Annual Report 2000


Annual Report 2000 Digital Version*


2 *Please note that The Digital Version of the Annual Report differs from the hard-copy version in pagination and that various errata have been rectified

RESAM, Research Institute of the Faculty of Economics & Econometrics Universiteit van Roetersstraat 11 NL-1018 WB Amsterdam Director: Prof.dr J. Hartog Office: Drs C. van El Secretarial assistance: Drs B.C. Bouten Tel.: +31-20-5254276 Fax: +31-20-5254036 [email protected]

Cover design: Crasborn Grafisch Ontwerpers bno, Valkenburg aan de Geul

3 List of contents

Chapter 1 Mission, aims and means 5

1.1 Goals and instruments 5 1.2 Allocation of research time 5 1.3 Allocation of new Ph.D. projects 7 1.4 Monitoring Ph.D. research 7 1.5 Financial budget 7 1.6 Promoting a stimulating research environment 7

Chapter 2 Academic results 9

2.1 Allocation of research time 9 2.2 Publications 9 2.3 Ph.D. projects and dissertations 10 2.4 Results by programme 11 2.5 Overall standing of research performance 12 2.6 Prizes and honours 12 2.7 Grants 12 2.8 Individual standings in Dutch rankings 12 2.9 Editorial positions 13 2.10 Membership external Ph.D. Committees 14 2.11 External visitors 14

Chapter 3 Research management 15

Chapter 4 Finance and personnel 17

4.1 Finances and budget FEE and RESAM 17 4.2 Overview academic positions 18 4.3 Overview of 1st, 2nd and 3rd streams of funds 19 4.4 Position of women and men faculty 21 4.5 Infrastructure website 21 4.6 Data facilities 21

Chapter 5 Specific targets for improvement 22

Publications per programme 23


I : Publications by programme 29 II : List of persons, commissions and addresses 170 III : List of abbreviations 176

4 Chapter 1 Mission, aims and means


RESAM is the Research Institute of the Faculty of Economics and Econometrics (FEE) of the . It is the umbrella entity responsible for all research by FEE faculty members.

RESAM has the following mission statement.

* RESAM aims for research results that significantly improve our understanding of the operation of economic systems, the behaviour of agents in the economy, and the effects of economic policies.

* RESAM facilitates and promotes research by faculty members of the FEE to foster the academic ideal of intertwined university research and teaching.

Embracing the academic ideal of intertwined research and teaching implies broad coverage of research fields and topics. There is no emphasis on research in topics not related to the Faculty’s teaching programme. Research is organised in Research Programmes, directed by experts with core positions in the curriculum. Stimulating research that significantly improves our understanding of the economy is meant as a focus on fundamental research. In many cases, the inspiration for research questions derives from practical problems in business and society as well as from pressing problems for government policies, as is only natural for a social science. But the research results should primarily be reported to the international academic community and assessed against the quality standards that apply there. Such permanent quality assessment feeds back into the quality of instruction and advice given to business and the government. Contributions to public debates should be a consequence of developing reliable knowledge about the economy rather than a primary goal.

Naturally, RESAM aims for high quality research. The Dean has formulated this goal explicitly as obtaining a position among the best ten comparable European institutions. The goal should be reached when the present Convenant (agreement on targets and financing with the University Board) expires, at the end of 2004.

RESAM has allocated the following instruments to reach its goals:

· allocation of faculty research time; · allocation of new Ph.D. projects; · monitoring progress and quality of Ph.D. research; · a financial budget for research related expenditures; · promotion of a stimulating research environment.


The total faculty time budget available in the FEE, after deducting time for administrative positions (department chairpersons, curriculum co-ordinators, institute directors), is divided

5 equally between time allocated to teaching and time allocated to research. Research time allocation has an individual component and a programme component. The individual component is based on past performance of faculty members and norms for new hires. Faculty members are annually assigned time for research on the basis of their publication records in the past three years. Publications are graded by quality level of the outlet (journal, publishing house, etc.):

· A: excellent, international top level · B: very good international level · C: other · D: non-refereed or loose referee procedure · E: non-refereed

In the coming years a new, somewhat stricter, model will be implemented to establish individual publication scores. In the Annual Report both the scores according to the old and new model will be listed. Staff who do not meet the new norm yet but did meet the requirements for the old norm are compensated by the Dean during the first years. In this way they may still receive the full research time they would have had under the old system. It should be noted, however, that some staff members will benefit from the implementation of the new model since this will allow for partial research time allocation (see below). Therefore, we calculated for each individual what would be his or her highest score and listed these values in a separate column per programme (see appendix 1). These highest scores will be used throughout this Annual Report as the ‘real’ values for 2000 (see also Table 7a/b). Up until 1999, the research time was 0.3 fte for staff and 0.4 fte for TI Fellows. Starting in 2000, this has been upgraded to 0.5 for every faculty member that meets the norm. Faculty that does not meet the norm receives 0.10 under the old model.

The old model takes both refereed and non-refereed publications into account. Refereed publications receive 2 points, non-refereed publications receive 1 point. In the case of co- authorship the score is divided by the number of co-authors. In three years a total of 5 points need to be scored. The new model will only be based on the scores for refereed articles and books. RESAM has drawn up a list of rankings of publication outlets. In the new model a minimum norm for adequate research performance will be formulated as one A-level, two B-level or four C-level publications over the past three years. The weight for C-level publications will be linearly reduced in three steps, with a resulting weight of zero in 2004. An A-level publication counts for 100 points, a B-level for 50 points, and a C-level for 25 points in 2000 and 2001. Individual authors of a publication with n authors each get a share of 2/(1+n) points of the publication. Research time assigned to individuals is related to publication points over the past three years as follows:

100 or more : 0.500 50-99 : 0.250 1-49 : 0.125

Faculty members who did not score any points according to the new model, but who did have a positive score according to the old model, received a 0.125 research time in 2000. For faculty members with part-time positions, norms and research time are adjusted proportionally. Fellows of the Tinbergen Institute, the graduate research school in which UvA, EUR and VU co-operate, have a five year protection period of their research time at the

6 maximum of 0.5 of their working hours. Admission as TI Fellow is based on A- and B-level publications only. The aggregate of individual research time for faculty members in each department (Afdeling) is made available to the department, as it is the chairperson of the department who decides on actual assignment of individuals to teaching and research tasks.

Aggregate research time remaining after individual allocations is divided among research programmes, on the basis of performance (A-level publications, dissertations, reputation in the international research community). RESAM stimulates concentration of the faculty’s research in research programmes also by other means (such as a financial bonus for each completed dissertation).


New Ph.D. projects are assigned to supervisors in an open competition on the basis of research proposals submitted to RESAM, after ranking the proposals by the Advisory Committee on Research (ACW). The total number of available positions is determined from the targets set at the aggregate FEE level (a stock of some 40 fte positions). Assignment is based on quality and relevance of the proposal, the supervision record of the applicant, and a balanced division of Ph.D. positions across FEE.


A Ph.D. student gets a grant (or a position) for four years. At the end of every year, progress is evaluated and the contract is discontinued in case of unsatisfactory performance and/or insufficient confidence in successful completion. Most students are affiliated with the Tinbergen Institute, and the administrative monitoring is joint work of RESAM, the Tinbergen Institute and the personnel department of FEE.


RESAM has a modest anual budget (ƒ70.000 in 2000) for conference participation (awarded only if the applicant presents a paper), for conference organisation (ƒ20.000), and for data collection (ƒ35.000). The Institute also awards a financial bonus to Ph.D. students who graduate within the time limit, to research programmes for completed dissertations (with the bonus dependent on time needed for completion), and annual lump-sum bonuses to Tinbergen Institute research fellows (to be spent on research related activities).


A lively, active, high-quality research environment can be stimulated by many intangible activities: internal and external communication of research results, stimulating investment in high-quality computing and communication facilities, providing information and assistance on external funding, creating facilities for external visitors, etc.

RESAM stimulates the organisation of research in coherent research programmes with well- defined targets led by active programme directors. The Programme Directors Committee is

7 an important channel of communication between the Director of RESAM and the research community in FEE.

Faculty members actively participate in the Tinbergen Institute, a graduate research school with a structured research programme of its own. Through the Tinbergen Institute, Ph.D. students have access to research facilities and funding for conference participation. TI Fellows have also access to additional research funding, in particular to organise conferences and workshops and to attract visiting scholars.



In 2000, the research capacity of the faculty was 90.9 full time equivalents (fte including Ph.D’s). 83.3 fte were allocated to research programmes while 7.6 were not. A new, stricter, research time allocation model will be implemented in the coming years1 where the Annual Report will list both the research time calculated according to the old and new models. By listing these differences staff who do not meet the new norms yet are enabled to adjust their publication behaviour. 26 faculty members (out of a total of 138) have been recognised as Fellows of the Tinbergen Institute. Given the research time allocation of 0.5 fte for a full-time faculty member, and taking part-timers into account, this represents 10.32 fte.


In 2000, the total number of publications was lower than in 1999. This may be due to the irregularity in obtaining publishable results and long, irregular lags between submission and final publication in journals and books. The decomposition in A, B, C levels is not fully comparable over time as RESAM has updated the quality grading of publication outlets.

Figure 1: Number of publications 1996-2000 90 A 80 B C 70 B/R 60 ONB 50 40 30 20 10 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Note: A = Publications in A-level journals, B = Publications in B-level journals, C = Publications in C-level Journals, B/R = Publications in/of books or reports, ONB = publications in journals or by publishers of which the status cannot be sufficiently assessed ("unknown").

1 Small differences between the numbers given here and those in the Quality Assessment 1996-2000 are explained by the use of the old research time allocation model in the Annual Report versus the new model in Quality Assessment 1996-2000. Also, a few errata were processed.


The faculty aims for a permanent stock of about 40 fte in Ph.D. positions funded from the primary source. In 2000, there were 50 equivalent Ph.D.students from all three funding sources. 12 new Ph.D. candidates were hired in 2000. There is substantial fluctuation in the number of Ph.D. graduations over time. To some extent this is inevitable. With the stock of 40 fte Ph.D. positions, ten graduations annually would be the maximum of category A graduations. On top of that there would be category B graduations, which are less easy to control. A total of ten graduations in 2000 seems to be on the low side, but by that standard the number in 1999 was above the long-run average.

Figure 2: Number of dissertations 1992-2000 25 A B C 20




0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

A-category dissertation = FEE promovendus and promotor B-category dissertation = non-FEE promovendus, FEE promotor C-category dissertation = FEE promovendus, non-FEE promotor

RESAM has set up a database to keep track of internal and external Ph.D.’s. Between January 1, 1986 and December 31, 1996, 124 AIO’s/bursalen have been appointed. As of December 31, 2000, 64 of them have actually graduated.

For Ph.D.’s starting between 1992 and 1996, the average contract duration was 43.8 months. As of March 30, 2001, 52% of them have graduated. In 2000, the first graduation bonus was granted.

By cohort, the success rates are as follows:

Cohort 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

Fraction graduated 0.57 0.72 0.64 0.33 0.33 (March 31, 2001)

10 On average, graduates needed 58.7 months from start of the contract to actual graduation. The average contract length of 43.8 months is below the standard length of 48 months because of drop-outs. In the five cohorts since 1992 (69 students), so far ten (14 %) terminated their contract before it had expired. 16 (23%) were granted contract extension beyond 48 months. If a thesis is accepted by the supervisor, it easily takes four months until actual graduation (6 weeks for the committee to read and react, communication to the dean and the office of the pedel, time to print, etc). Adding queuing time for the auditorium, a lag of up to six months after the expiry date of the contract time is quite normal. The average time needed to graduate for those who do graduate is not a serious problem. The real problem is the high proportion of drop-outs.


In 2000, RESAM supervised 14 research programmes. Table 1 shows the number of publications per research programme. Publications of faculty members that do not participate in a research programme are listed under the heading of ‘Other Research’. The number of publications should be seen in relation to the fte listed in the last column.

Table 1: Publication scores 2000 by Programme

Research programme Diss. Diss. Ac.ref Ac.ref Ac.nonref Ac. nonref Prof. Pop. Fte A. B (excl. (books) (ex. Books) (books) publ. Publ. 2000 books)

Empirical Econometric Methods 0 0 12 2 19 5 0 2 5.69

Operations Research 0 0 9 1 1 2 5 2 2.85

Equilibrium, Expectations and Dynamics 0 0 13 4 11 0 2 1 6.32

Actuarial Sciences 0 0 7 3 3 4 11 0 1.81 Other Research KE 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0.95

Accounting, Organistions and Society 0 0 28 5 10 5 20 32 7.34

Information Management/PrimaVera 0 0 10 10 25 16 7 0 4.15

Other Research AIM 0 0 4 2 10 3 0 1 1.50

Corporate Finance and Financial Systems 2 0 10 2 19 0 5 10 5.89

Urban and Regional Economics 1 0 1 2 1 2 0 0 0.47

Other Research F&O 1 1 3 4 20 17 10 5 4.84

Transformation of Europe A 0 0 9 1 15 3 0 3 4.93

Transformation of Europe B 0 0 3 3 9 8 5 7 0.61

Transformation of Europe C 0 0 7 1 4 0 10 2 2.69

Labour Market and Social Inequality 1 2 14 9 33 7 4 23 9.03

Population and Gender Economics 1 0 5 1 6 5 4 0 2.69

Methodology and History of Economics 0 0 7 8 14 6 5 18 2.89

Experimental and Political Economics 0 0 7 1 14 0 1 0 6.47

Other Research AE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.31

SEO-Amsterdam Economics 1 0 5 5 37 4 8 19 19.47

Total 8 3 156 66 251 87 97 125 90.90


There is no annually updated ranking of research institutions. Moreover, ranking based on weighted publications exploits only one dimension of research performance. The most recent ranking of European academic institutions 2, based on articles published in the ten most prestigious international journals from 1991 to 1996, has FEE ranking 17th. This puts FEE ahead of all other Dutch institutions: Tilburg (19), Maastricht (37), Erasmus (42), (55), Leiden (58), Nijmegen (81), Utrecht (97) and the Free University (111). Output is not scaled by size of the institute. The top ranking institution (LSE) has published almost 400 AER equivalent pages, the top-ten all publish in excess of 140 AER equivalent pages. FEE published 86, Tilburg 80 pages, and all other Dutch institutions below 40 pages.

An as yet unpublished internet paper by T. Coupe3 in 2001 updates this work and adds many alternative specifications for quality measurement. In this updated assesment, Tilburg now leads closely followed by the FEE, with the other Dutch institutions trailing behind (Erasmus, Free University, Maastricht, Groningen).


Prof. dr. B.M.S. van Praag was rewarded the status of university professor and assigned to the Faculty of Economics & Econometrics.

This year Dr. Arno Riedl won the prestigious 2000 Hicks-Tinbergen Medal for the best paper in the European Economic Review (1998/1999) awarded by the European Economic Association. Arno Riedl is an assistent professor at CREED, which is part of the research programme Experimental and Political Economics.


Three research groups at the FEE attained two major grants (in excess of one million guilders) from NWO. The grants were assigned to Schooling, Labour Market and Economic Development (SCHOLAR) and Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance (CeNDEF).

Dr. M. van de Velden attained the Grotius Scholarship assigned by NWO to promising young scholars. This grant enables him to work for a period of two years at the , after which he will return to the FEE.


In the 2000 edition of the "Top 40 Dutch Economists”, published by CENTER (Tilburg University), UvA economists S. van Wijnbergen and J.F. Kiviet appear in the 24th and 39th positions, respectively. This list is based on quality-weighted publications.

2 P. Kalaitzidakis, T.P. Mamuneas and T. Stengos (1999), European economics: an analysis based on publications in the core journals, European Economic Review, 43 (4-5), 1150-1168. 3Coupe, T. (2001), Revealed Performances – Worldwide Rankings of Economists and Economics Departments, Mimeo Université Libre de Bruxelles. http://student.ulb.ac.be/~tcoupe/ranking.html


As Table 2 indicates, FEE faculty members take up many positions as editors or associate editors of top-ranking international journals. Many more are members of editorial boards.

Table 2: Editors (in chief) & associate editors in refereed A or B journals in 2000 Name Editorship Journal Amman, H.M. Editor Computational economics [B] Amman, H.M. Editor Netnomics [B] Amman, H.M. Ass. Ed. Journal of Economic Dyn. and Control [B] Blaug, M. Exec. Ed. Journal of economic methodology [B] Boot, A.W.A. Co- Ed. Journal of Financial Intermediation [B] Boot, A.W.A. Ass. Ed. Journal of Banking and Finance [B} Boot, A.W.A. Ass. Ed. Journal of Corporate Finance [B] Boot, A.W.A. Ass. Ed. Journal of Empirical Finance [B] Boot, A.W.A. Ass. Ed. European Financial Management [B] Boot, A.W.A. Ass. Ed. Multinational Finance Journal [B] Ellman, M. Ass. Ed. Cambridge journal of economics [B] Ewijk, C. van Editor De Economist [B] Fase, M.M.G. Editor De Economist [B] Gooijer, J.G. de Editor International journal of forecasting [B] Goovaerts, M.J. Editor Insurance: Mathematics & Economics [A] Goovaerts, M.J. Editor Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Goovaerts, M.J. Ass. Ed. ASTIN Bulletin [B] Hartmann, F.G.H. Ass. Ed. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research [B] Hartmann, F.G.H. Ass. Ed. European Accounting Review [B] Hommes, C.H. Ass. Ed. Macroeconomic dynamics [B] Hommes, C.H. Ass. Ed. Journal of Ec. Dynamics and Control [B] Hommes, C.H. Ass. Ed. Non-linear science[B] Hommes, C.H. Ass. Ed. Computational economics [B] Hunton, J.E Editor Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research [B] Kaas, R. Man. Ed. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics [A] Kuiper, E. Ass. Ed. Feminist Economics [B] Martin, S. Man. Ed. International Journal of Industrial Organization Martin, S. Ass. Ed. Review of Industrial Organization.[B] Perotti, E.C. Ass. Ed. International Review of Finance Praag, B. Van Ass. E Journal of Economics [B] Schram, A.J.H.C. Editor Experimental economics[B] Shields, M.D. Ass. Ed. Accounting, Organizations and Society [A] Shields, M.D. Ass. Ed. Journal of Management Accounting Res [A] Contemporary Accounting Research [A] Shields, M.D. Ass. Ed. Behavioral Research in Accounting [A] Shields, M.D. Ass. Ed. Management Accounting Research [B] Shields, M.D. Ass. Ed. Accounting and Business Research [A] Shields, M.D. Ass. Ed. Accounting and Finance [B] Shields, M.D. Ass. Ed. Management Accounting Quarterly Shields, M.D. Ass. Ed. Design Management Journal Vylder, F.E.C. de Hon. Founding Ed. Insurance: Mathematics & Economics [A] Winden, F.A.A.M. van Editor European Journal of Political Economy [B] Wolthuis, H. Ass. Ed. Insurance: Mathematics & Economics [A]


Faculty members who participated in international Ph.D. committees were: Ms. dr E. Christiaanse was a member of Ph.D. Committee of H. Isomaki at the University of Tampere, Finland. Prof.dr J. Hartog was a member of the Ph.D. Committee at the European University Institute in Florence. The dissertation was written by Ms. Elena Burdasi and supervised by Prof.dr John Micklewright. Prof.dr F.A.A.M. van Winden was an external examiner for a Ph.D. dissertation at the University of York.


We have no information about external visitors at the FEE.


In terms of research management, 2000 has been a very constructive year. Following the new governance structure imposed by MUB (Law on Modernising University Governance) in 1998, research policy has been concentrated in one faculty research institute, RESAM. A strong stimulus was given by the formulation of the Research Programme 2001-2004, in preparation for the negotiation with the University Board (CvB) on funding for the next four years. The action programme covers the years ahead, but activities in 2000 can already be evaluated against the perspective put forth. It has four components:

· More balanced research coverage

Seven areas were singled out for improved performance, to be stimulated by devoting more resources to research. In four of them, the situation has improved or will improve shortly, with a new appointment in Industrial Organisation, a realised and a forthcoming appointment in Microeconomics, a regrouping and dynamic programme management in Macroeconomics, and additional research capacity in Econometrics. In three of them (Marketing, Human Resources Management and Operational Management) progress is slow, in part because of the difficulties of hiring in a very tight labour market.

· Stimulating research output

The coherence of research has been improved by a further concentration from 16 to 13 programmes as of 2001 and by implementing the system for allocating research time outlined above. The Employee’s Council, resisting the implementation, took its grievances to the Court of Justice, but all its claims were unequivocally dismissed by the Court. The Advisory Commission on Research (ACW) has put additional efforts in setting up a ranking system for publications, as it became clear that VSNU would not deliver a ranking in the foreseeable future. A list will be published in May 2001. More work is needed to increase the rate of successful completion of Ph.D. projects.

· Exploit strengths

The Faculty has made deliberate efforts to attract and maintain young faculty. Living up to conditions for KNAW and NWO grants, several post-doc's have been offered or promised tenure. To support the ambitions of the Management Accounting Programme resources were allocated to attract young faculty with emphasis on research.

· Seeking distinction

Seeking distinction is facilitated by developing a research environment in which creative researchers get the opportunity to pursue their ideas and to interact internally and externally. RESAM policy leans heavily on giving freedom to researchers and rewarding them ex post. Resources (time and other) will be reallocated to individuals and groups who are most effective in generating high-level innovative results. The increase of the aggregate personnel resources available for research to 0.5 of the total faculty (up from 0.4) is an important stimulus, as well as a challenge for the future.

15 Administratively, RESAM is now clearly taking shape. The Bureau was expanded from 0.8 management support to 1.0, the director’s position was expanded from 0.2 to 0.3 and as of December 1st, a 0.7 secretary was hired. The Bureau’s effort resulted in the development and maintenance of indispensable administrative databases (Research Time Allocation, Internal Ph.D.’s since 1986, External Ph.D’s, Ph.D. Supervisor Track records, Annual Research Reports (faculty publications), RESAM publication Classication System). Unfortunately, data management in the university has not been integrated and collecting data for the Annual Research Reports has not be integrated (yet) with, for instance, data collection for the OZIS (Research Information System) reports, thus unnecessarily duplicating much work. RESAM is also in the process of developing a research handbook, outlining bylaws, procedures, research funding opportunities and the annual calendar. Allthough time consuming will inevitably satisfy the requirements of the new governance structure.

Internal communication in the faculty has been improved by a monthly electronic newsletter, regular informal meetings of Ph.D. students and supervisors (P&P Borrels), and more frequent communication with Ph.D. students. The monthly stipend for Ph.D. scholarships (bursalen) has been increased substantially as of September 2000. RESAM has set up an internal system to signal data sets available for empirical use by other members of the Faculty. External communication needs further improvement. RESAM prepares a semi- annual magazine on research, to be mailed to alumni and for general promotional purposes and will further invest in developing an attractive and accessible website.

RESAM has set up an External Advisory Committee, to advise the director on long range research policy and strategic issues. So far, the following individuals have agreed to be members of the committee: Prof.dr J. van Benthem (UvA), Dr. H. Don (CPB), Prof.dr M. Epstein (Rice University, USA) and Prof.dr B. Wolffe (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA).

RESAM will continue its policy of making research programmes the focal point of its activities and the target for its policies. As Table 3 indicates, research input not included in a research programme has steadily declined. Programmes are organised by mutual consent between the director of RESAM and individual faculty members, aiming at coherent structures that benefit from active research interaction. We expect substantial benefits from the concentration of research programmes, as it stimulates reflection on goal and purpose and may improve research quality from individual interaction in addition to providing scale advantages in organising seminars, inviting visitors, etc. Programmes will get preferential treatment in the allocation of research funding (for example, the programme will receive a financial bonus for each successfully supervised Ph.D. project).

In 2000, research programmes covered 79.66 fte, while 5.45 fte was delegated to "other research".

Table 3: Input (Ph.D.’s included) research programmes: other research: Year wp 1 wp 2+3. Total wp 1,2,+3 Grand total fte

1996 41.71 26.83 68.54 13.71 82.25 1997 39.11 26.72 65.83 12.59 78.42 1998 41.76 30.87 72.63 10.76 83.39 1999 44.58 36.42 81.00 7.89 88.89 2000 50.71 32.49 83.30 7.60 90.90



Table 4: Main frame budget FEE in ƒ1000.000

Budget 2000 Realisation 2000 Budget 2001 INCOME FEE - Regular 23.4 24.4 26.9 - Contract 10.1 8.6 11.4 . Research 3.0 1.3 3.5 . Teaching 7.1 7.3 7.3 - Other 6.1 6.4 4.1

Total 39.6 39.4 41.8

EXPENDITURES FEE - Personnel (PL) 29.1 31.4 32.0 - Other (OL) 10.4 9.9 10.4

Total 39.5 41.3 42.4

Table 5: Budget RESAM in ƒ1000.000

Budget 2000 Realisation 2000 Budget 2001 INCOME RESAM Budget 6.7 6.6 6.6 External sources (NWO, etc.) 3.1 1.2 3.5 Other 0.7 1.8 1.7

Total 10.5 9.6 12.3

EXPENDITURES RESAM Personnel (PL) 6.6 7.1 10.0 - Academic staff 6.2 6.6 9.0 - Administrative staff RESAM 0.4 0.3 0.6 - Other 0.2 0.4

Other (OL) 3.3 2.2 2.4

Total 9.9 9.3 12.4


Table 6: Ranks in 2000 in fte*)

Research program Hgl Uhd Ud Aio Oio Burs. Hfdoz Oz Pdoc D Total Empirical Econometric Methods 1,11 0,00 1,88 0,00 0,00 1,40 0,00 0,50 0,80 0,00 5,69 Operations Research 0,71 0,40 0,59 0,00 0,00 0,40 0,00 0,75 0,00 0,00 2,85 Equilibrium, Expectations and Dynamics 1,22 0,00 0,30 0,00 0,00 2,40 0,00 0,00 2,40 0,00 6,32 Actuarial Science 0,34 0,92 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,55 0,00 1,81 Other Research KE 0,00 0,21 0,34 0,40 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,95 Accounting, Organisations and Society 1,36 0,75 1,60 0,48 0,00 3,05 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,10 7,34 Information Management/PrimaVera 0,52 0,50 1,59 0,00 0,00 1,14 0,00 0,10 0,00 0,30 4,15 Other Research AIM 0,00 0,50 1,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 1,50 Corporate Finance and Financial Systems 1,60 0,50 1,14 0,00 0,00 2,65 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 5,89 Urban and Regional Economics 0,47 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,47 Other Research F&O 0,95 0,37 1,64 0,00 0,00 1,75 0,00 0,00 0,13 0,00 4,84 Transformation of Europe A 1,50 0,00 0,47 1,30 0,00 0,60 0,00 0,00 1,06 0,00 4,93 Transformation of Europe B 0,16 0,25 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,20 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,61 Transformation of Europe C 0,50 0,24 0,00 0,55 0,00 1,40 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 2,69 Labour Market and Social Inequality 1,00 1,49 0,34 0,00 0,00 3,80 0,63 0,00 1,77 0,00 9,03 Population and Gender Economics 0,41 0,00 0,17 0,45 0,00 0,60 1,00 0,00 0,06 0,00 2,69 Methodology and History of Economics 0,26 0,50 0,80 0,00 0,00 1,33 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 2,89 Experimental and Political Economics 1,00 0,00 0,40 0,60 0,00 2,10 0,00 0,80 1,57 0,00 6,47 Other Research AE 0,00 0,13 0,18 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,31 SEO-Amsterdam Economics 2,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,40 0,00 17,07 0,00 0,00 19,47 Total 11,73 4,64 11,80 9,18 0,75 18,21 1,00 24,14 5,33 0,40 90,90

*) Note: hgl = full professor; uhd = associate professor; ud = assistant professor; aio, oio and bursaal, = Ph.D. student; hfdoz = senior researcher; oz = researcher; pdoc = postdoc and d = university teacher.


