DHAXALREEB Xagaa, Juun – Julaay 2012

Redsea Online Culture Foundation with Partners


Bandhigga Caalamiga ah ee Buugaagta Hargeysa

Hargeysa International Book Fair Hargeysa, 13th - 18th July 2012

Xagaa, Juun – Julaay 2012 ISSN 2074-028X www.redsea-online.com/dhaxalreeb | e-mail: [email protected] Dhaxalreeb - ISSN 2074-028X Warside ka hadla aqoonta, dhaqanka, fanka iyo suugaanta. Dhaxalreeb waa warside sannadkii soo baxa dhowr jeer oo kusoo baxa qaabab kala duwan:

Dhaxalreeb (Warsida ka hadla aqoonta, dhaqanka, fanka iyo suugaanta) waxa uu soo baxaa sannadkii afar jeer. Gu’, Dayr, Xagaa iyo Jiilaal. Tirsigani waa kii Xagaaga 2012 ka, waxaana uu u gaar yahay Bandhigga Caalamiga ah ee Buugaagta Hargeysa 13-18 Julaay 2012.

Dhaxalreeb (Waanada macallinka) waxa uu soo baxaa sannadkii lix jeer, waana warside xilliyeed waxbarasho oo xidhiidhiya Ardayga, Waalidka iyo Macallinka.

Taxanaha Dhaxalreeb waa qoraallo aan kalgal sugan lahayn oo sannadkiiba dhowr jeer kasoo baxa degelka redsea-online.com oo loo qaybiyo si buug elektoroonig ah. Ka eeg http://www.redseaonline.com/e-books.

Soo saare / Publisher: Ponte Invisibile Edizioni REDSEA-ONLINE.COM Cultural Foundation www.redsea-online.com | [email protected]

Tifatire guud/Editor in chief Jaamac Muuse Jaamac, [email protected]

Kaaliye tifatire/Associate editor Cabdillaahi Cawed Cige, [email protected]

Wakiillada/Country representatives Ka eeg bogga http://www.redsea-online.com/dhaxalreeb

Qoraalka ku socda tifatiraha / Articles to the editor Email: [email protected] Buugaagta / Books for review Jama Musse Jama Via Pietro Giordani 4, 56123 Pisa, Italy.

Golaha talo-bixinta iyo tifatirka / Advisory board and editorial team Cabdalle Ducaale Wacays, Ayaan Maxamuud Cashuur, Mustafe Aadan Nuur, Cabdalle Cismaan Shafey, Cabdillaahi Cawed Cige, Maxamed Ibraahin Warsame “Hadraawi”, Hinda Maxamed Jaamac, Ibraahin Yuusuf Axmed “Hawd”, Jaamac Muuse Jaamac, Maxamed Jaamac “Kayd”, Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac “Gaarriye”, Rashiid Sheekh Cabdillaahi “Gadhwayne”, Xasan Cabdi Madar. © 2012 Xuquuqda qoraalkani waxay u dhawrantahay soo saaraha wargayska. "Hargeysa International Book Fair has grown exponentially over the past five years, both in size and significance. It About us not only represents the main platform for arts in Somaliland, but it is now one of the largest public celebrations of literature in East Africa. We are so proud to host and present the work of Redsea-Online is a cultural foundation based in Italy and in Somaliland which internationally based writers, journalists, promotes a culture of reading and creative writing in Somali society, with scholars, independent thinkers and particular focus on youth. Their main target is to preserve the value of Somali artists in the Capital of the Republic of traditional wisdom (literature, indigenous science, traditional games, language Somaliland." and all other forms of art and human expression) in the form of the written word.

Redsea-Online Cultural Foundation aims to assist the development and availability Jama Musse Jama, Director of literacy and IT in Somaliland as a fundamental objective. Redsea-Online strives to promote access to libraries among the civil societies and encourages the establishment of library facilities in schools, higher education’s institutions, local governments and any other relevant institutions.

Redsea-Online works closely with Kayd Somali Arts and Culture promoting Somali culture, litrature and arts. Kayd’s aim is to contribute to the creation of the concept of tolerance and an appreciation of the diversity of Somali cultures through education, promoting writing, reading, performances, festivals, debates and discussions like the Somali Week Festival.

Redsea Online......

Redsea Online waa urur dhaqan oo ka dhisan dalalka Talyaaniga iyo Somaliland, oo dhiirrigeliya dhaqanka akhriska iyo qoraalka ee ummadda ku hadasha afka Soomaaliga, gaar ahaan dhallinyarada Somaliland. Ururku waxa uu taageeraa, isla markaa na dhiirigeliyaa farsamada casriga ah ee isgaadhsiinta iyo xidhiidhka ee bulshoweynta Somaliland. Wuxuu kobciyaa isla markaa na fidiyaa suugaan Soomaaliyeed oo tayadeedu sarrayso ha ahaato curisyo, sooyaal, mala-awaal, saynis, gabay iyo masrixiyad inta ba. Redsea-Online waxa uu u fududeeyaa bulshada Af Soomaaliga ku hadasha, gaar ahaan dhallinyarada, ka bogashada suugaanta qalaalood iyada oo lagu soo gudbinayo suugaantaas afka Soomaaliga.

03 Hargeysa International Book Fair and Moving Library 2012

Again this year, Redsea-online Cultural Foundation in collaboration with Kayd Somali Arts and Culture and other partners are proud to present Hargeysa International Book Fair 2012 and the Moving Library Tour in Somaliland.

Moving Library Tour - 2nd-9th of July 2012 - Somaliland

The Moving Library Tour will take place in the first week of July 2012 through different routes by touching several Somaliland cities as part of the Fifth Hargeysa International Book Fair (HIBF). The aim this year is for the Moving Library Tour to return to some of those cities/towns and investigate the progress made by local authorities with regard to their commitment to realize a local public library.

The main aim of the moving library tour was to bring books to towns and cities and facilitate access to literature through local reading clubs. Furthermore, we sought to visit local authorities to pledge to establish local public libraries. The idea of the moving library is to ensure hard to reach people, particularly the youth in rural towns and villages can also have an opportunity to not only see variety of books for the first time, but also to build the grassroots of a society that craves a reading culture and desire accessibility to books. We wanted to instill the importance of literature, so that the locals can demand and follow up with their local government the pledge to create public, multi-purpose reading centers for their cities. In every city/town the moving library visited, we donated “a seeding” set of books to start with, and in return, the local authority signed a memorandum of understanding, binding them to the establishment of a local public library. We strongly believe that this task will improve the reading culture of Somaliland societies not only in Hargeysa area but also other regions of the country.

The enthusiasm of local people was evident throughout the moving library tour 2011, highlighting the motivation of the people to learn, engage and become involved in literacy. The moving library tour and book fair attracted thousands of people who enjoyed the books and took part in the interactive workshops and discussions. For the first time locals outside of Hargeysa were visted in their towns and cities, we reached out to local people across Somaliland, and their enthusiasm to join in with the artistic and creative activities was apparent. Young people especially, were keen to get involved and eager to explore the literature on offer.

Based on progress reports and updates from the regional readers club, we are hopeful that out of the 9 cities/town’s we visited, two would have achieved their goal of securing both the land and building of local public library. After the tour, the regional youth and readers clubs representatives will go together to Hargeysa, and represent their respective regions to showcase their yearly activities during the book fair.

04 Hargeysa International Book Fair - 13th – 18th July 2012 Redsea Cultural Foundation and its partners are delighted to announce the 2012 Hargeysa International Book Fair (HIBF), now in its fifth year running. This week- long fair based around the theme of ‘Visualizing the Future’ will take place from 13th-18th July 2012 at the Beerta Xorriyadda, Hargeysa.

Last year’s theme of ‘Collective Memory’ enabled citizens of Somaliland to share their experiences, memories, and mementos, in order to forge and strengthen a sense of national collective identity and citizenship. Building on last year, our 2012 theme encourages participants to offer a wide range of perspectives in order to reflect on future aims and aspirations for the country.

Visualizing the Future During the last four years, HIBF has, through its emphasis on literature, discussion, and debate, explored a range of themes, including citizenship, censorship, and collective memories. This year we will emphasize the role of literature and a range of other artistic expressions, in the building of sustainable future for Somaliland.

HIBF will serve as a platform for civil society to participate in open dialogue and debate the role of science, business, investment, development and tourism in Somaliland. Particular attention will be paid to the current state of the environment and future climate change. Our aim is to unite all sectors of society to create a common vision for the future.

In the past, Somaliland’s youth have had limited opportunities to participate in political processes and in particular to have their voices heard on issues pertaining to citizenship and collective responsibilities, and cultural, economic, and social developments. HIBF 2012 provides a platform where individuals of different ages and backgrounds can partake in intellectual debates and come together to actively shape their own futures. HIBF 2012 intends to further expand on its work on citizenship, by bringing together youth from different regions of Somaliland. Focusing on the diversity of educational, social, economic, and cultural experiences of young Somalilanders, the festival seeks to empower young people to articulate their expectations and goals for the future.

HIBF will also serve as a space for key opinion makers to speak about the future of their society. Local writers, poets, scholars, and journalists will engage in discussions on different topics. They will be joined by internationally distinguished writers, artists and those across the diaspora.

05 Friday, 13th July 9:00 -10:45 Opening Ceremony

HIBF will be inaugurated with the Somaliland national anthem and “Waddanigu waa,”a song written by Xasan Ganay and performed by SOCSA.

Reflections on “The Future” of Somaliland This session will open with an introductory speech by the Minister of Culture, who will launch the festival and explore relevant issues relating to the future of Somaliland’s society. The world-renowned poet, Mahamed Ibarahim Warsame “Hadraawi”, will then reflect on the festival theme. A discussion panel will subsequently discuss and provide an outline of an ‘African perspective’ on the future and development of the country.

Panelists: Maxamuud Sheikh Dalmar, Axmed Sheikh Jaamac, Saleeban Guuleed, Shukri Xaji Bandare, Amina -Milgo Mahamud and representatives of Unugga Waddaniyadda. A question and answer session will follow.

The Moving Library initiatives A short documentary will be screened documenting the 2011 Moving Library. A discussion panel will assess the ongoing campaign urging local authorities to open libraries in all Somaliland’s major urban areas.

11:00-11:30 Somali infused jazz: Evan Christopher with Faysal Omar Mushteeg At this historic musical event, the New Orleans-based clarinettist Evan Christopher, known for his personal brand of “contemporary early jazz”, meets Faysal Mushteeg, a Somali vocalist, lute player and pioneer of Qaraami music. This exciting event will bring together not only two contrasting traditions, but also two virtuoso performers from different continents to forge what will be a creative and experimental evening of music. Christopher is deeply committed to exploring the full range of musical possibilities in the New Orleans clarinet tradition, and his music has been praised by critics as “adventurous,” “earthy and passionate” and as “a triumph, joining the present seamlessly to a glorious past”. Mushteeg, nationally recognized as the definitive modern Somali singer, is renowned for his poetic lyrics and deeply emotive improvisations. As a composer and public intellectual he has contributed to the historic development of .

© copyright - Photo by Jim McGuire

06 11:30-12:30: A tour of books, paintings and other forms of Somaliland’s artistic expressions

The Book Fair opens its doors! Visitors will have a chance to browse the book stalls, acquire new items for public libraries and national university libraries. All visiting authors will be available for book signing and informal meetings with the audience. A networking event for regional readers’ club members will take place throughout the morning and paintings from the AfrikaNation Artists Association will be on display.

Saturday 14th July Book Launches and Discussions

9:00 -10:30 Nadifa Mahamed: highlights from her new book This morning event will showcase the work of Nadifa Mahamed, a young female British Somalilander. Her debut novel Black Mamba Boy is a tribute to the spectacular travels of her father, from his days as a young street child in Aden, to his extraordinary journeys across Africa and , to when he finally settled in the UK. The novel has received international critical acclaim and was launched at HIBF 2010. Nadifa Mahamed has been hailed as one of the most promising Somali authors of her generation. Nadifa Mahamed, whose writing has been shaped by a host of writers outside the Western mainstream, will share her experience as a writer with her Somaliland audience. She will also discuss and read extracts from her new novel. HIBF is delighted to invite Nadifa Mahamed back again to her hometown as a shining example and inspiration to Somaliland youth. Respondents: three young readers

10:30-10:50 Break for book signing and informal meetings with the guest author.

10:50- 16:40 Recently published and forthcoming Somali literature This multi-panel session will present the Curisyo & Iswaydaari series and discuss recently published modern Somali literature as well as new titles due to be published in the coming year.

Panel 1: 10:50-11:30 Cursiyo Series Curisyo is a series of fiction books published and distributed by Ponte Invisibile (redsea-online.com), which explore the theme of citizenship, tackling issues such as the environment, clan identity and political participation. Siciid Jaamac Xuseen, author of “Shufbeel,” a short novel that is part of Curisyo Series, will share with the audience the importance of reading and writing within Somali society.

Panel 2: 11:30 – 12:30 Iswaydaarsi Series This panel will feature the recently published Iswaydaarsi 2 – Essays in Honour of Muuse Ismaaciil Galaal, edited by Jama Musse Jama with a preface by Professor I M Lewis, Ponte Invisibile (redsea-online), Pisa, 2011. This volume is the second in a new series of books called “Iswaydaarsi” (Exchange), published by Ponte Invisibile. This series intends to provide specific knowledge of international classical literature to the Somali-speaking readership and at the same time translate Somali literature and wisdom into other languages.

Respondents: George Kapchits, Maxamuud Xaaji Ibraahim

07 Panel 3: 15:30-16:40 Recently published series This panel will launch the translated short stories by Anton Chekov Iswaydaarsi 3, translated into Somali by Siciid Jaamac Xuseen with contributions by Mohamed Alto and Rashiid Sh. Abdillaahi and published by Ponte Invisibile Press.

Other books: “Magan” by Mustafe Adan Nuur “Ha is dhiibin weligaa” by Yuusuf Xasan “Culuunta Suugaanta” by Siciid Maxamuud Gahayr “Educational materials for schools: English” Cabdicasiis Maxamed Yoonis "Ansaari" “Educational materials for schools: Somali” Naasir Dheeg Ciise

16:45 – 18:10 Share your talent! Young People’s Perspectives Emerging artists and poets will present their work alongside more established and renowned poets and writers. This event aims not only to introduce and provide an opportunity for up-and-coming artists to learn from and exchange ideas with established artists, but also to re-introduce Somali poetry to the younger generation for the purposes of cultural preservation.

Young emerging artist participants: Mawliid Maxamed Odowaa, Yaxye Yeebaash, Yaasmiin M Kahin, Hooda-ayaan Suldaan, Nafiisa Xaaji Ciise Yuusuf, Axmed Cabdillaahi Cabdi, Cabdillaahi Xassan Cabdillaahi (Baxraawi), Kayse Maxamed Xuseen, Axmed Maxamed Badeed, Cabdishakur Maxamed Xuseen (meecaad) “Murtimaal”, Yaasiin Yuusuf Magan “Murtimaal”, Cabdi Gaydh, Caato, Maxamed Ibraahim Axmed, Cabdinuur Cawil Xaashi, Cali Dhanaaniye and more.

19:00 -2 0:00 The Play – “The Future” Abdirahman Yusuf Artan has compiled a dramatic sketch entitled “Visualizing the Future.” This theatrical performance scrutinizes important hallmarks in the past and present of Somali culture, religion and history; it highlights events that stand out in the social, political and cultural life of the nation. The sketch weaves together traditional folk songs and dances emanating from the ancient past with recent events including the country’s democratization processes and the building of modern institutions. SOCSA Team – Selected terms and excerpts from the Dictionary of Cultural Terms (Erey iyo Aqoon) will be read prior to the performance.

20:00 - 21:00 Contemporary ‘early-jazz’ from New Orleans with king of Somali Lute Evans Christopher’s New Orleans jazz music will feature once again and draw to a close the second day of the festival with the King of the Lute Hudaydi.

08 Sunday, 15th July

9:00 – 10:30: Keynote Speech - The Future of our Environment Speaker: Amina-Milgo Mahamud

Presentation: The State of the Environment and Climate Change: The Role of the Community in Shaping the Future of their Environment. The critical state of the environment is crucial to any discussion of development. Amina Milgo’s presentation will focus on practical ways of facilitating community involvement in the ownership and management of natural resources. She will discuss the importance of promoting actions such as community declarations, community funds for the environment, community plots for planting trees and environmental clubs in schools. The discussion will acquaint the audience with environmental work that is still in its preliminary stages, and centres on involving communities in sustaining their environment, lobbying the government and shaping their own sustainable future.

