ELECTRUM * Vol. 27 (2020): 117–130 doi: 10.4467/20800909EL.20.006.12796 www.ejournals.eu/electrum Athenian ‘Imperialism’ in the Aegean Sea in the 4th Century BCE: The Case of Keos* Wojciech Duszyński http:/orcid.org/0000-0002-9939-039X Jagiellonian University in Kraków Abstract: This article concerns the degree of direct involvement in the Athenian foreign policy in the 4th century BC. One of main questions debated by scholars is whether the Second Athe- nian Sea League was gradually evolving into an arche, to eventually resemble the league of the previous century. The following text contributes to the scholarly debate through a case study of relations between Athens and poleis on the island of Keos in 360s. Despite its small size, Keos included four settlements having the status of polis: Karthaia, Poiessa, Koresia and Ioulis, all members of the Second Athenian League. Around year 363/2 (according to the Attic calendar), anti-Athenian riots, usually described as revolts, erupted on Keos, to be quickly quelled by the strategos Chabrias. It is commonly assumed that the Athenians used the uprising to interfere di- rectly in internal affairs on the island, enforcing the dissolution of the local federation of poleis. However, my analysis of selected sources suggests that such an interpretation cannot be readily defended: in fact, the federation on Keos could have broken up earlier, possibly without any ex- ternal intervention. In result, it appears that the Athenians did not interfere in the local affairs to such a degree as it is often accepted. Keywords: Athens, Keos, Koresia, Karthaia, Poiessa, Ioulis, Aegean, 4th century BC, Second Athenian League, Imperialism. According to the most classical vision of Greek history, the 4th century BCE was a pe- riod when Athens made several attempts to regain the glory and power it had achieved in the previous century; tellingly, E. Badian even coined the term, ‘the ghost of Empire,’ to express the extent to which the Athenians were infatuated with their great past.1 This Athenian drive to regain lost excellence mainly focused on rebuilding their arche in the * The present paper was prepared thanks to the grant from the National Science Centre: UMO-2012/7/B/ HS3/03455. 1 Badian 1995, 79–81. Rhodes (2012, 117–127) takes a much more cautious view: the ‘new’ Athenian imperialism had become evident only after the battle of Leuctra in 371. 118 Wojciech Duszyński Aegean Sea; nevertheless, the local political, social and economic conditions in the re- gion did not favour the Athenian efforts, many of their successive initiatives eventually proving futile.2 Notably, the Athenians did not learn from their failures and did not as a community acknowledge that what worked in the fifth century could not work in the fourth: locked in a vicious circle of repeating old mistakes, they finally had to yield to the rising Macedonian power. A particularly clear manifestation of their overreaching aspirations was supposedly the development of the Second Athenian League (ca. 378). Officially, the confederation meant to protect the autonomy of the member states against Spartan designs, with checks and balances introduced to prevent the alliance from turn- ing into an Athenian empire: for example, the Athenians could neither own land in the federated poleis nor participate in sessions of the synedrion, a decision-making body made up of their allies.3 Despite such precautions, Athens allegedly found ways to abuse the bylaws and soon began to interfere in the internal matters of the individual states. The scholarly consensus presented above, although still widespread today, has been criticised by some contemporary historians, who have pointed out that several sweeping simplifications must be made to accept this version of events. Granted, the Athenians must have longed to rebuild their old arche, but the ways and means they used toward that goal were not straightforward. Significantly, J. Cargill concluded in his monograph on the Second Athenian League that almost all attested Athenian actions that aimed at subjugating specific states (such as Samos in 366) involved poleis not included in the symmachia;4 therefore, we can hardly accuse the Athenians of violating their obligations towards their allies. Cargill’s conclusions have not been readily and universally accepted by historians, with a subset of scholars having pointed out several cases of controversial Athenian behaviour towards their allies.5 A case in point (crucial to this analysis mainly due to the sheer amount of surviving source material) is the Athenian intervention in the internal affairs of the island of Keos, whose cities belonged to the Second Athenian League in the 360s. Keos (present-day Kea) lies fairly close to the south-eastern coast of Attica, long included in the archipelago of Cyclades.6 Despite its small size (159 km2), the island hosted no less than four settlements described as poleis: Karthaia, Poiessa, Koresia and Ioulis.7 Due to its high concentration of urban centres, Keos constitutes a remarkable outlier among the Aegean islands, but it has so far only rarely attracted the scholarly at- tention it rightly deserves.8 At the very beginning of the 4th century, the island remained under the Spartan influence; Demosthenes mentions that a Lacedaemonian harmost held an office on Keos prior to the outbreak of the Corinthian War in 395.9 During 2 E.g. Beloch 1922, 93–95, 195–196, 237–238; Cloche 1934, 307–336; Perlman 1968; Cawkwell 1981, 47; Buckler 2003, 377–379. 