
IFettlier Diitributlon 7 *4B. Umtmnton St. Ckmdy ttftf nd teoi^a with pert** Tod#y •t nbu jrBfb to tt» «r*. I*w EEDBANK tMttfrt in Us* Mr*. TMMrmr dwrfy with a MgJ> H t» 71, TtU I (19,375 **y i«w» cfewBaow with iitck ctaM* fat temperaterc. Itt waiter, JL Dial SH I-0010 RED BANK, N. X, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1962 VOL. 84, NO. 245 •at «l AMltlmU Ittllloi OUlow. 7cPER COPY PAGE ONE Eatontown Project Interchange Parley New School Scheduled Today Kennedy to Answer SHREWSBURY — The New Jersey Highway Authority Is holding ill special meeting here today to discuss the pro- posed Garden State Parkway interchange for the Middletown- Holmdel area. Is Approved Milton Levy, the authority's public information officer, said Sen. Richard R. Stout, the county's three-member As- EATONTOWN - Voters, by a at the polls by a vole of 804-202. Khr nshch evAppeal sembly delegation, county freeholders, other county officials, J-l majority, yesterday approved Yesterday the favorable vote the mayors of Middletown and Holmdel and Planning Board building an 18-classroom, $797,000 was 304 to 104. • chairmen of those townships have been Invited to the parley. WASHINGTON (AP) - The strength in all non)€ommunist "American warmongers," pro- Phouml, like Souphanouvong ichool at Wyckoff Rd. and Broad Dr. William Ramsay, the super- White House planned to make Southeast Asian countries. Communist Prince Souphanou- slated to become a deputy pre- Although it will be a closed session, starting at 3 p.m. public today President Kenne- 'St.- • intendent of schools, has ex As for the withdrawal of U.S. vong will take temporary com- mier, will lead a cabinet dele- in the Terrace Room of Shadowbrook, Mr. Levy said that a dy's response to Soviet Pre- The new scbooji will cost $378,- plained that the new school will military advisers from Laos, mand of Laos' new coalition gation to Switzerland June 24 or press conference will follow. mier Khrushchev's call for 000 Jen than the building pro- meet the needs of the population Harriman said this would be government late this month. 25 to ratify the 14-nation Ge- The meeting of all interested parties is being called, Mr. solving other cold war issues posed In late 1960 tor a portion of the section of the* borough in done simultaneously with the neva agreement on Laos pledg- Levy said, in order to "sit down to work out complete co- through the same "co-opera- Neutralist Prince Souvanna of the tame site, and defeated which it stands for the next de pullout of non-Laotian Com- ing the little Southeast Asian ordlnation of problems, and come up with concrete answers,^' tion" that has brought a meas- Phouma, premier designate of cade. munist forces from Laos. U.S. nation to neutrality in the cold ure of harmony to Laos. the new government, said yes- war, More Planning strategists say a most im- terday he and right-wing lead- High School During that period, however, It Hughes Signs Measure White House Press Secre- portant step in the Laos settle- er Gen. Phouml Nosavan will Souvanna said he is going to has been made clear, the borough tary Pierre Salinger said last ment is the proposed withdraw- be in Europe at the same time. to attend the wedding will probably have to plan for night that Kennedy was reply- al of outside forces, estimated During their absence, he said, of his daughter. He did not further school construction. For Ocean ing quickly to a message from to include up to 10,000 North "the whole burden of state af- indicate when either he or "It seems best to plan future Khrushchev hailing the new Vietnamese Reds. fairs will fall on Souphanou- Phoumi expected to return. building of small schools In other Boat Registration three-way coalition among La- In Laos, already sniping at Is Approved sections of town as growth oc- os' princes. vong," (See KENNEDY, Page 3) OCEAN TOWNSHIP — In the curs there," Dr. Ramsay has That the little Southeast biggest spending plan among four stated, Asian country should be inde- 1 voted upon in Monmouth County, The new school as Wyckoff Rd, BUlIs Studied pendent and neutral, not a • $2,985,000 Junior-senior high cause for East-West conflict, is arid Broad St. will be centered \3 for three years to $6 for threi school project won wide approval about a library lighted by two TRENTON (AP) - The U. S. one point on which Kennedy yesterday. patios. Its outstanding architec- Coast Guard is studying a bili years. and Khrushchev have agreed The decision will remove Ocean tural feature will be three hexag- signed into law yesterday by Gov. A spokesman said somi since they met in Vienna a year Township as, a sending district to onal classrooms for two kinder- Richard J. Hughes which trans- 100,000 new 3 by 5 inch forms will ago. But only now are the ri- Atbury Park High School and putgartens and a special class, In fers statewide boat registration be printed and distributed bj val neutralist, pro-Western and the township In a secondary one wing. An all-purpose room from the Coast Guard to New July 1 to speed the state regi pro-Communist Laotian princes ichool education program for thewill form another wing. Jersey and doubles the registra- tration of the boats. The form settling on a nationwide gov- have been completed but hav first time. Taxpayers here will be aided tion fee. ernment deemed needed to re- The issue was resolved in two by a $300,000 federal grant to not been printed yet, he said. move their land from the cold ' parts., On the proposal of the meet building costs for the new The Coast Guard, which had The extra money will be used war. Board of Education to okay a school. The borough auditor ha: given approval to the draft of theby the state to increase its' pa Pivotal Event $2,969,000 six-year school to ac- estimated that the new building bill, must give it final approval trols and control of boating an commodate 1.500 to 1,700 pupils, will cost each owner 10 before it becomes law, a state to keep thi state's waterways i Declaring this could be the the vote was 2,284 to 838. cents for each $100 of assessed official said. better shape, a spokesman said, piyotal event "in the cause of On tiie proposal to spend $16,060 valuation next year. New Jersey boat owners who The bill also establishes a sev- strengthening peace

CAPONS Electric appliances eliminate the need for a fire, the danger of flareups, and the nuisance of dirty smoke and emptying ashes. Electricity is ready at the flip of a switch, without fanning, COUNTY FAIR—LEAN SWIFT'S CHOICEST CUTS coaxing or waiting. BONELESS SLICED BACON With Electric Lawn Mowers Outstanding among the electrical equipment which has been developed for easier grounds keeping is the electric lawn mower* It does the job quickly and quietly. It is easy to use with its e8Vr tch _, „_ „•_„. i »J?*P!. ! .*?. start and stop. There are no fuel worries, no oil v- ' '.'" ~ to change, no carburetors to adjust and no carbon monoxide; In addition to the lawn mower, there are electric hedge clippers and edgers, and for those with a green thumb, there are soil heat cables for hotbeds. |

JERSEY PORK Fresh, Genuine Fryer BABY FRESH, MEATY Ask your Reddy Kilowatt Dealer and Electrical Contractor to show irou the many new products for better living outdoors. Ask them about the latest devel- NECK BONES Chicken Livers 49fb 1 STEAK opments in outdoor wiring and lighting. They can help you plan to make an From Our Famous Delicatessen Dept. enjoyable use of electricity this summer and in the years to come. GENUINE SPRING RIB OR SHOULDER EXTRA LEAN, SLICED For interesting ideas on how electricity can help you live better tlectricaUy LAMB CHOPS Summer's top favorite—the outdoors, fill in the coupon and we will send you a colorful, illustrated'booklet. side-slit rajah's tunic. Sew it in PURE CHUCK Ib. box Boiled HAM an exotic border print or smash- ing solid to wear over slacks BEEF Wisconsin Sliced I Delicious, Ready to Eat shorts, skirts. Wonderful as a 2.89 beach jacket, too. Retidentlal Sales Department1 | PATTIES Swiss Cheese 49fb | Smoked Whiting 39r, Printed Pattern 8101: Miases' Jersey Central Power & Light Company ! fb Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. See pat- New Jersey Power & Light Company ! • WITH THIS COUPON WITH TIMS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON tern for yardages. Madison Avenue at Punch Bowl Road » • Fifty cent$ In coin for this • 9K« AM Toward Ml). • Delicious, Trenton Midget i {49GUTT purchase ! Toward 2 Ib. pattern—add 10 cents for each Morrfstown, New Jersey • PORK ROLL pattern for first-class mall. Send Gentlemen: Please send me a copy of your colorful 8-pan hook- ! S Ground Chuck Vh Ib. to Marian Martin, The Red Bank CUBED STEAKS Register, Pattern Dept., 232 West let entitled "Thi* Summer Live Better Eleetrteally Otrtdoow." { [or Ground Round 18th St.. New York 11, N. Y. NAME. 79S Print plainly name, address with ! OBt (so* thru B»l., *mr, \t Offer X«HI Ihrn I3«l., Juni. In Olfcr looa Iliru M«l.,j/onn zone, size and style number. ••/"' RBU • STREET- f nun • nun i Extra! Extra! Extra Big Sum' nier Pattern Catalog—over 108 JCP&L CITY FriMl W*eU»» Oiru «uura»>. Junf ig. Ws rficnr U* riiht to limit qu»«llltr>, _:i • Km IIHIHHUIIMI^ lor 'tivotrwUetX Kr/orn, styles for all sizes, occasions. (Jersey Gmtnl Power * Ufht -MNK—mm Send 35 cents. RED BANK REGISTER Wrfawty. June 13, Tex., if nying priwtely he is reseaUtlve Joe Eviai, D-Teno., East Keintburg fire hotue and j School, South Amboy, Sunday. Mr«. Chartes Curltek led de- gettiflg tilt MUM treafroeai iinct hit ever recdved from a con- Port Am* Civic Association to thejKeoX will enter Stttgers Unlvtr- vottai 4t the meeting of the it becambecuae luawrlcamran bfe toc*ptei stituent wis tor » goVd brick Jnmi io keep up to date wiOi the PlaoHdty m th» HO, nad Jfofen will Wamen'a Missionary Society of, fund* from Ettei tot i radio pro- Fort Kwx. A btafcef io hi* dU- sag Board actions eooeerniiigtattend the new Mater Dei ffigfcPort WxtauMh Mtatao • Jmm S Alhm-Scctt Report grtia It ta/uwl to w*Btc4 it- M ft ipeeW di*- Monmouth tfe« Bsysbwe area. isKw in the duirti, Mrs. f&te* talma! \tirk Is btteg piay lm Ms bwlc's 50th anniver- ylvjtA tfcs ijt¥jm, A ip An Plan*' wtrt t$*d* to fasM the at the titled "M*ua«oi." It sary. Wrote tbe banker to Evlns, last card party for the seam William Mar*h*U, airm*a flikd ai*«tlBg*iJl be held it th« ham Club meeting were Mn. Albert class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis of Mrs. Alice Smiili, L»urenc« Kennedy/gain Expecting? wu writtea by Mrs. Jurat Out "We got some gold coins by buy-by the Women's Republican Club1 Johnson, Mrs. Freida Wiakteman too, wife of able and popular As- ing them in Zurich, Switzerland. w« Wednesday at tte home of ^ j^. Edward Tripold. Meet- Marshall, Briarcliff PI., who wasHarbor, June 27. Present war* I think it's ridiculous hiving to stationed in Amarillo, Tex., spent Mrs. Donald Magaw, Mrs. Ttllifili» By ROBERT S. ALLEN «W PAUL SCOTT sistant Secretary of State Fred Mrs. Jasper Moire!!. Mrs. Albert Ings are discontinued until Octo- eriek Outton ... A poll of Dembuy gold with American money /laxson arid Mrs. Mary Land- ^ 14 days recently with his parents Kasmarik, Mrs. Irene Bennett, By ROBERT S. ALLEN and PAUL SCOTT oerttte congressional leaders from a foreign bank. Why can't messer will be co-hostesses. At and has been transferred to ElMrs. Joseph Hanser and Mrs. WASHINGTON — Intimates of President and rates Labor Secretary Arthur we borrow a gold brick from Fort the meeting June 5, .which was John Fleming, son of Mr. andPaso, Texas. Cedric Henry. Goldberg a* their most popular Knox? We don't care howtyou eld ia the home of Mrs. Olga Mrs. Herbert Fleming, graduated Mrs. Kennedy are convinced the/ are on the track of cabinet member. Explained manage it so long as It is legal, Eastmond, Mrs. Fred Beam from St. Mary's School, New an exciting White House secret—that the First Lady if House Floor Leader Carl Albert, even if it takes an Act of Concommitteemaii, urged members Monmouth, and Kent Fleming expecting again. Okla., "Ewrybody like* him : to attend a meeting of the Baygraduated from St. Mary's High GRAMAN'S cause he know* the art of com VACUUM AND APPLIANCE PASTS CO. The close friends admit their belief is predicated on promise." Second most popular No problem finding tenants Add to tit* Talm 54 MONMOUTH STREET, RED BANK. N. J. an assortment of assumptions. But they is Defense Secretary McNamara when you advertise The Register of your home with I consider them well-founded. Signifi . Most unusua) request Hep- way—Advertisement. a low-cost Hone PHONE SH 7-562? cantly, while members of the presi Improvement I dential staff are professing ignorance, AUTHORIZED I they don't deny this Joyous possibility. YOU PAY MONTHLY HOOVER—SALES AND SERVICE HOUSE IS 12 Ms.HIM. B» mo. They merely claim to know nothing aco» 12.71 NEW AND REBUILT CLEANERS KZM W.17 i about it 70.1S • REPAIRS OM © IMS Bases of the White Hose Intimates' MONEY 106.27 GE - HOOVER - ELECTROLUX, etc. that Mrs. Kennedy is having another i&ujr Fuk • •«* tut • Kuimn • North Altai? Puk a IRONS VACUUMS TOASTERS fl baby are: fair Ha*ea • H»to4ol . • BrteBa PERCOLATORS MIXERS, etc. Inside word that she consults a leading gynecolo- HHHA Count*1. TU- ibu! Bank. SO Taara PARTS FOR gist, on her frequent trips to New York for the an- •( Cnllinu Sunrto* Member Federal Dcpoili nounced purpose of visiting her ailing father-in-law, J. Kridel knows fathers best. Iiuuranc* Corp. VACUUMS WASHERS DRYERS IRONS former Ambassador Joseph Kennedy, who is undergoing RANGES TOASTERS MIXERS LAMPS, etc. rehabilitation for a severe stroke. According to some of the close friends, these hospital visits are also being used to divert attention BAMBtK®Bflf$ AW® CHftlftft «SWE YOB ONE SI©P DMVE.1N SERVICE FOR YOVR CAR from her own medical consultations. THERE'S A BAMBOiGEIt MUVE4N —A report reputedly originating AUTO CENTER NEAR YOUj While yoa ehop, g«t qoick, eacpert eervaoe from a family source, but not wholly on tires, nraKkois, ebock atsorbew, battesie*, seat coven, verified, that die First Lady has already MTHE KoauaonUss AdJ&ctnt ta BanvbetseT's «t th« Sa.tt 428 High St., «ntranco on Ms-itmy Bt brake and wheel alignment. PLUS these extra services at ordered her pregnancy wardrobe. EATONTOWH Fanmiui Puking Held A-4 tX tiio Otrden Btalu Plaza. —Certain personal Indications Heato r«kl P.tklnj Hold #23 at Uin Bhopplng Center. no extra charge when you buy your tiro at Bambergex'st 1H PUloIltldt ttia ml itrvlce tt 100-208 Rmuvait A\e., comer o! Ettt claimed to have been noted by women 3d St, one block tram Bambirrier'*, Rotation • Installation • Flat repair who have seen Mrs. Kennedy with some Scott 'AU «ervlcn eictpt brakt »nd wht«l «JIinm«nI. frequency in recent weeks. < —Halt of all talk about the First Lady's talcing an active part in this year's crucial congressional elec tlons. Some months ago, the Democratic National Committee spread a report that she contemplated join- ing in her husband's fall campaigning. But now, no one around the Committee professes to know anything about that. —•The President's cryptic reply to a foreign visitor of government?" continued Hick- XJ enlooper. nvlon tires at who Inquired about his "There Is not,"- asserted Popo- family, "They're fine. Grow vic. "Our socialist form of gov- ing and expanding — wernmene t is widely popular and Is going to continue for a long time. hope." There will be no change during Mrs. Kennedy, 32, has al-the lifetime of this or the next ways (tressed that her official generation, I would say." role Is second to being a wife and The Yugoslav leader also was mother. questioned about a plan to estab- John, Jr., brother of Caroline, Ish a trading bloc of neutral owest prices wag born on Thanksgiving* Day, African and Latin American coun- I960,'by Caesarian section. Ac- rleg as a counter to the Euro- cording to a relative, the Presi- pean Common. Market. He stated dent and First Lady not long ago this Is under discussion but no indicated they would like to have decisions have been reached. VANDERBILT SAffEIT Another son. "Are you trying to develop trade with Latin American coun- WITH FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH tries?" asked Representative —Yugoslav Foreign Minister Ko- Thomas Morgan, D-Pa., chairman of the House Foreign Affairs ca Popovic's visit to Washington Committee. had a lot to do with the Senate's •urprlse enactment of restrictions Seeking Markets 2for 15.88 en more economic! and military "We are seeking markets •Id to his Communist regime. wherever we can find them," ex- 640x15 tube-type MocfcmdUphn Popovic himself triggered this plained Popovic. "We aremost tax and any 2 old tires in trade crackdown at an unpublicized eager to increase trade with Brazil, Peru, Chile and possibly One of our most popular tins, mads wijfa 1005& DoPon» Djioa meeting with members of the Sen- cord, stronger than the tord used «a original «qn!pmcDt on moat ate and House foreign affairs other Latin American countries 1962 can.' Broad tar 19^8 -3 lornwas the suggestion of the State De- "Is Yugoslavia planning to Join 71Olt5_ _2 for ta.M 670113- _3 for ts.W partment, when Popovic came to 760115- _a (or 11.88 7I0il5_ -3 for tlJW the (Soviet bloc) Pact?" 800115- _2 tor 11.88 760x15— J tor <1.88 the Capital for talks with Secre- continued Morgan. Comnaeia Tatdex BUek«»n 7S0xl4_ _2 10TJS.M tary. Dean Rusk after a tour of "We are not," replied Popovic. 600xlI__ S00xl4_ 3 ior 23.8* Brazil, Peru and Chile. In the .33 tottor 20.824.88 850xtt_ "We see no need for that Our esoxu -2 t« 3U» discussion with the lawmakers, relations with the members of Popovic was bluntly asked about this alliance are improving. Mar- VAKD£RBfiLT MAJOR 1WS his country'* relations with Rus- shal Tito is determined sia and the continuance of Com-friendly. with both the East and WITH 24-MOMfH GUARAHfEr. munism in Yugoslavia. West. He feels strongly that is Graphically Illustrative of this the soundest course to pursue." significant questioning and its "But you are increasing your subsequent effect on the Senate's ties and relations with Russia," voting on the foreign aid bill isdeclared Morgan. th» following: 2forl7J "We are expanding our trade," TOuch In Common' declared Popovic. "We also want 640xJ5tub&*ypaW«ekvroJI,pto» "Is it the policy of your gov- to Increase our trade with1 the tax and oaf 2 nr Z old (lr» b iriije. Whittwills and other ties. We consider that Representative H. Carl Andersen, rltlnr »on9 • Irmoll now wflghtl * Correct camber and raster TIICM shocka ara Dodge 'BG-^SS Send« 3.49 • Inspect liyrgir'», WlonmogUt, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY TO I Aad at Paramua, Minlo Park, Nawark and Platntlald unUsa «tli*rwlta tpa«lfled. "Between Ytatat ft ReastOW P BUY WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT, TAKE UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY WITH A BAMBERGER HOMEMAKER'S CREDIT ACCOUNT 12 St. SttedpUki 1-7M0 ftcri to* SHOP AIR-CONDITIONED BAMBERGER'S MONMOUTH - Mondays, Wednesday, Thursdays, Fridays Till 9:30 SHOP TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM 10 A.M. TILL 6 P.M. Them* Payst

tMt tori warn, **& «**, u, i. nun* Higfrwty *, WBMdmm The Timorous \m b» Jeta II *ad Off By GEORGE L »5K0«KY THOMAS U1VIN0 BltOWN, tt2S4«t The great Robert Burns spoke of our times to IAHES X BOOMS, Editor M. HAROLD KELLY. Gmfi! M«Mfer W. HARKY PEMNtNGTON, PrcAscttsa Manager these two stanzas: Member of the "Wee, sleekit, cow-rln, tlm'rous beastie, rr*u U tsntiti) eicimiveiT

TM« o«»»p«p«r M for «t»ten>eni» of oplaum lo lttt«» fton IU »«d»rt. SuDJOrtptlon FROM U 44«*m» Os* r««r J15.04 Us mostlu. CS.OO "Still thou art blest, compared wT Kul* cow st ammMr. 1 e»nt» eow by malt ( centi The present only toucheth th«e: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 13, 1962 But, ochfl backward cast me e'« On prospects drear! Stop Signs Not the Answer An' forward, tho' I canna «ee, I guess and fear!" The Register carried a front-page ner to Newman Springs Rd. It is the enormous fear of failure that besets our picture last Thursday of four stop The danger of this intersection people. They fear war. They fear the bomb. They fear signs at the intersection of Red Hill cannot be eliminated by erecting il- the fall-out They fear another depression. They fear and Crawfords Corner Rds. (Annie legal stop signs. It should be cor- the consequences of history. - Ogdens Corner) on the Middletown- rected by opening up the intersection When a people develops a fear psychosis, there are Holmdel boundaries. so that approaching motorists will always rational and irrational factors. Checking with Daniel Puliti, chief have a clear view all the way around. in the situation. We have been at war since 1914 and war has eaten away Our of the traffic regulation section of This will cost the county money, but " 'Course you gotta' practice... You want to grow up and be a big leaguer and substance. It is impossible to assess the the traffic safety service of the State the county should have realized this moke TV commercials, donrcha' . . .?" indirect cost of our wars; the direct Division of Motor Vehicles, The Reg- before it took over the boundary road cost of close to 100 billion dollars year ister found that, according to Mr. from Rt. 35 through to Newman ¥onr Money's Worths after year is beyond our capacity to Puliti, only one of the four sighs is Springs Rd. sustain. As a result we have lost our possibly covered by local ordinance. If the county has so much money LETTERS gold reserve and our currency Is de- OUTCASTS? o SOKOLSKY predated. This no one can deny. Despite This is an ordinance filed by Mid- that it can afford to make an 80-foot Stock Crash and Realities 17 Miller Ave., dletown Township for Red Hill Rd. thoroughfare of Laurel Ave. and By SYLVIA PORTER Hazlet, N. J. upwards of $100 billion of aid to friend and foe. we To the Editor; in 1955, and Mr. Puliti said this VanSchoick Rd., which go to make still have more enemies than friends and we have not One of the good developments emerging in the Here we go again. About i yet learned that friendship cannot be bought. ordinance Is open to question be- up a section of this boundary road, year ago, there was quite a write wake of the upheaval in Wall Street is a mounting up In the local papers about this In the economic field, wars and government con- cause it does not specifically desig- then it surely can afford to make awareness among key economic-financial policymakers development. We all wanted to trols have produced a mixed economy. Not only Is the nate the intersection of Red Hill and Ogdens Corner legally safe for the know where we belonged. I am in our country that we must stop fussing with superfi- talking about the email commun- government engaged in-vast enterprises formerly re- Crawfords Corner Rds. great amount of traffic that uses it cialities and get down now to tackling the fundamental ity here called "Newsteadi" Theserved to the private citizen but the controls set up today. problems which face the U.S. economy. bank called a meeting in th< Mr. Puliti explained that stop Molly Pitcher Hotel and told al since 1933 and greatly developed since then, in effect, signs at all entrances of intersections This is just one of many prob- Among the reasons the stock mar- of us we were definitely In Holm- make the government a partner in all basic enterprises. ket tumbled were that it had been bid del; that there had been a mis- are permitted in the Midwest where lems involved with making Red Hill To this must be added that as the principal customer up to grossly overpriced levels, it had take as to where the real bound- traffic is light. Stop signs at all en- Rd. safe for handling any appreci- ary line between Holmdel and of many industries, departments of the government set been undermined by speculative ex- Raritan really went. They told policies, determine prices, enforce labor practices, etc. trances to a four-way intersection able amount of traffic. And this is cesses and gambling on thin margins, us that all of the houses would This is one side of the coin. The other side is where the pressure is being exerted be in Holmdel and that the houses are illegal in New Jersey, and the big buyers had started months ago equally important: for )a new parkway interchange. on our side, just the rear pan couldn't be permitted, he said, be- to move to the sidelines to await more of each yard, would remain in We have managed since 1933 to go through these cause the density of traffic was too reasonable prices, and the steel mess Raritan. Now a year later we wars and economic downs and ups and downs again, PORTER were called to the hotel again great. "Where traffic is dense, stop The imagination is one of the had not only finally emphasized that and told that six houses on our without losing a single civil guaranteed by the signs at all four entrances tend to highest prerogatives of man. the postwar era of inflation was dead but had also side of the road and 10 feet of Constitution. Many Americans believe that they enjoy our front yards were In Holmdel, create a safety hazard rather than —Darwin from badly damaged business confidence. the1 rest in Raritan. What are w more rights than the Constitution provides for. If we eliminate one," he said. The Descent of Man But stock prices began sliding in early 1962 be- supposed to believe? Where are stick to the Bill of Rights, "we have a sure guide as to cause of more basic factors—the awakening to the fact we supposed to live? What kind what we may or may not do. For instance, While I have Annie Ogdens Corner is one of of community can there be with that our economy isn't growing as fast as it should, Truth is not taught by laws, nor only six houses in the develop- the right to refer to an Imaginary alerter of public opin- the most dangerous intersections in profits aren't expanding sufficiently to finance im- ment? We cannot talk to the ion as a mouse with the mumps, that being a non- the county because almost all — if has she any need of force to procure neighbors about local politics, perative plant modernization and expansion, jobs are schools, clubs or anything els descriptive, live and let live expression, I may not say not all — approaches are blind ap- her entrance into the minds of men. not being created on a scale essential to absorb our because our neighbors next dooi that he is a thief unless I can prove it in a court of law. proaches. The county recently took —Locke from labor force, we're into the toughest competitive trade or across the street have alto It is, possible to call everyone, whom I dislike, a Com- A Letter Concerning gether different . ownership of this part of Red Hill era of this generation at home and abroad, and the The children must go to dif- munist, but if challenged I must prove my point, {have Rd. and the road from Ogdens Cor- Toleration U.S. dollar is vulnerable to foreign attack. ferent schools, play on different the right to like or dislike people individually or col- The stock market crash was a brutal shock, an Little Leagues, join different lectively, but I may not take such actions against them Scout troops, they can't even be unmistakable warning to ouV decision and policymakers with their friends that live alon, as to deprive them of their constitutional rights. Poor Man's Philosopher that we can't drift to solutions to these fundamenta side of them. This is no way foi When the individual is assured his , he lives children or adults to have to live, problems. We must re:examine our viewpoints, dis Since they took all but six of the in a wholesome country. It is difficult to understand TV is Fine-Let's Your Mind Ahne card those which have been made obsolete by time— houses, why couldn't they take u why so many curious movements have suddenly ap- for if we don't, the problems are going to .get worse, too? Are we to be outcasts a peared in this country and why they have such large By HAL BOYLE long as we live here? Who do and the worse they become, the harder it will be to we ask to fix the road that runs folio- inps. For example, although Dick Nixon won in in front of our homes? We are NEW YORK (AP) — There are Consider, on the other hand; act and a trained dog act on thefind and apply the solutions. California, the John Birch Society produced a large people who think the Ideal home what might have happened if thi same program. For instance, from a liberal economist and a life- not in Holmdel and Raritan sayi vote. machine Is one which would air- guest in our living room had re- Sell The Saloon? the road doesn't belong to themi condition the place In summer— mained new, challenging and di There are some who'd like to long Democrat came this comment in response to my How can they survey one yeai Actually, this country Is at this moment In a hope- and serve as a television set the ferent. It would have made us al see Kitty sell the Long Branch remark that an across-the-board tax cut for business and show us how the line run: ful state. The cold war is lessening its ugliness. All the rest of the nervous wrecks. . Saloon, set fire to Marshall Dil- through the back yard and then and Individuals would be the best thing that could a year later show us another mapCommunist countries are suffering from economic dis- year. Who wants a new, challengin, lon, have Doc operate on Cheste with the line running just 10 These are the and different guest in his Hvinj Good's leg, then elope with Ches- happen to business now: orders and there is little question but that Khrushchev feet In the front yard? kind of people room every day for 10 full years' ter to Kansas City and open a is finding his operations too costly and he does not beauty parlor.- "Don't restrict it to the 'best thing that could hap who criticize Nobody. Long ago we'd have bee If we want to sell, who Is goinj know how to bail himself out. We have established Bummer televi- forced to turn the living room There are even some who'd liki pen to business!' This is not just what business wants, to buy a house that has a roac sion programs over to such a gabby, frightenin to see Jack Benny change his it's what the nation needs. If a major overhaul of our In one township and 10 feet of strength in Berlin and in Southeast Asia. We have because they monster. We'd have had to camp expression or take up the piano. tax structure and lowering of tax rates is the way to ground In one place and the re- gone through a * gh stock market debacle, but we, are largely a out somewhere between the bed- Well, not us. We have thought mainder in another place? rehash of room and the kitchen. this matter through, and we pre- get this economy moving up fast again and the way Why pick out six houses am were able to sun J its damage. We are over-produced things shown fer to keep things as they are. we can create the jobs—and I think it is—then this is disrupt the lives of the commun- and while- prices are formed internationally, costs are previously. , There are some who wis Every time we open our fron ity just for some unknown rea- determined wit^... the United States. BOYLE "It's the same Lawrence Welk would run out o: door we run into something newwhat we should do. And we shouldn't fiddle around. son, Was someone paid off? bubbles. and challenging and different. We should get at the task now." there some reason, unknown to us Things can happen because of the psychological old stuff," they complain. "Noth Life outside is so new and chal- Ing new." There are some who think it I: or does someone want to stay factors of fear. There are those who are genuinely high time Eliot Ness was calle lenging and different It rather On another aspect, from a leading professional in where they are not supposed ti They even try switching off the frightens us sometimes. Wall St. who has always placed a balanced federal frightened of the President's pronounced policies. There tet for a while. But that doesn't up before the U.S. Supreme Court be and doesn't want to move? really work. Television viewing is for violating Frank Nitti's civil That's why we've decided we budget and a reduction in the national high on There Is no justice In such are others who project those policies beyond the Presi- like any other addiction. Once rights. want that longtime guest in our his list of national necessities came this: move and there must be some- dent's stated intentions. There are others engaged in a you're hooked, it's pretty hard There are somo who'd like t living room to stay as sweet and thing behind this movement or to get the monkey off your back have Ed Sullivan brighten u hopeful as he is. Let him remain "If the alternatives are a budget seriously unbal- why would they have said a yeai legitimate Republican campaign to defeat the Demo- g childish. His prattle gives us the (And there's a sentence of TV thinghi s b y puttini g a trained fflel i anced by tax reduction or a continuingly sluggish econ- ago that we were In Holmde! crats in 1962. And then there are the professional op- comfort of certainty in a chang- and now shove, yes I said shove, prose if I ever heard of one!) omy threatened by recession in 1963, I'd say an un- positionists who make a career of being against what- You may brag you can take it ing world. us back In Raritan. We, the si or leave it alone. But you really The nicest thing about our tele- balanced budget is by far the lesser of the evils. I'm homes, who have been put bac' ever is until they turn about and are for what is. can't. vision set is that it lets our mind would like to know what is justic alone. more afraid of what a 1963 recession coming on top and what has become of It. Wh But fear does not give a country strength. When To some thoughful aficionado^, of a weak recovery would do to the budget deficit and can tell us what Is happening things go wrong, we must straighten out the situation however, the sameness of sum- and why? mer television isn't so bad. It's SPEAK UP TODAY the reputation of the dollar than I am of another deficit and fight on. We do not worship a man as the Germans > the sameness of winter television If Paul Revere were here today, caused by tax cuts. And I'd rather have the deficit Yours very truly, worshipped Hitler. Nor do we hate a man as theTtaT- that seems to them the real prob- And saw how our freedom is Mrs. Henry Drugas, lem. The summer sameness is slipping away, come from tax cuts than from increased public Jans', in the end, hated Mussoljni or as Khrushchev just an echo. On the medicare bill he would spending." SADDENED BY EDITORIAL hates Stalin. Monmouth Hills. Certain Rewards pounce with force, And alert us all, as he did on On still another angle came this from a New York Highlands, N. J. But I'm not so sure I'd want To the Editor: "It looks Like Murder, All Bight!" the situation changed. It was cer- horse. banker who is acutely aware that foreigners have built It was regretful indeed to rcai tain over-all rewards as it is For freedom lost is hard regained, massive short-term claims against our gold reserve and the editorial in the Red Bank now. 'Twere better now if It were that there is constant danger of a devastating run on Register condoning and support- There was a time when I, like maintained. our gold should our creditors abroad become worried Ing the execution of Adolph Eich- many others, wanted television Cast out the laws that douse mann by the country of Israel, to be new and challenging and freedom's (lame; about our fiscal irresponsibility: The acts which he did are cer- different. And I yapped because Our Congress now must bear the "Our monetary and fiscal authorities are in a pain- tainly horrible beyond words an' it wasn't. blame. his judgment is in the hands o But lately I've been thinking ful dilemma. They shrink from moves they know would ,et other nations live like slaves, the Lord. Nothing can be don along these lines: Their deeds proclaim they are stimulate business because of what the moves would After all television is like hav- 0 bring back the victims and th ing a guest in your living room. led by knaves. do to our budget and because they fear how the world's families of them have the sym We have had our set for 10 full Keep freedom in this land so central bankers would react. Yet, they feel they'll have oathy of the whole world. Execu- great. tion of Elchmann Is not just an years now. Some people have to make the moves. Well, I say that deficits resulting sets that arc always breaking Ipeak up today before too late expression of moral Indignation down. You could hit our set over Respectfully, from slow business arid recession would have a lot but revenge, and we have all been the forehead with a watermelon, Harold Lindemann. worse impact on foreign psychology than deficits' re- taught that "Vengeance Is mine, and it would only blink its big 1 will repay salth the Lord." bright eye—and go right on show- GOD IS EVERYWHERE sulting from efforts to accelerate our economic ad- When the Christian Church was ing "Wagon Train" or "The n the quiet of the night vance. Only a strong United States can preserve a n her pristine glory before she Three Stooges." When all Is dark and still, came under thB domination of the hear the voices 'round me strong dollar anyway and the world's central bankers state, most Christian writers and This perennial guest in our Mv And I bid them do my will, fng room is no longer a stranger. know it." preachers opposed capilal punish- say to one go hither, ment as an article of faith. Orl- We have learned to live with it, Bring flowers bright nhd gay, Perhaps these men were beginning to think this and now regard it rather fondly qen (185-254 A.D.) wrote: "The Y> another bring angels way before the near-panic in Wall St., for there has lawgiver of the Christians did not tt n backward nvember of fhe And bid them all to pray. family who will never quite grow been rising worry about our failure to step up our deem it becoming to his own dl up, irifihten the sky with starlight, vine legislation to allow tlie de- With music fill the nlr, economic growth rate. But I'll wager none would have struction of any man whatever' Accuafomcd To It Tor God Is all around us, and Cyprian (200-259 A.D.) said: We're not at all sure now we said these things out loud to me before the stock )ur God is everywhere. , market slapped the faces of every thoughtful Individual "It Is not. permitted even the •VOr Want it tp grow up. We have Mrs. Dolores E. Crotchfelt, guiltless to put the guilty to btcm* *ccujtoni9d to Hi ways. 6—Wednesday, June 13,1962 Rahway. in the nation. (See LETTERS, Pg. 7) i y, Jura ' IED BANK REGISTER Studen t Gets 2 Degrees multi-purpose, fold away Lehigh TV LAP d BETOUEHEM, Pa. - K«xl H. X*fe, ft. too of Mr. nod Bin. C«I KsM», » tyven Edge Rd., CttJ* ffatv H, J,, Mowtay re- BED TRAY «•**•* tM<»«f«w of tacheiw of '•rtt «ad twister of idem* in ^tgtBMrlof from Lehigh Univer- only a may fair lucky 5O« piece SUPER if MARKETS has King-Size Savings... plus • TELEVISION VIEWIN* SERVING TRAY • OUTDOOR PICNICS Free King Korn Stamps! • BUFFET LUNCHES • ADULT BED TRAY HIS IMS KEN fltOVlN TO OVtt 176^100 MT/JHID FOOD SWOPPfRSI MCOHOt rawTAKr. CAST TO WASH. COLORFUL HMMomznra touts "Simply Wonderful"- Fresh, Bar-B-Que yours for only one... ;;,:; CHICKEN PARTS KwIH. Kehde Another MAYfAIR L Qf To get the two degrees, the itudent studied at Lehigh five King-Size Savings! Breast yews. You Like The Best The graduate, who will start work with the E. I. duPont Co. at Parlln, N. J., Monday, has ap- plied for entrance into a Marine SAVE 16' LB. Corps officers' Candidate School next October. At Lehigh, he was a member of "Simply Womferfur-Top Choic*-Young Western Stwr Chi Phi, a national social frater- nity. He graduated from Mountain SAVE reg. Lakes High School. His parents style have resided at Little Silver two 30c LB. years. Rib Roust Ib. Gets Promotion "Simply WonoerfvC-Mild Cure-Faney-Uan-Bonelew -SAVE 30c LB. Thick Cut Brisket Corned Beef Thin Cut a>. 69c | tb. "Simply sVenaerfur-HickorySmeked-AII Steer Smoked Tongues 39 c FREE-IOO-EXTRA nOS-MMXTRA "Simply Wenderf uJ"~Top Choice-Economical-No Fat Added

