out I had ascended.


The experience of holiness at this plane was indescribable. I now could grow wings which seemed natural to me. The inhabitants of this realm were very few ascended masters, who had liberated themselves from karma, and greeted me before I flew off to Mt. Purgatory. What I discovered is so sacred I cannot tell you. For the mountain is snow- covered, and hollow on top, wherein lies a garden of DIVINE POWER where you find the sacred monuments of Creation. The so-called fiery stones are to be found there. I bet Jesus used this path. Who can find it??? Nobody… The rest of the story is in my secret testament which might just be book 9 of the series… I went to Hell and rescued a friend who had just become a Christian two weeks earlier. He died two, and half weeks after I had this out-of-body-out-of-Earth- dream. Displaying my role as an agent traversing through time. A transcended master incarnate, keeping this Earth safe.

In fact: I had to fight my way TO the afterlife plane as there are Satanic temples all over Earth by now, tying us down to carnal Earth. You just think of having a big sword in your hand, and it appears. You have to go through 7 realms. It`s terrible…

Note that Heaven is ABOVE this Mt. Purgatory , and unreachable by any means. The only way to enter Heaven is to first DESCEND into (this) lowest realm, experience the trials of Earthly life, and be judged by God, and saved by Jesus, who really became God`s son. Perhaps he was it from the beginning. I like to think so, but here I am writing a pseudoscientific book, so let`s a little real... Heaven is for mankind, and for angels. It is beyond impossible to get to God`s domain. (Heaven) How Jesus did all that is nothing else but God`s perfection at work. Not that He is in charge of Earth history, which is not the case… All I can say is ¨Holy! ¨ We will get to the math, and perfection of the Story of the One in a second. And that was the nature of our universe. There is one veeery important thing I want to make ABSOLUTELY clear, although all might disagree with me. There_is_absolutely_no_way_the_ancients_could_have_learnt_of_Heaven`s_ex istence through out-of-body experience, Lucid dreams, and shamanic trance in ANY way. Well. Perhaps Edgar Cayce, but he was a Christian. Heaven does not exist to any eye in any dimension. It is safely located beyond the beyond. My point is that: We had never known of it had it not been for Moses, and the Jews. Thus, they WERE the chosen people, Praise Yahweh, until Jesus came along. Now ALL are chosen. Note: The way I see cosmology is so close to the Norse cosmology it is actually frightening. And the If you understand the texts. Read Marie Kvilhaug`s books.


Chapter 5: The flat Earth Theory – Easily visible.

The math speaks for itself.

Ok. Friends have asked me why 1stcenturyministries is pro Flat Earth. Why? Can`t you think for yourself!? You must be mad!

I Chronicles 16:30: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.” Psalm 93:1: “Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm…” Psalm 96:10: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable…” Psalm 104:5: “Thou has fixed the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken.” Isaiah 45:18: “…who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast…”

This is the curvature you should see if the Earth was in fact round.

1 km = 8 cm. 2 km = 31 cm. 5 km = 1,96 m. So, get a good camera, and zoom in at water-level if you can see the pier at the other side. If you can, the Earth is flat. 10 km = 7,95 m. Eight meters is a lot. 20 km = 31,39 m. 50 km = 196,20 m. 100 km = 784,79 m. 200 km = 3.13 km. 500 km = 19.61 km. 1000 km = 78, 31 km. Just use google! It`s the same calculator everywhere.

There are many places you can see for 200 and 500 kilometers. I`ve been to one. I could CLEARLY see the flat Earth, and CLEARLY see Mt. Haleakala on Maoi ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN KILOMETERS AWAY from Mt. Mauna Kea as CLEARLY depicted on this picture here.


Above: 107 km CLEAR view from Mauna Kea observatory. Observing what??? What planets???

For all amateur photography of stars show they are nothing but sacred geometry phonetic plasma-patterns oscillating from heavenly energy, singing songs inside a dome filled with liquid covering the Earth. I have seen through expensive amateur telescope at Mauna Kea: There never was a planet. I saw that all stars and planets are madly oscillating plasma display, are transparent and have no physical form. They are very beautiful. Look and see for yourself.

And what about those who observe the Rocky Mountains of America from 200 miles away? I have family in Seattle, have been there and could CLEARLY see the top of Mt.Baker way above the clouds 150 miles away from ground level. If the Earth was flat, I should only have been able to see the very top, and not see the clouds below it in a perfectly flat line leading up to the mountains!!! It can even be seen 200 or MORE miles away, on a good day!!! You have been lied to all your life…


Question: Have you ever stood at water-level, and been able to see 5 km straight over a lake? Of course you have. And could you see the beach at the other side? Of course, you did. Did you see a 2-meter drop, or a WHOPPING 31 m drop from 20 km? 31 meters is quite tall!!! As tall as the tallest buildings in Kristiansand. There are exactly 5 km from Svanedamsveien Kristiansand to Dvergsnes Kristiansand where the Flat Earth is best demonstrated in Kristiansand. Can you see the sandshore on the other side??? Is it hidden beneath 2 meters of Earth curvature? No. I need a good camera.

The Earth has been proven to be perfectly FLAT thousands of times through history. The size of the Earth was still under debate until NASA came along and photographed the Earth from the moon. Which was done on a movie-set. I will get into why soon enough.

Discovering the flat Earth.

I found the TRUTH by looking around the web, and I advise you do the same. Click the links/discover the topics.

Eric Dubay: 200 reasons the Earth is not a spinning ball. http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/08/200-proofs-earth-is-not- spinning-ball.html https://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=EiBJBVBez_w&t=502s

YouTube: Rob Skiba flat Earth. https://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=Y5IsLBMjhtI&list=PLltxIX4B8_URNU zDE2sXctnUAEXgEDDGn


We are living in historical times boys. Since 2017, the flat-earth movement has exploded on internet, and gained popularity among conspiracy theorists. The Bible, and Quran states the Earth is flat. The Bible says there are four pillars supporting the Earth, that there is a dome/firmament above it, and equate the stars/planets with Heavenly powers. The flat-earth theory has gained popularity among Christians and Muslims. Even New-Age conspiracy theorist David Icke questioned if the Earth was flat. It might have devastated the work of David Wilcock though, who must be the very pride of NASA`s misinformation squad, as he discovered all the metaphysical source-field physics of NASA`s space disinformation as presented in his majestic works. Thank you, David, you can go home now, and start a family. I can`t imagine what this honest, outspoken anti- disinformation hero must have gone through when suddenly discovering the Earth, yes, it is FLAT!!!… <3 We love you David. While the flat-earthers believe there is a dome, like in the Bible, they are not however so sure about the rest. The Hindus believed the Earth was flat, on top of an elephant, on top of a turtle swimming in an ocean. Muhammad believed the Earth was flat on top of a whale swimming in an ocean. And how does that account for the precession of the equinoxes and the stars Muhammad? But these are certainly metaphysical concepts, however humorous. The Vikings had a beautiful view of cosmology with their Yggdrasil world tree and a flat Earth covered by an icy wall which is, of course, true. If the Earth was flat, a pilot would have do dive every 2 minutes not to fly out of orbit, but any pilot would lie to you because every pilot is an agent for the chemtrail program. Many flat-earthers believe Antarctica is fictional, and that there is a 3- 4000-meter wall of ice surrounding our world. Are we living inside a prisoned dome, a so-called planetarium? Yes. Are there continents outside the ice world of Antarctica where the controllers live? Probably not, who knows? Yet there certainly is no universe, only a multiverse, as the stars are inside the dome, as in all medieval religious and alechemical cosmology paintings. But wait! What about Galileo Galilei and Johannes Keppler? What about Isaac Newton and gravity? The Round-Earth lie is vital for the


Satanic New World Order, and was planned out already 500 years ago, as the conspiracy of re-writing history also shows. Is this some school, or some experiment gone wrong? Was it worth the cost?

I believe the Earth is flat, the Heliocentric model is pure fantasy, along with all fake cgi NASA footage and all space missions. There is no vacuum space, and the satellites are UFO`s, all space missions were sent into the oceans.

Here is a picture of the REAL WORLD. The FLAT WORLD.

Above: The Earth surrounded by Antarctica`s 3000 meter tall wall of ice. What lies beyond, nobody knows.., except the government. I suspect you hit the dome, like at the end of the movie the ¨Truman Show¨. And what was the American military operation ¨fishbowl¨ where they fired high altitude nukes near Antarctica??? Did they try to go through the dome, or the ¨fishbowl???¨


The flat Earth theory exploded in 2016 with this picture of the Chicago skyline taken from 52 american miles, over a hundred km away across lake Michigan. The news-media claimed it was a mirage, but there are literally thousands of pictures, and YouTube videos proving the Earth is flat. If the Earth was round, there should be 1.800 feet of curvature hiding the tallest Chicago buildings completely. The flat-earth theory cannot be debunked, but there are still lots of questions:

There are no meteorites, satellites, and all space missions went to the sea. There are however antigravity ¨satellites¨ and false-flag meteor impacts.

The lie of space ventures were not only American, but Soviet as well, and now the Chinese are planning: It`s all orchestrated by a global co- ordinated masonic effort, as always. All who have ¨been on the moon¨ were freemasons.

The moon has phases because it emits light on it`s own, and we have no clue what the moon really is… This is most likely comparable a digital Matrix where the particles/components are sound-waves, where we live in post-hypnotic suggestion. Research Michel Tellinger.


The purpose for a round-Earth conspiracy.

Have we believed the Earth was round during the time of Atlantis? The Pyramid of Giza is built where the centre of Earth landmass, ok, but it also incorporates the dimensions, and mathematics of our orbital satellites in the mathematics of its construction, as does the Mayan tzolkin calendar as you can read about in David Wilcock`s ¨The source field investigations.¨ Or… How old is this conspiracy? I thought Enoch built the pyramid, and that it was a Christian pyramid! Well… Seems like it belonged to Osiris. :/ Bolon Yukte Kun. Did the freemasons built their universe mathematics of our solar-system on measurements found in the Giza Pyramid, or were the pre-flood age Atlantis belief recorded in the surviving cultures: The round Earth ie?

My point is: This world was once ruled by Satan who appeared as an alien God from non-existing ¨outer space¨. Yes. I believe in reptilians and shapeshifting. (Now I`m reeeally digging deep here.) Shapeshifting is however not so far off, when incorporating source-field-physics, as the genetic field DNA-vibration can change. I have seen humans shapeshift myself many times. This is Satan`s plan outlined in the Bible ¨to put his throne higher than God¨ through the ¨universe theory. ¨ That is ¨Lucifer Lord of the universe.¨ (Which doesn`t exist.)

UFO`s are real and was re-discovered by the Nazis in an Austrian bunker at the later stages of WW2, which Christian author Jim Wilhelmsen writes about in his book ¨Beyond ¨. There he documents how 200.000 Nazis escaped with submarines to ¨Antarctica¨, a made up continent, for their ¨space-project¨. We do know the Nazis researched fusion reactors madly, or did they receive help from existing bases, perhaps fallen angels already based in Antarctica? The Vatican-allied Germans and Italian Jesuit agents relocated to Antarctica, but did they have other bases in South America as well? What was the German Haunebu II air-craft? What was the German ¨Die Glocke¨ air-craft if not the foo-fighters (UFO`s) observed during aerial battles at the later stages of the war. How much does history allow us to know of Nazi Germany and was the war a Germanic Knights Templar Zionist inside job? The UFO sightings ironically started right after WW2 with the Washington UFO-sighting in 1952– where the UFO`s flew in a German flight formation. I have seen hundreds of UFO`s myself. They are watching.


Will they come back as aliens, and rule the world as Gods from space? Not if we claim the flat-earth theory!!!

NASA was co-founded by Nazi-scientist Wernher Von Braun, who came to the US secretly under operation Paperclip and escaped court. USA became the new Nazi Germany, only much worse, bitter and broken. President George H. Walker Bush, whose father Prescot Bush funded the Nazis greatly during the war spoke of a ¨New World Order¨ in 1991, a term used by the elites, e.g Henry Kissinger, a term conspiracy theorists have since used to describe the cultural, political and monetary Marxist plan for the antichrist`s global empire. Ironically: Nazism means ¨New Order¨. Just google it. It`s the same garbage in new packaging.

Nasa and their freemasons must have worked hard to uphold the illusion of the universe-theory. I remember reading the magazine Science Illustrated since I could first read. The (non-existint) universe! So fascinating! Was it really worth hundreds of years of effort? What purpose serves this global masonic round Earth propaganda? Do they want to disprove God, or is there a more sinister plot: They want to reign from outer space, introducing genetically created inhumanoids and demons.

First, we discover that God exists, and now they`re even trying to hide the nature of our home world where we live and die! Isn`t that criminal?

And how much further is their secret technology? Has this world become a sick joke where all are neurotic?

That is why I include the Flat-Earth-Theory in my book. Because the greatest conspiracy isn`t the Flat Earth. It`s the reality of Hell.

For the purpose of the (Satanic) Illuminati is to wage a spiritual war where this is a prison, and the currency is weighed in souls. The Flat-Earth theorist must be able to reason this out. The purpose of the Round Earth lie is ultimately to steal our souls away from Heaven.

Remember oh child! This is a prison plane. The lowest plane above Hell, the eternal, inescapable perdition of the soul.


It is a school made into a prison by our imprisoners! It is a fierce battleground! You are caught in it, and your soul is in peril! Humanity has no idea what this world even is, and we are trapped between Heaven and Hell! But most watch the news, go to work every day, and think all is as normal.

Think. Question reality. None of what you have believed is true. For lurking under every rock, and beneath your shade are hordes of demons waiting to take your soul. Watch out. You are constantly being surveyed by Heaven and Hell altogether. In the school of life, the school of ascension/graduation or descending, all your deeds, and thoughts are accounted for, and an angel, and devil follow by your side since birth.

Remember Jesus tells this is Satans world, and his greatest weapon is making everyone believe he does not exist, or that he, Satan, is God.

There is a sliver of hope though: The United Nations symbol depicts the map of the flat Earth. Might we be expecting a united-nations messiah figure, or is that option running out?

As the Jews are destroying the west, and the white nations through mass immigration, and forced integration policies, while the flat-earth theory has exploded: I think there is little reason for a ¨Nazi intervention from Antarctica¨ into Earth politics.

Although a common enemy, or Saviour would be what the world actually needs. What we can expect is plan B, Islam destroying the west before the creation of the Jesuit-infected Illuminati Vatican`s world religion: Now that Christianity has failed, and operation Nazi Millennium is close to over. (Operation Nazi space-brother Jesus is on hold.)


A prophetic warning for the future!

The reason why the flat Earth is so important is because reptilians (called seraphim in the Bible - which means fiery serpents - a race of angels that populated Earth looong ago) will pretend to be aliens from space - introducing many alien-humanoid species that will interbreed with humanity, and thus destroy mankind as God`s sons, and the work of Christ`s cross. Satan will proclaim to be the Lord of the Universe, and set up his throne on Earth, he will thus put his throne higher than God by claiming the universe exists. (While this world is huge enough.) Reptilians are real, I have seen them many, many times as a child and early teen. Preparing the false second coming are people in the New-Age movement like masonic agent David Icke with his reptilian bloodline theory and Saturn-Moon-matrix theory, and former (Satanic) Illuminati member Zechariah Sitchin who preached Enki (Satan as an alien from space) was mankind`s true creator, something also taught in Hinduism.

With New Age, eastern tradition, and Satanic belief in the pagan Gods taking over Europe as Christianity fails to address crises: Humanity will welcome the fallen angels as they are programmed to believe they are the creator Gods, even the Egyptian, Middle-Eastern and Hindu mythologies tell of the last time Satan did this, and ruled us in pre-flood Atlantis: The dimensions of the fictious orbital satellites (planets) are recorded in post-Atlantean civilizations like the Mayan Tzolkin calendar and the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Icke teach that Earth is hijacked by alien reptilians, not fallen angels, who they say are our TRUE creators, and that these reptilians is a BLOODLINE while they are in fact ultimately etheric scientists (magicians) using ritual magick to transform their bodies. (Which can be done to any person, and not only ¨bloodliners¨, using a form of science.) The (Satanic) Illuminati has had Atlantean angelic technology for hundreds of years and have gone through IMMENSE planning to make fool everyone on the planet. Why go through ALL this trouble if there wasn`t a sinister plot, or a crazy scientist`s most perverted dream? It is after all: REALLY BAD!!!


The Earth was round in prehistory at a time of giants and fallen angels before the flood, as the Bible, alternative history/chronology and alternative archaeology tells us, go see the giant skeletal remains on google. The fallen angels are just repeating their first coming to Atlantis to recreate Babylon which will not be the first, but the FIFTH time they do so, according to Helena Blavatsky`s theosophy, the Nazi party being founded and driven by theosophist occultists and Satanists. The Hindus, and the Aztecs also recall this in their ancient sources, according to Blavatsky. The FIFTH root race. It’s the same old game, and you don`t see it. You would rebel: If you remembered your history. Do you think it`s no big deal that the Earth is flat??? That there is no sinister plot behind it??? Why would they go through all this trouble if there was no evil intention behind it? It all boils down to money and power. Think of the POWER you feel as an alien ruler from outer space, having fooled all mankind. Ruling as a God, as fallen angels always seek worship.

A false-flag alien invasion is the greatest threat to humanity in history! If you don`t repent, believe, and organize revolutionary investigative journalists to wake up, and lead the people within 10-15 years: All the future is lost for another Nimrod`s Babylon. Here is how their misanthropist plan goes. The (Satanic) Illuminati reptilians will start by destroying Christianity with Islam, and Islam with atheism. New-Age alternative religions, paganism and Satanism will be the remaining religions. Europe will be long gone. Then they will destroy all language, ethnicities, and culture until all are soulless slaves of a post-American global marxist culture. Then the world will become a global communist dictatorship with a one- world religion, and a one-world currency: Awaiting the arrival of our Alien creators, or the ¨Annunaki¨ as has become so popular.

There are already perhaps a hundred million New-Agers, Hindus, Conspiracy Theorists, if not more, who believe these theories, and awaits our alien brothers: ¨Immigrants from outer space.¨ And Muslims and Christians await Jesus. Don`t you see how dangerous this superstition is!!!??? You`re all alone in God`s flat garden Earth…, but no! SATAN will come, proclaiming to be our creator from outer space while they are in reality fallen celestial beings/angels, and not from a distant PLANET! They will have technology to clone their bodies, transfer their

79 conscience, and live eternally, while a slave-race of dehumanized human hybrids will serve them, unable to obtain salvation because of the hybridization program that has already begun with Aspartame and GMO. Just see all the popular aliens from Hollywood movies! It`s programming our children!

Now you begin to understand why they go through all this trouble to make you believe the Earth is round. They are just repeating world history like the Architect says in the movie the Matrix.

It might hurt to admit the Earth is flat, but it`s definitely worth it if it means saving the Earth from a false-flag extra-terrestrial invasion, and that`s why I speak up, because a Christian is a slave to truth and righteousness. We must strike while the flat-earth is still a hot topic.

Look back 100 years. Horses with carriages. The British empire and Christianity dominating.

