Sylvia Burian

Chadashot 5.4.12 [email protected] Fri, May 4, 2012 at 1:46 PM To: [email protected]

May 4, 2012 12 Iyar 5772 Parshat Achrei MotKedoshim Candle Lighting: 7:38 pm 28 Omer (pm) Havdallah: 8:41 pm

Click here for a pdf version of Chadashot

Mazal Tov A Message from Krauss

To Morah Rita Rivka Lewy and Dear Parents, family on the engagement of her daughter Oriyah LewyNeuman to This Shabbat affords us an opportunity to talk ,ערבות Aharon DayNitkin of Yeushalayim. to our children about the concept of which we have been focusing on as our To Ariel David and family on his theme of the year. Specifically, the the –פרק יט "לא תעמד על דם רעך upcoming Bar tells us in requirement not to stand idly by when our To Maayan Rosenfeld and family on brother is in distress. This Mitzvah of actively her upcoming Bat Mitzvah accepting responsibility for those around us, is the central idea behind the notion of כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה . כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה . Next week, we look forward to focusing on with special lag baomer cross grade ערבות programming that we will share with you in Condolences greater detail soon.

To Bryna Landes on the passing of her beloved mother, Miriam Shuchat. Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Binyamin Krauss

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: V'ahavta L'reyacha Kamocha is a mitzvah given to us in this week's Parsha.

How do you fulfill this mitzvah?

(see quotes throughout)

"Play with my friends the way I would want them to play with me."

-Raphael Jasper-Brody 2X

Academy News

The Second Grade “Digs” Dinosaurs!

Q: Why are there old dinosaur bones in the museum?

A: Because they can't afford new ones!

As part of our dinosaur unit, the second grade took a trip to the Museum of Natural History this past Monday. They visited the Halls of Saurischian and Ornithiscian dinosaurs where they observed dinosaur fossils and what they can learn from certain body features. In the Hall of Discovery, second graders saw real tools used by paleontologists and watched real footage of a dinosaur dig. They also watched an Imax film called Born to Be Wild. This cool film exposed the children to endangered animals, their upcoming unit of study!

It's so exciting! The first grade Enrichment Cluster led by Morah Alana Gelnick can now be followed on Twitter! You can find out about the apps they are investigating. Follow them @TheApplearners1 for their app recommendations and reviews.

Learning to Look

The dreary weather on Tuesday failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the Kindergarten children for their scheduled trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. K2 and K4 were the first classes to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art and even the bus ride was an adventure for the children as they were thrilled to catch a glimpse of Yankee Stadium and Central Park.

The class trip to the Met was a culmination of the year long unit of the “Learning to Look” program. This trip encompassed of all the portraits and landscapes that the children learned about this year. The children were excited about this trip because they would see works by the artists they discussed in class. The teachers were very impressed with the many details the children remembered about the paintings they had learned about throughout the year. They recalled the different styles of painting, about throughout the year. They recalled the different styles of painting, the names of the paintings, as well as the names of some of the artists. They were able to discuss the properties of art – lines, textures, and shapes and apply them to the works they saw. Their extraordinary sense of observation was noted by the astute comments they made comparing the museum paintings to the copies they saw on the smartboard.

They noted interesting details about the paintings that were not apparent in the copies. For example, in the museum painting of the portrait of Madame X the children noted the white color of her skin and the fact that she had a wedding ring on her finger. In the painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware they commented on the chunks of ice floating in the water, and in the still life, they remarked on the different textures of the vegetables. One of the most amazing paintings the children saw was by the artist Emanuel Leutze called “Washington Crossing the Delaware”. The painting practically took up the entire wall and the children were shocked to learn that the new frame that it was in weighed almost 3,000 pounds by itself!

We thank our “Learning to Look” guides, Tami Weitzman and Amy Michelman, Danielle Fuchs and Stephanie Minkove for a great, artistic, fun filled and rewarding learning experience for the children in kindergarten.

