IFettlier Diitributlon 7 *4B. Umtmnton St. Ckmdy ttftf nd teoi^a with pert** Tod#y •t nbu jrBfb to tt» «r*. I*w EEDBANK tMttfrt in Us* Mr*. TMMrmr dwrfy with a MgJ> H t» 71, TtU I (19,375 **y i«w» cfewBaow with iitck ctaM* fat temperaterc. Itt waiter, JL Dial SH I-0010 RED BANK, N. X, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1962 VOL. 84, NO. 245 •at «l AMltlmU Ittllloi OUlow. 7cPER COPY PAGE ONE Eatontown Project Interchange Parley New School Scheduled Today Kennedy to Answer SHREWSBURY — The New Jersey Highway Authority Is holding ill special meeting here today to discuss the pro- posed Garden State Parkway interchange for the Middletown- Holmdel area. Is Approved Milton Levy, the authority's public information officer, said Sen. Richard R. Stout, the county's three-member As- EATONTOWN - Voters, by a at the polls by a vole of 804-202. Khr nshch evAppeal sembly delegation, county freeholders, other county officials, J-l majority, yesterday approved Yesterday the favorable vote the mayors of Middletown and Holmdel and Planning Board building an 18-classroom, $797,000 was 304 to 104. • chairmen of those townships have been Invited to the parley. WASHINGTON (AP) - The strength in all non)€ommunist "American warmongers," pro- Phouml, like Souphanouvong ichool at Wyckoff Rd. and Broad Dr. William Ramsay, the super- White House planned to make Southeast Asian countries. Communist Prince Souphanou- slated to become a deputy pre- Although it will be a closed session, starting at 3 p.m. public today President Kenne- 'St.- • intendent of schools, has ex As for the withdrawal of U.S. vong will take temporary com- mier, will lead a cabinet dele- in the Terrace Room of Shadowbrook, Mr. Levy said that a dy's response to Soviet Pre- The new scbooji will cost $378,- plained that the new school will military advisers from Laos, mand of Laos' new coalition gation to Switzerland June 24 or press conference will follow. mier Khrushchev's call for 000 Jen than the building pro- meet the needs of the population Harriman said this would be government late this month. 25 to ratify the 14-nation Ge- The meeting of all interested parties is being called, Mr. solving other cold war issues posed In late 1960 tor a portion of the section of the* borough in done simultaneously with the neva agreement on Laos pledg- Levy said, in order to "sit down to work out complete co- through the same "co-opera- Neutralist Prince Souvanna of the tame site, and defeated which it stands for the next de pullout of non-Laotian Com- ing the little Southeast Asian ordlnation of problems, and come up with concrete answers,^' tion" that has brought a meas- Phouma, premier designate of cade. munist forces from Laos. U.S. nation to neutrality in the cold ure of harmony to Laos. the new government, said yes- war, More Planning strategists say a most im- terday he and right-wing lead- High School During that period, however, It Hughes Signs Measure White House Press Secre- portant step in the Laos settle- er Gen. Phouml Nosavan will Souvanna said he is going to has been made clear, the borough tary Pierre Salinger said last ment is the proposed withdraw- be in Europe at the same time. France to attend the wedding will probably have to plan for night that Kennedy was reply- al of outside forces, estimated During their absence, he said, of his daughter. He did not further school construction. For Ocean ing quickly to a message from to include up to 10,000 North "the whole burden of state af- indicate when either he or "It seems best to plan future Khrushchev hailing the new Vietnamese Reds. fairs will fall on Souphanou- Phoumi expected to return. building of small schools In other Boat Registration three-way coalition among La- In Laos, already sniping at Is Approved sections of town as growth oc- os' princes. vong," (See KENNEDY, Page 3) OCEAN TOWNSHIP — In the curs there," Dr. Ramsay has That the little Southeast biggest spending plan among four stated, Asian country should be inde- 1 voted upon in Monmouth County, The new school as Wyckoff Rd, BUlIs Studied pendent and neutral, not a • $2,985,000 Junior-senior high cause for East-West conflict, is arid Broad St. will be centered \3 for three years to $6 for threi school project won wide approval about a library lighted by two TRENTON (AP) - The U. S. one point on which Kennedy yesterday. patios. Its outstanding architec- Coast Guard is studying a bili years. and Khrushchev have agreed The decision will remove Ocean tural feature will be three hexag- signed into law yesterday by Gov. A spokesman said somi since they met in Vienna a year Township as, a sending district to