2018. Iphones and LGBT+ revolution marks our rebellious trans-sexual transhumanist electronical era. Immigration. Christianity dead. Patriotism dead. Nation-states are dead. The Illuminati`s religion of Aleister Crowley reigns: Morality is dead. Humanism is dead. Europe is dead. Worldwide police state. Surveillance. No freedom of speech.

Agenda 2030: Mark of the beast chipping. (Read my book on Revelations.)

Hark ye and hear oh Israel! I come to you as a prophet!!! 200 years from now: All ethnicities are mixed, and white Europeans are mostly gone. The Earth suffered terrible fallout from nuclear war, terrible plagues, and alien war. Population is down to 500.000.000 or less, as written on the masonic Georgia Guidestones. The communist state were our saviours when the galactic war came – and we made a peace-treaty with the aliens messiahs, who we let live among us as superstars, before they gradually took over ¨by edict of galactic rules¨… Global alien communist dictatorship based in America`s Whitehouse rules the world. Or perhaps they will rebuild Babylon, or even have Solomon`s Temple as their headquarters. All of today`s mega-corporations like Monsanto, and every industry has become controlled as a part of the communist corporation-state of

80 technocrats, a state which owns, and controls everything, including your thoughts: Surveying your very life through electronic implants making you a slave in your own body. No indigenous cultures, or religions exist aside the from the post-modern, post-America syndrome of your personal subculture of choice. Christianity, and Islam are myths long gone as: ¨we live in the SPACE age now where ONLY atheistic ¨SCIENCE is allowed, are you dumb?¨ And Satan resides on Earth as Lord of the Universe, with ¨stone-age Bibles¨ all forbidden… By 2200: Alien species, and hybrid-human species live among us with rights of citizenship, dominated by the hyperintelligent reptilian Draconians. The family and morale is long gone as dog-eats-dog, and children are owned by the state. Satanic Luciferianism is the world religion.

This might be our future within the next 200-500 years. And according to the ancient king`s lists Egypt, and the pre-Biblical Babylonian creation epic, the Enuma Elish: The last time alien kings ruled Earth, they ruled for over 500.000 years, with some kings reigning for over a hundred thousand years though life extension technologies. Mankind is perhaps 5- 15 years away from preventing this global disaster that might last for 20.000 generations of slave-humans serving as food for the reptilians.

Another ALTERNATIVE timeline is the threat of AI. Perhaps it`s not ALIENS, but INFINITELY INTELLIGENT ROBOTS that will populate Earth. It`s time you wake up, and listen to Thomas Ben Yeshua!!! I am here to warn you… But let`s not lose hope. Let`s discover the grandure of God in creation, and preach true science, not quackademia, as responsible lights to the world. I`ll end with a saying I`ve invented: ¨If hope is all you have, hope is all there is. Therefore there is ONLY hope.¨

And hope is all that`s worth. Focus on the now, and spread the knowledge of my books! Thank you.


Chapter 6: The mathematical, geometric source-field. Nothing is coincidence!

But before you delve into math, there is something I need you to read first.

String theory and Michio Kaku In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings, which fits into Tesla`s science that instead of particles existing at all, there are however waves or ¨strings.¨ Because real physics is closer to the spiritual, and the quackademics of physical atoms, gravity, and nuclear forces simply do not exist, masonic science had to come up with a theory where a particle can be both a wave, and a particle at the same time, well illustrating the idiocy of mainstream science.

Popular physicist Michiho Kaku seeks to create a unified theory of physics, as nobody has been able to create a compatible, functional model of physics! Why? Because physics won`t work without the source-field – the source of all the 4 forces of physics which in reality doesn`t exist: Gravity, electromagnetism, strong, and weak nuclear force! Michiho Kaku, the most well-known media spokesman of science, tries to complete Einstein`s work, unifying physics! But he can`t! Because they miss out: The SOURCE field.

In his most recent work, Michio Kaku has found that we live in a mathematical world or “matrix”. Professor Kaku uses what is known as tachyons or theoretical particles to make sense of the universal matter and bring it all down a simple unified theory.

“The goal of physics, we believe, is to find an equation… Which will allow us to unify all of the forces of nature, and allow us to read the mind of God…” -Michio Kaku I complete this from a metaphysical perspective in my law of Source, Love and Light.

While searching for an understanding of the mind of God, Professor Kaku believes that there is an intelligent mathematician much more advanced that we can fathom on the 11th dimension that is actually creating everything we see.

This isn’t the work of random forces he says.


“I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence”, says Michio Kaku. “Believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore.” -Michio Kaku

¨The mind of God is music of strings resonating through 11 dimensions of hyper- space. ¨ - Michio Kaku

These freemasons are giving clues for the public to wake up themselves. So, God is a mathematician? Let`s discover his fingerprint.

The golden ratio, and the Fibonacci sequence

We will now touch upon how God is a divine mathematician, and how all life, atoms, and molecules share the mathematical fingerprint of a designer. The source-field expresses itself, creating all creation, always in mathematical fractals, both in time and space. It is said that nothing ever dies… We call this study of God`s fingerprint sacred geometry and gematria. The Fibonacci sequence discovered in the Middle-Ages, and the Platonic Solids discovered by the Greek philosopher Plato are the most important sacred geometries that are found in all biological, as well as inorganic matter, or basically: In everything! As there is no biological, or inorganic form that deviates from this math, the question rises: Was all made by the same singular intelligence, or group of intelligences? Is the way Source-Field expresses reality in sacred geometry, and numerology proof of a trademark designer? Let`s examine philosophically. We already discovered how Source-Field intelligently evolves biological lifeforms from bions. Now that we discover it/she/he also constructs these after a sacred ratio of mathematics/geometry, the conclusion we reached earlier becomes more evident: The Source-Field is (very) intelligent, if not to say omnipotent and omnipresent. Since this Source-Field is an intelligent designer of all matter, one understands this divine conscience to be what we call God. This is a philosophical absolute.

First you must understand the Fibonacci sequence, and the golden ratio. The harmonic geometry in all creation. Nothing is a coincidence!

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where the consecutive number is found by adding up the two numbers before it. Starting with 0 and 1, the sequence goes 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so forth.

Named after Fibonacci, also known as Leonardo of Pisa, Fibonacci numbers were first introduced in Fibonacci`s Liber abaci in 1202. Fibonacci travelled

83 widely and traded extensively. Math was incredibly important to those in the trading industry, and his passion for numbers was cultivated in his youth.

The Fibonacchi sequence up to 13 – A master number which we will soon discover in the Flower of Life.

The length, and width of the picture above is what is called the golden ratio, and is the square shape most harmonious to the human eye. Yet the dimensions of the picture is the length, and width of the bones in your body, and constructs our entire universe. The golden ratio is something you learnt at school, and see every day. Your books, your tv-screen, and even your hands, and face is made after the golden ratio. Another proof of God. As I attended media-school, we learnt of it`s importance in photography. Even from grocery stores put important products aligned with the golden ratio for consumers to notice the most important products. Because even the way you consider beauty is defined by it`s coherence to the Fibonacci sequence, and the golden ration, as we will discover.

The golden ratio is the limit of the ratios of successive terms of the Fibonacci sequence. I am sure you have learnt of phi, and the golden ratio at school.

The anatomy of bones, faces, man, animals, fish, and life in general, are in the golden ratio, as discovered by Leonardo DaVinci. As forms in the golden ratio is the most pleasant to the human eye, paintings, artwork, architecture, furniture, rooms, commercials, everything made by design, is structured to incorporate the golden ratio of the creator who put it there in place. It is especially important in photography, paintings and design. The most important aspects of a picture are always pained at the human focus point, which is the golden ratio.


The golden ratio was originally shown by Johannes Kepler, the famous 15th century astrologer, whose work on the Platonic Solids in relation to solar-system geometry is fascinating.

A video or google image search will explain these things a 100 times better. https://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=4VrcO6JaMrM&t=9s&index=2&list=WL I hope you watched the video. The Fibonacci sequence is found everywhere from DNA, to the nautilus shell, throughout our body dimensions including human and non-human faces all the way up NASA`s computer-made images of spiral galaxies.

Above: The nautilus shell shows the Fibonacci sequence.


Above: All flowers, and pince-cones display the Fibonacci sequence in 100% perfection, proving that there is a singular conscience behind all creation, which all agree must be God… Look up ¨Sunflower fibonacci¨ on YouTube.

The Flower of Life, and the Merkabah.

Above: The text might be hard to read, but let`s analyse the pictures from right to left. The seed of life is made by drawing 6 perfect circles. The fruit of life is made by continuing this procedure until you reach 13 circles. Draw a line from every center-point between every circle, and you get Metatron`s cube is what we will focus one, since it contains all the platonic solids which we will discover.


Above you have the platonic solids, the archetypal geometric shapes of all creation, discovered by Plato, and how they perfectly fit together in Metatron`s cube, in the flower of life, and thus Metatron`s cube is the basic blueprint for all forms that exist in the entire universe. This has been proven by scientists. Do some YouTube searches on sacred geometry by David Wilcock and Michael Tellinger. All these patters can be produced from phonetic resonance. The shape of sound. Vibrations by playing specific sound/hertz over a drum with sand on top, creating patters. And these are the patters of everything from atoms to molecules to sunflowers, the nautilus shell, you and me! Creation is a song. Another ontological argument. The fruit of life, incorporating the complex Merkabah, or Metatron`s cube is more than just a picture. It is the pattern for creation in the universe, and nothing strays away from it. It is the basis of geometry, music, divine proportions, and every element of physics! No matter what place, or time you are in, if you study sacred geometry you will always come back to the flower of life, and Metatron`s cube. As it is the container of all other sacred geometry. And then you have the flower of life, which has been found in most civilizations and all over the world. Including Turkey, India, Japan, and Italian art including sketches from Leonardo da Vinci who studied the Flower of Life's form and its mathematical properties. It has also been found in China – in the Forbidden City and various temples. It has been found in Israel - ancient synagogues in the Galilee and in Masada. The oldest reference to it is found in the 6,000-year-old Osirian Temple in Abydos, Egypt – in a very perfect, beautiful form.


Above: 6000 year old flower of life from Abydos, Egypt. This symbol pops up everywhere! And then you have the seed of life which constitutes the 6 days of creation. How the seed of life is formed – the 6 days of creation. Let`s be masons for a minute and get your compass. I want you to imagine there is complete nothingness in the universe. Let’s just dwell on this for a moment…. nothing exists, no stars, no planets, no atoms, no particles, no quantum mechanics, and no God particle. “In the beginning the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.” Spirit gave rise to consciousness. Consciousness could not move up, down, left or right. It had no sense of anything other than itself. So, consciousness expanded itself to a perfect sphere around its middle. This is the first circle (actually a sphere) in the flower of life. You can do this yourself with a simple compass. Have you ever wonder where we get the term “Sphere of influence”? As Christians we are now reminded: “And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Essentially this is the first stage in creation, I have CREATED a space for to form myself! I now have the gnosis that it would be really cool to replicate myself, so I keep my initial sphere intact then move my consciousness to the outer edge of the sphere. The birth of recreation happened at that moment. Consciousness had created the Heaven and earth.


This shape that has been formed in between is call the vesica piscis which translates from Latin as “Fish Bladder.” It resembles the bladders found in most fish. The vesica piscis is used in lots of religious art. In sexual symbolism, it resembles the female vagina. In the same way, Humans begin as a single cell and replicate from there. It takes precisely 33 mitotic divisions to arrive at our total cell count. An interesting masonic number! You may all know the Vesica Pisces. Used almost exclusively today to denote membership in the Christian religion as the fish, but the symbol once held a very different meaning. The custom of early Christians to communicate by drawing a portion in the dust was carried over from the practice of the ancient Pythagoreans, who discovered the shape’s unique properties and made it an important part of their teachings. Spirit decides it is going to move again to exactly one radius away and we get the tripod of life which includes the holy trinity. This movement and recreation of consciousness continues until eventually on day six is created the Seed of life. According to some, the Seed of Life is a symbol depicting the six days of creation in which God created life. Continue this process out to 13 spheres and you have, the “Flower of Life,” which can be better visualized in 3D called the “Egg of Life.” Join up their centres and you magically get a CUBE. Metatron`s cube. If we extend this out even further, we get an extended Flower of Life. The 'Fruit of Life’ symbol is composed of 13 circles taken from the design of the extended Flower of Life. The fruit of life It is the blueprint of the universe, containing the basis for the design of every atom, molecular structure, life form, and everything in existence. Proof of intelligent design: A Creator. It also contains the geometric basis for the delineation of a special shape. As I said. If you draw a line from the centre of every sphere to the centre of every other sphere you get….

Metatron`s Cube Now I know this seems to have got very complicated very quickly. Who is Metatron anyways??? It is important to note the relevance of just who Metatron was and what he means to us.


Archangel Metatron is an Archangel in mainstream Judaism. He is considered in esoteric Jewish literature to be the “Voice of God”, much like the Christian Gabriel, or the Greek Hermes... He has the purple ray. He has been the most prominent figure throughout all western history of lodges, and secret societies – all the way back to hermeticism. It is said that the Egyptian Thoth, the Jewish antediluvian Enoch, and Greek Hermes was the same figure: Archangel Metatron, the father of music, writing, architecture, mathematics, magic – according to Egyptian religion and hermeticism. He is credited with writing the Jewish Book of Enoch where he discovers all these secrets from the fallen angels, having interceded for them before God. The book of Enoch was considered sacred canon (Bible) at the time of Jesus, and the gospels even quote it. I mentioned hermeticism. Hermes is the father of hermeticism – the ancient religion of the Pythagoreans, and Illuminati who build the geometric marvels of the roman catholic Church. Books attributed to the knowledge of Thoth Hermes Enoch are the Greek Asclepius and the Corpus Hermeticum (400A.D) and the Book of Enoch. Yet Thoth Hermes Enoch is so popular that DOZENS of other books by authors like Drunvalo Melchizedek have been attributed to Hermes, most of which is laughable. The Book of Enoch surviving from the foundation of ancient Egypt, the foundation of all ancient civilization until today might be the oldest book in the world – telling of the fall of the angels who started civilization. The Dragon Poinandres, and the great Kybbalion (written by two unknown men in America`s 1700`s) are however worthy of notice. The Kyballion is seen as the major text of modern Hermeticism. The Jewish mysteries teach that Metatron is Enoch of whom the Bible only speaks, ¨he walked with God, (for 365 years), and then God took him up to Heaven.¨ Jewish belief holds that Enoch became an Archangel after his ascension, much like Jesus became ¨God`s son.¨ Jewish mysticism equates Enoch with God as the ¨lesser Yahweh¨, and believe his wings to cover the whole Earth. In Jewish ancient texts, and western occultism: Metatron is depicted with the image of the cube that bears his name emblazoned on his chest or floating around him. Why should Jews care about Metatron? In the Bible, it identifies him as the angel that led the people of Israel through the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt. With reference to pillars of Light and Smoke. Metatron's cube is also considered a holy glyph, used to ward off evil spirits. I often went to a library in Heaven in my dreams, where I met an archangel who told me he was in charge of recording all Earth history. I later discovered Edgar Cayce, and that many report of this ¨Library of Enoch¨ in Heaven.


Modern Christianity sometimes equate Gabriel with Metatron, as both are attributed the qualities of the planet Mercury, who was the Roman name for the Greek Hermes. Why? Because all are said to be messengers of God. According to the ancient Illuminati, New-Age, and seer Edgar Cayce – it was Thoth (Enoch) who built the three Pyramids of Giza – probably as a tomb for Osiris. Satanism generally equate Thoth with a fallen angel who can be summoned. Other Satanists depict Thoth thrice greatest as the perfect hermaphrodite Baphomet (she-goat), but this has nothing to do with Judaism. (www.joyofSatan.com) But hey! There are even some devils who claim to be Jesus, whom I am all too familiar with. It is hard to discern if Enoch was really both Thoth and Hermes. Yet most believe that Hermes (thrice greatest) actually existed. Thrice greatest comes from an Egyptian title of Thoth namely ¨great great great! ¨ What is interesting however: Is that the Great Pyramid is a calendar prophesying the birth of Christ. Google ¨pyramid Christ triangle¨, and ¨pyramid timeline Christ birth. ¨ I also include it in my book on Jesus. In biblical literature: Only Enoch, Elijah, and Jesus was taken up to Heaven during their lifetime. I often argue that Enoch, and Jesus transformed into the (Tibetan Buddhist) light body or transformed themselves through Heavenly magic to become… angels. In that sense: Jesus is like a second Enoch, or a new ¨lesser Yahweh¨. Many occultists like most prominently Edgar Cayce (the sleeping prophet) was certain that Jesus was in fact the reincarnation of Enoch, and that ¨The Great One¨ (Gabriel, Enoch, Jesus) would soon once more reincarnate. Let`s go back to sacred geometry. The five platonic solids are geometrical forms which are said to act as a template from which all life springs. These are found inside Metatron`s Cube. Did the ancient Jews know??? Of course! The sacred symbols are depicted in almost every ancient synagogue. The Platonic solids are five structures that are crucial because they are the building blocks of organic life. These five structures are found in minerals, animated and organic life forms, sound, music, language, etc. The Greeks knew already 2000 years ago, through Plato, at the time of Christ, that these five solids were the core patterns of physical creation. Four of the solids were seen as the archetypal patterns behind the four elements fire, earth, air and water, while the fifth was held to be the pattern behind the life force itself, the aether. According to ancient and medieval science (Plato), aether, also spelled æther or ether, also called quintessence, source-field and orgone, is the material that fills the region atmosphere. The stars, the sun, and the atmosphere

91 was believed to be made of Ether. That`s why we use the term w-eather. Today we know that the Ether is the tachyon field behind all other 4 elements as proposed by Davild Wilcock… Plato mentions that "there is the most translucent kind which is called by the name of aether¨ but otherwise he adopted the classical system of four elements. Ether was thought to make up the Heavenly bodies, and what do we see if we zoom in on a planet? Plasma fluctuating in sacred geometry… It was noted by Plato that there was very little presence of quintessence within the terrestrial sphere. The ancients, and medieval alchemists had a greater understanding of the universe than we have today, with our round Earth, universe-theory, and quackademics of science and evolution through random mutation! In the 1980’s, Professor Robert moon at the University of Chicago demonstrated the entire periodical table of elements - literally everything in the physical world is based on the geometry of these 5 forms. In fact: Throughout modern Physics, Chemistry and Biology, sacred geometrical patterns of creation are being rediscovered today, proving intelligent design.

Other shapes contained within the fruit of life. The Cabbalistic Tree of life contained within the fruit of life. The Chakras are also contained within the fruit of life. Musical notation is contained within the fruit of life. There is one more shape that is contained within the fruit of Life. The symmetric form is called a stella octangula, or a Star Tetrahedron, or three-dimensional Star of David. It also has another name which is the Merkabah. Through meditation, the Merkabah becomes a spiritual vehicle that totally surrounds you. It is the completion of your orgone body – God on Earth. It becomes part of your “LIGHT BODY”. We are all “Sons of Light” are we not?