Risk and Reward in the Gemara

The 8th grade gemara classes are learning bava metzia – specifically about the four kinds of shomrim, Jewish legal guardians, who are entrusted with the custody and care of another's object. Rabbi Krauss explained to the students that there are many modern day practical applications to these laws of shomrim and brought in Professor Leon Metzger to speak to the students. Professor Metzger is a lecturer in finance and is an adjunct professor and lecturer at New York, Tel Aviv, and Yale universities. Professor Metzger is also an SAR parent who has been very involved in SAR for many years. Mr. Metzger was able to reframe Rhoiwd dthlee r emspeo nthsibisilities of the shomrim, and their level of guardianship are really based on the economic principals of “risk and reward”. Using the example of baseball, Professor Metzger explained the concept of “risk and reward” when a team pays a lot of money for a good player who has a history of injuries. The player has the potential to win a lot of games (high reward), but is also prone to injury (high risk). A “shomer chinam” , an unpaid watchman, has a low risk of responsibility, while a “shoel” , a borrower, has a high risk. The students enjoyed how Professor Metzger was able to incorporate what they learned this year with relevant application. Thank you to Professor Metzger for a fascinating discussion about risk and reward, and applying gemara lessons to modern day economics. The students were truly engaged and talking about this interesting topic long a fter the class was over. In last semester's grades 2 4 enrichment cluster, Mindbenders: Riddles, Puzzles, & Lateral Thinking Consortium ,the students learned how to become masterminds in four steps. They learned to rid of assumptions, ask good questions, think creatively and finally, to think laterally. They did brain teasers, math games, logic games and memory games. Here are some riddles for you! Answers will be on the bottom. (Riddles by: Yael Berkowitz, Lev Blumenfeld, Julia David, Yardena Flicker, Adam Nerenberg, Lily Oberstein, Aryeh Padwa, Shmuel Padwa, Matar Rocker, Pearl Shapira-Stern and Joseph Zeltsan.)

Riddles: 1. There was a law in a town that all men must be clean shaven and that the men cannot shave themselves. The same law applied for the barber. So, who shaved the barber?

2. There was a duck, a fox, a bag of grain and a man. They all had to get across the lake. Only the man and 1 other thing can go on the boat. How do you get everyone over the lake without the fox being alone with the duck or the duck being alone with the bag of grain and eating it? (Drawing a picture is very useful!)

3. Clarence would like to share his newest riddle with you. “The day before two days after the day before tomorrow is Monday,” he confides. “What day is it today?”

4. Two identical cannons are aimed at each other, their shells fired simultaneously at exactly the same speeds. Ignoring wind resistance for a moment, will they hit each other or will they miss?

5. What is the worst animal to play cards with?

6. When does 11 + 2 = 1?

7. There was a man on the street who pointed to another man and said, “Brothers and sisters I have none, but this man’s father is my father’s son.” Who is he pointing at?

8. I’m greater than Hashem, I’m what the rich need.I’m what the poor have,and if you eat me you will die.

9. A rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg. What color chickens hatched?

10. When I am young, I walk on 4. When I am middle aged, I walk on 2. When I’m old, I walk on 3. What am I?

11. Judy and Dan are the first to try out the latest ride at the amusement park an enormous mobius strip. If the cars are traveling at the same speed, will there ever be a collision (except possibly Judy’s head on the superstructure)?

Answers: 1. The barber w as a w oman 2. Take the duck over and leave it there. Go back to the other side. Then, you take the fox over and leave it there. Take the duck back w ith you, leave it there and get the bag of grain. Go back w ith the grain. Then, you go back to bring the duck. 3. Sunday 4. The cannon balls w ill hit each other 5. A cheetah 6. On a Clock 7. Himself (or his Shadow ) 8. NOTHING! 9. Roosters don't lay eggs 10. A Human! 11. No, they w ill not. They w ill end up riding over every spot on the rail before returning to their respective starting positions, but they are not moving in the same direction and w on’t collide.

