Official Gazette
OFFICIAL GAZETTE ENGLISH EDITION GOVERNMENTPRINTINGBUREAU No. 6 THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1946 MINISTERIAL ORDINANCE a different date or different terms for cer- tain regions. Finance Ministry Ordinance No. 50 Article 2. 16 April, 1946 April 11, 1946 Article 3. 17 April, 1946 Article 5. From 15 April, 1946 to Hereunder are set forth the provisions 17 April, 1946 with respect to special exceptions to the applic- ation of the Emergency Financial Measures Paragraph 1, Article 6. On or before 23 April, 1946 Imperial Ordinance, the Deposit of Bank of Proviso of Paragraph 1, Article 6. Japan Notes Imperial Ordinance and others to Within ten days after the day. the Izu Islands and the Southern Islands north of and including Sofugan. Article 13. From 15 April, 1946 to 18 April, 1946 Minister of Finance Viscount Keizo Shibusawa Article 15. On or before 16 April Article 5. Article 6 B. and C. of the Enforce- Article 1. Special exceptions to the application ment Regulation of the Emergency Finan- of Emergency Financial Measure Imperial cial Measure Imperial Ordinance shall not Ordinance, the Enforcement Regulations apply. thereof, the Deposit of Bank of Japan Notes Supplementary Provisions: Imperial Ordinance and the Enforcement The present ordinance shall be enforced as Regulation thereof to the Izu Islands and from the day of its promulgation. Southern Islands north of and including Sofugan shall be as provided in this The Ministry of Finance ordinance. Notification No. 51 Article 2. Emergency Financial Measure Im- April 11, 1946 perial Ordinance, the Enforcement Regula- The following revisions shall be made on tion thereof, the Deposit of Bank of Japan Notes Imperial Ordinance and the Enforce- the Enforcement Regulation of the Temporay Investigation of Property Imperial Ordinance ment Regulation thereof shall apply on and after 11 April, 1946.
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