Respondents: Sadia Muuse, Ahmed Elmi, Ahmed Gahayr

10.30 – 12.30 New Literature

10:30 – 11:10: Dirkii Sacmaallada' by Axmed Ibrahim Awale This book is an attempt to reconstruct the history of the Somali people. The author, who conducted original primary research on linguistic and environmental features by travelling across Somaliland regions, presents in this volume new hypotheses about the origin of the , including the etymology of the word “Somali” itself.

11:10–11:50: 'The Poetry and Life History of Timacadde: 1920-1973' by Bobe Yusuf Duale Somali poetry has generally been unavailable to English-speaking audiences and there has been a dearth of collections of translated poetry. This volume introduces the work of Abdillahi Suldan, whose work is distinctly Somali, yet universally appealing to those outside the Somali-speaking world. The esteemed and beloved role Abdillahi Suldan holds in Somali society to this day reflects the importance of poetry as the pillar and vital means of communication within Somali culture. Bobe Yusuf Du'ale, who has been collating Suldan’s poetry for many years, will discuss and recite poetry from this major anthology.

11:50-12:20: Book launch: “Gorforkii Yimi” published by Ponte Invisibile (redsea-online), Pisa, 2012 The Vulture has Landed is a collection of short stories that includes: Don’t Lose, The Vulture has Landed, Delicate Hope and A Thorn in the Sole. These are stories written prior to the Somali civil war that dislocated people’s lives and destroyed so much of Somali values and culture. These stories capture everyday issues of love, despair, hunger, anger, ambition and fear - experiences Somalis share with the rest of humanity.

15.30-16.30 - New literature continued This afternoon session will feature book displays, readings and signing. Young people from local Somali communities will be invited to read selections from featured books chosen by the authors who will be available to meet informally with the audience. We will also launch books by recently published diaspora Somali authors who will be invited to present and read from their work.

09 “Dhab u fiiri waayaha” by Axmed Ismaaciil Maxamed “Hadiyadda halgamayaasha” by Maxamed Xirsi Guuleed (Abdibashir) “Suugaantii Yaxye Yeebaash” by Yaxye Yeebaash “Xasuuqii Jasiira”, by Marwan Magan

16:30–18:00 Getting Somalia Wrong? Presentation by the author and BBC Africa Editor, Mary Harper In Getting Somalia Wrong? Mary Harper provides a concise account of how and why Somalia reached its present situation of state collapse, whilst managing to defy classical theories on the nation state by having functioning sectors. The author argues that the Somalia we once knew may no longer function in a conventional way, but that, in many respects, the situation is far from being that of a failed state.

18:30-20:00 Keynote Speech: Youth and Citizenship in Somaliland: Implications for the Future This session will feature Ridwan Osman, a PhD candidate from Cambridge University who will talk about “Discourses of Citizenship in Somaliland: Implications for the Future.” The panel will host representatives of youth organizations, Somaliland Nationalism Cell and regional readers’ clubs as well as the Minister of National Planning.

Respondents: Unugga Waddaniyadda, representatives from regional readers clubs

20:00 - 21:30 Somaliland future investment The Minister of National Planning, Dr. Saad Ali Shire, will speak about the current business climate in Somaliland, current plans to improve political and legal conditions, and to foster regional and foreign business investment. He will be joined for a panel discussion by local entrepreneurs and British investors.

Monday 16 July

Book launch and discussion 9 -10:30: George Kapchits presents his new book Dr Georgi Kapchits will launch his book "Soomaali been ma maahmaahdo"/"Somalis do not lie in proverbs" based on forty years of work on Somali proverbs. The introduction familiarises the reader with the modern theory of premiology, describes some literary features of Somali proverbs and sayings, and offers their classification, paving the way to the paremiological minimum of the . The first part of the book presents 249 of the most popular Somali proverbs and proverbial phrases in Somali, with an English translation. The second part provides the reader with several thousand Somali proverbs, the majority of which have been received from oral sources. Dr Kapchits will read from his book and discuss the importance of proverbs in Somali society.

10 10:30 – 11:30: The world of International Publishing Speaker: Helen Conford This event will be introduced by Helen Conford from Penguin publishers who will discuss the importance of world literature and international publishing. Helen will be joined by Nadifa Mahamed and Mary Harper who will share their experiences of publishing for an international audience. Helen Conford is the publishing Director at Penguin, where she has worked since 2003. Her focus is oon non-fiction work and she publishes a wide range of authors, including Naomi Klein, Scott Schuman (The Sartorialist) and John Lanchester. She was shortlisted for the UK Young Publishing Entrepreneur Award in 2009.

Respondents: Nadifa Mohamed, Mary Harper

11:30–12:30: Said Salah Said Salah, a highly-esteemed playwright, poet and teacher will recite some of his most popular poetry. Salah, who currently lives in Minnesota, is famous for his play Aqoon iyo afgarad (Knowledge and Understanding). His work has garnered several awards: his song, ‘Midwife’ was voted one of the top four in the United Nations International Year of the Child Children’s Song Contest, and in 2005, he was awarded the Virginia McKnight Binger award for Human Service.

Continuation of presentations from the recently published series: 15:30-16:30 - New literature

The literature day will feature book displays, readings and signings. Young people from local Somali communities will be invited to read selections from featured books chosen by the authors who will be available to meet informally with the audience. We will also feature book launches by recently published diaspora Somali authors who will also be invited to present and read from their work.

Panel chaired by Cabdi Yuusuf Ducaale “Boobe” Books to be presented “Garaad koriye” by Musa Dalmar “Ma abaal gudee, waan aar gudaa” by Axmed Diriye “Toorno” “Maanso ruugyadii qarnigii 19aad iyo milicsiga xogihii ku duugnaa” by Farhan m Hidig

16:30 – 17:15 Maxamuud Sheekh Dalmar – Professionalism in the Somaliland media Dalmar is a public intellectual, Islamic scholar and BBC journalist who also has experience working with a range of Somali media outlets. He will speak to journalists and other representatives from the media about the importance of representation, language use and professionalism within journalistic practice.

Darandoorri (reading together): representatives of the regional readers’ clubs will read excerpts from a list of selected terminology and definitions to encourage the culture of reading.

11 17:15 – 18:30 Film – The Culture of Resistance, directed by Iara Lee Does each gesture really make a difference? Can music and dance be weapons of peace? In 2003, on the eve of the Iraq war, director Iara Lee embarked on a journey to better understand a world increasingly embroiled in conflict and, as she saw it, heading for self-destruction. After several years, travelling over five continents, Iara encountered growing numbers of people who committed their lives to promoting change. She presented their story in a film: The Culture of Resistance. Hargeysa International Book Fair is delighted to feature this great production.

19:30 – 21:00 Women’s Evening in collaboration with Negaad This evening will be dedicated to the artistic talent and leadership skills of the women in our society. Female artists and influential figures will discuss the role of women, and highlight the challenges and opportunities for women. Female poets will be invited to recite their poetry.

Keynote Speaker: Shukri Xaji Bandare Presentation: The future of our society through the rule of law

The rule of law constitutes the foundation of a modern democracy as well as a traditional way of governance. The speaker will engage with the audience on the current state of the legal system in Somaliland.

Tuesday 17th July

9-11:00: Science, technology and development with particular focus on ICTD The Science Awareness Day is crucial to Somaliland's long-term development as it seeks to shift away from its dependency on foreign aid towards becoming a manufacturing nation. With the motto "Science for Sustainable Development', the day hopes to mobilise the energy and resources of the diaspora community to effectively contribute to the development of the country. This year we will focus the ICT for Development with a particular focus on in-house software production.

Participants include: Representatives of Ministry of Higher Education and representatives of Somaliland’s universities and higher education institutions.

11.00-12.00 – Introducing Hussein A Bulhan's new book Hussein A Bulhan will present his new book “Losing the Art of Survival and Dignity--Somali Transition from Self-Reliance and Self-Esteem to Dependence and Shame”. The author will also discuss future work. The other is: “In-Between Three Civilizations- -Archeology of Forgotten Experience and the Triple Heritage of Somalis.”

12 15:30-16:45: New books presentations A range of financial and structural barriers, including the availability of adequate printing machinery limits the local production of books in Somaliland. Despite these restrictions, this slot is dedicated to the books published locally. Local authors will share their experiences with Somali authors who publish abroad.

“Kadab gooye” by Barkhad Maxamed Kaariye “Daadah series” and “The Lion & The Squirrel” by Zainab Dahir “Qorshaha Horumarinta Hargaysa ee shanta sano ee soo socda”, by Maxamuud J. Axmed “Milicsiga Dagaalkii 1988-kii” by Sayid Axmed

16:45 – 18:30 : Arts The afternoon session is intended to represent and allow the audience to enjoy the varied and exciting art, culture and literature from Djibouti. Authors from Djibouti have been invited to present and enlighten the audience on the art and cultural production of their home country. The main guest will be writer Abdalla Haaji (Author of Xeer Ciise) and Idiris Muusa Ahmed, Director of the Culture Department of the Ministry of Culture of Djibouti. Selected documentaries from the Djibouti National TV archives will also be screened.

19:30 – 20:30 Celebration of the Sheeko iyo Shaahid Competition This competition is intended to inspire the youth to participate in critically thinking, composing, storytelling, preserving and participating in Somali culture and arts. The participants are expected to present original short stories and the winners will receive a literary award. Winners of the previous editions of Sheeko iyo Shaahid will be invited, and the new volume “Title”, containing the winning stories of the 2010 competition will be presented. The 2011 winners will be announced and prizes will be awarded by Nadifa Maxamuud.

20:30-21:30 Sooyaal – Somali culture, history, language and wisdom Muuse Cali Faruur, Axmed Shiikh Jama and Maxamed Siciid Gees will discuss with the public how to preserve our culture for future generations. A video clip will be shown on the connections between the Somali language and Egypt.

Wednesday 18th July 2011

Readers’ Club Presentation 9:00 – 11:00

This session will feature a presentation on the role of the readers’ club in Somaliland based on this year’s theme. Eight different readers’ clubs from across the country will be allocated 20-minute slots to present the work they have been carrying out in the past year.

13 12:00 – 13.30 Book Display, and Traditional Board Games and their role for pedagogy: Shax

Authors who have published in the past two years will present their work and be available to sign their books and talk to visitors. We will also organise training sessions and the first Somaliland Shax Game tournament. Shax is the most popular game amongst Somali men and is typically played by marking a board on the ground and using stones or sticks as pieces. The game has a large influence on Somali literature, and within the historical nomadic lifestyle of the Somali people, Shax was an important method of communication. The first Somaliland Shax tournament will award the title of Shax Player of the Year. Facilitators: Hoodo-Ayaan, Abdirahim Adan Buni, Mustafe, Fatxi Musse Adan, and Shaqalle.

15:30 – 16.30 Hargeysa International Book Fair for Juniors: The Somaliland Circus

Hargeysa International Book Fair in collaboration with Havoyoco presents the Somaliland Circus. This is an entertaining event for young and future readers. Axmed Aw Geeddi and Xasan Cabdi Madar's children’s book “Riyaaq” will be performed by the Somaliland Circus Group.

16:30 – 17:30 Summing Up and Conclusions – The Way Forward

HIBF concludes the six-day program of events with a summary of the main points from the various panels and lectures, and a discussion on the theme and guidelines for 2013.

19:30 – 21:00 Gala appetizer (by invitation). An evening of theatre: “On Visualizing the Future” by Abdirahman Yusuf Arten

Abdirahman Yusuf Artan has compiled a dramatic sketch entitled “Visualizing the Future”. This theatrical performance scrutinizes important hallmarks in the past and present of Somali culture, religion and history; it highlights events that stand out in the social, political and cultural life of the nation. The sketch weaves together traditional folk songs and dances emanating from the ancient past with recent events, including the country’s democratization processes and the building of modern institutions.

Hargeysa International Book Fair will conculed with live music and songs performed by Abdurahman Ma’alin Aydid, a renowned musician with Sahra Ilays and more.

14 Biographies of Hargeysa International Book Fair Visiting Artists and Writers 2012

Keynote speakers, guest authors and artists HIBF-2012 will feature prominent national and international authors, artists and speakers, including Somaliland based authors, Diaspora based authors as well as internationally celebrated authors who will present their literature.

Maxamuud Shiekh Dalmar is an expert in the history of and , Maxamuud is also a long time broadcaster at the Somali section of the BBC and other different Somali speaking media outlets. Maxamuud is known role model who is respected by young Somalilanders including aspiring journalist. Maxamuud’s contribution to social issues, culture and the promotion of literature in the Somali community as well as his experience working in Somali media outlet will provide valuable insight for the young attendees.

Said Salah Ahmed, known to Somalis as Said Salah is one of the giant Somali playwrights, poets, a teacher and a producer who distinguished himself with his careful sensibilities, uncanny observation and the ability to tap into the social psyche. Somali language is fortunate enough to be his teaching baton, and Somalis are lucky enough to have him as a savvy, sentinel contributor. Said has come in to the performing arts’ arena after, in his own words, “the classroom proved to be too small.” To spread his passion, the power of words wider, he turned to the theatre. Said’s craft follow a fine tuning with historical contexts on the side the social justice. Some of his most powerful, moving pieces are those that tackle patriotism with psychological, nomadic traces. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

Nadiifa Mohamed was born in Hargeysa, Somaliland in 1981 and was educated in the UK, studying history and politics at St Hilda’s College, Oxford. Although she grew up in the UK and Nadifa maintained and remained connected to her birth country. Her debut Novel Black Mamba Boy is a tribute to the spectacular travels of her father from his days as a young street child in Aden to his extraordinary journeys across Africa and Europe to when he finally settled in the UK. Black Mamba Boy which has received critical acclaim was launched in HIBF 2010 HIBF and Nadifa has been hailed as one of the most promising Somali authors of her generation. HIBF is delighted to invite Nadifa Mohamed again back to her hometown as a shining example and inspiration to the Somaliland youth and for the book launch and book signing.

Dr Georgi Kapchits was born on 2.10.1939. In 1967 he graduated from the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University, where he qualified as a linguist in the field of and Somali language studies. From 1967 to 1994 he worked as a broadcaster in the Somali Section of Radio Moscow's World Service. Since 1994 he has been working as a commentator at the Information Department of the State Radio Company "Voice of Russia". Dr Kapchits has lectured on the Somali language at the Universities of Moscow and Berlin. Dr. Kapchits recollection of Somali culture, tradition and history and the wealth of experience and knowledge he has will provide valuable insight for the future of Somaliland and the Somali youth.

Ahmed Ismail “Hudaydi” is the greatest Somali player of ‘Cuud’ or Lute. He was born in Aden and immigrated to Somaliland early 1940s. His music career started at a very young age, while he was still at school. Hudaydi is also known for writing songs. Hudaydi became a very successful musician and joined Walaalaha Hargeysa music band as "Chief of Orchestra". His music style earned him the title

15 of ‘King of Lute’ or ‘Hudaydi Style Lute’. Numerous appearances on radio, TV and in concert followed. Hudaydi has been living in the UK since 1994 and appears very often in Somali music scenes and he teaches music to many of different backgrounds. Hudaydi was at the Hargeysa International Book Fair in 2009 and we are delighted he will be joining us again this year where he will be perform with Evan Christopher, the lead member of a New Orleans Jazz band.

Ahmed Ismail Yusuf’s short stories appeared in Bildhaan: an International Journal of Somali studies, Mizna: an Arab-American literary magazine and his academic papers in the Journal of Muslim Mental Health; Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology; International Society for Traumatic-stress Studies; scripts for plays on Somalis television and articles and reviews on several Somali web-sites. He has a B.S. in creative writing and psychology from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut; and an MPA (Master of Public Affairs) from the Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs of the University of Minnesota. He currently works at the University of Minnesota in United States of American. Ahmed is simultaneously publishing two books in this fall. “Gorgorkii Yimi” with Redsea-Online Publishing Group is a collection of short stories in Somali, and “Somalis in Minnesota” with the Minnesota Historical Society, which is about how Somalis chose to be Minnesotans.

Iara Lee is a Korean/Brazilian/American film producer, director and activist. Before she moved to the U.S in 1989, Iara used to run the Brazil film Festival. She then went behind the camera, attended film school and made three short films.

Iara is the founder of the Cultures of Resistance Network Foundation. As an activist, she has collaborated with numerous grassroots efforts, including the International Campaign to Ban Cluster Munitions, the New York Philharmonic's groundbreaking 2008 music-for-diplomacy concert in North Korea and creative resistance projects in Iran, Lebanon, Palestine. In May 2010, Iara was a passenger on the MV Mavi Marmara, a passenger vessel in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla which was attacked in international waters by the Israeli navy. Her crew was the only one to successfully hide and retain most of the raid footage, which she later released to the world after a screening at the UN. Iara Lee is now working on her latest documentary film, The Suffering Grasses, a documentary about the Syrian revolution.