Over the Long Run

Morah Pearl’s 4th grade enrichment math class is studying Statistics by simulating the free throws of two "people" trying out for a basketball team. Claire and Max are trying out for the last remaining spot on the roster on the coed basketball team. They are up to the free throw competition. The students know that when someone attempts a free throw, we don’t know if they will make it or miss it. Only rarely does someone make all of his or her free throw in a game. The first part of the class project concerned Claire who claims to make about 50% of her shots. The simulation was to toss a penny to see if the averages were accurate. The next part was a simulation of Max, who claims to make 75% of his shots. The students used a spinner and tabulated 60 trials per student, then considered the mean, mode, median, and outliers of the data. Although we cannot always predict the outcome of a single shot, the students learned that they can describe patterns over the long run.

Getting Into the Swim of Things

The first grade enrichment cluster “Get In the Swim of Things” took their title literally this week as they ventured out to the pool at the “Y”. In keeping with the rules at the “Y”, Morah Aliza outfitted each child a yellow bathing cap in honor of our school colors. Morah Aliza was the swimming teacher and our little “fish” happily took to the water. Everyone had a great time!

Food for Thought

“This nucleus is so delicious!” remarked one student. “My favorite is the endoplasmic reticulum!” said another. What was going on in Morah Yonina’s fifth grade science class? The students have been learning biology, focusing on plant cells, and Morah Yonina decided to have the students create their own plant cells using candy and snacks. The cytoplasm was made of green jello, or as one of the students called it “cell o”. Licorice was the mitochondria, the vacuole was a marshmallow, the endoplasmic reticulum was fruit by the foot and a gumball served as the nucleus. Every food shape corresponded to a different organelle. “I put a lot of ribosomes (M&M’s) in mine.” exclaimed one happy 5th grader. Perhaps Shamma PepperFox put it best, “It’s a very fun thing to do. I love studying cells. They are so interestingand so yummy!”

This Week in Sports

Congratulations to the 6th Grade Girls Basketball Team on their playoff win against MDS! The Sting won by a score of 31 24 with Eva Ingber and Sarah Gabay as the high scorers for SAR. The championship game will be announced shortlycheck your daily email for updates.

This week was a great week for the SAR 6th, 7th & 8th grade Girls Hockey Team. They started off on a high note with a 32 win over Ramaz on Sunday. Linemates Avigayil Shapiro and Kira Cohen each scored a goal and defenseman, Miriam Stern scored as well. The game was intense but SAR held on for the victory. On Thursday night SAR defeated WDS by a score of 41. The game winning goal was scored in the 2nd period Thursday night SAR defeated WDS by a score of 41. The game winning goal was scored in the 2nd period by Eva Spier off an excellent assist by Sylvia Scheiner. Also contributing gaols were Kira Cohen (2) and Avigayil Shapiro (1). The outstanding tandem goaltending of Doria Leibowitz and Kayla Kalb secured the wins for SAR.

In soccer news, SAR boys team played Ramaz at SAR. SAR won 75!


"I would invite someone to join my lunch table if I saw them alone."

-Elana Spievack 8Y

Picture of the Week

"Buy other people sports tickets because that's what I'd want for myself too."

-Sam Mandel and Henry Mann 3W

It's That "Kind" of Week

Earlier in the year 2nd graders learned about briat haaolam and considered the importance of showing gratitude to Hashem for His kindness in providing sustenance for us. The children of 2Y want to say thank you back so they have been focusing on mastering which brachot to say for the gifts that Hashem gives us.

Did you know there is a bracha said upon seeing a rainbow? Which bracha do you make on chocolate? Peanuts? Grape juice? Ask the students of 2Y and you'll get your answer! You can feel the excitement as these young students participate in a Bracha Bee which helps them with their daily mitzvot and also sharpens their Hebrew vocabulary.