SAVE 24c IB. CHOPPED CHUCK Boneless Cross Rib Roast 4 C F F ALl p 0SE Sensationally Priced! L A° L Save 14<=! G RrD Cotiee'

1 Ib. FREE-IOO-EXTRA FRH-90-EXTItA Holland House can Edwin J. Dobson, 3d

M1DDLE,TOWN — Edwin J. TOcOFF giant Dobson, 3d, 115 West Roosevelt Clr., has been promoted to lieu Rinso Blue Detergent UBEL liz. tenant in the Naval Reserve. 59 Lt. Dobson is assigned to Heli copter Squadron 831 at Floyi MAYFAIR'S FANTASTIC Bennett Field, N. Y. FRIE-1OO-IXTRA FRES-SO-iXTRA President of Edwin J. Dobson, Jr. Inc., Belford, he is married $ JUICE JAMBOREE •ad has two children. Kalier Aluminum Foil 4'« 1 Pineapple Juice Und* Hou» BUTTERBAIL TURKEY pp n lG Ca^dSoda 7c Pineapple-Grapefruit DrinkUn^How* 4<" 20 ^ 99< dents will be conducted tonight In 4 88< the public school auditorium. coupbn and purchaw i 24 OUNCE PKG3. Harold C- Schaible, supervisory ALL VARIETIES II oz. principal of Henry Hudson Re- FRESH FROZEN pkg. 3 $1 gional School, will bo guest Morton's Dinners ipeaker. Alfred G. Horay, president of Tip Top Assorted Drinks and Pink or Regular—Fresh Frozen Tiny Tatars, Hosh Brown or Cottog* Frted—Fresh Frozen tho Board of Education, will pre- C 01 sent diplomas and awards. Tip T©p Lemonade «-.- 9 Birds Eye Potatoes •**•* Students of the sixth and . seventh grades, who are leaving FREE-SO-EXTRA FREE-SO-EXTRA the system to attend the new re- King Kom Stomps TULIP FAIR-EASY SPRCADING gional school, will participate in With Kill coupon and punhaw «f the graduation ceremonies. IS. CAN PRIDE Or COLUMBIA WATERMELON Graduates will be honored a SAVE 4c LB. ' 13 Margarine a dinner to be held at Bahrs* Efhctlv* Him ifhctlva thru . Landing, tomorrow night. Slides Sal., Jun* 14, IW2 Sal. Jim. 14. 1M1 of the class play and trip to URGE MEDIUM Washington will be shown. N. J. Slats Inspected Grade "A"-Strietly Fr«h Tulip lair Eggs DOZEN 39 FREE-IOO-EXTRA FREE-lOO-eXTRA Save on Summer Salad Fixin't LETTERS King torn Siimpi Firm, R«J, Juit Rfght for SI king (Continued) With *!• mini of the two largest Pres- booths the afternoon of the pa-and beverages will be given out rade, that night at the block free of eharge. During the block dance in the shopping center, and dance and tha ball game Sunday the following afternoon at the they will be sold with the pro- TOYS • mm CARDS • GIFTS Little League all-star baseball ceeds being split by Dads and game and dedication of the Youth the recreation group. Dads are PARTY GOODS • FUGS • HOME SAFES Center baseball fields. also being enlisted tohel p make sandwiches with the co-operation STAHOHERY & OFFICE SUPPLIES William C. Rue, president of of the Fair Haven Volunteer Fire Dads and block dance chairman Company Ladles Auxiliary. for the Golden Jubilee commit- ART & DRAFTING MATERIALS tee, announced the organization'! Attending ths meeting in addi- HUFFMAN plans after an executive board tion to Mr. Rue and Mr. Boese-" fttablbbed meeting in his home. wetter were: Frank Jose, Milton I Willard Boesewetter, chairman A. MacDonald, Howard Sherman, FINE HOME FURNISHINGS and BROADLOOM 1884 SH 140ft! of Dads' float committee, said Al Canfield, C. Harold Larsson, the group will enter a float de- Fred Garrabrandt and Richard M •rood St. IB IAN* picting the "Old and the New"M. Gilliam. j Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontotm—Liberty 2-1010

nocent pleas to no contest pleas at the opening of their trials on MaU Fraud chargei of mail fraud. Court attaches said tha action Case Gets Monday by the defendants, which places them at the mercy of U. S. New Pleas District Judge William E. Doyle, DENVER — Norman T. Brown, saved taxpayers an estimated • former resident of Woodbine $100,000. They said that would Ave., Little Silver, N. J., wahavs e been the cost of a jury trial one of a dozen officers and sales- that was expected to last two men of North American Assort- months. North American Associates and 12 of its officers and sales- men were indicted last August by Belford a federal grand jury for allegedly ates, Inc., who have changed In using mails to defraud 5,000 The birthday of Karen Raczek, clients of about $2.5 million. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Assistant U. S. Attorney Yale Raczek, Orchard St., was cele-, Huffman said the grand jury in- brated Sunday. Attending were dictments charged the defendants William Marshall, airman third with taking advance fees from class, of El Paso, Tex., Mrs. Lou-smal, l businessmen on promises Is Marshall, Port Monmouth and of helping them to obtain . John and Alan Raczek. The fees were to be refunded if the loan was not secured, Huff- A triple birthday celebration man said. was held Sunday at the home of The solicitations were done by Mr. and Mrs. William M. Get-mail, Huffman said, and although tings, Main St., for the 81st birth- the small businessmen did not day of Mrs. Sadie Heins and theobtain loans their fees were not birthdays of Mrs. William Suth- refunded. erland and William Gettings, Main St. Attending were William Each defendant is liable to a Sutherland and daughter Susan, term of five years in prison or Mrs. Marjorie Fox and son, $1,000 fine, or both, on each of Bruce J. Russell, Mr. arid Mrs. 14 counts. John Gettings, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gettings and East Keans Judge Doyle ordered a pre-sen- burg; Mrs. Jean Ortez and tence parole Investigation. Sen- daughter Elizabeth Mary. Som tencing is expected in about ervllle; Mr. and Mrs. Edward three months, Hunnikin and Neil Reilly," Linden; William Dietz, Ocean Gate, and Mrs. Edward Edner, Clark Town- To Graduate ship.

Mr. and Mrs. David Toole and! sons Brad and Jeffrey of Liver- pool, N. Y., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sal- mon. Mrs. Toole attended the class of 1955 reunion of Douglass College, New Brunswick, Satur- day. Mrs. Toole was a member! of the committee. A dinner was' held in the Cedar Manor, near New Brunswick. The second birthday of Fred Reutlinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Reutlinger, Hollie Dr., was celebrated last Friday. At tending were Denise and John Ferrara, Joan and Donna Riddell, Chris and Robert Mark, Andrea, Andrew and Peggy Lasky, John and Carol Evans, Lisa and Lau- rie Kimmey, Matthew and Janet Mozdierz and Mrs. Emma Reut- F. Philip Handy linger, Keyport, ana Mrs. Law- rence Krampert, this place. MOUNT HERMON, Mass. - Among the 159 candidates fc Plans for a fete and strawberry graduation from Mount Hermo festival were made by the Wom-School for boys at the 76th com en's Guild of the Episcopal mencement here Sunday is I Church for June 23 in the under- Philip Handy, son of Mr. an croft of St Clement's Episcopal Mrs. Francis L. Handy of 6! Church. There will be a boolh of Hance Rd. Fair Haven. Phili was a member of the yearboo Time to switch to Plaid Stamps fancy articles. Mrs. Fred Fink was hostess at the meeting June staff during his senior year an B. received letters in football an lacrosse. Gary Papa, son of Mr. and for the world's biggest selection of gifts! Mrs. Raymond Papa, Seventh St., celebrated his second birth- 2 Legislators day June 6. Present were Patrick Mulheisen, Beverly Slocum, To Be Cited Kathy Hillyer and Raymond Pa- TRENTON (AP) — The N. You can't beat the Plaid Stamps you get at A&P. pa, Jr. Association of Chosen Freeholc ers Monday announced it wi The 12th birthday of Gary Wil- present its annual "Legislator < They're the most valuable you can save! Here's why: liamson, son' of Mr. and* Mrs. the Year" awards to state Sen *•.".>",'.'••"'" " . ... Raymond Williamson, Garfield William F. Kelly, D-Hudson, am Ave., was celebrated Saturday by Assemblyman Joseph J. Mara members of the family. Present ziti, R-Morris. There are 40 different clocks you can get The most gifts — more quality gifts, more famous brands, were Mary Beth and Timothy McCandless and Nancy and Ste- The association said Kelly ant free for Plaid Stamps. Here are 24 Of them. v ...... ;',. mMmUk *_M grater selection than any other stamp offers you. 3,076 phen Williamson. Maraziti would be given tb • r, .•",.,,.«. «J.D u YOUr dreams COme true gifts to choose from, even travel! awards June 16 at. its nnnua a. General Electric Wall Clock --^8% Books ... ° . , County Home Rule Conference 1 Mary Beth and Timothy Mc- b. Herschede Floor Clock, Westminster Chimes 65 Books Wltn Two catalogs! Glamorous gift catalog for you to keep, plus Candless, children of Rev. andAtlantic City. It said the tw 0 00ks Mrs. Daniel McCandless of Haiti, legislators performed "distin c. SyrocoWallClock-Eight-dayKeywind —-T,l o «» • in 0111 Biff ltd the fabulous Special Gift Album. Browse through it at who have been visiting hero the guished service to New Jerse; d. Seth Thomas "Legacy" _.41%Books HI A III \TaMD\ ,.,»«» D ., DI,WI^ wn,« ' past month, are residing atcounty government and thi e. GeneralElectric%UMtte"Snooz-AlarmClock™2y4BoQks "UnW » lAfVld y0Ur A&P Or Plaidland Store- King'yCollege, Ossining, N. Y. strengthening of home rule." f. Syroco Cordless Electric Wall Clock ™13V4Books _^ N0 quicker saving anywhera! Orily 1200 stamps fill your g. LeCoultte "Heritage" Clock-Perpetual motion „„ 38 Books AW^^^ .,„„,hn .|, h. Syroco Wall Clock .„ 16% Books 4JTTL / JhfeW/ saver BOOK. Tho tonic mixer Amer- i. Westciox wallciock-Eight-dayKeywind.— 9%Books *OV gt-Ukv rt The easiest handling- less work, with color-coded stamps WHAT'S ica prefers by2-lover }. General Electric Kitchen Electric Clock _.. 1Y4 Books ""•^^.•SiWK m siM In 1 m Rfl unit ripnnminaf inn<; all other brands com- K Howard Miller Wall Clock 1S% Books ^MIMBIIIIF aenominations. I. General Electric Cordless Wall Clock 10 Books ^^3HK^B«al^ ^° <'nor Bu9rantee! An ironclad Pledge of Satisfaction with bined... bone-dry, bit- m. Seth Thomas Banjo Wall Clock „ 15 Books ^^*J*!-''ejBfcPr puprv oift tersweet, exhilarating n. General Electric "Patterns" Wall Clock ™2MrBooks ^ „„•„ ^^ *K BONE o. General Electric Wall Clock I i5Books '-~-/$t^^^^^K^±/\—- The newest redemption stores- beautiful Plaidland stores Giaclor BEuo p. Sunbeam Cordless Electric wail Clock...™ m Books i§iP^^PiH^\ stocked with every gift in the Plaid Stamp catalog. QUININE WATER q. General Electric Richwood Snooz-Alarm Clock ^..5Books //Mtm. ^K. ^^ \ ...... DRY r. Phinney-Walker Travel Alarm 2'/> Books HlllSSKk «• ft B\ Plus-famOUS A& P savings. All this, plus those wonderful s. General.Electric Kitchen Clock 2 Books MmM k H W m&\ merchancash savingt s nyou ge59t a!t A & P, America's dependable food BUT 0H- i KK^ |w i y ZAA ^" " v. Baby Ben spring Alarm..— _ — .;. 2% Books 11/ ^ B •• Join the thousands of smart shoppers who are making the SO-WET? All clocks shown plus Federal Excise Tax ^^KL^'^^^p^^^Spr Stamps I CANADA DRY Glacier Blue QUININE WATER PLAID STAMPS NOW AVAILABLE AT A*P IN GREATER NEW YORK-HEW JERSEY METROPOLITAN AREA Swrvwl axclusMy at WMowbrook Inn, Fair Haven H£D BANK REGISTER We&wftf/Jtn* 13,1962-9

ON HIS SPECIAL DAY-AND AU YEAR LONG~A*P OWES DAD A BIG HAND BY HOPING MOM TO GET•••i Big GIFT CHOICE Wmmwm •ON-SAVINGS MU DWIT suH m LOW PRICES "Super-Right" HATUMUY'Ata Beef Our Owi Tea Bag* Thes* d*Udoin steaks aro all cut from grain-fed Western Steer Beef that's specially selected by A&P's very own meat experts. And, as with all Sc Off lUyitw trio A&f meat*, they're guaranteed to be good eating or your money back.

White Horn* Evaporated Milk ANOTHIR MILESTONI - At ceremoni.i in the Fort [.COUPX Monmouth Dental Service, new insignia, signifying hit promotion was pinned on the uniform of Lt. Col. Charlei E. Turner by Col. E. R, Nichols, dental surgeon. Col. STEAKS EXTRA Turner, who has been assigned at the dental service here . White House Sirloin Porterhouse Top Round as chief of the prosthetic division since July, 1961, an* PLAID STAMPS tered military duty as a commissioned officer In the Dry Milk Solids Air Corps through ROTC on graduation from Georgia with p«rcbase of *5oo or more Tech, Atlanta, in 1942 and was a pilot in World War It. NenM plj. Ra4««reabta tfcii WMk-md only it Col. Turner resides with his wife, three tons 'and two AW don* giving M*M Stimpt. Utntt daughters at 45 Harmony Rd,, Eatontown. 7* 85: 9i5 «•• coupon f*t adult cuttomcr. Swift's Cigarettes, tobacco, freah milk and alcoholic bnengea exempt from Plaid Meats for Babies Stamp offer. Dedicate Main Gate TOP ROUND J*K». 85 Good thru Saturday, June 10th 1 To Col. Hartmttnn Heim FORT MONMOUTH — Dedica- Worth, daughter of Col. Hart- RUMP ROAST ""If "" 89 tion of the main gate; at Fort mann, of "Marsh Run" in Som- Monmouth on Oceanport Ave. will erset, Va., and Mrs, W. C. Stei- Str.tn«d Chopped SWEET CORN be held tomorrow afternoon and ger, Col, Hartmann1* sister, and Hattftt (FlntM9 Priori HlE*«r) Rtplirlrflf Fmfe Bssilts* Front Gals named "Hartmann Gate" in a niece of the colonel, Katherine o Golden memory of the late Col. Carl F. R, Stelger, both of Orange. Ribs of Beef ,ZJK. 69£ Brisket Beef Hartmann, the first post com- f Frw Florida 6 29' Also attending will be Mrs. !on mander of this Array Signal Rosemary W. Gilbert, a grand- Corps Installation. - daughter, from West .Hartford, dexola TopSirloinSteak "-' 95 f C The ceremony will be held at Conn.; Mrs. Bryce T. Koopman, . All purpow oB tPAhaWH>1 Fresh Peaches 2 25 3:30 p.m., with members of (he a granddaughter from Somerset, Ground Round Steak 95' Fresh Colas 39^ C Hartmann family and relatives Va., and W. Selden Stelger, a full pint /4«.A7o It at. i ment Signal Officer and Acting offlabal pk9. •' f Libby's Strawberries cup G-3 $t Headquarters, Northeast- Hershey Syrup 2 «»* 350 Chewing Bum ^S:;'"^ 6 23° I2OT.O70 « Libby's Red Raspberries v ern Department, Boston, Mass. CW. .CMP cup " He held the position of Chief S Ritz Crackers 0 Sunshine Cookies ( 10 oi. nal Officer of the Northeastern Colgate's Ad Corn d B M l8 'EH' - Breaded Shrimp c.Pnjohn-. pkj. Department from January, 1920, Broadcast A ., h ' 'ir Keebler's Saltines 10 ex. For Automatic Waihirt C Fish Sticks SS 3 until his retirement in Septem- ' V;25 plgi. ber the same year. WHhISs EOotfiAg Star-Kist Tuna Richardson Club Mints ™* P Chu Since Col. Hartmann became offlabal pkg. V* Bumble Bee Tuna £* Bachman Pretzels June Is Dairy Month! the initial post commander, 18 C Fancy Donastlo flindlois successors have commanded Fort Kraft's ParBcay Margarine X31 Horn & Hardart Coffee ;; 89° Monmouth and it has grown to C Sliced Natural Swiss 65* be the principal research, devel- Ajax Cleanser Hunt's Tomato Paste 2 !;; 27 Tender Leaf Tea Bags S1E opment and training center of p the U. S. Army Signal Corps. With CMoriiw Blaach Borden's Ready Diet i?-I!;: 99° Moizarella Slices pi,.' Wlih3e p 9 e s C offlab.r can Marcal White Napkins 2 J 21 Muenster Slices Graduation Party 80 Florient Aerosol Deodorant i" 77 A 6 22 oi. I s Provolone Slices ^l"t X31° For Kathleen Boyle Fels Liquid pl^i Swiffs Pard Dog Food 3 "" 49 Imporlod SwihtrlanJ BELFORD — Miss Kathleen Flit 25 Extra ItawBi with eieh pirakata ol 50 Extra Stamp* with aaoh pnrohasa of Boyle, daughter of David W. Swiss Cheese Slices Boyle, Edgemoor Dr., who grad- FLY * MOSQUITO KILLER CORNED BEEF BLACKBERRY uated Sunday from St. Mary's Victory Cream Cheese School, New Monmouth, was hon- HASH 5uP*r-Rlght Brand 33" PRESERVES ::65' pk,.*' ored at a party. Kraft Cheez-Whiz Present were Miss Emma Ma- 25 Extra Stampa with eiod purthaas el 2B Extra Stamps with eaoh purohaio el Be in fashion, be thrifty! Whip loney, Mrs. Margaret Lauler, Mr. Bordtn't up new hats—so dainty, crocheted and Mrs. Frank Hynes, Mr. and Dazzle IIHHEV (WHhMalal ALUMINUM PaiteurtxsrJ In narrow ribbon. Mrs. Peter Born, Mr. and Mrs. LIDPET Hold,rj C TO CMAT ATLANTIC 4 tAClflC 1U COWAMY. IHC. Everybody loves hats cro- Robert Peck and family, Mr. and Bleach Bath 39 SAUCEPAN I quart ««l" ', checked in popcorn stitch—looks Mrs. Louis Cusazza, Mr. and Mrs. GLASS CUP --• lit* Coupon atrichad to each itam. like rosebuds. Use ribbon, string, John Grego, Patrolman and For tha Laundry uper J^arkets straw yarn. Pattern 733: direc- Mrs, James Peck, Patrolman and Prices effective thru Sat., June 16th in Super Markets and Self-Service atorei. tions, all sizes. Mrs. Henry Holmes and family pl.itlc*' plaitlc'*' Thirty-five cents (coins) for and Misses Elaine McGinnis and AU Cigarettes, Tobacco, Fresh Milk and Alcoholic Beverages exempt from Plaid Stamp ofier. this pattern—add 10 cents for Elaine Gelder, Hobokon; Mr. and each pattern for first-class mail. Mrs. Robert Nelson and Mr. and Send to Laura Wheeler, care ol Mrs. Gerard Peck, Union City; RED BAKK LITTLE SILVER EATONTOWN SHREWSBURY CLIFFWOOD The Red Bank Register, Needle- Mr. and Mrs. James McKeever, 121 Monmouth St. North Bergen; Mr. and Mrs. Don- 507 Prospect Ave. Route 35 Newman Springs Rd. at Shrewsbury Ave. craft Dept, P.O. Box 161, Old Complete Liquor Department Rout* 35 Chelsea Station, New York 11, ald Kehone, College Point, L. L; Popular Brands Beer and Ale Monday thru Thursday 'ill 9 P. M. Monday thru Thursday '111 9:00 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday '111 IP. M. Mr. and Mrs. William Fogarty, Open Thursdays 'ill 9 p. M. Monday thru Thursday 'til 9 P. M. Fridays 'til 10 P. M. Frldaya 'til 10 P. M. Fridays 'til 10 P. M. N. Y. Print plainly pattern num- Sundays » A. M. to 8 P. M. ber, name, address and zone. Wantnufiti, L. I.; Mr. and Mrs. Fridays 'til 10 P. M. , Fridays 'til 10 P. M. Sundays 8 A. M. to 6 P. M, , Sundays 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. THE FIRST TIME! 200 designs Phillip Lauler and family, Philip PORT MONMOUTH KEANSBURG ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS RARITAN TOWNSHIP DEAL In our 1962 Ifced'ecraft Catalog- and Sharon, Guttenberg; Mr."and biggest eVerl Pages, pages, pages Mrs. Thomas Donahue, West New Highway 36 Highway 36. 80 First Avenue Route 36 282 Norwood Ave. Popular Branda Be«r and Ale • Complete Liquor Department —fashions, accessories to knit, York, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Monday thru Thursday 'til 8 P. M. Sell Scrvlco Store Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 'til 1 P. M crochet, tew, weave, embroider, Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sundays » A. M. to « P. M. Monday thru Thursday 'til • f. ML Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Monday An Thursday '(D I P. M. Fridays 'III 10 P. M. No Meat Department Frldaya 'ill 10 P. M. Frldaya 'Ul 10 P. M. . qollt See Jumbo-knits, clothi, Fridays 'U1H P. M. Sundaya » A. M. to • P. M. Open Friday to S P. M. Sundays 9 A. M. to « P. M. Sundays iA. M. to « P. M. apttftds, toys, Hneni. afghans; Mehler, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ur- fre» paiteru*. Only 25 cents. blne, Belford. Washington uA Jeffersea Col- 10-Wednttcky, June 13, 1962 RED BANK REGISTER Graduated lege, Washington, Pi. Award. i*aet L^, ffami %*&. Clifford p. 08 w LEONARDO - Edwin A. Mr. Thofflu U sow pUaaiag t WASHINGTON (A^-ThaW; **' **•'-. *» ****** •** Rlchaf d H. fiafMt, Myron !»ur with the U. S. Mavy. day. Bark*, P-M&til T, BttnewiS, Julie- son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- his » wanted a $1,507,330 cootrsct 85 to Get tan Cilurfiim, Roberto A. Otr- liam 0. Thor/iai, i't TbogipKiB pcyt advertise In The the RCA Laboratory, toe.. It W» to ttdv«ni&e in T5» i, Twiii M.am Chdi&nEk*, Ave, grtdtiaM S*ltfrA*y 1nm taoston* N. J. for rt*t*rch cm Diplomas Nurcy Cbtf. fc. Oavld Cisyv/ft, Robert Elliott Clayton, Carolyn Louise Dailey, and Patricia Ann Tomorrow Davies. FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP—The Malcolm O. Mickey Davis, Jean commencement and class night of Alberta Dey, Eugene T. Elfstrom, the Freehold Totvnship Schools Donna Marie Engeidt, Charles will be heW tomorrow at 8 p.m.Roger Fauser. John Charles at the W«t Freehold School, cen- Fautt, William Finlay, Nick Flou MISSING PENS MONMOUTH MCA TS tered around a Flag Day theme. 110 MONMOUTH ST. BRANCH AVENUE das, Rene P. Freyre, Joseph Gal AMP JACKET Rev. John D. Merwin, pastor of lini, William D. Hankins, Helen RED BANK wi 1 UTTLE SILVER the First Methodist Church, Free- Janet Hayward, Edward M. John- TILI hold, will deliver the invocation son, Evon M. Johnson, Rhonda SH 1-5292 - and benediction. Kay Joseph, George Michael Kell- 741-5350 The address of welcome will be er, Toby Kempinski, Robert Ken presented by Bruce Smith, class nedy, Diane Kinsey, Gloria D. I PREMIUM -AGED and SEASONED president. Martin Smith will pre- Kinsey, Michael, Charles Klusza, sent the class gift. Eileen Faye Koenig, Lorraine Pa Superintendent of schools Mar- tricia Kurtz, Joan Marie Lipski, shall W. Errickson will present Harold Leslie Matthews, and the 85 graduates to Dr. Harry N. Stanley B. Matthews. Smith, vice president of the RIBS of BEEF Israel Mayk, Bernice McKnight, Board of Education, and C. Rich- Miriam Meyer, Josephine A. Moe Genuine 5-6 Ib. she Lean - Rib Side Lean, Fresh Ground PAN READY ard Applegite, past president, lius, Roger C. Mueller, Donald who will present the diplomas. Newschafer, Annette Ellen Pa- 5-6 Ib. Size They will be assisted by E. renteau, Michael Anthony Piku © Kine Featurti Syndicate, Ine, 1962. WorM righto raemd. Kendall- Gike, principal of the lik, Regis Jean Piper, Judy M. LEGS of LOIN of CHUCK West Freehold School. Price, Floy Nichole Radder, Ederi Receiving diplomas will be: Robert Taylor, Pamela Telle Daniel Reed, Dorothy Marie Sa- John Hughes Thomas, Kei School Fire Lawrence Bruce Abate, Judith Iiski, Glenn Conover Sammis, LAMB August Van Wickle, Raymond ; HILLSIDE (AP) — About 700 PORK CHOP FOWL Claire Adler, Frank Anderson, Nina Lee Seymour, Thomas R. Venti, Marilyn Ethel Wall, Ba Hillside elementary school pupils Lynn M. Anderson, Mary Ann Shauger, Kathleen Ann Slattery, bara Ann Wiegand, Bonnie Lc Apel, Constance Mary Applegate, Barbara Leigh Smith, Bruce Al- were evacuated Monday when Patricia Ann Applegate, Pame- ston Smith, and Martha Henry Wilkins, Lawrence A. i Wilsoi workmen using a torch to burn la Muriel Baird, Eleanor E. Ba-Smith. Gerald Wittenberg, and Fay off the paint on a metal spring nbs, Gregory Beach, Floyd W. Wong. set fire to a bird's nest on the Bennett, Paul Bologna, Harold S. Linda Kay Snedeker, Kathleen school's roof. 9 Bromell, Vincent Michael Budris, F. Tanner, Madeline L. Tanner, Firemen put out the smoulder- Fresh Killed—3-4 Ib. size—Split, quartered or cut up Dinner-Dane ing fire and the children returned Tonight For to school an hour later. Romard Gets Master's Ib Reg. Grads Degree in Education CINCINNATI, Ohio — Thomas RUMSON — The graduatin E. Romard received his master's Boneless, Choice Lean - Meaty Genuine Spring Lean - Fresh class of 1962 at the Rumson-Fai degree in education last Wednes- Haven Regional High School wi day at Xavier University. He is hold a dinner-dance tonight the son of Mr. and Mrs. Law- CROSS SPARE LOIN LAMB CHOPPED rence Romard of 49 Villa PL, Old Orchard Country Club, Ea Eaton town, N. J. His parents ontown. The party will begin were in Cincinnati for the gradu- CHOPS 6:30 p.m. ation ceremonies. RIB ROAST RIBS BEEF Lee Doerries, chairman, 1 Mr. Romard is a 1950 graduate announced that Pete Galatro an of Red Bank High School and his orchestra will play for dant received his BS degree from TC4S3* ing. During the evening, the cla Eastern Kentucky State College, history will be read, and eai Richmond. He Is married to the LBS. senior will receive a favor d former Jean Walton of Maysviile, GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER picting a significant event whii Ky., and they have a 6-month- occurred in the class's four yea old son, Kevin. Economical ^%\i |G|LAMBfor^iJOOl$KINLESS Short Ribs/1 1100 fits in the space of an old-fashioned 1® at Regional. BACON/,: (FRANKS OF BEEP 4 s 1 NO DEFROSTING EVER The dinner-dance chairman wl It pays to advertise in The STEW in Refrigerator or big Roll-Out Freezer! be assisted by Judy Brokav Register.—Advertisement Peggy Lund, Michael Manley an «• • FfMtaiwi GtD- I Swing-Out Shelves, Egg Tray & Butter Carol Wilson. Mrs. Alta Stratto enl EteMc Dultr m Conditioner. Mobile Cold keeps meatfresh en jUttotfml to Offtr is the faculty adviser. •ENERAl ELECTRICS to 7 days. Freeze-N-Store Ice Service, Fimoil PERSONAL Class; officers are Bill Barn WARRANTY SERVICE. Magnetic Safely Door. * •••>••• president; Sue Munger, vice pre fckhlW I HO tASYDOWN UltMSI PAYMimi **)/*) ident; Mary. Ann Marascio, sec •MinlnnraRettll Price retary, and Mildred Kouha, treas urer. Better Housekeeping Shop, Inc. Graduation exercises for th d # 46 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK SH 1-4310 class will be held Friday at 6: p.m. in Borden Memorial Sta ium. OPEN 3 DAYS THURSDAY and FRIDAY 10 A.M. 7IL 9 P.M., SAT. 'TIL 6 STAINLESS STEEL TABLEWARE MADE BY THE INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY f i I i START TO BW10 YOUR $£*ViC£NO¥I...A00 TO IT COMPLETE STORE BUYERS 22-A MAIN STREET LI 2-9747 EATONTOWN First > WE GIVE I MILE NORTH OF EATONTOWN CIRCLE « IN THE CENTER OF EATONTOWN National SPECIAL FATHERS DAY SALE 1GREEN Stores tSTAMPSj Buy the Best Gift for Dad This Father's Day ... 4-PC PLACI SETTING Our Selection of Nationally Advertised Men's Apparel!