Hargeysa international Book Fair is excited to have Iara Lee at the Festival and we will showcase her feature-length documentary film, Cultures of Resistance, which celebrates creative acts of political struggle.

Saed Jama The author, Saed Jama is short storywriter and one of pilasters of the literary promotion in the Somali speaking society. He speaks six languages. He is the author of “Shufbeel” “Shufbeel” is a collection of essays and short stories, including modern and traditional Somali wisdom and entertainment (murti iyo madaddaalo). Said is passionate about preserving the Somali language and more specifically safeguarding the survival and transition of formal spoken Somali to written standardise Somali which can be used by future generations while maintain the oral richness associated with the oral Somali language. Saed is an asset to HIBF, representing the spirit of sustaining and developing Somali literature for the future generation.

Helen Conford a publishing director at Penguin, where she has worked since 2003. Her focus is in non-fiction and she publishes a wide range of authors including Naomi Klein, Scott Schuman (The Sartorialist) and John Lanchester. She was shortlisted for the UK Young Publishing Entrepreneur Award in 2009.

Ridwan M Osman lived and grew up in Somaliland before going to Cambridge to study his masters and later his PhD at Cambridge University, Faculty of Education. Ridwan has successfully completed his Master of Philosophy of Education in Cambridge with thesis on Citizenship, Identity and Citizenship Education in Somaliland. Ridwan will be chairing the debate table on the youth and their future contributions, as well as providing a successfully and positive role model for the Somali youth, particularly young boys in education.

16 Evan Christopher is deeply committed to exploring the full range of musical possibilities in the New Orleansclarinet tradition, and his music has been praised as “adventurous,” “earthy and passionate” and describedby critics as “a triumph, joining the present seamlessly to a glorious past.” After the 2005 flooding of NewOrleans he traveled continuously for two years embracing his role as an ambassador for the city's music traditions. His CD, "Finesse" was chosen as jazz album of the year for 2010 by the Times UK.

© copyright - Photo by Jim McGuire

Michael Walls is an MSc Course Director and lectures in Development Management at the Development Planning Unit of University College London (UCL) and over the past 7 years has undertaken research in political science with a specific focus on the emergence of a system of state in Somaliland.

Quman Akli has recently graduted with Master Degree from Brunel University where she read law. Her long-running interest in human rights has since lead her to join an immigration firm which focuses specifically on the complex issues experienced by refugee communities and immigrants.


Gorgorkii Yimi (The Vulture has Landed) by Ahmed Ismail Yusuf The vulture has landed is a collection of short stories that include: Don’t lose; The Vulture has Landed; Delicate Hope and A Thorn in the Sole. These are short stories that are mostly based on right on the eve of the Somali civil war that either dislodged and dislocated us or demonized and destroyed all we dare to care about. Long before the parasitic pirates, besides the pile of death, beyond the curtain of pain, behind the shadow of Al-shabab’s all despair, lies an indomitable human spirit, dispensing stories that vary in content and concept but share a common trait: an exigency for love of life! These stories would lead one to surmise that Somalis, after all, are a part of the human race; so love, despair, hunger, anger, ambition and fear are all alive and well in them! Thus, the stories range from when we were able to enjoy a simple game of soccer to a people under the siege fearing the worst kind of indignity. Case in point, The Vulture has Landed is about a bride who, judging from the mayhem all around her, knows that she is going to be raped, possibly right before her nine-year-old sister and her husband. As she begins to think about how to prepare herself for the worst, she is taken over by the spell of an unknown and unnamed, courageous spirit that imbues her with a delirium-like determination to save her sister from both the physical encounter and the psychological effect of rape. She swears to God that no matter what, she will not let her sister be raped and further, she will not let herself be raped right before her younger sister, period.

Anton Chekhov, Sheekooyin la soo xulay Iswaydaarsi (Exchange) series No. 3

A selection of short stories by Anton Chekhov in English and translated into Somali by Said Jama Hussein with the help of Mahamed Hassan Alto and Rashid Shiekh Abdilahi. ISBN/EAN: 88-88934-28-6 /

17 9788888934280, Pisa, 2011. This short volume is the third of “Iswaydaarsi series”, and the essence of this attempt at translating some of Chekhov’s short stories has been the fulfilment of the ambitious aim, albeit to a very small degree, of introducing the Somali reader to the cultural world of Chekhov through the glimpses of realities he artfully depicts in his own unique style of the world and culture of his time in Russia.

Essays and poetry translation in Honour of Musa H. Ismail Galaal Iswaydaarsi (Exchange) series, No. 2

ISBN/EAN: 88-88934-27-8 / 9788888934273, Pisa, 2011. With the Preface of professor I M Lewis and with contributions from Sheila Andrzejewski, Anita Adams, Martin Orwin and Jama Musse Jama, this collection of essays narrate the life and work of late Musa H Ismail Galal. It includes also a selection of visiting artists translated works in collaboration with Poetry Translation Center: poets translated include Mohamed Hashi Dhama “Gaarriye”, Axmed Shiekh Jama, Saado Abdi Amarre, Jaama Kadiye and Hure Walanwal.

Book Review: Getting Somalia Wrong by Mary Harper Mary Harper, the author of the "Getting Somalia Wrong", will be presenting her book during the upcoming Hargeysa International Book Fair in July 2012 This review intends to introduce the book to the audience and anticipate few highlights of it. This recently released short volume, has largely been well received by the Somali diaspora community and has already made waves in diplomatic circles. The book was smartly presented by the author (a seasoned journalist) and benefitted from an engaged and critical audience, in well attended event hosted by Kayd Somali Arts in London. Without giving away too much -- I highly recommend you read the book. Mary Harper premises “Getting Somalia Wrong” on two main investigations: the first, an analysis of (failed) international policy approaches to Somalia and the second an exploration of political and economic gains made by Somalis despite the challenging environment they face.

Starting with the first investigation, Mary leaves no international intervention unexamined and the first part of the book explores a web of often illogical approaches to Somalia problem. Even when it is abundantly clear that intervention will exacerbate a fragile and unpredictable situation, mistaken approaches continue being steadfastly pursued. The book leaves no doubt about the inability of international actors to respond to the ever changing security situation in Somalia which may explain the plurality of opinion on the appropriate and successful policy approaches towards Somalia. Analyst have advocated for measures representing both extremes of the foreign policy spectrum including by calling for complete "disengagement" (given the abject failures of previous efforts) whereas others advice, in order to contain the security risk, the blunt tools of the war on terror should be used or at least provide tacit support for the aggression by neighbouring countries. Exactly how much or little support (read: intervention) is required/justified from the international community -- in order to help create conditions in Somalia which promote peace, security, good governance and respect for fundamental rights -- is hotly contested. What is clear however (and the book evidences) is viewing and approaching the situation in Somalia exclusively through the prism of security has not in the past and will not in the future, lead to a sustainable peace and stability.

The “Getting Somalia Wrong” analysis carried throughout the book is an accurate and very damning of the international community's experiments in Somalia. Mary concisely traces the failings in policy and approaches to Somalia whether they be related to activities in the humanitarian, international diplomacy or military sectors. The outcomes of these failings, have sadly had a real impact on the lives and experiences of ordinary Somali citizens who have been forced to endure a protracted and brutal civil/international armed conflict, mass displacements and loss of life. There is much validity in Mary's approach of bringing in to focus the positive gains made by Somalis and highlighting the strength, resilience and entrepreneurial acumen of Somali people. Whether it be the lessons we can learn, from the peace and democratisation gains made in Somaliland, the

18 thriving private sector, the short promise of stability created by the Islamic Courts in Somalia and more recently, the glimmers of hope which have emerged from Mogadishu. International actors should therefore pay greater attention to what works, understand why it works and build on those gains made.

The book is accessible, well researched, concise and provides a frank documentation of a long line of foreign policy failures towards Somalia. Having said that, it leaves some important areas unexplored For example, some may question what role Somalis themselves have played in creating their own malaise. Although the book does not analyse the negative contributions made by Somali actors themselves (who have imposed their malicious, destructive and vicious ways on a deeply traumatized and depleted community), it is not unfairly skewed in its examination. Another missing point in the chronology list (although explained inside of the book) of the major events includes the 1988 destruction of Hargeysa and Burco, where the former Somali Republic Government forces bombarded and destroyed both cities, where according to African Watch 50,000 non-combatants where killed by the government between June 1988 and January 1989 (see Samatar S. Historical Settings: Somalia's difficult decade 1980-1990 ); and the massive extrajudicial of thousands of people taken place, and according to the statistical records by UNHCR only in three months of time more than 300,000 citizens were attempted to flee to .

Arguable the key strength in the analysis is its conscious effort to search for Somali success stories which challenge the simplistic and one dimensional analysis of Somalia as a failed state. Yes, it is undeniable the recognised government of Somalia has and continues to fail to provide essential services, the most important one being the protection of life. Yes, the Somali Republic hasn't existed for over 21 years and attempts to revive it have been costly, blind to local realities, disenfranchised stakeholders and so far desperately futile. Mary Harper, however, also explores how Somalis have continued to live and succeed in unexpected ways. The second part of the book, which explores these successes, is a true celebration of the strength and resilience of the Somali people and the author's profound compassion for them.

Extending Mary’s analysis of international policy failures to Somalia, it is questionable whether the most recent international engagement on the Somali question at the London conference is a continuation of a tried and unsuccessful recipe? From a political perspective it may be too early to tell. We know that the Transitional Federal Government will cease to exist in August, but there is little clarity about what happens next. The overall indications are sadly not very positive and many people have low expectations of the tangible differences the conference outcomes will make. What can't be ignored is that the London conference does adopt the security driven approaches which we know have largely been unsuccessful and damaging. Hopefully Mary’s book and the debate it has generated will help reframe the discourse on the Somali territories to where it needs to be - a truthful examination of international failures, the role of Somalis in contributing to those failures, but also a wider recognition and celebration of the many positive Somali stories, both in the homeland and diaspora we should not ignore.

Dirkii Sacmaallada The Progenies of Cattle Milkers) comprehensively traces the origin of the Somali people which has long been in disputed.

It discusses the conflicting views and theories about the exact location of the Land of Punt with one the most compelling revelations to emerge from this book is the existence of a type of gum/incense (other than the popular Frankincense and Myrrh) which has been in use for over 2,000 years as recorded in the pages of The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea. The physical features of the northeastern coast of modern day Somaliland and Puntland conform to the ‘frankincense terraces of Punt’ as these gum-bearing trees and shrubs are still found on terraced stands locally known as laag.

A segment of this book is dedicated to the religions and cults that preceded the arrival and spread of Islam in the Somali territory. The past existence and traces of the cult of Waaq (Cushitic Sky God), Judaism and are also discussed in detail. The book also examines the controversy surrounding the confluence of most Somali geologies to eponyms that are traced back to Arabia and particularly to Ashrafs/Sayyids (descendants of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) son-in-law, Ali and his two sons

19 Hassan and Hussain). The book concludes with the issue of “minority” tribes such as Gabooye, Tumaal and Yibirs in the traditional Somali society and it discusses some aspects that could shed light on their respective origin, their centrality in ancient trading activities in the coastal areas, and the circumstances that led to their marginalization and social exclusion.

The Poetry and Life History of Timacadde: 1920-1973 by Bobe Yusuf Ducale

Somali poetry has generally been unavailable to English-speaking audiences, as there have been no large collections of translated poetry. Our hope with this volume is to introduce the work of Abdillahi Suldan to those outside the Somali-speaking world, as his poetry is at once distinctly Somali and at the same time universally fascinating to people everywhere. The esteemed and beloved role Abdillahi Suldan holds in Somali society to this day reflects the importance of poetry as a pillar and means of communication in Somali culture. As with all poetry in translation, much of the rhythm, flow, and musicality of the original are difficult to convey. Abdillahi Suldan’s poetry is imbued with a pulse close to the heart that is somewhat lost in translation. We have done our best, though, to incorporate the wit, humor, sincerity, and occasional sarcasm that makes his poetry unique". Rob Walker of the BBC described this book as “A fascinating study of one of the best loved Somali poets, and a welcome opportunity to have access in English to some of his greatest works. Bobe provides the context and analysis to help new audiences discover the man and his poems.”

Soomaali been ma maahmaahdo

"Soomaali been ma maahmaahdo"/"Somalis do not lie in proverbs" reflects some results of Dr. Georgi Kapchits' almost forty year study of Somali proverbial stock. Introduction familiarizes the reader with the modern theory of premiology, describes some literary features of Somali proverbs and sayings, offers their classification and paves the way to the paremiological minimum of the Somali language.

Sheeko iyo Shaahid 4: Calafboob Sheeko iyo shaahid – Afraad is a collection of stories from the “2011 Sheeko iyo Shaahid” young and emerging writers' literary competition which is part of the Hargeysa International Book Fair (HIBF), 2011. Sheeko iyo shaahid which represent one of the main aspects of the book fair aims to stimulate a culture of writing and encourage storytelling among the young. Edited by Jama Musse Jama, this volume contains the winning story of the 2011 year competition, which are: Beercaddaad by Khadar Muuse Xasan, “Calafboob” by Maxamed Daahir Cabdillaahiwhile and “Nin yaraan ku loofaray wuxuu lumiyey raacdee” by Nafiisa Xaaji Ciise. It also contains a non publihed guest short story.

Other Books

Shufbeel - tiraab soomaaliyeed, by Siciid Jaamac Xuseen. Curisyo (Essays) Series No. 5, ISBN 88-88934-22-8 EAN 9788888934228, Pages 126, Pisa, Ponte Invisibile (redsea-online.com), 2011 'Shufbeel' is a collection of essays and short stories, including modern and traditional Somali wisdom and entertainment (murti iyo madaddaalo). The author, Saed Jama is one of pilasters for the literary promotion in the Somali speaking society. Shuhbeel is the 5th and latest book of the “Curisyo series” collection. Curisyo is a series of books, covering a ranging set of topics, yet share the spirit of citizenship. The series so far dealt with several themes, including freedom of expression, environment, tolerence, ethics, and more. For further details and previous books, see http://www.redsea-online.com/com/curisyo.

20 Baqayo Rogad, by Cabdiraxmaan Yuusuf Cartan Riwaayado (Plays) series No. 1, ISBN 88-88934-14-3 EAN 9788888934143, Pages 136, Pisa, Ponte Invisibile (redsea-online.com), 2011 This short volume, first of its kind, includes three plays by the same author that explore some of the deep- rooted inequalities in certain aspects of Somali tradition, particularly the rarely addressed problems of marginalised social groups. Cartan addresses these issues with enthusiasm for solutions and creates a sense of hope, paying particular attention to social and economic disparity. Issues of inequality are not only a defining characteristic in his productions but also inherent in his character. The author is one of only two living Somalis to specialise in the production of drama on the stage. Aside from his career in theatre, Carten’s activities and talents also extend to the fields of literature and politics. It is his well-rounded knowledge that gives his work the enchanting and engaging flavour which his audiences and readers enjoy.

Mahdi, by Jaamac Muuse Jaamac ISBN 88-88934-22-8 EAN 9788888934228, Pages 126, Pisa, Ponte Invisibile (redsea-online.com), 2011 'Mahdi', a historical fiction novel set up in specific period of time when the author himself was student in Hargeysa in early 1980s. Characters are shaped by their experiences, family life and custom, but the central thread of the novel is 'underground' student life. The main character is rebellious but fragile, politically-incorrect but honest street-child who, despite the difficult childhood, with the heart defends the honour and dignity of the human being. Written in the first person, the author traces the collective memory of a generation of young Somali students who, for the first time, stood up against the military regime and the harsh responce of the regime of Somali Republic during the 1980s. Other books - Darka Maadda - Taariikhda Andulus - Sheeko Shaahid : Calafboob, Mugdi Nuura Ninkeed Bila, Geesi Bogra - Somaliland: the way forward (Volume 1 & 2) - Taxanaha madhxiye: Baadi-sooc - Xeer dhaqameedka Ciisaha - Taxanaha sooyaal: Suugaanta nabada iyo colaadda, Tolow colka jooja - Curisyo: Shufbeel, Adduun iyo Taladii, Hiil, Qaylodhaan deegaan, Gobannimo bilaash maaha) - Cirsankayeedh : Roge, Aanadii Negeeye Ladh - Taxanaha riyaawado: Baqaya rogad - Taxanaha rag iyo dumar. The Mourning Tree - Iswaydaarsi : Soomaalid been ma maahmaahdo, Essays in Honour of Musa Ismaaciil Galaal, Anton Chekhov - sheekooyin la soo xualy, Beerta xaywaanka

21 My appreciation and love for poetry translation Sarah Maguire

I first discovered how Somalis are obsessed with poetry when, about twenty years ago, I made friends with a man called Osman who worked at the checkout of my local Tesco’s. I usually try to avoid telling anyone what I do for a living because of the bemused and often embarrassed looks I receive when I say I'm a poet. Osman was different though. He greeted my confession with delight and he immediately told me that poetry was more important to his people than practically anything else. Of course, at the time, this came as a complete revelation to me because, although I knew more about non-European poetry than most British poets, I was totally ignorant of Somali culture. Osman kindly offered to lend me An Anthology of Somali Poetry (translated by BW Andrzejewski and Sheila Andrzejewski) and once I'd read it, I was hooked.