Figure 3: Input of funds by source 70.0

60.0 1 50.0 2 3 40.0 fte 30.0



0.0 1997 1998 1999 2000

Table 7a: Input of funds by source and by programme 1997-2000

2000 highest score abc-abcde Research program 1997 ABCDE 1998 ABCDE 1999 ABCDE incl. comp.*

Flow of funds: 1 2 3 Total: 1 2 3 Total: 1 2 3 Total: 1 2 3 Total

Accountancy 3.17 0.00 1.88 5.05 4.14 1.00 1.77 6.91 6.06 1.00 1.35 8.41 5.27 1.00 1.07 7.34

Merger and disentanglement 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.85 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.85 1.05 0.00 0.00 1.05 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.50

Labour market and social inequality 1.70 3.35 0.55 5.60 1.70 4.07 1.00 6.77 2.80 5.48 0.85 9.13 3.82 4.40 0.81 9.03

Population and gender economics 1.73 0.50 0.00 2.23 2.23 0.50 0.00 2.73 2.53 0.50 0.20 3.23 1.99 0.50 0.20 2.69

Methodology and History of Economics 2.66 0.00 0.00 2.66 1.73 0.00 0.00 1.73 2.57 0.00 0.10 2.67 2.79 0.00 0.10 2.89

Evolution, transf. and operation of ec. Systems 2.38 0.00 0.00 2.38 2.70 0.00 0.00 2.70 2.90 0.00 0.00 2.90 2.69 0.00 0.00 2.69

Experimental and political economics 3.08 0.82 0.00 3.90 3.80 1.45 0.00 5.25 3.90 1.00 0.30 5.20 5.17 0.50 0.80 6.47

Foundation and effectiveness 4.66 0.00 0.10 4.76 3.42 0.00 0.10 3.52 3.13 0.00 0.20 3.33 4.73 0.00 0.20 4.93

Financial intermediation 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.35 0.00 0.20 0.55 0.41 0.00 0.20 0.61

Other research 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.31

Actuarial science 1.80 0.00 0.52 2.32 1.88 0.00 0.60 2.48 1.51 0.00 0.18 1.69 1.60 0.00 0.21 1.81

Equilibrium, expectations and dynamics 1.78 0.60 0.00 2.38 2.39 0.60 0.00 2.99 3.21 1.79 0.00 5.00 3.92 2.40 0.00 6.32

Empirical econometric methods 4.70 0.00 0.02 4.72 4.50 0.00 0.04 4.54 5.05 0.00 0.02 5.07 5.69 0.00 0.00 5.69

Fundamental methods and techniques 1.75 0.60 0.00 2.35 1.47 0.10 0.00 1.57 0.00 1.25 0.00 1.25 0.78 0.00 0.08 0.86

Operations research 3.10 0.50 1.20 4.80 2.26 1.60 0.30 4.16 2.31 1.66 0.00 3.97 2.10 0.75 0.00 2.85

Other research quantitative economics 0.85 0.00 0.40 1.25 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.70 1.08 0.00 0.00 1.08 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.95

PrimaVera/ Research in Information manag. 3.05 0.00 0.15 3.20 3.41 0.00 0.15 3.56 2.50 0.10 0.41 3.01 3.90 0.10 0.15 4.15

Corporate Finance and Financial Systems 3.70 0.00 0.60 4.30 5.03 0.00 0.60 5.63 5.18 0.00 0.20 5.38 5.89 0.00 0.00 5.89

Other research; Real estate economics 2.25 0.00 0.30 2.55 2.41 0.00 0.30 2.71 1.91 0.00 0.30 2.21 2.18 0.00 0.30 2.48

Foundation for economic research 1.20 0.00 14.00 15.20 1.60 0.00 16.00 17.60 0.80 0.00 19.60 20.40 0.40 0.00 19.07 19.47

Urban and regional economics 2.16 0.00 1.48 3.64 1.18 0.00 1.18 2.36 0.68 0.00 1.28 1.96 0.37 0.00 0.10 0.47

Other research strategic management 4.33 0.00 0.16 4.49 3.98 0.00 0.18 4.16 2.34 0.00 0.16 2.50 1.37 0.00 0.13 1.50

Total: 52.2 6.4 21.4 80.0 52.5 9.3 22.2 84.0 52.2 12.8 25.4 90.3 57.8 9.6 23.4 90.9

19 Table 7b: Composition of the input of funds by source in 2000

Comp. 2000 highest score abc- Research program 2000 ABCDE 2000 ABC dean abcde incl. comp. Flow of funds: 1 2 3 Total: 1 2 3 Total: 1 2 3 Total

Accountancy 5.27 1.00 1.07 7.34 5.02 1.00 0.97 6.99 0.25 5.27 1.00 1.07 7.34

Merger and disentanglement 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.50 Labour market and social inequality 3.82 4.40 0.81 9.03 3.57 4.40 0.81 8.78 0.25 3.82 4.40 0.81 9.03

Population and gender economics 1.99 0.50 0.20 2.69 1.90 0.50 0.20 2.60 0.09 1.99 0.50 0.20 2.69 Methodology and History of Economics 2.79 0.00 0.10 2.89 2.79 0.00 0.10 2.89 0.00 2.79 0.00 0.10 2.89 Evolution, transf. and operation of ec. Systems 2.53 0.00 0.00 2.53 2.55 0.00 0.00 2.55 0.16 2.69 0.00 0.00 2.69

Experimental and political economics 5.17 0.50 0.80 6.47 5.17 0.50 0.80 6.47 0.00 5.17 0.50 0.80 6.47 Foundation and effectiveness 4.73 0.00 0.20 4.93 4.53 0.00 0.20 4.73 0.20 4.73 0.00 0.20 4.93 Financial intermediation 0.41 0.00 0.20 0.61 0.41 0.00 0.20 0.61 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.20 0.61

Other research 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.18 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.31 Actuarial science 1.57 0.00 0.21 1.78 1.60 0.00 0.21 1.81 0.00 1.60 0.00 0.21 1.81

Equilibrium, expectations and dynamics 3.82 2.40 0.00 6.22 3.84 2.40 0.00 6.24 0.08 3.92 2.40 0.00 6.32 Empirical econometric methods 5.69 0.00 0.00 5.69 5.69 0.00 0.00 5.69 0.00 5.69 0.00 0.00 5.69 Fundamental methods and techniques 0.78 0.00 0.08 0.86 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.00 0.78 0.00 0.08 0.86

Operations research 2.10 0.75 0.00 2.85 2.10 0.75 0.00 2.85 0.00 2.10 0.75 0.00 2.85 Other research quantitative economics 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.95

PrimaVera/ Research in Information manag. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.43 0.10 0.15 3.68 0.47 3.90 0.10 0.15 4.15 Corporate Finance and Financial Systems 5.79 0.00 0.00 5.79 5.89 0.00 0.00 5.89 0.00 5.89 0.00 0.00 5.89 Other research; Real estate economics 2.12 0.00 0.30 2.42 1.77 0.00 0.30 2.07 0.41 2.18 0.00 0.30 2.48

Foundation for economic research 0.40 0.00 19.07 19.47 0.40 0.00 19.07 19.47 0.00 0.40 0.00 19.07 19.47 Urban and regional economics 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.37 0.00 0.10 0.47 0.00 0.37 0.00 0.10 0.47 Other research strategic management 1.35 0.00 0.13 1.48 0.84 0.00 0.05 0.89 0.53 1.37 0.00 0.13 1.50

Total: 52.1 9.6 23.2 84.8 54.6 9.6 23.2 87.4 3.1 57.8 9.6 23.4 90.9

This table explains the composition of research time allocated in 2000. In the first column the research time calculated according to the old model is listed (i.e. scores are based on both refereed and non-refereed publications). In the second column the research time calculated according to the new model is listed (i.e. scores are based on refereed publications only). In case staff did not meet the new requirements, but did need the old norms, a compensation is given by the Dean. This value is listed in the third column. The last column lists the total of the highest individual scores of the members of a particular programme, according to either the old or new models. We have chosen for this option because some staff members benefit from the new model, yet others benefit from the old one. This last column, containing the highest scores, will be used troughout this Annual Report including appendix 1.


The share of women in academic positions is still low in all categories although a slight improvement can be detected. From the ten dissertations, 3 were defended by women. Part of the increase of the number of UHD (associate professors) was made possible by the support of Universiteit van Amsterdam fund for the increase of women faculty.

Figure 4: Women and men by rank (persons) 90 80 Men 70 Women 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Hgl Uhd Ud Aio Pdc Ov wp

Note: hgl = full professor; uhd = associate professor; ud = assistant professor; aio = Ph.D. student; pdc = Postdoc.; ov wp = other academic staff.


A major improvement was made in the design and elaboration of the faculty website and the RESAM website in particular (http://www.fee.uva.nl/research). The website offers basic information about Ph.D. projects and vacancies, research programmes, academic staff and annual reports. In 2001 we plan to complete (links to) personal web pages for all faculty members, on which their CV's and working papers are available and can be downloaded. Other facilities will be added to the website such as making data sets available in hard copy or as e-mail file, accessible for all faculty via the RESAM site.


It is important for researchers to have access to good data sets at low prices. RESAM has made a start with bringing together various sources of data sets, as available at the Pierson Révész Library, Amsterdam Economics (SEO) and faculty members. Information about these data sets can be acquired through the RESAM website. RESAM invested in the extension of these possibilities by buying access to WSA data (mostly micro-economic data sets) and Datastream (mostly macroeconomic data sets), starting the organisation of a databank, and is in conference with the Tinbergen Institute for its further elaboration.


The following targets for improvement are specifically identified (apart from the obvious target of permanent efforts to maintain and improve the quality of research performance):

· an explicit policy for post-doc positions as part of a systematic personnel policy (inflow and career prospects); · an extended and smoothly functioning programme of external visitors; · creating and maintaining an attractive RESAM website; · improving the visibility of RESAM research, with good seminar coverage and easily accessible electronic publishing of working and published papers; · developing an extensive database to assess the results of Ph.D. candidates (monitoring, graduation results of Ph.D. students, collecting information on publications emanating from dissertations), to be used as a basis for Ph.D. stimulation policy.

22 Table 8a: Publications in Quantitative Economics in 2000


Score Score A:1 A:2 A:3 A:4 B:1 B:2 B:3 B:4 B:5 C:1 C:2 C:3 C:4 oud

B.R:1 B.R:2 B.R:3 B.R:4 2000 ONB:1 ONB:2 2000

Kiviet (EEM) 604.17 34.75 Bethlehem, J.G. 1 2 83.33 9.75 Boswijk, H.P. 1 1 1 87.50 7.33 Bruin, P.T. de 0.00 0.33 Casteren, P. van 0.00 0.00 Cramer, J.S. 0.00 2.00 Don, F.J.H. 0.00 0.00 Gooijer, J.G. de 1 1 50.00 3.00 Kiviet, J.F. 1 33.33 1.00 Kleibergen, F.R. 0.00 3.83 Klein, A. 1 1 1 216.67 4.17 Ophem, J.C.M. van 1 1 133.33 3.33 Sluis, P.J. van der 0.00 0.00 Zerom, D. 1 16.67 1.00 Van Dijk (OON) 458.33 14.90 Boucherie, R.J. 1 1 91.67 2.50 Dijk, N.M. van 1 3 1 191.67 4.67 Duin, C.W. 1 1 50.00 2.67 Huisman, T. 0.00 0.00 Schrijver, A. 0.00 0.00 Wal, J. van der 1 1 50.00 1.40 Volgenant, A. 1 1 75.00 3.67 Weddepohl/Hommes (E&D) 576.67 31.00 Amman, H.M. 1 1 58.33 3.00 Diks, C. 1 3 93.33 4.00 Goeree, J.K. 1 33.33 1.00 Hommes, C. 2 2 1 1 154.17 11.33 Koster, M. 0.00 1.33 Thio, B. 0.00 0.00 Tuinstra, J. 2 1 125.00 6.33 Velden, H. van de 1 12.50 0.67 Wagener, F. 1 1 100.00 3.33 Weddepohl, H.N. 0.00 0.00 KE-OVO 125.00 4.00 Euverman, T.J. 0.00 0.00 Heijmans, R.D.H. 1 25.00 2.00 Neudecker, H. 1 1 100.00 2.00 Ramer, R. 0.00 0.00 Velden, M. van de 1 1 1 125.00 4.00 Wolthuis (ACT) 512.50 13.67 Bogers, J. 0.00 1.00 Dannenburg, D.R. 0.00 0.00 Dhaene, J.L.M. 1 2 3 204.17 5.42 Goovaerts, M.J. 1 2 1 179.17 3.58 Kaas, R. 1 50.00 1.00 Smid, C.L. 0.00 0.00 Spreeuw, J. 0.00 1.00 Vylder, F.E.C. de 1 66.67 1.00 Wolthuis, H. 1 12.50 0.67 Vermaat, A.J.S. 0.00 1.00

23 Table 8b: Publications in Accountancy and Information Management in 2000

Refereed Publications

A:1 A:2 A:3 B:1 B:2 B:3 C:1 C:2 C:3 Score Score 2000 oud 2000 Hartmann/Kolk (ACC) 935.00 58.33 Engelen, A.H. van 0.00 0.00 Geeve, E.A.M. 0.00 0.00 Goot, L.T.R. van der 0.00 0.67 Hartmann, F.G.H. 1 1 116.67 4.00 Hooft van Huysduynen, M.J. 0.00 0.00 Hoogendoorn, M.N. 1 1 1 43.33 6.17 Hunton, J. 2 1 1 150.00 3.83 0.00 0.00 Kleinsmit, P. 0.00 0.00 Kolk, J.E.M. 150.00 10.83 Langendijk, H.P.A.J. 1 3 1 83.33 6.00 Leenaars, J.J.A. 2 2 0.00 0.00 Majoor, G.C.M 25.00 2.00 Molenkamp, G. 1 0.00 0.00 Offeren, D.H. van 50.00 4.00 Perego, P. 2 16.67 1.00 Praag, B.J. van 1 16.67 1.00 Rooijen, J. van 1 0.00 0.50 Schilder, A. 0.00 0.00 Shields, M.D. 1 50.00 0.67 Uytenhaage, I. 0.00 0.00 Vaassen, E.H.J. 1 2 58.33 6.00 Veen, M. van der 1 1 1 66.67 5.00 Wallage 1 2 1 1 108.33 6.67 AIM-OVO 154.17 20.17 Bos, T.M. 1 2 100.00 6.00 Kampschöer, G.W.J.M. 0.00 2.00 Oly, G. 0.00 6.00 Vernooij, F. 1 1 37.50 2.67 Wesseling, J.A.M. 0.00 1.00 Ziepzeerder, M.J. 1 16.67 2.50 Maes (BIK) 315.95 48.17 Abcouwer, A.W. 0.00 0.00 Choo, C.W. 0.00 0.00 Christiaanse, E. 1 1 29.17 6.00 Ciborra, C.U. 0.00 0.00 Dedene, G. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 86.79 9.34 Dirksen, V. 0.00 2.83 Huizing, A. 0.00 1.67 Jägers, H.P.M. 1 2 37.50 3.67 Koster, E. 0.00 0.67 Lam, H.M. 0.00 0.00 Maes, R.E. 2 33.33 5.08 Nöteberg, A. 1 12.50 1.00 Pine, B.J. 1 16.67 1.50 Swinkels, G.S. 0.00 4.00 Truijens, J. 1 1 41.67 4.33 Truijens, O. 1 25.00 6.08 Vinig, T. 0.00 0.00 Vries, E.J. de 2 33.33 2.00

24 Table 8c: Publications in Finance and Organisation in 2000


A:1 A:2 A:3 A:4 A:5 B:1 B:2 B:3 C:1 C:2 C:3 Score Score 2000 oud 2000 Perotti/Boot (AIP) 550.00 31.73 Boot, A.W.A. 1 1 1 1 1 1 204.17 10.83 Bouwman, C.H.S. 0.00 1.00 Carare, O. 0.00 0.83 Claessens, C.A.M.F. 0.00 0.33 Dezelan, S. 1 1 1 62.50 3.33 Jacobsen, B. 1 33.33 0.40 Jong, F.C.J.M. de 1 100.00 3.00 Ligterink, J. 1 16.67 2.00 Oijen, P. van 0.00 0.83 Perotti, E.C. 1 1 33.33 4.17 Zou, L. 1 100.00 5.00 Eichholtz (OVO) 45.83 13.67 Brounen, D. 1 16.67 1.00 Eichholtz, P. 1 1 1 45.83 7.83 Hordijk, A.C. 0.00 1.00 Theebe, M.A.J. 0.00 1.83 Vos, G.A. 0.00 3.00 Lambooy (RUE) 66.67 6.75 Baarsma, B.E. 0.00 0.00 Hoorn, A.I.J.M. van der 0.00 0.00 Jansen, A.C.M. 0.00 0.00 Jong, M.W. de 0.00 0.00 Lambooy, J.G. 1 2 66.67 6.75 Kumcu, A. 0.00 0.00 Wit, J.G. de 0.00 0.00 F&O-OVO 116.67 20.45 Banens, H.M.J.H. 1 25.00 2.00 Brouwer, M.T. 1 1 75.00 4.50 Buitelaar, W.L. 0.00 0.83 Cohen, N. 0.00 0.00 Diaw, K. 0.00 0.00 Dirksen, E. 0.00 0.50 Driehuis, W. 0.00 0.00 Ganzevoort, J.W. 0.00 4.20 Kind, R. van der 0.00 1.00 Koster, H.A.J. 0.00 0.67 Peelen, E. 1 16.67 6.75 Piëst, P. 0.00 0.00 Praag, C.M. van 0.00 0.00 Smit, A.F.J. 0.00 0.00 Tettero, J.H.J.P. 0.00 0.00 Tordoir, P. 0.00 0.00 Voordijk, L. 0.00 0.00 Uitermark, E.P.J. 0.00 0.00

25 Table 8d: Publications in General Economics in 2000


A:1 A:2 A:3 A:4 A:5 B:1 B:2 B:3 C:1 C:2 C:3 C:4 Score Score 2000 oud 2000 Ellman (ETW) 275.00 19.50 Aidis, R. 0.00 0.00 Bezemer, D. 0.00 1.00 Ellman, M.J. 1 1 1 1 133.33 7.00 Gerxhani, K. 1 16.67 1.50 Knaack, R.K. 0.00 1.00 Moers, L.A.M 1 2 100.00 7.00 Scharrenborg, R. 1 25.00 2.00 Fase (FIM) 133.33 21.83 Bondt, G.J. 0.00 1.00 Fase, M.M.G. 1 1 3 116.67 16.50 Prast, H.M. 1 16.67 5.33 Winden (EXP) 241.67 21.83 Bosman, R.A.J. 0.00 0.00 Bardsley, N. 1 25.00 4.00 Falconieri, S. 0.00 1.00 Offerman, T. 0.00 1.00 Riedl, A. 1 16.67 2.50 Rostek, M.J. 0.00 1.00 Sadiraj, V. 0.00 0.33 Schram, A. 1 1 1 66.67 4.83 Seinen, I. 0.00 0.33 Sonnemans, J. 0.00 0.00 Winden, F.A.A.M. van 1 3 1 1 133.33 6.83 Wit, J. 1 0.00 0.00 Gustafsson (BEE) 129.17 16.33 Pott-Buter, H. 1 25.00 2.00 Grogan, L. 0.00 0.00 Gustafsson, S.S. 1 16.67 1.00 Kuiper, E. 0.00 1.00 Tijdens, K. 1 2 1 70.83 10.67 Velzen, S. van 0.00 0.00 Wetzels, C.M.M.P. 1 16.67 1.67 Morgan/Blaug (ETP) 500.00 46.83 Blaug, M. 1 1 1 5 300.00 17.00 Chao, H-K. 0.00 1.00 Cohen, J. 0.00 0.00 Boumans, M.J. 0.00 3.00 Heertje, A. 1 25.00 7.83 Maas, H.B.J.B. 0.00 2.00 Morgan, M.S. 1 1 1 75.00 5.00 Reuten, G.A. 0.00 2.00 Rodenburg, D. 0.00 1.00 Went, R. 1 1 1 100.00 8.00


A:1 A:2 A:3 A:4 A:5 B:1 B:2 B:3 C:1 C:2 C:3 C:4 Score Score 2000 oud 2000 Hartog (AMO) 579.17 56.37 Dobbelsteen, S. 0.00 0.75 Groeneveld, S.M. 0.00 0.00 Groot, W.J.N. 1 3 2 200.00 8.83 Hartog, J. 1 1 1 100.00 9.17 Hinloopen, J. 1 2 100.00 12.00 Jacobs, B. 1 12.50 5.67 Jonker, N. 0.00 0.33 Leuven, E. 0.00 0.83 Levin, J. 0.00 0.00 Lieshout, H. van 0.00 0.00 Maassen van den Brink, H. 1 3 2 200.00 8.83 Martin, S. 1 2 1 100.00 6.00 Odink, J.G. 1 16.67 1.00 Oosterbeek, H. 1 33.33 3.50 Plug, E.J.S. 0.00 1.83 Praag, B.M.S. van 2 33.33 3.95 Praag, C.M. van 0.00 0.00 Ranasinghe, A. 0.00 0.00 Sloof, R. 1 1 83.33 3.00 Smits, J.P.J.M. 0.00 0.00 Vieira, J. 0.00 0.00 Waterreus, J.M. 0.00 2.50 Zorlu, A. 0.00 3.00 AEC-OVO 0.00 0.00 Klaasse-Bos, A. 0.00 0.00 Wahab, I. 0.00 0.00 Wesseling, V.F.M. 0.00 0.00 Beetsma (FEF) 179.17 18.93 Beetsma, R. 1 1 58.33 5.00 Botman, D.P.J. 0.00 0.00 Carchedi, G. 0.00 0.00 Catalan Aravena, O. 1 25.00 2.00 Ewijk, C. van 1 1 1 62.50 8.30 Hek, P. de 0.00 0.00 Horst, A. van der 1 33.33 1.00 Jager, H. 1 1 41.67 3.00 Jepma, C.J. 0.00 0.00 Klaassen, F.J.G.M. 1 16.67 1.00 Scholtens, L.J.R. 0.00 0.00 Westerhout, E. 0.00 3.13 Wijnbergen, S. van 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 Amman, H.M. 0.00 0.00 Thio, B. 0.00 0.00

27 Table 8e: Publications in SEO in 2000


A:1 A:2 A:3 A:4 B:1 B:2 B:3 B:4 B:5 C:1 C:2 C:3 C:4 C:5 Score Score 2000 oud 2000 SEO 255.83 45.44 Div. Medewerkers 1 1 2 2 5 166.67 31.13 Keuzenkamp, H. 1 25.0 5.50 Theeuwes, J.J.M. 1 1 41.67 7.39 Velthuijsen, J.W. 1 1 22.5 1.42

28 APPENDIX I: PUBLICATIONS PER PROGRAMME PAGES ake-eem - Empirical Econometric Methods: Development and 30 - 37 Application Prof. dr J. F. Kiviet ake-oon - Operations Research 38 - 43 Prof. dr N. van Dijk ake-e&d - Equilibrium, Expectation & Dynamics 44 - 50 Prof. dr C.H. Hommes & Prof. dr H.N. Weddepohl ake-act - Actuarial Science 51- 55 Prof. dr H. Wolthuis ake-ovo - Other Research Quantitative Economics 56 - 57 a&c-acc - Accounting, Organisation & Society 58 - 70 Prof. dr F. Hartmann & Dr A Kolk bik-bik - Information Management - Prima Vera 71 - 80 Prof. dr ir R. Maes aim-ovo - Other Research Accountancy & Information Management 81 - 83 fim-aip - Corporate Finance and Financial Systems 84 - 93 Prof. dr E.C. Perotti smm-rue - Urban and Regional Economics 94 - 97 Prof. dr J. Lambooy f&o-ovo - Real Estate Economics & Other research Finance & 98 - 108 Organisation Prof. dr P. Eichholtz aec-fef - Transformation of Europe: Monetary, Fiscal & 109 - 124 Institutional Aspects Prof. dr R. Beetsma aec-fef - Subprogramme A. Foundation and Effectiveness Prof. dr R. Beetsma aec-fim - Subprogramme B. Financial Intermediation Prof. dr M.M.G. Fase aec-etw - Subprogramme C. Evolution, Transformation and Operation of Economic Systems Prof. dr M.J. Ellman aec-amo - Labour Market & Social Inequality 125 - 136 Prof. dr J. Hartog aec-bee - Comparative Population & Gender Economics 137 - 143 Prof. dr S.S. Gustafsson aec-etp - Methodology & History of Economics: Concepts, Models 144 - 151 and Measurement Prof. dr M. Blaug & Dr G.A. Reuten aec-exp - Experimental and Political Economics (CREED) 152 - 159 Prof. dr F.A.A.M. van Winden aec-ovo - Other Research Economics 160 seo-seo - Amsterdam Economics (SEO) 161 - 169 Prof. dr H. Keuzenkamp & Prof. dr J.J. Theeuwes

29 Emprirical Econometric Methods: Development and Application – Kiviet – Quantitative Economics

Empirical Econometric Methods: Development and Application Programme director: Prof. dr J.F. Kiviet Department: Quantitative Economics (KE) OZIS-code: ake-eem

Members of the research group

Prof. dr J.G. Bethlehem (hgl) Prof. dr H.P. Boswijk (hgl) Drs M. Bun (bursaal) Dr P.H.F.M. van Casteren (ud) Prof. dr J.S. Cramer (hgl) Dr N.P.A. van Giersbergen (ud) Prof. dr J.G. de Gooijer (hgl) Prof. dr J.F. Kiviet (hgl) Dr F. Kleibergen (postdoc) Dr A.A.B. Klein (ud) Dr J.C.M. van Ophem (uhd) Drs Ploeg, A. van der (bursaal) Drs D. Zerom (bursaal)

Programme Design Objectives Assessment and enhancement of the accuracy, efficiency and robustness of econometric inference obtained from finite sets of empirical data by models which may be dynamic, non- linear, not fully parametric, and nonetheless misspecified. Separate attention is being paid to cases where the data are discrete or truncated, stationary or nonstationary, trended and/or seasonal, and where they pertain to a cross-section, a set of discrete time-series, or a panel.

Motivation Empirical economic data are usually not obtained from markets or agents in static equilibrium, but they give a random and disturbed indication at a certain moment in time, or over a relatively short period, of a dynamic adjustment process. Also they usually concern just a few aspects of the underlying mostly very complex linear or non-linear economic system, and sample sizes are often rather small. The various projects united in this programme all try to gear statistical techniques to the typical characteristics of particular relevant empirical economic relationships and corresponding observed data in the interest of accurate and efficient inference. The goal is to obtain a proper interpretation of the essentials of the analysed phenomena in order to test economic theory, to support decision making and for forecasting purposes.

Techniques Both analytic and experimental methods are used in this programme to improve understanding of the available econometric or statistical inference techniques, and to develop and test alternatives. The analytic aspects often involve the derivation (possibly using computer algebra systems) of asymptotic distributions, the approximation of finite sample moments or distribution functions, the elimination of nuisance parameters etc. In computer simulations of completely specified systems the existing standard procedures and the newly developed techniques are then compared and evaluated experimentally. Occasionally the alternative techniques as such are of an experimental nature, because they involve computer-

30 Emprirical Econometric Methods: Development and Application – Kiviet – Quantitative Economics intensive methods (bootstrap resampling, randomization techniques, simulation-based inference). Actual data often serve to illustrate the empirical relevance and practical usefulness of the theoretical findings, but at times empirical issues are the prime motivation of the research projects engaged in.

Applications The fundamental problems of econometrics indicated above are studied in an interplay with actual applied econometric research. These applications come from both macro and micro economics or business and finance. Aggregate demand (the consumption function) and monetary relationships (demand for money, interest rates) but also data from financial markets (stock returns, credit risk) are studied or provide prototypical examples for exercises in econometric theory on modelling and analysing dynamic relationships, focusing on various aspects such as dynamic or functional misspecification, order of integration, cointegration, exogeneity, seasonality, structural change in parameter values, stochastic volatility, approximation errors in inference due to finite sample sizes, etc. The economic behaviour of individual agents is analysed on the basis of cross-section data (wage determination, job mobility and allocation) and panel data (budget survey analysis).

Subprogrammes and separate projects We have defined the following (not fully disjunct) subprogrammes. Each subprogramme entails various projects and the main initiators of and contributors to the various projects have been indicated.

(A) Accurate Inference in Dynamic Models (JFK) (A1) Inaccuracies in Misspecified Dynamic Models (A2) Analytic Finite Sample Approximations (NvG) (A3) Approximation Based Corrected Inference (MB) (A4) Simulation Based Inference (NvG) (A5) Exact/Baysian Inference (FK) (A6) Empirical Applications (B) Cointegration, Identification and Exogeneity (PB) (B1) Conditional Error Correction Models and Weak Exogeneity (B2) Identification in Cointegrated Systems (FK) (B3) Periodic Models for Non-Stationary Seasonal Data (FK) (B4) Empirical Applications to Monetary Relationships (FK) (C) Econometrics of Limited Dependent Variables (HvO) (C1) Techniques for Discrete Data (JSC) (C2) Labour Market Econometrics (C3) Discrete Monetary and Financial Data (D) Model Selection (JdG) (D1) Nonlinear Time Series Models (JdG, DZ) (D2) Fisher Information Matrix and Model Inference (AK) (D3) Entropy and Linear Regression Specification (PvC) (D4) Space-Time Modelling for Socio-Economic Data (JB) (E) Econometrics of Financial Markets (PB, FK) (E1) ARCH and Stochastic volatility models for financial returns (E2) Econometric methods for CAPM and factor models (E3) Econometric analysis of credit risk (E4) Econometric analysis of option data and implied volatilities (F) Miscellanea

31 Emprirical Econometric Methods: Development and Application – Kiviet – Quantitative Economics

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Bethlehem, J.G. prof dr hgl 0.06 0.09 0.11 0.11 - 0.11 KE 1 Boswijk, H.P. dr oz 0.45 0.40 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 KE 1 Bruin, P.T. de drs aio 0.60 0.40 - - - - KE 1 Bun, M. drs bursaal 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 KE 1 Casteren, P.H.F.M. drs ud 0.35 0.36 0.40 0.40 - 0.40 KE 1 Cramer, J.S. prof dr hgl ------pm Garderen, K.J. van dr uhd ------KE 2 Giersbergen, N.P.A. vandr ud - 0.15 0.48 0.48 - 0.48 KE 1 Gooijer, J.G. de prof dr hgl 0.50 0.45 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 KE 1 Kiviet, J.F. prof dr hgl 0.24 0.40 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 KE 1 Kleibergen, F.R. dr postdoc 0.00 0.40 0.80 0.80 - 0.80 KE 1 Klein, A.A.B. dr ud 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 KE 1 Ophem, J.C.M. van dr ud 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 KE 1 Ploeg, A. van der drs bursaal - - 0.20 0.20 - 0.20 KE 1 Sluis, P.J. van der drs aio 0.50 0.40 - - - - KE 1 Zerom, D. drs bursaal 0.40 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 KE 1 nn drs bursaal ------KE 1 nn dr postdoc ------KE 1

Total 1st flow of funds 4.50 5.05 5.69 5.69 0.00 5.69 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 1st - 3rd flow of funds 4.54 5.07 5.69 5.69 5.69 PhD students 2.10 2.00 1.40 1.40 1.40

Research Output

Key publications

Boswijk, H.P. (2000). Mixed Normality and Ancillarity in I(2) Systems. Econometric Theory, 16, 878-904. Dufour, J-M. & Kiviet, J.F. (1998). Exact Inference in First-Order Autoregressive Distributed Lag Models. Econometrica, 66, 79-104. Gooijer, J.G. de (1998). On threshold moving-average models. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 19, 1-18. Klein, A., Melard, G. & Zahaf, T. (1998). Computation of the Exact Information Matrix of Gaussian Dynamic Regression Time Series Models. The Annals of Statistics, 26, (4), 1636-1650. Ophem, J.C.M. van (1999). A General Method to Estimate Correlated Discrete Random Variables. Econometric Theory, 15, 228-237.

32 Emprirical Econometric Methods: Development and Application – Kiviet – Quantitative Economics

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - refereed

Bethlehem, J.G. (2000). The Routing Structure of Questionnaires. International Journal of Market Research, 42, 95-110. [C]. Bethlehem, J.G. (2000). De klassieke steekproeftheorie - Een overzicht. Kwantitatieve Methoden, 65, 35-68. [C]. Boswijk, H.P. (2000). Mixed Normality and Ancillarity in I(2) Systems. Econometric Theory, 16, 878-904. [B]. Gooijer, J.G. de & Zerom, D. (2000). Kernel-based multistep-ahead predictions of the US short-term interest rate. Journal of Forecasting, 19, 335-353. [C]. Gooijer, J.G. de & Gannoun, A. (2000). Nonparametric conditional predictive regions for time series. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 33, 259-275. [B]. Keller, W.J. & Bethlehem, J.G. (2000). The Impact of EDI on Statistical Data Processing. Computational Statistics, 15, 53-64. [B]. Kiviet, J.F. & Phillips, G.D.A. (2000). The Bias of the 2SLS Variance Estimator. Economics Letters, 66, 7-15. [B]. Klein, A.A.B., Melard, G. & Zahaf, T. (2000). Construction of the exact Fisher information matrix of Gaussian time series models by means of matrix differential rules. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 321, 209-232 [A]. Klein, A.A.B. & Neudecker, H. (2000). A direct derivation of the exact Fisher information matrix of Gaussian vector state space models. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 321, 233-238 [A]. Klein, A.A.B. (2000). A generalization of Whittle's formula for the information matrix of vector mixed time series. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 321, 197-208 [A]. Ophem, J.C.M. van & Oosterbeek, H. (2000). Schooling Choices: Preferences, Discount Rates and Rates of Return. Empirical Economics, 25, 15-34. [B]. Ophem, J.C.M. van (2000). Modeling Selectivity in Count-Data Models. Journal of Business & Economics Statistics, 18, 503-511. [A].

