Founder's Page

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Founder's Page ◊ FOUNDER'S PAGE ◊ We are deeply proud of the stellar achievements of Matan which was created and has been led by RABBANIT MALKE BINA its Founder and Chancellor, for 30 years. We would like to congratulate everyone who is associated with Matan – you have contributed immeasurably to its success: Dinner Chairs: SUZANNE (FRIEDMAN) AND MICHAEL HOCHSTEIN, ESTIE AND ELIZUR AGUS, RABBANIT MALKE BINA And all of the Honorees: Our beloved friend SUZANNE EISENSTAT who, together with the esteemed SANDY Z”L, were Matan Founders Outstanding Matan Alumnae: RABBANIT RACHELLE SPRECHER FRAENKEL, RABBANIT OSHRA KOREN, DR. YAEL ZIEGLER Community Leaders: KAREN AND YISRAEL DOV MEYER AND BONNIE AND HESHIE SCHERTZ Young Leaders: CHAYA BINA-KATZ AND YAAKOV KATZ AND RACHEL AND RABBI DANIEL KRAUS You are role models and Jewish communal leaders and we applaud you. With heartfelt congratulations on a generation of achievement. Inge and Ira Rennert ◊ FOUNDER'S PAGE ◊ We are proud to be related to SUZANNE HOCHSTEIN one of the Founding Mothers of Matan whose accomplishments are known to all, and to her husband MICHAEL HOCHSTEIN who devotedly shares in her achievements. להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה You both dedicated your lives to supporting and advancing Torah learning in many ways grant you both long life and strength to continue these endeavors in good health הקדוש ברוך הוא May and much naches from your wonderful family. וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה הקדוש ברוך הוא ישלם שכרם ויסיר מהם כל מחלה… וישלח ברכה והצלחה בכל מעשה ידיהם Your loving sisters and brothers: Gila Fuss, Shaul and Annette Hochstein, Ben Zion and Naomi Hochstein ◊ FOUNDER'S PAGE ◊ We salute the small group of women who sat together around Lili Weil’s dining table a generation ago and began a journey of Torah learning with RABBANIT MALKE BINA. From that group of Women with a Vision sprang Matan, that has grown into a center for Torah study on the cutting edge of advanced learning for women with 11 branches throughout Israel. We are proud to be part of Matan. מחילאלחיל May Matan continue to go from strength to strength The Matan Board Women of Vision NOOMI LIFSCHITZ (CHAIR) LILI WEIL AND SUZANNE HOCHSTEIN DEBRA APPLEBAUM Of blessed memory: SUZANNE HOCHSTEIN (MATAN FOUNDER) HETTY ANSBACHER Z”L, JUDY HURWITZ Z”L, FRIEDA HORWITZ COLETTE KAHN Z”L, MICHELINE TREVES Z”L ◊ FOUNDER'S PAGE ◊ באהבה, בהוקרה ובהערכה רבה לאימנו סוזן פרידמן הוכשטיין SUZANNE FRIEDMAN HOCHSTEIN ממייסדות מתן, תלמידת המכון וחברת הועד המנהל על פועלך, תרומתך ונאמנותך כי רבים המה כן ירבו כמותך בישראל באהבה רבה להורינו סוזן ומיכאל הוכשטיין יושבי ראש האירוע ונר לרגלינו אוהביםוגאיםעדמאוד,ילדיכםונכדיכם עמרם,פריי,בעזועמית,יואבויעל,איתיומירב,שרון,עידו נעה,ארי,ניצן,מעין,עינבודולב עמוס,ריי,דליה,מיטל,ליאורונטלי דנה,שמחה,איתן,אלהועלמה ◊ FOUNDER'S PAGE ◊ Mazal tov and best wishes to our dear friend RABBANIT OSHRA KOREN on this most deserving honor May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community Debbie and Elliot Tannenbaum and Family ◊ FOUNDER'S PAGE ◊ ”פיה פתחה בחכמה, ותורת חסד על לשונה“ A wonderful institution, fabulous leadership and great friends Thank you The Eisenstat family ◊ FOUNDER'S PAGE ◊ In memory of Sandy Eisenstat z”l The Eisenstat Family ◊ FOUNDER'S PAGE ◊ KAREN AND YISRAEL DOV Your dedication to Jewish Education in Israel, in our communities and around the world is an inspiration to us all. You are an exemplary