11GUEREE CO, Cent Efficiency Would.Be Secured If They Do Not Think I Am Best on October 14 William Kaempffer,-Mrs^-M
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;:.:::!.-.:.-. __,V. -./ -v . o PAGE TEN fSEfTEMBER 2_, 3,944 08k 1 will determine"^; peace terms, and if the other nation' tones, nearly obscured what little English he could com- A free land is one where a about his Job" waiter or clerk can properly Next Salvar* Drive The Rahway Record don't like it therWs nothing they can do about it. mand in his relation to Lieutenant Paul Mancusbt of the answer people who unjustly bawl Established July 13, 1833 tale of how he and another, Louis Shockley, 84 East Hazel him out—provided he doesn't core 'This Record will wrap a torrid -1170 Broad 8tn*t Tel. Rah. 7-0600 New Furthermore," the "indispensable", man should know pack f or Tojo. ""HMo SUNDAY, OCT. 8 Published Thursday arteroons by The Rahway Publishing Corporation. that whatever is agreed upon at the Dumbarton Confer wood avenue, at separate times Wednesday night, had been II Xntered at the post office at Rahway, New Jersey, as Hcond class mall matter Waste Paper In Bundles under the act of March 3, 1879. ence, will not last two minutes when the general confer badly beaten by two hold-up men. The reason for the ma- Tin Cans, cleaned and flattened CASUALTIES 1NCEEASE With 4 Allied fronts. Walter • P. Marpre-iT. ...—P-blUber ence of all nations is called, for the other-countries,-dis licious, attack,- according to Albert, was-that he had.been Help to Win the War r O. C. Stearns.. Editor SURGICAL DRESSINGS gusted at the procrastination and appeasement methods able to produce only 20 cents when his assailants, whom he EXCLUSIVE AT'RrjrCOERKE CO. Mtut increase also. BUBSCRIPTION RATES—Single copy, S cents. , the fourth termer, will tear those pe#ee recommendation described as two young men, about 20 years of age, had paid within Union County, one year, 12.00. Slxmonthadeliver, 11.25y o.r Thre by malle months, post-, IS 6QMF Will you help? 65c. By mall, postpaid outside of Union County, one year, (2.JS0. Six months, to shreds. stopped him at the little red bridge in Inrnan avenue,-Shick- E»t«r«l at the M« office at Eahway. N. j.. a. wcond claw Phone Proa. Em. R. 7-0886 . $1.50. Single copies by mall, 10 cents. AU payable In advance. Vol. 128. No. 13." ll, 10 What should have been done, was for the United State ley, beaten even more vehemently for his lack of sufficient Every Thursday—carrier Dell1 mall matter under tlie act of March 3, 1879. This newspaper was rounded art|| Is maintained upon the principle of a clear, funds, contributed 80 cents to the funds of criminality. concise and unbiased presentatiotti n or all the Intertstlnr news of the com-to have called into conference representatives of all th RAHWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1944 Local Subscription »2.00 a Tear In Ad munity, and upon the basis, of a progressive editorial policy. anti-Axis nations of the world, without inviting Russia to b> Mr. and Mrs. J. Erwin Pettit, newly married, are oc- PER COPY FIVE CENTS . ;? W '"ft Member of New Jersey Press Association present, and after'peace terms had been agreed upon, pro cupying their new home on Pierpont street, following a >3 viding for "a world organization, in which-alTnations woulc wedding jaunt to Nova Scotia. , Thursday, September 28, 1944 share as equal sovefeigns, to maintain peace," with If world force to prevent military aggression," as Governo Rahway 10 Years Ago 1 Dewey-demanded-in-his-addres&r-then—to-present—t"ios< v r_, 1 •W- .' • MILLIONS HAVE SUFFERED NEEDLESSLY same terms to Stalin, to take or leave, just as he migh •\^I7I7TY\ iri Albert H. Jeambey starred as the "bride," and a large choose, for that appears to be the whole story of the peace number of members and friends of the Ladies' auxiliary f Millions of American citizens, deprived of automobile 1 4 .;• tires for their cars for three years now, have not only be- settlement as it already stands. of Rahway lodge, No. 1,075,,B. P. O..Elks, took.partin the Little Steel come disillusioned of the New-Deal; but their anger has procession, whjch composed the program of entertainment Councilman For Mayor sinx .._-.gn_wn to white heat as they have learned, there has. been. Wednesday evening in celebration of the 20th-anniversary Formula May Death of absolutely ns good reason why the nation should have been, just between you and meof the auxiliary. A reception wa-^heldliniihe^grill. room -'- - Aral- —rationed on tires since the"war began.. ,The fault lies at the and dancing followed. " , "W/7ir ^~^Be Broicen John Farreli d.uor uf jusi one person, the -'indispensable" fourth termer. m fe iiigt possible shortage of rubber in the United States. President Certainly