Mesoweb Publications


THIS ITS ROOT ANCIENT WORD, ARE' U XE' OJER TZIJ, Here Quiché its name. Waral K'iche' u b'i'. HERE we shall write, WARAL xchiqatz'ib'aj1 wi,2 We shall plant ancient word, Xchiqatikib'a' wi ojer tzij,

Its planting, U tikarib'al, Its root-beginning as well, U xe'nab'al puch,

Everything done in Ronojel xb'an pa Citadel Quiché, Tinamit K'iche', Its nation Quiché people. Ramaq' K'iche' winaq. This therefore we shall gather Are' k'ut xchiqak'am wi 10

3Its being manifested, U k'utunisaxik, Its being declared, U q'alajob'isaxik, Its being expressed as well, U tzijoxik puch,

Means of sowing, Awaxib'al,4 Means of dawning, Saqirib'al,

By Framer, Rumal Tz'aqol, Shaper; B'itol;

She Who Has Borne Children, Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons, their names. K'ajolom, ki b'i'.

1 The prefix xchi- is no longer used in modern K'iche'. It was used in the Popol Vuh text to indicate the certainty of a future action or event, as in “it shall be done.”

2 Wi has no English equivalent. It may be used as a directional indicator, a marker to connote certainty, or a means of giving added emphasis to a verb.

3 This is an example of a parallel triplet arrangement, which is comparatively rare in the text. Not only are each of the three ideas parallel in lines 11-13, but they are grammatically parallel as well, each verb appearing in the passive voice.

4 The manuscript reads euaxibal (that which is hidden). This is likely a scribal error for auaxibal (that which is sown). Throughout the text, sowing and dawning are paired as referents to the creation (see lines 196-197, 209-210, 442-443, 543-544, 612-613, 1653-1654, and 5091-5092) .

2007 Popol Vuh: Literal Translation. Electronic version of original 2004 publication. Mesoweb: Hunahpu Possum, Junajpu Wuch', 20 Hunahpu Coyote, Junajpu Utiw,

White Great Peccary, Saqi Nim Aq, Coati, Sis,5

Sovereign, Tepew, Quetzal Serpent, Q'ukumatz,

Its Heart Lake, U K'u'x Cho, Its Heart Sea, U K'u'x Palo,

He/She of Blue/Green Plate, Aj Raxa Laq, He/She of Blue/Green Bowl, as they are called, Aj Raxa Sel,6 chuchaxik,

Together named, Rach b'i'xik, 30 Together expressed these: Rach tzijoxik ri':

Midwife, I'yom, Patriarch, Mamom, Xpiyacoc7 Xpiyakok, Xmucane8, their names, Xmuqane, u b'i',

Protector, Matzanel, Shelterer, Chuqenel,

Twice Midwife, Kamul I'yom, Twice Patriarch, Kamul Mamom,

They are called Chuchaxik 40 In Quiché words. Pa K'iche' tzij.

Then they expressed everything, Ta xkitzijoj ronojel,

5 The manuscript reads tzÿz here, although elsewhere in the text it reads zÿz. The manuscript interchanges tz with z frequently.

6 The manuscript reads tzel, another example of tz/z substitution. Zel is the more common spelling in the manuscript, and this is the pronunciation used among the modern K'iche'.

7 This passage was the first example of chiasmus that I found in the Popol Vuh. Throughout the document, female deities are listed before male deities when paired in parallel couplets. It thus made little sense that Xpiyacoc, the name of the grandfather god, would be written before that of Xmucane, his female counterpart. When it is recognized that the passage is arranged as a chiasm, or reverse parallism, the confusion disappears.

8 In this chiastic arrangement, Xmucane is paired with her title as “midwife” in line 32.

2 With it they did also, Ruk' xkib'an chik,

In light existence, Chi saqil k'olem, Light words. Saqil tzij.

This we shall write Wa'e xchiqatz'ib'aj Within now his voice God, Chupan chik u ch'ab'al Dios, In Christianity now. Pa christianoil chik. We shall bring it forth, Xchiqelesaj,

Because there is not now Rumal maja b'i chik 50 Means of seeing of Popol Vuh, Ilb'al re Popo Wuj,9 Means of seeing clearly Ilb'al saq Come from across sea, Petenaq ch'aqa palo, Its account our obscurity, U tzijoxik qa mujib'al, Means of seeing light life, as it is said. Ilb'al saq k'aslem, chuchaxik. There is original book anciently written also, K'o nab'e wujil ojer tz'ib'am puch, Merely hidden his face Xa ewal u wach

Witness of it, Ilol re, Ponderer of it. B'isol re.

Great its performance, Nim u pe'oxik, 60 Its account as well, U tzijoxik puch,

When will be completed Ta chik'is Germination, Tz'uk,

All sky, Ronojel kaj, Earth. Ulew.

10Its four cornerings, U kaj tz'ukuxik, Its four sidings, U kaj xukutaxik, Its measurings, Retaxik, Its four stakings, U kaj che'xik,

Its doubling over cord measurement, U mej k'a'amaxik, 70 Its stretching cord measurement, U yuq k'a'amaxik,

9 The manuscript reads popo vuh. Elsewhere in the text it is referred to as popol vuh (line 8278).

10 The next four lines are organized into a parallel quatrain, perhaps to emphasize the creation of the four corners and sides of earth and sky by the gods. Thus the poetic structure of the passage is organized into four-fold symmetry reflecting the four-fold nature of the universe.

3 Its womb sky, U pa kaj, Its womb earth. U pa ulew.

Four corners, Kaj tz'uk, Four sides, as it is said, Kaj xukut, chuchaxik,

By the Framer, Rumal ri Tz'aqol, Shaper, B'itol,

Its Mother, U chuch, Its Father, U qajaw,

Life,11 K'aslem, 80 Creation, Winaqirem,

Giver of breath, Ab'anel, Giver of heart, K'u'xlanel,

Birth giver of, Alay rech, Heartener of K'u'xlay rech

Light Forever, Saqil amaq'il, Light Child of Woman, Saqil al, Light Son of Man, Saqil k'ajol,

Ponderer, Aj b'is, Knower Aj na'oj 90

To everything, Chirech ronojel, Whatever exists: Atok'ol wi:

Sky, Kaj, Earth, Ulew,

Lake, Cho, Sea. Palo.

11 In the K'iche' language, verbs may be nominalized in a number of ways by adding an appropriate prefix or suffix to the verb's root form. The following series of parallel couplets are arranged in such a way that various nominalization prefixes and suffixes are paired. Lines 80-81 use the suffix -em, which converts the verb roots into gerunds; lines 82-83 use the suffix -el, which converts the verb roots into person agents (a “doer” of the verb's action); lines 84-85 use the suffix -ay, which is an alternative means of nominalizing verbs into the person agent form; lines 89-90 use the prefix aj, which indicates that the person agent has that verb as his/her principal occupation.


Still be it silent, K'a katz'ininoq, Still be it placid, K'a kachamamoq, 100

It is silent, Katz'inonik, Still it is calm, K'a kasilanik,

Still it is hushed, K'a kalolinik, Be it empty as well its womb sky. Katolona' puch u pa kaj.

THESE therefore are first words, WA'E k'ut e nab'e tzij, First speech. Nab'e ucha'n.

There is not yet one person, Maja b'i'oq jun winaq, One animal, Jun chikop,

Bird,12 Tz'ikin, Fish, Kar, 110 Crab, Tap, Tree, Che', Rock, Ab'aj Hollow, Jul, Canyon, Siwan, Meadow, K'im, Forest. K'eche'laj.

Merely alone sky exists, Xa u tukel kaj k'olik, Not clear its face earth, Mawi q'alaj u wach ulew, Merely alone is spread out sea, Xa u tukel remanik palo, 120 Its womb sky everything. U pa kaj ronojel.

There is not anything Maja b'i naqi la' Gathered together, Kamolob'ik,

It is at rest, Kakotz'ob'ik, Not one stirs, Jun ta kasilob'ik, Scattered it is made to be, Kamal kab'antaj, At rest it is made to be in sky. Kakotz' kab'antaj pa kaj.

12 Lines 109-117 are a list of the first creations with no apparent parallelism involved.

5 There was not yet anything that exists standing erect. Xma k'o wi naqi la' k'olik yakalik. Merely spread out water, Xa remanik ja', Merely tranquil sea, Xa li'anik palo, 130 Merely alone it is spread out. Xa u tukel remanik. There was not yet anything that might exist. Xma k'o wi naqi la' lo k'olik.

Merely it is placid, Xa kachamanik, It is silent, Katz'ininik,

In darkness, Chi q'equ'm, In night. Chi aq'ab'.

Merely alone the Framer, Xa u tukel ri Tz'aqol, Shaper, B'itol,

Sovereign, Tepew, Quetzal Serpent, Q'ukumatz, 140

They Who Have Borne Children, E Alom, They Who Have Begotten Sons, E K'ajolom,

Are in water. K'o pa ja'. Luminous they are, Saqtetoj e k'o wi.

Covered in quetzal feathers, E muqutal pa q'uq', In cotinga feathers. Pa raxon.

This his having been named Are' u b'i'nam wi The Quetzal Serpent. Ri Q'ukumatz.

Great sages, E nima'q eta'manel, Great knowers in their essence. E nima'q aj na'oj chi ki k'oje'ik. 150

Thus surely there is the sky, Keje' k'ut xax k'o wi ri kaj, There is also its Heart Sky. K'o nay puch u K'u'x Kaj.

This his name Are' u b'i' The god as it is said. Ri k'ab'awil chuchaxik.

THEN came therefore his word here, TA xpe k'ut u tzij waral, He arrived with them Xul kuk'

The Sovereign, Ri Tepew, Quetzal Serpent, Q'ukumatz,

6 Here in darkness, Waral chi q'equ'mal, In night. Chi aq'ab'al. 160

He spoke with Xch'aw ruk' The Sovereign, Ri Tepew, Quetzal Serpent, Q'ukumatz, They talked therefore, Xecha' k'ut,

Then they thought, Ta xena'ojinik, Then they pondered, Ta xeb'isonik,

They found themselves, Xeriqo kib', They gathered Xkikuch

Their words, Ki tzij, Their thoughts. Ki na'oj. 170

Then they gave birth, Ta xkalaj, Then they heartened themselves. Ta xkik'u'xlaj kib'.

Beneath light then, Xe' wi saq ta, They gave birth to also people. Xkalaj puch winaq.

Then they considered its germination, Ta xkina'ojij u tz'ukik, Its creation U winaqirik

Trees, Che', Bushes, K'a'am,13

Its germination also life, U tz'ukuxik puch k'aslem, Creation, Winaqirem, 180

At darkness, Chi q'equ'mal, At night, Chi aq'ab'al,

By this, its Heart Sky, Rumal ri', u K'u'x Kaj, his name. Juraqan u b'i'.

Thunderbolt Huracan first, Kaqulja Juraqan nab'e, Second therefore Youngest Thunderbolt, U kab' k'ut Ch'i'pi Kaqulja, Third next Sudden Thunderbolt. Rox chik Raxa Kaqulja.

13 Mondloch notes that the spelling of this word in the Ximénez manuscript (caam) is in line with the more conservative modern dialects spoken at Nahuala and Ixtahuacan where the word is pronounced k'a'am. In contrast, other dialects, such as at San Francisco el Alto pronounces it k'a'm (Mondloch, personal communication). 7 Now they therefore three these, Chi e k'u oxib' ri', Its Heart Sky. U K'u'x Kaj.

Then they arrived with them Ta xe'ul kuk' 190 The Sovereign, Ri Tepew, Quetzal Serpent, Q'ukumatz, Then were conceived Ta xna'ojixik

Light, Saq, Life. K'aslem,

“How then shall it be sown? “Jupacha ta chawaxoq? When shall dawn as well whomsoever? Ta saqiro puch apachinaq?

Provider? Tzuqul? Sustainer? Q'o'l?

Then be it so. Ta chuxoq. 200

You are conceived, Kixno'jintaj, This the water shall be taken away, Are' ri ja' cheltaj, Shall be emptied out, Chijamataj, Shall be created, Chiwinaqir,

This earth, Wa' ulew, Its plate, U laqel,

Then be gathered itself, Ta k'u' rib', Levelled therefore. Ch'ata k'ut.

Then may it be sown, Ta chawaxoq, Then may it dawn, Ta saqiroq, 210

Sky, Kaj, Earth. Ulew.

Not then therefore its worship, Ma ta k'ut u q'ijilab'al, Its reverence these U q'ala'ib'al ri'

Our framing, Qa tz'aq, Our shaping, Qa b'it,

When may be created people framed, Ta winaqiroq winaq tz'aq, People shaped,” they said therefore. Winaq b'it,” xecha' k'ut.

8 Then was created therefore Ta xwinaqir k'u The earth Ri ulew 220 By them. Kumal. Merely their word Xa ki tzij Came to be Xk'oje' wi Its creation. U winaqirik.

That it be created Chiwinaqir Earth, Ulew, “Earth,” they said. “Uleuj,” xecha'. Immediately then it was created. Lib'aj chi xwinaqirik.

Like the merely cloud, Keje' ri xa sutz', Merely mist, Xa may wi, 230

Its creation then, U winaqirik chik, Its formation. U pupuje'ik.

Then was asked to come from water Ta xta' pe pa ja' The mountains. Ri juyub'. Straightaway great mountains Ju suk' nima'q juyub' Came to be. Xuxik.

Merely their spirit essence, Xa ki nawal, Merely their miraculous power, Xa ki pus,

Caused to be made its conception Xb'antaj wi u na'ojixik Mountains, Juyub', 240 Valleys. Taq'aj. Straightaway together were created Ju suk' rach winaqirik

Its cypress groves, U k'isisil, Pine forests its face. U pachajil u wach.

Thus rejoiced the Quetzal Serpent: Keje' k'ut xki'kot wi ri Q'ukumatz: “Good you arrived, “Utz mi xatulik,

You its Heart Sky: At u K'u'x Kaj: You Huracan, At Juraqan, You as well Youngest Thunderbolt, At pu Ch'i'pi Kaqulja, Sudden Thunderbolt. Raxa Kaqulja. 250

It shall be successful our framing, Xchutzinik qa tz'aq, Our shaping,” they said therefore. Qa b'it,” xecha' k'ut.

9 First therefore was created Nab'e k'ut xwinaqir Earth, Ulew, Mountains, valleys, Juyub', taq'aj, Divided were its paths water, Xch'ob'och'ox u b'e ja', Made their way were their branches Xb'inije'ik k'oleje' raqan Among mountains. Xo'l taq juyub'. Merely divided then existed water, Xa ch'ob'ol chik xek'oje' wi ja', Then were revealed great mountains. Ta xk'utunije'ik nima'q juyub'. 260 Thus its creation earth this, Keje' k'ut u winaqirik ulew ri', Then it was created by them Ta xwinaqirik kumal

The its Heart Sky, Ri u K'u'x Kaj, Its Heart Earth, they are called. U K'u'x Ulew, ke'uchaxik.

These therefore, Ri' k'ut, They first E nab'e

They conceived it. Xkino'jij. It was set apart the sky, Xk'olo wi ri kaj, It was set apart also earth within water, Xk'olo nay puch ulew chupan ja', Thus its conception this, Keje' k'ut u no'jixik ri', 270

When they thought, Ta xkino'jij, When they pondered Ta xkib'isoj

Its successful completion, Rutzinik, Its being made by them. U b'anatajik kumal.

THEN they conceived again TA xkino'jij chik Its animals mountain, U chikopil juyub',

Guardians of forest, Chajal re k'eche'laj, All its population mountain: Ronojel u winaqil juyub':

The deer, Ri kiej, Bird, Tz'ikin, 280

Puma, Koj, Jaguar, B'alam,

Serpent, Kumatz, Rattlesnake, Sochoj,

10 Pit viper, K'an Ti', Guardian bushes. Chajal k'a'am.

Says the She Who Has Borne Children, Kacha' ri Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons: K'ajolom:

“Merely will it be solitary? “Xa pa chilolinik? Not merely will it be silent Ma xa'on chitz'ininik 290

Beneath trees,14 U xe' che', Bushes? K'a'am?

Then good there shall be K'ate utz chik'oje' Guardians of it,” they said therefore. Chajal re,” xecha' k'ut.

Then they considered, Ta xkino'jij, They spoke as well, Xkitzijoj puch,

Straightaway were created Ju suk'u xwinaqir Deer, Kiej, Birds. Tz'ikin. Then they gave as a gift therefore their homes Ta xkisipaj k'ut rochoch 300 Deer, Kiej, Birds. Tz'ikin.

“You deer, “At kiej, In paths water, Pa b'e ya', In canyons Pa siwan You sleep. Katwar wi.

Here you exist Waral katk'oje' wi In meadows, Pa k'im, In orchards, Pa saq'ul, In forests Pa k'eche'laj 310 Multiply yourselves. Kipoq'o' wi iwib'.

All fours your walk, Kajkaj i b'inib'al, Your standing on all fours will come to be,” it was said I chakab'al chuxik,” xe'uchaxik. to them.

Then they established therefore Ta xkich'ik k'ut Their homes Kochoch

14 In this case, xe' refers not to the roots of the trees and bushes, but acts as a directional preposition, “beneath.”

11 Small birds, Ch'uti tz'ikin, Great birds. Nima tz'ikin.

“You, you birds, in its tops trees, “Ix, ix tz'ikin, chuwi' che', In its tops bushes Chuwi' k'a'am

You make your homes, Kixochochin wi, 320 You make your houses. Kixjain wi.

There you multiply, Chiri' kixpoq' wi, You are increased Kixk'iritaj wi

In their branches trees, Chuq'ab' che', In their branches bushes,” Chuq'ab' k'a'am,”

They were told deer, Xe'uchaxik kiej, Birds. Tz'ikin.

When they did it Ta xkib'ano Their deed, Ki b'anoj,

Everything received its sleeping place, Ronojel xuk'amo u warab'al, 330 Its resting place. U yakalib'al.

Thus their homes Keje' k'ut kochoch wi Animals the earth. Chikop ri ulew.

They gave it, Xuya'o, She Who Has Borne Children, Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons. K'ajolom. It had been completed then everything Xutzininaqa chik ronojel

The deer, Ri kiej, Birds. Tz'ikin.

THEN it was said to again therefore the deer, TA xe'uchax chi k'ut ri kiej, 340 Birds Tz'ikin

By Framer, Rumal Tz'aqol, Shaper, B'itol,

She Who Has Borne Children, Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons, K'ajolom,

12 “Speak! “Kixch'awoq! Call! Kixsik'inoq!

Don't moan, Mixyonolikinik, Don't cry out. Mixsik'inik.

Let there be speech Kixch'awajetaj 350 Each to each, Chi jujunal,

In each order, Chi ju taq ch'ob'il, In each group,” Chi ju taq molajil,”

They were told the deer, Xe'uchaxik ri kiej, Birds, Tz'ikin,

Pumas, Koj, Jaguars, B'alam, Serpents, Kumatz,

“Speak surely therefore the our names. “Chib'ij na k'ut ri qa b'i'. Worship us, Kojiq'ijarisaj,15 360

We your mother, Oj i chuch, We your father. Oj i qajaw.

You say this surely therefore: Kixcha'16 wa' na k'ut:

‘Huracan, ‘Juraqan, Youngest Thunderbolt, Ch'i'pi Kaqulja, Sudden Thunderbolt, Raxa Kaqulja,

Its Heart Sky, U K'u'x Kaj, Its Heart Earth, U K'u'x Ulew,

Framer, Tz'aqol, Shaper, B'itol, 370

15 The original manuscript of the Popol Vuh has caharizah. The context seems to indicate that the word should be q'ijarisaj (to worship), a word which appears in similar contexts elsewhere in the manuscript. This is apparently an instance of scribal error, or perhaps an archaic spelling of the word which has since fallen out of usage.

16 The manuscript reads quicha, which is grammatically impossible for an intransitive verb.

13 She Who Has Borne Children, Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons.’ K'ajolom.’

Speak! Kixch'awoq! Call upon us! Kojisik'ij! Worship us!” they were told. Kojiq'ijila'!” xe'uchaxik.

Not therefore they succeeded, Ma k'u xutzinik, They spoke not like then people. Xech'awik keje' ta ri' winaq.

17Merely they squawk, Xa kewech'elajik,18 Merely they chatter, Xa kek'aralajik, Merely they roar. Xa kewojonik. 380

Not appeared its face their speech Mawi xwachinik u wach ki ch'ab'al. Differently they cried out to each other when they heard it, Jalajoj xkoq'ib'ej chi ki jujunal ta xkita,

19The Framer, Ri Tz'aqol, Shaper: B'itol: “Not it came out well “Mawi mi xutzinik They spoke,” Mi xech'awik,” They said then to each other: Xecha' chik chi kib'il kib': “Not it came out well “Mawi mi xutzin Its speaking our names by them. U b'ixik qa b'i' rumal. We their Framer, Oj Kaj Tz'aq, 390 We also their Shaper, Oj pu Kaj B'it,

Not good,” they said then to each other, Mawi utz,” xcha' chik chi kib'il kib', The She Who Has Borne Children, Ri Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons. K'ajolom. They were told therefore: Xe'uchax k'ut:

“Merely you are replaced, “Xa kixjalatajik

17 This triplet parallels in a negative way the triplet of lines 373-375. The newly-created animals were commanded to speak, but instead they merely squawked; they were commanded to call upon the gods, but they merely chattered; they were commanded to worship the gods, but they merely roared.

18 The manuscript reads quevachelahic, likely a scribal error for quevechelahic. According to Coto, -wech'el is to “squawk, screech, or make the sounds of a large bird such as a hawk.” Mondloch notes that in current K'iche' usage, wech'om tzij is distorted or unintelligible speech (personal communication). 19 This is an unusual arrangement of parallel couplets into a chiastic form, rather than individual ideas. An even longer example may be seen in lines 444-457. Considering the authors’ fondness for parallel couplets as well as chiasms, I find it odd that there aren't more examples of this type of arrangement in the text.

14 Because not succeeded, Rumal mawi mi xutzinik, Not you spoke. Mawi mi xixch'awik. Therefore we changed our word. Mi k'u xqajal qa tzij.

Your food, Iwecha', 400 Your sustenance, I k'uxun,

Your sleeping places, I warab'al, Your resting places. I yakalib'al.

What belonged to you Xiwech wi Came to be Mi xe'uxik

Canyons, Siwan, Forests. K'eche'laj.

Because not was successful our being worshiped, Rumal mawi xutzin qa q'ijiloxik, Not you callers of us. Mawi ix sik'iy qe.

Yet there is, K'a k'o, 410 There is perhaps, K'o wi lo,

Worshiper, Q'ijilonel, Honorer we will make now, Nimanel chiqab'an chik,

Merely you will receive your service. Xa chik'am i patan. Merely your flesh will be chewed. Xa i tio'jil chikach'ik. Then be it so. Ta chuxoq. This therefore you will serve,” Are' k'ut chipatanij,”

They were told. Xe'uchaxik. When they were commanded, Ta xepixab'axik,

Small animals, Ch'uti chikop, 420 Large animals that are upon its face earth. Nima chikop k'o chuwach ulew.

Then they wanted therefore to try again their day,20 Ta xraj k'u kitij chik ki q'ij, They wanted to make an attempt again, Xraj kitijitob'ej chik,

20 This triplet appears to be antithetical to the triplet which immediately follows it. The reasoning is that “they wanted to try again their day (their luck) but they didn't hear their speech among them. They wanted to make an attempt again, but it wasn't comprehended. They wanted to arrange again [their] worship, but it wasn't made to be as well.”

15 They wanted also to arrange again worship. Xraj pu kinuk' chik q'ijilab'al.

It wasn't heard their speech to each other, Xma xkita wi ki ch'ab'al chi kib'il kib', It wasn't successful therefore, Xma xnawachir wi k'ut, It wasn't made to be as well. Xma xb'anataj wi puch.

Thus was defeated their flesh, Keje' k'ut xech'akataj wi ki tio'jil, They served, Xkipatanij,

They were eaten, Xeti'ik, 430 They were killed, Xekamisaxik,

The animals that are here Ri chikop k'o waral On its face earth. Chuwach ulew.

THUS its being attempted again people framed, KEJE' k'ut u tijtob'exik chik winaq tz'aq, People shaped, Winaq b'it, By Framer, Kumal Tz'aqol, Shaper, B'itol,

She Who Has Borne Children, Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons. K'ajolom.

“Merely let us try again. “Xa qa21 tija' chik. 440 Approached Mi xyopij

Its sowing, Rawaxik, Its dawning. U saqirik.

We shall make provider ours, Qa b'ana' tzuqul qe, Sustainer ours. Q'o'l qe. How then may we be called upon, Jupacha ta kojsik'ixoq, That we be remembered also on its face earth? Ta kojna'b'ax puch chuwach ulew? We tried it to the first our framing, Mi xqatijo chirech ri nab'e qa tz'aq, Our shaping. Qa b'it. Not did it succeeded our being worshiped, Mawi mi xutzinik qa q'ijiloxik, 450 Our being revered also by them. Qa q'ala'ixik puch kumal. Thus let us try Keje' k'ut qa tija' wi Its making U b'anik

21 The manuscript seems to read cu (therefore), although Ximénez often writes a and u in a similar way. Mondloch notes that for grammatic reasons this line should read ca tiha (let us try), which matches the construction in line 452 (personal communication).

16 Honorer, Aj nim, Respecter, Aj xob', Provider, Tzuqul, Sustainer,” they said. Q'o'l,” xecha'.

Then its framing therefore, Ta u tz'aqik k'ut, Its making as well. U b'anik puch.

Earth, Ulew, 460 Mud Xoq'o'l

Its flesh they made. U tio'jil xkib'ano. Not therefore good they saw it. Ma k'u utz xkilo.

Merely it would come undone, Xa chiyojomanik, Merely crumbled, Xa tzub'ulik, Merely sodden, Xa neb'elik, Merely mushy, Xa lub'anik, Merely fallen apart, Xa wulanik, Merely as well it would dissolve. Xa pu chi'umarik.

Not then set apart its head. Mawi chi k'olol u jolom. 470 Merely one direction its face, Xa jun b'enaq wi u wach, Merely hidden its face, Xa k'u'l u wach, Not would it look about. Mawi chimuqun chirij.

It would speak at first, Chich'aw nab'ek, There is not its thought. Maja b'i u na'oj.

Merely straightaway it would dissolve in water. Xa ju suk' chi'umar pa ja'. Not strong. Mawi ko.

They said then therefore the Framer, Xecha' chi k'u ri Aj Tz'aq, Shaper: Aj B'it:

“We have made a mistake, “Qa wachlab'eq, 480 Then let it become merely mistake. Ta chuxoq xa lab'e.

Not would it walk, Mawi chib'inik, Not also would it be multiplied. Ma pu chipoq'otajik.

Then be it so. Ta chuxoq. Merely thing of no importance this,” they said. Xa u na'oj chi ri',” xecha'.

17 Then they undid it therefore, Ta xkiyoj k'ut, They toppled it again Xkiyoq' chik

The their framing, Ri ki tz'aq, Their shaping. Ki b'it.

They said again therefore: Xecha' chi k'ut: 490 “How truly will we make it. “Jupacha qi22 chiqab'ano.

May it succeed, Chutzin ta23 wi, May it bear fruit, Chinawachir ta wi,

Worshiper of us, Q'ijiloy qech, Caller upon us?” they said. Sik'iy qech?” xecha'.

Then they thought again: Ta xkina'ojij chik: “Merely we shall tell them “Xa qab'ij chike

Xpiyacoc, Xpiyakok, Xmucane, Xmuqane,

Hunahpu Possum, Junajpu Wuch', 500 Hunahpu Coyote: Junajpu Utiw:

‘Try again its , ‘Kitija' chik u q'ijixik, Its being shaped,’” U b'itaxik,’”

They spoke to each other, Xe'ucha'n ki kib', Framer, Aj Tz'aq, Shaper. Aj B'it. Then they said therefore to Ta xkib'ij k'ut chire

Xpiyacoc, Xpiyakok, Xmucane. Xmuqane.

Then therefore their speech this to them, K'ate k'ut u b'ixik ri' chikech, 510 The seers: Ri e nik'wachinel:

“Its Grandmother Day, “Rati't Q'ij, Its Grandmother Light,” Rati't Saq,”

22 Mondloch associates the qui of the manuscript with qi (truly). In current K'iche' usage this would be qas.

23 In this context, ta(j) is used as a desiderative (Mondloch, personal communication).

18 They are spoken to by the Framer, Ke'uchaxik kumal ri Tz'aqol, Shaper. B'itol.

These their names the Xpiyacoc, Are' ki b'i' ri Xpiyakok, Xmucane. Xmuqane.

THEY spoke therefore XECHA' k'u The Huracan, Ri Juraqan,

With Sovereign, Ruk' Tepew, 520 Quetzal Serpent. Q'ukumatz.

Then they said to Master of Days, Ta xkib'ij chirech Aj Q'ij, Mistress of Shaping, they seers: Aj B'it, e nik'wachinel:

“Merely it shall be found, “Xa k'ulu',24 Merely as well it shall be discovered, Xa pu churiqo,

How then again Che ta chik We will create people shaped, Chiqawinaq b'itoj, We will create people framed, Chiqawinaq tz'aqoj, Then again, Ta chik,

Provider, Tzuqul, 530 Sustainer. Q'o'l.

May we be called upon, Kojsik'ix taj, May we be remembered also. Kojna'b'ax taj puch.

They support then therefore Katoq' ta k'ut In words, Pa tzij,

Midwife, I'yom, Patriarch, Mamom,

Our Grandmother,25 Qati't, Our Grandfather, Qa , Xpiyacoc, Xpiyakok, 540 Xmucane. Xmuqane.

May it be spoken, Cha' taj,

24 The manuscript reads xu culu, likely a scribal error for xa culu. 25 Again, the titles and names of the divine grandparents are arranged in chiastic form (cf. lines 32-35).

19 Then may it be sown. Ta chawaxoq. Then may it dawn, Ta saqiroq,

Our being called upon, Qa sik'ixik, Our being supported, Qa toq'exik, Our being remembered Qa na'b'axik

By people framed, Rumal winaq tz'aq, People shaped, Winaq b'it, People effigies, Winaq poy, 550 People forms. Winaq anom.

Listen! Chata! Be it so! Chuxoq! Reveal your names: Chik'utun i b'i':

Hunahpu Possum, Junajpu Wuch', Hunahpu Coyote, Junajpu Utiw,

Twice She Who Has Borne Children, Kamul Alom, Twice He Who Has Begotten Sons, Kamul K'ajolom, Great Peccary,26 Nim Aq, Great Coati, Nima Sis, 560

Jeweler, Aj K'uwal, Worker in Precious Stones, Aj Yamanik,

Sculptor, Aj Ch'ut, Wood Worker, Aj Tz'alam,

Creator of Blue/Green Plate, Aj Raxa Laq, Creator of Blue/Green Bowl, Aj Raxa Sel,

Creator of Pine Resin Incense, Aj Q'ol, Master Artist, Aj Toltecat,

Its Grandmother Day, Rati't Q'ij, Its Grandmother Light. Rati't Saq. 570

You all are spoken to by our framing, Kixuchaxik rumal qa tz'aq,

26 This is also a chiastic arrangement of the titles of the creator couple, rather than a pair of separate couplets. Lines 1055-1056 specifically associate the Great Peccary with the Grandfather, and Great Coati with the Grandmother deities.

20 Our shaping. Qa b'it.

Cast with grains of maize, Chimala' chi ixim, Of tz'ite, Chi tz'ite,

Merely it will be made, Xa chib'anatajik, Merely also it will come out, Xa pu chel apanoq,

It will be ground, Chiq'ajaj, It will be chiseled out as well Chiqak'otaj puch

Its mouth, U chi', Its face wood,” U wach che',” 580

They were told, Xe'uchaxik, Masters of Days. E Aj Q'ij.

Then also its throwing down, K'ate puch u qajik, Its divining, U q'ijilo'xik,

The casting of grains of maize, Ri xmalik chi ixim, Of tz'ite, Chi tz'ite,

Days, Q'ij, Shaping. B'it.

They said therefore the One Grandmother, Xecha' k'u ri Jun Ati't, One Grandfather to them. Jun Mama' chikech. 590

This the grandfather, Are' ri mama', This master of tz'ite, Are' aj tz'ite, Xpiyacoc his name. Xpiyakok u b'i'. This therefore the grandmother, Are' k'u ri ati't, Mistress of Days, Aj Q'ij, Mistress of Shaping at its foot, Aj B'it chi raqan, Xmucane her name. Xmuqane u b'i'.

They spoke therefore, Xecha' k'ut, Then they began divination: Ta xkitikib'a' q'ij:

“Merely it shall be discovered, “Xa chuk'ulu, 600 Merely also it shall be found. Xa pu churiqo.

Say it! Chab'ij!

21 They hear our ears. Kata qa xikin.

You speak! Kach'awik, May you talk! Katzijon taj.

Merely shall it be discovered the tree to be carved, Xa chuk'ulu ri che' chajawaxik, To be chiseled out as well Chik'otox puch

By Framer, Kumal Aj Tz'aq, Shaper. Aj B'it.

If this provider, We are' tzuqul, 610 Sustainer, Q'o'l,

Then may it be sown, Ta chawaxoq, Then may it dawn. Ta saqiroq.

You grains of maize, At ixim, You tz'ite, At tz'ite,

You days, At q'ij, You shaping. At b'it.

You are called, Katchokonik, You are summoned,” Kattaqentaj,”

It was said to grains of maize, Xcha' chire ixim, 620 Tz'ite, Tz'ite,

Days, Q'ij, Shaping. B'it.

“Finish it hither, “Katk'ix la uloq, You its Heart Sky. At u K'u'x Kaj.

Don't grind up his mouth, Mak'ajisaj u chi', His face U wach

Sovereign, Tepew, Quetzal Serpent,” Q'ukumatz,”

They said. Xecha'. 630 Then they spoke therefore its straightness: Ta xkib'ij k'ut u suk'ulikil:

22 “Good this it will come to be the your effigy “Utz are' chuxik ri i poy Carved wood. Ajam che'.

It will speak, Chich'awik, It will talk then it upon its face earth. Chitzijon b'a la' chuwach ulew.

Then be it so,” they said therefore. Ta chuxoq,” xecha' k'ut. Then they spoke Ta xkib'ij.

Straightaway were made effigies, Ju suk' xb'anik poy, Carved wood. Ajam che'.

Like people in appearance, Xe winaq wachinik, 640 Like people in speech as well. Xe winaq tzijonik puch.

This population Are' winaqil Its face earth. U wach ulew.

They came to be, Xe'uxik, They multiplied. Xepoq'ik,

They had daughters, Xeme'alanik, They had sons. Xek'ajolanik.

The effigies, Ri poy, Carved wood. Ajam che'.

Not therefore there was their hearts, Ma k'u ja b'i ki k'u'x, 650 Not also there was their thoughts. Ma pu ja b'i ki na'oj.

Not remembered their Framer, Mawi na'tal Kaj Tz'aq, Their Shaper. Kaj B'it. Without purpose they walked, Xaloq' xeb'inik, They crawled on their hands and knees. Xechakanik. Not they remembered then the its Heart Sky. Mawi xkina'taj chik ri u K'u'x Kaj.

Thus they were weighed then.27 Keje' k'ut xepaj chi wi.

Merely its experimentation, Xa u tijtob'exik, Merely also its demonstration of people. Xa pu u wab'ab'exik chi winaq.

27 The stark finality of this sentence is further emphasized by the fact that it is not paired with a parallel phrase.

23 They speak at first, Kech'aw nab'ek, 660 Merely dry their faces. Xa chaqi'j ki wach.

Not surely filled out their legs, Ma na sonol kaqan, Their arms. Ki q'ab'.

There is not their blood, Maja b'i ki kik'el, Their blood flow. Ki komajil.

There is not their sweat, Maja b'i ki tiqowal, Their oil. Ki kab'chiyal.

Dry cheeks, Chaqi'j q'o'tz, Masks their faces. K'oj ki wach.

They are stiff their legs, Kapichipoj kaqan, 670 Their arms. Ki q'ab'.

Rigid their bodies, Kayeyoj ki tio'jil, Thus not they capable of understanding now Keje' k'ut mawi xena'w chi wi

Before his face Framer, Chuwach Tz'aqol, Shaper, B'itol,

Givers of birth to them, Alay kech, Givers of heart to them. K'u'xlay kech.

They first crowded with people, E nab'e tzatz chi winaq, They came to be here upon its face earth. Xe'uxik waral chuwach ulew.

THEN therefore their end then, K'ATE k'ut ki k'isik chik, 680 Their ruin, Ki ma'ixik, Their crushing as well, Ki k'utuxik puch, They were killed then, Xekamisax chik,

Effigies, Poy, Carved wood. Ajam che'.

Then was planned their flood by its Heart Sky. Ta xna'ojix ki b'utik rumal u K'u'x Kaj. Great flood was made, it came upon their heads, Nima b'utik xb'anik, xpe pa ki wi',

The effigies, Ri e poy, They of carved wood. E ajam che'.

24 Tz'ite his body the man Tz'ite u tio'jil ri achij 690 When he was carved Ta xajaxik

By Framer, Rumal Tz'aqol, Shaper. B'itol.

Woman, Ixoq, Reeds therefore Sib'aq k'ut Her body U tio'jil Woman, Ixoq,

Desired to enter by Framer, Xraj okik rumal Tz'aqol, Shaper. B'itol.

Not they understood, Mawi xena'wik, 700 Not also they spoke Ma pu xech'awik

Before his face their Framer, Chuwach Kaj Tz'aq, Their Shaper, Kaj B'it,

Maker of them, B'anol ke, Creator of them. Winaqirisay kech.

Thus their being killed, Keje' k'ut ki kamisaxik, They were flooded. Xeb'utik.

It came great pine resin Xpe nima q'ol There from sky. Chila' chi kaj.

They came Chiselers of Faces their name, Xe[pe] K'otk'o[l] Wach u b'i'28 710 They chiseled out its seeds their faces [eyes]. Xk'otin uloq u b'aq' ki wach.

They came Death Knives, Xepe Kama Lotz, They cut off their heads. Xqupin ula ki jolom.

He came Crouching Jaguar, Xpe Kotz' B'alam, He ate their flesh. Xti'ow ki tio'jil.

He came Striking Jaguar, Xpe Tukum B'alam,

28 The original manuscript reads xe cotco vach, which appears to be a scribal error. I agree with Edmonson in reading the line as Xe[pe] K'otk'o[l] Wach, which is grammatically and contextually more consistent with the remainder of the section.

25 He struck them. Xtukuwik.

They smashed their bones, Xkich'o'wik ki b'aqil, Their tendons. Kib'och'il.

Ground up, Xq'ajixik, 720 Broken to pieces Xmuchu'lixik

Their bones. Ki b'aqil. Grinding up their faces, K'ajisab'al ki wach,

Because there was not their understanding before her Rumal mawi ki na'wik chuwach ki chuch, face their mother, Before his face as well their father, Chuwach puch ki qajaw,

The its Heart Sky, Ri u K'u'x Kaj, Huracan his name. Juraqan u b'i'.

By them was darkened its face earth. Kumal xq'equ'marik u wach ulew. It began darkened rain, Xtikarik q'eqal jab',

Day rain, Q'ijil jab', 730 Night rain. Aq'ab'al jab'.

Entered hither little animals, Xok ula ch'uti chikop, Great animals. Nima chikop.

They were crushed their faces by trees, Xq'ut ki wach rumal che', Stones. Ab'aj.

Spoke all their maize grinders, Xch'awik ronojel ki ke'b'al, Their griddles, Ki xot,

Their plates, Ki laq, Their pots, Ki b'o'j,

Their dogs, Ki tz'i', 740 Their grinding stones, Ki ka',

However many things, Jaruj pa la', All crushed their faces. Ronojel xq'utu ki wach.

“Pain you did to us. “K'ax xib'an chiqe.

26 You ate us, Xojiti'o,

You now therefore, Ix chi k'ut, We will eat you now,” Xkixqati' chik,”

Said the their dogs, Xcha' ri ki tz'i', Their turkeys to them. Kak' chikech.

This therefore the grinding stones: Are' k'u ri ka': 750 “We were ground fine by you, “Xojk'ok'onik iwumal,

Every day, Ju ta q'ij, Every day, Ju ta q'ij,

In the evening, Xq'eq, At dawn, Saqirik, Always, Amaq'el,

Holi! Joli! Holi! Joli!

Huki! Juki! Huki! Juki! 760

Our faces Qa wach By you. Iwumal. This then the first our service before your faces Are' ta nab'e qa patan chiwach You when first people. Ix ta na winaq.

This day therefore you shall try Wakamik k'ut xchitij Our strength. Qa chuq'ab'.

We shall grind you like maize, Xchiqake'j, We shall grind also your flesh,” Xchiqajok' puch i tio'jil,”

Said the their grinding stones to them. Xcha' ri ki ka' chike. This therefore the their dogs said again when they spoke: Are' k'u ri ki tz'i' xcha' chik ta xch'awik: 770

“Why because not you will give our food? “Naqi pa rumal mawi chiya' qa wa? Merely we look, Xa kojmuqunik,

Merely also you throw us out hither, Xa pu kojikuxij uloq, You throw us also hither. Kojitzaq pu uloq.

27 Raised up thither, Yakal ub'i, Our beating with sticks by you Qa che'el iwumal

When you eat. Ta kixwa'ik. Only thus you spoke to us. Xere kojiwucha'j wi.

Not we speak, Mawi kojch'awik, Not then therefore we received of you. Ma ta k'u mi xojk'amik chiwe. 780

How not you understood? Jupacha mawi mi xixna'wik? You understood then therefore. Xixna'w ta k'ut.

Behind you then therefore we were lost. Chiwij ta k'ut xojsach wi. This day therefore you shall try Wakamik k'ut xchitij

Our teeth Qa b'aq That are in our mouths. K'o pa qa chi'.

We shall eat you,” Xkixqati'o,” They said the dogs to them. Xecha' ri tz'i' chike.

Then were crushed their faces. Ta xq'ut ki wach.

This now therefore the their griddles, Are' chi k'u ri ki xot, 790 Their pots, spoke again to them: Ki b'o'j, xch'aw chik chike:

“Pain this “K'ax wa' You did to us. Xib'an chiqe.

Sooty our mouths, Xaq qa chi', Sooty our faces. Xaq qa wach.

Always we are thrown on its top fire. Amaq'el oj tzaqal chuwi' q'aq'. You burn us. Kojik'ato. Not pain we felt, you shall try it therefore. Mawi k'ax xqana'o, xchitij k'ut. We shall burn you,” said the their pots. Xkixqaporoj,” xcha' ri ki b'o'j.

All of them, Ronojel, 800 Were crushed their faces. Xq'utu ki wach.

These the stones, Are' ri ab'aj, The their hearthstones, Ri ki xk'ub',

28 Would flatten them, Chitaninik, Would come from fire, Chipe pa q'aq',

Landed on their heads, Taqal chi ki jolom, Pain was done to them. K'ax xb'an chike.

They flee, Anilab'ik, They hurry away now. Kemalmalijab' chik.

They want to climb up on its top houses, Keraj aq'anik chuwi' ja, 810 Merely would fall apart houses, they are thrown off. Xa chiwulij ja, ketzaq uloq.

They want to climb up on its top trees, Keraj aq'an chuwi' che', They are not supported hither by trees. Kech'akix uloq ruma che'.

They want to enter in caves, Keraj ok pa jul, Merely would close up caves before their faces. Xa chiyuch jul chikiwach.

Thus their undoing people framed, Keje' k'ut u kayojik winaq tz'aq, People shaped. Winaq b'it.

They demolished, E tzixel, They overthrown as people. E tzalatzoxel chi winaq.

They were ruined, Xma'ixik, 820 They were crushed Xq'utuxik

Their mouths, Ki chi', Their faces all of them. Ki wach konojel.

Said therefore these their descendents, Xcha' k'ut are' retal, The spider monkeys Ri k'oy That are in forest today, K'o pa k'eche'laj wakamik, These were their descendents. Are' xk'oje' wi retal.

Because merely wood Rumal xa che' Their flesh was placed Ki tio'jil xkojik

By Framer, Rumal Aj Tz'aq, 830 Shaper. Aj B'it.

These therefore the spider monkeys, Are' k'u ri k'oy,

29 Like people they would appear. Keje' ri' winaq chiwachinik.

Their descendents one generation people framed, Retal ju le' winaq tz'aq, People shaped. Winaq b'it.

Merely effigies, Xa poy, Merely also carved wood. Xa pu ajam che'.

WHILE therefore merely a little brightened its face earth, ARE k'ut xa jub'iq' saqnatanoj u wach ulew, There is not sun, Maja b'i q'ij,

One therefore aggrandises himself, Jun k'ut kunimarisaj rib', 840 Seven Macaw his name. Wuqub' Kaqix u b'i'.

Existed first sky, K'o nab'e kaj, Earth, Ulew,

Merely it is dim its face sun, Xa kamoymot u wach q'ij, Moon. Ik'.

It is said therefore this, Kacha' k'u ri', Merely but its bright sign people that drowned. Xa wi xere u saq etal winaq ri xb'utik.

Like enchanted person Keje' ri' nawal winaq His essence. U k'oje'ik.

“I great, “In nim, 850 I exist now over their heads Kik'oje'29 chik chuwi'

People framed, Winaq tz'aq, People shaped. Winaq b'it.

I their sun, In u q'ij, I as well their light, In pu u saq, I as well their moon. In nay pu rik'il.

Then be it so. Ta chuxoq.

29 In contemporary K'iche' usage this would be kink'oje'. In sixteenth century K'iche', however, as well as modern Kaqchikel, the first person singular absolutive pronoun, when functioning as the subject of intransitive verbs is -i- before consonants (Mondloch, personal communication).

30 Great my brightness. Nim nu saqil. I walkway, In b'inib'al, I as well pathway for people, In pu chakab'al rumal winaq, 860 By precious metal. Rumal puwaq.

Its seeds my face merely sparkle U b'aq' nu wach xa katiltotik With glittering green/blue jewels, Chi yamanik raxa k'uwal, As well my teeth, Nay pu we', Green/blue brilliant with stones, Rax kawakoj chi ab'aj, Like its face sky. Keje' ri' u wa kaj. This therefore the my beak, Are' k'u ri nu tza'm, Brightly shining from a distance, Saq julujuj chi naj, Like the moon. Keje' ri ik'.

Precious metal therefore my throne. Puwaq k'ut nu q'alib'al. 870 Still bright surface its face earth K'a saq pak'e u wach ulew When I go out hither Ta kinel uloq Before its face my throne. Chuwach nu q'alib'al.

Thus I sun, Keje' k'ut in q'ij wi, I as well moon, In pu ik',

By light child of woman, Rumal saqil al, Light son of man. Saqil k'ajol.

Then be it so. Ta chuxoq.

Because far away Rumal chi naj It reaches my vision,” says the Seven Macaw. Kopon wi nu wach,” cha' ri Wuqub' Kaqix. 880

Not therefore true this that sun the Seven Macaw, Ma k'u qitzij are' ta q'ij ri Wuqub' Kaqix, Only he aggrandises himself, Xere kunimarisaj rib',

The his plumes, Ri u xik', His precious metal. U puwaq.

Only therefore reaches his face that where he sits. Xere k'ut tokol wi u wach ri chiku'b'e wi. Not surely everywhere then beneath sky arrives his face Ma na ronojel ta u xe' kaj kopon wi u wach

Before therefore truly is seen its face sun, Maja' k'ut qi kiloq u wach q'ij, Moon, Ik', Stars, Ch'umil,

31 Before it dawns. Maja'oq kasaqiroq. 890

Thus he puffs himself up Keje' k'ut kuq'ob'isaj wi rib' The Seven Macaw Ri Wuqub' Kaqix

For days, Chi q'ijil, For months. Chi ik'il.

Merely before it would be revealed, Xa maja' chik'utunoq, It would be made manifest Chiq'alajob'oq

Its light sun, U saqil q'ij, Moon, Ik',

Merely he desired greatness, Xa xurayij nimal, Transcendence. Ik'owen. 900

When then was made flood Are ta xb'anik b'utik Because of effigies carved wood. Kumal poy ajam che'.

Thus we shall tell now when he died Seven Macaw, Keje' k'ut xchiqab'ij chik ta xkamik Wuqub' Kaqix, When he was defeated, Ta xch'akatajik, When were made people Ta xb'anatajik winaq By Framer, Rumal Aj Tz'aq, Shaper. Aj B'it. THIS its root WA'E u xe' His defeat, U ch'akatajik, Its shaking now as well his day Seven Macaw U yiqoxik chi puch u q'ij Wuqub' Kaqix 910

By two boys, Kumal e kaib' k'ajolab', Hunahpu his name one, Junajpu u b'i' jun, Xbalanque his name second. Xb'alanke u b'i' u kab'. Merely gods. Xa wi e k'ab'awil.

Because evil they saw him, Rumal itzel xkilo, The self-aggrandiser. Ri nimarisay rib'.

He wanted its doing Xraj u b'an Before his face its Heart Sky. Chuwach u K'u'x Kaj.

Said therefore the boys: Xcha' k'u ri k'ajolab':

“Not good then it shall come to be. “Mawi utz ta chuxoq. 920

32 Not will live people Mawi chik'ase' winaq

Here Waral On its face earth. Chuwach ulew.

Thus we will try blowgun shooting. Keje' k'ut chiqatij wub'axik. Above his food we will blowgun shoot him. Chuwi' recha' chiqawub'aj wi.

There we will put his sickness. Chiri' chiqakoj wi u yab'. Then finished his wealth, Ta k'isoq u q'inomal, His jade, U xit, His precious metals, U puwaq, His jewels, U k'uwal, 930 His glittering things, U yamanik, That which he keeps vigil over. Ri kuk'ak'ab'ej. Thus it will be done. Keje' k'ut chub'ano.

All people not Ronojel winaq mawi These will be created Are' chiwinaqir wi

Glory this, Q'aq'al ri', Merely precious metal. Xa puwaq.

Then be it so,” Ta chuxoq,” They said the boys. Xecha' ri k'ajolab'.

Each with blowgun Jujun chi wub' 940 They shoulder each of them. Kitelen ki kab' ichal.

This therefore the Seven Macaw, Are' k'u ri Wuqub' Kaqix, They two his sons. E kaib' u k'ajol.

This first child the . Are' nab'e al ri Sipakna. Second child then therefore the Cabracan. U kab' al chi k'ut ri Kab'raqan.

Chimalmat therefore her name their mother, Chimalmat k'ut u b'i' ki chuch, His wife the Seven Macaw. Rixoqil ri Wuqub' Kaqix.

This therefore the Zipacna, Are' k'u ri Sipakna, This would sustain Are' chirecha'j The great mountains-- Ri nima'q juyub'-- 950 The Chigag, Ri Chi' Q'aq', Hunahpu, Junajpu,

33 Peculya, Pekulya', Xcanul, Xkanul, Macamob, Makamob', Huliznab, Julisnab', Will be called their names mountains Chuchaxik u b'i' juyub' Existed when it dawns. Xk'olik ta chisaqirik. Merely one night they are created Xa jun aq'ab' chiwinaqirik By the Zipacna. Rumal ri Sipakna. 960

This now therefore the Cabracan would shake mountains, Are' ri' chi k'u ri Kab'raqan chisilab' juyub', By him they would be made to tremble, Rumal chineb'owik,

Small mountains, Ch'uti juyub', Great mountains by him. Nima juyub' rumal.

Merely as self-aggrandisement Xa wi keje' nimarisab'al kib' They did his sons Seven Macaw. Xkib'ano u k'ajol Wuqub' Kaqix.

“I this, “In30 wa', I sun!” In q'ij!” Said Seven Macaw. Xcha' Wuqub' Kaqix. “I this, “In wa', 970 I maker earth!” In b'anol ulew!” Said the Zipacna. Xcha' ri Sipakna. “I now therefore, “In chi k'ut, I fell sky, Kiyojow31 kaj, I will cause to tumble down all earth,” Chinwulij ronojel ulew,” Said the Cabracan. Xcha' ri Kab'raqan.

Merely his sons Seven Macaw, Xa wi u k'ajol Wuqub' Kaqix, Merely there they received their greatness behind their Xa wi chiri' xkik'am wi ki nimal chirij ki qajaw. father.

This therefore evil they saw boys, Are' k'ut itzel xkil wi k'ajolab', Before they would be made Maja' chib'antajoq 980

Our first mother, Qa nab'e chuch,

30 The manuscript here reads ix (you) rather than in (I), which makes little sense in the context of the passage, as well as the parallel lines that follow. This is evidently an error in transcription of the text.

31 The manuscript reads quiyou (block out, impede), which Mondloch (personal communication) suggests is likely a scribal error for quiyohou (destroy, ruin, fell).

34 Our first father. Qa nab'e qajaw.

Thus were conceived their deaths, Keje' k'ut xno'jix wi ki kamik, Their loss by boys. Ki sachik kumal k'ajolab'.

THIS therefore his being blowgun shot WA'E k'ute u wub'axik Seven Macaw by two boys. Wuqub' Kaqix kumal kaib' k'ajolab'.

We shall tell their defeat each of them, Xchiqab'ij ki ch'akatajik chi ki jujunal, The self-aggrandisers. Ri nimarisay rib'.

This the Seven Macaw, Are' ri Wuqub' Kaqix, A great tree the nance, Jun nima che' ri tapa'l, 990 This therefore his food Are' k'u recha' The Seven Macaw. Ri Wuqub' Kaqix.

He would knock down Are' chulo The its fruit nance. Ri u wach tapa'l.

He would rise up to its top tree each day. Chaq'an chuwi' che' ju ta q'ij. It was seen therefore his means of feeding Xiloma k'ut recha'b'al

By the Hunahpu, Kumal ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

They keep a vigil now therefore Kik'ak'alen chi k'ut Beneath tree the Seven Macaw. Chuxe' che' ri Wuqub' Kaqix. 1000 They hidden here the two boys E matzamoj ulo ri kaib' k'ajolab' In leaves tree. Pa xaq che'.

Then he arrived therefore Seven Macaw, Ta xopon k'ut Wuqub' Kaqix, Perched Tak'al

Over his food, Chuwi' recha', The nance. Ri tapa'l.

Then therefore he was shot by them, K'ate k'ut ta xub'axik kumal, The Hunahpu, directed straight its pellet blowgun Ri Junajpu,32 taqal u b'aq' wub'

32 In this brief section, from lines 1008-1023, the brother of Xbalanque is referred to in the original manuscript as , the name used exclusively in the remainder of the text for the father of the twin boys. This is unlikely to be a scribal error because it is repeated consistently. This is more likely evidence of a different K'iche' author, supporting the conclusion that the Popol Vuh is the product of several scribes.

35 At his jaw. Chu kakate'. He broke open his mouth. Churaquj u chi'. 1010

Then he came over its top tree Ta xpe chuwi' che' Directed straight onto its face earth. Taqal chuwach ulew.

In a hurry therefore the Hunahpu quickly went, Chimalmat k'ut ri Junajpu anim xb'ek, Truly he went to his grasping. Qitzij wi xb'e u chapa'.

Then therefore was torn off K'ate k'ut ta xqupix ula His arm the Hunahpu by the Seven Macaw. U q'ab' ri Junajpu rumal ri Wuqub' Kaqix.

Straightaway it was thrown back, Ju suk' xtzaq uloq, It was bent back edge his shoulder. Xmejo uloq tza'm u teleb'.

Then he released again therefore Hunahpu Ta xutzoqopij chi k'ut Junajpu The Seven Macaw. Ri Wuqub' Kaqix. 1020

Merely good they did. Xa wi utz xkib'ano. Not first their defeat by Seven Macaw Ma nab'e ki ch'akatajik taj rumal Wuqub' Kaqix

Having taken now therefore his arm the Hunahpu Uk'a'am chi k'ut u q'ab' ri Junajpu By the Seven Macaw. Rumal ri Wuqub' Kaqix.

Then he went to his home, Ta xb'e chi rochoch, Merely now therefore holding in palms his jaw he arrived. Xa chi k'u u lot'em u kakate' xoponik.

“What did you get there?” “Naqi pa mi xk'amow chila'?” Said therefore the Chimalmat, Xcha' k'u ri Chimalmat, His wife Seven Macaw. Rixoqil Wuqub' Kaqix. “What is it?” “Naqi pa ri'?” 1030

“The two demons they shot me with a blowgun, “Ri e kaib' k'axtok' mi xikiwub'aj, It was dislocated my jaw by them. Mi xsilib'ataj nu kakate' rumal.

Merely they torment my teeth, Xa kachuywaj e we', They ache now. Kaq'oxow chik.

First I brought it here. Mi nab'e mi xnuk'am uloq. Over fire therefore Chuwi' q'aq' k'ut It will hang, Chixeke wi, It will dangle Chitzayab'a'

36 Over fire Chuwi' q'aq' When they arrive to take it again. Ta kul ki k'ama chik. 1040

True that they demons,” said the Seven Macaw, Qitzij chi e k'axtok',” xcha' ri Wuqub' Kaqix, When he hung his arm the Hunahpu. Ta xuxekeb'a' u q'ab' ri Junajpu.

They plan again, Kina'ojinik chik, The One Hunahpu, Ri Ju Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke. Then they spoke therefore to Ta xkib'ij k'ut chirech

One Grandfather. Jun Mama'. Truly white now Qitzij saq chik His hair head now Rismal wi' chi Grandfather. Mama'. 1050

One therefore Grandmother, Jun k'u Ati't, Truly humble grandmother now. Qitzij kemel ati't chik.

Merely they walk bent over now, Xa keluq'uq'ila' chik, Now aged people. Chi ri'jitaq winaq.

White Great Peccary his name grandfather. Saqi Nim Aq u b'i' mama'. White Great Coati therefore her name grandmother. Saqi Nima Sis k'ut u b'i' ati't. They said therefore Xecha' k'u The boys to them, Ri k'ajolab' chike, The grandmother, Ri ati't, Grandfather: Mama': 1060

“May we accompany you. “Kixqachb'ilaj taj. You will go then to take our arm with Seven Macaw. Chib'e ta k'ama qa q'ab' ruk' Wuqub' Kaqix.

Merely we follow Xa kojtere Behind you. Chiwij.

‘Endure the our grandsons ‘Q'i' ri qa mam That accompany us. Ri qachb'ilan.

Dead their mother, Kaminaq ki chuch, Their father. Ki qajaw.

Thus they follow along, Keje' k'ut ketere, All around behind us. Kotila' wi chiqij. 1070

37 Then it we give them, Ta la' keqasipaj wi, Because merely removal its worms teeth we do,’ you say. Rumal xa elesan u chikopil e'yaj kaqab'ano,’ kixcha'.

Thus therefore the we children Keje' k'u ri oj ak'alab' He will see the Seven Macaw. Chirilo ri Wuqub' Kaqix.

Merely us we give your thoughts,” Xa wi oj kojya'wik i na'oj,” They said the they two boys. Xecha' ri e kaib' k'ajolab'.

“Good then that,” they said therefore. “Utz b'a la',” xecha' k'ut. Afterwards therefore then they went. K'ate k'ut ta xeb'ek.

On edge is seated the Seven Macaw Tza'mal ku'bi' ri Wuqub' Kaqix Before its face his throne. Chuwach u q'alib'al. 1080 Then they passed by the grandmother, Ta xe'ik'owik ri ati't, Grandfather. Mama'. They play therefore Ke'etz'eyaj k'u The two boys behind them. Ri e kaib' k'ajolab' chikij. Then they passed by Ta xe'ik'ow Below his home Chuxe' rochoch Lord. .

He broke open therefore his mouth Kuraquj k'u u chi' The Seven Macaw because of his teeth. Ri Wuqub' Kaqix rumal re'.

Then he saw therefore Seven Macaw the grandfather, Ta xril k'ut Wuqub' Kaqix ri mama', 1090 Grandmother accompanying each other. Ati't kachb'ilan kib'.

“From where do you come our grandparents?” “Apa kixpe wi qa mam?” Said therefore the lord. Xcha' k'u ri ajaw.

“Merely we self-providers thou lord,” they said therefore. “Xa oj tzuqub'ey qib' lal ajaw,” xecha' k'ut. “What your means of providing? “Naqi pa i tzuqub'al?

Not your children that accompany you?” Ma iwalk'wal ri iwachb'ilan?” “Not they are thou lord. “Maja b'i lal ajaw.

Our grandsons E qa mam These. Ri'.

Only surely theirs, Xere na re, 1100 We pity their faces. Kaqatoq'ob'aj ki wach.

38 They receivers a portion, Ri ya'axel ju pir, Piece we give to them thou lord,” Ch'aqa'p kaqaya' chikech lal ajaw,”

They said therefore the grandmother, Xecha' k'ut ri ati't, Grandfather. Mama'.

Finished therefore the lord Kutzin k'u ri ajaw Because of its pain his teeth. Rumal u q'oxom re'.

Merely therefore great this effort now, Xa k'u nima'q wa' ch'ij chik, He says: Kach'awik:

“I then beg to you, “In ta b'a kanij chiwech, 1110 Take pity then on my face. Chitoq'ob'aj ta nu wach.

What medicine would you make? Naqi pa ki' chib'ano? What medicine for your curing?” Naqi on ki' chikunaj?”