Here you can read about sacred geometry. http://www.fractal.org/Bewustzijns-Besturings-Model/Sacred-Geometry.htm


This is not taught in school but should be grade-school stuff. There is a mathematical intelligence who created the universe? It would make math much organic, and less foreign to childish nature going around picking, and measuring flowers!!!

Why is this hidden knowledge? Because it proves intelligent design. We are like ants under the microscope of a seemingly infinite conscience who fortunately seems to be good-hearted. His main blueprint in his everlasting creation-orgasm is after all: Love and lust, just to be factual, as Wilhelm Reich, and many others have discovered. There is however a problem with intelligent design, the belief that the creator is mono, that he is perfect, and that he is ¨holy¨.

Comments: Considering God is perfect, and the platonic solids are perfect? Why isn`t everything perfect? Imperfection must be the devil. Or is balance between opposites actual perfection? This is an imperfect universe! What then about me who am perfect yet became distortion? Perhaps Lucifer being perfect: Created the universe through song alongside the angels and God, and then later became trapped in it. Creating it`s flaw of good and evil. For how could God be good, and this universe exist if not? One cannot exist without the other. So I am a dualist? No! Darkness has no particle, and is simply absence of light. Light is Source, God, and remains Supreme. Yet it raises an even greater question. Did God know Lucifer would fall? And what does that make God through philosophy? Let`s dwell on these questions, and discover later!!!


Numerology and gematria in the Bible.

Is there a cosmic conscience behind time space, energy and matter? Is that the reason why in magick, all time, space, math, geometry, and numerology-patterns all correspond in a perfect matrix system as if it was made by ONE conscience??? If we TRULY are living inside a super-computer matrix created by a hive-mind, there should be evidence in both the digital and numerological world, not only in the math and geometry of creation. And that is what we find, particularly in the Bible. The science of adding numbers to letters to find the corresponding numerical values between different words, and their magical properties is called gematria, and the Bible is the greatest example of how something produced by man carries an eternal time-stamp created by a much higher intelligence, proving intelligent design. This, everyone agrees has to be God. Another ontological argument. But which God is it?

Be prepared to blow your mind. There is another proof of God, and this time through mathematics of the Bible, not discovered before last century!!! The Creator left his literal signature in the Bible, and it is the only book with such numerological perfection in the world. Another proof Christianity is the true religion. We`re not yet at our goal, and Christians better wake up!

Ivan Nikolayevich Panin (12 December 1855 – 30 October 1942) was a Russian emigrant to the United States who achieved fame for discovering numeric patterns in the text of the Hebrew and Greek Bible and for his published work based on his subsequent research.

Dr. Panin first made his discoveries public in the newspaper the New York Sun in an apologetic debate. Nobody were able to disprove his miraculous findings, which stand strong to this day, although very few I know have ever heard of Panin.

Here follows a newspaper article written by Panin after his discoveries.

Dr. Ivan Panin's Letter to the New York Sun

Sir: In to-day's Sun Mr. W.R.L. calls for a "champion of orthodoxy" to "step into the arena of the Sun;' and give him some "facts." Here are some facts:

The first 17 verses of the New Testament contain the genealogy of the Christ. It consists of two main parts: Verses 1-11 cover the period from Abraham, the father of the chosen people, to the Captivity, when they ceased as an independent people. Verses 12-17 cover the period from the Captivity to the

94 promised Deliverer, the Christ.

Let us examine the first part of this genealogy.

Its vocabulary has 49 words, or 7 x 7. This number is itself seven sevens, and the sum of its factors is 2 sevens. Of these 49 words 28, or 4 sevens, begin with a vowel, and 21, or 3 sevens, begin with a consonant.

Again: these 49 words of the vocabulary have 266 letters, or 7 x 2 x 19, this number is itself 38 sevens, and the sum of its factors is 28, or 4 sevens (Feature 6, while the sum of its figures is 14, or 2 sevens. Of these 266 letters, moreover, 140, or 20 sevens, are vowels, and 126, or 18 sevens, are consonants

That is to say: Just as the number of words in the vocabulary is a multiple of seven, so is the number of its letters a multiple of seven, just as the sum of the factors of the number of the words is a multiple of seven, so is the sum of the factors of the number of their letters a multiple of seven. And just as the number of words is divided between vowel words and consonant words by sevens, so is their number of letters divided between vowels and consonants by sevens.

Again: Of these 49 words 35, or 5 sevens, occur more than once in the passage, and 14, or 2 sevens, occur but once (Feature 9), seven occur in more than one form, and 42, or 6 sevens, occur in only one form (Feature 10). And among the parts of speech the 49 words are thus divided: 42, or 6 sevens, are nouns, seven are not nouns (Feature 12). Of the nouns 35 or 5 sevens, are Proper names, seven are common nouns (Feature 12). Of the Proper names 28 are male ancestors of the Christ.

Moreover, these 49 words are distributed alphabetically thus: Words under A-E are 21 in number, or 3 sevens; Z-K 14, or 2 sevens, m-X also 14. No other groups of sevens stopping at the end of a letter are made by these 49 words, the groups of sevens stop with these letters and no others. But the letters A, E, Z, K, M, X, are letters 1, 5, 6, 10, 12, 22, of the Greek alphabet, and the sum of these numbers (called their Place Values) is 56, or 8 sevens.

This enumeration of the numeric phenomena of these 11 verses does not begin to be exhaustive, but enough has been shown to make it clear that this part of the genealogy is constructed on an elaborate design of sevens.

Let us not turn to the genealogy as a whole. I will not weary your readers with recounting all the numeric phenomena thereof: pages alone would exhaust them. I will point out only one feature: The New Testament is written in Greek. The Greeks had no separate symbols for expressing numbers, corresponding to our Arabic figures, but used instead the letters of their alphabet: just as the


Hebrews, in whose language the Old Testament is written, made use for the same purpose of theirs. Accordingly, the 24 Greek letters stand for the following numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800. Every Greek word is thus a sum in arithmetic obtained by adding the numbers for which its letters stand, or their numeric values. Now the vocabulary to the entire genealogy has 72 words. If we write its numeric value over each of these 72 words, and add them, we get for their sum 42,364, or 6,052 sevens, distributed into the following alphabetical groups only: A-B, have 9,821, or 1,403 sevens: G-D, 1,904, or 272 sevens; 3,703, or 529 sevens, tH-R, 19,264, or 2,752 sevens, a-X 7,672, or 1,096 sevens. But the numeric value of the 10 letters used for making these groups is 931, or 7 x 7 x 19, a multiple not only of seven but of seven sevens.

Let Mr. W.R.L. try to write some 300 words intelligently like this genealogy, and reproduce some numeric phenomena of like designs. If he does it in 6 months, he will indeed do a wonder. Let us assume that Matthew accomplished this feat in one month.

2. The second part of this chapter, verses 18-25, relates the birth of Christ. It consists of 161 words, or 23 sevens, occurring in 105 forms, or 15 sevens, with a vocabulary of 77 words or 11 sevens. Joseph is spoken to here by the angel. Accordingly, of the 77 words the angel uses 28, or 4 sevens, of the 105 forms he uses 35, or 5 sevens, the numeric value of the vocabulary is 52,605, or 7,515 sevens, of the forms, 65,429, or 9,347 sevens. This enumeration only begins as it were to barely scratch the surface of the numerics of this passage. But what is especially noteworthy here is the fact that the angel's speech has also a scheme of sevens making it a kind of ring within a ring, a wheel within a wheel. If Mr. L. can write a similar passage of 161 words with the same scheme of sevens alone (though there are several others here) in some three years, he would accomplish a still greater wonder. Let us assume Matthew accomplished this feat in only 6 months.

3. The second chapter of Matthew tells of the childhood of the Christ. Its vocabulary has 161 words, or 23 sevens, with 896 letters, or 128 sevens, and 238 forms, or 34 sevens, the numeric value of the vocabulary is 123,529, or 17,647 sevens, of the forms, 166,985, or 23,855 sevens, and so on through pages of enumeration. This chapter has at least four logical divisions, and each division shows alone the same phenomena found in the chapter as a whole. Thus, the first six verses have a vocabulary of 56 words, or 8 sevens, etc. There are some speeches here: Herod speaks, the Magi speak, the angel speaks. But so pronounced are the numeric phenomena here, that though there are as it were numerous rings within rings, and wheels within wheels, each is perfect in itself, though forming all the while only part of the rest.


If Mr. L. can write a chapter like this as naturally as Matthew writes, but containing in some 500 words so many intertwined yet harmonious numeric features, in say the rest of his days - whatever his age now, or the one to which he is to attain: if he thus accomplish it at all, it will indeed be marvel of marvels. Let us assume that Matthew accomplished this feat in only 3 years.

4. There is not, however, a single paragraph of the scores in Matthew that is not constructed in exactly the same manner. Only with each additional paragraph the difficulty of constructing it increases not in arithmetical but in geometrical progression. For he contrives to write numeric relations to what goes before and after. Thus, in his last chapter he contrives to use just 7 words not used by him before. It would thus be easy to show that Mr. L. would require some centuries to write a book like Matthew's. How long it took Matthew the writer does not know. But how he contrived to do it between the Crucifixion, A.D.30 (and his Gospel could not have been written earlier), and the destruction of Jerusalem, A.D.70 (and the Gospel could not have been written later), let Mr. L. and his like-minded explain.

Anyhow Matthew did it, and we thus have a miracle - an unheard-of literary, mathematical artist, unequaled, hardly even conceivable. This is the first fact for Mr. L. to contemplate.

A second fact is yet more important: In his very first section, the genealogy discussed above, the words found nowhere else in the New Testament, occur 42 times, 7 x 6, and have 126 letters, 7 x 6 x 3, each number a multiple not only of seven, but of 6 sevens, to name only two of the many numeric features of these words. But how did Matthew know, when designing this scheme for these words (whose sole characteristic is that they are found nowhere else in the New Testament) that they would not be found in the other 26 books? That they would not be used by the other 7 New Testament writers? Unless we assume the impossible hypothesis that he had an agreement with them to that effect, he must have had the rest of the New Testament before him when he wrote his book. The Gospel of Matthew, then, was written last.

5. It so happens, however, that the Gospel of Mark shows the very same phenomena. Thus the very passage called so triumphantly in today's Sun a "forgery," the Last Twelve Verses of Mark, presents among some sixty features of sevens the following phenomena: It has 175 words, or 95 sevens, a vocabulary of 98 words, or 2 sevens of sevens with 553 letters, or 79 sevens, 133 forms, or 19 sevens, and so on to the minutest detail.

Mark, then, is another miracle, another unparalleled literary genius. And in the same way in which it was shown that Matthew wrote last it is also shown that Mark, too, wrote last. Thus, to take an example from this very passage: It has

97 just one word found nowhere else in the New Testament, 'deadly'. This fact is signaled by no less than seven features of sevens thus: Its numeric value is 581, or 83 sevens, with the sum of its figures 14, or 2 sevens, of which the letters 3, 5, 7, from both the BEGINNING and END of the word have 490, or 7 x 7 x 5 x 2: a multiple of seven sevens, with the sum of its factors 21, or 3 sevens. In the vocabulary it is preceded by 42 words, 7 x 6, in the passage itself by 126 words, or 7 x 6 x 3, both numbers multiples not only of seven, but of 6 sevens. We have thus established before us this third fact for Mr. L. to contemplate: Matthew surely wrote after Mark, and Mark just as surely wrote after Matthew.

6. It happens, however, to be a fourth fact, that Luke presents the same phenomena as Matthew and Mark, and so does John, and James, and Peter, and Jude, and Paul. And we have thus no longer two great unheard-of mathematical literati, but eight of them and each wrote after the other.

7. And not only this: As Luke and Peter wrote each 2 books, John 5, and Paul 14, it can in the same way be shown that each of the 27 New Testament books was written last. In fact, not a page of the over 500 in Westcott and Hort's Greek edition (which the writer has used throughout) but it can be demonstrated thus to have been written last.

The phenomena are there and there is no human way of explaining them. Eight men cannot each write last, 97 books, some 500 pages cannot each be written first. But once assume that one Mind directed the whole, and the problem is solved simply enough, but this is Verbal Inspiration - of every jot and tittle of the New Testament.

There remains only to be added that by precisely the same kind of evidence the Hebrew Old Testament is proved to be equally inspired. Thus, the very first verse of Genesis has seven words, 28 letters, or 4 sevens: to name only two out of the dozens of numeric features of this one verse of only seven words.

- N.Y. Sun, Nov. 21, 1899 - Corrected.


Listings of the Phenomenal Features of Sevens Found in Genesis 1:1

If all this were discovered only by pen, what mysteries lies waiting? What is this world of gematria? Why is there a consistency between sacred geometry in biology, physics and mathematics??? Is this a proof of God, and did this Super- Being leave his signature in the Bible???

Or is it merely coincidence???

Genesis 1:1

1. The number of Hebrew words. Seven 2. The number of letters equals 28 (28-4= 7) Seven 3. The first three Hebrew words translated “In the beginning God created” contain 14 letters (14 / 2 = 7) Seven 4. The last four Hebrew words "the Heavens and the earth" have 14 letters (14-2=7) Seven 5. The fourth and fifth words have 7 letters Seven 6. The sixth and seventh words have 7 letters Seven 7. The three key words: God, Heaven, and earth have 14 letters (14 / 2 = 7 Seven 8. The number of letters in the four-remaining swords is also 14 (14 / 2 = 7) Seven 9. The middle word is the shortest with 2 letters. However, in combination with the word to the Right or left it totals 7 letters. Seven 10. The numeric value of the first, middle, (and last letters is 133 (133 / 19 = 7). Seven 11. The numeric value of the first and last letters of all seven words is 1,393 (1,393 - 199 = 7) Seven


Professors on the mathematics faculty at Harvard University have attempted to disprove this proof of divine authorship, however, after great efforts these professors were could not duplicate this incredible mathematical phenomenon.

The Harvard scientists used the English language and artificially assigned numeric values to the English alphabet with a potential vocabulary of over 400,000 available English words to choose from to construct a sentence about any topic they chose.

Compare this to the limitations of word choices in the biblical Hebrew language, which has only forty-five hundred available word choices that the writers of the Old Testament could use.

¨Despite their advanced mathematical abilities and access to computers the mathematicians were unable to come close to incorporating 30 mathematical multiples of 7 as found in the Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1. ¨

Panin discovered thousands of such mathematical patterns underlying all of the books of the Old Testament before his death in 1942. Panin details this in his book: The Inspiration of the Scriptures Scientifically Demonstrated. Evidence of Divine Authorship of the New Testament

Panin examined the New Testament to discover whether or not the pattern continued. There were four hundred alleged years of silence between the completion of the Old Testament ft around 396 B.C., and the writing of the New Testament from about 60 A.D. But when God inspired the New Testament authors, including Matthew, to begin writing the Gospels, God again manifested His signature on the pages of Scripture by creating a complex pattern of sevens beneath the text of Matthew's Gospel.


Am I a pantheist?

By now you must realize, the entire universe is a living organism with the aim of expressing itself through infinite experience, furthered by the act of sexual reproduction: Me and you! This is merely a scientific observation…

So, am I a pantheist? Yes, and not. I am both a monotheist, a dualist, trinitarian, and believe in the 7 fires (planets) of the sacred Menorah, as well as the archangels. Everything is relative.

At the top of the tree-of-life, in the 13th Heaven, God is one singular entity with a giant humanoid body, but cascading down the lesser universes, he becomes all that we see to be real in this matrix. So yes, I am a pantheist, and I personally believe we live as independent, personal beings, yet inside God`s thought… For now… Unless you get yourself deleted, and end up in Hell!!! This is not so far- fetched, considering the evidence. Although this shatters the boundaries of what we call ¨perception of reality¨, there is nothing un-real about it. It is simply a different view of reality.

God is real, but so are you. You are a singular deity, but so are the organs inside your body.

But I am not a pantheist in the sense that an ant IS God! It is only a PART of God. Or as the Bible says, ¨(they) worshipped the stars, and not the Lord/creator.¨

Comments on Panin.

Due to the extreme numerological perfection, one must ascertain this as a true miracle. I am stunned there is no Christian university for the sole study of Christian apologetics, when it would be so easy to prove the existence of the spiritual reality and God. You have the sacred Source-Field driving evolution, which is intelligent and loving, yet with a strong focus on sex and survival... And you have consistency between geometry and mathematics.


The scientific thesis drawing from Ivan`s conclusions must be that:

1. The ancient middle-eastern languages, their alphabets, and the Old Testament was constructed by a terrestrial (super) computer for the purpose of the creation of the Bible either long before the alleged completion in 400BC, or between then and AD. The Greek alphabet of the New Testament, and the Greek language was constructed by a similar supercomputer.

2. It is God working as a supercomputer constituting all time-space, making the Bible HIS signature.

3. Or both. Perhaps only the Old Testament, and Hebrew was super-computered while the Greeks, and New-Testament Jews were lucky, and did an amazing job copying the pattern. Which is something we cannot duplicate today. It is more likely that Elohim have guarded us, given us language, and literally handed the Bible to us directly…

The genealogy of Jesus is another question-mark. Not only does it contain a prophecy when translating the meaning of their names in descending order. It`s contra dictionary! Luke, and Matthew give different accounts to Jesus genealogy! Now: The Bible authors were more perfectionist with this book than perhaps any other written text ever written. I believe the numerological code is the reason to why they differ!

We know Torah scrolls existed before Jesus. But we know little more than that. When the modern books of the Tanakh were compiled is under much debate. Some scholars give Israeli history little historical value, and the scientific community, and the freemasonic conspiracy is working hard to cover up the validity of Biblical Jewish history, not to mention Christianity in general, dare I say… There are many whom for instance claim that Solomon never existed. Yet the discoveries of Ron Wyatt, and much un-official, and hushed down evidence testify to all the Bible being true. Why should it be a lie? If one really delves into the past one must at some point, ask: How were the giants/Nephilim defeated?


Chapter 7: Proof of Christianity through miracles, near death experiences (NDE) and historical validity.

Perhaps they had super-tech? The Bible tells us we shall preach the proof of his miracles, yet no church does this! It is therefore vital that all church members report, and medically confirm all miracles to be logged by our leadership, and scientific branch.

John 10:24-25:

¨So the Jews gathered around him and said to him, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.” Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in my Father's name bear witness about me. ¨

Have you ever scorned, or lifted your brow after scrolling through the tv-channels seeing people healed at God-tv? You all probably thought it was only a hoax, yet the internet is flooding with evidence of healings and resurrections! Eureka! Halleluja! We can finally get a serious verdict for the end-game proof of our sovereign belief! Here I will present a list of YouTube miracles and resurrections. Ctrl click on the links below if you have the e-book, or use google and YouTube yourself. Your life depends on Jesus the messiah, as we discovered in that book. All praise to Jesus.

Mark 16:15-18

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In My name they will drive out demons, they will speak in new tongues, they will pick up snakes with their hands, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not harm them, they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will be made well.”