My next encounter with Somali poetry was reading some excellent translations by Martin Orwin in a volume of Modern Poetry in Translation called ‘Mother Tongues’ edited by Stephen Watts. Again, I was deeply impressed by the inventiveness and energy of these poems and I was determined to know more. Fortunately, I was offered a writer's residency at SOAS and, in 2001, I stuck my head round Martin's office door and told him that one of my main aims in life was to turn Somali poetry into a cult, something I've done my very best to live up to ever since. The next stage in this story is my founding The Poetry Translation Centre, thanks to the generosity and support of the Arts Council, in 2004. The PTC arose out of my residency at SOAS and the unique poetry translation workshops I'd begun to hold there in which, among many other poets, we'd begun to translate the work of Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac Gaarriye. The PTC is a small, independent organisation dedicated to translating contemporary poets from Africa, Asia and Latin America. I founded the PTC for two main reasons. The first is that poetry thrives on translation. One example: that quintessentially ‘English’ verse form, the sonnet, was first devised in Italy. And so, if Thomas Wyatt hadn’t translated the Italian poet Petrarch’s sonnets into English, Shakespeare would never have written his remarkable sonnet sequence, one of the crowing glories of poetry in English.

As a young poet I was lucky enough to grow up reading wonderful translations of Russian and Eastern European poetry — a product of the then Cold War — but I became very aware that few excellent translations of contemporary poetry from, say, or Persian — let alone Somali — were available in English; this absence meant that English-language poets were prevented from enlivening their work through integrating the discoveries of their contemporaries. The second impulse behind setting up the PTC was a growing awareness of the significance of poetry to a huge number of recent immigrants to this country. I was the first writer the British Council sent to Palestine and Yemen and, as a result I gained a unique insight into the role of poetry in Arabic and Muslim societies. What better way, it occurred to me, to make connections with these communities than by translating their leading contemporary poets into English and then bringing them here for readings and events?

In 2005 the PTC held its first World Poets' Tour, inviting leading poets from Afghanistan, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Somaliland to give readings across the UK. I was absolutely astonished at the reception Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac ‘Gaarriye’ received from the crowds of excited Somalis who attended his readings. None of us had ever seen a poet welcomed with such wild delight and, as a result, it was clear to me that liaising with the Somali community was going to be one of our key priorities. As I promised Martin all those years ago, I wanted to turn Somali poetry into a cult! Gaarriye returned to work with us again for our second, hugely successful, World Poets' Tour in 2008. He inspired a group of young Somali men in Liverpool who were beginning to write poetry and he mesmerised audiences, Somali and British alike. And now, thanks to the generosity of Somali Week, we are delighted that we’ll have another chance to work with Gaarriye and strengthen our ties with him and his community. We feel very honoured indeed to have been invited to participate in the events and celebrations of Somali Week, especially as this year’s theme is translation. Our own experience has proved that non-Somalis are intrigued and enthralled by the excellent translations of Somali poetry we’ve produced over the years, thanks in no small part to Martin Orwin, Maxamed Xasan ‘Alto’ and the poet, W N Herbert, who together have done so much to introduce English-speaking audiences to the rich tradition of Somali poetry. We look forward to many years of a deepening relationship between

22 Erey iyo aqoon: word and knowldge - Somali cultural dictionary of selected terms in arts and science

The Poetry Translation Centre and the SomaliInvitation: community.

Join us to spread word of knowledge: support us by defining word of your choice. The idea of our initiation of compiling 'Somali Cultural Dictionary' under the name of "Erey iyo Aqoon" is motivated by dire need for it at this juncture of our language written development. For this purpose we earnestly call upon researchers and experts in the field of humanities and scientific studies as well as individuals of the general public who are actively involved in the Internatinal Hargeisa Book Fair to make their contribution by simply settingpreference a term and which its definition will be translated in Somali to or the English other languageaccording by to us.their choice and

In this important venture we also particularly urge all the members of the various 'Readers' Clubs' in Somaliland regions who are normally permanent participants and beneficiaries of the Hargeisa Internationalproject by comingBook Fair up to with actively their engage in this words and definitions.

This project's obvious aim is to give the Somali speaking readership the opportunity to enhance their cultural knowledge by providing them with clearer meaning and definitions of the terms used in these fields.

Distribution and publication All the terms presented to us will be put on the website in electronic format and a selection of the admissions to be duly published. Some of the contributors may be asked to present their contributive terms at the Book Fair events or during the Moving Library Tour. We hope all the presentations and contribution of terms will be quite suitable so as to enable us to gratefully include them all in our forthcoming publication after our successful Book Fair conclusion. The final draft will be edited by Jama Musse Jama and published by Ponte Invisibile (Redsea-Online).

Structure The dictionary will be structured in the same pattern for each entry and the length of one page and a half (maximum two pages) dividedaccording to the following structure: 1. the etymology of the word ASAP your 2. a short, simple definition 3. reflection ("technical", historical, cultural) on the word 4. a (possible) quote related to the word choice 5. a brief biography of the contributor to put in the appendix in case the term is selected for publication 6. (possibly and if necessary) an image If you would like to support us with this initiative and take part, we would like to hear from you, please send us chosen words by emailing to [email protected].

23 Saldhigga Redsea-online

Redsea-Online waa urur dhaqan oo dhiirrigeliya dhaqanka akhriska iyo qoraalka, gaar ahaan dhallinyarada. Waxa kale oo ururku taageeraa, isla markaa na ku talo jiraa in oo dhiirrigeliyo farsamada casriga ah ee isgaadhsiinta iyo xidhiidhka (Information Technology “IT”) ee bulshoweynta Somaliland. Wuxuu ururku kobciyaa isla markaa na fidiyaa suugaan Soomaalida, ha ahaato curisyo, sooyaal, mala-awaal, saynis, gabay iyo masrixiyad inta ba. Ugu danbayn waxa uu ururku ku talo jiraa in oo u fududeeyo bulshada, sida ay uga bogan lahayd suugaanta kale ee adduunka, iyada oo lagu soo gudbinayo turjumaad.

Hirka ugu sarreeya ee ururku tiigsanayaa waa qiimaynta iyo badbaadada dhaqanka iyo hiddaha ku duugan halabuurka xikmadda Soomaaliyeed (suugaan, saynis dhaqan ah, ciyaaraha hiddaha, afka iyo dhammaan farshaxanka kale ee maanku soo saaro) oo qoraal ah. Bulshada Soomaalidu waa ummad odhaahdu ugu jirto bartii qoraalka, dhaqankooda na lagu asteeyo "eray-af" kaas oo baarka u sarreeyaa uu gabayga yahay.

Buugaag geeddi ah

2011, Muddo toddobaad ah ayaa buugaag geeddi ah oo bas saaran lagu wareejinayay sagaalka Naadi ee Akhriska ee dalka ah, geeddigu wuxuu gaadhay magaalooyinka waaweyn oo idil. Magaalo kasta meel fagaare ah ayaa buugaagta lagu akhriyay iyada oo ay wehelinayeen xalqado Darandoorri ah iyo halkudhegyo u gaar ah buugaagta geeddiga ah.

Naadiyada Akhriska iyo Buugaagta geeddiga ah

Naadiyada Akhrisku iyaga oo ka faa'iidaysanaya fursaddan waxay ku dhiirrigelinayeen bulshada degmo kasta in wax akhriska la caadaysto. Geeddiga Buugaagtu sannadkan waxa oo ku ku noqon doono magaalooyinkii ballanqaaday inay fuliyaan oo maalgeliyaan dhismaha maktabado dadweynuhu leeyahay.

Buugaag Geeddi ah waxa ay qayb ka tahay Bandhigga Caalamiga ah ee Buugaagta ee Hargeysa oo dhici doona bisha Julaay 2012. Ujeeddada sannadkan laga leeyahay Buugaagta Geeddiga ahi waa in lagu noqdo magaalooyinkii la tegay doorkii hore, la eego ballanqaadyada dawladaha hoose waxa ka fulay, la na gaadhsiiyo degaamadaas buugaag si loo kobciyo dhaqanka akhriska iyo dhiirrigelinta maktabadaha bulshadu leedahay.

Ujeeddada ugu weyn ee laga leeyahay Buugaagta Geeddiga ahi waa in buugga lagu soo dhoweeyo magaalo iyo degmo kasta, bulshada ku nooli na fursad u hesho akhriska iyada oo laga faa'iidaysanayo Naadiyada Akhriska. Waxa kale oo hammiga ka dambeeya Buugaagta Geeddiga ahi yahay in bulshada ku nool dhulka qoqoban ama gaadhistoodu adag tahay ay helaan fursado ay ku arkaan, ku na akhristaan buugaagta. Waxaannu rabnaa in dhaqanka akhrisku xulo dhuuxa bulshada. Waxa aannu rumaysannahay in tallaabooyinka noocan ahi horumar ku kordhinayaan dhaqanka akhriska ee bulshada Somaliland .

24 Barnaamijka Bandhigga Buugaagta Caalamiga ah ee Hargeysa, July 13 – 18, 2012 REDSEA CULTURAL FOUNDATION iyo wadaageyaasheedu waxay ku faraxsan yihiin inay shaaciyaan Bandhigga Buugaagta Caalamiga ah ee Hargeysa sannadda 2012 oo uu u curtay guggiisii shanaad. Toddobaadkan uu socon doono barnaamijku waxa ay dhammaan qaybihihiisu salka ku hayn doonaan halku-dhigga sannadkan oo ah ‘Hillaadi Mustaqbalka’ (oo aannu uga jeedno isa soo hor dhig oo bal daawo sida uu mustalbalkeenu u eekaanayo) waxaannu ku qabsoomi doonaa Beerta Xoriyadda ee Hargeysa; waxaana uu halkaas ka socon doonaa inta u dhaxaysa 13-18 ka bisha July 2012. Halku-dhiggii sannadkii hore ee “Xusuus wadareed” wuxuu u suurtogeliyay muwaadiniinta reer Somaliland in ay wadaagaan khibraddooda iyo xusuusahooda, si loo xoojiyo wadajirka, astaan wadareedda qarannimo iyo muwaadinnimada. Iyada oo laga duulayo guullihii sannadkii hore, sannadkanna halku-dhiggeenu waxa uu dhiirrigelinayaa ka-qaybgalayaasha, isaga oo uu siinaya aragtiyo furan si ay uga fal celiyaan ujeeddooyinka mustaqbalka iyo himillooyin ka dalka

Hilaadinta Mustaqbalka Afartii sannadood ee u dambeeyay, HIBF wuxuu xoogga saartay suugaanta, dood wadaagga iyo wada hadalka lagu daah- furayay hal-ku-dhigyo kala ged-gedisnaa, kuwaasi oo ay ka mid ahaayeen: waddaniyadda, faaf-reebka iyo xusuus wadareedyo. Sannadkan waxaan xoogga saari doonaa doorka suuggaanta iyo wax-cabirka farshaxanka kala du-duwani ay ku eegayaan dhisidda mustaqbal waara oo ay Somaliland gaadho. HIBF waxa uu ururrada bulshada u noqonayaa madal ay ku wadaaggaan fikir-isdhaafsi furfuran iyo doodo ku saabsan doorka sayniska, ganacsiga, maalgashiga, horumarka iyo dalxiiska Somaliland. Barmaamijka HIBF Waxaa uu feejignaan gaar ah siin doonaa xaaladda maanta deegaankeenu uu marayo iyo sida uu isbeddelka cimiladu mustaqbalka innoo saamayn dono.

Ka hor HIBF, dhallinyarada Somaliland may helin fursado ku filan oo ay kaga qaybgalaan isbedellada siyaasadda, codkoodana kor ugu qaadaan, gaar ahaan dhinacyada waddanniyada iyo masuuliyad-wadaagga iyo horumarka bulshadaba. HIBF waxa uu hirgeliyay madal ay ku kulmeen dadyow kala da’ ah, kala aqoon ah, oo kala aragti duwanni in ay ku doodaan siduu mustaqbalkoodu u eekaannayo timaadada. HIBF 2012 waxa uu ku talogalsan yahay in uu sii balaadhiyo hawshiisa ku aadan waddanniyada, iyo uu meel iskugu keeto dhallinyarada kala duwan ee ku kala nool gobolada Somaliland. Waxa uu diirada saarayaa kala duwannaanshahooda aqooneed, habnololeed, dhaqaaleed, iyo aqoontooda ay u leeyihiin dhaqanka. Barnaamijkani waxa uu baadi goob ugu jiraa sidii uu u xoojin lahaa da’yarta si ay iyaguna uga gungaadhaan filashada mustaqbalkooda, himiladooda, iyo qorshaynta mustabalkooda intaba. HIBF sidoo kale waxa uu fursad siin doonaa in hal abuurrayaashu ay wax ka yidhaahdaan mustaqbalka bulshadooda. Waxaana la wadaaggi doona madasha qoraayo iyo farshaxanno si heer caalami ah loogu bogtu hibadooda.

25 Jimce, 13-ka July

9:00 -10:45 Xafladda furitaanka: Waxa lagu furi doonaa barnaamijka heesta calanka Somaliland iyo heesta “Waddanigu waa...”;

Muuqaallada ka soo ifaya ‘‘mustaqbalka’’ Somaliland Xubinta ugu horeysa ee barnaamijku waxay noqondoontaa hadal uu jeedin doono Wasiirka Dhaqanka Somaliland oo uu ku furi doono xafladda isaga oo ka hadli doona mawduucyo xidhiidh la leh mustaqbalka bulsha-weynta Somaliland. Gabayaaga magaciisu meel walba ka dhacay ee Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame ‘‘Hadraawi’’ ayaa ka hadli doona macnaha uu huwan yahay hal-ku-dhigga barnaamijka sannadkan ee ah ‘‘Hilaadinta Mustaqbalka’’. Intaasi ka dib waxay aqoonyahanka kale ee xubintan ka qaybqaadanayaana falanqayn doonaan oo soo koobi doonaan mustaqbalka iyo horumarka waddanka iyaga oo ka soo egaya dhinaca Afrika. Panelists: Maxamuud Sheekh Dalmar, Axmed Shiikh Jaamac, Saleeban Guuleed, Shukri Xaji Bandare, Amina Milgo xubno matalaya Unugga Waddaniyadda. Qayb S&J ah ayaa daba socon doonta fadhigan.

Fikradda Maktabadda Wareegta Waxa la soo bandhigi doonaa filin gaaban oo laga duubay maktabadda wareegta sanadkii 2011kii. Waxa ku xigi doona qayb lagu falanqayn doono halka uu marayo ololihii loogu jiray sidii ay maamullada gobolladu ama dawladdaha hoosaba uga hirgelin lahaayeen maktabado laga dhiso dhammaan magaalooyinka waaweyn ee dalka.

11:00-11:30 : Faysal Cumar Mushteeg iyo Evan Christopher Fadhigan taariikhiga ah ee muusiga waxaa ku kulmi doona ninka la yidhaahdo Evan Christopher oo deggan New Orleans, cariga Maraykan caanna ku ah muusiga nooca aynu u naqaanno foodhida iyo Faysal Cumar Mushteeg . Faysal oo aynu wada garanaynaana waa heesaa, cuud yahan ama kabanka caan ku ah, isla markaasi ka mid ah aqoon dheer u leh muusiga Qaraamiga ah ee Soomaalida. Christopher wCajaladdiisii "Finesse" waxa ay warbaahinta Britan iyo warsidaha The Times u doorteen in uu yahay albanka Jazz ee sannadkii 2010. Faysal C.Mushteeg qaran ahaan waa fanaan caan ka ah dhexdeena, laguna tixgeliyo in uu ku jiro fanaanada horaadka u ah fanaaniinta Somalida. Waxa uu ku caan baxay midhaha uu alifo kuwaasi oo dareenkaaga oo dhan saamaynaya. Sidoo kale waa curiye ama mu’alif, aqoonyahan wax weyn ku soo kordhiyay muusiga Soomaalida.