He said therefore Xcha' k'ut Lord. Ajaw. “Merely their worms teeth we would remove. “Xa u chikopil e'yaj chiqelesaj. Merely therefore eyes we would cure. Xa k'u u b'aq' u wach chiqakunaj. Merely bones we would set, Xa b'aq chiqawiqo, Thou lord,” Lal ajaw,” They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut. 1120

“Good then that, “Utz b'a la', Cure then my teeth. Chikunaj ta b'a we'.

Truly they ache every day. Qitzij kaq'oxowik ju ta q'ij. Not will it be borne. Mawi choq'itajik.

There is not my sleep because of it, Maja b'i nu waram rumal, With its seeds my face. Ruk' u b'aq' nu wach.

Merely they blowgun shot me, Xa xiki'ub'aj, Two demons. E kaib' k'axtok'.

Then it began Ta xtikarik Not I eat because of it. Mawi kinecha'jik rumal. 1130

Thus then take pity on my face. Keje' ta k'ut chitoq'ob'aj wi nu wach.

39 Merely they molest Xa kachuyub'

My jaw now, We je chik, The my teeth.” Ri we'.”

“Good then that thou lord. “Utz b'a la' lal ajaw. Worm then causes them pain. Chikop b'a kaq'axuwik.

Merely will enter their replacement, Xa chok u k'exel, They will come out the teeth thine.” Chel ri e' la.”

“Not then good perhaps they will come out the my teeth, “Ma b'a utz lo chel ri we', By them only I lord. Rumal xere in ajaw wi. 1140

My finery the my teeth, Nu kawub'al ri we', With its seeds my face.” Ruk' u b'aq' nu wach.”

“We shall place now first therefore “Xchiqakoj chik na k'ut Their replacement ground bone.” U k'exel jok'om b'aq.”

It shall enter again this therefore ground bone Xchok chik are' k'ut jok'om b'aq The mere white grains of maize. Ri xa saqi ixim.

“Good then that, take them out, help here,” he said “Utz b'a la', chiwelesaj, chito'o' uloq,” therefore. xcha' k'ut. Then came out therefore the his teeth Seven Macaw. Ta xel k'u ri re' Wuqub' Kaqix.

Merely white grains of maize their replacement his teeth Xa saqi ixim u k'exel re' xokik, entered, Merely now therefore white shiny now here grains of Xa chi k'u saq julujuj chi ula ixim pu chi'. 1150 maize in his mouth.

Straightaway therefore fell his face, Ju su k'u xqaj u wach, Not lord now he appeared. Mawi ajaw chik xwachinik.

Completed coming out the his teeth, Xk'is elik ri re', Jewels blue/green brilliant in his mouth. K'uwal rax kawakoj pu chi'.

Then were treated now therefore his eyes Seven Macaw. Ta xkunax chi k'ut u b'aq' u wach Wuqub' Kaqix. Then were plucked away his eyes. Ta xch'olik u b'aq' u wach.

Completed its coming out Xk'is elik The precious metal. Ri puwaq.

40 Not surely pain he felt, Ma na k'ax taj xuna'o, Merely only he stares. Xa wi xere kamuqunik. 1160

Then completed therefore its coming out Ta xk'is k'u elik The his self-aggrandisement. Ri u nimarisab'al rib'.

Merely their plan the Hunahpu, Xa wi ki na'oj ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

Then he died therefore the Seven Macaw. Ta xkam k'ut ri Wuqub' Kaqix. Then he took therefore his arm the Hunahpu. Ta xuk'am33 k'ut u q'ab' ri Junajpu.

She died also Chimalmat, Xkam nay puch Chimalmat, His wife Seven Macaw. Rixoqil Wuqub' Kaqix.

Thus its loss his wealth Seven Macaw. Keje' k'ut u sachik u q'inomal Wuqub' Kaqix. The mere healers took it away: Ri xa aj kun xk'amowik: 1170

The jewels, Ri k'uwal, Precious stones. Yamanik.

They made him proud here Xupunab'ej waral On its face earth. Chuwach ulew.

Enchanted grandmother, Nawal ati't, Enchanted grandfather did it. Nawal mama' xb'anowik.

Then they took therefore Ta xkik'am k'ut Their arm, Ki q'ab',

It was implanted its socket, Xtikitax u kok, Good again it became. Utz chik xuxik. 1180

Merely because his death Seven Macaw they desired, Xa rumal u kamik Wuqub' Kaqix xkaj, Thus they did it. Keje' xkib'ano.

Wrong they saw it, Itzel xkilo,

33 The parallelism of xkam (he died), and xuk'am (he took), is based not on a similarity of concept but rather a play on the similar pronunciation of the respective verb roots, a form of intentional punning which the Maya dearly love to do both in every day conversation as well as in literature.

41 Self-aggrandisement. Nimarisab'al ib'.

Then therefore they went again, K'ate k'ut xeb'e chik, They two boys. E kaib' k'ajolab'.

Merely his word the its Heart Sky, Xa u tzij ri u K'u'x Kaj, Then they did it. Ta xkib'ano.

THESE now therefore his deeds now Zipacna, WA'E chi k'ute u b'anoj chik Sipakna, His first son Seven Macaw. U nab'e k'ajol Wuqub' Kaqix. 1190

“I maker mountains,” “In b'anol juyub',” Says the Zipacna. Kacha' ri Sipakna.

He therefore the Zipacna Are' k'u ri Sipakna Bathes at its mouth river Katinik chuchi' ja'

When they passed by Ta xe'ik'owik Five eighties boys. O' much' k'ajolab'. They dragging tree, E jur wi che', Its supporting beam their hut. Raqan ki kab'al. Five eighties O' much' Were walking along. Chub'inik. 1200

When they cut down therefore a great tree, Ta xkiq'at k'ut jun nima che', Its lintel their hut. U wapalil ki kab'al.

Then therefore went the Zipacna, K'ate k'ut xb'e ri Sipakna, He arrived therefore there with them the five eighties boys. Xopon k'u chila' kuk' ri o' much' k'ajolab'.

“What you do, “Naqi pa kib'ano, You boys?” Ix k'ajolab'?”

“Merely tree, “Xa che', Not we lift it Mawi kaqayako

To shoulder it.” Chiteleb'a'.” “I will carry it on my shoulders. “Xchintelej. 1210

Where does it go? Apa kopon wi? What its use in your hearts?” Naqi pa u chak chi i k'u'x?”

42 “Merely its lintel “Xa u wapalil Our hut.” Qa kab'al.”

“Good then that,” “Utz b'a la',” He says therefore. Cha' k'ut.

Then he dragged it therefore, Ta xujuruj k'ut, He carried it on his shoulders therefore up Xuteleb'a' k'u aq'anoq

To its mouth their hut Chuchi' ki kab'al Five eighties boys. O' much' k'ajolab'. 1220

“Merely then be with us, “Xa ta wi katk'oje' quk', You boy. At k'ajol.

Is there your mother, K'o pa a chuch, Your father?” A qajaw?”

“There are not,” “Maja b'i,” He said therefore. Xcha' k'ut.

“We ask for your help then surely then that. “Kaqacha'kimaj ta na b'a la'. Tomorrow will be raised another Chuwe'q chuwab'axik chik

An our tree, Jun qa che', Its supporting beam our hut.” Raqan qa kab'al.” 1230

“Good,” “Utz,” He said again therefore. Xcha' chi k'ut.

Then therefore were gathered their thoughts, K'ate k'ut xk'am ki na'oj, The five eighties boys. Ri o' much' k'ajolab'.

“This the boy, what will we do to him? “Are' ri ala, jupacha chiqab'an chire? We will kill him, Chiqakamisaj taj,

Because not good what he does. Rumal mawi utz ri kub'ano. Merely alone he lifted the tree. Xa u tukel mi xuyak ri che'.

Let us dig a great hole there, Qa k'oto' jun nima jul chiri', Then therefore we shall abandon him down in hole. Ta k'ut chiqatzaq wi qajoq pa jul. 1240

‘Go get it, ‘Jak'ama',

43 Bottom earth in hole,’ we say then to him again. Qaja ulew pa jul,’ kojcha' ta chire chi.

While then therefore bent over down in hole, Are ta k'ut pachal qajoq pa jul, Then we hurl down the great tree there. Ta qatarij qajoq ri nima che' chiri'.

Then therefore he will die in hole,” Ta k'ut chikam wi pa jul,” They said therefore five eighties boys. Xecha' k'ut o' much' k'ajolab'.

Then they dug therefore a great hole deep it went down. Ta xkik'ot k'ut jun nima jul najt xqajik. Then they summoned therefore the Zipacna: Ta xkitaq k'ut ri Sipakna:

“We entrust to you, “Oj kanij chawech, Go then to dig now earth. Chib'e ta a k'oto chik ulew. 1250

Not do we find it,” he was told. Mawi kaqariqo,” xuchaxik. “Good then that,” he said therefore. “Utz b'a la',” xcha' k'ut.

Then therefore he went down in hole. K'ate k'ut xqaj pa jul. “Call hither “Kasik'in uloq

When it shall have been dug up the earth, Ta k'ototajoq ri ulew, Deep then it will go down because of you,” Naj ta chiqajik awumal,”

He was told. Xuchaxik. “Fine,” he said therefore. “We',” xcha' k'ut.

Then he began its digging hole. Ta xutikib'a' u k'otik jul. Merely therefore its hole he dug his means of self-salvation.Xa k'u u jul xuk'oto u kolb'al rib'. 1260

He learned of the his being killed. Xreta'maj ri u kamisaxik. Then he dug therefore another head in hole to its side. Ta xuk'ot k'ut jun wi' chi jul chu tzalanem.

Second hole he dug, U ka jul xuk'oto, He was saved. Xkolotaj wi.

“To how far down in it?” “K'a janik'an pa la'?” Was said therefore down by five eighties boys. Xuchax k'u qajoq kumal o' much' k'ajolab'.

“I hasten its digging. “Kinan u k'oto. If I shall call you up there, We xkixnusik'ij aq'anoq,

Then it will be successful its being dug,” Ta chutzinoq u k'ototajik,” Said hither Zipacna there in hole. Xcha' uloq Sipakna chiri' pa jul. 1270

44 Not therefore he digs its bottom hole Ma k'u are' kuk'ot u xe' jul The his burial. Ri u muqikil.34 Merely its hole he digs Xa u jul kuk'oto Means of self-salvation. Kolb'al rib'.

Then therefore when he called hither the Zipacna, K'ate k'ut ta xsik'in uloq ri Sipakna, Saved from inside there in hole when he called hither. Kolon chuka chiri' pa jul ta xsik'in uloq.

“Come you. “Kixpetoq. Arrive Chul

To take earth, I k'ama' ulew, Its remnants hole. Rachaq jul. 1280

It was dug. Mi xk'ototajik. Truly deep it went down by me. Qitzij naj mi xqaj wumal.

Cannot you hear my call perhaps? Ma pa kita nu sik'ib'al lo? This therefore the your call. Are' k'u ri i sik'ib'al.

Merely thither Xa ub'i It echoes, Kaxojanik,

Like one remove, Keje' ri' jun eleb'al, Two removes you are. Kaib' eleb'al ix k'o wi.

I hear it,” Kanuta'o,” He said hither the Zipacna in his hole. Xcha' ula ri Sipakna pa u jul. 1290

There therefore sheltered now hither, Chiri' k'ut matzal chi wi uloq, He calls out now hither in hole. Kasik'iyaj chi ula pa jul.

This therefore is dragged hither the their great tree Are' k'ut kajurux uloq ri ki nima che' rumal k'ajolab', by boys, Then also they hurled down the tree in hole. K'ate puch xkitarij qajoq ri che' pa jul.

“Not he is, “Ma k'o, Not he speaks, Ma ch'awik,

We will hear when he breaks open his mouth, Chiqata na ta churaquj u chi',

34 The text says vmoquiquil, which is likely a scribal error considering the context.

45 Then he shall be dead,” Ta kamoq,”

They said to each other. Xecha' chi kib'il kib'. Merely they whisper. Xa kejaslajik. 1300

Merely also they would hide their faces Xa pu chimatzalaj ki wach Each one of them. Chi ki jujunal.

Then they hurled down the tree. Ta xkitarij qajoq ri che'. When therefore he spoke therefore. Are k'u xcha' k'ut. Then he broke open his mouth. Ta xuraquj u chi'. Merely one word more he called, Xa ju paj chik xsik'inik, Then was dropped out the tree. Ta xqaj apanoq ri che'.

“Aha, it was successful! “Oka, mi xutzinik! Truly good! Qi utz!

We did it to him. Mi xqab'ano chire. 1310 He died. Mi xkamik.

What then omen Ata lab'e Would persist Chitaqen

Would he do it, Chub'ano, Would he work? Chuchakuj?

Then he shall become Ta chuxoq First thing. U nab'e la'.

He placed here himself with us, Xukoj ula rib' quk', Among us as well, Chiqaxo'l puch,

Even us, La' oj, 1320 Five eighties boys!” O' much' chi35 k'ajolab'!”

They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut. They rejoice now. Keki'kot chik.

“There is this its making our sweet drink three days. “K'o ri' u b'anik qa ki' oxij. They pass three days also, Ke'ek'owik oxij puch,

35 Chi frequently follows numbers in K'iche' speech and has no separable meaning.

46 We will drink to dwelling, Chiquk'aj laq'ab'eb'al, Our hut, Qa kab'al,

Even us, La' oj, Five eighties boys!” they said. O' much' chi k'ajolab'!” xecha'.

“Tomorrow therefore we will see it. “Chuwe'q k'ut chiqilo. 1330 Two days also we will see it, Kab'ij puch chiqilo,

If not they come ants Ma pa chipe sanik From earth. Pu ulew.

When he shall smell, Ta chuwinoq, When decomposed. Ta q'eyoq.

Then therefore comforted again our hearts, K'ate k'ut ku'ul chi qa k'u'x, When we drink the our sweet drink,” they said therefore. Ta quk'aj ri qa ki',” xecha' k'ut.

He hears therefore hither Kuta' k'u uloq The Zipacna there in hole Ri Sipakna chiri' pa jul

When they said the boys this. Ta xkib'ij k'ajolab' ri'. 1340 Until on the second day as well, K'a chukab'ij puch,

Then assembled ants. Ta xtub'ukij sanik. They walk about, Keb'inowik, They swarm. Keb'uchuwik. Then they gathered beneath tree. Ta xek'ulun xe' che'.

Everywhere they carry with their teeth hair, Jumaj ki kayelo'n is, They carry with their teeth as well his nails Zipacna. Ki kayelo'n puch rixk'aq Sipakna.

Then they saw therefore Ta xkil k'u The boys: Ri k'ajolab':

“He was finished the demon. “Mi pa xutzin ri k'axtok'. 1350 Look at surely ants! Chiwila' na sanik!

They gathered hither, Mi xek'ulun uloq, They assembled hither. Mi xetub'ukij uloq.

Everywhere hair they carry with their teeth. Jumaj is ki kayen. There are his nails that can be seen surely. K'o rixk'aq ri chila' na.

47 We did it at last,” Mi xqab'ano k'a,” They said to each other. Xecha' chi kib'il kib'.

He therefore the Zipacna merely alive. Are' k'u ri Sipakna xa wi k'aslik. He cut off its hair his head. Xuq'at uloq rismal u wi'.

Merely as well he gnaws off his nails, Xa pu kuk'ux uloq rixk'aq, 1360 He gives them away to them the ants. Chire kuya' ula chikech ri sanik.

Thus he died Keje' k'u ri' xkamik They thought five eighties boys. Xkina'o o' much' k'ajolab'.

Then therefore they began their sweet drink on third day. K'ate k'ut xtikar ki ki' chi roxij. Then they got drunk also all boys, Ta xeq'ab'ar puch konojel k'ajolab', They therefore were drunk now all five eighties boys, E k'u q'ab'arinaq chik konojel o' much' k'ajolab', There is not they feel now. Maja b'i kakina' chik.

Then also it was collapsed the hut K'ate puch xulix ri kab'al On their heads by the Zipacna. Pa ki wi' rumal ri Sipakna.

They were finished, Xek'is, 1370 They were stricken all of them. Ch'ayatajik konojel.

There is not even one, Maja b'i chik jun, Two were saved of them the five eighties boys. Kaib' xkolotaj chikech ri o' much' chi k'ajolab'.

They were killed by Zipacna, Xekamisaxik rumal Sipakna, His son the Seven Macaw. U k'ajol ri Wuqub' Kaqix.

Thus their death, Keje' k'ut ki kamik, Five eighties boys these. O' much' k'ajolab' ri'.

It was said then therefore that they entered to constellation, Xcha' chi k'ut are' ri xe'ok chi ch'umilal, The Motz its name by them. Ri Motz u b'i' kumal.

If therefore merely whiteness word perhaps. We k'ut xa saqb'al tzij lo. 1380 This now therefore we will tell Are' chi k'ut chiqab'ij

His defeat now Zipacna U ch'akatajik chik Sipakna By the two boys, Rumal ri e kaib' k'ajolab',

Hunahpu, Junajpu,

48 Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

THIS now his defeat, ARE' chik u ch'akatajik, His death Zipacna, U kamik Sipakna,

When he was defeated now Ta xch'ak chik By the two boys, Kumal ri e kaib' k'ajolab',

Hunahpu, Junajpu, 1390 Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

This now offends their hearts boys, Are' chi kuyoq' ki k'u'x k'ajolab', The five eighties boys they died because of Zipacna. Ri o' much' chi k'ajolab' xekamik rumal Sipakna.

Merely fish, Xa kar, Merely crabs, Xa tap,

He would search for them in rivers. Chutzukuj chi taq a'. Only this he would feed upon each day, Xere chirecha'j ju ta q'ij,

By day he would wander when he would search for his food,Pa q'ij chiwa'katik ta chutzukuj recha', By night therefore he would carry on his back mountains. Chaq'ab' k'ut chireqaj juyub'.

Then therefore its transformation K'ate k'ut u jalwachixik 1400 A great crab Jun nima tap

By Hunahpu, Kumal Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

This therefore they used the its face bromelia flower, Are' k'ut xkikoj ri u wach ek', The picked bromelia flower that is in forests. Ri mak ek' k'o pa taq k'eche'laj.

This its claws crab became on opening. Are' u xul tap xuxik pa jaq. Also therefore its shell arms they used. Chi k'ut u kok q'ab' xkikojo.

Hollowed out stone therefore the its backside crab, Sel ab'aj k'u ri u wa rachaq tap, That is placed on the ground. Ri jowojik.

Then therefore they put its shell at its bottom cave, K'ate k'ut ta xkikoj u kok chuxe' pek, 1410 At its bottom great mountain. Chuxe' nima juyub'.

Meauan its name mountain, Meawan u b'i' juyub',

49 He was defeated. Xch'akataj wi.

Then therefore when they came the boys, K'ate k'ut ta xepe ri k'ajolab', They found the Zipacna at river. Xkik'u ri Sipakna chi ya'.

“Where are you going, “Apa katb'e wi, You boy?” At k'ajol?” Was asked therefore the Zipacna. Xcha'x k'u ri Sipakna. “There is not I go. “Maja b'i kinb'e wi. Merely my food I search for, Xa wecha' kanutzukuj, 1420 You boys,” Ix k'ajolab',” Said therefore the Zipacna. Xcha' k'u ri Sipakna. “What your food?” “Naqi pa awecha'?”

“Only fish, “Xa kar, Only crabs. Xa tap.

Not there are now Xma k'o chi wi I find them. Kanuriqo.

Two days ago I had to leave off being fed. Kab'ijir chinkanaj recha'xik. Not do I bear now hunger,” Mawi kanuch'ij chik waij,”

Said Zipacna to Hunahpu, Xcha' Sipakna chikech Junajpu, 1430 Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

“One this crab is there below canyon. “Jun are' la' tap k'o ula xe' siwan. True that great crab. Qitzij chi nima tap.

Try your luck then, Kaq'ij ta la', You will eat it perhaps. Chawecha'j lo.

Merely it bites us. Xa kojuti'o. It wanted to grab us. Mi xraj qa chapo.

We are afraid because of it. Kaqaxib'ij qib' rumal. Not he will go, you grab it,” Ma chib'e on, kachapa',”

Said the Hunahpu, Xecha' ri Junajpu, 1440 Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

“Take pity on my face. “Kitoq'ob'a' nu wach. Go then to guide me, Kib'e ta i wab'a',

50 You boys,” Ix k'ajolab',” Said the Zipacna. Xcha' ri Sipakna.

“Not then we would want to. “Ma b'a chiqaj. Merely then you go. Xa ta katb'ek. Not way of getting lost, Ma sachib'al taj, Merely its leg river you go, Xa raqan ja' katb'ek, You therefore standing out there below great mountain, At k'u tak'al aponoq xe' nima juyub', 1450 Placed hither below canyon. Jowol ula chuxe' siwan. Merely you go out there,” Xa katel apanoq,”

They said Hunahpu, Xecha' Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

“Please, “La qi b'a, Pity my face. Toq'ob' nu wach.

Not then it was found you boys. Ma b'a xuk'ulu ix k'ajolab'. You go first therefore to guide me. Kixb'e na k'u nu wab'a'.

There are many surely the birds. K'o k'i xo wi ri tz'ikin. You could go to blowgun shoot them. Chib'e taj iwub'aj. 1460

I know where they are,” Weta'm k'o wi,” Said then therefore Zipacna. Xcha' chi k'ut Sipakna.

He humbled himself with promise of reward, Xelajik, He wept surely before their faces boys. Xoq' na chikiwach k'ajolab'.

“Alas not truly therefore you shall grab perhaps, “La ma qi k'u xchachap lo, Then merely like we shall return by you. Ta xa keje' xkojtzalij awumal.

Not only not we ate it, Ma xa mawi xqatijo, Merely straighataway would bite this. Xa ju suk' chiti'onik ri'.

We on stomachs Oj jupulik We enter thither. Kojok ub'ik. 1470 Then therefore frightened this. K'ate k'ut kuxib'ij rib' ri' We on backs Oj pak'alik We enter thither. Kojok ub'ik. Merely therefore a little later, Xa k'u sqaqi'n chik, Not would we find it. Mawi chiqariqo.

51 Then therefore good you on back K'ate k'u utz at pak'alik You enter thither,” Katok ub'ik,”

He was told therefore. Xuchax k'ut. “Good then that,” said therefore the Zipacna. “Utz b'a la',” xcha' k'u ri Sipakna.

Then they went therefore, Ta xb'e k'ut, 1480 Accompanied by now therefore the Zipacna. Achb'ilan chi k'ut ri Sipakna.

They went, Xb'ek, They arrived at its bottom canyon. Xe'opon chuxe' siwan.

Placed therefore it the crab. Tzalam k'u la' ri tap. Red bright there its back below canyon. Kaq wakawoj ula rij xe' siwan.

This therefore their deception. Ri' k'ute ki kumatzij. “Good then that,” he would rejoice therefore the Zipacna. “Utz b'a la',” chiki'kot k'u ri Sipakna.

He wants greatly, Karaj taj, It shall enter then in his mouth, Xkok ta pu chi', Because truly finished with hunger. Rumal qitzij kutzin chi waij. 1490 He wanted to eat this. Xraj kutij ri'.

Merely he wanted on stomach Xa xraj jupunik He wanted to enter. Xraj okik.

High therefore the crab climbed up. Paqal k'u ri tap xaq'anik. Then therefore he went out from there. K'ate k'ut xel chu uloq.

“Not you found it?” he was told therefore. “Mawi xariqo?” xuchax k'ut. “There is not. “Maja b'i.

Merely high Xa paqalik It climbed up. Kaq'anik. Merely first a little more Xa nab'e sqaqi'n chik 1500 Not I found it. Mawi mi xnuriqo. Then good perhaps I on my back K'ate utz lo kipak'e'ik I enter thither,” he said now therefore. Kinok ub'ik,” xcha chi k'ut. Then therefore on his back now K'ate k'ut pak'al chik When he entered thither. Ta xok ub'ik.

Completed therefore entrance thither. Xk'is k'u ok ub'ik. Merely its head his knee now was showing hither. Xa u wi' u ch'ek chik xk'utun uloq.

52 Completed being swallowed up. Xk'is b'iq'itajik.

Settled therefore down great mountain upon his chest. Xlilob' k'u qajoq nima juyub' chi u k'u'x. Not he turned over again. Mawi xsolkopij chik. 1510

Stone therefore came to be the Zipacna. Ab'aj k'ut xuxik ri Sipakna. Thus his defeat now Zipacna Keje' u ch'akatajik chik Sipakna

By boys Hunahpu, Kumal k'ajolab' Junajpu, Xbalanque, Xb'alanke,

“The Maker Mountains,” was called. “Ri B'anol Juyub',” xcha'. Its account ancient his first son Seven Macaw. U tzijoxik ojer u nab'e k'ajol Wuqub' Kaqix.

Below mountain, Chuxe' juyub', Meauan its name, Meawan u b'i',

He was defeated. Xch'akataj wi. Merely enchantment was he defeated Xa nawal xch'akataj wi 1520

Second self-aggrandiser. U kab' nimarisay rib'. One other therefore Jun chi k'ut

We shall tell Xchiqab'ij His tale. U b'ixik.

THIRD therefore self-aggrandiser, ROX chi k'ut nimarisay rib', Second his son Seven Macaw, U kab' u k'ajol Wuqub' Kaqix,

Cabracan his name. Kab'raqan u b'i'. “I wrecker mountains,” he said. “In yojol juyub',” xcha'.

Merely therefore only Hunahpu, Xa wi k'u xere Junajpu, Xbalanque, Xb'alanke, 1530

Was his being defeated Cabracan. Xch'akow re Kab'raqan. Said the Huracan, Xcha' ri Juraqan,

Youngest Thunderbolt, Ch'i'pi Kaqulja, Sudden Thunderbolt when they spoke Raxa Kaqulja ta xch'awik

To then the Hunahpu, Chikech ri Junajpu,

53 Xbalanque: Xb'alanke:

“Second his son Seven Macaw one other, “U kab' u k'ajol Wuqub' Kaqix jun chik, One other will be defeated. Jun chik chich'akatajik.

Merely my word, Xa wi nu tzij, Because not good Rumal mawi utz 1540

Their deeds on its face earth. Ki b'anoj chuwach ulew. They surpass sun Kakik'owisaj q'ij

In greatness, Chi nimal, In weightiness. Chi alal.

Not therefore as it should be. Ma k'u keje' chuxik. Lure him therefore away Chib'ochi'j k'u ub'ik

There Chila' Its coming out sun,” Releb'al q'ij,”

Said therefore the Huracan Xcha' k'ut ri Juraqan To the two boys. Chike ri e kaib' k'ajolab'. 1550

“Good then that, “Utz b'a la', Thou lord. Lal ajaw.

We have always been thus, Qe wi na k'ut, Not good we see him. Mawi utz wi kaqilo.

Not where thou art, Ma pa lal k'olik, Thou also lifted up, Lal pu yakalik,

Thou its Heart Sky,” Lal u K'u'x Kaj,” They said therefore the boys, Xecha' k'ut ri k'ajolab',

When they responded to Ta xkik'ulub'a' His word Huracan. U tzij Juraqan. 1560

He also is occupied the Cabracan, Are' puch katajin ri Kab'raqan, Wrecker mountains. Yojol juyub'.

Merely a little he would tap his foot on its face earth, Xa sqaqi'n chutinij raqan chuwach ulew,

54 Straightaway would tumble down Ju su chiwulij36

Great mountains, Nima juyub', Small mountains by him. Ch'uti juyub' rumal.

Then he was met Ta xk'ulutaj By the boys. Kumal ri k'ajolab'.

“Where you go you boy?” “Apa katb'e wi at k'ajol?” They said to him, Xecha' chirech, 1570 The Cabracan. Ri Kab'raqan. “There is not I go. “Maja b'i kinb'e wi.

Merely I feller mountain, Xa in uliy juyub', I also wrecker of it, In puch yojol rech,

As long as goes sun, Chi b'e q'ij, As long as goes light,” Chi b'e saq,”

He said therefore Xcha' k'ut When he spoke. Ta xch'awik.

He said again therefore Xcha' chi k'ut The Cabracan Ri Kab'raqan 1580

To them the Hunahpu, Chike ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

“Where did you come from? “Jupacha xpetik? Not I know your faces. Mawi weta'm i wach.

What are your names?” said Cabracan. Naqi pa i b'i'?” xcha' Kab'raqan. “There are not our names. “Maja b'i qa b'i'.

Merely we have blowgun hunted, Xa oj ub'om, Merely also we have trapped in mountains. Xa pu oj tzarab'om pa taq juyub'.

Merely we poor orphans. Xa oj meb'a'. There is not what is ours you boy. Maja b'i naqi la' qech at k'ajol. 1590

36 The manuscript reads bulih, which is likely a scribal error for vulih.

55 Merely small mountains, Xa ch'uti juyub', Merely great mountains we go you boy. Xa nima juyub' kojb'ek at k'ajol.

This therefore the one great mountain we saw. Are' k'u ri jun nima juyub' xqilo. Merely incessantly Xa kokil

It grows, Kak'iyik, Truly far it rises up. Qitzij najt kaq'anik. Merely it increases in size, Xa kaq'upupik, It surpasses to its top mountains all. Kik'owik chuwi' juyub' ronojel.

There is not therefore one, Ma k'u ja b'i jun, Two birds Kaib' tz'ikin 1600

We caught before its face you boy. Mi xqak'am chuwach at k'ajol. Is it therefore true you fell all mountains you boy?” We k'ut qitzij kawulij ronojel juyub' at k'ajol?”

They asked the Hunahpu, Xecha' ri Junajpu, Xbalanque to Cabracan. Xb'alanke chire Kab'raqan.

“Not true you saw it “Ma qitzij xiwilo The mountain you say? Ri juyub' kib'ij?

Where is it? Apa k'o wi? You shall see it surely, Xchiwil na, I shall fell it down. Xchinwulij qajoq. Where did you see it?” Apa xiwil wi?” 1610

“There then it is “Chila' b'a k'o wi At its coming out sun,” Chi releb'al q'ij,”

They said therefore Hunahpu, Xecha' k'ut Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

“Good. “Utz. Take our road,” Chik'ama' qa b'e,”

They were told therefore, Xe'uchax k'u, The two boys. Ri e kaib' chi k'ajolab'.

“There is not, merely you take middle “Maja b'i, xa kachape nik'aj Between us you are, Chiqaxo'l katk'oje' wi, 1620

56 One to your left, Jun chamox, One to your right hand of us. Jun chawikiq'ab' chiqe.

Because there are our blowguns, Rumal k'o qa wub', If there are birds we will shoot them,” We k'o tz'ikin chiqawub'aj,”

They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut. They rejoice Keki'kot

That they will practice Chikitijtob'ela' Their blowgun shooting. Ki wub'anik.

This therefore when they shoot blowguns, Are' k'u ri ta kewub'anik, Not surely clay its pellet their blowguns. Ma na ulew taj u b'aq' ki wub'. 1630

Merely they would blow at the birds when they would Xa chikuxlab'ij ri tz'ikin ta chikiwub'aj. shoot blowguns. He would be amazed therefore the Cabracan. Chumayijaj k'u ri Kab'raqan.

Then they twist-drilled therefore Ta xkib'aq k'u Their fire the boys. Ki q'aq' ri k'ajolab'.

They roasted therefore their birds on its face fire. Xkib'ol k'ut ki tz'ikin chuwach q'aq'. One therefore bird they coated quicklime Jun k'ut tz'ikin xkik'u'l sajkab' On its skin. Chirij. White earth they put on it. Saqi ulew xkikojo. “This therefore we will give to him “Are' k'ut chiqaya' chire When become ravenous with hunger, Ta jiq'onoq, 1640 When he savors also its aroma our birds. Ta chutziqa' puch ruxlab' qa tz'ikin. Then he is defeated. Ta ch'akajoq. This therefore the earth shall enter Are' k'u ri ulew xchok On its skin Chirij Bird by us in earth Tz'ikin qumal pulew We will cook it. Chiqatzak wi.

Thus in earth Keje' k'ut pulew He will be buried. Chimuq wi.

If great, We nima, Sage, Eta'manel, 1650

One framing, Jun tz'aq, One shaping, Jun b'it,

57 Then may it be sown, Ta chawaxoq, Then may it dawn,” they said the boys. Ta saqiroq,” xecha' ri k'ajolab'.

“Because merely he shall desire “Rumal xa xchirayin wi His wanting with all his heart U k'u'xlal

This which he will eat, Ri' chiti'k, Which will be cooked, Chichaq'uxik,

Thus shall desire Keje' xchurayij His heart the Cabracan,” U k'u'x ri Kab'raqan,” 1660

They said to each other Hunahpu, Xecha' chi kib'il kib' Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

Then they roasted the birds, Ta xkib'ol ri tz'ikin, It was cooked therefore golden-brown its roasting. Xchaq'aj k'ut q'an u b'olik.

It would drip now grease its skin the birds, Chiyipowik chi kab'chiyanik kij ri tz'ikin, It would smell fragrant its aroma. Chik'owinik simisoj ruxlab'.

He therefore the Cabracan Are' k'u ri Kab'raqan Desires then to be fed. Kurayij chik recha'xik.

Merely it overflows Xa kawajin Its secretions in his mouth. U wa'l pu chi'. 1670

Merely he gulps, Xa kab'iq'ilajik, He drools also Kaqurulaj puch

His saliva, U chub', His spittle, U k'axaj,

Because of their fragrance birds. Rumal u simsojil tz'ikin. Then he begged therefore: Ta xutz'onoj k'ut:

“What the your food? “Naqi pa ri iwecha'? Truly delicious its aroma I smell. Qitzij kus ruxlab' kanuna'o.

Give then a little to me,” he said therefore. Chiya' ta sqaqi'n wech,” xcha' k'ut. Then they gave therefore a bird to him Cabracan. Ta xya' k'ut jun tz'ikin chire Kab'raqan. 1680

58 His defeat therefore this. U ch'akatajik k'u ri'. Then therefore he finished the bird. K'ate k'ut xuk'is ri tz'ikin.

Then they went again therefore, Ta xb'e chi k'ut, They arrived therefore Xe'opon k'u

There its coming out sun, Chila' releb'al q'ij, Where is the great mountain. K'o wi ri nima juyub'.

He therefore, Are' k'u, The Cabracan, Ri Kab'raqan,

Merely weakened now his legs, Xa tub'ul chik raqan, His arms. U q'ab'. 1690

Not he will be strong again Ma b'i chikowin chik Because of the earth coated Rumal ri ulew xk'u'l

On its skin bird Chirij tz'ikin He ate. Xuti'o.

Not therefore is there now Ma k'u ja b'i' chik What he did again to mountains. Naqi la' xub'an37 chik chire juyub'.

Not was it successful Mawi xutzinik Their causing to be fallen apart. Xwulijtaj.

Then he was tied up therefore by boys. Ta xim k'ut kumal k'ajolab'. Behind him tied up his hands. Chirij xim wi u q'ab'. 1700 Care was taken of his hands by boys. Xrilij u q'ab' kumal k'ajolab'. Tied up therefore its neck his legs its two together. Xim k'ut u qul raqan u kab' ichal.

Then therefore they hurled him down into earth, K'ate k'ut xkitarij qajoq pulew, They buried him. Xkimuqu.

Thus his being defeated Cabracan, Keje' k'ut u ch'akatajik Kab'raqan, These merely only Ri' xa wi xere

Hunahpu, Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

37 The manuscript reads xubban, likely a scribal error.

59 Not counted their deeds Mawi ajilan ki b'anoj Here on its face earth. Waral chuwach ulew. 1710

This then therefore we shall tell now Are' chi k'ut xchiqab'ij chik Their birth Kalaxik

Hunahpu, Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

This first we told Are' nab'e mi xqab'ij The their being defeated Seven Macaw, Ri ki ch'akatajik Wuqub' Kaqix,

With Zipacna, Ruk' Sipakna, With Cabracan, Ruk' Kab'raqan,

Here Waral On its face earth. Chuwach ulew. 1720

THIS then therefore we shall name now ARE' chi k'ut xchiqab'i'j chik His name their father U b'i' ki qajaw

The Hunahpu, Ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

We shall retell to its head. Xqakamuluj38 chuwi'. Merely also we shall retell Xa pu xqakamuluj

Its telling, U b'ixik, Its account also, U tzijoxik puch,

Their being begotten the Hunahpu, Ki k'ajolaxik ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke. 1730

Merely half we shall tell, Xa nik'aj xchiqab'ij, Merely little part its telling their father. Xa ch'aqa'p u b'ixik ki qajaw.

THIS therefore its account WA'E k'ute u tzijoxik These their names the One Hunahpu,39 they are called. Are' ki b'i' ri Jun Junajpu, ke'uchaxik.

38 The manuscript reads camuh, although from the context the root verb should likely be camuluh (to retell, repeat, review, go over).

60 These therefore their parents, the Xpiyacoc, Are' k'ut ki qajaw, ri Xpiyakok, Xmucane. Xmuqane.

In darkness, Chi q'equ'mal, In night, Chi aq'ab'al,

They were born the One Hunahpu, Xe'alaxik ri Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu, Wuqub' Junajpu, 1740

By Xpiyacoc, Kumal Xpiyakok, Xmucane. Xmuqane.

This therefore the One Hunahpu two he had children, Are' k'u ri Jun Junajpu e kaib' xeralk'u'alaj, They also two his sons. E pu kaib' u k'ajol.

One Batz his name first child, Jun B'atz' u b'i' nab'e al, One Chouen again therefore his name his second child. Jun Chowen chi k'ut u b'i' u kab' al.

This therefore her name their mother this: Are' k'ut u b'i' ki chuch wa': Xbaquiyalo she is called, Xb'akiyalo chuchaxik,

His wife Rixoqil One Hunahpu. Jun Junajpu. 1750 This therefore the Seven Hunahpu Are' k'u ri Wuqub' Junajpu There is not his wife. Maja b'i rixoqil.

Merely his companion, Xa u laq'el, Merely also second, Xa pu u kab', Merely servant his nature. Xa k'ajol u k'oje'ik.

Great knowers, E nima'q aj na'oj, Great also their knowledge. Nim puch keta'mab'al.

Seers E nik'wachinel Here on its face earth. Waral chuwach ulew.

Merely good their nature, Xa utz ki k'oje'ik, 1760 Their arising also. Ki yake'ik puch.

39 The “they” of this line must refer to One Hunahpu and his brother Seven Hunahpu, although the latter is not mentioned specifically.

61 They revealed talents Xkik'utu na'wikil Before their faces Chikiwach

The One Batz, Ri Jun B'atz', One Chouen, Jun Chowen,

His sons U k'ajol One Hunahpu. Jun Junajpu.

Flautists, E aj su', Singers, E aj b'ix,

Their occupations also writers, E aj pu aj tz'ib', 1770 Also carvers, E nay pu aj k'ot,

Jade workers, E aj xit, Precious metalsmiths, E aj puwaq,

They became the One Batz, Xe'uxik ri Jun B'atz', One Chouen. Jun Chowen.

This therefore the One Hunahpu, Are' k'u ri Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu, Wuqub' Junajpu,

Merely dice, Xa sak, Merely ball, Xa cha'j,

They would play Chikib'ano 1780 Every day. Ju ta q'ij.

Merely paired they would oppose each other, Xa e kakab' chikik'ulelaj kib', Four all of them, E kajib' chi konojel,

When they gather together Ta kekuchmayijik In ballcourt. Pa jom.

Would arrive therefore the Falcon, Chul k'u ri Wok, Watcher of them, Ilol ke,

His messenger U samajel Huracan then, Juraqan chi, Youngest Thunderbolt, Ch'i'pi Kaqulja, 1790

62 Sudden Thunderbolt. Raxa Kaqulja. This therefore the Falcon, Are' k'u ri Wok,

Not far here on its face earth, Mawi naj waral chuwach ulew, Not far to for him. Mawi naj chi Xib'alb'a chire.

Suddenly then he would arrive again Lib'aj chi chopon chik In sky with Huracan. Chi kaj ruk' Juraqan.

They tarried here Xeyaluj waral On its face earth. Chuwach ulew.

She had died Xkaminaq By then therefore their mother K'a k'ut ki chuch 1800

The One Batz, Ri Jun B'atz', One Chouen. Jun Chowen.

This therefore its path Xibalba Are' k'ut u b'e'el Xib'alb'a They played ball. Xecha'j wi.

Then they heard it therefore Ta xkita k'ut One Death, Jun Kame, Seven Death, Wuqub' Kame, Its lords Xibalba. Rajawal Xib'alb'a.

“What is this being done “Naqi pa ri' kab'an On its face earth? Chuwach ulew? 1810

Merely they stomp about, Xa keniknotik, Merely also they shout. Xa pu kejuminik.

May they go to summon Keb'e ta taqoq Here. Waral taj.

They arrive to play ball. Ke'ul cha'j wi. May we defeat them therefore. Keqach'ak ta k'ut.

Merely there is not our being honored by them, Xa maja b'i qa nimaxik kumal, There is not their honor, Maja b'i ki nim, There is not also their respect Ma pu ja b'i' ki xob' Comes to be. Kuxik. 1820

63 Certainly they act arrogantly here over our heads,” Xax kejikik uloq pa qa wi',” They said therefore all Xibalba. Xecha' k'ut kono[jel]40 Xib'alb'a.

Then they gathered Ta xkik'am Their thoughts all of them, Ki na'oj konojel,

These their names One Death, Ri' ki b'i' Jun Kame, Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame.

Great judges, E nima'q q'atol tzij, These therefore the lords all of them. Are' k'u ri ajawab' ronojel.

Given his task, Ya'ol u patan, His dominion as well, Rajawarem puch, 1830

Each of lords by One Death, Jujun chi ajawab' rumal Jun Kame, Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame.

These therefore the Flying Scab, Are' k'u ri Xik'iri Pat, Gathered Blood their names lords. Kuchuma Kik' u b'i' ajaw.

This therefore their task, Are' k'ut ki patan, The blood they would sicken person. Ri kik' chuyab'ij winaq.

These then therefore the Demon Pus, Are' chi k'u ri Ajal Puj, Demon Jaundice then their lords. Ajal Q'ana chik ki ajawab'.

This therefore their dominion, Are' k'ut kajawarem, These would swell up person. Ri' chisipojik winaq. 1840

Would come pus on its skin his legs, Chipe puj chirij raqan, Would come jaundice on its skin his face, Chipe q'ana chirij u wach,

To jaundice as it is said. Chuq'anel chuchaxik. Then therefore their dominion K'ate k'ut rajawarem

Demon Pus, Ajal Puj, Demon Jaundice. Ajal Q'ana wi.

These then therefore the lord Staff Bone, Are' chi k'u ri ajaw Ch'ami'ya B'aq, Staff Skull, Ch'ami'ya Jolom,

40 The manuscript reads conoh, which is likely a scribal error for conohel.

64 Its staff bearers Xibalba, Raj ch'ami'y Xib'alb'a, Merely bones their staffs. Xa b'aq ki ch'ami'y. 1850

These therefore their staff bearers, Are' k'ut kaj ch'ami'yal, These would skeletize person, Ri' chib'aqir winaq,

Truly to bone, Qitzij chi b'aq, To skulls now. Chi jolom chik.

Then he would die emaciated bones, Ta chikamik siyaj b'aq, Swelling he would receive. Xupan chik'amowik.

This their task Staff Bone, Are' u patan wi Ch'ami'ya B'aq, Staff Skull their names. Ch'ami'ya Jolom ki b'i'.

These then therefore the lord Demon Sweepings, Are' chi k'u ri ajaw Ajal Mes, Demon Stabbings their names. Ajal Toq'ob' ki b'i'. 1860

This their task, Are' ki patan, These merely they would overtake person. Ri' xa chik'ulwachij winaq.

If abandoned sweepings, We tza mes, If dregs as well, We pe pu,

Behind house, Chirij ja, Before its face house, Chuwa ja,

He would be overtaken, Chik'ulwachix wi, Merely they would stab him. Xa chikitoq'o.

Then he would go face down on its face earth, Ta chib'e jupuloq chuwach ulew, Then he would die. Ta chikamik. 1870

This therefore their dominion Demon Sweepings, Are' k'ut kajawarem Ajal Mes, Demon Stabbings they are called. Ajal Toq'ob' ke'uchaxik.

These then therefore the Lord Wing, Are' chi k'u ri Ajaw Xik', Packstrap their names. Patan ki b'i'.

This their dominion the person who would die on road, Are' kajawarem ri winaq chikam pa b'e, Merely sudden death as it is called. Xa rax kamik chuchaxik.

65 There would come blood in his mouth, Chipe kik' pu chi', Then he would die vomiting blood. Ta chikamik chuxawaj kik'.

Merely each to their task, Xa jujun chi patan, Their shouldered burden. Ki telela'on. 1880

Merely they would wear out his neck, Xa chikikosij u qulel, His heart person. U k'u'x winaq.

Then he would die on road. Ta chikam pa b'e. Merely they would cause it to happen outside Xa chikik'ulmaj apanoq

If he would go walking, We chib'inik, They would arrive. Chikul.

This therefore their dominion Wing, Are' k'ut kajawarem Xik', Packstrap this. Patan ri'.

These therefore they gathered together Are' k'ut xkikuch Their thoughts these Ki na'oj ri' 1890

When they were persecuted, Ta xetza'ixik, When they were harassed as well Ta xek'otob'ax puch

One Hunahpu, Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu. Wuqub' Junajpu.

This they desired Xibalba, Are' xkirayij Xib'alb'a, The their gaming things Ri ketz'ab'al

One Hunahpu, Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu: Wuqub' Junajpu: The their leathers, Ri ki tz'um, Their yokes, Ki b'ate, 1900 Their arm protectors, Ki pach' q'ab', Their headdresses, Ki yach wach, Face masks also. Wach sot puch. Their finery Ki kawub'al One Hunahpu, Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu. Wuqub' Junajpu.

This then therefore we shall tell now Are' chi k'ut xchiqab'ij chik

66 Their journey to Xibalba. Ki b'e'ik41 chi Xib'alb'a.

They remained therefore behind the One Batz, Xekanaj k'u kanoq ri Jun B'atz', [One] Chouen, [Jun]42 Chowen, 1910

His sons U k'ajol One Hunahpu. Jun Junajpu.

She had died their mother. Xkaminaqoq ki chuch. Before above now their being defeated now K'a chuwi' chik ki ch'akatajik chik

One Batz, Jun B'atz', One Chouen, Jun Chowen,

By Hunahpu, Kumal Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

THEN therefore their coming messengers by One Death, K'ATE k'ut ki petik samajel rumal Jun Kame, Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame. 1920

“Go you their councilors warriors. “Kixb'ek ix raj pop achij. Go to summon Je' i taqa

The One Hunahpu, Ri Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu. Wuqub' Junajpu.

Tell them when you arrive with them, Kixcha' ta kixopon kuk', ‘They must come say lords to you. ‘Kepetoq kecha' ajawab' chiwech.

Here may they arrive to play ball with us. Waral taj ke'ul cha'ja wi quk'. May our faces be revived with them. Chiqak'astaj ta qa wach kuk'.

Truly we marvel greatly now, Qitzij kaqamayijaj k'i chi, Thus then they come, they say lords. Keje' ta k'ut kepe wi, kecha' ajawab'. 1930

May they bring therefore hither Chikik'am k'u uloq The their implements: Ri ki chokonisan:

41 The manuscript reads byc. Mondloch (personal communication) suggests that this should likely be beyc, which is the current pronunciation of the word. This is either an archaic form or a scribal error.

42 The manuscript leaves out the jun (one), although it is implied (see line 1916).

67 Their yokes, Ki b'ate, Their arm protectors, Ki pach' q'ab', Will come also the their rubber ball, Chipe nay puch ri ki kik',

They say lords,’ Kecha' ajawab',’ Tell them when you shall arrive,” Kixcha' ta kixoponoq,”

They were told the messengers. Xe'uchaxik ri samajel. These therefore their messengers the owls: Are' k'ut ki samajel ri tukur:

Arrow Owl Ch'ab'i Tukur, 1940 One Leg Owl, Juraqan Tukur, Macaw Owl, Kaqix Tukur, Skull Owl, Jolom Tukur,

They are called, Ke'uchaxik, Its messengers Xibalba. U samajel Xib'alb'a.

This the Arrow Owl, Are' ri Ch'ab'i Tukur, Like arrow, Keje' ri' ch'ab', Merely piercing. Xa kopkik. This therefore the One Leg Owl Are' k'u ri Juraqan Tukur Merely one his leg, Xa jun raqan, 1950 There are his wings. K'o u xik'. This therefore the Macaw Owl Are' k'u ri Kaqix Tukur Red his back, Q'aq' rij, There are his wings. K'o u xik'. This now also the Skull Owl, Are' chi nay puch ri Jolom Tukur, Merely alone his skull. Xa u tukel u jolom. There are no his legs, Maja b'i raqan, Merely his wings there are. Xa u xik' k'olik.

They four the messengers, E kajib' ri samajel, Their councilors warriors their burden. Raj pop achijab' keqalem. 1960

Then they came therefore there, Ta xepe k'ut chila', From Xibalba. Chi Xib'alb'a.

Suddenly then they arrived, Lib'aj chi xe'ulik, They therefore perched E k'u tak'al

On its top ballcourt. Chuwi' jom. They play ball therefore, Kecha'j k'ut,

68 One Hunahpu, Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu, Wuqub' Junajpu,

In ballcourt, Pa jom, The Honor, Ri Nim, 1970 Respect, Xob', Carchah, it is called Karchaj, chuchaxik.

They therefore alighted the owls E k'u tak'atoj ri tukur On its top ballcourt. Chuwi' jom.

Then they framed therefore their words, Ta xkitz'aq k'ut ki tzij, Merely only its order their words Xa wi xere u cholik u tzij

One Death, Jun Kame, Seven Death, Wuqub' Kame,

Demon Pus, Ajal Puj, Demon Jaundice, Ajal Q'ana, 1980

Staff Bone, Ch'ami'ya B'aq, Staff Skull, Ch'ami'ya Jolom,

Flying Scab, Xik'iri Pat, Gathered Blood, Kuchuma Kik',

Demon Sweepings, Ajal Mes, Demon Stabbings, Ajal Toq'ob',

Wing, Xik', Packstrap, Patan,

Their names all lords, Ki b'i' konojel ajawab', Were framed their words by owls. Xtz'aq ki tzij kumal tukur. 1990

“Not their words they say lords “Ma ki tzij kacha' ajaw One Death, Jun Kame, Seven Death? Wuqub' Kame? Their words then that they say. Ki tzij b'a la' kecha'.

We surely therefore companions to you. Oj na k'u achb'ilay iwe. ‘You will bring hither the all gaming things,’ ‘Chik'am uloq ri ronojel ketz'ab'al,’

69 They say lords.” Kecha' ajawab'.” “Good then that. “Utz b'a la'.

You wait for us first, Kojiwoyob'ej na, We first leave instructions behind surely our mother,” Oj na qa pixab'aj kan na qa chuch,” 2000 they said therefore. xecha' k'ut.

They went therefore to their home, Xeb'e k'ut chi kochoch, They spoke therefore to their mother. Xecha' k'ut chire ki chuch.

He had died their father. Xkaminaqoq ki qajaw. “We go surely you our mother. “Jo' na ix qa chuch.

Recently they arrive, Xa et kulik, They arrived his messengers lord, Mi xul u samajel ajaw,

Takers of us. K'amol qe. ‘They must come,’ is said therefore. ‘Kepetoq,’ kacha' k'ut. They say Kecha' Summoners of us. Taqol qe. 2010

It shall remain therefore behind this our rubber ball,” Xchikanaj k'u kan wa' qa kik',” xecha' k'ut. they said therefore. Then they went to tie it up behind above house. K'ate xb'e ki xima kanoq puwi' ja.

“We arrive surely, “Kojul na, Then we shall use it again.” K'ate chiqachokonisaj chik.”

“Merely play the flute, “Xa kixsu'anoq,43 Merely also sing, Xa pu kixb'ixanoq,

Write, Kixtz'ib'anoq, Carve. Kixk'otonoq.

You shall warm our home, Chimeq'oj qochoch, You shall warm also her heart your grandmother,” Chimeq'oj puch u k'u'x iwati't,” 2020

They were told therefore One Batz, Xe'uchax k'ut Jun B'atz', One Chouen when they were instructed. Jun Chowen ta xepixab'axik.

43 The manuscript reads tzuanoc. Apparently a scribal error for zuanoc.

70 Bitterly therefore Q'usq'us k'ut She shall weep Choq'

Their mother, Ki chuch, The Xmucane. Ri Xmuqane.

“We go surely, “Jo' na, There is not we die. Maja b'i kojkamik. Do not grieve,” Mixb'isonik,” They said when they went, Xecha' ta xeb'ek, 2030

One Hunahpu, Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu. Wuqub' Junajpu.

THEN also when they went One Hunahpu, K'ATE puch ta xeb'ek Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu. Wuqub' Junajpu.

It was taken their road by the messengers, Xk'am ki b'e kumal ri samajel, Then they descended therefore on its path Xibalba. Ta xeqaj k'ut pu b'e'al Xib'alb'a.

Steep its mouth steps, Xuluxuj u chi' kumuk, They descended therefore. Xeqaj k'ut.

Then they went out again therefore beyond Ta xe'el chi k'u aponoq At its mouth turbulent river canyons, Chuchi' jal ja' siwanub', 2040

Trembling Canyon, Nu' Siwan, Murmuring Canyon their names. K'ulk'u Siwan u b'i'.

They passed through. Xe'ik'ow44 wi. They passed through again therefore Xe'ik'ow chi k'ut

Into turbulent rivers: Chupan jal ja'l: River Scorpion, Ja' Simaj, Not counted scorpions. Mawi ajilan simaj. They passed through, Xe'ik'ow wi, Not they were stung. Mawi xetoq'otajik. Then they arrived again therefore at river, Ta xe'opon chi k'ut chi a', 2050 At Blood River. Chi Kik'i A'.

44 The manuscript reads xeeco. This is either an archaic form of the modern K'iche' xe'ik'ow (they passed through), or a scribal error.

71 They passed through there, Xe'ik'ow chiri', Not they drank. Mawi xkuk'aj. They arrived at river, Xe'opon chi a', Alone pus at river. U tukel puj45 chi a'. Not they were defeated, Mawi xech'akatajik, Merely they passed through again. Xa wi xe'ik'ow chik.

Then they arrived again therefore on four crossing roads, Ta xe'opon chi k'ut pa kajib' xalkat b'e, Yet there therefore they were defeated on four crossing K'a chiri' k'ut xech'akataj wi pa kajib' xalkat b'e: roads:

One red road, Jun kaqa b'e, 2060 One therefore black road, Jun k'ut q'eqa b'e, White road one, Saqi b'e jun, One therefore yellow road. Jun k'ut q'ana b'e.

Four roads. Kajib' b'e.

This therefore said the black road: Are' k'ut xch'aw ri q'eqa b'e: “I, you take me. “In kinik'amo. I his road lord,” In u b'e ajaw,” Said the road. Xch'aw ri b'e.

There therefore Chiri' k'ut They were defeated. Xech'akataj wi. 2070 This they began the road Xibalba. Are' xkitaqej ri b'e Xib'alb'a. Then they arrived therefore in their council place its Ta xe'opon k'ut pa ki popob'al rajawal Xib'alb'a. lords Xibalba. They were defeated again Xech'akataj chi Therefore there. K'ut chiri'.

These first seated ones these, Are' nab'e ku'b'ulel ri', Merely effigies, Xa poy, Merely carved wood, Xa ajam che', Adorned by Xibalba. Kawutalik kumal Xib'alb'a.

These therefore first they greeted: Are' k'ut nab'e xkiq'ijila: “Morning, One Death,” “Q'ala, Jun Kame,” 2080 They said to the effigy. Xecha' chire ri poy.

45 The manuscript reads puch (also) which is likely a scribal error for puj (pus).

72 “Morning, Seven Death,” “Q'ala, Wuqub' Kame,” They said again to the carved wood. Xecha' chik chire ri ajam che'. Not therefore they prevailed. Ma k'u xech'akowik.

Then therefore they roared its lords Xibalba with laughter. K'ate k'ut xejumujub' rajawal Xib'alb'a chi tze'. Merely they roared again with laughter all lords, Xa kejumin chik chi tze' konojel ajawab',

Because they completely prevailed, Rumal xech'akomajik, In their hearts they defeated Chi ki k'u'x xkich'ak

The One Hunahpu, Ri Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu. Wuqub' Junajpu. 2090

They laughed surely. Xetze'n na. Then therefore they spoke now, K'ate k'ut xech'aw chik,

One Death, Jun Kame, Seven Death: Wuqub' Kame:

“Good then that, “Utz b'a la', You arrived. Mi xixulik.

Tomorrow you will put down its face your yokes, Chuwe'q chiqasa' u wach i b'ate, Your arm protectors,” they were told therefore. I pach' q'ab',” xe'uchax k'ut.

“Sit on our bench,” they were told. “Kixku'loq chi qa tem,” xe'uchaxik. Alone therefore very hot stone their bench was given. U tukel k'u k'atanalaj ab'aj ki tem xya'ik. 2100

They were burned then therefore on its top bench. Xek'at chi k'ut chuwi' tem. Truly they spun around now on its top bench. Qitzij wi xepiskalij chik chuwi' tem.

Not they found relief, Mawi xeyakamarik, Truly they jumped up. Qitzij wi xewalejik. Burned their means of sitting. Xk'at ki ku'lib'al.

Then therefore they laughed again Xibalba. K'ate k'ut xetze'n chik Xib'alb'a. Their insides hurt from laughter, Xepichicharik chi tze', It was created its serpent cramp laughter in their hearts. Xwinaqirije'ik u kumatz tze' chi ki k'u'x.

They would grab themselves, Chikikiy kib', They would roll themselves with laughter, Chikib'a' kib' chi tze', 2110

All of them Konojel

73 Its lords Xibalba. Rajawal Xib'alb'a.

“Merely go to house. “Xa jix chi ja. Someone will go to give We chib'e ya'oq

Your torch, I chaj, Your cigars, I sik',

At sleeping place,” Chi warab'al,” They were told therefore. Xe'uchax k'ut.

Then therefore they arrived in Darkness House, K'ate k'ut xe'oponik pa Q'equ'ma Ja, Alone darkness its interior then house. U tukel q'equ'm u pam chi ja. 2120

Then they gathered therefore their thoughts Xibalba: Ta xkik'am k'ut ki na'oj Xib'alb'a: “Merely we sacrifice them tomorrow. “Xa keqapusu chuwe'q.

Merely mistake straightaway, Xa lab'e ju su, Straightaway they die, Ju su kekamik,

Because of the our gaming things, Rumal ri qetz'ab'al, The our ballgame things,” Ri qa cha'jib'al,”

They say therefore the Xibalbans Kecha' k'u ri Xib'alb'a To each other. Chi kib'il kib'.

This therefore the their ball, Are' k'u ri ki cha'j, Merely round blade. Xa k'olok'ik cha. 2130

White Dagger its name the ball, Saqi Toq' u b'i' ri cha'j, Its ball Xibalba. U cha'j Xib'alb'a.

Merely sharpened their ball, Xa juq'ul ki cha'j, Merely straightaway shattered bones Xa ju suk' chiyojyox b'aq

Passing through Chik'ow wi The their ball Xibalba. Ri ki cha'j Xib'alb'a.

They entered therefore Xe'ok k'ut The One Hunahpu, Ri Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu, Wuqub' Junajpu, Into the Darkness House. Chupan ri Q'equ'ma Ja. 2140

74 Then went therefore to give their torch. Ta xb'e k'u ya'oq ki chaj. Merely one torch lit already. Xa jun chi chaj tzijom46 chik.

It went out with One Death, Xel ruk' Jun Kame, Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame.

With one each their cigars, Ruk' jujun ki sik', Merely lit already Xa wi tzijom47 chik

It went out with lords, Xel kuk' ajawab', When [someone]48 went therefore to give it Ta xb'e k'u ya'oq

With them the One Hunahpu, Kuk' ri Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu. Wuqub' Junajpu. 2150

Seated cross-legged then here E ch'okoch'oj chi uloq In darkness, Pa q'equ'm,

When arrived the giver their torch, Ta xopon ri ya'ol ki chaj, With their cigars. Ruk' ki sik'.

Brightly shining the torch, Kajuljut ri chaj, It entered out. Xok aponoq.

The their torch they were lit, Ri ki chaj e ki tzija, The each one their cigars. Ri jujun ki sik'.

“As will come to their being given at dawn, “Je chul ki ya' chi saqirik, Not shall be finished, Mawi chik'isik, 2160

Merely only its face will arrive to gather them, Xa wi xere u wach chul ki molob'a', They say lords to you,” Kecha' ajawab' chiwe,”

They were told. Xe'uchaxik. They were defeated therefore. Xech'akataj k'ut.

They finished the torch, Xkik'is ri chaj,

46 The manuscript reads zihom. The tz/z substitution is common in the manuscript.

47 The mansucript reads tzihon. This may not be a scribal error as the m/n substitution is rather common.

48 The agent here is not specified. This passage would normally include an –umal (by), indicating the agent, at the end of the sentence (Mondloch, personal communication).

75 They finished therefore the cigars one went to give to them.Xkik'is k'u ri sik' xb'e ya'o chike.

Crowded therefore the its trials Xibalba, Tzatz k'u ri u tijob'al Xib'alb'a, Many kinds of trials. K'iya molaj chi tijob'al.

This its first the Darkness House, Are' u nab'e ri Q'equ'ma Ja, Alone darkness its interior. U tukel q'equ'm u pam. 2170

Second therefore Shivering House its name, U kab' chi k'ut Xuxulim Ja u b'i', Thick with cold its interior. Tzatz chi tew u pam.