And it happens! Here I will provide some links for you to BELIEVE! God exists, AND he does miracles! The beautiful omnipotent creator! Just YouTube: ¨Near Death Experience¨, ¨healing prophet Joshua¨ or ¨healing Jesus¨! And remember! God wants to be your friend and healer! <3 He cares about you and wants you to

103 be the best of what you are. He loves you more than any earthly father ever could. You are his beloved child. If you have the Kindle Ebook, click these links below or use YouTube yourself.

Prophet T B Joshua healing compilations

10 yr old Jeremy NDE. Revelations of the afterlife and Jesus

African boy raised from the dead

Compilations of miracles

The miracle of Christ`s birth, and biblical numerology

Gold teeth miracles par 1/3

You may also want to check this out: http://www.near-death.com/religion/Christianity.html

Use googles! Your eternal life depends on it! I have seen countless miracles. But the greatest miracle is to walk with God in the Source Field day by day, growing closer to Heaven. I have also healed several people through Jesus and have had minor healings happen to myself.

It is hard for me that Christians do not take their mission commandment more seriously. We must create Christian scientific universities researching this supernatural occurrence as a potential resource for mankind: Jesus healing, and raising the dead! Who knows what the church has lost due to ignorance, and blind happiness? There has been so many documented cases of Jesus healing the sick that medical doctors have come up with a term for it: Spontaneous healing.

There has even been written doctoral studies, and books on the matter. Ironic how they can`t rule God out of their materialistic equation!

The Bible tells us that only in His name can we do miracles. Remember, we are the image of the father. Jesus was the perfect representation of the father, and his power is still present on Earth as his name is Holy and holds the power of the source field. We are called to drive out demons and heal the sick as we are led

104 by the Holy Spirit, which are the seven fires burning before God`s throne. The seven planets, or the seven fires of the menorah. 7 is a sacred number. When we receive the Holy Spirit through Jesus, we become like little versions of God, as God himself is human!

We are gradually healed in spirit, coming closer to our true selves. Thus, we know that our will becomes the will of God, as God lives in our hearts! We become like Jesus and get the abilities he had! I have personally witnessed many hundred miraculous healings. I have healed many myself, once a man with a broken back, and a man who had no scalp! This happened in the Philippines which my parents can attest. I also once walked on water back when I was really holy, and on a spiritual quest with God, hiking for 2 weeks in nature: Filling myself with INSANE energy making me sing, and levitate like a bird across the water as if the spirit just JUMPED in me! My brother Rune Eidsaa saw it, and it was thanks to this that we barely made it to the mountain inn in time to get a room, or else we would have been sleeping outdoors in the mountains without a tent. Blame Rune. He`s always slow.

I believe the many testimonies of salvation`s joy, speaking in tongues, divine encounters in trance, the abovementioned stunning NDE`s, and miracles testify to the validity of Christianity as the most true belief contrary to any other belief- system on Earth today who hardly comes even close to the gnosis, numerological perfection, miracles, and personal spiritual, and mystic relationship to God as our Christianity. Prove me wrong.

Yes, I know there are Buddhist monks who ascend, and transform into the rainbow body. There are many Heavens. Hello. I`m a psychic lucid dreamer, and ascended master. It`s what the Egyptian Jedi, and Jesus did: Obtain the rainbow body.

But the rules of the game changed after Jesus won on the cross. Ascension became possible for all, which you can read about in my book: the ritual of the cross explained. Therefore, we are judged after death by our faith in Christ. Ridiculous as it may seem. Hell, and Heaven are at it again… But it was even worse before Christ: When ascension was barely possible, and we were all children of Enki. Now we are children of Christ, as you can read about in my book on Jesus…

I believe there are thousands of treasures hidden throughout the Bible in numerological code, and that the Bible is the written word of God. Just ask the Jews.


We see that modern Pentecostal Christians actually channel during the act of speaking in tongues as science has shown that tongues do not come from the brain but stems from another source which gives ethereal life. The source field or ¨God¨.

We thus know our personal relationship to God is real. We see evidence of over 10% of Muslim middle-eastern converts getting introduced to Jesus through dreams. That`s a fact. They give similar accounts of Jesus. Jesus is always the same but can change appearance. He always introduces himself as ¨I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob¨ in nearly every NDE and dream account, which concludes the belief I myself like to profess: Jesus, as strange as it may seem, was an incarnation of God who existed prior to his birth, which opens a lot of questions in regards to incarnation, as I believe there are very few who ever incarnate… It it is a mystery, but the Nephilim sure do incarnate, and some humans come from the Spiritual Plane.

Hell, and the afterlife is real:

Hell is the real conspiracy at the core of every other. This is a matrix, and Hell is simply the deleted-folder of energies the source-field can no longer recycle.

The question of the afterlife should be the main research of the human race. Until we reach unified conscience about Hell will we be the dominating species of our world.

Until then, both Heaven, man, and Hell are losers in a war where we are the prize. As of now: the reptilian demons are the dominating species on our planet. Do you not care about your friends? Expose Hell! AWAY with Christian apathy! If you really believe there is a Hell, it must be the main focus of yours, and every Christians life to make sure nobody ends up there! If only ONE descends, I say all, aye all is lost.

Does the Bible teach there is a Hell? Yes! Both the old, and New Testament! All monotheistic religions agree. And there is no reincarnation anymore. Only ¨soul aspect reincarnations. ¨ We will touch upon this later.


Revelations 21:8

¨But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

Jesus himself believed in a literal Hell with ¨burning fire. ¨

Mark 9:43

¨If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into Hell, where the fire never goes out. ¨

Psalm 9:17

¨The wicked go down to the realm of the dead, all the nations that forget God. ¨

Through the scientific studies of Near-Death Experiences, or resurrected dead: We see the recurring testimony regarding the passing of the soul, the afterlife, Heaven, it`s blueprints, how Jesus looks, God as judge over the dead, and what we experience after death.

The internet flourishes with hundreds of near-death experiences, as well as those who have been raised from the dead! I praise you for coming this far!

This is what all near death experiencers tell after dying: They see themselves levitating off their body. There sometimes comes a devil out of a wormhole/tunnel which will try to steal your soul, but more often there`s only the sense of peace, and a presence of Jesus, or an angel/man without wings.

The soul must sometimes elevate up through the roof, and into the sky before this tunnel of light appears which Jesus, or the angels come through. It seems that there are three recurring experiences of what then transpires.

The most accounted is the immediate meeting with loved ones, often one’s family. Second is the Heavenly city with trees having crystalline flowers like Jewels in otherworldly colours, and streets paved with gold.

All tell this, and I have seen it myself. Third is the judgement before God if you have lived a sinful life, and there is uncertainty about your eternal estate,

107 although this is rare but occur in one out of ten. All report that there are many Christians in Hell for simple reasons as a single sin they never repented for.

We acknowledge all miracles as true. Millions of medical journals prove this. We also see that atheists, and false-believers meet Jesus in near-death- experiences, and that there is a difference between being saved and not. The saved go to Heaven, and the unrighteous go to Hell. We must ascertain an eternity of the soul, and it`s possible ascension, or descent in the spiritual multidimensional universe. This is our responsibility as children of intellect and reason…

Forget all you`ve learnt regarding physics, and the universe. This is a SPIRITUAL world. We hear reports of Christian dreamers who have been taken to Hell, and nothing is more startling than dying, and waking up before a sea of lava. I have personally seen both Heaven, and Hell in lucid dreams. I have met the archangels, God, Jesus, and the devil himself many times. If you don`t believe in this book, Christ`s daily miracles, or the prophets, you can`t believe in anything.

The punishment for Christians is much more severe than for atheists. Reporters state reasons for Christians going to Hell vary from, a single unforgiven sin, unforgiveness, being two-faced, living another life in church, not accepting the holy spirit, condemning other Christians etc.

It truly seems as if only 1/2 of Christians go to Heaven. Reporters state that children also go to Hell from whence they learn to recon good from evil. NDE reporters tell of children down to 7-9 years of age being in Hell. Reporters tell of many pastors, healers, pastors, ministers, etc in Hell.

Reporters tell that all witches, Satanists, and dictators are tortured in Hell contrary to their view of an eternal sovereignty in Hell. Reporters tell of many different demons, and about 50% of reports tell of reptilian demons which I guess are beings from the Jurassic age. Giants are also very common. Then you have the actual fallen angels, who are humanoid, are 10 times as smart as we are, and lure all Christians, Muslims, witches, and even high-ranking Satanists to eternal pain.

All reporters tell that Hell is eternal, and that the pain is eternal. The conspiracy of Hell must be blown wide open! Only evil maniacs could follow a world such as today. What I saw in Hell was mostly the same as these reports. All are tortured in various forms. Most end up in the lake of fire, some are played with, and tormented personally by devils, and many end up in a prison where the walls are

108 like tv-screen reflections of your life, all you did wrong, and never ending. All this are different mental states of your personal Hell for the reasons you were deleted in the Matrix by God. Many report of cocoons where people relive all parts of their sinful life forever, so I dare say that your existence in Hell is scientifically determined by your deeds in this physical plane…

For those saying that NDE is a chemical reaction in the brain, why does it produce such similar stories in different individuals? Why can reporters tell of things they saw while out of the body? Things they didn`t know were there. Words spoken when they were clinically dead.

I have done a lot of research for you to trust my words. I have searched through more than a thirty NDE testimonies on YouTube, and still could not find a single NDE where any Muslim, or pagan meet Muhammad, Buddha, Allah, or Krishna etc. All other faiths who die and come back tell of meeting Jesus instead of their own prophets or Gods!

All humans are weaker than the big devils. Even if you are a powerful Satanist, you can carry no guns, or spells to Hell. The old, frail, and weak are regarded as trash. Even if you were to serve Satan (who hates humans, and doesn`t need you – that`s the reason for his job) you will eventually be replaced in some years. Even if it goes a thousand years, you will all eventually all be replaced by a bigger devil.

There is not ¨eternity in Hell. ¨ I have been there myself. Heaven is your only option. Jesus loves you. <3

With science, and internet of today, we have many Christians with death- certificates to prove themselves raised from the dead by Jesus Son of God. Many of these are in rural countries, Africa, India, and some have started pastoral ministries telling their stories.

We have for the first time in history the ability to act on God`s promises, heal the sick, and tell the priests we are clean. Luke 17:14. We have the opportunity to convene the miracles as one global church for the first time in world history. As mentioned earlier: All major miracles must be documented by doctors, and proof presented to Churches…

We are to confirm and preach miracles to the Jews. This is something the Christians have completely forgot. We are to be a kingdom. A kingdom has scientists, structure, laws and order, but: No Christian church, or country exists today taking their role seriously. Science is Christianity`s best friend!


We must create our own schools, and churches to preach TRUE metaphysics of the Source Field (scaler field), and a spiritual world! The goal is close. I would do all this myself but am weak. TOGETHER: WE MUST BLOW THE CONSPIRACY OF HELL WIDE OPEN! For it nothing but a conspiracy. The greatest, most vital, and ancient conspiracy beneath all others. We have to treat it as such.

Your soul is going to Hell if not saved by Jesus! NDE reporters tell of no other possible salvation than through Jesus blood, and repenting of sin! Do the research yourself. It is agonizing! Blame the church for not preaching about brimstone, and sin anymore. They don`t take their role as Heaven`s agents seriously at all! They`re lions in sheep`s clothing!

Perhaps you`re asking yourself: So, my dear innocent, kind brother who watched children cartoons with me is in Hell after the car crash? This is too outrageous! God would do something about it! He must have gone to Heaven!

Wrong. God can`t do anything about it. This is Satan’s world. EXPOSE THEREFORE THE CRIME OF THE HELL CONSPIRACY! It is the ultimate question: Is Hell real after death?

What would the world news aired one man was unable to die in everlasting fire? That is reality, and it`s not because God is evil. It`s because the devil fell on his own volition.

Is God thus flawed? No. He is still just, holy, and almighty as if there was no devil: God would not have been just and righteous. One of God`s qualities are as judge. If there was no devil: God wouldn`t be God. The devil is an aspect of God`s holiness as judge, and perfect creator. It`s not a perfect creation seen from a human view, but it`s all we have. And we need to BOW to God. He loves us. He created us. He died for us. He`s desperately calling you: Come here my child. Who would not answer if God your creator calls you? Please lay down your life and follow him.

Perhaps you`re asking: So, the conspiracy theories about the (Satanic) Illuminati are true? But why are so many willing to go to Hell?

Because they are indoctrinated! Satan uses clever people, secrecy, perversion, and power. Most Satanists are a family and can never leave the family. So why do those on top continue this fiendish game if Heaven is better, and they themselves are eventually going to burn in Hell? Because Lucifer deceives especially the smartest of us.


They know all languages, most stories of every man`s life on Earth, all science, and I tell you, the smartest in the (Satanic) Illuminati are those who are deceived the most. You have no idea how long this have played out, or how deceived even the Satanic high-priest really is.

Satanism is nothing but a thing played by those who have already lost the path to redemption. It`s like a blind man leading a blind.

Perhaps you`re asking: But Allah is God to? As well as Brahma? Let me tell you the internet is literally flooded with Muslim NDE who go to Hell, see Jesus, and are rescued either by Jesus healing them, or by doctors. They all tell the same message, there is no salvation but through Jesus Christ!

Now: For my dear, faithful Muslims brothers who were fooled by the false gospel, and the conspiracy of the Vatican, I give some definite proofs if you have an e- book:

Muslim Revived from Death tell Chilling Truth behind Allah and Islam

An atheist, and a Muslim has an NDE: Proof Jesus is the son of God

Muslim Hezbollah soldier meets Jesus and converts

Muslims converting to Jesus through dreams and visions

Click the links if you have Kindle-format og use YouTube yourself. Your afterlife insurance-policy depends on it.

Did you get that? NDE`s see Allah as a demon! The actions inspired by Islam is evil! Islam is evil! There is no mention of Yahweh either. It`s only Jesus, and the highest that the New Testament, Christian testimonies, NDE`s, and visits to Heaven testify about!

This is a great step to take! Now: Reach out to Yahweh Elohim, do your research, and surrender your soul, and life to Jesus. <3

(Or at least follow the universal conduit of love and light.)

Now that I hope you have done some independent YouTube research that testify the reality of Jesus doing miracles, raising the dead, and have found the eternity of the soul, Hell, Heaven, demons and angels, i would like you to google, and

111 find a neo-charismatic Church, and START YOUR WONDERFUL, NEW CHRISTIAN LIFE! Yay! You`re born again! It`s the greatest day of your life. <3

If you have never experienced God, or given your heart to Him, please pray these words with all your heart, and outstretched hands!

¨Jesus! Forgive me of my sin and disbelief. I know you are real and want to help me. You I give you my heart and soul. Take all of me and transform me with your love. You are my everlasting friend. Amen. ¨

The proofs of miracles are not the only testament to Christianity`s validity as the only true religion. Millions of Christians testify of a direct, intimate relationship to God, and Jesus our Redeemer. Muslims believe on the other hand in no direct relationship to God, other than submission, if I`m correct. They follow some Godly virtues, live like Jews of the Old Testament, but have missed the truth of Jesus as not only prophet, but the messiah. (Which you can read about in my book: the ritual of the cross explained.)

I will end with copying personal song which I have sung for 7 years now. The first song I ever made. It is what I saw when I flew over the abyss with the keys of Hell to Mt. Purgatory in a lucid dream of the 12th Heaven.

Incarnation is wrong

All who proclaim reincarnation are only incarnate aspects of former lives and have set-apart souls. All reincarnate as aspects of what lived before. While it is true that ¨nothing ever dies¨, all souls are judged after death, and you only live once. Although it is said that the disembodied Nephilim are the only ones who truly reincarnate, because they are unable to go to Heaven. Many views these as ¨higher souls. ¨

Those who remember ¨past lives¨ either remember ancestral DNA, soul aspect incarnations, or are influenced by demons, or spirit guides in their dreams. Very, very few ever live their life on Earth here again. Hell is straight below. Since Jesus changed the laws of the afterlife forever: It`s only Heaven or Hell.


Reincarnation is simply not scientifically compatible with diverse metaphysical theories. The Bible does however not agree on reincarnation. You only live twice. Here, and the afterlife. The idea of reincarnation is that every file in the matrix will consist of deleted files, karma, or reappear as the fractal matrix reprograms itself to balance the equation or repair damaged files: Thus reincarnation. The Egyptians believed the soul had 9 parts. Near Death Experiences never tell of reincarnation. It`s a mathematical concept of themes recurring in a fractal universe. An equation, if you like. Trying to return to source. The idea of reincarnation is ludicrous. I myself am the ¨reincarnation¨ of many souls. I remember many ¨past lives. ¨ These memories are aspects of my soul, genetic code, birth-chart, and memory from guardian angels, stars and demons. These come to you especially in dreams. Does that mean I have lived before? Not at all. We all have guardian angels, and guardian demons. These affect our subconscious memory. Our DNA also stores historical information revealed in dreams. And don`t forget: All energy that was deleted is replaced by new souls to fix the Matrix: I.e reincarnations. But the traditional idea of reincarnation is WRONG… The idea that the ghost of a deceased karmically ill person waits for some hundred years in some astral queue before somehow miraculously entering into the womb at inception through some divine organized effort, to redo his mistakes is LUDICROUS enough, and doesn`t fit with any spirit science evidence to date. The idea that your ghostly spirit somehow flies into a baby, but forgets his past life, and remains a baby, and not a homunculus (as with Jesus) is also ludicrous. I am the most advanced spiritual being myself and can confirm this 100% certain. I also remember accurate things from genetic, source-field, birth-chart, and guardian angel memories as I said. I even remember the name of the ship that sank during an English war and could google it up etc. etc. – 10-50 lives all the way back to the time there were dinosaurs, Gods, and star-wars!!! All the way back to when I was a Nephilim Angel warrior in a UFO standing about 9 feet tall. I was a King/God of ancient Sumer, and never shook off the loss I experienced upon dying. These are memories induced by demonic, or angelic thoughtforms, 100% certain. Or really??? Which brings me to the homunculus theory. Have you heard about it? Yes, my friend. GODS, ANGELS, and NEPHILIM DO INCARNATE! But mankind (unless they evolve to God-hood) does NOT. Such incarnations are called HOMUNCULUS. Where a certain spirit is summoned into the womb by ritual during conception, or in the case of Jesus: God bestows a special spirit to enter the womb. Jesus was a HOMUNCULUS according to all Church history. That is why ancients depicted Jesus with the face of a grown-man, but with the body of a baby. Because he was a God in the flesh.