Manufactured by These Famous Makers: SE! ttn 'Amtrfcon Foihion . Hollow handle-Stylecroft" knife Stytocraft* hollow hondl* tnlf« McGregor, BVD, Hanes, Arrow, Puritan, Manhattan, — itylrt to btouty — croft.d Campus, Holeproof, Botany and More ... for itr»k» ... a suptrior cut- .Dinner fork • Salad fork ting ImpUnwil wilft gleaming blodei of cvtltry ifnl ftmd to Men's Short Sleeve Men's Dress and Sport • Teaspoon a porftctly baloncid handlt. Dress and Sport SLACKS $2.99 VALUE $ 69 Cool First National Stertt lays "thank you" Dacron to its loyal customers with this exciting SHIRTS 1 $000 money-iaving offer. You'll be proud to Blends and $«49 own a. complete service in this lovely, Including Banlon's, fino TO Finest and up exclusive, modem yat traditional pat- imported Pimas. Values N 100% Wools 3 WITH ANY tern. Each piece Is flawlesslycrafte d by COMPLETE its world famous maker. As for service, lo 10:95. Higher Sizes 28 to 42 PURCHASE only you can't beat stoinleis... so practical — won't farnith. Its mirror finish will stay bright and shining year after year. And ALL 1962 PATTERNS ONLY the savings are really bigl MEN'S FINELY TAILORED AS MUCH HERE'S HOW TO BUILD A COMPLETE SERVICE: TROPICAL SUITS AS n DACRON and WORSTED BLENDS Many Muted Shades—All Siies 8 i SPORT JACKETS COOL DACRONS—FINEST MADE 70% 100% WOOLS—ALL SIZES 1 W DOWT MISS THESE VALVESOFF

Also pick from a selection FRIDAY ONLY 4 Iced Drink Spoons of complete Underwear • MEN'S MEN'S ; • Belts • Suspenders • COMM$12f re • WITV 9H ANY HATS ONIT1 ^ PUKCHA51 I • Robes • PJs SLIPPERS by Dunham AND CAPS Mostly Limited For Fishing & other gportl Great Savings A STEAL! 1 of ltngatge irt» with the CM of|R«Aert Bodea. Witter Buck, But there are rumors daily o! court had in opportunitpp y Wedneaday, Juive 13, a travel ageacy felting. Caputa. new uprising* In the offing. U> wettei the authoritri yf ohf the 56 Graduate RJEDBA5K REGISTCT |/ Betancourt Still Has BcuaoMort sat i body *od J j ifljrndi 'fd the Ouaae DeSitoo, tttay Dotiasty. em* «Kfa*«M* be aayt act astfcM At Oceanport •/iSan Onaa, Xeaajcdi Fraat^- - - mm ****** _ _ The mm atyaaeaaiaa; CtftV* Ven- Unl/>» !j a rntmbtr tt a mijorftjr Herrfng, A Pack of Trouble itzuelt, h« atyi, wffi act '//r.slsUni! ut a ' tj»liater*d David '/ft of UeUfiuiurt't o*W •y MUL FINCH CM* «ad tfaeir ftyjBpatbiwtt. the ciws at the Woif Hill A vest*: and dwaled to Rod Mawey, Robert Meefaiii, His ftowute » move*8*lost Action Party, through Friday from 9:30 to CARACASA, , Vcanuela ( (j Mwerasat of the E«volutiowtry Communists and the MIR. School laat night. men an electric basketball score- Lawreace Memraol*, Edward a.m. and Tuesdays and Thurs- Lift (MSt). ctraatiatt haa sUrretl up opposi- Mundell, Joseph Murdock, Ralph Although Ms ttwH ttotem toA Cw*re» Fair Haven, N. J., an agent for shared a citizenship award with Massaro, Linda Mayro, Patricia Park Ave. to do so. Betancourt in both revolts and "If the government can elimi the New York Life Insurance Guy Knieriem. O'Connell, Kathleen Reilly, Phyl- COLUMBUS, Ohio — Laurence nate the Gmraunirt party, ton Company, has been aimed a We Highlight of the ceremonies was lis Rovick, Idamarie Shaffer, W. Collins of Fair Haven, N. J., •On the other side, hit congres- actually took up machetes to It adds up! More and more no political party is cafe," said a member in the roster of the Worn a play entitled "The Journey," Alexandra Turner, Patricia War- received a BS degree in business slonal oapotifea-lMidiaa; the fight at the side or Loyalist people use TJie Register ads each high-raning member of the oppo- ea leaders Round Table of the written, produced and performed dell, Jane Wilcox, Georgia Wnu- administration from Ohio State majority has Indicated straw forces, Thil, the officials say, issue because results come fast- dlslike o( «

MIDGET TURKEYS, UNDER 8 POUNDS, USDA GRADE A GOOO THRU SAT.. JUNE 16th Roast'em...Broil 'em...Barbecue 'em! They're plump, tender F#1E WITH THIS COUPON FREE and value priced this week at your nearby First National. 100 Jftt Green Stamps WITH A PURCHASE OF $5.00 OR MORI UMIT ONE COUPON) F£g ADULT FAMILY. Clgar«tt»i, Tebartt, twr, Liquor and fruh Milk t*ampt item tiamp effcr. IIFIMT MHH0ML « JAFWAY-FIBST REDEEM S&H COUPON No. 2 HELLMANNS THIS WEEK Gst extra S&H Grain Stomps MAYONNAISE each week with tin big FREE coupon strip uric* offer wnt America's ,. to homes throughout this araa SMOKED PORK BUTTS Favorite 16oz.|ar 37« ii EM BfcM BRICK-OVEN SWIFTS PREMIUM mum*mSrmlS USDA CHOICE BEEF Baked Beans SLICED CHICKf N lb m mm v . fiRAUNII lb * ^ BACON LEGS 45« XL CHUCK 69« SWtfTS PREMIUM T£NDfR WHITE MEAT ^ \" SWIFTS PREMIUM; SPECIAL 7« OFF REYNOLDS SKINLESS 1b Erown'n Serve FOIL WRAP FRANKS M< SAUSAGE P^ 425 UTtA S&H Fresh Seafood Selections...Sliced Cod <^ 35c fHfof of Haddock ^ 49< INDIA, HOT DOG OR HAMBURGER BONUS STAMPS Heinz Relish 2 ; 43= Extra i% Stamps FRESH PEACHES with purdiaw of items listed below GEORGIA'S FINEST offer good thru Saturday, June 16th ORCHARD-SWEET BEACON FLOOR WAX i«™i«.» 2 29 flNAST DRY DETERGENT 47.,pic, WHITE NAPKENS FINAST PRESERVES n°i.\«iu*A»«i«*»*** CALIFORNIA RED PLUMS 33< FINAST BLUEBERRY PIE »...... Ixtra Jtfil Stamps CALIFORNIA BING CHERRIES 49= SPECIAL DIAL PACK with purchase of items listed below FLORIDA MANGOS T»^U -15c HONEYDEW MELONS offer good thru Saturday, June 16th AHsweet Margarine FIHAST FABRIC 80RENER FINAST BLEACH *»»*>««> FINAST- FINAST LIQUID STARCH WhoIeWheaf NYLOHGE SPONGES *»* SLICED BOG FOOB 2 ca STRAWBERRIES Bread FINAST BOOK MATCHES FINAST PRUNE FILLED SWISS CHEESE OLD FASHIONED BREAD each CHEESE BUNTZES^/xo^o Coffee Cake Brookside 8 cz. POTATO PANCAKES >^y>«-• **• Pasteurized Process pkg, Low Prices and S&R Qreen Stamps Too ... at First 'National SWIFTS TASTY SPREAD JOHNSON'S SHOE WHITE«*£'»'V*?49c HOWARD JOHNSON FRIED CLAMS^69c FINAST OVENREADY BISCUITS Xa. 31" 29c NO<" ' <»°^ 55c TOILET TISSUE BORDERS READY DIET S3E 4^ 99c BROADCAST BEEF STEW '•— 37< SWIFT'S PREM OPEN PIT BARBECUE SAUCE > •>.. 4lc BROADCAST CHILI — —37c Pink or Aqua 4 39 BOSCO «Ml.r59c u«K37c LUSTRE CREME ^ifm «---»60«. READY-TO-EAT DOWNYFLAKE MUFFINS"^- »v4.,PkB;41c DUPONT SPONGES -^ r.H 39c Special 12 oz. can LESTOIL PINE SCENT DOWNYFLAKE PANCAKES •—«- 2 - 39c HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOOD 101.99c Pack Sptdcl 7c Off Potk ... 28 01. bol. SSc 15oz.bot. 39 LESTOIL SPARKLE SCENT 28 ot. WISK LIQUID 50c Off Pack on* LUX TOILET SOAP SWIFT'S PREMIUM %»elol 4e OH... 13 ot. bol. 33c bol. Sp.clal 13c Off fuck ... 32 u. lln 61t gallon I At I Sav» Coih n' Stampi si flnt Nollonal Corned Beef 12 oz. car]55= LESTARE DRY BLEACH 10 to C LIFEBUOY SOAP vuvt Tab Detergent ; 5c Off (DV. Coih n' Stamp! ol Flnt Notional 47 San Caih n' ilampi ot First Nolionol 4 ZZ Special 10c OH Pack, 40 la pkg. tie 24tapkg. 3 DELICIOUS VARIETIES SURF 15c Off Pack 52ox. it UFEBUOY SOAP M.««. « for qq<, "ALL" LIQUID ioeoHM 32oi Mom's Cookies 4 1,00 Say* CaiK n' Stampi at f Inl Nallanol S«»i Coih «* Slampi vt Fiut Motlonol Mk O*» ' •, tart Coih n' Sla»pi at flr«J National pkfl. FROZEN DONUTS 8 to LUX SOAP FLAKES 12 «• PRAISE SOAP 7c Off Pack r«g. A<• 4| |> LUX TOILET SOAP SPRY SHORTENING 5cOff QMr Rlvar and Mlddlttawn itor.l, Wt rawm tt.. right to lli.ll quantitiM. N*W Uf Cmh «' Stampi ol Fin) Noltonil 3 Z 23< tun Caih n' Stamp ot rint National 31b. can Q'r Hid , Juw 13,1962 RED BANK REGISTER

Save On Nationally Advertised Qroceries m DAD...* MAI mm* tmi e Lancaster Brand Top Quality MAXWELL HOUSE V I* off M 6-OZ.ia r / ™ EHLERS COFFEE Re9uiar'FineorDrip . 100 CHASE & SAHBORN COFFEE 59 S&H DEL MONTE CATSUP 4i 69 BROADCAST

DELSEY TOILET TISSUE 2 45 FREE! 100 S&H GREEN STAMPS. In addition to yvti ragulsr ito»p» BUITONI TOMATOES SB 4^89 ucludlng Fluid Milk and ClgarfHw. WITH PURCHASE jumbo19e ffDBa| OF $5.00 OR MORE SARAN WRAP ° Ill Cuft Slightly Higher OV1N-READY lfa.S9c Addran _...„„...... „..._„ „_ f«plrtl Sal., Jum ' Lancaster Brand limit 1 Coupon UBBY'SCORN — 5 *1 ib. for Shopping Family. ?

Lancaster Brand Vacuum Packed Cold Cuts FRQZEN MEAT FEATURES BOLOGNA YOUR CHOICE UNCASTH BRAND BOU-INBAO FREEI 30 S&H OREEN STAMPS Bakery Dairy pt,', 89« In addition toyav r regular itu^t PLAIN LOAF TURKEY or BEEF 3 wlthpurdHmef Florida S Ib. bog Orange* SPICED LUNCHEON MEAUlMt MAID COOKED SALAMI BREADED VEAL EiplraiSah,Jvno1&. Kraft's PICKLE-PIMEHTO MAtD limit 1 Coupon 29 For Shopping Family. BEEF CUBED STEAKS OR OLIVE LOAF 6 oz. pkg.

< V S » A s) FREE! 50 S&H GREEN STAMPS Velveeta h addition toyou r rogubr rtonp* Virginia Lee Cinnamon, Plain, Sugared 1 •with purchot* at 2 quart Cheese Spread F3 si* /,*- Pitcher Shokar ComblnaHon Club Aluminum Nomo „.._ With Food Purchases Addmi.....,„ •««„,» _ DONUTS E^ ;. 2-lb. •On Famous Hammercrait Waterless Cookware EiplrotSatJiinoK. limit 1 Coupon pkg. For Shopping Family. pkg. 75 9 Sovo Food ... Save flavor Vh q'. covered tauce pan $5.95 $2.95 of 12 ... Sav« Fuel 2 qt. covered Jauco pan .... 6.95 3.99 29 » Can Pay For lti«l( With 3 qt. covered tauce pan .... 7.95 4.99 Saving i Virginia Lee Dutch Appla or Appla 8Vi" open fry pon 4.95 2.69 Cheese Spread 9 A Top Quality Nama In 2.99 Cookware 10" open fry pan 5.45 5.99 0 Latti a Lifetim* of Cooking AV* qt. Dutch oven 9.95 FREE! 13" oval covered roailer 12.95 7.99 PIES 2 '1 Pleaiura 60 S&H Groen Stamps with 12" Chicken Fryer 11.95. 6.99 NT Teflon Griddle 6.95: 3.99 Any Purchase and Coupon No. VICTOR BREAD *- 2 "-25c Days Trial 0 Satisfaction Quarantoed 10 Teflon Electric Fry Pan 1995 11.97 2 From S&H Booklet Mailed To Frozen Foods Your Home. FARM HOUSE You Never Had If So Fresh APPLE PIES 3 1 PEACHES THERM-0 K«e» it Hot. K«t» it COLO. Diih- wojher iafe, utt- GEORGIA breokabtel Un- Welch's Grape Juice 2 £ 29c borimd by boiling YELLOW >r freeilnj—itolit- proel. 2 25 Your Cholw of Colon, Roman Lasagna 2 89' v • far s with M.09 »urch«» »nd Milady Cheese Blintzes 3 1SWEET CORN TENDER STUFFED PEPPERS Ht7 X165* PARTY SHELLS riE*r "- 53« RfS.*T09 DANISH TWIST «—' «>-55e APPLE STRUDEL *E*T '£5* FIRM RIPE large carton TOMATOES 19- Name PANCAKES "w^ 4 £; 69« TURNOVERS ^"'^'X "S59* Addreu. C PIZZA 4's Romo" 12-oz. ptcg. 53c STRAWBERRIES f^, X'31 BIG BOSTON I'•>••,.Si limit I ctupm £ heal § Jfl •#* P.r Shopping family AH arJvsrVisid price, affedJv* Wed. through Sat., Juno 13 to 16. Ws roitrvo tht right to limit quantitlti. LETTUCE ', '; Kilii Ideal Brand Broil-A-Foil Lustre Creme Soaky Florient Cashmere Golden Fluffo Sunkist Concentrate t\ 6-oz. QIJ- Tuna Fish Trays Shampoo ASSORTED SCENTS Bouquet Soap 16-oz.con32c ForUmonads >si. can* Ow Light 6-oz. <^QC 10.oz.pk .^9c pkg. of 5^9c W'^l.OO 9 5Vi-oz.caa*7Oc 2bathcake»3"|C Oronga r\ 6-01. #j r" — Chunk* can i/* 3-lb.cangljC In Storti SsHlng TolUlrin Bat* Z cam OD Crest Prell Mueller Vel Palmolive Cashmere Palmolive Vel Liquid Powder Soap Tooth Liquid Macaroni Bouquet Soap Soap 12-«.can35C re cake$ < baihcokM c Shampoo 15-ox. pk0. 33c 3 9 31 " 3reg.cak.13jc Paste 2!£45« 2 31 22-wt.caaA3C \/ I «A Dotorj.n* V 1 m Tabltti l%-oi.1ube2]C Devonsheer Ajax Ad Ajax Cleanser Fab 20-cot. 0 <")- 49>/a-o«. -y-y^. k9.of242t|C Melba Toast P CLEANER WITH AMMONIA 2i4-o*.««»3"JC C C '?°"86c lWi-o*. pk0.33c •Ixo OZ ri»// Dial PaeVi—tlralled Quant!)!** 3eOHrt/\e $ >2? 3y4-01.pko.25c 83%-OT.pk.B 1 In Slorti Soiling TolUtrta In Storfli SttliriQ Toll*tri«a 15-ox. pk0.3OC V 21-OJ:. can ZU 50-ox.pka.O4C