Pure howling, Saq xuruxuj, Pure clattering Saq k'arak'oj

Would whistle cold wind, Chixurulaj tew, Would enter hither in its interior. Chok uloq chupan.

Third therefore Jaguar House its name, Rox chi k'ut B'alami Ja u b'i', Alone jaguars are in its interior. U tukel b'alam k'o chupan.

They bare their teeth, Keq'ichowik, They crowd one another, Keb'uchuwik, 2180

They would gnash their teeth, Chimatat ke They would snap together their teeth. Chiqit'it ke,

They are captive jaguars in house. E tz'apim b'alam Inside house. Pa ja.

Bat House its name fourth its trial, Sotz'i Ja u b'i' u kaj u tijob'al, Alone bats its interior. U tukel sotz' u pam.

At house, Chi ja, They squeak, Ketz'itz'otik, They shriek, Ketz'itilajik, They fly Keropop 2190 In house. Pa ja.

Captive bats, E tz'apin sotz', There is not they come out. Maja b'i ke'el wi.

Fifth therefore Blade House its name, Ro' chi k'ut Chaim Ja u b'i', Alone blades are inside. U tukel cha k'o chupan.

76 Alternating rows Saqleloj Of then blades. Re chi cha.

They would clash, Chitzininik, They would clatter there in house. Chiyojojik chiri' pa ja.

Many first its trials Xibalba. K'i nab'ek u tijob'al Xib'alb'a. 2200 Not therefore they entered, Ma k'u xe'ok,

The One Hunahpu, Ri Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu in its interior. Wuqub' Junajpu chupan.

Merely its saying out Xa u b'ixik aponoq Its name trial house. U b'i' tijob'al ja.

Then they entered therefore out One Hunahpu, Ta xe'ok k'u apanoq Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu, Wuqub' Junajpu,

Before his face One Death, Chuwach Jun Kame, Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame.

“Where are the my cigars, “Apa k'o wi ri nu sik', 2210 Where is the my torch, A on k'o wi ri nu chaj,

One went to give to you last night?” they were asked Xb'e ya'oq chiwech xq'eq?” xuchax k'ut. therefore. “We finished them you lord.” “Xqak'iso at ajaw.”

“Good then that, “Utz b'a la', Now then that, Wakamik b'a la',

Finished your day, Xk'is i q'ij, You die. Kixkamik.

They were lost, Xkisachik, They were broken also. Xkiqaq'up puch.

Here shall be hidden your faces, Waral xchiwewaj wi i wach, 2220 You are to be sacrificed,” Kixpusik,”

Said One Death, Xcha' Jun Kame, Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame.

77 Then they were sacrificed therefore, Ta xepus k'ut, They were buried therefore. Xemuq k'ut. At Crushing Ballcourt, Chi Puk'b'al Cha'j, Its name, U b'i', They were buried. Xemuq wi. Cut off his head the One Hunahpu. Xq'at u jolom ri Jun Junajpu.

Merely his greater part was buried Xa u nimal xmuqik 2230 With the his younger brother. Ruk' ri u chaq'.

“Give the his head in midst tree “Chiya' ri u jolom xo'l che' That is planted at road,” Ri tikil pa b'e,”

Said therefore One Death, Xcha' k'ut Jun Kame, Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame.

Then went therefore to place his head in midst tree, Ta xb'e k'u ya'oq u jolom xo'l che', Then bore fruit therefore the tree. Ta xwachin k'u ri che'. There was no its fruit, Maja b'i u wach, Until placed the his head the One Hunahpu in its midst tree.Maja' ch'oko ri u jolom ri Jun Junajpu chuxo'l che'.

This therefore the calabash tree we say now. Are' k'u ri tzima kojcha' chire wakamik. 2240 His head One Hunahpu it is said. U jolom Jun Junajpu chuchaxik.

Then they marveled therefore One Death, Ta xumayijaj k'ut Jun Kame, Seven Death, Wuqub' Kame,

Its fruit the tree. U wach ri che'. Everywhere round its fruit, Jumaj k'olok'a'q u wach,

Not therefore clear Ma k'u q'alaj There is now the his head One Hunahpu. K'o chi wi ri u jolom Jun Junajpu.

Merely identical now his face, Xa junam chik u wach, With its face calabash. Ruk' u wach tzima.

They see it all Xibalba, Karilo ronojel Xib'alb'a, 2250 When they would come to look. Ta chul ki ka'yij.

Great its essence the tree, Nim u k'oje'ik ri che', It became to their hearts, Xux chi ki k'u'x,

78 Because straightaway he did it, Rumal ju su xub'anik, When entered his head One Hunahpu in its midst. Ta xok u jolom Jun Junajpu chuxo'l.

They said therefore the Xibalbans Xecha' k'u ri Xib'alb'a To each other: Chi kib'il kib':

“Not there be cutting its fruit, “Ma k'o mach'upuwik ri u wach, Not there be also entering out below tree,” they said. Ma k'o nay pu ma ok apanoq chuxe' che',” xecha'.

They restricted themselves, Xkiq'ataj kib', 2260 They restrained themselves Xibalba all. Xkiq'il kib' Xib'alb'a konojel.

Not therefore clear now the his head One Hunahpu. Ma k'u q'alaj chi ri u jolom Jun Junajpu. Merely identical now with its fruit tree. Xa junamatal chik ruk' u wach che'.

The calabash tree its name it came to be. Ri tzima u b'i' xuxik. Great therefore its account Nim k'ut u tzijoxik

She heard a maiden. Xuta jun q'apoj. This therefore we shall tell her arrival. Wa' k'ute xchiqab'ij roponik. THIS now therefore its account WA' chi k'ute u tzijoxik A maiden, Jun q'apoj,

His daughter a lord, U me'al jun ajaw, 2270 Gathered Blood his name. Kuchuma Kik' u b'i'. SHE therefore then heard it ARE' k'ut ta xuta A maiden, Jun q'apoj, His daughter a lord. U me'al jun ajaw. Gathered Blood his name her father, Kuchuma Kik' u b'i' u qajaw, Lady Blood therefore her name Xkik' k'ut u b'i' The maiden. Ri q'apoj.

Then she heard therefore its account the its fruit tree, Ta xuta k'ut u tzijoxik ri u wach che', Then it is told now by her father. Ta chitzijox chik rumal u qajaw.

She is amazed therefore Chumayijaj k'ut 2280 When it is told. Ta chitzijoxik.

“Cannot I see to understand it, “Ma kina'ojwila',49

49 In this case wila' (see it) is added to the verb -na'oj (to know/understand) to suggest the idea of going to see something in order to understand it. In modern K'iche', this is more commonly done by adding the suffix –mpe' (example, chawilampe'—“look at it so you’ll know what it is”).

79 The tree spoken of? Ri che' kab'ixik?

Truly delicious Qitzij kus Its fruit it is said, U wach kacha',

I hear,” Kanuta'o,” She said therefore. Xcha' k'ut.

Then she went merely alone, K'ate xb'ek xa u tukel, She arrived therefore Xopon50 k'ut

Below tree planted, Chuxe' che' tikil, 2290 At Crushing Ballcourt planted. Chi Puk'b'al Cha'j tikil wi.

“Ah! What is its fruit this tree? “Ji'a'! Naqi pe u wach wa'e che'? Is it not delicious it would bear fruit this tree? Maki pa kus chiwachin wa' che'?

Not I die, Ma kikam taj, Not I am lost. Ma kisach taj.

Would it be heard should I cut one?” La kata51 xchinch'up junoq?” She said therefore the maiden. Xcha' k'u ri q'apoj.

Then spoke therefore the skull, Ta xch'aw k'ut ri b'aq, It is there in midst tree: K'o ula xo'l che':

“What do you desire to this? “Naqi pa karayij chire ri'? 2300 Merely skull this round thing placed in its branches trees,” Xa b'aq ri' k'olok'oxinaq chuq'ab' taq che',”

Said the his head Hunahpu, Xcha' ri u jolom Junajpu, When he spoke to the maiden. Ta xch'awik chire ri q'apoj.

“Not you desire it,” “Ma karayij,” She was told. Xuchaxik.

“I do desire it,” “Kanurayij,” Said therefore the maiden. Xcha' k'ut ri q'apoj.

“Good then that, stretch out hither the your right hand, “Utz b'a la', chalik'ib'a' uloq ri a wikiq'ab',

50 The manuscript reads xapon.

51 The manuscript reads quita, likely a scribal error for cata.

80 I would see it surely,” said the skull. Wila' na,” xcha' ri b'aq.

“Fine,” “We',” 2310 Said therefore maiden. Xcha' k'u q'apoj.

She stretched out upward Xulik'ib'a' aq'anoq Her right hand before its face skull. U wikiq'ab' chuwach b'aq.

Then therefore he would squeeze out, K'ate k'ut chipitz', He makes its saliva skull. Kab'an u chub' b'aq.

Then it came directed therefore Ta xpetik taqal k'ut Onto her hand maiden. Pu q'ab' q'apoj.

Then she looked at it therefore in her hand, Ta xril k'ut u pu q'ab', Straightaway she examined it. Ju suk' xunik'oj.

It was not therefore its saliva skull in her hand. Ma k'u ja b'i' u chub' b'aq pu q'ab'. 2320 “Merely its sign I gave to you, “Xa retal mi xnuya' chawe,

The my saliva, Ri nu chub', My spittle. Nu k'axaj.

This the my head does not function now, Are' ri nu jolom maja b'i kachoko'n chi wi, Merely skull there is not now its work. Xa b'aq maja b'i chi u chak.

Merely like his head if truly great lord, Xa wi keje' u jolom we qi nim ajaw, Merely its flesh good his face. Xa u tio'jil utz wi u wach.

This therefore then he will die, Are' k'ut ta chikamik, They will be frightened people because of his bones. Chuxib'ij chi rib' winaq rumal u b'aqil.

Thus merely his son, Keje' k'ut xa u k'ajol, 2330 Like the his saliva, Keje' ri u chub',

His spittle, U k'axaj, His essence. U k'oje'ik.

If his son lord, We u k'ajol ajaw, If also his son sage, We puch u k'ajol na'ol, Master of speech, Aj ucha'n,

Not it will be lost, Xma chisach wi,

81 It will go on, Chib'ek, It will be made complete. Chitz'aqatajik.

Not extinguisher, Mawi chupel, 2340 Not also ruiner, Ma pu ma'ixel,

His face lord, U wach ajaw, Warrior, Achij,

Sage, Na'ol, Master of speech. Aj ucha'n.

Merely they shall remain his daughters, Xa xichikanajik u mi'al, His sons. U k'ajol.

Then be it so, Ta chuxoq, As I did to you. Keje' mi xnub'an chawe.

Climb up therefore there on its face earth, Kataq'an k'ut chila' chuwach ulew, 2350 Not you die. Mawi kakamik.

You enter in word. Katok pa tzij. Then be it so,” Ta chuxoq,”

Said the his head One Hunahpu, Xcha' ri u jolom Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu. Wuqub' Junajpu.

Merely their thought then they did it. Xa wi ki na'oj ta xkib'ano. This their word Are' u tzij

Huracan, Juraqan, Youngest Thunderbolt, Ch'i'pi Kaqulja, Sudden Thunderbolt to them. Raxa Kaqulja chikech. 2360

Thus her return again maiden Keje' k'u u tzalijik chik q'apoj To her home. Chi rochoch.

Many instructions K'iya pixab' Were said to her. Xb'ix chirech.

Straightaway therefore were created Ju su k'u xwinaqir Her children in her womb Ral chupan By the mere saliva. Rumal ri xa chub'.

82 This therefore their creation Are' k'ut ki winaqirik

Hunahpu, Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke. 2370

Then arrived therefore at her home the maiden. Ta xopon k'ut chi rochoch ri q'apoj. Completed therefore six moons, Xtz'aqat k'ut waqib'52 ik',

Then it was noticed by her father. Ta xnawachil rumal u qajaw. The Gathered Blood his name her father. Ri Kuchuma Kik' u b'i' u qajaw.

THEN also her discovery maiden by her father, K'ATE puch u natajik q'apoj rumal u qajaw, Then he saw the her child exists now. Ta xil ri ral k'o chik.

Then they gathered therefore Ta xkikuch k'ut Their thoughts all lords, Ki na'oj konojel ajawab',

One Death, Jun Kame, Seven Death with the Gathered Blood. Wuqub' Kame ruk' ri Kuchuma Kik'. 2380

“This the my daughter is with her child you lords, “Are' ri nu me'al k'o chi ral ix ajawab', Merely her fornication,” Xa u joxb'al,”

Said therefore the Gathered Blood, Xcha' k'u ri Kuchuma Kik', When he arrived with lords. Ta xoponik kuk' ajawab'.

“Good then that, dig at her mouth this. “Utz b'a la', chak'oto' u chi' ri'. When not she tells, Ta ma kub'ij,

She will be sacrificed therefore, Chipus k'ut, To far she will go to be sacrificed.” Chi najt chib'e pusu wi.”

“Good then that, ye lords,” “Utz b'a la', alaq ajawab',” He said therefore. Xcha' k'ut. 2390

Then therefore he asked K'ate k'ut xutz'onoj To his daughter: Chirech u me'al: “Who owner the your child “Apa aj choq'e ri awal That is in your womb, K'o chapam, You my daughter?” At nu me'al?”

52 The manuscript reads vacaquib, likely a scribal error for vaquib.

83 He said therefore. Xcha' k'ut.

“There is no my child thou my father, “Maja b'i wal lal nu qajaw, There is no man I know his face,” she said therefore. Maja b'i achij weta'm u wach,” xcha' k'ut.

“Good then that, “Utz b'a la', True that you scratcher knee.” Qitzij wi chi at joxol ch'ek.” 2400

“Sacrifice her, “Chipusu', You their councilors warriors. Ix raj pop achij.

Bring hither the her heart inside bowl, Chik'ama' uloq ri u k'u'x chupan sel, They will examine it lords this day,” Chikitzololej53 ajawab' wakamik,”

They were told therefore the owls, Xe'uchax k'ut ri tukur. They four. E kajib'.

Then they went carrying the bowl, Ta xeb'ek ki tik'em ri sel, Then they went holding in arms the maiden. Ta xeb'ek ki ch'elem ri q'apoj.

They take the White Dagger, Kuk'a'am ri Saqi Toq', Instrument of sacrifice of her. Pusb'al re. 2410

“Not will be successful you kill me you messengers, “Mawi chutzinik kinikamisaj ix samajel, Because not my fornication Rumal mawi nu joxb'al

This that is in my womb. Ri' k'o chi nu pam. Merely was created. Xaqi xwinaqirik.

Only I went to admire the his head One Hunahpu, Xere xb'e nu mayijaj ri u jolom Jun Junajpu, That is at Crushing Ballcourt. K'o chi Puk'b'al Cha'j.

Cease then therefore, K'ek'e ta k'ut, Not you sacrifice me you messengers,” Mawi kinipus,54 ix samajel,”

Said the maiden Xcha' ri q'apoj When she spoke. Ta xch'awik. 2420

“What shall we use “Naqi pa xchiqakoj

53 The manuscript reads chiquicololej (to place, set apart), which does not fit the context or syntax of the sentence. It is likely a scribal error for chiquitzololej, matching the phrase in line 2426. 54 The manuscript reads quipus, likely a scribal error for quinipus (Mondloch, personal communication).

84 Its substitute the your heart? U k'exel ri i k'u'x?55

It was said hither, Mi xb'ix uloq, By your father: Rumal a qajaw:

‘Bring hither the her heart, ‘Chik'am uloq ri u k'u'x, They shall examine it lords, Xchikitzololej ajawab', They shall be satisfied, Xchikitz'aqix taj, They shall equate its form. Xchikijunamwachij u tz'aqik.56 Quickly bring hither in bowl, Chanim chik'ama' uloq pa sel,

Place down her heart inside bowl.’ Chik'olob'a' qajoq u k'u'x chupan sel.’ 2430 Were not we told hither? Ma pa mi xojuchax uloq? What is it therefore Naqi la' k'ut We shall give in bowl? Xchiqaya' pa sel?

We want then first not then you die,” Kaqaj ta nab'ek ma ta katkamik,” They said therefore the messengers. Xecha' k'u ri samajel.

“Good then that, not theirs the heart then be it so, “Utz b'a la', mawi kech ri k'u'x ta chuxoq, With it not here your homes will become. Ruk' mawi waral iwochoch chuxik.

Not therefore merely you will lure by force people Ma k'u xa chichi'j winaq That will die. Chikamik.

Then truly yours the true fornicator. K'ate qitzij iwech ri qitzij joxol. 2440 Then also theirs K'ate nay pu rech

One Death, Jun Kame, Seven Death, Wuqub' Kame,

Merely sap, Xa kik', Merely croton theirs. Xa jolomax rech.

Then be it so, Ta chuxoq, This you will burn before their faces. Are' chik'at57 chuwach.

55 The manuscript reads i qux (your [second person plural] heart), rather than a qux (your [second person singular] heart). This form of address is sometimes used in the text as a means of showing respect, although later in this passage the maiden is addressed by the owls using the more familiar second person singular form, thus this may simply be a scribal error.

56 The root words in this parallel triplet-- tzololej, tz'aqixtax, and tz'aqik-- may have been chosen for their alliterative quality.

57 The manuscript reads chicut, which is apparently a scribal error for chicat.

85 Not this the heart you will burn before their faces, Mawi are' ri k'u'x chik'at chuwach, Then be it so. Ta chuxoq.

Place the its fruit tree,” Chikojo' ri u wach che',” 2450 Said therefore the maiden. Cha' k'ut ri q'apoj.

Red therefore its secretions the tree came out, Kaq k'ut u wa'l ri che' xelik, It was collected in a bowl. Xk'ol58 pa sel.

Then also it congealed, K'ate puch xuwon rib', Round it became. K'olok'ik xuxik.

Its substitute her heart then squeezed out now therefore, U k'exel u k'u'x ta yitz' chi k'ut, Its secretions red tree. U wa'l kaq che'. Like the blood its secretions tree came out, Keje' ri kik' u wa'l che' xelik, Its substitute her blood. U k'exel u kik'el.

Then she collected there the sap inside, Ta xuk'olo chila' ri kik' chupan, 2460 The its secretions red tree. Ri u wa'l kaq che'. Thus the blood its surface became, Keje' k'u ri kik' rij xuxik, Bright red now collected now in bowl. Kaqlujluj chik k'olom chi pa sel.

When cut therefore the tree by maiden, Ta xqop k'ut ri che' rumal q'apoj, Sacrifice Red Tree it is called. Chuj Kaq Che' chuchaxik.

This therefore the blood she named it, Are' k'u ri kik' xub'i'naj, Because blood croton it is called. Rumal kik' jolomax chuchaxik.

“There therefore you are esteemed, “Chila' k'ut kixloq'ox wi, On its face earth there is yours it will become,” Chuwach ulew k'o iwech chuxik,”

She said therefore Xcha' k'ut 2470 To the owls. Chike ri tukur.

“Good then that, “Utz b'a la', You maiden. At q'apoj.

We shall go then Xqab'e b'a To hide you upwards, Qawab'a' aq'anoq,

58 The manuscript reads xcul, likely a scribal error for xcol as in line 2460 (Mondloch, personal communication).

86 Merely we go out us, Xa qab'in apanoq oj, First that it be given Na qa ya'ix taj

Its face its substitute your heart U wa u k'exewach a k'u'x Before their faces lords,” Chikiwach ajawab',”

They said therefore Xecha' k'ut 2480 The messengers. Ri samajel.

Then they arrived therefore before their faces lords, Ta xopon k'ut chikiwach ajawab', They wait expectantly all of them. Ketz'elewachin konojel.

“Not was successful?” “Mawi xutzinik?” Said therefore One Death. Xcha' k'ut Jun Kame.

“It was successful, “Mi xutzinik, You lords. Ix ajawab'.

This surely therefore her heart. Wa' na k'u u k'u'x. Bottom it is in bowl.” Xe' k'o pa sel.”

“Good then that, “Utz b'a la', 2490 I shall see therefore,” Wila' k'ut,”

Said therefore the One Death. Xcha' k'u ri Jun Kame. Then he lifted it with his fingers therefore upwards, Ta xuchuyej k'u aq'anoq,

It dripped its surface with flowing blood, Katurur rij chi komaj, Red bright its surface with blood. Kaqlujluj rij chi kik'.

“Good stir its face fire, “Utz chilu' u wach q'aq', Give it over fire,” said therefore One Death. Chiya' chuwi' q'aq',” xcha' k'ut Jun Kame.

Then also they dried it over fire, K'ate puch xkichaqij chuwi' q'aq', Fragrant therefore they smelled it Xibalba. K'ok' k'ut xkina' Xib'alb'a.

They finished rising hither all of them, Xek'is yakataj uloq konojel, 2500 They were bent over it. Xechiqe chuwi'.

True that delicious they smelled it, Qitzij chi kus xkina'o, The its smoke blood. Ri u sib'el kik'.

These therefore bent over left behind, Are' k'ut e chiqichoj wi kanoq,

87 Then they went the owls guides of maiden. Ta xeb'e ri tukur e wab'ay rech q'apoj.

They gave her up to hole on its top earth. Xukiya' aq'anoq chi jul chuwi' ulew. Returned then therefore down the guides. Xtzalij chi k'u qajoq ri wab'anel.

Thus they were defeated its lords Xibalba. Keje' k'ut xech'akataj wi rajawal Xib'alb'a. This because of maiden were blinded faces all of them. Ri' rumal q'apoj xemoywachixik konojel.

THIS therefore there is the their mother ARE' k'ute k'o ri u chuch 2510 One Batz, Jun B'atz', One Chouen. Jun Chowen. When she arrived the woman, Ta xul ri ixoq, Lady Blood her name. Xkik' u b'i'. When she arrived therefore the woman Ta xul k'ut ri ixoq Lady Blood Xkik' With the their mother Ruk' ri u chuch One Batz, Jun B'atz', One Chouen. Jun Chowen.

They were here her children in her womb. Xk'o loq ral chupan. 2520 Merely a little now not they are born, Xa sqaqi'n chik mawi keyake'ik,

The Hunahpu, Ri Junajpu, Xbalanque their names. Xb'alanke ki b'i'.

Then arrived Ta xul Therefore the woman K'u ri ixoq To the grandmother. Chire ri ati't. Said therefore the woman Xcha' k'u ri ixoq To the grandmother: Chire ri ati't: “I have arrived, “Mi xinulik,

Thou lady. Lal chichu'. 2530 I daughter-in-law thine, In alib' la, I as well child thine, In puch alk'u'al la, Thou lady,” Lal chichu',”

She said when she entered hither Xcha' ta xok uloq With the grandmother. Ruk' ri ati't.

“From where do you come hither? “Apa katpe wi uloq? There are now the my children? K'o chi pa ri wal?

88 Did not they die at Xibalba? Ma pa xekamik chi Xib'alb'a? They therefore two left, E k'u kaib' kanoq,

Their sign, Ketal, 2540 Their word also, Ki tzijel puch,

One Batz, Jun B'atz', One Chouen their names. Jun Chowen ki b'i'.

If you shall see you come, We awila katpe wi, Leave thither,” Katel ub'ik,”

She was told the maiden Xuchax ri q'apoj By grandmother. Rumal ati't.

“But it true that I “Xere la' qitzij wi chi in Daughter-in-law thine. Alib' la.

What are surely his. Xk'o na re. 2550 What is with me his One Hunahpu, In k'o wi rech Jun Junajpu,

This Wa' I am carrying. Wuk'a'am.59

They are alive, E k'aslik, Not dead, Mawi e kaminaq

The One Hunahpu, Ri Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu. Wuqub' Junajpu.

Merely their self-manifestation light Xa u k'utb'al60 rib' saq They did it thou my mother-in-law. Mi xkib'ano lal walib'.

Thus you shall see it, Keje' k'ut iwila', 2560 When you shall see his face Ta chiloq u wach

This I am carrying,” Ri wuk'a'am,”

59 This is the perfect form of the verb uk'a'axik, but for this verb, and other durative verbs, the meaning of the perfect is that the action began sometime in the past relative to the time spoken of, and continues up to that time. Thus in this context, the meaning is “I am carrying,” rather than “I have carried” (Mondloch, personal communication).

60 The manuscript reads catbal (impediment), which is likely a scribal error for cutbal (manifestation).

89 She was told the grandmother. Xuchaxik ri ati't.

This therefore they glory in the Hun Batz, Are' k'ut keq'aq'al ri Jun B'atz', Hun Chouen, Jun Chowen,

Merely flute, Xa su', Merely song they do. Xa b'ix kakib'ano.

Merely writing, Xa tz'ib'anik, Merely also carving their work on every day. Xa pu k'otonik ki chakij chi ju ta q'ij.

They therefore comforters her heart the grandmother. Are' k'ut ku'b'ul wi u k'u'x ri ati't. 2570 She said then therefore grandmother, Xcha' chi k'ut ati't,

“Not I want you. “Xma kawaj wi. You not my daughter-in-law. At ta walib'.

Merely your fornication, Xa a joxb'al, This that is in your womb. Ri' k'o chapam.

You deceiver. At k'axtok'. They died, Xekam wi,

My children you say,” Wal kab'ij,” She said again therefore the grandmother. Xcha' chi k'ut ri ati't.

“Truly then his, “Qitzij ib'a re, 2580 This I say to you.” Wa' kanub'ij.”

“Good then that, “Utz b'a la', You my daughter-in-law I hear you. At walib' kanuta'o.

Go then to it. Jat61 b'a la'. Go to get Ja' k'ama'

Their food, Kecha' wi, That they may eat. Chikiwa'ej.

Go to harvest one great netful, Ja' jach'a jun chi nima k'at, May it come, Chipetik,

61 The manuscript reads vhat, which is impossible grammatically and is likely a scribal error.

90 You surely therefore my daughter-in-law I hear you,” At na k'u walib' kanuta'o,” 2590 She was told therefore the maiden. Xuchax k'ut ri q'apoj.

“Good then that,” “Utz b'a la',” She said therefore. Xcha' k'ut.

Then also then she went to maizefield, K'ate puch ta xb'ek pa ab'ix, There was their maizefield K'o wi kab'ix

The One Batz, Ri Jun B'atz', One Chouen. Jun Chowen.

Cleared Jokam Its path by them. U b'e'el kumal.

She began it therefore maiden, Xutaqej k'ut q'apoj, 2600 She arrived also, Xopon puch,

There Chiri' In maizefield. Pa ab'ix.

Merely therefore one head the maize plant. Xa k'u ju wi' ri ab'ix. There was not another head, Xma k'o chi wi',

Second head, U ka wi', Third head. Rox wi'.

It had born fruit, Xuwachelam wi, Its fruit then one head. U wach chi ju wi'.

Then was finished therefore Ta xk'is k'ut 2610 Her heart the maiden. U k'u'x ri q'apoj.

“See I sinner! “Kila' in makol! I debtor! In k'asb'ol!

Where shall I get the one netful food Apa xchink'am wi ri jun k'at echa' That is asked?” she said therefore. Kab'ixik?” xcha' k'ut.

Then also their being calling upon K'ate puch u sik'ixik Guardians food by her. Chajal echa' rumal.

“Come, arise, “Tatul, waloq,

91 Come, stand up Tatul, tak'aloq

Lady Day Toj, Xtoj, 2620 Lady Day Q'anil, Xq'anil, Lady Cacao, Xkakaw, Lady also Day Tz'i'a, Ix pu Tz'i'a,

You guardians At chajal Of their food Re kecha'

One Batz, Jun B'atz', One Chouen,” said the maiden. Jun Chowen,” xcha' ri q'apoj.

Then she took therefore Ta xuk'am k'ut The corn silk, Ri tzami'y, Its corn silk its top ear of ripe maize, U tzami'yal u wi' jal, 2630 She pulled it out upward. Xub'oq aq'anoq.

Not she picked the ear of maize. Mawi xujach' ri jal. It abounded therefore the ear of maize, Chikaw k'ut ri jal,

Food in net, Echa' pa k'at, It overflowed the great net. Xq'axinik ri nima k'at.

Then she came therefore the maiden, Ta xpe k'ut ri q'apoj, Merely therefore animals Xa k'u chikop Carried the net. Xeqan ri k'at. When she came, Ta xpetik,

They went to give her pack frame. Xb'e ki ya' u ko'k. 2640 She perspired like she carried it. Xuk'ut ja' keje' ri' reqan.

She arrived, Xoponik, She saw the grandmother. Xril ri ati't.

Then also when she saw the grandmother the food, K'ate puch ta xril ri ati't ri echa', One great netful. Jun chi nima k'at.

“Where came the food by you, “Apa mi xpe wi ri echa' awumal, Did it get stolen from? Mi xe'elaq'alab'a'62 wi?

62 This is a very difficult word to interpret. The manuscript reads xealcalaba, which is meaningless from the standpoint of any known Colonial source or from current usage. Mondloch (personal communication) suggests that it may be xe'elaqataja (where did it get stolen

92 If finished you brought hither the our maizeplant, We mi xk'is a k'am uloq ri qab'ix, I will go surely to see,” said the grandmother. Chib'e na wila',” xcha' ri ati't.

Then she went also, Ta xb'e puch, 2650 She went to see the maizefield. Xb'e rila ri ab'ix.

Merely only there was the one head maizeplant, Xa wi xere k'o wi ri ju wi' ab'ix, Merely therefore only clear its place net beneath. Xa wi k'u xere q'alaj u k'olib'al k'at chuxe'.

Quickly then therefore she came the grandmother, Anim chi k'ut xpe ri ati't, She arrived then therefore at her home. Xul chi k'ut chi rochoch.

She said then therefore Xcha' chi k'ut To the maiden: Chire ri q'apoj:

“Only its sign this “Xere wi retal ri' True that you my daughter-in-law. Qitzij wi chi at walib'.

I will watch now surely Chiwil chi na 2660 Your deeds. A b'anoj.

These that are the my grandchildren, Ri' e k'o ri wi'y, Enchanted already,” she was told therefore maiden. E nawinaq chik,” xuchax k'ut q'apoj.

THIS now we shall relate ARE' chik xchiqatzijoj Their birth Kalaxik Hunahpu, Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke. THIS therefore their birth, ARE' k'ut kalaxik, This we shall tell Wa'e xchiqab'ij

Then she found its day Ta xuriq u q'ij 2670 Their birth, Kalaxik,

Then she gave birth also the maiden, Ta xalan puch ri q'apoj, Lady Blood her name. Xkik' u b'i'.

Not therefore she witnessed it grandmother, Ma k'u xuwachij ati't,

from) which is a much better reading for this context. If this is correct, it would be a scribal error of multiple letters, particularly in the suffix of the verb. I have chosen to leave the suffix as it appears in the manuscript.

93 When they were born. Ta xe'alaxik.

Suddenly then they arose, Lib'aj chi xeyake'ik, They two were born, E kaib' chi kalaxik,

Hunahpu, Junajpu, Xbalanque their names. Xb'alanke ki b'i'.

In mountain they arose, Pa juyub' xeyake' wi, 2680 Then they entered therefore in house. Ta xe'ok k'ut pa ja.

Not therefore they sleep. Ma k'u kewarik. “Go to abandon them, “Je' a tzaqa uloq,

Truly screaming their mouths,” Qitzij chach ki chi',” Said the grandmother. Xcha' ri ati't.

Then therefore they were given in ants, K'ate k'ut ta xeya' pa sanik, Delicious therefore their sleep there. Kus k'u ki waram chiri'.

They went out again therefore there, Xe'el chi k'u chiri', They gave them again upon thorns. Xeya' chik chuwi' k'ix.

This then therefore they wanted One Batz, Are' ta k'ut xkaj Jun B'atz', 2690 One Chouen: Jun Chowen:

They died then there in ants, Xekam ta chiri' pa sanik, They died then also upon thorns. Xekam ta pu chuwi' k'ix.

They wanted it because of their treachery, Xkaj rumal ki ch'aqimal, Their red countenances as well, Ki kaqwachib'al puch,

By One Batz, Kumal Jun B'atz', One Chouen. Jun Chowen.

Not were accepted in house by them their younger Mawi xek'ulax pa ja kumal ki chaq' nab'ek, brothers at first, Merely not they knew them. Xa mawi keta'm.

Merely therefore in mountains they grew. Xa wi k'u pa juyub' xek'iy wi. 2700 They therefore great E k'u nima'q

Flautists, Aj su',

94 Singers, Aj b'ix,

The One Batz, Ri Jun B'atz', One Chouen. Jun Chowen.

They became great therefore, Xenimaqir k'ut, Great affliction, Nima k'axk'ol, Misfortune, Ra'il, They passed through. Xe'ik'ow wi. They were afflicted. Xek'axk'ob'isaxik. 2710 They great sages now they became. E nima'q eta'manel chik xe'uxik.

Merely only flautists, Xa wi xere e aj su'. Singers, E aj b'ix,

Also writers, E pu aj tz'ib'ab', Carvers they became. Aj k'ot xe'uxik.

Everything Ronojel Successful by them. Chutzin kumal.

Certainly they knew they were born, Xa xketa'm wi xe'alaxik, Certainly they were ingenious. Xa xenawinaq.

Also his substitute E pu u k'exel 2720 Their father Ki qajaw

Who went to Xibalba. Ri xeb'e chi Xib'alb'a. Dead their father. Kaminaq wi ki qajaw.

They therefore great, E k'u nima'q, Sages, Eta'manel,

The One Batz, Ri Jun B'atz', One Chouen. Jun Chowen.

In their hearts Chi ki k'u'x Everything first they know. Ronojel nab'ek keta'm.

When they were created Ta xewinaqir 2730 The their younger brothers. Ri ki chaq'.

Not therefore went out their enchanted abilities, Ma k'u xel apanoq ki na'wikil,

95 Because of their red countenances. Rumal ki kaqwachib'al.

Merely on their backs it fell Xa chikij xqaj wi Its abuse their hearts. U yoq' ki k'u'x.

Not it does. Mawi b'anoj. They were ignored Xepoysaxik

By the Hunahpu, Kumal ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

Merely therefore blowgun hunting Xa k'u wub'anik 2740 They would do every day. Chikib'ano ju ta q'ij.

Not they are loved Mawi keloq'oxik By the their grandmother, Rumal ri kati't,

One Batz, Jun B'atz', One Chouen. Jun Chowen.

Not they will give their food, Mawi chiya' ki wa, Were made meals. Xb'aninaq wa'im.

Already also eaten the One Batz, Xe pu wainaq ri Jun B'atz', One Chouen when they arrive. Jun Chowen ta ke'ulik.

Not therefore they become inflamed, Ma k'u keq'aq'arik, 2750 Become angry. Oyowarik.

Merely they tolerate it. Xa chikikuyu. Merely they know Xere keta'm

This their nature. Ri' ki k'oje'ik. Like the light they see it. Keje' ri saq kakilo.

They bring therefore their birds Kuk'a'am k'ut ki tz'ikin When they arrive each day, Ta ke'ulik ju ta q'ij,

They would eat therefore the One Batz, Chikiti' k'ut ri Jun B'a'tz, One Chouen. Jun Chowen.

There is not whatever they would give Maja b'i naqi la' chiya' 2760 To them each of the two, Chikech ki kab' ichal,

96 The Hunahpu, Ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

Merely therefore flute, Xa k'u su', Merely also song, Xa pu b'ix,

They would do One Batz, Chikib'ano Jun B'atz', One Chouen. Jun Chowen.

Then they arrived again also the Hunahpu, Ta xe'ul chi puch ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

There is not then their birds they bring, Maja b'i chik ki tz'ikin kuk'a'am, 2770 They entered hither. Xe'ok uloq.

She became inflamed therefore the grandmother. Xq'aq'ar k'u ri ati't. “What its reason why there are no more birds “Naqi pa rumal maja b'i chi tz'ikin

You have brought?” Iwuk'a'am?” They were told therefore Xe'uchax k'ut

The Hunahpu, Ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

“This, you our grandmother, “Are', wi ix63 qati't, Merely they are stuck our birds Xa mi xetanatob' qa tz'ikin In its top tree,” Chuwi' che',” 2780 They said therefore. Xcha' k'ut. “Not therefore there is “Ma k'u ja b'i To climb to its top tree Chaq'an chuwi' che' To them, Chikech, You our grandmother. Ix qati't.

We would like then also the our older brothers, Chikaj ta pu ri qatz They go then with us. Keb'e ta quk'. They will go then Chib'e ta To get down hither the birds,” they said therefore . Ki qasaj uloq ri tz'ikin,” xecha' k'ut. “Good then that. “Utz b'a la'. 2790 We go with you Kojb'e iwuk'

63 Ix is normally the second person plural pronoun form. In this case it is used as a formal or respectful type of address for the grandmother.

97 At dawn,” Saqirik,” They said therefore the their older brothers. Xecha' k'u ri katz.

Then they defeated them. Ta xech'akowik. They were received therefore Xk'aminaq k'ut Their thoughts each of them Ki na'oj ki kab' ichal To their defeat, Chirech ki ch'akik,

One Batz, Jun B'atz', One Chouen. Jun Chowen.

“Merely we overturn “Xa qa tzolq'omij 2800 Their nature. Ki k'oje'ik.

They its womb our words, E u pam qa tzij, Then be it so. Ta chuxoq.

Because great affliction Rumal nima k'axk'ol They did to us. Mi xkib'an chiqe.

We were to have died, Xojkam taj, We were to have been lost also, Xojsach taj puch,

They wanted this, Xkaj ri', We their younger brothers. Oj ki chaq'.

Like slaves we came hither to their hearts, Keje' ri' ala xojpe wi uloq chi ki k'u'x, 2810 Like therefore we work for them. Keje' k'ut keqachak wi.

Only its sign we will make,” Xa retal chiqab'ano,” They said to each other. Xecha' chi kib'il kib'.

Then they went therefore Ta xeb'e k'ut There below tree, Chila' chuxe' che', Yellow Tree its name, Q'an Te'64 u b'i', To accompany therefore the their older brothers. Kachb'ilan k'u ri katz.

When they went they began then therefore to shoot. Ta xeb'ek xkitikib'a' chi k'ut wub'anik. Not counted birds in its top tree. Mawi ajilan chi tz'ikin chuwi' che'.

64 Te' is the Lowland Maya equivalent for the K'iche' che' (tree).

98 They would sing riotously, Kech'ititik, 2820 They were amazed therefore the their older brothers, Xemayijan k'ut ri katz,

When they saw the birds. Ta xkil ri tz'ikin. These therefore the birds, Are' k'u ri tz'ikin,

There is not one fell hither beneath tree. Maja b'i junoq xqaj uloq chuxe' che'. “These our birds do not fall hither. “Ri' qa tz'ikin e mawi keqaj uloq.

Merely go to bring them down hither,” Xa jix qasaj uloq,” They said therefore to their older brothers. Xecha' k'ut chire katz. “Good then that,” they said therefore. “Utz b'a la',” xecha' k'ut. Then also they climbed up to its top tree. K'ate puch xe'aq'anik chuwi' che'.

It enlarged therefore the tree, Xnimar k'ut ri che', 2830 It swelled its interior. Xsipoj u pam.

Then therefore they wanted to come down hither, K'ate k'ut xeraj qaj uloq, Not therefore good now their coming down hither from Ma k'u utz chik ki qajik uloq chuwi' che', its top tree,

One Batz, Jun B'atz', One Chouen. Jun Chowen.

They said therefore hither from its top tree: Xecha' k'u uloq chuwi' che': “How do we say it, “Jupacha kojucha'nik,

You our younger brothers? Ix qa chaq'? Pity our faces. Toq'ob' qa wach. This the tree is frightening now we see it, Are' ri che' kaxib'in chik kaqilo, 2840 You our younger brothers,” Ix qa chaq',”

They said hither from its top tree. Xecha' uloq chuwi' che'. They said therefore the Xecha' k'u ri

Hunahpu, Junajpu, Xbalanque: Xb'alanke:

“Untie your loincloths, “Chikira' i we'x, Tie them below your bellies. Chixima' xe' i pam.

Long its end Najtik u tza'm

99 Pull out end behind you. Chijure' je' chiwij.

Then therefore good your walk,” K'ate k'ut utz i b'inik,” 2850 They were told then by their younger brothers. Xe'uchax chik kumal ki chaq'.

“Fine,” they said therefore, “We',” xecha' k'ut, Then they pulled out therefore its end their loincloths. Ta xkijurub'a' k'ut u tza'm ki to'q.

Merely also straightaway their tails now they became, Xa pu ju su ki je' chi xuxik, Merely spider monkeys they appeared like now. Xa k'oy xkiwachib'ej chik.

Then therefore they went to its top trees K'ate k'ut xeb'e chuwi' taq che' Small mountains, Ch'uti juyub', Great mountains, Nima juyub', They went into forests. Xeb'ek pa taq k'iche'laj.

They howled now, Kewojon chik, 2860 They chattered noisily now in its branches trees. Kisiloj65 chik chuq'ab' taq che'.

Thus their defeat One Batz, Keje' k'ut ki ch'akatajik Jun B'atz', One Chouen, Jun Chowen,

By Hunahpu, Kumal Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

Merely by their enchanted nature Xa rumal ki nawal Then they did it. Ta xkib'ano.

Then they arrived Ta xe'opon Therefore at their home. K'ut chi kochoch. They spoke therefore. Xecha' k'ut. 2870 They arrived Xe'oponik

With their grandmother, Ruk' kati't, With also their mother. Ruk' pu ki chuch.

“You our grandmother something happened to our older “Ix qati't naqi la' mi xkik'ulwachij ri qatz, brothers, Merely new their faces. Xa rax ki wach.

They went like animals now,” Mi xeb'ek keje' ri' e chikop chik,”

65 The manuscript reads zilah (be silent) for what should likely be ziloh (to make loud noises like an animal)

100 They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut.

“If something you did “We naqi la' mi xib'an To them your older brothers, Chike iwatz, You caused me misery, Mi xiniq'alab'a', 2880 Also you caused me anguish. Mi pu xinich'iqib'a'. Not then like it you did Ma ta keje' xib'an To them your older brothers, Chike iwatz,

You my grandsons,” Ix wi'y,” Said the grandmother Xcha' ri ati't

To Hunahpu, Chikech Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

They said now therefore to their grandmother: Xecha' chi k'ut chire kati't: “Do not grieve you our grandmother. “Mixb'isonik ix qati't.

You shall see again Xchiwil chik 2890 Their faces Ki wach The our older brothers. Ri qatz. They shall arrive. Xke'ulik.

Only now therefore its test Xere chi k'ut u tijowik This to you, you our grandmother. Wa' chiwe, ix qati't. Please do not laugh. La qi mixtze'nik. We must try surely their day,” they said therefore. Qatija' na ki q'ij,” xecha' k'ut.

Then also they began to play the flute, K'ate puch xkitikib'a' su'anik, Hunahpu Spider Monkey they played on the flute. Junajpu K'oy xkisu'aj. THEN also they sang, K'ATE puch xeb'ixanik, 2900 They played the flute, Xesu'anik, They played the drum. Xeq'ojomanik. Then its taking up the their flutes, Ta u k'amik ri ki su', Their drums. Ki q'ojom. Then she sat down also Ta xku'b'e' puch The their grandmother with them. Ri kati't kuk'. Then they played the flute, Ta xesu'anik, They were called in flute music, Xesik'ix pa su', In song then it called their names. Pa b'ix ta xub'i'naj. The Hunahpu Spider Monkey, Ri Junajpu K'oy, 2910 Its name flute music. U b'i' su'.

101 Then they entered therefore hither Ta xe'ok k'u uloq The One Batz, Ri Jun B'atz', One Chouen, Jun Chowen, They dance when they arrived. Kexajowik ta xe'ulik.

Then also when she looked the grandmother, K'ate puch ta xmuqun ri ati't, Ugly their faces she saw grandmother. Itzel ki wach xril ati't.

Then she laughed, Ta xtze'nik, Not she held back her laughter grandmother. Mawi xukuy u tze' ati't.

Merely therefore straightaway they went, Xa k'u ju su xeb'ek, 2920 Not were seen again their faces. Mawi xil chikiwach.

They got up, E yakatik, They went into forest. Xeb'e pa k'eche'laj.

“What will you do, “Naqi pa chib'ano, You our grandmother? Ix qati't?

Merely four times we shall try it, Xa kaj mul xchiqatijo, Merely three times more. Xa ox mul chik.

We have called them in flute music, Xkeqasik'ij pa su', In song. Pa b'ix.

Truly you must contain your laughter. Qi chikuyu' i tze'. 2930 We must try again surely,” Qatija' chi na,”

They said again Hunahpu, Xecha' chik Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

Then they played the flute again, K'ate xesu'an chik, Then they entered again hither. Ta xe'ok chi uloq.

They dance again, Kexajow chik, They arrived again Xe'ul chik

To its middle, Chi u nik'ajal, Its front house. U wa ja.

Merely animatedly they do it, Xa wi kukus kakib'ano, 2940 Merely they tempt Xa wi kakitaqchi'j

102 The their grandmother Ri kati't To laughter. Chi tze'. Immediately now she laughed again Lib'aj chi xtze'n chi The their grandmother. Ri kati't.

Truly funny their faces Qitzij tze'b'al ki wach The spider monkeys. Ri k'oy.

Paunchy below their bellies, Chixiririk xe' ki pam, Naked below also at its edges their chests. Chich'ilita xe' pu chuchi' ki k'u'x.

When they entered hither, Ta xe'ok uloq, 2950 She therefore much Are' k'ut k'i She would laugh grandmother. Chutze'j ati't. Then they went again into mountains. K'ate xeb'e chik pa taq juyub'.

“What truly will we do you our grandmother? “Naqi pa qi chiqab'ano ix qati't? Only now this its third time again we shall try it,” Xere chi wa' rox mul chik xchiqatijo,”

Said the Hunahpu, Xcha' ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

They played the flute again, Xesu'an chik, They arrived again. Xe'ul chik.

They dance. Kexajowik. 2960 Merely therefore she would contain her laughter the their Xa k'u chukuyuka' u tze' ri kati't. grandmother.

They climbed up therefore hither, Xe'aq'an k'u uloq, They would scamper wall. Chukatanaj tz'aq.

Very red their mouths, Kaqruxruj u chi', Foolish their faces, Tak ki wach,

Puckered their mouths, Mutzuma'q ki chi', Bushy their mouths. Chik'imal ki chi'.

Their faces silly, Ki wach mak'ama, They snort at them. Chikijoq'ij chike.

When she saw them again therefore the grandmother, Ta xril chi k'ut ri ati't, 2970

103 Then burst out again her laughter the their grandmother. K'ate xpoq'olij chi u tze' ri kati't.

Not again therefore were seen before their faces, Ma chi k'u xil chikiwach, Because of her laughter grandmother. Rumal u tze'b'al ati't.

“Only therefore this you our grandmother, “Xere wi k'u wa' ix qati't, We shall instruct them thither.” Xkeqapixab'aj ub'ik.” Its fourth time therefore Chu kaj mul k'ut They were played the flutes again. Xesu'ax chik. Not therefore they arrived again Ma k'u xe'ul chik Its fourth time. Chu kaj mul. Straightaway they went into forest. Ju su xeb'ek pa k'eche'laj. 2980 They said therefore to their grandmother: Xecha' k'ut chire kati't:

“Also we therefore tried it you our grandmother. “Mi k'u xqatijo ix qati't. First they arrived. Mi nab'e xe'ulik.

We therefore tried again their being called. Mi pu xqatij chik ki sik'ixik. Do not grieve therefore. Mixb'ison k'ut.

We are here, Oj k'olik, We your grandsons. Oj iwi'y.

Merely love the our mother, Xa chiloq'oj ri qa chuch, You our grandmother. Ix qati't.

They are remembered the our older brothers, Kena'b'ax ri qatz, 2990 Then be it so. Ta chuxoq.

They were given names, Mi xekob'i'k, They also were given titles Mi pu xeb'i'najik

One Batz, Jun B'atz', One Chouen, Jun Chowen,

They are called,” they said Ke'uchaxik,” xecha' The Hunahpu, Ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke. They were called therefore by Xesik'ix k'ut rumal

The flautists, Ri aj su', 3000 Singers, Aj b'ix,

104 The ancient people. Ri ojer winaq. They also would call, Are' puch chusik'ij,

The writers, Ri aj tz'ib', Carvers. Aj k'ot.

Anciently they became animals, Ojer xechikopirik, Spider monkeys they became, E k'oy xe'uxik,

Because merely they aggrandised themselves, Rumal xa xkinimarisaj kib', They abused the their younger brothers. Xkiyoq' ri ki chaq'.

Thus misery to their hearts, Keje' wi q'alab'il chi ki k'u'x, 3010 Thus their ruin this, Keje' k'ut ki ma'ixik ri',

When they were lost, Ta xesachik, The One Batz, Ri Jun B'atz', One Chouen. Jun Chowen. Animals they became. E chikop xe'uxik.

This therefore their community, Are' k'ut e ramaq'elal, There is their home now. K'o kochoch66 chik.

Merely only flautists, Xa wi xere e aj su', Singers. E aj b'ix.

Great again they did it, Nim chik xkib'ano, 3020 When they dwelt Ta xek'oje'ik

With their grandmother, Ruk' rati't, With also their mother. Ruk' pu ki chuch.

THEN they began again therefore their deeds, TA xkitikib'a' chi k'ut ki b'anoj, Their self manifestations, Ki k'utb'al kib',

Before her face their grandmother, Chuwach kati't, Before her face also their mother. Chuwach pu ki chuch.

First they did the maizefield. Nab'e xkib'ano ri ab'ix. “Merely we farm maizefield, “Xa kojab'ixik,

66 The manuscript reads cchoch, which is likely a scribal error for cochoch

105 You our grandmother, Ix qati't, 3030 You also our mother,” they said. Ix pu qa chuch,” xecha'.

“Do not grieve, we are here, “Mixb'isonik, oj k'olik, We thy grandchildren. Oj iwi'y.

We their substitutes Oj ki k'exel Our older brothers,” Qatz,”

They said therefore the Hunahpu, Xecha' k'u ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

Then they took therefore their axes, Ta xkik'am k'ut ki kaj, Their hoes they were carrying on their shoulders. Ki mixk'ina' ki xokem,

They went with each one Xeb'ek ruk' jujun 3040 Their blowguns they shouldered, Ki wub' xkitelej, They left their home. Xe'el chi kochoch.

Then they instructed therefore their grandmother to her Ta xkipixab' k'u kati't chire To give their food. U ya'ik ki wa. “At middle surely day “Chitik'oj na q'ij Go to give our food Chib'e ya' qa wa You grandmother,” they said. Ix qati't,” xecha'.

“Good then that you my grandsons,” “Utz b'a la' ix wi'y,” Said therefore the their grandmother. Xcha' k'ut ri kati't.

Then therefore they arrived there, K'ate k'ut xe'opon chiri', 3050 They farm the maizefield. Ke'ab'ix wi.

Merely truly they stuck the hoe in earth, Xa qi xkich'ikib'a' ri mixk'ina' pu ulew, Merely therefore truly it would plow the hoe in earth, Xa k'u qi chitajin ri mixk'ina' pu ulew, Merely therefore truly it would plow the hoe by itself. Xa67 k'u qi chitajin ri mixk'ina' chutukel.

This therefore the axe, Are' k'u ri ikaj, Merely they would stick it in its fork tree, Xa wi chikich'ikib'a' chutolok' che', Merely its own strength tree it would fell. Xa wi chuq'ab' rib' che' chib'ek.

67 The manuscript has ma (not), which must be a scribal error from the context of this passage.

106 It would chop, Chilajajik, It would fell Chib'ek

All trees, Ronojel che', 3060 Bushes. K'a'am.

Feverishly now Kaqchakachoj chik It would cut down trees. Chiq'atoj che'.

It would do it the merely one axe. Chub'an ri xa juna ikaj. This therefore the hoe thick it would break up, Are' k'u ri mixk'ina' tzatz chiq'upuj,

Not counted stalks briars does the merely one hoe, Mawi ajilan tum k'ixik kub'an ri xa jun chi mixk'ina', Not counted breaking up. Mawi ajilan q'upuj.

Merely small mountains, Xa ch'uti juyub', Great mountains it goes. Nima juyub' kab'ek.

Then they instructed therefore an animal, Ta xkipixab'aj k'ut jun chikop, 3070 Turtle Dove its name. Xmukur u b'i'.

They placed it up Xkit'uyub'a' aq'anoq On its top great stump. Chuwi' nima kuta'm.

They spoke therefore Hunahpu, Xecha' k'ut Junajpu, Xbalanque: Xb'alanke:

“Merely you will see the our grandmother will come to “Xa chawil ri qati't chipetik ya'ol qa wa, give our food, Straightaway you cry out when she has come. Ju su katoq'ik ta petoq.

Then therefore we will grasp the hoe, K'ate k'ut chiqachap ri mixk'ina', With axe.” Ruk' ikaj.”

“Good then that,” “Utz b'a la',” 3080 Said therefore the turtle dove. Xcha' k'u ri xmukur.

This therefore merely blowgun hunting they would do. Are' k'ut xa wub'anik chikib'ano. Not surely true maize farming then they would do. Ma na qitzij ab'ixik ta chikib'ano.

Then also he would cry out the turtle dove, K'ate puch choq' ri xmukur,

107 Quickly therefore they come. Anim k'ut kepetik.

One would grab hoe, Jun chichapo mixk'ina', One therefore would grab the axe. Jun k'ut chichapow ri ikaj.

They would put field debris on their heads, Chikipisla ki wi', Without cause he would rub earth on his hands. Xaloq' chub'aqala' ulew pu q'ab'.

The one merely like he would dirty his face, Ri jun xa keje' chutz'iloj u wach, 3090 Like truly had farmed maizefield. Keje' ri' qitzij ab'ixom.

This therefore the one other merely without cause toss its Are' k'u ri jun chik xaloq' chupuk'ij u web'al che' chips wood on his head, pu jolom, Like truly cutter tree. Keje' wi ri' qitzij q'atoj che'nel.

Then they were seen by their grandmother, Ta xil rumal kati't, Then therefore they eat. K'ate k'ut kewa'ik.

Not true maize farming they would do. Ma qitzij ab'ixik chikib'ano. Without cause she would go to give their food. Xaloq' chib'e ya'oq ki wa.

Then they went therefore to their home. Ta xeb'e k'ut chi kochoch. “Truly we are tired, “Qitzij mi xojkosik, You our grandmothers,” Ix qati't,” 3100 They say they arrive. Kecha' ke'oponik.

Without cause they would rub, Xaloq' chikikikij, They would stretch out also, Chikiyuq puch,

Their legs, Kaqan, Their arms before her face their grandmother. Ki q'ab' chuwach kati't.

Then they went again therefore on second day, Ta xeb'e chi k'ut chu ka q'ij, They arrived therefore in their maizefield. Xe'opon k'ut pa kab'ix.

Completed having been raised up again all trees, K'is yakatajinaq chik ronojel che', Bushes. K'a'am.

They fastened themselves together again all shoots briars, U chapom chi rib' ronojel tun k'ixik, 3110

When they arrived. Ta xe'oponik.

“Who is plucking at us?” “Apachinaq kojmich'owik?”

108 They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut.

These therefore they did it the all small animals, Are' k'ut keb'anow ri ronojel ch'uti chikop, Great animals: Nima chikop:

Puma, Koj, Jaguar, B'alam,

Deer, Kej, Rabbit, Umul,

Fox, Yak, 3120 Coyote, Utiw,

Peccary, Aq, Coati, Sis,

Small birds, Ch'uti tz'ikin, Great birds. Nima tz'ikin.

These they did it, Are' xeb'anowik, Merely one night they did it. Xa jun aq'ab' xkib'ano.

Then again therefore they began again maize farming. K'ate chi k'ut xkitikib'a' chik ab'ixik. Merely it did again itself earth, Xa wi xub'an chi rib' ulew, With cutting trees. Ruk' q'atoj che'. 3130 Then were gathered again therefore their thoughts there Ta xk'am chi k'u ki na'oj chiri' pa q'atoj che', on cut trees, On that broken up also. Pa q'upuj puch. “Merely we shall watch over by night the our maizefield. “Xa qa waraj ri qab'ix.

Whatever now surely is being done hither, Ana wi chi na kab'ano ulo, That then we will discover it,” Laqi ta chiqariqo,”

They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut. Then were gathered their thoughts. Ta xk'am ki na'oj.

They arrived again therefore at house. Xe'opon chi k'ut chi ja. “Someone perhaps is plucking at us you our grandmother. “Naqi ri' lo kojmich'owik ix qati't.

Great grass field again, Nima k'im chik, 3140 Great forest again also, Nima k'eche'laj chi puch,

109 The our maizefield, Ri qab'ix, When we arrived a while ago you our grandmother,” Ta xojopon mier ix qati't,”

They said therefore to their grandmother, Xecha' k'ut chire kati't, To also their mother. Chire pu ki chuch.

“We shall go therefore, “Xkojb'e k'ut, We shall watch over it by night, Xchiqawaraj,

Because not good is done to us,” Rumal mawi utz kab'an chiqe,” They said. Xecha'.

Then therefore they concealed themselves, K'ate k'ut xeb'atz'onik, 3150 Then therefore their going out again to their cutting trees. K'ate k'ut ki b'ik chik pa ki q'atoj che'.

There therefore they hid themselves, Chiri' k'ut xematzeje' wi, They were covered now there. E muqumuxinaq chik chiri'.

Then they gathered therefore themselves all small animals, Ta xekuchu k'u kib' ronojel ch'uti chikop, Merely one they got together, Xa jun xkisep wi kib',

All small animals, Ronojel ch'uti chikop, Great animals. Nima chikop.

This also zenith its heart night when they came. Are' puch tik'il u k'u'x aq'ab' ta xepetik. They chattered all when they came. Xech'awije'ik konojel ta xepetik.

This their speech this: Are' ki ch'ab'al ri': 3160 “Arise trees, “Yaklin che', Arise bushes,” Yaklin k'a'am,” They said when they came. Xecha' ta xepetik.

They congregated beneath trees, Keneb'eb'ik xe' che', Beneath bushes. Xe' k'a'am.

Then they emerged, Ta xeyopijik, Then they appeared therefore again before their faces. Ta xek'utun k'u chikiwach.

This therefore first the puma, Are' k'ut u nab'e ri koj, Jaguar. B'alam.

They wanted therefore to grab them, Xraj k'u ki chapo, 3170 Not they gave themselves. Mawi xuya' rib'.

110 Then emerged again deer, Ta xyopij chik kej, Rabbit. Umul.

Merely therefore by their tails they grabbed them, Xa k'u chu je' xkichap wi, Merely therefore they were broken off. Xa k'u xq'upuq'ub'.

Left behind its tail deer in their hands Kanajoq u je' kej pa ki q'ab' When they took the its tail deer. Ta xuk'am ri u je' kej.

With its tail rabbit, Ruk' u je' umul, These shortened their tails. Ri' xskataq ki je'.

Not therefore they gave themselves the fox, Ma k'u xkiya' kib' ri yak, 3180 Coyote, Utiw,

Peccary, Aq, Coati. Sis.

They passed by, Xe'ik'owik, All animals, Konojel chikop,

Before their faces Hunahpu, Chikiwach ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

Troubled then therefore their hearts, Chik'atat chi k'ut ki k'u'x, Because this there was nothing they caught. Rumal ri' maja b'i xkichapo.

Came therefore this one more, Xpe k'u ri' jun chik, 3190 Last going now, U xam b'e chik,

He scurried Katzotzotik When he came. Ta xpetik.

Then therefore they netted him, K'ate k'ut xkik'atej, They snared him therefore in net the rat. Xkise k'ut pa k'at ri ch'o.

Then also they caught him, K'ate puch xkichapo, They squeezed him also behind his head. Xkiyotej puch chirij u wi'.

They wanted to strangle him. Xraj ki b'iyo. They burned his tail over fire. Xkiporoj u je' chuwi' q'aq'.

111 Then he took the his tail rat, Ta xuk'am ri u je' ch'o, 3200 There is no its hair his tail. Maja b'i rismal u je'.

This also his eyes, Are' nay pu u b'aq' u wach, When was wanted to strangle him by boys, Ta xraj b'iyik kumal k'ajolab',

The Hunahpu, Ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

“Not then I die by you, “Ma ta kikamik iwumal. Not this your task the maize farming Mawi are' i patan ri ab'ixik

There is yours,” said this the rat. K'o iwe,” xcha' ri' ri ch'o. “Where is ours? “Apa k'o wi qe?

Say it first therefore,” Chab'ij na k'ut,” 3210 They said therefore the boys to rat. Xecha' k'u ri k'ajolab' chire ch'o.

“Will you release me then first? “La kinitzoqopij ta na b'a la'? There is my word in my belly, K'o nu tzij chi nu pam,

Then therefore I will tell it to you, K'ate k'ut chinb'ij chiwe, You will give then first a little my food,” said the rat. Chiya' ta na sqi'n wecha',” xcha' ri ch'o. “After we will give you your food. “K'ate chiqaya'o awecha'. Tell it first,” he was told. Chab'ij na,” xuchaxik.