דבר תורה

By: Gan Gimel

In parshat Kedoshim there are SO many mitzvot! Gan Gimel learned about a few of them. The first was about how Hashem planned for the poor people to get food by the mitzvoth of 'leket, shichecha and peya'. People who picked their wheat, fruits and vegetables had to leave over things that were dropped (leket), forgotten (shichecha) or not yet ripe (peya) for poor people to come and enjoy them afterwards. These mitzvot helped people show Arvut to other . Today there is an organization called 'Leket' in Eretz Yisrael, which takes volunteers to pick and collect leftover food for poor people. It got its idea and its name from this parsha!

Next came the mitzvah of 'dan lekaf zchut'. As people, when we see someone doing something we think is not right, we are supposed to think that there must be a good reason to be doing it. For example, if a child that there must be a good reason to be doing it. For example, if a child saw another child going into a Morah's bag, they could think the child was taking something that didn't belong to him/her. So we have to imagine why it could be OK. Maybe the Morah asked the child to get her sunglasses from her bag? We all know we would not want someone to think we were doing something wrong when we were not!

The last mitzvah the children learned about was 've'ahavta lere'acha kamocha' to only act with someone else the way you want them to act with you. They noticed that the first word of the mitzvah is the same as the first word of 'Shema' it's a way of showing love to other people. The children got to hear about Rabbi Akiva; he taught that this mitzvah is the most important one in the whole Torah. This note leads Gan Gimel to next week when they will discuss Rabbi Akiva’s life and Lag Ba'omer.

Shabbat Shalom!

SAR Calendar 20122013 Advertising Opportunities Once again we have three ways to advertise in the SAR calendar. Click here to see your options!

"I help my friends when they need help carrying something and they look like they need a hand."

-Renna Ekstein 5X

Come Celebrate Yom Yerushalayim with

SAR and preview the Open Kitchen Cookbook!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Join us for Tefila and Hallel Join us for Tefila and Hallel at 9:15am

in the main building FAMILY FUN DAY CARNIVAL at 10:15am1:30pm outside on the Academy field for an event that you will not want to miss!

*Sponsored by the Raskas family in memory of Sheri Raskas, Z”L.

Please note that 1st/2nd grade softball will be cancelled due to this special event.

The Open Kitchen cookbook will be available for purchase at the event, however if you would like to pre order at a discounted price of $36.00 you may do so through Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at

Give a Gift from the Heart! DONATE BLOOD!

Date: Wednesday, May 30th (Note date change!)

Place: SAR Academy

Reservation Times Available: 1:30 to 7:00 P.M.

Click here to Reserve a Time

Please note the following: Donors must be at least 17 years old (or 16 with appropriate written parent/guardian's permission), weigh at least 110 pounds, and be in good health. Eat a good meal and drink plenty of fluids before donating!

Please remember to have identification with a signature or photo and know your social security number. For questions about medical eligibility, please call the NY Blood Center at (800) 6880900.

*If your appointment is between 1:30 and 4:30 please park on one of the side streets or in the MetroNorth *If your appointment is between 1:30 and 4:30 please park on one of the side streets or in the MetroNorth parking lot. Thank you for your cooperation.

Click here to reserve a time to give blood on May 30th.

Co-sponsored by The Zack Meller Foundation. Established in memory of Zack Meller z''l to increase awareness of the needs of chronically ill children and their families.

Mark Your Calendars!

MAY 2012

Monday, May 7thWednesday, May 9th 5th grade trip to Nature’s Classroom

Wednesday, May 9th 1st Grade Math Fair 9:0010:30 Click here to RSVP

Thursday, May 10th Lag Ba ’Omer

Monday, May 14th – 5th Grade PreBat Mitzvah Evening

Tuesday, May 15th Wednesday, May 16th – 7th grade trip to Boston

Thursday, May 17th – Academy Blood Drive Click here to sign up

Sunday, May 20th – Yom Yerushalayim

Monday, May 21st – 6th Grade Grandparent Program

Tuesday, May 22nd – Rosh Chodesh Sivan – Wear BLUE & WHITE!