onal classrooms for two kinder- Richard J. Hughes which trans- 100,000 new 3 by 5 inch forms will ago. But only now are the ri- Atbury Park High School and putgartens and a special class, In fers statewide boat registration be printed and distributed bj val neutralist, pro-Western and the township In a secondary one wing. An all-purpose room from the Coast Guard to New July 1 to speed the state regi pro-Communist Laotian princes ichool education program for thewill form another wing. Jersey and doubles the registra- tration of the boats. The form settling on a nationwide gov- have been completed but hav first time. Taxpayers here will be aided tion fee. ernment deemed needed to re- The issue was resolved in two by a $300,000 federal grant to not been printed yet, he said. move their land from the cold ' parts., On the proposal of the meet building costs for the new The Coast Guard, which had The extra money will be used war. Board of Education to okay a school. The borough auditor ha: given approval to the draft of theby the state to increase its' pa Pivotal Event $2,969,000 six-year school to ac- estimated that the new building bill, must give it final approval trols and control of boating an commodate 1.500 to 1,700 pupils, will cost each property owner 10 before it becomes law, a state to keep thi state's waterways i Declaring this could be the the vote was 2,284 to 838. cents for each $100 of assessed official said. better shape, a spokesman said, piyotal event "in the cause of On tiie proposal to spend $16,060 valuation next year. New Jersey boat owners who The bill also establishes a sev- strengthening peace <n South- to buy eight lots to enlarge the Board members and school ad- are now registered with the Coast en-member boat regulation com east Asia," Khrushchev told board's proposed building site at ministrators last night expressed mission and establishes uniform Kennedy that the results in Guard need not re-register until Laos "strengthen the convic- West Park Ave. and Whalepond gratification that voters have their present registration expires. means of reporting boating ac Rd., the vote was 2,171 to 801. finally accepted a building pro- cidents. tion that success in solving Registration N Classrooms posal, and thanks to the citizens Four-Year Effort other international problems which now divide states and Fifty-five per cent of the who have'worked in planning the The new law increases the reg- In Bigning the bill, Hughes said, eligible voters went to the polls. new school. istration fee for power boats from create tension can be achieved This is the result of a four-yea on the same road as well." FORM COALITION — Three feuding Laotian princes, Boun Oum, loft, Souvanna Authorized is a 60 classroom effort on the part of both (for building which will also have a mer Gov. Robert B.) Gov. Mey- U.S. policymakers were well Phouma, center, and Souphanouvong, joined in a three-way handshake, at Khang Khay, aware that the extent to which library, auditorium, gymnasium Need Superintendent ner's and my administration to ob Laos, after putting together a coalition cabinet intended to bring peace and neu- the co-operative venture suc- guidance Area, cafeteria and tain approval from the Legists kitchen. It will be located, large- ceeds in Laos depends on how trality to their country. Trio formally signed the agreement on June 12. Souvanna ture for a boat numbering and far the Communists, who hold ly, on a 50-acre tract now owned safety bill." Phouma, 61, will hoad the government. (AP Wirephoto by radio from Bangkok) by the board adjacent to the Keansburg Beach the stronger military position Hughes said that about 40,001 Ocean Township Grammar School there, choose to go along with boats will be registered and nunv on Dow Ave. it. Washington has been un- bered the first year, as federal willing to commit forces di- 1 In Its first year, starting the Seen Ready to Open registrations expire, and pre- rectly In . the small, distant, : (See OCEAN, Page 3) dicted that 150,000 boats wilt Union Beach Answers 'No' KEANSBURG - The munici- Mr.. Blum however, Is leaving landlocked country, although registered within the next threi Kennedy has stationed U.S. pal beach—already several weeks it to the governing body to pick years. troops in neighboring Thailand. late in opening—will probably be Four $chool a man. The bill also provides a $5 fee W. Averell Harrirrian. assist- ready for business this weekend. Inside Track for the assignment of numbers t ant secretary of state for Far ToKeyport Closed Meeting PlariiOkayed The appointment of a beach Mr.
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