Academic publications (in/of books) - refereed

Boswijk, H.P., Lucas, A. & Taylor, N. (2000). A Comparison of Parametric, Semi-Nonparametric, Adaptive, and Nonparametric Cointegration Tests. In Fomby, T.J. & Hill, R.C. (eds), Applying Kernel and Nonparametric Estimation to Economic Topics (pp. 25-47). Stamford (CT): JAI Press. Boswijk, H.P. (2000). S-Ancillarity and Strong Exogeneity. In Heijmans, R.D.H., Pollock, D.S.G. & Satorra, A. (eds), Innovations in Multivariate Statistical Analysis (pp. 25-47). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - non-refereed

Bethlehem, J.G. & Hofman, L. (2000). On the Use of XML in the Blaise environment. Research paper, 0012. Voorburg: Statistics , Department of Statistical Methods. Bethlehem, J.G. & Hundepool, A.J. (2000). Analysing and Documentating Electronic Questionnaires. Research in Official Statistics, 2, 7-32. Bethlehem, J.G. (2000). De Nationale Doorsnee - Analyse van de uitkomsten. Research paper. Voorburg: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Sector Methoden en Ontwikkeling. Boswijk, H.P. (2000). Testing for a Unit Root with Near-Integrated Volatility. CeNDEF Working Paper Series WP, 00-09. Amsterdam. Boswijk, H.P., Dijk, D.J. van & Franses, P.H.B.F. (2000). Asymmetric and Common Absorption of Shocks in Nonlinear Autoregressive Models. CeNDEF Working Paper Series WP, 00-10. Amsterdam.

33 Emprirical Econometric Methods: Development and Application – Kiviet – Quantitative Economics

Boswijk, H.P., Griffioen, G.A.W. & Hommes, C.H. (2000). Success and Failure of Technical Trading Strategies in the Cocoa Futures Market. CeNDEF Working Paper Series WP, 00-06. Amsterdam. Brännäs, K. & Gooijer, J.G. de (2000). Asymmetries in conditional mean and variance: Modelling stock returns by asMA-asQGARCH. Tinbergen Institute Discussion paper, TI 2000-049/4 . Amsterdam. Cramer, J.S. (2000). Scoring Bank Deposits That May Go Wrong. Tinbergen Institute discussion paper, TI 2000-090/4 . Amsterdam. Cramer, J.S. (2000). Henri Theil, 1924-2000. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4281), 832-833. Franses, P.H.B.F., Bruin, P.T. de & Dijk, D.J.C. van (2000). Seasonal smooth transition autoregression. Econometric Institute Report, 2000-06. Erasmus University Rotterdam. Gooijer, J.G. de & Vidiella-i-Anguera, A. (2000). Modelling seasonalities in nonlinear inflation rates using SEASETAR. Tinbergen Institute Discussion paper, TI 2000-098/4. Amsterdam. Keller, W.J. & Bethlehem, J.G. (2000). Integrated Statistical Data Processing. Research in Official Statistics, 2, 33-46. Kent, J.P., Bethlehem, J.G., Willeboordse, A.J. & Ypma, W.F.H. (2000). On the Use of Metadata in Statistical Data Processing. Research Paper, 00006. Voorburg: Statistics Netherlands, Department of Statistical Methods. Kleibergen, F.R. (2000). Pivotal Statistics for testing Subsets of Structural Parameters in the IV Regression Model. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, TI 00-088/4 . Amsterdam. Kleibergen, F.R. (2000). Pivotal Statistics for testing Structural Parameters in Instrumental Variables Regression. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, TI 00-055/4. Amsterdam. Kleibergen, F.R. (2000). Exact Test Statistics and Distributions of Maximum Likelihood Estimators that result from Orthogonal Parameters. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, TI 00-039/4. Amsterdam. Kleibergen, F.R., Kleijn, R. & Paap, R. (2000). The Bayesian Score Statistic. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, TI 00-035/4. Amsterdam. Kleibergen, F.R. & Hoek, H. (2000). Bayesian Analysis of ARMA models. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, TI 00-027/4 . Amsterdam. Klein, A.A.B. & Spreij, P. (2000). On the application of Vandermonde matrices to time series analysis. Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, series. Math Preprints, Publ. 00-18.

Academic publications (in/of books) - non-refereed

Bethlehem, J.G. & Heijden, P.G.M. van der (eds) (2000). COMPSTAT 2000, Proceedings in Computational Statistics. Heidelberg: Physica Verlag. Bethlehem, J.G. & Hundepool, A.J. (2000). The TADEQ Project, State of Affairs. Proceedings of the 6-th Blaise User Meeting (pp. 91-98). CSO: Kinsale, Ireland. Bethlehem, J.G. & Hofman, L. (2000). On the Use of XML in the Blaise environment. Proceedings of the 6-th Blaise User Meeting (pp. 99-105). CSO: Kinsale, Ireland. Boswijk, H.P. (2000). Trend en Volatiliteit in de Econometrie. Amsterdam: Vossiuspers AUP. Jansen, W. & Bethlehem, J.G. (eds) (2000). COMPSTAT 2000, Proceedings in Computational Statistics, Short Communications and Posters. : CBS.

Popular publications

Cramer, J.S. (2000). Zin en onzin van de kansrekening. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 5/1 , (4), 367- 368. Kiviet, J.F. (2000). Sir Francis Galton, de uitvinder van de regressie. AENORM, 8, (29), 45-48.

34 Emprirical Econometric Methods: Development and Application – Kiviet – Quantitative Economics

Other Activities

Contributions (lectures) to conferences, workshops and seminars

Bethlehem, J.G. (2000, 8 March). De klassieke steekproeftheorie - Een overzicht. Spring meeting of the Social Sciences section of the VVS. Bethlehem, J.G. (2000, 14 April). Wel en wee van de steekproeftheorie. Symposium, Noordelijke Hogeschool, Leeuwarden. Bethlehem, J.G (2000, 11 May). The TADEQ Project, State of Affairs. 6-th Blaise User Meeting, Kinsale, Ireland. Bethlehem, J.G. (2000, 12 May). On the Use of XML in the Blaise environment. 6-th Blaise User Meeting, Kinsale, Ireland. Bethlehem, J.G. (2000, 14 June). New Techniques and Technologies in Data Collection, An Overview. Paper presented at the International Workshop on New technologies in Survey Research. Lüneburg: Universität Lüneburg, Germany. Bethlehem, J.G. (2000, 18 November). De Nationale Doorsnee - Analyse van de uitkomsten. Jubileumcongres van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Wiskundeleraren, Utrecht. Bethlehem, J.G. (2000, 5 December). The TADEQ Project. The 2000 DOSIS/EPROS Meeting, Eurostat, Luxemburg. Boswijk, H.P. (2000, 13 August). Testing for a Unit Root with Near-Integrated Volatility. 8th World Congress of the Econometric Society, Seattle, USA. Boswijk, H.P. (2000, 18 September). Testing for a Unit Root with Near-Integrated Volatility. Lunch seminar, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Boswijk, H.P. (2000, 21 September). Testing for a Unit Root with Near-Integrated Volatility. Econometrics seminar, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Boswijk, H.P. (2000, 5 October). Asymmetric and Common Absorption of Shocks in Nonlinear Autoregressive Models. CeNDEF mini-symposium, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Boswijk, H.P. (2000, 14 December). Testing for a Unit Root with Near-Integrated Volatility. 11th EC2 Invited paper at the Conference on Likelihood in Econometrics, Dublin, Ireland. Bun, M.J.G. (2000, 23 June). Bias correction in the dynamic panel data model with a nonscalar disturbance covariance matrix. Panel Data conference, Geneva, Switzerland. Bun, M.J.G. (2000, 14 August). Bias correction in the dynamic panel data model with a nonscalar disturbance covariance matrix. Econometric Society World Meeting, Seattle, USA. Casteren, P.H.F.M. van (2000, 23 June). Improving AIC for optimal prediction. The 20th International Symposium on Forecasting, Lisbon, Portugal. Giersbergen, N.P.A. van (2000, 14 July). Bias Correction in a Stable AD (1,1) Model. ESRC Econometric Study Group, Bristol, UK. Giersbergen, N.P.A. van (2000, 27 October). Bias Correction in a Stable AD (1,1) Model: Weak vs Strong Exogeneity. Tinbergen Institute Econometrics workshop, Amsterdam. Giersbergen, N.P.A. van (2000, 9 December). Bias Correction in a Stable AD (1,1) Model: Weak vs Strong Exogeneity. (EC) 2, Dublin, Ireland. Gooijer, J.G. de (2000, 7 July). Kernel-based multistep-ahead predictions: some theory and applications, Arrabida Courses in Statistics, Portugal. Kiviet, J.F. (2000, 23 June). The accuracy of inference in small samples of dynamic panel data models: simulation evidence and an application to money demand in EU countries. Panel Data conference, Geneva, Switzerland. Kiviet, J.F. (2000, 14 August). Improved coefficient and variance estimation in stable first-order dynamic regression models. Econometric Society World Meeting, Seattle, USA. Kleibergen, F.R. (2000, 8 May). Pivotal Statistics for testing Structural Parameters in Instrumental Variables Regression. Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Rotterdam. Kleibergen, F.R. (2000, 29 May). Conditional Densities in Statistical Modelling. World Conference International Society for Bayesian Analysis, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Kleibergen, F.R. (2000, 15 June). Likelihood-Based Cointegration Analysis in Panels of Vector Error Correction Models. University of Maastricht, Maastricht.

35 Emprirical Econometric Methods: Development and Application – Kiviet – Quantitative Economics

Kleibergen, F.R. (2000, 27 June). Pivotal Statistics for testing Structural Parameters in Instrumental Variables Regression. Labor Economics Research Group, Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam. Kleibergen, F.R. (2000, 12 August). Pivotal Statistics for testing Structural Parameters in Instrumental Variables Regression. Econometric Society World Meeting, Seattle, USA. Klein, A.A.B. (2000, 16 May). On Whittle's formula for the information matrix of vector ARMAX time series processes. 5-th World Congress of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability and 63rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Guanajuato, Mexico. Klein, A.A.B. (2000, 21 July). On an algorithm for the exact Fisher information matrix of Gaussian vector time series processes. Invited Speaker. International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Ophem, J.C.M. van (2000, 21 March). The duration of higher education: semiparamteric estimation of a dependent competing risks model, IZA, Bonn, Germany. Zerom, D. (2000, 14 August). A multi-stage condtional quantile predictor for time series, Joint Statistical Meetings, Indianapolis, USA.

Organisational contributions to conferences, workshops and seminars

Bethlehem, J.G. (2000, until September). COMPSTAT 2000 co-organiser, Utrecht. Bethlehem, J.G. (2000). ISI-IASS 2000, programme committee member. Seoul, S. Korea. Kiviet, J.F. (2000). Chairman of the board of (EC)2, the European Conference series of the Econometrics Community. Organises a conference each year in December since 1990 (in 2000 in Dublin), funded for 1998-2000 by European Commission (66,000 ECU). Kleibergen, F. (2000). Amsterdam, Tinbergen Institute-UvA-econometrie seminar organiser.

Participation in academic networks

Bethlehem, J. (2000). Board Member of Interuniversitaire Onderzoeksschool voor Psychometrie en Sociometrie (IOPS). Boswijk, H.P. (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Institute. Boswijk, H.P. (2000). Fellow Netherlands Network of Economics. Boswijk, H.P. (2000). Member of the Board of the Netherlands Network of Economics. Cramer, J.S. (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Institute. Gooijer, J.G. de (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Institute. Gooijer, J.G. de (2000). Member of Board of The International Institute of Forecasters. Gooijer, J.G. de (2000). Member of Board of Netwerk Algemene en Kwantitatieve Economie. Kiviet, J.F. (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Institute. Kleibergen, F. (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Institute. Ophem, J.C.M. van (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Institute.

Membership editorial staff or referee activities

Bethlehem, J. (2000). Member of the editorial board Kwantitatieve Methoden. Bethlehem, J. (2000). Member of the editorial board Research in Official Statistics. Bethlehem, J. (2000). Referee for Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Official Statistics, Research in Official Statistics, Survey Methodology, International Statistical Review, en Statistica Neerlandica. Boswijk, H.P. (2000, until October). Editor The Econometrics Journal. Boswijk, H.P. (2000). Guest-editor Journal of Econometrics Annals. Boswijk, H.P. (2000). Referee for Econometric Reviews, Econometrica, Journal of Business and Economic Statististics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.

36 Emprirical Econometric Methods: Development and Application – Kiviet – Quantitative Economics

Cramer, J.S. (2000). Referee for Journal of Applied Econometrics. Giersbergen, N.P.A. (2000). Referee for International Journal of Forecasting, The Econometrics Journal, Kwantitatieve Methoden. Gooijer, J.G. de (2000). Member of the editorial board Kwantitatieve Methoden. Gooijer, J.G. de (2000). Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Forecasting. Gooijer, J.G. de (2000). Referee for International Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Forecasting. Kiviet, J.F. (2000). Referee for Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. Kleibergen, F. (2000). Referee for Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Econometric Theory, International Journal of Forecasting. Klein, A.A.B. (2000). Referee for Journal of Time Series Analysis. Ophem, J.C.M. van (2000). Referee for Econometric Theory, Labour Economics, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. Zerom, D. (2000). Referee for International Journal of Forecasting.

Membership of academic committees (including PhD committees inside or outside the UvA)

Bethlehem, J.G. (2000). Assigned Member of NWO-selection Committee for Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Boswijk, H.P. (2000). Member of the Educational Board of the Tinbergen Institute. Boswijk, H.P. (2000, 22 September). Member PhD committee Michael Jansson, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Boswijk, H.P. (2000, 25 September). Member PhD committee Robert-Paul Berben, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen. Boswijk, H.P. (2000, 28 September). Member PhD committee Alain Hecq, Universiteit Maastricht. Cramer, J.S. (2000). Member of Board of Tinbergen Institute. Cramer, J.S. (2000). Member of Jury for dissertation Prize of the Koninklijke Vereniging voor Staathuishoudkunde. Cramer, J.S. (2000). Member PhD committee Bas van der Klaauw, Free University of Amsterdam. Gooijer, J.G. de (2000, 7 November). Member PhD committee M. van de Velden, Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam. Kleibergen, F.R. (2000, 19 October). Member PhD committee of Jan Groen, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.


Ophem, J.C.M. van & Praag, M. van (2000). Determinants of Willingsness and Opportunity to Start as an Entrepreneur. In Westhead, P. & Wright, M. (eds), Advances in Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2 (Chapter 5). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Various activities

Bethlehem, J.G. (2000). Large contribution to the project De Nationale Doorsnee van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Wiskundeleraren. Het op één dag uitvoeren, verwerken, analyseren en publiceren van een enquête onder alle leerlingen in klas 1 en 2 van het voortgezet onderwijs. Kiviet, J.F. (2000, 24-30 March). Visiting professor Department of Economics, University of Exeter, UK.

37 Operations Research – Van Dijk – Quantitative Economics

Operations Research Programme director: Prof. dr N.M. van Dijk Department: Quantitative Economics (KE) OZIS-code: ake-oon

Members of the research group

Dr Abdalla, N. (oz) Dr Boucherie, R. (oz) Prof. dr N.M. van Dijk (hgl) Drs C.W. Duin (ud) Drs G.J. Franx (aio) Drs Huisman (oz) Dr O. Ivnitsky (oz) Dr R. Litjens (oz) Drs S. Marsman (aio) Prof. dr A. Schrijver (hgl) Dr H. van der Sluis (ud) Drs A. Ule (oio) Dr A. Volgenant (uhd) Prof. dr J. van der Wal (hgl)

Programme design

The following research projects of continuing practical interest have been developed by the research group and can be expected to remain topical for the near future:

Combinatorial optimisation Many problems in manufacturing, computer science and telecommunications can be formulated as a combinatorial optimisation problems, especially when the setting can be considered as deterministic with emphasis to optimise profit or costs. The research themes of the group concentrate on:

• Generalisations of the Travelling Salesman Problems such as Peripatetic Salesman Problem; • Steiner Tree Problems on Graphs and generalisations as multiweighted problems; • Degree constrained trees and problems with criteria as bottleneck, minimum deviation, and partial sum; • Linear Assignment Problems.

The research is focused on both exact and heuristic methods. The exact methods are of special interest for the chair Discrete Mathematics and Optimization (Schrijver), a joint venture with the Mathematics Faculty. The heuristic methods are of most interest from a practical point of view, as in many cases a nearly optimal solution is also sufficient. A special interest is developed for the implementation of the algorithms and for the analysis of the average and probabilistic behaviour of heuristics.

38 Operations Research – Van Dijk – Quantitative Economics

Stochastic service networks Stochastic service networks naturally arise in manufacturing (production lines), in computer science (computer networks) and telecommunications (long distance, satellite and mobile communications). A special newly developing application area furthermore concerns transportation problems. Some particular research themes are:

• The development of insights in the question when a stochastic network has a closed form steady state distribution or when it hasn’t; the project aims at deriving explicit formulae; • Simple performance bounds for networks that are non-solvable due to practical phenomena as finite capacity constraints, job-priorities or breakdowns; • Practical applications, most notably in, manufacturing, computer networking, transportation and telecommunications.

Error bounds Practical systems such as arising in manufacturing, telecommunications and computer networking are rarely solvable analytically. By simplifying assumptions, however, approximations or even bounds may be obtainable. The error introduced by such approximations or bounds is of practical interest. To this end a technique has been developed to provide analytical error bounds. The application and extension of this technique is of continuing research interest. Particular problems are:

• Error bounds for the truncation of Markov chains; • Error bounds for sensitivity analysis.

39 Operations Research – Van Dijk – Quantitative Economics

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Abdalla, N. dr oz 0.20 0.35 - - - - KE 2 Boucherie, R. dr oz 0.80 0.80 0.75 0.75 - 0.75 KE 2 Dijk, N.M. van prof dr hgl 0.30 0.20 0.40 0.40 - 0.40 KE 1 Duin, C.W. drs ud 0.46 0.41 0.46 0.46 - 0.46 KE 1 Franx, G.J. drs aio 0.35 - - - - - KE 1 Huisman, T. drs aio 0.30 - - - - - KE 3 Huisman, T. drs aio 0.30 0.60 - - - - KE 1 Ivnitsky, O. dr oz 0.30 0.21 - - - - KE 2 Litjens, R. dr aio 0.10 0.30 - - - - KE 2 Marsman, S. drs aio 0.20 - - - - - KE 1 Schrijver, A. prof dr hgl 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 - 0.06 KE 1 Sluis, H. van der dr ud - - 0.13 0.13 - 0.13 KE 1 Ule, A. drs bursaal 0.20 0.60 0.40 0.40 - 0.40 KE 1 Volgenant, A. dr uhd 0.40 0.36 0.40 0.40 - 0.40 KE 1 Wal, J. van der prof dr hgl - 0.09 0.25 0.25 - 0.25 KE 1 nn dr ud ------KE 1 nn drs bursaal ------KE 1

Total 1st flow of funds 2.26 2.31 2.10 2.10 0.00 2.10 Total 2nd flow of funds 1.40 1.66 0.75 0.75 0.75 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 3.96 3.97 2.85 2.85 2.85 PhD students 1.45 1.50 0.40 0.40 0.40

Research Output

Key publications

Boucherie, R.J. (1998). Norton’s equivalent for queueing networks comprised of quasireversible components linked by state-dependent routing. Performance Evaluation, 32, 83-99. Compagner, F., Duin, C.W. & Volgenant, A. (1996). The edge-disjoint Steiner problem in graphs. Optimization, 36, 463-492. Dijk, N.M. van (1997). Why queueing never vanishes. European Journal of Operations Research, 99, 463-476. Dijk, N.M. van & Taylor, P.G. (1998). Strong stochastic bounds for the stationary distribution of a class of multicomponent performability models. Operations Research, 46, 665-674. Dijk, N.M. van (1998). Bounds and error bounds for queueing networks. Annals of Operations Research, 79, 295-319.

40 Operations Research – Van Dijk – Quantitative Economics

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - refereed

Boucherie, R., Verwijmeren, S. & Mandjes, M. (2000). Asympototic evaluation of blocking probabilities in a hierarchical cellular mobile network. Probability in the Engineering and Information Sciences, 14, 81-99. [B]. Dijk, N.M. van & Boucherie, R.J. (2000). On a queueing network model for cellular mobile telecommunications networks. Operations Research, 48, (1) January/February, 38-49. [A]. Dijk, N.M. van & Korezlioglu, H. (2000). Sensitivity Analysis for Markov Reward Structures until Entrance Times. Journal of Applied Probability, 37, (1), 45-63. [B]. Dijk, N.M. van & Sladky, K. (2000). A note on uniformization for dynamic nonnegative systems. Journal of Applied Probability, 37, (2), 329-334. [B]. Dijk, N.M. van & Sladky, K. (2000). Monotonicity and Comparison Results for Nonnegative Dynamic Systems. Operations Research 2000, Springer-Verlag. [B]. Duin, C.W., Marsman, S. & Volgenant, A. (2000). The Dynamic Predicate Stashing Copy Problem and the Steiner Problem in Graphs. European Journal of Operational Research, 125, 526- 534. [B]. Volgenant, A. (2000). A note on splitting of variables in integer programming models. European Journal of Operational Research, 122, 166-172. [B]. Wal, J. van der, Halachmi, I., Adan, I.J.B.F., Heesterbeek, J.A.P. & Beek, P. van (2000). The design of robotic dairy barns using closed queueing networks. European Journal of Operational Research, 124, 437-446. [B]. Wal, J. van der & Sassen, S.A.E. (2000). The M/G/inity queueing model for optimistic concurrency control. Statistica Neerlandica, 54, 190-201. [B].

Academic publications (in/of books) - refereed

Duin, C.W. (2000). Preprocessing the Steiner problem in graph. In Du, Dingzhu, Smith, J.M. & Rubinstein, J.H. (eds), Advances in Steiner trees. Series in Combinatorial Optimization (6) (pp. 173-233). Deventer: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - non-refereed

Volgenant, A. (2000). Solving the k-cardinality assignment problem by transformation. AE Report, 3/2000. Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Academic publications (in/of books) - non-refereed

Boucherie, R., Chao, X. & Miyazawa, M. (2000). Arrival networks of queues with product form solution. In Kouvatsos, D. (ed.), Proceedings QNET's 2000: Fourth International Workshop on Queueing Networks with Finite capacity (pp. 8/1-8/15). Ilkley, West Yorkshire, UK, 20- 21 July 2000. Boucherie, R. & Litjens, R. (2000). Radio resource sharing in a GSM/GPRS network. In Emstad, P.J. (ed.), Proceedings ITC Specialists Seminar on Mobile Systems and Mobility, (pp. 261-274). Lillehammer, Norway: Department of Telematics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, March 22-24.

Professional publications

Boucherie, R. (2000). Cellulaire communicatie vanuit een stochastische invalshoek. AENORM , 8, (29), 3-6.

41 Operations Research – Van Dijk – Quantitative Economics

Boucherie, R. & Litjens R. (2000). Evolutie van mobiele cellulaire telecommunicatie netwerken. Proceedings Symposium Wiskunde Toegepast. Universiteit Maastricht, 27 April 2000. Boucherie, R. & Litjens, R. (2000). Elastic calls in an integrayed services network: the heavier the tail the better the quality of the service. Report AE, 1/100. Institute of Actuarial Sciences & Econometrics, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Boucherie, R. & Ule, A. (2000). On the distribution of customers in a wireless network driven by fluid traffic. Tinbergen Discussion Paper, TI 2000-052/4 . Volgenant, A. (2000). Review of Padberg, M. (1999). Linear optimization and extensions. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. In Kwantitatieve Methoden, 65, 156.

Popular publications

Dijk, N.M. van & Bouwman, M. (2000). Simulatie: Een luchthaven op de computer. Natuur en Techniek wetenschapsmagazine, September, 32-35. Dijk, N.M. & Greuter, J.B.J. (2000). To Pool or not to Pool. Call Center magazine, 5, 38-43.

Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to academic conferences, workshops and seminars

Boucherie, R. (2000, 20-21 July). Arrival first networks of queues with product form solution, QNETs Fourth International Workshop on Queueing Networks with Finite Capacity. Ilkley, West Yorkshire, UK. Boucherie, R. (2000, 19 June). Stochastic network models mobile communication systems. Colloquium Stochastiek, University of Amsterdam. Boucherie, R. (2000, 25-26 April). Modelling Mobility in Cellular Mobile networks. Invited lecture. Workshop Stochastic Geometry and Teletraffic, EURANDOM, Eindhoven. Boucherie, R. (2000, 13-15 March). Mobile Communication networks with redialing customers. Third International Workshop on Retrial Queues, March 13-15, 2000, Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam. Dijk, van N.M. (2000, 11-12 October). Key-note speaker: Computational Tools for Call Centers. Call Center Conference, Scheveningen.

Organisational contributions to conferences, workshops and seminars

Dijk, van N.M. (2000, 11-12 October). Co-organising Conference on Call Center, Scheveningen.

Participation in academic networks

Volgenant, A. (2000). Member LNMB (Landelijk Netwerk Mathematische Besliskunde). Volgenant, A. (2000). Member Mathematical Programming Society.

Membership editorial staff or referee activities

Volgenant, A. (2000). Advisory editor of Computers & Operations Research. Volgenant, A. (2000). Referee for Computers & Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, Information and Computation, Journal of the Operational Research Society. Volgenant, A. (2000). Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (American Mathematical Society).

42 Operations Research – Van Dijk – Quantitative Economics

Wal, J. van der (2000). Editor (with Boxma and Adan) special issue Statistica Neerlandica.

Membership of academic committees (including PhD committees inside or outside the UvA)

Wal, van der, J. (2000, 20 January). Member of Ph.D. Committee of R. Nunez Queija, Technical University Eindhoven. Wal van der, J. (2000, 3 October). Member of Ph.D. Committee of J. Keizers, Technical University Eindhoven.

Research contributions in the media

Dijk, van N.M. (2000, 24 December). TV interview on queueing aspects.

43 Equilibrium, Expectations & Dynamics – Hommes & Weddepohl – Quantitative Economics

Equilibrium, Expectations & Dynamics Programme directors: Prof. dr C.H. Hommes & Prof. dr H.N. Weddepohl Department: Quantitative Economics (KE) OZIS-code: ake-e&d

Subprogrammes The NWO-MaG Pionier programme Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance (CeNDEF) is part of this research programme.

Members of the research group

Prof. dr H.M. Amman (hgl) Dr C.G.H. Diks (postdoc, CeNDEF) Drs G.A.W. Griffioen (bursaal, CeNDEF) Prof. dr H. Hommes (hgl CeNDEF) Drs S. van der Hoog, (bursaal) Dr M.A.L. Koster (ud) S. Manzan, Msc (bursaal, CeNDEF) Dr K.B.T. Thio (ud) Dr J. Tuinstra (postdoc, CeNDEF) Drs H. van de Velden (bursaal) Dr F.O.O. Wagener (postdoc, CeNDEF) Prof. dr H.N. Weddepohl (hgl) Drs R. van der Weide (bursaal, CeNDEF)

Programme design

The objective of the programme is the development of mathematical economic theory, which is focussed on the understanding of economic processes. It aims at developing models of economic behaviour, in microeconomics, macroeconomics and finance and the models are studied from a theoretical as well as from a computational perspective. The NWO-MaG Pionier project Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance (CeNDEF) is part of the research programme. The programme is subdivided into four, closely related themes: Equilibrium theory: Optimizing behaviour of economic agents generates supply and demand of commodities, as a function of prices and expectations. In equilibrium supply and demand are equal. Many types of equilibrium can be studied: partial versus general, competitive versus monopolistic, dynamic versus static and further temporary equilibrium, fixed price equilibrium etc. Investigated are the existence of equilibrium as well as the conditions for stability or instability of dynamic adjustment processes. Expectations and learning: Bounded rationality models of expectation formation and learning schemes are becoming a serious alternative to rational expectations, which was the dominating paradigm until quite recently. The fully rational representative agent is replaced by a large heterogeneous population of boundedly rational interacting agents, who form expectations based upon time series observations and update their forecasting rules according to new observations. Conditions under which learning schemes converge to rational expectations or a boundedly rational expectations equilibrium with excess volatility are investigated. Formation of expectations is studied in theory, in experiments and in real markets.

44 Equilibrium, Expectations & Dynamics – Hommes & Weddepohl – Quantitative Economics

Nonlinear economic dynamics: This part of the programme focuses on nonlinear economic models with endogenous dynamics. Are fluctuations caused by random exogenous shocks, or can endogenous nonlinear laws of motion explain (a significant part of) the fluctuations? Various economic models are studied theoretically, computationally as well as empirically, attempting to mimic the stylized facts observed in real economic and financial data. Computational economics: Computer technology and computational methods are changing the way many economists approach their research. Computer models have contributed to the development of economics in a wide range of fields, such as growth theory, econometrics, international trade, general equilibrium theory, environmental economics, game theory, mechanism design and macroeconomics. Particularly with respect to learning and expectation formation and in the domain of complex systems, computational economics plays an important role, because analytical tools have to be supported by computational methods for analyzing multidimensional and nonlinear models.

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Amman, H.M. prof dr hgl 0.40 0.40 0.30 0.30 - 0.30 AE 1 Diks, C. (CeNDEF) dr postdoc - 0.80 0.80 0.80 - 0.80 KE 2 Griffioen, G.A.W. (CeNDEF) drs bursaal 0.15 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 KE 1 Hommes, C.H. (CeNDEF) prof dr hgl 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 KE 1 Hoog, S. van der drs bursaal - - 0.15 0.15 - 0.15 KE 1 Koster, M.A.L. dr ud - - 0.15 0.15 - 0.15 KE 1 Manzan, S. (CeNDEF) Msc bursaal - 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 KE 1 Thio, B. dr ud 0.14 0.15 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.15 AE 1 Tuinstra, J. drs oio 0.60 0.15 - - - - KE 2 Tuinstra, J. drs postdoc - 0.60 0.80 0.80 - 0.80 KE 2 Velden, H. van de drs bursaal 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 KE 1 Wagener, F. (CeNDEF) dr postdoc - 0.24 0.80 0.80 - 0.80 KE 2 Weddepohl, H.N. prof dr hgl 0.40 0.36 0.42 0.42 - 0.42 KE 1 Weide, R. van der (CeNDEF) drs bursaal - - 0.45 0.45 - 0.45 KE 1 nn drs bursaal ------KE 1

Total 1st flow of funds 2.19 3.21 3.82 3.84 0.08 3.92 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.60 1.79 2.40 2.40 2.40 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 2.79 5.00 6.22 6.24 6.32 PhD students 1.35 1.95 0.00 2.40 2.40

45 Equilibrium, Expectations & Dynamics – Hommes & Weddepohl – Quantitative Economics

Research Output

Key publications

Amman, H.M. (1996). Numerical Optimization Methods for Dynamic Optimization Problems. In Amman, H.M., Kendrick, D.A. & Rust, J. (eds), Handbook of Computational Economics (pp. 579-618). Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishers. Brock, W.A. & Hommes, C.H. (1997). A rational route to randomness. Econometrica, 65, 1059-1095. Brock, W.A. & Hommes, C.H. (1998). Heterogeneous beliefs and routes to chaos in a simple asset pricing model. Journal Of Economic Dynamics Control, 22, 1235-1274. Tuinstra, J. (2000). A discrete and symmetric price adjustment process on the simplex. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 24, 881-907. Weddepohl, C. (1999). Price adjustment models in a production economy. Annals of Operations Research, 89, 149-164.

