PARSHAT Toldot (Shabbat Mevorchim) RJC BULLETIN Candle Lighting Havdala November 17, 2017 November 18, 2017 5778 כ״ט בחשון - ו׳ בכסלו -- November 17 - 24, 2017 29 Cheshvan - 6 Kislev 4:17 PM 5:16 PM

State of the Shul Address Mazal tov! Thanksgiving Schedule This Shabbat our President will address the Mrs. Elaine Marton Diller and the entire congregation after completion of the service in Marton, Diller, and Schiff families upon the birth Shacharit: 6:45/7:30/8:30/9:15 am the main sanctuary. Topics to be addressed will of a granddaughter to Katie and Judah Schiff. Early Mincha: 12:07 pm include rabbinic selection committee, mission Plag Mincha-Maariv: 3:16 pm statement and core values committee, the 2018 Annette and Val Karan on the Bar mitzvah of Mincha-Maariv: 4:20 pm Executive Board, update on construction and their grandson Jordan Karan, son of Dana Late Maariv: 9:30 pm first three months with Atmosphere Academy, Federbush and Edward Karan. Mazal Tov to our goals for 2018, and other relevant great-great-aunt Mrs. Florence Lesser. Friday morning: Nov 24th, additional 8:30 information and reflection. AM Shachrait in Beit Midrash

Doris and Jonathan Konovitch on the Bat Cholent Cook-Off Mitzvah of their granddaughter Olivia Kahane, We look forward to greeting all of our Thank you to our CSS Security daughter of Risa and Levi Kahane of Hollywood, participants for the 2nd annual Cholent Cook- Team! Florida. Mazal Tov to great grandmother Off and our 1st potato kugel challenge. To inquire about volunteering, contact Margie Berger. [email protected].

Panoply Game Night Wendy and Eytan Schwartz and big brother December 2nd at 7:30 PM, the RJC will host Sammy on the birth of a baby boy. Mazal Tov Condolences Panoply Game Night in the social hall. Spend a to grandparents Rhonda and Brian Rosen and Susan Haber on the loss of her mother, fun night with great food, fun, and friends. All Mona and David Schwartz. Leah Wollman, z”l. are welcome! Register at https:// Tina Pollack on the loss of her mother, and Kiddush Korner grandmother of Halie Gadon, Blossom This week’s Kiddush is being sponsored by Annual Membership Meeting Flohr, z”l. Sabinia and Moshe Margalit in commemoration The 2017 annual meeting and election of officers of the yahrtzaeit of Moshe’s mother, z”l. will take place at the RJC on December 4th at Please visit 7:30 PM. shivainfo# for shiva info. Mikvah Hours The Keilim Mikvah is still closed for renovations. Memorial Service For information about the Washington Heights There will be a Memorial Service for Sandy Services Keilim Mikvah call 212-923-3582. Eisenstat z”l, father of Lily Weisz and Abe This Shabbat: Parshat Toldot (Shabbat Mevorchim) כ״ט בחשון - Fri night: 40 min after candle lighting for half an Eisenstat, chairman of the RJC board of November 17 - 18, 2017* hour. No appointment needed, but please be on time. directors. Service will take place Tuesday, Friday - Mincha 4:27 PM Sun-Thurs: 5:00-10:00 PM November 28th at 6 PM at Congregation Shacharit 7:00 / 8:00 / 8:45 / 9:00 AM Kehilath Jeshurun, 125 East 85th Street, New Latest Shema 9:13 AM Saturday night hours will be 6:00 - 10:00 PM. Daf Yomi (Makkot 13): 3:05 PM York, NY. For further information, call 718-549-8336. Shiur Masechet Berachot 3:20 PM