“Good then that. “Utz b'a la'. These then the theirs your fathers, Are' b'a ri rech i qajaw,

The One Hunahpu, Ri Jun Junajpu, 3220 Seven Hunahpu their names, Wuqub' Junajpu u b'i',

That died at Xibalba. Ri xekam chi Xib'alb'a. There is therefore left behind K'o k'u kanoq The their gaming things. Ri ketz'ab'al. They hang, Xekel, Left behind above house: Kanoq chuwi' ja: The their yokes, Ri ki b'ate, Their protectors arms, Ki pach' q'ab', Their rubber ball also. Ki kik' puch. Merely not shown to your faces Xa mawi kak'ut chiwach 3230 By your grandmother, Rumal iwati't, Because of these they died your fathers.” Rumal ri' are' xkam wi i qajaw.”

112 “Not true you know this?” “Ma qitzij aweta'm?” They said therefore the boys to rat. Xecha' k'u ri k'ajolab' chire ch'o.

Greatly rejoiced their hearts when they heard its news Nim xki'kot ki k'u'x ta xkita'o u tzijel kik', rubber ball, When he said it rat. Ta xub'ij ch'o.

Then they gave therefore his food rat, Ta xkiya' k'ut recha' ch'o, This therefore the his food: Are' k'u ri recha':

The grains of maize, Ri ixim, Squash seeds, Sakil, 3240

Chili peppers, Ik, Beans, Kinaq',

Pataxte, Peq, Cacao Kakaw.

“This therefore “Are' k'ut Yours this. Awech ri'.

If anything discovered in sweepings, We naqi la' k'u'n chi mes, It has been exposed, K'utajinaq,

Yours therefore, Awech k'ut, You shall gnaw it,” Chak'uxu',” 3250

He was told therefore the rat by Hunahpu, Xuchax k'u ri ch'o kumal Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

“Good then that, “Utz b'a la', You boys. Ix k'ajolab'.

What therefore I say Naqi la' k'u kinwucha'j If she sees you the your grandmother?” he said therefore. We kiril ri iwati't?” xcha' k'ut.

“Not may it fall your heart, “Mawi chitzaq a k'u'x, We are here. Oj k'olik.

We know Kojno'jinik There is to be told the our grandmother. K'o ruchaxik ri qati't. 3260

113 Merely straightaway we give you up corner house, Xa ju su kaqaya' aq'anoq xikin ja, Then therefore to fetch out, Ta k'u joko apanoq,

Straightaway you arrive there Ju su katopon chiri' Where they are hanging. Xekel wi.

There therefore we see it in its rafters house, Chiri' k'ut kaqil wi pu tum ja, Only in our bite to eat we see it,” they said therefore to rat, Xa pa qa ti' kaqil wi,” xecha' k'ut chire ch'o,

When they instructed one night, Ta xkipixab'aj jun aq'ab', Were gathered their thoughts, Xk'am ki na'oj,

The Hunahpu, Ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke. 3270

Truly therefore zenith sun, Qi k'u tik'il q'ij, They arrived. Xe'oponik.

NOT therefore clear the rat MA k'u q'alaj ri ch'o They carried when they arrived. Kuk'a'am ta xe'oponik. One of them arisen entered in to house, Jun ri' yakalik xok pa ja, One therefore entered corner house. Jun k'u xok xikin ja. Immediately then he put up Lib'aj chi xuya' aq'anoq The rat. Ri ch'o.

Then they asked for therefore their food Ta xkitz'onoj k'ut ki wa To their grandmother. Chire kati't. 3280 “Merely mash our bite to eat. “Xa chiq'utu' qa ti'. We desire the mashed chili peppers, Kaqarayij ri q'utum ik, You our grandmother,” Ix qati't,” They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut.

Then therefore was mashed their bite to eat. K'ate k'ut xq'ut ki ti'. One plate its sauce was placed before their faces. Jun laq u wa'l xtikib'ax chikiwach.

Merely their plucking of their grandmother, Xa wi ki mich'b'al re kati't, Their mother as well. Ki chuch puch.

They drained it dry therefore water in jug. Xkitzajisaj k'u ja' pa q'eb'al. “Truly dry our mouths. “Qitzij chaqi'j qa chi'. 3290

114 Get our drink,” they said to their grandmother. Chik'ama' quk'ia',” xecha' chire kati't. “Fine,” she said therefore. “We',” xcha' k'ut.

Then she left. Ta xb'ek. They therefore eat remaining behind. Are' k'ut kewa kanoq.

Not therefore true then they are hungry. Ma k'u qitzij ta kenumik. Merely their deception they did Xa ki moywachib'al xkib'ano

Then they saw therefore the rat in mashed chili. Ta xkil k'ut ri ch'o chupan q'utum ik. Placed here the rat behind rubber ball K'olon uloq ri ch'o chirij kik' Hanging above house, Xekel wi puwi' ja, Then they saw it in mashed chili. Ta xkilo pa q'utum ik. 3300

Then they sent therefore a mosquito. Ta xkitaq k'ut jun xa'n. The insect the mosquito like the small biting fly. Ri chikop ri xa'n keje' ri us.

It arrived at river, Xopon chi ya', It therefore pierced its face jug grandmother. Are' k'u xworo u wach q'eb'al ati't.

Merely raised water it would come out before her jug. Xa yakal ja' chel chuwach u q'eb'al. She would try but it would not seal its face jug. Chutijo xma chitz'apitaj wi u wach q'eb'al.

“What did she do “Naqi pa mi xub'an The our grandmother? Ri qati't?

We are gasping for water! Oj jisab'aj chi ya'! We are finished by dry mouth!” Kojutzin rumal chaqi'j chi'!” 3310

They said again to their mother. Xecha' chik chire ki chuch. Then they sent her away. Ta xkitaq ub'ik.

Then therefore he clawed hither rat K'ate k'ut xuk'aqat ula ch'o The rubber ball. Ri kik'.

It fell hither from thatch house, Xqaj ula pu tum ja, With yokes, Ruk' b'ate, Arm protectors, Pach' q'ab', Leathers. Tz'um. They were carried away therefore. Xkimajix taj k'ut.

Then they went to hide them on road, K'ate xb'e kewaj pa b'e, 3320 Its path ballcourt. U b'e'el jom.

115 Then therefore they went again K'ate k'ut xeb'e chik With their grandmother at river. Ruk' kati't chi ya'.

They were busy therefore Katajin k'u The their grandmother, Ri kati't, Their mother Ki chuch Sealing its face jug each one. Tz'api u wach q'eb'al jujun.

Then therefore when they arrived, K'ate k'ut ta xe'oponik, Each therefore with blowgun when they arrived at river. Jujun chi k'u chi wub' ta xe'oponik chi a'.

“What you did? “Naqi pa mi xib'ano? 3330 Merely tired our hearts, Xa mi xkos qa k'u'x,

We came,” they said. Xojpetik,” xecha'. “Look at surely its face my jug. “Chiwila' na u wach nu q'eb'al. Not it can be sealed,” said their grandmother. Mawi katz'apitajik,” xcha' kati't. Immediately then therefore they sealed it again. Lib'aj chi k'ut xkitz'apij chik. Together therefore they came again, Junam k'ut xepe chik,

They first before their grandmother. E nab'e chuwach kati't. Thus its discovery ball this. Keje' k'ut u kana'ik kik' ri'.

THEY rejoice now therefore, KEKI'KOT chi k'ut, They went as ballplayers to ballcourt. Xeb'ek e cha'jel pa jom. 3340

Long time therefore they played ball alone. Najt k'u xecha'jik ki tukel. They swept the ballcourt their father. Xkimes ri jom ki qajaw.

Then they heard it therefore hither its lords Xibalba. Ta xkita k'u uloq rajawal Xib'alb'a. “Someone there started again game above our heads. “Apachina chiri' mi xutikib'a' chik etz'anem pa qa wi'.

Not are as well they ashamed thither, Ma pu kek'ix b'ik, They stomp about hither? Keniknot uloq?

Not did as well they die One Hunahpu, Ma pu xekam ri Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu? Wuqub' Junajpu?

They wanted to aggrandise themselves before us. Xraj ki nimarisaj kib' chi qa wach. Go therefore to summon them again,” they said again, Je' k'u i taqa chik,” xecha' chik, 3350

116 The One Death, Ri Jun Kame, Seven Death, Wuqub' Kame,

All lords. Konojel ajawab'. “Summon them hither,” “Xetaqa' uloq,”

They said therefore Xecha' k'ut To their messengers. Chire ki samajel.

“Say, ‘arrive, “Kixcha', ‘kixoponik, They must come, say lords. Kepetoq, kecha' ajawab'.

Here we would play ball with them. Waral taj kojcha'j wi kuk'. In seven days we play, say the lords.’ Wuqub'ix kojetz'anik, kecha' ajawab'.’ 3360

You tell them when you arrive,” Kixcha' kixoponik,” They were told therefore Xe'uchax k'ut

The messengers. Ri samajel. Then they came therefore. Ta xepe k'ut.

Great cleared pathway therefore Nima jok k'u Their road the boys Ki b'e ri k'ajolab'

To their home, Chi kochoch, Until pursued into their home. K'a toq'ol chi kochoch.

Merely therefore rising the messengers, Xa k'u yakal ri samajel, They arrived with their grandmother. Xopon ruk' kati't. 3370

When therefore they play ball, Are k'ut kecha'jik, Then they came behind its messengers Xibalba. Ta xul kanoq u samajel Xib'alb'a.

“‘Truly they come,’ say the lords,” “‘Qitzij kepetik,’ kecha' ri ajawab',” They said therefore the its messengers Xibalba. Xecha' k'ut ri u samajel Xib'alb'a.

Then was set therefore behind their day Ta xchoye' k'u kanoq ki q'ij By them the its messengers Xibalba. Kumal ri u samajel Xib'alb'a.

“In seven days they are expected,” “Wuqub'ix ketz'elawachixik,” She was told behind Xmucane. Xuchax kanoq Xmuqane.

“Good then that, they shall go as summoned, “Utz b'a la', xkeb'e taqoq,

117 You messengers,” said the grandmother. Ix samajel,” xcha' ri ati't. 3380

They went therefore the messengers, Xeb'e k'u ri samajel, They returned. Xetzalijik.

Then was finished therefore her heart the grandmother. Ta xk'is k'ut u k'u'x ri ati't. “How shall I tell them of “Naqi xchiwuchaj

Their summons the my grandsons? Ki taqik ri wi'y? Not truly the Xibalbans? Mawi qitzij ri Xib'alb'a?

Merely like their arrival messengers before, Xa keje' rulik samajel ojer, When they went to die the their father,” Ta xeb'e kamoq ri ki qajaw,”

Said the grandmother. Xcha' ri ati't. Woefully weeping in house alone. Q'us choq' pa ja u tukel. 3390

Then therefore fell hither a louse, K'ate k'ut xqaj ulo jun uk', It itched. Chuk'ayaq.

Then therefore she grabbed it up, K'ate k'u xuchap aq'anoq, Then she put it therefore in hand. Ta xuya' k'ut pu q'ab'.

It would scuttle about therefore Chimalmatib' k'u The louse walked. Ri uk' xb'inik.

“You my grandchild, “At wi'y, Would you like Chawaj taj

I send you Kanutaqo To go then to you summon Keb'e ta a taqa' 3400

The my grandsons at ballcourt?” Ri wi'y pa jom?” Was told the louse. Xuchax ri uk'.

Then it went summoner. Ta xb'ek taqonel. “Came messengers with your grandmother, “Mi xul samajel ruk' iwati't,

They say you are to come. Kacha' katoponik. ‘In seven days therefore they are to come,’ ‘Wuqub'ix k'ut ke'oponik,’

Say its messengers Xibalba, she says, Kacha' u samajel Xib'alb'a, kacha' Your grandmother she says,” was told the louse. Iwati't kacha',” xuchax ri uk'.

118 Then he went, Ta xb'ek, Scuttling therefore he went. Chimalmat k'ut xb'ek. 3410

Sitting therefore the boy in road, Ku'b'ul k'u ri k'ajol pa b'e, Tamazul his name the toad. Tamasul u b'i' ri xpeq.

“Where you go?” says therefore the toad to louse. “Apa katb'e wi?” cha' k'u ri xpeq chire uk'. “It is there then, “K'o b'a, My word in my belly. Nu tzij chi nu pam. I go with boys,” said the louse to Tamazul. Kinb'e kuk' k'ajolab',” xcha' ri uk' chire Tamasul.

“Good then that. “Utz b'a la'. Not then you go fast, Ma b'a katana'ik, I see it,” was told therefore louse by toad. Kawilo,” xuchax k'u uk' rumal xpeq. “Not you would want I swallow you? “Ma chawaj kanub'iq'o? 3420 You will see surely how fast I go. Chawila' na pe kinanik wa. We shall arrive quickly.” Xkojopon chanim.” “Good then that,” said the louse to toad. “Utz b'a la',” xcha' ri uk' chirech xpeq.

Then therefore he was licked up by toad. K'ate k'ut ta xriq'taxik rumal xpeq. He goes hopping therefore the toad. Chib'eqnaj k'u ri xpeq.

Then he went now, Ta xb'ek chi, Not he goes fast. Mawi ka'anik.

Then therefore he met now therefore a great snake, K'ate k'ut ta xuk'ul chi k'ut jun nima kumatz, White Life his name. Saqi K'as u b'i'.

“Where you go, “Apa katb'e wi, 3430 You Tamazul boy?” At Tamasul k'ajol?”

Was asked again the toad Xuchax chik ri xpeq By White Life. Rumal Saqi K'as.

“I messenger, “In samajel, It is my word in my belly,” K'o nu tzij chi nu pam,”

Said again therefore toad Xcha' chi k'ut xpeq To snake. Chire kumatz. “Not then you go fast I see. “Ma b'a katanik kawilo. Me then perhaps I shall arrive quickly,” In ta on xkinopon chanim,”

119 Said therefore snake Xcha' k'u kumatz 3440 To toad. Chire xpeq.

“Go ahead,” “Katojo',” He was told. Xuchaxik.

Then therefore was swallowed now K'ate k'u xb'iq' chik The toad by White Life. Ri xpeq rumal Saqi K'as.

Then received the his food snake, Ta xuk'am68 ri recha' kumatz, They are swallowed toads today. Keb'iq'ow xpeq wakamik.

He would go fast therefore the snake, Chan k'u ri kumatz, When he went. Ta xb'ek.

Was met again therefore the snake by falcon, Xk'ulutaj chi wi k'ut ri kumatz rumal wak, 3450 Great bird. Nima tz'ikin.

Was swallowed then the snake Xb'iq' chi wi ri kumatz By falcon. Rumal wak.

Then also he arrived this K'ate pu xopon ri' On its top ballcourt. Chuwi' jom. When received his food the hawk, Ta xuk'am recha' ri xik', They eat snakes in mountains. Keti'ow kumatz pa taq juyub'. Then he arrived also the falcon, Ta xopon puch ri wak, He alighted on its top its rim ballcourt. Xchakachob' chuwi' u tzutz'il jom.

They rejoice therefore Keki'kot k'u 3460 The Hunahpu, Ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke. They play ball. Kecha'jik.

Then he arrived therefore the falcon. Ta xopon k'ut ri wak. Then cried out therefore the falcon: Ta xoq' k'u ri wak:

“Wak-ko! Wak-ko!” “Wako! Wako!” Said his cry falcon strongly. Xcha' roq'ib'al wak ko.

“What this that cries out? “Naqi pa ri' choq'ik?

68 This is likely a play on words. Xuk'am is “received,” while the homophonous xuk'a'am is “carried.” In this case the text explains the origin of how snakes “received” their principal food, but at the same time this particular snake “carries” the toad bearing the message.

120 May come our blowguns!” they said. Peta' qa wub'!” xecha'.

THEN also they shot the falcon, K'ATE puch xkiwub'aj ri wak, 3470 It buried itself directed its pellet blowgun in his eye. Kek'u' taqal u b'aq' wub' chu b'aq' u wach.

He was knocked down therefore, Chiselet k'ut, He fell hither. Xqaj uloq.

Truly therefore they went to grab him. Qitzij wi k'ut xb'e ki chapa'. Then they asked: K'ate xkitz'onoj:

“Why have you come?” “Ju pa a petik?” They said to falcon. Xecha' chire wak.

“There is then my word in my belly. “K'o b'a nu tzij chi nu pam. Cure then surely my eye first, Chikunaj ta na u b'aq' nu wach nab'e,

Then therefore I shall tell it,” K'ate k'ut xchinb'ij,” 3480 Said the falcon. Xcha' ri wak.

“Good then that,” “Utz b'a la',” They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut.

Then they took out a little K'ate xkelesaj sqaqi'n Its surface rubber the ball. Rij kik' ri cha'j.

They put it in his face the falcon, Xkikoj chi u wach ri wak, Sliced Rubber it was named by them. Lotz Kik' xub'i'naj kumal.

Immediately then therefore was it cured by them, Lib'aj chi k'ut xkach'oj kumal, Good again his sight the falcon it became. Utz chik u muqub'al ri wak xuxik.

“Tell it therefore,” “Chab'ij k'ut,” 3490 They said to falcon. Xecha' chire wak.

Then therefore he vomited great snake. K'ate k'ut xuxawaj nima kumatz. “Speak,” they said again to snake. “Kach'awoq,” xecha' chik chire kumatz.

“Fine,” he said then therefore. “We',” xcha' chi k'ut. Then he vomited again toad. Ta xuxawaj chi xpeq.

“What is your errand? “Naqi pa a taqikil?

121 Speak,” Kattzijonoq,”

Was told then therefore the toad. Xuchax chi k'u ri xpeq. “There is then my word in my belly,” said again therefore “K'o b'a nu tzij chi nu pam,” xcha' chi k'u ri xpeq. the toad.

Then therefore he tried to throw up. K'ate k'ut xutij xab'ik. 3500 There is not he vomited. Maja b'i xuxawaj. Merely like it would drool his mouth. Xa keje' chuk'axaj u chi'. He would try it, Chutijo, But there is nothing he vomits. Xma k'o wi chuxawaj.

Then therefore they wanted he be beaten by boys, K'ate k'ut xraj ch'ayik kumal k'ajolab', “You deceiver,” he was told. “At k'axtok',” xuchaxik.

Then was squashed his rear end with their feet. Ta xyik' u wa rachaq chi aqan. Crushed therefore bones his backside with their feet. Xk'aj k'u b'aqil u wa rachaq chi aqan.

He tried again therefore, Xutij chi k'ut, Merely like it would salivate his mouth. Xa keje' chuchub' u chi'. 3510

Then also they pried open his mouth the toad, K'ate puch xkirech' u chi' ri xpeq, It was pried open by boys. Xrech' kumal k'ajolab'.

They searched in his mouth, Xkitzukuj pu chi', Merely therefore stuck the louse Xa k'u nak'al ri uk'

In front his teeth toad. Chuwa re' xpeq. Merely in his mouth he is. Xa pu chi' k'o wi.

Not surely he swallowed him, Ma na xub'iq'o, Merely like you swallow. Xa keje' xab'iq'.

Thus was defeated the toad, Keje' k'ut xch'akataj wi ri xpeq, Not clear its face his food they gave him. Mawi q'alaj u wach recha' xkiya'o. 3520

With it not he will go fast, Ruk' mawi chanik, Merely his spoil snake he became. Xa u ch'ak kumatz xuxik.

“Speak!” “Katzijonoq!” Was told again therefore the louse. Xuchax chi k'ut ri uk'.

Then he told therefore his word. Ta xub'ij k'u u tzij.

122 “Says the your grandmother you boys: “Kacha' ri iwati't ix k'ajolab':

‘Go you to summon them. ‘Je' a taqa. Arrived summoners of them. Xul taqol ke.

They come from Xibalba, Kape chi Xib'alb'a, Their messengers U samajel 3530

One Death, Jun Kame Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame.

‘In seven days they arrive here, ‘Wuqub'ix ke'ulik waral, We play ball. Kojcha'j wi.

They must come the their gaming things: Chipe ri ketz'ab'al: Rubber ball, Kik', Yokes, B'ate, Arm protectors, Pach' q'ab', Leathers. Tz'um.

They will enliven its face here,’ Are' chik'astaj u wach waral,’ 3540 They say lords. Kecha' ajawab'.

‘Arrived their word,’ ‘Xul ki tzij,’ Says the your grandmother. Kacha' ri iwati't.

‘Then you shall come,’ ‘Ta xipetik,’ Truly says the your grandmother. Qitzij kacha' ri iwati't. She weeps, Koq'ik, She calls out, Kasik'inik, Your grandmother Iwati't That you shall come.” Xipetik.”

“Is it not true?” they said therefore boys in their hearts “Ma qitzij!” xecha' k'ut k'ajolab' chi ki k'u'x 3550 When they heard it. Ta xkita'o.

Straightaway they came, Ju su xepetik, They arrived therefore with their grandmother. Xe'opon k'ut ruk' kati't.

Merely advisors to her Xa e pixab'ay chire Their grandmother Kati't They went. Xeb'ek. “WE go surely, “JO' na,

123 You our grandmothers, Ix qati't, Merely we advisors to you. Xa oj pixab'ay iwe.

This therefore its sign our word, Wa'e k'ute retal qa tzij, 3560 We shall leave it behind. Xchiqakanaj.

Each of us shall plant to this ear of unripe maize, Jujun xchiqatik chire wa' aj, In its center our house we shall plant. Chu nik'ajal qochoch xchiqatik wi.

This its sign our death Are' retal qa kamik If it will dry up. We chichaqijik.

‘They died,’ ‘Mi pa xekamik,’ You say when it will dry up. Kixcha' ta chichaqijik.

If therefore then it will come up its sprout, We k'ut ta chipe u tux, ‘They are alive,’ you say therefore, ‘E pa k'aslik,’ kixcha' k'ut,

You our grandmother, Ix qati't, 3570 You also our mother. Ix pu qa chuch.

Do not weep, there is its sign our word, Mixoq'ik, k'o retal qa tzij, It is left behind with you,” they said. Kakanajik iwuk',” xecha'.

Then they went one he planted Hunahpu, Ta xeb'ek jun xutik Junajpu, One therefore planted Xbalanque. Jun chi k'u xtikow Xb'alanke.

Merely in house they planted it. Xa pa ja xutik wi. Not surely in mountains, Ma na pa juyub' taj, Not also in fertile ground, Ma nay pu pa rax ulew taj. Merely in dry ground, Xa pa chaqi'j ulew,

In its center its interior their home, Chu nik'ajal u pa kochoch, 3580 They planted it behind. Xkitik wi kanoq.

Then they went therefore, Ta xeb'e k'ut, Each blowgun to them. Jujun chi wub' chike.

They descended to Xibalba, Xeqaj chi Xib'alb'a, Immediately they descended before steps. Lib'aj chi xeqaj chuwa kumuk.

They passed over its top therefore Xe'ik'ow chiwi' k'ut Into various river canyons. Chupan jal ja' siwan.

124 Merely in its midst birds Xa chuxo'l tz'ikin They passed by. Xe'ik'ow wi.

These the birds, Are' ri tz'ikin, 3590 Flocks their name. Molay ki b'i'.

They passed over again therefore on Pus River, Xe'ik'ow chi k'ut pa Puj Ya', On Blood River, Pa Kik' Ya',

Traps were to be theirs Ch'akb'al ta69 ke In their hearts Xibalba. Chi ki k'u'x Xib'alb'a.

Not were they troubled. Mawi xkiyikow. Merely on their backs blowguns they passed over. Xa chirij wub' xe'ik'ow wi.

They left again therefore out on four crossroads. Xe'el chi k'u apanoq pa kajib' xalkat b'e. Merely they knew therefore their roads Xibalba: Xa xketa'm wi k'ut ki b'e Xib'alb'a:

Black Road, Q'eqa B'e, 3600 White Road, Saqi B'e, Red Road, Kaqa B'e, Blue/Green Road. Raxa B'e.

There therefore they sent an insect, Chiri' k'ut xkitaq wi jun chikop, Mosquito his name. Xa'n u b'i'.

He obtainer their hearing, Are' k'amol ki ta, They sent him thither. Xkitaq ub'ik.

“Each one of them you bite. “Jujunal ke'ati'o. First you will bite Nab'e chati' The first seated one. Ri nab'e ku'b'ulel. 3610 You will accomplish their biting all of them. Chatz'akonisaj ki ti'ik konojel.

Truly yours therefore you will suck their blood Xawech wi70 k'ut chatz'ub'aj wi u kik'el People on road,” was told the mosquito. Winaq pa b'e,” xuchaxik ri xa'n.

“Good then that,” said therefore the mosquito. “Utz b'a la',” xcha' k'u ri xa'n.

69 Ta here indicates intent. Thus the traps were intended to be their defeat but, in fact, they weren’t (Mondloch, personal communication). 70 X- wi together act as a modal indicating certainty or a permanent trait: “it is truly yours.” In Nahuala today the equivalent is si- wi (Mondloch, personal communication).

125 Then he entered on Black Road, Ta xok pa Q'eqa B'e,

Alighted therefore behind them Tak'al k'u chirij The effigies carved wood. Ri poy ajam che'.

First seated ones all dressed up, Nab'e ku'lel e kawutalik, First therefore he bit him. Nab'e k'ut xuti'o.71

Not he spoke. Mawi xch'awik. 3620 He bit again therefore. Xuti' chi k'u. When he bit again second seated one, Ta xuti' chi u kab' ku'lel, Not again he spoke. Ma chi wi xch'awik.

He bit again therefore third one, Xuti' chi k'u rox, Now next third seated one is One Death. K'a chi rox ku'lel k'o wi Jun Kame.

“Ouch!” “Aki!” Said therefore one when he was bitten. Xcha' k'ut jun ta xti'ik.

“What?” “Naqi?” “Ow!” said One Death. “Aji!” xcha' Jun Kame.

“What, One Death? “Naqi, Jun Kame? 3630 What is it?” Naqi la'?”

“I am being bitten!” “Mi xiti'owik!” “Merely...Ow! What is there? “Xa...aji! Naqi chila'?

I am being bitten!” Mi xiti'owik!” Said next fourth seated one. Xcha' chik u kaj ku'lel.

“What, Seven Death? “Naqi, Wuqub' Kame? What is it?” Naqi la'?”

“I am being bitten!” “Mi xiti'owik!” Said next fifth seated one. Xcha' chi ro' ku'lel.

“Ow! Ow!” “Aji! Aji!” 3640 He said surely. Xcha' na.

“Flying Scab,” “Xik'iri Pat,”

71 The manuscript reads xquitio (they bit), which is likely a scribal error for xutio (he bit).

126 Said Seven Death to him, Xcha' Wuqub' Kame chire,

“What is it?” “Naqi la'?” “I am being bitten!” he said next. “Mi xiti'owik!” xcha' chik.

Was bitten sixth seated one. Xti'ik u waqaq ku'lel. “Ow!” “Aji!”

“What, Gathered Blood?” “Naqi, Kuchuma Kik'?” Said Flying Scab to him, Xcha' Xik'iri Pat chire,

“What is it?” “Naqi la'?” 3650 “I am being bitten!” he said next. “Mi xiti'owik!” xcha' chik.

Then was bitten seventh seated one. Ta xti' u wuq ku'lel. “Ow!” he said next. “Aji!” xcha' chik.

“What, Demon Pus?” “Naqi, Ajal Puj?” Said Gathered Blood to him, Xcha' Kuchuma Kik' chire,

“What is it?” “Naqi la'?” “I am being bitten!” he said next. “Mi xiti'owik!” xcha' chik.

Then was bitten eighth seated one. Ta xti' u wajxaq ku'lel. “Ow!” he said next. “Aji!” xcha' chik.

“What, Demon Jaundice?” “Naqi, Ajal Q'ana?” 3660 Said next Demon Pus to him, Xcha' chi Ajal Puj chire,

“What is it?” “Naqi la'?” “I am being bitten!” said next. “Mi xiti'owik!” cha' chik.

Then was bitten next ninth seated one. Ta xti' chik u b'elej ku'lel. “Ow!” he said. “Aji!” xcha'.

“What, Staff Bone?” “Naqi, Ch'ami'ya B'aq?” Said Demon Jaundice to him, Xcha' Ajal Q'ana chire,

“What is it?” “Naqi la'?” “I am being bitten!” he said next. “Mi xiti'owik!” xcha' chik.

Then was bitten next tenth seated one. Ta xti' chik u lajuj ku'b'ulel. 3670 “Ow!” “Aji!”

127 “What, Staff Skull?” “Naqi, Ch'ami'ya Jolom?” Said Staff Bone, Xcha' Ch'ami'ya B'aq,

“What is it?” “Naqi la'?” “I am being bitten!” he said next. “Mi xiti'owik!” xcha' chik.

Then was bitten next eleventh seated one. Ta xti' chik u julaj72 ku'lel. “Ow!” he said next. “Aji!” xcha' chik.

“What, [Wing]?”73 “Naqi, [Xik']?” Said next Staff Skull to him, Cha' chik Ch'ami'ya Jolom chire,

“What is it?” “Naqi la'?” 3680 “I am being bitten!” he said next. “Mi xiti'owik!” xcha' chik.

Then was bitten next twelfth seated one. Ta xti' chik u kab'lajuj ku'lel. “Ow!” he said next. “Aji!” xcha' chik.

“What, Packstrap?” “Naqi, Patan?” Said next [Wing] to him, Xcha' chik [Xik'] chire,

“What is it?” “Naqi la'?” “I am being bitten!” he said next. “Mi xiti'owik!” xcha' chik.

Then was bitten next thirteenth seated one. Ta xti' chik roxlajuj ku'lel. “Ow!” “Aji!”

“What, Bloody Teeth?” “Naqi, Kik' [Re'],”74 3690 Said Packstrap to him, Cha' Patan chirech,

“What is it?” “Naqi la'?” “I am being bitten!” he said next. “Mi xiti'owik!” xcha' chik.

Then was bitten next fourteenth seated one. Ta xti' chik u kajlajuj ku'lel. “Ow!” “Aji!”

72 The manuscript reads julaj, which should be julajuj.

73 The manuscript does not give the name here, but it should be “Wing” (see line 1873, 3732).

74 The manuscript reads quic xic (Bloody Wing), although in line 3699, and in other places, this Xibalba lord is consistently named as quic re (Bloody Teeth).

128 “What is it?” “Naqi la'?” “I am being bitten!” “Mi xitiowik!”

Said next Bloody Claws, Xcha' chik Kik' Rixk'aq, Said Bloody Teeth to him. Xcha' Kik' Re' chirech.

Thus its naming their names, Keje' k'ut u b'i'xik ki b'i', 3700 These they named. Ri' xkib'i'j.

All of them to each other revealed their faces, Konojel chi kib'il kib' xkik'ut u wach, They named their names. Xkib'i'j ki b'i'.

Each one by rank his naming by them, Jujun chijoloman u b'i'xik kumal, It would be named his name the one seated to his side. Are' chib'i'n u b'i' jun ri ku'b'ul chu xukut.

There is not one they missed his name, Maja b'i junoq xkisach u b'i', Finished their naming their names all of them K'is ki b'i'j ki b'i' konojel

When they were bitten by its hair its front his knee Ta xeti' rumal rismal u wach u ch'ek Hunahpu, Junajpu, He plucked out. Xumich' ub'ik.

Not surely true mosquito that bit them. Ma na qitzij xa'n ri xeti'owik. 3710 He went to hear their names all of them Xb'e ta'o ki b'i' konojel

Because of Hunahpu, Rumal Junajpu Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

Then therefore then they went, K'ate k'ut ta xeb'ek, Then they arrived as well, Ta xe'opon puch,

There where they are Chila' e k'o wi Xibalbans. Xib'alb'a.

“Hail lords,” he said, “Chiq'ijila' ajaw,” xcha', “These seated,” said one tempter. “Ri' ku'b'ulik,” xcha' jun taqchi'nel.

“Not they lords these, “Mawi are' ajaw ri', 3720 Merely effigies carved wood these,” Xa poy ajam che' ri',”

They said when they arrived. Xecha' ta xe'oponik. Then therefore they hailed them: K'ate k'ut ta xeq'ala'inik:

129 “Morning then One Death, “Q'ala ta Jun Kame, Morning then Seven Death, Q'ala ta Wuqub' Kame,

Morning then Flying Scab, Q'ala ta Xik'iri Pat, Morning then Gathered Blood, Q'ala ta Kuchuma Kik',

Morning then Demon Pus, Q'ala ta Ajal Puj, Morning then Demon Jaundice, Q'ala ta Ajal Q'ana,

Morning then Staff Bone, Q'ala ta Ch'ami'ya B'aq, 3730 Morning then Staff Skull, Q'ala ta Ch'ami'ya Jolom,

Morning then, Morning Wing, Q'ala ta, Q'ala Xik', Morning then Packstrap, Q'ala ta patan,

Morning then Bloody Teeth, Q'ala ta Kik' Re', Morning then Bloody Claws,” Q'ala ta Kik' Rixk'aq,”

They said when they arrived. Xecha' ta xe'oponik. All were completed being shown their faces. Ronojel xk'isk'ut u wach.

They named their names all of them, Xkib'i'j u b'i' ronojel, There is not one they missed his name. Maja b'i jun xkisach u b'i'.

When then it was demanded of them, Are ta xajawax chikech, 3740 Not then was left out his name by them. Ma ta xkanaj75 u b'i' kumal.

“Sit down here,” “Kixku' uloq,” They were told therefore. Xe'uchax k'ut.

They wanted them on its top bench. Xerajoq chuwi' tem. Not therefore they wanted it: Ma k'u xkaj:

“Not this our bench this, “Mawi are' qa tem ri', Merely heated stone the bench,” Xa chojim ab'aj ri tem,”

They said Hunahpu, Xecha' Junajpu Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

Not were they defeated. Mawi xech'akatajik. 3750 “Good then that, merely then go in house,” they were told. “Utz b'a la', xa b'a jix pa ja,” xe'uchaxik.

75 The manuscript reads xcanai, likely a scribal error for xcanah.

130 Then therefore they entered in Darkness House. K'ate k'ut ta xe'ok pa Q'equ'ma Ja. Not were they defeated there Mawi xech'akatajik chiri'

When first its trial Xibalba that they entered. Are nab'e u tijob'al Xib'alb'a ri xe'ok wi. They ordered therefore its beginning their defeat then now, Kechi' k'u u tikarik ki ch'akatajik ta chik, In their hearts Xibalbans. Chi ki k'u'x Xib'alb'a. First they entered into Darkness House, Nab'e xe'ok pa Q'equ'ma Ja,

Then therefore [someone] went to give their torch. K'ate k'ut ta xb'e ya'oq ki chaj. It was burning when it arrived, Katilowik ta xoponik, With each their cigars by his messenger One Death. Ruk' jujun ki sik' rumal u samajel Jun Kame.3760 “‘This their torch,’ says lord. “‘Wa'e ki chaje,’ kacha' ajaw.

‘They must come to give them again ‘Chul ki ya' chik The torch at dawn, Ri chaj saqarik, With the cigars. Ruk' ri sik'. Let them come and gather them,’ says lord,” Chul ki molob'a',’ kacha' ajaw,”

Said messenger when he arrived. Xcha' samajel ta xoponik. “Good then that,” they said therefore. “Utz b'a la',” xecha' k'ut,

Not therefore they lit the torch. Ma k'u xkitzij ri chaj. Merely flame its substitute entered. Xa kaqaj u k'exwach xokik. This its tail feather macaw, Are' u je' kaqix. 3770 Like torch they saw it night watchmen. Keje' ri' chaj xkilo waranel.

These next therefore the cigars, Are' chi k'u ri sik', Merely fireflies they put on their tips cigars. Xa q'aq'a chikop xkikojo chuwi' sik'.

One night they would glow brilliantly because of them. Jun aq'ab' chiyok'owik kumal. “We defeated them,” said the night watchmen. “Mi xeqach'ako,” xecha' waranel.

It was not therefore finished the torch, Ma k'u ja b'i xk'is ri chaj, Merely only its appearance. Xa wi xere u wach. These therefore the cigars, Are' k'u ri sik', There is not anything they lit on them. Maja b'i naqi la' xkitzij chire. Merely only its appearance, Xa wi xere u wach, 3780 They went to give to them lords. Xb'e ya'oq kuk' ajawab'.

“What are they become? “Naqi pa ke'uxik? Where did they come from? Apa xepe wi?

Who begat them? Achinaq xek'ajolanik?

131 Gave them birth? Xe'alanik?

Truly troubled our hearts, Qitzij kaq'atat qa k'u'x, Because not good they do to us. Rumal ma utz kakib'ano chiqe.

Distinctive their appearance, Jalan ki wach, Distinctive as well their essence,” Jalan nay pu ki k'oje'ik,”

They said to each other. Xecha' chikib'il kib'. 3790 Then they summoned therefore all lords. Ta xetaqon k'ut konojel ajawab'.

“Let us play ball, you boys,” they were told. “Oj o cha'joq, ix k'ajolab',” xe'uchaxik. Then they were asked therefore Ta xetz'onox k'ut

By One Death, Rumal Jun Kame Seven Death: Wuqub' Kame:

“Where truly did you come from? “Apa qi xixpe wi? May you tell it you boys,” said therefore Xibalbans to them.Chib'ij taj ix k'ajolab',” xcha' k'ut Xib'alb'a chike.

“Somewhere then we have come from perhaps, “Ala' b'a xojpe wi lo, Not we know,” Mawi qeta'm,”

Merely they said, Xa xecha', 3800 Nothing they told. Mawi xkib'ij.

“Good then that, “Utz b'a la', Merely we go to play ball, Xa qab'e kaqacha'j, You boys,” they said Xibalbans to them. Ix k'ajolab',” xecha' Xib'alb'a chike. “Good,” they said. “Utz,” xecha'.

“This then we will use this our rubber ball,” they said “Are'76 b'a chiqakoj ri wa' qa kik',” xecha' Xibalbans. Xib'alb'a. “No, this then we will use this ours,” they said boys. “Ma taj, are' ta chikoj wa' qe,” xecha' k'ajolab'.

“There is not, this we will use this ours,” they said again “Maja b'i, are' chiqakoj wa' qe,” xecha' chik Xibalbans. Xib'alb'a. “Good then that,” they said boys. “Utz b'a la',” xecha' k'ajolab'.

“Like then it merely drawn upon,” they said Xibalbans. “Je b'a la' xa juch'il,” xecha' Xib'alb'a. 3810 “Not then it, merely skull we say again,” they said boys. “Ma b'a la', xa jolom kojcha' chik,” xecha' k'ajolab'.

76 The manuscript reads re, which is likely a scribal error.

132 “It is not,” they said Xibalbans. “Maja b'i,” xecha' Xib'alb'a. “Good then that,” said Hunahpu. “Utz b'a la',” xcha' Junajpu.

Then it was thrown down therefore hither by Xibalbans Ta xtzaq k'u uloq rumal Xib'alb'a Rubber ball directed before his yoke Hunahpu Kik' u taqal chuwach u b'ate Junajpu.

Then also when they saw it Xibalbans, K'ate puch ta xkil Xib'alb'a, The White Dagger then came out inside the rubber ball. Ri Saqi Toq' ta xel chupan ri kik'.

It clashed about. Chitzininik. It went threatening in front of entire ground the ballcourt. Xb'e je' chuwa taq ulew ri cha'.

“What is that?” said the Hunahpu, “Naqi pa la'?” xcha' ri Junajpu, 3820 Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

“Merely death “Xa kamik You want for us. Kiwaj chiqech.

Not then we went to your summons? Ma ta xojb'e i taqa'? Not then also went your messengers? Ma ta pu xb'e i samajel?

Truly pity our faces! Qitzij toq'ob' qa wach! Merely we go,” Xa kojb'ek,”

They said boys to them. Xecha' k'ajolab' chike. This then therefore was desired to them boys, Are' ta k'u xajawax chike k'ajolab',

Straightaway then died these there, Ju su ta xkam ri' chiri', 3830 By blade they were to be defeated. Chi cha xech'akataj taj.

Not thus. Mawi keje'. Merely Xibalbans were defeated now by boys. Xa Xib'alb'a xech'akataj chik kumal k'ajolab'.

“Not then you go, “Ma b'a kixb'ek, You boys. Ix k'ajolab'.

We play ball surely, Kojcha'j na, Merely this we use the yours,” Xa are' kaqakojo ri iwech,”

Were told therefore boys. Xuchax k'ut k'ajolab'. “Good then that,” they said therefore. “Utz b'a la',” xecha' k'ut.

133 This therefore entered the their rubber ball. Are' k'u xok ri ki kik'. 3840 Then was dropped therefore ball. Ta xqaj k'u cha'j.

Then therefore they chose their prize. K'ate k'ut ta xkicho'y ki ch'ako'n. “What will we win?” they said Xibalbans. “Naqi pa chiqach'ako?” xecha' Xib'alb'a.

“As surely you indicate it,” merely they said boys. “Je na kik'ut,” xa xecha' k'ajolab'. “Merely our prize four each bowls flowers,” they said “Xa qa ch'aka kajkaj sel kotz'i'j,” xecha' Xib'alb'a. Xibalbans.

“Good then that, “Utz b'a la', What kinds flowers?” they said boys to Xibalbans. Naqi pa chi kotz'i'jal?” xecha' k'ajolab' chike Xib'alb'a. “One bowlful red petals, “Ju tik'ab' kaqa much'ij, One bowlful white petals, Ju tik'ab' saqi much'it, One bowlful of yellow petals, Ju tik'ab' q'ana much'it, 3850 One bowlful therefore the great ones,” Ju tik'ab' k'u ri nima'q,” They said Xibalbans. Xecha' Xib'alb'a. “Good then that,” said therefore boys. “Utz b'a la',” xecha' k'ut k'ajolab'.

Then was dropped therefore their ball, Ta xqaj k'ut ki cha', Equal their strength. Junam ki chuq'ab'.

Numerous also their ball plays the boys, Tzatz pu ki cha' ri k'ajolab', Merely therefore much its goodnesses their hearts. Xa k'u k'i rutz ki k'u'x.

Then they gave themselves to be defeated the boys. Ta xkiya' kib' chich'akatajik ri k'ajolab'. They rejoice therefore Keki'kot k'ut The Xibalbans, Ri Xib'alb'a, 3860 When they were defeated. Ta xech'akatajik.

“Good we did. “Utz mi xqab'ano. First we defeated them,” they said Xibalbans. Nab'e mi xeqach'ako,” xecha' Xib'alb'a.

“Where shall they go “Apa xchib'e To get the flowers?” Ki k'ama' wi ri kotz'i'j?”

They said in their hearts. Xecha' chi ki k'u'x. “Truly when early morning “Qitzij ta aq'ab' You shall give the our flowers, Chiya' ri qa kotz'i'j, Our prize as well,” Qa chakom puch,” They were told also boys, Xe'uchax puch k'ajolab', 3870 Hunahpu, Junajpu,

134 Xbalanque, Xb'alanke, By Xibalbans. Rumal Xib'alb'a. “Good then that, “Utz b'a la', Early morning again therefore we play ball,” Aq'ab'a' chi k'ut kojcha'jik,” They said therefore when they took counsel together. Xecha' k'ut ta xepixab'an kib'.

Then again therefore they entered boys in Blade House, K'ate chi k'ut ta xe'ok chi k'ajolab' pa Chaim Ja, Second trial Xibalba. U kab' tijob'al Xib'alb'a.

This then therefore was desired now, Are' ta k'ut xajawax chik, They were to be sliced apart by blades. Xeq'ataq'ox taj rumal cha. 3880 Rapid it was to be in their hearts, Chanim taj chi ki k'u'x,

They were to die in their hearts, Xekam taj chi ki k'u'x, Not therefore they died. Ma k'u xekamik.

Then they said to blades, Ta xecha' chire cha, Then they instructed them: Ta xkipixab'aj:

“This yours, “Are' iwe, The all its flesh animals,” they said to blades. Ri ronojel u tio'jil chikop,” xecha' chire cha.

Not therefore they moved again, Ma k'u xesilab' chik, Merely one lowered again point blades all of them. Xa jun qaj chi wi' cha ronojel.

These therefore they were then, Are' k'ut e k'o chi, 3890 There in Blade House at night. Chiri' pa Chaim Ja chaq'ab'.

Then they called all ants: Ta xkisik'ij ronojel sanik: “Cutting ants, “Chay sanik, Conquering ants, Ch'eken sanik, Come! Go all of you to get Kixpetoq! Kixojo' iwonojel ojik'ama'

All its blossoms flowers, Ronojel u wach kotz'i'j, Their prizes lords.” Ki ch'ako'n ajawab'.”

“Good then that,” “Utz b'a la',” They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut.

Then they went therefore the ants, Ta xeb'e k'u ri sanik, 3900 All obtainers flowers their garden Konojel e k'amol kotz'i'j u tiko'n

One Death, Jun Kame,

135 Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame.

Earlier therefore they instructed Mieroq k'ut chikipixab'aj Guardians their flowers the Xibalbans: Chajal ki kotz'i'j ri Xib'alb'a:

“Vigilantly look after our flowers, “Laq'i chiwila' qa kotz'i'j, Do not allow that they be stolen. Miya' chi eleq'axik.

By this we defeated the boys. Rumal ri' mi xeqach'ako ri k'ajolab'. What if came these perhaps our prize by them? Ana wi xpe wi ri' lo qa ch'ako'n kumal?

There is not you will sleep one night.” Maja b'i chiwaraj jun aq'ab'.” 3910 “Good then that,” they said therefore. “Utz b'a la',” xecha' k'ut.

Not therefore they sensed the guardians garden. Ma k'u xkina' ri chajal tiko'n. Without purpose they would break open their mouths Xaloq' chikiraquj ki chi'

In its branches trees, Chuq'ab' taq che', Garden as well. Tiko'n puch.

They go toddling along there, Keb'e chakala chiri', Merely only they would repeat the their song: Xa wi xere chikich'ab'ej ri ki b'ix:

“Shpurpuwek, “Xpurpuweq, Shpurpuwek,” Xpurpuweq,”

Says the one Cha' ri jun 3920 When he calls. Ta choq'ik.

“Puhuyu, “Pujuyu, Puhuyu,” Pujuyu,”

Says other, Cha' chik When he calls, Ta choq'ik,

The whippoorwill, Ri pujuyu, His name. U b'i'.

They two then E kaib' chi Guardians garden, Chajal tiko'n,

Their garden One Death, U tiko'n Jun Kame, 3930 Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame.

136 Not therefore they sensed Ma k'u kakina' The ants stealers of what they had guarded. Ri sanik eleq'ay ki chajem.

They swarm, Kab'olowik, They throng, Katukuwik,

Carriers away flowers, Eray kotz'i'j, That go to cut them hither, Ri kab'e q'atowa uloq,

Flowers Kotz'i'j In its tops trees theirs Chuwi' che' re Gathered with those below trees Kasik'ow kuk' chuxe' che' 3940 The flowers. Ri kotz'i'j.

Merely thus they would break open their mouths the Xa keje' chikiraquj ki chi' ri chajalib'. guardians. Not surely theirs they sensed Ma na re kakina'o

They gnawed their tails, Kak'ux ki je', They gnawed their wings. Kak'ux ki xik'.

These are loosened flowers, Are' kakirixik kotz'i'j, Until they fall hither K'a kaqaj uloq

Theirs they gather, Re kasik'owik, Theirs they go to cut hither. Re kab'e q'atowa uloq.

Immediately then therefore were filled four bowls flowers, Lib'aj chi k'ut xnoj kajib' sel kotz'i'j, 3950 Accumulated now therefore when it dawned. Tik'itoj chi k'ut ta xsaqirik.

Then therefore arrived messengers, K'ate k'ut ta xul samajel, Summoners, Taqonel,

“‘Come!’ says lord, “‘Kepetoq!’ kacha' ajaw, ‘Straightaway may they bring hither the our prize,’” ‘Ju suk' chikik'am ula ri qa ch'ako'n,’”

They were told therefore boys. Xe'uchax k'ut k'ajolab'. “Good then that,” they said therefore. “Utz b'a la',” xecha' k'ut.

They had accumulated therefore Ki tik'ela'on k'u The flowers four bowls. Ri kotz'i'j kajib' sel.

137 Then they went, Ta xeb'ek, 3960 Then they arrived therefore Ta xe'opon k'u

Before their faces lords. Chikiwach ajaw. Lords having received flowers woeful their faces. Ajawab' kuk'am kotz'i'j q'us u wach.

Thus they were defeated Xibalbans. Keje' k'ut xech'akataj wi Xib'alb'a. Merely ants they sent the boys. Xa sanik xkitaq ri k'ajolab'.

Merely all night they took them ants, Xa jun aq'ab'il xkichap sanik, Then they put them in bowls. Ta kiya' pa sel.

Thus they turned pale the all Xibalbans, Keje' k'ut xesaqkaje' ri konojel Xib'alb'a, Pallid their faces because of the flowers. Saqb'uk ki wach rumal ri kotz'i'j.

Then therefore they summoned the guardians flowers: K'ate k'ut xkitaq ri chajal kotz'i'j: 3970 “What its reason you gave our flowers to be stolen? “Naqi pa rumal mi xiya' qa kotz'i'j chi eleq'axik? These our flowers these you see,” Are' qa kotz'i'j wa'e kawilo,” They were told guardians. Xe'uchax chajal.

“Not then we sensed it you lords, “Ma b'a xqana'o at ajaw, But surely theirs they suffered our tails,” Mi na re xkuyu qa je',”

They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut. Then also were split open their mouths, K'ate puch xjix ki chi',

Their punishment Ki tojb'al They guarded now was stolen. Ki chajin chi eleq'axik.

Thus their defeat One Death, Keje' k'ut ki ch'akatajik Jun Kame, 3980 Seven Death, Wuqub' Kame,

By Hunahpu, Kumal Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

Its root the deed this, U xe' ri b'anoj ri', Then they received the their mouths gaping. Ta xkik'am ri ki chi' jereb'aq.

Their mouths whippoorwills Ki chi' purpuweq Gaping to this day. Jereb'aq wakamik.

Then again therefore was dropped ball, K'ate chi k'ut ta xqaj cha'j, Merely only equal they played ball. Xa wi xere junam kecha'jik.

138 They finished again therefore playing ball, Xkelej chi k'u cha'j, 3990 Then they took counsel again therefore together. Ta xepixab'an chi k'u kib'.

“Dawn again,” they said Xibalbans. “Saqirik chik,” xecha' Xib'alb'a. “Good then that,” said boys when they finished. “Utz b'a la',” xecha' k'ajolab' ta xkelej.

THEY entered now therefore in Cold House XE'OK chi k'ut pa Tew Ja. Not measured cold. Mawi ajilan tew. Thick with hail within house, Tzatz chi saqb'oqom chupan ja, Its home cold. Rochoch tew.

Straightaway therefore was dissipated cold. Ju su k'u stzaj77 tew. By them it was finished, Rumal kutzina[q],78 Ruined, Ma'ina[q], 4000 Destroyed the cold by boys. Xsach ri tew kumal k'ajolab'.

Not they died, Mawi xekamik, Instead they are alive Xa wi e k'aslik When it dawned. Ta xsaqirik. This then therefore wanted Xibalbans, Are' ta k'u xkaj Xib'alb'a, There then they died. Chiri' ta xekam wi. Not like that. Mawi keje'. Instead therefore good their faces Xa wi k'u utz ki wach When it dawned. Ta xsaqirik.

They left again hither summoners theirs, Xekel chi ula taqol ke, 4010 They went again guardians. Xeb'e chik e chajal.

“What is it, “Naqi pa la', Not they died?” said now its lords Xibalba. Mawi mi xekamik?” xcha' chi rajawal Xib'alb'a.

They marveled at again Xkimayijaj chik Their deeds boys, Ki b'anoj k'ajolab',

Hunahpu, Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

77 The manuscript reads ztzah. The completive aspect should be xtzah, however, Mondloch (personal communication) points out that the completive aspect prefix x- is pronounced s- when it occurs before tz, tz' or s. Thus xsaqirik is pronounced saqirik.

78 The manuscript reads cutz ma, although the “m” is uncharacteristically sloppy and could be an “n.” I agree with Edmonson that this is likely a scribal error for cutzina[c].

139 THEN they entered again therefore in Jaguar House. K'ATE xe'ok chi k'ut pa B'alami Ja. Crowded with jaguars Jaguar’s Home. Tzatz chi b'alam B'alam Rochoch.

“Not you eat us. “Mawi kojiti'o. 4020 There is yours will become,” they were told jaguars. K'o iwech chuxik,” xe'uchaxik b'alam.

Then therefore they scattered bones before beasts, K'ate k'ut xkipuk'ij b'aq chikiwach chikop, Then therefore they crunch there over bones. K'ate k'ut kepaq'aq'ik chiri' chuwi' b'aq.

“They were therefore finished, “Mi k'u xe'utzinik, They ate their hearts. Mi xutij ki k'u'x.

Then they gave themselves. K'ate wi ri mi xkiya' kib'. These their skeletons that are being gnawed on,” Are' ki b'aqil ri kak'uxixik,”

Said the night watchmen. Xecha' ri waranel. All of them sweet their hearts to it. Konojel ki' ki k'u'x chire.

Not therefore they died, Ma k'u xekamik, 4030 Merely only good their faces. Xa wi xere utz ki wach.

They came out hither Xe'el uloq From Jaguar House. Pa B'alami Ja.

“What therefore now kind of people? “Naqi pa k'u79 chi e winaqil? Where therefore did they come from?” Apa k'u xepe wi?”

They said the Xibalbans, Xecha' ri Xib'alb'a, All of them. Konojel.

THEN again they entered into fire, K'ATE chik xe'ok chupam q'aq', Another house of fire. Jun ja chi q'aq'.

Merely alone fire its interior, Xa u tukel q'aq' u pam, 4040 Not they were burned by it. Mawi xek'atik rumal.

Merely they were to be roasted, Xa b'olol, Merely they were to be set on fire. Xa tzimaj wi.

79 The manuscript reads qui which is likely a scribal error for cu.

140 Instead only good now Xa wi xere utz chi Their faces Ki wach

When it dawned. Ta xsaqirik. This then are desired Are' ta kajawaxik

Straightaway then they die inside Ju suk' ta kekamik chupan This they pass through. Ri' ke'ik'ow wi.

Not so. Mawi keje'. 4050 Merely lost their hearts Xibalbans because of it. Xa wi kasach ki k'u'x Xib'alb'a rumal.

THEY were put again inside Bat House, XEKOJ chik chupan Sotz'in Ja, Alone bats inside next house. U tukel sotz' chupam chi ja.

One house of death bats, Jun ja chi kama sotz', Great animals. Nima'q chikop.

Like the blades their snouts, Keje' ri cha ki tza'm, Their means of murder. Ki kamisab'al.

Straightaway they were to be finished Ju su chutzinik They were to arrive before their faces. Chopon chikiwach.

They were therefore there inside Xek'oje' k'u chiri' chupan 4060 Merely in blowguns they slept. Xa pa wub' xewar wi.

Not were they eaten Mawi xeti'ik By these that are in house. Rumal ri' e k'o pa ja.

There therefore they gave themselves one Chiri' k'ut xkiya' wi kib' jun wi Because of one death bat. Rumal jun chi kama sotz'.

It would descend, Chiqaj, It came. Xpe wi.

Merely their self-manifestation Xa wi u k'utb'al rib' When they did it. Ta xkib'ano.

Because hard they asked for Rumal ko kakitz'onoj wi 4070 Their wisdom. Ki na'oj.

141 One night therefore Jun aq'ab' k'u The bats make flapping sounds with their wings: Ri sotz' keb'ujujik:

“Keeleetz! “Kilitz! Keeleetz!” Kilitz !”

They say, Kecha', They say all night. Kecha' jun aq'ab'.

Ceased therefore these a little. Xtane' k'u ri' sqaqi'n. There is not now they move the bats. Maja b'i chik kesilob'ik ri sotz'.

There therefore crawling the one Chiri' k'u chakal wi ri jun 4080 End blowgun. Tza'm wub'.

Said therefore the Xbalanque: Xcha' k'u ri Xb'alanke: “Hunahpu, “Junajpu,

Yet when its dawn you see?” K'a janik' pa u saqirik kawilo?” “Yet when it then perhaps I shall see it surely,” he said “K'a janik'an la' b'a lo wila' na,” xcha' k'ut. therefore.

Truly therefore he wanted to look hither from its mouth Qi k'u are' karaj muqum uloq chuchi' wub', blowgun, He wanted to see sees hither its dawn. Karaj ril uloq u saqirik.

Then also was cut off his head by death bat, K'ate puch ta xqupix u jolom rumal kama sotz', Cut off now behind the greater part the Hunahpu. Qupul chi kanoq u nimal ri Junajpu.

“How is it, not it dawned?” said the Xbalanque. “Jucha'lik, ma mi xsaqirik?” xcha' ri Xb'alanke. 4090 There is not now he would move the Hunahpu. Maja b'i chik chisilob'ik ri Junajpu.

“What then, not perhaps went Hunahpu? “Jupacha', ma xa on mi xb'ek Junajpu? What then you did?” Jupacha' mi xab'ano?”

There was not he would move, Maja b'i chisilab'ik, Merely would rustle wings now. Xaqi chiqosos chik.

Then therefore was ashamed Xbalanque. K'ate k'ut xuk'ixb'ij Xb'alanke. “Alas, we gave in already,” he said therefore. “Akarok, mi xqaya' yan,” xcha' k'ut.

142 There therefore went to place first his head, Chila' k'ut xb'e k'ola na wi u jolom, On its top ballcourt. Chuwi' jom.

Merely their word One Death, Xa wi u tzij Jun Kame, 4100 Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame.

They rejoice therefore the Xibalbans all of them Keki'kot k'u ri Xib'alb'a konojel Because of his head Hunahpu. Rumal u jolom Junajpu.

Then therefore he summoned animals, K'ate k'ut ta xutaq chikop, All of them: Ronojel:

Coati, Sis, Peccary, Aq,

All small animals, Ronojel ch'uti chikop, Great animals, Nima chikop,

At night, Chaq'ab', 4110 Merely instead its early morning. Xa wi xare raq'ab'al.

Then he asked for therefore Ta xutz'onoj k'ut Their food. Kecha'.

“Whatsoever your food each of you “Naqi taq pa iwecha' chi jujunal This I summon you to bring hither the your food,” Are' kixnutaq wi chik'am uloq ri iwecha',”

He said therefore Xbalanque to them. Xcha' k'ut Xb'alanke chike. “Good then that,” they said therefore. “Utz b'a la',” xecha' k'ut.

Then they went obtainers theirs, Ta xeb'ek e k'amol rech, Then they arrived many therefore all of them. Ta xe'ul je k'ut konojel.

There were mere rotten things they went to get, K'o xa q'umar rech xb'e u k'ama', 4120 There were mere leaves they went to get, K'o xa tz'alik xb'e u k'ama', There were mere stones they went to get, K'o xa ab'aj xb'e u k'ama', There was mere dirt they went to get. K'o xa ulew xb'e u k'ama'.

Various their foods the [small] animals, Jalajoj kecha' ri [ch'uti]80 chikop, Great animals. Nima chikop.

80 It is likely that ch'uti (small) should have been part of this couplet, paired with nima (great) as it is throughout the text.

143 Many as well until last remaining the coati, K'i pu k'a u xamb'e kanajoq ri sis, Chilacayote squash she went to get. Q'oq' xb'e u k'ama'.

She rolls it with her nose as she comes. Kub'alka'tij chutza'm kapetik. This therefore entered transformation his head Hunahpu. Are' k'ut xok jalwachib'al u jolom Junajpu.

Immediately now were carved its seeds its face. Lib'aj chi xk'otox u b'aq' u wach. 4130 Crowded with sages from sky came. Tzatz chi aj na'oj chi kaj xpe wi.

This its Heart Sky, Are' u K'u'x Kaj, Huracan. Juraqan.

He appeared hither, Xulk'o loq, He arrived therefore hither Xulu k'u loq

There Chiri' In Bat House. Pa Sotz'i Ja.

Not therefore soon it was successfully completed his face, Ma k'u ata'n xutzinik u wach, Good now it became. Utz chik xuxik.

Merely only its covering beautiful it appeared, Xa wi xare u ch'uq jeb'el xwachinik, 4140 Merely only it spoke. Xa wi xare xch'awik.

While therefore then it would want to dawn, Are k'ut ta chiraj saqirik, It would redden its root sky. Chikaqtarin u xe' kaj.

“Blacken it with soot surely again, “Kaxaqi' na chik, Old man,” was told the possum. Ama',” xuchax ri wuch'. “Fine,” said the grandfather. “We',” xcha' ri mama'. Then again he blackened it with soot. Ta chi xaqinik.

Then it was darkened again. K'ate ta chiq'equ'mar chik. Four times he blackened it with soot the grandfather. Kaj mul xaqin ri mama'.

“He blackens it with soot possum,” “Kaxaqin wuch',” 4150 Say people today. Kacha' winaq wakamik.

Merely therefore red blue it succeeded Xa k'u kaq rax utzinik When it began its existence. Ta xutikib'a' u k'ojik.

“Not good?” he was told therefore Hunahpu. “Ma utz?” chuchax k'ut Junajpu. “Yes good,” he said therefore. “Je' utz,” xcha' k'ut.

144 Merely only would be supported his head, Xa wi xare chub'aqitila' u jolom, Like truly his head it came to be. Keje' ri' qitzij u jolom xuxik.

Then therefore they made their words, K'ate k'ut ta xkib'an ki tzij, They counseled together. Xepixab'an kib'.

“Not any you play ball, “Ma naqi katcha'jik, 4160 Merely you look threatening. Xaqi chayekuj awib'.

Merely I one, Xa in jun, Truly I accomplish it,” said Xbalanque to him. Qi kinb'anowik,” xcha' Xb'alanke chire.