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - refereed

Amman, H.M. & Kendrick, D.A. (2000). Stochastic policy design in a learning environment with rational expectations. Journal on Optimization Theory and its Applications, 106, (3), 509-520. [B]. Broer, H.W. & Wagener, F.O.O. (2000). Quasi-Periodic Stability of Subfamilies of an Unfolded Skew Hopf Bifurcation. Archives of Rational Mechanical Analysis, 152, 283-326. [A]. Dechert, W.D. & Hommes, C.H. (2000). Complex Nonlinear Dynamics and Computational Methods. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 24, 651-662. [B]. Diks, C.G.H. & Mudelsee, M. (2000). Redundancies in the Earth's climatological time series. Physics Letters A, 275, 407-414. [B]. Goeree, W.A. & Hommes, C.H. (2000). Heterogeneous beliefs and the non-linear cobweb model. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 24, 761-798. [B]. Hoekstra, B.P.T., Diks, C.G.H., Allessie, M.A. & DeGoede, J. (2000a). Spatial correlation analysis of atrial activation patterns during sustained atrial fibrillation in conscious goats. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 108, (4), 1-19. [B]. Hoekstra, B.P.T., Diks, C.G.H., Allessie, M.A. & DeGoede, J. (2000b). Spatial correlation analysis of the pharmacological conversion of sustained atrial fibrillation in conscious goats by cibenzoline. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 108, (4), 20-36. [B]. Hommes, C.H. (2000). Inaugural Lecture. Chaos en Economie. Tijdschrift Politieke Ekonomie, 22, (2), 3-31. [C]. Hommes, C.H. (2000). Chaos en economie. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 4, December, 356-366. [C]. Takens, F. & Wagener, F.O.O. (2000). Resonances in skew and reducible quasi-periodic Hopf bifurcations. Nonlinearity, 13, 377-396. [B]. Tuinstra, J. (2000a). A discrete and symmetric price adjustment process on the simplex. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 24, 881-907. [B]. Tuinstra, J. (2000b). The emergence of political business cycles in a two-sector general equilibrium model. European Journal of Political Economy, 16, 509-534. [B]. Yu, D., Small, M., Harrison, R.G. & Diks, C.G.H. (2000). An efficient implementation of the Gaussian kernel algorithm in estimating invariants and noise levels from noisy time series data. Physical Review E, 61, (4), 3750-3756. [B].

46 Equilibrium, Expectations & Dynamics – Hommes & Weddepohl – Quantitative Economics

Academic publications (in/of books) - refereed

Amman, H.M. (1996). Numerical Optimization Methods for Dynamic Optimization Problems. In Amman, H.M., Kendrick, D.A. & Rust, J. (eds), Handbook of Computational Economics (pp. 579-618). Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishers. Hommes, C.H., Sonnemans, J. & Velden, H. van de (2000). Expectation formation in a cobweb economy: some one person experiments. In Delli Gatti, D., Gallegati, M. & Kirman, A.P. (eds), Interaction and market structure (pp. 253-266). Berlin: Springer Verlag. [A]. Hommes, C.H. (2000). Cobweb Dynamics under Bounded Rationality, In Dockner, E.J. et al (eds), Optimization, Dynamics, and Economic Analysis - Essays in honor of Gustav Feichtinger (pp. 134-150). Physica-Verlag. [B]. Tuinstra, J. (2000). Price Dynamics in Equilibrium Models, The Search for Equilibrium and the Emergence of Endogenous Fluctuations. Advances in Computational Economics, no. 16. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [B].

Academic Publications (excluding publications in/of books) - non-refereed

Boswijk, P., Griffioen, G.A.W. & Hommes, C.H. (2000). Succes and Failure of Technical Trading Strategies in the Cocoa Futures Market. CeNDEF Working Paper, 00-06. Amsterdam. Diks, C.G.H. (2000). Dimension estimations, stock returns and volatility clustering. CeNDEF Working Paper, 00-08. Amsterdam. Diks, C.G.H. & Mudelsee, M. (2000). Redundancies in the Earth's climatological time series. CeNDEF Working Paper, 00-07. Amsterdam. Gaunersdorfer, A. & Hommes, C.H. (2000). A nonlinear structural model for volatility clustering. CeNDEF Working Paper, 00-02. Amsterdam. Gaunersdorfer, A., Hommes, C.H. & Wagener, F.O.O. (2000). Bifurcation Routes to Volatility Clustering. CeNDEF Working Paper, 00-04. Amsterdam. Hommes, C.H. (2000). Financial Markets as Nonlinear Adaptive Evolutionary Systems. CeNDEF Working Paper, 00-03. Amsterdam. Hommes, C.H. & Rosser Jr., B. (2000). Consistent expectations equilibria and complex dynamics in renewable resource markets. CeNDEF Working Paper, 00-05. Amsterdam. Koster, M., Reijnierse, H. & Voorneveld, M. (2000). Voluntary contributions to multiple public projects. Working paper. Department of Quantitative Economics, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Koster, M. (2000). Hierarchical constrained egalitarianism in TU-games. Working paper. Department of Quantitative Economics, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Sadiraj, V., Tuinstra, J. & Winden, F. van (2000). On the dynamics of interest group formation and endogenous policymaking. CeNDEF Working Paper, 00-01. Amsterdam. Wagener, F.O.O. (2000). Skiba Points and Heteroclinic Bifurcation Points in the Shallow Lake System. CeNDEF Working Paper, 00-11. Amsterdam.

Professional publications

Hommes, C.H. (2000). Inaugural speech. Chaos en Economie. Oratiereeks. Amsterdam: Vossiuspers AUP. Hommes, C.H. (2000). James Gleick. Chaos. Making a new Science, contribution to 'Een eeuw wiskunde boeken'. In Nieuw Archief voor wiskunde, 5th series, 1-3, 109.

47 Equilibrium, Expectations & Dynamics – Hommes & Weddepohl – Quantitative Economics

Popular publications

Hommes, C.H. (2000, 24 June). Grafiekstaren leidt tot heftige fluctuaties, interview. FEM De Week , 26, 54-56.

Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to conferences, workshops, seminars, summer schools.

Amman, H.M. (2000, June). Learning under the Lucas Critique, Barcelona, Spain, SCE meeting. Diks, C.G.H. (2000, 14 January). Dimension estimation and volatility clustering, CeNDEF Workshop 2000, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Diks, C.G.H. (2000, 14 July). Dimension estimation and volatility clustering, Applications of Physics in Financial Analysis Conference, European Physical Society, Liege, Belgium. Diks, C.G.H. (2000, 29 November). Invited lecture. Nonlinear time series regression and invariant measures, Probability Theory and Statistic Seminar Series, University of Delft, Delft, the Netherlands. Griffioen, G.A.W. (2000, 14 January). Success and failure of technical trading strategies in cocoa futures markets, CeNDEF Workshop 2000, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Hommes, C.H. (2000, 10 March). Invited lecture. The role of mathematical models in behavioral economics, Workshop Behavioral Economics, FEE, UvA, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Hommes, C.H. (2000, 28 April). Invited lecture. Evolutionary dynamics in financial markets, Algemeen Wiskundig Colloquium, Technische Universiteit Delft. Hommes, C.H. (2000, 18 May). Invited lecture. Evolution in financial markets, Conference Beyond equilibrium and efficiency, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, USA. Hommes, C.H. (2000, 24 May). Opening lecture. Expectations in the laboratory, 7th Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory and Applications in Economics and OR/MS, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Hommes, C.H. (2000, 5 June). Stochastic consistent expectations equilibria, CeNDEF workshop Expectations and Learning, Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Hommes, C.H. (2000, 7 July). Stochastic consistent expectations equilibria, Computing in Economics and Finance 2000, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Hommes, C.H. (2000, 26 September). Invited lecture. Expectations in the laboratory, SOM-seminar, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands. Hommes, C.H. (2000, 11 October). Invited lecture. Financial markets as nonlinear adaptive evolutionary systems, Tinbergen Institute Seminar, EUR, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Hommes, C.H. (2000, 18 October). Expectations in the laboratory, Economic Science Association Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Hommes, C.H. (2000, 6 December). Invited seminar. Expectations in the laboratory, Queen Mary College, London, UK. Koster, M.A.L. (2000, 13 November). Cooperative production and transferable utility games, FEE Lunchseminar, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Manzan, S. (2000, 22 September). Testing for independence and linearity using the correlation integral, NBER/NSF Time Series Conference, Fort Collins, USA. Sonnemans, J. (2000, 13 January). The instability of a heterogeneous cobweb economy: a strategy experiment in expectation Formation, CeNDEF Workshop 2000, Amsterdam. Tuinstra, J. (2000, 15 January). Evolutionary dynamics of Cournot competition, CeNDEF Workshop 2000, Amsterdam. Tuinstra, J. (2000, 26 May). Endogenous fluctuations under evolutionary pressure in Cournot competition, 7th Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control , Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory and Applications in Economics and OR/MS, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

48 Equilibrium, Expectations & Dynamics – Hommes & Weddepohl – Quantitative Economics

Tuinstra, J. (2000, 5 June). Learning in overlapping generations models, CeNDEF mini-workshop 'Expectations and Learning', Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam. Tuinstra, J. (2000, 7 July). Interest groups and social dynamics in a model of spatial competition, Computing in Economics and Finance 2000, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Velden H. van de (2000, 13 January). Expectations driven price volatility in an experimental cobweb economy, CeNDEF Workshop 2000, Amsterdam. Velden, H. van de (2000, 24 March). Expectations in the laboratory, Competition and Cooperation, Amsterdam. Velden, H. van de (2000, 24 May). Simple behavioral rules in a symmetric Cournot duopoly game, 7th Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory and Applications in Economics and OR/MS, Vienna, Austria. Velden, H. van de (2000, 17 June). Asset pricing experiments, International ESA meeting, New York, USA. Wagener, F.O.O. (2000, 13 January). Evolutionary dynamics in financial markets, CeNDEF Workshop 2000, Amsterdam. Wagener, F.O.O. (2000, 21 February). Resonantly forced Hopf bifurcations of vector fields, Oberseminar 'Dynamische Systemen', Groningen. Wagener, F.O.O. (2000, 26 May). Dynamics and bifurcation routes in financial markets with many types of traders, 7th Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory and Applications in Economics and OR/MS, Vienna, Austria. Wagener, F.O.O. (2000, 20 June). Volatility clustering in a two agent model: bifurcations of the deterministic skeleton, Workshop Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam. Wagener, F.O.O. (2000, 25 June). Low order Chenciner bubbles in the quasi-periodic Hopf bifurcation, Dynamics Days 2000, Surrey, UK. Wagener, F.O.O. (2000, 6 October). A dynamical model for volatility clustering, Competition and Cooperation Seminar and Game Theory Seminar (combined) KUB, Tilburg. Wagener, F.O.O. (2000, 23 October). An attempt to model volatility clustering, seminar Department of General Economics and Quantitative Economics, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Weddepohl, H.N. (2000, 19 May). Stability in overlapping generations models, 7th Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory and Applications in Economics and OR/MS, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Weide, R. van de (2000, 14 July). The dynamic relation between the European sector indices, Applications of Physics in Financial Analysis Conference, European Physical Society, Liege, Belgium.

Organisational contributions to conferences, workshops and seminars

Diks, C.G.H., Hommes, C.H. & Tuinstra, J. (2000, 13-15 January). CeNDEF workshop Economic Dynamics. Hommes, C.H. (2000, 5 October). CeNDEF mini-symposium. Manzan, S. & Velden, H. van de (2000). A(K)E Lunchseminars 2000, KE Department. Wagener, F.O.O. (2000). CeNDEF lunchseminars 2000.

Other lectures on research

Hommes, C.H. (2000, 3 November). Invited general lecture. Financial markets as complex adaptive evolutionary systems, Symposium Compex Systems, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

Participation in academic networks

Amman, H.M. (2000). Fellow NAKE. Amman, H.M. (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Institute.

49 Equilibrium, Expectations & Dynamics – Hommes & Weddepohl – Quantitative Economics

Hommes, C.H. (2000). Fellow NAKE. Hommes, C.H. (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Institute. Weddepohl, H.N. (2000). Fellow NAKE.

Membership editorial staff or referee activities

Amman, H.M. (2000). Editor-in-Chief Computational Economics (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht). Amman, H.M. (2000). Editor-in-Chief Netnomics (Baltzer Science Publishers, Amsterdam). Amman, H.M. (2000). Editor book series Advances in Computational Economics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. Amman, H.M. (2000). Editor book series Advances in Computational Management Science, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. Amman, H.M. (2000). Associate Editor Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. Diks, C.G.H. (2000). Referee of Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Physics Letters A, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, The Energy Journal. Hommes, C.H. (2000). Associate Editor Macroeconomic Dynamics, 1997 – date. Hommes, C.H. (2000). Associate Editor Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 1999 – date. Hommes, C.H. (2000). Associate Editor Nonlinear Science 1998 – date. Hommes, C.H. (2000). Associate Editor Computational Economics, 1998 – date . Hommes, C.H. (2000). Editor special (triple) issue Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 24, (5- 7). Hommes, C.H. (2000). Referee of Central European Journal of Operations Research, Econometrica, Journal of Economic Theory, Quantitative Finance. Koster, M.A.L. (2000). Referee of Games and Economic Behavior, Kwantitatieve Methoden, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. Thio, K.B.T. (2000). Associate Editor Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie. Tuinstra, J. (2000). Referee of Computational Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Macro-economic Dynamics. Wagener, F.O.O. (2000). Referee of Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Nonlinear Science.

Membership of academic committees (including Ph-D committees inside or outside the UvA)

Amman, H.M. (2000). Vice-President of the IFAC Technical Committee of Modeling and Control of National and Regional Economies. Amman, H.M. (2000). President of the Society of Computational Economics (Stanford University, USA). Weddepohl, H.N. (2000). Chair of Onderwijscommissie NAKE. Weddepohl, H.N. (2000). Member of Wetenschappelijke Advies Commissie SOW-VU.

Various activities

NWO-MaG PIONIER grant for the Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance (CeNDEF), 1998-2003.

50 Actuarial Science – Wolthuis – Quantitative Economics

Actuarial Science Programme director: Prof. dr H. Wolthuis Department: Quantitative Economics (KE) OZIS-code: ake-act

Members of the research group

Prof. dr J. Dhaene (hgl) Prof. dr M.J. Goovaerts (bijz. hgl) Dr A.E. van Heerwaarden (uhd) Dr R. Kaas (uhd) Prof. dr A.J. Vermaat (hgl) Prof. dr F.E.C. de Vylder (hgl) Prof. dr H. Wolthuis (hgl)

Programme design

The programme concerns both fundamental and applied research in the field of financial institutions, for the moment mainly directed at insurance, social insurance included, but in the future also at banks and other financial institutions. (Formerly well delimited and compartmentalised, the activities of the financial sectors - banks, insurance companies, credit institutions, etc. - are increasingly tending to interpenetrate, be it on the macroeconomic level through the appearance of vast financial conglomerates, or at the marketing level through the development of mixed products.) The research is mainly directed at the mathematical modelling, estimation, appraisal, and control of financial risks of financial institutions (for insurers in the field of life, non-life and pension insurance) under complete and incomplete information. For long term insurance contracts, especially pensions, saving by insurance is significant, which leads to accompanying investments problems. This for instance concerns the ‘tuning’ of the insurance and investment portfolios. Another practical aspect is the influence of the ‘risk of longevity’ on the policies of life insurance, social insurance and care insurance. This remains a permanent subject of investigation. Present-day problems of insurance companies concern decreasing profit margins, increasing competition and selective behaviour of the insured and of insurance companies. Up to now limited attention has been given to problems that emerge from the privatisation of social insurance. The research partly deals with problems related to the supervision of insurance companies.

An important subject of investigation is the further development of actuarial risk theory, in particular the development of new mathematical and economic models in the field of mathematical reserves, equalisation reserves and solvency margins for insurance portfolios. Another significant field of research is the interaction between credibility theory, models for the estimation of not reported claims (IBNR) and actuarial ordering of risks, and the consequences for the determination of insurance and tariff premiums. In the premium calculation and tarification of insurance, the determination of the factors that are relevant for the risk (risk classification) is a significant aspect. Other aspects for the premium calculation are the homogeneity and heterogeneity of the insurance portfolios, the solidarity between the insured, and the voluntary or compulsory character of the insurance. Another theoretical research subject concerns the unification of several distinct actuarial theories in the field of non-life, life and pension insurance, partly in connection with the stochastic financial mathematics.

51 Actuarial Science – Wolthuis – Quantitative Economics

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Alting von Geusau, B.J.J. prof drs hgl 0.13 0.10 - - - - KE 1 Bogers, J. drs ud 0.25 0.20 - - - - KE 1 Dannenburg, D. drs ud 0.05 - - - - - KE 3 Dhaene, J. prof dr ud 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 KE 3 Goovaerts, M.J. (Bijz hgl) prof dr hgl 0.21 0.18 0.21 0.21 - 0.21 KE 3 Heerwaarden, A.E. van dr uhd - 0.11 0.42 0.42 - 0.42 KE 1 Kaas, R. dr uhd 0.50 0.45 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 KE 1 Spreeuw, J. drs aio 0.60 0.20 - - - - KE 1 Spreeuw, J. drs d - 0.20 - - - - KE 1 Spreeuw, J. dr postdoc - 0.20 0.55 0.55 - 0.55 KE 1 Vermaat, A.J. prof dr hgl - - 0.00 0,00 - 0.00 KE 3 Vylder, F.E.C. de prof dr hgl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 KE 3 Wolthuis, H. prof dr hgl 0.40 0.05 0.10 0.13 - 0.13 KE 1 nn drs bursaal ------KE 1 nn dr postdoc ------KE 1

Total 1st flow of funds 1.88 1.51 1.57 1.60 0.00 1.60 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.26 0.18 0.21 0.21 0.21 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 2.14 1.69 1.78 1.81 1.81 PhD students 0.60 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00

Research Output

Key publications

De Vylder, F., Goovaerts, M.J. & Marceau, E. (1997). The Bi-atomic uniform extremal solution of Schmitters' problem. Insurance: Mathematics & Economics, 20, 59-78. Dhaene, J. & Sundt, B. (1998). On approximating distributions by approximating their De Pril transforms. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 1-23. Goovaerts, M.J. & Schepper, A. de (1997). IBNR reserves under stochastic interest rates. Insurance: Mathematics & Economics, 21, 225-244. Kaas, R., Dhaene, J. & Goovaerts, M.J. (2000). Upper and lower bounds or sums of random variables. Insurance: Mathematics & Economics, 27, 151-168. Spreeuw, J. (1999). Heterogeneity of Hazard Rates in Insurance. Academisch proefschrift, Tinbergen Institute Research Series 210, Amsterdam: Thela Thesis.

52 Actuarial Science – Wolthuis – Quantitative Economics

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) – refereed

Denuit, M., Dhaene, J. & Wouwe, M. van (1999). The economics of insurance: a review and some recent developments. Mitteilungen der schweiz. Aktuarvereinigung, 1999, (2), 137-175. [C]. De Vylder, E. & Goovaerts, M.J. (2000). Homogeneous risk models with equalized claim amounts. Insurance: Mathematics & Economics, 26, 223-238. [A]. Dhaene, J. & Denuit, M. (1999). The safest dependence structure among risks. Insurance: Mathematics & Economics, 25, 11-22. [A]. Dhaene, J., Vanneste, M. & Wolthuis, H. (2000). A note on dependencies in multiple life statuses. Mitteilungen der schweiz. Aktuarvereinigung, 2000, 19-34. [C]. Goovaerts, M.J., Dhaene, J. & De Schepper, A. (2000). Stochastic upper bounds for present value functions. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 67, 1-15. [C]. Kaas, R., Dhaene, J. & Goovaerts, M.J. (2000). Upper and lower bounds or sums of random variables. Insurance: Mathematics & Economics, 27, 151-168. [A]. Simon, S., Dhaene, J. & Goovaerts, M.J. (2000). An easy computable upper bound for the price of an arithmetic Asian Option. Insurance: Mathematics & Economics, 26, 175-183. [A].

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - non-refereed

Bogers, J. (2000). Bifurcations in Pension Models II. A&E Report, 2/2000. Cossette, H., Denuit, M., Dhaene J. & Marceau, E. (2000). Stochastic approximations of present value functions. Research Report, 0001. Department of Applied Economics, K.U. Leuven, Belgium. Vermaat, A.J. (2000). Dynamisch toezicht. Amsterdam: Vossiuspers AUP.

Academic publications (in/of books) - non-refereed

Broeckx, F., Goovaerts, M.J., Piessens, R. & Wuytack, L. (eds) (2000). Proceedings of the 8th ICCAM. Dordrecht: Elsevier. Denuit, M. & Dhaene, J. (2000). Dependence notions in actuarial sciences. In Proceedings 4th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. Barcelona, Spain. Kaas, R., Goovaerts, M.J. & Dhaene, J. (2000). Upper and lower bounds for sums of random variables. In Proceedings 4th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. Barcelona, Spain. Spreeuw, J. (2000). Convex order and multistate life insurance contracts. In Proceedings 4th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. Barcelona, Spain.

Professional publications

Dhaene, J. & Verlinden, A. (2000). Actuariële aspecten van aanvullende pensioenen. In Goovaerts, M.J. & Bauwelinckx, T. (eds), Praktijkgids Aanvullende Bedrijfspensioenen (pp. 161-216). Deventer: Ced-Samson, Wolters Kluwer. Goovaerts, M.J. (1998). International Benefits Yearbook 1999. In Nightengale, M. & Callud, D. (eds), (pp. 40-48). London: Sweet & Maxwell. Heerwaarden, A.E. van & Veerman, T. (1999). Een creatieve schattingsmethode bij het voorspellen van invalideringsfrequenties. AENORM , 23, (May). Heerwaarden, A.E. van (2000). De NAP en de wetenschap. AENORM, Special Actuariaatdag, June, 13-15. Heerwaarden, A.E. van (ed.) (2000). Column ‘Nieuws van de Universiteit van Amsterdam’. De Actuaris.

53 Actuarial Science – Wolthuis – Quantitative Economics

Heerwaarden, A.E. van (2000). Wetenschappelijke congressen: ‘broodnodig voor ons werk’, interview with Rob Kaas and Jaap Spreeuw. De Actuaris, November, 10-13. Kaas, R. (2000). Obituary Bob Alting von Geusau. ASTIN Bulletin, 30, 255-256. Kaas, R. et al. (2000). Het aanzien van 1999-2000: de sectie actuariaat verlegt haar koers. Interview in De Actuaris, July. Spreeuw, J. (1999). Heterogeneity of Hazard Rates in Insurance. AENORM , 25, 23-26. Vuure, S. van & Heerwaarden, A. van (2000). In memoriam: Bob J.J. Alting van Geusau. De Actuaris, January. Wolthuis, H. (2000). Inaugural Lecture: Dynamisch toezicht, dr. A.J. Vermaat. De Actuaris, November, 18-19.

Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to conferences, workshops and seminars

Alting von Geusau, B.J.J. (1999, 11 October). The survival of the fittest. Farewell Speech. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Denuit, M. & Dhaene, J. (2000, 25 July). Dependence notions in actuarial sciences. 4th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Barcelona, Spain. Paper presentation. Denuit, M. & Dhaene, J. (2000, 25 July). Metrics and orderings of convex-type. 4th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Barcelona, Spain. Dhaene, J. & Goovaerts, M.J. (2000, 16 March). Modelleren van afhankelijkheden tussen verzekeringsrisico's. Meeting Secura – K.U. Leuven, Belgium. Brussels: Secura, Research & Development Department. Heerwaarden, A.E. van (1999, 9 December). Zelfselectie en de Wet Medische Keuringen. Speech and Day chair. AG-workshop Zelfselectie bij Verzekeringen (Permanente Educatie Programma), Zeist. Goovaerts, M.J. (1999, 17 November). Impression ASTIN papers. ASTIN-actieven, Utrecht. Goovaerts, M.J. (1999, 20 December). Dependencies in Risk Theory. City University, London, UK. Goovaerts, M.J. (2000, 16 May). De nieuwe boekhoudkundige normen voor pensioenfondsen. Ced Samson Studiedag, Brussels, Belgium. Goovaerts, M.J. (2000, 23 June). Exploiter les meilleurs outils d'evaluation des provisions et engagements. Development International Institute, Brussels, Belgium. Kaas, R. (2000, 12 April). De GLM-werkgroep. Astin-actieven, Utrecht. Kaas, R., Goovaerts, M.J. & Dhaene, J. (2000, 24 July). Upper and lower bounds for sums of random variables. 4th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Barcelona, Spain. Paper presentation. Spreeuw, J. (2000, 25 July). Convex order and multistate life insurance contracts. 4th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Barcelona, Spain. Paper presentation. Vermaat, A.J. (2000, 27 September). Dynamisch toezicht. Inaugural Lecture Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Vylder, E. de (2000, 25 July). Overview and recent developments in optimization theory under moment constraints (Keynote Speaker). 4th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Barcelona, Spain.

Organisational contributions to conferences, workshops and seminars

Goovaerts, M.J. (2000, 20 September). XXXIth ASTIN Colloquium, Port Cervo, Sardinia Island, Italy chairman of speakers corner. Goovaerts, M.J. (2000, 17-23 July). 9th ICCAM Colloquium, Leuven. Involved in organisation. Kaas, R. & Goovaerts, M.J. (2000, 25 July). Fourth Congress on Insurance: Mathematics & Economics. Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Involved in organisation.

54 Actuarial Science – Wolthuis – Quantitative Economics

Participation in academic networks

Dhaene, J. (1999, 10-11 December). Representative for the KVBA (Koninklijke Vereniging van Belgische Actuarissen) in the education committees of the IAA (International Actuarial Association) and the Groupe consultatif des associations d'actuaires des pays des communautées Européennes, Paris, France. Goovaerts, M.J. (2000). Head of ACP-network (Actuarieel Contact Program) of Leuven Research and Development (with several Belgian insurance companies). Leuven, Belgium. Goovaerts, M.J. (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Institute.

Membership editorial staff or referee activities

Dhaene, J. (2000). Guest editor Insurance: Mathematics and Economics for the Special issue: Liber amicorum for Etienne De Vylder on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Goovaerts, M.J. (2000). Editor Insurance: Mathematics and Economics; editor Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics; associate editor ASTIN Bulletin . Kaas, R. (2000). Managing editor Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. Vylder, F.E.C. de (2000). Honorary founding editor Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. Wolthuis, H. (2000). Associate editor Insurance: Mathematics & Economics.

Membership of academic committees (including PhD committees inside or outside the UvA)

Dhaene, J. (2000). Member PhD Committee C. Ribas, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain. Goovaerts, M.J. (2000). Member PhD Committee C. Ribas, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain.

Various activities

Dhaene, J., Goovaerts, M.J. & Denuit, M. (2000). Grant of $ 12.700 for the project Actuarial aspects of dependencies in insurance portfolios. 1999 International Grants Competition of the Actuarial Education and Research Fund, Society of Actuaries Committee on Knowledge Extension Research, USA.

55 Other Research KE – Quantitative Economics

Other research KE Department: Quantative Economics (KE) OZIS-code: ake-ovo

Members of this research group

Dr T.J. Euverman Dr R.D.H. Heijmans Drs R. Ramer Drs M. van de Velden

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Euverman, T.J. dr ud 0.45 0.12 0.06 0.09 - 0.09 KE 1 Heijmans, R.D.H. dr uhd 0.17 0.16 0.08 0.21 - 0.21 KE 1 Kaper, E. drs oio 0.10 - - - - - KE 2 Ramer, R. drs ud 0.25 0.20 0.10 0.25 - 0.25 KE 1 Slijpe, A.R.D. van drs d ------KE 1 Smid, C.L. prof dr hgl ------KE 3 Velden, M. van de drs aio 0.60 0.60 0.40 0.40 - 0.40 KE 1

Total 1st flow of funds 1.47 1.08 0.64 0.95 0.00 0.95 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 1.57 1.08 0.64 0.95 0.95 PhD students 0.70 0.60 0.40 0.40 0.40 Research Output


Velden, M. van de (2000, 7 November). Topics in Correspondence Analysis. [Promotor Prof. dr H. Neudecker, Co-promotor Dr. R. D. H. Heijmans] [cum laude] [cat. A.].

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - refereed

Neudecker, H. & Velden, M. van de (2000). A relationship satisfied by two representations of a positive semidefinite matrix. Econometric Theory, 16, problem 00.1.3, 143. [B]. Velden, M. van de & Neudecker, H. (2000). On an eigenvalue property relevant in correspondence analysis and related methods. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 321, Eighth Special Issue on Linear Algebra and Statistics, 347-364. [A].

56 Other Research KE – Quantitative Economics

Academic publications (in/of books) - refereed

Heijmans, R.D.H. (2000). Asymptotic Behaviour of Sums of Powers of Residuals in the Classic Linear Regression Model. In Heijmans, R.D.H., Pollock, D.S.G. & Satorra, A. (eds), Innovations in Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics (pp. 249-256). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Velden, M. van de (2000). Dual scaling and correspondence analysis of rank order data. In Heijmans, R.D.H, Pollock, D.S.G. & Satorra, A. (eds), Innovations in Multivariate Statistical Analysis (pp. 87-99). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.

Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to academic conferences, workshops and seminars

Velden, M. van de (2000, March). Correspondence analysis. AKE lunch seminar, FEE, UvA. Velden, M. van de (2000, July 8). Correspondence analysis and dual scaling of paired comparisons. Vancouver, Canada, Anual Meeting of the Psychometric Society.