BANK—170 Broad St; FAIR HAVEN—576 River Rd. UNCROFT—Newman Springs Rd. of Hurfoy Lant WIST LONG BRANCH—Rt. 36 and Broadway Use Our Want Ads For Quick Results BEDBANK SH I-0010 DAY 1 Independent Dadly f Home Delivery Dial SH Ml 10 NIGHT SECTION TWO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1962 7c PER COW New Jersey First Municipal News Briefs Beach Readied By The Associated Press ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — >roperty on the west side of JERSEY CITY - Iliree school car struck a pole yesterday. This borough's first municipal town from Humble Oil Co. officials, a contracting company Weaver had been ititleaed at beach will be ready for use by The property runs from Wag- end the company's president McGuire AFB. local residents within two weeks, ner's Creek, which divides this were convicted tonight of con- Borough Council announced last municipality and Leonardo, to spiracy to avoid state bidding TRENTON — An award to night. Avenue D. laws. Found guilty were John F. distinguished contributions to The announcement came after The company has agreed to sl- Sheehan, president of the Jersey American music has been given ow the borough to use the prop-, City Board of Education; Louis the governing body accepted the to Metropolitan Opera star Jer- use of 600 feet of beachfront srty for "municipal purposes" Pangaro, supervising architect of ome Hines of South Orange. Gov, ith the following provisions: the board; John Jomanowski, Richard J. Hughes presented th< That the borough erect a fence board business manager; Gener- citation to Hines today. The gov- o separate the beach area from al Restoration Co,, New York ernor said the award was espe- School Board he rest of the oil company's City, and the firm's president, cially appropriate because Hines loldings; no fires be permitted Barnet Levine of the Bronx, N. Y. Is due to be a musical good wil >n the premises; either party Judge Sot Schulman told the To Choose ambassador on tours of Italy hall have the privilege of can- Jurors their decision was "con' South America and the So vie! cellation of the agreement with- slstent with the evidence." Shee- Union later this year. RALLY 'ROUND THE FLAG BOYS— Stata Assemblyman Alfred N. Besdlsston, holding flagstaff, a Shrewsbury in 30 days, and that council will han, Pangaro and Jomanowski New Name relieve the firm of all Insurance were released in the custody of raiidant, presents a state flag to Shrewsbury Borough School on bahaif of school's fourth grader*. Accepting the NEW SHREWSBURY — The esponsibillty. probation officials.. Levine was PATERS0N - A Knkd Jury Shrewsbury Township Board of gift is Curtis Bradley, right, vice principal. With the two men are, left to right, Philip Genovese, Robert Fedler Councilman John A. Joslin, continued free in $2,500 bail. has dismissed complaints that Education will cease to exist with who was instrumental in acquir- Schulman said he would pass the Paterson police force had and Philip Rollins, members of the fourth grade class which purchased the flag. The presentation was part of an the end of this month. ing use of the property, reported sentence Aug. 9. Conviction of practiced brutality and dis- auembly program Friday in which the fourth graders dramatized scenes from Now Jersey history. Last night it took steps to that the borough's Insurance the conspiracy charge carries a crimination against Negroes, choose a name for the board that policy will provide proper insur- maximum penalty of three years but the Jury,suggested steps to will succeed it when this school ance protection for the town and in jail and a $1,000 fine. The protect arrested persons. The district regionalizes July 1. its residents. defendants indicated they would complaints had been lodged by Thp regionalization plan, ap- the Paterson branch of the Na- He said preparation of the appeal. A grand jury had in- To Use'Windfall' To Pave Drives proved by voters in March, will dieted the 10 original defendants tional Association for the A* beach area will be handled by vancemtnt of Colored Peopl*. NEW SHREWSBURY — The Bernard Schwartz, Stuart Hand position that the driveways are joint advertisements by two or change little except to Increase Caruso Construction Co. and and the company for allegedly state and federal aid to this conspiring to avoid the New Jer- They were described as base- Shrewsbury Township' Board of and Ansom W. Peckham took the in bad.condition and the "extra more school boards for bids for other local volunteers, at no cost Jess by the holdover Passsic Education divided last night on position that this balance should money should be used to correct school supplies. district, which is composed of to the borough. sey law which forbids awarding New Shrewsbury and Shrewsbury County Grand Jury in • pre- the question of whether to use a be retained as surplus. the situation. Assemblyman Beadleston The governing body hired a of contracts for more than. $2,000 Township. without competitive bidding. The sentment handed op to Superior "windfall" to pave the driveways Not Emergency "We have been elected to serve pointed out that such a procedure consultant to prepare a borough indictment claimed that the de- Court Judge Harry Kolovsky at Tinton Falls and Sycamore "If this paving work is not an the community and to use our would raise questions as to which When the regionalizatlon takes master plan. fendants had conspired In Jan- yesterday. Schools. • • emergency matter to prevent judgment in doing so," Dr. board would make the contract, effect,- the county superintendent The firm, Brown and Anthony uary, I960, to award a - supple- Finally, by a vote of 4 to 3, danger to life and limb, then we Teeters said. "Many citizens are which board would vote on th of schools, Earl B. Garrison will City Planners, New York City, mental contract of $18,675 for in the body decided to call for bids should not do lt," Mr. Schwartz concerned about the condition of bids, etc. He suggested that an appoint a new board to serve un- was chosen by the Planning NEWARK — E. Hornsby Was for the paving work. said. "After all, we gave the these driveways. I favor' using stailatlon of lintels in Public son, president of the N. J, Bel: alternative might be to put sup- til .the next school elections in Board after several months of School 34 to Levine's firm, The money to do this work be- taxpayers a complete breakdown thfs windfall to correct the situ- ply purchases in the hands of th' February of 1963. He is expected interviews involving eight firjrtis. Telephone Co., and William B came available when the back of the money we planned to ation." LlckUder, president of the U.S county superintendent of schools to appoint the members now Councilman Vincent H. Fox. tuition bill from Red Bank High spend this year, and the paving Joint Ads He asked the board's opinion ol serving. the only council member to vote Savings Bank In Newark, were item was not included." RICHMOND, Va. — Sarah School was smaller than ex At the same meeting the board this procedure. Mr. Garrison.will preside at the 'no", later told The Register he honored yesterday by the New pected. While $12,000 had been Trask Bullard, 81, of 88 Grant The board president, Dr. Rich- received a letter from Assembly' organization meeting of the re- doesn't like the idea of "out- Jersey Region of the National appropriated, In line with Wills ard Swenson, and members D. man Alfred N. Beadleston an- The board decided the matte; Ave., Dumont, N. 3., was fa- Conference of Christians and needed further study. gional board.. siders telling us how to run our tally Injured yesterday when of other years, only about $4,0"? Robert Teeters, Miriam I. Harris swering a recent inquiry about town." Jews, Wasson and Llcklider were The teaching staff for next year At that time the school board her car was struck by a truck was required. and Clarence Moore took the possible legislation to permit He claimed the borough has presented plaques in recognition was completed by appointment of will name the new regional dis- at the intersection of Rts. 30 grown, throughout the years, of "outstanding leadership and two teachers. Mrs. Clare Ger- trict. and 33. She died in the Medical without the aid of professional service" as chairman and treas- rlty of New Shrewsbury will re- Dr. Richard Swenson, board College of Virginia Hospital less urer respectively' of the 1962 president, said last night that a help. than two hours alter the crash. ceive a salary of $4,600 a year, Brotherhood Award dinner. number of suggestions for new All Without Help State trooper Al Hauser, it., Spring St. Zoning Vote Set and Roger D. Acker of Gardners- "We've made our own water •aid she was making a left ville, Nev., will be paid $5,900 names have been received from year. adults and from school children. and sewer surveys and projected turn onto Rt. SO In New Kent NEW YORK - A family of RED BANK — The Planning Board last can be approved by a majority vote of the the needs in these areas for the He said a committee consisting County and she turned into the five who escaped from the night decided to discuss and vote on the five members in attendance. Name Secretaries next 25 years, all without the Yugoslav Island of San Sego In proposed Spring St. zoning change next Tues- Besides Mr. Kellenyl and Mr- Hoffman, of Anson W. Peckham, Clarence path of the oncoming truck. Mrs. Dorothy Canfield was ap- help of outsiders," he said. a small fishing boat has ar- day, June 19. board members include Mayor Falyo, Coun- Moore, and himself will consider pointed as secretary to the prin "In addition, we've appointed rived here to start a new life Chairman Bernard Kellenyl and other cilman Thomas F. Oakley, Mrs. Laura Ru- a suggestions and select a group clpal of Tinton Falls School, an a Planning Board which in my TRENTON - Th« Appellate hi North Bergen,. N. J. Bozo members agreed, however,'that the matter dolph, James Wolcott, Joseph Esposlto, Bene- of about 10 to present to the Mrs. Nancy W. Wood, as secre- opinion knows more about what Division of Superior Court has up- Piclnlch, 31, his wife, Rosa, and cannot come up for a vote unless a quorum dict R. Nicosia and Daniel J. O'Hern. newly organized regional board. tary to the school nurse. we need and can' afford than held ja $5,000 jury award to their three children flew in of the Planning Board membership is pres- In an earlier vote last month Mr. O'Hern Names suggested so far include The board accepted five stu- anyone else." Edgar W. Johnson, Injured in from Rome yesterday with 140 ent. - . abstained. Mrs. Rudolph voted against the Wayside Schools, Sycamor "Last but not least, I under' escaping from a 1957 rooming other refugees. There were 27 The zoning amendment was returned proposal. dent teachers from Monmouti Schools, Squankum Regional, Tin College for next year, each to as stand that once the master plan house fire. Johnson, a bartender, other former residents of Sao again to the board by Borough Council last Planning Board meetings are held at 8 ton Falls Regional, and dozens o! is adopted, much of the control was. a former roomer at the Sego on the flight. Ptolalch was week for another review and vote. The coun- p.m. on the third floor of the municipal build- sist in classrooms for eigh others. weeks next year. leaves the hands of the governing boarding house*rife', by Mr. and met by his brother, John Plci- cil requested, however, that S. M. Hoffman, ing, Monmouth St. If the previously estab- body, and I'm against that," he Mrs. John Kollbas ln*CMteret. He nlch, a butcher, of 723 Hudson building inspector and Planning Board mem- lished order of business is followed the zon- Bids for bread and milk fo: declared. sued the Kolibases for failing to Blvd., North Bergen, who said ber, not participate in the discussion or vot-, ing amendment vote will be the first item on the schools next year wen Special Police Council awarded a contract to warn him of the fire in time and he escaped from San Sego, be- ing on the plan. • .. . ' the agenda of the meeting. awarded. Oil bids were all r thereby contributing to his in- Charles J. Hesse, Inc., Belford, came an American citizen and The request came after objectors to the The Board also plans to hold a discussion jected and a new bid call slated, MONMOUTH BEACH-Mayoi for street repairs, on low bid of juries. A jury awarded John- fought In the Korean War. zoning change daimed Mr. Hoffman, a paid session on the proposed master plan and its The board received and ac- Sidney Johnson last night ap- son $5,000 and the Kolibases ap- $3,498. ' "You will like this country," employee of the borough, was in conflict of effects In the area lying between Bridge Ave. cepted with regret the resigna- pointed three special. policemen The borough plans to repair pealed. The fact that the fire John Plclnlch told his brother interest when he previously voted on the and Maple Ave. The plan contains proposals tions of Kenneth Noland and Mrs, for the summer. was caused by the carelessness portions of Seventh Ave., Wesley as they met outside customs. amendment which would allow for the con- for the location of a railroad commuting cen- Kenneth Noland, both seventli Harry Tober, Naveslnk Dr. Ave., and Third Ave., under the of another lodger did not mat- "It is the best there Is." struction of garden apartments on land owned ter and overpass at Reckless Pi. in that dis- grade teachers. will be assigned to general duty; ter, the appeals court said. I state aid program. by Mayor Peter W. FaJvo at 239 Spring St. trict. ' . A special meeting of the boar Vincent J. Gentile, 13 Shrews- Council announced that unreg- said Kolibas and his wife had f DENVER — Charles A. Swalt An adjourned public hearing .on the Mr. Esposlto said last night the zone bury Dr., will patrol the Mon- reasonable opportunity to warn was scheduled for'June 26 at istered cars will be towed away, of Cape May, N. J., was regardec amendment which was reintroduced for the change matter should be disposed of as soon p.m. at Tinton Falls School. At mouth Beach Club, and Barry starting Monday, held for six Johnson of the danger, but failed today as a likely candidate third time at last week's council meeting, as possible. The problem has been "kicked Rizzp will patrol the municipal to do so. this time, year-end bills will be months, and then put up for become the next president-elec was to have been held next Monday night. around long enough," he said. paid and a report on the school bathing pavilion. public sale. of Klwanis International, It was The hearing probably will be adjourned again Mr. Wolcott and Mrs./Rudolph indicated libraries will be heard. BROWNS MILLS — Air Force expected his name will be placed until the Planning Board acts. that a lengthy public discussion period should Lt. Maurice Weaver,; 24, »t before the 47th annual convention In order to have a quorum, five mem- not be needed to air the proposal, which has In Freehold Township Country Lake, Pemberton here. No opposition was expecte bers of the nine-member Planning Board been the subject of considerable debate dur- Township, was killed when his Swain now is a vice president. must be present at a meeting. Any action ing past months as well'as last summer. Pledges Aid For Beach Voters Approve Salaries Set By Protection WASHINGTON (AP) — Th School Addition Raritan Health Unit chairman of the Senate Appropri RARITAN TOWNSHIP — An tion regarding use of the required ations Committee has promisee FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP-Vot- mary grades and the room for ordinance fixing the salaries of cast iron, pipe as opposed to as- that the committee will approv< ers here yesterday approved by a the educable class are.proposed officials was adopted by the bestos cement pipe between money for a beach protection pro vote of 116 to 24 an appropriation for the west end of the building Board of Health last night. house and curb for the sewer gram sought by New Jersey il of $260,000 to construct a 14-room and the six standard classrooms addition to the Burlington Road are planned for the east end of The new guide sets the follow- system In Garden Parkway the program is passed by Con homes area. gress. School. the building. Plans also call for ing salaries, retroactive to Jan. The polls were open from 3 to a sewage system to be added for 1: Secretary, $300; health offi- Garden Parkway home owners ' Chairman Carl Hayden, D-Arlz, 9 p.m. at the West Freehold the rooms on the west end. J cer, $500; sanitary inspector, $1,- said yesterday he would supporl have requested the board to al- School. Only 140 voters expressed It has been estimated by Board 600 plus $500 expenses; assistant low the use of less expensive as- New Jersey's plea for the pro- opinions, gram that would authorize $2! President Hugh Oakley that five sanitary Inspector, $600; plumb- bestos cement pipe which, they The proposed addition would million for purchase of shorelim new classrooms will be needed ing inspector, $1,500 plus $200 ex- say, would cost 50 per cent less. provide five primary classrooms, areas for recreation purposes. by 1963, the earliest date the ad- penses; and members of the Roscoe Olcott, plumbing inspec- six standard classrooms, a kin- dition would be ready for use. board, $2 for each meeting at- tor, recommended the adoption New Jersey officials say thi dergarten or special education The 12 classrooms would be tended. • of a township plumbing code. program is needed to completi room, a teachers' room, and an needed by 1965, Mr. Oakley es- The board sent to the township The township has adopted the emergency dune construction. auxiliary all-purpose room for timated. attorney and engineer informa- state code which Mr. Olcott.said The proposed federal allocatio; lunch, library, music, and audio- The school is on Burlington Rd. Is too general in nature. would be matched dollar for dol visual education. in the northeastern section of the Sanitary Inspector Joseph R- lnr by participating states. "The five rooms for the pri- township, just off Rt, 537, Present Awards Quail, was instructed by the board to draft a swimming pool ordi- To 4 Teachers nance to regulate their Installa- PRINCETON (AP) — Prince- tion und maintenance. Mr. Quail reported many per- Housing Code Action Likely ton University yesterday awarded prizes of $1,000 to four New Jer- sons are installing permanent sey educators for distinguished swimming pools which could wind School Authorities Press Issue In Holmdel secondary school teaching. up being septic tanks, LVW LEAFLETS — Commuteri were met at train and but stations last night by Red The recipients were Miss Mar- An ordinance setting up three HOLMDEL — A substandard schools, but the parents have governing body the power Of Bank Region, League of Women Voters members. They received LWV leaflets entitled, garet G. Banta, mathematics garbage collection districts also housing ordinance is expected to also refused to take advantage of condemnation and demolition. be adopted here within the next this service, he said. Under Way "Sales Tax Unfair to Jersey "Commuters." Here, Edward Allen, South St., Rod Bank, teacher at Butler High School; was recommended by Mr, Quail. Albert W- Booth, Latin teacher Under the proposed ordinance two months. As far as the Board He assured tho public tiiat they Township Commltteemen A!- of Education is concerned, that receives literature from Mrs. Sidney Ruda, and Mrs. Max Singer, both of New Shrews- at the Pingry School; John W. residents will pay for garbage will not be readmitted to school fred C. Poole and Ernest E, will be none too soon. Peseux. bury. Gartner, French and Spanish disposal through general taxa- under theso conditions. both members of the School officials yesterday asked teacher at Lawrcnceville School, tion. Tile administrator reported that Board of Health, said yesterday the Township Committee and there are at least five "shacks" that a substandard housing code and John Petroccione, who teach- Regarding a landfill operation, Board of Health to "take con in the township "not fit for hu- is being prepared. es science at River Dell Regional Mr. Quail suggested lt be held crete action" in getting rid ol man habitation" housing fami- "We recognize this problem and L WV Against Sales Tax High School, Oradcll. up this year because of Its pos sible,effect on taxes. substandard housing conditions lies which have school children. wont to do something about It," The awards were presented by RED BANK — Area commu- the fairest way to supply be the only group singled out throughout the municipality. Ho said the condition Is caus- Mr. Poole told The Register. Princeton President Robert F. Mr. Quail said he has rescind- tcrs were alerted yesterday by adequate funds for necessary for the double tax burden. School Board President Harry ing a serious health problem Mr. Peseux noted that some Goheen. In addition, each school ed the septic tank permit for the the Red Bank region, League of state servicos." , "If New Jersey enacts a state D. Pitcher said failure to do this "and many other problems" and action can be taken under the received $250 for purchase of new Shop-Rite food market, now Women Voters, "that they may The league maintains that , however, commuters to date has had an adverso ef- noted that thero are about 15 existing health code and said he books. under construction on Rt. 36, un fect on the school system — both pupils now in the school system Is in favor or ordering an im« bo singled out for a double tax "New Jersey needs a broad-base would be ablo to get a "tax til violations are corrected. from a health and an education 'from these shacks." mediate Investigation of condi- burden if New Jersey adopts a tnx to provide Increased revenue credit," and would pay no more The board instructed Michael standpoint. The board president said town- tions at dwellings cited by the sales tax." for such areas as more state additional tax than any non-com- Seamen, dog warden, not to School administrative- principal ship officials and the township Board of Education. League members met home- old to education, better highways, muting , New Jersey resident." Gets Ticket charge the usual (2 fee when ward-bound commuters at buses and hospitals, as well ns to stop Richard M. Ford revealed thnt sanitary health Inspector have Mr. Pitcher said that lack of Distributing the leaflets yester- NEW SHREWSBURY—Thomas picking up dogs. It felt Mr. Sea- been notified and given a Hat of Township Committee or Board and trains in Red Bank ami Little the upward spiral of local prop- three children "from some of the day were Miss Elisabeth Keliey C. Allen, Allenwood, received a men was duly compensated for tho dwellings "but there are no or Health notion to date "Is not Sliver, handing out bluo and white erty taxes." shacks which still stand In and Mrs. H. O. Wiley, Red Bank, summons for falling to yield the his efforts In his $125 monthly Holmdel" have been "excluded" results so far." consistent with the high zoning leaflets entitled, "Sales Tax Un- Two Taxes Mrs. Warren Sawyer, Little Sil- right of way after an accident salary. from school "because they are The shacks should be con- and building standards which fair to Jersey Commuters." Tho league adds: "If a sales ver, Mrs. Max Singer, Mrs. Sid- yesterday on Asbury Ave. Increasing the dog license fee diseased." demned and demolished, he have been set for this commun- League members, who number tax should ba the answer, com- ney Ruda, Mrs, Glenn Meader, The Allen car collided with a to cover costs Involved will be He said the parents of theso added. ity." 9,000 In 86 communities through- muters would have to pay two Mr*. William Miller, and Mrs, vehicle driven by Eugene Ryd- studied by the board. children "have refused even to At present, the township has "I do not believe the citizens out the state, decided four yean broad-base taxes—an income tux Bernard Levy, New Shrewsbury, berg of Dunellen. Mr. Rydberg It was announced 269 dogs and take the children to a doctor." no housing standards ordinance. of thin municipality are going to ago after a study "that a state because they work In New York, and Mrs. Charles Kroli, Shrews- suffered a minor arm Injury. Pa- a cat were Inoculated at die re- Mr. Ford noted that free medical Such an ordinance would prohibit stand by and let these conditions personal Income tax would be and the sales tax. They* would bury. trolman Stanley Fox Investigated. cent rabies control clinic. service Is available through the substandard housing and give the remain," he Mid. ..WN'BOTV Chsaati JWABC-TV , June 13, 1962 : RED DA-NK~fl£GlSTER f Channel 5 _VVNEW-TV ftaimel 9 , ....WOR-TV flaasti 1 _WCBS-TV JPPBMV !TV Key Science at Work i -m a. •"»•»••• - By U)t AiMtifcltd Preu tiliiiozt} Science "Fwnd*ttoo"Fwnd*tfe . °Tt Studios Get Tough WEf>MESDAY WEDNESDAY EVENING THURSDAY MOSMKG at-ti* oeaMsr1* tcltatlfic J;%~ «) Uvf. of IM \\%- H) Nfc« 6:15— O) .Previews' , P Yuir Ur.tyt Ylxtix t:»~ 0.) Ofve U* Tnb O*y ti) Ktw* t:S— (?) Jfcws js/welkw »f« topics With the Top Stars • Oj (il) Vt4ht> — Will toy tit iJ.s dwi« news: j (11) tAerry (tail nun S) &umtat? Semester i Eroie Kovkcs shows be rerun Bird mi %m (Secret* Spat* V By BOB THOMAS . I Tius natter of givicg stars free ;:SB—> (I) Search for Tomorrow l:2»- (7) Weather (4) Frontier* of Learning.this summer? I think there are Humans have made great prog- Hermes it the itame of one of Af» Movle-Tehvtston Writer (rein has hit some .studios where (4) Truth or Consequences titS— (7) Sports 7;«8— (2) News many fans who wwhMUte to aeeress ia developing guidance sys- the sun's minor planets, .a chunk H&LLYWOOD (AP) - Future jit tar's - right in the profit (5) Cartoons «s!9-. (4) Lots! News <4) Today these grat programs one* again. tems for space vehicles, but "itof rock ebout a mile is diameter, (?) Window Stopping (7) Blue Angels 7:»5- (S) Call to Prayer will take 108 years for electron- lusjbrtas say mark the firing column -H, W., Nortofe, Va,' •• ., .- weighing perhaps three biliton ParamounParai t gave Marlon 2:43-(2) Guiding Light (11) Brave Stallion V.li-r/\ril\7. know William Hopoer, who plays Perhaps, he suggests, men in punctuality. 8:C8- (Z) Window on Mala l$:6$- (I) Calendar "The eye and brain of the hun- One Conclusion The studios now can pause and (5) Movie Drake on "Perry Mason," is hergry frog filter out all discontent space ships one day might be wonder: Are some stars worth (7) December Bride Street (4) Say When son.—Mrs. T, I., Miami, Fla. The merits of each case remai (5) Danger Man information except the movemest able to rendezvous with one of all the trouble that goes with (S) Wild Bill Hickok (5) Movie Answer —• You're a bit con- the minor planets possessing a to bs thrashed out, perhaps in 1:40— Red Barber (7) Straightaway <7) Susie of the fly his palate craves—a courts. But trend-seekers ma; them? fused. Hedda was married to thesuperb example of image recog- wide-ranging orbit, « News (11) Bold Journey 16:30- (2) 1 Love Lucy lite be Wolf Hopoer but is no be able to draw this conclusion (II) Baseball 8: J9- (2) Checkmate ' <4) Play Your Hunch nition and interpretation. transmitters, and let it send back The already-ailing movie indus Some observers say stars are relation to comedian Billy de "If we could only translate this data on the reaches of space it not that important. They point 2:C3- (2) Password (4) Joey Bishop (7) Gale Storm Wolf. try cannot afford temperamenl (4) Jan Murray (5) Award Theater 11:00- (2) Video Village characteristic into a mathemat- visits. any more. out that "The Last Sunset" with ical formula—and then into hard- Purity Kirk Douglas and Rock Hudson (7) Jane Wyman (7) Top Cat (4) Price Is Right Perhaps in other times Twen Question — Please tell me allware—we could endow an earth electronic devices, tieth Century-Fox might have was a bomb. "The Misfits" with (9) Favorite Story (11) Wanted Dead or Alive (7) Ernie Ford you can about Tony Perkins. Has In some Monroe, Gable, Clift, etc.. wa 2:25- (4) News 9:00— (4) Mystery Theater 11:25— (5) News satellite with a similarly adapt- 89,9989 per ,cent pure isn't good tried to ease Marilyn through th he ever had a series on TV? 11able 'eye' that would select the filming; it did BO in "Let's Mak also a dud. Names don't alway 2: S3- (2) House Party (S) Movie 11:30- (2) Clear Horizon not. he should.—I. P., Saginaw, enough, particularly In highly Love." sell. (4) Loretta Young (7) Hawaiian Eye (4) Concentration precise information it was sent pure semiconductor crystals of Mich. aloft to obtain." But on another continent On the other hand, some star (7) Seven Keys (9) Stock Market Report (5) Romper Room Answer — The 30-year-old materials such as silicon and movie titled "Cleopatra1' wa can be unique. No one could (9) Star And Story (11) You /Uked for It (7) Yours For a Song Floating Laboratory germanium. 1 "Boyish looking" star Is the son grinding out the company play Cleopatra better than Liz 2:SS- (S) News 9: SO- (2) Dick Van Dyke 11:55- (2) Mews of the late actor Osgood Perkins. Scientist; are getting their own To find such flaws, a newly In- dwindling millions. Faced wit Taylor. No one is a more con- 1:09— (2) Millionaire (11) M Squad He grew up in a show business special balloon flight station, to stalled instrument at Sperry temperamental stars at two end vincing sexpot than Marilyn (4) Young Dr. Malone 10:00- (2) U.S. Steel Hour atmosphere but never considered be set up this summer at PatRaud Research Center, Sudoury, of its operation, something had toMonroe. (5) Racket Squad (4) Bob Newhart . acting for himself until he hadestlne, Tex. Mass., can detect one atom of give. And it couldn't be Liz But faced with using unique (7) Queen For A Day (7) Naked City TV Key finished high school and gone on From mis base, they can re-"impurity" in a billion atoms. It Taylor. stars and inviting (9) Jack LaLanne (9) Harness Races to college. The story has it that lease balloons lofting up instru- was made ia England, and there Judy Flrefl, Too the studios may be forced to ge 3:10- (2) Verdict Is Yours (11) High Road Tony hitchhiked to California ments for high altitude study of is only one other instrument like Stars have been fired before along without them. (4) Our Five Daughters 10:30— (4) Brinkley's Journal Previews 'rom New York for a crack at the atmosphere and weather phe- it in the United States. It is a (9) Movie Distressed with Judy Garland'! (5) Medic a small part in the • Spencernomena, for astronomical studies double-focus, spark-sourca mass- tardiness and tantrums. MGM 9 (7) Who Do You Trust? (11) Wild Cargo Todays top television shows as spectrograph, which detects dif- 11:00- (2) News Tracy-Jean Simmons film "The above the clouding effects of the summarily dismissed her from 'The Twist (9) Movie previewed and selected by TVActress." He won a screen test earth's air, end for capturing prl. ferences in weights of atoms "Annie Get Your Gun." Bett 3:55— (2) News (4) News Key's staff of experts who at- (5) News and the part. But his initial film mary cosmic rays. within a given material. Hutton got the job. 4:C0— (2) Brighter Day tend rehearsals,, watch screen- failed to Impress the fans and he (4) Make Room For (7) News Ings and analyze scripts in New Long planned, the balloon facil- Such stern treatment of star Finds Haven returned to New York where he ity will be built and operated by Just one mushroom Is grown has disappeared in the past de- Daddy (11) Groucbo—Quiz York and Hollywood. (5) Divorce Hearing 11:10- (2) Weather be.f»an to establish himself as one the National Center for Atmos- commercially in 'the United cade, the reasons are simple: of the better young actors on TV. pheric Research at Boulder, [States, the meadow mushroom All stars became free-lancers, in In Cambodia (7) American Bandstand (4) Weather H0WA8D K. SMITH. "Is Con (5) Movie He appeared in many fine dra Colo., with the tab paid by lhe'(agaricus campestris.) dependent of studio control; wit P H N O M PENH, Cambodia i: i5- (2) Secret Storm gress Out of Date?" Mr. Smith's mas on "Studio One,1' "Philco studios failing to develop new (AP) — It looks as if the Twist, (11) Red Barber 11:12- (7) Weather question is aimed at the internal 11: IS- (2) Movie Playhouse," and other such live talent, the established stars were outlawed in Thailand and South «'.3O- (2) Edge of Night structure of the Congress (the TV programs. His- big break more and more in demand, fine Viet Nam, has found a haven Jr (4) Here's Hollywood (4) Tonight seniority system, the committee (7) Movie came when he was signed to re- hence more powerful. this neighboring kingdom. (5) Mr. District Attorney system, the Tuesday-to-Thursday place John Kerr in the B'way Stars were given free rein. Th .The chief of state, Prince Si . (11) Bozo the Clown ll:30-(H). News congressman, etc.) and the prob- 1I:4O-(11) Movie nlay "Tea and Svmpathv" when results are now being shown. hanouk, has raised an eyebrow 4:59— (7) American Newsstand lems it tends to create. Joining Kerr went to Hollywood to make NOW THRU SAT The decline of professionalism toward the dance, but no officia 4:5S~ (4) News 12:00— (9) Crime Does Not Pay Mm in discussion are Sen. Hu- 12:45- (7) Movie the movie version of the hit play. At Both Theatres Jias been so pronounced as toaction seems in prospect. (11) Mr. Peabody bert Humphrey (D-Minn), Sen. William Wyler spotted Tony in evoke a warning from the Screen 5:C0- (2) Life ol Riley 12:55— (2) Movie Prescott Bush (R-Conn.), Rep. In a speech, the leader of the (5) News the show and signed him forth e Actors Guild. • ' ' (4) Kukia and Ollie H. R. Gross (R-Ia.), Mrs. Frank important role of Gary Cooper's officially neutralist governmem (5) Felix and Diver Dan 1:00- (4) News Warning from Union compared Western and Commu Church (wife of the Democratic son in "Friendly Persuasion," a The union declared: "The to (7) I Married Joan (5) Theater Five senator of Idaho), and Byron nist educational systems. He (9) Almanac Newsreel part which got him an Academy WaltDisneyi has come to challenge the mis- (9) Looney Tunes Johnson, former Colorado con- Award nomination. From then on, said: (11) Dick Tracy 1:05- (4) Headline gressman and current State De- behavior on the sets of some ac- "Frankly, I do not criticize the Tonv made many good movies tors whose conduct on occasion 5:65- (4) Movie (9) News and Weather partment aide. 7:30 p.m. ABC. and became a big lx>x-office at- dishonors the guild's and their Communists. On the contrary, I 5:25-(H) Rocky & His Friends 1:30- (5) News admire and love them. That is DICK VAN DYKE. "Where Did traction both here in the U. S. own contracts with producers.' 5:30- (2) Movie 1:35— (4) Sermonette I Come From?" (Repeat) Funny and in Europe. His latest film is why I sent two of my younger (7) Highway Patrol 2:00— (7) Evening Prayer sons — whom I love very much entry. Flashbacks show writer "Phaedra" which co-stars Greek (8) Movie 2:25- (2) News Van Dyke reliving the moments actress Melina Mercouri. Al- — to a Communist country to (11) Popeye 2:30- (2) Give Us This Day pursue their study. before his son was born. Dick's though a star of Tony's popular- the familiar bungling father, of itv could probably have his choice "I want them to experience the course, but he's amusing just the SALS tough discipline of communism. of TV series, his movie and play same. There's one hilarious office A normal discipline is not good commitments keeo him too busy Alto at EATONTOWN DRIVE-IN TV Keynotes scene that's foolproof, except that to accept any offer. TAVERN and enough for them. some of the gags get lost in the "PURPLE HILLS" "My two eldest sons went t By HAROLD STERN a barely audible and reverent: audience laugh track. 9:30 p.m (For an answer to your ques- RESTAURAOT France to pursue their study. Have you noticed that since the "Great! Just Great!" CBS tion about any TV program or ac- They learned how to dance the tor, write to TV Key Mailbag, featuring abdication of Jack Paar, NBC But as far as I'm concerned BOB NEWHART. Last show Twist and Cha Cha Cha, andhas been getting loads of pub-the press agent specialist I most c/o The Register.) ATTENTION MOM & DAD spent their time on other enter? for the Emmv winner and Bob A FAMILY licity for the interim" "Tonight" pity is the gag writer. This poor bows out in eood 'style. In a wild TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE talnments such as driving carsshow? Not on merit and not that chap is generally assigned the STYLE TAVERN with girl friends. spoof with bite, he offers Mr. AT OUR iOX OFFICE everybody hated Paar so much unenviable task of making per- Minow of the FCC some tongue- they didn't even acknowledge his sonalities funny people. MOVIE TIMETABLE Our Specialty •.. 'When they relumed home in-cheek views on increasing rat- BED BANK there was a French girl with existence (whatever you thought His lot is generally to sit uping. Also, Bob plays an attorney 5&3S SUMMER VACAfION "ITALIAN DISHES" of him, he was news), but on the Carlton—Moon Pilot 2:00; 7:10; them. Now they think only of all night long, plowing through trying to defend traitor Benedict 9:05. dancing the Cha Cha Cha andbasis of sheer unreliability. the old reliable Joe Miller file MOVIE SERIES ORDERS TO GO ... Arnold and suggests a few lines COLL1NGWOOD CIRCLE Twist just as our Sangkum (the Since Paar's departure, NBC finding stale gags to twist, and of approach. Too bad Newhart's government party) companion has been barraging reporters then sending them off to column Shore Drive-In—Merrills Ma- 12 ii© SHOWS FOR nm SH 1-9748 going off the air. Fans, write in. rauders 8:50; 12:15; House of Chum-Kern thinks only of sing- with a series of announcements ists credited to the personality. (Color! 10:30 n.m. NBC STARTING WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 141 Shrewsbury Ave. Women 10:55.' ing: 'Kampuchea (Cambodia) about who's going to host the Can you picture it? In cen DAVID BRINKLEY'S JOUR- AT 2:00 P. M. JUNE 20th RED BANK Twist! Twist Twist!' " "Tonight" show and during which turies to come, our descendants NAL Interesting profile of an ed HAZLET Chum-Ken is a popular Cam week. As soon as this gets print- (if any) stumbling across some ucated Nigerian with a mission— Loew's Drive-In — Cartoons bodian band leader. Business is ed, comes another announce- ancient archeological trove are hrinping schools and hospitals to 8:50; Mopn Pilot 9:00; 12:30; brisk at the dance hall featuring ment, this time stating that the likely to conclude that the out-the grass roots villagers of his Samar 11:00. "USA" THE h,im. On weekend evenings, sev- person originally scheduled to standing creative wit of the twen native land bv enlisting their in ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS PREVIEW TON1TE Rimison Hotel eral hundred voung Cambodian handle the show won't be able to tieth century was Arthur Mur- terest and support. Throw nh i Atlantic—Rome Adventure 7; 00; "WORLD OF COMEDY" fam the establishment. Boys in because, of prior commitments ray. talk by Dr. Ben Nzeribe, PhD in 9:00. and that some one else will sub- 10 Watermoa Ave. Rumson sport shirts and girls in the skin- economics from Cornell, to NiLON- G BRANCH tight Cambodian silk sarong dc stitute. In this way, there are Younger Generation [V> block from S. B. bridge) gerian students at Howard Uni Baronet—The •Horizontal Lieu- the graceful national dance usually two major stories about I was rather delighted to read versity, with illustrative films on HALEY MILLS each week of the show. tenant 3:20; 7:00; 9:57; 13 West 0 featuring 0 there, but save their best effort in a report from the Internation the post office, school and Street 2:00; 8:39. < Whlsria Down fee Wind" for Twist numbers. It's an old and good trick, if al Jazz Festival in Washington • Piano Bar Lounge pital he helped to build in ASBURY PARK Despite the prince's comment, you want something written about D. C, that when the announce- town of "AwoOmamma," ment was made that Bobby Dar- Lyric—Whistle Down the Wind • Gracious Dining Room Sihanouk is fond of dancing. Hi twice, make a mistake. Then you hear him put the challenge to 7:30; 9:J0. plays several musical instru get an original story plus a cor- in would be unable to appear to Horizontal Lieutenant" • Luncheons, Dinners, the young intellectual Nigerian, Mayfalr—Lisa 2:45; 7:00; 10:40; ments well. rection, but even with a correc- narrate a new jazz composition to return to his country and do "13 Wt$r Streer" Cocktails tion, your client (or show) gets by Gunther Schuller, it was greet- PREVIEW — World of Comedy the same. Also, a disturbing piece 9:00. • Open 7 Days SKIN DIVING two plugs where he (t>r it) only ed by applause from the youthful on the "mental health" of the I openings available for RED BANK—Cal Smith, sports deserves one. members of the audience — the midlown Manhattanite in NewMONTCLAIR writer, and Mike Ward, editor of The NBC-TV Press Department very group to whom Darin was York. (Color) 10:3D p.m. NBC Clairidge — Windjammer 2:00; "MERRILLS MARAUDERS" Weddings, Banquets supposed to appeal. 8:00. the Middlelown Courier, wil Idis denies it, but I'm convinced they TONIGHT. Mort Sihl's guests SHORE and Special Occasions. cuss skin diving on the News, have one person there whose sole Include Dave Brubeck, Inger EDISON "HOUSE OF WOMEN" Views, and Interviews radio pro- jobs is to create correctible mis- And Baby Makes Three Stevens, Artie Shaw, comic Menlo Park Cinema—Carry On For Reservations takes. Nurse 2:00; 5:25; 8:40; Carry gram conducted by Mary Pro- Anyway, I do read the new: George Carlin and Carmen Mc- ! ; phone 842-2000 ductions, over WFHA-FM, Sun- Network press departments papers. There was a recent an Rae. (Color) 11:15 p.m. NBC. On Constable 3:45; 7:00; 10:00. (^rrhef ThVoUB Information Coll.SH, T-9'600 day at 11:45 a.m. jenerally have to resort to spe-nouncement that Karl Sche ERTH AMBOY cialists of this nature in order to would follow his sister Maria an Amboyg Drive-In — Cartoons come out on top. his brother Maximilian into the Eberle Memorial 8:45; Moon Pilot 8:51; 12:53; Hilarity movies and would appear in M-Band Concert Sunday Proud and Profane 10:59. One of the most successful of GiM's "Tunnel 28." Now thai ASBURY PARK — The Amer- Majestic—Man Who Shot Lib- the network press agent special- there are three of them, woul ican Legion Bob Eberle, Jr., Me- erty Valance 2:00; 4:00: 6:00; ists is a lady press agent whose you say the motion picture bus' morial Band, with Frank Bryan 10:00; PREVIEW — Lisa 8:00. principal function is to attend ness has become a "Sche as conductor, will give a concert WOODBRItXiE wmmmw EVENINGS (they call It "covering") advance Game"? Sunday at 3 p.m. at the newDrlve-In—Cartoons 8:45; Ole 8:30 pross screenings of comedv shows bandstand On top of the new Fifth Rex 9:03; Spartacus 10:05. ACADEMY MATINEES with newspaper people. She sits Wed., Sat., Sun. Double-Barrelcd Release Ave. pavilion On the boardwalk. AWARDSI off to one side desperately try A recent NBC-TV press releast A new composition, a waltz by 2:30 ing to stifle what appears to becarried two items on one page ATLANTIC including a,, uncontrollable urge to guffaw William Dorn, will be played for both corrections of earlier items the first ttme. The American Le- Atimti^iUBiiiana*-** utawtt*1 at the hilarity nn the screen— Number one apologized for a BEST 1410 AM 105.5 Rion Twirlers, directed by Sonia hilarity which, usuallyy,, no oneerror in an announcement abou NOW — EVES. 7 and 9 I Grill, will perform and the Le- TROY DONAHUE PICTURE MONMOUTH PARK RESULTS Ise would have noticed had it not next season's "Empire" whon " gion Color Guard will present AFTER EACH RACE been for our unfair lady. was incorrectly stated that scene: and retire the colors. "ROfME ADVENTURE" Then there's another press would be shot by MGM-TV. Th agent at another network who series is produced by Screen DEGREE FOR LORD Thenrememberthis; sits in at screenings of draGem- s ..." HARTFORD, Conn. — Joseph! M UNINTERRUPTED malic shows and Rasps, occasion- How do you like that! Anotlie F. Lord, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo-; 7 out of 10 tonic Ily alternating this sound with'specialist! drinks made in seph T. Lord, Church St., Little UkiUSlC YOU MOST America are mixed ilver, N. J., received a bachelor I WANT TO HEAR * with bone-dry bitter- of arts degree Sunday from Trin-i sweet, exhilarating ity College here. RADIO STATION • Starts Tomorrow • New Jersey Premiere Engagement TUp [ \ Glacier Blue • AH th© Delicacies of the Season ™Tff L-J QUININE WATER . . Special Dishes Mot Found WRLB top of Ysur Dial ABOUT on the ordinary Menu A Reputation for Goad food 1071 MC TONICS? 100% STEREO "Thrilling ani p BOARDWALK Hllorlo.i., Lively CANADA DRY The Metropolitan Area's »«Hl runayl" yAyi LOW BRANCH, N. J. —M. V. limn Most Listened To "I «t»mm«ii4 'GM Established 1929 il •> • rm I>Md, eduisticMut dirttiw, E»14 tricia Vpm Bosiey, William J, bh'Vitt, William It Ryan, executive teurd ui.te tijjitr, Kttoc-y Dtyit TOWNSHJJ?-G«d- to* iwitf iti tttrt mttttoj of fj»!Av».( wji! (»ri

Out tl Amtrlci't f «»»«if Or.win. Ck*i« tf Start i Sdllu Tocks Island Project Kadi* mn* N»»v*|Ni Tub* M A DIVIDEND for the semi-annual period (Third of a Series) A flood control potential In ts In the Philadelphia region. By NOAH HALPER conjunction with other dams that Flood control- would hi the disastrous 1955 floods BHILADELPHIA (AP) — A Some 275,000 acre-feet of wa-jl have reduced the stage by 6 feet ;er (91.7 billion gallons) would be|| payable JUNi 30, 1962 has been declared at $177.6 million multi-purpose dam as far south as Trenton, N. J. at Tocks Islandbetween Pennsyl- Impounded by the dam solely for ! vania and New Jersey is the ma- A major water supply source short-term water storage to pre- the rate ol 3 /2% per annum and... OUTDOOR TV jor project envisioned by the Del- to help meet future needs even vent floods, This pool would be aware River Basin Commission. down river to Philadelphia. at the upper end of the reservoir ANTINNAS Interrelated in the Matamoras-Port Jervis Although only preliminary work area. toward making this project a All of the aspects are Inter- 3.95 reality has beep done, by the Na- related. Two of the potentially While the water supply reser- PARTS TrarJMIXED eaniti voir would be filled in most peri- a complete lino ot Antenna*, tional Park Service and the Ar- most controversial are the pow- Antenna Mount*. Bandings, my Corps of Engineers, the com- er feature—public or private pow- ods, the flood control impound- Straps bother aceestorlea «U er—and recreation—because the ment would be kept empty until In ADDITION, an EXTRA DIVIDEND at the Ui-XWW.-MWKtICBa, mission has set 1975 as a target needed. Indoor or Outdoor An- date for completion. reservoir borders tha Pocono nna». ceo FARTS UN- By far the most complex of 20 Mountain resort area and is only In tha 1355 floods the main rate of V2% per annum for the same period IMITED Ilritl water projects proposed for the 23 miles south of the Catskill re- damage centers on the river were basin by the commission, the sort area. Easton, Rlegelsville, New Hope has also been declared ... costs would be split between the In addition, the community of and Yardley, Pa., and Belvidere, federal government, which Is a Bushklll, Pa., would disappear as Philiipsburg, Trenton and Bur- making the "TOTAL DIVIDEND for the member of the commission, would parts of Dlngman's Ferry lington, N. J. The stage reduc- non-federal interests. and a small section of Milford, ion would offer significant six-month period ending June 30, 1962 The federal government pays Pa. amounts of protection to all. Power— generally for flood control aspects Some 27 Miles of U. S. Rt. 209 I and certain directly rfelated rec- The power Issue, public versus would be inundated as would a TOTAL DIVIDEND reation features of such a proj- series of county and local roads. private, came near preventing ect. Because recreation is a ma- The community of Matamoras, formation of the commission. jor part of the Tocks Island de- Pa., at the upper end of the res- Secretary of the Interior Stewart velopment and a national recre^ ervoir, would be protected by a Udall originally had insisted on at the rate of.. ation area is envisioned there, dike about 12,000 feet long with a public power preference clause. cost sharing could be Sen. Joseph S. Clark, D-Pa., a outlet pipes, drains and pumping 1 tianged. The federal share has plants. long-time advocate of forming the been estimated at from $87.7 mil- commission and himself an ad- lion (almost 50 per cent) to $93.9 The complete development vocate of a public power pref- million. would require 62,370 acres with erence clause, objected. 14,800 needed just for the con- Public power development could struction. Clark said insertion of such a result In a drastic change of the clause would kill the compact be-'l tost allotments. Here is what Is involved in each cause of opposition in the four MAINSTAY Proposal aspect of the dam: member states. Here Is what is proposed: Water supply- Clark won and the matter was FEDERAL SAVINGS PER ANNUM A 3,200-foot long, 160-foot high Some 410,000 acre-feet of wa- left unresolved dam containing about 3.5 million ter would be impounded for long- must be met headon. cubic yards of earth and rock and term storage. As needed this wa The dam at Tocks Island Is to AND LOAN ASSOCIATION forming a reservoir extending 3"" ter can be released to provide a have a conventional hydropower RED BANK-41 Broad Street SH 1-5488 miles back to Port Jervis, N. Y. net yield of 980 cubic feet a installation of 46,000 kilowatts at MONMOUTH RED BANK Asbury Park—728 Cookman Ave. (off Main St.) PR 4-0398- A 47,570-acre recreation area second. This yield, If carried cost of $12.3 million and a Perth Amboy—279 Madison Ave. (next to Majestic Theater) exlusive of the water surface through a full day, would be more pumped sotrage power capacity area, to serve—and some say the than 607 million gallons. Its great- i VA 6-7373 of 366,000 kilowatts at a cost of figure is very conservative—8.75 est application would be in times Rt. 35-3208 Rt. 35 O/t Ml. North of Loew's) CO 4-8708 million persons annually. of drought when the river level *'*'^^^*^B*BHHH^flHH^HBBH^^HHBflBBVBIH^^^H^BflvHpiiBflHHflHIH^HIIHBBHB^pH^B^HVBl^BHHHIMflw For other PARTS UNLIMITED stores see the Yellow Pages: Power projects of 412,000 kilo- is low and when the salt water ' TELEVISION SUPPLIES & PARTS-RETAIL watts, enough for residential incursion from Delaware Bay needs in a city of 3 million beyond its normal lim- r: -» VICTORY Brand-new drinks, MARKET RED BANK OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P M. FREE DELIVERY bright new flavors.,. 31 W. FRONT ST., RED BANK TEL. SH 7-0508 SH 7-1339 FROM Choice Seasoned - All Cuts - One Price - 7 in. 4% 4% C INGE' The Coca-Cob RIBS BEEF69Ib. LEAN S Bottling Co. SLICED BACON 59M ^ E G G S 3 t P9 ARM C RESH of NY. RYBNG CHICKENS 33ib. GOVT. GRADED FRESH 5-6 FANCY TURKEYS 43? I LB. SIZE CAPONS 59 i?$ CHOICE SEASONED BONELESS CHUCK Veep POT ROAST CHOCKFUL OF NUTS COFFEE 5% |™° HAMS -• '4.99 FOR OUTDOOR BB.B.Q. DELICIOUS £± g%c LON N BROIL 99 SWEET-RIPE JERSEY HARD RIPE FRESH » CRISP Now on sale in... PEACHES ASPARAGUS TOMATOES CUCUMBERS OCEAN and MONMOUTH 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 2 boxes 5 for ^NO'11 COUNTIES 19' 29 29 June 13, 1902 BED BANK REGISTER 67 SAVNDEnS .mid OVEftGARD

THE BOSS ISiW A MShTy MIKE NOMAD/ ) J AM HPP S TO MlWtf, ••V/KAT'gRfiiSS./'My EyEfiUtMS fX&A8)j DAILY CROSSWORD 1 ^tyt-W-Mz-am-ni r& fct'ST i-:AV£ MAD A ~r YOU — ? <(-V0H ABOUT A JAVA By ALFRED 5HEIriW0U>' iai THE*! ITS 9 Cogs- 0s@s« m H.Cata MC-/ A«D tu firm to* ess* 358SSSB |liii nt * wit, the o4ds s/fe eijwV.it &(' THE HANDS *. Simplest SJIO 52. S-0 fcrrsftk,, l>ui rM ts mutSi Bit UUlB IBcffl yw might think. Use bad b«eai bod, iid« will occur- on about four tods mam g oC body T.Bodcey* Dssna EEiliDS %ut of a hundred, and if you're A A M> 1 14. Notion the asstsfl si? V K I ) 2 8. Rock gods not careful those lour hands may vK»2 16. Potato: assas- BE3130(3 be very costly. garden 28. U,nU» of • Q 10 « dial. Aatwur When this hand was played, IT. Unit «t plant WEST EAST 0. Ship- 30. Hawaiian South ruffed the first heart and weight 42.&2mu$Q» *QS> 4k J 8543 18. A Zola build- bird drew three rounds of trumps. $ &9t VAQ764 ing peg* S3. You; clicv"a Now all he needed was four dia- l Obi .bailiwick: 0 J 10 8 4 3 O Now S». Chute- var. mond tricks to assure the slant. * J 8 2 *5> IS.Bevenga EngUeh \abbr. Most players would begin with SOUTH Indian 15. Confeases 38. Scene of 43. I^l&£9 17. Cooking 1915 «. Period of the ace or Jdng of diamonds, fol- 4Ky < e SI. Lacking lowed by a long pause. South <•OAQ7Sy None 5 MICKEY MOUSE By WALT ^S/VgT brilliance vessels Conference InstrucUoa 19. Japanese SK.Wina •46. French would then spend five minutes * A K 7 5 4 3 24. Capo Horn receptacle river looking for a way ta make the South West North EarE t native 1 * Pas? 2 NT Pass 3 KNOW A SWEU- SS,Two: ML Delights: 40. Irish <8. In Paris, slam and another five minutes 3 0 Pass 3 NT Pass OLP PLACE TO HfiVS Roman fuel "tha" dreaming up a way to convince 4 0 Pass 5 * OIK FIGNtC! 27. Stand up 1 2 3 4- 7 B North that it was all his fault. 6 <$, All Pass 29. Young • No such delay occured when Opening lead — $> 10 salmon IO II the hand was played some years t 81. New 0> ago. South was J. G. Ripstra, Mexico: ta 13 14 IS' defending when you have 6-6 . abbr. well-known Wichita expert. Rip- stra does his thinking first and the major suits. 82. To test it. 17 84. Foreman doesn't have to waste time mak- For Sheinwold's 38-page boo! i^ ing excuses. let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge,' '//, 18 ><» S7. Equipment % % ^ Leads Toward Dummy send 50c to Bridge Book, Re 21 24 25 at. Ripstra began the diamonds by Bank Register, Box 3318, Gram 41. Sited, as leading a low card toward dum Central Sta., N. Y. 17, N. Y. feathers 17 29 45. Country my. When West played low (his auction 31 32 33 34 best chance), Ripstra finessed «.TVs % dummy's nine to guard against famous dog 3* 3 b 37 38 a 5-0 break. At Institute WE PHANTOM % LEE FAIK 47. The "Boot- i^ 4k As it happened, the nine won; EATONTOWN — Edward Ut shaped" 39 4o 41 4* 4-3 44- and there was no further prob- blein of Long Branch has joinei mo Tf/BORFAoeoceep OF WE PHANTOM f -* ""'oountiy lem. If East had been able to IAP/DWNA 49. River to •5 VA4fc the Electronic Institute, 21( beat dummy's nine of diamonds, 7!mTHEJUNGLE PYGMV POISON PSOPtE- _.. HASCDMBime. Elba HOW WCWERFULTO J IT IS GQOO. BO. Appraises 47 48 49 the suit would break no worse Broad St. here, as a certified in' ON HERO. THE Bl. Flowering than 4-1, and the three high structor. plant " SO SI cards would surely clear the rest DOWN of the suit to set up declarer's l.Joko last diamond. In short, the fi- nesse of the nine assured the slam. Dear Mrs. T.: The acting-out of vicarious vio- The slam would be equally cold lence is fairly common. From if East had all five dimonds. boyhood, the male warships one West would show out, and dum- hero or another at soma con my'a king would win the first sclous or unconscious level. This trick. Dummy's nine of dia- is a recognized trait common in monds would be covered by the our civilization, and probably no ten and queen. South would lead MARK TRAIL By ED DODD cause for alarm or worry. a spade to dummy's ace and re- and neutral-lorn problems turn the deuce of diamonds that is, Ma'm, unless the side- through East. George.) winder hits my neck of the woods, BARNEY TRIE3 TO /WAKE REMEMBEWN3,H!3 in which case this town ain't East would have to put up the FRIENDS WITH HIS HEW ANIMAL PALS !H ACQUAINTANCE, BUTHI3 Dear George: a'going to be big enough for both eight* to force out South's ace. THE m Now South would have the 7-6 of OVERTURES ARE SHORT* CANNOT UNDERSTAND of us. UVED., Television Westerns are mak- diamonds while East would have WHY H£B TREATED 6O UNKINDLY ing an idiot of my husband, par- J-4. South would give up one Dear George: ticuarly after his overexposure trick to the jack and make the on Saturday nights to "Have Gun, Which way do I set my clock other trick. Will Travel" and "Gunsmoke." to make the days longer? DAILY QUESTION rte spends all day Sunday walk- V. V. ing around with his jaw stuck out Dear V. V.: As dealer, you hold: Spades— like a gunfighter and last Sun- .;Actually, clocks aren't really J 8 5 4 3 2, Hearts-A Q 7 6 i 3, Edward Lieblein day I caught him in the garage what, do it, V. V. The days are Diamonds—None, Clubs—9. What practicing quick draws with our just naturally longer in the sum-do you say? Mr. Lieblein will teach an eve eight-year-old's cap pistol, and mer, colder in the winter. This is Answer: The book bid is a ning course in digital computei muttering that he was the fast- because heat expands and cold pass, but most practical players programming at the institute, est gun In the West. contracts. Now get down from would bid one spade anyway. The which offers co-educational eve- NUBBIN By JIM BURNETT md GEORGE CRdNDALL there and let the cuckoo rest idea is to start showing your two- ning courses in basic electronics Is this anything to worry suiter as quickly as possible. The and related mathematics. •bout? It pays t o advertise in The lack of defensive tricks is a A graduate of New York Um Mrs. T. Register.—Advertisement flaw, but you don't expect to be versity where ho was awarded BS degree in electronic engineer- ing, Mr. Lieblein also has com- pleted graduate study in the fields of Electronics and digital com- puter engineering at the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers University and New Yorl University. He has seven years' experleno at Fort Monmouth, teachinj courses in advanced transient: and digital computers. He now leads the. tactical computers sec- tion of the U. S. Army Signal Re- search and Development Labor- POGO By WALT KELLY atory, Fort Monmouth.