Then therefore he instructed a rabbit: K'ate k'ut ta xupixab'aj jun umul: “You be then there “Katk'oje' ta chiri' At its head ballcourt. Chuwi' jom. At head, Chi wi', You be in tomato patch,” Katk'oje' wi chupan pixk,” Was told rabbit by Xbalanque. Xuchax umul rumal Xb'alanke.

“When it will come rubber ball with you, “Chopon na kik' awuk', 4170 Then you go out K'ate katelik

Until I accomplish it,” K'a in kib'anowik,” Was told the rabbit, Xuchax ri umul,

When he was instructed Ta xpixab'axik In the night. Chaq'ab'.

Then therefore it dawned, K'ate k'ut ta xsaqirik, Merely instead good their faces both of them. Xa wi xare utz ki wach ki kab' ichal.

DROPPED again therefore their ball, XQAJ chi k'u ki cha'j, Placed now therefore his head Hunahpu atop ballcourt K'olan chi k'u u jolom Junajpu chuwi' jom.

“We triumphed already, “Mi xqach'ako yan, 4180 You did it, Mi xib'ano,

You give in, Kiya'n, You gave it,” Mi xiya'o,”

They were told. Xe'uchaxik.

145 Merely therefore only he would call out Hunahpu: Xa wi k'u xere chisik'in Junajpu: “Strike the head as rubber ball,” “Chak'aqa' ri jolom chi kik',” They are told. Ke'uchaxik.

“Not therefore they will harm us again, “Ma k'u chikiqaq'axow chik, We will be threatening.” Chiyekow qib'.”

They therefore threw down rubber ball its lords Xibalba. Are' k'u xetzaqow kik' rajawal Xib'alb'a. 4190 He met it therefore Xbalanque. Xuk'ul k'ut Xb'alanke.

It landed therefore the rubber ball before yoke, Taqal k'u ri kik' chuwach b'ate, It bounced. Chitanenik.

Then it went out, Ta xelik, Straightaway therefore it passed over rubber ball above Ju su k'u xik'ow kik' chuwi' jom. ballcourt.

Merely one, Xa jun, Merely two bounces landed in tomatoes. Xa ka nab' wi taqal pa pix.

Then he went out therefore the rabbit Ta xel k'u ri umul Hopping along, Chik'oxk'otik,

Then they went fleeing therefore, Ta xb'ek oq'otal k'ut, 4200 Then they went all the Xibalbans. Ta xb'e kumal ri Xib'alb'a. They shout, Kejuminik, They rush about. Kechaninik. They went after the rabbit, Xeb'e chirij ri umul, They ended up going all Xibalba. Xek'is b'e konojel Xib'alb'a.

Then therefore they retrieved the his head Hunahpu, K'ate k'ut xkik'amixtaj ri u jolom Junajpu, It was planted again his chilacayote squash Xbalanque. Xtikixtaj chik u q'oq' Xb'alanke.

These now therefore went Are' chi k'ut xb'e To place the chilacayote squash on its top ballcourt. Kikub'a' ri q'oq' chuwi' jom.

True head again therefore Qitzij jolom chi k'u 4210 His head the Hunahpu. U jolom ri Junajpu.

They rejoice now therefore, Keki'kot chi k'u, Both of them. Ki kab' ichal.

They therefore go to search for surely rubber ball Are' k'ut keb'e tzuku na kik'

146 The Xibalbans. Ri Xib'alb'a.

Then therefore they retrieved it again, K'ate k'ut xkik'amixtaj chi, The rubber ball in tomatoes. Ri kik' pa pix.

Then they called again therefore: Ta xesik'in chi k'ut: “Come! “Kixpetoq!

This rubber ball ours, Wa'e kik' qe, 4220 We found it!” they said. Mi xqariqo!” xecha'.

They were carrying a round thing now therefore Ki k'olem chi k'ut When they came Xibalbans. Ta xe'ul Xib'alb'a.

“What this we saw?” “Naqi pa ri' mi xqilo?” They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut.

Then they began again therefore to play ball, Ta xkitikib'a' chi k'ut cha'jik, Equal ball plays now therefore they did now both of them. Junam cha'jik chi k'ut xkib'an chik ki kab' ichal.

Then therefore was struck the chilacayote squash by K'ate k'ut xk'aqataj ri q'oq' rumal Xb'alanke. Xbalanque. It strewed the chilacayote squash dropped in ballcourt. Chipuk'ab'in ri q'oq' xqaj pa jom.

Scattered therefore Saqiram k'u 4230 The its seeds before their faces. Ri u sakilal chikiwach.

“What this you went to get? “Naqi pa ri' chib'e i k'ama'? Where is the obtainer of it?” said Xibalbans. Apa k'o wi ri k'amol re?” xcha' Xib'alb'a.

Thus their defeat Keje' k'ut ki ch'akatajik Its lords Xibalba, Rajawal Xib'alb'a,

By Hunahpu, Rumal Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

Great affliction they were in, Nima k'axk'ol xek'oje' wi, Not these they died. Mawi are' xekam wi.

The everything Ri ronojel 4240 Was done to them. Xb'an chike.

147 THIS therefore their memorial their deaths ARE' k'ut wa'e ki nab'al ki kamik Hunahpu, Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke. This their memorial their deaths we shall tell now. Are' wa' ki nab'al ki kamik xchiqab'ij chik.

When they planned therefore, Ta xepixab'aj k'ut, They did it. Xkib'ano.

All affliction, Ronojel k'axk'ol, Misfortune done to them, Ra'il xb'an chike,

Not they died by Mawi xekamik rumal 4250 Its trials Xibalba. U tijob'al Xib'alb'a. Not were they defeated by Mawi xech'akatajik rumal All ravenous animals there are in Xibalba. Ronojel ti'onel chikop e81 k'o chi Xib'alb'a.

Then therefore they summoned two seers, K'ate k'ut ta xkitaq chi kaib' nik'wachinel, As these visionaries. Keje' ri' e ilol.

They their names these: Are' ki b'i' wa': Descended, Xulu, Ascended. Paqam. They sages. E eta'manel.

“If we are asked about to you by its lords Xibalba, “We kojtz'onoxik chiwe kumal rajawal Xib'alb'a, 4260 Because of this our death. Rumal ri' qa kamik. Their thoughts they combine Ki na'oj kakinuk' Because of this not we died, Rumal ri' mawi mi xojkamik, Not also we were defeated. Ma pu mi xojch'akatajik. We confounded their trials, Mi xqasach ki tijob'al, Not merely animals entered to us. Ma xa chikop chok chiqe. This therefore its sign this in our hearts: Are' k'u retal wa' chi qa k'u'x: Heated stones means of murder ours by them. Chojim ab'aj kamisab'al qe kumal. They gathered themselves all Xibalba, Mi xekuchu kib' ronojel Xib'alb'a, Not therefore truly then we die. Ma k'u qitzij ta kojkamik. 4270 This therefore your thought Are' k'u i na'oj This we shall tell. Wa' xchiqab'ij. If you come to be asked by them We kixul tz'onob'exoq82 kumal

81 The manuscript appears to read o here, although it is unclear. James Mondloch suggests that it should likely be e (personal communication). 82 The manuscript reads tzonobex xoc, which is likely a scribal error.

148 About our death when we are burned, Chirech qa kamik ta kojk'atoq,

What shall you tell them, Naqi xchikucha'j, You Descended, Ix Xulu, You Ascended, Ix Paqam, If they speak to you? We kecha' chiwe?

‘Not good perhaps ‘Ma utz lo We will scatter then Chiqatix ta 4280 Their bones in canyon,’ Ki b'aqil pa siwan,’ ‘If not then good? ‘We ma b'a utz?

Merely only again would be revived their faces,’ you say. Xa wi xere chik chik'astaj ki wach,’ kixcha'. ‘If then this good ‘We b'a are' utz Merely we shall hang them Xa chiqaxekeb'a' In its top tree?’ then they say again to you. Chuwi' che'?’ ta kecha' chik chiwe. ‘Certainly not good, ‘Xax ma utz wi, Merely only you would see before their faces,’ you say. Xa wi xere chiwil chikiwach,’ kixcha'.

Then they say again therefore Ta kecha' chi k'ut For third time, Chi rox mul, 4290

‘Merely then this its good thing ‘Xa b'a are'83 rutzil Merely we will scatter their bones in its course river?’ Xa chiqatix ki b'aqil pa raqan ja'?’

If therefore you are told then by them, We k'ut kixuchax chik kumal, ‘This good then that they die, ‘Are' utz b'a la' kekamik,

Then therefore good K'ate k'u utz That they would be ground their bones on its face stone, Chijok' ki b'aqil chuwach ab'aj,

Like would be ground fine maize flour, Keje' ri' chike'x k'ajim jal, Each one therefore would be ground. Jujunal k'u chike'ik.

Then therefore would be scattered thither in its course river,K'ate k'u chitix ub'ik chi raqan a', Would be sprinkled on therefore river, Chirikaj k'u a', 4300

That goes through small mountains, Chib'e ch'uti juyub', Great mountains,’ Nima juyub',’

83 The manuscript reads re, likely a scribal error for are.

149 You say therefore. Kixcha' k'ut. Then will be made manifest Ta chik'utunisaj The our counsel, Ri qa pixab', We said to you,” Mi xqab'ij chiwe,”

Said Xhunahpu, Xecha' Xjunajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

When they gave counsel, Ta xepixab'ik, They knew of their death. Xketa'maj ki kamik. 4310

This is made the great heated stones, Are' kab'an ri nima chojim ab'aj, Like the pit oven. Keje' ri chojib'al. Truly they made it Xibalbans, Qi xkib'an Xib'alb'a, Great coals they placed. Nima'q xaq xkikojo.

Then therefore arrived messengers, K'ate k'ut xul samajel, Accompaniers theirs, Achb'ilay ke,

Their messengers One Death, U samajel Jun Kame, Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame.

“‘May they come! “‘Kepetoq! We go then with boys, Kojb'e ta kuk' k'ajolab', 4320 To go then Chib'e ta To see Kila'

Until we cook you up,’ K'a kixqachojij,’ Say lords, Kacha' ajaw,

You boys,” Ix k'ajolab',” They were told. Xe'uchaxik.

“Good then that,” “Utz b'a la',” They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut.

Quickly they went, Anim xeb'ek, They arrived therefore at its mouth pit oven. Xe'opon k'ut chuchi' choj. 4330

There therefore they wanted to force Chiri' k'ut xeraj ch'ij wi Into playing. Chi etz'anem.

“Let us jump over this the our sweet drink, “Qach'opij wa'e ri qa ki',

150 Four times, Kaj taq mul taj,

Across it Chi q'axiq'aj Each one of us, Chiqajujunal,

You boys,” they were told therefore Ix k'ajolab',” xecha'x k'ut By One Death. Rumal Jun Kame.

“Not this you pluck us this. “Mawi are' kojimich' wi ri'. Not do we know our death, Ma pa qeta'm qa kamik, 4340

You lords? Ix ajawab'? You will see it surely,” they said therefore. Chiwila' na,” xecha' k'ut.

Then they faced each others face, Ta xkik'ulawachij ki wach, They spread their hands both of them, Xkirip ki q'ab' ki kab' ichal,

They also headfirst when they went in pit oven, E pu jupujuj ta xeb'ek pa choj, There therefore they died both of them. Chiri' k'ut xekam wi ki kab' ichal.

They rejoice now therefore Keki'kot chi k'ut All Xibalbans. Ronojel Xib'alb'a.

Contented their shouting, Taqal ki yuyub', Contented their whistling. Taqal ki xulq'ab'. 4350

“We defeated them! “Mi xeqach'ako! Truly not too soon they gave themselves,” they said. Qitzij mawi ata'n xkiya' kib',” xecha'.

Then therefore their summoning the Descended, K'ate k'ut ki taqik ri Xulu, Ascended, Paqam,

They left behind their word. Xkanaj wi ki tzij. Merely only were asked Xa wi xare xtz'onox

These went their bones, Ri xb'e wi ki b'aqil, When they divined Xibalbans. Ta xeq'ijin Xib'alb'a.

Were ground their bones, Xjok' ki b'aqil, Were strewn along its course river, Xb'e tixoq chi raqan a', 4360

Not therefore they went then far away. Ma k'u xeb'e ta chi naj. Merely straightaway they sank beneath water. Xa ju su xeqaj chuxe' a'.

151 Chosen boys they came to be, E cha'om k'ajolab' xe'uxik, Merely only their faces came to be. Xa wi xere ki wach xuxik.

They appeared again therefore, Xek'utun chi k'ut, ON fifth day therefore they appeared again. CHI ro' b'ix k'ut xek'utun chik.

They were seen in river by people, Xe'il chi ya' rumal winaq, They two like the mere people fish they appeared. E kaib' keje' ri xa winaq kar xewachinik.

When were seen their faces by Xibalbans, Ta xil ki wach kumal Xib'alb'a, They were searched for therefore in rivers. Xetzukux k'ut chi taq ya'. 4370

Very next day therefore they would appear, Xchuweqa k'ut kek'utunoq, They two as poor orphans, E kaib' chi meb'a'.

Rags their fronts, Atz'iyaq ki wach, Rags also on their backs, Atz'iyaq pu kij, Rags therefore their coverings. Atz'iyaq k'ut ki q'u'.

Not surely they would do henceforth then their appearance, Ma na chib'an an ta ki wach, When truly they were seen by Xibalbans. Ta qi xe'ilik rumal Xib'alb'a.

Various now therefore they did it Jala chi k'ut xkib'ano Merely Dance Whippoorwill, Xa Xajoj Pujuy, Dance Weasel, Xajoj Kux, 4380 Merely Armadillo they danced, Xa Ib'oy xkixajo, Merely Centipede, Xa Xtz'ul, Merely Injury they danced now. Xa Ch'itik xkixaj chik. Many marvels they did now. K'iya mayijab'al xkib'an chik.

They burned house like it truly would burn, Xkiporoj ja keje' ri' qitzij chik'atik, Immediately now therefore they would create again. Lib'aj chi k'ut chiwinaqir chik.

Crowded now Xibalbans to watch. Tzatz chi Xib'alb'a chika'yik. Then they would sacrifice themselves. K'ate chikipus kib'.

He would die one of them, Chikam jun chike, He would throw himself down surely in death. Chipune' na chi kaminaqil. 4390

First they would kill themselves, Nab'e chikikamisaj kib', Merely only immediately will be revived again their faces. Xa wi xere lib'aj chik'astaj wi chi u wach.

152 Merely they watch with admiration Xibalbans, Xa kika'y Xib'alb'a, When they would do it. Ta chikib'ano.

All they did now, Ronojel xkib'an chik, Its groundwork now, U xe'najik chik,

Defeat theirs Ch'akb'al kech Xibalbans by them. Xib'alb'a kumal.

THEN now also its arrival now K'ATE chi puch roponik chik Its news their dances U tzijel ki xajoj 4400

In ears lords One Death, Chi xikin ajawab' Jun Kame, Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame.

They said when they heard it, Xcha' ta xkita'o, “Who the two poor orphans? “Naqi ri e kaib' meb'a'?

Is it true that delightful? La qitzij wi chi kus? True also that beautiful Qitzij wi pu chi jeb'elik

Their dancing, Ki xajowik, All they do?” they asked therefore. Ronojel kakib'ano?” xcha' k'ut.

Their account arrived with lords, Ki tzijoxik xoponik kuk' ajawab', Delighted they heard it. Kus xkita'o. 4410

Then they entreated therefore their messengers, Ta xb'ochi' k'ut ki samajel, Summoners that they come: Taqol chi kepetoq:

“‘May they arrive to do it, “‘Chul ta ki b'ana', That we watch. Qaka'y.

We would marvel at it, Keqamayijaj taj, We would watch it also, Keqaka'yij ta puch,

They say lords,’ Kecha' ajawab',’ They say it to them,” Kixcha' chike,”

Were told the messengers. Xuchax ri samajel. They arrived therefore with the dancers. Xe'opon k'ut kuk' ri xajol. 4420

153 Then they spoke therefore Ta xch'aw k'ut Their word lords to them. Ki tzij ajawab' chike.

“Not then we would want to “Ma b'a chiqaj Because the truth we are timid. Rumal ri qitzij kojxob'ik.

Not merely not we are ashamed Ma xa mawi kojk'ixb'ik We enter out into lordly house. Kojok apanoq chi ajawal ja.

Because truly ugly our faces, Rumal qi itzel qa wach, Not merely their largeness our eyes in poverty. Ma xa ki nima'q u b'aq' qa wach chi meb'a'.

Not perhaps is seen to them merely we dancers? Ma xa on ril chire xa oj xajol? What then would we say to our fellow poor orphans? Naqi ta chiqab'ij chike qach meb'a'? 4430

There is responsibility, they desire also the our dancing, K'o k'am, kurayij nay pu ri qa xajoj, They revive their faces with us. Kakik'astaj ki wach quk'.

Not like it therefore we shall do to them the lords, Ma keje' la' k'u xchiqab'an chike ri ajawab', Thus not we want to, Keje' k'u mawi kaqaj wi,

You messengers,” Ix samajel,” They said therefore, Xecha' k'ut,

The Hunahpu, Ri Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

They were pestered surely their faces upon misfortune, Xelejeb'ex na ki wach chuwi' ra', Upon pain. Chuwi' k'ax. 4440

Red misfortune they went, Kaq ra'il xeb'ek, Not too soon they wanted to have gone. Mawi ata'n xkaj b'enam.

Many times they were compelled, K'iya mul xech'ijik, Merely they would make little progress, Xa chimachka'y,

Messengers before them, Samajel chikiwach, Obtainers theirs. K'amol ke.

Then they went therefore with lord. Ta xeb'e k'ut ruk' ajaw. THEY arrived also with lords. XE'OPON puch kuk' ajawab'.

They pretend to be humble, Kemoch'och'ik,

154 They would prostrate themselves they arrived, Chikixulela ki wach xe'oponik, 4450 They humbled themselves, Xkikemelaj kib', They would stoop over, Chikiluk kib', They would bow, Chikipach kib', They would conceal themselves with rags, Chimayo kib'84 chi atz'iyaq,

True that poor orphans their appearance they arrived. Qitzij wi chi meb'a' ki wachib'al xe'oponik. Then they were asked therefore Ta xtz'onox k'ut

Their mountains, Ki juyub'al, Their nation as well. Kamaq' puch.

They were asked also their mother, Xtz'onox nay puch ki chuch, Their father. Ki qajaw. 4460

“Where do you come from?” “Apa kixpe wi?” They were asked. Xe'uchaxik.

“Not then we know you lord. “Ma b'a qeta'on at ajaw. Not we learned their faces Mawi xqeta'maj u wach

Our mother, Qa chuch, Our father. Qa qajaw.

Still we were small K'a oj ch'uti'koq When they died,” Ta xekamik,”

Merely they said. Xa xecha'. Not anything they told. Mawi naqi la' xkib'ij. 4470

“Good then that, “Utz b'a la', May it be done then our spectacle. Chib'an ta b'a qa ka'y.

What do you want, Naqi chiwaj, Your payment we will give?” they were asked. Iwajil chiqaya'o?” xe'uchaxik.

“Not then we want. “Ma b'a kaqaj. True that we are afraid,” they said again to lord. Qitzij chi kaqaxib'ij qib',” xecha' chik chire ajaw.

“Do not be afraid, “Mixib'ij iwib', Do not be timid. Mixxob'ik.

84 The manuscript reads quih, which is likely a scribal error.

155 Dance! Kixxajowoq! This then first you will dance Are' ta nab'e chixaj 4480

This you sacrifice then yourselves, Ri kixpusu' ta iwib', You will burn then therefore the my home. Chiporoj ta k'u ri wochoch.

Do everything Chib'ana' ronojel That you know. Ri iweta'm.

We would watch it Kojka'y taj We want it. Kaqaj.

This because of our hearts Are' uma qa k'u'x You go summoned. Kixb'e taqoq.

Because you poor orphans, Rumal ix meb'a', We will give your price,” they were told therefore. Chiqaya' iwajil,” xe'uchax k'ut. 4490

Then they began therefore their songs, Ta xkitikib'a' k'ut ki b'ix, Their dances. Ki xajoj.

Then came therefore all the Xibalbans, Ta xul k'ut ronojel ri Xib'alb'a, They overflowed spectators. Xepulik e ka'yel.

Everything therefore Ronojel k'ut They danced: Xkixajo:

They danced Weasel, Xkixaj Kux, They danced Whippoorwill, Xkixaj Pujuy, They danced Armadillo. Xkixaj Ib'oy.

Said therefore lord to them: Xcha' k'u ajaw chike: 4500 “Sacrifice the my dog, “Chipusu' ri nu tz'i', Revive again his face by you,” Chik'astaj chi u wach iwumal,” They were told. Xe'uchaxik.

“Fine,” “We',” They said. Xecha'.

Then they sacrificed dog, Ta xkipus tz'i',

156 Revived again his face. Xk'astaj85 chi u wach. Truly therefore would rejoice the dog Qitzij k'u chiki'kot ri tz'i' When was revived his face. Ta xk'astaj u wach. He would vigorously wag his tail Chusaqb'isala' u je' 4510 When was revived his face. Ta xk'astaj u wach.

Said therefore lord to them: Xcha' k'u ajaw chike: “Burn surely then my home,” “Chiporoj na b'a wochoch,” They were told next. Xe'uchax chik. Then they burned therefore his home lord. Ta xkiporoj k'ut rochoch ajaw. Overflowing lords in house all of them, E pulinaq ajawab' pa ja konojel, Not they were burned. Mawi xek'atik.

Immediately now again it was restored, Lib'aj chi chik xkutzinisaj, Not surely straightaway lost the his home One Death. Ma na ju su sachik ri rochoch Jun Kame.

They marveled therefore Xkimayijaj k'ut 4520 All lords. Konojel ajawab'.

Merely therefore only they dance, Xa wi k'u xere kexajowik, Greatly they rejoice. Nim keki'kotik.

They were told next therefore Xe'uchax chi k'ut By lord, Rumal ajaw,

“Kill surely therefore a person, “Chikamisaj na k'u jun winaq, Sacrifice him not then therefore he will die,” Chipusu' ma ta k'u chikamik,”

They were told therefore. Xe'uchax k'ut. “Good then that,” they said. “Utz b'a la',” xecha'.

Then they seized therefore a person, Ta xkichap k'ut jun winaq, 4530 Then they sacrificed him. K'ate xkipusu.

They extracted therefore up his heart the one person, Xkipoq'oj k'u aq'anoq u k'u'x ri jun winaq, They placed it therefore before their faces lords. Xkik'olob'a' k'ut chikiwach ajawab'.

They marveled at it now therefore One Death, Xkimayijaj86 chi k'ut Jun Kame, Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame.

85 The manuscript reads xqaztai, likely a scribal error for xqaztah (Mondloch, personal communication). 86 The manuscript reads xquimaiha, likely a scribal error for xquimaihah. See line 4540 where it is written properly.

157 Immediately now therefore was revived again his face Lib'aj chi k'ut xk'astaj87 chi u wach The one person by them. Ri jun winaq kumal. Greatly would rejoice his heart Nim chiki'kot u k'u'x When was revived his face. Ta xk'astaj u wach.

They marveled at it therefore Xkimayijaj k'ut 4540 Lords. Ajawab'.

“Sacrifice now surely therefore yourselves, “Chipusu' chi na k'u iwib', We would see it. Chiqil taj.

Truly desire our hearts the your dance,” Qitzij kurayij qa k'u'x ri i xajoj,” Said again therefore lords. Xecha' chi k'u ajawab'.

“Good then that, you lord,” “Utz b'a la', at ajaw,” They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut.

Then also they sacrificed themselves. K'ate puch xkipus kib'. He therefore was sacrificed, Are' k'u xpus,

The Xhunahpu Ri Xjunajpu 4550 By Xbalanque. Rumal Xb'alanke.

Each one therefore Jujunal k'u Was cut in pieces Xperepoxik

His legs, Raqan, His arms. U q'ab'.

Came off his head, Xel u jolom, It was placed out far away. Xk'ole' aponoq chi naj.

Was dug out his heart, Xk'otix uloq u k'u'x, Was placed on its face leaf. Xch'eqe' chuwach tz'alik.

They are drunk therefore these, Keq'ab'ar k'u ri', 4560 All its lords Xibalba at sight. Ronojel rajawal Xib'alb'a chi ka'y.

Merely therefore one other goes on dancing, Xa k'u jun chi kaxajowilab'ik, The Xbalanque. Ri Xb'alanke.

87 The manuscript reads xcasta, likely a scribal error for xcastah. See line 4539 where it is written properly.

158 “Arise!” he said therefore. “Kawa'lijoq!” xcha' k'ut. Immediately again therefore was revived his face. Lib'aj chi k'ut xk'astaj u wach.

Greatly they rejoice. Nim keki'kotik. Merely like they rejoice lords, Xa wi keje' keki'kot ajawab', Merely they doing it. Xa wi are' keb'anowik. Rejoice their hearts Kaki'kot ki k'u'x

One Death, Jun Kame, 4570 Seven Death. Wuqub' Kame.

Like these they dance, Keje' ri' are' kexajowik, They sense it. Kakina'o.

THEN also their desire, K'ATE puch u rayinik, Its abandonment also their hearts lords U malinik pu ki k'u'x ajawab'

To their dances Xhunahpu, Chire ki xajoj Xjunajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

Then came out therefore their words One Death, Ta xel k'u ki tzij Jun Kame, Seven Death: Wuqub' Kame:

“Do it to us! “Chib'ana' chiqe! 4580 Sacrifice us!” they said therefore. Kojipusu'!” xecha' k'ut.

“The same way sacrifice us,” “Junal taj kojipusu',” They said therefore Xecha' k'ut

One Death, Jun Kame, Seven Death Wuqub' Kame

To the Xhunahpu, Chike ri Xjunajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

“Good then that, they will be revived your faces. “Utz b'a la', chik'astaj i wach. Are not you death? Ma pa ix k'o kam?

We also gladdeners yours, Oj pu ki'kotirisay iwe, 4590 You also their lords Ix pu rajawal

159 Your vassals, Iwal, Your servants,” I k'ajol,”

They said therefore Xecha' k'ut To lords. Chike ajawab'.

This therefore first to be sacrificed, Are' k'u nab'e xpus, The truly its head lord, Ri qi u jolom ajaw, One Death Jun Kame His name, U b'i', Its lord Xibalba. Rajawal Xib'alb'a. 4600 Dead now therefore One Death. Kaminaq chi k'ut Jun Kame.

Then was seized next Seven Death. Ta xchap chik Wuqub' Kame. Not were revived again their faces. Mawi xk'astaj chi ki wach.

Then also they go out K'ate pu kelik Xibalbans by their feet. Xib'alb'a chi kaqan.

These saw the lords, Are' xkil ri ajawab', They died. Xekamik.

They torn now out, E xaraxoj chub'ik, They also torn open both of them. E pu xaraxoxinaq ki kab' ichal.

Merely therefore punishment their faces Xa k'u k'ajisab'al ki wach 4610 They did. Xb'anik.

Straightaway they executed the one lord, Ju suk' xukamib'ej ri jun ajaw, Not surely they revived again his face. Ma na xkik'astaj chi u wach.

He therefore the one lord begged humbly surely, Are' k'u ri jun ajaw xelaj na, He wept surely before their faces the dancers. Xoq' na chikiwach ri e xajol.

Not he accepted it, Mawi xuk'ulu, Not as well he found it. Ma pu xuriqo.

“Pity my face,” “Toq'ob' nu wach,” He said when he sensed himself. Xcha' ta xuna' rib'.

They finished therefore going all their vassals, Xek'is k'u b'ek ronojel kal, 4620 Their servants in great canyon. Ki k'ajol pa nima siwan.

160 Merely one they stuffed themselves Xa jun xkib'alij wi kib' In great ravine. Pa nima xolob'achan. There therefore they piled up. Chiri' k'ut e tub'ul wi. Then gathered therefore Ta xk'ulun k'ut Not counted ants swarmed hither, Mawi ajilan chi sanik tukuliy ula, They go into canyon Ke pa siwan Like they were driven hither, Keje' ri' xeb'eyo'x uloq,

Then they arrived therefore. Ta xe'ul k'ut. They bowed down Xkixul 4630 To give now themselves all of them. Ki ya' chi kib' konojel.

They arrived begging humbly, Xe'ul elajoq, They arrived also weeping. Xe'ul pu oq'oq.

Thus they were defeated Keje' k'ut kech'akatajik Its lords Xibalba. Rajawal Xib'alb'a.

Merely miracle, Xa mayijab'al, Merely also their transformation themselves when Xa pu ki jalwachib'al kib' ta xkib'ano. they did it.

Then also they named their names, K'ate puch ta xkib'i'j ki b'i', They named themselves before their faces all Xibalba. Xkikob'isaj kib' chikiwach konojel Xib'alb'a.

“HEAR our names! “CHITA' qa b'i'! 4640 We shall name them. Xchiqab'i'j. We shall name also Xchiqab'i'j nay puch Their names our fathers to you. U b'i' qa qajaw chiwe.

We this. Oj wa'. We Oj

Xhunahpu, Xjunajpu, Xbalanque our names. Xb'alanke qa b'i'.

These therefore our fathers Are' k'u qa qajaw These you killed: Ri' xikamisaj:

One Hunahpu, Jun Junajpu, 4650 Seven Hunahpu their names. Wuqub' Junajpu ki b'i'.

161 We therefore avengers of these their misfortunes, Oj k'u paq'ol re wa'e ki ra'il, Their afflictions the our fathers. Ki k'axk'ol ri qa qajaw.

Thus we endured Keje' k'ut mi xqakuyu wi All afflictions you did to us. Ronojel k'axk'ol mi xib'an chiqe.

Thus we destroy all of you. Keje' k'ut kixqasach wi iwonojel. We kill you. Kixqakamisaj.88

There is not now ones who get saved of you,” Maja b'i chik kolotajel chiwe,” They were told therefore. Xe'uchax k'ut.

Then also they beg humbly, K'ate puch kelajik, 4660 They weep all Xibalba. Koq'ik konojel Xib'alb'a.

“Pity our faces, “Toq'ob' qa wach, You, Ix,

Hunahpu, Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

Truly we sinned to them, Qitzij wi xojmakunik chike, The your fathers you name. Ri i qajaw kib'i'j.

They therefore buried, La' k'ute e muqul, At Crushing Ballcourt,” Chi Puk'b'al Cha'j,”

They said therefore. Xecha k'ut. 4670 “Good then that. “Utz b'a la'.

This then the our word Are' b'a ri qa tzij We shall say to you. Xchiqab'ij chiwe.

Hear it all of you, Chita' iwonojel, You Xibalbans. Ix Xib'alb'a.

Because not surely great again your day, Rumal ma na nim chi i q'ij, Your posterity will become, Iwalaxik chuxik,

With also not great again your offerings. Ruk' nay puch mawi nim chi i kochib'al. Diminished now Xsqaqi'n chik

88 The manuscript reads quixcamizah which is likely a scribal error for quixcacamizah.

162 To sap croton. Chi kik' jolomax. 4680 Not cleaned blood yours. Mawi ch'ajom kik' iwe.

Merely griddles, Xa xot, Merely worn out pots, Xa aq'am, Merely flimsy things, Xa ch'uch', Unto its being brittle. Chire xjeraxik.

Merely also its children grass, Xa nay pu ral k'im, Its children wastelands you will eat. Ral tolob' chiwecha'j.

Not therefore yours the all light children, Ma k'u iwech ri ronojel saqil al, Light begotten sons. Saqil k'ajol.

Merely things of no importance Xa no'j 4690 Will fall before you. Chitzaqo rib' chiwach.

These the sinner, Are' ri aj mak, Malevolent, Aj lab'al, Wretch, Aj b'is, Molester. Aj moken.

Clear surely their sins, Chak na u mak, You enter in. Kixok wi.

Not surely sudden seisure all people you will do, Ma na xa rax chapom ronojel winaq chib'ano, You will be entreated also over the sap croton,” Kixta'on puch chuwi' ri kik' jolomax,”

They were told therefore Xe'uchax k'ut 4700 All Xibalba. Konojel Xib'alb'a.

Thus was begun their loss, Keje' k'ut tikarinaq ki sachik, Its ruin also their being called upon. U ma'ixik nay puch ki sik'ixik.

Not great was their day anciently, Mawi nim ki q'ij ojer, Merely they wanted conflict people anciently. Xa xraj tza wi winaq ojer.

Truly not surely gods Qitzij ma na k'ab'awil Their names anciently. Ki b'i' ojer.

Merely fearful, Xa wi xib'al, Evil their faces. Itzel ki wach.

163 Strife makers, E aj tza, 4710 Owl masters, Aj tukur,

Tempters to sin, E taqchi'nel chi mak, To violence. Chi lab'al.

They also masters buried heart, E nay pu aj muqulik k'u'x, They black view, E q'eqa il, Black view, Saqi il, Masters of violence, Aj mox wach, Masters of vexation, they are called. Aj latz'ab', ke'uchaxik.

At foundation Chi xe'on Their faces are hidden. Ki wach kek'u'lutajik. 4720

Thus its loss their greatness, Keje' k'ut u sachik ki nimal, Glory. Q'aq'al.

Not great again their dominion became. Mawi nim chi kajawarem xuxik. This they accomplished Are' xeb'anow

The Xhunahpu, Ri Xjunajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke.

She therefore weeps, Are' k'ut koq'ik, Cries out the their grandmother Kasik'in ri kati't

Before the unripe maize ears Chuwach ri aj That they planted behind. Ri xkitik kanoq. 4730

It came its sprout the unripe maize ears. Xpe u tux ri aj. Then it dried up again, K'ate xchaqij chik, This therefore when they were burned in pit oven. Are' k'ut ta xek'at pa choj. Then came again therefore its sprout the unripe maize ears. Ta xpe chi k'ut u tux ri aj.

Then therefore burned the their grandmother, K'ate k'ut xk'aton ri kati't, She burned the copal incense before the unripe maize ears, Xuk'at ri pom chuwach ri aj,

Its remembrance theirs this. U na'tab'al kech ri'. It rejoiced her heart their grandmother Are' xki'kot wi u k'u'x kati't

This for second time came up its sprout the unripe maize. Ri' chu ka mul xpe u tux ri aj.

164 Then they were deified by their grandmother. Ta xk'ab'awilax rumal kati't. 4740

Then she named it therefore: Ta xub'i'natisaj k'ut Center House, Nik'aj Ja, Center Ancestral Plot, Nik'aj B'ichoq', Revitalized Unripe Maize Ears, K'asam Aj, Leveled Earth Ch'atam Ulew Its name became. U b'i' xuxik.

This therefore she named Center House, Are' k'ut xub'i'naj wi Nik'aj Ja, Center Ancestral Plot, Nik'aj B'ichoq',

Because merely at its center Rumal xa chu nik'ajal Its interior their home they planted unripe maize ears. U pa kochoch xkitik aj. 4750

This again therefore she named Leveled Earth, Are' chi k'u xub'i'naj wi Ch'atam Ulew, Revitalized Unripe Maize Ears, K'asam Aj,

Upon level earth Chuwi' ch'ata ulew Is planted unripe maize ears. Kitik wi aj.

This also she named Revitalized Unripe Maize Ears Are' nay pu xub'i'naj wi K'asam Aj Because it came up its sprout unripe maize ears. Rumal xpe u tux aj.

Then was placed its name by Xmucane. Ta xkoj u b'i' rumal Xmuqane. They planted it behind Xkitik kanoq

Hunahpu, Junajpu, Xbalanque. Xb'alanke. 4760

Merely remembrance theirs Xa na'tab'al ke By their grandmother. Rumal kati't.

They therefore the first their fathers, Are' k'u ri nab'e ki qajaw, A long time ago they had died, Xojeroq kekamoq,

The One Hunahpu, Ri Jun Junajpu, Seven Hunahpu. Wuqub' Junajpu.

They saw now therefore Xkil chi k'ut His face the their father U wach ri ki qajaw

There Chila'

165 At Xibalba. Chi Xib'alb'a. 4770

He spoke now their father to them, Xch'aw chik ki qajaw chike, When they defeated Xibalba. Ta xkich'ak Xib'alb'a.

THIS therefore his adornment now their father by them WA' k'ute u wiqik chik ki qajaw kumal When they adorned the Seven Hunahpu. Are xkiwiq ri Wuqub' Junajpu.

There they went to adorn them Chila' xb'e ki wiqa wi At Crushing Ballcourt. Chi Puk'b'al Cha'j.

Merely only his face they wanted it to become. Xa wi xere u wach xraj uxik. Was asked therefore to him its name everything: Xtz'onox k'ut chire u b'i' ronojel:

His mouth, U chi', His nose, U tza'm, 4780 Its seeds his face. U b'aq' u wach.

He found first his name, Xuriq nab'e u b'i', Merely therefore little more was said. Xa k'u sqaqi'n chik xcha'taj wi. Merely not he said more Xere mawi xub'ij chi Its name the its equivalent things above his mouth. U b'i' ri u junal puwi'l u chi'.

But also it had been said now, Xere pu xcha'taj chi wi, Thus then they honored him. Keje' k'ut ta xkinimaj wi.

Left behind his heart their father. Kanajoq u k'u'x ki qajaw. Merely he was left at Crushing Ballcourt Xa wi xkanaj chi Puk'b'a[l] Cha'j.

“There you are called upon. “Chiri' kixsik'ix wi. 4790 It will come to be,” Chuxik,”

They said again his sons to him. Xecha' chi u k'ajol chirech. Then was comforted his heart. Ta xku'b'ax u k'u'x.

“First they will go out to you, “Nab'e chel iwe, First also you are worshiped Nab'e nay puch kixq'ijiloxik

By light child, Rumal saqil al, Light son. Saqil k'ajol.

Not will be lost your names. Mawi chisachik i b'i'.

166 Then be it so,” Ta chuxoq,”

They said to their father Xecha' chirech ki qajaw 4800 When they comforted his heart. Ta xkiku'b'a' u k'u'x.

“Merely we avengers your death, “Xa oj paq'ol i kamik, Your loss, I sachik,

Affliction, K'axk'ol, Misfortune done to you.” Ra'il xb'an chiwe.”

Thus their counsel Keje' k'ut ki pixab'ik When was defeated all Xibalba. Ri xch'akatajinaqoq ronojel Xib'alb'a.

Then they rose up therefore hither, Ta xe'aq'an k'u loq, Here center lights. Waral e nik'aj saq. Straightaway therefore Ju su k'u 4810 They rose up to sky. Xe'aq'an chi kaj.

One therefore sun, Jun k'u q'ij, One also moon to them. Jun nay pu ik' chike.

Then was illuminated its womb sky, Ta xsaqirik u pam kaj, Its face earth. U wach ulew.

In sky they were. Chi kaj xek'oje' wi. They therefore at last rose up, Are' k'ut k'a chaq'anik,

The five eighties boys, Ri o' much' k'ajolab', They died because of Zipacna. Xekam rumal Sipakna.

These therefore their companions became, Are' k'ut kachb'il xuxik, 4820 They its constellation sky they became. E u ch'umilal kaj xe'uxik.

THESE therefore its beginning when was conceived WA'E k'ut u tikerik ta xna'ojix winaq, humanity, When was searched for as well what will enter its flesh Ta xtzukux puch ri chok u tio'jil winaq. humanity.

They said therefore the She Who Has Borne Children, Xecha' k'ut ri Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons, K'ajolom,

167 They Framer, E Tz'aqol, Shaper, B'itol,

Sovereign, Tepew, Quetzal Serpent their names: Q'ukumatz ki b'i':

“Approached its dawn, “Mi xyopijik u saqirik, 4830 Framed successful completion, Mi xtz'aq utzinik, Also appeared Mi pu xq'ale'ik

Provider, Tzuqul, Sustainer, Q'o'l,

Light child, Saqil al, Light son. Saqil k'ajol.

Appeared humanity, Mi xq'ale' winaq, Its population its face earth,” they said. U winaqil u wach ulew,” xecha'.

Gathered together it arrived, Xmolomanik xulik, Went their thoughts, Xb'e ki na'oj, 4840

In darkness, Chi q'equ'mal, In night. Chi aq'ab'al.

Then they searched, Ta xkitzukuj, They sifted as well. Xkipuk'uj puch.

They thought, Xena'ojinik, They pondered as well here. Xeb'ison puch waral. Thus went out their thoughts Keje' k'ut xel wi apanoq ki na'oj

Bright, Saqil, Clear. Q'alal.

They found it, Xkiriqo, 4850 They discovered it as well, Xkikana'isaj puch,

This entered Ri' xok Its flesh humanity. U tio'jil winaq.

Just a little now Xa sqaqi'n chik Not appears Mawi kawachin

168 Sun, Q'ij, Moon, Ik',

Stars Ch'umil Above their heads Pa ki wi'

They Framer, E Tz'aqol, 4860 Shaper. B'itol.

INSIDE Paxil, PAN Paxil, Inside Cayala its name, Pan K'ayala' u b'i' ,

Came yellow ears of maize, Xpe wi q'ana jal, White ears of maize. Saqi jal.

THESE therefore their names animals, ARE' k'u ki b'i' chikop, These obtainers their food: Wa' k'amol recha':

Fox, Yak, Coyote, Utiw, Parakeet, K'el, 4870 Raven. Joj.

They four animals, E kajib' chi chikop, Named its account, Xb'i'n u tzijel,

Yellow ears of ripe maize, Q'ana jal, White ears of ripe maize to them. Saqi jal chike.

There they come inside Paxil, Chila' kepe wi pan Paxil, Indicated its path Paxil, Xk'ut u b'e'el Paxil,

This therefore they found the food, Are' k'ut xkiriqo ri echa', This therefore entered their flesh Are' k'ut xok u tio'jil

People framed, Winaq tz'aq, 4880 People shaped. Winaq b'it.

Water therefore Ja' k'ut Its blood. U kik'el.

169 Its blood U kik'el Humanity it became. Winaq xuxik.

This entered because of Are' xok kumal She Who Has Borne Children, Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons, K'ajolom, The ripe ears of maize. Ri jal.

Thus they rejoiced Keje' k'ut xeki'kot wi 4890 Because of the its being found Rumal ri u riqitajik

Excellent mountain, Utzilaj juyub', Filled with deliciousness, Nojinaq chi kus,

Crowded with yellow ears of ripe maize, Tzatz chi q'ana jal, White ears of ripe maize, Saqi jal,

Crowded as well with pataxte, Tzatz nay puch chi peq, With cacao, Chi kako,

Not counted zapotes, Mawi ajilan tulul, Anonas, K'awex,

Jocotes, Q'inom, 4900 Nances, Tapa'l,

Matasanos, Ajache', Honey. Kab'.

Filled sweetest foods, Nojinaq ki'laj echa', Inside the citadel, Chupan ri tinamit,

Inside Paxil, Pan Paxil, Inside Cayala their names. Pan K'ayala' u b'i'.

There was food, K'o wi echa', 4910 Its fruit all U wachinel ronojel

Small foods, Ch'uti echa', Great foods, Nima echa',

Small cultivated fields, Ch'uti tiko'n, Great cultivated fields. Nima tiko'n.

170 Revealed its path Xk'ut u b'e'el By animals. Kumal chikop.

Then were ground therefore the yellow ears of ripe maize, Ta xke'x k'ut ri q'ana jal, White ears of ripe maize, Saqi jal,

Nine therefore its grindings B'elejeb' k'u u ka'l She did Xmucane. Xub'an Xmuqane.

Food entered, Echa' xokik, 4920 With water its strength, Ruk' ja' rope'nal,

Created its arm fatness, Xwinaqir u q'ab' chiyal, Its yellowness humanity it became, U q'anal winaq xuxik,

When they did it the She Who Has Borne Children, Ta xkib'an ri Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons, K'ajolom,

Sovereign, Tepew, Quetzal Serpent they are called. Q'ukumatz ke'uchaxik.

Then therefore they placed in words their framing, K'ate k'ut xkikoj pa tzij u tz'aqik, Their shaping, U b'itik,

Our first mother, Qa nab'e chuch, 4930 Father. Qajaw.

Merely yellow ears of ripe maize, Xa q'ana jal, White ears of ripe maize their flesh. Saqi jal u tio'jil.

Merely food their legs, Xa echa' raqan, Their arms humanity. U q'ab' winaq.

These our first fathers, Ri' e qa nab'e qajaw, Four people framed. E kajib' chi winaq tz'aq.

Merely food entered Xa echa' okinaq Their flesh. Ki tio'jil.

THESE their names first people were framed, WA'E ki b'i' nab'e winaq xetz'aqik, 4940 Were shaped. Xeb'itik.

171 This first person the Balam Quitze, Are' nab'e winaq ri B'alam Kitze, Second therefore Balam Acab, U kab' chi k'ut B'alam Aq'ab', Third therefore Mahucutah; Rox chi k'ut Majukutaj, Fourth therefore Iqui Balam. U kaj k'ut Ik'i B'alam.

These therefore their names the our first mothers, Are' k'u ki b'i' ri qa nab'e chuch, Fathers. Qajaw.

MERELY framed, XA tz'aq, Merely shaped they are called. Xa b'it ke'uchaxik. There was no their mother, Maja b'i ki chuch, 4950 There was no their father. Maja b'i ki qajaw. Merely lone men we would say. Xa u tukel achij chiqab'ij. Nor surely woman gave them birth, Ma na ixoq xe'alanik, Nor also were they begotten Ma nay pu xek'ajolaxik By the Framer, Rumal ri Aj Tz'aq, Shaper, Aj B'it,

The She Who Has Borne Children, Ri Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons. K'ajolom.

Merely miraculous power, Xa pus, Merely spirit essence, Xa nawal, 4960

Their framing, Ki tz'aqik, Their shaping, Ki b'itik, By the Framer, Rumal ri Tz'aqol, Shaper, B'itol,

She Who Has Borne Children, Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons, K'ajolom,

Sovereign, Tepew, Quetzal Serpent. Q'ukumatz.

Then they looked like people therefore; Ta xewinaqwachin k'ut; People they became. E winaq xe'uxik. 4970

They spoke, Xech'awik, They talked as well. Xetzijon puch.

172 They looked, Xemuqunik, They listened as well. Xeta'on puch.

They walked, Xeb'inik, They grasped. Xechapanik.

Excellent people, E utzilaj winaq, Chosen ones. E cha'om.

Manly faces Achijil wach Their countenances. Ki wachib'al. 4980

There was their breath, K'o kuxlab', They became. Xuxik.

They looked as well, Xemuqum nay puch, Straightaway arrived their vision. Ju suk' xopon ki muqub'al.

Completed their sight, Xk'is kilo, Completed their knowledge Xk'is keta'maj

Everything beneath sky. Ronojel xe' kaj. If they look We kemuqunik

Immediately then they would gaze fixedly, Lib'aj chi chikisolwachij, They would look intently as well, Chisolmuquj puch, 4990

Its womb sky, U pam kaj, Its womb earth. U pam ulew.

Not one moment surely Ma ju q'atajil na They would see in a brief time everything. Chikil ixtaj ronojel.

Not they walk when they know already first, Ma keb'in ta na'on nab'e, Then they would see the its beneath sky, K'ate ta chikil ri u xe' kaj,

Merely there they are when they look. Xa wi chire e k'o wi ta kemuqunik. Crowded their knowledge came to be. Tzatz keta'mab'al xuxik.

Passed over their vision in trees, Xik'ow ki wachib'al pa che', In rocks, Pa ab'aj, 5000

In lakes, Pa cho,

173 In seas, Pa palo,

In mountains, Pa juyub', In valleys. Pa taq'aj.

True that Qitzij wi chi Very esteemed people, E loq'olaj winaq,

The Balam Quitze, Ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam. 5010

THEN they were asked therefore by the Framer, TA xetz'onox k'ut rumal ri Aj Tz'aq, Shaper: Aj B'it:

“What is your existence? “Juchalik i k'oje'ik?89 Do you sense it? Kina'o?

Not you look? Ma kixmuqunik? Not you listen? Ma kixta'onik? Not good your speech, Ma utz i ch'ab'al, With your walk? Ruk' i b'inib'al?

Look surely therefore, Kixmuquna' na k'ut, See Chiwila' 5020 Its root sky! U xe' kaj! Not clear mountains? Ma q'alaj juyub'? Valleys you see? Taq'aj kiwilo? Try it surely therefore!” they were told. Chitija' na k'ut!” xe'uchaxik. Then also was completed their sight everything K'ate puch xk'is kil ronojel Its root sky, U xe' kaj,

Then therefore their giving of thanks this to Framer, K'ate k'ut ki k'amowanik ri' chire Tz'aqol, Shaper. B'itol.

“True that two times thanks, “Qitzij wi chi ka mul k'amo, Three times thanks, Ox mul k'amo, 5030

We were created, Mi xojwinaqirik,

89 The manuscript reads cohei, likely a scribal error for coheic (Mondloch, personal communication).

174 Also we were mouthed, Mi pu xojchi'nik, We were faced. Xojwachinik.

We speak, Kojch'awik, We listen, Kojta'onik, We ponder, Kojb'isonik, We move. Kojsilab'ik.

Well we know, Utz kaqana'o, We learned Xqeta'maj

Far, Naj, 5040 Near. Naqaj.

Also we saw great, Mi pu xqilo nim, Small, Ch'uti'n,

Its womb sky, U pa kaj, Its womb earth. U pa ulew.

Thanks therefore K'amo k'ut To you Chiwe We were created. Mi xojwinaqirik. We framed, Oj tz'aq, We shaped, Oj b'it, 5050 We became, Mi xojuxik, You our grandmother, At qati't, You our grandfather,” At qa mam,” They said when they gave thanks Xecha' ta xkik'amowaj

Their framing, Ki tz'aqik, Their shaping. Ki b'itik.

Completed their knowledge everything Xk'is keta'maj ronojel They looked at: Xkimuquj:

Four corners, Kaj tz'uk, Four sides, Kaj xukut, 5060

Its womb sky, U pam kaj, Its womb earth. U pam ulew.

Not therefore good Ma k'u utz

175 They heard it, Xkita'o, The Framer, Ri Aj Tz'aq, Shaper. Aj B'it. “Not good “Mawi utz This they said, Ri' mi xkib'ij, Our framing, Qa tz'aq, Our shaping: Qa b'it: 5070

‘We learned everything great, ‘Mi xqeta'maj ronojel nim, Small,’” they say. Ch'uti'n,’” kecha'.

THUS now its taking again KEJE' chi k'ut u k'amik chik Their knowledge, Ki na'oj,

She Who Has Borne Children, Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons. K'ajolom.

“What now will we do to them, “Jucha chik chiqab'an chike, Merely then near will reach their vision, Xa ta naqaj chopon wi ki muqub'al,

Merely then a little Xa ta sqaqi'n Its face, U wach, 5080 Its face earth U wach ulew They will see? Chikilo?

Not good Mawi utz This they say. Ri' kakib'ij.

Not merely framed, Ma pa xa tz'aq, Merely shaped their names? Xa b'it ki b'i'?

Merely mistake gods Xa lab'e e k'ab'awil They become now. Ke'uxik90 chik.

If not they are multiplied, We mawi kepoq'otajik, They are increased, Kek'iritajik, 5090

When shall it be sown? Ta chawaxoq? When shall it dawn? Ta saqiroq?

90 The manuscript reads quevxi, likely a scribal error for quevxic.

176 If not they will increase, We mawi chik'iyarik, When shall it come to be? Ta chuxoq?

Merely we undo it a little now, Xa qayojo chi sqaqi'n chik, Is what is wanted. K'o chi karaj.

Not good we found out. Mawi utz kaqana'o. Perhaps shall be equated their deeds with us, Xa pa xchijunamataj ki b'anoj quk',

The farthest reaches their knowledge, Ri najt kopon wi keta'mab'al, They see everything,” they were told Kilon ronojel,” xe'uchaxik 5100

By its Heart Sky: Rumal u K'u'x Kaj: Huracan, Juraqan, Youngest Thunderbolt, Ch'i'pi Kaqulja, Sudden Thunderbolt, Raxa Kaqulja,

Sovereign, Tepew, Quetzal Serpent, Q'ukumatz,

She Who Has Borne Children, Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons, K'ajolom, Xpiyacoc, Xpiyakok, Xmucane, Xmuqane, 5110

Framer, Tz'aqol, Shaper, as they are called. B'itol, ke'uchaxik.

Then they made therefore Ta xkib'an k'ut Their essence again U k'oje'ik chik

Their framing, Ki tz'aq, Their shaping. Ki b'it.

MERELY therefore were blurred its seeds their faces XA k'u xwab'ax u b'aq' ki wach By the its Heart Sky. Rumal ri u K'u'x Kaj.

They were blinded like was breathed on its face mirror, Xmoyik keje' ri' xuxlab'ix u wach lemo', Blinded were its seeds their faces. Xmoyomob'ik u b'aq' ki wach. 5120

Merely near now they looked, Xa naqaj chik xemuqun wi, Only now clear where they are. Xere chi q'alaj ri e k'o wi.

177 Thus its loss their knowledge, Keje' k'ut u sachik keta'mab'al, With all their wisdom four people, Ruk' ronojel ki na'ob'al e kajib' chi winaq,

Its root, U xe', Its beginning. U tikarib'al.

Thus their framing, Keje' k'ut ki tz'aqik, Their shaping Ki b'itik

First our grandfathers, Nab'e qa mam, Our fathers, Qa qajaw, 5130

By its Heart Sky, Rumal u K'u'x Kaj, Its Heart Earth. U K'u'x Ulew.

Then were now therefore Ta xk'oje' chi k'ut Their companions, Ki k'ulel, Their wives Kixoqil As well came to be. Puch xuxik.

Merely gods conceived again. Xa wi k'ab'awil xna'ojin chik. Like merely in sleep they received them. Keje' ri' xa pa waram xkik'am wi.

Truly beautiful Qitzij e jeb'el Now women there are Chi ixoq k'o 5140

With Balam Quitze, Ruk' B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

There are now their wives when truly were brought to life. K'o chi kixoqil ta qi xek'astajik. Soon rejoiced now their hearts because of their companions.Anim xki'kot chik ki k'u'x rumal ki k'ulel.

These therefore their names, Are' k'u ki b'i', Their wives these: Kixoqil wa':

Cahapaluna her name Kajapalu Na u b'i' His wife Balam Quitze; Rixoqil B'alam Kitze; 5150 Chomiha her name Chomi Ja u b'i' His wife Balam Acab; Rixoqil B'alam Aq'ab'; Tzununiha her name Tz'ununi Ja u b'i'

178 His wife Mahucutah; Rixoqil Majukutaj; Caquixaha her name Kaqixa Ja u b'i' His wife Iqui Balam. Rixoqil Ik'i B'alam.

These therefore their names Are' k'ut u b'i' Their wives. Kixoqil.

These entered our rulers they became. Ri' xok qajawab' xe'uxik. Multipliers people, E poq'ol winaq, 5160

Small nations, Ch'uti amaq', Great nations. Nima amaq'.

These therefore its root ours, Are' k'ut u xe' qech, The we Quiché people. Ri oj K'iche' winaq.

Crowded therefore became the bloodletters, Tzatz k'ut xuxik ri aj k'ix, Sacrificers. Aj k'ajb'.

Not surely merely four now came to be, Ma na xa e kajib' chik xuxik, Only four the their mothers we Quiché people. Xere kajib' ri ki chuch oj K'iche' winaq.

Different then their names, Jalajoj chi ki b'i', Each one of them. Chi ki jujunal. 5170

Then they were multiplied, Ta xpoq'otajik, There at its coming out sun. Chila' chi releb'al q'ij. Truly their names came to be the people: Qi u b'i' xuxik ri winaq: Sovereign, Tepew, Ballplayer, Oloman, Masker, K'ojaj, Sun Lord, K'enech Ajaw, Would be called now their names people. Chuchax chik u b'i' winaq. There its coming out sun Chila' releb'al q'ij They were multiplied. Xpoq'otajik. 5180

Known therefore Reta'm k'ut Their beginning now U tikarik chik

Of Tamub, Rech Tamub', Of Ilocab. Rech Ilokab'.

179 Only one they came there, Xa jun xpe wi chila', Its coming out sun. Releb'al q'ij.

Balam Quitze their grandfather, B'alam Kitze u mam, Their father, U qajaw,

Nine great houses B'elejeb' nim ja Of Cavecs. Chi Kawiqib'.91 5190

Balam Acab their grandfather, B'alam Aq'ab' u mam, Their father, U qajaw,

Nine great houses B'elejeb' nim ja Of Nimhaibs. Chi Nim Jaib'ab'.

Mahucutah their grandfather, Majukutaj u mam, Their father, U qajaw,

Four great houses Kajib' nim ja Of Ahau Quichés. Chi Ajaw K'iche'.

Three divisions, Ox ch'ob', Lineages, Chinamit, 5200

Of their existence. Chi u k'oje'ik. Not lost their names Mawi sachel u b'i'

Their grandfathers, U mam, Their fathers. U qajaw.

They multipliers, Are' poq'ol, Increasers, K'irol,

There Chila' Its coming out sun. Releb'al q'ij.

Merely only came Tamub, Xa wi xere xpe wi Tamub', Ilocab, Ilokab', 5210

91 The manuscript reads cauiquib, although the more common spelling in the text is cavequib. The Popol Vuh manuscript contains variant spellings of a number of these lineage names. I have followed the spelling that is most commonly used in each case for the English translation.

180 With thirteen allied nations, Ruk' oxlajuj uk'a amaq', Thirteen houses: Oxlajuj tekpan:

With Rabinals, Ruk' Rab'inaleb', Cakchiquels, Kaqchikeleb', Ah Tziquinahas, Aj Tz'ikina Ja,

With also Zacahs, Ruk' puch Saqajib', With also Lamacs, Ruk' nay puch Lamakib',

Cumatz, Kumatz, Tuhalhas, Tujal Ja,

Uchabahas, U Ch'ab'a Ja, 5220 Ah Chumilahas, Aj Ch'umila Ja,

With Ah Quibahas, Ruk' Aj Qib'a Ja, Ah Batenahas, Ah B'atena Ja,

Acul Vinac, Akul Winaq, Balamihas, B'alami Ja,

Can Chahels, Kan Chajeleb', Balam Colobs, B'alam Kolob',

Merely therefore their greatness nations, Xere k'ut u nimaqil amaq', The its allied nations Ri uk'a amaq' We say to it. Kojcha' chirech. 5230 Only their greatness they who put us in order. Xa u nimaqil ri mi xqacholo.

Many more came out behind them, K'i chik elenaq chirij, The each division of citadel. Ri ju taq ch'ob' chi tinamit.

Not we shall write their names. Mawi mi xqatz'ib'aj ki b'i'. Only therefore there Xa wi k'u chila'

Were multiplied hither Xpoq'otaj wi uloq Its coming out sun. Releb'al q'ij.

Many people arrived in darkness K'iya winaq xuxik chi q'equ'mal When they increased in number. Ta xk'iyarik.

181 Not yet born sun, Ma ja chalaxoq q'ij, 5240 Light when they increased in number. Saq ta xek'iyarik.

Only one they were all of them. Xa jun xek'oje' wi konojel. Crowded then their existence, E tzatz chi ki k'oje'ik,

Their walking about there Ki b'inowik chila' Its coming out sun. Releb'al q'ij.

This there was none to provide Are' maja b'i chi tzuqun Their sustenance. Ki q'o'n.

Merely to sky they would lift up their faces. Xa wi chi kaj chikipaqab'a' ki wach. Not they know they went. Mawi keta'm xeb'e wi.

Long time they did it Najt xkib'ano 5250 When they were in magueys there, Ta xk'oje' pa ki chiri',

Black people, Q'eqa winaq, White people, Saqi winaq,

Many forms people, K'i wachib'al winaq, Many their speech people. K'i u ch'ab'al winaq.

Destitute its corner existence its beneath sky. Ka'y u xikin k'ole'y u xe' kaj. There are therefore mountain people. K'o k'ut juyub'al winaq.

Not seen its face, Mawi ilo u wach, None their houses. Maja b'i rochoch.

Only small mountains, Xa ch'uti juyub', 5250 Great mountains they go. Nima juyub' keb'ek.

“Like they wayward,” they said. “Keje' ri' e ch'u'j,” xecha'. “Then they quarreled the mountain people,” they said. “Ta xkiyajob'ej ri juyub'al winaq,” xecha'.

There they saw its coming out sun, Chila' xkil wi releb'al q'ij, Only therefore one their speech all of them. Xa k'u jun ki ch'ab'al konojel.

Not yet they would call upon wood, Maja chikisik'ijoq che', Stone. Ab'aj.

182 This remembered to them the their word Framer, Are' na'tal chikech ri u tzij Tz'aqol, Shaper, B'itol,

Its Heart Sky, U K'u'x Kaj, 5260 Its Heart Earth, they said. U K'u'x Ulew, xecha'.

Only their heartening Xere ki k'u'xlan The their sowing, Ri rawaxik,92 Their dawn, U saqirik,

Only pleading Xa tz'ononik They would do. Chikib'ano.

They of esteemed words, E aj loq' tzij, They of esteem, E aj loq',

They of honor, E aj nim, They of respect. E aj xob'. 5270

They would lift up their faces to sky Chikipaqab'a' ki wach chi kaj When they plead for Ta xkitz'onoj

Their daughters, Ki me'al, Their sons. Ki k'ajol.

“Alas, you Framer, “Akarok, at Tz'aqol, You Shaper. At B'itol.

Behold us, Kojawila', Hear us! Kojata!