Membership editorial staff or referee activities

Heijmans, R.D.H., Pollock, D.S.G. & Satorra, A. (eds) (2000). Innovations in Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

57 Accounting, Organisations & Society – Hartmann & Kolk – Accountancy & Information Management

Accounting, Organisations & Society Programme directors: Prof. dr F. Hartmann & Dr A. Kolk Department : Accountancy & Information Management (AIM) OZIS-code: a&r-acc

Subsidiary programmes A. Financial Accounting and Assurance (FAA) B. Organisational Control (OC) C. Sustainable Management (formerly Institute for Environmental Management, WIMM)

Members of the research groups

Subprogramme A: Financial Accounting and Assurance (FAA)

Dr L.R.T. van der Goot (ud) Prof. dr M.N. Hoogendoorn (hgl) Drs. P. Klijnsmit (aio) Prof. dr H.P.A.J. Langendijk (hgl) Prof. dr J.J.A. Leenaars (hgl) Dr G.C.M. Majoor (d) Drs D.H. van Offeren (ud) Drs B. van Praag (ud) Prof. dr A. Schilder (hgl) Prof. dr Ph. Wallage (hgl)

Subprogramme B: Organisational Control (OC)

Drs. C. Brandwijk Prof. dr F.G.H. Hartmann (hgl) Prof. dr J. Hunton (hgl, gast) Drs. P. Parego (bursaal) Drs. M. van Rinsum (bursaal) Prof. dr M. Shields (hgl, gast) Prof. dr E.H.J. Vaassen (hgl)

Subprogramme C: Sustainable Management

Drs A. van Heeren (bursaal) Dr A. Kolk (uhd) Drs. A. Mauser (bursaal) Prof. dr G.C. Molenkamp (hgl) Drs M.L. van der Veen (ud) Drs. S. Walhain (bursaal) Drs. S. van de Wateringen (bursaal)

Programme design

This programme views companies, and their managers, as central actors, focusing on the actions and interactions of companies and their internal and external stakeholders. It studies

58 Accounting, Organisations & Society – Hartmann & Kolk – Accountancy & Information Management the generation, provision and management of information, the development of strategies, and the design of control and governance structures to attain organisational goals. The three subprogrammes specify the components on which research efforts have concentrated: financial accounting and assurance (FAA), organisational control (OC) and sustainable management (formerly environmental management, WIMM) (see below). Overall, the programme aims to understand the behaviour and performance of companies. It is both fundamental and applied in nature, addressing research themes not only for their theoretical, but also their societal importance. It includes the provision of guidelines for management practice and policymaking. The research programme is distinctly multidisciplinary in nature, adopting theoretical perspectives from different disciplines, and various research methods, ranging from case and field studies to large-scale surveys.

The financial accounting and assurance (FAA) subprogramme investigates various aspects of financial accounting. Financial accounting is aimed at providing information to external stakeholders for decision-making and accountability. It is instrumental in the accomplishment of companies’ goals in the field of corporate governance. The emphasis lies on two aspects of accounting: first, the information content and compliance with laws and regulations, and second, stakeholders’ reactions to this information. Assurance deals with the objective, independent assessment of the quality of information for decision-making and accountability, and is hence closely related to financial accounting. It focuses on the current and future role of potential assurance providers such as the financial auditor. The differences and similarities in methods and techniques as applied by assurance providers are a specific area of interest.

The organisational control (OC) subprogramme investigates the contextual effectiveness of control systems in organisations. Control systems are organised combinations of information and incentives systems that aim to motivate organisational members to behave and perform in line with organisational objectives, goals and strategies. The subprogramme deals with three related issues. First, it studies the effects of accounting and non-accounting performance indicators on managerial behaviour and performance. Second, the effects of control systems on learning and innovation are investigated. Third, it examines the interrelatedness of internal control and management control systems, focusing on the information systems used to implement and sustain organisational control.

The WIMM-subprogramme investigates to what extent environmental and social issues affect companies’ strategies and practices, and what the main determinants are. It analyses the business ‘environment’ in a broad sense, as part of companies’ corporate social responsibility. In the examination of these aspects, the programme integrates insights from different disciplinary areas, particularly financial accounting, strategy and organisation, management accounting and control, and marketing. This thus encompasses the internal and external aspects of environmental and social issues on the one hand, and companies’ organisational and information components related to sustainable management on the other. Specific attention is paid to companies that operate across national borders – multinational enterprises – and the dilemmas which this poses to managers, especially in strategic terms.

59 Accounting, Organisations & Society – Hartmann & Kolk – Accountancy & Information Management

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Brandwijk drs bursaal - 0.20 0.10 0.10 - 0.10 A&R 1 Goot, L.R.T. van der dr ud 0.30 0.30 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.50 A&R 1 Hartmann, F.G.H. prof dr hgl 0.10 0.30 0.30 0.30 - 0.30 A&R 1 Heeren, A. van drs bursaal 0.50 0.60 0.05 0.05 - 0.05 A&R 1 Hooft van Huysduynen bursaal - - 0.20 0.20 - 0.20 A&R 1 Hoogendoorn, M.N. prof dr hgl 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.10 A&R 3 Hulsen, P. Van drs bursaal ------A&R 1 Hunton, J. prof dr hgl - - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 A&R - Klijnsmit, P. drs aio 0.60 0.40 - - - - A&R 1 Kolk, A. dr ud 0.10 0.19 - - - - A&R 1 Kolk, A. dr uhd - 0.06 0.25 0.25 - 0.25 A&R 1 Kolk, A. dr ud 0.50 0.37 - - - A&R 2 Kolk, A. dr uhd - 0.13 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 A&R 2 Kolk, A. dr ud - - - - A&R 3 Langendijk, H.P.A.J. prof.dr. hgl 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.25 - 0.25 A&R 1 Leenaars, J.J.A. prof dr hgl 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 - 0.06 A&R 1 Majoor, G.C.M. dr d 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.00 - 0.10 A&R 3 Mauser, A. drs aio 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 - 0.48 A&R 1 Molenkamp, G.C. prof dr hgl 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 - 0.05 A&R 3 Offeren, D.H. van drs ud - 0.40 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 A&R 1 Perego, P. drs bursaal - 0.30 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 A&R 1 Praag, B. van drs bursaal 0.60 0.60 0.40 0.40 - 0.40 A&R 3 Praag, B. van drs ud - - 0.10 0.10 - 0.10 A&R 3 Rinsum, M. van drs bursaal 0.40 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 A&R 1 Rooijen, J. van drs aio 0.60 0.55 - - - - A&R 1 Schilder, A. prof dr hgl 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 - 0.05 A&R 3 Vaassen, E.H.J. prof dr hgl 0.12 0.20 0.15 0.15 - 0.15 A&R 1 Vaassen, E.H.J. prof dr hgl 0.39 0.20 0.15 0.15 - 0.15 A&R 3 Veen, M.L. van der drs ud 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 A&R 2 Walhain, S. drs bursaal 0.15 0.60 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 A&R 1 Wallage, Ph. prof dr hgl 0.20 0.25 0.12 0.12 - 0.12 A&R 3 Wallage, Ph. prof dr hgl - 0.08 0.13 0.13 - 0.13 A&R 1 Wateringen, S. van de drs bursaal 0.55 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 A&R 1

Total 1st flow of funds 4.05 6.06 5.27 5.02 0.25 5.27 Total 2nd flow of funds 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 1.49 1.35 1.07 0.97 1.07 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 6.54 8.41 7.34 6.99 7.34 PhD students 3.88 4.93 3.53 3.53 3.53

Research Output

Key publications

Langendijk, H.P.A.J. (1997). The market for audit services in the Netherlands. The European Accounting Review, 6, 253-264. Hartmann, F.G.H. & Moers, F. (1999). Testing contingency hypotheses in budgetary research: an evaluation of the use of moderated regression analysis. Accounting Organizations and Society, 24, 291-315.

60 Accounting, Organisations & Society – Hartmann & Kolk – Accountancy & Information Management

Kolk, A. (1999). Evaluating corporate environmental reporting. Business Strategy and the Environment, 8, (4), 225-237. Kolk, A., Tulder, R. van & Welters, C. (1999). International codes of conduct and corporate social responsibility: can transnational corporations regulate themselves? Transnational Corporations, 8, (1), 143-180. Hartmann, F.G.H. (2000). The appropriateness of RAPM: toward the development of theory. Accounting. Organizations and Society, 25, 451-481.

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - refereed

Baker, C.R. & Wallage, Ph. (2000). The Future of Financial Reporting in Europe: Its Role in Corporate Governance. University of Illinois. The International Journal of Accounting, 35, (2), 173-187. [B]. Feenstra, D.W. & Langendijk, H.P.A.J. (2000). Financiële analyse: resultaten van ontwerpend en empirisch onderzoek. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, (1229) januari/februari, 2-3. [C]. Hartmann, F.G.H. (2000). The appropriateness of RAPM: toward the further development of theory. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 25, (4-5) March, 451-482. [A]. Hoogendoorn, M.N. & Bruijn, S.M.M. de (2000). De kloof tussen aandeelhouderswaarde en eigen vermogen: omvang, oorzaken en oplossingen. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, (1233), 206–214. [C]. Hunton, J. & McEwen, R.A. (2000). Surrogate Expertise Indicators of Professional Financial Analysts. Journal of Managerial Issues, XII , (3), 324-336. [C]. Hunton, J. & Bryant, S. M. (2000). The Use of Technology in the Delivery of Instruction: Implications for Accounting Education Researchers. Issues in Accounting Education, 15, (1), 129-162. [B]. Hunton, J., Stone, D. & Wier, B (2000). Succeeding in Managerial Accounting, Part 1: Knowledge, Ability, and Rank. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 25, (7), 697-916. [A]. Hunton, J., Hall, T.W. & Pierce, B.J. (2000). The Use of and Selection Biases Associated with NonStatistical Sampling In Auditing. Behavioral Research in Accounting, 12, 231-255. [A]. Kolk, A. (2000). Green Reporting. Harvard Business Review, 78, (1), 15-16. [B]. Kolk, A. (2000). Verificatie van milieuverslagen. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 74, (9), 363-374. [C]. Kolk, A. (2000). Het strategisch belang van milieumanagement voor bedrijven. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, (1232), 144-149. [C]. Kolk, A. (2000). Milieuverslaglegging en verificatie. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie , 104, (1232), 156-163. [C]. Langendijk, H.P.A.J. & Praag, B. van (2000). Winstegalisatie: een verslag van een empirisch onderzoek in Duitsland, Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, (1229), 42-52. [C]. Langendijk, H.P.A.J. (2000). De rapportage over prestaties van ondernemingen. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, (1233), 222-232. [C]. Langendijk, H.P.A.J. (2000). Informatieverstrekking van ondernemingen over shareholder value. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, (1234), 276-285. [C]. Majoor, G.C.M. (2000). Accountant en onafhankelijkheid; onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 74, (12), 566-578. [C]. Nöteberg, A., Christiaanse, E. & Wallage, Ph. (2000). De rol van vertrouwen en bezegelingsdiensten in elektronische koopkanalen. De uitkomsten van een verkennend onderzoek. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, (1237), 413-415. [C]. Offeren, D.H. van (2000). Belangwekkende uitbreiding van gesegmenteerde informatieverstrekking. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 74, (10), 433-445. [C]. Offeren, D.H. van (2000). De betekenis van gesegmenteerde informatieverstrekking voor de financiële analyse. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, (1229), 4-11. [C].

61 Accounting, Organisations & Society – Hartmann & Kolk – Accountancy & Information Management

Peelen, E. & Veen, M. van der (2000). Behoedzaamheid troef bij milieumarketing. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, (1232), 151-155. [C]. Perego, P. & Hartmann, F.G.H. (2000). De ontwikkeling van environmental management control. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, (1232), 174-180. [C]. Shields, M.D., Deng, F. & Kato, Y. (2000). The Design and Effects of Control Systems: Tests of Direct- and Indirect-Effects Models. Accounting, Organizations and Society, (2), 185-202. [A]. Vaassen, E.H.J. & Roos, E. Lindgreen (2000). Informatiecontrole en e-business. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, november, 407-412. [C]. Vaassen, E.H.J. (2000). Een onderzoeksagenda voor BIV/AO. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 74, (10), oktober, 424-432. [C]. Vaassen, E.H.J. & Schelleman, C.C.M. (2000). Risico's voor accountants als aanbieders van assurance services. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 74, (4). April, 100-110. [C]. Veen, M. van der (2000). Management accounting voor een maximaal milieurendement. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, (1232), 164-173. [C]. Wallage, Ph. (2000). Verificatie van integrale ondernemingsverslaggeving. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 74, (9), 384-392. [C]. Wallage, Ph. (2000). Audit Commissie en accountant: wederzijdse versterking gewenst en mogelijk. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 74, (4) april, 70-72. [C].

Academic publications (in/of books) - refereed

Blij, I., Hoogendoorn, M., Mertens, G. & Pronk, M. (2000). The potential impact of annual report awards on the quality of financial reporting: evidence from Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and the US. In Bonnet, M.P.B., Bos, A. de & Maat, J. (eds), FMA Kroniek 1998 (pp. 61-83). Deventer: Kluwer. Fraser, I., Henry, W.H. & Wallage, Ph. (2000). The Future of Corporate Governance: Insights from the Netherlands. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland. Edinburgh: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland. 228 pages. Hoogendoorn, M.N. & Peek, E. (2000). Stelselwijzigingen. In Dijksma, J., Koevoets, J. Vergoossen, R.G.A. (eds), Het jaar 1999 verslagen (pp. 134-150). Deventer: Kluwer / Koninklijk NIVRA. Kolk, A. (2000). Economics of Environmental Management. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Veen, M. van der (2000). Environmental management accounting. In Kolk, A. (ed.), Economics of Environmental Management (pp. 155-175). Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - non-refereed

Goot, L.R.T. van der, Mertens, G.M.H. & Roosenboom, P.G.J. (2000). Jaarrekeningbeleid en Beursintroducties. Tijdschrift voor Corporate Finance, december, 6-28. Goot, L.R.T. van der, Mertens, G.M.H. & Roosenboom, P.G.J. (2000). Winststuring en de aandelenrendementen. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4243), 133-135. Hartmann, F.G.H. (2000). Kennis en kunde in management accounting: een overzicht van hedendaags onderzoek. Tijdschrift Financieel Management, 20, (7), 17-22. Hoogendoorn, M.N. & Mertens, G. (2000). Kwaliteit van externe financiele verslaggeving in Nederland. Limperg Instituut, Brochure for symposium 23 November. Hoogendoorn, M.N. & Scheepers, K.W.M. (2000). Inleiding op themanummer Eigen Vermogen: Van saldopost naar zelfstandige indicator van de waarde van de onderneming. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, (1233), 194-195. Hoogendoorn, M.N. (2000). De verplichte naleving van International Accounting Standards. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 74, (7/8), 294-296. Hoogendoorn, M.N. (2000). Sturing van winstcijfers: waarom en hoe? FSR Forum, 2, (2), 18-21. Hunton, J.E. & Hayes, D. (2000). Build a Better Database. Journal of Accountancy, May, 70-79.

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Kolk, A. & Vaassen, E. (2000). Milieu vanuit een bedrijfseconomisch perspectief. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie , 104 , (1232), 142-143. Vaassen, E.H.J. & Christiaanse, E. (2000). E-business. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, (1237) november, 398-399.

Academic publications (in/of books) non-refereed

Feijter, R. de, Rooijen, J.G. van (2000). Materiële vaste activa. In Dijksma, J., Koevoets, J.A.G.M. & Vergoossen, R.G.A. (eds), Het jaar 1999 verslagen (pp. 49-64). Deventer: Kluwer/Koninklijk Nivra. Hoogendoorn, M.N., Klaassen, J. & Krens, F. (2000). Externe Verslaggeving in theorie en praktijk: actuele ontwikkelingen. 's-Gravenhage: Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie. Klaassen, J., Hoogendoorn, M.N. & Bak, G.G.M. (2000). Externe verslaggeving. Houten: Educatieve Partners Nederland (EPN), 5th Impr. Tulder, R. van, Kolk, A. & Wateringen, S. van de (2000). A European environmental space? Internationalization, environmental reporting and the position of European core players. In Hagedoorn, J. & Lundan, S. (eds), European business in the Global network. Proceedings of the 26th European International Business Academy Annual Conference [CD Rom]. EIBA. Vaassen, E.H.J. (2000). An Eclectic Approach to Research in Accounting Information Systems. In Geerts, G.L. & Vaassen, E.H.J. (eds), Proceedings of ECAIS’00. Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Professional publications

Amsterdam, A.M. van (2000). Faillissement en de accountant. De Accountant, juni, 662-665. Amsterdam, A.M. van (2000). Faillissement en aansprakelijkheid. De Accountant, september, 36-39. Fraser, I., Henry, W. & Wallage, Ph. (2000). The Future of Corporate Governance: Insights from the Netherlands. Professional Investor. The Official Journal of the UK Society of Investment Professionals, October 2000, 11-13. Hoogendoorn, M.N., Bohmer S., Krens, F. & Kam, F. de (2000). Ernst & Young Handboek Jaarrekening 2000. Rotterdam: Ernst & Young. Hoogendoorn, M.N., Bohmer, S. & Gerritse, E. (2000). International Accounting Standards: Vergelijking met Nederlandse wet- en reglegeving. Rotterdam: Ernst & Young. Hoogendoorn, M.N., Tas, L.G. van der & Bohmer, S. (2000). Financiële instrumenten in de jaarrekening. In Handboek Treasury (pp. I 1010-2-I 1010-28). Deventer: Kluwer. Hunton, J.E., Wier, B. & Beeler, J. (2000). The Impact of Higher Education and Professional Certification on the Careers of Information Systems and Non-Information Systems Auditors. IS Audit & Control Journal, 5, 38-42. Kolk, A. (2000). The importance of corporate strategies. Change, 49, 14-16. Langendijk, H.P.A.J. (2000). The economics of auditor careers and audit markets. Book review. In Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, (1231), 128-130. Langendijk, H.P.A.J. (2000). Harmonisering van externe verslaggeving: concrete plannen van de Europese Unie. Accountant Adviseur, oktober, (10), 29-31. Majoor, G.C.M. & Gram, H. (2000). Maatschappelijke jaarverslaggeving: Meting van het onmeetbare. De Accountant, 106, (7), 444-449. Majoor, G.C.M. (2000). SEC en POB spreken zich uit over onafhankelijkheid. De Accountant, 722- 725. Majoor, G.C.M. (2000). Continue heroriëntatie op de fundamenten van het professionele accountantsberoep mag niet worden vergeten! De Accountant, 431. Offeren, D.H. van (2000). Het Stramien: een begripsmatig kader voor de balans (1). Accountancy Nieuws, 20, 3 november, 10-11. Offeren, D.H. van (2000). Het Stramien: een begripsmatig kader voor de balans (II). Accountancy Nieuws, 21, 17 november, 8-10.

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Vaassen, E.H.J. (2000). Bookreview of Kuijck, J.R.H.J. van (1999). Control of Judgement Performance in Auditing, An Empirical Study. Dissertation Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, oktober, 473-475. Veen, M.L. van der & Walhain, S. (2000). Costs and Benefits of various regulatory options and the economic effects of a possible Decopaint-Directive. In EU VOC project. Decopaint, study on the potential for reducing emissions of volatile organic compounds (EC DG Environment Tender E1/ETU/980084) (pp. 229-254). Amsterdam/Dublin: Chemiewinkel, Enterprise Ireland / WIMM . Wallage, Ph. & Haas, M. de (2000). Internet dwingt een revolutie af in externe verslaggeving. De Accountant, 2, oktober, 66-69. Woerd, K.F. van der, Wit, C.M. de, Kolk, A., Levy, D.L., Vellinga, P. & Behlyarova, E. (2000). Diverging business strategies towards climate change. A USA-Europe comparison for four sectors of industry. Report, 410200052. Dutch National Research Programme on Global Air Pollution and Climate Change. Bilthoven: NOP. Woerd, F. van der, Wit, K. de, Kolk, A., Levy, D. & Vellinga, P. (2000). Business strategies and climate change. Four sectors of industry in USA and Europe compared. Change, 54, 18-21.

Popular publications

Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, October). Creëren Personeelsopties Aandeelhouderswaarde? Fiducie, 9, (1), 11-15. Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, May). Creëren Personeelsopties Aandeelhouderswaarde? FSR Forum, 2, (3), 14-18. Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, 28 March). Nina Brink zat openheid WOL-prospectus dwars. De Telegraaf. Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, 8 April). Leedvermaak op feestje van beursgangers. Het Financieele Dagblad. Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, 8 April). Versatel overweegt twee divisies los te koppelen. De Telegraaf. Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, 27 April). De Financieele Nieuwsdienst. (www.fd.nl) about World Online. Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, 4 May). Goldman Sachs teleurgesteld. NRC Handelsblad, pp. 1 & 6. Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, 30 May). Garantie-obligatie stilt geldhonger telecombranche. De Telegraaf, p. 33. Goot, L.R.T. van der. (2000, 17 November). De Beursgang. Management Team, p. 120-131. Hartmann, F.G.H., Rinsum, M. van & Uytdehaage, I.J. (2000, 9 August). Optieregeling voor alle werknemers is onwerkbaar. NRC Handelsblad, p. 7. Hartmann, F.G.H., Rinsum, M. van & Uytdehaage, I.J. (2000, October). Een optieregeling voor alle werknemers. Fiducie, p.7. Majoor, G.C.M. (2000). Reactie op Prof. Blokdijk RA: Accountant is een professional die heel goed in staat is zijn eigen grenzen te bewaken! Accountancy Nieuws, (16), 9-11. Offeren, D. van (2000). Balans. In Jansen, B., Los, J. & Koning, J.A. et al. (eds), Leidraad voor de AA, accountancy voor kleine en middelgrote organisaties (pp. A.3.7-01-A.3.7-33). Deventer: Kluwer Bedrijfsinformatie. Schilder, A. (2000, 4 January). Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit (Nma), interview Schilder, Kist (Nma), Vermaat (VK). Het Financieele Dagblad. Schilder, A. (2000, 10 January). Onafhankelijk toezicht voor Nederlandse accountants; interview by Edi Cohen. Het Financieele Dagblad. Schilder, A. (2000, 19 January). Onafhankelijk toezicht voor Nederlandse accountants; interview by Edi Cohen. Het Financieele Dagblad. Schilder, A. (2000, 21 January). Onafhankelijk toezicht voor Nederlandse accountants; interview by Edi Cohen. Het Financieele Dagblad. Schilder, A. (2000, March). Bijdrage aan rapportage over DNB / by Joost Oranje. NRC Handelsblad. Schilder, A. (2000, February). Ethiek en Corporate Governance (n.a.v. seminar controllers UvA). Management Control & Accounting, 4, (1), 34-39.

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Schilder, A. (2000, May). Het Meesterstuk, Eén munt in alle landen van de EMU; bijdrage aan QBD Millenniumalmanak 2000. Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit: QBDBD. Schilder, A. (2000, July). De generatie ‘45-’50. Interview by Mieke Smilde. Trouw, 15 July. Schilder, A. (2000, 12 October). A.J. Vermaat / Verzekeringskamer; bundel/artikel van Paul R. Jurriëns t.g.v. afscheid Vermaat bij de Verzekeringskamer. Apeldoorn: De Verzekeringskamer. Schilder, A. (2000, 2 November). Mogelijk direct toezicht op sector tussenpersonen; interview. De Telegraaf. Schilder, A. (2000, 7 November). ‘Druk op de ketel houden’ – interview with Peter van Rietschoten / NIVRA – RA View, 5. Wallage, Ph. (2000, 22 November). Versterk positie van accountants zoals in de VS. Het Financieele Dagblad, p. 13 (Optiek). Wallage, Ph. (2000, April). Accountant op de snijtafel. Interview by Tom van Nierop with Philip Wallage (and others). Account, april, 42-45. Wallage, Ph. (2000, 5 May). Nieuwe economie, nieuwe directeuren, nieuwe etiquette. Interview by Tom van Nierop with Philip Wallage (and others). Management Team, 22, (8), 21-28. Wallage, Ph. (2000, 7 August). Internet forceert boekhoudstandaard. Interview with Philip Wallage (and others). Het Financieele Dagblad. Wallage, Ph. (2000, 20 July). Greenpeace in rol accountant. Interview by R. Gaastra with Philip Wallage (and others). Financials Only, (Kluwer) 1, (0-number). Wallage, Ph. (2000, 8 July). Ethiek BV. Interview by Nieuwenhuis with Philip Wallage (and others). De Groene Amsterdammer, 21-23. Wallage, Ph. (2000, April). Nieuwe rekenkunde voor de nieuwe economie. Interview by J. Siebelink with Ph. Wallage. Next, april, p. 26-27. Wallage, Ph. (2000, February). Interview by W. Verhoof with Ph.Wallage. VERA Actueel.

Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to academic conferences, workshops and seminars

Amsterdam, A.M. van (2000, November). De rol van de accountant bij faillissementen. Lecture for Stichting Insolventia te Amsterdam. Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, August). Earnings Management and the Fortunes of IPOs: a Tale of two Forms at the American Accounting Association, Philadelphia, USA. Hartmann, F.G.H. (2000, January). Survey Research in Management Accounting. PhD Course presentor AAA Annual Management Accounting Conference, Mesa, Arixona, USA. Hartmann, F.G.H. (2000, March). The future of accounting research. Plenary speaker EAA Annual Conference, Munich, Germany. Hartmann, F.G.H. (2000, March). The appropriateness of RAPM: new theory and new evidence. Paper presentation EAA Annual Conference, Munich, Germany. Hartmann, F.G.H. (2000, July). How about accounting? Invited speaker/ paper presentation AOS 25th Anniversary Conference, Oxford, UK. Hooft van Huysduynen, M.J. (2000, 30 November). Does E-business really provide the results that are expected. - controlling E-business strategy. DASMA Software Measurement Conference. Düsseldorf. Hunton, J.E. (2000, November). Co-Presenter Assessing Risks and Controls in an ERP Environment, AICPA Accounting Educators Conference. Hunton, J.E. (2000, October). Presenter Contingent Economic Rents: Insidious Threats to Auditor Independence. University of Connecticut Ph.D. Workshop. Hunton, J.E. (2000, October). Presenter Analysts’ Reactions to ERP Announcements, 2000 ABO Research Conference. Chicago, Ill., USA. Hunton, J.E. (2000, September). Presenter Contingent Economic Rents: Insidious Threats to Auditor Independence. Michigan State University Ph.D. Workshop.

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Hunton, J.E. (2000, June). Presenter The Impact of Electronic Commerce Assurance on Financial Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and Stock Price Estimates. International Symposium on Audit Research (ISAR). Maastricht. Hunton, J.E. (2000, March). Presenter Promotion and Performance Evaluation of Managerial Accountants: An Archival Analysis. European Accounting Association, Munich, Germany. Hunton, J.E. (2000, March). Presenter Analysts’ Reactions to Earnings Preannouncement Strategies. Texas A&M University Workshop, USA. Hunton, J.E. (2000, February). Presenter The Impact of Electronic Commerce Assurance on Financial Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and Stock Price Estimates. Rutgers University Workshop. USA. Hunton, J.E. (2000, February). Presenter Collective User Participation: A Catalyst for Group Cohesion and Perceived Respect. Accounting Information Systems Research Conference. Kolk, A. (2000). Corporate political strategies in the US and Europe: heterogeneity and convergence in the oil industry’s response to climate change, co-presenter at the Social Issues in Management Pre-Conference Workshop on the new century of corporate political Academy of Management. Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada. Kolk, A. (2000). Internationalization and corporate responsibility, presenter at symposium on Internationalization and competitive space, Academy of International Business 2000 Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Kolk, A. (2000). Environmental strategies: the largest core companies and a European environmental space, presenter at panel on European core companies, European International Business Academy, Annual Meeting, Maastricht. Langendijk, H.P.A.J. (2000, 8 June). Keynote address FMA-Day Erasmus University of Rotterdam. Langendijk, H.P.A.J., Hagman, M. & Unlu, Y. (2000, 30 March - 1 April). The Effect of Multinationality on the Profitability of Fortune 500 Firms. Paper presented at the annual congress of the European Accounting Association in München, Germany. Leenaars, J.J.A. (2000, 13 October). Speech “e Business: Holy Grail or Fata Morgana?” Seminar IT & Banking 2000, Innovativiteit door E-Commerce. Amsterdam, [Euroforum]. Leenaars, J.J.A. (2000, 23 November). Speech “Internet Hype of Doorbraak”. Seminar Update on ICT & Control, Guest lecturer, Topvisie op ICT, Noordwijkerhout. [NIVRA/VERA]. Nöteberg, A. (2000).Vertrouwen in het Internettijdperk. Conference Infopreneurship: Ondernemen met gevoel en verstand, Anton Dreesmann Institute, Amsterdam. Shields, M.D. (2000). Linking Expenditures to Long-Term Profits: The Impact of Nonfinancial Performance Measures and Statistical Models, Management Accounting Section Conference, AAA, Mesa, Arizona, USA. Shields, M.D. (2000). Mapping Management Accounting: Making Structural Models From Theory Based Empirical Research in Management Accounting. AOS 25th Anniversary Conference, University of Oxford, UK. Shields, M.D. (2000). Plenary Presentation. Theory-Based Empirical Research on Innovative Management Accounting Practices. 2nd Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting: Innovations in Practice and Research, European Instititute for the Advanced Study of Management, Brussels, Belgium. Veen, M.L. van der (2000, 1-2 June). Economic effects of a decopaint directive for decorative painters in Europe. Presenter at annual meeting of UNIEP, Paris, France. Veen, M.L. van der (2000, 27-28 November). Economic effects of a decopaint directive in Europe. Presenter at EU DG Environment workshop, The Hague. Veen, M.L. van der (2000, 13-14 December). Theoretical approaches for environmental management accounting. Presenter at EMAN conference, Rotterdam. Wallage, Ph. (2000, 28 June). De internal auditor en het Audit Committee, Lecture Institute of Internal Auditors, Zeist. Wallage, Ph. (2000, 2 November). Current Developments in Corporate Governance, Plenary Session, Government Governance, 9th FEE Public Sector Conference, Amsterdam. Wallage, Ph. (2000, 7 July). International Symposium on Audit Research (ISAR). Plenary Session, Assurance on Sustainability A Challenge for the Financial Auditor, Maastricht, Proceedings.

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Wateringen, S. van de (2000). The greening of black gold. Strategic environmental management in international oil & gas industry. Presenter at Doctoral Tutorial of European International Business Academy, Annual Meeting, Maastricht. Woerd, F. van der, Wit, K. de, Kolk, A. & Levy, D. (2000, 19-20 October). Diverging business strategies towards climate change. A USA-Europe comparison in four sectors of industry, paper presented at the Conference Instruments for climate policy: limited versus unlimited flexibility, Ghent.