MONiyjPKAflf I I Offer Plan MAM ON WHAT W6 ANWttV0lv£*,l5A coopjii fotnm 'or School mi mm simp Parking lot SHREWSBURY — Plans foi Ian $8,200 parking lot at the west end of Borough School were pre- sented to the Board of Education Monday by board member Mon roa Marx. At a meeting last month, th board approved the idea of MARY WORTH By ALIEN SAUNDERS and KEN ERNST 75-foot blacktopping project t I'M 50RRY, MI55 KAEBURN! provide more than 40 parkin UNFORTUNATEiy, I HAVE ADVANCE places and relieve congestion al My outs HEREAHLVEW RE51RVATI0N* FOU AIL MY TABLES the school's main entrance. The 1HI5 EVENING! drawing of plans and specifica THEttUBS PRIVILEGE* WHENEVER tions was authorized. PO55IBLE! Mr. Marx explained last nigh that the cost of the project migh be reduced with the eliminatio of gates to the new area, whicl would cost $600, and concrete curbing, which would cost $852. After an on-the-spot inspection of the site, the board decided to call a special meeting for Mon- day for final disposition of the matter. Engineer Richard Schulz of Middletown and representa- tives from the Planning Board will attend. By GEORGE

Like the flavor of curry pow- der? Then try adding a little o: it to egg salad for sandwiches o That's what my daddy says! our family is on a canapes. budget, but he says we can easily afford Eaton Crest Swim Club. Boy, am t glad. It's a lot of fun...there's a private swimming pool, HEALTH CAPSULES championship tennis courts, shuffleboards, sun deck, snack bar by Michael A. Felt!, M.D. and separated children's wading pool and playground. Your family VO OLP PEOPLE HAVE A can join, too, with Eaton Crest's Special Family Membership plan. CERTAIN TYPE OF But you'd better hurry...daddy says they don't want too many FORGETFULNESS ? people to join.

Facilities Open for Inspection! Non-Rwldenr Memberships Still Open! O.V THI RYATTS

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Phone. LI 2 3570 Haahh Opiul.t Biy«i htlpful fnloimntlon. June 13,1962—17 Agonizing Mystery BED BANK REGISTER 8 V««. fit i •»*• * e» « • |*fter.«»ccktea, *ni« ether cijl- TREAT FATHER "RIGHT • i ear»Ulci -Missing binee August *•«»aslee or**p, t,In uat kmMmtnt i»m 7, Y*A- TACOMA, Wish. () Sty Thi* happmtA to Mr, M8 Mrs. ; yp «« the parents of four hap- Donald S. Burr the morning of But when Mn. Bun looked in BY BUYING AT py children, living in a pleasant Aug. 31, 1961. More than nine Ann Marie'« bedroom, it was home fat a quiet neighborhood. months later the case of Ann Ma- empty. Then oar morning yo» aw*£en rie Burr still is an agonizing The Burrs searched ., every!] and leans that your 8-year-old It was cold and rainy that Aug. room and closet ia the twostory ll toghter is gone from her bed 31, Mrs. Burr, 33, awakened brick home. Then they called po-jj 100m, mysteryyy , lice. is a frantic search- Days h FOOD CITYl shortly after 5:39 a.m She heard There was ample cause for weeks and months pass and there their youngest child, Mary. 3, alarm. 11M front door, locked and «re only falsa clued' and dead :iying. Mary wai merely both- latched with a night chain the FEATURING ..... end*. ered by a cast put on her arm evening before, was open. A small living room window, closed the night before, also was open. A little bench beneath the win- SWIFTS PREMIUM BEEF dow was overturned. Donald and Beverly Burr live SWIFT'S PREMIUM LAMB WOOLWORTH'S now in a tangled web of confu- sion, sorrow and apprehension— hoping- against mounting- odds VACATION VALUES that their blonde, hazel-eyed SWIFT'S FRESH PORK daughter may be alive. No ran- som ever was asked. No cut-sad- dried explanation is available. & BUTTERBALL TURKEYS men's no-iron Tacoma police are just as puz- zled. cotton sport shirt More than 1,500 persons were questioned in the first 12 days of the search. SWIFT'S PREMIUM SAVE 52c 500-Page File Robert J. Drost, detective cap- tain, has a 500-page file on the ©a. Ann Marie case on ft rack above 147 his desk. "I've read every page in that Regular 1.99 file tour times," said Drost, "and STEAKS Washable, lightweight woven it reads the same each time,' cotton shirt! Features 2-way Missing person bulletins have collar with permanent stays, been sent to every state and to 2 pockets, chip and heat re- Canada and Mexico. When Ann Marie first disappeared, hun- SIRLOIN sistant buttons; short sleeves. White only in 3 dreds of searchers combed the city's wooded areas and vacant weaves. Sizes 14V4 to 16M. lots. Police made a house-to-house check of the neighborhood. All known child molesters and sex of- fenders were questioned- With no proof Ann Marie was smart 5 pc. matched abducted, the FBI could only stand by to assist. Today, while vinyl luggage police are almost certain there was an abduction, the case still has not been listed officially as kidnaping. Intelligent Child c 5.77 each Ann Marie was described as a Ib happy, intelligent child, some- PORTERHOUSE 75 what shy. She was ready to enter the third grade in a few days. Sturdy luggage for the trav- Her parents, not wealthy, were c el-minded! 16" overnight, not a likely mark for a kidnaper. CHUCK STEAK 33 Ib The father is a warehouseman at 18" weekend case, 21" nearby Camp Murray. weekend case, 26" and 28" • BOLOGNA pullman cases. All in gray, The night before the disappear- SWIFT'S • PICKLE & PIMENTO blue vinyl with full rayon ance, the Burrs put their four e • OLIVE LOAF linings. "Handy, pockets, children to bed about 8 p.m. Ann PREMIUM nickel plated hardware. Marie and Mary both had up- • LUNCHEON MEAT stairs rooms. Vacuum Packed COLD CUTS » SALAMI The parents, who were home 27 all evening, went to bed about 11 #'KG p-m. They said they locked and MmImported chained the front door, locked the back door and made sure all the windows were closed. SALADS DOMINO OR JACK FROST DANISH Sometime during the night or smart sunglasses! early morning, Ann Marie • Macaroni guard your eyes brought her little sister down- stairs because she'was crying. • Cole Slaw Uncertain of the time and not HAM fully awake, Mrs. Burr sent the SUGARiQ 1.00 pr. children bade upstairs. It was the • Potato The family's safe from Sum- last time she saw Ann Marie. No Sign of Struggle 5 Ib. BAG • W mer sun with these quality Wirii Purchase of $10 or more glasses. Choose from a wide Investigators found no sign of selection of styles — ladies' a struggle In Ann Marie's bed- Wraparounds and. Upswing room, and nothing disturbed in styles with fancy trim and the house. men's Massive Cruise Liners, A later check showed footprints Also adult sized Opti-Clip. beneath the window but the clue overs. proved valueless. How anyone could have gotten Child*' Gingham EftC Bacon 49 the girl out of the house without Frame Style ; D» awakening the parents remains a SAUSAGE mystery. Childs'othsr styles.__ 2 9C Some believe Ann Marie might have wandered into the living room and been taken quietly by LARGE #AMILY SSZE someone sho recognized, or thai WATCH FOR OPENING... she might have stepped outside and been grabbed by a sex devi- Rembrandfpicnic thm, ate. Rembrandt pack of Whatever happened, nearly AT PEPSI COLA paper plates everyone feels sure she didn't 3FOOD CITY 250 paper napkins wander off alone, barefoot and clad only in a nightgown. Regularly After the disappearance, the 1.00 mother declared: SHARK RIVER BRIDGE, NEPTUNE 5 - 79' Mother, Father Pray "I've tried to think otherwise, but I can only think it was one FRESH of those maniacs. •." Regularly 37c Rewards for return of Ann Ma- rie or arrest and conviction of CORN those responsible for her disap- BANANAS Just what you need for those pearance now total $5,000. outdoor meals this Summer, Regular meals, picnic meals, Newspapers, touched by pleas Ear Pack of 100 plates keeps snacks and all. Paper.nap- of the parents, have periodically you supplied for a long time. kins are so convenient. Use printed pictures of the missing 9" diarii, in white or colors. as many as you need with no child. As these appear, new re- laundry worries. White or ports come in. C assorted pastels. After her picture appeared in Manitoba Province. papers In CABBAGE Ib. Canada early In June, Canadian 5 police were told that a girl an- swering Ann Marie's description was seen in a cafe in the town One Pound of Portage La Prarie. The cafe LA ROSA summer's easy in operator said two women and a man were with the girl. Like oth- Packages comfy ^fa er such reports, nothing came of Spaghetti No. 7.8.9 & 10 2 43 it. To Donald and Beverly Burr, who have tried to live a normal KEEBLER SUNSHINE I BURRY'S FIG BARS I WESTON'S N. B. C. life with their remaining chil- CHOCOLATE I 2 Ib. AQt I PEACHY OREO dren, it is a mystery that must DROP COOKIES 39S, HYDROX pkg. fl^T J COBBLER COOKIES 39V be resolved. "We pray and pray," said Ann Marie's mother. "You've got to help your own little girl. You just OPEN Enjoy bare leg comfort. In fcan't give up-" sheer or stretch nylon ... comfortable with every EVERY NIGHT shoe. Sun tone. 8VJ to 11. Werner Graduates WASHINGTON, Pn. - Stewart 'TIL 10 P.M. C. Werner, formerly of Eaton- FOOD CITY Cotton Foetlst... 8 parade Saturday. Shrewsbury Ave. Association held its installation sie Covert of Eatontown is state Mrs. Michael R. Sottile les and legislation; Mrs. Harry Hostesses at the recent auxll: director and delegate. Mrs. Ber- anne Wuchter, Susan Simmons, dinner last week in Willowbrook Donna Raymond, Renee Marko, Clune, garden; Mrs. Donald Rob- ary meeting were Mrs. C. Ke; Inn. Mrs. Stella Harris of Glen ry is state corresponding secre- inson, drama, and Mrs. Thurman neth Woodward, Sr., and Mrs. C tary and delegate. Joan Culktn, Rita Rosin, Susie Rock, state executive secretary, Walker, Linda Bertoncin, Peggy C. Nealis, ex-presidents. Kenneth Woodward, Jr. , was the installing officer. Mrs. Fisk is chairman of the Dugan, Susan Dreyer and Carol Golden Age Luncheon Also, Mrs. John Eggleston, New officers are Mrs. Mfldred division picnic to be held Aug. 9 Runyon. building; Mrs. Johnston Cartan, THE NEW JERSEY AUXIL1 at Bodman's Grove, Naveslnk membership; Mrs. Bayard Lam' ARY of the Rainbow Division Yost, Keyport, president; Mrs. Also, Thomas Wing, Wifftam Ruth Sanders, Ocean Grove, vice River Rd.. Middletown. The state To Honor Volunteers born, bylaws and revision; Mrs. Veterans held an Installation DATE Johnson, Kurt Weinheimer, Lar- Herbert Routh and Mrs. John meeting Sunday In the America: president; Mrs. Edna SIgler, Port picnic will be July 28. ry Hallman, Jeffrey Doscher, RED BANK — The Golden Age eon are Mrs. Leo Kugler and Monmouth, and Mrs. Lois Stouf- Club of Red Bank will hold its Mrs. George Cohen of.Little Sil- Robertson, ways and means; Legion Home, Riverside Ave. 1 Charles Tuffiash, Richard Burg- Mrs. Allan J. Morrison, interna- Red Bank. Mrs. Eugene Egan fer, Long Branch, treasurer. er, Mickey Olsen, John Perrotta, fourth annual luncheon tomorrow ver, assisted by Mrs. Jack Win- tlonal relations; David New York, past national pres Robert Marko, David Alexander, at noon in Congregation Bnai Is, ters and Mrs. Paul Broger, Lit Mrs. Mrs. Emma Berry of Eaton- Miss Prinz Bruce, welfare; Mrs. Sophie dent, was installing officer. town, retiring president, was pre- Rudy Gunther, Joseph Cpsentino, rael, Rumson. Officers of the tie Silver; Mrs. Delbert Mam- A z club arid volunteers will be hon- men, Fair Haven; Mrs. Irving Weinstein, cheer; Mrs. Paul New officers are Mrs. Grand i •ented a handbag. Mrs. Berry, Everett Nixon, Paul batman, ored for their service. The event Greenberg, Oakhiirst, and Mrs. Egan, publicity; Mrs. W. Rulen Chapman, president; Mrs. Vlo who has served in the office four Is Engaged John Hird, Bruce Bloxom and SSmith , youth conservatioi n and Nolan, vice president; Mrs. Rot years, is slated for election as Bruce and Herbert Eigenrauch. will mark the close of the sea- Leo Levinson, Mrs. Sidney Hodas on. and Mrs. Helen Gogel, Red Bank. education; Mrs. E. Tell Leder ert Hayward, secretary, and Mn state president, at the ninth an- There was swimming, dancing, man, literature; Mrs. Elmore Jacob Bloom, treasurer. Mrs. Joseph M. Schofel, first Other volunteers to be honored nual state convention this week a barbecue and a scavenger Kattner, tickets, and Mrs. Peter president and one of the organiz- for their service throughout tha Mrs. Chapman named the fol at the Ambassador Hotel, Atlan- hunt. Ten Eyck, defense and economic lowing officers and committei ' tic City. ers of the Welfare Council of year are Mrs, Leon Miller, Mrs. TODAY Monmouth County, will speak on security. chairmen: Mrs. Reginald B. Vai LUNCHEON, Little Silver ^taov. Richard A. Hughes has Jules Huber, Mrs. Harold Kemar, the council and its services for Mrs. Ten Eyck, chairman of Brunt, chaplain; Mrs. Franl Woman's Club, 12:30 p.m., proclaimed this week in New Jer- Mrs. David Linden, Mrs. Saul Bridal Shower senior citizens. bus trip to Guy Lombardo's Par- Golden, sergeant-at-arms; Mrs Crystal Brook Inn, Eatontown. sey as State Licensed Practical Schneider, Mrs. Leslie JJpoff, SHREWSBURY - The Shadow- The Golden Age Club is non- Mrs. Irving Rubin, Mrs. Leonard adise Island at Jones Beach, an Bloom, Mrs. Van Brunt, Mrs. Al Nurse Week. The 12 delegates to nounced that tickets are still bert Heimroth and Mrs. Charlei brook Restaurant was the scene sectarian in "membership and is Danzig, Mrs. Lawrence Feldman, TOMORROW the convention are Mrs. Harriet of a recent bridal shower given co-sponsored by the sisterhood of available. Buses will leave the Meeker, trustees; Mrs. C. Harrj Miller, Monmouth Beach; Mrs. Mrs. David Pollock, and Mrs. LUNCHEON, Little Silver 'or Miss Susan Wheeler, 847 Syca- Congregation Bnai Israel and Harold Meistrich, Little Silver. parking lot at Broad and Little Smock, welfare; Miss Agne' Margaret Barshofsky, Asbury more Ave., New Shrewsbury, by St., Matawan, July IS at 5 p.m, Kane, national bulletin; Mrs. 0 Auxiliary to Rlverview Hos- Bnai Brith Women. Also, Mrs. Robert Keller. Lin- pital, 1 p.m., The Cobble Park; Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. Jane her neighbors. Special guests will include Rab- borne E. Harrison, publicity; Fisk, Port Monmouth; Mrs. Ed- croft; Mrs. Harry Feldt and Mrs. Mrs, Frank E. Mitchell, Daugh Stones, Middletown. Guests included Mrs. Maxwell bi and Mrs. Gilbert Rosenthal. Irving Leicht, Fair Haven; Mrs. na Sigler, Port Monmouth; Mrs. Harbaugh, Mrs. Michael Bucco, Cantor and Mrs. Sidney Scharff ters of Rainbow; Mrs. Elmer Yost; Mrs. Helen Giese, Keans- Bernard Schreiber, Mrs. Elias Cook, membership, and Mr. FRIDAY Mrs. Carroll DeVine, Mrs. Gerald of Congregation Bnai Israel; Long, Mrs. Jerome Bueler, Mrs. burg; Mrs. Lois Stouffer, Long Heinzman, Mrs. William Noon, Mrs. Melvin Lowenstein, sister- Smock, Mrs. Heimroth and Mr: TOUR OF HOMES, Fair Ha- Branch; Mrs. Rae Bongazone, William Klotsby and Mrs. Joseph Golden, telephone, ven Garden Club, 1 to 4 p.m. Mrs. Vito Perrillo, Mrs. Joseph hood president, and Miss Helen Sand, Red Bank; Mrs. Martin Long Branch; Miss .Fanny Cros Following the Installation, aux CANTERBURY FAIR, St. Reilly, Mrs. George Cicala, Miss Herman of the Welfare Council. Rush and Mrs. Morris Postner, iliary members were guests ol George-by-the-River Episco- Marjorie Cicala, Mrs. Bruce An Chairman for the meeting is Rumson, and Mrs. Abraham Za- the New Jersey Chapter Rain pal Church, Rumson, 10 a.m. to derson, Mrs. Wayne Wheeler and Mrs. Benjamin Ashin of Little ger of Shrewsbury. Miss Judith Wheeler. Silver. Chairmen for the lunch- bow Division of Veterans at 4 p.m., church grounds. ' HANGING Officers of the Golden Age Club cocktail hour in the home and a are Mrs. Helen Sidermarif of dinner In the Molly Pitchei BASKETS... Shrewsbury, president; Samuel Hotel. Guests were aiso presen Church Circle Miss Margaret Prlnz Court of Awards Weisman of Asbury Park, vice from New York, Pennsylvan for Inside and outside RED BANK — Curved bars, First class rank and proficien- president, and Mrs. Alex Boross and Maryland. To Sell Plants HAZLET — Mr. and Mrs. Ed- of Oceanport, treasurer. highest award in Girl Scouting, RUMSON - The Friendship Planter Boxes ward F. Prinz, Hillcrest Rd.," an- cy badges were awarded to Lin- were presented to Gail Wilson da Guarino, Pat Borille, Cathy Circle of the Rumson Presbyteri- Flowers or Greens nounce the engagement of their and Phyllis Bloomberg at the Crabtree, Betsy Sickels, Jill Pat- Woman's Club Bridesmaids ,an Church will hold a plant sale daughter. Miss Margaret Prinz, court of awards of Troop 269 last and luncheon tomorrow at 12:30 .for window or patio terson, Lynn Patterson, Marta to Neil W. Bahrenburg, son of week in the Red Bank Methodist p.m. in the church hall, River Church. Van Duyne, Joyce Becker, Nancy Lists Events Give Party Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bahren- RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Plans Rd. Mrs. Arthur Pauls is chair- Lasting Receiving second class rank Cook, Emily Turner, Diane Gib- WEST LONG BRANCH —Mis: man of the luncheon, and Mrs. burg, Jr., 641 Beers St., Hazlet. for the new club year have been Karen Lee Bianchi, 184 No. Fiftl Beauty.. were Debby Cook, Patty Pingi- son, Jackie McKee, Susan Guari- announced by the Woman's Club Thomas W. Warcke is chairman Miss Prinz is in the June grad no, Mary Susan Crabtree, Bar- Ave., Long Branch, was given of the sale. uating class of Keyport High tore, Joan Ranson, Gail Hester, executive committee. surprise bridal shower recentl; Patty Lewis, Maryann Hendrick- bara James, Prissy Watson. Mrs. Alwyn C. Dodge, first vice in the home of Mrs. George M The Women's Association of School and will attend Berkeley Miss Marie A. Strollo the church is sponsoring a bus son, Kathy Colmorgan, Donna Es- Mrs. Lionel Simson is scout president and program chairman, Conway, 25 Oceanport Av< Marion Fisher, Inc. Secretarial School, East Orange trip June 28 to Smithville Inn and Mr. Bahrenburg, a graduate of posito and Trudy Beaman. leader. said the program for the 1962-63 Hostesses were the bridal attend' year will include a demonstration ants, Misses Dorothy Conwa; a tour of the Fischer African vio- 741-9230 Keyport High School, is serving Miss Strollo let collection and Lennox China 812 Brood St., Shrews. in the U. S. Air Force stationed of flower arranging, a bake-off West Long Branch; Carol Am contest, a forum featuring candi- Dunn and Linda Bianchi, Long display room. The bus will leave dates for the Board of Educa- To Marry Branch, and Betty Kehoe, High at 8 a.m. from River Rd, and tion and township committee, lands. Bingham Ave. Mrs. Percy H. WEST LONG BRANCH — Mr. Radford, Long Branch, is chair- "Christmas Around the World," and Mrs. John Strollo, 376 Nor- Miss Bianchi, daughter of Mi man of reservations. and programs by the drama, wood Ave., have announced the and Mrs. S. J. Bianchi, 184 N< music and art departments. A engagement of their daughter, Fifth Ave., Long Branch, will b flower show and membership tea Miss Marie Antoinette Strollo, to married Saturday to Charles I and a Vogue Sewing Contest will John Joseph De Vito, son of Mr. Hellrigel, 3d, son of Mr. and Mr: View Projects also be held. and Mrs. Frank De Vito, 75 Ward Charles K. Hellrigel, Jr., Hager, EATONTOWN - Art teachsr Mrs. Frank Turock, education Ave., Rumson. town, Md., in Our Lady Star o Ann Delario of the Margaret L. department chairman, reported Miss Strollo, a graduate of the Sea Catholic Church, Lonj Vetter School presented an art department members will be Long Branch Senior High School, Branch. show recently in the school dis- cross-referencing books in the is employed as a secretary at the Shower guests were Mrs. S. J playing work done by the pupils. township Library on June 24 at U, S. Army Signal Research and Bianchi, the bride-elect's mothe "Art is an outlet for the child's 1 p.m. Development Laboratory, Fort and Mrs. Frank DeLapo, thi emotions and the expression of Monmouth. bride-elect's paternal grandmoth his own particular feelings and .VISITED TENNESSEE Mr. DeVito was graduated er, Mrs. Nicholas Bianchi, Mr, ideas. All children are in need MATAWAN - Mrs. Christopher from Rumson High School and is Nick Suozzo, Mrs. Fiore Talerlco of this wordless release of their Koopman has returned to her employed as an engineering as- Miss Rose Ann Morris, Miss Ca tensions," stated Miss Delario in home on Beechwood Ter. after sistant with Jersey Central Pow- ol Ann Dunn, Miss Patrlci an introduction to the parents. spending 10 days with her par- er and Light Company, Allen- Woods, and Miss Linda Bianchi "The object of the art program 11*14 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. hurst. Also, Mrs. Helen Kornek, ma is to satisfy the child's creative Silverlone Weaver of Lcnorr City, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Strollo made the ternal grandmother, Mrs, Steph Instincts, to enrich his daily life, While there, Mr. and Mrs. Weav- announcement Sunday at a lawn en H. Faller, Mrs. Martin D and to develop his sense of beau- COURT OF AWARDS — Mrs. Lionel Simon, loader of celebrated their 60th wed- party at their home attended by Fehlhaber, Mrs. Anton Kornek ty," she slated. PORTRAIT Girl Scout Troop 269 of tho Red Bank Methodist Church, ding anniversary. 100 guests. Miss Betty Kehoe, Miss Ruth Anni Projects and materials on dis- pins the curved bar, highest award in Girl Scouting, on Faller, Highlands; Mrs. Lee Ha play included mosaic, paper PIANO RECITAL vey, Audubon; Mrs. Thomas } Gail Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Wilson, sculpture, collage, clay puppets, KEYPORT - Frank Fetta, Hold Party Wood, Red Bank; Mrs. Robert J yarn and string pictures, chalk, 61 John St., Red Bank, as Phyllis Bloomberg, also a Keyport pianist, will give a re- LINCROFT — The annual sixth Kornek, Neptune, and Mrs. Ray finger paint, temperas and water curved bar winner, looks on. Phyllis it the daughter of cital here Sunday at 8 p.m. in grade party will be held Friday mond J. Bossinger, Belford. colors, photomontage and dlara- No Age limit I the Reformed Church house. The evening In Lincroft under the Also, Miss Mary Bianchi, Mrs, ma, among others. Mn. Lissotto Bloomberg, 230 Mechanic St., Red Bank. program is open to the public. sponsorship of the Parent-Teach Ralph Faga, Sr., Linwood, Pa.; GET AS MANY er Association. Mrs. Vincent Faga, Glen Mills PORTRAITS AS YOU Music will be by Hart Webber's Pa.; Mrs. Ralph Faga" Jr. DON'T JUST SAY CLEAN orchestra. Mothers of sixth grade Boothwin, Pa.; Mrs. Anthony D' pupils will provide refreshments Appollto, Mrs. G. M. Conway SHERMAN'S HAVE CHILDREN and faculty members and room and Miss Dorothy Conway, Wcsi Ptr forlroif SAY mothers will act as chaperons. Long Branch; Mrs. John Rubin Mrs. Edgar Fitzgerald Is chair- Elberon, and Mrs. Charles K GROUP SITTINGS ALSO TAKEN. man. Hellrigel, Jr., Hagerstown, Md AT NO ADDITIONAL COST! CLEAN Draperies BELVEDERE B^way Slipcovers, AND, REMEMBER... 1 • there is no obligation, but our prices on extra prints Upholstering of oil sizes ore by for the lowest in town. DAY CAMP Keansburg Bedspreads • Choose from a large selection of proofs Curtains • Fifty cents postage and hondling fee added to each RUGS CLEANED SEASON STARTS JUNE 25th Shop at-Homo Service order per family. BY KLEENIZE Phone SH 1-2648 Sherman's WILL LAST LONGER BETTER "The most complete Decorator* MS Broad St., Shrewsbury Each rug completely dusted, day camp on the FREE PARKING NEISNER'S cleaned, Inspected, wrapped 72 and delivered. domestic New Jersey Shore" 1151 Highway 35 Middletown. N. J 9 FOR INFORMATION CALL . . . THURS., FRI., $AT., JUNE 14, 15, 16 613 Prospect Ave., Asbury Park