Take me for instance. I could write 100 times more about my dreamlife where I was a God/Angel always lucid, and always flying. I experienced 100 times more in my dreamlife than in my waking life, and it was 100 times more interesting. Because I was free! I could teleport wherever I wanted, fly, traverse dimensions etc. I even forgot about my earthly life completely and focused only on what happened in my dreams. UP THERE is MY world where I COME FROM! NOT here...! And it`s a lot more beautiful. But this is just a theory. Although the ancient Egyptians believed that hybrids, Gods, and giants did reincarnate while regular mankind did not. But it is just a theory. It is probably right though, but in general: Christians does NOT believe in reincarnation, nor do I believe I am a reincarnation. Deep down. Or at least: It doesn`t matter. It`s Heaven or Hell, and it`s all about JESUS! The term reincarnation would be wrong. Neither Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Edgar Cayce, or any person was a reincarnation of some ghost of a dead person, or else they would have remembered everything. Is it so hard to believe that a conscious universe super-conscience through astrological, genetic, time-space, and happening synchronicity relies to you it`s memories from past synchronicity events in this fractal matrix? It is the only explanation. Proof of the fractal universe is everywhere in biology, sacred math, and astrology as seen through hermetic knowledge of the flower of life, the star tetrahedron (Merkabah), and Fibonacci sequence. This universe repeats itself. As Solomon says: There is nothing new under the sun. My dreams of past lives were relating to place, time, deeds, thoughts, and astrological synchronicity. It is also VERY possible to create a bridge between damaged thoughtforms (matrix files) of past lives, and your life. And what are the cases of most proclaimed incarnations? It`s people who remember tragedy, or other great energy emotion like high spiritual awareness. Surely such awareness will ¨reincarnate. ¨ Or as the Egyptians said: Some parts of the conscience (9 parts of the soul) lives on after death. The Egyptians were the civilization who historically investigated the soul, and after-life the most, never believed in reincarnation, but agreed that the Ka part of Osiris`s original soul was passed down through each Pharaoh. This is angelic/demonic thoughtform memory. For instance. I am a strong spirit/recurring energy-form, and remember every dream I have ever had, which almost always were lucid. I myself received memories from a past high-priest of Egypt in 2009, and also received memories of a Nephilim who called himself Lucifer in 3 recurring dreams in 2012 where I had lucid dreams of nuclear UFO- wars – very strong imprints in the matrix. Am I the incarnation of these? Yes and no. Do I carry these entities karmic debt? Absolutely not.


You only live once, and your spirit – sense of self – either ascends or descends. I have never had dreams, or memories of being Jesus though. I hope you understand. There`s only Heaven or Hell. Why do you think the Egyptians mourned death so much? Because they knew. And they had only the Hell of their good lord Osiris. The New-Age movement, where religion, and ascension is a big deal, has a term called star-children, incarnate angels, crystal-children, and indigo children. While the source-field keeps creating more diversity, evolving humans continuously, there are no star-children, or angels incarnate. In fact: There is no universe, and angels are a different race whom never can incarnate, according to several occult sources. Unique to the angelic race are abilities like teleportation etc, as they are NOT human. Movements like David Wilcock`s ¨cosmic awakening¨, and ¨are you a wanderer? ¨ is sad reading. He postulates that many souls from Atlantis, and space have reincarnated here to evolve unto a golden age. We never chose to be born. That is the main reason why the (Satanic) Illuminati hates God btw. There are other sub-culture groups often related to New-Age, paganism, and Satanism like the other-kin movement (where people believe they are part animals), and the other-kin movement has 10-20 sub-categories. This depends. All people have spirit-animals. All have guides, and all ethnicities have unique spiritual gifts. All landscapes have spiritual races living in higher dimensions, where for instance blondes are more similar to the elves. I might understand shamans saying they have spirit-animals, or nationalist hippies saying they are elves (like myself), but this other-kin thing is way too idiotic. I myself had hundreds of lucid dreams where I visited Alvarheim, a Heaven geographically related to Scandinavia, where there are blonde, and redhead elves. This is simply synchronicity with the source field, as life in dimensions mimic each other over the duration of the 5000+ years we have been here. (In Scandinavia.)


Lament to those burning in Hell: Save us to God

Chorus: dm am e am - Verse c e am c e am Chorus: Dm Am E Am Save us to God from the evil ones, from the dark of the storm, from the dangers of war, Dm Am E Am Save us to god from the evil ones from the darkness of the void Verse: C E Am In the end there’s only one, seated on the throne (of old) Far beyond the starry song, the seven mountains cold Chorus Verse: Behind the veil of space and time, forever cherubim will cry, Above the grasp of human mind, so protect us from the lie Chorus Verse: Holy judger of the dead, in the Bible it was said Revelation you us gave, for in your image we are made. Chorus Verse: In the end there’s is only one, ancient fundaments of stone Open up your eyes and sing, before that church bell rings Chorus Verse: Become one with Heavens song, see the workings of his throne, From the abyss the rock has grown, Heaven`s mountain peaks alone, Chorus

… Let`s rescue all from the fate of those burning! Dedicate your life to this and unveil the greatest conspiracy behind all others! The TERRIBLE HELL CONSPIRACY! Until we do: HUMANS will not be the dominant species of our planet! A PRISON PLANET!


The Bible is the most valid historical document!

Conspiracy theorists mostly portray Moses as a comparative-mythological zodiacal ram-age messiah, and equate him with Sargon of Akkad, and say he took his laws from Hammurabi. No. There was a great movement out of Egypt for sure, and the Bible is true as Ron Wyatt`s archaeological discoveries suggest.

Considering the 4th century Torah-scrolls of Qumran, and the Dead Sea discovered by fate, I believe the Bible to be wholly inspired by God, sacred, 100% true, handed down orally, and written with a numerological code so incomprehensible it must be the Great Architect God conducting the Bible from beyond the Source Field. Conducting the fate of Israel, her language, and their spiritual-science. (Until Jesus came along. Then the Jews were no more special than heretics.)

I believe the role of the Jews as the chosen people has ended.

The Bible holds more validity than any other historical document as the Dead- Sea-Scrolls show the books of the Torah, like the Psalms have not been edited the slightest, like Muslims proclaim. The New-Testament holds more historical validity than any other document of the antique.

Any historian will agree that Jesus existed, and was crucified by Pontius Pilate, like 1st century historian Josephus writes. There is also the very magnitude of documents. Over 5000 independent documents telling the tale of Christ exist today, written from the time the apostles were alive – few centuries after his death. There is however little historical data from Rome, and Julius Caesar was not mentioned in any historical record before centuries after his death.

What`s with Jews anyways, and how did they defeat the Nephilim giants? They probably had support of space-ships with guns, and a big Haarp array. Thor`s Hammer. The Elohim of God`s Galactic command probably never left and has controlled human history. King Jesus, Elijah, and Metatron are probably flying on his saucer tonight… Just kidding.

Many say Jesus is just an astrology myth, but myths are real, and that it doesn`t make the Bible, or Jesus any less true.


Ron Wyatt discoveries confirm the Bible.

I wholly believe the stories of the Jewish tribes, and ancient Israel to be true, as research, and archaeological findings by mister Ron Wyatt reveal. Ron Wyatt have conclusive, scientific evidence of the finding, and current location of Noah`s ark on Mt. Ararat. The anchor from Noah`s ark is still seen in the area with sacred carvings. The arc has the biblical dimensions, and still looks like a boat. Iron-nails were discovered in the pattern you would find in a big boat.

Ron Wyatt and Noah`s ark.


Metal detecting the iron nails.

The anchor with crosses symbolizing the sacred eight found directly below.


Ron Wyatt also discovered the remains of Sodom, and Gomorrah at the shore of the dead sea: with brimstone lumps covering the area. These were tested, and consisted of 90% sulfur, and iron so that you could still light them on fire to this day!

Golden chariot wheels were found at the seabed of this crossing from the supposed Egyptian casualties. This seabed is miraculously elevated from the rest of the sea-floor: only as deep so that a great tsunami would empty the ocean making what would look like a clear path before swallowing the Egyptians. Thera the volcano erupted while the Israelites were in Egypt causing many of the plagues, and a HUGE tsunami which made a clear passing for the Jews.


Ron Wyatt discovered the area of the Red Sea crossing where columns with the inscription ¨erected by Solomon in commemoration of the Red Sea crossing¨ were erected at both sides of the crossing! They were sadly removed by the Egyptian government straight after… I wonder why.

The area beyond the crossing had stone carvings of bulls, and oxen’s revealing the pagan traditions of the Israelites as when they worshipped the golden calf, or the ¨age of the ram¨.


Exodus 32:4 ¨He took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool. Then they said, "These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt."

But Moses their leader rebelled against this and went to see the Lord on Mt. Sinai where he got the ten commandments.

Jebel Sin Bishar is a mountain_directly_above the discovery of the stone carvings, and it`s peak is un-naturally blackened to this day from the presence of the Lord which covered the mountain. This is the real Mt. Sinai.

Exodus 19:18 ¨Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the LORD descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled violently. ¨

The Lord had a big display of fireworks. I love fireworks.

We know that archaeological writings from pottery dating back to the early dynastic time of David mentions the household of David. The Davidic dynasty existed as a historical fact. I believe there is a conspiracy to cover up the evidence of Israeli, and early Christian history. This is a fact. Remember: The Satanic Jews of Israel HATE the church, and the true Jews. Anyways.


Chapter 8: Destroying Satanism.

Nobody can understand what it feels like to be born again until they`ve experienced it for themselves: to realize what they have missed, and longed for all their lives: the safety, happiness, and belonging of the soul. Jesus is freedom from religious . As we will see Christianity does not have as many laws as any other religion: even fewer than La Veyan Satanism aside from Thelema. Christ is the best choice! The latter is in equilibrium with modern Christianity unlike for instance Islam which makes life very, very hard for those displaying a ¨do what you want¨ ideology like Thelema. Luckily, i`m no Thelemite, and will present you nothing but truth.

Satanism is dead. We covered how Lucifer`s curse is broken, and mankind is free, according to Christianity in my book on Jesus. Satanism is thus spiritually dead, as mankind can reach ascension. The last of the giants, and the Setian tribes died in Scandinavia during the black death. Satan, the fallen Lucifer has lost. Why is Satanism physically dead? For there are no race, or living person descended from Nephilim condemned to Hell. The race of the damned is extinct, and that`s a good thing. There are substantial archaeological skeletal remains of giants which correspond to what we know from all mythologies. Who is there to further the Lucifer effect, and rule humanity through the circle of hatred? I guess the biggest problem of today is corruption through riches and sex. But the circle of love sets us free! For we will distribute love, enlightenment, and riches to the world! What then remains as the reason for Pain? None. Satanism is also philosophically dead. For: Whereas it once was the only true religion unless you could obtain salvation through the Mosaic covenant, it ended when Jesus came along. Why was Satanism the only religion? For if the pagan tribes were damned anyhow, why then would they worship God? They belonged in Hell. Why would anyone want to go to Hell? It`s dimension is defined as void of the feeling of love, and is an eternal state of anxious fear, tears, and hatred towards God. There is no, or little reincarnation. This is a soul, and -farm set up by aliens/Nephilim/fallen angels now defeated by the angels. But these reptiles are damned, and their black brotherhood is coming back. They have hijacked God`s pyramid and claim to be the Illuminati. Can you handle the truth??? I once was the devil`s son. The devil was the only friend I had ever had. We had long conversations every night for 2 years of solitude. I was fit, longhaired, beautiful, and extremely talented with musical gifts. I was given all riches, and

123 the Illuminati worshipped me as Lucifer`s son, hoping I was a gold-mine to be a pop-star in America. The right-wingers of the masonic order invited me to the masonic lodge while the left-wing Jewish nobility, adopted me out of what they called ¨Norwegian Nazi tyranny¨, and brought me safely to Sweden, Denmark, and Israel where I became an uncircumcised Jew. I also met the Illuminati for the first time in 2013. I was baffled, confused and depressed. Perhaps God is evil, or perhaps he likes complex irony, for all this coincided as I fell physically ill, and was debilitated as well. The Illuminati was furious I had not worked and become their goldmine. Then Satan started to reveal his truest nature, showed me all of Hell, and I discovered the secrets that no Satanist know but those on top. Every person that sells their soul to the devil do it for riches, and benefits in THIS life. Not as an afterlife insurance. How will you survive years in Hell? Hell is ruled by the giant Rephaim, Anakim, and Nephilim from before the flood, and Reptilians and or ¨demons¨ from the Jurassic age. And they are big, bad giants crying eternally like babies without mama, or God until they go ABSOLUTELY mad for an eternity of revenge against anything that resembles the creator: Man. And remember: That dimension is void of love, and is best described as an intense, eternal ride of senseless desperation, tears, fear, chaos and anguish. How would you survive? And who would suddenly appear to these reptiles but you who died from cancer? You won`t last a minute. Let`s summarize the illusion that ¨Hell is cool¨: A chaotic court of MAD JESTERS & GIANTS rule Hell. Ok??? Is that clear? Total endless hysteria, violence, screams and chaos. No humans rule there, ok? Or: Would Satan fire his trusted workers of a million years, and replace them with you: A dumb human? I will tell you my great secret: Hell make certain that every human on Earth has their guardian demons. They are as organized as Heaven and become perfect after millions of years in the game. Why? Because this is the only fun Hell EVER had: Capturing souls that remind them of the creator. Thus, they make their guardian demons toy with every person`s mind, including the greatest Satanists, to feed from both their positive, AND bad emotions leading these unfortunate STUPID victims to shout: SATAN IS GOD, AND HE BLESSES ME!!!! Soul-capture success. Demons were called Gods for a reason! You got that? You`re nothing but a battery, unless you accept Jesus. The demons are almost as possessive as I am! But you`re not spirits? Can you fly to Earth from Hell, and serve Satan like the damned do? No. You`re a human. A blessed child of God. Hated throughout Hell.


So how does Satanism still live, and what is Satanism? Modern, popular Satanism in the Satanic Temple, Church of Satan, and the Greater Church of Lucifer proclaim they are atheists. That Satan is nothing but a concept, and that there is no God. This is different from theistic, or spiritual Satanism. Yet both groups believe in magick defined by Aleister Crowley as ¨change happening in conformity with will. ¨ Much of modern Satanism follows Crowley`s motto of Thelema ¨do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. ¨ He proclaimed himself a prophet for the new aeon of Horus. Love, and light will make things right. (…) Much of modern Satanism is directly credited to Crowley whose books on magick are still among the best today. Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), which Crowley developed into his own have waged a war to become to spiritual head of world hierarchies against other secret societies, and have infiltrated Rosicrucianism, the Catholic Church, and especially the masonic lodge, and intelligence agencies with CIA`s shadowy Mk- Ultra programs in particular. You can read about this from Italian Illuminati insider Leo Lyon Zagami in his book: Confession of an Illuminati. Oto proclaims to have monopoly on being the Illuminati and practicing magick. What is this magick? The magick you will encounter on net is comprised from mystery religions, witchcraft, and Hermeticism – the science attributed the mythological Hermes Trismegistus which means ¨Thrice Greatest. ¨ Gaining your true will through working with the Hermetic Kabbalah, the diverse Tarots, spiritual practices like yoga, and working with spirits through invocation, and evocation to gain control of your Guardian Angel (demon) is the magick available on internet as of now. Most prominent of these practices is the invocation of Gods, demons, energies, or ¨deific masks¨ as Satanic author Michael W. Ford calls them. Magick is all about transmutating energy from stars/planetary realms, higher realms (The Heavens), or lower realms (Hell) to achieve your goals through being empowered by these forces. Let me tell you it`s secrets. All energy offered to these Gods in the form of invocations, incense, blood, or other deeds is believed to return to you with extra profit. The magician will boldly call upon his guardian spirits and feel an extasy of power and bliss. Like a drug. This is because the human functions as a vessel to combine their energies with that of the entity to transmute these otherwise dark aspects of these disembodied spirits into light again. But the sad reality is that had it not been for the open magician, and his sacrifice: The energies of these entities is ghoulish, empty and vampiric. They exist as powerful orgone, which transmutates into light

125 through your bodily vessel. Thus, these entities have lured man to think they are ¨Gods¨ through all time. It is a dangerous practice. Only one out of a hundred Satanists realize these spirits lie and play with them. And they never realize they were being fooled from start to finish before their soul is taken to Hell. Like the founder of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey, and Joseph Stalin who freaked out, and repented on their death-beds. I have seen it all. And I say Satanism is dead. With all the evidence served here, what reason is there to either hate the creator, or distance yourself from him, when we`re all his! We are all one. Don`t you want to return to source? Or do you want to end up like negative orgone, falling into the deleted folder of the matrix because you were simply trash to the system. Is that what you want? You think you can handle the truth? Hell, and Earth serves Satan its creator, as a facility for the imprisonment, and torture of your souls. Like in the movie the matrix. Hell are dimensions defined by thought from deleted files, and past history in a shadow matrix of this one and is thus void of time. There: All bad past-life happenings concur constantly around you as you experience your own personal Hell as a deleted file. It appears like an eternal cell like a cocoon, or a grave you can`t escape where you relive all deleted, negative thoughts, deeds, and times you experienced while on Earth. This is clear from all Near-Death Experiences. Hell has infinitely many layers depending on which deleted timeframe you lived in, but is mainly 7, or nine Hells ruled by devils who are like God in their respective realm. The respective realms are a result of these God`s inner dimensions. Ok? Satan is both Hell, and an entity, just like God is both the source-field, and an entity. God does not exist in Hell. It is the netherverse, and void of all love, compassion, joy, laughter, and filled with eternal, intense anxiety and sleeplessness.

Controversy: If you are really unlucky: You`re completely evil and is thrown into the lake of fire. God rules Satan, and Satan rules Hell. A mason once said to me: They are two sides of the same coin. That`s when I realized the innocence of man, as we never chose birth between the choices of two evil counterparts that have chosen. Twisted that is.


There still are religious philosophers who believe in the biblical Kingdom of God where death is no more, and life-extension technologies make up an eternal population of no more than a few million, as the noble Bible, Jesus, and God intends it. It is the solution to intelligent life now that we are under the Holy Ghost mercy covenant. Hell is not an option. Do I take it too far? We should have remained as apes in the jungle… But Enki/Lucifer probably made us by mixing their own DNA with that of Homo Erectus as popularized in the New-Age genre. Lucifer, and Hell is evil, although most masons never realize the fallen angel of is just a powerful demon. Mankind is a new creation through Jesus the second Adam as we discovered in my book on Jesus, but must act on it, and take back their realm from these prison-planet reptilians to become the dominant species. If so: God`s plan with creation is now complete, and our mission of today is ascension now possible through spreading the gospel. We finally have a meaning of life, as ascension is possible, and all are accepted by God. Our purpose is to evangelize.

Aside from this: There is no other purpose. Before Christ however: There was no meaning of life if you were a heathen unable to be saved. And yet: How do you solve the philosophical problem of evil? How can this world still be the most perfect of all possible worlds? It is. Why? Because evil only exists for God to judge it so that His light can be seen. But why did God allow man to exist at a time when they could only reach perdition? First of all: The Bible states that God tried to erase mankind. Secondly: God reached for Israel and led them. He had a plan that ended with Jesus, and his everlasting kingdom. The way I see it: God is hired carpenters who made the universe. Although he made it, he also made laws that bind it all together. His own laws. Including free will for both you, and the devil – to which he will not intervene. Remember: God cannot intervene because this is an experiment between two counterparts where mankind must use his free will! The devil has a RIGHT to rebel, given by God, as the devil is a free-willed being. God being just, has to give the devil the appointed time. But why does not God kill all evil by the snap of his fingers? God follows not spiritual laws, but physical laws. Once you understand ether physics you will see that magick is not magical anymore, once it is reduced to science.