Mincha 12:05 / 4:05 PM Yoetzet Halacha Chanukah Boutique Seudah Shlishit 4:25 PM As a reminder to the community, Tova Warburg Save the date: December 9th, the RJC will host Ma'ariv 5:11 PM its annual Touch of Class Chanukah Boutique. Sinensky continues to serve as the RJC’s interim Weekday Schedule Stay tuned for more details. Yoetzet Halacha. Tova is available by phone Sunday (Rosh Chodesh Kislev ) 6:30 / 7:30 / 8:30 / 9:15 AM and email for questions related to Taharat Monday 6:00 / 6:45 / 7:45 AM Hamishpacha. She can be reached at 646-598- Thanksgiving Day Tuesday 6:00 / 6:55 / 7:45 AM 9226 or [email protected]. Tova also RJC gives thanks to our bravest and finest, Wednesday 6:00 / 6:55 / 7:45 AM serves as the Yoetzet Halacha of Greater FDNY and NYPD. Join RJC as we say thank you Thursday 6:45 / 7:30 / 8:30 / 9:15 AM Philadelphia & South Jersey and Young Israel of to our firefighters and police by delivering Friday 6:00 / 6:55 / 7:45 / 8:30 AM Toco Hills in Atlanta. She teaches a course on Thanksgiving dinners. Call the office to Sunday Mincha Gedolah 12:05 PM intimacy and Jewish law at Kohelet , and volunteer with your children or email Mincha/Ma'ariv S-Th: 4:20 PM has served as a Kallah teacher for the past ten [email protected]. Volunteers will meet in the Late Maariv Sun-Th 9:30 PM ויצא years. Beit Midrash at 12:45 PM on Thanksgiving. Next Shabbat*: Parshat ז׳ בכסלו - November 24 - 25, 2017 Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Group Tot Shabbat and Pre-K Groups Candle Lighting 4:12 PM Women who have experienced pregnancy or The Tot Shabbat and Pre-K groups are looking Friday - Mincha 4:22 PM infancy loss are invited to attend a confidential for some new toys for their respective groups. Shacharit 7:00 / 8:00 / 8:45 / 9:00 AM and supportive meeting to connect with other Please consider being a sponsor and reach out Latest Shema 9:18 AM women. The next meeting will take place on to [email protected]. Daf Yomi (Makkot 20): 3:00 PM Shiur 3:15 PM November 20th from 8:00 PM— 10:00 PM in the Mincha 12:06 / 4:00 PM RJC Board Room. Please see flyer for more Seudah Shlishit 4:20 PM details. Ma'ariv 5:07 PM

Havdala 5:12 PM *subject to change


November 17t h- 18t h, Shabbat Par shat Told ot

CO NTACT U S : SAT U RD AY NI G HT BNE I AK I VA S NI F Yout h D ir ec t or s LEARNI NG S nif will meet t his week Chaya and Ad in Rayman J oin us f or p ar ent - child lear ning 4 :15 p m- 5 :15 p m r jc yout hd ir ec t or [email protected] om in t he Beit Mid r ash wit h p izza, snac ks and p r izes! Meet in t he c la ssr ooms All 1st - 6t h G r ad er s and Teen Miny a n Lea d er Mot zei S habbat , Nov 18 t h Sammy Mar c us High- schooler s ar e invit ed t o S NL will begin at 6:0 0 p m p ar t ic ip at e. samuelezr amar c [email protected] om T hank you t o t his week's sponsor : Like our RJ C Yout h T he S chiller f amily in honor of T O RAH TAK EAWAY: D ep a r t ment Fa c ebook p a ge! Eva's 6t h bir t hd ay and t he RJ C Yout h St af f who always Remember ing what is S HABBAT G RO U PS make her f eel welc ome. imp or t a nt G r oup s a nd will be held PRE- T HANK S G I VI NG I n Par shat Told ot , we lear n t hat t his S habbat at 9 :45 a m AF T E R- S CHO O L FU N Eisav c omes bac k f r om t he f ield on t he sec ond f loor . one d ay t o f ind his br ot her J oin us f or an af t er noon of Yaakov c ooking f ood. At f ir st , Pr e- K kic kball, c ookie- d ec or at ing and Eisav d esir es t he f ood simp ly showing t hanks t o our loc al bec ause he f eels t ir ed f r om his Kind er gar t en- 1st gr ad e f ir ef ight er s! 2 - 3 gr ad e boys har d d ay at wor k, a r eac t ion Wed nesd a y , Nov 2 2 nd t hat we might c onsid er 2 - 3 gr ad e gir ls 3 :30 p m- 5 :30 p m r easonable. However , Eisav t hen J unior Congr egat ion 2 nd - 6 t h G r a d e d ec id es t hat he f eels so hungr y Please p ic k up your child T his event is F RE E f or t he f ood he might d ie, and is willing t o d o anyt hing t o get t he p r omp t ly af t er t he end SAVE T HE D AT E f ood , even give up his bir t hr ight of t he Main Minyan. RJ C Yout h will host a Movie Night as t he old est son. I mmed iat ely d ur ing t he Chanukah Bout ique, af t er he f inishes t he f ood and T E E N MI NYAN Dec ember 9t h Yaakov leaves, Eisav bec omes ME E T S T HI S W E E K T OT S HABBAT ver y up set , r ealizing t hat he has Minyan begins at 9:15 am in given up his sp ec ial p r ivileges f or t he Boar d Room Tot S habbat will meet t his week somet hing much less impor t ant . at 10 :15 a m in t he bla c k- t iled S omet imes it is easy t o t hink c la ssr oom T hank you t o t he about what we want in t he Bor enst ein f amily f or G YM NI G HT moment and f or get about what sponsor ing t his week's we r eally want in t he long r un. Teen Minyan kidd ush E ver y Wed nesd a y night Hop ef ully, we c an all lear n f r om I f you would like t o sponsor 6 :0 0 p m- 7 :0 0 p m t he lesson of Eisav t o t ake int o a Teen Minyan Kidd ush G r a d es 2 - 5 ac c ount what we t r uly want and p lease email Sammy Mar c us value, and not let sp ur of t he or visit Fr ee f or Yout h Club Member s moment f eelings t ake us away www.r jc online.or g/ yout hd onat ion $ 5 f or non- Yout h Club Member s f r om our goals.