Photographer's Hours: Thutt., Ftl. 12-fl; Sat. IU PR 4-1314—CA 2-5042 OUK LOU COLLICHIO - 787-0545 ONLY RED BANK REGISTER Wednesday, June 13, 1962—39 Adam and Bui AtL Highlands Board Honors Retirement Incomes Errant Husbafhd Administrators High in Monmouth JDJEARAD/UH AND EVE; nisi, All *he said was "see your ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Dr. . I «» Jl yean old, have clergyman." I did, but he was Carleton M. Saunders, superin NEW YORK — The larger in- Recipients in Monmoufll CWDB- nuirrted ate years, have an no help. ty, they show, were getting 1 tendent of schools, and Edward comes that Monmouth County ChSMt a boy, tnd have been s Torn Apart. M. Drurinko, high school princi- residents earned over the years checks amounting to $838 a year, ttftftW from my husband for d Dear Torn Apart: pal, and their wives, were guests are now producing added bene- as compared with $778 a year mouths. We separated becausi Why in the world do you want of honor at a farewell dinner fits for them, elsewhere in the United States. of Other women. When we wer, reconciliation? given recently.by the Board of They are generating extra div- The over-all amount being col* living together he drank: a lot;, Adam. Education at Bahrs' Landing. lected by local residents has been idends in the form of larger pen- atayed out most nights, cam Because, as she says, she going up, year by year, aj the borne and whipped the baby anij loves him. I would strongly Guests included Mayor and sion checks for those who have Mrs. Russell W. Morgan, past scale of benefits has been boosted mccuied me of many things t urge thli girl to take her non- retired or have become disabled. and as more people have become didn't do. Still, ! do love hlni support case to local authorities and present board members who have worked with the administra The size of the checks, which eligible for coverage. In spite o[ all. , and also ask them to warn her are going to former workers and Often he would come ttomit husband that child-beating Is a tors, and members of the faculty As of Jan. 1, total payments serious crime. At the same and staff, and their mates. their families under the insur- were at the rate of J28.283.952 with Mpstlek all over him of dif. ance program at the Social Se ferent' bratidi. He never bought time she should discuss her . Edward G. Walder, president, a year. On the receiving enl us a dollar's worth of groceries, future—and possibly her hus- introduced former board presi- curity system, is in proportion to were some 33,731 retired workeri, •pending all his money on other band's—with the local Family dents John A. Joslin and Melton wages earned during a period disabled workers, their cpousei, women. What I want to know Isl Service Agency. E Wo'rley, and C. Allen Reed, the of, years prior to retirement. Be- widows and widowers, children first president of the Henry Hud- cause their earnings were great- and parents. ahould I hope for a reconciliation Eve. or try for a divorce? I mak« son Regional Board. er, their contributions to the pe^s How great a change has taken Mayor Morgan expressed the on fund were greater. " only $2} a week and It is hard to DEAR ADAM AND EVE: place in the last three years support a baby and buy food and borough's appreciation of the The net result, for local resi- may be seen by going back to the I have enjoyed your column work done by the two admlnls- clothes too. ; lents, is retirement checks that figures released then. and find your advice quite sound. rators. Robert Kasten, head o! I .wrote about this situation o At that time, there were only Last December I had a coronary :he history department, spoke In ire bigger, on the average, than • popular woman advice colum- 25,771 in Monmouth County who In New Jersey and spent five behalf of the faculty. hose going to people in most weeks in the hospital. My phy- arts of the United States. were getting benefits. They were Mrs. Edmond J. Caputo, presl- collecting some $20,007,744 a sician suggested I move to a "A NIGHT IN GAY " U the iheme of the third annual dinner-dance of the Mon. lent-elect at the Parent Teacher The facts and figures were warmer climate, so I moved to iade public in the annual report year. Total payments now are 41 mouth Reform Temple, Shrewsbury, sponsored by the Temple Sisterhood. Mn, Richard \ssociatlon presented the admin- per cent higher. Arizona where I have a son and strators gifts from the associa- f the Bureau of Old-Age and daughter by my first marriage. I Dahlman, left, Fair Haven, chairman, and Mrs. Monroe K. Deutsch, New Shrewsbury, in ion. Mrs. George B. "McCallum, urvivors Insurance, just re- have now been here six weeks charge of refreshmants, check a travel potter for the event to be held Saturday ai 8:30 'ice president of the board, in eased. They are based on the No problem finding tenants and have benefited much, but it layment schedules In effect at when you advertise The Register p.m. in Old Orchard Country Club, Eafontown. Music will be by Benny Nason. Com- resenting gifts from present and will be a long time before I am >ast members, cited the close he beginning of this year. way—Advertisement. fully recovered. mittee aides are Mrs. Max Karlman, arrangementi; Mn. Richard Pinslay, decorations, spirit of co-operation between the My problem is this: I wanted and Mrs. Joel Wilton, mailing. ward and the administration. my present wife to sell our home Attending were: ENROLL YOUR CHILD IN THE AREA'S MOST in New Jersey and join me here George H. Wuesthoff, grade REALISTICALLY-PRICED DAY CAMP in Arizona. She refuses to come ichool principal: Mr. and Mrs. to live with me because she does St. George to Rule Over Fair Caputo, Dr. and Mm. Milton J. not want to leave her married Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. EXPLORER son. This has caused me a great an, old-fashioned country store.lert Howie and Mrs. Dayton Earle, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent H. deal of aggravation. What should RUMSON - Giant figures of Mrs. Arthur Poole, Mrs. Robert equelin. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Joslin, Mr : do? t. George, the Archbishop of lanterbury, and dragons, will Robertson and Mrs. Ralph Glea- The decorations committee is and Mrs. Charles W. Lesher, Mr. DAY CAMP J.P. md Mrs. McCallum, Mr. and laminate the scene at the annual son are chairmen. leaded by Mrs. Everett Gam- Dear J«R: Mrs. Martin Mortenson, Mr. and For Girls and Beys - 4 to 14 Canterbury Fair Friday on the Pony rides and a fire engine mon, Mrs. Alan Duke and Mrs. Ask the physician treating you ride will be available for chil- Theodore Brantly. Mrs. Albert R. Quackenbush, Mr there to personally telephone rounds of St. George's-by-the and Mrs. C. Allen Reed, Mr. and At McGuire's Grove, Middletown, N. J. tiver Episcopal Church. Booths dren. your wife and tell her that her Other booths will be a toy ta- Mrs. Christopher Travis, Jr., Mr Register Now for 2, 4, 6 or 8-week SBHIOM. ' place Is by your side. (111 be set up in a "jousting and Mrs. Walder, Mr. and Mrs JUNE 25TH . AUG. 17TH ing" and a 10-foot helium filled ble headed by Mrs. Robert Pea- Medical Aides Adam. cock and Mrs. John Bell, 3d; a Kenneth R. Wilson, Mrs. Edward PROGRAM INCLUDES: Athletics, Music and Drama, Arthur P. Siegfried Her married son's wife might >a!loon will be flown from a cen- white elephant table headed by Form Society J. Winters, Mr. and Mrs. Wor- be happier too. :er pole, Mrs. George Werleman and Mrs. ley, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Van Nature Lore, Creative Arts, Swimming, Trips and Eve. Luncheon will be served in the Louis Balbach; a make-up table EATONTOWN - Miss Barbara Brunt. William Barrett, Mr. and many more. St.Peter's Rudolph Pohl, second vice presi- workout yesterday and reflected and Joe Kelly, Conshobocken, The regatta is being sponsored dent; Edward G. Walder, secre- on the pleasure of handling a ball liam Lory and Joan Wilkinson, Pa., speedster, who trailed Hoff- DEAL GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB — The ;his year by the club under the tary; Joseph Julian, lion tamer; for the first time in 14 months. are also expected to play. Entries In Softball Loop man, last Friday night's 25-lap main action here at Deal this week will be the Jer- Raymond Taylor, tail twister, and "I wasn't nervous," he said, will close July 5. feature winner from start to fin- sey Seniors' tournament tomorrow with some 150 osfiph McVey, John J. Kozak, "just anxious. I always felt I'd Harold Potter, at the Marine RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Rari- ish, being unable to. get past the James Farley, Mr. PoW and Mr.play again." Park tennis courts, will supply tan Ridge took over sole posses- fleet-running Engllshtown victor. seniors playing. Over the weekend club members To limit Engine Saling, all trustees. Stith is one of a dozen rookies additional information. sion of first place in the Raritan The Sunday, June 24, Tourna- will be out competing for the President's Cup. Wayne Hyatt, Middletown, dis- participating in a week long Athletic Association Softball ment of Thrills program featur- HOMESTEAD GOLF CLUB — Pro Roddy New- Cubic Inches For rict governor, was installing of- camp of the New York Knicker- League by downing Norgate Man- ing the Hollywood Auto Dare- ficer. bockers of the National Basket- Potter Slates or, 2-1, behind the three-hit pitch- devils from California will be man's dub has been quiet golfwise, but improvement Mr. Leddy Introduced Arthur ball Association. ing of Kenny Clark recently. headed by Bill Ward, Ward, who Both teams had 4-0 records be- has earned the title of "World's action has been the main play. Roddy says no tourna- NASCAR Events Hafner, of APBA, who will serve A year ago, the Knicks wade DAYTONA BEACH, Fia. (AP)as referee for this year's event; Tennis Clinic fore the tie-breaking contest that Champion Stunt Man," has ments as yet. However, we have additions to the golf Stith their number one draft saw a 1-1 deadlock until the bot-doubled in hazardous stunts for shop and remodeled the locker room. In fact, the lock- — Engine size'will be limited in Mr. Hafner noted that 5G In- choice after his three brilliant The Red Bank Parks and Rec- NASCAR late model racing corn, board powerboats from 20 states reation Committee will furnish tom of the seventh inning when Rock Hudson and Burt Lancaster. seasons at St. Bonaventure. He Raritan Ridge collected the win-The thrill troupe will perform er room now has wall to wall carpeting. A new big petition starting next year. had participated in last year's was looked upon as the man to free tennis instruction on a group contest here which boasted the ning tally, such acts as a flight in space, a cart room also has been built for storage of the golf Bill France, president of the lead the New Yorkers to a playoff basis for Red Bank boys and second highest number of con- jirls from ages 9 through 16, Lynn Manor dropped into last three-car elevated ramp Jump carts. , National Association for Stock berth. place in the loop-after losing a and other events, driving spank- Car Auto Racing, announced yes testants of any regatta held on Harold Potter, sports supervisor, HOLLYWOOD GOLF CLUB — Hollywood's :he East Coast. Then TB struck. A lung infec- announced today. 7-5 contest to Tiny Glenn's. The Ing new 1962 Ford cars and terday that the biggest engine tion was detected shortly after loss was the fifth for Lynn Manor trucks. action at the moment Is the Hollywood-Elberon that will be allowed in the grand Up to 75 inboards are expected Clinics will be held every Tues- Tom's last game, an East-West in as many starts. Sunday's program is ticketed national division for late models to enter this year's event, he day and Thursday morning at the tournament In two groups with 16 in each one. It said. All-Star affair in Kansas City. Marine Park tennis courts, from In other action pitcher Al for an 8:39 start, while the week- is match play, 85 per cent of difference In handi- in 1963 will be 428 cubic inch Stith, a .well proportioned 6-5 Small led Family Circle to a ly Saturday night drag meets, piston displacement. The race official pointed out July 28 to Aug. 16. The boys' cap. First matches are being played from today that if this summer's regatta athlete with a new bride to sup- clinic will start at 8 a.m. and 7-4 win over Harmony Park and commencing at 6 o'clock will con- Engines have been getting larg. proves successful, the borough port, found himself flat on his will last until 10 a.m. while the Hidden Hills downed Woodland sist of 58 class competition, runs through Saturday. er, but none in use on NASCARs' will be eligible for the Eastern back in a sanitarium for three jrls will be scheduled from 10 Park, 11-5, behind the briliant and IS elimination jaunts down FORT MONMOUTH — A blind draw medal play •grand national circuit has yet United States Divisional Cham- months. a.m. to IV, Each boy and girl will pitching of Kid Coffey. i. the one-sixteenth of a mile strip. reached 428 cubic inches. Most pionship races conducted annual- Tom wasn't permitted near a need tennis shoes and a racquet. combined scores, full handicap competition last week- of the 1962 racing models are end was won by Cecil Kelly and Ron Vlgneault with ly by the boat association. basketball court until Monday and Tennis balls will be furnished. above 400 and the Pontiacs with Hydroplane Races then he was only allowed to shoot. Mr. Potter will conduct the clin- 144 total. Tied for second were Charlie Meon and Wil-421 cubic inches are the largest One of the top features sched- Running was, and still is, taboo ics, and will be assisted by Rich- Mcijer liam Peterson and Khlar Daye and John Eagan, 147 in current use. uled for the August competition Stith is impatiently awaiting an ard Nicoletti, former Red Bank totals. In the grand national division, will be the racing of hydroplane important gastric test in New High School star. all parts used must be "stock," powerboats, he reported. York tomorrow. Participants may register at Sunday a mixed best ball tournament Is sched- meaning available from the man- The crafts travel at top speeds After his first workout, Tom the tennis courts or the Parks uled. Then the next big event is June 23-24, when ufacturers to the general public of 150 miles per hour. said he wasn't tired, only a bit and Recreation Office, 51 Mon- either as standard or optional In detailing methods of under- his shooting. mouth St play starts for the Commanding General's Trophy. equipment- disappointed writing the cost of sponsoring the "It was good to shoot again June 30-July 1 will be a best ball twosome event France said the engine size Associated Press regatta, Mr. Hafner suggested but I expected to hit more," he limit will benefit car owners in (Times EST) and on fire cracker day there will be a flag tourna- the sale of program books and said. reduced costs of preparing their the formation of a bucket bri- Monmouth ment Knick coach Eddie Donovan NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE machines for racing. gade to solicit contributions dur- who tutored Tom at St. Bonaven- W L Pet. GB OLD ORCHARD COUNTRY CLUB — Winners in the ing the event. W L Pet. GB This year's engines won't auto- ture, is cautiously optimistic Results Los Angeles .. 4S 20 .68S New York .32 22 .593 No admission will be charged, George Sullivan Trophy competition over last weekend matically be made obsolete by about having his pride and joy 1ST—Clmi.! 3-4 y.; I m.i oil J:31W. San Francisco ....42 21 .687 Cleveland 31 22 .585 % club members indicated. Happy King (Culmone) ..8.40 8.40 3.80 were Frank Fish over Harold Lubitz, 2 up; Paul Christo- newer and bigger models next available for the 1962-63 NBA Foxy Gem (Stevenaon) .... — 10.00 6.40Pittsburgh 33 25 .569 Minnesota ...-.-.34 25 .578 % Projects Benefit Great Borough (S'r'ttno).. — — 5.20 year, he explained. That way campaign- -.32 25 .561 .584 l'/ pher defeated C.F. Letsche, 2 and 2; Russ Woolley, Jr. Proceeds from the regatta will T.-i:41',i. AI«o—Billingsgate..Glamour St. Louis...... Los Angeles 31 24 2 owners may race a car more than Boy, Canopy, Brasilia, Warhoop Jake, ...Si 25 .554 .309 4V4 won over Harry Drazin, 6-5; Warren Babson over 3.G. be used to finance the club's an- "We don't know whether he'll Sir Wend, Pentonian, Red orchid, Nlch- lincinnati ...... /4 Detroit 28 27 one year. Most of the leading ems BdBuddyd . 31 .475 .492 5'/ nual scholarship fund for local play or not," Donovan said. Milwaukee 28 13 Chicago 29 30 3 Manuel, 5 and 4; Nelson Vane defeated Sam Tomadni, drivers now have to get a new ZO—Clme.;lme ; 4-upp:: 66 f.; olf 0W. Houston -...25 34 .424 .483 8 high school graduates. The fund "We'll see as we go along. The SSii r CarraC n ((Bl(Blum )) ...7.4..7.4740 4.40 3.20 16 Baltimore 28 30 1 up, in 24 holes, and Mugs Shaefer had to go 19 be-model each year. H Hlt (St .414 .441 S'/i was inaugurated five years ago. doctors tell us the weakness in Hopo Halter (Stevenson).. — 11.60 5.20 Philadelphia 24 34 i«J4 Kansas City .....26 33 It costs several thousand dol- RMrola (Brooks) • 3.40 .333 .418 fl'/ fore defeating Abe Achiff, 1 up. Pete Fargale defeated Other projects to benefit from his lung has healed and scar T.-l:12»i. Also — Gunrod, Genera Chicago 20 40 2114 Boston _23 32 2 lars to prepare the stock cars for tissue has formed, which is good, Quarters. Andrea Bound, Golden Six New York ...„..-...16 39 .291 23 Washington ...... 19 38 .345 13'/$ Lou Weinstein, 5 and 3, and John Johnson won over racing. The new engines are tak-regatta profits are the Lions' ties, Kerry Piper. but whether he can stand the (DAII.V nmim.rc io-», .PAID ISO Tuesday's Results Tuesday's Result* Pete Marascio, 2 up. en down completely and reworked sight conservation program and 3D—Clm«r.; J yr«. 5W I.; off 3:31. welfare work. NBA grind no one knows." Scarlet Study (Blum) 5.40 3.00 2.60Pittsburgh 4, Chicago 3 New York 2, Detroit 1 (dght) and matched to get the 150 miles EMmar (Brooks) ..._. — 3.20 2 (10 Los Angeles 7, Minnesota 5 RUMSON COUNTRY CLUB — Action at Mr. Hafner noted that although Cynthlas Ch'r (K'rte) — — 2 80San Francisco 2-7, Cincinnati 1-5 an hour plus speeds currently T.—1:08. Also— Major Cabin, Game (night) Rumson is still in slow speed but pro Doug Sand- needed to go for the top money all racing drivers are considered NBA Packers Oust Culle. Modest Statement. Carla. Youni (twi-night) professionals by the boat associ- Countess. Milwaukee 15, Los Angeles 2 Boston 4, Baltimore 3 (night) ers expects it to pick up speed in short order. This on the NASCAR circuit. Pollard as Coacli •JTH—Clmsr.: 8 jr».: 5V4 r.; ol( «tgl. Kansas City 2, Chicago 1 (night) France said the decision to ation, they race only for "sport Young Beck (Grant) 4.60 3.40 3 00 (night) weekend there will be a Member-Guest tournament and trophies, not money." Jl'y'l M'rch'nt (St'llng) _ — 5.60 4 40Houston 3, New York 2 (night) Cleveland at Washington, night, limit the size of engines was CHICAGO (AP) — The Chicago Oro Bun (M'n'c'll) — 5.60 T.-l:0S-4A Also—Dleddell. Rose W., St. Louts 3, Philadelphia 2 (night) postponed, rain both for women and men. Jack Dunigan and made after numerous conferences Lions club members D. A. Ca- Packers of the National Basket ruso and Mr. Julian are chair- Roman Money, False step. Enonymous. Today's Games and Probable R.D.S. Bryan were the main standouts last week- over the past six months with ball Asociation fired head coach !!TH—£lm(C.i 3 yr«.; M/18 m.: o!l 4:35 Today's Games and Probable men of the regatta. Hobo Queen (Brooks) 4.80 3.40 2 60 Pitchers end. officials of Ford and General Jim Pollard yesterday and of- Allltessa (B'lmctls) — 4.20 3.20 I Pitchers Detroit (Mos«i 8-5) at New York Mr. Julian is a national speed fered him a front office position C'ntess Pax (Blum) —- •— 3.00 1 Motors divisions as well as other skiff champion. T.-1:46-4/5. Also—Candlepln, Rosy Pittsburgh (McBean 5-3) at Chi- (Sheldon 4-2), 1 p.m. JUMPING BROOK COUNTRY CLUB — Tomorrow General manager Frank Lane Wack, Lone Fox; Fllnk. - —_ authorities in the auto industry BTU—Clmc; 4-v>i>; « I.; oil S'OlVi. cago (Koonce 4-1), 1:30 p.m. Baltimore (Estrada 3-7) at Bos- action galore will be seen on this hilly course when the "Ford and other Detroit man- A, H. BUSINESSMEN'S (Summer) said Pollard was offered a job Lou Pelton (Blum) 21.60 7.40 AM Los Angeles (Koufax 8-2) at Mil- ton (Schwall 1-7), 7 p.m. W L as his assistant, but indications Big Patton (Grant) — 4.00 3.20 Shore Pro-Am competitors shoot the works for the top ufacturers have been most coop Caruso'a Ksso The Draker (R.BrVnl) . - 6.00 waukee (Spahn 64), 8 p.m. Cleveland (Donovan 8-2 and Ra- erative and interested in helping HodgklM s were that Pollard will refuse the T,-l:12. Also—Accomplish. Cartera San Francisco (Sanford 6-5) at mos 3-2) at Washington (Estoen prizes. Sunday the club will hold its usual kickers for Jack'B ]nn 5 Imp, Destiny's Turn. Odds On, So So, us establish a realistic engine Muscle's Watermelon Bar 5 position. Const to Coast, Fast Gun. Cincinnati (Purkey 10-1), 8:05 2-3 and Stcnhouse 4-11, 2, 5 p.m. members. Porma Cleaners . i 1TII—Alw.l 3 yr».: 8 I.; oil S:3J, limit," France said. I.iwiBo's Roslnurant ...-.., - 3 Dave Trager, owner of the FIJI Flowar (Culmone) ...5.80 4.20 3.40 p.m. Minnesota (Kralick 5-4) at Los Hower-Cason Cont. . 3 Packers, said he has inter- Myway (Correntlnol — 11.20 5.00New York (Hook 44) at Houston Angeles (Chance 4-3), 10 p.m. SPRING LAKE GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB Manser's Insurance 3 "Mndys Trophy (Ch'bers) .. — — 3 20 600 Scries Ralph Marclieltl 154, viewed five or six men, both from T..l:13'«. Also—Wins Faith, Lady (Bruce 4-1), 9 p.m. Chicago (Buzhardt 8-5) at Kansas — Handicap medal play was held here over last 203. :3.1-0M; Dillon Oarhart 226, 227, college and professional ranks Dame, North South Gal. Ilubato. Middletown 169 -622; Frank ' llusclo 188. '165. 255 KTII—Chuff.: 4-MP: J-l/ie m.: off 0:0l, Philadelphia (Bennett 2-1) at St. City (Bass 2-5 or Walker 8-4), weekend in two flights, A and B. Ted Assatiy led —612. for the vacated job. Roman Bpark (Grant) .4.20 3.20 i.m Louis (Gibson 7-4), 8 p.m. 9 p.m. Amrel (Zaknor) - „.. — 4.20 3.2fi the A with a 79-11—68 with Charlie Highley sec- Mark-One (Culmone) — — 2.RC Boys' League T.-1:4S. Also— Prlnen Jay, Will Tc ond, 71-1—70. In the B, it was Bob Gordon, 92- Live, Gunmes, Vigilant. 20—72 and Charles Doerrler, 89-17—72. Scheduled Last Week's Games (ATT. 12,304. HANM.K JI.IJH.OM.) THRILL AMERICAN DIVISION to get under way is the two-ball club championship St. Mary Angels 5, Be)f'd Blues 8 by the ladies. Qualifying rounds are on tap in the Beltord Seals 2, GUIs Falcons 1 Crimson Satan TO initial play. McDonald Raiders 10, St. Mary's Friars 1 At Monmouth THOROUGHBRED LATE NOTES — Jay Beacon defeated Walt Pink Harmony Keglers 17, Grone Es ham, 1 up, to win the Jack Welch trophy at Fort Mon tates 10 OCEANPORT—Crimson Satan RAGING mouth... Charles Johnson and George Martin won the NATIONAL DIVISION the two-year-old champion ol Last Week's Games 1961, is at Monmouth Park. recent "Dog Fight" tournament at the Fort with a ne Leonardo A 4, Port Monmouth The three-year-old vanned in AT score of 143... This was a two ball, draw for partners 1st Aid 2 from Belmont Park under orders after play was concluded. Grceley's 8, Leonardo B 2 from trainer Gordon Potter. BEAUTIFUL Navcsink Indians 1, Highlands 2 rimson Satan, thlrdjn. the Bel AMERICAN DIVISION mont Stakes last weekend, is ex pected to be made eligible for pitching as the 12 (earns near! W he $50,000 Choice Stakes, Aug. 1 Raritan-Holmdel the midpoint of the season. Bclford Blues 7 Present standings in the league Potter revealed that Crimson e: Hawks, 9-1; West Keans- Gills Falcons 6 Satan also is named for the Dwy- League to Hold burg Fire Company, 8-2; Indians Relford Seals 5 •r and the Travers and that plans Harmony Keglers 5 3 7-3; Gardeners, 6-4; Yankees, 6-4;' for tho colt will be outlined short Cardinals, 5-5 St. Marys Angels 4 3 Two Tag Days Pirates 5-5; 3 4 y. . Smoke Eaters Gronc Estates 4-6; VFW, 3-7; 2 4 The, trainer Is understandably RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The Falrvlew Braves COOLING RIDE—Beginning Monday, there will be daily disappointed over Crimson Sa- Keansburg Park, 2-8; Flyers, 2-8; ...1 and Tigers, ]•!). SI. Mnrys Friars tan's disqualification in the Jer- Raritan-Holmdel 8-15 Baseball 1 boat servico betwoen Now York Cify and Monmouth McDonald's Raiders sey Derby mid his attempt lo League, Inc., will conduct tag . 0 6 RESORT OF RACING MR. K IN CONFERENCE Suburban Sox Park. Tho "City of Keansburg" is tho boat handling pas- bear in on Jaipur in the Bel days Saturday, June 16, and Sat- NATIONAL DIVISION MOSCOW (AP) - Soviet Pre- senger traffic from N. Y. It is-ikipporod by Prank H. mont. Potter plans to experiment NOW thru AUG. 4 W urday, June 23, for the purpose mier Khrushchev talked with In- with inside blinker In hopes It 8 Bunco, and has a capacity of 2,000 parsons. There are OCEANPORT, N. J. - 3 atUm Iron ttnSta IHU Mrtmr, Iitt IM of raising funds for the baseball ternational Olympic Committee will cure Crimson Satan. "He Naveslnk Indians , 4 sun decks, cocktail lounpos, refreshment stands and runs straight and true until he enlarged cafeteria ... dining ma on grandstand hmar level Joop. Chairman Avery Brundnge yes- completely alr-condillonod terday, nrundage came here for Greelcys . 4 snack bars. Racing fans will roach .Atlantic Highlands hooks up with other horses and r Harry Wolfersberger, president Leonardo A 4 of the league, has announced uni- last week's IOC meeting. His at approximately i p.m. each day and then will ba 'hen he attempts to lug In," said Sat., June 16—THETVftO Naveslnk Chiefs 3 3 Potter. formed players will conduct the home is In Chicago. transported to tho track in special buses. Immediately Wed. June 20-RESRIT HANDICAP , It was "a friendly talk" said Fireballs 2 1 drive In the various shopping SI. Acnes 2 I 1 Grandstand $2 • CMMDH M • I«I«I. an official spokesman, but no after last race, busos roturn the patrons to Atlantic Man 0' War's only defeat came CHILDREN UN0IR IS HOT AOMITTVO areas of the township. PI. Monmouth Pint Aid I 4 Play in this 8-12 section of the further Information was immedi- Highlands. The craft is owned by the Keansburg Sf«am- In the 1919 Sanford Stakes all continues to feature good ately available. Leonardq B ..:. 1 3 Saratoga. The winner was the POST 2:30 • Daily Double Closes 2:20 Blue Flames ! 0 S n boat Company. appropriately named Upset. -I BED BANK BEGISTEB Wednesday, Jane 13,1962-21 Power •"• Sail Monmouth Entries By BILL EOBINSON 1r»t fcM»—Pant * 4 y*. mim Clg I m 124 Chamber* •4 A double trend has emerged i» boating Itely, The W«H Stefttf IIS JUS6 Block tt-1 ,«mali boats are getting bigger, and the trig teats are Peggy Keen 11* Sorrestino 8-1 5. On Sight m Brook* m Radial 122 Brooks 4-1 «. (a) Confinement Pern* w getting smaller. Gradually, both ends of the size scale 115 11* Perna S3 7. Sunday Scare Gonzalez M SUjks Rtport 128 are being whittled away, and there is a much stronger 5. Doable Hoop IK French 15-1 8. Theodade C. Barrow 2M 128 •.Son Ronald Perna 10-1 9. Chrlssy Grant . 15-1 concentration in the middle. 11* 117 BlgNuggett NB 18-1 16. Tennessee Bandit Blum t-1 New types of power, new concepts of space use 118 129 8. Sjt. Hedrick 3-1 U. Captain Qulgg Peru* 15-1 115 Brooks 115 and better understanding on the part of the boating t. French Brook 115 Kegalbuto 10-1 12. BellequQl Zokoor 15-1 13. (a) Blllro 120 Glusoer t-1 public of -what it wants out of a boat have all con- 120 Second Race —Purse $3,009 J y.o. C!g ( furlongs (») Wiley-Smith entry tributed to this. As an example, an industry executive 1. Tfayxna 108 Glassoer 8-1 recently potat**d out to us that the 14-foot outboa/d 2. Anudls Perna 10-1 ikth Race — Purse #,600 % year olds I furlongs m 5-1 boat, which was the backbone of the great expansion J. Sheer Blue Block 1. Fat Cat 110 Block t-1 4. Ice Worm 115 NB 20-1 110 Chambers in boating during the 1950's, has all but disappeared J08 2. Count Sail 5. Mist Lehlghton GIno 15-1 3. Soldiers Bonus 119 Brooks from stock builders' lists. Very few of the large conv t. Greek John 108 Boulmetls 5-1 4. Sally Tip 117 Zakoor 10-1 113 12-1 panies marketing stock powerboats nationally have Running After Perna 5. Be On Time lie Botdmetis 8-5 108 6-1 anything to offer in the 14-foot size. 8. Fox Parrott Blum $. Nemrac Chambers 113 5-2 us 9. Game Robin Zakoor 7. Mighty Harry 110 NB m 115 NB 4-1 10. Nogara Girl 8. Play Rough 110 Monacelll 15-1 108 NB 10-1 11. Really Eeady 9. Nip CBrandy 116 Grant 5-2 12. Richly Endowed IDS NB 8-1 113 5-1 Third Race - Purse $,569 S y.o. Clg 1 1/3 nt Seventh Race — Purse $15,000 3 year olds 1 nt 1. Bolinas Girl US Brooks 4-1 The Salvator Mile MUDDY GOING — Monmouth Park's rac» card was a wet on* yesterday and ihe jock 2. Jimmy Rags 119 Monacelll 5-2 1. Beau Prince 118 Brooks 5-1 eys offer ih« best proof. A trio of jocki gat together after the first race and it h >. Asphalt Boy 119 Grant 5-1 2. Inbalance 122 ' Chambers 2-1 4. Barb's Ring 117 NB 3-1 3. (a) Try Cash 118 Broussard 5-1 not difficult to detect the winner, Joe Culmone, center. Karl Korte, left and Mike 5. Prince Sadi 118 Barrow 8-1 4. Towson 111 NB 20-1 Sorrentino carry the mud kicked up by Culmone'c mount, Happy King, an $8.40 winner. 8. Stamping Grounds 116 Stevenson 12-1 5. Royal Ration 111 NB 20-1 7. Father Jim 112 Grant 6-1 6. (a) Rare Rice 118 Broussard 5-1 7. Narokan 111 Boulmetls 8-1 Fourth Race — Parse $3,000 2 y.o. mdn Clg 5} 8. Invlgor HI Regalbuto 12-1 1. Clando An VIp 126 Boulmetls 10-1 9. Misty Day 118 Boland 7-2 Giants Snap Losing Streak 2. Jims Storytand 115 Perna 10-1 (a) Ada L.- Rice entry S. Slick City 120 Stevenson 15-1 4. Median Star 117 Zakoor 5-: Eighth Race—Purse $3,500 4&up Clg f&m 1 1/3 m 5. Fresh Slides 120 Broussard 4-1 Sweeping Twin Bill Over Reds 6. Iiz Plet 117 Stevenson 20-1 1. Dude Ship 109 French 8-1 7. When In Need 117 Brooks 3-1 2. Bountiful 112 MonaceOi 5-1 Associated Press Philadelphia 3-2 to take over three hits, and Ed Mathews eac' 8. Sea Mew 117 NB 15-1 3. Dance And Play 112 French 3-1 Halting the tailspin which fourth. Houston- defeated New hit home run No, 11 and Gus9. Honest Sage 120 Block 5-1 4. Above Suspicion 114 NB 10-1 dropped them out of the National York's Met* 3-2. Bell, Frank Boiling and Tommle 5. Arctic Queen 114 Stevenson 7-2 League lead, the San Francisco Juan Marichal (9-4) checked Aaron also connected. Mathews' Fifth Race — Purse $3,500 2 y.o. mdn Clg 5> S. Htmera 109 Perna 10-1 Hants snapped their six-game the Reds on seven hits in the homer was the 381st of his ca- 1. Daddy Dulln 120 Block 10-1 7, Concert Tour 110 Monacelll 3-1 THIS 25-FOOT CABIN CRUISER tt now being marketed losing streak Tuesday night, opener and drove in, the winning *eer, tying Mm for eighth place 2. Boston Gift 120 Stevenson 15-1 8. Mt. Hood 107 Perna 12-1 by a company whose biggeit boat wai an 18-foot only sweeping a doubleheader from ran in a two-run seventh inning with Qa Yankees' Mickey Man- Cincinnati 2-1 and 7-5 and moved surge that put its away for the a couplo of yean ago, Illustrating a trend up from small bade within a game of the first- Giants. Angels Coming Up boats and down from large ones to compact, well- dace Los Angeles Dodgers. Orlando Cepeda drove In four The fourth place Los Angeles designed middle-sizo ones. The Dodgers, rolling with sev- runs for the Giants In the night Angels crept within a game and NEW STORE HOURS! si victories in nine games and cap with two homers—a three- half of the first-place New The popular average for outboard boats has jumped !0 in 24, ran into a 17-hlt, five- run shot In the first and a solo York Yankees Tuesday night and homer Milwaukee outburst behind in the fifth that eventually proved Lee Thomas provided the punch OPEN DAILY 7:30 A. M. TO 9 P. Nl. to the 16 to 18-foot range, and even this range is tew Burdette's six-bit pitching to be the deciding run. Moien a 7-5 victory over Minnesota. being exceeded. Several factors have accounted for this. and lost a game and a half of Drabowsky (1-5) was the loser. their lead with a 15-2 clobbering Burdette, 4-4, recording his The 26-year-old left-handed Saturday 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. The really big outboard motor of 75 to 100 h.p. andby the Braves. second complete game In a rowswinger hit his eighth and ninth the inboard-outboard type of installation have both! The defending champion Reds and fourth consecutive triumph, homers against the Twins, con- 'ell from third place to fifth, retired 19 in a row at one stretch necting with one on in the third popularized boats in these sizes and on up to 22-24 feet and tagging another with the STARTS TODA Also, manufacturers of inboard motors have met the •ittsburgh moved into third, V& while the Braves were pounding ehind, by edging the Chicago Johnny Podres (3-5) and two bases empty in the seventh. challenge by making more compact, lighter plants tha lubs 4-3 and St. Louis nipped successors. Hank Aaron, who had The defeat dropped the Twin! do not take up too much room in boats like these. from the league lead into thin place. The Yankees took ove: As a result, the average list of a stock manu- the top spot with a 2-1 triumpr facturer has been upgraded in size all the way. McCarthy Sets 30-Lap Record over Detroit. Cleveland, rained out at Washington, moved per- A major company whose largest craft was an 18 centage,polnts ahead of Minneso- footer a couple of years ago now has a 25 footer In Copping Wall Stadium Event ta Into second place. as its biggest boat. Improved techniques In using .Kansas City edged the Chicago fiberglass for boat construction have also sparked WALL TOWNSHIP — Former roblems for the past two sea-White Sox 2-1 on Dave Wick- modified champion BUI McCarthy sons, had none Saturday night ersham's three-hitter and Bostor this type of development. Not too long ago* builders of Freehold stunned Wall Stadi- as he burst to the front In thesqueezed by Baltimore 4-3 in 0th were worried about going over the 20-foot barrier um stock car racing fans when first six laps then easily handled er games. with a fiberglass boat, but that is a thing of the he pushed his unique Pontiac- the field in spite of heavy traffic. Although Thomas provided th powered Studebaker to a record He went past lapped cars as past fireworks for the Angels, it tool smashing 30-lap victory in last though they were standing still a three-run outburst in the sixt VENT §tock .Mafcbullding companies have been force Saturday night's feature race. and the chasers — Dallenbach Inning to snap a 3-3 tie and sut into these larger sizes to keep their old customers. An McCarthy easily defeated the and Elliott — never approached due the Twins. Felix Torres' si heavily favored Wally Dallen- his three-length lead. gle drove in the tie-breaker owner who started out with a 14 io 16-foot open out bach and Tommie Elliott In the Elliott made a desperate dive the Angels got the benefit of foi board a few years ago and likes it, wants to stick wit main event, covering the 10 miles or second place between cars on walks in the Inning. in B:04.2. the same builder and local dealer when he moves up he final lap. but couldn't make Bill Stafford (6-3) held the Ti The 1955 champion, who had to a bigger boat, as most owners Inevitably do. If tha Dallenbach held on and Elliott gers to three hits until the nintr been plagued with mechanical flok third Al DeAngelo of Long when singles by Rocky Colaviti builder has only the same sizes to offer, he loses a Island was fourth with Don Vic Wcrtz and Chico Fernandi loyal customer. S t u m p f, defending modified scored a run and snapped Carleton champion, fifth, and Joe Kelly, string of 25 scoreless innings com- A thoughtful owner usually learns things from sixth. piled by the Yankee right-hand his first boat that he wants to have incorporated in er. Roger Marls hit home rui The three-quarter midget por- TUBE-TWt the next one, and this has sparked such developments League Ion of the racing program was No. 11, in the third Inning afte: as convertible seating, using the same space for several This Week's Schedule gain completely dominated by the Yanks had moved ahead TODAY the first on Phil Lira' single, just say different purposes. Good stowage, more comfortabl m Lacy and his roadster, No. sacrifice by Bobby Richardso Oakhurst at West Long Branch which cake-walked to its sixth galley arrangements, an enclosed toilet—all these thing; Shrewsbury at Asbury Park and Johnny Blanchard's single traight feature win at Wall. The loser was Yankee nemesl Take months to pay seem attractive after a couple of years of making TOMORROW Commie Elliott, filling In for Bud Fire Dept. at Oakhurst Frank Lary (1-4), now 28-11 lifi in small open boats, and that's how trends develop. Aullin, took second place in thetime against New York. Neptune at Shrewsbury i\Q. race, while third went to WHITEWALLS TUBELESS The same thing is happening in the sailboat FRIDAY VI Andretti and fourth to Al De- Frank Malzone drove In th 00 00 field, where the auxiliary cruising boat between 20 Asbury Park at Rams Vngelp. first three Red Sox runs witl Only 2 More Only 2 More and 30 feet is leading the expansion parade. Manu- Rumson-Falr Haven at Neptune a single and two-run homer. Cai STANDINGS Heat races were won by Mc-roll Hardy knocked in the clinch You get more for yosir facturers of sailcloth have noted a great increase W L TPts. Carthy and Kelly in the stocks er with a double In the third ani 1 In demand for the weight cloth used in this size West Long Branch ....2 0 6 4 and Lacy and Don Stumpf in therobbed Jim Gentile of a gram Tire Dollar with; boat in the last year. Dozens of new stock models, Shrewsbury 2 0 0 4 T.Q.'s. slam homer In the sixth. Bos Rumson-Falr Haven ..1 1 1 3 Saturday night will headline ton's Gary Geiger cut down thi the EMYLOMA1RE most of them of fiberglass construction, have Asbury Park ..._ 1 0 0 2 ;0-lap main event for the modl- potential tying run in the nlntl been Introduced in the last two years and most of Rams 1 1 0 2 ied and sportsmen division cars by throwing Dick Williams oul * Full 4-Ply them are selling well. IAMA ... ..120 2 irith a 20-!ap novice feature along at the plate, preserving the tri- •k Long-wearjng Diene Rubber Fire Dept 0 1 1 1 irith heat races for both type umph for Ike Delock (1-0). Jacl As these compact yachts in sail and power becom< Neptune 0 1 0 0 ars. Fisher (1-2) lost It. itSafeiy-fortiftedRylcKSCOid . available, owners of larger, more expensive boats no Oakhurst _ 0 2 0 0 it Speedway-proved-forttnjifalse safety tlce that these smaller craft, easier to maintain am fair haven .sport ..ES 6 W L Learn-to-Swim-Progi*am" Yoa know what yoa'r* getting , less expensive to run, are now "offering many of thi Cardinals 8 0 whea yotrbayfiresiooo ' comforts and conveniences previously associated wit Orioles __...5 4 Larks . _.__...4 4 larger luxury vessels. The tendency then becomes t Slated to Start June 22 _.. defects la T Robins . . —...4 5 \ «T>d materials far (ha- Gf» «t 4fa» unload a big boat and move down to the handier size Hawks 4 5 15-MONTH original (read. The Red Bank "Learn-To- be necessary for the children (3. Against normal road bazaris-fes* Into which so much new thought and planning haw Eagles 1 8 eept wpajraMfl. pwni: exaooa* >wim-Program" conducted by be at the pick up area at 8: ROAD HAZARD been placed. he Community YMCA, the coun- a.m. This will provide amp fen Uw aumbereC norths uptcJfiad. Itcplscctneats inotatsa cat uiiau vw Ed Carleton Loop y Red Cross chapter and thetime for getting to the Ways! GUARANTEE ana based on list prices* tfannfcat * ed Bank Parks and Recreation pool, suited-up and ready for in-| tintt of Tilts Washed Out epartment will start June 22 structlon. , Monmouth Park Yesterday's rains washed out ind continue through July 6, at Although the swimming In- both scheduled Ed Carleton tepwel Park, Wayside, for non-struction is a service rendered IN-THE-MONEY TODAY'S PICKS League contests with one of the wimmers only between the ages without charge by the Commun- two games now holding a if 7 and 17. ity YMCA, and the county Red Two-Gallon F R E E SELECTIONS AT OCEANPORT "probable" makeup date with The youngsters will receive Cross Chapter, the transportation By DOTTIE GORMAN By SAM no date set as yet on the other. instruction between 9:30 and and pool fee has been set at $5. The Rams-Fire Dept. game 10:30 a.m. on the following dates: This sum is to be paid no later GAS CAN Skips Report Skips Report slated for the Fire Dept.'s Triday, June 22; Tuesday, June than the first day of instruction. Big Nugget Radial 6; Wednesday, June 27; Tfiurs- AH youngsters will receive take- Only 1 Well Staged home Held in Long Branch prob- Radial ably will be played next lay, June 28; Friday, June 29; home flyers in the schools along Compele Car Game Robin Nogara Girl Wednesday at Long Branch, "uesday, July 3; Thursday, July with an application form. Each •largecapacity, holds two U.S. Greek Jolin Game Robin according to Joe Sovlero, and Friday, July 6. child should consult his parents gallons. It's vented for fast,' Safety Inspecttefi Thyana Greek John manager of the Rams. Arrangements will be made to as to whether or not they may easy, pouring. Complete with Bumper-to bampei_w» Bolinas Girl Barb's Ring Shrewsbury's tilt at Asbury lick up the participants at the take the course. Parents are re- self-storing,6-inch flexible Jimmy Rags spout I cl»ecktitta,lifihto.lnate»«j Prince Sadi Park will not have a makeup ollowing areas: Red Bank High minded that this course must be rtiuHW, ALL safety] Father Jim Uolinas Girl date until Monday night when school (Branch Avenue Side), limited to non-swimmers only. featansof jour cam Jims Storyland Median Star the Carleton loop holds its )akland Street School, and MoTh- e application card should then When In Need Fresh Sticks regular meeting at the Long lawk Pond. Buses will transport be filled out and returned to the Honest Sago Honest Sage Branch YMCA at 8 p.m. hem to the pool and return. The home room teacher by Friday or Theodore C. Tennessee Bandit Tonight's slate sees only one scheduled time for leaving the mailed to the Red Bank Parks Daddy Dulin Sunday Score game on tap, Oakhurst at West ireas will be 45 minutes before and Recreation Department, 51 Imarunnin Imarunnin Long Branch. he class begins, therefore, it will Monmouth St. I\ SEE US B« On Time (Best Bet) Soldiers Bonus Soldiers Bonus Be On Time Toledo University FOR TIRES Play Rough Play Rough Now Serving . 7^ I Beau Prince Beau Prince tnks 6-8 Cage Ace Misty Day .. Inbalance where /our dollar buys MILES more Rare Rice Try Cash TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) — Bob Aston, 6-foot-8 basketball sensa- ITALIAN PIZZA PIE Mt. Hood •4, Concert Tour Concert Tour Dance and Play tion at Carnegie (Pa.) High and assorted sandwiches STORES a Dancncpe_ and Play Bountiful Lady School, yesterday signed a schol- FROM 5 P.M. 'TIL 1 A.M. *f DOWN arship letter to attend the Univer- Maple Ave. at White St. Late Scratches sity of Toldeo. at PETE GALATRO'S *| A WEEK 1. Set. Hedrick More than 69 colleges sou Red Bank—SH 7-5700 1. Sneer Blue, Richly Endowed Aston, who averaged 21 points MARINE BAR 1000 Atbury Ave. Asbury Park 5. Chrlssy, Blllro per game and totaled nearly 1,800 WHARF AVi. . RED BANK PR 5-870O f. Fat Cat points during his high school ca TO TAKE OUT -> SH 7-9892 TRACK—Muddy WEATHER-Ralny reer. FOE SALE FOR SAUE Jane, 13 3' .| ("MJ li'LCICS ! AUIOS *MJ 1RI CKS | A NO IOA1S & ACC.S'.ORILS I>-J I MALI. RED BANK 11ECIST « ' CA< BUYERS i * i i t ii t * < 1 \ 1 Why Pay'Fancy'Price*? t i I / * 1 I ft I ( V . r /i £ T t E I AHNOUKCIMEHTS ^ • A i 3 ROOMS - BRAND NEW I h te i tOST AND -FOUND /- « ( 1 l 1962 FURNITURE 1JSMT — J If ttmtt. ) / •tu-mi I 1 Prtwd To Save You As Mueb.A- You til -A t M I 1 H I Sj< • I 1 I fcrowrjlsfc-rm. lour wont j.«v%« 1 (ir»*t Renewed i> i -i fc_ J girt tirvict l«i B T ^v«t» 1 faltt-1 * IAQ H(d1 4e.Il 1 '__!______——- I e i* u ) trd I alnt } five HELP WANTEO-MALE : I H>T~RENAULT DAIPHINE iiTl All tti fc£traa >ou KGUl vat t Kre nl GUARANTEED '. LOST .i-' W_tt» toiSwr wallet I A1t on nnnncc *1 K new Ira i intuitur radio ld'5 Ol D"S4OH'L_ fee balJlo[ power r utel ttrd It «{.