Not you abandon us, Mojatzaqo, Not you turn us inside out, Mojapisk'alij, 5280

You god in sky, At k'ab'awil chi kaj, On earth, Chi ulew,

Its Heart Sky, U K'u'x Kaj, Its Heart Earth. U K'u'x Ulew.

92 The manuscript reads revaxic, which is likely a transcription error for ravaxic.

183 Be it given our sign, Chaya'taj qetal, Our word, Qa tzijel,

As long as goes sun, Chib'e q'ij, As long as goes light, Chib'e saq,

Then may it be sown, Ta chawaxok, Then may it dawn. Ta saqirok. 5290

Truly then blue/greening roads, Qi ta raxal b'e, Blue/Greening pathways. Raxal jok.

Give us steadfast light, Kojaya' wi li'anik saq, Steadfast be made our nation. Li'anik amaq' taj.

Very good light, Utzilaj saq, Very good be made our nation. Utzilaj amaq' taj. Very good life, Utzilaj k'aslem, Creation then as well give to us, Winaqirem ta puch kojaya' wi,

You Huracan, At Juraqan, Youngest Thunderbolt, Ch'ipi Kaqulja, 5300 Sudden Thunderbolt; Raxa Kaqulja;

Youngest Nanavac, Ch'ipi Nanawak, Sudden Nanavac; Raxa Nanawak;

Falcon, Wok, Hunahpu; Junajpu;

Sovereign, Tepew, Quetzal Serpent; Q'ukumatz;

She Who Has Borne Children, Alom, He Who Has Begotten Sons, K'ajolom, Xpiyacoc, Xpiyakok, 5310 Xmucane, Xmuqane,

Grandmother of Day, Rati't Q'ij, Grandmother of Light. Rati't Saq.

Then may it be sown, Ta chawaxoq,

184 Then may it dawn,” they said. Ta saqirok,” xecha'.

Then they fasted, Ta xeq'i'lonik, They cried out. Xesik'inik.

They fixed their eyes on their dawn, Xeselawachin u saqirik, Only there they look to its coming out sun. Xa wi chila' kemuqun wi releb'al q'ij.

They watch closely the Passes Before Sun, Kilawachin ri Ik'oq'ij, 5320 Great Star. Nima Ch'umil.

Will be born sun, Chalaxik q'ij, Giver light of it Tzijol re

Its womb sky, U pa kaj, Its womb earth, U pa ulew,

Its walkway people framed, U b'inib'al winaq tz'aq, People shaped, Winaq b'it.

They spoke, Balam Quitze, Xecha', e B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, 5330 Iqui Balam: Ik'i B'alam:

“We await surely “Kojoyob'ej93 na Its dawn,” they said. U saqirik,” xecha'.

Great sages, E nima'q eta'manel, Knowers, E na'onel,

Bloodletters, E aj k'ixb', Honorers, they are called. E aj nim, keuchaxik.

There was not therefore in existence wood, Maja b'i k'u jab'ioq che', Stone Ab'aj

They guard our first mothers, Chichajin e qa nab'e chuch, 5340 Fathers. Qajaw.

93 The manuscript reads coyobeh, which is apparently a scribal error as it lacks the agent oj (we).

185 They only therefore were weary their hearts there E xa k'u xkos ki k'u'x chiri' As it was awaited the sun. Chiroyob'exik q'ij.

Many then all nations, E k'i chik ronojel amaq', With Yaqui people, Ruk' Yaki winaq,

Bloodletters, Aj k'ixb',94 Sacrificers, Ah k'ajb'.95

“Merely let’s go, “Xa jo', Us we search, Oj qatzukuj, Us as well we look Oj pu qila' 5350

If there is who will guard us there. We k'o chichajin qe ta la'. We may find he that we can speak then before his face. Chiqariq ri kojtzijon ta chuwach. Only like we exist. Xaqi keje' oj k'oli'k. There is not guardian ours,” Maja b'i chajal qe,”

They said therefore Balam Quitze, Xecha' k'ut e B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

They heard its news a citadel, Xkita'o u tzijel jun tinamit, They went. Xeb'e wi. 5360

THIS therefore its name mountain, ARE' k'ut u b'i' juyub', This they went to, Wa' xeb'e wi,

Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam, Ik'i B'alam,

With Tamub, Ruk' Tamub', Ilocab. Ilokab'.

94 The manuscript reads ah quix, apparently a scribal error for ah quixb (bloodletters).

95 The manuscript reads ah cab, apparently a scribal error for ah cahb (sacrificers).

186 Tulan Tulan Zuyva, Zuywa, 5370

Seven Caves, Wuqub' Pek, Seven Canyons its name citadel. Wuqub' Siwan u b'i' tinamit.

They arrived, Xe'opon wi, They obtainers of gods. E k'amol re k'ab'awil.

THEY ARRIVED therefore there Tulan XE'OPON k'ut chila' Tulan All of them. Konojel. Not counted people Mawi ajilan chi winaq They arrived. Xoponik.

Crowded therefore they would walk, Tzatz k'ut chub'inik, In order therefore their coming out hither their gods. Cholon k'ut relik uloq ki k'ab'awil. 5380

First the Balam Quitze, Nab'e ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam they rejoice. Ik'i B'alam keki'kotik.

“This we have searched, “Are' qa tzukum, This we found,” they said. Wa' mi xqariqo,” xecha'.

This therefore first went out the , Are k'ut nab'e xel ri Tojil, Its name god U b'i' k'ab'awil Borne in his pack frame, Xekel u ko'k, Carried by Balam Quitze. Rikaxik rumal B'alam Kitze. 5390 Went out therefore hither Auilix, Xel chi k'u uloq Awilix, Its name god U b'i' k'ab'awil He carried Balam Acab. Ruk'aj B'alam Aq'ab'. Hacavitz next, Jaq'awitz chik, Its name god U b'i' k'ab'awil He received Mahucutah. Xuk'amo Majukutaj. Nicacah Tacah, Nik'aqaj Taq'aj, Its name god U b'i' k'ab'awil He received Iqui Balam. Xuk'amo Ik'i B'alam.

Only therefore with Quiché people, Xere k'ut rach K'iche' winaq, 5400

187 This they received then therefore of Tamub. Ri xuk'am chi k'ut re Tamub'.

Merely only Tohil to Tamub, Xawi xere Tojil chi Tamub', There is its name they received K'o u b'i xk'amowik Their grandfather, U mam, Their father Tamub, U qajaw Tamub', Lords, Ajawab', They are known therefore today. Keta'm k'ut wakamik. Third therefore Ilocab only Tohil. Rox chi k'ut Ilokab' xawi Tojil. Its name god they received U b'i' k'ab'awil xuk'amo Their grandfather, Ki mam, 5410 Their father, Ki qajaw, Lords, Ajawab', Only they are known today. Xawi keta'm wakamik.

THUS their naming three Quichés, KEJE' k'ut u b'i'nam wi oxib' chi K'iche', But they freed themselves, Xma xutzoqopij wi rib', Because only same its name god Rumal xa junam u b'i' k'ab'awil Tohil Quiché, Tojil K'iche', Tohil to Tamub, Tojil chi Tamub', To Ilocab. Chi Ilokab'. Only one its name their god to them, Xa jun u b'i' u k'ab'awil ke, 5420 Therefore not separated themselves K'u mawi xujach wi rib' Its three groups Quichés. Rox ichal K'iche'.

Three these truly great their essence: Oxib' ri' qitzij nima'q ki k'oje'ik: Tohil, Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

Then they entered again therefore all nations: Ta xok chi k'ut ronojel amaq': Rabinals, Rab'inaleb', Cakchiquels, Kaqchekeleb', Ah Tz'ikinahas, Aj Tz'ikina Ja, 5430 With Yaqui people, Ruk' Yaki winaq, Their names today. U b'i' wakamik.

There therefore were changed their languages the nations. Chiri' k'ut xjalq'atij u ch'ab'al ri amaq'. Different their languages came to be. Jalajoj ki ch'ab'al xuxik.

Not clear again Mawi q'alaj chik

188 They heard among themselves Xkita'o chi kib'il kib'

When they came from Tulan. Ta xepetik chi Tulan. There therefore they split apart themselves. Chiri' k'ut xkipaxij wi kib'.

There they were went there its coming out sun, K'o xb'e chila' releb'al q'ij, Crowded therefore these came here. Tzatz k'u ri' xpe waral. 5440

Merely therefore everywhere skins their coverings. Xa k'u jumaj tz'um ki q'u'. There was not the very good coverings. Maja b'i ri utzilaj taq q'u'l taj.

Their had put on merely their skins animals. Ki kojom xa u tz'umal chikop. Their dress poor. Ki kawub'al e meb'a.

There was nothing theirs. Maja b'i kech. Merely enchanted people in their essence Xa e nawal winaq chi ki k'oje'ik

When they came there Tulan Ta xepe chila' Tulan Zuyva, Suywa,

Seven Caves, Wuqub' Pek, Seven Canyons, Wuqub' Siwan, 5450

Are called Cha' In ancient word. Chupan ojer tzij.

Crowded they would walk, Tzatz chub'inik, They arrived at Tulan. Xopon chi Tulan.

There was not therefore fire. Ma k'u ja b'i q'aq'. Only there are the Tohil. Xaqi e k'o ri Tojil. This therefore the their god nations Are' k'u ri u k'ab'awil amaq' First they created their fire. Nab'e xwinaqir u q'aq'.

Not clear its creation. Mawi q'alaj u winaqirik. Burning already their fire Kanikow chik ki q'aq' 5460

When they saw it the Balam Quitze, Ta xkil ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab. B'alam Aq'ab'.

“Alas, there is not our fire came to be, “Akarok, maja b'i qa q'aq' mi xuxik, We shall die because of cold,” Xkojkam rumal tew,”

189 They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut. Then spoke therefore the Tohil: Ta xch'aw k'ut ri Tojil:

“Do not mourn. “Mixb'isonik. There is yours K'o iwech

Should you lose the fire. Chisach ri q'aq'. I say,” said therefore Tohil to them. Kib'ij,” xcha' k'ut Tojil chike. 5470

“Not truly you god? “Ma qitzij at k'ab'awil? You our provisioning. At qa tzuquj. You as well our strengthening. At pu qa ko'on. You our god.” At qa k'ab'awil.”

They said to him when they gave thanks for this. Xecha' chire ta xkik'amowaj ri'. Said Tohil: Xub'ij Tojil:

Good then that, “Utz b'a la', Truly I your god, Qitzij in i k'ab'awil, Then be it so. Ta chuxoq. I your lord, In iwajawal, 5480 Then be it so,” Ta chuxoq,”

They were told the bloodletters, Xe'uchaxik ri aj k'ixb', Sacrificers by Tohil. Aj k'ajb' rumal Tojil.

This therefore their glory the nations. Are' k'ut ki q'aq'al ri amaq'. They rejoice because of their fire. Keki'kotik rumal ki q'aq'.

THEN also then began great rain K'ATE puch ta xtikarik nima jab' When burned brightly their fire nations. Are katilo u q'aq' amaq'.

Thick therefore with hail fell on their heads all nations. Tzatz k'ut chi saqb'och xqajik pakiwi' ronojel amaq'. Then went out therefore their fire because of hail. Ta xchup k'ut ki q'aq' rumal saqb'och.

There was not their fire came to be. Maja b'i chik ki q'aq' xuxik. 5490 Then they pleaded for then therefore their fire Ta xkitz'onoj chi k'ut ki q'aq'

The Balam Quitze, Ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab: B'alam Aq'ab':

190 “You Tohil, “At Tojil, Truly we are finished because of cold,” Qitzij kojutzinik rumal tew,”

They said therefore to Tohil. Xecha' k'ut chire Tojil. “Fine, do not mourn,” said Tohil. “Utz, mixb'isonik,” xcha' Tojil.

Then he brought forth fire, K'ate ta xrelesaj q'aq', He twist drilled hither inside his shoe. Xub'ak uloq chupan u xajab'.

Then therefore they rejoiced K'ate k'ut xeki'kot 5500 The Balam Quitze, Ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam. Then therefore they were warmed. K'ate k'ut xemiq'ik.

While therefore extinguished again their fire nations Are k'ut chupinaq chik u q'aq' amaq' They are finished again because of cold. Ke'utzin chik rumal tew.

Then also their coming again K'ate pu ki petik chik Pleaders for their fire E tz'onoy ki q'aq'

With the Balam Quitze, Kuk' ri B'alam Kitze, 5510 Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

Not therefore they could bear it again because of cold, Ma k'u kakich'ij chik rumal tew, Hail. Saqb'och.

Only they shudder now, Xa kelexlot chik, They tremble now as well, Kesisot chi puch, There is not life on them, Maja b'i e k'as chi wi', They shiver now Kakoykot chik

Their legs, Kaqan, 5520 Their arms. Ki q'ab'.

Not they grasp now, Mawi kechapon chik, When they arrived. Ta xe'ulik.

191 “Not truly we are ashamed surely with you, “Ma qi kojk'ix na iwuk', We shall ask for then its tiny little bit your fire,” Chiqatz'onoj ta u koq' sqaqi'n i q'aq',”

They said when they arrived; Xecha' ta xe'ulik; There was not therefore their being welcomed. Ma k'u ja b'i xek'ulaxik.

Then cursed therefore their hearts the nations. Ta xk'oqon k'u ki k'u'x ri amaq'. Different now their language Jalan chik ki ch'ab'al

The Balam Quitze, Ri B'alam Kitze, 5530 Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

“Alas, is it abandoned our language? “Akarok, a xkanaj wi qa ch'ab'al? What did we do? Jupacha xqab'ano?

We are lost. Mi xojsachik. Where were we deceived? Apa xojk'axtok'ax wi?

Only one our language Xa jun qa ch'ab'al When we came there Tulan. Ta xojpe chila' Tulan.

Only also one our germination, Xa pu jun qa tz'ukib'al, 5540 Our creation. Qa winaqirib'al.

Not good we did,” Mawi utz xqab'ano,” They said therefore all nations Xecha' k'ut konojel amaq'

Beneath trees, Xe' che', Beneath bushes. Xe' k'a'am.

Then showed therefore himself Ta xuk'ut k'u rib' A person Jun winaq

[Demon speaking from here on] [Demonium loquens cis]96

Before their faces the Balam Quitze, Chikiwach ri B'alam Kitze,

96 This is a singular instance in which Ximénez glosses the text with a brief comment in Latin, referring to the messenger from Xibalba as a demon, or devil. That Ximénez chose to do this only once and in Latin argues for the overall accuracy of the Maya text as he transcribed it.

192 Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', 5550 Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

Said therefore Xcha' k'u The its messenger Xibalba: Ri u samajel Xib'alb'a:

“Truly then he your god this. “Qitzij chi are' i k'ab'awil ri'. He your provider. Are' i tzuqun.

He also their substitute, Are' pu u k'exwach, Remembrance theirs, Na'tab'al re,

Framer yours, Tz'aqol iwe, Shaper also yours. B'itol pu iwe. 5560

Not you give therefore their fire the nations Miya' k'u ki q'aq' ri amaq' Unless first they give to Tohil. K'u na chikiya'o chire Tojil.

Not you desire they give to you. Miajawaj chikiya' chiwe. Ask surely to Tohil to him surely, Chitz'onoj na chirech Tojil chire na,

You shall come Chipe wi They shall give it, Chikiya'o,

Reception fire,” K'amb'al q'aq',” Said the Xibalban. Xcha' ri Xib'alb'a.

There are his wings K'o u xik' Like the its wings bat. Keje' ri' u xik' sotz'. 5570

“I messenger by Framer yours, “In samajel kumal Tz'aqol iwe, Shaper yours,” said therefore the Xibalban. B'itol iwe,” xcha' k'u ri Xib'alb'a.

They rejoiced then therefore, Xeki'kot chi k'ut, Became great then in their hearts Xnimar chik chi ki k'u'x

The Tohil, Ri Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz, when spoke the Xibalban. Jaq'awitz, ta xch'aw ri Xib'alb'a.

Suddenly then therefore he lost himself before their faces, Lib'aj chi k'ut xusach rib' chikiwach,

193 Not he was destroyed. Mawi xma'inik.

Then they arrived again therefore Ta xe'ul chi k'ut 5580 The nations. Ri amaq'.

They were finished then because of cold, Ke'utzin chik rumal tew, Thick with hail, Tzatz chi saqb'och, With blackened rain, Chi q'eqal jab', Hoar frost as well, Saqb'oqom puch, Not counted cold. Mawi ajilan tew.

They cover themselves up, Kakik'u'lu, They bend over, Keluklutik, They crawl on hands and knees now, Kechakchot chik,

Because of cold Rumal tew 5590 All of nations. Ronojel amaq'.

Then they arrived there Ta xe'ul chiri' They are E k'o wi

Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

Great its trouble Nim u q'atat Their hearts. Ki k'u'x.

Sorrowful their mouths, Chikimaj ki chi', 5600 Sorrowful their faces. Chikimaj ki wach.

THEN also they arrived again K'ATE puch kulik chik Thieves E eleq'om

Before their faces Balam Quitze, Chikiwach B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

“Not truly you shall pity our faces? “Ma qi chitoq'ob'aj qa wach?

194 We shall plead then its tiny little bit your fire. Chiqatz'onoj ta u koq sqaqi'n i q'aq'.

Not discovered, Mawi xuk'ulu, 5610 Not therefore found. Ma pu xuriqo.

Not also only one our home? Ma pu xa jun qochoch? Only as well one our mountain Xa pu jun qa juyub'al

When you were framed, Ta xixtz'aqik, When you were shaped. Ta xixb'itik.

Pity then therefore our faces,” Chitoq'ob'aj ta k'u qa wach,” They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut.

“What therefore will you give to us “Naqi la' k'u chikuya'o chiqe Should we pity therefore your faces?” they were asked Chiqatoq'ob'aj k'u i wach?” xe'uchax k'ut. therefore.

“Fine, we will give precious metal to you,” “Utz, chiqaya' puwaq chiwe,” 5620 They said therefore the nations. Xecha' k'u ri amaq'. “Not we want the precious metals,” “Mawi kaqaj ri puwaq,” They said therefore Xecha' k'ut

Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab. B'alam Aq'ab'.

“What truly will you want? “Naqi pa qi chiwaj? Merely then we ask,” they said therefore the nations. Xa ta b'a chiqatz'onoj,” xecha' k'ut ri amaq'.

“Good then that, we will ask first to Tohil, “Utz b'a la', qatz'onoj na chirech Tojil, Then therefore we shall tell it to you,” they were told then. K'ate k'ut xchiqab'ij chiwe,” xe'uchax chik.

Then as well they asked to Tohil: K'ate puch xkitz'onoj chire Tojil: 5630 “What will they give the nations, you Tohil? “Naqi pa chikiya' ri amaq', at Tojil?

They arrive Kul To plead for the your fire,” Kitz'onoj ri a q'aq',”

They said therefore the Balam Quitze, Xecha' k'u ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

195 “‘Good then that, not they will want “Utz b'a la', ma chikaj To give breast Ki tu'nik

Below their arm joints, Xe' ki tolok', 5640 Below as well their armpits? Xe' pu ki meskel?

Not desire their hearts they embrace me, Ma karajon ki k'u'x kinkiq'aluj, The I Tohil? Ri in Tojil?

Then not therefore they shall want it, Ta ma k'u chiraj, Not therefore I will give their fire, Ma k'u chinya' ki q'aq',

Says Tohil,’ Kacha' Tojil, You say to them. Kicha' chike.

‘It will begin therefore, ‘Katikal na k'ut, Not surely today they gave breast Ma na kamik taj xkitu'nik

Below their arm joints, Xe' ki tolok', 5650 Their armpits. Ki meskel.

Says to you,’ Kacha' chiwech,’ You say,” Kixcha',”

They were told therefore Balam Quitze, Xe'uchax k'ut B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

Then they said therefore Ta xkib'ij k'ut His word Tohil. U tzij Tojil.

“Good then that, to give breast, “Utz b'a la', chitu'nik, 5660 Fine as well that we embrace him,” they said therefore. Utz puch chiqaq'aluj,” xecha' k'ut.

Then they responded, Ta xkichokob'ej, They accepted as well his word Tohil. Xkik'ulub'a' puch u tzij Tojil.

Not they increased again. Mawi xkik'iyalaj chik. “Fine,” only straightaway they said. “Utz,” xa ju suk' xecha'.

196 Then they received therefore fire, Ta xkik'am k'ut q'aq', Then they were warmed. K'ate xemiq'ik.

Only therefore one group Xa k'u ju ch'ob' These only stole away fire in smoke. Ri' xa xreleq'aj ub'ik q'aq' pa sib'.

This the Bat House. Are' ri Sotz'ila Ja. 5670 Chamal Can its name their god, Chamal Qan u b'i' ki k'ab'awil,

Cakchiquels. Kaqchekeleb'. Merely bat its image. Xa sotz' u wachib'al.

When they passed through smoke. Ta xe'ik'o pa sib'. Softly moving they passed by Chilib'lotik xe'ik'owik

When they arrived to take fire. Ta xul u k'ama' q'aq'. Not they asked for their fire the Cakchiquels, Mawi xutz'onoj u q'aq' ri Kaqchekeleb'

Not they gave themselves in defeat. Mawi xuya' rib' chi ch'akik. But they were defeated the nations all Xere xch'akajataj ri amaq' ronojel

When they gave its beneath their arm joints, Ta xuya'o u xe' u tolok', 5680 Its beneath their armpits U xe' u meskel

To be given breast. Chi tu'xik. This therefore his being given breast that he said Tohil. Are' k'ut u tu'xik ri xub'ij Tojil.

Then were sacrificed all nations before him, Ta xpus ronojel amaq' chuwach, Then were carved out hither their hearts Ta xk'otix uloq u k'u'x

At their arm joints, Chu tolok', At their armpits. Chu meskel.

Not as yet attempted Maja chitijowoq Its doing. U b'anik.

Then it was foreseen by Tohil Ta xnik'wachixik rumal Tojil 5690 Its taking as well, U k'amik puch,

Glory, Q'aq'al, Majesty, Tepewal,

197 By the Balam Quitze, Kumal ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam, Ik'i B'alam,

There having come from Tulan Chila' petenaq wi Tulan Zuyva. Suywa.

Not therefore they eat, Ma k'u kewa taj, 5700 Never ending fast they did. Junelik mewajik xkib'ano.

But they fix their eyes on the its dawn, Xere kiselawachin ri u saqirik, They observe its coming out hither sun. Kilawachin relik ula q'ij.

They occupy themselves in looking for the Great Star, Kejalow kib' chi rilik ri Nima Ch'umil, Passes Before Sun its name. Ik'oq'ij u b'i'.

This first before its face sun, Are' nab'e chuwach q'ij, Then it will be born the sun. Ta chalaxoq ri q'ij.

Green Passes Before Sun. Raxa Ik'oq'ij. Always therefore there it is its face Amaq'el k'u chila' k'o wi ki wach

At its coming out sun. Chi releb'al q'ij. 5710 When they were there, Ta xek'oje' chila',

Tulan Tulan Zuyva its name, Suywa u b'i',

Came their gods. Xpe wi ki k'ab'awil. Not surely only then at last here Ma na xa ta k'a waral taj

They received their glory, Xkik'am wi ki q'aq'al, Their lordship as well. Kajawarem puch.

But rather there they were conquered, Xawi chila' xch'ataj wi, They were humiliated, Xyoq'otaj wi,

Great nations, Nima amaq', 5720 Small nations. Ch'uti amaq'.

Then they were sacrificed Ta xpusik

198 Before his face Tohil. Chuwach Tojil.

They gave their blood, Xuya'o u kik'el, Their blood flow, U k'omajil,

Their arm joints, U tolok', Their armpits all people. U meskel ronojel winaq.

Straightaway at Tulan came their glory. Ju su chi Tulan xpe wi ki q'aq'al. Great knowledge there is with them. Nima eta'mab'al k'o kuk'.

In darkness therefore, Chi q'equ'mal k'ut, 5730 In night as well they did it. Chi aq'ab'al puch xkib'ano.

They came then therefore, Xepe chi k'ut, They were pulled up then hither there. Xeb'oqotaj chi ula chila'.

They left behind then Xkikanaj chik Its coming out sun. Releb'al q'ij.

“Not this our home this. “Mawi are qochoch wa'. Only let us go to see surely we will begin,” Xa jo' chiqil na kojtike' wi,”

Said therefore the Tohil. Xcha' k'u ri Tojil. Truly he would speak Qitzij chich'awik

To Balam Quitze, Chikech B'alam Kitze, 5740 Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam: Ik'i B'alam:

“You give thanks first behind, “Kixk'amowan na kanoq, You shall carry out your responsibilities first therefore, Chitaja' na k'ut, Its piercing your ears, U jutik i xikin, You shall prick your elbows, Chit'isa'97 i ch'uk, You petition. Kixqajb'oq. This your way of giving thanks before his face god.” Are' i k'amowab'al chuwach k'ab'awil.”

“Good then that,” they said therefore. “Utz b'a la',” xecha' k'ut. 5750 Then they pierced their ears. Ta xkijut ki xikin.

97 The manuscript reads chiziza, which is apparently a scribal error for chitiza.

199 They wept therefore within their song Xoq' k'ut chupan ki b'ix Their coming from Tulan. Ki petik Tulan; Wept their hearts Xoq' ki k'u'x When they came, Ta xepetik, Then they wept Ta xkoq'otaj Behind Tulan. Kanoq Tulan.

“Alas, not here we shall see its dawn, “Akarok, mawi waral xchiqil wi u saqirik, When it will be born the sun, Ta chalaxoq ri q'ij, Illuminator its face earth,” Saqirisay u wach ulew,” 5760

They said therefore, Xecha' k'ut, When they came therefore. Ta xpe k'ut.

Only therefore remained these on road, Xa k'u xukanajib'ej ri' pa b'e, Only there were people remaining there. Xa xk'o wi winaq chikanaj chiri'.

They sleep each one of nations, Kewar wi jujun chi amaq', They rest hither. Keyakataj wi uloq.

Always therefore they would look for the star, Amaq'el k'ut chikil ri ch'umil, Its sign sun. Retal q'ij. This its sign its dawn in their hearts, Are' retal u saqirik chi ki k'u'x, When they came there its coming out sun. Ta xepetik chila' releb'al q'ij. 5770

Truly same face Qi junam wach They passed over hither Xe'ik'ow ula

There Honor, Chila' Nim, Respect, it is said today. Xol, kab'ixik wakamik.

THEN they arrived as well there on its top a mountain, TA xe'ul puch chiri' chuwi' jun juyub', There they gathered themselves Chiri' xkikuch wi kib'

All Quiché people, Konojel K'iche' winaq, With nations. Ruk' amaq'.

There therefore they arrived all of them. Chiri' k'u xe'opon98 wi konojel.

98 The manuscript reads xepopon, which is apparently a scribal error.

200 Then they counselled each other. Ta xkipixab'aj kib'. 5780

Its naming mountain today Chi Pixab, U b'i'nam juyub' wakamik Chi Pixab', Its name mountain U b'i' juyub'

They gathered themselves. Xekuchu wi kib'. There therefore they gave names to each other: Chiri' k'ut xkikob'isaj wi kib':

“I this: “In wa': I Quiché person. In K'iche' winaq. You therefore this: At k'u ri': You Tamub. At Tamub'. This your name shall come to be,” Are' a b'i' chuxik,” They were told the Tamub. Xuchax ri Tamub'. 5790 Said to then therefore Ilocab: Xcha' chi k'ut Ilokab': “You Ilocab. “At Ilokab'. This your name that shall come to be. Are' ri' a b'i' ri chuxik.

Not lost three then Quichés. Mawi sachel oxib' chi K'iche'. Only same our word,”they said therefore Xa junam qa tzij,” xecha' k'ut

When were placed their names, Ta xkoj ki b'i', THEN they named now therefore TA xb'i'naj chi k'u

The Cakchiquels, Ri Kaqchekeleb', Cakchiquels their name came to be. Kaqchekeleb' u b'i' xuxik. With also Rabinals, Ruk' chik Rab'inaleb', 5800 This then therefore their name came to be. Are' chi k'u u b'i' xuxik. Not lost today. Mawi sachinaq wakamik. This then therefore the Ah Tziquinahas, Are' chi k'u ri Aj Tz'ikina Ja, Their name today. U b'i' wakamik.

These therefore their names. Are' k'u ki b'i'. These that spoke among themselves Ri' xkib'ij chi kib'il kib'

There first, Chiri' na, They arrived. Xe'opon wi.

Merely they would await first its dawn. Xa chikoyob'ej na u saqirik. They would look for its coming out hither star. Chikilawachij relik ula ch'umil. 5810

This first, Are' nab'e,

201 Before its face sun. Chuwach q'ij.

Then may it be born. Ta chalaxoq.

“There we came, “Chila' xojpe wi, Only we split apart ourselves,” Xa xojpaxin qib',”

They said Xecha' Among themselves. Chi kib'il kib'.

This would preoccupy their hearts, Are' chiq'atatat wi ki k'u'x, These great affliction they passed through hither. Ri' nima k'axk'ol xe'ik'ow wi uloq.

There is not food, Maja b'i wa, 5820 There are not staples. Maja b'i echa'.

Only its bottom their staffs they would sniff, Xa u xe' ki ch'ami'y chikisiqo, Like it they eat they would feel. Keje' ri' kewa'ik chikina'o.

But not they eat Xma kewa wi When they came. Ta xepetik.

Not therefore clear Ma k'u q'alaj Their passing through hither in sea. Ki ik'owik uloq pa palo.

Like there was not sea they passed through hither. Keje' ri' maja b'i palo xe'ik'ow wi uloq. Only on its top stones they passed through hither. Xa chuwi' taq ab'aj xe'ik'ow wi uloq.

There were here the stones on sand. K'oleje' ula ri ab'aj pa sanayeb'. 5830 Then they named it therefore: Ta xkib'i'natisaj k'ut:

Lined Up Stones, Cholochik Ab'aj, Piled Up Sand its name. B'oqotajinaq Sanayeb' u b'i'.

By these they passed over hither Kumal ri' xe'ik'ow wi uloq Inside sea, Chupan palo, Its dividing itself water, U jachon rib' ja', They passed through hither. Xe'ik'ow wi uloq.

This therefore would preoccupy their hearts, Are' k'ut chiq'atatat wi ki k'u'x, When they took counsel together. Ta xepixab'an kib'.

202 Then there was no their food. Chi maja b'i ki wa. 5840 One beverage they would drink. Ju uk' chikiqumej. This only one of maize grains, Ri' xa juna ixim, There therefore borne Chiri' k'ut eqal wi

On its top mountain, Chuwi' juyub', Chi Pixab its name. Chi Pixab' u b'i'.

Only therefore they had carried Xawi k'u kuk'a'am The Tohil, Ri Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

Great fast they do the Balam Quitze Nima mewajik kakib'an ri B'alam Kitze 5850 With his wife, Ruk' rixoqil, Cahapaluna Kajapalu Na Her name his wife; U b'i' rixoqil; Just as he did Balam Acab Xawi keje' kub'ano B'alam Aq'ab' With his wife, Ruk' rixoqil, Chomiha Chomi Ja Her name; U b'i'; With also Mahucutah great fast there is Ruk' chik Majukutaj nima mewajik k'o wi With his wife, Ruk' rixoqil, Tzununiha Tz'ununi Ja 5860 Her name; U b'i'; With Iqui Balam, Ruk' Ik'i B'alam, Caquixha Kaqix Ja Her name U b'i' His wife. Rixoqil.

These therefore fasters these in darkness, Are' k'ut e aj mewa ri' chi q'equ'mal, In night. Chi aq'ab'al.

Great their sorrow when they were on its top mountain, Nim ki b'is ta xek'oje'ik chuwi' juyub', Chi Pixab its name today. Chi Pixab' u b'i' wakamik.

Spoke then therefore their gods there. Xcha' chi k'ut ki k'ab'awil chiri'. 5870 THEN spoke therefore with TA xcha' k'ut ruk'

Tohil, Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz Jaq'awitz

203 To them the Balam Quitze, Chikech ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Akab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

“Only then we go, “Xa ta kojb'ek, Only then as well we arise. Xa ta pu kojyakatajik. 5880

Not then here we are to be, Ma ta waral kojk'oje' wi, In hiding may you place us. Chi ewal taj kojiya' wi.

Not approaches its dawn? Mi xyopij u saqirik? Not in pity your faces Ma pa toq'ob' i wach

If we become spoils by warriors? We kojkanab'ixik rumal aj lab'al? Build this we are to be with you, Chitz'aq wa' oj k'o wi iwumal,

You bloodletters, Ix aj k'ixb', Sacrificers. Aj k'ajb'.

Each one then therefore Jujun ta k'ut Place us,” Kojiya' wi,” 5890

They said therefore Xecha' k'ut When they spoke. Ta xech'awik.

“Good then that, only we are pulled up “Utz b'a la', xa kojb'oqotajik To search the forests,” they said therefore all of them. Qa tzukuj taq ri k'eche'laj,” xecha' k'ut konojel.

Then as well they took K'ate puch xkik'am To be carried on the back their gods each one to them. Chireqaxik u k'ab'awil jujun chikech.

Then entered therefore Auilix in canyon, Ta xok k'ut Awilix pa siwan, Its having been named Hidden Canyon, U b'i'nam Ewab'al Siwan,

Called by them in great canyon at forest. Chuchax kumal pa nima siwan chi k'eche'laj. Pa Auilix its name today. P[a] Awilix u b'i' wakamik. 5900

There was left, Chiri' xkanaj wi, Was therefore left in canyon by Balam Acab. Xk'u kanajoq pa siwan rumal B'alam Aq'ab'.

204 Ordered its leaving, Cholom u kanajik, Its first this. U nab'e ri'.

Left then therefore Hacavitz on its top a great fire house. Xkanaj chi k'ut Jaq'awitz chuwi' jun nima q'aq' ja. Hacavitz its name mountain today. Jaq'awitz u b'i' juyub' wakamik.

They made it their citadel therefore this came to be. Xkitinamit k'u ri' xuxik. There therefore was god, Chiri' k'ut xk'oje' wi k'ab'awil,

Hacavitz his name. Jaq'awitz u b'i'. Not was left the Mahucutah with his god, Xawi xkajnaj ri Majukutaj ruk' u k'ab'awil, 5910

Second therefore god U kab' k'ut k'ab'awil That was hidden by them. Ri xewax kumal.

Not surely in forest was Hacavitz. Ma na pa k'eche'laj xk'oje' wi Jaq'awitz. Merely cleared mountain was hidden Hacavitz. Xa saqi juyub' xewax wi Jaq'awitz.

Then came next therefore Balam Quitze, Ta xpe chi k'ut B'alam Kitze, He arrived there in great forest. Xul chiri' pa nima k'eche'laj.

Arrived to be hidden Tohil by Balam Quitze. Xul ewaxa wi Tojil rumal B'alam Kitze. Pa Tohil is called today its name mountain. Pa Tojil chuchax wakamik u b'i' juyub'.

Then they gave name the hidden canyon Ta xkikob'isaj ri ewab'al siwan Healing Tohil. Kunab'al Tojil. 5920

Crowded with snakes, Tzatz chi kumatz, Crowded as well with jaguars, Tzatz puch chi b'alam,

Rattlesnakes, Sochoj, Pit vipers, K'an Ti',

There in forest they were, Chiri' pa k'eche'laj xek'oje' wi, Hidden Xewax wi

By bloodletters, Kumal aj k'ixb', Sacrificers. Ah k'ajb'.

Only therefore one there was Xa k'u jun xek'oje' wi Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze, 5930 Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab',

205 Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam. Only one awaited its dawn. Xa jun xkoyob'ej wi u saqirik

There on its top mountain Chiri' chuwi' juyub' Hacavitz its name. Jaq'awitz u b'i'.

Only therefore enters its midst Xawi k'u kok u xo'l These were gods Ri' xk'oje' wi k'ab'awil

Tamub, Tamub', With Ilocab. Ruk' Ilokab'. 5940

Nation Tan its name Amaq' Tan u b'i' That was Ri xk'oje' wi

This their god Tamub. Ri' u k'ab'awil Tamub'. There it dawned. Chiri' xsaqir wi.

Nation Its Frame Net its name Amaq' U Q'in K'at u b'i' Where dawned the Ilocab. Ri xsaqirik wi ri Ilokab'.

There it was their god Ilocab, Chiri' xk'oje' wi u k'ab'awil Ilokab', Only enters its midst mountain. Xa kok u xo'l juyub'.

Only there all Rabinals, Xawi chiri' ronojel Rab'inaleb', Cakchiquels, Kaqchekeleb', 5950 Ah Tziquinahas, Aj Tz'ikina Ja,

All small nations, Ronojel ch'uti amaq', Great nations, Nima amaq',

Only one they arose, Xa jun xtak'atob' wi, Only as well one dawn, Xa pu jun saqirik wi, Only one they awaited Xa jun xkoyob'ej wi

Its coming out hither Relik uloq Great Star, Nima Ch'umil, Passing Before Sun its name. Ik'oq'ij u b'i'.

“First it will go out hither “Nab'e chel uloq 5960 Before its face sun, Chuwach q'ij,

206 Then may it dawn,” Ta saqiroq,” They said. Xecha'.

Only therefore one Xa k'u jun They were Xek'oje' wi

Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

There is not their sleep, Maja b'i ki waram, 5970 Their rest. Ki yakalem.

Great its weeping their hearts, Nim roq'ej ki k'u'x, Their bowels, Ki pam,

To its dawn, Chire u saqirik, Its becoming clear as well. U pakatajik puch.

Only there surely penitent their faces Xawi chila' xk'ixb'99 wi u wach They came Xepe wi

Great sorrow, Nima b'is, Great humility. Nima mok'em.

They would tremble because of their affliction E chik'arinaq rumal u k'axk'ol 5980 They passed through hither. Xe'ek'ow wi100 uloq.

“Not sweet we came. “Mawi kus mi xojpe wi. Alas! Akarok!

Would that we could behold its birth sun. Oj taj xkojilowik ralaxik q'ij. What it we have done? Ju la' chaxqab'ano?

Same our faces at our mountains, Junam qa wach chi qa juyub'al, Only we have changed our natures,” they say. Xa xqok'otaj qib',” kecha'.

99 The x- prefix in this instance is a marker of surety.

100 The manuscript reads xa eqovi, likely a scribal error for xe eqovi.

207 Then much they speak among themselves, Ta k'i kech'awik chi kib'il kib', On its top sorrow, Chuwi' b'is, On its top humility, Chuwi' mok'em, 5990 On its top as well weeping, Chuwi' puch oq'ej, Crying out, Sik', They spoke. Xech'aw wi.

Not yet therefore they will comfort their hearts to its dawn. Maja k'ut chiku'b'aroq ki k'u'x chire u saqirik; These therefore comforted the gods Are' k'ut e ku'b'ukuxinaq wi ri k'ab'awil

In canyons, Pa taq siwan, In forests. Pa taq k'eche'laj.

Only in bromeliads, Xa pa ek', Only in hanging moss they were. Xa pa atz'iaq e k'o wi.

Not surely on flat stones Ma na pa tz'alam taj 6000 They were given. Xeya' wi.

They speak first Kech'aw nab'ek The Tohil, Ri Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

Great their day, Nim ki q'ij, Great also their breath, Nim puch kab', Their spirit, Kuxlab',

On its top all Chuwi' ronojel Their gods nations. U k'ab'awil amaq'. 6010

Crowded their spirit essence, Tzatz ki nawal, Crowded as well their pathways, Tzatz puch ki b'inib'al,

Their victorious means to chill, Ki ch'akab'al chi tewnik, To frighten their existence Chi xib'inik ki k'oje'ik

At heart nations. Chi k'u'x amaq'. Comforted their hearts Ku'b'ulik ki k'u'xlal

By the Balam Quitze, Kumal ri B'alam Kitze,

208 Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam. 6020

Not surely they unhappy, Ma na chilik, Bear ill will then their hearts Ka'yal ta ki k'u'x

To the gods that had been carried, Chire ri k'ab'awil kuk'a'am, They carry them as well, Kek'a'am puch,

They came there Tulan Xepe chila' Tulan Zuyva, Suywa,

There, Chila', Its coming out sun. Releb'al q'ij.

But therefore there they were Xawi k'u chiri' xek'oje' wi In forest. Pa k'eche'laj. 6030

There was place of dawning Are saqirib'al At Tohil, Pa Tojil, At Auilix, Pa Awilix, At Hacavitz, called today. Pa Jaq'awitz, kuchaxik wakamik.

There therefore they were sown, Are k'ut xechawax wi, They dawned, Xesaqir wi,

Our grandfathers, Qa mam, Our fathers. Qa qajaw.

This we shall tell now its dawning, Wa' chiqab'ij chik u saqirik, Its appearance as well U wachinik puch 6040 Sun, Q'ij, Moon, Ik', Stars. Ch'umil. THIS therefore its dawn, WA'E k'ute u saqirik, Its appearance as well U wachinik puch Sun, Q'ij, Moon, Ik', Stars. Ch'umil.

209 GREATLY therefore they rejoiced Balam Quitze, NIM k'ut xeki'kotik B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', 6050 Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam, Ik'i B'alam,

When they saw the Passes Before Sun. Ta xril ri Ik'oq'ij. First it went out hither, Nab'e xel uloq,

It would glitter its face, Chitiltotik u wach, When it came out hither first therefore before its face sun. Ta xel uloq nab'e k'ut chuwach q'ij.

Then therefore they unwrapped their copal incense there, K'ate k'ut ta xkikir ki pom chila', Having come from its coming out sun. Petenaq wi releb'al q'ij.

Then its victory in their hearts K'ate u ch'ak chi ki k'u'x When they opened it. Ta xkikiroq. 6060

Three of them their way of giving thanks Ox ichal ki k'amowab'al In their hearts. Chi ki k'u'x.

Mixtam Copal Incense Mixtam Pom Its name copal incense U b'i' pom Had carried Balam Quitze; Ruk'a'am B'alam Kitze; Cavistan Copal Incense Kawistan Pom Its name copal incense had U b'i' pom Had carried Balam Acab; Ruk'a'am B'alam Aq'ab'; Divine Copal Incense K'ab'awil Pom It is called now Chuchaxik chik 6070 Had carried Mahucutah. Ruk'a'am Majukutaj.

Three E oxib' There are their copal incenses. K'o ki pom.

These therefore they burned Are' k'ut xkik'ato When they waved censers outward Ta xesaqb'isani aponoq

There, Chila', Its coming out sun. Releb'al q'ij.

Bitterly they wept Quz keoq'ik When they waved censers Ta xesaqb'isanik. They burned their copal incense, Xkik'at ki pom, 6080

210 Sacred copal incense. Loq'olaj pom. Then therefore they wept when not they saw it, K'ate k'ut xkoq'ej ri mawi xkilo,

Not also they witnessed its birth sun, Ma pu xkiwachij ralaxik q'ij, Then also when it came out hither sun K'ate puch ta xel ulo q'ij

They rejoiced small animals, Xki'kotik ch'uti chikop, Great animals. Nima chikop.

They came up hither from path river, Xk'isyakataj uloq pa b'e ya', From canyons. Pa siwan.

They were there Xek'oje'ik Point mountains. Tza'm taq juyub'. 6090

Only one they went their faces there Xa jun xkixe wi ki wach chila' Came out hither sun. Xel wi uloq q'ij.

Then they cried out pumas, K'ate ta xe'oq'ik koj, Jaguars. B'alam.

First therefore sang the bird, Nab'e k'ut xoq' ri tz'ikin, Parrot its name. K'eletzu u b'i'.

True that they rejoiced all animals. Qitzij chi xki'kot ronojel chikop. They spread their wings, Xkirip ki xik',

Eagle, Kot, White vulture, Saq k'uch, 6100

Small birds, Ch'uti tz'ikin, Great birds. Nima tz'ikin.

Therefore they were kneeling the bloodletters, E k'u xukuxuxinaq ri aj k'ixb', Sacrificers. Aj k'ajb'.

Greatly they rejoice with their bloodletters, Nim keki'kotik ruk' raj k'ixb', Their sacrificers, Raj k'ajb',

Tamub, Tamub', Ilocab, Ilokab',

211 With Rabinals, Ruk' Rab'inaleb', With Cakchiquels, Kaqchekeleb', 6110

Ah Tz'ikinahas, Aj Tz'ikina Ja, With Tuhalhas, Ruk' Tujal Ja,

Uchabahas, U Ch'ab'a Ja, Quibahas, Kib'a Ja,

Ah Batenas, Ah B'ate Na, With Yaqui Tepeus. Ruk' Yaki Tepew.

However many of nations there are today, Jarub' pa chi amaq' k'o wakamik, Not counted people, Mawi ajilan chi winaq,

Only one dawned Xa jun xsaqir wi All nations. Ronojel amaq'. 6120

Then as well was dried its face earth by the sun. K'ate puch xchaqijik u wach ulew rumal ri q'ij. Like the one person the sun when it revealed itself. Keje' ri' jun chi winaq ri q'ij ta xuk'ut rib'.

Hot his face K'atan u wach Thus he dried Are xchaqij wi

Its face earth not yet come out hither sun U wach ulew maja chela ula q'ij Wet, Ch'aqalik, Soggy as well Yitz'il puch Its face earth not yet come out hither sun. U wach ulew maja chela ula q'ij.

Only therefore ascended upward the sun, Xa k'u xka'oj aq'anoq ri q'ij, Like the one person. Keje' ri' jun chi winaq. 6130

Not therefore was endured his heat. Ma k'u xch'ijitajik u k'atanal. Only therefore his self/revelation when he was born.Xa k'u u k'utb'al rib' ta xalaxik.

Only then therefore its mirror that was left. Xa chi k'u u lemo' ri xkanajik. Not true this now sun that appears, Mawi qitzij are' chi q'ij ri kawachinik,

Said Xcha' Within their word. Chupan ki tzij.

Then also straightaway became stone K'ate puch ju su xab'ajir

212 The Tohil, Ri Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz, Jaq'awitz, 6140 With its divine images Ruk' u k'ab'awilal

Puma, Koj, Jaguar, B'alam,

Rattlesnake, Sochoj, Pit viper. K'an Ti'.

Saqui Coxol merely took then Saqi K'oxol xa xuchap chi Its hiding self in trees. U k'u' rib' pa che'.

When appeared Ta xwachin Sun, Q'ij, Moon, Ik', 6150 Stars, Ch'umil,

Everywhere stone they became Jumaj ab'aj xuxik All of them. Ronojel.

Not then we had arisen perhaps today Ma ta oj yakamarinaq lo wakamik Because of the biting animals: Rumal ri ti'onel chikop:

Puma, Koj, Jaguar, B'alam,

Rattlesnake, Sochoj, Pit viper. K'an Ti'.

Zaqui Coxol. Saqi K'oxol. 6160

There is not then our day perhaps today Ma ta ja b'i qa q'ij lo wakamik. Not then became stone its first animals Ma ta xab'ajirik u nab'e chikop

Because of sun when it came out hither. Rumal q'ij ta xel uloq. Great joy there was their hearts Nima ki'kotem xk'oje' wi ki k'u'x Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Akab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

213 Greatly they rejoiced Nim keki'kotik When it dawned. Ta xsaqirik. 6170

Not surely then many people in their existence, Ma na e ta k'iya winaq chi ki k'oje'ik, Only they few when they were there Xa e ch'uti'n ta xek'oje' chiri'

On its top mountain Chuwi' juyub' Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

There they dawned, Chiri' xesaqir wi, There as well they burned. Chiri' puch xek'aton wi.

They waved censers outward Xesaqb'isan aponoq There at its coming out sun they came. Chila' chi releb'al q'ij xepe wi.

There their mountain, Are ki juyub'al, Their plain. Ki taq'ajal. 6180

There they came Balam Quitze, Chila' xepe wi B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam their names. Ik'i B'alam ki b'i'.

There then they multiplied on its top mountain, Chiri' k'ute xek'iyar wi chuwi' juyub', Where therefore their citadel came to be. Are k'ut ki tinamit xuxik.

There therefore it was Chiri' k'u k'o wi When truly appeared Ta qi xwachin

Sun, Q'ij, Moon, Ik', 6190 Stars. Ch'umil.

Dawned, Xsaqirik, Become clear, Xpakatajik,

Its face earth, U wach ulew, Everthing beneath sky. Ronojel xe' kaj.

There therefore began their song, Chiri' k'ut xtikar wi ki b'ix, “Our Burial” its name. “Qa Muqu” u b'i'.

214 They sang, Xkib'ixaj, Only its weeping their hearts, Xa roq'ej ki k'u'x, Their bowels. Ki pam. 6200 They said within their song: Xkib'ij chupan ki b'ix:

“Alas we were lost! “Akarok xojsachik! At Tulan we split apart ourselves. Chi Tulan xojpaxin wi qib'.

We left behind then our older brothers, Xeqakanaj chik qatz, Our younger brothers, Qa chaq'.

Where did they see sun? Awi mi xkil wi q'ij? Where they were when it dawned?” Awi on e k'o wi ta mi xsaqirik?”

They said to them their bloodletters, Xecha' chire raj kixb', Their sacrificers Yaqui people. Raj k'ajb' Yaki winaq.

“Merely only Tohil his name “Xawi xere Tojil u b'i' 6210 Their god Yaqui people. U k'ab'awil Yaki winaq.

Yolcuat Yolkwat, Quitzalcuat his name. Kitzalkwat u b'i'.

We separated there at Tulan Xqajach chila' chu Tulan At Zuyva Chi Suywa

When we had left hither, Are qa chelik uloq, When also its completion our faces when we came,” Are puch u tz'aqat qa wach ta xojpetik,”

They said among themselves Xecha' chi kib'il kib' When they remembered then out Ta xkina'taj chi apanoq

Their older brothers, Katz, 6220 Their younger brothers, Ki chaq',

The Yaqui people. Ri Yaki winaq. These dawned there Ri' xsaqirik chila'

Mexico Mexiko Its having been named today. U b'i'nam wakamik.

There is then as well apart of them people, K'o chi nay puch chajkar winaq,

215 They remained there its coming out son. Xkikanaj chila' releb'al q'ij.

Tepeu, Tepew, Oliman their names. Oliman ki b'i'.

“We left them behind,” they said. “Xeqakanaj kanoq,” xecha'. 6230 Great its trouble their hearts Nim u q'atat ki k'u'x

There Chiri' On its top Hacavitz. Chuwi' Jaq'awitz.

Just like they did that of Tamub, Xawi keje' kakib'an ri rech Tamub', Ilocab. Ilokab'.

Merely only they were there in forest, Xawi xere e k'o wi chiri' pa k'eche'laj, Nation Dan101 its name. Amaq' T'an u b'i'.

Dawned their bloodletters, Xsaqir wi rajk'ixb', Their sacrificers, Raj k'ajb'

Tamub, Tamub', 6240 With their god. Ruk' u k'ab'awil.

Merely only Tohil, Xawi xere Tojil, Only one his name Xa jun u b'i'

Their god its three groups of them U k'ab'awil rox ch'ob' ichal Quiché people. K'eche' winaq.

Only therefore merely then his name Xawi k'u xere chik u b'i' Their god Rabinals. U k'ab'awil Rab'inaleb'. A little bit its change his name. Xsqaqi'n u jalk'at u b'i'. “One Toh” it is called his name “Jun Toj” chuchaxik u b'i' Their god Rabinals. U k'ab'awil Rab'inaleb'. 6250 Only therefore say this, Xa k'u cha' ri',

Only would desire to make the same in Quiché, Xa chiraj junamataj chi K'iche', In their speech. Chi u ch'ab'al.

There therefore was changed speech with Cakchiquels, Are k'ut jalk'atajinaq wi ch'ab'al ruk' Kaqchekeleb',

101 This is a rare instance where the scribe used D as a sign for T' in the manuscript.

216 Because different his name their god Rumal jalan u b'i' u k'ab'awil

When came there Tulan Ta xpe chila' Tulan Zuyva. Suywa.

Bat House, Tzotz'i Ja, Chimalcan his name Chimalkan u b'i'

Their god. U k'ab'awil. 6260 Only therefore made different their language today. Xa k'u chajalan u ch'ab'al wakamik.

With as well behind their god, Ruk' nay puch chirij u k'ab'awil, They had received Xk'amon wi

Its name U b'i' Their lineage: U chinamit:

Ahpo Zotzil, Aj Po Sotz'il, Ahpo Xa[hil] they are called. Aj Po Xa[jil]102 keuchaxik.

Only their god changed their speech Xawi u k'ab'awil xjalk'atij wi u ch'ab'al When given hither their god there Tulan. Ta xya' uloq u k'ab'awil chila' Tulan. Behind stone changed their speech Chirij ab'aj xjalk'atij wi u ch'ab'al 6270 When came from Tulan in the darkness. Ta xpe Tulan chi q'equ'mal.

Only therefore one was sown all nations, Xa k'u jun xawax wi ronojel amaq', Placed its name K'oleje' u b'i'

Its god U k'ab'awil To each group. Chu jutaq ch'ob'il.

This therefore we shall tell now their residence, Are' k'ut xchiqab'ij chik ki alub'ik, Their sojourn as well, Ki b'ayatajik puch,

There on its top mountain. Chiri' chuwi' juyub'. Only one they were four of them: Xa jun xek'oje' wi ki kaj ichal:

Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze, 6280 Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj,

102 Edmonson suggests that the text should read Xahil here, referring to a well known Kaqchikel lineage.

217 Iqui Balam their names. Ik'i B'alam ki b'i'.

Cried out their hearts Koq' ki k'u'x To the Tohil, Chire ri Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

These are now in bromeliads, Are' k'o chik pa ek', In hanging moss by them. Pa atz'iaq kumal.

THIS therefore their burning beneath then as well, WA' k'ute ki k'atonik u xe' chi puch, 6290 Offerings as well Tohil. Kojb'al rech Tojil.

When went therefore before his face Tohil, Ta xeb'e k'ut chuwach Tojil, Auilix, Awilix,

They went to see, Xeb'e kila', Went as well to worship, Xb'e pu ki q'ijila',

They gave thanks then before its face Xek'amowan chik chuwach To its dawn. Chire u saqirik.

They therefore kneeling with heads bowed low then E k'u wonowoj chik At stones Chi ab'ajil

There Chiri' 6300 In forest. Pa k'eche'laj.

Only their spirit essence manifestation now Xa ki nawal wach chik Spoke Xch'awik

When they arrived the bloodletters, Ta xe'opon ri aj k'ixb', Sacrificers before his face the Tohil. Aj k'ajb' chuwach ri Tojil.

Not therefore great this they had carried Ma k'u nim ri' kuk'a'am Their burning as well Ki k'atoj puch.

Only pine resin, Xa q'ol, Only its remnants pitch, Xa rachaq noj, With pericon flowers, Ruk' iya', 6310

218 They burned Xkik'ato Before his face their god. Chuwach ki k'ab'awil.

Then spoke therefore the Tohil, Ta xch'aw k'ut ri Tojil, Only its spirit essence now Xa u nawal chik

When gave hither their knowledge the bloodletters, Ta xya' uloq ki na'oj ri e aj k'ixb', Sacrificers. E aj k'ajb'.

They said, Xecha', Then they spoke: Ta xech'awik:

“Only here our mountain, “Xawi waral qa juyub'al, Our plain shall come to be. Qa taq'ajal chuxik. 6320

We yours now Oj iwech chik Came to be. Mi xuxik.

Great our day, Nim qa q'ij, Great as well our birth, Nim pu qalaxik,

Because of all people yours, Rumal ronojel winaq iwech, The all nations. Ri ronojel amaq'.

Only therefore we your companions then surely, Xawi k'u oj iwachb'il chi na, Your citadel. I tinamit.

Only we shall give your knowledge. Xawi chiqaya' i na'oj. Do not reveal us before their faces the nations Mojik'ut chuwach ri amaq' 6330

When they climb up to us, Ta kojkaq'anij, Because true Rumal ri' qitzij wi

That many Chi e k'i They shall be. Chikik'oje'ik.

Thus not you set traps for us Keje' k'u mawi kojiralajob'isaj wi But therefore give to us Xere k'ut chiya' chiqech

The its child grass, Ri ral k'im, Its child fallen grain; Ral torob';

219 But therefore that female deer, Xere k'u ri xnam kej, Female bird. Xnam tz'ikin. 6340

Come then to give a little their blood to us. Chul ta iya' sqaqi'n u kik'el chiqech. Pity our faces. Toq'ob' qa wach.

Leave behind therefore its skin the deer to guard them. Chikanaj k'ut rismal ri kej chi chajij. These the disguises Are' e ri u muquwach You will deceive behind, Chimich' kanoq, This its deer will come to be. Are' u kej chuxik.

These also our substitute then therefore Are' nay puch qa k'exwach chi k'ut Before their faces nations. Chuwach amaq'.

‘Where is Tohil?’ ‘Apa k'o wi Tojil?’ When you are asked, Ta kixuchaxik, 6350

This therefore then therefore the bundle deer before their Are' k'ut chi k'ut ri q'u' kej chikiwach. faces. Not you reveal as well yourselves. Mik'ut nay pu iwib'.

There is then therefore you shall do now, K'o chi k'ut chib'an chik, Great your existence will come to be. Nim i k'oje'ik chuxik.

You will conquer the all nations, Chich'ak ri ronojel amaq', They shall bring to you Chikuk'a'j

Their blood, U kik'el, Their blood before our faces. U komajil chiqawach.

They shall come Chul wi To embrace us. Kojkiq'aluj. 6360

They ours now,” E qech chik,” Said therefore the Tohil, Xcha' k'u ri Tojil,

Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

Boyish faces K'ajolal wach They would appear Chikiwachib'ej

220 When they are seen, Ta ke'ilik, When they would arrive as well Ta chopon puch

To burn before their faces. K'atoj chikiwach. Then began therefore their being searched for Ta xtikar k'ut u tzukuxik 6370

The its child birds, Ri ral taq tz'ikin, Its child deer, Ral kej,

Taking, K'amob', Search, Tzukuxik,

By the bloodletters, Kumal ri aj k'ixb', Sacrificers. Aj k'ajb'.

This therefore then they would find the birds, Are' k'ut ta chikiriq ri tz'ikin, Child deer. Al kej. Then therefore they would go K'ate k'ut chib'e To deliver Ki k'ulu 6380 The its blood deer, Ri u kik'el kej, Birds in their mouths the stones, Tz'ikin pu chi' ri ab'aj,

The Tohil, Ri Tojil, Auilix. Awilix.

They drank this therefore, Xuk'a ri' k'ut, Beverage blood by gods. Ukaj kik' kumal k'ab'awil.

Straightaway spoke the stones Ju su chich'aw ri ab'aj When they arrived, Ta ke'oponik,

The bloodletters, Ri aj k'ixb', Sacrificers, Aj k'ajb', 6390

When they would go to give Ta chib'e ki ya' Their burnings. Ki k'atoj.

Only like again they would do it Xawi keje' chik chikib'ano Before its face the bundle deer: Chuwach ri q'u' kej: They would burn pine resin, Chikik'at q'ol, They would burn as well pericon flowers, Chikik'at puch iya', Head mushroom, Jolom okox,

221 There was their bundle deer Xk'oje' ki q'u' kej To their each one, Chi ki jujunal,

There placed by them Chiri' k'ul wi kumal 6400 On its top mountain, Chuwi' juyub',

Not their dwelling Mawi ki laqab'en The their homes in sun. Ri kochoch chi q'ijil.

Only in mountains Xa pa taq juyub' They walk. Keb'in wi.

These therefore they would eat: Are' k'ut chikecha'j: The mere its child hornet, Ri xa ral wonon,103 Mere its child wasp, Xa ral sita'l, Mere as well its child bee, Xa pu ral aqaj, They would search for. Chikitzukuj. 6410

Not first very good food, Ma na utzilaj wa, Very good water then as well. Utzilaj a' ta puch.

Not clear its pathway their homes. Mawi q'alaj u b'e'el kochoch. Not clear where they are left behind their wives. Mawi q'alaj k'o wi kanoq kixoqila. There therefore crowded now the nations, Are k'ut tzatz chik ri amaq', Each one would unite, Jujun chisepesoj wi, They gather then themselves, Kikuchun chi kib', The each of groups of nations Ri ju taq chob' chi amaq' They were tumultuous then on roads. Keb'olow chik pa taq b'e. Clear then their path. Q'alaj chi ki b'e 6420

Where therefore the Balam Quitze, Are k'u ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam not yet clear they are. Ik'i B'alam xma q'alaj e k'o wi.

When therefore then they would see the nations Are k'ut ta chikil ri amaq' As they would pass by on road. Chik'owik pa b'e.

Then therefore they cry out hither K'ate k'ut ta ke'oq' uloq Peak mountains. Tza'm taq juyub'.

103 The text reads vorom for what in this context must be vonon.

222 Only its cry coyote, Xa roq'ib'al utiw, Only as well its cry fox would they cry out; Xa pu roq'ib'al yak chikoq'ib'ej; 6430

Only as well its cry puma, Xa pu roq'ib'al koj, Jaguar they would do. B'alam chikib'ano.

When they would see it the nations, Ta chikil ri amaq', Much would be said: K'i chub'ixik:104

“Only coyote the their cry, “Xa utiw ri koq'ik, Only as well fox this, Xa pu yak ri',

Only puma, Xa koj, Only jaguar,” say therefore the nations. Xa b'alam,” kecha' k'ut ri amaq'.

