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[email protected] FORTHCOMING ALOHA WANDERWELL NON-FICTION The Border-Smashing, Record-Setting Life of the Girl Who Stole the World CHRISTIAN FINK-JENSEN & RANDOLPH EUSTACE-WALDEN In 1922 an eighteen-year-old American woman set out to become the first female to drive around the world. Her name was Aloha Wanderwell. The project was foolhardy in the extreme. Drivable roads were scarce and the cars themselves — about as powerful as today’s ride-on mowers — were alien in much of the world. To overcome these limitations, the Wanderwell Expedition created a specially modified Model T Ford that featured rubber tires, steel disc wheels, gun scabbards, and a sloped back that could fold out to become a darkroom. Thus equipped, Aloha set out to see the world. All that remained was learning how to drive. Aloha’s name and adventures became known around the world. Tall, graceful, and beautiful, she was photographed in front of the Eiffel Tower, in the salt caverns of Poland, parked on the back of the Sphinx, firing mortars in China, visiting American fliers in Calcutta, meeting the prince regent of Japan, shaking hands with Mussolini, smiling through a tickertape parade in Detroit. She was an inspiration to thousands. As it turns out, the famous Aloha Wanderwell was an invention. The American Aloha Wanderwell was, in reality, the Canadian Idris Hall. And her mentor, the dashing filmmaker, lecturer, polyglot, and world traveller Captain Walter Wanderwell, was an invention himself.