( i It s thati 11 »398 ii Cll t Exception&Uy cleari. Radio and heater, »n vtatnBy. Ruder please "turn to Excellent running condition.. Call t87 steering and Orates. White, new e»tot wllttewalls. Bflng transterrcd.' Must »ell montiia Did. Larg« %tem seat. Cell SH REFRIGERATOR Tir_«U _««t!cy, IS *-. Front St., Ret!2555 or CA 2-MM. Only . asking JOT. Job. Asking S50O. _O£ 1-2M4. ; rOSMJMji^ri, Steve, ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS ^ Only $3.50 A Bank. 1055 CHEVROLET — V-8, four-door, 1SBI CHEVROLET BEL A!R — Slx- CUSTOM-JJUTLT— 14' rowing akl!(. We are o g (or t responsible per- lnclud*dl automatic, latest inspection, motor run- 1857 OLDSMOBILE — Four-door, hy- son, willinilling ftnei able to work on his cyllnder. Radio, neuter. *1.6S>5. CA 2- malic, radio, heater, Jf»8. EH fill cover, Johnson 10 h.p- motor and AUTOMOTIVE ning, but tired. J125. KH 7-3188- 624.'. deluxe tilt trailer. All 1964, Like new. QW&, capablapable et assembling, repairing after 6 p.ro. ^ an 1-3)14. and calibratinalibrating panel • metermeterss . First ... Here'* What You Set: AUTOS AND CRUCKS 1950 NASH — Standard transmission. 1981 INTERNATIONAL — Diejel tan- iU't^in promotion opportunitle* is to 885. Call utter a pro dem dump truck. Call after 6 p.m. W BAKTHBLMS OPEN fishing »MH. LIVING ROOM: Contemporary sofa or dramatic 3-Fc. curved 8H 7-W14 group leader; mfter Uiat many opiwr- W-0241). MOBILE HOMES 8' beam, sturdv and depenflable. Pow- tuntUei occur iQ our five, associated. Sectional sofa, matching club chair, two limed oak «tep tablet, TRUCK BUYERS CLEAN 1957 FORD-— Two-door, radio 1955 CHEVROLET Bel Air Button ered by 100 h.p. Mercury fnew block manufacturing division a, Excellent last year). Equipped, id water sad large cocktail table, two decorator lamps with shades and a 0x12 »e# 1662 Dodge Pickup Truckl. and heater, standard, S275 or best wagon, automatic transmission, eight iJ iiOMSS working conaltioa*, qle&n, completely a H low u IliilS delivered, lolly offer. Hazlet. 787-8834, cylinder. Ki50. OS 1-2M4. ' ready; Will jacrttlce. KB 1-2887. air cottcUUoned, All wmpajfiy puns rug, outpiwd. No extras. No gimmicks. u«*a • io% awo and beaefiU offered. (F(Fror m a pickup to a dlesel). See1058 CHEVROLET - - Two-door, radio HALy M CRAFT .RUNABOUT W, e We srfe a mnjor compstny in our field, Frank »t F_H MOTORS, Inc.. Route and heater, whltewalls. six cylinder, nUtugu, excellent condition. Call New - T-year windshield, IB h.p. Evinrude, water located nut door to railroad station BEDROOM: Double dresser, tilting mirror, full size bookcase 35 opposite Bendi*, -atomown. Author- automatic, A-l condition, $995. Or best 543-2H26 atter £^30. ROUaiNSVILLS ckis and tow rope. Fast boat, $393. TRAIUER BALES INC. Rumaoit, 842-1111. V „• la Red Bank. bed, two vanity lamps and two throw rugs. Ixid Dodge Dealer. LI 2-1111. otter. CO 4-6553. FIAT 600 CONVERTIBLE 19SS — Radio Routs 130 Kobblnsvllle. N- 1 Call BH 7-2393 or write J, Pag^nottl, .nd heater, 1.800 miles, 40 miles per IV 7-1320 » WHEKLBR 8KIPF""— Mtitor new The Rowan Controller Co.. 30 Brl^ee DINETTE: Giant Slzel Large extension table, four deluxe uphol- AUTOS AND TRUCKS allon of gas, Good running condition, condition, electric bilge, head, in water. Ave., Reel Bank. N, J, AUTOS AND TRUCKS 'rivate, Reasonable. Call 787.8780. HOUSE TRAILER 18'7~Eltch, sleeps 84S-1808. stered chairs. Choice of bronzetoae, nubian or chrome. f two, good condition, €400. Morrlll. &t DHIVBBS.— Vending. 1c. creun truck. FIAT — Four door sedan, 1S57. 1100 22- ZOBEL «> skiff, 125 Cbryiler Apply u Km 1th Pi, oppcaitii £ut HO 2-5627. Keaniburg School. 10-U. series, radio and heater, top condition. 1 Crown Inboard, three-years old, excel- Will better any dealer's price for com-1858 BRENTWOOD TRAILER—8I3S , lent condition. 842-2785, CAMERA SALESMAN — Careen De- FIELD FURNITURE / DONTBEASUC^SR/ parable value. BH 7-OH5 7:30 p.m. to 8Excellent condition. Reasonable. B-A Mlelevlllc Trailer Ct. Palmer Ave. 10 H.P. MERCtJBY — Outboard motor, partment, Atlantic- Super&raa. New iH€R£ ARE NO FAB- p.m. __ perfect running condition, $70- Call BH ghnwrtury. Apply In person alter 8 p.m. Warehouse Department 1S56 cllEVROLET — Bel Air two-door 1-8462. BEHVICE STATION saleaman with ULOUS CLAIMS AT- hardtop. Powei steering, paint like MINT CONDITION and a bargain at sales stud mechanical ability. Hours 12 7-11^. FRONT STREET, KEYPORT, N. J. new. 5530.00. 842-1704. BOATS & ACCESSORIES IS400. 24' RICHARDSON «ki(l 1881. U0noon until 10 p.m. Write to "A.Q," Box- 1S57 FORD — Two-door station wagon, h.p. Fireball Gray, 70 hours used on Sn, Red Baiin, giving liaclseround in Store Hours: 9 • 6 Man. thru Sat. — 9-9 Thurs. & Frl. C/RCC£ Cte« original owner, excellent condition, fully BARGAIN — Any boat YOU warn to boat and engine. Bleepa two, roam detail. equipped. BH 7-5545. jwn. Lew DauE rotes. Jflimnclos a,r- rubber; automatic bilge pump; head; JUST DOWN TQ€ARTH rangementa cotnpleied la one call at fully equipped. This boat 1« perfectly iBB2 BU1CK SUPEH~r~iiccharj|calTy any of our office!. THE MONMOUTHsuited for our area. Call 842-2183. HELP WANTED-Male - Female FOR SALE WN€$TD€ALSFORALL perfect. 1150. COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. 811 1. PARTS MANAGER CO *-7342 1000. MODIFIED DORY — 15% feet, bronze EDWARDS EMPLOYMENT AQBNOV - Uarine, oulDoaul-au fastened throughout, wooded this year, Full charge. Salary plus commission. fixeoutlve^ialssOfflceDomsMfitl^ilOfflD&Mc HAMMOND 1963 CHRYSLER — Priced right. oars, anchor. J50. After 1 p.m. LI 2-2107 Must bo a no getter with experience. Phone forma, Hglston Waterbury. Realtor, Sincerity and ability with high, atnlct ORGAN STUDIO jmco 11)25. 16 W. From St.. 811 7-35UU. IN PLACEMENTS SH 7-3234 OAU. MR. McCABTHY «0 Broad St. Bid Bunk OF ASBURX PARK 1958 FORD — White convertible, radio, IT ALUMINUM ROWBOAT — And 7H 8HAOTSIPB 7-0511 Hammond Chord Organ _..___.J)M. h.p. outboard, will sell separate. HH 1- BUSINESS NOTICES MCCARTHY CHEVROLET Hammond fiitravoics Organ ._.~. fitlo. heater whttewalls. Going oversells. Call BBWING MACHINE OPERATORS — OS 1-3676. 4663 after 6 p.m. 291-1101 WurllUor Spinet Organ , «'3- FOR TREE WORK. C4Q tre» service. At Brltlgo Sportswear, 217 Brldga Ave. Conn Spinet Organ —„;, — , ,... 745. 1853 BUICK SUPER - Reasonable. Al- SAILBOAT — 18', complete with tails, Topping, trimming, removal. Call L] Red BanK. anchor, paddle. GROCERY CLERK wanted (or week " -nmond Spinet Organ 113 703. so 1948 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Call 2-4220 for tree estimates. Full Insurant AGE EMPLOYMENT AQBNOX SH 7-5736 after B p.m. SH 7-C545 coverage- . ends, experienced only, age no object. SALES AND SERVICE Good pay. Write "B.B." Box 611, RedEvery order 4 applicant our specialty RENTAL AND INSTRUCTION »• UTILITY — Good condition, call PORCUE8 - Patios, Bldewaks, etc.Bank. a Broad St., Red Bank SB 7-3404 AUTOS AND TRUCKS alter 6 p.m. No Job too small. Chas. Hower & Bon, Open Dally Till 8 — Saturday Till-8:30 8H 7-0924 Mason Contractor. SH 1-tiiS. SH 1-01T2. SALESMAN — 6aiary plus commission. MErf-WQMEN — Pan or roll time, C00KMAN AVE. AND MAIN ST. Experience preferred, but not neces* mornings, evtnlngi. Telephone sales. YOUR CHANCE BXCAVATINQ, WRECK1NO, GRADING aary, Five-day week. All company ben. Earn $(0-S70 weekly for just four or PR t 0300 live hours dally. Permanent positions. F1BBRGLA8 BOAT — 18 tt., line Pill dirt. Full lnoutiinco coverage. 141 eflta. Bell from direct leads anrt service llKWWTElo, APUINO macbiaes. anchor, seats six for fishing. Come see. 3023, calls. No canvassing. Apply Singer Sew- Red BanK office. Call SH 7-4140, SH Come save. Valile, $350. Will accept T-339D. Ml makes new or used. Guaranteed. 201-0037 ing Machine Co., 69 Broad St., Bed Low as Jf20. Serpico's. 101 AoonmouU) best offer over {100. See at D Trident Bank. Blvd., Neptune. JOHN DRURY WANTED — Man or woman with car St Next to theater. SH 70485. Remodeling Contractor PART-TIME MEN — Janitorial, four for light delivery. Temporary work. LUHR'S SKIFF — 1060. 145 hours, tlnK-CuLrpentry-Kenctog-Un Must know area ol Red BanK &nd RUQ8 — Never used, 1 t 11 and to five hours per night, five nights per vicinity. Call days, 741-8977 or 741-8931 larger sizes, trora S25. Frlvftte, 109 tip. Gray. Sleeps two, bead, hydrau- FREE ESTIMATES week. Oood pay. Apply In person 7:30 842OMa 195,8 Chevrolet I960 Chevrolet lic, just painted. In water. OS 1-134(1, All Work Guaranted to 10 p.m., Thursday evening. June 14 WANTED — Drivers Jor local day 14' "SCOW" and trailer. An Ideal SUDDEN SERVICES — Cellars, nttlcs, 40 Riverside Ave., Red Bank. camp, only two hours a day. Call FRESH COW MANURE—Direct from U 2-1183. our leed yards. (0 per ton. Frco deliv- Two-door sedan, radio, Two-door hardtop, radio, family sailboat. Trailer practically new, yards. Also light trucking. Reasonable. ACCOUNTANT — Junior, experienced ery within 26 miles on five-ton loads. STOCK CLEARANCE both for S200. OS 1-0247. 787-1854 or LO 6-5388. for large local CPA llrm. Send resume Also pulverized, dry, composted ma* heater, whitewall tires. to Rudolf, Ctnnamraon & Calafato, P.O. beater, 6-cyl., Powergllde. '59 PONTIAC BONNEVIIXB FOR INEXPENSIVE eallboating fun FOR ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS .___ __„. ,, „ _ . nure, S3 per 60 lb. bag. Wrangle Brook V-8, standard transmission. •59 CHEVY 2-DR. HT (2) see tha Sailflah or Bunflab at Boat Call CUKLEY HOMES Box 409 Anbury Park, N. J. SITUATIONS WANTED, Female Farms, R.D. s, JacJtsoo, N. J. OL 7- •S9 FORD - -58 CHEW'S (1) Ski A Scooter Center, 75 While St., BK 1-510O 6251. Red Bank. 811 1-1124. WILL HELP WITH PARTU33. dtOOtri, •57 PORD — '57 BUICK PAINTING — PAPER HANQ1NO — MANAGER-TRAINEE other occasions. Call AIR CONDITIONER — 15-ton, pUksg* '37 CHKVY-'SS CHBVY'S (2) 14' RUNABOUT — Now seats, con- Young man age 23-IS, to receive «x •58 OLD3 2-DR. HARDTOP Keaaonable. $25 average BOOM, ONE SH 1-8881. unit, excellent buy, must Mil. Deep-Down Values at Circle Chev. trols and trailer. 18 h.p. Evlnrude, ex- COAT. For a good clean iob, call Ed ecutlve training with world's largest SH 1-2233 •65 CHEVY — '55 FORD cellent condition. CO 4-3187. financing system. High school graduate MATUliB WOMAN — Wilt oaDllt In '64 CHEVY Zlnaer at SH 7-3491. and auto, pleasing personality, menta my home anytime. Call after B p.»COLLECTIO. N — Japancss swords and TED JONES — Catamaran twin Mer EXTBMOR PAINTING — $135 for an>alertness and ability to meet the pub872-0581 daggers. 32-20 caliber 1873 Winchester cury 800'n. For demonstration, call average ranch or Cape Cod house. Yoi rifle. S3 caliber Spencer carbine. Sam STATION WAGONS Uc. Auto allowance and good salary COLLEUB SOPHOMORE—Red Cross •59 FORD '58 PLYMOUTH Anglers Marine 842-0204. supply paint. BH 7-M11. SH 1-7836. to start with Increases and advance- Colt 13 gauge (hammer) shotgun with ment Injured. Call SH 1-9020 between swimming Instructor, driver's license, two sets Ol barrels SH 1-7558. '58 CHEVY '58 PONTIAC WEEK-END PAINTERS — Wo pain doslrea summer Job. SH 1-7233. MARINB SUPPLIES houses Inside and out. Fences, garages, 9 to 8 for appointment, Mr. Scholts. •57 CHfiVY, '66 CHEVY Everything For The Boatman. New etc. our freo estimate will really sur BARBER WANTED — Call alter LICENSED practical nurse wishes to SLEEP LATER '5B PLYMOUTH Jersey's largest marine, supply house. prise you. Call SH 1-2595 after 6 p.m.6:30 p.m. care for new born Infants. Doctor's JSvinrude Sales and Service references. CA 2-13S2. WINDOW SHADES Transportation Cars From SSO LAWN CUTTING OS 1-2101 3315 THE BOATMAN'S SHOP YOUNO LAD? will exchange room Why get up with the birds? Oat room 21 Whan Ave. Red Bank CALL BAKER'S HELPER — Experienced. and board for mother'* helper, Am 1*3130 LI 2-340; Learn under fine pastry shop, day working from D-S at Sandy Hook darkening shades, Inimedl&to aervice. MAPU 158 1st Ave.,= All, Highlands SB 1-5780 LANDSCAPINO — Lots cleaned off work. Good salary, meals. Matter's Marine Lab during week. Can give AVE. RGD8ANK f (One" HiiM:k .Viirlh of Ht. #!> Open 8undays and Holidays fields cut, grading. SH 1-4732 and SIRestaurant, Boardwalk, Long Branch. evenings and week-ends. Excellent rel PROWN'S 9 s.m. -1 p.m. 1-0082. erences. Call DAvis 1-4)391, 32 Broad St. Red Bank SH t-7800 29t-nC|l >• Open 'til 9 Pim; PAINTERS — Experience absolutely WE BUY AND BELL anything and 1958 BARBOUR 14' FLOOR WAXING AND POLISHING neceseary. Call WOMAN — wishes ironing at homo. ovorythtng. olvo the highest prices. Windshield, controls. 1175.00 Done Reasonably 0(0-4275 Call Call William Left Furniture, Inc., Hwy. S4J-1704 Call SH 7-2227 747-0314 35, Mlddletown. SII 1-3213. Open «vs- PLUMBERS EXPERIENCED ONLY — nlngs tin I) p.m. MOTHER — Wishes to cars (or child STEADY WORK GOOD WAOBS. CALL of working mother. Call SLHNDUIUZINQ EQUIPMENT - For EMPLOYMENT 741-83D5 rent or sale; tree dollvery. South Jsr- CORRIOAN'S, SH 7-2708. ley SURGICAL BH 7-2814. COLLEGE girl wishes employment tu HELP WANTED—FEMALE toeing French. Office work. Waitress, FOR DAD" "FROM RAINBOW child care. References. SH 7-4474. Olve dad a cool reception. Air con- EXECUTIVE TRAINEE ditioner: 7H amp, '1 n.p., Installed COLLEGE SOPHOMORE desires baby BEAUTICIANS Age 21-3S, should havo some sales ex< 0.S5. Electric fans from 116.95. Port- sitting, swimming Instructress, camp able TV's, ¥150.05. Transistor sets, perlence. High school graduate, college work. Experience. C42-0620. EXPERIENCED ONLY preferred. Top salary to those selected, (24.05. Clock-radios, {24.88. AM FM TEENAGE radios, 139.05, Electric shavers, 119.95. FULL TIME with profit snaring and pension. plan. Interesting work, advancement assured. Dad's gifts are at "Rainbow.* (Across HIGH STYLE FASHION SHOP See R. H. Belknap, Bell Finance Co., SITUATIONS WANTED, Male Acme lot), Broad, Red Bank. CALL SH 1-7789 Red Bank. HIGH SCHOOL BOX — Reliable, ex- VINMAR LITTLE SILVER PORTRAIT COUPON SALESMEN — perienced, desires work after school ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE PART TIME — Experienced secretary Lorstan Studios', 24 White St., SH 7.5540, and week-ends. Call srenlnss. SH 7'Rent A Piano $12 per Month EMPLOYMENT SEGTION hours 1 to fi p.m. Call for appointment 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally. 1S09. for Interview. SH 7-3500. GROCERY CLERK—Full time, experi- EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE young IvNABB, MASUN-HAMLIN, SOHMKK SECRETARY — Contractor's office, enced only. Apply Shop-Rite of Middle- man. Prep school senior wishes to care OABLH-tJELSON. BVERETT. BTECK Shorthand required, five-day week. town, 1200 Hwy. 35, Middletown. for children during summer. Patient, Cookman Ave. « Main St., Aibur; en. Here Are the Teenagers' Ads — They Really Want Employment Write P. O. Box 1013. Red Bank for ap- understanding. Will be a great help. Open daily till 8 Sat. UU 5:30 pointment. Include phone number. UNUSUAL MAN Phone Steve Jennings, SH 7-1631. PR 6-9301 TYPIST — Some steno, 0 to 2:30. WANTED ELECTRIC FENDER BASS — And Read Their Ads! Give Them a Job! Clip for Future Reference! ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1 One of the oldest and largest com plush blond hardshell oass, (ISO. PA 1- Broad St., Red Bank. SH 7-3494. panics In Us field, will pay salary plui FINANCIAL 3438. BABYSITTER EMPLOYMENT u hotel babysitter, so- AMBITIOUS .HONOR ROLL student. GIRL— Mature high school Junior hon DENTAL ASSISTANT — Experience bonus to a man between the ago o BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DESKS — flS up, files SIS up, cliolra, Reliable Experienced* da Jerk, counter girl, desk clerk, part Saleslady, office work. Ago 16. Will or student, part or full time aummti pcef.erred> bul not essential. Must havo 23 and VI. He must, be interested in adding machines, typewriters manual 8H 7-4319 or full time, 15'i. KE 1-W83. work full or part-time. 08 1-2505. Job. 842-0604. Initiative and ability to meet pe"PU-. a permanent sales career in ths shore and electric, offico equipment etc. RELIABLE STUDENT—Summer baby- Need own transporatlon. Write "B.A,,1 area. .Ho will be his own boss, earn EXCELLENT OPERATED RESTATE bargain prices. New or used. AAO Desk HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR wishes baby- RELIABLE 15 year old girl desires RELIABLE GIRL — Babysitter 7:31 RANT—Qood location, good business, lining. Beach sitting also, Junior lire Bitting, day . or night. References, summer employment weekdays. Char- Box oil, Red Bank. 58,000 to $12,000 per year or more. cross approximately 140,000 yearly. Co. nt, 35, Oakhurst, KB 1-3990. saving, other training. SH 1-S705. on, 50c an hour, any night. Call 4:30 Finest three year training program and Phone 787-6237. acter references available. SH 7-1758. 7 p.m. SH l-«80. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES wanted. opportunity for management in thPracticalle y new equipment. Exclusive, KITCHEN CHAIRS RBCOVERHD-I4.S5 HIGH SCHOOL GIRL 17, wishes sum- L&M Restaurant, 619 River Rd., Fair $14,000 cash. up. Dinette- seta at lowest prices. Use ! HIOH SCOOL SENIOR wishes to mind HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE desires po- future. If you have louni that your mer employment. Filing, salesgirl, ex- RELIABLE GIRL — Babysitter, 7:31 Haven, N. J. Apply In person. present job does not offer the financial your £asy Charge. Monmouth Dinette, perlenced. In babysitting. 741-1456. children at beach. Monday through sition as general office worker JOT on. References. 50o an hour, any night 160 Monmouth St., Red Bank. SH 1-6S33. Friday. Licensed driver. 842,1451. salesgirl, counter girl. SH 7-4632. Call between 5-10, SH 1-3216. DO YOU WANT TO WORK IN A LAWor promotional opportunities you de- MEYER MORRILL RELIABLE STUDENT wants part-time OFFICE?. We have an opportunity fo alre, call PR 4-1800 between 9 and RESTAURANT — Five formica tables. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wl.hes to doHIGH SCHOOL GIRL graduate, IS HIOH SCHOOL girl, summer employ 12:00 noon for personal appointment. Broker babysitting Job. Call years old. car and license. Sales, wait- an experienced secretary whom we 10 chairs, 13 stools, bun warmer. Small S42-2823 babysitting during summer months. ment office experience, babysitting will gladly pay a salary equal to her HOpkina 2-5627, Call SH 1-2889. ress, light office work. SH 7-4500. waitress. CO 4-5525. INTERVIEWS IN HED BANK — Our National cash register and odd items HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR girt 16. Kelt- , ability. Please call SH 1-3400 for anfactory representative will Interview for restaurant. SH 7-0270. Ing summer employment. Babysitting 5RELIABLE BOY 17, looking for steady YOUNO MAN desires position as carRELIABL- E high schol girl wlBhei appointment. locally Friday morning, from 10-12, at FOR LEASE — Mcxlorn throe-bay serv- summer Job, any kind. Call Ralph penter, gasoline attendant or general the Red Bank offico of the N. J. State ice station, all major equipment fur- JORDAN reach-In refrigerator, glass preferred. Call 872-1819. " babysitting job. Phono BEAUTICIAN — Thursday, Friday sliding doors, size GO"x32"x62', excel- Sllva, LI 2-43G5. outdoor work. 787-3718. OS 1-2132. Employment Service at 48 B. Front nished. Minimum investment. Call Mr. RELIABLE BOY seeking employment Saturday. Steady. Apply Ann's Beauty St. We have openings In various de- Horan at MI 2-7860 between D o.m. andlent condition. May bo seen at 5 East at or around docks or marinas. Call BOY WANTS Heady employment In of-WANTED — Odd Jobs, garden, lawn MOTHER'S HELPER - Child nurse, Salon, 16 Wallace St., Red Bank. partments. These positions ate perma- 4:30 p.m. or 844-8018 atter 7:30 p.mFron. t St., Koyport, CO 4-1318. fice or store. Red Bank area. Call J. care. Call Call alter 4:30, Monday through Thurs nent, but we will consider bright, adapt- Sharp, LI 2-0226. LI 2-1905. Jay, SH 1-5371. COLONIAL COUCH — Construction 17 YEAR OLD GIRL wishes summer OPERATORS able men for summer work. Compensa- NEW SHELL service station for lease. good, needs recovering. Call employment, general otfice work, isles- YOUNO GIRL 18 years old desires HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR— Experienced MOTHER'S HELPER — Camp coun Sowing machine operators: Pockel Ion will bo discussed at Interview. Ask Leonardvllle Rd., UcUord. Excellent CA 2-7586 girl or waitress. SH 1-0929. position full time as secretary, general stock work. Have license. Call LI 2-flelor, other work. Junior, girl. 5 maker, sleeve setter and collar setter, or Mr. Richard. business opportunity. For Information office duties. SH 1-2311. years. OS 1-1087. aew-out and straight seam era. To work call EXport 6-3537, 8:30 to 6 p.m. BENDIX DIALAMAT1C washer, needs 17 YEARS OLD — Good at numbers, on children's coata and car coalB. MEN — Part-time, ago 18-34, must repair; Kenmoro wringer typs, jood also babysit part-time or roll time dur- SUMMER EMPLOYMENT, drtvors 11. BOY 16 years old desires summer OIRL 17—With life-saving badge de- Shore Coat Co., 22 South Bridge Ave. have car, $50. National organization ex> condition. Both J15. SH 1-5635. tog summer. Can type. CO 4-8178. cense, care for children five days a work. Call sires position as babysitter. Call SH I- Red Bank. pandlng In Monmouth and Ocean Coun MOBILE LUNCH TRUCK — Fully week. SH 1-1568 ask for Donna. SH 1-7877. ties. Call tonight 5-7 p.m. BH 7-3249. equipped. Ice cream truck. 14 Smith COLLEGE SECRETARIAL student de- SECRETARY — Preferably over 45. PI,, East Keansburg, opposite school. FREE ANODIZING sires office position. Shorthand and HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR, honor stu- BOY 15 years old, desires a summer MOTHER'S HELPER — Qlrl 15 Write stating age, experience and sal-MAN — For indoor maintenance work On our King Aluminum Windowi. A typing. Cal SH 1-5908. dent, assistance In Engllih. French. Job. Call In church. Apply perlenced, summer employment. ary expected to ^"A. G.," Box Bll( HOTEL AND RESTAURANT — InJ1505 .uB for , . . GIRL 18 -wishes summer employment, Latin, Math, Science. SH 1-0454 alter 0. SH 1-1563. SH 7-0581. Red Bank. SH 1-8700 booming Bayshore area. Excellent bus! •xperienced sales clerk. Will do other BRIGHT, reliable, strong, neat boy, HIOII SCHOOL Junior seeking summer MECHANIC — Experienced. Burdge's ness. Great potential. Owner. LI 2-1700. $12.95 work. SH 1-4913. EXPEMENCED OIRL-Summer pa STENOGRAPHER — Legal experlenci leeks summer employment. Good at employment. Call OS 1-O074 afler 5 time employment, office work, wall preferred but not essential. Writ Garage, S97 Branch Ave., Little 811 RIVERSIDE LANES LUNCHEONETTE Installation optional RELIABLE STUDENT—Summer baby- math. 812-2201. p.m. ress. SH 1-2208. "A.Z.," Box 511, Red Bank. ver. —For lease. Inquire 21-23 East Front sitting, available anytime, also beach BOY HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR wishes sum- St., Red Bank. PROWN'S sitting. SH 1-7468. 17, wants summer work, any HIGH SCHOOL GIRL, babysitting ilu: BEAUTICIAN WANTED—Experienced. kind. willing worker. Have license. mer and part-lime school year employ- Ing HinnmcT Red Bank urea c*n Employment year round. Call MEN WANTED 32 Broad St. Red Bank BH 1-7500 GITtL 18, part-time, shorthand, tvplng, SH 7-42B9. ment. Call SH 1-6399 Biter 4:30 p.mS.H 1-8S88. ' CA 2-4G07 New firm located In Red Bank needs CHEAP — Lionel train set "O" Gauge; salpjglrl lor summer. Call BH 1- RESPONSIBLE high school girl, ago men to be dealer* for new and ex- MORTGAGES with board and extras. Call SH 1.1484 18 YEAR OLD high school graduate MAN—14, wishes' work SECRETARY to school principal. An- clusive home product, only men who after 1 p.m. (girl) wishes summer employment 14, desires full or part llmo situation. lock boy, ambitious, willing nual beginning aalary 52500. Twelve- HOMEOWNERS NEED MONEY? Linda Mayer, SH 7-4437. are responsible and willing workers AMBITIOTJS high school graduate de- help college finances. OS 1-2058. SH 1-C052. month vositton, tout weeks vacation. will be considered. Call lor interview. Vour credit Is good. First anil second WALNUT DINING SET — 10 piece. airei permanent employment. Call SH Write "A S." Box 511. Red Bank. mortgages. SH 1-4344 or FO 3-2601. $60, living room set, $75. Good condl- 1-7211, ask for Chris. HIOH SCHOOL GIRL would like baby- CLERICAL TYPIST—HIBh school Jim BABYSITTER"- Reliable, experiences S. Wetzcl, SH 7-9100. sitting, six days. Monday through Sat- 'n- desires office nosltlon. with small children. Wently Green MAID — Full time, cooking, cleaning, tlon. Call 586-2281. Maner. Bos 5Glc, RD No MEN FULL TIME — Janitorial work. 14 YEAR OLD FftESHMAN Hazlct- urday. SH 7-4488. Neptune. ago 13, SH 1-9065. no laundry. Must bo dependable, U. 8. citizen, have 24" BCHWINN BOY'S BICYCLE — Keyport nrpa desires part-time Job for HIOH SCHOOL BOY—Reliable, experl 842-0291 • own car and bo willing to start at INSTRUCTION 15. j . summer. Phone CO 4-5927. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wishes babysit- RELIABLE high school senior (male OB V2683 ting for summer (light housekeeping! enced. Work after schonl, weekends desires employment. Driver's license CASHIER — Part time. Kxperlcnceu once. Steady, year-round work, good EFFICIENT~TYPIST. cashlerToFclcrE will work five days a week. SH 1-5126 clurln« summer. SH 1-8233 niter 4. SH 1-4955. only. Apply Shop-Rite of Mlddletown, pay, paid holidays and vacation. Apply EXPERIENCED TUTOR — O rod en 3 PLAYER PIANO — Needs some re- High school graduate. Call 1200 Hwy. 35. Mlddletown. in person 7:30 to -10 p.m., Thursday through 12 Inclusive Nearly all areas, pairs. Also many piano rolls. $300. Call HIOH SCHOOL GIRL, 16, Interested In EXCELLENT TYPiiif^-Ovcr 80~worils TYPIST-Clerlc. filing, babysitter, wall : SH 7-5612 per minute. Will typo at home or of- evening, June 14, 40 Riverside Ave., Call CO 4-7809. all 7-1308 after 6 p.m. babysitting or Ironing starting June reas. High school graduate, WAITRESSES—Over 21. Incsperlenc Red Bank. OENEItAI, OFFICE.WORK, typing, 10 20. Blx days a week. SH 7-4488. fice. SH 1-5145. tnpndallons. SH 7-2756. or experienced. Anxious to work. Good TUTOR — Grammar, spelling, mathe^ TWIN CARRIAGE—Combination stroll- year old girl. Experienced babysitter money. Call 812-9307 atter A p.m. Sea m&tics, experienced. Call er-coaph, folds to fit Ira car. Call Interested call SH 1-1230. HIGH SCHOOL BOY Interested In res-HIGH SCHOOL Ktrl, summer employ- TEENAGER Young boy, wlllln Bright. 747-8183 taurant or drug store work. Call ment. d elerk, mottif helper. worker, very adaptable. MEN NEEDED AT ONCE 78MU3. COLLEGGE MONBrf — Counteririrl tween 3:30-10 p.m. SH 7-0858. sales. babysitting. CO 4-2320. PUBLIC HEALTH NUKSE — Full-time TUTORING — Reading arithmetic, if MODERN WALNUT custom-made alesgirlll , babysitter, or doctors otfice 291-0910. Must bo 20-35. Must bo Interested In LAWN3~~CUT for Matawan. Apply Matawan Public a Job with a future. Earn while train- language arts, Spanish, French, algC' living room sofa. Attached tile tables as file clerk. SH 7-0378. ' TWO BROTHERS 14 nnd 15 In vlclnll JUNE GRADUATE-Mother's hclnei Health Association, 145 Broad St., Mat-ing. Stitrtlng pay between ¥39-9110 per bra. Call 512-1682 after 5. •nd bubble lamps. Matching 7' coffee Atlantic Highlands wish any type of In New Shrewsbury hree years French, cood swlmmei awan. Call Lo C-3043 for appointment. ROY 14 looklrip for summer Job in work. 29M4E4. Call LI 2-CS53 tient relerences. 291-2215. week. All Interviews confidential. tnblo. OS 1-1193. Shrewsbury area. Call WAITRESSES — Apply In person, UNDERWATER WORK—Photography. SHJ-MOJ ODD JOBS, lawn care. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT desires sum Mark's Diner, Highway 35, Middle- CALL, SH 1-432S Call anytime. minor salvage work. Also boat work MERCHANDISE WE REPAIR OIRL 16^. to earn money for collese mer employment. John Ewalt town, N. J-, any time. . 811 7-3015. Call LI 2-2117. SH Long. Aluminum window screens, Venetian Experienced babysitter, other oppor- OPERATORS — Pocket makers, alecvt FOR SALE bllmls, aluminum storm window glass tunities welcomed. SH 1-4016. EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL—No spe- GIRL 15— Pnrt-tlme Joh evenings. 6-10, setters, top stitchers on ralncoata Inserts. Fast service. Free delivery. clal hours, Monday through Saturday. SBNldh ribY-ColleloTSuMT driver HELP W/VNTED-Mato - Female EXPERIENCED ""BABYSITTER S7 -'"' ' Call PU 1-2618 alter 8 license, summer work varied Steady work, highest • rates. Apply 42! FROWN'S 32 Broad St. SH 1-7500. p. m CO 40585. ence. «-OS 1-33SL'. Morris Ave., Long Branch, second flooi HARD EMPLOYMENT AGENCY SALE mother'* helper wanllng day work. Call qualified Personnel For Quality Orders COOK A DUNN RUBBERIZED VEL- SUMMER SPECIALS HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR—Mule, exp O1RL 18—Wishes job In nursery school. VET LATEX, 14.08 gal. (Compare with BUY NOW AND OAVB Rl LI Or general ^lTTcm)bVira7irate7^m7ner Io 210 Broad Long Branch CA 3-4747 BABYSITTER experienced, high srhool encerl camp counselor, tutor with tlrlv- electronics, journalism, salesman. OS LINING MAKERS others at $8.53 gal.) Call right now and Pianos, guitars, amplifiers, drums, and graduate. Don't neetl me now* Keep 7-1090. office work. SH 1-8309. 35513551::. Experienced lining makers for chll OPERATOHS — Buttonhole, slnglo B«t prompt delivery. many others. dren'a and ladled' coats and car coats. my^number liamly. RH 7-390B. Bervlcc, nnd IS. experienced. HIOH icHobL boy, needle, blind stitch. Experienced press- MUSIC TOWN Jobs. lawns the specialty, enjoys children. T-'lve days. Call bo- Plcco work. Shore Coat Co.. 22 Brldsi era. Shlrl-Koso Sportswear, Port Mon PROWN'S COO Hwy 35 MtddlCtown tweon 1-8. 311 7-3215. Ave.. fled Bank. 671-1100 mer Job, Inside or out. "Husky, (arm crop picker. SH 1-9241. mouth. 787-2417. 33 Broad St. Red Bank SII 1-7500 tlous, dependable. SII l-nifi. GIRL 17. drivers license, for baby- BABYSITTING — Experienced. Dishes. AVON SELLS ITSELF—Full or pnrt B»BYSITTEIt -- Reliable high sitter. rnmp counselor or exercising make herls. etc W'l! ork 9-5. Call time. Several territories open for 1-50*7 betwe n 6-9. women Interested In havlnft n. good _jrl. gooK d with children off alall l anasana irtnK lor horses. SII 1-2450 Part-time. 03 1-1202, steady Income. Experience unncccs Experienced. SH 70515 aller t v.m HIOH SCHOOL GIRL experience hab£ BOY 16- Desire* nart-tune work niter 18—Wishes part-time • «nry. ail t-4343 or write: Mm. Miirgn- SI'MMEU JOB, two boys, 18 years -'"••- nvnll^hle nt nnv time. Call BH achool, summer, stock work. etc. Call re^Guliitto. P. O. Box 100. Red Bank. •Id. any kind of work. Experienced SH 1-288J. H C — ExporT Call 2B3-11O2 or 291-1105, Fl CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY HIGH SCHOOL OIRL experienced bu- PO'-'.EOB STI'HENT -- \V»llrc»s. bn- 1 "' part-time cnceil. Cull WEPRNDABLE RED HANK high byaltter avftllabl" anytime bvsltter. receptionist, cjtsbler. cxperl ment. Calf SH Lt 21900 encetl. SH 7-032S. A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDSI school flunlor tie Mwn and gardening r. SH 7-0742. MnairtraJnrNec7lcaT work. Phone 741-71S0. GAItr>ENER~17 3iVrSrTciice7l~~0fi- 17. Iccnse. hnndymftn. tutnrlnp O1UL 18 — Poslllo: nirse.ry school $0 per hour. ACE EMPLOYMENT PART-TIMI E TYPINOTYPINO, 55 words per school lars, attics cleaned. Exterior painting, filing. -Mies or babysitting 12 Brand St.. Red Hank. 311 7-3IM. 1S r,,H PI1 I: 'te Hnvn mr. OK 1-.riM *' •' <•'""' PIT kboy.' SH 1-9241. ' "" SH 7-0532. WAITRESSES — Apply In lifriroifTfiiv YOl.TJO WOMAN COLLEOE FUESHMAN desires work Adding Machines — Typewriters Building Contractor Painting and Decorating lfi, ((jtslrpji part-time HIOH PCI1OOI, girl, summer Job~lii eraldp Luncheonette. 21-2.1 East Front HOTEL BAHYBITTKR, bus Blri"~ 1nr> fnr summer ifibvii'ltlnir, llphl ^nus^iioM chorea, b l) r l St., rteu Hank. ADDING MACHINES - Typewriters RED BANK ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CAUL I), JONES— Painting «nd~dco Itlrl, desk clerk, counter Klrl, [ typlne. snlo.innrk. OS 1.0761. "K. , " > » «lns. »ales, nursery school SH_ 7-052J_ s-i!d. rented, repaired. Berplco's 101 Stor.. windows, siding, awalags. orating. General contracting, fc'rei* Jerk 15 years oM. sll 1.775;, Monmouth St., Red Bank. SII 7.0485. SH 7.2453 r Sll MUM. estimates. Cnll BII 1-434X 24 hours. OIRL 16. wiillni7o~d"o~wo'rk~air"l)ahv^ rira. RTlMl'r^r^^oilnn ss "iinfi-si^rlT orNo^LXTTiTTrMMeT cabinw palile secretary In snuill office. 35-hou. To™o~mnL~i ;,"i?M~ ."pn ai~ol •slllt'r s.Tl(.f(R|rl, wallre.«f<, etc Call SH waltreflfl. checlter. f'lll week, nil triiiKo bcneills nnil regular SLATE A NEWON - Pulnllng and ( I er 1-I30'.' ec. Experience,!. Write J. JlcCabc. till/ "1'"Rlrl "r )'»1)V«II«I"K- 812.0.161. Ilance|_n>l.. Fair Haven, •alses. SH 7-1S7O. Antiques Wanted Cesspool Cleaning DocorfttlnR. General Contracting Old Dolls, guns Jewelry, cut glass, paperhanglng, Twenty years ex- IlAnYSirrEir'lor~eiperlenceil~rov,> y TmtLIQE . .. . — For BEPriC TANKS, dry wells COLLKQE Nl'RSINC, STI/I1ENT wishes clillilren. Any liniir find time. Call SH Spanish, Lntln B7BrrilTrma furniture. Civil war books Appralaali perlenco. Free enlimates. Sll 1-0401 1 Cnll OH 1,1251 from 4 p.m Also orRan lessons position as ticlinlcian tn fM.ihtonubl made. Oilman. K- 1-1407. LsecblnLoecb' s field added• "" . Uackho"' ' ' s work. or 787-4335 alter 6 p.m. fill or pnrt-tltnft bnbyHltttHK. C^!! 81 H 7-0530. slenderlilnR and hertllh salon. Will tral O. II Wllson. 811 M848. HOY in wtll for puslUcm If (lUalUtctl. Must have own HIOH lT BE O K V p t^iioi7ctiiMrt7crB. automobile. Call (or appointment to be Appliance Repairs Plumbing and Heating care. Cnll . baliylflliiR nr genernl b llM commercial cmir.ii* RH 14512. "" - elfecllvo Eprnylng. Inti'rilrwnl. HII 7-fllO;i. APPLIANCE REPAIR and Insinua- __ Fuel Oil-Healing worker salen work. FIIKL OIL - HEATING—Call 811 1-TtONNi_~KKEtJAN - Piumbins~and i.MVN.'iMOWWKI>! — I.ltllft Rllver aren. ileslres position Nt'RSINCJ supprvlfior, excellent salary, tion. Hesldenttai and commercial wlr- heating. Oil burner service. 'Ji-liour bnbV HIGH Kf'llont, OIRL HO Y Sl-^ g7^pT^rwn t. Ocean CJri.v,' Nur.ilni- Home, B 0 B (>oi:! MIO nil Dollvery. Inc.. Hervlcs & scrvlco. BH 1-1027, All Hummer V"-,- re,i«onable. rate". I-'. ivsflliif M- typlllK. Etperlrneer! In "'*__""' i^" _ "_'- Sales. 3 Herbert «., Red Bank. "If rn\l RH I.H«139. !! fur 1 nslile imlslile •.i..chnnle,,||y Inclined 0,1 ClnrkAve.l'It 5-0351. tuilli Kl( I-Ml .'.' 03 1-2227 1 Mil FlxTT~ii_'Fnio«!nATi(H» — nihd I'.osenfi'lil. 7 Wanner*, dryers, alf conditioners, any ^ and TV Repair BOY--17 with car iiii,ch>nlci'liy~ OfllL WIRIIKM "tii lijhV«VtnrT»'nrk'"in •ifoTr "~R(TIOOI, Elrl. nlBlilni: EXPKHiKNCEfV BAnVfjlTTBii ~~& work, HlK «Iay« a week, Home Improvements preferre,| dn not dishes, bativnlttiiig. 5 fi lleil Iliuili. Cnll v" hounehold or commercial appliance. A-/~itaiHo~Ti!l^vJ5inii jiepiir Berv^ cllned desires summrr inh hi) to Bleep In. ! il l95"fi (ill 1-1)764 Horvlco chargo only J3.50. Call 264- •i HH 1-4.WK il. Kit 7-5fl.11. «H 7-4J87. 5710. 1110 UlRh Ave., Union IJeach. WOItKING MAN'S contractor—Alter- let?, Prompt. Reasonable. flO ilon- flll!L~vVl!tilKa tiT trahv T ations, additions, painting, masonry, motiUl St., Red Iionk. Sit 1-7853. RBLuni,yf¥oMcnV nvertlie mr.ii pr-nhi)l7 topFionior». hnv' 1.1." re- V)p}iuly Hiilf'N. Call nnd all thosi UUls lobs. Evenings LO l.ible. banlworlilnK. wnultl llkn suTit Auctioneer 61714. le.nlly InclltiMi, I:I«.,I worker wip n fill 1-78 Two yfnTH ,-j rleiire, nmrU Itny "Ti»iln"rne'il Will do nny lype work, eisary. In Red B«nK area, pood waRes. 0308. Fit 4-511*. Dally 7 ».m.-10 p.m. i Agency Bll 1-&533. _ ('»U BH 7MI1 m.l rniilili-r.Jlpftr en 2Ul-2i:)n. ull SH 1-3171. HH i-7771 Btendy work. BH 7D.WII, HII 7 0S3I. Be- LET US lira your stcretarrTNo need WILL Jork ""sodas fore U a.m. or after 7 p.m. Odd Jobs to miss cans, 24 hour answtrlm !?'• YBAllT)J,n"fimt~desVrfs~«iim "I'l fntlnh 11ml stork V7" ifi '«"Trt~ t> HII y »'l i~iu r in iF"i! u'yT llltl, wlaliei"~cieticiirposTlSn~Kxlicrl- __ BuIlding_Contractor_ s«rvlo» 811 1-4100. h nnd, limil y,,ril. CO (-29117r»r». . ynrlit mceil, H plus avernRo. Call A1HK - - Kor d'jtttir'fi (ifllce, It.N. nr A. J. PIcbNK — Baths, iutchens re" ODD JOIltl — I'alnttng at Its finest. til 1-78(0. experienced aide. Five-day week. N'o Residential snd commercial. Lowtlt K!H°5 " HII 1:1217. .Mr Write- Btatlnn uuallllcatlon, ngr. mtMtoi«.." Hox IBI-20JJ or S9I-21J0. -L-OTHOMfX anil M1-O0H, , arly typing. 511 Rril Itnnk. ! ™ B«l«s Oervlct SUPDIUS •lerlcfil, rlilli cure, 0B 1 ;'5r/. 5 Painting and Decorating ress, 111/ 1-IHW5. ?iLI;. !il_. StTljTuDK N«w horn«7foomilir fMM Frmipect Ave. Unit Bllvsr ffor WCilf BC'OTD. MY 111 yen Est lenreil. hint! CLERK-TYPIST for il«! Itank office, dltlons. basement and attto rooms. IXIUIS CABrUN - 1'olmer, decorator, prompt home service or frs* chsckup pioyment t)«by«lll»r ov« children. Ml 0014 HH 1 M38. SH 7-0026. Rank RcKlster I Must be accurate wtlb figures. Starting utons. llstben -Hsnrtueh. SII 14301Clupln ho, 811 1-1701 srtsr • p.m. salary. R3. Call BH 7-uSp. TOR skin REAL ESTATE FOR REUT FOR SALE • LEGAL NOTICE. BED BAXK ffiEGISTER WeJnwday, June 1.3, 1062-23 TVitti bedrtnsn riack, as W&i Graduate. "WINDOW icmuz ll/.f'O-OM "ANCH ;*e. uk *O;T1CK -, RED BANK — Tiroothy E, An- r lot Csl UtforacmLb ] JfcUt; \J r« t i * (t ( • We ^.ti ids, SOD of Mr. tod Mrj, % B. 1,1 t ' i lrr*r kiKioons*. vi ksnia, in Manor Or., graduated "ASTRO^GUIDE" By Ceean FPOV/N S trntuM pttiiL.l »\uriay from Warhiati&n and i l-ts,i4 tan ri c« M-,i i i yflfc 14 i< fcr'.i') tl !.>!) iic tij ; ,v »•! I' 'm C«s* l itaii ia«S'."5»! _„ )*! H'*mtM A itri f —For You y t* f t- 1 1 «r!f On K sxre, t'mv it* but i»kUr fee-u, flr«i>Uxe Mr. w»s * vattity ttnoit r.ll-Lt I'n' I-. II'.llS • /i j\ In I*?- i xl £i*t!s.u, u £*« *»V-t) ».'ut. . * tl vi . awiiritv "ttar 24avKxtnk rt« py tot font ye»ri at Washing- Your* netti wmi feaih, In !'.ta m.nii Hu • f. • sw Extra gaiagea and/or boat JMi*r€ W Director* | t 0 al SH 7 1316. earl Kaplan, IH Norwood Avenue, ton and Jefferson and waj active da tomuhiaeiHiUc—beioic it IM'SUO lit*? * V.BL iMttr miBftiMl. Adult*, no Deal, N. J. ll CM 74Aii Kjvtrr O.jlis Spttc'cis living -ooi<> fin i.M ON i)EA( H - St« riom Colonial with the college literary majga i irage, U *cr« landscaped. Private be constructed may be «&mij ting sidetracked ty promises of HiaHLAKBB — Tbres-mem AaMna- J.'S.MX). KutMll M. Bonn !t««J sch prU'Uege*. IIIMSS prompta aale. the omc* of the HunlcJpsl Clerk. PUN ion. etJO Ulver C.I., F*k Haven. MI 1 ^bjrvUuns, If any, aiiuuld itv msiie uiuiBlid *iiirlmtnt1 /iroi Hoor, On* 'king H7.9OO. W-M19. taay laoaey. Progrtsi jnsy be "Try B»tor« SToa Buy" ' -lack from hurlKir. fiumnier rental, S2.& Wt. Memlttf Wul«lcl« tJrtlng «*tylc«. rofedlttely In writing to Jerome U> RHBWSB* W — AiUactlve C*Pf inty room, attached garage. t% pet- New Shrewsbury, X J. slow, but ifs sure, and that't TUSTOIG PIANO CO. JNPU11K1SHBD — Three-room •jiart- " lo A'l eonurtlon. HirepJ&e* in tnt ]»t OI e.gsumpOoB. nf.SOO.'oa HIM LINCROFr — Scout Robert . Cmaer B»n«i tad Bond, nnt (t 6t Moumoum Bt. !Ud Btak. living room. Thrae bedroctms, tUed what counts. You may find It A«l»ury P»rk, u. J. IB 1-1M3. ' GHI^AKPS Hist moms furalshetl, MONMOUTH PAIHVI£W Schaller, Rose St., received the H « heat, «irn«r tot 68«l00; »l»o three- COMPANY, ING. difficult to maintain an unruf- O^a W«iiimd«r ted FrKUy ' TtXM^f»3. On!y' ontfi A fine 12 Ero*<3 BU»*t, God and Country Award Sunday • »*Kilo»«~Ul »:» %'ROOU AI»AHfMKm"~-Dotural*hed, rom» at ilT,S86. RtanUy K. Bawm 30m bMrtgblnw to rent lor Inca -*roy A pin in HUB, caJl £H MQO or Krai lor. Bhr&wtsbury. SH M01T. Mem S.noc cast). Jtl-0377. JUtl Bsnk. N. J. at the Lincroft Presbyterian fled front, but it's worth a try. TRASH IK Jour old turnitur. wiut m 8-2110. ^ l>er Multlpie Liatliig Service.^ 8V ••'•> 8, 13 . Si 1.22 Church. Scout Schaller, a mem- down paymem sad nt * ns» psrlm Past... On June 14,1775, the Future ... A aew typed fuel or dlolnt room Ml at ma pt!t«i, Wil- S four-raom furnlabed apartment, r«i brlow HA v«iut. ber of Troop 110, competed the eyoort. Private entrances. Ottr*cej HtlftN, i'*» year* of charm'fc art*r«j It.Md CA URi VM. Army was founded when , , . . liam 1*8 Furniture Inc.. Mwy J5, 4u!ts. Rel«ltn?e». CA Z97B1 r Htidlelowo. BH t-MLS, own »vios«|i n this tauf-t>cdfo«m( t*ob*iri cateuiat . Rftl.K •xtensive requirements for this Congress authorized the recruit- '°* injection till I), n. VATKHFHOHT -- «li room* furnlatied, Lotrat*ti on 1*4 tier**. Ypu'If f#«l the AN8 113. Kitefcto Mt ro apartm«nt», flv* room" md butt OCIAT1ON a New Jt-nty corpontion. appointed commander -in- chief s&eh, IS5 ftnd SBft & mnnth. AvullHbliJ TALKER ft WALKER. Itoattoff. Hwy, tit), ^i h.^; compressor, 8*5 p.m., *"* 5, BhrewitJiiry, fill 1-&212. 34-hovr Becv JUILDIHO LOTS — Monmouth Beach. •lalntm v«: THEODORE 1* DUN'- the next day. hies in the steel iadustry. Oceanport Ave, Octanport. uly 1, Lean i«qulr«d. J3LW00D A. 100x100, »»»0. 150HM, IJ.OOO. Port AN Rnd VIRGINIA DUNCAN, hi HMBTRONtl AaENCV. Realtor, 556 tupeck 1OOH79, IS.OOO. 100.160. tl.ODO. 'ife, defendant* BNAl BRITII AT HOSPITAL SENSATIONAL VALUES — At t Ayt,, Uuta Silver. 811 1-(&JO. ,!so acreage. Call Krnest S. Tomalnl, "Trend lo Blend" Shoroe, 1(11-13 By virtue of a writ of execution ID tUHSQI — Three roomw, unfurnlahed. MAKE AN OFFER leal Bstate Agency. CA 2-8 antlqua ctrrtaga «ri(h ita enirsnce, Jttd Bank. •king (17,760. SII 7-43S9, onmouth, New Jersey, on Monday Marlboro Hospital following a re- •CCODK a drsia oa your ittmuxt, ' i'l jbufj' r tsa&r' currcat ruiittkaa'" """"", flowers, and pataaol. Open 1 ' " SB 1-0334 IliST REDt!CEI> — County home with i.e 2nndd day otl July. M1M2M , &t 2 o'clock. ligious service by Rabbi Arthur i.rn, 19 11 p.m. M. Prevailing Time. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) SCORPIO (Ocf. 23 to Kw, 21) .... —.. , -_._.._ •— ]C#nt«f 19 acres. Ttiree oertrooma, hath, am) SEAL ESTATE WANTED All thtee folloinfollowing tratractt or parcel ot Herslion, hospital chaplain. Serv- Moderation in all things is adriK Slrire for lateaoay, cv^n &SRA tllbt af fair Havtti,, Kent, Hrbt anA water ttatf and expanafon ro^m. Olau en- Uon't "dfijrc" yotirwK too lard, tuiv evcijl/x!y stcisi to be tarn you. PLASTIC SWIMMING POOL-SKI" high, BUpplled. Reasonable 0H 1>5^, oaed porch, patio, two-car garage. nd Andd thth e premisei s hhereinafteif r paar 12' acroM, rubber-coaled. wlr« M »UDg« Wanted by Sew Red Bank leutarly described, situated, lying and ing on the arrangements commit- ajk-ln cedar clotfeta. lurt reduced, GEMINI (W.y 21 to JUD« 21) SAGITTARIUS [Nov. 22 fo D»c 21) with ladder urns cm luramar ROOMMS 4— iriffuniUhPdliSt . *aJt«..availabl.e ifflce !g lii the municipality of Township ee were Mrs, William Birnberg, Call 8H MMl utuat 1. H9-2101 n 74T-24H 3«,000. THOMPSOHOMPSON AND BAJITELA, Ulddletown in tlie County ol Meti tion create* iucco.3. Don't o« *ind. Don't lie cau&ht «ita year gtMti Muilo Store. 301 Main St., Laktwood. Cape Cod. Two-car garage, fenced, ex' the newspapers, radio and publish a 120. PUBLIC SOTICC (iiscouraj[ed because of «iov progrtss. down. TO 3-2160. Iras. 170 NlnUi 61., owner, 787-3173^ catalog for home- seekers, We are men- Being known and designated aa No. I COMMERCIAL RENTALS bera of the> TWR, a national real estate 'ork Avenue, Township of Mliltlletown Tlie Zofiltig Board of Adjiuitmpnt et OH ELECTRIC atove, full >t;e, good KgT a meeting held on June 6, 1&C2 denied condition. Call 'eterral service. W» are "Homo Trad- 'ort Monmoulh, N. J, Being I^ot Ho, UODOS BOOH tor rent. Center oi b#drooms. two full baths, atorm* and a" • two offices. !1 tun tlrn» salea- 21 t 222, Block « «r> the Tax Aa an application aubraltted by John and alt 1-SBiO town. Could ba UM« alw tor office icri'tnj, wall to wall carpeUnt, «»• eopla. Call IVALKER A WALKER, 'asmeiit Map of cald municlpullty, Ann Borland, Nlcol Terrace, Kumson, CEDAR. FENCE woven with can itrlp«, ». Arproilmatol1 y 2,400 so. ft. Write »ra, garage, dry basement. May as- teaitors, Members Red Banli Area Beint tlie saul* prrmlaes conveye,_ N. 3. for a variance to the side yard aaven nectloni, W lon« x 8' wide, gtte naB ' lint Sll, Re4 Ban*. lumi V, per cent QI mortgage, [ultlplo X^iatlng Service. Shrewsbury, y .warranty deed to Theodore Li Dun requirements of the Zoning Ordlnnnce and 6 pmta, (ISO. AMATBUR RADIO OFFIOD FOR RENT — Center o( 118,200. SH 1-23.10. II IS212 and Hs^let. OS 1-2110. ian and Virginia Duncan, husband am to permit the use of an accessory 1'odav's Business Mirror: TRANSMlTTiCIi-DXlOO. uied, but In building Inr Ilvlne quarters. town. Heat furaiahed. Call MIDDLBTOWN — Blgllt roomi. 12x21) lfe, on July 10, 1991, which deer! m Boort working condition, t yean old. 8H 7-1100 LEGAL NOTICE tcorded