11:30 -12.30 : Booqashada buugaagta, sawirada iyo farshaxanka kale ee halbuurka Somaliland.

Carwada bandhigga buugaagtu si rasmi ah ayay u furmaysaa!

Kasooqayb-galayaashu waxay fursad u heli doonaan in ay akhriyaan oo ay arkaan buugaagta, waxay kala kulmi doonaan waxyaabo ku cusub maktabadaha gaarka ah iyo maktabadaha jaamacaddaha dalka iyo waxyaabo badan oo kale. Dhammaan qorayaasha booqashada ku yimi waxay u joogi doonaan in ay saxeexaan buugaagta, iyaga oo kulamo dadban la qaadan doona dadweynaha booqanaya buuggaagta. Kulamada iskuxidhka naadiyada gobolada waddanka oo dhammi waxay socon doonaan ilaa aroornimada. Waxa kale oo jiri doona bandhigyo sawir-gacmeedyo ay keeni doonaan Afrika Nation Arts.

26 Sabtida 14 July

Daahfurka buugga iyo falanqaynta

9:00 -10:30 Nadiifa Maxamed: Guudmar ku saabsan buuggeeda cusub Munaasibadda subaxaas waxaannu soo bandhigi doonnaa, lana falanqayn doonaa waxqabadka Nadiifa Maxamed oo ah gabadh qoraa da’yar oo reer Somaliland iyo reer Ingiriisba ah. Buuggeeda ugu horeeyay ee ay qorto ee Black Mamba Boy waxay ku sharafaysaa socdaalkii la yaabka lahaa ee aabbaheed kaga yimi noloshii derbi-jiifnimo ee magaalada Cadan ilaa socdaalkiisii uu kaga soo gudbay Afrika ilaa Yurub ee uu aakhirkii ku degay dalka Ingiriiska. Black Mamba Boy oo ka helay adduunka ammaan badan waxaa lagu daahfuray munaasibaddii HIBF ee 2010, waxaanay Nadifa noqotay mid ka mid ah qoraayada Soomaalida ee da’deeda ah kuwa ugu hibada fiican. Nadiifa Maxamed oo qoraalkeedu soo jiitay qoraayo badan oo xitaa ka baxsan dunida reer Galbeedka , waxay khibraddeeda la wadaagi doontaa dadweynaha Somaliland. Waxay qayb ka mid ah falanqayn doontaa oo soo jeedin doontaa buuggeeda cusub. HIBF waxa farxad u ah inuu Nadiifa Maxamed mar kale ku marti qaado inay ku soo laabato magaaladeedii, iyada oo tusaale ifaya u ah dhallinyarada Somaliland.

10:50 - 16:40 : Waxa la sii wadayaa bandhigga taxanayaashii dhawaan la daabacay: Fadhigana waxaa lagu soo bandhiggi doonaa Curisyo & Iswaydaari taxanne ah, sidoo kale waxaa la falanqayn doonaa qoraallada iyo suugaanta casriga ah ee la daabacay dhowaan iyo weliba magacyadooda kuwa soo socda ee la daabic doono.

10.50 - 11.30 Curisyo Waa buugaag taxane ah oo ay daabacdo, isla markaana faafiso Ponte Invisible (redsea-online.com) Kuwaasi oo daahrogaya hal-ku-dhigga waddaniyadda, xalinnaya arrimo kale oo farabadan sida, deegaanka, is-ahaanshaha qabiilka, iyo ka qaybgalka siyaasadda.

Siciid Jaamac Xuseen, qoraha “Shufbeel”, sheeko gaaban oo ka mid ah Taxanaha Curisyo, ayaa ka soo qayb galayaasha la wadaagi doona muhiimadda uu qoraalka iyo akhrisku ku dhex leeyihiin bulshada Soomaaliyeed.

Panel 2: 11:30 – 12:30 Taxanaha Iswaydaarsi Qoraallo lagu sharfayo Muuse Ismaaciil Galaal oo uu tifatiray Jaamac Muuse Jaamac, hordhacana uu u sameeyay bare sare I M Lewis, Ponte Invisibile (redsea-online), Pisa, 2011. Fooliyam kanni waa kii labaad ee taxannaha cusub ee buugaagta la yidhaahdo “Iswaydaarsi” (Exchange), kuwaasi oo ay daabacdo Ponte Invisibile. Taxannahan waxaa loogu talo galay in lagu soo gudbiyo aqoonta gaarka ah ee suugaanta caalamiga ah oo loo soo gudbiyo dadka Af-soomaaliga ku hadla waxna ku akhriya isla markaasi suugaanta soomaalidana iyo xikmaddoodana lagu turjumo afaka kale ee qalaad.

Panel 3: 15:30 -16:40 Taxanayaasha dhowaan la daacabay Qaybtan waxaa lagu daahfuri doonaa sheekooyin gaagaaban oo turjuman oo uu qoray Anton Chekov Iswaydaarsi 3. Waxaanna turjumay Siciid Jaamac Xuseen, waxa kale oo gacan weyn ka geystay Mohamed Alto iyo Rashiid Sh. Abdillaahi waxaanna daabacday Ponte Invisibile Press.

27 Buugaag kale: “Ha is dhiibin weligaa” oo uu qoray Yuusuf Xasan “Culuunta Suugaanta” oo uu qoray Siciid Maxamuud Gahayr “Educational materials for schools: English” Cabdicasiis Maxamed Yoonis " Ansaari" “Educational materials for schools: Somali” Naasir Dheeg Ciise

16:45 – 18:10 La wadaag hibadaada! Aragtida dhalinyarada ee dhismaha bulshada Halabuurka iyo gabayaaga da’da yar ee soo kacaya ayaa qaybtan ku soo bandhigi doona waxqabadkooda oo ay la socdaan gabayadooda caanka ah iyo kuwa ay halabuureen. Xalqaddan looguma talo-gelin oo kaliya in lagu barto gabayaaga cusub iyo gabayadooda, laakiin waxa loogu talo-galay in mar kale faca da’da yar loogu soo bandhigo gabayada Soomaalida, iyadoo looga dan leeyahay in lagu kobciyo ilaalinta dhaqanka iyo dhiirrigelinta doodaha la xidhiidha waddaniyadda. Hibada da’da yar ee soo koraysa: Mawliid Maxamed Odowaa, Yaxye Yeebaash, Yaasmiin M Kahin, Hooda-Ayaan Suldaan, Nafiisa Xaaji Ciise Yuusuf, Axmed Cabdillaahi Cabdi, Cabdillaahi Xassan Cabdillaahi (Baxraawi), Kayse Maxamed Xuseen, Axmed Maxamed Badeed, Cabdishakur Maxamed Xuseen (meecaad) “Murtimaal”, Yaasiin Yuusuf Magan “Murtimaal”, Cabdi Gaydh, Caato, Maxamed Ibraahim Axmed, Cabdinuur Cawil Xaashi, Cali Dhanaaniye iyo kuwo kale oo badan.

Riwaayad – la xidhiidha mawduuca sannadka Kooxda SOCSA – Odhaahyo iyo hal-kudhegyo laga soo doortay qaamuuska Erey iyo Aqoon ayaa goobta laga akhriyi doonaa ka hor intaanay riwaayaddu bilaaban.

20:00-21:00 Cawayska muusigga Muusigga Evans Christopher ee dhaqanka ah ee New Orleans ayaa la soo bandhigi doonaa mar kale, iyada oo maalinta dambena lagu soo xidhi doono. Muusigga waxa lagu garaaci doonaa heeso ka mid ah kuwiisii hore iyo heesihiisa caanka ah ee cusub ee albamka “Delta Bound” (Arbors, 2010), “Heesihii xusuusta” (Arbors, 2010) iyo kiisii u dambeeyay ee “Treat it gentle Suite.”

Axad, 15ka July

9:00 – 10:30 : Mustaqbalka deegaankeena Waxa soo jeedin doonta: Aamina-Milgo Maxamuud Bandhigga: Xaaladda deegaanka iyo Isbedelka Cimilada: Doorka bulshada ayaa saamayn ku leh anmustaqbalka deegaankooda.

Xaalada cakiran ee deegaanku waxay muhiim ku tahay hadal hayn kasta oo horumarka lagaga hadlayo. Soo jeedinta Aamina Milgo waxay diirada saari doontaa habkii bulshada looga caawin lahaa in ay ka qayb qaataan adeegsiga habboon ee khayraadkooda dabiiciga ah. Waxay falanqayn doontaa muhiimadda ay leedahay in laga wada hawlgallo tallaabooyin lagu soo saarayo sharciyo lagu dhowro deegaanka, habab lagu maal geliyo deegaanka, goobo dhirta lagu beero iyo in la abuuro naadiyo deegaan dhowrayaal ah oo laga hirgeliyo dugsiyada. Falanqayntani waxay si fiican ugu iftiiminaysaa ka soo qayb

28 galayaasha in shaqada uu deegaanku innooga baahan yahay weli tahay bar bilow gurmad u baahan, waxa kale oo ay soo jeedintanni tilmaamaysaa in loo baahanyahay in la abuuro xarumo bulshada ku wacyi geliya dhowritaanka deegaankooda ee joogtaysan, xarumo culays ku saara xukuumadda in ay ka hawl gasho dhowritaanka deegaanka isla markaasi qaabayso sidii ay babaadinta deegaanku mustaqbalka u noqon lahaa mid joogto ah.

Waxa dooda ka qayb gali doona: Sacdiya Muuse, Axmed Cilmi iyo Axmed Gaheyr.

10.30 – 12.30 Bandhigga buugaagta cusub 10:30 – 11:10: 'Dirkii Sacmaallada' oo uu qoray Axmed Ibraahim Cawaale Buuggani waa isku-day lagu doonayo in dib loogu eego taariikhda dadka Soomaalida. Qoraagu wuxuu sameeyay cilmi- baadhis rasmi ah oo la xidhiidha arrimaha luqada iyo deegaanka, isaga oo u socdaallay gobollada Somaliland, wuxuu ku soo bandhigay arrimo iyo aragtiyo la xidhiidha asalka Soomaalida oo ay ka mid halka uu ereyga “Soomaali” laf ahaantiisu ka soo jeedo.

11:10 – 11:50: 'Taaariikhda noloshii iyo gabayadii Timacadde: 1920 – 1973’ oo uu isku dubbariday Boobe Yuusuf Ducaale

Gabayada Soomaalidu guud ahaan may heli karaynin dadka luqadda Ingiriisiga ku hadlaa, iyada oo aanay jirin ururin ballaadhan oo la xidhiidha gabayo la turjumay. Buuggani wuxuu dadka dibedda ka ah bulshada Soomaaliga ku hadasha uu barayaa Cabdilaahi Suldaan iyo in gabayadiisii ay si cad u ahaayeen Soomaali, isla markaana ay caalamiyan ahaayeen kuwo soo-jiidasho leh. Doorka xurmada iyo kalgacalka leh ee uu Cabdillaahi Suldaan imika ku leeyahay bulshada Soomaalida dhexdeeda, ayaa ka turjumaya muhiimadda gabayada ee ah inay tiir u yihiin wada-xidhiidhka dhaqanka Soomaalida. Boobe Yuusuf Ducaale oo muddo badan ururinayay gabayada iyo taariikhda Cabdillaahi Suldaan Timacadde ayaa falanqayn doona isla markaasi marin doona qaar ka mid ah gabayadiisii.

11:50-12:20: Daaahfur buug: “Gorgorkii Yimi” oo ay soo saartay Ponte Invisibile (redsea-online), Pisa, 2011.

Gorgorkii Yimi waa ururis ka koobaan sheekooyin gaagaaban oo ay ka mid yihiin; Don’t lose; The Vulture has Landed; Delicate Hope and A Thorn in the Sole. Kuwaas oo ah sheekooyin gaagaaban oo la qoray ka hor dagaalkii Soomaaliya ka dhacay kaasi oo burburiyay qiyamkii dhaqankii ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Sheekooyinkani waxay koobayaan waxyaalaha nolosha caadiga ah maalin walba ka dhaca ee ay ka midka yihiin, jacaylka, rajo-la’aanta, gaajada, cadhada, himilada iyo cabsidaba ay la wadaagaan uumiyaha kale.

15.30-16.30 – Halabuur cusub Maaalinta halabuurka waxay ku astaysnaan doontaa bandhig buugaag, akhris iyo saxeexyo. Dad da’yar ah oo ka socda bulshada maxalliga ah ee Soomaalida ayaa lagu marti-qaadi doonaa inay akhriyaan buugaag ay qorayaashu soo xuleen, qorayaashaas oo iyaga laf ahaantoodu ay diyaar u yihin inay la kulmaan dadweynaha. Waxa kale oo aanu soo bandhigi doonnaa buugaag dhawaan ay daabaceen qoraayo qurba-joog ahi, kuwaas oo iyaga laf ahaantooda lagu marti-qaadi doono inay soo bandhigaan, halkaana ka akhriyaan waxqabadkooda.

29 15.30 - 16.30 Buuugaag kale Qaybtan waxaa lagu soo bandhiggi doonaa buuggaag, akhris iyo saxeexa buuggaagta. Dhalinyaro da’yar ayaa lagu soo dhoweyn doonaa in ay akhriyaan qaybo ka mid ah buuggaagtaasi oo ah qaar si gaar ah ay qorayaashu usoo xusheen waxaannay qorayaashu si dadban ula kulmi doonaan kasoo qayb galayaasha. Waxa kale oo la daah furi doonaa buuggaag dhowaan la daacabay oo ay qoreen qorayaasha qurba jooga ahi kuwaasi oo lagu soo casuumay in ay ka soo jeediyaan waxqabadkooda iyo buuggaagtoodaba.

“Magan” oo uu qoray Mustafe Adan Nuur “Dhab u fiiri waayaha” oo uu qoray Axmed Ismaaciil Maxamed “Hadiyadda halgamayaasha” oo uu qoray Maxamed Xirsi Guuleed (Abdibashir) “Suugaantii Yaxye Yeebaash” oo uu qoray Yaxye Yeebaash “Xasuuqii Jasiira”, oo uu qoray Marwan Magan

16:30 –18:00 Getting Somalia Wrong? Soo-jeedinta qoraaga Mary Harper

Buugga Getting Somalia Wrong waxay Mary Harper ku sharaxaysaa sababta iyo sida ay Soomaaliya ku gaadhay xaaladda ay imika ku jirto ee qaran-dunka, halka ay kala daalaa-dhacayaan inay waajahaan aragtiyo cusub oo la xidhiidha qaybo shaqaynaya. Qoraagu waxay ku doodaysaa in Soomaaliya aanay ku sii shaqayn karin habka shirarka, laakiin ay xaaladdu ka fog tahay in uu qaranku guuldarraystay.

18:30 - 20:00

Mawduuca laga hadlayo: dhallinyarada iyo waddaniyadda Somaliland: Soo-jeedinta mustaqbalka

Qaybtan waxa daadihin doona Ridwaan Cismaan oo u sharaxan shahaadada sare ee Jaamacadda Cambridge ee Ingiriiska, kaas oo ka hadli doona “Doodda waddaniyadda Somalialnd: Soo-jeedinta mustaqbalka.” Masraxa waxa isugu iman doona wakiillo ka socda ururada dhalinyarada, Unugga Waddaniyadda Somaliland iyo naadiyada akhriska ee gobollada iyo sidoo kale wasaaradda qorshaynta qaranka.

Xidhiidhiyayaasha: Unugga waddaniyadda iyo wakiillo ka socda naadiyada akhriska gobollada

Waxa guddoominaya: Khadar Cabdiraxmaan Cabdillaahi

20:00 - 21:30 Maalgelinta Somaliland ee mustaqbalka Wasiirka qorshaynta qaranka Dr. Sacad Cali Shire ayaa ka hadli doona xaaladda ganacsi ee Somaliland iyo qorshayaasha hadda ee lagu horumarinayo marxaladaha siyaasadeed iyo sharci iyo dhiirrigelinta maalgashiga shisheeye iyo ka maxalliga ah. Waxa masraxa doodda kula jiri doona mulkiilayaal maxalli ah iyo maalgeliyayaal Ingiriis ah.