Enlightenment Philosophy. To get you thinking: The Illuminati are playing us for fools saying there is no such thing as coincidence, while they ACTUALLY believe in the chaos theory: All is random and coincidence. There is no such thing as destiny. It`s not so that ¨ God allowed this to happen¨ or ¨this war was a punishment from God¨. That everything is MADE to happen doesn`t mean it was MEANT to happen. God never wanted to judge evil, because light can exist without darkness, God being eternal, and darkness being a created being and only a bi-product of light. No evil was ever ¨predestined by God¨ to happen. Some say there is no evil, because one cannot exist without the other. Really? Isn`t darkness just a biproduct of light, and was not Jesus polarized: Only good/God/eternal? Good is good, and evil is evil, contrary to what they teach you. Why? Ask those who burn in Hell if the ¨wholeness is good¨ theory. As long as we integrate an eternal Heaven and a perishing Hell, the wholeness is good theory cracks immediately. The Illuminati play God by setting the stage for every happening (war, finance, terror etc) after numerological, and astrological calendars. One of the ways they do this is through the Jewish shemitah events which you have probably never heard about., Satan Lucifer is the creator, and ruler of this Earth as Jesus says. He made mankind. The Elohim made mankind. Yahweh did NOT make mankind. You are living inside Satan`s planetarium, yet looks as if it is round, if judging from the phases of the moon. Furthermore: God Almighty never orchestrated mankind`s religions, evolution, or spiritual growth. Everything is random chaos. Your beliefs in predestination are lies. This is Satan`s world with the Illuminati PLAYING God on Satan`s behalf. ¨God created world history, and mankind overcame polarity, and his animal-self through wars¨ is a lie. It was in actuality Satan PLAYING God who orchestrated world history and religion. The Illuminati are acting as Satan playing God. God never intervenes in Earthly affairs. Angels, or higher-dimensional beings cannot intervene in 3rd dimensional density unless falling from grace. Thus, there is nobody here to correct the fallen angels mistake. It`s all random chaos in a fishbowl. Welcome to Hell. There is no reincarnation, and you only live once. Spirit memory, Holy Guardian Angel memory, dreams, DNA-memory, demonic memory, and fractal memory is the source of ¨reincarnations. ¨ Yes, you have lived before, but as a different soul. This is a matrix where all happenings repeat themselves like a fractal. The idea that the ghost of some diseased person flies into the womb is ridiculous and is the Illuminati`s oldest religious lie. YOLO is the favorite catchphrase of the Illuminati.


It stands for ¨You Only Live Once¨, and is what my 4th cousin, the Head of Southern Norway Illuminati always told me.

Humans are the worst animal on the planet. We go to war, are prideful, envious, lusty, and more inclined to evil than good, as we are the children of Enki/Satan, as I describe in my book on Jesus. Your animal-self is constantly fighting your angelic self, but we are more like animals.

The Purpose of Life.

Giving birth to a child is the evillest thing possible, re-enacting when mankind was created by the Elohim. Life has no purpose because of death. Life has no purpose because death leads to inevitable everlasting torment in Hell. (The deleted folder section of the Matrix.) Yet the irony is that death is the only purpose of life. Death of all human life. The death of all humans is the only purpose of life since life inevitably leads to everlasting suffering in Hell. Since Hell was inevitable (unless you obtained the rainbow body, there was no purpose in life before Jesus Christ who gave mankind the possibility of ascension for the first time. All who died prior to Christ went to Hell.

While life was given purpose in an infinitely small timeframe following Jesus conquer of Earth through ascension, it is not so that everyone inherently knows ascension is the purpose, or that everone seeks it. Thus, there is still arguably ¨no purpose in life¨. Seen from this viewpoint, life has no purpose other than survival of the fittest, power, sex, money, drugs, and most prominantly: Eternal life. This is the philosophy of the highest Illuminati. If you can live forever, then life finally has purpose, although everything that has a beginning has an end.

Yet you might think: All is relative. Wrong. Not a single thing is relative. Earthly eyes perceive only the third dimension. While dogmas are relative to YOU, it does not mean it is relativistic to a higher being like for instance God. Evil is evil, and good is good. Another Illuminati ideology is that man is the only innocent creature in the universe because the devil, and God chose to create and fall. Man is God and can become Gods. Me, and you did NOT CHOSE to be born, or to fall from grace. Most of us who died never had a chance for ascension... Being born is the greatest crime in this multiverse. You are a GRAVE mistake. Reaching mass-conscience about the existence of Hell is humanity`s only philosophically valid purpose. Hell is the oldest

129 conspiracy, and until we are enlightened, man will not be the dominant species of our planet. But why did God allow man to exist at a time when they could only reach perdition? First of all: The Bible states that God (Yahweh, Enlil etc) tried to erase mankind through a flood. Secondly: God reached for Israel and led them. He had a plan that ended with Jesus, and his everlasting kingdom. That was the extent ¨God¨ could intervene. One agent took the risk to fall to Earth: Jesus Christ from the Mazzaroth/Nazareth – the Zodiac. Nazareth never existed... Eternal life of a MINISCULE population is the inevitable mastermind future of Earth if seen from God`s perspective, or as Jesus says ¨I wish it (Earth) already was lit. (Destroyed.)¨ But remember! Only humans themselves can chose to annihilate themselves. Intervention from Heaven is impossible, has never historically happened (other than Jesus), and is thus statistically impossible. It is a philosophical absolute that God cannot intervene because IF God could establish his ORDER on Earth: We would already be living under it by now. Heaven never enters human affairs as not to affect evolution, and free will. We are 7 dimensions below Heaven, with impossible journeys separating Heavenly souls and ourselves, including a terrible abyss that is literally impossible to cross, except through Jesus who BARELY made it. And thank Heaven for that… Christianity is also filled with lies such as the idea that we are GOD`S creation. Not GOD`S, but the GODS in plural. The Elohim. The fallen angelic watchers. If anything: Love, or more specifically: Sex, and survival is the purpose of life, because that is what nature is all about. Procreation is the biological mechanism of all life including humans, and thus life`s purpose. Others, like myself, would say that ETERNAL LIFE is the purpose of life. For just as life has no purpose, death has no purpose. Life has no purpose because of death. Yet if you have ETERNAL LIFE IN CHRIST, then life suddenly has LOTS of purposes. Loving others, spreading civilization, being a good person, deepen your relationship to God, yet more importantly. The purposes of YOUR life are ALL the ways you can achieve worldwide Christian dominion AND eliminate the alien threat of the fallen angels who have resided in underground bases since they created man. Thus, creating Christ`s age of MAN. Because the last 2-300 years has been the first time in ALL of man`s history where giant Nephilim, hybrids, and fallen angels are extinct, and homo-sapiens is the only race of man.

Morale was only needed to keep society together before Christ, since sex, and survival was the only purpose back then, as there was no ascension. But with ascension becoming possible through Christ, morale becomes the CORNERSTONE of civilization.


Honesty, respect, virtues, honour, compassion and love. We will soon discover that Love and Light (intellect) is mankind`s divine qualities inherent from our Elohim creators, whom in turn were made by God Himself, that separates us from the animal-man, and the monkeys.

Yet how could God create a world of death, disease, sin, pain and Hell? This fallen world of dualism, free-will, death, and deletion IS the only plausible world imaginable to the philosopher. That is the age-old ¨problem of evil¨ solved. This is the most perfect of all worlds. A different world could not plausibly exist. This is a philosophical absolute, ergo God is perfect.

This is the most perfect world, and the problem of evil is solved.

Yet from a relativistic 3rd dimensional human philosophical perspective: God is the enemy of freedom, and Lucifer Satan the GOD, and the HERO of this world, or at least: Of animalistic man. So, the question arises. Is freedom the right to DO what you want like an animal, or is TRUE freedom the freedom from NOT DOING the animalistic urges, as Jesus, and the masters taught? The belief in dualism, that darkness, and light is equally powerful as represented by the two brotherhoods is the oldest belief of the Illuminati, but such a thought makes everything relativistic, and is not true if seen from a Heavenly perspective of absolutes. Heaven, and Hell are invisible realities, and through incorporating perdition: Evil is evil, and good is good. Yet from a 3rd dimensional, atheistic viewpoint (have you ever SEEN God???) one argues that the demanding, judgemental God of the Bible is (from an Earthly, innocent human perspective) an evil dictator, and the enemy to freedom from which we cannot escape, and that Satan is the liberator of man. This is false as God your only hope for ascension, wants to save you, and never intended man, since man is the creation of Satan, and an abomination meant to be crushed. Yet such philosophies gave rise to the Illuminati ideology that ¨good is evil¨. To followers of the dark path: Everything is inverted. As George Orwell`s novel 1984 states: ¨War is peace, ignorance is strength, and freedom is slavery.¨ Such people believe in ¨split and conquer¨, ¨order through chaos¨, ¨I am the supreme force that desires good, and creates evil, and vice versa¨ etc. But the oldest belief of the Illuminati is: ¨Knowledge is power. ¨


Can good exist without evil? You might find yourself uncertain of what to believe. Torn between your sexual animalistic man, and your higher angelic self. Is this a Matrix? Is there a God and devil? If good/God created evil, then isn`t God evil? No. The devil expanded his own conscience, given to him by God, and created evil. Let`s say you do something evil: Shall you blame God? No. But can one thing exist without the other? In this bipolar universe, can light exist without darkness? Yes! For God/good is eternal, while there is no darkness particle. Darkness doesn`t exist, it is only a biproduct of light that chose darkness on its own volition, and is thus deleted, as darkness doesn`t exist in the source- field mainframe. Get it? Darkness isn`t eternal, it is just a created being, the devil, nor is he a God, for he is not ascending, not eternal. The battle is already won. So yes, there can exist only good both in Heaven and on Earth, as Jesus showed a polarized world of only good is possible, ushering it forth for all of us through his blood covenant! And light will always know darkness for what it is, being it`s evil bi-product. Good can exist without evil, but evil cannot exist without good. The devil is a defeated looser. But would God be good, holy, or judge if there wasn`t evil to judge? God`s goodness is revealed in how he Himself came to live a polarized life of only good and judge HIMSELF, making ascension possible and showing that living/having a world of ONLY good IS possible AND God`s loving intention for YOU. For if not for ascension and dying for us, God would not have been perfectly good without evil. But he is. And evil is just a biproduct. So why does evil exist? It exists to be judged, so God can be Holy, and evil can be Unholy. It exists for you to see the opposites, light, darkness, look within, and decide to follow the Light. Or perhaps you would want a creation without free will??? These are some of the reasons why our reality is the only possible reality, unless we`d all be robots, which would not be plausible. Why? Because just as God is free-willed conscience, so too is his creation, philosophically speaking. Yet from a 3rd dimensional, human, philosophical perspective: God, and the devil two sides of the same coin. A 33rd degree mason told me so. ¨Closer to God, closer to the devil, closer to the devil, closer to God¨ is one of the catchphrases of the Illuminati. Mankind is the innocent creature battled over between a perfect good creator (whom some see as judgemental), and an accusing devil who only wants more to burn with him in Hell.


This is a mathematical matrix. Do we end up in a deleted-folder after death? Is mankind philosophically speaking the only innocent true God? Yes. For we never chose to be born or burn. Who shall judge me?! The devil chose to fall. God chose to create the devil, and God or the Devil made YOU. We chose nothing. We are innocent. Are we the only righteous, intelligent creation? Only from a 3rd dimensional perspective of relatives. BUT! This is the only plausible world anyhow. Therefore you must choose to do the right thing. As we discover the ancient sources: Enki/Lucifer, the Sumerian God modified mankind to his liking. He had granted us intellect, and the ability to reproduce. If you recall the garden of Eden story with the tree of knowledge of good and evil which is further based on pre-Judaic texts. Or as Jesus himself says Satan is the God of this world. But if God is all-powerful, why didn`t he intervenes to eliminate mankind? Why did so many souls have to be lost BC??? Because God hired carpenters: The angels/Elohim. They are the ones Genesis tells created our world. These Gods in plural, the Elohim, built our prison. Can God magically control his house even though his carpenters built it? Only through following the laws of physics. Unless called upon: God cannot intervene. Although upheld by the Source-Field God, this is Satan`s world, where he is trapped, built as a school, a testing ground for experience, and a prison you cannot escape. It is said that Satan co-created this world through the Heavenly Song before he fell. Yet there is another purpose of our world. Since God is the all, he is also YOU, and experiences everything good thing you do. This is a playground for God. His planetarium of ants if you will. Where all of Heaven are silent watchers. A place where God reaches infinite experience, as he continuously divides his infinite conscience into new creations. Hell are simply files that God (the superconscience) cannot recycle, and Hell is separate from God, as God does not exist in Hell. Is this a flaw in creation? It is the only plausible world. Heaven is a silent watcher that never intervenes in human evolution of free will. Ask yourselves this. Why don`t Christian, or other people get revelation about important topics? Topics like: the Source Field, Real History, and that the sweet Christian Queen of England who all pray for is in actuality evil??? Why are all Christians so gullible? It is because God functions only in response to our own conscience. God is the super-conscience and cannot reveal to you something you do not already know. This is scalar-law-physics. In short: God has agendas, and truly want to help us, and teach us. But he can`t unless we reach through tuning into their frequency. This is called ¨the

133 synchronicity effect¨ in relating to the source field. A scientific study of GREAT magnitude which explains how all things happen and are interconnected. Once again, i recommend the teachings of David Wilcock for this magical subject. The Kingdom of Heaven is within. God will never show anything you are not aware of. You are God – living in human form.

Regarding sin. We are free willed, and that is the beauty, and the problem of God`s creation. God has chosen to make a universe of life separated from himself by many dimensions. Life is free will. Not having free will would be making robots, and what purpose is there in the universe then? No purpose at all. Because it would be a universe without life. Technically: Such a universe could never hypothetically exist, because there would be no evil. Not even HEAVEN would exist. This is the reason the devil hates God. Because he is a created being. Thus, this is the only possible, and most perfect universe. God is awaiting the race of the angelic man of the Aquarian age. For we are the creation of the Elohim: The angels redeemed through Christ. We await the kingdom of God. Where all are enlightened brothers of civilization with mass awareness on Hell, and the nature of our reality. We will kick out our rulers and become the dominant species of our realm. Life finally has purpose through ascension through Jesus Christ. Love is eternal, and traverse’s religion, ethnicity, time and borders. Love freely, willed, and without hesitation. You must wear your love on your sleeve. I want to help you not to become like me! Be true! Be light! For verily I tell you, those who sin against their heart live in denial. The road to pain, and all festering desires. The path to the dark side. The devil creeps inside, and feeds from dead orgone of a guilty conscience that didn`t do what it wanted. Is there sin at all? Yes. The law will never be undone. But there is a greater truth. Laws are necessary as a general rule. But in truth it`s all about conscience and relationship to Heaven through Jesus. Ascension of your soul and win against the reptile archons who doesn`t harbor love. Or you can descend and becoming theirs. They feed on all negative emotions. Who can heal the crack in the heart when the devil is inside? It is like ice. The crack will widen, and you lose a part of yourself for all eternity. NEVER sin to your heart. Live true to yourself o child! Don`t be so hard against your own heart, and always speak your mind. That is the way to escape suffering. It`s all about being true and breaking the Lucifer effect.



Thelema is the current religion of Satanism, immorality and lawlessness as para- phrased by it`s founder, and prophet, British occultist Aleister Crowley (1875- 1947) in his book Liber Al Legis: ¨Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.¨ He claimed he was the founder of the modern age, which he called the Age of Horus, and set out to break every moralistic code in an attempt to ¨liberate hu- manity.¨ He was mentally insane, and died as a drug addict at a mental hospital, yet has become THE cult icon of the entire 21st century. Having such a religion as Thelema, especially when based upon the Satanic practice of Crowley, gives you a mental disorder, and makes you a criminal by definition. What is it you want so much that you have to excuse yourself, and hide in lodges IS the question. Apply Thelema to stealing, murder, treason, drugs, rape and pe- dophilia, and the problem is obvious. Thelema is anti-civilization, and anti-law, because it is complete lawlessness, and annihilation of all human virtues of all religions - going back to animalistic homo erectus tribal stone age war-chief logic that never built civilization or any monuments, and must be criminalized immedi- ately, as it has no historical worth or future place in society if we are to facilitate a functional society of civilization, law and order BECAUSE it IS the worst form of extreme (Satanic) ANARCHY, which their ¨Prophet¨ , the self-acclaimed ¨beast 666¨, the IDIOT HIMSELF, Aleister Crowley exemplifies in his rituals of human sacrifice, cannibalism, eating feces, and animal sex... Thelema is the antidote to all historical human civilization, and all historical hu- man accomplishments which humanity worked so hard to build through strict law and order. And Thelema calls themselves enlightened??? Thelema is backed by the global Ordo Templi Orientis, a direct continuation of Aleister Crowley, who was head of the Order. Thelema has even become an ap- proved religion in the United Kingdom. The OTO even has a degree system close to the masonic lodge where one of the degrees is called ¨The Illuminati.¨ How are they Illuminated in any way??? Because they empty themselves of evolution, and go back to primal instinct of pre-stone-age? Back to monkeys??? Ironic... It`s pure idiocy, and the greatest threat western civilization has ever seen.

The fact that mostly all I know live by Thelema is a sign that this western civiliza- tion will collapse, and that mankind is retreating into an ape-like stature. And what do we see happen??? The peaceful western civilization collapses due to corruption in all it`s forms, from top to bottom, all thanks to one IDIOT, Aleister Crowley, who exemplifies the 21`st century`s lawlessness, drug-abuse, immoral culture, sexual immorality, pedophilia, homosexuality, and the rise of Satanism, all which he embodied... The west will last somewhere between 3-7 years

135 longer.., eventually leading to a law of the jungle society where dog eats dog, and the virtues of the past are replaced by the ¨badboy¨. The worst criminal activities like drug cartels, pedophilia, white-washing, and even cheating, and being a whore has already replaced all virtues of the west. The Thelemites I know in Kristiansand think they are something cool, like pirates, but they are not, and there will be nothing mass-arrests of idiots who were stupid enough to destroy their own civilization.

The scenario of the west is all due to Aleister Crowley`s paganism, and loss of the former western-humanistic values of Christianity, and reminds me of the opening scene of the movie ¨Idiocracy.¨

Given the idiotic law of Thelema, and that we live in a 21st century of scientific, religious, and philosophical knowledge, it is time we (re) construct an eternal religious code that is philosophically water-proof, humanistic-moralistic, and built on science and metaphysical concepts.


Chapter 9: Conclusions and The Scientific Religion.

