Presented to a Master's Thesis in Partial Fulfillment William Duane J
THE ZAIBATSU: JAPAN'S INDUSTRIAL COMBINES A Master's Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the School of Graduate Studies Indiana St'ate College Terre Haute, Indiana In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Arts Degree •,' I, , • ,, ,.,', . " ., ". " ... ,, . , ) " ,, '" , ", : :, .', I : I : : ' " : ': , ., " ", ." by ., .. ' ' . '., ,,' , , '" ,,' , William Duane J!oach June 1962 THESIS APPROVAL SHEET The thesis of William D. Roach, contribution of the School of Graduate Studies, Indiana State College, Series I, Number 818, under the title, "The Zaibatsu: Japan's Indus trial C'ombines," is approved as counting toward the completion of the Master of Arts 'Degree in the amount of six semester hours of graduate credit. APPROVA,~F THESIS COMMITTEE'. C~~Jt:f· ~. TSignatuFe .of· C~beFf C?~ ..~.4-~,' 1Signature-of.Committee.MembeFf ~~~~~~~~----,. eJ..IAI/~ZQ jt76Z' Signature-of ommitteeChairman I-~~ APPROVAL FOR SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES: 1.(1 (&"L .'(Dater 6030~ ii PREFACE Due to the difficulty in securing material in the writing of this thesis, particular commendations go to the libraries of the University of Chicago, Indiana University, and the Library of Congress, whose. assistance was invaluable for the completion 0f this paper. Dr. Martin Bronfenbrener of the University of Minnesota and Dr. Stanley Miller of the University of Maryland, both of which have spent considerable time teaching and traveling in Japan, are deserving of special thanks for the guidance to the right sources of information and for tempering excessive enthusiasm for things oriental, with caution. Finally, Mr. Earl Stephanson, thesis committee chairman, whose encouragement and guidance went far beyond the normal teaching load, is to be especially commended.
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