Monthly Supportive Space For Women Who Have Experienced Pregnancy or Infant Loss

If you are a woman who has experienced pregnancy or infant loss, you are invited to attend a confidential and supportive meeting to connect with other women. This group is open to newcomers and is facilitated by Aimee Baron.

The next meeting will take place on Monday, November 20th, 2017 8:00-10:00 pm Riverdale Jewish Center - Board Room 3700 Independence Ave., Bronx, NY 10463

To RSVP or for more information, please contact Aimee Baron at [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].

Cosponsored by: RJC Yoetzet Committee HIR- The Bayit NechamaComfort

The RJC’s Monday Night Lecture Series Proudly Presents

Master teacher Rabbi Evan Hoffman

History vs Legend: The Hanukkah Story Retold

Mondays at 8:30PM in the Beit Medrash on the following dates:

November 27th Hellenism in Holy Land December 4th Why did Antiochus Persecute the Jews? December 11th How did Hanukkah Survive?

Rabbi Evan Hoffman is the rabbi of Congregation Anshe Sholom in New Rochelle, NY. He previously served as Assistant Rabbi of Park East Synagogue in Manhattan. A graduate of Yeshiva College (summa cum laude), he received ordination from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, earned an M.A. in Modern Jewish History from the Bernard Revel Graduate School and did an advanced graduate research in American Jewish History. For many years he has taught adult education courses in Jewish History and Jewish Theology at synagogues around the New York metro area. Over 100 of his lectures are available on YUTORAH.ORG. Rabbi Hoffman is the author of a widely disseminated weekly essay series titled "Thoughts on the Parashah." Rabbi Hoffman was raised in Great Neck, NY and is an avid fan of the New York Mets. Rabbi Hoffman and his wife, Sari, are the proud parents of Eliyahu and Elana.

As we celebrate 28 years of jf KOACH, Riverdale thanks you for your support, so we can continue to serve our community. SHABBAT HATZALAH ANNUAL FUNDRAISER DECEMBER 2, 2017