3 Marshall 1905, 16–20; Accame 1941, 53–59; Cargill 1981, 131–134, 146–148; Badian 1995, 91. 4 Cargill 1981. For a traditional and opposing view, see Cloche 1934, 157–158; Davies 1969, 331–333; Bonnin 2015, 266. 5 E.g. Hornblower 1982; Martin 1984. 6 Strabo 10.5.3 (485C); Bürchner 1921, 182–183. 7 Strabo 10.5.6 (486C); Pliny, NH 4.12.64; Ps-Scylax 58. 8 It is worth noting that A. Pridik’s work (1892) remains the only comprehensive monograph on ancient Keos. 9 Dem. 18.96. Athenian ‘Imperialism’ in the Aegean Sea in the 4th Century BCE: The Case of Keos 119 this conflict, the harmost was probably removed from the island as a result of Con- on’s actions following the Battle of Cnidus in 394.10 The island then disappeared from the pages of history until 376, when the Spartan fleet reportedly operated near it prior to the Battle of Naxos.11 It was also around that time that the local poleis on Keos joined the Second Athenian League. In the 360s (363/2 or the previous one, according to the Attic calendar), the poleis on Keos rioted against Athens, with the disturbance usually being described as a re- volt. Some historians suspect the riots started due to a Theban interference,12 because the unrest concurred with Epaminondas’ sea expedition as described by Diodorus of Sicily (364); the Theban allegedly encouraged his compatriots to attempt to challenge the Athenian domination over the Aegean Sea.13 The fleet he built set sail and achieved some short-term successes;14 one of them reportedly being the revolt on Keos, although Diodorus never mentions whether the Thebans landed there. Our knowledge on the events on Keos comes from a number of local inscriptions, forming the largest database of information related to the island’s history in the Classical period. The said inscriptions reveal that riots have intermittently started on the island in the analysed period, to be quelled by the strategos Chabrias, a renowned military com- mander. The historians commonly accept that, as a part of punitive measures against Keos, the Athenians considerably increased their interference in the internal affairs on the island. Reportedly, the local poleis joined to create a federation (koinon), its origin dated by historians to the 360s, the early 3rd century, or even to the preceding centu- ry.15 After the riots, the union of the islanders was allegedly abolished.16 In the eyes of many, the events of 363/2 on Keos constitute a clear example of imperialist aspirations of the hegemon of the League, with the Athenians more than willing to brutally suppress the autonomy of the League’s individual members. Furthermore, many historians argue that the 360s marked the time when the Athenians, inspired by exploitative practices of the former Delian League, began to treat their allies in a harsh and condescending manner, which, among other causes, led to the subsequent outbreak of the War of the 10 Xen. Hell. 4.8.1. After the victory at Cnidus, Conon started to remove Spartan garrisons from indi- vidual cities in the Aegean. We know that he visited Athens (Hell. 4.8–10). Therefore, it is more than likely that he took care to remove the Spartan garrison from Keos (see Thomopoulos 1954, 321). 11 Xen. Hell. 5.4.31. 12 Pridik 1892, 37; Bürchner 1921, 189; Beloch 1922, 197; Ruzicka 1998, 62, note 11; Buckler 2003, 365; Rhodes – Osborne 2003, no. 39, commentary, 201; Bonnin 2015, 268. 13 Diod. 15.79.1. 14 Ruzicka (1998) believes that Epaminondas’ fleet achieved a degree of success, fomenting rebellions among some Athenian allies (Byzantium, Chios and Rhodes), which were never completely suppressed and continued to smoulder until the outbreak of the War of the Allies (357); however, many scholars hold a con- trary opinion, cf. e.g. Cawkwell 1981, 270–273; Stylianou 1998, 494–497; Buckler 2003, 365–366. 15 For the issue of the definition of the koinon as a unified state (which is sometimes referred to as the federal state in English or the Bundesstaat in German), see Beck 1997, 11–13 and 18–19. For its creation on Keos, see Pridik 1892, 31–32 (5th century); Lewis 1962, 2–3 (dating its creation to the end of the 5th century); Swoboda 1923, 46 (dating its creation to the time not long before the revolt of 363/2); Brun 1989, 130–134 (dating its creation to a period from the beginning of the 4th century).