warehouse floor covering sale

"A.- w [*

:/•/<: regular low prices slashed 25% to 50%!

fe&SI ' • ii'niWlir'i' r* '""•• " all top quality, no seconds, no irregulars!

•!V>'.J *-*••

it * »• v no money down on credit purchases!


Reg 99 88 Wflo112 x12 * ' ' V9ray 59.77 Reg. 54.95 Nylon 9Wf green 44.88 peg. 129.87 All Wool 10W, turquoise ... r f !!!! Reg. 119.95 Wool !2'x16V sand beige 8S.0© Reg. 49.95 Wool Axminster 9'xl2'...... 3f.88 Reg. 119.95 Nylon 12 x12 r blue ...... mm Reg. 99.95 Nylon 12'x15Vgreen... 88.00 Reg. 49.95 Cotton 9'x12'f brown. 35.88 Reg. 119.95 Nylon 12W, green, beige... Reg. 49.95 Wool 9rx12Vbeige 37.88 Reg. 29.95 OvalBraid 8W,green ..... £4.18 f r •*.•• Reg. 129.95 Wool 12'x15 ( beige .. . r r Reg. 59.95 Nylon 9'x15 f red, black 49MB Reg. 57.95 Wool 6'x9' Oval Braid 3f .88 Reg. 216.75 Nylon 50112 x18 . brown ... f Reg. 79.95 Nylon 9'x15'f green 5f.88 Reg. 59.95 Wool 6x9', patterned wilton... 12.71 r r Reg. 48.00 Cotton 12'x13'6", green Reg. 42.95 Wool 6 x9Voval braid 32.88 Reg. 24.95 Rayon 9x12 Seamback . ... Reg. 88.00 WooM2'x12'f gray Rea. 44.95 Wool 9'x12'. araw beiae. 34.81 Reg. 23.88 Rayon 9rx12r, Loop Pile 17,88


19. YO. 10x12' widths, reg. 1.0S Vinyl coat seals colors In Resists grease, alkali • Filament nylon pile won't shod; Takes extra-heavy traffic resists moths and mildew iave now by covering all floors that e 4 lovely tweed colors a smooth surface with this Giltline An eajy-care rug that gives years of ^ Iiooring. Easy to install—cuts with ordi- wear, is slow to soil, spot-cleans with nary shears; easy to clean, too! _A __ SilHino vinyl for 9x12' floor.. .10.21 ease! Foam-rubber back adds life to rug, is the ultimate in underfoot beauty. 12x15'... 99.95 12x18'... 124.95

Saves yon work! 54" no-scrub Spot and stain-resistant SALE! Armstrong Quaker SANDRAN vinyl counter top Sandran vinyl floor surface SALE! Wards gay, practical vinyl Sandran wall covering! enamel floor covering can't spot, stain, 36" width Spoti, itolni wfpa away I fur- Give your kitchen a touch of >can't harm it. Whlikt 1 Early Americana styling adds fawf Beautifully marbleii»d. wtar "K-99" additive. fllamor with "no-tcrub" Sand- warm hojpitality to any room. Irotoll yourte" »nd iav» *v«n cl8an.6'and9'w!dthi. Many colon, resiitj ron. |Vfnyl locb-ln it» frejh •UN.rr. B> wldthi, 1.49 sq. yd. »<»• W 49" Richly colored braldj are 50% 74a. fading. 9, 12' width*. la. YD. btauty for life. Reg, 63c 32" wool for greater wear. Ap- Rg. 84c Goodyoar prox. 9x12'In 4 colon. t««W. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or your money back fl NO MONEY DOWN when you buy on Credit a* Wards