Riverdale Jewish Center for Learning

Classes at the RJC  Daf Yomi: Mon - Fri: Following the 6 AM minyan. Shabbat: 1 hour before mincha. Sunday: After the 6:45 AM minyan.  Mishna Brachot: Mon - Fri: from 7:30AM to 7:45 AM in the Beit Midrash.  Sunday: 7:15 AM - Rabbi Eliezer Sher– in-depth Halacha based on the parsha, meets in social hall.  Sunday: 9:15 AM - Shiur with Rabbi Simcha Krauss in the Hashkama Room will resume this Sunday, November 19th .  Monday Night lecture Series with Rabbi Evan Hoffman: 8:30 PM in the Beit Mid- rash . Dates are 11/27, 12/4, and 12/11.  Tuesday: 1:00 PM — Ladies learning Touch of Class– meets in the Social Hall.  Tuesday: 2:15 PM - Gentlemen’s Kollel in the Beit Midrash  Tuesday: 8:30 PM — Parsha class in the Shabbat Hashkamah Shiur Beit Midrash. Hashkama Shiur will be given by Rabbi Charles Sheer at 10:20 AM this Shabbat in the  Thursday: 8:30 PM — Masechet Sukkot Hashkama Room. Title is “Interpreting Rivka’s Difficult Pregnancy — P’shat and Drash.” chaburah by Rabbi Noah Gardenswartz.  Shabbat: Post 7:00 AM - Chabura in the Refuah Shelaima: Board Room given by Rabbi Drelich.  Elka bat Chana, Nechemya Baruch ben Rivka, Fayga bas Rochel, Anthony ben Shabbat: 45 minutes before mincha – Gemara Brachot in the Board Room Janet, Meryl Liba bas Alta, Aryeh Menachem Ben Shlomo Eliezer HaLevi, Binyamin Ben Freidel, Yosef Bezalel Ben Rut, Nechama Bat , Michael Obed Ben Nechama, Leah Gittel Bat Leeba Esther, Besha Chaya Bat Rachel, Malka Bat Braina, Shoshana bas Zeesil, Edith bas Zeesil, Pinchas ben Raizel, Golda bat Hinda, Leora Miriam bat Chana Elisheva, Chaya Dena Chaviva bas Shoshana, Yocheved Sarah Bas Fruma Faiga, Malka Bat Chana, Miriam Leah Bat Bracha Sheindel, Hinda bat Rivka, Yaakov Ben Ruth, Shalom Yitzchak ben Pesha, Devora bat Shayna Beyla, Nechama Yehudit Tzviya bat Chaya, Shalom Yechezkel ben Kayla Chana, Peretz Yisroel ben Batya Kayla,Yechezkel Chaim ben Masha Zissel, Toba bat Esther Faiga, Tesha Chana bat Chasuna Miriam, Zippa Chana bat Rachel Reya, Shneur Yechezkel ben Chaya Feiga, Yosef ben Genia, Gila bat Francis, Tziporah bat Gila, Yisroel ben Yonah, Beila Ruchel bat Miriam, Elisheva Malka bas Sarah Miriam, Simcha Chaim ben Ben Ariella Tamar, Shifra bat Bayla Perel, Shoshana Malka bat Chaya Zelda, Chaya Zelda bat Masha, Yehoshua Tzvi ben Hinda, Meir Yitzchak ha Cohen ben Pesil, Iliana bat Gitel, Gitel bat Miriam, Haddassah Hinda bas Baila, David Zalman haKohen ben Dina, Ronen Paz ben Rafa'ela Penina, Chaya Malka Esther bat Tzipporah, Shlomo Eliezer ben Yisroel Halevi, Moshe ben Nachmo, Miryam Beruriah bat Etta Raizel, Amichai Meir ben Rotem, Etty bat Machlya, Shoshana Elka bas Etel Dina.