30 Monday 16 July

Daahfur buug iyo dood 9:00 -10:30 George Kapchits: Wuxuu soo jeedinayaa buuggiisa cusub "Soomaali been ma maahmaahdo" wuxuu ka turjumayaa natiijada cilmi-baadhis uu ku- dhawaad afartan sannadood Dr. Georgi Kapchits ku samaynayay maahmaahaha Soomaalida. Hordhac akhristaha baraya aragtida casriga ah ee dersidda maahmaahyada, iyaga oo sharaxaya qaybo ka mid ah maahmaahaha iyo odhaahyada Soomaalida, isla markaana kala qeexaya oo jidka u xaadhaya inta u yar ee dersidda luqadda Soomaaliga. Cabbirka buuggu wuxuu ka kooban yahay laba qaybood. Qaybta koowaad waxay soo bandhigaysaa 249 ka mid ah maahmaahyada ugu caansan Soomaalida iyo odhaahyo lagu helay baadhis gaar ah. Qoraal kastaa wuxuu ku qoran yahay Soomaali, iyada oo lagu turjumay Ingiriisi, isla markaana halka loo baahan yahay lagu ladhay faahfaahin kooban. Qaybta labaad waxa uu akhristuhu ka helayaa kumannaan maahmaahyo Soomaaliyeed ah, kuwaas oo badankooda loo helay qaab hadal ah. Waxay ku qoran yihiin Soomaali, waxaanay isugu xigaan si qaabaysan.

10:30 – 11:30: Soo Saaridda iyo Buug-Faafinta Adduunka Waxa ka hadlaysa: Helen Conford Muunaasibaddan waxa ka hadli doona Helen Conford oo falanqayn doonta muhiimadda halabuurka dunida iyo daabacaadda caalamiga ah. Helen waxa hadalka la wadaagi doonta Nadiifa Maxamed iyo Mary Harper oo iyaguna ka hadli doona khibraddooda iyo daabacaadda.

11:30 – 12:30: Siciid Saalax Siciid Saalax waa qoraa si aad ah loo qaddariyo, gabayaa iyo macallin, waxa uu soo jeedin doonaa qaar ka mid ah gabayadiisa. Siciid Saalax oo ku nool imiika magaalada Minnesota wuxuu caan ku yahay riwaayaddiisii ‘Aqoon iyo afgarad’. Wax-qabadkiisu waxay hanteen abaalmarino kala duwan; heestiisa ‘Umuliso’ waxa loo codeeyay in ay tahay mid ka mid ah tobanka heesood ee ugu sarreeya bandhiggii sanadka heesaha caruurta ee qaramada midoobay ee sanadkii 2005, waxa la siiyay abaalmarinta the Virginia McKnight Binger award for Human Servic

Amba-qaadka soo-jeedimaha taxanayaasha dhawaan la daabacay: 15.30-16.30 - Halabuur cusub Maaalinta halabuurka waxay ku astaysnaan doontaa bandhig buugaag, akhris iyo saxeexyo. Dad da’yar ah oo ka socda bulshada maxalliga ah ee Soomaalida ayaa lagu marti-qaadi doonaa inay akhriyaan buugaag ay qorayaashu soo xuleen, qorayaashaas oo iyaga laf ahaantoodu a diyaar u ah inay la kulmaan dadweynaha. Waxa kale oo aannu soo bandhigi doonnaa buugaag dhawaan ay daabaceen qorayaal qurba-joog ahi, kuwaas oo iyaga laf ahaantooda lagu marti-qaadi doono inay soo bandhigaan, halkaana ka akhriyaan waxqabadkooda.

Buugaagta la soo bandhigayo “Garaad koriye” oo uu qoray Musa Dalmar “Ma abaal gudee, waan aar gudaa” oo uu qoray Axmed Diriye “Toorno” “Maanso ruugyadii qarnigii 19aad iyo milicsiga xogihii ku duugnaa” oo uu qoray Farxaan M Xiddig

31 16.30 – 18.00 Sheekh Maxamuud Sheekh Dalmar – xirfadaynta warbaahinta Somaliland Dalmar waa aqoonyahan, caalim diinta Islaamka ku xeel-dheer iyo soo-saare ka ahaa BBC-da, Sheekh Maxamuud waxa oo khibrad shaqo u leeyahay warbaahinta Soomaalida ee kala duwan. Wuxuu la hadli doonaa suxufiyiin iyo kuwo kale oo ka socda warbaahinta oo uu kala hadli doono muhiimadda soo bandhigidda barnaamijyada warbaahinta, luqadda la adeegsado iyo dhaqanka xirfadeed shaqada saxaafadda.

Darandoorri: Dhallin ka socota naadiyad akhriska ayaa ereybixino laga soo xulay qaamuuska dhaqanka Soomaalida akhrin doona si loo dhiirrigeliyo dhaqanka wax akhriga.

19.30 – 21.00 Caweyska arrimaha Bulshada iyo haweenka oo lala kaashanayo Negaad Caweyskan waxa loogu talo-galay hibada halabuurnimo iyo xirfadaha hoggaamineed ee haweenka bulshadeenna. Halabuurka haweenka iyo kuwa saamaynta bulshada ku dhex leh waxay falanqayn doonaan doorka haweenka iyo caqabadaha, waxaana la astayn doonaa fursadaha u bannaan. Gabayo ay dumarku soo jeedinayaan ayaa raaci doona.

Waxa hadlaya: Shukri Xaji Bandare Waxay ka hadlaysaa: Mustaqbalka bulshadeennu waa in uu raaco jid sharciyeed

Waa in go’aannada dawladdu ay ku salaysnaadaan mabaadii la garanayo oo uu qeexayo sharcigu. Shukri waxay dadweynaha la wadaagi doonaa falanqayn ku saabsan baahida degdegga ah ee sharciyadda fulinteeda. Waxa iyana fadhigan kaabi doona haweenka halabuurka ah.

Salaasa, 17ka July 2011

9:00 -11:00 Sayniska, Tiknoolajiyadda iyo horumarka oo si gaar ah diiradda loogu saarayo ICTD Maalinta wacyigelinta ee Saynisku waxay muhiim u tahay horumarka fog ee Somaliland. Somaliland waxay u baahan tahay inay muhiimadda saarto noqoshada qaran waxsoosaar leh, halka ay isku hallayn lahayd caawimo. Odhaahda ah, ‘Sayniska iyo horumarka joogtada ah’, maalinta la rejaynayo in la mideeyo tamarta iyo dakhliga bulshada qurba-joogga ah, si loogu deeqo horumarka Somaliland. Sanadkan waxaanu diiradda saari doonaa ICT iyo horumarinta, gaar ahaan waxaanu diiradda saari doonaa in barnaamijyada tiknoolajiyadda maxalli laga dhigo, iyada oo dalka laga soo saarayo. Ka-qaybgalayaasha la soo martiqaaday waxa ka mid ah: wakiillo ka socda wasaaradda waxbarashada iyo tacliinta sare iyo wakiillo ka socda jaamacadaha Somaliland iyo Hay’adaha waxbarashada sare.

11.00-12.00 – sharaxaadda buugga cusub ee Xuseen C. Bulxan “Losing the Art of Survival and Dignity--Somali Transition from Self-Reliance and Self-Esteem to Dependence and Shame.”oo uu qoray Xusseen C. Bulxan. Qoraagu wuxuu ka warbixin doonaa waxqabadkiisa labaad ee soo socda ee ah, “The other is: In-Between Three Civilizations--Archeology of Forgotten Experience and the Triple Heritage of Somalis.”

32 15:30-16:45: Soo-jeedinta buugaag cusub oo maxalli ah Soo-saaridda buugaagta maxalliga ah ee Somaliland dhexdeeda waxa soo foodsaaray caqabado ay ka mid tahay madbacad la’aan ama madbacad ku filan oo aan jirin. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, qorayaashu waxay soo saareen halabuurnimadooda iyo waxsoosaarkooda dhaqan, iyaga oo aan wax badan oo u suurtogelinayaa jirin. Qaybtan waxa loogu talo-galay buugaagta dalka gudihiisa lagu daabacay, iyaga oo qorayaashu khibraddooda la wadaagi doona qorayaasha Soomaalida ah ee kale ee dibedda ku soo daabacay buugaagtooda.

“Kadab gooye” oo uu qoray Barkhad Maxamuud Kaariye “Taxanaha Daaddah” iyo “The Lion & The Squirrel” oo ay qortay Zainab Dahir “Qorshaha Horumarinta Hargaysa ee shanta sano ee soo socda”, oo uu qoray Maxamuud J. Axmed “Milicsiga Dagaalkii 1988-kii” oo uu qoray Sayid Axmed

16:45 – 18:30 : Diirad-saaridda dhaqanka iyo halabuurka Jabuuti Qaybta galabnimada waxa loogu talo-galay in lagu soo bandhigo oo dadweynaha loo oggolaado in ay ku raaxaystaan halabuurnimada xiisaha leh ee kala duwan ee dhaqanka iyo suugaanta Jabuuti. Qorayaal ka socda Jabuuti ayaa la marti-qaaday, waxaanay u sharaxi doonaan dadweynaha waxsoosaarka dhaqameed iyo halabuur ee dalkooda. Martida ugu muhiimsan ee ka socota Jabuuti waxa ka mid ah Cabdalle Xaaji (qoraaga buugga Xeer Ciise oo soo bandhigi doona kaydkan layaabka leh oo ah mid ka mid ah xeerarka iyo sharciyada dhaqanka kuwa ugu muhiimsan), iyo Idiris Muuse Axmed oo ah agaasimaha waaxda dhaqanka ee wasaaradda dhaqanka Jabuuti. Waxay sidoo kale soo bandhigi doonaan kayd laga soo xulay qaybta kaydka ee Telefishanka Qaranka Jabuuti.

19:30 – 20:30 Shaacinta tartankii Sheeko iyo Shaahid Tartankan waxa loogu talo-galay in lagu dhiirrigeliyo dhalinyarada inay ka qayb galaan halabuurka, curinta, sheekaynta, ilaainta iyo ka-qaybgalka dhaqanka iyo halabuurka Soomaalida. Ka-qayb-galayaasha waxa laga filayaa inay soo bandhigaan sheekooyin rasmi ah, waxaanay ciddii ku guulaysataa heli doontaa abaalmarino. Dadkii ku guulaystay tartannadii hore ee Sheeko iyo Shaahid ayaa iyagana la marti-qaadi doonaa, cadadka cusubna “Title”, waxa uu ka kooban yahay sheekooyinkii guulaystay ee tartankii sanadkii 2011, kaas oo la soo bandhigi doono. Dadka ku guulaysta tartankan 2012 ayaa lagu dhawaaqi doonaa, abaalmarintana waxa guddoonsiin doonta Nadifa Maxamed.

2030- 2130 Sooyaal – Dhaqanka, taariikhda, luqadda iyo xikmadda Soomaalida Muuse Cali Faruur, Axmed Shiikh Jaamac iyo Maxamed Siciid Gees ayaa dadka la falanqayn doona sida da’yarta mustaqbalka loogu ilaaliyo dhaqankeennaa. Muuqaal kooban oo ku saabsan xidhiidhada ka dhaxeeya luqadda Soomaaliga iyo Masar ayaa la soo bandhigi doonaa.

33 Arbaca, 18th July 2011

Readers Club Presentation 9:00 – 11:00 Soo-jeedin madadaalo ah oo ku saabsan doorka naadiyada akhriska iyo higsigooda ayaa la qaban doonaa. Waxa jiri doona 18 naadi akhris oo Somaliland ka kala yimi, naadi kastaana wuxuu heli doonaa 20 daqiiqo oo uu ku soo bandhigo waxay soo akhriyeen iyo wixii ay ka shaqaynayeen sannadkii tegay. Soo-jeedimahoodu sidoo kale waxa uu diiradda saari doonaa mawduuca sanadka ee ah, “qaabaynta mustaqbalka”

Bandhigga Buugga iyo ciyaaro-dhaqameedyada: Shaxda 12:00 – 13.30 Inta aynu wadno soojeedinta buugaagta ee qorayaasha sannadkii tegay daabacay buugaagtooda, kuwaas oo sidoo kale diyaar u noqon doona inay dadka la hadlaan, buugaagtana saxeexaan, waxaynu sidoo kale abaabuli doonnaa tartankii ugu horreeyay ee ciyaaraha shaxda Somaliland. Shaxdu waa ciyaarta ugu caansan Somaliland ee ragga, waxaana caadiyan loo ciyaaraa iyada oo dhulka la jeexo, isla markaana dhagxaan la dhigo. Ciyaartani saamayn ballaadhan ayay ku leeedahay suugaanta Soomaalida, taas oo had iyo jeer lagu sheego ciyaarta iyo xeeladaheeda. Taariikhda noloshii hore ee miyiga Soomaalida, Shaxdu waxay ahayd hab wada-xidhiidh oo ka mid ah nolosha bulshada. Tartanka Shaxda Somaliland waxa uu yeelan doonaa ciwaanka ah ciyaaryahanka Shaxda ee sannadka. Sidoo kale waxa jiri doona duruus la xidhiidha Shaxda.

15:30 – 16.30 Bandhigga carwada buugaagta Hargeysa ee dhallinyarada: Qalaama-rogadka Somaliland Bandhigga carwada buugaagta Hargeysa oo kaashanaysa Hay’adda Havoyoco waxay soo bandhigi doonaan qalaama- rogadka Somaliland, taas oo munaasibad xiiso leh u ah dhalinyarada iyo akhristayaasha mustaqbalka. Buugga Axmed Aw- geeddi iyo buugga Riyaaq ee Xasan Cabdi Madar ayay kooxda qalaama-rogadka ee Somaliland soo bandhigi doonaan.

16:30 – 17.30 Soo-koobidda iyo gunaanadka – Jidka horusocodka Bandhigga carwada buugaagta ee Hargeysa waxay soo gebagebayn doontaa barnaamijkii lixda maalmood socday. Waxaanay qabanqaabiyayaashu astayn doonaan hagaha sanadka soo socda, iyadoo la shaacin doono mawduuca sanadka 2013.

19.30 – 21.00 Gala appetizer (by invitation). Caweyska Masraxa: “Sawirashada mustaqbalka” oo uu qoray Cabdiraxmaan Yuusuf Cartan Cabdiraxmaan Yuusuf Cartan wuxuu ururiyay riwaayad la yidhaahdo “Sawirashada mustaqbalk” Riwaayaddani waxay sharaxi doontaa arrimaha muhiimka ah ee taariikhdii hore iyo tan imika ee dhaqanka Soomaalida, diinta iyo taariikhda – waxay astaynaysaa dhacdooyin ka taagan nolosha bulsho, siyaasadeed iyo dhaqan ee qaranka. Waxa qorshaha ku jira oo riwaayadda la socda qoob-ka-ciyaar dhaqamaeed iyo heeso ka soo jeeda wakhtiyadii hore iyo dhacdooyinka bulsheed, siyaasadeed iyo dhaqameed ee imika, kuwaas oo ka qayb qaata hannaanka dimuqraadiyadaynta iyo dhismaha habdhismeedyada casriga ah.

34 Maxamuud Sheekh Dalmar waa aqoonyahan ku xeeldheer taariikhda Islaamka iyo Caarbta, wuxuu na Maxamuud muddo dheer weriye ka ahaa idaacada BBCda laanta afsoomaaliga iyo kuwo kale oo ka mu ah warbaahinta afsoomaaliga ku hadasha. Maxamuud waa nin ku hirtaan oo ay aad u xurmeeyaan dhallinta Reer Soomaaliland kuwaas oo ay ku jiraan warfidiyeennada soo kacayaa. Waxyaalaha qiimaha leh ee uu Maxamuud ku soo kordhiyey arrimaha bulshada iyo dhaqanka iyo koru qaadidda suugaanta bulshada soomaaliyeed iyo weliba waayo-aragnimadiisa shaqo ee warbaahintu wax badan qaayo leh oo indhaha u fura bay siinaysaa ka-soo-qaybgalayaasha dhallinyarada ah.

