PHASE I and II GEOARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE RIVERSIDE PROJECT AREA VOLUME 1: BACKGROUND, RESEARCH DESIGN, RESULTS, and CONCLUSIONS Prepared for: The Dermot Company, Inc. 729 7th Avenue, 15th Floor New York, NY 10019 Prepared by: Geoarcheology Research Associates 92 Main Street, Suite 207 Yonkers, NY 10701 Joseph Schuldenrein, Ph.D., R.P.A. Principal Investigator John A. Turck, Ph.D. Eva Hulse, Ph.D., R.P.A. Kevin Wiley, Ph.D., R.P.A. Rebecca Yamin, Ph.D., R.P.A. Joe Mazzariello, B.A. Acacia Berry, B.A. and Zenobie S. Garrett, Ph.D, R.P.A., editor With contributions by Diana Choi, Randa Harris, Julie Richko Labate, Molly Miranker, Jessica Vayo, and Rona Winter-Livneh February 2016 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Numerous city, state, and federal organizations contributed to the successful performance of the Riverside 2 project. The authors wish to thank, in particular, Mr. Drew Spitler of Dermott, Inc. for supporting and overseeing the cultural resources effort at Riverside 2 project over the course of GRA’s efforts (2012-2015). Without his singular support the project would not have proceeded as smoothly as it did. Mr. Parker Terrill and Mr. Mark Sangiorgi, both formerly of Dermot, served as liaisons between GRA and the client during the critical field phases of the work. Mr. Sangiorgi's interest in and appreciation of the work as well as his understanding of the compliance process allowed us to proceed with the transition from excavation to analysis and report writing phases with minimum difficulty. Ms. Amanda Sutphin, chief archaeologist for the New York City Landmarks Commission, was pivotal in the early negotiation phases of the Scope of Work, in facilitating contacts between the client and contractor, and in explaining the protocols and regulatory aspects of the work.
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