Welcome to the Community! If you are new to the community, please let the welcoming committee know at [email protected] or through the RJC website. To sign up for emails from the young couples minyan, email [email protected]. Elianna Mitnick & Sheri Rotenberg, Co-Chairs RJC Welcoming Committee. Gemach of Riverdale — Interest Free Loans SAR Academy Information Session Gemach of Riverdale provides interest free loans to members of the Learn about SAR Academy at our information session for prospective Riverdale community. * Granted loans of over $525,000 to ~40 borrow- parents. Join us at school on Wednesday, November 15th from 8:40 AM ers. *Borrower “Use of Proceeds” included: Credit Card Consolidation, — 10:00 AM to learn about our Early Learning Center, Lower School, and Unexpected Tax Bills, Student Loan Payments, Starting a New Business, Middle School. To register, please visit Medical Procedures, Home Repairs, Planning a Simcha, New Home Ex- informationsession. penses, Tuition Payments. * Gemach is flexible – Providing interest free loans from $2,000 to $100,000, with repayment terms from 6 months to Riverdale Mikvah 5 Years. Please contact the Gemach confidentially We want to thank all of the volunteers who have given the Mikvah so at [email protected] or 917-408-3035 much of their time in the last two years. Countless people have spent hours working tirelessly to build a beautiful state-of-the-art Mikvah, all Kidney Donation the while assuring that the Mikvah was open for the community. A former member of our congregation is in desperate need of a kidney We greatly appreciate your patience as we went through this process. We transplant, blood type A or O. He is working with Renewal, a charitable know that at times it created situations that were less than ideal. We are organization that helps members of the community find kidney donors. If excited to announce that starting November 5th, the Mikvah will be open you or anyone you know may be interested in helping save this life please and running with a professional staff. We are excited to welcome Ailie have them call Renewal at 718-431-9831 ext. 209, and tell them your Schmulowitz as the Head Mikvah Attendant. She will work alongside two inquiry is about patient R23350, or email them at [email protected]. other women from outside of Riverdale to fully staff our Mikvah. If some- All inquiries to Renewal are strictly confidential and are without any obli- one needs specific details, please call the Mikvah at 718-549-8336 or gation. Thank you for your help. check the website at Now that the upstairs Mikvah construction is complete and ready for use, we invite all women Bronx Jewish Community Council of the community who have gone elsewhere to please revisit the The BJCC is looking for volunteers to visit a lovely lady who is in a nurs- Riverdale Mikvah. We very much hope it will be a meaningful experience, ing home. She loves cards, conversations, and would really appreciate a and we look forward to your feedback. In addition, we hope you will join visit. Nursing home is located on Carpenter Avenue in the Bronx, next to us for a walk-through of the entire Mikvah--to be announced--once the Montefiore North Hospital. Anyone who is interested should contact Niti whole project is concluded. Minkove at 917-693-3084 or [email protected]. Amazon Smile Stein Yeshiva Open House Week As we gear up for the holidays, we want to send a reminder to shop at Come visit the yeshiva in action! Mon., Nov. 27th —Thurs., Nov. 30th., and select the Riverdale Jewish Center as the charity Call 914-965-7082 for a personal appointment to see the daycare, tod- of your choice. dlers, pre-school — 8h grade. Early care and aftercare available.

SAR Anniversary Dinner Save the date for SAR’s 49th Anniversary Dinner in support of Career advisement? Job Networking? the Scholarship Fund; guests of honor are Lauren & David Lieberman. Dinner will be Saturday night, January 13, 2018. Visit Please contact Howard Millendorf 718-796-5850 for more details. [email protected]. Following job opportunity is available: immediately: Looking for experienced Defensive Driving Course secretary to do basic bookkeeping in fast growing internet based fashion com- There will be a Defensive Driving Course at the RJC on Dec 11 at 6:45 PM pany. Growth opportunities available. Job is located in Yonkers. Please email in the Hashkama room. To register, call Harry Schonfeld at 718-339-1300 or email [email protected]. resume to [email protected] The Fund for the Needy Connect with us!

Rabbi Yitzi Genack, Rabbi Supporting Jews Across the Bronx! [email protected], 718.548.1850 ext.131 By the Numbers, in 2016, the FFN: Emergencies: 201.220.8865 Phone: 718.548.1850  Distributed over $300,000 Tova Warburg Sinensky, Yoetzet Halacha [email protected]  Supported 57 individuals, often elderly, or families [email protected], 646.598.9226  Provided allocations for rent, food, clothing & medicine Shimon Craimer, Chazzan  Provided additional holiday disbursements 2 times a year [email protected] Phone: 646.326.8256  Applied 100% of contributions to recipients  Supported recipients recommended by Rabbis of all Bronx congregations Adin and Chaya Rayman, Riverdale Jewish Center Youth Directors Give generously to this community-wide effort to support the most vulnerable among us! [email protected] 3700 Independence Avenue, Bronx, NY 10463 Send donations to: Wally Greene, Executive Director [email protected], 718.548.1850 x113