Tuesday, May 22nd – 6th Grade Matan Bat Mitzvah Program

Thursday, May 24th & Tuesday, May 29th Academy Spring Musical

Friday, May 25th – No Sessions

Shabbat, May 26th – Erev Shavuot

Sunday, May 27th – Monday, May 28th – Shavuot – No Sessions

Wednesday, May 30th Thursday, May 31st – 6th Grade trip to Camp Monroe

Thursday, May 30th – 8th Grade Last Day of Classes

"If someone is feeling down I would divert their attention to something they are "If someone is feeling down I would divert their attention to something they are good at or share a joke to make them smile."

-Ben Kahn 8X

PTC News

Not even the bad weather could stop us from having a wonderful Yom Haatzmaut celebration! We would like to thank Marcella Marcus who chaired the event, and parents Susie Loberfeld, Tami Bezborodko, Toby Smith, Barbara Sopher, Rebekah Saltzman, Shara Shetrit, Nina Bruder, Elana Spira, Margaret Danishefsky, Shari Brody, Shapira, Sarah Zitter Milstein, Laurie Tare, Randi Carrey, and Rachel Parker Jetter. A special thank you to Ruthie Stavsky, and her students Dahlia Fisher, Eva Rose Spier, Hannah Siegel, Yaira Kobrin, Jessica Berman, Sophie Hecht, Meira Levine and Adi Ronen. Thank you to the following families for sponsoring the event:

This year’s Parenting Symposium, the screening of “The Race to No Where” was a fantastic event! Over 200 people attended, including AC and HS parents and students from University. After the film there was a dynamic and interesting discussion between parents and Dr. David Pelcovitz which was moderated by Rabbi Krauss. Yashar Koach to the planning committee; Elana Spira and Jessica Rezak Schwab from the Academy and Elyssa Bialy, Daphne Eidman and Tani Foger from the HS. Special thanks to SAR parent Zachary Schenker of Milk and Honey for his delicious catering!

The PTC looks forward to offering AC and HS parents future opportunities to come together to discuss important issues.

COMING SOON! Bring your SAR Spirit to Camp!

"One time I slept with my favorite pillow and then I gave it away."

-Neshama Ryman 1Z

Community Events

Mishnayot In Memory of David Brody (z"l)

David's family has arranged for mishnayot to be learned in his memory. The family is hoping to complete the David's family has arranged for mishnayot to be learned in his memory. The family is hoping to complete the mishnayot by David's shloshim (Monday, May 14th.) If you would like to participate in this mitzvah, please click here to sign up. Please feel free to forward to anyone who you think may be interested.

May Adult Ed at SAR

Women's Leadership and Resistance in the Book of Shmot Dr. Jacobowitz Tuesdays 1:002:00pm May 8, May 15, May 22, May 29 SAR High School

Contemporary Issues in and Bioethics Morah Dina Najman THURSDAYS 1:00pm2:00pm May 3, May 17, May 24 SAR Academy

Click here for SAR Adult Education

Camp Slapshots

Camp Slapshots, the premier Orthodox sports camp, located in Paramus, NJ, has moved to the brand new campus of Yeshivat Noam. Two indoor gyms for hockey, three full basketball courts, and a beautiful field for flag football, coupled with competitive games, innovative clinics, and fantastic tournaments, makes Camp Slapshots the dream week(s) for your son. Wait it gets better! Davening, short learning groups, many role models on staff, and a low price of $295 per week! Come check us out at . Click here to see flyer.

Lag B'Omer Lecture

In honor of Lag B’Omer, Israel Bonds, Young Israel of Scarsdale and Westchester Reform Temple invite you to the annual Rabbi Jacob and Deborah Rubenstein Memorial Lecture and an evening featuring Ambassador and bestselling author Yehuda Avner. Wednesday, May 9, 2012 – 8:00pm, at the Young Israel of Scarsdale. Young Israel of Scarsdale/Westchester Reform Temple will provide an autographed copy of "The Prime Ministers" with each purchase of an Israel Bond ($100 minimum). Click here to see flyer.

Memorial Day Event

Please join the 5th Annual Community Wide Memorial Day Event, Wednesday, May 23, 7:30pm, The Jewish Center, 131 West 86th St., Keynote Address: Major General Shachnow, CoSponsored by SAR Academy. Click here for more information.