Organisational contributions to conferences, workshops and seminars

Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, 3-4 July). Chairman and member of the Program committee ABN- AMRO International Conference on Initial Public Offerings. Universiteit van Amsterdam. (conference program and abstracts of the papers on www.fee/uva/conferences). Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, 7 April). Chairman of the Jury of Best IPO of the year 1999. Seminar 5e Dag van het Eigen Vermogen. Bussum. (report of the jury on www.dedag.nl). Hooft van Huysduynen, M.J. (2000, 18-20 October) Chairman AEMES/FESMA 3e Software measurement conference. Madrid, Spain. Hunton, J.E. (2000, March). Panelist Publishing European Research in U. S. Accounting Journals. European Conference on Accounting Information Systems, Munich, Germany. Kolk, A. (2000, 10-12 December). Session chair. European International Business Academy. Annual conference, Maastricht. Koster, E. & Nöteberg, A. (2000). Organisation of weekly PrimaVera-seminars with contributions of PrimaVera-researchers and quest from the Netherlands and abroad. Leenaars, J.J.A (2000, 13 January). Forum E-commerce, een kwestie van vertrouwen? Lustrummeeting of the Kring van Amsterdamse Economen: E-commerce en Vertrouwen, Bankieren in de Toekomst. Amsterdam. Leenaars, J.J.A. (2000, 15 June). Seminar de-Onderneming.com, Nederland en e-business. Debater on the subject E-business in een onzekere wereld. Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam. [Giarte Media Group B.V.]. Shields, M.D. (2000). Co-director, Second Conference on New Directions in Management. Accounting: Innovations in Practice and Research, European Institute for theAdvance Study of Management, Brussels, Belgium.

Other lectures on research

Amsterdam, A.M. van (2000, 7 November). Lecture De rol van de accountant bij faillissementen. Stichting Insolventia, Amsterdam. Goot, L.R.T. van der. (2000, 7 June). Valuing IPOs. Lecture at a series of seminars on IPOs, Huizen. Schilder, A. (2000, 5 January). Ethiek en Corporate Governance – seminar controllersopleiding. Universieit van Amsterdam. Schilder, A. (2000, 1 February). DNB en de Consument - Het Nederlands Verzekeringscongres / RAI Amsterdam. Schilder, A. (2000, 20 November). The Dutch experience of supervising internationally active financial conglomerates – Speech to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority in Kopenhagen, Denmark. Schilder, A. (2000, 7 April). The Boundaries of the Civil Society? The example offered by financial supervision. Lecture at the Second European Social Week in Bad Honnef, Germany.

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Participation in academic networks

Hooft van Huysduynen, M.J. (2000). Executive Director of FESMA: Federation of European Software Metrics Associations. Langendijk, H.P.A.J. (2000). Member of Jury for Essayprijs Nivra-Nyenrode. Langendijk, H.P.A.J. (2000). Member of Scientific Council Limperg Instituut. Shields, M.D. (2000). President-elect, Management Accounting Section, American Accounting Association. Wallage, Ph. (2000). Member of Scientific Council Limperg Instituut.

Membership editorial staff or referee activities

Geeve, E.A.M. (2000). Member editorial board Auditing in de praktijk , Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen. Hartmann, F.G.H. (2000). Member of editorial board Accounting, Organizations and Society . Hartmann, F.G.H. (2000). Associate Editor of European Accounting Review, Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research. Hunton, J.E. (2000). Editor Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research. Hunton, J.E. (2000). Editorial Board Member Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. Hunton, J.E. (2000). Reviewer The Journal of Accounting Education, Journal of Information Systems, Advances in Accounting Information Systems, Information Systems Research, The Accounting Review. Hunton, J.E. (2000). Editorial Advisory Board Member and Reviewer Journal of Accountancy. Kolk, A. (2000). Member editorial board Business Strategy and the Environment. Kolk, A. (2000). Referent European International Business Academy, annual conference, 10-12 December. Kolk, A. (2000). Referent for Business Strategy and the Environment. Kolk, A. (2000). Guest editor Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie (special: milieumanagement). Langendijk, H.P.A.J. (2000). Reviewer European Accounting Review. Langendijk, H.P.A.J. (2000). Member of Editorial staff Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie , Accountant Adviseur, Verslaggevingsmonografieën. Leenaars, J.J.A. (2000). Editor for Beeftink, J.A. chapter ‘Supermarkten’ (C0300-1 t/m C0300-23); Kelder, H. & Oosterom, W. chapter ‘Welzijnszorg’ (F1000-3 t/m F1000-14); Bod, H. & Meijnders, Chr. & Nes, F. van. chapter ‘Vervaardiging van Levensmiddelen’ (B0100-1 t/m B0100-25). In Handboek Automatisering van de informatieverzorging - Typologieën. Deventer: Kluwer. Majoor, G.C.M. (2000). Member of the editorial staff of De Accountant (1999-present), Accountancy Nieuws (1999-present). Shields, M.D. (2000). Associate Editor, Accounting, Organizations and Society (1991-present), Journal of Management Accounting Research, (1998-present). Contemporary Accounting Research (1994-present), Behavioral Research in Accounting (1986-present). Management Accounting Research (1993-present), Accounting and Business Research (1993-present), Accounting and Finance (1998-present), Management Accounting Quarterly (1999-present), Design Management Journal (1999-present). Vaassen, E.H.J. & Geerts, G.L. (2000). Editors of the Proceedings of ECAIS'00. The Third European Conference on Accounting Information Systems. Münich. Germany. March 27-28. Vaassen, E.H.J. (2000). Membership editorial staff of Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie. 1/1/2000-31/12/2000. Vaassen, E.H.J. (2000, 15 May). Ad hoc reviewer for AIS Research Monograph on Knowledge Management (sponsored by the IS Section of the American Accounting Association). Veen, M. van der (2000). Referee Milieu. Wallage, Ph. (2000). Member editorial board Handboek Accountancy, Samsom Bedrijfsinformatie BV, Alphen aan den Rijn.

68 Accounting, Organisations & Society – Hartmann & Kolk – Accountancy & Information Management

Wallage, Ph. (2000). Secretary of Editorial Board of Maandblad voor Bedrijfseconomie en Accountancy.

Membership of academic committees (including PhD committees inside or outside the UvA)

Hartmann, F.G.H. (2000, 27 October). Member Ph.D.-committee P. van Oijen, Essays on Corporate Governance. Universiteit van Amsterdam. Hunton, J.E. (2000) Member Communications Committee, Auditing Section, American Accounting Association. Hunton, J.E. (2000). Member Outstanding Educator Committee, American Accounting Association. Hunton, J.E. (2000). Chair, ByLaws Committee, Information Systems Section of the American Accounting Association. Hunton, J.E. (2000). Ph.D. Coordinator for College of Business Administration, University of South Florida, USA. Langendijk, H.P.A.J. (2000, 6 April). Member Ph.D.-committee E. Verwaal, Compliance costs of international business transactions in the European Union, University of Leiden. Langendijk, H.P.A.J. (2000, 19 September). Member Ph.D.-committee M. Pheiffer, De forensisch accountant: het recht meester. University of Leiden. Langendijk, H.P.A.J. (2000, 21 September). Member Ph.D.-committee E.H.J. Mouthaan Corporate Governance: de verantwoordelijkheid voor het internal control system en het rapporteren terzake. University of Leiden. Vaassen, E.H.J. (2000, 14 November). Member Ph.D.-committee Ch. Deckers. Katholic University Nijmegen. Vaassen, E.H.J. (2000). Membership Advisory Board of the Limperg Institute. 1/1/2000-31/12/2000. Wallage, Ph. (2000, 27 October). Member Ph.D.-committee P. van Oijen, Essays on Corporate Governance, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Wallage, Ph. ( 2000, 21 September). Rereferent mr H.J. Mouthaan RA, Ph.D. Thesis (Corporate Governance: De verantwoordelijkheid voor het internal control system en het rapporteren terzake). University of Leiden.

Research contributions in the media

Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, 7 April, 18:00h). Radio 1 Journaal about the award of ‘IPO of the year 1999’. Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, 7 April). Interview FinanceTelevision.nl about the award of ‘IPO of the year 1999’. Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, 26 April). 2 Vandaag, Television Interview about World Online. Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000, 27 April). Beursplein 5, ‘Beursintroducties: hoe ontdek je winnend paard’. Goot, L.R.T. van der (2000). www.emissies.com/, ‘IPO-goeroe van der Goot’, about carve-out and IPO of KPN Telecom.

Various activities

Schilder, A. (2000, 15 March). Discussion of progress directors Rabobanken; interview on: toekomstige verhoudingen in marktsector. Video-presentatie. Shields, M.D. (2000). Honarary Doctoral degree, Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland.

69 Accounting, Organisations & Society – Hartmann & Kolk – Accountancy & Information Management

Unaltered reprints

Beek. A. & Vaassen, E.H.J. (2000). Hoofdlijnen Bestuurlijke Informatievoorziening. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff. 3rd impr.

70 Information Management – Maes – Accountancy & Information Management

Information Management - PrimaVera Programme director: Prof. dr ir R. Maes Department: Accountancy & Information Management (AIM) OZIS-code: bik-bik

Subsidiary programmes A. Foundations of Information and Communication Management B. Organisational Design, Change and Learning C. Electronic Channelling and Electronic Commerce

Programme members

Subprogramme A. Foundations of Information and Communication Management

Drs A.W. Abcouwer (ud) Prof. dr ir G. Dedene (hgl) Drs V. Dirksen (bursaal) Drs M. Hendrikse (bursaal) Drs. E. Koster (d) Drs H.M. Lam (bursaal) Prof. dr ir R. Maes (hgl) Drs ing G.J.P. Swinkels (ud) Drs J. Truijens (d) Drs O. Truijens (bursaal) Dr T.G. Vinig (ud)

Subprogramme B. Organisational Design, Change and Learning

Drs A. Huizing (ud) Prof. dr H.P.M. Jägers (hgl) Drs E. Koster (d)

Subprogramme C. Electronic Channeling and Electronic Commerce

Dr E. Christiaanse (uhd) Drs E.J. de Vries (ud)

The total PrimaVera research community is composed of these internal (UvA) members and external research fellows; this is especially true for the subprogrammes B and C.

Programme design

The Prima Vera research programme is centered around three research themes, each of them comprising a number of projects. At the heart of these themes is the common belief that information is the key to functioning of modern organisations and that information and communication technology is the driving force of modern society.

1. Foundations of Information & Communications Management (FICM). Information Management (IM) is a management subdiscipline in search of identity; the aim of the FICM theme is to add to this identity. A chief subtheme is the development of a

71 Information Management – Maes – Accountancy & Information Management generic framework for IM. The infrastructural and information/communication constituents of this framework are considered to be central subthemes of IM and are therefore objects of further study. A fourth subtheme deals with the philosophical and cultural embedding of IM.

2. Organisational Design, Change & Learning (ODCL) By viewing organisational design, change and learning as interdependent parts of a single system of ideas about organisations, the ODCL-group addresses practical business issues while expanding the knowledge about innovative organisational forms, effective change management and inspiring learning processes. Current projects are the network and virtual organisation, the Balanced Change Card, learning principles and knowledge management.

3. Electronic Channeling and Electronic Commerce (EC2). Electronic commerce has emerged as an important topic gaining a lot of attention in the popular business press. Management of electronic channels is as important research area that has only recently gained attention both from an academic as well as a business perspective. Subthemes that are dealt with within this research area are performance and coordination of electronic channels, management of the customer interface and information as an asset in electronic channels.

72 Information Management – Maes – Accountancy & Information Management

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Plan Plan Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean ABCDE ABC 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 Abcouwer, A.W. drs ud 0.40 0.10 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.25 AIM 1 Choo, C.W. prof dr hgl 0.10 - - - - - AIM 1 Christiaanse, P.W. dr uhd 0.03 0.30 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 0.50 AIM 1 Dedene, G. prof dr hgl 0.10 0.10 0.06 0.06 - 0.06 0.06 AIM 1 Dirksen, V. drs oz 0.13 0.26 - - - - AIM 3 Dirksen, V. drs bursaal - - 0.24 0.24 - 0.24 0.60 AIM 1 Hendrikse, M.D.F. drs bursaal - 0.10 - 0.10 - 0.10 AIM 1 Huizing, A. drs ud 0.40 0.30 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 0.50 AIM 1 Jägers, H.P.M. prof dr hgl - 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 AIM 1 Koster, E. drs d 0.10 0.10 - 0.10 - 0.10 AIM 2 Lam, H.M. drs bursaal 0.60 0.60 0.20 0.20 - 0.20 AIM 1 Maes, R. prof dr ir hgl 0.40 0.40 0.46 0.46 - 0.46 0.46 AIM 1 Oosterhaven, J.A. prof drs hgl 0.10 - - - - - AIM 1 Swinkels, G.J.P. drs ing ud 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 - 0.15 0.15 AIM 3 Vinig, T.G. dr oz 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.10 - 0.10 0.03 AIM 1 Vries, E.J. de drs ud 0.40 0.15 0.44 0.22 0.22 0.44 0.22 AIM 1 Truijens, J. drs d 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.20 - 0.20 0.20 AIM 1 Truijens, O. drs bursaal - 0.15 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 0.60 AIM 1

Total 1st flow of funds 2.78 2.50 0.00 3.43 0.47 3.90 3.42 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.28 0.41 0.00 0.15 0.15 0.15 Total 1st - 3rd flow of funds 3.16 3.01 3.95 3.68 4.15 3.57 PhD students 0.60 0.85 1.04 1.14 1.14 1.20

Research Output

Key publications

Huizing, A., Koster, E. & Bouman, W. (1997). Balance in Business Reengineering – An Empirical Study on Fit and Performance. Journal of Management Information Systems, 14, (1), 93-118. Snoek, M. & Dedene, G. (1998). Existence Dependency: the key to semantic integrity between structural and behavioral aspects of object types. IEEE Transactions of Software Engineering, 24, (4). Christiaanse, E. (1999). Quasi-Integration in the Global Airline Industry. In Venkatraman, N. & Hederson, J. (eds), Strategies for IT, Volume II (pp. 123-143). Stamford, Connecticut, USA: JAI Press. Jansen, W., Steenbakkers, G.C.A. & Jägers, H.P.M. (2000). Knowledge Management and Virtual Communities. In Khosrowpour, M. (ed.), Challenges of Information Technology Management in the 21st Century. Hershey: Idea Group Publishing. Vries, E.J. de & Brijder, H.G. (2000). Knowledge management in hybrid supply channels: a case study. International Journal of Technology Management, 20, (5/6/7/8), 569-587.

73 Information Management – Maes – Accountancy & Information Management

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - refereed

Christiaanse, E. & Kumar, K. (2000). ICT Enabled Co-ordination of Dynamic Supply Webs. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistic Management, 30, (3/4), 268-285. [C]. Jansen, W., Jägers, H.P.M. & Steenbakkers, G.C.A. (2000). Virtual Communities. Identiteit, innovatie en ICT. Tijdschrift Management & Informatie, 4, (8), 69-80. [C]. Maes, R. & Truijens, J. (2000). Zeven stoute stellingen over informatiemanagement. Tijdschrift Management & Informatie, 2, (8), 4-10. [C]. Maes, R. & Parson, B. (2000) Pleidooi voor de emotie-economie. Tijdschrift Management & Informatie, 3, (8), 43-46. [C]. Nöteberg, A., Christiaanse, E. & Wallage, Ph. (2000). De rol van vertrouwen en bezegelingsdiensten in elektronische koopkanalen. De uitkomsten van een verkennend onderzoek. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsinformatie, (1237), 413-415. [C]. Poels, G. & Dedene, G. (2000). Distance-based software measurement: necessary and sufficient properties for software measures. Information and Software Technology, 42, (1), 35-46. [C]. Truijens, J. (2000). Het is donker, stikdonker. Tijdschrift Management & Informatie, 5, (8), 35-36. [C]. Truijens, O. (2000). Infermation: Informatie in de Nieuwe Economie . Tijdschrift voor Management en Informatie, 3, (8), 73-77. [C]. Vries, E.J. de & Brijder, H.G. (2000). Knowledge Management in hybrid supply channels: a case study. International Journal of Technology Management, 20, (5/6/7/8), 569-587. [C]. Vries, E.J. de & Stegen, F.S. (2000). Multichanneling in de dienstverlening, het (PMC)2-raamwerk voor kanaalcoördinatie. Tijdschrift Management & Informatie, 1, (8), 4-15. [C].

Academic publications (in/of books) – refereed

Baesens, B., Viaene, S., Gestel, T. van, Suykens, J., Dedene, G., Moor, B. de & Vanthienen, J. (2000). An Empirical Assessment of Kernel Type Performance for Least Squares Support Vector Machine Classifiers. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies (KES'2000) (pp. 313-316). University of Brighton, United Kingdom. Baesens, B., Viaene, S., Vanthienen, J. & Dedene, G. (2000). Wrapped Feature Selection by means of Guided Neural Network Optimisation. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2000) (pp. 113-116). Barcelona, International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Gilmore, J.H. & Pine, B.J. (2000). Markets of One: Creating Customer-Unique Value through Mass Customization. Boston: Harvard Business School Press (ISBN 1578512387). Jansen, W., Steenbakkers, G.C.A. & Jägers, H.P.M. (2000). Knowledge Management and Organization Design. In Malhotra, Y. (ed.), Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations: Theories Practices, Technologies and Methods (pp. 181-196). Hershey: Idea Group Publishing. Jansen, W., Steenbakkers, G.C.A. & Jägers, H.P.M. (2000). Knowledge Management and Virtual Communities. In Khosrowpour, M. (ed.), Challenges of Information Technology Management in the 21st Century (pp. 984-989). Hershey: Idea Group Publishing. Poels, G. & Dedene, G. (2000). Measures for Assessing Dynamic Complexity Aspects of Object- Oriented Conceptual Schemes. In Laendler, A.H.F., Liddle, S.W. & Storey, V.C. (2000). Conceptual Modeling -ER2000, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (pp. 499-512). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. Poels, G., Viaene, S. & Dedene, G. (2000). Distance Measures for Information System Reengineering. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CaiSE 2000). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1789 (pp. 387-400). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

74 Information Management – Maes – Accountancy & Information Management

Viaene, S., Baesens, B., Van Snoeck, M., Poelmans, S. & Dedene, G. (2000). A Layered Software Specification Architecture. In Laendler, A.H.F., Liddle, S.W. & Storey, V.C. (2000). Conceptual Modeling -ER2000, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (pp. 454-469). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. Viaene, S., Baesens, B., Gestel, T. van, Suykens, J., Poel, D. van den, Vanthienen, J., Moor, B. de & Dedene, G. (2000). Knowledge Discovery using Least Squares Support Vector Machine Classifiers: a Direct Marketing Case. In Zighed, D.A., Komorowsky, J. & Zytkow, J. (eds), Principles of Datamining and Knowledge Discovery (pp. 657-664). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. Viaene, S., Baesens, B., Poel, D. van den, Dedene, G. & Vanthienen, N.J. (2000). Wrapped Feature Selection for Binary Classification Bayesian Regularisation Neural Networks: a Database Marketing Application. In Ebeken, N.F.F. & Brebbia, C.A. (eds), Datamining II (pp. 353- 362). Southampton, UK: Wessex Institute of Technology.

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - non-refereed

Christiaanse, E. & Dirksen, V.M. (2000). Webbing and Embedding a Vision: An Exploratory Study of Culture and Information Technology in a Business Community. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-03. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Christiaanse, E. & Damsgaard, J. (2000). Electronic Infrastructures in the Air Cargo Industry: A Comparison of the Netherlands and Hong Kong SAR. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-11. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Christiaanse, E. (2000). The Internet as Market Maker: From Bricks to Clicks in the Elemica Case. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-16. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Dedene, G. & Maes, R. (2000). On the integration of the Unified Process Model in a framework for software architecture. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-19. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Dedene, G. & Maes, R. (2000). On the integration of the Unified Process Model in a framework for software architecture. Landelijk Architectuur Congres 2000, Amsterdam, 23-24 november 2000, papers published on www: http://www.cs.vu.nl/~daan/lac-2000/4- definitie/stream_04.html. Dedene, G. (2000). Software-engineering voor Bedrijfsapplicatiesoftware: de strijd tussen theorie en praktijk. IT Management Select, 2000/4, 3-18. Gouw, T. de, Sanden, N. van der & Truijens, J. (2000). Buigen of Barsten – trendbreuken in de informatievoorziening. Prima Vera working paper, 2000. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Hendrikse, M. & Christiaanse, E. (2000). Mobile Commerce: An Exploratory Study on Impacts in Mobile Services. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-25. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Huizing, A., Koster, E. & Bouman, W. (2000). De kunst van het balanceren. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-14. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Huizing, A. & Bouman, W. (2000). Knowledge and Learning, Markets and Organizations: Managing the Information Transaction Space. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-26. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Huizing, A. & Bouman, W. (2000). De markt voor kennis. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-27. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Jansen. W., Steenbakkers, G.C.A. & Jägers, H.P.M. (2000). De virtuele organisatie: balanceren tussen identiteit en innovatie. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-01. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Jansen, W., Jägers, H.P.M. & Steenbakkers, G.C.A. (2000). Virtual Communities: Identity, Innovation and ICT. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-05. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.

75 Information Management – Maes – Accountancy & Information Management

Maes, R., Rijsenbrij, D., Truijens, O. & Goedvolk, H. (2000) Redefining business – IT alignment through a unified framework. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-17. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Maes, R., Truijens, O. & Dirksen, V. (2000). A critical review of the strategic alignment concept. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Maes, R., Rijsenbrij, D., Truijens, O. & Goedvolk, H. (2000). Redefining business – IT alignment through a unified framework. White paper published on: http://www.cs.vu.nl/~daan/uvacap/alignment/index.html. Maes, R., Rijsenbrij, D., Truijens, O. & Goedvolk, H. (2000). Redefining business - IT alignment through a unified framework, Landelijk Architectuur Congres, Amsterdam. Published at http://www.architecture-forum.org. Nöteberg, A., Christiaanse, E. & Wallage, Ph. (2000). Consumer Trust in Electronic Commerce: The Impact of Electronic Commerce Assurance on Consumers’ Purchasing Likelihood and EC Risk Perceptions. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-24. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Swinkels, G.J.P. (2000). Het managen van investeringen in informatie- en communicatietechnologie. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-07. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Swinkels, G.J.P. (2000). Het managen van investeringen in informatie- en communicatietechnologie. Tijdschrift Financieel Management, 3, 75-85. Truijens, J. (2000). Buigen of barsten: Trendbreuken in de informatievoorziening. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-28. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Truijens, O. (2000). Concept, Method and Action in the ICT Strategy Consultancy Practice. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-02, Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Truijens, O. (2000). Infermation: Informatie in de Nieuwe Economie . PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-13. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Truijens, O. (2000). Het Strategic Alignment model als hulpmiddel bij IT-strategieadvies. PrimaVera Working Paper, 2000-15. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Truijens, O. (2000). Concept, Method and Action in the ICT Strategy Consultancy Practice. published at the ConsultantHotPages.com date 05/2000 http://www.consultanthotpages.com/Bc/Library/Articles/20001022/20001022.htm

Academic publications (in/of books) non-refereed

Christiaanse, E. & Dirksen, V.M. (2000). Business Communities, IT Practices and Technoscapes. In Proceedings of the First Annual Global Information Technology Management World Conference (pp. 240-242). Memphis, Tennessee, USA. Christiaanse, E. & Dirksen, V.M (2000). Webbing and Embedding a Vision: An Exploratory Study of Culture and Information Technology in a Business Community. In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Information Systems: A Cyberspace Odyssey (pp. 495-500). Vienna, Austria . Christiaanse E. & Damsgaard, J. (2000). Electronic Infrastructures in the Air Cargo Industry: A comparison of the Netherlands and Hong Kong SAR. In Proceedings of Pacific Conference on Information Systems, Hong Kong, China. Dedene, G. (2000). Critical Issues in the proposed ISO Object-Oriented COBOL 2002 Standard, TOOLS USA 2000. In Li, Q., Firesmith, D., Riehle, R., Pour, G. & Meyer, B. (eds), TOOLS34, Proceedings of the TOOLS USA 2000 Conference (pp. 491-500). Los Alamitos, California, USA: IEEE Computer Society Press. Dirksen, V. M. (2000). Towards a Cultural Understanding of Information Technology: the Internet Case. In Proceedings of the AIS-SIGMIS Doctoral Consortium (pp. 53-55). Vienna, Austria. Huizing, A., Koster, E. & Bouman, W. (2000). De kunst van het balanceren. In Willemstein, F. & Zetten, J. van (eds), Voor de verandering (pp. 31-37). Amersfoort: Publishing. Jägers, H.P.M. (2000). Strategisch Management in veranderingsperspectief. In Willemstein, F. & Zetten, J. van (eds), Voor de Verandering (pp. 149-167). Amersfoort: F&G Publishing.

76 Information Management – Maes – Accountancy & Information Management

Maes, R. (2000). De wereld is een schouwtoneel, elk speelt zijn rol en krijgt zijn deel. In Pine, J.B. & Gilmore, J.H. (eds), De beleveniseconomie (voorwoord) (pp. 7-10). Schoonhoven: Academic Service. Pine, J.B. & Gilmore, J.H. (2000). De beleveniseconomie. Schoonhoven: Academic Service. Poels G. & Dedene, G. (2000). Do we need Component-Oriented Analysis and Design Methods. In Object Technology 2000 Conference Proceedings, March 1-10. Oxford, UK.: British Computer Society. Poels, G. & Dedene, G. (2000). Measures for Object-Event Interactions. In Mitchell, R., Jezequel, J.M., Bosh, J., Meyer, B., Wills, A. & Woodman, M. (eds), TOOLS33, Proceedings of the TOOLS Europe 2000 Conference (pp. 70-82). Los Alamitos, California, USA: IEEE Computer Society Press. Snoeck, M., Poelmans, S. & Dedene, G. (2000). An architecture for bridging OO and Business Process Modelling. In Mitchell, R., Jezequel, J.M., Bosh, J., Meyer, B., Wills, A. & Woodman, M. (eds), TOOLS33, Proceedings of the TOOLS Europe 2000 Conference (pp. 132-143). Los Alamitos, California, USA: IEEE Computer Society Press. Snoeck, M. & Dedene, G. (2000). Object-oriented modelling with events, TOOLS Europe 2000. In Mitchell, R., Jezequel, J.M., Bosh, J., Meyer, B., Wills, A. & Woodman, M. (eds), TOOLS33, Proceedings of the TOOLS Europe 2000 Conference (pp. 458-459). IEEE Computer Society. Snoeck, M. & Dedene, G. (2000). Modeling the dialogue aspects of an information system. In Proceedings of the ECIS'2000 Conference (pp. 159-165). Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. Swinkels, G.J.P. (2000). Het managen van investeringen in informatie- en communicatietechnologie. In Praktijkboek Bedrijfsinformatiesystemen (pp. 6.2.1.A-1-6.2.1.A-21). Deventer: Kluwer. Swinkels, G.J.P. (2000). Doorlichten van de informatievoorziening. In Praktijkboek Bedrijfsinformatiesystemen (pp. 6.2.4.E-1-6.2.4.E-19). Deventer: Kluwer.

Professional publications

Jansen, W., Jägers, H.P.M. & Steenbakkers, G.C.A. (2000). Knowledge Management, a contingency approach. Fiducie, Magazine van de Financiële Studievereniging Amsterdam, 2, (februari), 17-25. Steenbakkers, G.C.A., Jägers, H.P.M. & Jansen, W. (2000). Prolion: een casestudie van een virtuele organisatie. IT Monitor, juni, (6), 4-8. Swinkels, G.J.P. (2000). Het managen van investeringen in informatie- en communicatietechnologie. In Nettowaarde van IT, what’s in IT for me? Seminarbundel congres. Studievereniging Bestuurlijke informatiekunde, Tilburg. Swinkels, G.J.P. & Gielen, L.J.M.W. (2000). ICT-projecten: onzekerheid als tweede natuur. Praktijkgids De controller & Informatiemanagement, 28. Swinkels, G.J.P. (2000). Soms vraag ik me wel eens af…. IT-monitor, 2, 2. Swinkels, G.J.P. (2000). Theory is theory and practice is practice and never the twain shall meet. IT- monitor, 7, 2. Truijens, O. (2000). Het Strategic Alignment model als hulpmiddel bij IT-strategieadvies. Business Consultant, 1, (4), 27-31.

Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to academic conferences, workshops and seminars

Baesens, B., Viaene, S., Gestel, T. van, Suykens, J., Dedene, G., Moor, B. de & Vanthienen, J. (2000, September). An Empirical Assessment of Kernel Type Performance for Least Squares Support Vector Machine Classifiers, The Fourth International Conference on Knowledge-

77 Information Management – Maes – Accountancy & Information Management

Based Intelligent Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies (KES'2000). University of Brighton, United Kingdom. Baesens, B., Viaene, S., Vanthienen, J. & Dedene, G. (2000, 3-8 September). Wrapped Feature Selection by means of Guided Neural Network Optimisation, 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'2000). Barcelona, Spain. Christiaanse, E. & Dirksen, V. M. (2000, 3-5 July). Webbing and Embedding a Vision: An Exploratory Study of Culture and Information Technology in a Business Community, ECIS 2000 Conference, Vienna, Austria. Christiaanse, E. (2000, 3-5 July), Panel participation on Rigor or Relevance in IS Research, European Conference on Information Systems 2000, Vienna, Austria. Dedene, G. & Maes, R. (2000, November). On the integration of the Unified Process Model in a framework for Software Architecture, Landelijk Congres Architectuur, Amsterdam. Dedene, G. (2000, August). Critical Issues in the proposed ISO Object-Oriented COBOL 2002 Standard, TOOLS USA 2000 Conference, IEEE Computer Society, Santa Barbara, USA. Dirksen, V.M. (2000, 11-13 June). Business Communities, IT Practices and Technoscapes, GITM World Conference, Memphis, Tennessee, USA. Dirksen, V.M. (2000, 29 June-2 July). Towards a Cultural Understanding of Information Technology: the Internet case, ECIS 2000 Doctoral Consortium, Vienna, Austria. Maes, R. (2000, 22-23 June). The newspaper industry: an emotion economy par excellence, International Newspaper Operations Leadership conference, Paris, France. Maes, R. (2000, 29 September). From information economy to emotion economy, Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Budapest, Hungary. Maes, R., Vernooij, A.T.J., Thijssen, J.P.T. & Schermerhorn, R.H. (2000, 23 June). Learning by Sharing in practice: Reporting on early findings based on first year course and research on E- Strategies. The 7th Annual EDINEB International Conference, Newport Beach, California, USA. Poels, G. & Dedene, G. (2000, March). Do we need Component-Oriented Analysis and Design Methods, Object Technology 2000 Conference, Oxford, United Kingdom. Snoeck, M., Poelmans, S. & Dedene, G. (2000, June). An architecture for bridging OO and Business Process Modelling, TOOLS Europe 2000 Conference, IEEE Computer Society, , Mt. St. Michel, France. Poels, G. & Dedene, G. (2000, June). Measures for Object-Event Interactions, TOOLS Europe 2000 Conference, IEEE Computer Society, Mt. St. Michel, France. Poels, G. & Dedene, G. (2000, October). Measures for Assessing Dynamic Complexity Aspects of Object-Oriented Conceptual Schemes, 19th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Salt Lake City, UTAH, USA. Poels, G., Viaene, S. & Dedene, G. (2000, 5-9 June). Distance Measures for Information System Reengineering, 12th Internation Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CaiSE 2000). Stockholm, Sweden. Snoeck, M. & Dedene, G. (2000, June). Object-oriented modelling with events, TOOLS Europe 2000 Conference, IEEE Computer Society, Mt. St. Michel, France. Snoeck, M. & Dedene, G. (2000, 3-5 July). Modeling the dialogue aspects of an information system, ECIS' 2000 Conference, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, Austria. Snoeck, M., Poelmans, S. & Dedene, G. (2000, October). A Layered Software Specification Architecture, 19th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Swinkels, G.J.P. (2000, 26 May). Theory is theory, practice is practice, and never the twain shall meet? Farewell Speach Ton van Reeken, Universiteit Maastricht, Maastricht. Truijens, O. (2000, 20 June - 2 July). Constructing a Framework for Assessing an Information Management Project Portfolio. ECIS 2000 Doctoral Consortium, Vienna, Austria. Viaene, S., Baesens, B., Poel, D. van den, Dedene, G. & Vanthienen, J. (2000, 5-7 July). Wrapped Feature Selection for Binary Classification Bayesian Regularisation Neural Networks: a Database Marketing Application, Second International Conference on Data Mining 2000, Cambridge University, United Kingdom.