The Aristoteles Decree and the Expansion of the Second Athenian
HESPERIA 75 (2006) THE ARISTOTELES Pages 379-395 DECREE AND THE EXPANSION OF THE SECOND ATHENIAN LEAGUE ABSTRACT The left lateral face of the Aristoteles Decree stele {IG IP 43), the most impor numerous tant epigraphic source for the Second Athenian League, presents problems of interpretation. The author attempts here to establish the order in were on which members of the League listed that face and to link them with a campaigns described in the literary sources, offering possible restoration for the name inscribed in line 111 and later erased. A contemporary inscription from Athens points to the Parians, who were also listed on the front of the stone. the erasure was intended to correct a mistake of Thus, repetition. our The stele of the Aristoteles Decree (Fig. 1) is principal epigraphic evi dence for the Second Athenian League, and since its discovery and initial more a on publication than 150 years ago it has shed great deal of light the affairs of Athens and Greece during the first half of the 4th century b.c.1 It has also raised many questions, both epigraphic and historical, especially names with regard to the specific of members and their dates of entry into the League. Both the stone and the organization whose existence it records over have received intense scholarly scrutiny the years.2 In this article I on names focus the of member city-states, leagues, and individuals that appear on the left lateral face of the stone (lines 97-134), both to establish the order in which the names were inscribed and to attempt to link the campaigns of Athenian generals recorded in the literature with the ap names on a to pearance of the stele.
Citations in Classics and Ancient History The most common style in use in the field of Classical Studies is the author-date style, also known as Chicago 2, but MLA is also quite common and perfectly acceptable. Quick guides for each of MLA and Chicago 2 are readily available as PDF downloads. The Chicago Manual of Style Online offers a guide on their web-page: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html The Modern Language Association (MLA) does not, but many educational institutions post an MLA guide for free access. While a specific citation style should be followed carefully, none take into account the specific practices of Classical Studies. They are all (Chicago, MLA and others) perfectly suitable for citing most resources, but should not be followed for citing ancient Greek and Latin primary source material, including primary sources in translation. Citing Primary Sources: Every ancient text has its own unique system for locating content by numbers. For example, Homer's Iliad is divided into 24 Books (what we might now call chapters) and the lines of each Book are numbered from line 1. Herodotus' Histories is divided into nine Books and each of these Books is divided into Chapters and each chapter into line numbers. The purpose of such a system is that the Iliad, or any primary source, can be cited in any language and from any publication and always refer to the same passage. That is why we do not cite Herodotus page 66. Page 66 in what publication, in what edition? Very early in your textbook, Apodexis Historia, a passage from Herodotus is reproduced.
THE CHABRIAS MONUMENT IN THE ATHENIAN AGORA (PLATES 11-12) JN Hesperia,IX, 1940, pp. 314-320, Eugene Schweigertpublished some fragments of an inscribed statue base (Agora I 994 and related stones) with a reconstruction and a brief commentary. Since that time other fragments have been found, one of which makes the original restoration impossible, and in the course of a consequent reexamination of all the pieces some new relationships have been established which dictate a new form for the monument (P1. 12).' Schweigert's publication included eleven fragments (A-K), to which can now be added the more recent discoveries as well as several fragments known earlier but not used in the original reconstruction. To avoid undue confusion the letters first used to designate fragments have been retained wherever possible, and the alphabetical series has been continued to include the additional pieces.2 Fragment A: three joining fragments preserving the inscribed face with three lines and part of a wreath and the original smooth-pickedtop; found April 21, 1936, in a modern wall over the southern part of the Late Roman Gymnasium complex (M 14). Height, 0.205 m.; width, 0.65 m.; thickness, 0.088 m.; height of letters, ca. 0.013 m. Inv. no. I 994 f. Fragment B: four joining fragments preserving a part of two finished faces, all with bits of wreath, no letters; small fragment from forward face found May 19, 1953, in a Turkish well west of the East Stoa (O 14); central fragment from left face found August 1, 1959, in a marble pile south of the Odeion (M 14); finding places of other fragments not recorded.