Bnei Akiva Upcoming Events:

Bnei Akiva Shabbat afternoon SNIF Who? 1st5th graders What? Bnei Akiva educational activities When? May 5th and May 26th, 5:006:30pm Where? HIR Shul, 3700 Henry Hudson pkwy * There will be snacks and raffle *There will be walking groups from: RJC: 4:50pm, at the Shul and YIOZ: 4:15pm, at the Shul * There will be walking groups back if needed

Lag Ba’Omer Celebration for 3rd7th graders: Please join us on Thursday, May 10th, for an unforgettable evening! The activity will start at RJC's GYM at 5:30pm At 6:15pm we will go together to HIR's back yard for a bonfire, stories around the fire, singing, RUACH and of course BBQ! Pick up time from HIR: 7:30pm See you there! For more information please contact us at: [email protected]

An Evening With Mayim Bialik Mayim Bialik will be speaking at the Riverdale Jewish center in support of the program of the Riverdale Jewish Center. This event will take place on Tuesday evening, June 5. Registration begins at 7:30pm, program to follow promptly at 8pm. Light refreshments will be served. Men and women are welcome, $25 per person, sponsorship opportunities are available. To purchase tickets or to sponsor this event, $25 per person, sponsorship opportunities are available. To purchase tickets or to sponsor this event, please visit:

The Riverdale Y Sunday Market will reopen this season from 9am2pm on May 13 at MS/HS 141, located at West 237th Street and Independence Avenue.

The market offers natural organic and local products with many kosher items. This year the market will ​ include some new vendors including fish, Middle Eastern Fare, a new hot sauce vendor and some new artisans. Of course we will have our regular favorites of produce, baked goods, eggs, meats, cheese some fair trade and organic.

Upcoming PreShavuot Bake Sale

The bake sale is to benefit the Mikvah of New Rochelle and will be taking place on Thursday, May 24, 2012 from 7:30 P.M. 9:30 P.M. at the home of Dahlia and Meir Nordlicht, 245 Trenor Drive, New Rochelle New York.

Come see your friends on stage singing and dancing in SEUSSICAL JUNIOR

Thursday May 10 at 7pm, Sunday May 13 at 1pm, Sunday May 13 at 3 pm, Sunday May 20 at 1 pm and Sunday May 20 at 3 pm. Click here to purchase tickets. For more information go to

Save the Date

The third annual Riverdale Riverfest, a free festival celebrating the Hudson River and supporting the Bronx Greenway link, will take place Sunday, June 24, 2012, from 12 to 6 p.m., on the campus of the College of Mount Saint Vincent. Check out the festival website at for more details and to see how you can sign up to volunteer at the festival and/or make a taxdeductible financial contribution to help sustain this wonderful, volunteerrun community event.

Yeshivat Maharat Event

Please join Yeshivat Maharat for, "Sexuality, Modesty and in the 21st Century" at the JCC in Manhattan, 6:30pm9:30pm, on Sunday, May 20th. Groundbreaking sessions will be taught by guest lecturers, Yeshivat Maharat students, and faculty. To register, please visit

New Sports Specialty Camp at the Riverdale Y

Ages 56 & 713 • June 28 — August 17 Two to seven week options. Programs will take place at the Riverdale Y. Outdoor facility at the Henry Kaufman Campgrounds in Rockland County. SPECIAL OFFER FOR FALL 2012: Register by May 18 for a Riverdale Y summer camp and receive up to a $150 credit* for any of the Y fall programs, including: After School Program, Theater program, Swim lessons and much more! Act now for a summer of fun and a fabulous fall to follow. (*expires December 31st. 2012)

Note: All Submissions to the Community Events section are due to [email protected] the Tuesday prior to publication in copy ready format. The Chadashot reserves the right to further edit submissions due to space constraints.

SAR Academy SAR High School 655 West 254 Street 503 West 259 Street Riverdale, NY 10471 Riverdale, NY 10471

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