Copyrighted Material
Index Athens and Sparta are mentioned throughout this book: under their names topics are indexed but not events or individuals. Many entries are arranged chronologically, and for this purpose the fourth century (‘C4’) is treated as beginning in 404. Abdera: in Second Athenian League 269 Aetna Abydus: in Peloponnesian War 153–4 at Catana 81–2 Acarnania: in Peloponnesian at Inessa 83, 317, 318 War 108–10 Aetolia Achaea in Peloponnesian War 103, 110 390’s 246 C4 287 360’s 234–5, 254–5, 289 Agatharchus of Athens, painter 222 Acragas Agathocles, tyrant of Syracuse 328, temples 82, 219 330 tyrants early C5 78–81 Agesilaus II, king of Sparta 240–59; mid C5 82–4 cf. 225–30, 235, 282–3, 286, 384 and Carthage late C5 313–17 Agesipolis I, king of Sparta 245, 247–8 Ada of Caria 361–3, 409 Agis II, king of Sparta Aegeae (Vergina) 220, 222, 335, 360 in 418 135–6 Aegina at Decelea 147, 149, 159–60, 173 in First Peloponnesian War 48 Elean war and death 240 430’s 88, 91, 93–5COPYRIGHTEDAgis III, kingMATERIAL of Sparta 385–6, 396 in Peloponnesian War 107, 114, 115 Agyrrhius of Athens 263, 298, 304, Aegospotami: battle in 405 158 306 Aeschines of Athens 213, 346, 347–51, Alcibiades of Athens 352, 355, 375–9, 382; cf. 237, 303, early career 128, 133–7, 138, 163–5 333 Sicilian expedition 139–44, 146–7 Aeschylus of Athens, tragedian religious scandals 140–1, 166–7 in Athens 44–6, 212 later career 150–8, 169–78 in Sicily 81 in Aristophanes 179 in Aristophanes’ Frogs 179 Alexander I, king of Macedon 335 446 INDEX Alexander II, king of Macedon 288–9 Androtion of Athens: governor of Alexander III (the Great), king of Arcesine 275 Macedon 388–426; cf.
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