1 The source-field is the creator. The creator is often termed ¨God¨. And the creator is love and light. 2 Love is akin to the word law, and when combined with light/intellect: It creates all human morale. It`s word implies respect, compassion, social kindness and care. 3 Light means holiness, truth, enlightenment, fire, spreading of knowledge, exchange of ideas, peace and order. Therefore: Source, love and light is a metaphysical concept… Who is God? The definition of the monotheistic God is the Creator. The creator must therefore be love and light. For the sun, and sex nourish all life! And: Love, and light, compassion and enlightenment, are the two divine qualities of man that distinguish us from animals, which tests among chimpanzees prove. Combine them, and you get the moral compass. Let`s therefore make it the law: A world religion all religions MUST agree upon! An ethic that unites and traverses all borders and tongues. A law all ethnicities can understand.

Furthermore: Since God/creator is the source field, we come up with a sacred trinitarian law: The law of God: Love and Light. A trinity consisting of Source (God), love (spirit/divine feminine) and light (holiness/divine masculine). These three can be God, the Holy Ghost, and Jesus son/sun of God. Depending on the religion you adhere to, it might be something like Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, or Ra, Horus and Isis. Or Nimrod, Tammuz and Semiramis. These are just examples as the trinity concept that traverses all religion.

It is simply: 1 The creator God/tachyon field/ether/source-field/the force/orgone/vril, 2 the sun/son of life/fire/holiness, and 3 the divine feminine mother or love, which differ as the holy ghost, mother-earth, moon, lady Venus etc depending on religion. Love is the hope of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Love and enlightenment are the best human quality, the divine human qualities, that traverse all languages, ethnicities and borders. Together they create civilization and morale. Our religion of love is the lesson for humanity to graduate and drop their weapons. To reach equilibrium, peace, and global unity. For, the world can only be one through common humanistic ethics. Love and light are the answer.


The popular hippie catchphrases ¨peace love anarchy¨, and ¨peace, love, and understanding¨ are simply children of my philosophy. For how can there be peace without enlightenment? I dare say the ancient Greek philosophers (like Aristotle) realized homogenous ethics through unity in science and religion was the basis for any civilization`s survival. The world has never been one before, as through the internet. The possibility of world peace, and a golden age is within reach for the first time in history. Stop everything you do, meditate upon love, fill yourself with light, and rise as a new man. You are now a child of the future. Start a civilization built upon common human ethics, or see the west perish! Our motto is ¨Light to the people! ¨ Meaning ¨enlightenment.¨ Source, Love and light= all life. For the source field is life, and the source field is orgasmic in nature. Remember the 5 l`s. Light, Love, Lust, Laughter, Life. We are all one through the superconscience matrix of the source-field. From now on, I will describe the Law, not the law of the Jungle, or the ¨law of Thelema.¨ When I finished this law, water started raining INSIDE a day without rain. Just a few droplets, but the water hit my shirt and EXPANDED until half my arm was wet! My mother saw as droplets appeared from nowhere, and it was then I remembered we live in the Age of Aquarius. The water empowered me to continue writing the Law of Source, Love and Light, (I experience supernatural things all the time), and I felt the healing energies seethe through my body. It does however not change the fact that water appeared from nowhere, on the warmest day in the summer, and that we no have water-outlets in the top floor.

The ontological and metaphysical law of Source, Love and Light. Religion started with worship of the etheric forces of planets, and our orbital satellites, the sun and moon, along with worship of the etheric force in nature`s great spirit, the seasons, animals, archetypes, and the perfect humans, often depicted as a God and Goddess. While Judaism, and Christianity incorporate the understanding of etheric forces of Heaven, like the planets, and stars in the Mazzaroth, they do not worship the latter, but have something called the sacred trinity, which is an eternal concept that predates Abrahamic religion, and which coincidentally re-appears in the eternal law of all creation: The Law of Source, Law and Light, which cannot be undone. The law described below is the only hypothetical religious law of our universe that makes sense, is a philosophical, and scientific absolute, and is therefore an ontological argument, or an ¨argument for the existence of God.¨


I believe this law to be both the beginning, evolution, and purpose of life written in the stars, and in all of creation. I will now begin describing the magnitude of the law. The creation of life, and ethical code in this universe can be summarized in one paragraph to meditate upon. God=Love+Light=God. I will explain all in due time. This is the metaphysical equation to the symbiosis of all. This is the unified theory of principles in science, philosophy, religion, ethics and morale. The re-dediscovery of the scientific, most ancient religion. We will discover three eternals, and I meant eternals.

Source is God the male creator and his positive sexual energy, Light is Jesus the Sun, light of truth, knowledge, hope, and the light on our path. Love is the divine feminine. (And the Sacred Trinity has been throughout all comparative religions, and history long before Christianity) The latter is life, the shekinah. And the Holy Spirit is the spirit of Source, Light and Love.

The circle of life starts with 1. Sunlight, and continues with 2. Reproduction. Love and light. I tend to say: Light gives us form (for instance photosynthesis), and Love keeps us in form (the sexual act). Light makes life possible, while love keeps the circle of life going.

What is the light but God`s physical representation in creation: The Divine Sun: The Creator from/in the Heavenlies. Light is God`s Holy purity visible as the sun/son, sometimes incarnate on the Earth. Which created us/life – gave life to the womb. The Son/Sun of God. Who owns it? Nobody! It`s GOD`s sun/son! In sacredness of the trinity comes therefore: God first, then comes Light, and then comes Love. The sun gives life, but it also kills. It dispels all darkness and is holy.

Lesson 1: If the creator is God, and a creator makes life, then God must be light and love.

There would not be much fun to life if it was not for love, and love/reproduction is undoubtedly the main purpose of all lifeforms created by God/the source-field, and thus the mainscript of the source/the matrix/God. The founders of psychology, Dr. Freud, and Dr. Reich directed most of their work to show how lack, or progress of sexual stimuli since birth was directly related to mental health, and proposed a sexual revolution, yet not in an unholy manner, as sex is sacred, which you will discover soon.


Dr Reich hypothesized and proved as a valid scientific theory that the Source- Field facilitates sex/love as exemplified in all creation. Reich compared the sexual act to four stages that can be applied to any form of work, and philosophically proved sex to the symbolic mainframe idea, or original idea of which all forms of physics derive, also proving sex to be the main particle of life, the bion of Orgone. The idea is that when God first thought of creation, love/sex was the first idea that came to his mind, the centerpiece of all movement of which all construction is based upon, if you get the idea…

Love/Sex is both creations, and the force behind it, innate in every particle. All human psyche derives from this mainframe including regular joy, song, dance, and even hatred is a child of love. A child of the mainframe. For one could not exist without the other. Love came first for God so loved the world.

Lesson 2: Love/Sex is the ultimate expression of life, God and creation, and the ultimate joy of which all other psyches of all organisms are derivatives of. Love/Sex is the mainframe source-field vibration exemplified in the libido of man facilitated towards work, higher conscience and ascension which is the virtue of the law.

Love/Sex is the egg to our cake so to speak, and all human culture, and drama revolves around the property, or lack of it in some way like for instance hatred, wars, our ego, joy, contemporary culture etc, are directly related to mankind`s sexual nature. Especially the ego. I tend to say that the greater a person`s sexual-energy, the greater the overall energy, and the greater the ego and search for power, which is apparent in men who are more sexual than women, and have higher degrees, and positions for power. So being horny is good if you can channel it to work, light and love.

Alternative physics (non-Einsteinian) built on the Dr. Nicola Tesla, and Dr. Wilhelm Reich, and David Wilcock`s Wisdom Teachings on Gaia.com prove that the Source-Field is God`s emnation of thought – including all the universe, all time space, and all forces of physics: Everything atom, and all you have ever seen is part of ONE field, the SOURCE-FIELD, and it`s main script is love/reproduction as we discovered. This has been called the tachyon field, ether by the Greeks, Vril by the Nazi Germans, Prahna by the Hindus, Chi by the Chinese, and Mana by the Polynesians. It is lost knowledge becoming known again.

We conclude that Source, Love, and Light is the most constructive universal concept, and the purest. Source (God), Love, and Light is the sacred trinity creator (circle of life) nothing would exist without. They love each other, creating all life: Symbiosis. Learn to live by it.


God created evolution to produce mankind returning to become God again!

Lesson nr 3: Source, Love and Light is beginning and circle of life, and thus eternal, as God is eternal. Which makes life eternal. These are the three divines. The three eternals.

Dr. Reich called this universal force for Orgone after Organism and Orgasm in the 1930`s, as the universe is sexual in nature, but transmutes to higher consciences as Dr Sigmund Freud proposed. He proved without a sliver of doubt that evolution started with BIONS, and the Source Field. Reich distinguished between Positive Orgone (POR), and Dead Orgone (DOR) of which the latter is toxic. MY studies have proven Reich right, that all energy is either positive male sexual energy (POR), or female dead sexual energy (DOR). Love is all. Even hate is a child of love, and DOR can be created from for instance broken relationships, dead ambitions, and broken timelines.

Lesson nr 4: This multiverse is God`s FIELD or THOUGHT. The keepers of the Law should study the science of ETHER. Don`t believe what they teach you at school!

Love and Light can metaphorically represent much more. Scientists argue that the prime emotion of (God) the source-field is love/sex/life/reproduction. Love (and light) is therefore the law. Love symbolize our compassion/morale/heart, and light symbolize our intellect/will/brain. These are the two divine attributes of man that scientifically distinguish us from animals.

We are made anatomically perfect. Billions of religious visions throughout all human history testify humanity is made in the image of the Infinite Creator, and we can thus hypothesize: Mankind`s Love/compassion + Light/intellect = God as we touched upon earlier. Think about it.

Lesson nr 5: The Law of Love, and Light distinguish us from animals, and prove us Gods in the Creator`s image.

Love and Enlightenment is what every person deeply seeks to be whole and ascend into Godhood. Just like ancient Christian, and Gnostic teaching of ascension taught us. We ascend via emotional liberation through deep love, through mental liberation through attaining perfect enlightenment, and then we die – a spiritual liberation ascending to Godhood higher up the tree of life (Heaven). This is the purpose of life.


Also. Listen to this: Combine compassion/love and intellect/light, and you get morale! The divine script of civilization!

Lesson nr 6: The law is the purpose of life, and foundation of all true religion, and morale through love and enlightenment/light being the facilitators of ascension.

Spiritual liberation through knowledge and love - returning to God`s Light, is just like a tree stretches for the sun and dies, producing new life every season. Our goal is to climb the tree of life, raise our conscience and chakras, overcome death, and the trials of this testing-ground Earth as to return to source, and become Gods/ascend. Understand? So, mankind=God because of brain and heart. Just like Jesus told us: Ye are Gods.

Here is something for you. God is Holy Light of Justice and Truth, and goodness of Love. God= Love and Light… Source, love and light=Man, the end-product of evolution. 1+1+1=3= Man, and Man = Love and Light = God. Returning to the Source through emotional (love) and mental (light) liberation from the physical realm.

True science say we live inside a Source-Field matrix. Mankind is the end- product of bion biogenesis evolution, and just like reproduction is the endproduct of all life, mankind must be the purpose of the Source-Field creation. True science say we live as holograms inside God`s thought. We are God in creation, and thus assume the God in Heaven is a man.

Yet what is the meaning of this matrix, this life, and all that source/sort? What is it`s end-product aside from the obvious ascension? What is life`s purpose aside from the obvious reproduction? What is God`s goal with creation? Mankind. God wants children, because God is a man. And he`s made an infinite playground playing YOU! I say that Source, Love, and Light synthesize into a universe of harmony, wisdom and balance with a strong emphasis on love, play, and joy. But also, sex and survival of the fittest. This is a scientific fact based upon observation of nature, and must mean something, and tell us something about the Creator.

This is often forgotten in Christianity which taught the opposite, that the weak are the strong, that the meek will inherit the Earth, that those who put themselves low will be put high, and has resulted in a limp, stagnate, non-patriotic, gullible, and pacifist Church easily controlled by the meanies.

This is not the mind of the creator, what we see in nature, or what the Bible and Christ really taught.


Both Biblical Israeli history, and Jesus life, and teachings tells us to be strong, bold, and seek perfection. Or was that not what Master Jesus sought, and are we not disciples to create Kingdom of God?

Hebrews 10:35 ¨So do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. ¨ Matthew`s (25:14-30) parable of the talents, and Matthew 7:19 tells us to literally work hard or burn in Hell!

Christ is clear in Matthew 25, that not all are of equal worth, a lie fabricated to control us. Christ`s teaching has been thwarted to promote submission and weakness, but was in reality that, god loves weak and strong, that we are to strengthen the weak (like God) , and that we are all of infinite value, but of different worth and choosing, as there are different ranks both among angels, men, and on Earth, which should be obvious, yet you have been taught differently. We are clearly of different value and stating the opposite would be heretical to both Source/God, the Bible, and human history, but particularly to the laws of nature, observation of all natural selection, the historical, and evolutionary progress of mankind and civilization, and must be reeded out. Or ask yourself this. How will God`s Kingdom come? You cannot end polarity and build a perfect civilization of eternal riches and peace with imperfect humans. Humanity today is only good for one thing: Extinction. A purge by fire, which Jesus himself states he longs to make happen. We need extinction like a Noahic flood IF there is hope for the promised world utopia. If not, there will be endless war, conspiracy, and slavery by a humanity divided by classes, just like the NWO construct today.

Classes are made by different degrees of beauty, talents, social intelligence, and our IQ. The goal is to eliminate the animalistic class of humans so the spiritual God-man survives, or else the former will destroy the latter in their ignorance, and the world be chaos, war, starvation, disease, and poverty towards no ends.

Lesson 7: Nature, the Bible, and the law teaches us that light/science, survival of the fittest, selective breeding, hard work, and non-compromise to ignorance and non-facts is essential for completing a high-civilization of equal-minded, or Heavenly Kingdom. You must work hard, be confident, passionate, aim high, and be a perfectionist like a disciple of Jesus. Yet be not proud, but humble and wise like Jesus. Never stop before you have gained all knowledge, and use that knowledge for the good of others, and you will ascend as true Sons of the Light.


To think that the metaphysical law that creates morale, civilization, and true religion happens to be the law that creates the circle of life.

What a law. This is the law of the NWO that Bush senior envisioned in his 1991 speech. It is not the law of the jungle (do what thy wilt in Thelema). I like to call it the law of civilization and order because love/compassion+light/holiness/justice/intellect=morale, and facilitates mankind`s orderly, balanced, and perfect nature in the image of The Creator just as He intended.

Lesson nr 8: This is the New-World Order law prophesied to come.

The LAW is a principle that structures society into high-civilization, and eliminates polarities, uniting all mankind, religions, tongues and ethnicities. Let no human raise his fist against a fellow human! For the law teaches: All is one.

I believe God IS this law, and that the multiverse creation we call the universe expressed through the flower of life, and the platonic solids is the construct in which this law appears. God encoded us with this law, visible in the stars like the sun, visible in ourselves, in nature, in the microcosmos, and the macrocosmos. It is in all: A spiritual world. And God made sure we would never forget his law. Or would we???

As a metaphor: Man (light) + Woman (love) = Creator. They become the creator in the moment of reproduction/in the sexual act. God is a hermaphrodite as His name tells us: Y-hawah translates to God-Goddess/Eve. The great secret of the Gnostics is that man, and women are polarized parts of the whole that need to come together to facilitate ascension… Even the Hindus teach that orgasm=Unity with God whereupon they shout ¨I am Shiva! ¨ Mystics believe the bliss during orgasm is the sensation of being united with God and is thus a mystical union with God. Heaven will be like the joy of a never-ending orgasm in your whole body as you are united with God your father, who is a Man.

Lesson 9: Sex is Holy in how man, and woman unite into hermaphroditic God, becoming divine creators in the sex act, with the resulting orgasm symbolizing the sensation of God, Heaven, and ultimate creativity.

Another metaphorical concept comes to view in how the ancients genderized all things like mounds (breasts), valleys (vaginas) , and obelisks (phallus) , represented through their temple constructs. In this genderization: Water symbolizes the female womb, while fire (magma) symbolize the male semen and vitality. Thus, you might say that light, and is fire, and water is love, which is the

144 sex-act of our planet. Volcanoes spewing out lava that is broken down to dirt through rain and produces fertile ground for all that we see.

Lesson nr 10: The metaphysical concepts of the expanded understanding of the concept’s love/female, and light/male, answer to: All matter in existence both inorganic and organic, while Source-Field put it all in motion in the first place.

What I want you to remember is that we are all part of a source-field that constitutes all the forces of physics. This source-field = positive male sexual- energy as hypothesized by me, Dr. Wilhelm Reich, and all occult tradition through history everywhere. All life energy= sexual energy. Mankind has the ability to transmutate this energy through turning animal sexual instincts into love and work, and training light/intellect to attain enlightenment, these two leading to mystical union with God.

The dark side of the force is simply dead Source-Field/dead orgone DOR. It is deleted parts of the Matrix/Source-Field/Creator that cannot be recycled. Hell is like a computer`s garbage bin of the Matrix. It constitutes deleted timelines, and files in the netherworld, the Daath of the Sephiroth, ergo the Daath side of the force. This deleted energy becomes vampiric.

Lesson nr 11: All energy= positive, or negative sexual organic energy. So now you have discovered the future, eternal principle that unites religion, science and philosophy. The metaphysical equation, and law of the universe: Source/God=Love+Light=Man/God, and vice versa. Light also means holiness, something bright, and light has historically always symbolized God. So. Lesson nr 12: Seeking love, and enlightenment without God doesn`t add up to the equation, because an enlightened person will inevitably find God. Love and truth are only half the metaphor of love and light. Agape (sacred love) and Holiness is just as important.

The circle of life started with source-field bion biogenesis, sunlight, and produced mankind: The ultimate end of evolutionary process. But for mankind to become Gods, and reach ascension, mankind must return to the Light and Source through transmutating the lower red sexual chakra - utilizing his libido to reach the holy crown chakra – just like an animalistic man crucifies himself, and learns to live like Jesus the light, Biblical law, study and holiness. Dying from the flesh, and training for the eternal life of spirit. Or just like how a tree stretches towards the light, and spreads flowers of love/reproduction through its symbolical death each year.


So, in Christ we die, and are born again, not by flesh, but by Holiness/Light and Spirit/Love. Being born again is becoming one with the God/Source through Jesus Christ, the Light of truth, knowledge, hope, and the Light on our path like the sun guardian.

Greeting someone with Love and Light is in a Christian sense the same as greeting someone with the Holy Spirit! Lesson 13: The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God, and thus the spirit of Source, Love and Light! Because Holy=Light, and Spirit=Love. God=love/spirit+light/holiness=man=spirit+holiness=God – becoming God/ascension through Christ. God=Love+Light=GOD! Returning to source! I will emphasize a bit: Love is akin to the word law. Quite a coincidence, as love/sex is the purpose, and endproduct of all physical laws, all human motion in the universe. Lesson 14: Love is the law, and means morale, honesty, respect, social kindness and care. In symbolism it can also mean water, the divine feminine, Venus, and the Moon. Lesson 15: Light means joy, truth, honesty, enlightenment, holiness, spreading of knowledge, science, exchange of ideas, and ¨peace and order¨. In symbolism it can also mean fire, the divine masculine, the Sun, Jupiter and Mars. Lesson 16: Honesty is a child of both light and love, and the most important of all. Don`t forget to be honest, because honesty to your will, doing what you want, and being honest to others and always true, is the path to freedom and abounding joy. Wear your emotions on your sleeve, say things as it is straight out, never let your heart be wounded, yet be loving, and never wound others. To be honest, you have to be strong. And to become strong, you need loving affirmation and light of joy. Understand that you must receive it, and always give it to others. Then you can be honest. Sinning is sinning to your conscience. Gabriel told me that, and Gabriel, the messenger of the Gods, revealed this law to me. The implications of synthesizing these archetypes to any field of thought, religion, situation is great fun. Lesson 17: The Law`s majesty, and simplicity proves intelligent design in itself. So, you see I discovered, or re-discovered something similar to the Fibonacci sequence that nobody had written about anywhere on the web! And I checked. Lesson 18: Love is the law all religions must agree upon and is the divine quality innate in every human that traverses all borders and ethnicities, and is as such the hope for peace in past, present and future, as the law is eternal.