Saciid Saalax Axmed oo ay Soomaalidu u taqaanno Siciid Saalax, wuxuu ka mid yahay qoreyaasha waaweyn ee masraxa Soomaalida, waa na maansoyahan iyo soosaare aad ugu muuqday degganaansho, garasho caqliyeed iyo ildheeri u dhaadhacda xaaladda nafsiga ah ee bulshada. Afsoomaaligu nasiib badan buu leeyahay in uu Saciid Saalax yahay macallinkiisa mayyalka u haya, Soomaalidu na nasiib bay leeyihiin caqliga wax ku kordhinaya iyo ilaaliyehiisa ba. Waxaa uu Saciid u jeestay dhinac fanka jilidda, sida uu ereyadiisa ku sheegay, “Markii uu fasalka iskuulku ku cidhiidhi noqday.” Si uu dareenka u baahiyo, awoodda ereyga na u ballaadhiyo, ayuu wuxuu u jeestay dhinac masraxa. Xirfadiisa waxqabasho waxay jirisaa waayaha taariikheed waxayna la jirtaa caddaaladda bulsheed. Midhaha suugaaneed ee uu leeyhaya kuwo ugu quwadda badani waa kuwa la xidhiidha waddaniyadda oo ka muuqato astaamaha sekoloojiyadeed ee reerguuraaga Soomaaliyeed. Waxa uu hadda ku nool yahay Minnesota oo dalka Maraykanka ah.

Axmed Ismaaciil Xudeydi waa ninka ugu horreeya cid Soomaaliyeed oo ilaa maanta cuudka tunta. Waxaa uu ku dhashay magaalada Cadan(Yemen). Horraantii afartannadii qarnigii labaatanaad ayuu u guuray Soomliland. Taariikhdiisa muusiqu waxay ka soo bilaantaa carruurnimodiisii iyo waqtigii uu iskuulka ku jiray. Muusiqa waxaa u dheer heesaha oo uu curiyo. Xudeydi waxa uu aakhirkii noqday muusiqaysta guulaysatay waxaa na uu ku biiray kooxdii muusiqa ee Walaalo Hargeysa oo ka ahaa “Chief of Orchestra”. Habka gaarka ah ee uu cuudka u tumo ayuu ku kasbaday magaca ‘Boqorka Cuudka’. Waxaa in badan u dheer idaacadaha, tv yada iyo riwaadaha uu ku soo baxo.

Tan iyo 1994kii Hudeydi waxa uu ku nool yahay dalka UK, inta bandanna waxa uu ku sii baxaa kulammad muusiqa soomaalida dad kala duwanna waxa uu baraa muusiqa.

Wuxuu hore nooga la qaybgalay Bandhiggii sannadkii 2009ka ee Hargeysa hadda na waxa aanu key faraxsanahay in uu sannadkan na naga la qaybgalayo Bandhigga buugagga ee Hargeysa halkaas oo asaga iyo Evan Chiristopher muusiq soo wada bandhigi doonaan.

Lara Lee waa filin-soosaare, agaasime firfircoone reer korea, reer Barasiil iyo reer Maraykan inta ba ah. Intii aanay 1989, u guurin dalka Maraykanka, waxay socodsiin jirtay ama maamuli jirtay Festifaalka Filimmada ee Baraasiil. Ka dib ayey kamarada weydaaratay, waxay gashay dugsi filimmada lagu barto, waxayna soo saartay saddex filin oo gaagaaban. Lara hadda Asaasaha Shabakadda dhaqanka iska-caabbinta(Cultures of Resistance Network Foundation). Hawlwadeen ahaan, waxay iskaashi la samaysay dhaqdhaqaaqyo badan xagga hoose ah oo ka mid yihiin Ololaha Caalamiga ah ee u halgamaya xaaraamaynta rasaasta firidhka wax key laysa, Muusiqii ahaan philharminga looga magacdaray Music –for- diplomacy Concert in North Korea, iyo mashaariicda hal-abuurka Iska caabbinta ee Iraan, Lubnaan iyo Falstiin. Bishii May,

35 2010kii, Lara waxay ka mid ahayd rakaabkii MV MVi Marmara, kaas oo magaciidu ahaa Gaza Freedom Flotila, ee ay ciidammadda Israa’iil key soo weerareen badda biyaha caalamiga ah dexdeeda. Kooxdeeda oo qudha ah ayaa ku guulaystay in ay qariyaan oo ay xafidaan filammaadii dhacdadaas, kaas oo ay aakhirkii u sii deysay adduunka, ka dib markii lagu daawaday Ummadaha Midoobay. Lara waxay hadda gacanta key haysaa oo ka shaqaynaysaa filim dukumentari ah oo la yidhaa Cowska dhibaataysan( The Suffering grasses) oo key saabsan Suuriya.

Bandhigga Buugaagta ee hargeysa aad bay farxad ugu tahay in Lara ay ka soo qaybgasho, waxaanu na tusaale u soo bandhigi donna filimkeeda dukumenteriga ah ee Cultures of Resistance, kaas oo runtii u dabbaaldegaya ficilka halabuurka ee halganka siyaasadeed.

Nadiifa Maxamed waxay ku dhalatay Hargeysa, Somaliland sannadku markii uu ahaa 1981kii. Waxa ay aqoonta taariikhda iyo siyaasadda ku baratay kuliyadda St Hilda’s College, Oxford. Inkasta oo ay ku barbaartay UK, ka ma ay xidhiidh furan dalkii ay ka soo jeedday, buuggeedii ugu horreeyay ee Black Mamba Boy wuxuu xus u ahaa socdaalkii khibradda xambaarsanaa ee aabbaheed kaga soo ambabaxay Afrika, Cadan ilaa UK oo uu markii dambe degay. Buugga Black Mamba Boy oo faallooyin qurux badan laga bixiyay waxa lagu daahfuray bandhiggii HIBF 2010. Nadiifa waa qoraayada ugu cadcad ee u soo kacay Soomaalida. HIBF waxa ay ku faraxsan tahay in Nadiifa mar labaad lagu martiqaado hoygeedii si ay tusaale lagu hirto ugu noqoto dhallinyarada Somaliland ula na qaybsato nuxurka ku duugaan buuggeeda.

Dr Georgi Kapchits wuxuu dhashay 2.10.1939. Sannadkii 1967kii ayuu ka qalinjebiyay the Institute of Asian and African Studies ee Moscow State University, halkaas oo ka soo bartay afafka Amxaariga iyo Soomaaliga. Intii u dhaxaysay 1967 ilaa 1994 wuxuu weriye ka ahaa qaybtii afka Soomaaliga ee idaacadda Moosko. Ilaa sannadkii 1994 wuxuu ka shaqaynayay qaybta macluumaadka ee idaacadda State Radio Company "Voice of Russia". Dr Kapchits wuxuu afka Soomaaliga ka dhigay Moosko iyo Baarliin(http://kapchits.narod.ru/). Sheekooyinka iyo taariikhda Dr. Kapchits ka hayo dhaqanka iyo caadooyinka Soomaalidu waxa ay waaya-aragnimo ballaadhan u kordhin doontaa dhallinyarada Somaliland iyo Soomaalida guud ahaan ba.

Saed Jama Qoraaga Siciid Jaamac wuxuu muddo ahaa guddoomiye ku xigeenka Somali Speaking Pen, waa na udub dhexaad u taagan horumarinta suugaanta dadka afka Soomaaliga ku hadla. Wuxuu ku hadlaa lix af, wuxuu qoraa sheekooyinka gaagaaban. Wuxuu Siciid qayb ka yahay socdaalka Buugaagta Geeddiga ah isaga oo soo bandhigi doona buuggiisa Shufbeel. “Shufbeel” waa cursiyo iyo sheekooyin gaagaaban oo isugu jira kuwo casri ah iyo kuwa hiddaha Soomaalida iyo murti iyo madadaalo salka ku haya. Siciid waa ruux u dhaarsan ilaalinta afka Soomaaliga gaar ahaan geeddiga eray af iyo qoraal loo kala rarayo. Siciid wuxuu lama huraan u yahay HIBF, waa ruuxda ilaalinta iyo horumarinta suugaanta Soomaalida ee kaydka loogu dhigayo jiilasha dambe.

36 Ridwan M Osman wuxuu ku koray Somaliland intii aanu waxbarasho u iman jaamacadda Cambridge oo uu ka dhigtay Masters, ka dib na PhD. Ridwaan wuxuu ku guulaystay inuu dhammaysto Master of Philosophy of Education. Ridwaan wuxuu hagi doonaa dood ku saabsan dhallinyarada iyo doorka ay mustaqbalka geysan karaan, wuxuu kale oo tusaale lagu soo hirto u noqonayaa dhallinyarada, gaar ahaan dhinaca waxbarashada.

Qumman Caqli dhawaan bay ka qalin jebisay jaamacadda Brunel oo ay ka qaatay shahaadada Mastarta oo dhinac sharciga ah. Ahamiyadda weyn ee ay siiso qaddiyadda xuquuqda aadamiga ayaa geyeyeysiisay in ay ku biirto shirkad ka shaqaysa arrimaha muhaajiriinta shirkaddaas soo si gaar ah isugu shuqliya mashaakilka caqidan ee ay la kulmaan dadka soo hijroodaa.

Helen Conford waa ka tirsan Penguin Books, halkaas oo ay ka shaqaynaysay tan iyo sannadkii 2003. Waxay xoogga saartaa qoraallada aan sheeko-xariirada ahayn waxayna qoraalladooda faafisaa tiro ballaadhan oo ay ka mid yihiin Naomi Klein, Scot schuman iyo John Lanchester. Waxy ka mid noqotay liiska kama-dambaysta ah ee loo soo rashaxay abaalmarinta Hormoodka Faafiyeyaasha Dhallinta yar, 2009.

Evan Christopher waxa uu si weyn isugu xilsaaray in uu si qoto fog hoos ugu dhaadhaco oo uu ka gu gadho wax badan muusig hor leh lagu halsabuuri karo aaladda kaleernidda, waxaa na muusiqiisa lagu ammaanay in uu yahay mid dhiirri iyo ismiidaamin leh, waaqica u dhow oo dareen iyo caadifadd leh. Waxay kuwa muusiq faaqidaa ku tilmaameen “guulsha, waqtiga hadda ah oo uu si aan kala googo’ lahayn ugu xidho waayadii hore ee biliga lahaa”. Ka dib fatahii daadadka ee sanndkii 2005tii ka dhacay NewOrleans laba sano ayuu safar ku jiray si uu guto kaalinta danjiraha dhaqanka soojireenka ah ee muusiqa ee magaalada. CDgiisii la magac baxay “Finesse” waxy Times UK u dooratay in uu noqdo Albomka Jazka sannadkii 2010.

Michael Walls waxa uu agaasime ka yahay MSc Course, wuxuu na duruus ka bixiyaa mowduuca Maaraynta Horumarka(Development Management) ee Qaybta Horumarinta Qorshaynta ee Jaamacadda UCL( University College of London). In ka badan toddoba sannadood wuxuu cilm-baadhis ka waday dhinaca culuunta siyaasadda, taasoo uu xooga saaray soo if-baxa hannaanka dowladnimo ee Soomaaliland.

37 Maqaalo

AMMAANTA IYO JACAYLKA AAN U QABO TARJUMIDDA MAANSADA Sarah Maguire Markii iigu horraysay ee ay ii baxdo sida Soomaalidu gabayga ugu qushuucaan, waxay ahayd labaatan sano ka hor. Nin la yidhaahdo Cismaan oo ka shaqeeya dukaan ay shirkadda ‘TESCO’ ku leedahay xafaddayada, ayaan aqoon saaxiibtinimo la yeeshay. Caado ahaan waxaan isku dayaa inaan cid walba ka qariyo shaqadayda aan ku noolahay, taas oo ay iigu wacan tahay anoo badanaa dadka kala kulma yaab iyo yaxyax wejigooda ka muuqda markaan u sheego inaan gabyaa ahay. Cismaan wuu ka duwanaa. Qiraalkaygii farxad ayuu ku soo dhoweeyay. Judhiiba wuxuu ila socodsiiyay in gabaygu dadkiisa runtii wax walba uga qiimi weyn yahay. Arrintani aniga xilligaas waxay igu noqotay xog hor leh oo igu cusub, in kasta oo gabayada aan Yurubiyanka ahayn aan uga aqoon badnahay Biritishka gabya badankooda. Misna dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed wax aqoon ah uma aan lahayn. Cismaan ayaa i amaahiyay buug lagu soo ururiyay maansooyin Soomaaliyeed uu tarjumay B.W. Andrzejeweski iyo ooridiisa Sheila. Markaan ka bogtay ayaan is arkay inaan shooladda ugu dhacay oo dabin ku jiro.

Kulankaygii labaad ee aan maansada Soomaaliyeed la kulmo wuxuu ahaa mar aan arkay tarjumid uu si caqiibo leh u sameeyay Martin Orwin oo ku jiray buugga la yidhaahdo (Modern poetry in translation called ‘Mother Tongue’ edited by Stephan Watts.) Gabayga Casriga ah ee lagu magacaabo “Afka Hooyo” ee Stephan Watts tifatire ka yahay. Mar labaad si weyn waxaa ii taabtay curis-wanaagga iyo lixaadka ka muuqday maansooyinkaas. Kolkaas ayaan goostay inaan aqoonta aan u leeyahay sii korodhsado. Nasiib wanaag, degaan qorayaasha loogu deeqo ayaa la iga siiyay SOAS (Dugsiga Afafka iyo Dhaqanka Afrika iyo Bariga ) ee Jaamacadda London 2001. Martin oo aan xafiiskiisii ka soo ag dhowaaday ayaan la socodsiiyay in himilooyinka ugu sitta ee aan rabo inaan xaqiijiyo intaan noolahay ay ka mid tahay inaan gabayga Soomaaliyeed aan ku simo heer adduunka laga wada caashaqo (si waalan loo jeclaado) Tan iyo maalintaasna waan u heellan ahay ballanqaadkaas oo ma sii dayn marna.

Sheekadaas xiisaha badan marxaladdeeda labaad waxay inna la gelaysaa markii aan asaasay Xarunta Tarjumidda Maansooyinka 2004, mahadi ha ka gaadho ‘London Arts Council’ ( Golaha Fanka ee London) ee sida weyn ii taageeray. Fikradda abuuridda xaruntu waxay igu dhalatay markii la i dejiyay dugsiga SOAS ee aan halkaas ka bilaabay inaan ku qabanno kulammo wada-shaqayn ah oo lagu tarjumayo gabayo si gaar ah loo xulay. Gabayadaas oo badnaa waxaa ka mid ahaa kuwo uu leeyahay Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac.

Xarunta Tarjumidda Maansadu waa urur yar oo madax-bannaan kuna hawllan tarjumidda maansooyinka casriga ah ee afafka Aasiya, Afrika iyo Laatin Ameerika. Laba sababood ayaa ii geeyay inaan xaruntaa asaaso ama abuuro: Tan hore waxay tahay gabaygu wuxuu ku nool yahay tarjumidda. Haddaan arrintan masal ka bixiyo: Qaabka maansada ku caanka ah ee loo yaqaan SONNET, waxa markii ugu horraysay lagu hindisay dalka Talyaaniga. Waxaa curisteeda lahaa Petrach, waxaana Af-ingiriisi ku soo tarjumay Thomas Wyatt. Shakespeare uma ay suuroobi karteen inu Sonnet-yada maqaamkaa leh uu sameeyo, gabayga Ingiriisigana kaalinta igaman kama ay galeen haddaanay ahayn tarjumiddii markii ugu horraysay Talyaaniga laga soo guuriyay.

Carruurnimadaydii waxaan nasiib u yeeshay inaan aqriyo tarjumid lagu sameeyay gabayada Ruushka iyo kuwa Yurubta Bari – dagaalkii qaboobaa dabadiis dhashay- Waxaanse ogaaday inay jiraan tarjumado casri ah, aad u wacan, tiradoodu yar tahay oo lagu sameeyay Af-carbeedka iyo Afka Faarisiga – Afsoomaaliga isaga haba sheegin. Halkaas waxaa iiga baxay in dadka Af- Ingiriisiga ku gabyaa ay wax badan ku la’ yihiin maqnaanta gabayo badani kala maqan yihiin. Kuwaas oo si weyn u noolayn lahaa oo u naaxin lahaa halabuurkooda haddii saaxiibbadooda ay isku casriga yihiin wax-is- waydaarsiga tarjumaddu wada kulmin lahaa.

38 Sababta kale ee ii geesay inaan asaaso Xarunta Tarjumidda Maansooyinka waxay ahayd iyadoo dareen aad u weyn loo yeeshay qiimaha gabayga ka dib markii dadyaw fara badani ku soo qulquleen dalkan muddooyinkii dhowaa. Waxaan ahaa qoraagii ugu horreeyay ee ‘ British Council’ (qunsulka Biritishku) u diro Falastiin iyo Yaman ee si roon ugu dhaadhacay kana faaiidaystay kaalinta gabaygu ku leeyahay bulshada Carabta iyo tan Islaamkaba. Waxaa si weyn iigu caddaatay in wax dhaami karaa aanay jirin si xidhiidh loo la yeesho beelahaas inay tahay gabayadooda oo Afingiriisi lagu tarjumo.. ka dibna halkan lagu martiqaado hal doorkooda ugu cadcad si isla aqris iyo kulammo loo wada yeesho.