Constantine the Great and Christian Imperial Theocracy Charles Matson Odahl Boise State University
Boise State University ScholarWorks History Faculty Publications and Presentations Department of History 1-1-2007 Constantine the Great and Christian Imperial Theocracy Charles Matson Odahl Boise State University Publication Information Odahl, Charles Matson. (2007). "Constantine the Great and Christian Imperial Theocracy". Connections: European Studies Annual Review, 3, 89-113. This document was originally published in Connections: European Studies Annual Review by Rocky Mountain European Scholars Consortium. Copyright restrictions may apply. Coda: Recovering Constantine's European Legacy 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Constantine the Great and Christian Imperial Theocracy Charles Matson Odahl, Boise State University1 rom his Christian conversion under the influence of cept of imperial theocracy was conveyed in contemporary art Frevelatory experiences outside Rome in A.D. 312 until (Illustration I). his burial as the thirteenth Apostle at Constantinople in Although Constantine had been raised as a tolerant 337, Constantine the Great, pagan polytheist and had the first Christian emperor propagated several Olympian of the Roman world, initiated divinities, particularly Jupiter, the role of and set the model Hercules, Mars, and Sol, as for Christian imperial theoc di vine patrons during the early racy. Through his relationship years of his reign as emperor
cedrus.akdeniz.edu.tr CEDRUS Cedrus VIII (2020) 351-381 The Journal of MCRI DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.202016 THE TOMB ARCHITECTURE OF PISYE – PLADASA KOINON PISYE – PLADASA KOINON’U MEZAR MİMARİSİ UFUK ÇÖRTÜK∗ Abstract: The survey area covers the Yeşilyurt (Pisye) plain Öz: Araştırma alanı, Muğla ili sınırları içinde, kuzeyde Ye- in the north, Sarnıçköy (Pladasa) and Akbük Bay in the şilyurt (Pisye) ovasından, güneyde Sarnıçköy (Pladasa) ve south, within the borders of Muğla. The epigraphic studies Akbük Koyu’nu da içine alan bölgeyi kapsamaktadır. Bu carried out in this area indicate the presence of a koinon alanda yapılan epigrafik araştırmalar bölgenin önemli iki between Pisye and Pladasa, the two significant cities in the kenti olan Pisye ve Pladasa arasında bir koinonun varlığını region. There are also settlements of Londeis (Çiftlikköy), işaret etmektedir. Koinonun territoriumu içinde Londeis Leukoideis (Çıpı), Koloneis (Yeniköy) in the territory of the (Çiftlikköy), Leukoideis (Çırpı), Koloneis (Yeniköy) yerle- koinon. During the surveys, many different types of burial şimleri de bulunmaktadır. Dağınık bir yerleşim modeli structures were encountered within the territory of the koi- sergileyen koinon territoriumunda gerçekleştirilen yüzey non, where a scattered settlement model is visible. This araştırmalarında farklı tiplerde birçok mezar yapıları ile de study particularly focuses on vaulted chamber tombs, karşılaşılmıştır. Bu çalışma ile özellikle territoriumdaki chamber tombs and rock-cut tombs in the territory. As a tonozlu oda mezarlar, oda mezarlar ve kaya oygu mezarlar result of the survey, 6 vaulted chamber tombs, 6 chamber üzerinde durulmuştur. Yapılan araştırmalar sonucunda 6 tombs and 16 rock-cut tombs were evaluated in this study.
Politics and Policy in Corinth 421-336 B.C. Dissertation
POLITICS AND POLICY IN CORINTH 421-336 B.C. DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University by DONALD KAGAN, B.A., A.M. The Ohio State University 1958 Approved by: Adviser Department of History TABLE OF CONTENTS Page FOREWORD ................................................. 1 CHAPTER I THE LEGACY OF ARCHAIC C O R I N T H ....................7 II CORINTHIAN DIPLOMACY AFTER THE PEACE OF NICIAS . 31 III THE DECLINE OF CORINTHIAN P O W E R .................58 IV REVOLUTION AND UNION WITH ARGOS , ................ 78 V ARISTOCRACY, TYRANNY AND THE END OF CORINTHIAN INDEPENDENCE ............... 100 APPENDIXES .............................................. 135 INDEX OF PERSONAL N A M E S ................................. 143 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................... 145 AUTOBIOGRAPHY ........................................... 149 11 FOREWORD When one considers the important role played by Corinth in Greek affairs from the earliest times to the end of Greek freedom it is remarkable to note the paucity of monographic literature on this key city. This is particular ly true for the classical period wnere the sources are few and scattered. For the archaic period the situation has been somewhat better. One of the first attempts toward the study of Corinthian 1 history was made in 1876 by Ernst Curtius. This brief art icle had no pretensions to a thorough investigation of the subject, merely suggesting lines of inquiry and stressing the importance of numisihatic evidence. A contribution of 2 similar score was undertaken by Erich Wilisch in a brief discussion suggesting some of the problems and possible solutions. This was followed by a second brief discussion 3 by the same author.