Light makes flowers of love spread new seeds for a new sun next year. Just as the God`s creation is eternal, and his mercy new every morning and year. I will end by saying EVERYTHING is cyclical in a mathematical fractal equation, but that these three will last forever, even until the world is made new again, and again and again. For God, and his law is eternal: Source, love and light.

Some thoughts on the Holy Spirit:

God is spirit. Ruach kadosh. The source field. God is one in Heaven, but he is also the all of creation, his mind/emnation, separating himself from sin which is deleted. This is the most perfect, and only philosophically valid 3rd dimensional world of free will because of yin-yang.

Because God is a singular creator, good, just and holy, he could not make this multiverse without a counterpart that chose to fall by volition, thus resulting in the expansion of conscience and the universe, the Heavenlies expanding into the lower realms/dimensions, which is why Jesus calls Satan the God of this world. A world ruled by death.

But there was no death in the beginning, before this lower terrestrial realm. That is why Jesus says ¨be not of this world.¨ Because God is polarized from a third- dimensional perspective, into yin-yang. God, AND the Devil is equally part creators of this lower universe, but there is no death in the higher universes. That is the problem of evil solved for you. This is the only philosophically plausible, only spiritually plausible, and only physically plausible world even if you twist your mind to infinity, and believe me, I`ve tried.

The American Indians and the Polynesians among countless others saw God as the Great Spirit. The All. The Ether. That is what God is to us, trapped in his creation. You.

God is the Holy Spirit, which is separated into two, and through Jesus now exists here, that is both 1 beyond this world and 2 inside it.

1 Holiness (Light) is God/Source which is not of this world. 2 Spirit (Love) is the divine feminine. Creation. Akasha. Shekinah. Sophia. Mother Earth. Life.


Together we have the 1 Holy 2 Spirit of 1 Light and 2 Love. The Holy Spirit is biblically symbolized by 7 fires burning before God`s throne. These are the seven archangels, planets, or co-creators if you will, that sing the Heavenly song, or vibrations of the ether. God is the ALL. The Spirit is not a Christian invention. The Greeks for instance, believed in the ¨Ether¨. This is the eternal religion, Christianity, and the divine three: God the Father, The Saviour messiah who paves the road to Heaven, and sends the Holy Ghost. Yet whatever way you put it, these three are invariably one, and the same.

For your protection:

- Jesus, and God must never be separated. There are many deities claiming to be Jesus, and more is in the coming. Jesus makes this absolutely clear in the Bible, that He, and the Father is One. Jesus is Jehovah.

- Holiness (Light) and Spirit (Love) must NEVER be separated. There are SO many Christians I know who carry a HUGE presence of Spirit/Love/Shekinah. Not to mention Jews, and Muslims as well. Spirit is for everyone. A Christian can be FILLED with Spirit. But that doesn`t mean it is the HOLY spirit. This is VERY important. Symptoms of the HOLINESS of Spirit is a higher-dimensional, uplifting holy vibration that is of the nature of the Father`s male sexual potency, and exemplifies in childlikeness, laughter, dance, smiling, joy, fearlessness, unconditional love and natural innocence.


We are all one through the superconscience matrix of the source-field!

The Lessons of the Law:

Lesson 1: If the creator is God, and a creator makes life, then God must be light and love.

Lesson 2: Love/Sex is the ultimate expression of life, God and creation, and the ultimate joy of which all other psyches of all organisms are derivatives of. Love/Sex is the mainframe source-field vibration exemplified in the libido of man facilitated towards work, higher conscience and ascension which is the virtue of the law.

Lesson nr 3: Source, Love and Light is beginning and circle of life, and thus eternal, as God is eternal. Which makes life eternal. These are the three divines. The three eternals.


Lesson nr 4: This multiverse is God`s FIELD or THOUGHT. The keepers of the Law should study the science of ETHER. Don`t believe what they teach you at school!

Lesson nr 5: The Law of Love, and Light distinguish us from animals, and prove us Gods in the Creator`s image.

Lesson nr 6: The law is the purpose of life, and foundation of all true religion, and morale through love and enlightenment/light being the facilitators of ascension.

Lesson 7: Nature, the Bible, and the law teaches us that light/science, survival of the fittest, selective breeding, hard work, and non-compromise to ignorance and non-facts is essential for completing a high-civilization of equal-minded, or Heavenly Kingdom. You must work hard, be confident, passionate, aim high, and be a perfectionist like a disciple of Jesus. Yet be not proud, but humble and wise like Jesus.

Lesson nr 8: This is the New-World Order law prophesied to come.

Lesson 9: Sex is Holy in how man, and woman unite into hermaphroditic God, becoming divine creators in the sex act, with the resulting orgasm symbolizing the sensation of God, Heaven, and ultimate creativity.

Lesson nr 10: The metaphysical concepts of the expanded understanding of the concepts; love/female, and light/male, answer to: All matter in existence both inorganic and organic, while Source-Field put it all in motion in the first place.

Lesson nr 11: All energy= positive, or negative sexual organic energy.

Lesson nr 12: Seeking love, and enlightenment without God doesn`t add up to the equation, because an enlightened person will inevitably find God.

Lesson 13: The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God, and thus the spirit of Source, Love and Light! Because Holy=Light, and Spirit=Love. God=love/spirit+light/holiness=man=spirit+holiness=God – becoming God/ascension through Christ. God=Love+Light=GOD! Returning to source!


Lesson 14: Love is the law, and means morale, honesty, respect, social kindness and care. In symbolism it can also mean water, the divine feminine, Venus, and the Moon.

Lesson 15: Light means joy, truth, honesty, enlightenment, holiness, spreading of knowledge, science, exchange of ideas, and ¨peace and order¨. In symbolism it can also mean fire, the divine masculine, the Sun, Jupiter and Mars.

Lesson 16: Honesty is a child of both light and love, and the most important of all. Don`t forget to be honest, because honesty to your will, doing what you want, and being honest to others and always true, is the path to freedom and abounding joy. Wear your emotions on your sleeve, say things as it is straight out, never let your heart be wounded, yet be loving, and never wound others. To be honest, you have to be strong. And to become strong, you need loving affirmation and light of joy. Understand that you must receive it, and always give it to others. Then you can be honest. Lesson 17: The Law`s majesty, and simplicity proves intelligent design in itself. Lesson 18: Love is the law all religions must agree upon and is the divine quality innate in every human that traverses all borders and ethnicities, and is as such the hope for peace in past, present and future, as the law is eternal.

Follow the law!

Love yourselves Love the people. You got to be whole first! I have taught you the Eternal Law. Build on it, and it will go you well. Love the law, and love Source – everything around you - with all of your heart and love your brother as yourself.

Rejoice! Be one with Source! Always abound with joy in the force, for He is everywhere in nature, inside you, and all around you. He never leaves, and ONLY wants what is good for you. Let the Source fill you with Light and Love every morning. With holy joy and compassion of heart!!! That`s what I do. Carry the fruits of the spirit wherever you go and rejoice with dancing and song! Love all you meet, and never judge, for Jesus loves them too. If your father loves all, how can you judge this person, but love another?


Do you not know the angels in Heaven? God let`s his light shine on all. How can you love children, adults, and your wife more than others when we are all brothers and sisters’ part of the same super-being? Did not Jesus tell you to love your neighbor as yourselves?

Love the poor, the rich, the weak, the sick and old! The strength of a man is measured by the length of his arm to help the weak! Remember that. Train yourselves to always be loving to yourself, and your surroundings by following the Law, and filling yourselves with the three divines, source, Love and Light. Loving yourselves comes first, or as Jesus says, love your neighbor as yourself! You cannot follow the law without experiencing loving transformation. Seek love with brothers, and sisters to become whole! Healing comes through intimacy and friendship. Then you can love each other as I have loved you! When I was sick, poor, and needy, you did not see me, and I had no friends but my Father. Every day, and night was pure suffering, but instead I spent all those years seeking the lost, helping others like myself, and meeting as much people as possible on restaurants, hotels and BARS where I was always friendly, always shining in the Holy Spirit, joyous, and never talked about my problems. I smiled to my assailants in the midst of calamities for 7 years, for I have the Force/Source, and a MIGHTY ally it is. In fact, none could exist without it, so you better train yourself to adapt to it and utilize it.

Ask yourselves this: If you do not help others, how can you expect help yourselves? The strength of an arm is the length to which it can help others. In this you know you are God`s children, as his rain and sun shines equally for all, as his loving forgiveness is everlasting.

He loves you. He loves the sinner, yet hates the sin, like Jesus taught us. He loves you no matter what you do, and how deep you fall. Understand: Because he made you. That is the secret of Judaism, and the Shekinah indwelling.

St John the apostle lived to a noble age, and when delivering his last sermon, he said only two words: Love each-other.

You have now learnt the Eternal Law. Drop everything you have. Become whole like children by finding yourself in others, heal your heart, and learn to be loving disciples, and teachers of the law! Love is the law. The universal conduit between all times, ethnicities, borders and universes... That is eternal.


Love Source, love Light, and Love the others/spirit.

Reloveution is for all. The time has come for YOU to step up and secure your children`s future! I highly recommend you band together in brotherhood and build cells of survivalism with a knowledge-basis of source, love and light! Light of knowledge, and pride in your western-humanistic, civilized heritage. Knowledge that binds together the world of your future, forming friendships. In the future we will look back at how we only accomplished our goals through source, love and light. Together these three make the Eternal Law. The law of God: Source, Love, and light is my passion. So, should it be for you. We all breathe the same air – part of the same superconscience source-field. The Ether. So, you see I discovered something similar to the Fibonacci sequence. Love is the law, a language all religions can agree upon, and all ethnicities can understand. It traverses all borders and is the hope of the beating heart: Common in every one of us. Everlasting. Love is the hope of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Take the mantle of truth and run as lady ! It would honour me greatly! My sacrifice is not in vain my child. Take the journey through these webpages’ knowledge, wisdom, find the secrets, and rise to defend your future!

Yet Revolution is for the west. (Why particularly blondes are chosen by the law of Source, Love and Light.) My books discover a scientific-religious philosophy of Light. The light of your golden hair, and your blue eyes is sacred to the Sun, the blue sky of deep soul and wisdom, and the Morningstar`s holy purity. Your white velvet skin is sacred to Heaven, Heavenly clouds, and your overwhelming beauty is the lion goddess incarnate. A lion is blonde if you had not noticed, and the lions are the top of the animal kingdom. Platinum-blondes from central Sweden are the last of these people who in ancient times were described as ¨those who from Heaven came. ¨Blondes are the ancient ¨lion people¨. The lion tribe of lion blondes that were the symbol of the all Sun-Cult civilizations (the Illuminati), along with the red and golden colours, (see Knights Templar, the Roman Empire, etc) who`s blonde Caesars ruled every ancient civilization, from blonde Aphrodite, to blonde Alexander the Great to blonde Julius Caesar, until


Satan, the Black Brotherhood infiltrated the Illuminati. Darkness always hides in the light, and takes something pure, like the Illuminati (the original Aryan sun- cult), or Lucifer (Venus, Jesus, and the Angel of Light), and destroys it by plagiarizing it in it`s stead, claiming he (Satan) is the light, when Jesus really is. This Satan`s favourite way of ridding of his enemies. The historical Illuminati did just that…, but the Illuminati is far older than Weishaupt`s evil, Jewish financial scheme of a tyrannical New World Order, where the aim is to kill the blonde people before they realize they are the chosen people of the Eternal Religion of the Sun, science, beauty, history and achievements. I was trying to determine what people are chosen by our God. If YOU were an alien: You would choose an intelligent, beautiful, tall, naturally beardless, broad- shouldered, blonde, non-hairy hermaphrodite male with a tiny pointy nose, and a face perfect after the golden ratio, of course. An intelligent, civilized, orderly beauty of noble moralistic standards, peaceful nature, a strong independence, and albeit naïve, but because of a heart of love. These are the traits of the purest of the race of Platinum-Blonde race, the people of central Sweden, this pointing to definite traits of our Sky-People ancestors, blondes who came from Atlantis, and civilized the world after the great flood. Nordics happen to have all those qualities unlike any other people-group, and also happen to have exceptionally large penises with Iceland coming in one centimetre shorter than the nr. 1 nation. They are also the second tallest people, only a few centimetres shorter than Nilotes. Nordics also have the greatest varieties of facial features (personality) , the greatest varieties of hair features (white, platinum-blonde, blonde, brown, red, red-blonde, black, curly and even afro-tendencies aren`t uncommon in Scandinavia) , and the greatest varieties of eye-colours (blue, green, golden and brown.) Mostly all other races all look the same as their own race, but the Nordics are a mix of many ancient, extinct races and tribes. Did you know there were tribes of blondes only and redheads only? All know who the 10 lost Israeli tribes are, but nobody knows who the hundreds of Norwegian tribes were??? The age of the Sun has dawned upon the second Atlantis. But where are it`s people? Where are the chosen Nordic people, chosen by the law of love and light, science, athletics (Norwegians and Swedes), beauty, and history? They are in chains, bound by corrupt politicians. Where is the lion-blonde sun-children of the stars deep blue souls??? Where are the elves, Elohim and angels??? Christianity, originally a sun-cult, native pagan beliefs and tribal identity (which are extinct), and our race, which represent vital aspects the human gene-pool, and native European culture, is under threat, yet

154 all seem to ignore it, due to their abovementioned peaceful nature…, and their lack of knowledge. Blondes were in fact deified throughout all European history from the ancient Greeks until Nazi-Germany (see Aphrodite, and look up Wikipedia), who saw Jewish-financial tyranny as an enemy, banned the Jews and Freemasons, and sought to create the second Atlantis for better or for worse… Let`s beautify Europe`s heritage as her son and preservator. You Europeans are called to a chivalric mission of the most noble nature. The naive, kind, polite, peaceful, and beautiful Nordic, blonde people have lost both their pagan, and Christian culture! Return to monastic societies, and Viking chieftainships, and remember your identity as an Illuminati lion tribe with dignity! Don`t you dare succumb to be an Americanised, post-modern slave! That`s why immigrants hate us! The more Norwegian, and nationalistic you are, the more you will love yourselves, and the more they will love you! That IS my experience... Being cowards won`t suffice to anything. Don`t sing your national hymns only on Independence Day! And start wearing hats like in the 50ies! Oh, children of the Sun, i call you. For we are creating a new world, and YOU are called as the head-corner-stone! Why? I thought you knew. There is a HUGE why! Because.

The need is for the populace of a pioneering nation like Norway to push for a reformation in all scholarly fields, including the branches of physics, history, medicine, pharma, psychology, and spirit science, waking the world up to the financial New World Order conspiracy through utilizing obvious conspiracy like the cancer-industry to reach unity in opinions of politics and religion. That is the task given to Norway, or any pioneering, industrialized nation. The world needs revolution, and it can come through 1 Sexual Revolution, 2 Nationalist Revolution, 3 Religious Revolution, 4 Technological Revolution, 5 Political Revolution - dissatisfaction with lying politicians which ties with all of the above.



Primarily www.wikipedia.org – and google for almost all topics. and http://www.orgonelab.org/ but also: https://orgonomicscience.org/ http://wilhelmreichbiologist.org/ www.darkmatterwaves.com www.orgonics.com/whatisor.htm http://www.i-sis.org.uk/DNA_sequence_reconstituted_from_Water_Memory.php www.gaia.com – Wisdom Teachings by David Wilcock. And the book ¨Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock. ¨ http://www.villesresearch.com/cavitystructures.html http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/08/200-proofs-earth-is-not-spinning- ball.html - which I also have in book format. https://www.theresearchlodge.com/further-light/2017/10/27/the-flower-of-life- where-masonry-and-spirituality-meet-by-wor-bro-keith-deighton http://thespiritscience.net/2016/06/30/did-this-scientist-just-prove-god- exists/#more-51451 www.YouTube.com , and www.google.com for proof of Christian miracle healing. https://www.wyattmuseum.com/ronwyatt.htm , and several of his books that I own.

Comments by author:

As this was originally an online PDF file of my personal studies, I have not taken the time to elaborate and re-discover sources for all my material. I have long scraped the bottom of the conspiracy deep of the web, and my scientific, ETHICAL, philosophical and religious interests bloomed in me from an early age. Thomas Edison they called out to me, loudly, in class when I reached 10, and I was popular with the girls too!!! When I was 11, I already headed into the realm of politics, a writing career (due to my fluent English which I learnt in only 6 months as a missionary at Hawaii) , and sent a letter to George Bush, planning to literally take over the world.


By the time I was 12, my head cracked down on itself, I lost my girl, my will, was SO afraid, could not take it, cursed the world, made firearms, hand grenades, etc and never thought for music or any career ever again, bitter as I was against life, my enemy, as I isolated myself in fear. I went to every Church, but could not find my home, and was persecuted by Christians. The walls I`d built fell over me when I was 22, and I was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, albeit with a high IQ, because of the bullying and slander, a post-traumatic breakdown from arrested emotional development (AED). I was sick for many years, but when I finally broke free, I decided: Why not use my knowledge (that I had mostly memorized from meeting very many interesting persons) , so I wrote a total of 10 books in about 2 years, some under a pen- name. Take it or leave it. I have given you all the clues for you to research material of these theories which are widely known and debated online, such as the Source- Field, alternative Genesis (a set of creator Elohim, research Miceal Ledwith), and all the religious theories, etc, which floods the internet. Take my word for it: When I check, I always, always triple check, I`m a hardcore guy, I don`t buy stuff, and am not easily tricked, bitter as I became, but after writing the GRRRRR series, I feel better…

My search for God`s name exemplifies my zeal for truth, contrary to all other authors out there who sell books claiming ¨God`s name is Ahayah Yahuah¨, etc…!!! (Research Nehemia Gordon, etc) I hope for humanity`s sake that someone wake up and start writing about the topics I have discussed, in this disillusioned time. Going through all my resource material would take ages, and I plan on making music and living away from the pc-screen for a while, and as I said, it is my intention for you to research these topics yourself. But if I could personally choose only 6 books, in addition to the Bible, to have for the rest of my life, I think you know the answer. The truth has been told! Spread it! Thank you sincerely.

Thomas Eidsaa copyright 2019.