Sannadkii 2005 ayaa Xarunta Tarjumidda Maansooyinka ugu horraysay inay u fidiso martiqaad gabyaa ka kala socda Afghanistan, India, Indonesia. Mexico, Sudan iyo Somaliland si ay gabayadooda uga jeediyaan dalka U.K gobolladiisa. Socdaalkaas waxaa loo bixiyay “ Socddaalka Gabyaaga Adduunka” (World Poets Tour). Si weyn ayaan ugu dhaygagay xiisaha la yaabka leh iyo soo-dhowaynta Maxamed Xaaashi Dhamac kala kulmay dadkii Soomaaliyeed ee isugu yimid meeluhuu gabaygiisa ka jeedinayay. Weligay hore uma aan arag gabyaa farxad iyo rayrayn heerkaas ah lagu soo dhoweeyo. Taasina waxay si weyn ii sii tustay in xidhiidh-wanaag beesha Soomaaliyeed lala yeeshaa ay tahay mid laga ma maarmaan ah. Sidaan hore uga ballanqaaday Martin sannado ka hor inaan damacsan ahay maansada Soomaaliyeed in adduunku caashaqo ayaa markanna ballanqaadkaasi igu sii durkay.

Mar labaad ayaa Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac nagu soo laabtay 2008. Markan qudheeda, barnaamijkii Socdaalka Gabyaaga Adduunka guul ayuu ku dhammaaday. Magaalada Liverpool, Gaarriye koox dhallinyaro ah oo maansada aad u danaysa qoraalkeedana bilaabay ayuu jeclaysiin iyo dhiirrigelin weyn u yeeshay. Dadkii goobtaas isugu yimid guud ahaan Soomaali iyo ajnabiba way ku ashqaraareen.

Maantana, mahadi ha ka gadho deeq wanaagga Toddobadka Dhaqanka Somaliyed, ee fursad kale noo siiyay inaan la kulanno MX Dhamac Gaarriye, taas oo hubanti xidhiidhkii aannu isaga iyo beesha Soomalidaba la lahayn sii xoojinaysa.

Sharaf weyn ayay noo tahay inaan ka soo qaybgalno barnaamijka Toddobaadka Dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed ee sannadkan, iyadoo weliba ay ‘Tarjumidda iyo Kaalinteedu” dhextaal u tahay hawshiisa. Tijaabada aanu ka soo marnay tarjumiddda maansooyinka Af-soomaaliga waxay na tustay sida dadka aan soomaalida ahayni u daneeyaan una jeclaystaan qurux wanaagga maansooyinkaa markay tarjumid kaga bogteen sannadihii inna soo dhaafay. Mahad lama- dhaafaan ah waxaa mutaystay Martin Orwin, Maxamed Xasan Alto, iyo Gabyaaga WM Herbert oo isagu si weyn isugu hawllay inu dadka Af-ingiriisiga ku hadla ee goobahaas ka soo qaybgala ku soo dhoweeyo oo dareensiiyo micne iyo macaan ahaanba gabayga Soomaaliyeed siduu hoodo u leeyhay.

Waxaan quuddarraynayaa in sannado badan oo soo socda ay Xarunta Tarjumidda Maansada iyo beesha soomaaliyeed ay kulmi doonaan iyadoo xidhiidhkoodu uu sii xididaystay. waxaa Tarjumay Saciid Jaamac Xuseen

39 (Erey iyo Aqoon-Erey Qaamuuska iyo DhaqankaAqoon Soomaaliyeed,

xulka ereybixinta fanka iyo cilmiga)

Nagu soo biir si aynu ereyga iyo aqoonta u fidinnoBAAQ oo nagu taageer qeexidda erey aad adigu

Ujeeddadayadu waa samaynta Qaamuuska Dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed( Somali Cultural Dictionary) kaas oo Afsoomaali ah oo magaciisu yahay Erey iyo Aqoon(doorato. Word and Knowledge). Danta aanu u soconaa waa in aanweydiisanno cilmibaadheyaasha iyo xeeldheereyaasha culuunta aadanaha, ama culuunta kale sida xisaabta iyo tirokoobka, dhaqaalaha iyo joornaalismka iyo dhammaan dadka ba qof-qof cid kasta oo ku lug leh Bandhigga buugaagta in ay ku hal oo soomaali ah ama ingriisi ah ay oo qeexeen( ay macneeyeen) ku darsadaan Qaamuuska. Labada afba na waa laguturjumi doonaa. Si gooni ah

waxaa dhallinyarada loogu baaqayaa in ay eregooda ku darsadaan. Yoolka mashruucani waa xoojinta jawi furfurnaan iyo waxwada qabsi ku dhisan oo dadka afsoomaaliga wax ku akhrista u soo dhaweeya aqoonta kuna taageera in ay si qoto dheeri ah u

fahmaan nuxurka taariikhiga ah ereybixinta dhaqameed.

Ereybixinaha la keeno dhammaan waxaa lagu shubi doonaa qaab website ah, kuwo laga doorto na qoraal baa lagu faafin doonaa. KaqaybgalayaashaQaybinta iyo qaarkood Faafinta waxaa laga codsan doonaa in ereyda ay doorteen ay ka soo jeediyaan mid ka mid ah dhacdooyinka barnaamijka Bandhigga Buugaagta ee hargeysa iyo libareeriga guurguura. Dhami ereyda la soo qadimo waxa la malayn karaa in ereyda la soo qadimo bandhigga lagu daro daabacaadda uu tafatiri doono Jaamac Muuse Jaamac ayna faafin

doonto shirkadda Ponte Invisible ed( Redsea online). Qaabka Waxa uu qaabku noqon doonaasidan:

1. Asalka macnaha ereyga 2. Qeexid fudud oo kooban 3. Dhinaca taariikheed iyo dhaqameed ee ereyga 4. Howraaraha la soo qaadan karo ee ereygu ku jiro 5. Taariikh-nololeedka kooban ee qofka ereyga soo qaddimay 6. Haddii ay suurogal noqoto sawirkiisa

Haddii aad hawshaas nagu taageerayso naga la soo xidhiidh: [email protected]

40 Great Lost - 2012

A tribute to a true patriot

Abdishakur Ali Jowhar deceased away on May 13, 2012 following a car accident at Tulli village, between Dila and Borama in Western Somaliland. Alla how naxariisto. Dr. Jowhar was a generous man who always gave from his heart. He left the comfort of the diaspora and a well-paid job in the West to give his soul, his mind, and eventually his life to his people. In the sweet memory of his sacrifices and for the sake of our young nation, we should all strive to follow his example. We shall remember him. We shall honor him. We shall never forget him, and we will miss him deeply.


For the sixth year running Kayd Somali Arts and Culture in partnership with Redsea Online Cultural Foundation and others present a week of high-calibre Somali poetry, music and theatre to its London audiences. Featuring world-renowned international and UK-based Somali artists, Somali Week Festival (SWF), which will run between the 20th-28th October 2012 at Oxford House and SOAS University, is a unique event of its kind that showcases the diversity and richness of Somali arts.

Celebrating ‘courage’

This year’s theme of ‘courage’ celebrates the achievements of Somali artists who employ a range of artistic expressions to challenge social or political injustices. Our visiting international guests represent varying socio-political struggles, use a range of artistic mediums, and span different generations and historical periods.

The theme will provide an opportunity for artists, panellists and audiences from different generations to meet, collaborate and draw inspiration from each others work. The community will have a chance to meet and discuss with artists including the following: Hadaawi, Said Salah, Hassan Qawdan, Musse Cali ‘Faruur,’ Faysal Omar Mushteeg, Kaddare, Lidwien Kapteijns, Nadifa Mohamed, Ahmed Ismail Yusuf, Abdi Dhuh, ‘Basbaas.’

Following on from last year’s success, in partnership with the Poetry Translation Centre and British Pen Kayd will translate into English and publish Faruur and Hadraawi’s poetry, whilst developing our on-going commitment to raising the profile of, and making Somali art available to, a wider audience. Our work will also involve our team of professional translators in publishing and translating into Somali, English short stories by Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy.

42 Goortii an dayey dhaqanki baa, gacanta ii haadshay Gulufkay ku qaadeen dhirtii, gawda laga saaray Iguhaadiyoo wuxu i yidhi, ereyo gaagaaban Waa gelengel kaymii ahaa, gees walba u raace Goobteed ku hoyataan ku idhi, waan guntanayaaye? Galoolkiyo maraageenni baa, sii gabaabsi ahe Wuxu yidhi, “Go’doon baan ku jirey, goor iyo ayaane.” Ragga geela seeteeyey iyo, ramadka goohaaya Wuxu yidhi, “Warmaa laygu ganay, aanan geyahayne.” Iyaguna garaabada qallalan, gega ku ruugaaya Wuxu yidhi, “Anoo geydh qabaan, meel galluubnahaye.” Habeenkiina guuraha ku taga, guriga reerkooda Wuxu yidhi, “Dadaw ii gurmada, goosan baan ahaye.” Waa gurintir nagu soo baxoo, godobi noo taalle.

Geesiga u sheeg buu i yidhi, garasha dheeraaye Gudbay oo haddana baylah kale, layga gacan haadi Gudbay oo haddana baylah kale, layga gacan haadi Gaadhsii haweenkuu i yidhi, gaari dumaroo dhan Guudiyo hablii loo yiqiin, Gaasiriyo Dhuuxo Garka iyo wadnaha ruux la jaray, waa galbanayaaye Waana gocasho aan sii qaboo, igu gedaannayde Hablihii garayskiyo lahaa, summad kaloo gaara Galawga iyo fiintaa ka ciya, roobka soo guda e Gabbalkii markuu dhacay miyaa, gama’la ii diiday. Hablii timaha gadafeyn jiree, joogey gurigooda Xidhadhkii gasiinkiyo ahaa, gaadhka iyo hooska Hablii geela laga bixin jiriyo, gaado faraskeenna Quruxdeenna gaarka ah haddii, ganacsi loo qaado Marku waagu galac yidhi miyaan, sahanka googooyey Hablii garangar beeshoo u taal, wada gargaaraayey Nin garaabo siistiyo haddaan, gudinta loo diidin Geestaan jalleecaba miyaan, xaalki garanwaayey Ee qabyada ku geeraari jirey, gebagabaynteeda Innagoo gumawna iyo caydh, gororku weeyaane Hadba midab guhaadlayn miyaan, wada galiilyooday Iyaguna gaddoomoo ka tage, gobolladeenniiye Nimanyahaw ammuuraha gedmada, ee la garan waayo Gacantayda dhabankii miyaan, guudka ku illoobay Naf go’daanu celinine nin ragi, waa gorfayn jiraye Hayin gibisha loo jiidayoo, gaban yar loo dhiibay Gurboodkii ka soo hadhay na nece, guri-dhiggoodiiye Guntadoo ka kaca yeynu noqon, gegi habaas weyne Gucle orod waxaan daba socdaa, geeddi sii rarane Magaalada markay soo galeen, xaalkigaran waaye Gudbay oo haddana baylah kale, layga gacan haadi Dhaqan laga gudbaan goobayaa, meesha uu galaye Bac guduudan bay guri hortii, gega ka waabteene Goobtuu ku hoorana ma qoyo, geedku Genayow e Godka loo qodaan waayo dheer, laga gayoonayne Garaabiyo waxay iibiyaan, geed-xun iyo shaahe Daadkaa galgalad nooga tagon, xididka gaadhayne I gargaar Allahayow adaa, gacan leh oo weyne. Geyaankoodi baa gabay hadday, gebi dhacleeyeene Gebiyada biyaha goostay ee, naga gaddoomaaya Haddaydaan ka gadanaynin may, gegeda joogeene Gacammada haddii loo xidhoo, gudubka loo leexsho Gudbay oo dabeed baylahdii, galay dedaalkeeda Goobtaana idinkaa na dhigay, garanna maysaane. Gubasho iyo oonka na helay, waan ka gami’layne Fardaa gaasabixin loo cuskaday, layligana geele Geyigeennu wuxu noqon lahaa, godan barwaaqaade Guluf iyo colaadaha fardaa ugu, gadhqaad dheere Gudbay oo haddana baylah kale, layga gacan haadi Guntada oo ka kaca yeynu noqon, gegi habaas weyne. Gabbaan looma dhiibee nin raga, gacanta loo saarye Ubbadii Gedaan-dheer, qumbiyo, goobti subaggeenna Geyi dheer ayaa lagu tagaa, orod ku gaadhaaye Guda weyne kolay gii dhacdada, guri dhan qaadaayey Gudbay oo haddana baylah kale, layga gacan haadi Gurmadkiyo garmaamada markuu, fadalka goynaayo Xeedho gobi ku kulantoo gardhiyo, giringir loo yeelay Ahminkaa gurguuranaya iyo, gorodda noo joogta Ee u geesi guudkiisa koray, ganafka soo haabto Iyo gocayo haanoo gadhoodh, subag ka soo goysa Gammaanka iyo geesley dhammaan, guunyadaan hayno Ee qurux u gaariyo xariir, guudka laga saaro Gurgur saabsanoy gaari dumar, gacanta soo saartay Goodirkiyo ugaadheenna iyo, gorayadii heeryo Gelbiskiyo damaashaadka iyo, gabadh la soo doonay Oo wada gingimanooy dhammaan, gadaw sibbaaqaysay Guyaal joogi maayaan haddaan, geedka loo tudhine Iyana waa gob iyo caadadeed, gola ka heenseeye Marke gaar leh gorofkoo la culay, geela lagu maalo Guntada oo ka kaca yeynu noqon, gegi habaas weyne. Arrintaa ninkii garanayaan, gacal wadaagnaaye Masaf garawga lagu haadiyoo, wada garaaraysan Gaadiidku wuxu nagu ahaa, guunyo qaaliyahe Garka iyo dhegaatiga dhanrare, surradda loo giijo Allahayow gacmaha hoorsannee, barako aan guurin Gammaankii fardood wuu ka tegey, gobolladeenniiye. Iyo waxaan garaad koobinoo, guriga hoos yaalla Noo geli raggeenniyo kuwaan, haatan garan weynay Gawdiidka dhigaha iyo lool, quruxda loo gaafay Allahayow gacmaha hoorsannee, barako aan guurin Gudbay oo haddana baylah kale, layga gacan haadi Iyo udub gengaanka u hayoo, guriga xooggiis ah Noo geli haweenkiyo gabdhaha, guudka fidhanaaya Raggii doob-garfaankiyo lahaa, geeljiraha naaxay Gudbanow aloolkiyo kebdaha, baraley goobaysan Allahayow gacmaha hoorsannee, barako aan guurin Raggii geeshageeshayn jiree, timaha gaydhaystay Harrar gobolba cayn yahay xariir, magaca googoosa Noo geli gurboodkiyo dhallaan, guriga noo jooga Guurdoonka nimankii ahaa, gacalku xiiseeyo Gabdhihii samayn jirey ka tage, gobolladeenniiye. Allahayow gacmaha hoorsannee, barako aan guurin Geesiga raggii loo yiqiin, gacanta loo taago Noo geli daruuraha giblane, guudka naga maydha Hubka geela loo qaato iyo, gumuca maadhiinka Gob waxaan ku nahay dawlad, aan gaar u leenahaye Gu’ onkoday xareed galacle iyo, rays gabbala yeesha Markay garabka saaraan raggii, gelayey taariikhda Gob waxaan ku nahay geedka iyo, gacal ku-sooryeyne Oon gufaaco xoogliyo lahayn, gaydh wax naga laysa Waran-gacan raggii qaadan jirey, ammase gaashaanka Gob waxaan ku nahay gaadhka iyo, gogosha hoos taalle Guullow Allahayow na sii, gacani waa taaye Raggii laba go’iyo garan lahaa, guudka ka iftiima Gob waxaan ku nahay gooddigiyo, talo la guulaaye Guntimaha isdhaafiyo Allow, garawgu noo beermo Waa dhaqan gaddoomoo ka tage, gobolladeenniiye. Gob waxaan ku nahay gacanta oon, tacab ku gaadhnaaye Gasiinkana Allow nooga yeel, midhaha gaaxdooda Gadaal dhalad dambaa soo bixiyo, guuto weerarehe Gob waxaan ku nahay guunyadiyo, badaha guuxaaya Oo maalka naga gudhan Allow, godol ku soo jooji

43 Funded by:


Kilfinan Trust


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