Like the not person in their hearts the all nations, Keje' ri' mawinaq chu k'u'x ri ronojel amaq', Only therefore deception theirs nations. Xa k'u mich'b'al kech amaq'. 6440

When they would do it, it is desire their hearts Ta chikib'ano k'o karaj ki k'u'x This not surely true then they would be frightened to do it. Ri ma na qitzij ta chixib'in ta rib' chikib'ano.

This they desire to it its cry puma, K'o kakaj chire roq'ib'al koj, Its cry jaguar they would cry out. Roq'ib'al b'alam chikoq'eb'ej.

Then they would see therefore the people only one, Ta chikil k'u ri winaq xa jun, Only two would go, they would desire to destroy them. Xa kaib' chub'inik chikaj ki ma'ij chikech.

Each day then they arrive then therefore there Ju ta q'ij ta ke'ul chi k'ut chiri' At their homes with their wives. Chi kochoch ruk' kixoqil. Merely its child hornet, Xawi ral wonon, Its child wasp, Ral sita'l, 6450 Merely as well its child bee therefore, Xa pu ral aqaj k'u, They carried to give to their wives. Kuk'a'am chikiya'o chirech kixoqil. Each day then they went then therefore Ju ta q'ij ta xeb'e chi k'ut

Before his face Tohil, Chuwach Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

104 The manuscript reads chubinic (would walk), likely a scribal error for chubixic (would be said).

223 They said therefore Xecha' k'ut In their hearts, Chi ki k'u'x,

“This the Tohil, “Are' ri Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, 6460 Hacavitz, Jaq'awitz,

Only its blood deer, Xa u kik'el kej, Birds we give to them. Tz'ikin kaqaya' chire.

Only we have pricked our ears, Xa qasisa qa xikin, Our elbows. Qa ch'uk.

We have pled for our strength, Qa tz'onoj qa kowil, Our endurance, Qa ch'ijilal

To Tohil, Chire Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz. 6470

Who may take care of their death the nations? Naqi taj chikuch'aj ki kamik ri amaq'? Only then each one we kill them?” Xa ta jujunal keqakamisaj?”

They said to each other Xecha' chi kib'il kib' When they went therefore before their faces Ta xeb'e k'ut chuwach

Tohil, Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

Then they pricked their ears, Ta xkisis ki xikin, Their elbows before their faces gods. Ki chu'k chuwach k'ab'awil.

They scooped up the their blood, Xkiwakuj ri ki kik'el, 6480 They rubbed it inside in their mouths the stones. Xkijik' koq pu chi' ri ab'aj.

Not therefore true that stones they come to be. Ma k'u kitzij ta chi ab'aj chuxik. Like the each boys Keje' ri' e jujun chi k'ajolab'

When they arrive. Ta ke'ulik. They rejoiced then Xeki'kot chik

224 To the their blood bloodletters, Chirech ri ki kik'el aj k'ixb', Sacrificers. Aj k'ajb'.

Then it came then therefore its sign Ta xpe chi k'ut retal Their deeds this: Ki b'anoj ri':

“Conquer many lands. “Chich'ako'nisaj k'i je'. 6490 This your liberation self. Are' i kolb'al iwib'.

There it came from Tulan Chila' xpe wi chi Tulan When you brought us hither,” Ta xojik'am uloq,”

They were told therefore. Xe'uchax k'ut. Then was given hither Ta xya' uloq

The breast Ri tz'um At Staggering its name. Pa Silisib' u b'i'.

With blood would enter behind it, Ruk' kik' chok chikij, To rain self the blood, Ki jab' rib' ri kik',

Came to be his giving Xuxik u ya'on 6500 Tohil, Tojil, With Auilix, Ruk' Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

THIS its beginning now their being abducted people, WA'E u tikarik chik releq'axik winaq, Nations, Amaq',

By Balam Quitze, Kumal B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

THEN as well their being killed nations these. K'ATE puch u kamisaxik amaq' ri'. 6510 They took them thus: Are' xkik'am ri':

Only one would go walking, Xa jun chub'inik, Only two would go walking. Xa kaib' chub'inik.

225 Not clear then they would take them. Mawi q'alaj ta chkik'amo. Thus then they would go to sacrifice them K'ate k'ut ta chib'e ki pusu'

Before their faces Tohil, Chuwach Tojil, Auilix. Awilix.

Then therefore they would give blood on road, K'ate k'ut ta chikiya' kik' pa b'e, There is their skulls they would place on road. K'olik u jolom chikik'olob'a' pa b'e.

They say therefore the nations, “Jaguar ate them,” Kecha' k'ut ri amaq', “B'alam mi xti'owik,” 6520 Only they say. Xa kecha'.

Because like the paws jaguar Rumal keje' ri raqan b'alam Their feet then they would make. Kaqan ta chikib'ano.

Not would they reveal themselves. Mawi chikik'ut kib'. Crowded with nations they abducted. Tzatz chi amaq' xkeleq'aj.

Until its long time therefore K'a u najt k'ut They felt themselves nations. Xuna' wi rib' amaq'.

“Perhaps these the Tohil, “We are' ri Tojil, Auilix enter to us. Awilix kok chiqe.

Only we seek them the bloodletters, Xa keqatzukuj ri aj k'ixb', 6530 Sacrificers, Aj k'ajb',

When it they are at their homes. Ta la k'o wi kochoch. Let us follow their feet,” Chiqataqej ri kaqan,”

They said therefore all nations Xecha' k'ut konojel amaq' When they gathered their thoughts among themselves. Ta xkik'am ki na'oj chi kib'il kib'.

Then therefore they began K'ate k'ut xkitikib'a' Its following their feet U taqexik kaqan

The bloodletters, Ri aj k'ixb', Sacrificers. Aj k'ajb'.

Not therefore clear, only feet deer, Ma k'u q'alaj, xa raqan kej, 6540 Only feet jaguars they would see. Xa raqan b'alam chikilo.

226 Not clear their feet. Mawi q'alaj kaqan. Nowhere there was clear Xma k'o wi q'alaj wi

Where first their feet the only their paws, Are nab'e kaqan ri xa ki pich, Like this their feet only confusion its Keje' ri' kaqan xa sachb'al re

By them. Kumal. Not clear their path. Mawi q'alaj ki b'e.

Only would be created clouds, Xa chiwinaqir sutz', Only would be created dark rain, Xa chiwinaqir q'eqal jab', Only as well would be created mud, Xa pu chiwinaqir xoq'ol, 6550 Only would be created drizzling rain. Xa chiwinaqir musmul jab'.

They would see it Chikilo Before their faces nations. Chikiwach amaq'.

Only therefore they would weary their hearts seeking them, Xa k'u chikos ki k'u'x chikitzukuxik, Then they would mourn as well. Ta chikoq'otaj puch.

Because great their essence Rumal nim u k'oje'ik The Tohil, Ri Tojil,

Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

Long time therefore they did it there on its top mountain, Najt k'ut xkib'an chiri' chuwi' juyub', 6560 On its edges the nations. Chuxikin ri amaq'.

They killed. Xkikamisaj. This then was created the abduction, Are' ta xwinaqir ri eleq'ik, Murderous assaults, E ch'alami q'at, When they would take the nations on roads. Ta chikik'am ri amaq' pa taq b'e.

They would sacrifice them Chikipus Before their faces Chuwach

The Tohil, Ri Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz. 6570

Saved therefore their sons there Xkolo k'ut ki k'ajol chiri'

227 On its top mountain. Chuwi' juyub'.

Where were Tohil, Are Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

Three boys their appearance they would walk, Oxib' chi k'ajolab' ki wachib'al keb'inik; Only their spirit essence the stones. Xa u nawal ri ab'aj.

There was a river, Xk'oje' jun ja', Where they bathe Are ke'atin wi

There Chiri' 6580 At its mouth river. Chuchi' ja'.

Only their self manifestation. Xa ki k'utb'al kib'. It gave its name therefore: Xub'i'naj k'ut:

At His Bath Tohil, Chi Ratinib'al Tojil, Its name river came to be. U b'i' ja' xuxik.

Many times therefore they would see them nations. K'iya mul k'ut chikilo amaq'. Suddenly then they would be lost themselves. Lib'aj chi chikisachix taj kib'.

When they were seen Ta ke'ilik By nations. Rumal amaq'.

Then would come to be its report Ta xux taj u tzijel 6590 Where they are Ri e k'o wi

The Balam Quitze, Ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

This therefore this its gathering their thoughts nations Are' k'u wa' u k'amik u na'oj amaq' So that they may be killed. Chire u kamisaxik taj.

FIRST therefore they desired NAB'E k'ut xraj To plan nations their defeat Ki na'ojij amaq' u ch'akik

228 Tohil, Tojil, 6600 Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

They spoke all the bloodletters, Xecha' ronojel ri aj k'ixb', Sacrificers before their faces nations. Aj k'ajb' chuwach amaq'.

They assembled themselves, Xkejek kib', They summoned as well each other all of them. Xketaq pu kib' konojel.

There was not one group, Maja b'i ju ch'ob', Two groups then now left behind of them. Ka ch'ob' ta chik xkanaj chike.

All of them gathered themselves, Konojel xekuchu kib', They summoned as well each other. Xetaqo pu kib'. 6610

Then were gathered their thoughts, Ta xk'am ki na'oj, They spoke therefore, Xecha' k'ut, They asked themselves: Ta xkitz'onob'ej kib':

“What would ensure their defeat Naqi pa chi kuchaj ki ch'akik The Cavec Quiché people? Ri Kaweq K'eche' winaq?

Because ended our children of mothers, Rumal mi xk'is qal, Sons of men. K'ajol.

Not clear Mawi q'alaj Its loss people by them. U sachik winaq kumal.

If we are finished by abduction, We kojk'isik chi eleq'axik, 6620 Then it shall come to be Ta chuxoq

If this great We are' nim His glory U q'aq'al

The Tohil, Ri Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz, Jaq'awitz,

This then therefore our god Are' ta k'ut qa k'ab'awil The Tohil shall come to be. Ri Tojil chuxik.

229 May we be preeminent. Chiqanab'ij taj. Not will be successful they defeat us. Mawi chutzinik kojkich'ako. 6630

Not then we many people we are? Ma pa oj k'iya winaq chiqak'oje'ik? These therefore the Cavec not how many are they?” Are' k'u ri Kaweq mawi jarub' chikik'oje'ik?”

They said therefore Xecha' k'ut When they arrived all of them. Ta xeponik konojel.

Said then part of them Xcha' chik chajkar To them the nations when they spoke: Chikech ri amaq' ta xech'awik:

“Who are these perhaps they bathe “Apachina ri' lo ke'atin At its mouth river every day? Chuchi' ya' ju taq q'ij?

If these Tohil, We are' Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, 6640 Hacavitz, Jaq'awitz,

These we defeat surely first. Are' taq keqach'ak na nab'e. There then therefore shall begin their defeat Chiri' ta k'ut chitikar wi ki ch'akatajik

The bloodletters, Ri e aj k'ixb', Sacrificers,” E ah k'ajb',”

They said therefore part of them again Xecha' chi k'ut chajkar chik Then they spoke: Ta xech'awik:

“How therefore will we defeat them?” they said then “Naqi la' k'ut chiqach'akb'ej kech?” xecha' chi k'ut. therefore. “This then our means of defeating them will come to be: “Are' ta qa ch'akob'al kech chuxik:

Because the boys they appear Rumal ri e k'ajolab' kewachinik 6650 When they are seen at river, Ta ka'ilitaj chi a',

They go then therefore two maidens. Keb'e ta k'ut e kaib' q'apojib'. These then the truly then chosen, Are' ta ri qitzij chi e cha'om, They then fairest of maidens. E ta saqloq'oj chi q'apojib'. May they therefore be objects of desire to them,” Chib'e ta k'ut ki rayb'al chire,” xecha' k'ut. they said therefore.

“Good then that, only then we search for then two “Utz b'a la', xa b'a keqatzukuj e ta kaib'

230 Of the best maidens,” they said therefore. Chi utzilaj taq q'apojib',” xecha' k'ut.

Then they sought therefore their daughters. Ta xkitzukuj k'ut ki me'al. These the truly fairest maidens. Are' ri qitzij e saqilaj taq q'apojib'.

Then they were instructed therefore the maidens: Ta xkipixab'aj k'ut ri q'apojib': 6660 “Go you our daughters to wash the clothes at river. “Kixb'ek ix qa mi'al ojich'aja' ri k'ul chi ya'.

If therefore then you see them the three boys, We k'ut ta ke'iwil ri e oxib' k'ajolab', Undress therefore yourselves before their faces. Chisonob'a' k'u iwib' chikiwach.

If therefore will desire their hearts to you, We k'ut chirayin ki k'u'x chiwe, You offer yourselves. Kixchoko.

‘We come then after you,’ ‘Kojopon ta chiwij,’ When they say to you, Ta kecha' chiwech,

‘Yes,’ you say therefore, ‘We',’ kixcha' k'ut, When you are petitioned therefore. Ta kixtz'onox k'ut.

‘Where from you come, ‘Apa kixpe wi, 6670 Where are they by whom daughters?’ Apa aj choq' mi'al?’

Then you say, ‘we their daughters lords,’ Ta kecha', ‘Oj ki mi'al ajawab',’ You say therefore to them. Kixcha' k'u chike.

‘Come therefore their sign by you.’ ‘Chipe k'u retal iwumal.’ Then something they will give to you. Ta naqi la' chikiya' chiwe.

If they will desire your faces, Taseq chikirayij i wach, Truly you will give yourselves to them. Qitzij chiya' iwib' chikech.

If therefore then not you will give yourselves, We k'ut ta mawi chiya' iwib', We kill you therefore. Kixqakamisaj k'ut.

Then good our hearts K'ate utz qa k'u'x 6680 When there is their sign you will bring hither. Ta k'o retal chik'am uloq. This therefore their sign to our hearts Are' k'u retal chi qa k'u'x When they come after you,” Ta ke'apon chiwij,”

Said therefore the lords, Xecha' k'u ri ajawab', When they were instructed the maidens. Ta xepixab'ax ri q'apojib'.

231 The two, E kaib', This their names these: Are' ki b'i wa': Lady Lust her name one maiden, Xtaj u b'i' jun q'apoj, Lady Weeping then therefore her name one other. Xpuch' chi k'ut u b'i' jun chik. They as well two, E pu kaib', 6690 Lady Lust, Xtaj, Lady Weeping, Xpuch', Their names. Ki b'i'.

They were sent thither to river, Xetaq ub'ik chi ya', To Their Bath Chi Ratinib'al

Tohil, Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

This their thought all nations these. Are' ki na'oj ronojel amaq' ri'. THEN as well they went. K'ATE puch xeb'ek. 6700

They were adorned in finery. Xekawuxik. Truly then beautiful they would appear Qitzij wi chi jeb'elik chiwachinik

When they went there Ta xeb'ek chila' Where bathes Tohil. Chatin wi Tojil.

They carry on their heads therefore Kikarilo'on k'u The their wash when they went. Ri ki ch'ajo'n ta xeb'ek.

They rejoice then therefore the lords Keki'kot chi k'u ri ajawab' Because of the two their daughters they sent thither. Kumal ri e kaib' ki mi'al xkitaq ub'ik.

When they arrived therefore at river Ta xe'opon k'ut chi ya' Then they began to wash. K'ate xkitikib'a' ch'ajo'nik. 6710

They undressed themselves each of them, Xkitzonob'a' kib' ki kab' ichal, On their hands and knees before their faces stones. E chakachaxinaq chuwach taq ab'aj.

Then they gathered therefore Ta xek'ulun k'u The Tohil, Ri Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

232 They arrived there at its mouth river. Xe'opon chila' chuchi' ya'. Only therefore a little they passed by their faces Xa k'u sqaqi'n xrok'o'ib'ej ki wach

The two maidens they washed. Ri e kaib' q'apojib' kech'ajo'nik. These therefore the maidens only straightaway they were Are' k'u ri q'apojib' xa ju su xek'ixb'ik. 6720 ashamed.

When they arrived the Tohil, Ta xe'opon ri Tojil, Not therefore went their desire the Tohil Ma k'u ja b'i xb'e ki rayib'al ri Tojil

To the Chirech ri Two maidens. E kaib' q'apojib'.

Then they were asked therefore: Ta xetz'onox k'ut: “Where do you come from?” “Apa kixpe wi?”

They were asked to them Xe'uchaxik chirech The two maidens. Ri e kaib q'apojib'.

They were asked: Xe'uchaxik: “What do you want “Naqi pa kiwaj. 6730

You come here Kixul waral At its mouth our river?” Chuchi' wi qa a'?”

They were asked therefore. Xe'uchax k'ut. “We then sent hither by lords, “Oj b'a taqon uloq kumal ajawab',

Then we came. Ta xojpetik. ‘Go to see ‘Chib'e iwila'

Their faces the Tohil, Ki wach ri Tojil, Speak with them,’ they said lords to us. Kixch'aw kuk', xecha' ajawab' chiqe.

‘Thus may it come its sign Keje' k'ut chipe wi retal Truly if you shall see their faces, Qitzij we chiwil ki wach, 6740

We were told,” Xojojuchaxik,” They said therefore Xecha' k'u

The two maidens Ri e kaib' q'apojib'

233 When they laid out straight their mission. Ta xkisuk'ub'a' ki taqikil.

This then therefore they desired the nations: Are' ta k'u xkaj ri amaq': They were violated then the maidens Xejox ta ri q'apojib'

By their spirit essences Tohil. Rumal ki nawal Tojil. They said therefore the Xecha' k'u

The Tohil, Ri Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, 6750 Hacavitz, Jaq'awitz,

When they spoke then to the Lady Lust, Ta xech'aw chik chikech ri Xtaj, Lady Weeping, Xpuch',

Their names Ki b'i' The two maidens: Re e kaib' q'apojib':

“Good you shall take its sign our word with you. “Utz chib'ek retal qa tzij iwuk'. You shall wait for it first to give it out there to lords,” Chiwoyob'ej na chiya' apanoq chikech ajawab',”

They were told therefore. Xe'uchax k'ut. Then as well their thinking now K'ate puch ki na'ojinik chik

The bloodletters, Ri aj k'ixb', 6760 Sacrificers. Aj k'aj'b'.

They were told the Balam Quitze, Xe'uchax ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam: Ik'i B'alam:

“Paint three robes, “Kixtz'ib'anoq oxib' k'ul, Write its sign your essence. Chitz'ib'aj retal i k'oje'ik.

It shall arrive with nations, Chopon kuk' amaq', It shall go with the two maidens Chib'e kuk' ri e kaib' q'apojib'

They are washing. Kech'ajo'nik. 6770 Give thither to them,” Chiya' ub'ik chike,”

They were told therefore Xe'uchax k'ut

234 Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah. Majukutaj.

THEN therefore they painted three of them. K'ATE k'ut xetz'ib'anik kox ichal. First he painted the Balam Quitze. Nab'e xtz'ib'an ri B'alam Kitze. Jaguar its image came to be B'alam u wachib'al xuxik He painted on its face robe. Xutz'ib'aj chuwach k'ul. This therefore the next Balam Acab. Are' k'u ri chi B'alam Aq'ab'. 6780 Eagle now its image Kot chik u wachib'al He painted on its face robe Xutz'ib'aj chuwach k'ul. Then he painted next therefore the Mahucutah. Ta xtz'ib'an chi k'u ri Majukutaj. Everywhere hornets, Jumaj wonon, Everywhere wasps, Jumaj sita'l, Their images his painting, U wachib'al u tz'ib', He painted on its face robe. Xutz'ib'aj chuwach k'ul. They completed therefore their paintings three of them, Xutzin k'ut ki tz'ib' kox ichal, Three forms they painted. Ox b'usaj xkitz'ib'aj. Then therefore then they went to give robes K'ate k'ut ta xeb'e ki ya' k'ul 6790

The Lady Lust, Ri Xtaj, Lady Weeping their names. Xpuch' ki b'i'.

They said therefore Xecha' k'u The Balam Quitze, Ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah. Majukutaj.

“This its sign your word “Wa'e retal i tzij You arrive before their faces lords. Kixoponik chikiwach ajawab'.

‘Truly he spoke the Tohil to us,’ you say. ‘Qitzij xch'aw ri Tojil chiqech,’ kixcha'. ‘This therefore its sign we brought hither,’ you say to them.‘Wa'e k'u retal xqak'am uloq,’ kixcha' chike. 6800

They will wear them therefore Chikiq'u'j k'u These robes you will give to them,” Ri' k'ul chiya' chike,”

They were told therefore the maidens Xe'uchax k'ut ri q'apojib' When they instructed them thither. Ta xkipixab'aj ub'ik.

Then they went therefore, Ta xeb'e k'ut,

235 They carried away the painted robes. Xkuk'a'j ub'i ri tz'ib'an k'ul.

Then they arrived therefore, Ta xe'opon k'ut, Straightaway therefore they rejoiced the lords Ju su k'u xeki'kot ri ajawab'

When they saw Ta xil Their faces Ki wach 6810

Hanging from their arms. Xekel u q'a. They were entreated the maidens: Kitz'onoxik ri q'apojib':

“Not you saw his face the Tohil?” they were asked. “Ma xiwil u wach ri Tojil?” xe'uchaxik. “We saw then him,” they said therefore “Xqil b'a la',” xecha' k'u

The Lady Lust, Ri Xtaj, Lady Weeping. Xpuch'.

“Good then that, where its sign you brought hither? “Utz b'a la', naqi pa retal xik'am uloq? Not true?” they said the lords. Ma qitzij?” xech'aw ri ajawab'.

Thus then the its sign their disgrace Keje' ri' b'a ri retal ki makunik They sensed the lords. Xkina' ri ajawab'. 6820

Then were untied therefore Ta xkiritaj k'u The painted robes by maidens. Ri tz'ib'an k'ul kumal q'apojib'.

Everywhere jaguars, Jumaj b'alam, Everywhere eagles, Jumaj kot,

Everywhere as well hornets, Jumaj nay puch wonon, Wasps, Sita'l,

Its paintings inside robes U tz'ib'al u pam k'ul They would shine brightly their faces. Chiyulinik u wach.

Then they desired therefore their faces. Ta xkirayij k'ut u wach. Then they put them on around them. K'ate105 xkikoj chikij. 6830

There was not therefore it did the jaguar, Ma k'u ja b'i xub'an ri b'alam, Its painting at first around lord. U tz'ib'al nab'e'oq chirij ajaw.

105 The manuscript reads cat, likely a scribal error or a shortened version of cate.

236 Then he put on next therefore lord the second painted robe, Ta xukoj chi k'ut ajaw ri u kab' tz'ib'an k'ul, Eagle its painting. Kot u tz'ib'al.

Only good he felt lord inside. Xa utz xuna' ajaw chupan. Only he turned about before their faces. Xawi kasolowik chikiwach.

He disrobes his covering Katz'onon u q'u'xik Before their faces all of them. Chikiwach konojel.

Then it entered next therefore Ta xok chi k'ut Third painted robe about lord. Rox tz'ib'am k'ul chirij ajaw. 6840

This the hornets, Are' ri wonon, Wasps its interior. Sita'l u pam.

He put it on therefore about him. Xukoj k'u chirij. Then as well now was stung his body K'ate puch ta xti'ik u tio'jil

By hornets, Rumal wonon, Wasps. Sita'l.

Not he bore it. Mawi xch'ijtajik. Not as well he endured the stinging insects. Ma pu xkuyutaj ri ti'ob'al chikop.

Then therefore broke open therefore his mouth lord Ta k'u xuraquj k'ut u chi' ajaw Because of insects Rumal chikop 6850

Only painted their images Xa tz'ib'am ki wachib'al Within robes Chupan k'ul

His painting Mahucutah therefore, U tz'ib' Majukutaj k'u, Third painting. Rox tz'ib'.

Then they were defeated. Ta xech'akataj wi. Then as well their rebuking K'ate puch ki yajik

Maidens these Q'apojib' ri' By lords, Rumal ajawab',

The Lady Lust, Ri Xtaj, Lady Weeping their names: Xpuch' ki b'i': 6860

237 “What are then robes, “Naqi pa chi k'ulal, That you have brought hither? Ri iwuk'a'm uloq?

Where did you go to get them Apa xb'e i k'ama' wi You deceivers?” Ix k'axtok'?”

They were asked the maidens Xe'uchax ri q'apojib' When they were rebuked. Ta xeyajik.

They were defeated then therefore Kich'akatajik chi k'u The all nations by Tohil. Ri ronojel amaq' rumal Tojil.

This then they desired, Are' ta xkaj, Went then to gratification Tohil Xb'e ta ki'ib'al wi Tojil 6870

Behind Lady Lust, Chikij Xtaj, Lady Weeping. Xpuch'.

They then scratchers knee they came to be, E ta joxol ch'ek xe'uxik, To its heart nations temptations then they come to be. Chuk'u'x amaq' taqchi'b'al ta kexuxik.

Not therefore accomplished Ma k'u xb'anatajik Their defeat Ki ch'akatajik

Because of enchanted people Rumal e nawal winaq The Balam Quitze, Ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah. Majukutaj. 6880

Then they thought again therefore Ta xena'ojin chi k'ut All nations: Ronojel amaq':

“How do we do it to them? “Naqi pa kequch'aj? Truly great their nature then it shall come to be,” Qitzij nim ki k'oje'ik ta chuxoq,”

They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut. Then they gathered again their thoughts: Ta xkikuch chik ki na'oj:

“Only then we pursue them, “Xa ta keqokib'ej, We kill them. Keqakamisaj.

238 We shall adorn ourselves with arrows, Chiqawiq qib' chi ch'ab', With shields. Chi pokob'. 6890

Are not we many? Ma pa oj k'i? Not there are Ma ja b'i

One, Jun, Two now we shall leave to them,” Kaib' chik chiqakanaj chike,”

They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut. Then they gathered their thoughts. Ta xk'am ki na'oj.

Only they adorned themselves all nations. Xa xuwiq rib' ronojel amaq'. Crowded with killers Tzatz chi kamisanel When they were gathered all nations, Ta xemolotajik ronojel amaq' Killers. E kamisanel. 6900

Where therefore there are the Balam Quitze, Are k'ut e k'o ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

Where are on its top mountain. Are e k'o chuwi' juyub'. Hacavitz its name mountain they are. Jaq'awitz u b'i' juyub' e k'o wi.

They placed therefore their sons there Xk'olo k'ut ki k'ajol chiri' On its top mountain. Chuwi' juyub'.

Not then many people. Mawi e ta k'iya winaq. Not first thus then Ma na keje' ta 6910

Their number this, Ki k'iyal ri', Its number nations. U k'iyal amaq'.

Only a little its top mountain Xa sqaqi'n u wi' juyub' They occupied. Ki q'atem.

For that reason then was planned Xa k'u cha' ta xna'ojix Their being killed by nations. Ki kamisaxik rumal amaq'.

Then they gathered themselves all of them, Ta xkikuch kib' konojel, They arrived, Xepoponik,

239 They summoned one another all of them. Xetaqo kib' konojel. THIS then their gathering themselves all nations, WA'E k'ute ki molowik kib' konojel amaq', 6920

Adorned now with arrows, E kawutal chik chi ch'ab', With shields all of them. Chi pokob' konojel.

Not counted precious metal their adornment. Mawi ajilan chi puwaq ki kawub'al. Beautiful their appearance Jeb'ejoj ki wachib'al

All lords, Konojel ajawab', Warriors. Achijab'.

Truly makers their words all of them. Qitzij b'anoj ki tzij konojel. Truly their slaves they will become. Qitzij e kalab'il chuxik.

“This therefore the Tohil, “Are' k'u ri Tojil, This god, Are' k'ab'awil, 6930

This as well we shall worship. Are' pu chiqaq'ijila'. But then we shall capture him,” they said among Xere ta chiqakanab'ij,” xecha' chi kib'il kib'. themselves.

But therefore he learned of it the Tohil. Xawi k'u kareta'maj ri Tojil. They learned of it as well Kaketa'maj nay pu

The Balam Quitze, Ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah. Majukutaj.

They hear it Kakita'o When planned by them. Ta kana'ojixik rumal.

There is not their sleep, Maja b'i ki waram, 6940 Their rest. Ki yakalem.

They adorned therefore all warriors, Xekawutaj k'ut ronojel cha aj lab'al, Thus they were raised up all warriors, K'ate k'ut xeyakatajik ronojel aj lab'al,

At night. Chaq'ab' taj. They believed in their hearts. Xkokib'ej chi ki k'u'x.

Then they went, Ta xeb'ek,

240 Not therefore they arrived. Ma k'u xe'oponik.

Only in road they slept Xa pa b'e xewaraj wi All the warriors. Konojel ri aj lab'al.

Then as well their defeat again K'ate puch ki ch'akatajik chik 6950 By the Balam Quitze, Kumal ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah. Majukutaj.

Only therefore one they slept in road. Xa k'u jun xewaraj wi pa b'e. There was not again they sensed themselves. Maja b'i chik xkina' chi kib'.

They were finished with sleep all of them. Xek'iswarik konojel. Then therefore its beginning K'ate k'u u tikarik

Its plucking their eyebrows, U mich'ik ki muquwach rumal, With their whiskers. Ruk' kismachi'.

Then untied therefore the precious metal Ta xkir k'u ri puwaq 6960 From their clothing, Chi ki k'ul,

With their headdresses Ruk' ki yachwach, With also their necklaces. Ruk' puch ki chachal.

This therefore the its neck their staffs Are' k'u ri u qul ki ch'ami'y Only they took the precious metal Xere xkik'am ri puwaq

Punishment their faces, K'ajisab'al ki wach, Only as well plucking to them, Xa pu mich'b'al kech,

Done its sign Xb'anik retal Its greatness Quiché people. U nimal K'eche' winaq.

Then as well they arose. K'ate puch xek'astajik. 6970 Straightaway they reached out for Ju su xkichapala'

Their headresses Ki yachwach With its neck their staffs. Ruk' u qul ki ch'ami'y. There is not now precious metal on neck, Maja b'i chi puwaq chi qul, With their headdresses. Ruk' ki yachwach.

241 “Who took us? “Naqi pa mi xojk'amowik? By whom were we plucked? A'on chi naq mi xojmich'owik?

Where they came, Apa mi xpe wi, Stole our precious metal?” Mi xeleq'an qa puwaq?”

They said therefore Xecha' k'ut 6980 All warriors: Konojel aj lab'al:

“These then the perhaps deceivers, “Are' la' b'a ri lo e k'axtok', They abduct people. Ke'eleqan winaq.

Not therefore will be successful Ma k'u chutzinik We shall be frightened to them. Chiqaxib'ij ta qib' chike.

Truly we shall invade their citadel. Qi wi chiqokib'ej ki tinamit. Merely only we shall see its face the our precious metal. Xawi xere chiqil u wach ri qa puwaq. We shall make it ours,” they said therefore all nations. Chiqab'an qech,” xecha' k'ut konojel amaq'.

Merely only made words all of them. Xawi xere b'anoj tzij konojel. Merely therefore comfort their hearts Xawi k'u ku'b'ul ki k'u'x 6990

The bloodletters, Ri aj k'ixb', Sacrificers that are on its top mountain. Aj k'ajb' e k'o chuwi' juyub'.

Merely only great wisdom Xawi xere nima na'oj They do Kakib'ano

The Balam Quitze, Ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

Then they thought therefore Balam Quitze, Ta xena'ojin k'ut B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', 7000 Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

They made palisade Xkib'an k'oxtun At its edge their citadel. Chuchi' ki tinamit.

Only wood planks, Xa tz'alam,

242 Only pointed stakes, Xa ch'ut,

They placed Xchikejb'ej Around their citadel. Rij ki tinamit.

Then they made the effigies. K'ate xkib'an ri poy. Like the people they came to be by them. Keje' ri winaq xuxik kumal. 7010

Then they arranged them there K'ate xkichol chiri' On its top palisade. Chuwi' k'oxtun.

Merely only there are their shields. Xawi xere k'o ki pokob'. There are also their arrows. K'o pu ki ch'ab'.

They were adorned. Xekawuxik. Entered the headdress precious metal on their heads. Xok ri yachwach puwaq pa ki wi'.

Entered also therefore mere effigies, Xok pu k'u xa poy, Only as well carved wood. Xa pu ajam che'.

Placed the precious metal of the nations, Xkojow ri puwaq rech amaq', This they went to take on road. Ri' xb'e ki k'ama' pa b'e. 7020

This they adorned effigies by them. Are' xukawub'ej poy kumal. They encircled around citadel. Xekotkomijik chirij tinamit.

Then as well then they entreated K'ate puch ta xkitz'onoj To their thoughts to Tohil. Chi ki na'oj chirech Tojil.

“If we die, “We kojkamik, If as well we are defeated?” they asked. We puch kojch'akatajik?” xecha'.

Wept their hearts Xoq' ki k'u'x Before his face the Tohil: Chuwach ri Tojil:

“Do not mourn. “Mixb'isonik. I am. In k'olik. 7030

This therefore you shall use this to them. Are' k'ut chikoj wa' chikech. Do not fear.” Mixib'ij iwib'.”

They were told the Balam Quitze, Xe'uchax ri B'alam Kitze,

243 Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

Then they gave thither the hornets, Ta xya' uloq ri wonon, Wasps. Sita'l.

These therefore they went to gather, Are' k'ut xb'e ki k'ama', They bore them when they came. Kuk'a'am ta xepetik. 7040

Then they gave them inside four great gourds. K'ate xkiya'o chupan kajib' nima'q q'oq'ob'. Four places they were around edge citadel. Kajib' xk'oje' wi chirij tinamit.

They closed up the hornets, Xkitz'apij wi ri wonon, Wasps within great gourds. Sita'l chupan q'oq'ob'.

These weapons Are' k'ulelab'al To nations by them. Rech amaq' kumal.

They were spied on therefore, Xenik'wachix k'ut, They were being watched for in ambush therefore, Xemuqche'x k'ut, Scrutinized as a target their citadel by their messengers Xnik'ox ki tinamit rumal u samajel amaq'. nations.

“Not however many,” “Mawi e jarub',” 7050 They said therefore. Xecha' k'ut.

Only therefore came to be seen the effigies, Xere k'ut xul kila ri poy, Carved wood. Ajam che'.

They are still, Kesilaje'ik, They are carrying Kuk'ala on

Their arrows, Ki ch'ab', Their shields. Ki pokob'.

True people they appear, Qitzij winaq kewachinik, True then killers they appear Qitzij chi e kamisanel kewachinik

When they saw nations. Ta xkil amaq'. 7060 They rejoiced therefore Keki'kot k'ut All nations. Ronojel amaq'.

244 Not many they saw. Mawi janik' xkilo.

Crowded the nations there were. Tzatz ri amaq' chu k'oje'ik. Not counted people. Mawi ajilan chi winaq.

Warriors, E aj lab'al, Also killers, E pu kamisanel, Murderers, E kamisay,

To the Balam Quitze, Rech ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', 7070 Mahucutah Majukutaj

There they were on its top mountain. Are k'o chuwi' juyub'. Hacavitz its name they were. Jaq'awitz u b'i' e k'o wi.

When therefore were invaded these Are k'ut kokib'exik wa' We shall tell it now. Xchiqab'ij chik.

THERE therefore they are there ARE k'ut e k'o chiri' Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam. 7080 Only one they are on its top mountain Xa jun e k'o wi chuwi' juyub'

With their wives, Ruk' kixoqil, Their children. Kalk'u'al.

Then they came therefore all warriors, Ta xepe k'ut ronojel aj lab'al, Killers. E kamisanel.

Not only two eight thousands, Mawi xa ka chuy, Three eight thousands of nations Ox chuy chi amaq'

They encircled Xkotkomij Around citadel. Chirij tinamit.

They yell, Ke'ominik, 7090 Adorned E wiqitalik

245 With arrows, Chi ch'ab', With shields. Chi pokob'.

They would break open their mouths, Chikiq'osij ki chi', They clamour, Kelulutik, They rush about, Kechaninik, To shout Chi ominik

Their mocking, Ki yuyub', Their whistling. Ki xulq'ab'.

Then they entered below citadel. Ta xe'ok chuxe' tinamit. 7100 Nothing therefore they fear Ma k'u ja b'i kakixib'ij kib'

The bloodletters, Ri aj k'ixb', Sacrificers. Aj k'ajb'.

Only they look hither at its mouth palisade. Xa keka'y uloq chuchi' k'oxtum. Lined up hither E cholon uloq

With their wives, Ruk' kixoqil, Their children. Kalk'u'al.

Only seated their hearts, Xa ku'l ki k'u'x, Making sweet words the nations. B'anoj kusuy tzij ri amaq'.

Then they ascended therefore before its face mountain. Ta xe'aq'an k'ut chuwach juyub'. 7110 Only therefore a little now Xa k'u sqaqi'n chik

Not they achieved its mouth citadel. Mawi ketz'ako'nik chuchi' tinamit. Then as well then opened their tops K'ate puch ta xjaq u wi'

The gourds. Ri q'oq'ob'. Four there are in citadel. Kajib' k'o wi chi tinamit.

Then they went out therefore the hornets, Ta xe'el k'u ri wonon, Wasps. Sita'l.

Like the smoke Keje' ri' sib' Then went out from inside the each of gourds. Ta xel chupan ri jujun chi q'oq'ob'.

Finished therefore the warriors Kutzin k'u ri aj lab'al 7120

246 Because of insects. Rumal chikop.

Alighted on its seeds their faces, Taqatoj chub'aq' ki wach, Allighted as well on their noses, Taqatoj puch chi ki tza'm,

On their mouths, Chi ki chi', On their legs, Chi kaqan, On their arms. Chi ki q'ab'.

Where they are they would go to catch them. A k'o wi xchib'e ki chapa'. Wherever they are they would go to swarm them. A'on k'o wi xchib'e ki maja'.

Everwhere there are hornets, Ronojel k'o wi wonon, Wasps, Sita'l, 7130

Alighted to their stinging their eyes, Taqatoj chu ti'omal u b'aq' u wach, They would busy themselves swarming. Xchikilij chu b'uchu.

Numerous insects Je taq chikop About the each of people. Chirij ri jujun chi winaq.

They were disoriented because of hornets, Xeq'ab'arik rumal wonon, Wasps. Sita'l.

Not they were grasped again their arrows, Mawi xchapataj chik ki ch'ab', Their shields. Ki pokob'.

They are hunched over on its face ground, Kewonk'oyeje'ik chuwach taq ulew, They scatter. Kelajajik. 7140

They fell before its face mountain, Xeqajik chuwach juyub', There therefore not they sense now. Are k'ut mawi kakina' chik.

Then they were struck with arrows. Ta xekaq' chi ch'ab'. They were chopped with axes. Xechoy chi ikaj.

Only dry pieces wood Xa b'olaj che' They used on them now Xkikoj chik

Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab. B'alam Aq'ab'.

247 They entered their wives, Xok kixoqil, Killers. E kamisanel. 7150

Only therefore they returned the part of them now. Xawi k'u xetzalij ri chajkar chik. Only they went again by legs all nations Xa xel chik chi kaqan ronojel amaq'

When they found their first they were finished, Are xkiriq ki nab'e xe'utzinik, They were killed. Xekamisaxik.

Not surely only a few of people died, Ma na xa sqaqi'n chi winaq xkamik, Not when died these. Mawi are xkam wi ri'.

They tormented again to their hearts, Xkitzayij chi ki k'u'x, Only therefore insects entered to them. Xa k'u chikop xok chike.

Not surely therefore it warlike things Ma na k'u la' achijilal taj They did. Xkib'ano. 7160

Not arrows, Mawi ch'ab', Not shields they took. Mawi pokob' taj xek'am wi.

Then they were humiliated all nations. Ta xeyoq'otajik ronojel amaq'. Only therefore they begged humbly now the nations Xa k'u xe'elaj chik ri amaq'

Before their faces Chikiwach The Balam Quitze, Ri B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah. Majukutaj.

“Pity our faces. “Toq'ob' qa wach. Not then we die,” Ma ta kojkamik,” 7170

They said. Xecha'. “Good then that, “Utz b'a la',

Certainly you obedient will come to be, Xax ix wi kame'l chuxik, You servants, Ix aj patan,

As long as goes sun, Chi b'e q'ij, As long as goes light,” they were told. Chi b'e saq,” xe'uchaxik.

Thus their defeat Keje' k'ut u ch'akatajik

248 All nations. Ronojel amaq'.

This because of our first mothers, Ri' kumal qa nab'e chuch, Fathers. Qajaw. 7180

There it was done on its top mountain, Chiri' xb'an wi chuwi' juyub', Hacavitz it has been named today Jaq'awitz u b'i'nam wakamik

Where first they planted Are nab'e xetike wi There. Chiri'.

They multiplied, Xepoq' wi; They became many. Xek'iritaj wi.

They had daughters, Xemi'alanik, They had sons on its top Hacavitz. Xek'ajolanik chuwi' Jaq'awitz.

They rejoice again when Keki'kot chik ta They defeated Xkich'ako 7190

All nations. Ronojel amaq'. There they were defeated on its top mountain. Chiri' ch'akatajinaq wi chuwi' juyub'.

Thus they did this. Keje' k'ut xkib'an ri'. They defeated surely Xkich'ak na

Nations, Amaq', All nations. Ronojel amaq'.

Then therefore seated their hearts. K'ate k'ut xku'b'e ki k'u'x. They spoke to their sons Xetzijon chire ki k'ajol

Approached Xnaqajoq They would die. Kekamoq. 7200

Then truly they desired to die. Ta qi xeraj kamisaxik. This now we shall tell now their death Are' chik wi xchiqab'ij chik ki kamik

Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam their names. Ik'i B'alam ki b'i'.

249 THEY sensed therefore their death, XKINA' k'ut ki kamik, Their loss. Ki sachik.

Then they gave instructions to their sons. Ta xepixab'ik chirech ki k'ajol. Not surely then sick, Ma na e ta yab', 7210 Not as well groaning from illness, Ma pu kejilowik, They breathe heavily from illness not. Kepolow taj. Then they left behind their word to their sons. Ta xkanaj ki tzij chire ki k'ajol.

These their names their sons these, Are' ki b'i' ki k'ajol wa', Two he begotten sons Balam Quitze: E kaib' xuk'ajolaj B'alam Kitze:

Co Caib his name firstborn, K'o Kaib' u b'i' nab'e'al, Co Cavib next his name his secondborn, K'o Kawib' chik u b'i' u kab'al,

His sons U k'ajol Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze,

Their grandfather, U mam, 7220 Their father Cavecs. U qajaw Kaweqib'.

Next therefore two now he begat sons Balam Acab. E chi wi k'u kaib' chik xuk'ajolaj B'alam Aq'ab'. These their names these: Are' ki b'i' wa':

Co Acul his name first his son, K'o Akul u b'i' u nab'e u k'ajol, Co Acutec is called next second his son K'o Akutek chuchax chik u kab' u k'ajol

Balam Acab B'alam Aq'ab' Of Nihaibs. Rech Nijaib'ab'.

Only therefore one he begot son Mahucutah: Xa k'u jun xuk'ajolaj Majukutaj: Co Ahau his name. K'o Ajaw u b'i'.

Three they begot sons. E oxib' xek'ajolanik. 7230 There are not his sons the Iqui Balam. Maja b'i u k'ajol ri Ik'i B'alam.

True bloodletters, Qitzij aj k'ixb', Sacrificers. Aj k'ajb'.

These therefore their names their sons these. Are' k'ut ki b'i' ki k'ajol ri'.

250 These they left instructions behind. Are' xkipixab'aj kanoq.

Only one they are Xa jun e k'o wi The four of them. Ki kaj ichal.

They sang Xeb'ixanik. Of affliction their hearts. Chi q'atat ki k'u'x.

They would weep as well their hearts Choq' pu ki k'u'x 7240 Within their song. Chupan ki b'ixik.

“Our Burial” its name their song “Qa Muqu” u b'i' ki b'ix They sang. Xkib'ixaj.

Then they instructed therefore to their sons: Ta xepixab' k'ut chire ki k'ajol: “You our sons, “Ix qa k'ajol,

We go, Kojb'ek, We return as well. Kojtzalij puch.

Light word, Saqil tzij, Light instructions our instructions to you.” Saqil pixab' qa pixab' chiwe.”

“Therefore you arrived “Mi k'u xixul 7250 From far away then mountain, K'a ka najt chi juyub'al,

You our wives,” they said Ix qixoqil,” xecha' To their wives to each of them. Chire kixoqil chi ki jujunal.

They were instructed: Xepixab'ik: “We go to our nation. “Kojb'e chi qamaq'.

Established now Our Lord Deer, Cholan chik Qajawal Kej, Mirrored in sky. Leman chi kaj.

Only returning Xa tzalijem We shall do. Xchiqab'ano.

Accomplished our service. Mi xb'anatajik qa patan. 7260 Completed our day. Mi xtz'aqat qa q'ij.

Sense us therefore. Kojina' k'ut.

251 Do not lose us. Mojisacho. Do not sweep us away therefore as well. Mojimes k'u taj puch.

You shall see after surely Chiwil na Your homes, Iwochoch, Your mountains as well. I juyub'al puch.

Where you will settle. Kixtike' wi. Then may it be so. Ta chuxoq.

You go therefore. Kixb'e k'ut. 7270 You shall go Chib'e

To see it now Iwila chik We came,” Xojpe wi,”

Said therefore Xcha' k'u Their word. Ki tzij.

When they were instructed. Ta xepixab'ik. Then left behind therefore Ta xkanaj k'ut Its sign, Retal, His existence the Balam Quitze: U k'oje'ik ri B'alam Kitze. “This your remembrance of me. “Are' i na'tab'al106 wech. 7280 This I shall leave with you. Wa' xchinkanaj iwuk'. This your glory. Are' i q'aq'al. This. Wa'e. I gave instructions, Mi xnupixab'aj, I pondered,” said therefore Xnub'isoj,” xcha' k'ut When he left behind Ta xukanaj The its sign Ri retal, His existence. U k'oje'ik. Bundled Glory Pisom Q'aq'al It was called. Chuchaxik. 7290

Not clear its face Mawi q'alaj u wach Merely truly bundled. Xa wi qi pislik.

Not was it unwrapped, Xmawi kiron wi, Not clear stitches of it, Mawi q'alaj t'isb'al re,

106 The text reads tanabal (impediment) which is likely a scribal error.

252 Because none observed it Rumal maji xilowik When it was bundled. Ta xpisik.

Thus their instruction this Keje' k'ut ki pixab'ik ri' When they disappeared therefore Ta xesach k'ut

There Chiri' On its top mountain Hacavitz. Chuwi' juyub' Jaq'awitz. 7300

Not surely they were buried by their wives, Ma na xemuq taj rumal kixoqil, Their children. Kalk'u'al.

Not clear their disappearance, Mawi q'alaj ki sachik, When they disappeared. Ta xesachik.

But clear the their instruction. Xere q'alaj ri ki pixab'ik. Precious therefore the Bundle to them came to be. Loq' k'u ri Pisom chikech xuxik.

This memorial of their fathers. Are' nab'ab'al rech ki qajaw. Only straightaway they burned Xa ju su xek'aton Before its face Chuwach Their memorial of their fathers. Ki nab'ab'al rech ki qajaw. 7310

There then were created Are ta xwinaqir wi People by lords Winaq kumal ajawab'

When they received Ta xek'am After Balam Quitze planted, Chirij B'alam Kitze tikarinaq wi,

Their grandfather, U mam, Their father Cavecs. U qajaw Q'awekib'.

Not there was therefore Xma k'o wi107 k'ut They were lost the his sons, Xkisach wi ri u k'ajol,

The Co Caib, Ri K'o Kaib', Co Cavib their names. K'o Kawib' ki b'i'. 7320

Thus their death Keje' k'ut ki kamik

107 The manuscript reads cui, likely a scribal error or shortened version for co ui.

253 The four of them, Ri ki kaj ichal,

First our grandfathers, E nab'e qa mam, Our fathers. Qa qajaw.

When they were lost, Ta xesachik, When they left then their sons Ta xkanaj chik ki k'ajol

There Chiri' On its top mountain Hacavitz. Chuwi' juyub' Jaq'awitz. They tarried now their sons Xeyaluj chi wi ki k'ajol There. Chiri'. 7330

Fallen now, Qajinaq chik, Humiliated now as well Yoq'otajinaq chi puch

Their day all nations. Ki q'ij konojel amaq'. There was not again their glory. Maja b'i chik ki q'aq'al.

Only many they were then Xa k'i e k'o chik Only they gathered together all of them each day, Xawi kuk'am kib' konojel ju ta q'ij,

They would remember their father. Chikina'b'aj ki qajaw. Great its day the Bundle to them. Nim u q'ij ri Pisom chike.

Not would they unwrap it. Mawi chikikiro. Only bundled there with them. Xawi pislik chiri' kuk'. 7340

“Bundled Glory” it was called by them “Pisom Q'aq'al” chuchaxik kumal When it existed. Ta xk'oji'k.

It was named as well their “Wrapping,” Xb'i'naj puch ki “Q'u'n,” Left behind by their father. Xya' kanoq rumal ki qajaw.

Only its sign truly Xa retal qi Their existence then they did. Ki k'oje'ik ta xkib'ano.

Thus their loss, Keje' k'u ki sachik, Their ending Ki ma'ixik

Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', 7350

254 Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam, Ik'i B'alam,

First people E nab'e winaq They came from there, Xepe chila',

Across sea Ch'aqa palo At its coming out sun. Chi releb'al q'ij.

Anciently they arrive here. Ojeroq ke'ul waral. Then they died elderly now. Ta xekamik e ri'j chik.

Bloodletters, E aj k'ixb', Sacrificers they were named. Aj k'ajb' ki b'i'nam. 7360

THEN as well then they remembered K'ATE puch ta xkik'u'xlaj Their journey Ki b'ik

There Chila' Its coming out sun. Releb'al q'ij.

They remembered Are' ki k'u'xlan The his instruction their fathers. Ri u pixab' ki qajaw.

Not they forgot them. Mawi xkisacho. A long time they were dead their fathers. Xojeroq kekamoq ki qajaw.

They gave their wives nations. Xya' kixoqil amaq'. They became fathers-in-law. Xkiji'aj. 7370

Then they married women three. Ta xech'oko ixoq e oxib'. They said therefore when they went: Xecha' k'ut ta xeb'ek: “We go there its coming out sun. “Kojb'e chila' releb'al q'ij. There they came our fathers,” Chila' xepe wi qa qajaw,” They said when they took their road Xecha' ta xkik'am ki b'e Three sons. E oxib' chi k'ajolaxel.

Co Caib K'o Kaib' His name one, U b'i' jun, His son Balam Quitze, U k'ajol B'alam Kitze, Of all Cavecs. Rech ronojel Kaweqib'. 7380

255 Co Acutec K'o Akutek His name U b'i' Son Balam Acab, K'ajol B'alam Aq'ab', Only of Nihaibs. Xa rech Nijaib'ab'. Co Ahav K'o Ajaw His name one other, U b'i' jun chik, His son Mahucutah U k'ajol Majukutaj Of Ahau Quiché. Rech Ajaw K'iche'.

These therefore their names, Are' k'u ki b'i', These went there across sea. Ri' xeb'e chila' ch'aqa palo. 7390

Three E oxib' Then they went. Ta xeb'ek.

Only there is their wisdom, Xawi k'o ki na'oj, There is also their knowledge. K'o pu keta'mab'al.

Not surely only then people their nature. Ma na xa e ta winaq ki k'oje'ik. They instructed behind Xkipixab'aj kanoq

All their older brothers, Ronojel katz, Their younger brothers. Ki ch'aq.

They rejoice, Keki'kotik, They left. Xeb'ek. 7400

“Not we die, “Mawi kojkamik, We arrive,” Kojulik,”

They said Xecha' When they went they three. Ta xeb'ek e oxib'.

Merely only they passed over on its top sea Xawi xere xe'ik'owik chuwi' palo When they arrived therefore there its coming out sun. Ta xe'opon k'ut chila' releb'al q'ij.

Then they went to receive their lordship. Ta xb'e ki k'ama' ri ajawarem. This therefore his name lord this, Are' k'ut u b'i' ajaw wa',

Its lord Rajawal He of its coming out sun. Aj releb'al q'ij. 7410

256 They arrived. Xe'opon wi. THEN they arrived therefore TA xe'opon k'ut

Before his face lord. Chuwach ajaw. Nacxit his name great lord. Nakxit u b'i' nima ajaw.

Only guardian word, Xa ju q'atol tzij, Crowded his dominion. Tzatz rajawarem.

He therefore gave hither its sign lordship, Are' k'ut xya'w uloq retal ajawarem, All its tokens. Ronojel u wachinel.

Then came its sign Ah Popol, Ta xpetik retal Aj Popol, Ah Pop Reception House. Aj Pop K'am Ja'il. 7420

Then came therefore its sign glory, Ta xpe k'ut retal u q'aq'al, Their lordship as well: Rajawarem puch:

Ah Pop, Aj Pop, Ah Pop Reception House. Aj Pop K'am Ja.

Completed his giving hither Nacxit Xk'is u ya' uloq Nakxit Its tokens his lordship. U wachinel rajawarem.

These their names, Are' taq u b'i' This: Wa':

Canopy, Muj, Throne, Q'alib'aj, 7430

Flute Bone, Su' B'aq, Drum, Cham Cham,

Bright Black Powder, Tatil, Yellow Stone, Q'an Ab'aj,

Paws Puma, Tz'ikwil Koj, Paws Jaguar, Tz'ikwil B'alam,

Head, Jolom, Hooves Deer, Pich Kej,

257 Arm Band, Makutax, Snail Shell Rattle, T'ot' tatam, 7440

Tobacco Gourd, K'us B'us, Food Bowl, Kaxkon,

Macaw Feathers, Chiyom, Snowy Egret Feathers. Astapulul.

All therefore they receive when they came, Ronojel k'u kek'am ri xepetik, When they brought hither from the other side sea Ta xkik'am ula ri ch'aqa palo

Its writings Tulan, U tz'ib'al Tulan, Its writings they called to it. U tz'ib'al xecha' chire.

Many had entered within, K'i okinaq chupan, Within their word. Chupan ki tzij. 7450

THEN as well then whey arrived there, K'ATE puch ta xe'ulik chiri', On its top their citadel Hacavitz its name, Chuwi' ki tinamit Jaq'awitz u b'i',

There therefore they gathered all Tamub, Chiri' k'ut xekuch wi ronojel Tamub', Ilocab they gathered themselves. Ilokab' xekuchu kib'.

All nations they rejoiced Ronojel amaq' xeki'kotik When arrived Ta xe'ulik

Co Caib, K'okaib', Co Acutec, K'o Akutek, Co Ahau. K'o Ajaw.

Only there now Xawi chiri' chik 7460 They received their lordship nations. Xkik'am wi kajawarem amaq'.

They rejoiced Rabinals Xeki'kotik e Rab'inaleb', Cakchiquels, E Kaqchekeleb', Ah Tziquinahas. Aj Tz'ikina Ja.

Only its sign revealed Xa retal xk'utun Before their faces Chikiwach

258 The its greatness lordship. Ri u nimal ajawarem. Great now their essence Nim chik ki k'oje'ik

Will come to be nations. Chuxik amaq'. Not first was completed Ma nab'e xk'is 7470

Then truly therefore their lordship. Ta qi k'ut kajawarem. Where Are

They are there E k'o chiri' Hacavitz. Jaq'awitz.

Only there is with them all that came from coming out sun. Xa k'o kuk' ronojel ri xpe releb'al q'ij. Long time then therefore they did it Najt chi k'ut xkib'an

There Chiri' On its top mountain. Chuwi' juyub'.

Many now E k'i chik All of them. Chi konojel. 7480

There therefore they died Chiri' k'ut xekam wi Their wives Kixoqil

Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah. Majukutaj.

Then they came, Ta xepetik, They abandoned behind Xkoqotaj chi kanoq

The their mountain. Ri ki juyub'al. One other mountain they looked for Jun chi juyub' xkitzukuj

Where they settle. Are ketik'e wi. 7490 Not counted mountains they settled. Mawi ajilam juyub' xetik'e wi.

Then they named, Ta xekob'i'k, Then they gave names as well to them Ta xeb'i'naj puch chire

They gathered together, Xemolomanik, They became strong Xech'ijomanik

259 First our mothers, E nab'e qa chuch, First our fathers. E nab'e qa qajaw.

They said ancient people Xecha' ojer taq winaq When they spoke, Ta xkitzijoj,

Then they vacated as well Ta xkitolob'a' pu 7500 Behind Kanajoq

First their citadel, Nab'e ki tinamit, Hacavitz its name Jaq'awitz u b'i'

Then they arrived again therefore there Ta xe'ul chi k'u chiri' They began again Xkitikilib'ej chik

A citadel Jun tinamit Chi Quix its name. Chi K'ix u b'i'.

Long time again they did there Najt chi xkib'an chiri' On its top one division citadel. Chuwi' ju ch'ob' tinamit.

They begat daughters, Kemi'alanik, 7510 They begat sons as well Kek'ajolanik puch

There theirs they were. Chiri' ke e k'o taq wi. These four mountains these, Are' taq kaji juyub' wa',

Only one shall enter Xa jun xchok wi Its name the their citadel. U b'i' ri ki tinamit.

They married their daughters, Xkik'ulub'a' ki mi'al, Their sons only they would give as a gift. Ki k'ajol xaqi chikisipaj.

Only act of compassion, Xa toq'ob'anik, Only also as presents they would do it. Xa pu mayjanik chikib'ano.

Their payment their daughters they would receive. Rajil ki mi'al chikik'amo. 7520 Only good their existence they did. Xa utz ki k'oje'ik xkib'ano.

Then they passed through there on its top Ta xe'ik'o chiri' chuwi' Each division of citadel. Ju taq ch'ob' chi tinamit.

260 These its names Wa' taq u b'i' Chi Quix: E Chi K'ix:

Chi Chac, Chi Chak, Humetaha, Jumeta Ja, Culba, K'ulb'a, Cavinal, Kawinal

Their names mountains. U b'i' juyub'. 7530 They tarried Xeyaluj wi

When therefore they investigated the mountain, Are k'ut kakinik'wachij ri juyub', Their citadel as well. Ki tinamit puch.

Residence mountain they look for. Ulaj juyub' kakitzukuj. They therefore many now all of them. E k'u108 k'i chik chi konojel.

Only therefore dead Xa k'u kaminaqoq The receivers lordship its coming out sun, Ri k'amol ajawarem releb'al q'ij,

Grandfathers now they arrived there E mamaxel chik xe'ul chiri' On its top each citadel. Chuwi' jujun tinamit.

Not surely they received their faces. Ma na xuk'am ki wach 7540 They passed through Ri xe'ik'o wi

Numerous hither afflictions, Je taq wi uloq k'axk'ol, Misfortunes they did. Ra'il xkib'ano.

Until its long time they discovered K'a u najt xkiriq wi Their citadel Ki tinamit

Grandfathers, E mamaxel, As well fathers. E pu qajawixel.

This therefore its name citadel Wa' k'u u b'i' tinamit They arrived at: E xe'ul wi:

108 The text reads ca, which is likely a scribal error for cu.

261 CHI IZMACHI therefore, CHI ISMACHI' k'ut, 7550 Its name mountain their citadel they dwelt. U b'i' juyub' ki tinamit xek'oje' wi.

Next also they settled, Chi nay puch xe'amaq'elab' wi, There therefore they attempted glory. Chiri' k'ut xkitij wi q'aq'al.

Was ground their lime plaster, Xk'aj ki chun, Their whitewash, Ki sajkab',

In fourth generation lords, Chukaj le oq ajawab', Said therefore the Co Nache, Xecha' k'u ri K'o Nache',

Only Beleheb Queh, Xu B'elejeb' Kej With as well Magistrate Lord. Ruk' puch Q'alel Ajaw.

Then lorded therefore Lord Co Tuha, Ta xajawar k'ut Ajaw K'o Tuja, 7560 With Iztayul their names, Ruk' Istayul ki b'i',

Ah Pop, Aj Pop, Ah Pop Reception House. Aj Pop K'am Ja.

They lorded there Xe'ajawar chiri' Chi Izmachi. Chi Ismachi'.

Very good citadel it became, Utzilaj tinamit xuxik, They made it. Xkib'ano.

Only therefore three the great houses came to be there Xa k'u oxib' ri nim ja xux chiri' Chi Izmachi. Chi Ismachi'.

There were not the one score four great houses. Maja b'i'oq ri juwinaq kajib' chi nim ja. 7570 Still three their great houses. K'a oxib' oq ki nim ja.

Only one its great house Xa jun u nim ja Cavecs. Kaweqib'. Only therefore one great house Xa k'u jun nim ja Before Nihaibs. Chuwach Nijaib'ab'. Only as well one Xa nay pu jun Of Ahau Quichés. Rech Ajaw K'iche'.

Only two enchantment great houses Xaqi kaib' chi kumatzil nim ja The two divisions of lineage Ri ka ch'ob' chi chinamit

262 There were at Chi Izmachi. Are e k'o Chi Ismachi'. 7580 Only one their hearts. Xa jun ki k'u'x.

There were not bad feelings, Maja b'i kitzelal, There was not as well their anger. Ma pu ja b'i ki kayewal.

Only steadfast Xa li'anik Lordship. Ajawarem.

There was not their contention, Maja b'i ki ch'a'oj, Their disturbances as well. Ki yujuj puch.

Only purity, Xa saq, Only sense of community there is in their hearts. Xa amaq' k'o chi ki k'u'x.

There was not left facing, Maja b'i moxwachinik, 7590 There was not as well fire facing Ma pu ja b'i q'aq'wachinik

They did. Xkib'ano. Still small their glory. K'a ch'uti'noq ki q'aq'al.