couple and we wish you continued strength and everlasting energy to keep on with your noble deeds on behalf of klal Yisrael. With love and admiration Mira and Saul, Julia and Henry, Sarena and David Tamar and Eric, Tamar and Jono, Leelah and Joseph ◊ FOUNDER'S PAGE ◊ ַחכְ ֹמות נָ ׁ ִ שים ָ ּבנְתָ ה ּבֵיתָ ּה Mazal Tov RABBANIT MALKE & OSHRA On Celebrating 30 Years of building women’s Torah learning at Matan Your vision and leadership will no doubt take Matan to even greater heights in the years to come. With great esteem and respect Julia and Henry, Sarena and David, Tamar and Jono, Leelah and Joseph ◊ FOUNDER'S PAGE ◊ Celebrating Matan’s 30th Anniversary We honor our founding partners LILI WEIL and RABBANIT MALKE BINA We shared a vision We achieved even more Suzanne (Friedman) and Michael Hochstein ◊ BENEFACTOR'S PAGE ◊ The Applebaum Family and Terem Emergency Medical Centers Salute RABBANIT MALKE BINA הפצת תורה and the Matan staff for their 30 years of In Memory of David and Naava Applebaum, HY”D ◊ BENEFACTOR'S PAGE ◊ לרגל חגיגות 30 למתן ברכותינו שלוחות לרבנית מלכה בינה, מייסדת מתן לוועד המנהל ולצוות אנשי הדעת והרוח המלמדים במתן דודונעמיליפשיץ ◊ PARTNER'S PAGE ◊ MAZAL TOV ON THE SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH OF SHAYLA AND THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF ESHKOLOT AND HILKHATA GRADUATES KOL HAKAVOD SHEILA KLEIN ◊ PARTNER'S PAGE ◊ In Loving Memory of FANYA GOTTESFELD HELLER An incredible Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother. A Holocaust survivor who devoted her life to educating future generations about the horrors of the Holocaust. She loved Matan and its mission of teaching Torah to women on the highest level. Beth and Ben Heller ◊ PARTNER'S PAGE ◊ MAZAL TOV to RABBANIT MALKE BINA On thirty years of visionary leadership and inspiring achievements by creating Matan, a gift for the Jewish community. With special THANKS to RABBANIT OSHRA KOREN of Matan HaSharon for her dedication and boundless energy in building Matan in Raanana. We CONGRATULATE CHAYA AND YAAKOV KATZ and all the honorees on your exemplary work on behalf of Matan and beyond. With admiration and respect Estie & Elizur Agus and Family ◊ PARTNER'S PAGE ◊ In honor of all of the Talmidot Chachamot of Matan, and in admiration of RABBANIT MALKE BINA whose imagination, intelligence, and determination have inspired Matan from its inception. Mazal Tov Giti and Jack Bendheim ◊ PARTNER'S PAGE ◊ In honor of the devoted WOMEN OF THE DAF YOMI SHIUR at Matan. Your dedication to learning is truly inspiring. May you continue to learn daily and finish many masechtot together ישר כוחכן ! Yedida Lubin & Avi Rosenschein ◊ PARTNER'S PAGE ◊ WE ARE DELIGHTED TO JOIN THE MATAN COMMUNITY IN PAYING TRIBUTE TO THIS OUTSTANDING GROUP OF HONOREES AND ESPECIALLY TO OUR WONDERFUL FRIENDS KAREN AND YISRAEL DOV MEYER BONNIE AND HESHIE SCHERTZ SUZANNE EISENSTAT CHAYA BINA-KATZ AND YAAKOV KATZ MOSHE & ABBIE GREENBERG ◊ PARTNER'S PAGE ◊ In honor of our friend and teacher OSHRA You have the zechut of all that we have learned over the years as a result of your hard work in making Matan Raanana the bastion of Torah that it is. Your colorful and beautiful way comes through in everything you are involved in. We wish you strength to continue all that you do Rivki and Mark Cohen We would like to wish a heartfelt Mazal tov to all the other deserving and amazing honorees ◊ SPONSOR'S PAGE ◊ Mazal tov to RABBANIT MALKE BINA and the entire Matan family on your 30th anniversary and in