78 Information Management – Maes – Accountancy & Information Management

Viaene, S., Baesens, B., Gestel, T. van, Suykens, J., Poel, D. van den, Vanthienen, J., Moor, B. de & Dedene, G. (2000, 13-16 September). Knowledge Discovery using Least Squares Support Vector Machine Classifiers: a Direct Marketing Case, The Fourth European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD'2000). Lyon, France. Paper presentation.

Organisational contributions to conferences, workshops and seminars

Christiaanse, E. (2000). Member Standing Committee European Conference on Information Systems 2000. Christiaanse, E. (2000). Member Program Committee CIBI. Koster, E. & Nöteberg, A. (2000). Organisation of weekly PrimaVera-seminars with contributions of PrimaVera-researchers and quest from the Netherlands and abroad. Maes, R. (2000, 22-23 June). Chair of International Newspaper Operations Leadership conference, Paris, France.

Other lectures on research

Epping, P., Eijpe, R., Jägers, H.P.M. & Slikke, H. van der (2000, 10-11 April). An electronic workplace for the health care environment, E-Health-Europe Conference How the Internet Chnage Health Care. Maastricht. Jägers, H.P.M (2000, 16 March). Uitdagingen in de Nieuwe Economie. Lecture on symposium Perspectieven in samenhang. Nederlands Genootschap voor Communicatie Technieken (NGCT), Hilversum. Jägers, H.P.M. (2000, 29 May). Verantwoord handelen is teken van maatschappelijk bewustzijn. Lecture for Landelijke Kamer van Verenigingen. Congres 2000 Introductieperiode, Utrecht. Truijens, J. (2000, 17-18 February). PAO-cursus Informatie + Management, Amsterdam. Truijens, J. (2000, 3 & 10 April). Vera/Norea programme, IT-servicemanagement, Amsterdam. Truijens, J. (2000, 13 April). PAO-cursus Informatie + Management, Amsterdam. Truijens, J. (2000, 10 November). PAO-Informatica, Amsterdam. Truijens, J. (2000, 24 November). Vera/Norea jaarcongres, ICT-servicemanagement – Verankering Vanwege Versnelling in de Vernieuwing, Noordwijkerhout. Vries, E.J. de (2000, 6 December). Lecture Front-, Mid- en Back office in multi-channel strategieën, Euroforum congress Integratie van front- en back offices.

Participation in academic networks

Christiaanse, E. (2000). Member IFIP, ACM, Edispuut. Swinkels, G.J.P. (2000). Member of working group Information Economics. Swinkels, G.J.P. (2000). Member of working group WIE (Werkgroep Information Economics). Truijens, O. (2000). Fellow of the Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam and member of Edispuut. Wesseling, J.A.M. (2000). Board Member of the W-User Group (Decision Support Systems users in Nederland), Amsterdam.

Membership editorial staff or referee activities

Christiaanse, E. (2000). Reviewer for Management Science, JIT, GITM conference, ICIS 1999 conference, ECIS 1999 conference. Dedene, G. (2000). Member editorial board I.T. Management Select, Tijdschrift voor Management & Informatie, L’Object. Dirksen, V.M. (2000). Reviewer for ECIS conference.

79 Information Management – Maes – Accountancy & Information Management

Huizing, A. (2000). Member editorial board Informatie-bibliotheek. Huizing, A. (2000) Reviewer for Journal of Management Information Systems, International Journal of Electronic Commerce. Jägers, H.P.M. (2000). Member editorial board Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie. Jägers, H.P.M. (2000). Member editorial board Tijdschrift voor Management & Informatie. Maes, R. (2000). Member editorial board Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Tijdschrift voor Management & Informatie , Beleidsinformatica-tijdschrift, Computational Economics. Swinkels, G.J.P. (2000). Member editorial board Tijdschrift Financieel Management, Tijdschrift Financieel Management.

Membership of academic committees (including PhD committees inside or outside the UvA)

Christiaanse, E. (2000). Member Standing Committee European Conference on Information Systems. Christiaanse, E. (2000). Member Program Committee Bitworld. Jägers, H.P.M. (2000). Member of Advisory Council of the Associatie van Business Engineers. Jägers, H.P.M. (2000). Member of Jury for Business Engineering Award. Maes, R. (2000). Member of Advisory Council of the Associatie van Business Engineers. Wesseling, J.A.M. (2000). Member of Committee van Toezicht van de post-HBO opleiding Financial Planning van de HES te Amsterdam.

Research contributions in the media

Christiaanse, E. & Dirksen, V.M. (2000, 09/07/00, 10:30 pm/Ö1/ORF). Radio-interview, Cyberspace Odyssey: Konferenz zur New Economy, programma: Matrix http://matrix.orf.at

Various activities

Pine, B.J. & Gilmore, J.H. (2000). De beleveniseconomie, Schoonhoven: Academic Service. Dutch translation of The Experience Economy (1999), Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

80 Other Research AIM – Accountancy & Information Management

Other Research AIM Department : Accountancy & Information Management (AIM) OZIS-code: aim-ovo

Members of research group

Mr dr T.M. Bos (ud) Prof. dr G.W.J.M. Kampschoër (hgl) Mr dr G. Oly (uhd) Dr A.T.J. Vernooij (ud) Dr J.A.M.Wesseling (ud) Mr drs M.J. Ziepzeerder

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Bos, T.M. mr dr ud 0.35 0.30 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 AIM 1 Kaar, R.H. van het dr ud 0.20 - - - - - AIM 1 Kampschoer, G.W.J.M. prof hgl 0.10 0.15 - - - - AIM 1 Oly, G.G. mr dr uhd 0.30 0.30 0,50 0.25 0.25 0.50 AIM 1 Vernooij, A.I.J. dr ud - 0.15 - - - - AIM 1 Wesseling, J.A.M. dr ud 0.40 0.15 0,50 0.25 0.25 0.50 AIM 1 Ziepzeerder, M.J. mr drs d - - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 AIM 1

Total 1st flow of funds 1.35 1.05 0.50 1.00 0.50 1.50 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 1.35 1.05 0.50 1.00 1.50 PhD students 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Research Output


Bos, T.M. (2000). Grensoverschrijdend faillissementsrecht in Europees perspectief. Een studie naar het faillissement in het Internationaal Privaatrecht van Nederland, België en Duitsland. Deventer: Kluwer. VU. [promotor prof. mr dr P. Vlas] [cat. C].

Academic publications - (exluding publications in/of books) - refereed

Bos, T.M. The Jurisdiction of the Forum Concursus and a Contractual Jurisdiction Clause in an Antillian Bankruptcy Suit. Netherlands International Law Review, XLVII, (1), 75-80. [B].

81 Other Research AIM – Accountancy & Information Management

Bos, T.M. (2000). Art. 31 EEX - de verhouding tussen de uitvoerbaarheidverklaring van een vonnis krachtens het EEX en de tenuitvoerlegging van het vonnis in het eerste land na het faillissement van de debiteur. HvJ EG 29 april 1999, zaak C - 267/97. Ondernemingsrecht, 2000, (13), 390-391. [C]. Bos, T.M. (2000). De Europese Insolventieverordening. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht, 6, (11), 295-299. [C]. Thomas, E. & Ziepzeerder, M.J. (2000). Huur als beperkt zakelijk recht: fiscale consequenties? Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie 2000, 131, (6425), 857-859. [C].

Academic publications - (in/of books) - refereed

Dam, G. ten, Vernooij, F. & Volman, M. (2000). New Learing in Social Studies. In Simons, R-J., Linden, J. van der & Duffy, T. (eds), New Learning (pp. 141-156). Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Press. Vernooij, A.T.J. (2000). Tracking down the knowledge sturcture of students. In Borghans, L., Gijselaers, W.H., Milter, R.G. & Stinson, J.E. (eds), Educational Innovation in Economics and Business V. Business Eduction for the Changing Workplace (pp. 437-450). Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Academic publications - (exluding publications in/of books) - non-refereed

Kampschöer, G.W.J.M. (2000). Consolideren: meer dan een andere naam voor ‘opgaan in’? Weekblad Fiscaal Recht, (6370), 77-85. Oly, G.G. (2000). Maatschappijvakken van blijvende waarde. Vakantiedagen of geld. Tijdschrift voor het economisch onderwijs, (1), 60-62. Oly, G.G. (2000). Over het opzeggen van contracten. Een eeuwoude relatie van wijnkopers. Tijdschrift voor het economisch onderwijs, (2), 111-113. Oly, G.G. (2000). Geknoei met melkpoeder. Over de handelspraktijk en de rechter. Tijdschrift voor het economisch onderwijs, (3), 153-156. Oly, G.G. (2000). Een onbetaalde ijskast? Bewijs het maar! Tijdschrift voor het economisch onderwijs, (4), 219-221. Oly, G.G. (2000). Over tandwielen die niet passen. Uitvoeren of wijzigen van overeenkomsten. Tijdschrift voor het economisch onderwijs, (5). 282-285. Oly, G.G. (2000). Gezinsbescherming tegen financiele risico's. Prive borgtocht van directeur voor zijn BV. Tijdschrift voor het economisch onderwijs, (6), 320-322. Thomas, E. & Ziepzeerder, M.J. (2000). Prejudiciële vragen over de levering van zakelijke rechten. Weekblad voor Fiscaal Recht 2000, 129, ( 6375), 291-300. Thomas, E. & Ziepzeerder, M.J. (2000). Arrest van de Hoge Raad omtrent aftrekbaarheid van BTW op parkeerplaatsen (II). BtwBrief 2000, 12,(4), 7-9. Thomas, E. & Ziepzeerder, M.J. (2000). Bijtelling privé-gebruik auto ondernemer. BtwBrief 2000, 12, (8/9), 3-9.

Academic publications - (in/of books) - non-refereed

Kampschöer, G.W.J.M. (2000). Herleiding van de vennootschappelijke jaarrekening tot de fiscale aangifte . Amsterdam: FEE. 62 pages. Wesseling, J.A.M. & Bergh, A. van den (2000). Financiële rekenkunde: realistische interestberekeningen - met toepassing van Excel (pp 1210.001 -1210.008). In Persoonlijke Financiële Planning in modellen. Haarlem: De Saayer Business Publications. Wesseling, J.A.M., & A. van den Bergh (2000). Realistische interestberekeningen met toepassing van Excel. Schoonhoven: Academic Service.

82 Other Research AIM – Accountancy & Information Management

Popular publications

Bos, T.M. (2000). Grensoverschrijdend faillisementsrecht. AccUvA, 6, (28).

Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to academic conferences, workshops and seminars

Kampschöer, G.W.J.M. (2000, 19 May). Lecture De nieuwe fiscale eenheid. PAO Belastingwetenschappen. Kampschöer, G.W.J.M. (2000, 6 October). Lecture Verliesverrekening in 2001. PAO Belastingwetenschappen. Kampschoër, G.W.J.M. (2000, 31 October). Lecture Nieuwe art 20a en 15e Vpb. VHM Financiën. Amsterdam. Kampschoër, G.W.J.M. (2000, November). Lecture Handel in verliesvennootschappen. VERA. Kampschoër, G.W.J.M. (2000, 24 November). Lecture Accountancy aspecten t.a.v. de juridische splitsing. PAO Belastingwetenschappen. Vernooij, A.T.J., Thijssen, J.P.T. & Schermerhorn, R.H. (2000, 22 June). Innovation In Computer Assisted Study Anywhere. The effectiveness of a mix of learning media. The 7th Annual EDINEB International Conference, Newport Beach, California, USA.

Other lectures on research

Wesseling, J.A.M. (2000, 29 May). Presentation on Management support systems, University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary. Wesseling, J.A.M. (2000, 15 December). Lecture: Financiële Planning in Nederland, Focus Investments, Oegstgeest.

Membership of academic committees (including PhD committees inside or outside the UvA)

Kampschoër, G.W.J.M. (2000, 7 June). Member PhD-committee J. Hoogendoorn Universiteit van Amsterdam. Wesseling, J.A.M. (2000). Member of Scientific advisory board of Amsterdamse Economische Verkenningen, Amsterdam. Wesseling, J.A.M. (2000). Member of PhD committee at Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration.

83 Financial Economics – Perotti & Boot – Finance & Organisation

Research Programme in Financial Economics Programme directors: Prof. dr E.C. Perotti & Prof. dr A.W.A. Boot Department: Finance & Organisation (F&O) OZIS-code: fim-aip

Programme members

Prof. dr A.W.A. Boot (hgl) Drs C.H.S. Bouwman (bursaal) Drs Y.C. Cheung (bursaal) Prof. dr C.A.M.F. Claessens (hgl, guest) Drs S. Dezelan (bursaal) Dr B. Jacobsen (ud) Dr F. de Jong (uhd) Drs J.E. Ligterink (ud) Drs P. van Oijen (aio) Prof. dr E. Perotti (hgl) Drs S. Rossetto (bursaal) Drs I. Schindele (bursaal) Dr L. Zou (uhd)

Programme design

Most financial and non-financial corporations are funded externally. Since Jensen and Meckling (JFE, 1976) and Myers and Majluf (JFE, 1984) we recognise that agency and informational problems may impose substantial (deadweight) costs on external funding. This has led Myers (JF, 1984) to conclude that corporations follow a pecking order in that they prefer internally generated funds over external funds, and prefer to issue less risky securities over more risky ones.

The potential distortions are due not only to conflicts between (partial) autonomous management and external providers of funds, but also to conflicts between different classes of investors. This has received much attention within the subfield of corporate finance.

Simultaneously, we have observed related developments in the subfield of financial intermediation, whose research showed that financial intermediaries may reduce monitoring costs and thus facilitate the external funding of corporations (Diamond (RES 1984)), may reduce search costs (Chan, JF, 1983), facilitate trade by certifying information (Ramakrishnan and Thakor, RES, 1984), facilitate reliable sale of information (Allen, JFI, 1990) and provide liquidity (Diamond and Dybvig, JPE, 1983). While insightful, the literature on financial intermediation has provided few insights so far on explaining the simultaneous existence of bank financing and capital market financing. Some partial answers are given so far by Diamond (JPE, 1991), Rajan (JF, 1992) and Sharpe (JF, 1990). The research program has contributed to this question with Boot & Thakor (RFS, 1997), Boot & Thakor (JF, 2000) and Perotti & Modigliani (IRF, 2000).

The further goal for the research program for the group is to extend this approach to broader issues on the design and operation of financial systems, and intermediaries. The focus will be

84 Financial Economics – Perotti & Boot – Finance & Organisation on three innovative areas of research: the role of financing in promoting innovating activities, the structure and evolution of international financial markets in a context of convergence and integration of national systems, and the evolution of risk management practices in this context of interacting financial systems that will have important implications for the organisation of financial markets. From a public policy point of view, it is also a timely topic, given the questions raised by rapid integration and convergence in Western financial markets.

A natural extension of the contractual approach to finance are international finance issues. The new literature in financial development, financial integration, and financial crises puts the development of institutions aimed at contractual and legal enforcement at the center of the desired design of financial markets and institutions in emerging, transition and developing countries. The evolution of confidence in this process is based on financial reform and is a precondition for further integration and development.

The issue of initial financing represents in this context an intriguing question. Entrepreneurial activity requires seed funding and venture capital support at a time when a critical ingredient of any financing, information, cannot be easily assessed by the very innovative nature of firm creation (Hellmann, 1993; Repullo and Suarez, 1998). The importance of learning about the fundamental contractual solution to this problem cannot be overemphasised, especially in an European context of still too limited entrepreneurial activity.

Finally, the research program considers the management of financial risks, both for financial institutions and for corporations. The research program extends the literature on term structure models by merging it to the valuation of derivatives. An important extension of this work is to model the credit (default) risk of corporate bonds. Here the sub-program on risk managent links in with the corporate finance programs since the financial structure of the corporation is a major determinant of default probabilities.

85 Financial Economics – Perotti & Boot – Finance & Organisation

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Bachman, R. dr ud - - 0.34 0.34 - 0.34 F&O 1 Boot, A.W.A. prof dr hgl 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 F&O 1 Bouwman, C.H.S. drs bursaal 0.15 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 F&O 1 Carrare, O. drs bursaal 0.45 0.30 - - - - F&O 1 Claessens, C.A.M.F. prof dr hgl - - 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 F&O 1 Dezelan, S. drs bursaal 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 F&O 1 Grabiszewski, K.C. drs bursaal - - 0.25 0.25 - 0.25 F&O 1 Hasselt, P. van drs aio 0.60 0.20 - - - - F&O 3 Jacobsen, B. dr ud 0.55 0.30 0.10 0.17 - 0.17 F&O 1 De Jong, F. dr ud 0.13 0.40 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 F&O 1 Ligterink, J.E. drs ud 0.55 0.10 0.10 0.13 - 0.13 F&O 1 Oijen, P.H. van drs aio 0.60 0.38 - - - - F&O 1 Perotti, E. prof dr hgl 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 F&O 1 Rossetto, S. drs bursaal 0.45 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 F&O 1 Schindele, I. drs bursaal 0.15 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 F&O 1 Zou, L. dr uhd 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 F&O 1

Total 1st flow of funds 5.03 5.18 5.79 5.89 0.00 5.89 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.60 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 5.63 5.38 5.79 5.89 5.89 PhD students 3.00 3.28 2.65 2.65 2.65

Research Output

Key publications

Boot, A.W.A. & Thakor, A.V. (1997). Financial System Architecture. The Review of Financial Studies, 10, 693-733. Perotti, E.C. (1998). Inertial Credit and Opportunistic Arrears in Transition. European Economic Review, 42, 1703-1725. Jong, F. de & Santa-Clara, P. (1999). The Dynamics of the Forward Interest Curve: A Formulation with State Variables. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 34, (1), 131-157. Boot, A.W.A. & Thakor, A.V. (2000). Can Relationship Banking Survive Competition? Journal of Finance, 55, (2), 679-713. Claessens, C., Djankov, S. & Lang, L. (2000). The separation of ownership and control in EastAsian corporations. Journal of Financial Economics, 58, (1 & 2) October, 81- 113.

86 Financial Economics – Perotti & Boot – Finance & Organisation


Oijen, P. van (2000, 27 October). Essays on Corporate Governance. Amsterdam: Thela Thesis. [Promotor A.W.A. Boot] [cat. A]. Goor, L. van (2000, 20 December). Banken en industriefinanciering in de 19e eeuw. Amsterdam: Thela Thesis. [Promotor A.W.A. Boot] [cat. A].

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - Refereed

Boot, A.W.A., Dezelan, S. & Milbourn, T.T. (2000). Regulatory Distortions in a Competitive Financial Services Industry. Journal of Financial Services Research, 17, (1), 249-259. [B]. Boot, A.W.A. & Thakor, A.V. (2000). Can Relationship Banking Survive Competition? Journal of Finance, 55, (2), 679-713. [A]. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Relationship Banking: What Do We Know? Journal of Financial Intermediation, 9, (1), 7-25. [B]. Boot, A.W.A. & Schmeits, A. (2000). Market Discipline and Incentive Problems in Conglomerate Firms with Applications to Banking. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 9, (3), 1-34. [B]. Boot, A.W.A. & Ligterink, J.E. (2000). Faillissementswetgeving in internationaal perspectief. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 74, (11), 492-499. [C]. Dezelan, S. (2000). Efficiency of the Slovenian Equity Market. Economic and Business Review (for Central and South-Eastern Europe), 2, (1), 61-83. [C]. Jacobsen, B., Potters, J., Schram, A., Winden, F. van & Wit, J. (2000). (In)accuracy of a European political stock market (2000). European Economic Review, 44, 205-230. [A]. Jong, F. de (2000). Time Series and Cross Section Information in Affine Term Structure Models. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 18, (3), 300-314. [A]. Perotti, E.C. & Modigliani, F. (2000). Security Markets versus Bank Finance: Legal Enforcement and Investor Protection. International Review of Finance, 1, (2), 81-96. [C]. Zou, L. (2000). Liability Sharing as a Mechanism to Improve Firms' Investment and Liquidation Decisions. Journal of Comparative Economics, 28, December, 739-761). [A] .

Academic publications (in/of books) - Refereed

Boot, A.W.A., Dezelan, S. & Milbourn, T.T. (2000). Regulatory Distortions in a Competitive Financial Services Industry. In Eisenbeis, R.A., Furlond, F.T. & Kwan, S. (eds), Financial modernization and regulation (pp. 249-259). Deventer: Kluwer. Perotti, E.C. & Kulatilaka, N. (2000). Valuation of Strategic Growth Options. In Grenadier, S. (ed.), Game choices: The intersection of real options and game theory. London: Riskwater Group Ltd.

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) – non-refereed

Boot, A.W.A. & Ligterink, J.E. (2000). Banken en de faillissementswet. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, 876-878. Boot, A.W.A. & Ligterink, J.E. (2000). Faillissementswetgeving en Economische Efficiëntie. Bank- en Effectenbedrijf, 49, (10), 10-14. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Pensioenen en verzekeringen: van dogmatiek naar transparantie. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, 388-391. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). De noodzaak van transparantie. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, 332- 334. Boot, A.W.A. & Cools, K. (2000). Paradepaard of zwart schaap? Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, 309-311.

87 Financial Economics – Perotti & Boot – Finance & Organisation

Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Aandeelhoudersoriëntatie en integriteit. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4288), D14-D15 (Dossier). Bouwman, C. (2000). Het meten van kredietrisico. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4267), 646. Carare, O., Claessens, S. & Perotti, E.C. (2000). Can Governments Maintain Hard Budget Contraints? Bank Lending and Financial Isolation in Romania . William Davidson Institute working paper, wp241. University of Michigan. Jong, F. de, Koster, H.A.J. & Leijenhorst, A. van (2000). De rol van derivaten. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, 497-499. Jong, F. de, Koster, H.A.J. & Leijenhorst, A. van (2000). Derivaten in consumenten-producten. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, 589-591. Jong, F. de, Driessen, J. & Pelsser, A. (2000). Libor and swap market models for the pricing of interest rate derivatives: An empirical analysis. CENTER Discussion paper, 0035. Perotti, E.C. & Gelfer, S. (2000). Investment Financing in Russian Financial-IndustrialGroups. William Davidson Institute working paper, wp242. University of Michigan. http://eres.bus.umich.edu/docs/workpap-dav/wp242.pdf. Perotti, E.C. & Oijen, P. van (2000). Privatization, Political Risk and Stock MarketDevelopment in Emerging Economies. William Davidson Institute working paper, wp243. University of Michigan. http://eres.bus.umich.edu/docs/workpap-dav/wp243.pdf. Perotti, E.C. & Carare, O. (2000). The Evolution of Bank Credit Quality in Transition:Theory and Evidence from Romania. William Davidson Institute working paper, wp49. University of Michigan. http://eres.bus.umich.edu/docs/workpap-dav/wp49.pdf. Perotti, E.C., Laeven, L. & Oijen, P. van (2000). Confidence Building in Emerging Stock Markets. William Davidson Institute working paper, wp 366. University of Michigan. Zou, L. (2000). Liability Sharing as a Mechanism to Improve Firms Investment and Liquidation Decisions, with Laixiang Sun. Tinbergen Institute discussion paper, TI 2000-048/2 . Amsterdam. Zou, L. (2000). Inherent Reward & Risk (Part I): Towards a Universal Paradigm for Investment Analysis. Tinbergen Institute discussion paper, TI 2000-050/2 . Amsterdam. Zou, L. & Kin, L. (2000). Adding Risks: Some General Results about Time Diversification. Tinbergen Institute discussion paper, TI 2000-063/2. Amsterdam. Zou, L. & Kin, L. (2000). Inherent Efficiency, Security Markets, and the Pricing of Investment Strategies. Tinbergen Institute discussion paper, TI 2000-108/2. Amsterdam.

Professional publications

Boot, A.W.A., Milbourn, T.T. & Dezelan, S. (2000). Perspectives on the Regulation of the Financial Services Industry. Topics in Corporate Finance, 2 (pp. 25-41). Amsterdam Center for Corporate Finance. Boot, A.W.A. & Ligterink, J.E. (2000). De efficiëntie van de Nederlandse faillissementswetgeving. Topics in Corporate Finance, 3. Amsterdam Center for Corporate Finance. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Management en organisatie contra economie? Tijdschrift voor het economisch onderwijs, 3, juni, 139-141. Ligterink, J.E. (2000). De vermogenskostenvoet van ondernemingen: Inzichten uit de moderne financieringstheorie. In Handboek Management Accounting (pp. D 1804-1/D1804-21). April. Perotti, E.C. (2000). Sustained Privatization Resolves Political Risk, Bolsters Development. TI Magazine, 2, 2-6.

Popular publications

Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 24 October). OR moet geen commissarissen voordragen. NRC, Opinie.

88 Financial Economics – Perotti & Boot – Finance & Organisation

Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 19 August). Telecom lachende derde in Nederlandse umts-veiling, Het Financieele Dagblad, Optiek. Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 15 March). Consument is de dupe van ondoorzichtig pensioenbeleid. Het Financieele Dagblad. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Columns in Het Financieele Dagblad: Flitsende markten en maatschappelijke normen, 5-12-2000; World off line: het snelle geld en… integriteit, 21-11-2000; SER op glad ijs, 7-11-2000; -dementie en sentimenten, 24-10-2000; Moedig SER-advies gewenst over corporate governance, 10-10-2000; AEX wordt Euronext, KLM next naar Azië?, 26-9-2000 Nieuwe faillissementswet smaakt naar meer, 12-9-2000; Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Columns in Economisch Statistische Berichten: Netwerk-economie en concurrentie, 7-1-2000, p. 3; Universiteit en markt, 2-10-1998; Bedrijfseconomische opleidingen: wie betaalt?, 11-5-1998; Doorstroming, 24-9-1997; Heilige huisjes II, 12-2- 1997; Heilige huisjes I, 20-1-1997; Nieuwe beurzen, 16-100-1996; Uw pensioen: een zeepbel?, 31-7-1996. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Columns in Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie: Reflecties op de nieuwe economie… van 33000 voet, november 2000; Bestaat er nog wetenschap?, 73, (11), 1999, 576-577; Bedrijfseconomie: gaat het goed?, 72, (11), 1998; Heeft de bedrijfseconomie gefaald?, 70, (11), 1996, 554-556. Jacobsen, B. (2000). De wijze lessen van de Jerry Springer Show. HP/De Tijd. Jacobsen, B. (2000). Columns in HP/De Tijd. Week 1 Foutje, Bedankt!; Week 2 Paniek; Week 3 Wat kost een beleggingsfonds?; Week 4 Zeigletics; Week 5 Bahama-strategie; Week 6 Kok en Lepel; Week 7 VoorkennisWeek 8 Multihouse; Week 9 Drie eeuwen beleggen; Week 10 Oost West Thuis Best; Week 11 Koopadvies; Week 12 Onderzoeksjournalistiek; Week 13 Pechvogels; Week 14 1 April; Week 15 Slapeloze Nachten; Week 16 Grijze maandag; Week 17 In de aanbieding; Week 18 4 Mei; Week 19 Onzin; Week 20 A Random Walk Down Wall Street; Week 21 Telefoonterreur; Week 22 Telefoonterreur II; Week 23 Financiele Porno; Week 24 Internethype; Week 25 Rick, Help!; Week 26 De Gouden Tip; Week 27: Een procentje meer; Week 29: Diplomatiek Katten; Week 30: Giftige Appels Week 31: Michael Ripath; Week 32: Indexfonds; Week 33: Creatief met geld; Week 34: Winter-blues; Week 35: Home Bias; Week 36: Homenet (1); Week 37: Homenet (2); Week 38: To Hedge or not to Hedge; Week 39: Wibocrietje; Week 40: Taboes; Week 41: Vrijdag de dertiende; Week 42: De grens over; Week 43: Wintertijd; Week 44: Gore of Bush?; Week 45: Opties (1); Week 46: Opties (2); Week 47: Opties (3); Week 48: Opties (4); Week 49: Opties (5); Week 50: Opties (6); Extra: Jerry Springer 1000 woorden week… ƒ 500,--. Jacobsen, B. (2000). Columns in Algemeen Dagblad: Week 36: Spelen met vuur (1); Week 37: Spelen met vuur (2); Week 38: Spelen met vuur (3); Week 39: Spelen met vuur (4); Week 40: Spelen met vuur (5); Week 41: Spelen met vuur (6); Week 42: Spelen met vuur (7); Week 43: Spelen met vuur (8); Week 44: Spelen met vuur (9); Week 45: Spelen met vuur (10); Week 46: Spelen met vuur (11); Week 47: Spelen met vuur (12); Week 48: Spelen met vuur (13); Week 49: Spelen met vuur (14); Week 50: Spelen met vuur (15); Week 51: Spelen met vuur (16); Week 52: Spelen met vuur (17). Jong, F. de & Beetsma. R. (2000, 22 August), Uitstel verkoop staatsaandeel KPN is onnodig. NRC Handelsblad.

Other Activities

Contributions (lectures) to academic conferences, workshops and seminars

Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 7-9 January). Objectivity Proximity and Adaptability in Corporate Governance, ASSA Annual Meetings, Boston, USA. Paper presentation. Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 16 March). Objectivity Proximity and Adaptability in Corporate Governance, HEC School of Management, Paris, France. Paper presentation.