Not yet they have pulled it together, Maja ki kanuk'maijoq, Not as well they have become great. Maja pu kanimaroq.

Then they tried it therefore, Ta xkitij k'ut, They strengthened shield Xkikowisaj pokob'

There Chiri' Chi Izmachi. Chi Ismachi'.

Certainly sign therefore their lordship this when they did it. Xretal k'ut kajawarem ri' ta xkib'ano. 7600 Certainly sign their glory, Xretal ki q'aq'al, Sign as well their greatness. Retal nay pu ki nimal.

Then it was seen therefore by Ilocab, Ta xil k'ut rumal Ilokab', Then was created war by Ilocab. Ta xwinaqir lab'al rumal Ilokab'.

They desired he be murdered the lord Co Tuja. Xraj ul kamisaxoq ri ajaw K'o Tuja. Only therefore one lord they desired therefore themselves. Xa k'u jun ajaw xraj k'u kib'.

This the lord Iztayul they desired to convince, Are' ri ajaw Istayul xraj ki tijoj,

263 They wanted that he be convinced by Ilocab to kill. Xraj tijox kumal Ilokab' chi kamisanik.

Not therefore went out Ma k'u xel aponoq Their left facedness behind his back lord Co Tuja. Ki moxwachib'al chirij ajaw K'o Tuja. 7610

Only behind their backs it fell. Xa chikij xqaj wi. Not first died then the lord by Ilocab. Ma nab'e xkam ta ri ajaw rumal Ilokab'.

Thus its foundation disturbance, Keje' k'ut u xe'najik yujuj Clamor war as well. Ch'akimal lab'al puch.

They invade first citadel, Xkokib'ej nab'e tinamit, They went as killers. Xeb'ek e kamisanel.

This then therefore they desired, Are' ta k'u xkaj, The loss then their faces Quichés. Ri sach ta u wach K'iche'.

Only then by themselves they exercised lordship in their Xa ta ki tukel xajawarik chi ki k'u'x, hearts, Only therefore they arrived to receive. Xa k'u are' xe'ul k'amoq. 7620

They were captured, Xeteleche'xik, They were despoiled therefore. Xekanab'ix puch.

Not many again Mawi jarub' chik Were liberated of them. Xkolotaj chike.

Then began therefore sacrificing, Ta xtiker k'ut pusunik, They sacrificed the Ilocab before his face god. Xepus ri Ilokab' chuwach k'ab'awil.

This now payment their offense came to be Are' chik tojb'al ki mak xuxik By lord Co Tuja. Rumal ajaw K'o Tuja.

Many therefore entered into captivity, K'i chi k'ut xok chi munil, They were enslaved, Xe'alab'ilaxik, 7630 They were made to be servants as well. Xewinaqix puch.

Only they went to give themselves Xa xb'e kiya' kib' To being defeated Chi ch'akix Because of their clamor war Rumal ki nuk'b'al lab'al

Behind lord, Chirij ajaw,

264 Behind canyon-citadel. Chirij siwan tinamit.

Ruined, Xmaixik, Mocked then its face their lordship Quichés, Xk'utux ta u wach rajawal K'iche'

Desired their hearts. Xraj ki k'u'x. Not therefore it was done. Ma k'u xb'anatajik. 7640

Thus its creation Keje' k'ut u winaqirik Their sacrifice people before his face god. U pusik winaq chuwa k'ab'awil.

Then they made the shield Ta xb'an ri pokob' War its root Lab'al u xe'

Then they began its shielding citadel Chi Izmachi, Ta xtikarik u pokob'axik tinamit Chi Ismachi', There began its foundation glory. Chila' xtikar wi u xe'najik q'aq'al.

Because of this certainly great his lordship Quiché lord, Rumal ri' xa xnim wi rajawarem K'iche' ajaw, Everywhere enchanted lords. Jumaj e nawal ajawab'.

There was not their humiliation, Xma k'o wi ki yoq'otaj wi, There ws not mockery would enter to them. Xma k'o wi alachinaq chok chike. 7650

Only makers to greatness Xawi b'anol rech nimal Lordship. Ajawarem.

There they put down roots Chi Izmachi, Chiri' xe'najinaq wi Chi Ismachi', There became great their bloodletting god. Chiri' xnimar wi u k'ixik k'ab'awil

They would be afraid now, Chixib'in chik, They feared as well all nations, Xuxib'ij pu rib' ronojel amaq',

Small nations, Ch'uti amaq', Great nations. Nima amaq'.

They witnessed their entrance Xkiwachij rokik Captive people. Teleche' winaq. 7660

They sacrificed, Xkipusu, They killed, Xkikamisaj,

By their glory, Rumal ki q'aq'al,

265 Their sovereignty, Ki tepewal,

The lord Co Tuha, Ri ajaw K'o Tuja, Lord Iztayul, Ajaw Istayul,

With Nihaibs, Ruk' Nijaib'ab', Ahau Quichés. Ajaw K'iche'.

Only three divisions of lineages were Xa ox ch'ob' chi chinamit xk'oje' There Chi Izmachi its name citadel Chiri' Chi Ismachi' u b'i' tinamit 7670

Still there again as well they began to feast, K'a chiri' chi nay puch xkitikib'a' wi wa'im, To drink to their daughters. Uk'aja chirech ki mi'al. Then they celebrated hither. Ta xkisi'j uloq.

This their gathering together Are' ki kuchb'al kib' The Three Great Houses, Ri Oxib' Chi Nim Ja, Their names by them. U b'i' kumal.

There therefore they would drink their drinks, Chiri' k'ut chikuk'aj wi kuk'ia', There as well they would eat their food, Chiri' puch chikiwej wi ki wa,

Their price their sisters, Rajil kanab', Their price as well daughters. Rajil pu mi'al. 7680

Only joy in their hearts Xa ki'kotem chi ki k'u'x Then they did. Ta xkib'ano.

They feasted, Xewa'ik, They ate within their great houses. Xe'echa' chupan ki nim ja.

“Only our giving of thanks, “Xa qa k'amowab'al, Our gratitude, Xa pu qa paq'ub'al,

To our sign our agreement, Chirech qetal qa tzijel, Its sign our word, Retal qa tzij,

Upon woman child, Chuwi' ixoq al, Man child,” they said. Achij al,” xecha'. 7690

There they gave names hither, Chila' xkob' wi uloq, There as well they named Chila' puch xkib'ij wi

266 Their lineages selves, Ki chinamit kib', Seven nations selves, Wuq amaq' kib', Their cities selves. Ki tikpan kib'.

“We have intermarried, “Qa k'ulel qib', We Cavecs, Oj Qawikib', We Nihaibs Oj Nijaib' We as well Ahau Quichés,” they said. Oj pu Ajaw K'iche',” xecha'.

Three lineages, E oxib' chinamit, 7700 Three as well great houses. Oxib' puch nim ja.

Long time therefore they did there Najt k'ut xkib'an chiri' Chi Izmachi. Chi Ismachi'.

Then they discovered again, Ta xkiriq chik, Then they saw as well, Ta xkil puch,

One other citadel. Jun chik tinamit. They abandoned on its top the Chi Izmachi. Xkoqotaj chiwi' ri Chi Ismachi'.

THEN as well then they rose up again hither, K'ATE puch ta xeyakataj chi uloq, They arrived there in citadel. Xe'ul chiri' pa tinamit.

Cumarcaah its name Q'umarkaj u b'i' 7710 By Quichés it would be called. Kumal K'iche' chuchaxik.

Then they arrived now lords, Ta xe'ul chik ajawab', Co Tuha, K'o Tuja, With Cucumatz, Ruk' Q'ukumatz, With as well all lords. Ruk' puch ronojel ajawab'.

There were five changes, Xro k'exoq, There were five generations as well people Xro le'a puch winaq

Its root light, U xe' saq, Its root nation, U xe' amaq', Its root life, U xe' k'aslem, 7720 Creation. Winaqirem.

267 There therefore many they made their homes. Chiri' k'ut k'i xkib'an wi kochoch. There as well they made their houses gods. Chiri' nay puch xkib'an wi rochoch k'ab'awil.

At its center Chu nik'ajal Its top citadel they gave it. U wi' tinamit xkiya' wi.

Then they arrived, Ta xe'ulik, Then they planted as well. Ta xkitikilib'ej puch.

Then as well its greatness now K'ate puch u nimarik chik Their lordship. Kajawarem.

Many now, E k'i chik, 7730 As well crowded now. E pu tzatz chik.

Then they planned now Ta xkina'ojij chik Their great houses. Ki nim ja.

They were gathered, Xemoloxik, They were divided as well, Xejachajox puch,

Because generated their contention. Rumal xwinaqir ki ch'a'oj. They envied one another Xeq'aq'wachin chi kib'

Upon their price their sisters, Chuwi' rajil kanab', Their price their daughters. Rajil ki mi'al.

Because only not now sustenance, Rumal xa mawi chi tzaqon, 7740 Their drink before their faces. Kuk'ia chikiwach.

This now therefore its root now Are' chi k'ut u xe' chik Their division selves. Ki jachowik kib'.

Then they turned on each other, Ta xkitzolb'ej kib', Turning over Tzolkaqb'ej

Bones, B'aq, Their skulls dead. U jolom kaminaq.

They infuriated each other. Xkiq'aq'b'ej kib'. Then they split apart Ta xkipax

268 The nine lineages. Ri b'ele taq chi chinamit. 7750 Was made its contention Xb'anomoq u ch'a'ojil

Sisters, Anab',109 Daughters. Mi'al.

Then was made its conception lordship, Ta xb'an u na'ojixik ajawarem, One score four great houses came to be. Juwinaq kajib' chi nim ja xuxik.

Anciently they arrive all of them there Xojeroq ke'ulik konojel chiri' On its top their citadel. Chuwi' ki tinamit.

Then they completed Ta xetz'aqat One score four great houses Juwinaq kajib' nim ja

There Chiri' 7760 In citadel Cumarcah. Pa tinamit Q'umarkaj.

It was blessed Xutzirisaxik By lord bishop Rumal Sor. obispo

The citadel Ri tinamit Until it was abandoned behind. K'a xtole' kanoq.

They were advanced in rank there, Xeq'aq'ar chiri', Were differentiated Xnuk'mayijinaq oq

Their benches, Ki tem, Their cushions, Ki ch'akat,

Set apart their faces, Xjachatzox ki wach, 7770 Each by glory. Ju taq wi chi q'aq'.

Each one of lords, Jujun chi ajawab', Nine lineages set themselves apart: B'elejeb' taq chi chinamit xuk'olela' rib':

Nine lords Cavecs, B'elejeb' chi ajawab' Kaweqib', Nine lords Nihaibs, B'elejeb' chi ajawab' Nijaib'ab', Four lords Ahau Quichés, Kaji chi ajawab' Ajaw K'iche', Two Ahau Zaquics. Kaib' chi Ajaw Saqikib'.

109 The text reads anam, which is likely a scribal error.

269 Many they came to be, K'iya taq xuxik, Many as well behind each of lords. K'i chi nay puch chirij jujun ajawab'.

Only its first they are at head their vassals, Xa u nab'e ri k'o chiwi' ral, 7780 Their servants. U k'ajol.

Crowded, Tzatz, Crowded his lineage each of lords. Tzatz u chinamital jujun chi ajawab'.

We shall tell Chiqab'ij Their names the lords Ki b'i' ri ajawab'

Each one of them, Chujujunal, Each one his great house. Jujun u nim ja.

THESE therefore their names lords before their faces WA'E k'ute ki b'i' ajawab' chuwach Kaweqib'. Cavecs. This first lord this: Are' nab'e ajaw wa':

Ah Pop, Aj Pop, 7790 Ah Pop Reception House; Aj Pop K'am Ja;

Ah Tohil, Aj Tojil, Ah Cucumatz; Aj Q'ukumatz;

Great Steward Cavec, Nim Ch'okoj Kaweq, Councilor of Stacks; Popol Winaq chi T'uy;

Emissary Deer House, Lolmet Kej Nay, Councilor in Ballcourt Punishment, Popol Winaq pa Jom Tzalatz', Its Mother Reception House. U Chuch K'am Ja.

THESE therefore lords ARE' k'ut ajawab' These before their faces Cavecs. Ri' chuwach Kaweqib'. 7800

Nine lords there are their great houses each of them, B'elejeb' chi ajawab' k'oloje' u nim ja chujujunal, Then now would show their faces. K'ate chik chiwachin u wach.

270 THESE next therefore lords these before their faces ARE' chi k'u ajawab' wa' chuwach Nijaib'ab'. Nihaibs. This first lord this: Are' nab'e ajaw wa':

Lord Magistrate, Ajaw Q'alel, Lord Herald Person; Ajaw Aj Tzik' Winaq,

Magistrate Reception House, Q'alel K'am Ja, Great Reception House; Nima K'am Ja;

Its Mother Reception House, U Chuch K'am Ja, Great Steward Nihaibs; Nim Ch'okoj Nijaib'ab'; 7810

Aulix, Awilix, Yacolatam, or its corner mat, Zaclatol Yakolatam (u tza'm pop) Saklatol,

Great Emissary Giver of Sprouts. Nima Lolmet Ye'ol T'ux. Nine therefore lords before Nihaibs. B'elejeb' k'ut chi ajawab' chuwach Nijaib'ab'.

THESE next therefore Ahau Quichés these. ARE' chi k'ut Ajaw K'iche' wa'. These their names lords: Wa'e ki b'i' ajawab':

Speaker Person, Aj Tzik' Winaq, Lord Emissary, Ajaw Lolmet,

Lord Great Steward Ahau [Quichés], Ajaw Nim Ch'okoj Ajaw [K'iche'],110 Lord Hacavitz. Ajaw Jaq'awitz. 7820

Four lords before their faces Ahau Quichés Kajib' ajawab' chuwach Ajaw K'iche'eb' There are its great house. K'oleje' u nim ja.

TWO lineages as well, KAIB' chinamit chi nay puch, Zaquic lords: Saqikib' ajawab':

Maize Flower House, Tz'utuju Ja, Magistrate Zaquic. Q'alel Saqik.

110 The manuscript does not include the word “K'iche'” here, referring to the Ajaw K'iche' lineage, although it is implied from the context.

271 Only one great house Xa jun chi nim ja Two lords. E kaib' chi ajawab'.

THUS were completed one score four lords, KEJE' k'ut xtz'akat wi juwinaq kajib' chi ajawab', One score four as well of great houses came to be. Juwinaq kajib' nay puch chi nim ja xuxik. 7830

Then was enlarged glory, Ta xnimarik q'aq'al, Sovereignty in Quiché. Tepewal pa K'iche'. Then was glorified, Ta xq'aq'arik, Then was made sovereign Ta xtepewarik

Its greatness, U nimal, Its weightiness Quiché. Ralal K'iche'.

Then was whitewashed, Ta xchunaxik, Then lime plastered as well Ta xsajkab'ix puch

Canyon, Siwan, Citadel. Tinamit. 7840

Came small nations, Xul ch'uti amaq', Great nations. Nima amaq'.

There is therefore his title lord K'o k'ut u b'i' ajaw Made great Quichés. Xnimarisan K'iche'.

Then was created glory, Ta xwinaqirik q'aq'al, Sovereignty. Tepewal.

Then was created their homes gods, Ta xwinaqirik rochoch k'ab'awil, Their homes as well lords. Kochoch nay pu ajawab'. Not as well they did it, Ma nay pu are' xeb'anowik, Not they worked. Mawi xechakun taj. 7850 Not as well they made then their homes, Ma pu xkib'an ta kochoch, Not as well only then they made their homes their gods. Ma nay pu xa ta xkib'an rochoch ki k'ab'awil.

Only because they had become many their vassals, Xa rumal xek'irik kal, Their servants. Ki k'ajol.

Not surely only their luring, Ma na xa ki b'ochi', Only then as well their abduction, Xa ta pu keleq',

272 Their being carried off by force then as well. Ki q'upun ta puch.

Truly now theirs Qitzij wi chi kech Lords each one of them. Ajawab' chikijujunal.

Crowded as well their older brothers, Tzatz nay puch katz, 7860 Their younger brothers came to be. Ki chaq' xuxik.

Gathered their existence, Xmolomoxik u k'oje'ik, Gathered as well its asking words each of lords. Xmolomox nay puch u tab'al tzij jun chi ajawab'.

True that beloved, Qitzij wi chi e loq', True as well that great their authority lords. Qitzij puch chi nim ki qale'm ajawab'.

Honored, Nimatalik Respected as well Xowatal puch

Its day U q'ij Their births lords Ralaxik ajawab'

By their vassals, Rumal ral, 7870 Their servants. U k'ajol.

Then they multiplied they of canyon, Ta xk'iarik aj siwan, Of citadel with as well. Aj tinamit ruk' nay puch.

Not surely only then many Ma na xa ta k'i As came to give themselves all nations. Keje' xul kiya' kib' ronojel amaq'.

Even when war therefore K'a lab'al k'ut Fell on Xqaj wi

Their canyon, U siwan, Their citadel. U tinamit.

Still because of their spirit essence lords K'a rumal ki nawal ajawab' 7880 They were glorified, Xeq'aq'arik,

The lord Cucumatz, Ri ajaw Q'ukumatz, Lord Co Tuha. Ajaw K'o Tuja.

True that enchanted lord Qitzij chi nawal ajaw

273 The Cucumatz came to be. Ri Q'ukumatz xuxik.

One transformation he would rise up to sky, Ju wuq' chaq'an chi kaj, One transformation therefore he would go to do down to Ju wuq' k'ut chib'e u b'ana qajoq chi Xib'alb'a; Xibalba;

One transformation again therefore he would transform to Ju wuq' chi k'ut chik'oje' chi kumatzil, serpent, Truly then serpent he would come to be; Qitzij chi kumatz chuxik;

One transformation again as well he would do as eagle, Ju wuq' chi nay puch chub'ano chi kotal, 7890 One transformation again as jaguar, Ju wuq' chik chi b'alamil, Truly then eagle, Qitzij wi chi kot, Then jaguar his appearance he would come to be; Chi b'alam u wachib'al chuxik;

One transformation again he would pool as blood, Ju wuq' chik chireme'ik chi kik'el, Alone pooled blood he would come to be. U tukel remanik kik' chuxik.

Truly then enchanted Qitzij chi nawal Lord his essence. Ajaw u k'oje'ik.

They were frightened before his face by all lords. Xib'ix ib' chuwach rumal ronojel ajawab'. Shattered Xpaxin rib'

Its hearing U ta'ik 7900 They heard Xuta

All lords Ronojel ajawab' Nations Amaq'

His essence U k'oje'ik Enchanted lord. Nawal ajaw.

This therefore its beginning, Are' k'ut u tikarik, Its increase as well Quiché. U nimarik puch K'iche'.

Then he did it, Ta xub'an, Lord Cucumatz, Ajaw Q'ukumatz,

His descendents, Retal, 7910 Greatness. Nimal.

274 Not lost their faces his grandchildren, Xma sachel u wach u mam, His sons in his heart. U k'ajol chu k'u'x.

Not then it he did Maja b'i ata la xb'an wi That he was Ri xk'oje'

Then one lord. Ta jun ajaw. Enchanted then Nawal ta

His nature. U k'oje'ik. Only toppling theirs all nations Xa yoq'b'al rech ronojel amaq'

Then he did it. Ta xub'ano. 7920 Only his self-revelation. Xa u k'utb'al rib'.

Because only one ending, Rumal xere ju k'isik, Its head nations he came to be. U jolom amaq' xuxik.

Its fourth generation lord, Ukaj le' ajaw, The enchanted lord, Ri nawal ajaw,

Cucumatz his name. Q'ukumatz u b'i'. Only merely Xawi xere

Ah Pop, Aj Pop, Ah Pop Reception House. Aj Pop K'am Ja.

Left behind now therefore their descendents, Xkanaj chi k'ut ketal, 7930 Their heritage. Ki tzijel.

They became glorious, Xeq'aq'arik, They became sovereigns as well. Xetepewar puch.

Then they begat sons again therefore, Ta xek'ajolan chi k'ut, Even their sons therefore. K'a ki k'ajol k'ut.

Crowded now they did it. Tzatz chik xub'ano. Were begotten sons Xk'ajolax

The Tepepul, Ri Tepepul, Iztayul. Istayul.

275 Only true lordship they did. Xa qi ajawarem xub'ano. 7940 Fifth generation lord came to be. Ro le' ajaw xuxik.

Only they begat sons, Xawi xek'ajolanik, Each generation of lords. Jutaq le' chi ajawab'.

THESE then therefore their names now WA' chi k'ute ki b'i' chik Sixth generation lord. Uwaq le' ajaw.

Two great lords, E kaib' chi nima'q ajawab', They glorious. E q'aq'.

Quicab his name one lord, K'iq'ab' u b'i' jun ajaw, Cauizimah his name one other. Kawisimaj u b'i' jun chik.

These therefore thick now they did the Quicab, Are' k'ut tzatz chik xub'an ri K'iq'ab', 7950 Cauizimah. Kawisimaj

These now aggrandised Are' chi xnimarisan Quiché. K'iche'.

Because truly enchanted Rumal qitzij nawal Their essence. U k'oje'ik.

These broke apart, Are' q'ajowik, These as well shattered Are' puch xpaxinik

Their canyons, U siwan, Their citadels, U tinamit,

Small nations, Ch'uti amaq', 7960 Great nations. Nima amaq'.

Near in its midst Naqaj taq u xo'l Were citadels anciently. K'o wi tinamit ojer.

This their mountain Cakchiquels, Are' u juyub'al Kaqchekeleb', The Chuvila today, Ri Chuwi' La wakamik,

Their mountain again as well Rabinals, U juyub'al chi nay pu Rab'inaleb', The Pa Maca, Ri Pa Mak'a',

276 Their mountain therefore Caocs, U juyub' k'u Ka'okeb', The Zaccabaha, Ri Saqkab'a Ja,

Their citadel then therefore Zaculeus, U tinamit chi k'ut Saqulewab', 7970 Chuvi Miquina, Chuwi' Miq'ina', Xelahu, Xe' Laju,

Chuva Tzac, Chuwa Tz'aq, With Tzoloh Che. Ruk' Tz'oloj Che'.

These paid homage to Quicab, Are' xrixowaj K'iq'ab', They made war. Xub'an lab'al.

Truly they were broken apart, Qitzij wi xq'ajik, They were shattered Xpaxik

Their canyons, U siwan, Their citadels U tinamit 7980

Rabinals, Rab'inaleb', Cakchiquels, Kaqchekeleb', Zaculeus. Saq Ulewab'.

They collapsed, Xule'ik, They were split apart all nations. Xpaq'a'ik ronojel amaq'.

Still kept up K'a xtok'e To long time his killers Quicab. Chi najt u kamisay111 K'iq'ab'.

One group, Ju ch'ob', Two groups then now Ka ch'ob' ta chik

Not bring their tribute Mawi kuk'an u patan 7990 To all of them. Chirech ronojel. Fell their citadels, Xqaj u tinamit, They carried their tribute Xuk'a'am u patan

Before their faces Quicab, Chuwach K'iq'ab', Cauizimah. Kawisimaj.

111 The manuscript reads camiza, likely intended to be camizay (Mondloch, personal communication).

277 They invaded lineages, Xe'ok chinamit, They were bled, Xelotz'ik, They were shot at wooden post. Xek'aqik chi che'.

Not there was their day, Maja b'i ki q'ij, Not there was their descendents came to be. Maja b'i kalaxik xuxik. 8000

Only arrows, Xa cha', They were instruments of shattering citadels. Mi xk'oje' paxib'al tinamit.

Straightaway it would be split open Ju suk' chijixitajik Its mouth earth U chi' ulew

Like this it would break open thunder, Keje' ri' chiq'osin kaqulja, To shatter stones. Chupaxij ab'aj.

They would fear, Chixib'inik, Suddenly now they would humbly offer nations Lib'aj chi chelaj amaq'

Before its face Pine Resin Tree Chuwach Q'ol Che' Its sign citadels. Retal tinamit. 8010

Because today Rumal wakamik One mountain stones. Jun juyub' ab'aj.

Only a few now Xsqaqi'n chik Not cut cleanly, Mawi xq'atatajik

Like this it was cut Keje' ri' xchoy With axe by it. Chi ikaj rumal.

There it is in plain, Chila' k'o wi pa taq'aj, Petatayub its name. Petatayub' u b'i'.

Clear today, Q'alaj wakamik, It is seen all people pass it by, Karil ronojel winaq ke'ik'ow wi, 8020

Its sign Retal His war prowess Quicab. Rachijilal K'iq'ab'.

There was not he died, Maja b'i xkam wi,

278 There was not as well his being defeated. Ma pu ja b'i xch'akataj wi.

True that warrior. Qitzij wi chi achij. He received therefore their tribute all nations. Xuk'am k'ut u patan ronojel amaq'.

Then they planned therefore lords all of them, Ta xena'ojin k'ut ajawab' konojel, Then went blockaders Ta xb'ek q'atey

Around canyons, Rij siwan, Around citadels. Rij tinamit. 8030

Fallen their citadels, Xqajinaq oq u tinamit, All nations. Ronojel amaq'.

THUS then their coming out sentinels, K'ATE k'ut ta relik waranel, Lookouts warriors. Ilol aj lab'al.

Then they made therefore its watchmen lineage, Ta xkib'an112 k'ut u wachinel chinamit, Guardians mountain. Laq'ab'ey juyub'.

“If will come again, “We chipe chik, Then will arrive its guard Ta chul u laq'ab'ej

Their citadels, U tinamit, Nations,” they said. Amaq',” xecha' 8040

Then they gathered their thoughts all lords, Ta xkikuch ki na'oj konojel ajawab', Then went out their orders: Ta xel ki wab'an:

“Like the our stockade, “Keje' ri' qa k'ejoj, Like as well our second lineage, Keje' pu qa ka chinamit, Like as well our fortress, Keje' nay pu qa tz'alam,

Our palisade they shall become, Qa k'oxtun chuxik, This now our anger, Are' chik qoyowal, Our war prowess then they shall become,” Qachijilal ta chuxoq,”

They said all lords. Xecha' konojel ajawab'. Then they went out their orders Ta xe'elik u wab'an 8050

112 The text uses the contracted form xkiba.

279 Each of lineages, Jujun chi chinamit, Opposers of warriors. K'ulelay rech aj lab'al.

Then they were instructed therefore, Ta xepixab'ax k'ut, Then they went as well orders, Ta xeb'e puch wab'an,

Guardians their mountain nations. Laq'ab'ey u juyub'al amaq'. “Go, because our mountains now. “Chib'ek, rumal qa juyub'al chik.

Do not fear if there are still warriors Mixib'ij iwib' we k'o chik aj lab'al That come again with you as killers to you. Chul chik iwuk' ta kamisay iwe.

At once come to tell it. Anim chul ib'ij We shall go surely to kill them,” Chib'e na113 qa kamisaj,” 8060

Said therefore Quicab to them Xcha' k'ut K'iq'ab' chi kech When they were instructed all of their faces Ta xepixab'axik konojel wach

With Magistrate, Ruk' Q'alel, Herald Person. Aj Tzik' Winaq.

Then they went to set the its mouth arrows, Ta xb'e'ije'ik ri u chi' ch'a, Its mouth bowstrings as it is said. U chi' k'a'am chuchaxik.

Then were split apart their grandfathers, Ta xpaxin rib' u mam, Their fathers U qajaw

The all Quiché people. Ri ronojel K'iche' winaq. They are on each of mountains. K'o pa jujun chi juyub'. 8070

Only guardians mountains, Xa chajal juyub', Only as well guardians Xa pu chajal

Arrows, Ch'a, Bowstrings. K'a'am.

Guardians Chajal War as well when they went. Lab'al puch ta xb'ek.

113 The manuscript reads nu.

280 Not surely one then dawn, Ma na jun ta saqir wi, Not as well one then their god. Ma nay puch jun ta u k'ab'awil.

Only blockaders around citadels. Xa q'atey rij tinamit. They went out all of them: Ta xelik ronojel: 8080

Ah Uuila, Aj Wi' La, Ah Chulimal; Aj Chulimal;

Zaqui Ya, Saqi Ya', Xahbaquieh; Xajb'akiej;

Chi Temah, Chi Temaj, Vahxalahuh; Wajxalajuj;

With as well Ah Cabracan, Ruk' chik Aj Kab'raqan, Chabi Cac, Ch'ab'i Q'aq'114 Chi Hunahpu; Chi Junajpu;

With Ah Maca, Ruk' Aj Mak'a', 8090 Ah Xay Abah; Aj Xay Ab'aj;

Ah Zaccabaha, Aj Saqkab'a Ja, Ah Ziyaha; Aj Siya Ja;

Ah Miquina, Aj Miq'ina', Ah Xelahuh. Aj Xelajuj.

Plains, Taq'ajal, Mountains. Juyub'.

These went out sentinels war, Ri' xelik waray lab'al, Guardians earth. Chajal ulew.

Then they went because of Quicab, Ta xb'ek rumal K'iq'ab', 8100 Cavizamah, Kawisamaj,

Ah Pop, Aj Pop, Ah Pop Reception House, Aj Pop K'am Ja,

114 The manuscript reads cabi in the K'iche' version, but is transcribed chabi in Ximénez’s parallel Spanish translation, indicating a scribal error. Chabi (Arrow) is the more likely spelling in this context.

281 Magistrate, Q'alel, Herald Person. Aj Tzik' Winaq.

Four lords they sent them. E kajib' chi ajawab' xetaqonik. They acted as sentinels against as well warriors. Xewaran puch aj lab'al.

Quicab, K'iq'ab', Cauizimah their names. Kawisamaj u b'i'.

Lords before their faces Cavecs, Ajaw chuwach Kaweqib', 8110 Two. E kaib'.

Quema his name Kema u b'i' Lord before their faces Nihaibs. Ajaw chuwach Nijaib'.

Achac Iboy therefore his name Achaq Ib'oy k'ut u b'i' Lord before their faces Ahau Quichés. Ajaw chuwach Ajaw K'iche'.

These therefore their names Are' k'ut ki b'i' Lords these. Ajaw ri'.

They sent out messengers, Xetakowik, They sent out envoys as well Xesamajelan puch

When they left their vassals, Ta xeb'ek kal, 8120 Their servants Ki k'ajol

On mountains, Pa juyub', On each one of mountains. Pa jujun chi juyub'.

Went surely therefore first arrived surely their female Xb'e na k'u nab'e xul na kanab', captives, Arrived as well male captives, Xul na pu teleche',

Before Quicab, Chuwach K'iq'ab', Cauizimah, Kawisimaj,

Magistrate, Q'alel, Herald Person. Aj Tzik' Winaq.

They made now war the its mouth arrow, Xkib'an chi wi lab'al ri u chi' ch'a, 8130

282 Its mouth bowstring. U chi' k'a'am.

They took women captives now, Xekanab' chik, They took male captives now. Xeteleche'n chik.

Warlike they became now E achij xe'ux chik The envoys Ri e wab'an

Were given, Xeya'ik, They increased therefore, Xek'iyar k'ut, Many therefore their heartening by lords. K'i chi k'ut ki k'u'xlal kumal ajawab'.

When they would arrive to give their female captives, Ta chul ki ya' ki kanab', Their male captives all. Ki teleche' ronojel. 8140

Thus then gathered thoughts K'ate k'ut ta xkuch na'oj By lords Kumal ajawab'

Ah Pop, Aj Pop, Ah Pop Reception House, Aj Pop K'am Ja,

Magistrate, Q'alel, Herald Person. Aj Tzik' Winaq.

Then went out Ta xel Therefore thoughts. K'u na'oj.

“Only we ennoble, “Xa qa chapa, Truly first of those that are Qi nab'e chi k'oje' 8150

That have carried as a burden, Ta keqalem, Lookout lineages shall enter. Wachinel chinamit chok wi.

“I Ah Pop. “In Aj Pop. I Ah Pop Reception House. In Aj Pop K'am Ja.

Ah Pop to adorning mine Aj Pop chire q'alej we Shall enter now therefore yours. Chok chi k'u awe.

You Lord Magistrate, At Ajaw Q'alel, Magistrate the adornment shall come to be,” Q'alel ri' q'alem xchuxik,”

283 They said therefore all lords Xecha' k'ut ronojel ajawab' When they were gathered their thoughts. Ta xk'am ki na'oj. 8160

Only therefore likewise they did it Tamub, Xawi k'u keje' xub'ano Tamub', Ilocab. Ilokab'.

Same face Junam wach Three groups of Quichés Ox ch'ob' chi K'iche'.

Then they did ennobling, Ta xb'an chaponik, They entitled them Xkikob'isaj

First their vassals, U nab'e kal, Their servants. Ki k'ajol.

Thus their gathering thought. Keje' k'ut u k'amik na'oj. Not therefore there Ma k'u chiri' 8170

Were ennobled Quichés. Xchap wi K'iche'. There is its name mountain ennobled K'o u b'i' juyub’ xchap wi.

First vassals, U nab'e al, Servants. K'ajol.

Then they summoned therefore all that are on each of Ta xetaq k'ut ronojel k'o pa jujun chi juyub'. mountains. Only one they gathered. Xa jun xekuch wi.

UNDER Twisted Cord XE' B'alax Under String its names mountain they were ennobled, Xe' K'a'amaq' u b'i' juyub' xechap wi,

Then entered their command Ta xok ki q'alem There Chulimal it was done. Chiri' Chulimal xb'an wi. 8180

THESE therefore their titles, WA' k'ute ki kob'ik, Their ennobling, Ki chapik, Their tokens as well: Ketaxik puch:

One score Magistrates, Juwinaq Q'alel, One score Ah Pops, Juwinaq Aj Pop,

284 Ennobled by Ah Pop, Xchapik rumal Aj Pop, Ah Pop Reception House, Aj Pop K'am Ja,

By as well Magistrate, Rumal puch Q'alel, Herald Person. Aj Tzik' Winaq.

Entered their offices all Magistrates, Xok keqalem ronojel Q'alel 8190 Ah Pops, Aj Pop,

Eleven Julajuj Great Stewards, Nim Ch'okoj,

Magistrate Lords, Q'alel Ajaw, Magistrate Zaquics, Q'alel Saqik,

Their Magistrates Warriors, U Q'alel Achij, Their Ah Pops warriors, Raj Pop Achij,

Their Keepmasters Warriors, Raj Tz'alam Achij, Their Point Warriors, U Tza'm Achij,

Their names warriors entered Ki b'i' achijab' xokik 8200 When entitled. Ta xekob'ik.

They named them as well on its top their benches, Xeb'i'naj puch chuwi' ki tem, On its top their cushions. Chuwi' ki ch'akat.

First their vassals, E u nab'e ral, Their servants Quiché people, U k'ajol K'iche' winaq,

Watchers of them, Ilol rech, Listeners of them, Ta'ol rech,

Its mouth arrow U chi' ch'a, Its mouth bowstring, U chi' k'a'am,

Stockade, K'ejoj, 8210 Enclosure, Tz'apib', Fortress, Tz'alam, Palisade around Quiché. K'oxtum chirij K'iche'.

285 Only therefore likewise they did it Tamub, Xawi k'u keje' xub'ano Tamub', Ilocab. Ilokab'.

They ennobled, Xuchapo, They entitled as well, Xukob'isaj puch,

First their vassals, U nab'e ral, Their servants, U k'ajol,

They are on each of mountains. K'o pa jujun chi juyub'. 8220 This therefore their foundation Are' k'ut u xe'najik

Magistrates, Q'alel, Ah Pops, Aj Pop,

Their having been assigned Reqalem On each of mountains today. Pa jujun chi juyub' wakamik.

Likewise their coming out this Keje' relik ri' When they went out Ta xe'elik

Behind Ah Pop, Chirij Aj Pop, Ah Pop Reception House, Aj Pop K'am Ja,

Behind as well Magistrate, Chirij puch Q'alel, 8230 Herald Person they went out. Aj Tzik' Winaq xel wi.

THIS therefore we shall tell now ARE' k'ut xchiqab'ij chik Their names their houses gods. U b'i' rochoch k'ab'awil.

Merely only they named their houses these Xawi xere xub'i'naj rochoch ri' Their names gods. U b'i' k'ab'awil.

Great Temple Tohil its name temple Nima'q Tz'aq Tojil u b'i' tz'aq His house Tohil of Cavecs. Rochoch Tojil rech Kaweqib'. Auilix therefore its name temple Awilix k'ut u b'i' tz'aq His house Auilix of Nihaibs. Rochoch Awilix rech Nijaib'ab'. Hacavitz next therefore its name temple Jaq'awitz chi k'ut u b'i' tz'aq 8240 His house their god Ahau Quiché. Rochoch u k'ab'awil Ajaw K'iche'.

Maize Flower House seen first, Tz'utu Ja kil na,

286 Sacrifice House its name other. K'ajb'a Ja u b'i' chik.

Great temples Nima'q tz'aq Where they were stones. Xk'oje' wi ab'aj.

They were worshiped by lords Quichés, Xq'ijilo'xik rumal ajawab' K'iche', Worshiped as well by all nations. Q'ijilo'x115 puch rumal ronojel amaq'.

They would enter surely to burn nations first before his Chok na u k'atoj amaq' nab'e chuwach ri Tojil. face the Tohil. Then therefore they would worship next K'ate k'ut ta chuq'ijila chik

Ah Pop, Aj Pop, 8250 Ah Pop Reception House. Aj Pop K'am Ja.

Then they would come to give their quetzal feathers, K'ate chul ki ya' ki q'uq', Their tribute before their faces lords. Ki patan chuwach ajaw.

This lord now, Are' ajaw chik, This other as well, Are' chi puch,

Their provision, Ki tzuqun, Their sustenance, Ki q'o'n,

Ah Pop, Aj Pop, Ah Pop Reception House, Aj Pop K'am Ja,

They brought down their citadels, Xqasan ki tinamit, 8260 Great lords. E nima ajawab'.

Enchanted people, E nawal taq winaq, Enchanted lords Nawal ajaw

The Cucumatz, Ri Q'ukumatz, Co Tuha. K'o Tuja.

Enchanted lords therefore the Quicab, Nawal ajaw k'u ri K'iq'ab', Cauizimah. Kawisimaj.

115 The manuscript reads quihilox, likely a transcription error for xquihilox, which is more appropriate grammatically and parallels the previous line (Mondloch, personal communication).

287 They know if Keta'm we War would be made. Lab'al chib'anik. Clear before their faces Q'alaj chikiwach 8270 All they would see. Ronojel chikilo. If death, We kamik, If hunger, We waij, If strife would be made, We ch'a'oj chib'anik, Certainly they knew it. Xa xketa'm wi.

There is therefore instrument of sight theirs, K'o k'ut ilb'al116 re, There is book. K'o wuj.

Popol Vuh its name by them. Popol Wuj u b'i' kumal. Not surely thus lords. Ma na keje' e ajawab'.

Great their essence Nim ki k'oje'ik 8280 Great as well their fasts. Nim nay puch ki mewajik.

This means of venerating temple Are' loq'b'al tz'aq Means of venerating as well lordship by them. Loq'b'al pu ajawarem kumal.

Long time then they fasted Najtik chik xemewajik They sacrificed before their faces their gods. Xek'ajb'ik chuwach ki k'ab'awil.

This therefore their means of fasting: Wa' k'ute ki mewajib'al: Nine score they fast, B'elej winaq kemewajik,

One nine therefore they sacrifice, Ju b'elej k'ut kek'ajb'ik, They burn. Kek'atonik.

Thirteen score again their means of fasting, Oxlaju winaq chik ki mewajib'al, 8290 Thirteen therefore they sacrificed. Oxlaju chi k'ut kek'ajb'ik.

They burn before his face Tohil, Kek'atonik chuwach Tojil, Before their faces as well their gods. Chuwach pu ki k'ab'awil.

Only zapotes, Xa tulul, Only matasanos, Xa ajache', Only jocotes they would eat. Xa q'inom chikilo'o.

116 The manuscript reads ibal, which is likely a transcription error for ilbal.

288 This there was not maize food Are' maja b'i wa They would eat. Chikiwej. If therefore seventeen score they sacrifice, We k'ut wuqlajuj winaq kek'ajb'ik, If [seven]teen therefore they fast. We [wuq]lajuj117 k'ut kemewajik. 8300 Not they eat maize. Mawi kewa'ik. True that great ritual observances they would do. Qitzij wi chi nima awasinik chikib'ano.

This its sign Are' retal Their essence lords. Ki k'oje'ik e ajawab'.

With therefore not women they would sleep therefore Ruk' k'ut maja b'i ixoq chiwar k'ut Only by themselves they would care for each other. Xa ki tukel chikichajij kib'.

They fast, Kemewajik, Only in their houses gods they were. Xa pa rachoch k'ab'awil kek'oje' wi.

Each day only worship, Ju ta q'ij xa q'ijilonik, Only burning, Xa k'atonik, 8310 Only as well sacrifice they would do. Xa pu k'ajb'ik chikib'ano.

Only there they are in darkness, Xawi chiri' e k'o wi xq'eq, At dawn Saqirik

Only wept their hearts, Xa choq' ki k'u'x, Only as well wept their bowels. Xa pu choq' ki pam.

When they plead to their light, Ta ketz'ononik chirech u saq, Their lives, U k'aslem,

Their vassals, Kal, Their servants, Ki k'ajol,

To as well their lordship. Chire nay puch kajawarem. 8320 They would lift up their faces to sky. Chikipakab'a' ki wach chi kaj.

This therefore their pleading before their faces their gods Wa' k'ute ki tz'onob'al chuwach ki k'ab'awil When they plead. Ta ketz'ononik.

This therefore their crying out their hearts, Are' k'ut roq'ej ki k'u'x, This: Wa':

117 The manuscript leaves out wuq, which should be present considering the context.

289 “YEA pleasing its day, “AKAROK atob' u q'ij, You Huracan, At Juraqan,

You Its Heart Sky, At U K'u'x Kaj, Earth, Ulew,

You giver of yellowness, At ya'ol rech q'anal, 8330 Blue/Greenness; Raxal;

You as well giver daughters, At pu ya'ol mi'al, Sons. K'ajol.

Be calmed, Chatziloj, Sprinkle hither Chamaq'ij uloq

Your blue/greenness, A raxal, Your yellowness. A q'anal.

May it be given its life, Chaya'taj u k'ase'ik, Creation Winaqirik

My children born of women, Wal, 8340 My sons begotten of men, Nu k'ajol,

May they be multiplied, Chipoq'taj, May they be created, Chiwinaqirtaj,

Provider to you, Tzuqul awe, Sustainer to you, Q'o'l awe, Caller upon to you, Sik'iy awe,

In road, Pa b'e, In cleared pathway, Pa jok, In course river, Pa b'e ya', In canyons, Pa siwan, 8350

Beneath trees, Xe' che', Beneath bushes, Xe' k'a'am,

Give their daughters, Chaya' ki mi'al,

290 Their sons. Ki k'ajol.

Not then there is fault, Ma ta ja b'i il, Confinement, Tz'ap, Shame, Yan, Misfortune. K'exo.

Not then would come deceivers behind them, Ma ta chok k'axtok'onel chikij, Before their faces. Chikiwach. 8360

May they not fall, Mepajik, May they not be wounded, Mesokotajik,

May they not be dishonored, Mejoxowik, May they not be condemned, Meq'atowik,

May they not fall below road, Meqajik rekem b'e, Above road, Rajsik b'e,

Not then stricken, Ma ta ja b'i pak', Impediment, Toxk'om,

Behind them, Chikij, Before their faces. Chikiwach. 8370

May you place them on green road, Ke'aya' taj pa raxa b'e, On green cleared path. Pa raxa jok.

Not their blame, Ma ta ja b'i' kil, Their confinement, Ki tz'ap,

Your hiding, Ak'u'wil, Your curse. Awitzmal.

May good Utz taj Their existence Ki k'oje'ik

Providers to you, Tzuqul awe, Sustainers to you, Q'o'l awe, 8380

To your mouths, Chachi', To your faces, Chawach,

291 You Its Heart Sky, At U K'u'x Kaj, You Its Heart Earth, At U K'u'x Ulew,

You Bundled Glory, At Pisom Q'aq'al,

You as well Tohil, At puch Tojil, Auilix, Awilix, Hacavitz, Jaq'awitz,

Womb sky, Pam kaj, Its womb earth U pam ulew 8390

Four sides, Kaj tzuk, Four corners. Kaj xukut.

Only then light, Xa ta saq, Only then security Xa ta amaq'

Inside your mouth, U pam chachi', Before your face, Chawach,

You At God.” K'ab'awil.”

Thus the lords Keje' k'ut ri ajawab' Then fast Ta kemewajik 8400

Within the nine score, Chupan ri b'elej winaq, Thirteen score, Oxlaju winaq, Seventeen score as well. Wuqlaju winaq puch.

Many fasting days K'i mewaij q'ij They would cry out their hearts Choq' ki k'u'x

Over their vassals, Chuwi' kal, Their servants; Ki k'ajol;

Over as well all women, Chuwi' puch ronojel ixoq, Children. Alk'u'al.

Then they made their service Ta xkib'an ki patan 8410

292 Each of lords. Jujun chi ajawab'.

This means of venerating light, Are' loq'b'al saq, Life; K'aslem;

Means of venerating lordship. Loq'b'al puch ajawarem. This their lordship Are' rajawarem

Ah Pop, Aj Pop, Ah Pop Reception House, Aj Pop K'am Ja,

Magistrate, Q'alel, Herald Person. Aj Tzik' Winaq.

Two by two then they enter, E kakab' ta ke'okik, 8420 They succeeded each other Kejalow kib'

To their assuming responsibility for nations, Chi reqalixik amaq', With all Quiché people. Ruk' ronojel K'iche' winaq.

Only one Xa jun Went out Xel wi

Its root word, U xe' tzij, Its root as well U xe' puch

Provisioning, Tzuquj, Sustaining. Q'o'j.

Only its root word, Xawi u xe' tzij, 8430 Only likewise they did it Xawi keje' kub'ano

Tamub, Tamub', Ilocab, Ilokab',

With Rabinals, Ruk' Rab'inaleb', Cakchiquels, Kaqchekeleb', Ah Tziquinaha; Aj Tz'ikina Ja;

Tuhalahas, Tujala Ja, Uchabahas. U Ch'ab'a Ja.

293 Only one they would go out Xa jun chel wi To bear the burden there Quiché. Ta xiqan118 chiri' K'iche'. 8440 Then they would do it for all. Ta chub'an rech ronojel.

Not surely only like they exercised lordship, Ma na xaqi keje' xe'ajawarik, Not surely only they just receive gifts. Ma na xa xkikaqkochij.

Providers theirs, Tzuqul ke, Sustainers theirs. Q'o'l ke.

Only then their food, Xa ta ki wain, Drink they did. Uk'aja xkib'ano.

Not as well without purpose, Ma pu xaloq' taj, They deceived, Xkitz'ub'u, They stole Xkeleq'aj 8450

Their lordship, Kajawarem, Their glory, Ki q'aq'al, Their sovereignty. Ki tepewal.

Not as well only then like they crushed their canyons, Ma nay pu xa ta keje' xk'aj u siwan, Their citadels, U tinamit,

Small nations, Ch'uti' amaq', Great nations. Nima amaq'.

Great its price Nim rajil They gave. Xkiya'o.

Came jade, Xul xit 8460 Came precious metal, Xul puwaq,

Came as well measure of four fingers its length, Xul puch kajq'ab' raqan, Measure of fist with thumb extended its length; Tuwik raqan;

With precious gems, Chi k'uwal, With glittering things; Chi yamanik;

Came as well cotinga feathers, Xul puch raxon,

118 The manusript reads xiquin for what should likely be xican.

294 Oriole feathers, K'ub'ul, Red bird feathers; Ch'aktik;

Their tribute all nations U patan ronojel amaq' Came before their faces enchanted lords Xul chikiwach nawal ajawab' 8470

Cucumatz, Q'ukumatz, Co Tuha; K'o Tuja;

Before his face as well Quicab, Chuwach puch K'iq'ab', Cavizimah; Kawisimaj;

The Ah Pop, Ri Aj Pop, Ah Pop Reception House, Aj Pop K'am Ja,

Magistrate, Q'alel, Herald Person. Aj Tzik' Winaq.

Not only small they did. Mawi xa ch'uti'n xkib'ano. Not as well only then a little of nations they brought down. Ma nay pu xa ta sqaqi'n chi amaq' xkiqasaj. 8480

Many groups of nations, K'ia ch'ob' chi amaq', Came their tribute Quiché. Xul u patan K'iche'.

Affliction therefore they received. K'axk'ol k'ut xk'am wi. They were overcome by them. Xyake'x wi kumal.

Not quickly was created their glory, Mawi atan xwinaqirik ki q'aq'al, Until Cucumatz its root greatness of lordship. K'a Q'ukumatz u xe' nimal chi ajawarem.

Thus its beginning their aggrandisement, Keje' k'ut u tikarik u nimarik, The aggrandisement as well Quiché. Ri u nimarik puch K'iche'.

This then therefore we shall give order to their generations Are' chi k'ut xchiqacholo u le'el ajawab', lords, With their names all lords we shall tell now. Ruk' ki b'i' konojel ajawab' xchiqab'ij chik. 8490

THESE therefore their generations, WA'E k'ute u le'el, Their house divisions, U tasel,

Lordship, Ajawarem,

295 Of all their having been dawned: Chi ronojel ki saqirib'em:

Balam Quitze, B'alam Kitze, Balam Acab, B'alam Aq'ab', Mahucutah, Majukutaj, Iqui Balam. Ik'i B'alam.

First our grandfathers, Nab'e qa mam, First our fathers Nab'e qa qajaw 8500

When appeared sun, Ta xwachin q'ij, Appeared moon, Xwachin ik', Stars. Ch'umil.

This therefore their generations, Wa'e k'ute u le'el, Their house divisions lordship. U tasel ajawarem.

We shall begin hither Xchiqatikib'a' uloq Truly at its roots. Qi chuxe'.

Paired then they entered lords, K'uluk'uj chi rokik ajawab', When entered. Ta chokik.

Then would succeed each generation of lords, Ta chikamije'ik ju taq le' chi ajawab', 8510 The grandfathers, Ri mama',

With their lords of citadel. Ruk' rajawal chi tinamit. All each one of lords. Ronojel chi jujun chi ajawab'.

Here therefore shall appear its face each one lords. Wa'e k'ute xchiwachin u wach chujujunal ajawab'. This therefore shall appear its face every each one lords Wa'e k'ute xchiwachin u wach jujun chujujunal Quiché. ajawab' K'iche'.

BALAM Quitze B'ALAM Kitze Their founder Cavecs. U xe'nab'al Kaweqib'.

Cocaib K'okaib' Its second generation now Balam Quitze. U ka le' chik B'alam Kitze.

Balam Co Nache began Ah Popol, B'alam K'o Nache xtikib'an Aj Popol, 8520 Third generation therefore this. Rox le' k'u ri'.

296 Co Tuha, K'o Tuja, Iztayub its fourth generation. Istayub' u kaj le'.

Cucumatz, Q'ukumatz, Co Tuha, K'o Tuja,

Its root enchanted lords, U xe' nawal ajaw, Its fifth generation there was. Ro' le' xk'oje' wi.

Tepepul, Tepepul, Iztayul now its sixth house division. Istayul chik u waq tas.

Quicab, K'iq'ab', 8530 Cauizimah, Kawisimaj,

Its seventh change lordship. U wuq jal ajawarem. Enchantment on its head. Nawal chiwi'.

Tepepul, Tepepul, Iztayub its eighth generation. Istayub' u wajxaq le'.

Tecum, Tekum, Tepepul its ninth generation. Tepepul u b'elej le'.

Vahxaqui Cam, Wajxaqi K'a'am, Quicab then its tenth generation lords. K'iq'ab' k'ut u lajuj le' ajawab'.

Vucub Noh, Wuqub' No'j, 8540 Cauatepech now its eleventh house division lords. Kawatepech chik u julajuj tas ajawab'.

Oxib Quieh, Oxib' Kiej, Beleheb Tzi its twelfth generation lords. B'elejeb' Tz'i' u kab'lajuj le' ajawab'.

These therefore exercise lordship when arrived Donadiu. Are' k'ut ke'ajawarik ta xul Tonatiu. They were hung by Castilian people. Xejitz'axik rumal castillan winaq.

Tecum, Tekum, Tepepul, Tepepul,

They paid tribute before their faces Castilian people. Xepatanijik chuwach castillan winaq. These were begotten behind its thirteenth generation lords. Are' xek'ajolan kanoq roxlajuj le' ajawab'.

297 Don Juan de Rojas, Don Juan de Rojas, 8550 Don Juan Cortés, Don Juan Cortes,

Fourteenth generation lords. Kajlaju119 le' ajawab'. Begotten sons E k'ajolaxel

By Tecum, Rumal Tekum, Tepepul. Tepepul.

THESE therefore their generations ARE' k'ut u le'el Their house divisions U tasel

Lordship, Ajawarem, The lords Ri ajaw

Ah Pop, Aj Pop, 8560 Ah Pop Reception House, Aj Pop K'am Ja,

Before their faces Cavecs Chuwach Kaweqib' Quichés. K'iche'.

This next we shall tell now of lineages. Are' chi xchiqab'ij chik re chinamit. These next therefore great houses of each of lords Wa' chi k'ute nim ja rech jujun chi ajawab'

Behind Ah Pop, Chirij Aj Pop, Ah Pop Reception House. Aj Pop K'am Ja.

These are named nine lineages of Cavecs, Are' u b'i'nam wi b'elejeb' chinamit chi Kaweqib', Nine their great houses. B'elejeb' u nim ja.

These their names their lords Wa' taq u b'i' e rajawal 8570 Each of great houses: Jujun chi nim ja:

Lord Ah Pop one his great house, Ajaw Aj Pop jun u nim ja, Guarded House its name great house; K'u Ja u b'i' nim ja;

Lord Ah Pop Reception House, Ajaw Aj Pop K'am Ja, Bird House its name his great house; Tz'ikina Ja u b'i' u nim ja;

119 The manuscript reads cablahu (twelfth), rather than cahlahu (fourteenth)

298 Great Steward Cavec, Nim Ch'okoj Kaweq, One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Lord Ah Tohil, Ajaw Aj Tojil, One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Lord Ah Cucumatz, Ajaw Aj Q'ukumatz, 8580 One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Mat Person of Stacks, Popol Winaq Chi T'uy, One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Emissary Deer House, Lolmet Kej Nay, One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Mat Person in Ballcourt Punishment, Popol Winaq pa Jom Tz'alatz', Guarded one his great house; Xkuxeb'a' jun u nim ja;

Tepeu Yaqui, Tepew Yaki, One his great house. Jun u nim ja.

THESE therefore the nine lineages ARE' k'u ri b'elejeb' chinamit 8590 Of Cavecs. Chi Kaweqib'.

Crowded their vassals, Tzatz ral, Their servants counted U k'ajol ajilatal

Behind nine Chirij b'elejeb' Of great houses. Chi nim ja.

THESE therefore of Nihaib, WA' k'ute rech Nijaib'ab', Nine on its top of great houses. B'elejeb' chiwi' chi nim ja.

This first we shall tell Are' nab'e xchiqab'ij Their self generation lordship: U le'ab'al rib' ajawarem:

Only one its root Xa jun u xe' 8600 Shall plant before its face Xchtikar chuwach

299 Its root sun, U xe' q'ij, Its root light of people. U xe' saq chi winaq.

Balam Acab B'alam Aq'ab' First Nab'e

Grandfather, Mamaxel, Father. Qajawixel.

Co Acul, K'o Akul, Co Acutec second generation. K'o Akutek u ka le'.

Co Chahuh, K'o Chajuj, 8610 Co Tzibaha third generation. K'o Tz'ib'a Ja rox le'.

Beleheb Queh, B'elejeb' Kej, Fourth generation next. U kaj le' chik.

Co Tuha, K'o Tuja Fifth generation lord. Ro' le' ajaw.

Batza next therefore, B'atz'a chi k'ut, Sixth generation next. U waq le' chik.

Iztayul next therefore, Istayul chi k'ut, Seventh generation lord. U wuq le' ajaw.

Co Tuha on its top, K'o Tuja chiwi', 8620 Eighth house division lordship. U wajxaq tas ajawarem.

Beleheb Queh, B'elejeb' Kej, Ninth house division. U b'elej tas.

Quema he is called next, Kema chuchax chik, Tenth generation. U lajuj le'.

Lord Co Tuha, Ajaw K'o Tuja, Eleventh generation. U julaju le'.

Don Christoval he is called, Don Christowal chuchaxik, He exercised lordship before their faces Castilian people. Xajawarik chuwach Caxtilan winaq.

300 Don Pedro de Robles, Don Pedro de Robles, 8630 Lord Magistrate today. Ajaw Q'alel wakamik.

THESE therefore next all lords ARE' k'u ri' chi ronojel ajawab' Having come out behind the Lord Magistrate. Elenaq chirij ri Ajaw Q'alel.

These now we shall tell Are' chik xchiqab'ij Their lords each of great houses: Rajawal jujun chi nim ja:

Lord Magistrate, Ajaw Q'alel, Its first lord U nab'e ajaw

Before their faces Nihaibs, Chuwach Nijaib'ab', One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Lord Herald Person, Ajaw Aj Tzik' Winaq, 8640 One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Lord Magistrate Reception House, Ajaw Q'alel K'am Ja, One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Great Reception House, Nima K'am Ja, One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Its Mother Reception House, U Chuch K'am Ja, One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Great Reception House, Nima K'am Ja,120 One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Great Steward Nihaibs, Nim Ch'okoj Nijaib'ab', 8650 One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Lord Auilix, Ajaw Awilix, One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Yacolatam, Yakolatam, One his great house. Jun u nim ja.

120 This office is a repetition of one named four lines previously (line 8644).

301 THESE therefore great houses these ARE' k'ut nim ja ri' Before their faces Nihaibs. Chuwach Nijaib'ab'.

These are named, Are' u b'i'nam wi, Nine lineages of Nihaibs they are called. B'elejeb' chinamit chi Nijaib'ab' chuchaxik.

Many therefore their lineages K'iya taq k'ut u chinamital 8660 Each one to lords. Jujun chike ajawab'.

These its first these Are' u nab'e ri' We told their names. Mi xqab'ij ki b'i'.

THESE next therefore ARE' chi k'ut Of Ahau Quichés: Rech Ajaw K'iche':

This their grandfather, Wa' u mam, Their father, U qajaw,

Mahucutah Majukutaj First person. Nab'e winaq.

Co Ahau his name K'o Ajaw u b'i' 8670 Second generation lord, U ka le' ajaw,

Fire Lacan, Q'aq' Lakan, Co Kosom, K'o Kosom,

Co Mahcun, K'o Majkun, Vucub Ah, Wuqub' Aj,

Co Camel, K'o Kame'l, Co Yaba Coh, K'o Yab'a Koj,

Vinac, Winaq, Bam. B'am.

THESE therefore lords these ARE' k'ut ajawab' ri' 8680 Before their faces Ahau Quiché. Chuwach Ajaw K'iche'.

302 These their generations, Are' u le'el, Their house divisions as well. U tasel puch.

These therefore their names lords these within great houses.Are' k'ut u b'i' ajawab' wa' chupan nim ja. Only four their great houses: Xa kajib' u nim ja:

Herald Person Lord his name first lord, Aj Tzik' Winaq Ajaw u b'i' nab'e ajaw, One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Emissary Lord second lord, Lolmet Ajaw u kab' ajaw, One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Great Steward Lord third lord, Nim Ch'okoj Ajaw rox ajaw, 8690 One his great house; Jun u nim ja;

Hacavitz therefore fourth lord, Jaq'awitz k'ut u kaj ajaw, One his great house. Jun u nim ja.

The four therefore great houses Chi kajib' k'ut nim ja Before their faces Ahau Quichés. Chuwach Ajaw K'iche'.

THESE therefore the three Great Stewards. ARE' k'u ri e oxib' chi Nim Ch'okoj. Like the fathers Keje' ri' e qajawixel

Of all lords Quiché. Rumal ronojel ajawab' K'iche'. Only one now their gathering together Xa jun chikikuch wi kib'

Three then stewards. E oxib' chik ch'okojib'. 8700 Givers of birth, E alanel, Its mother word, E u chuch tzij, Its father word. E u qajaw tzij. Great a little their essence Nim sqaqi'n u k'oje'ik Three stewards. E oxib' chi ch'okojib'.

GREAT Steward therefore (before their faces Cavecs), NIM Ch'okoj k'ut (chuwach Kaweqib'121), Before their faces Nihaibs its second therefore this Great Chuwach Nijayib' u kab' k'u ri' Nim Ch'okoj Ajaw, Steward Lord,

121 The phrase marked in parentheses does not appear in the K'iche' version of the text, but it does appear in the parallel translation provided by Ximénez.

303 Before their faces Ahau Quichés third Great Steward. Chuwach Ajaw K'iche' rox Nim Ch'okoj.

Then three therefore these stewards, Chi oxib' k'ut ri' ch'okojib', Each one before their faces lineages. Jujun chuwach chinamit. 8710

Only therefore its essence Quiché. Xere k'ut u k'oje'ik K'iche'. This because not now means of sight of it. Ri' rumal maja b'i chi ilb'al re.

There is first anciently by lords. K'o nab'e ojer kumal ajawab'. Lost now. Sachinaq chik.

But therefore this was completed now all Quiché, Xere k'u ri' mi xutzinik chi konojel K'iche', Sta. Cruz its name. Sta. Cruz u b'i'.