a corporation with assets of a. billion dollars high school classes is noted in registration figures ah- Danger from jnflation Answers Candidate Carlin -tlV*. Roosevelt—always-frorrra-year to a year and a hall behind •presents-some dangers; that would be "hard to correct. TOtmced' yesterday" by' Superintendent Cerium lo Follow Tho Had Declared TfiaT =-£He:jjpe Tragedy stej , •in almost every proposition^hdias handled during the war It normally would have in its employ thousands of citi- public school superintendent. Enrollment at present is re- 'Rahway Stands Still' And Dangers of the Council-of Church Women Do ExceUenf —instead<,of immediately sending an army, of ambassadors zens, with votes that can be controlled, not to say anything >orted as 3,154, as compared with 3,299 last year, 3,297 in There wUl be found no article French Invasion .about the influence it may exert, and, pressure that it might 932-3.3; 3,243_in.1931-32; 2,141 jn 19_30-3J.,and.3,q21.iri.1929T30. in this issue of the Rahway Record Piece of Work in Gathering, •.'-=-,.-- and scouts into^puth America-, to quadruple the-rubber -of- greater importance ~to" everv The. .Fourth- .Ward- Republican output,_waited_an 'entire_yeai^arid4hen-sent-Mr,-Hopkinsr bring to bear in-securing advantages in court, or in the ".oter.-than.the following commu Club "heid a political rally^tjhelr An official announcement,.by- frnn S"^'" " JjidjPackingXlathin^ -licattoa-feeai Qcneral Motors rel- telegram, Septemby ?d. -soof- ^- hiiigl.-Iidiid.d, wliu mily _._uT_d a alight Increase in thelegislature, as wett-ars by-the W. Rath Receives l lt11i, -i - "i unw jininn crude rubber output. • . which it would be impossible for a"small concern to obtain. Red Cross Nurse ative to the Increase of the Little wick and East Hazelwood avenues Canadian Government at Ottawa, Rahway citizens responded in a generous manner to Steel formula. Friday night, that was featured by Can., told of the death of Lance .Three years ago, William McCollum, of Salinas, Cal., Because of this danger a good many years ago the Sher- Resigns Post Engineering Degree • Even thqugh such a move car- the appeal of th« United Nations' Relief and Rehabilita- a speech from Councilman David Sgt. John Howard Farreli, son of aided for years by the Government, in developing the useman Anti-Trust Act was enacted to prevent corporations ries with it all the dangers that Stewart, in answer to recent state- tion Administration's appeal that was sponsored iri Rah- Because of the removal of the Wilbur Rath, son of Mr. and are mentioned in connection with' ments made by Dr. Edward: J Mr. and Mrs. William J. Farrell, of the latex from the guayule shrub, wrote the "indispens- from.."hogging" a good thing, and from exerting an influ- : way by the Council of Church Women. '' ence tfiat'could not be controlled. amily to Williamsport, Pa.,>Mrs. Mrs. Andrew Rath, of 807 Iinde- inflation, yet it is confidently be- Carlin, seeking publicity as candi- of 91 Clinton street, that took able" fourth termer that he could supply enough seed of Theodore Calov has resigned «s gar street. Linden, a graduate of ''T-H *** J'TesW-nt Boosevelt date for mayor, of -Railway on- the place'ln Normandy, it is believed, The report of Mrs. Chester,M.' Davis, president of the this desert bush, that had been cultivated to produce four Another point that must also be considered is, as to upervising- nurse of the Rahway Rahway High school, class of 1941, will yield totjlabor's demand for Democratic ticket, that "Rahway on July 27, 1944. He had been re- council, that 40 bales of clothing had been turned in and ed Cross nursing activities. Thegraduated Friday night from th'e a 17 per cent increase in-wages had stood still the past year."' times the amount of latex as the native shrub, to plant whether they have competition, br so little that they ac- Dennis P. Donovan, candidate ported "missing in action" on_July_ had been sorted and packed at the Community House of the ==;= t isitlng Nurse committee accepted Newark College of Engineering. for reelectloa.as-counc41man-at- Among_the things he called at- —~4i000,000acres7thatwould grow on desert land^hToUgXtnT uaHy-do-maintain-^estraint in trade:'- ~Tht)trgh-"we~have~ er resignation with regret and with a bachelor of science degree 4a*~ i ,, ""muia. just tentlonrto^as=accomplished'u XiEsiEresbyterianGhurehaiidTdiiV Tiefore election, In order to guar- Iarge on the Republican ticket, Clifford W. Dunphy^, Rahway summer, with only a single rain to sprout the seed and' a-number of great railroad systems, yet if-was not many ppolnted Miss Irene Folinus to member of the Sigma Pi fraternity, is the popular choice of both the Republican regime, was thefor mayor, a tireless worker for The telegram read as follows: '.