appreciation for all you do to advance women’s Jewish education in Israel and around the world. A special mazal tov to Community Leadership Honorees BONNIE AND HESHIE SCHERTZ A special mazal tov to Young Leadership Honorees CHAYA BINA-KATZ AND YAAKOV KATZ and mazal tov to all of the honorees on their well deserved honors. Charlotte Dachs, Shelli and Harvey Dachs Bini and Adam Dachs, Erica and Moishe Dachs Tara and Joshua Abrahams, Vicky and Jacob Dachs ◊ SPONSOR'S PAGE ◊ Mazal Tov Matan on the 30th anniversary celebration! We feel so blessed and privileged to be a part of the MATAN FAMILY! We have a come a long way, from YESHIVAT NETIV ARYEH to the BELLOWS ESHKOLOT INSTITUE FOR TANAKH EDUCATORS. CHAYA AND YAAKOV you inspire us daily with your strength and dedication to your family and Klal Yisrael. Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor! With love, admiration, and so much hakarat hatov Rachel‏and‏Raffi‏Glickman‏ ◊ SPONSOR'S PAGE ◊ In honor of SUZANNE AND SANDY (Z”L) EISENSTAT With love and respect Barbara and Stanley ◊ SPONSOR'S PAGE ◊ ברכות למלכה בינה ולכל ביתמתן על שלושים שנות הגדלת תורה והפצתה הערכה ותודה לצוות המשרד ולירדנהלב במיוחד על הניהול המסור המלווה תמיד בחיוך ובחן פרנסיוצביוולף ◊ SPONSOR'S PAGE ◊ Mazal Tov on the 30th Anniversary to MATAN and to all the Honorees With Appreciation Susan and Barnet Liberman ◊ SPONSOR'S PAGE ◊ Thank you Matan for all of the incredible work that you do to further harbatzat Torah and education. Mazal tov to the exceptional honorees! A special mazal tov to our daughter (and sister)-in-law, MICHAL (WEISSBERG) SOMER on completing the Eshkolot Program. We are so proud of her for her many wonderful accomplishments and wish her much continued success as she goes michayil el chayil. Love Shayna and Brad Somer Shoshana/Benji‏Mehler,‏Shmuel‏(and‏Michal),‏Akiva,‏Ezra,‏Rafi‏Somer ◊ SPONSOR'S PAGE ◊ Congratulations to ALL THE HONOREES AND TO MATAN for all it has accomplished in the past 30 years Phyllis and Michael (z”l) Hammer Fund ◊ SPONSOR'S PAGE ◊ To our very dear friend RABBANIT MALKE BINA Yashar koach on tonight’s 30th Matan celebration. Mazel Tov to BONNIE AND HESHIE SCHERTZ on receiving tonight’s community leadership award. No words for CHAYA AND YAAKOV KATZ for their devotion to am yisroel and Matan. We love you. Harriette and Eli Garber Stacey and Nechemia Mordowitz Tova and Scott Garber ◊ SUSTAINER'S PAGE ◊ Mazal tov and brachot to MATAN and all the worthy honorees, and especially to our dear friends CHAYA AND YAAKOV KATZ May you continue to inspire all those around you. Tamar and Tani Benovitz ◊ SUSTAINER'S PAGE ◊ ַ"אׁ ְשֵרְי תִמֵימי ְָדֶרך ַההֹ ְלִכים ְּב ֹתוַרת ה׳" In honor of our teacher and friend OSHRA KOREN A visionary, community leader and role model and to all the other worthy honorees May you continue to inspire us with all the incredible work you do Mindy and Gerson Schapiro and family ◊ SUSTAINER'S PAGE ◊ In honor of MELISSA RAYMAN and MATAN BEIT SHEMESH Marylin & Joseph Danto ◊ SUSTAINER'S PAGE ◊ In memory of our dear brother MORTY KRIGER Z"L who was so proud of the fact that his sisters and wife studied at Matan and Mazal tov to all the honorees Marion Talansky and Tzippi and Howie Cedar ◊ SUSTAINER'S PAGE ◊ In Honor of RABBANIT MALKE BINA, SUZANNE EISENSTAT CHAYA & YAAKOV KATZ, BONNIE & HESHIE SCHERTZ and In Loving Memory of SANDY EISENSTAT A”H A true role model who we miss dearly We Cherish Our Friendship And Have Witnessed Your Many Good Deeds.
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