The Importance of Athanasius and the Views of His Character
The Importance of Athanasius and the Views of His Character J. Steven Davis Submitted to Dr. Jerry Sutton School of Divinity Liberty University September 19, 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I: Research Proposal Abstract .............................................................................................................................11 Background ......................................................................................................................11 Limitations ........................................................................................................................18 Method of Research .........................................................................................................19 Thesis Statement ..............................................................................................................21 Outline ...............................................................................................................................21 Bibliography .....................................................................................................................27 Chapter II: Background of Athanasius An Influential Figure .......................................................................................................33 Early Life ..........................................................................................................................33 Arian Conflict ...................................................................................................................36
{TEXTBOOK} the Mayan and Other Ancient Calendars Pdf Free Download
THE MAYAN AND OTHER ANCIENT CALENDARS PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Geoff Stray | 64 pages | 16 Oct 2007 | Wooden Books | 9781904263609 | English | Powys, United Kingdom The Mayan Calendar | Calendars Four days per month were dedicated to Ahura Mazda and seven were named after the six Amesha Spentas. Three were dedicated to the female divinities, Daena yazata of religion and personified conscious , Ashi yazata of fortune and Arshtat justice. The Parthians Arsacid dynasty adopted the same calendar system with minor modifications, and dated their era from BC, the date they succeeded the Seleucids. Their names for the months and days are Parthian equivalents of the Avestan ones used previously, differing slightly from the Middle Persian names used by the Sassanians. When in April of AD the Parthian dynasty fell and was replaced by the Sasanid, the new king, Ardashir I , abolished the official Babylonian calendar and replaced it with the Zoroastrian. This involved a correction to the places of the gahanbar , which had slipped back in the seasons since they were fixed. These were placed eight months later, as were the epagemonai , the 'Gatha' or 'Gah' days after the ancient Zoroastrian hymns of the same name. Other countries, such as the Armenians and Choresmians, did not accept the change. Toghril Beg , the founder of the Seljuq dynasty , had made Esfahan the capital of his domains and his grandson Malik-Shah was the ruler of that city from Other leading astronomers were also brought to the Observatory in Esfahan and for 18 years Khayyam led the scientists and produced work of outstanding quality. During this time Khayyam led work on compiling astronomical tables and he also contributed to calendar reform in Cowell quotes the Calcutta Review No When the Malik Shah determined to reform the calendar, Omar was one of the eight learned men employed to do it, the result was the Jalali era so called from Jalal-ud-din, one of the king's names - 'a computation of time,' says Gibbon, 'which surpasses the Julian, and approaches the accuracy of the Gregorian style.
3/15/2012 Lecture 17 Spartan Hegemony and the Persian Hydra HIST 332 Spring 2012 The Aftermath of the Peloponnesian War • General – Greece in a state of economic and demographic devastation; proliferation of mercenaries. • Athens - starved into submission: – Demolish the Long Walls – Surrender all ships except 12 – Accept the lead of Sparta – An oligarchic government by 30 men is put in place by Lysander – Democracy is abolished • Rule of the Thirty Tyrants • Ionian Greeks – Under Persian control. • Sparta –hegemon of Greece; – imposes harmosts & garrisons on defeated cities – allied to the Persians. 4th century Greece Period of continuous warfare • The Corinthian War (394-386 BCE). • Thebes and Sparta (377-362 BCE). • The Social War (357-355 BCE). • The hegemony of Macedon. 1 3/15/2012 Spartan general Lysander Probably of noble descent but impoverished • Lover of prince Agesilaos • Ambitious and Un-Spartan in some ways: – understood way to defeat Athens was to create a navy – He created a bond with the Persian prince Cyrus, son of king Darius II • funded the Spartan fleet • Power-hungry – not enough to stage open revolt against the Spartan constitution Agesilaos II (401-360) A towering figure in Spartan history • Eurypontid king when Sparta ruled Greek world – Half-brother of king Agis II • Very popular among the men in the army, very influential – He had undergone the agoge despite his lame leg – hated Thebes • influenced many wrong decisions – largely responsible for the decline of Spartan power – impoverish the Spartan treasury •