89 Financial Economics – Perotti & Boot – Finance & Organisation

Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 7-8 April). Relationship Banking: What do we Know? Center for Financial Studies and Wharton Financial Institutions Center conference ‘Competition among Banks: Good or Bad?’ am Main, Germany. Paper presentation. Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 25-26 May). Objectivity Proximity and Adaptability in Corporate Governance, FMA European Conference, Edinburgh, UK. Paper presentation. Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 17-28 July). Objectivity Proximity and Adaptability in Corporate Governance, CEPR/European Summer Symposium in Financial Markets, Gerzensee, Germany. Paper presentation. Bouwman, C. (2000, 25-26 May). TMR symposium, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Discussant. Dezelan, S. (2000, 25-26 May). TMR symposium, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Discussant. Dezelan, S. (2000, July) The impact of mutual funds on the Slovenian equity market, Alternative perspectives on Finance Biannual conference, Dundee, UK. Paper presentation. Also discussant at this conference. Jacobsen B. (2000, 12 October). De onzin van van actieve beleggingsfondsen, Nijenrode, Breukelen. Lecture. Jacobsen, B. (2000, 25-26 May). Motives for trade of active individual investors Barcelona, TMR symposium, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Paper presentation. Jacobsen B. (2000) Halloween Indicator: Sell in May and go away. WFA meetings 2000, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA. Paper presentation. Jong, F. de (2000, February 28). Price Discovery on Foreign Exchange Markets, seminar, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York, USA. Jong, F. de (2000, October 7). Libor versus swap market models: an empirical analysis, Conference on Financial Econometrics, Universitat Konstanz, Germany. Perotti, E.C. (2000, February). IMF-World Bank conference on Contagion, Washington. Presentation. Perotti, E.C. (2000, February). World Bank Conference on Financial Systems, Washington. Presentation. Perotti, E.C. (2000, February). CEPR Conference on Financial Transactions, LSE, London, UK. Presentation. Perotti, E.C. (2000, June). Western Finance Association Meetings, Idaho, USA. Presentation. Perotti, E.C. (2000, July). Tuck School-Journal of Financial Economics Conference on Governance, Dartmouth, UK. Presentation. Perotti, E.C. (2000, July). CEPR Gerzensee Summer Conference in Finance. Presentation. Perotti, E.C. (2000, September). International Conference on Internet IPOs, Tilburg. Presentation. Perotti, E.C. (2000, September). CEPR Conference on Banking and Competition, Manresa, Spain. Presentation. Perotti, E.C. (2000, October). Economic Policy Panel, Paris, France. Presentation. Perotti, E.C. (2000, December). CEPR Conference on Market Rationality and the Valuation of Technology Stocks, London School of Economics. Presentation. Perotti, E.C. (2000, May). Research lecture for Faculty. University of Vienna, Austria. Perotti, E.C. (2000, October). HEC. Research lecture for Faculty. Paris, France. Perotti, E.C. (2000, October). Research lecture for Faculty Insead, Fountainebleau, France. Perotti, E.C. (2000, October). Research lecture for Faculty Fondazione Einaudi, Roma, Italy. Zou, L. (2000, 16-17 December). 9th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan. Paper presentation.

Organisational contributions to conferences, workshops and seminars

Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 21-24 June). Western Finance Association Meeting, Idaho, USA. Member of Program Committee. Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 6 December). Innovatieve vormen van ondernemingsfinanciering, Het Financieele Dagblad, Congres, Amsterdam. Chairman. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Member program committee European Finance Association meetings.

90 Financial Economics – Perotti & Boot – Finance & Organisation

Jacobsen, B. (2000, 5 July). Euroform Congres Succesvol Naar de Beurs. Okura Hotel Amsterdam. Chairman. Jong, F. de (2000, 4 July), ABN-AMRO Conference on IPO's. Session chairman. Perotti, E.C. (2000, 8-9 September). International Workshop on Privatization and Market Development, Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam. Perotti, E.C. (2000, 25-26 September). International Conference on Equity Markets in Emerging Economies (with LBS and the University of Michigan), London Business School, London, UK.

Other lectures on research

Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 14-15 January). Regulation and the Evolution of the Financial Services Industry. Challenges for Modern Central Banking, Sveriges Riksbanken, Sweden. Paper presentation. Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 1 February). Transparantie als overlevingsstrategie in de financiële sector, Het Nederlands Verzekeringscongres, Amsterdam. Presentation. Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 22-23 February). Regulation and the Evolution of the Financial Services Industry, De nieuwe BIS richtlijnen, IRR Conference, Amsterdam. Lecture. Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 19 October). SMO Managers Ontmoeting Corporate Governance, Den Haag. Lecture. Boot, A.W.A. (2000, 14 November). Objectivity, Proximity and Adaptability in Corporate Governance, CPB Lunch-Seminar, Den Haag. Lecture. Jacobsen, B. (2000). Risico: do’s & don’t’s, Staal Bankiers, Hotel Huis ter Duin, Den Haag 19 January. Lecture. Jacobsen, B. (2000, 16 March, 4 & 6 July). Voorspelbaarheid van Beurskoersen, FairGo, Grand Hotel, Amsterdam. Lectures. Jacobsen, B. (2000, 7 april). Beleggingsstudieclub, Breda. Lecture. Jacobsen, B. (2000, 3 October). Lecture , Risico’s Do’s and Don’t’s, Nuth, Onderbanken, Voerendaal. Jacobsen, B. (2000, 7 september). De toegevoegde waarde van de beleggingsadviseur, Rabobank, Garderen. Lecture. Perotti, E.C. (2000, April). Federation of International Stock Exchanges, Annual Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey. Keynote speech. Perotti, E.C. (2000 September). EBRD Special Guest Lecture, London, UK.

Participation in Academic Netwerks

Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Director Amsterdam Center for Corporate Finance. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Instituut. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Research Fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Fellow, Davidson Institute, University of Michigan. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Member Dagelijks Bestuur Stichting voor Economisch Onderzoek. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Member Advisory Board SOM (Systemen, Organisatie en Management), Groningen. Jong, F. de (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Instituut. Jong, F. de (2000). Research Affiliate Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London. Jong, F. de (2000). Fellow Netherlands Network of Economics. Ligterink, J.E. (2000). Co-director Amsterdam Center for Corporate Finance. Perotti, E.C. (2000). Research Fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London. Perotti, E.C. (2000). Fellow, Davidson Institute, University of Michigan. Perotti, E.C. (2000). Fellow, Tinbergen Institute, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Coordinator for International and Financial Economics. Perotti, E.C. (2000). Financial Economics TMR Network, organizer of Amsterdam node. Perotti, E.C. (2000). Fellow, Financial Economics Program and Transition Economics Program.

91 Financial Economics – Perotti & Boot – Finance & Organisation

Perotti, E.C. (1999). Senior Research Fellow, Russian European Center for Economic Policy.

Membership editorial staff or referee activities

Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Co-Editor Journal of Financial Intermediation, 1992-2000. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Associate Editor Journal of Banking and Finance, 1993-2000. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Associate Editor Journal of Corporate Finance, 1993-. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Associate Editor Journal of Empirical Finance, 1996-2000. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Associate Editor Multinational Finance Journal, 1997-. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Associate Editor European Financial Management, 1997-. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Member of Editorian Staff Maandschrift for Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 1994-2000. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Member of Editorial Board Advies Commissie Economisch Statistische Berichten, 1994-. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Member of Editorial Board of Tijdschrift voor Corporate Finance, 1996-. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Member International Editorial Board Economic and Business Review, Ljubljana, 1998-. Bouwman, C.H.S. (1999). Referee for Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Empirical Finance. Jong, F. de (2000) Ad hoc referee for the Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Financial Markets. Ligterink, J. (2000). Referee for Journal of European Financial Management. Perotti, E.C. (2000). Associate Editor, International Review of Finance. Perotti, E.C. (2000). Referee for American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Comparative Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of Transition, European Economic Review.

Membership of academic committees (including PhD committees inside or outside the UvA)

Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Member of PhD Committee F.H.M. Verbeeten, Katholic University, Tilburg. Perotti, E.C. (2000, 27 October). Member of Ph.D. Committee P. van Oijen, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Perotti, E.C. (2000). Member of Ph.D. Committee H. Bo, University of Groningen. Perotti, E.C. (2000). Member of Ph.D. Committee J. Ligterink, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Perotti, E.C. (2000). Member, Board of Directors, Master in International Finance. Jong, F. de (2000, 19 October). Member of Ph.D. Committee, J. Groen, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Research contributions in the media

Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Interviews on radio and TV. Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Columnist for Het Financieele Dagblad. Jacobsen, B. (2000). Interviews on radio and TV. Jacobsen, B. (2000). Nu!!! de beste koopmomenten. Interview in QPF (personal finance magazine), 5, 72-76 Jacobsen, B. (2000, 8 July). Gun uw aandelenvakantie! Interview in NRC Handelsblad. Jacobsen, B. (2000, June). Strikt Persoonlijk. Interview in Money (magazine), p. 13 Jacobsen, B. (2000, 8 April). Interview in Utrechts Nieuwsblad, local newspaper. Jacobsen, B. (2000, 4 April). Beurscrash? Particulier houdt zijn aandelen vast. Interview in Het Financieele Dagblad, p. 13. Jacobsen, B. (2000, 1 April). Interview in Utrechts Nieuwsblad. Jacobsen, B. (2000, 1 April). Miljarden speculatie met veiligheidspal. Interview FEM de Week , p. 64. Perotti, E. (2000, June). De slaap der rede maakt monsters. NRC, p. 2.

92 Financial Economics – Perotti & Boot – Finance & Organisation

Various activities

Boot, A.W.A. (2000). Director Amsterdam Center for Corporate Finance. Boot, A.W.A. (1999). Marktdynamiek financiële conglomeraten, in cooperation with NEI, Rotterdam, Reserach for the Ministerie van Financiële Zaken. Boot, A.W.A. (1999). NMA studie Marktwerking bankensector, in cooperation with NEI, Rotterdam, 1999. Ligterink, J.E. (2000). Co-director Amsterdam Center for Corporate Finance. Perotti, E. (2000). Director Amsterdam Center for International Finance Research.

93 Regional Economics – Lambooy – Finance & Organisation

Regional Economics Programme director: Prof. dr J.G. Lambooy Department: Finance & Organisation (F&O) OZIS-code: smm-rue

Members of the research group:

Drs B.E. Baarsma (aio) Prof. dr A.I.J.M. van der Hoorn (hgl) Prof. dr M.W. de Jong (hgl) Drs A. Kumçu (aio) Prof. dr J.J.G. Lambooy (hgl) Drs A. el Makhloufi (toz) Prof. drs J.G. de Wit (hgl)

Programme design This research programme studies two interrelated questions. First, how do a variety of spatial factors, e.g. the agglomerative power of cities (related to such subjects as labour market, uncertainty, networks, information, and increasing returns) and costs of real estate and transportation influence the structure and the dynamics of markets. Second, how do the regional and international restructuring of industrial sectors and markets affect locational behaviour.

Economic activities by definition have to be located somewhere, which results in a need for buildings, infrastructure and communication. The production of commodities and services is usually spatially clustered in cities or urban areas; the same applies to transportation and communication. Economic development, therefore, means that we continuously have to try to establish an equilibrium between the demand for space from firms, workers and consumers on the one hand, and the available supply of space (sites, buildings, houses, shops, roads, et cetera) on the other. This search for an equilibrium is closely connected with government policy. The equilibrium is not stable: the economic and political environments are turbulent, so market parties and governments must continuously adjust to new information.

From a theoretical point of view, this research programme has links with Microeconomics and Industrial Organisation on the one hand, and with modern Institutional and Evolutionary Economics on the other. Traditional theories of Microeconomics are only useful if the decisions with respect to allocation are taken in a more or less stable structure. In our research, the structures are continuously changing. We therefore have to approach our problems with modern theories as developed in Institutional Economics and Evolutionary Economics. Although these theories have not yet reached a fully mature stage, they provide better opportunities for evaluating the dynamics in urban and regional economics. Certain problems, particularly in transportation issues and in Building Economics, can be dealt with by using traditional Microeconomics. Because structures develop only gradually. The same is true for evaluation studies of real estate and for the allocation of financial funds for real estate portfolio’s, as well as for transportation models.

94 Regional Economics – Lambooy – Finance & Organisation

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Baarsma, B. drs aio 0.48 0.60 - - - - F&O 3 Hoorn, A.I.J.M. van der prof dr hgl 0.12 0.08 0.11 0.11 - 0.11 F&O 1 Jong, M.W. de prof dr hgl 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.05 - 0.10 F&O 3 Kumcu, A. drs aio 0.60 0.60 - - - - F&O 3 Lambooy, J.G. prof dr hgl 0.20 0.12 0.15 0.15 - 0.15 F&O 1 Makhloufi, A. El drs oz 0.40 - - - - - F&O 3 Makhloufi, A. El drs oz 0.20 0.40 - - - - F&O 1 Rhayour Alami-Mulder, B.drs aio 0.30 - - - - - F&O 1 Wit, J.G. de prof dr hgl 0.08 0.08 0.11 0.11 - 0.11 F&O 1

Total 1st flow of funds 0.90 0.68 0.37 0.37 0.00 0.37 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 1.56 1.28 0.00 0.10 0.10 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 2.46 1.96 0.47 0.42 0.47 PhD students 1.38 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00

Research Output

Key publications

Manshanden, W.J.J. (1996). Zakelijke diensten en regionaal-economische ontwikkeling; de economie van nabijheid. Utrecht/Amsterdam: KNAG/FEE-UvA .(Ph.D. thesis UvA.). 176 pages. Visser, E.J. (1996). Local Sources of Competitiveness – Spatial Clustering and Organisational Dynamics in Small-scale Clothing in Lima, Peru. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers. (Ph.D. thesis UvA). 287 pages. Wit, J.G. de & Gent, H.A. van (1996). Economie en Transport. Utrecht: Lemma. Ca. 500 pages. Lambooy, J.G. (1998). Polynuclear and Economic Developmment: The Randstad. European Planning Studies, 6, (August 4), 457-467. Boschma, R.A. & Lambooy, J.G. (1999). Evolutionary economics and economic geography. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 9, 411-429.

95 Regional Economics – Lambooy – Finance & Organisation


Baarsma, B.E. (2000, 14 April). Monetary Valuation of Environmental Goods: Alternatives to Contingent Valuation. Tinbergen Institute Research Series. Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Thela Thesis. Ph.D. thesis UvA/FEE. [Promotores J.G. Lambooy & B.M.S. van Praag] [cat. A].

Academic publications (excl. publications in/of books) – refereed

Boschma, R. & Lambooy, J.G. (2000). The prospects of an adjustment policy based on collective learning in old industrial regions. Geojournal, 49, 391-399. [C].

Academic publications (in/of books) - refereed

Lambooy, J.G. (2000). Regional Growth, Knowledge and Innovation. In Kuklinski, A. & Orlowski, W.M. (eds), The knowledge-based economiy - The global challenges of the 21st century (pp.100-113). Warsaw: State Committee for Scientific Research of the Republic of Poland. Lambooy, J.G. (2000). Learning and Agglomeration Economies: Adapting to Differentiating Economic Structures. In Boekema, F., Morgan, K., Bakkers, S. & Rutten, R. (eds), Knowledge, Innovation and Economic Growth. The theory and practice of learning regions (pp. 17-37). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Academic publications (excl. publications in/of books) - non-refereed

Lambooy, J.G. (2000). Regional growth, knowledge and innovation. Home Rule & Civil Society, 11. (The Local Public Entity Study Organization, Chuogakuin Univerisity, Japan, ISBN 0917- 785X).

Academic publications (in/of books) - non-refereed

Lambooy, J.G., Nagengast, E., Raat, N. & Veldkamp, L. (2000). De ruimtelijke effecten van ICT in Nederland. Rapport in opdracht van de Rijksplanologische Dienst, Den Haag: VROM. Lambooy, J.G. & Mevissen, J.W.M. (2000). Het einde van de regionale arbeidsmarkt? In Grip, A. de (ed.), De Nederlandse Arbeidsmarktdag 2000: De arbeidsmarkt van de toekomst (pp. 55-65). Maastricht: Stichting Nederlandse Arbeidsmarkt.

Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to academic conferences, workshops and seminars

Hoorn, A. van der (2000, 5-7 April). Future Transport and Travel Data Needs: A Practitioner’s Perspective. Paper for Theme 1: Data Collection, Experience and Prospects. 15th symposium of ECMT (European Conference of Ministers of Transport). Key Issues for Transport beyond 2000. Thessaloniki, Greece. Lambooy, J.G. & Rietbergen, A. (2000, August). Geography of Finance: The case of the insurance companies. Paper for the RSA Conference. Barcelona, Spain. Lambooy, J.G. & Boschma, R.A. (2000, May). Market structure, globalisation and industrial districts. Paper for the RSA Conference. Lugano, Switzerland. Warffemius, P., Hoorn, A. van der (2000, 2-4 July). Locked-In Logistics and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Paper for the ATRG (Air Transport Research Group) Conference. Amsterdam.

96 Regional Economics – Lambooy – Finance & Organisation

Wit, J.G. de (2000, 29 November). De grenzen aan de concentratie in de luchtvaart. Lecture. Symposium Luchtvervoer in België en Nederland. Antwerpen. Universiteit van Antwerpen, Belgium.

Organisational contributions to conferences, workshops, seminars

Wit, J.G. de (2000. 2-4 July). Organisation of the annual international conference of the Air Transport Research Group. Amsterdam.

Participation in academic networks

Hoorn, A.I.J.M. van der (2000). Member of the Council of the Association of European Transport (AET). The AET organises the European Transport Conference (ETC, formerly PTRC Summer Annual Meeting), held in September, which is the largest annual conference focused on transportation in Europe. Hoorn, A.I.J.M. van der (2000). Member of the Council of the Stichting PAO Vervoersweten- schappen en Verkeerskunde. Wit, J.G. de (2000). Member of the networking committee of the Air Transport Research Group of the World Conference on Transport Research.

Membership editorial staff or referee activities

Hoorn, A.I.J.M. van der (2000). Member editorial board of the journal Transportation. Lambooy, J.G. (2000). Referee for Journal of Income Distribution, Tijdschrift voor Economische & Sociale Geografie (TESG), European Planning Studies, Environment & Planning. Lambooy, J.G. (2000). Referee for NWO research proposals. Lambooy, J.G. (2000). Referee for European Cultural Foundation research proposal.

Membership academic committees (including PhD committees inside or outside the UvA)

Hoorn, A.I.J.M. van der (2000). Supervision of Ph.D. study of Drs G.J. (Gert Jan) Muilerman with his thesis in the Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management of the TU Delft. The new role of time in logistic chains. Hoorn, A.I.J.M. van der (2000). Supervision of Ph.D. study of drs. P. (Pim) Warffemius at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. Lambooy, J.G. (2000, 7 December). Member supervisory committee A.A. Nunow, Pastoralists and Markets, Livestock commercialisation and food security in North-eastern Kenya. Ph.D. thesis UvA/FMW, supervisors A.J. Dietz and J. Hoorweg. Lambooy, J.G. (2000, 25 October). Member supervisory committee M. Ravoo, Transaction costs in international aviation. Ph.D. thesis University of Amsterdam/FEE. Lambooy, J.G. (2000). Member supervisory committee H.S. Otter, Complex land-use systems. Ph.D. thesis Twente University, supervisor A. van der Veen. Lambooy, J.G. (2000). Member supervisory committee E. Engelen, Economisch burgerschap. Ph.D. thesis UvA/FMW, supervisor V. Bader. Lambooy, J.G. (2000). Member selection committee chair Economische Geografie en Planologie, UvA/FMW/Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.

97 Real Estate Economics & Other Research F&O – Eichholtz – Finance & Organisation

Real Estate Economics & Other Research F&O Programme director Real Estate Economics: Prof. dr P. Eichholtz Department: Finance & Organisation (F&O) OZIS-code: f&o-ovo

Members of the research group Real Estate Economics Drs D. Brounen (bursaal) Prof. dr P. Eichholtz (hgl) Prof. drs P.P. Kohnstamm (bijz. hgl) Drs M. Theebe (bursaal) Drs G. Vos (ud)

Members Other Research F&O Dr H.M.J.H. Banens (ud) Dr M.T. Brouwer (ud) Prof. dr W.L. Buitelaar (hgl) Dr K. Diaw (postdoc) Drs E. Dirksen (ud) Prof. dr J.W. Ganzevoort (hgl) Dr ir H.A.J. Koster (uhd) Drs M. Mossinkoff (aio) Prof. dr S. Piëst (hgl) Prof. dr J.H.R. van de Poel (hgl) Dr Tordoir (uhd) Prof. dr P.J. Uitermark (hgl) Drs A.M. ten Wolde (ud)

Members Other Research Marketing Drs N. Cohen (ud) Prof. dr W. Driehuis (hgl) Prof. drs R. van der Kind (bijz.hgl) Prof. dr E. Peelen (uhd) Drs A.F.J. Smit (ud) Prof. dr J.H.J.P. Tettero (hgl) Drs C. Wouters (aio)

Programme design Real Estate Economics

The housing market is characterised by price fluctuations which are on a scale comparable to the price fluctuations of the stock market. Owners of private property are thus, unwillingly, subject to a substantial amount of risk. Due to the fact that houses are financed through loans and also because the house is dominant within the total amount of assets of the average household this risk becomes relatively even higher. Since the phenomenon of owner- occupied property is widespread in the Netherlands, this constitutes a major problem within society, which has, nevertheless, received little academic attention. This lack of attention can mainly be ascribed to a lack of sound data.

The main focus of the Project Real Estate Economics consists of the risks of privately owned property and mainly contains empirical research. Thanks to newly accessable data it has

98 Real Estate Economics & Other Research F&O – Eichholtz – Finance & Organisation

become possible to distinguish the risk- and yield features of property and to place them in a financial-economic analytical framework. Research in FTEs

Name Title Function ABCDE ABCDE Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding 1996 1997 ABCDE ABCDE 2000 2000 dean 2000 2000 1998 1999 Real Estate Economics Brounen, D. drs bursaal - - 0.20 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 F&O 1 Eichholtz, P. prof dr hgl 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.10 F&O 3 Kohnstamm, P.P. (bijz. hgl) prof drs hgl - 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 - 0.20 F&O 3 Theebe, M. drs bursaal - 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 F&O 1 Vos, G. drs ud 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.30 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.50 F&O 1

Marketing Cohen, N. drs ud 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.10 MAR 1 Driehuis, W. prof dr hgl 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MAR 1 Kind, R. van der (bijz.hgl) prof dr hgl - - 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.00 - 0.08 MAR 3 Mossinkoff, M. drs bursaal - - - 0.45 0.45 0.45 - 0.45 MAR 1 Peelen, E. dr uhd 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.32 0.16 0.16 - 0.16 MAR 1 Smit, A.F.J. drs ud 0.34 0.32 0.32 0.08 0.04 0.00 - 0.04 MAR 1 Tettero, J.H.J.P. prof dr hgl 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.06 0.03 0.00 - 0.03 MAR 1 Wouters, C. drs aio - - 0.60 0.30 - - - - MAR 1

Other Research FIM Koster, H.F. drs ud 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.10 FIM 1 Koster, H.A.J. dr ir uhd 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.13 - 0.13 FIM 1 Meulemans, A.C.J. drs ing ud 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.13 - 0.13 FIM 1 Poel, J.H.R. van de prof dr hgl 0.10 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.06 - 0.06 FIM 1 Wolde, A.M. ten drs ud 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.10 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.06 FIM 1

Other Research SMM Banens, H.M.J.H. drs ud 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.10 SMM 1 Broeders, J.H.N. drs aio 0.60 0.60 ------SMM 1 Brouwer, M.T. dr ud 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.50 SMM 1 Buitelaar, W.L. prof dr hgl 0.40 0.40 0.30 0.40 0.25 0.25 - 0.25 SMM 1 Chin, H.E. dr uhd ------SMM 1 Diaw, K. dr pd - - - - 0.13 0.13 - 0.13 SMM 1 Dirksen, E. drs ud 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.09 0.11 - 0.11 SMM 1 Ganzevoort, J.W. prof drs hgl - - 0.02 0.08 0.02 0.00 - 0.02 SMM 3 Gouwens, J. drs hgl 0.60 0.60 ------SMM 1 Jongen, P.J. drs hgl 0.60 0.60 ------SMM 1 Meltzer, J. drs hgl ------SMM 1 Pavlov, B. drs bursaal - - - - 0.10 0.10 - 0.10 SMM 1 Piëst, P. prof dr hgl - - 0.08 0.08 0.11 0.05 - 0.11 SMM 3 Roobeek, A.J.M. prof dr oz 0.32 ------SMM 1 Schulp, M. drs ud 0.40 0.40 ------SMM 1 Slisser, F. drs d 0.04 ------SMM 1 Sluis, L. van der drs ud 0.16 0.16 ------SMM 1 Thio, K.B.T. dr ud 0.40 - - - - SMM 1 Tordoir, P. dr uhd 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.08 SMM 1 Uitermark, P. prof dr hgl 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.10 SMM 1 Voordijk, L. drs aio - - 0.60 - - - - - SMM 1 Vijverberg, A. drs ud 0.08 0.08 ------SMM 1

Total 1st flow of funds 7.9 7.67 6.49 5.20 4.25 3.22 1.04 4.33 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.10 0.30 0.48 0.54 0.51 0.35 0.51 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 8.00 7.97 6.97 5.74 4.76 3.57 1.04 4.84 PhD students 0.60 1.20 2.00 1.95 1.75 1.75 1.75

99 Real Estate Economics & Other Research F&O – Eichholtz – Finance & Organisation

Research Output

Key Publications Real Estate Economics

Eichholtz, P. & Hartzell, D.J. (1996). Property Shares, Appraisals, and the stock Market: An International Perspective. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, March. Eichholtz, P. (1997). A Long Run House Price Index: The Herengracht Index, 1628-1973. Real State Economics, Summer. Eichholtz, P., Huisman, R., Koedijk, C.G. & Schuin, L. (1998). Continental Factors in International Real Estate Returns. Real State Economics. Eichholtz, P., Schweitzer, M. & Op 't Veld, H. (2000). REIT Performance: Does Managerial Specialization Pay? In Zenios, S. (ed.), The Performance of Financial Institutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Dissertations Other Research F&O

Banens, H.M.J.H. (2000, 12 December). Koersvorming in Context. Het VOC-onderzoek naar de dynamiek van strategievorming. Ph.D. thesis UvA/FEE. [Supervisors: W.L. Buitelaar & E. Piëst] [Cat. A]. Korevaar, K. (2000, 14 March). Strategische Arbeidsvoorwaardenvorming [Supervisor: W.L. Buitelaar] [Cat. B].

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) – refereed Real Estate Economics

Brounen, D. & Eichholtz, P. (2000). The Effects of Property Development Activities on the Performance of REITs. Real Estate Finance, 16, (4), 17-22 [C].

Academic publications (excl. publications in/of books) - refereed Other Research F&O

Brouwer, M.T. (2000). Entrepreneurship and Uncertainty; Innovation and Competition among the Many. Small Business Economics; an International Journal, 15, (2), 149-160. [B]. Peelen, E. & Veen, M. van der (2000). Behoedzaamheid troef bij milieumarketing. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, mei, 151-156. [C].

Academic publications (in/of books) – refereed Real Estate Economics

Eichholtz, P. & Huisman, R. (2000). The Cross Section of Global Property Share Returns. In Brown, J. & Liu, C. (eds), A Global Perspective on Real Estate Cycles. New York: Kluwer Academic Press. Eichholtz, P., Schweitzer, M. & Op ‘t Veld, H. (2000). REIT Performance: Does Managerial Specialization Pay? In Zenios, S. (ed.), The Performance of Financial Institutions (pp. 199- 220). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

100 Real Estate Economics & Other Research F&O – Eichholtz – Finance & Organisation

Academic publications (in/of books) - refereed Other Research F&O

Banens, H.M.J.H. (2000). Koersvorming in Context. Het VOC-onderzoek naar de dynamiek van strategievorming. Ph.D. thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam/FEE. Brouwer, M.T. (2000). Schumpeter and Keynes on Investment and Entrepreneurship. In Dahiya, S.B. & Orati, V. (eds), Economic Theory in the Light of Schumpeter’s Scientific Heritage (pp. 591- 603). London: Macmillan.

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) – non-refereed Real Estate Economics

Eichholtz, P. (2000). Makelaars.com. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4271), 703. Eichholtz, P., Koedijk, K. & Otten, R. (2000). De eeuw van het aandeel. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4238), 24. Eichholtz, P., Hilverink, H. & Theebe, M.A.J. (2000). Woningen in de pensioenportefeuille. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (okt.), 812-814. Eichholtz, P. (2000). Een eeuw aandelen. Elan, januari, 37. Eichholtz, P. (2000). B2B4U? Elan, maart 2000, 35. Eichholtz, P. (2000). De Toren van Babel voorbij. Elan, oktober 2000. Theebe M.A.J. (2000). Fair Value Balans: Verzekerd kopen van uw huurwoning. Extern Onderzoeksrapport. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Vos, G.A. & Francke, M.K. (2000, november). Een hedonische huizenprijsindex voor de Regio Breda. Extern Onderzoeksrapport (pp. 1-41). Amsterdam: SBV/Universiteit van Amsterdam. Vos, G.A. & Francke, M. F. (2000). Een gestandaardiseerde NVM prijsindex voor de Regionale Koopwoningmarkt. Extern Onderzoeksrapport (pp. 1-43). Amsterdam: SBV / Universiteit van Amsterdam. Vos, G.A. & Tongeren, J.W. van (2000). Hausses op de koopwoningmarkt vergeleken: 1974-1978 en 1995-1999. Extern Onderzoeksrapport (pp. 1-26). Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Academic publications (excl. publications in/of books) – non-refereed Other Research F&O

Buitelaar, W.L.& Toren, J.P. van den (2000). DSM: Slim, slank en hybride. Research Memorandum, March. Buitelaar, W.J., Toren, J.P. van den & Meché, P. van der (2000). Eye-opener. Een tussenstand. Research memorandum, December. Brouwer, M.T. & Kersting, J. (2000). Neerlands tanende Kennisintensiteit. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, 31 March, 272-274. Dirksen, E. (2000). Consolidering binnen de Europese defensie-industrie. Atlantisch Perspectief, 24, (6) December, 14-18. Jansen, R., Hartog, L. den & Peelen, E. (2000). Leren van de ervaringen van 70 enterpreneurs op internet. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, november, 59-61. Koster, H.A.J., Jong, F. de & Leijenhorst, A. van (2000). De rol van derivaten. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 16 June 2000, 497-499. Koster, H.A.J., Jong, F. de & Leijenhorst, A. van (2000). Derivaten in consumentenproducten. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 28 July 2000, 589-591. Poel, J.H.R. van de (2000). Transparante pensioenfondsen. Economisch Statistische Berichten, (4269), 2-3. Peelen, E. (2000). CRM reikt verder dan marketing en ICT. Customer Base, 1, 8-11. Peelen, E. (2000). De relatiegerichte onderneming, loyaliteit als bedrijfsstrategie. ROS Report, 10, 47- 55.

101 Real Estate Economics & Other Research F&O – Eichholtz – Finance & Organisation

Waalewijn, Ph., Peelen, E. & Mandour, Y. (2000). Meten en verbeteren: de balanced score card onder de loep. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, juni, 54-60.

Academic publications (in/of books) – non-refereed Real Estate Economics

Eichholtz, P.M.A. & Theebe, M.A.J. (2000). Zo vast als een huis. Jaarboek van Koninklijke Vereniging voor Staatshuishoudkunde. Den Haag. Hordijk, A.C. (2000). De invloed van de ROZ/IPD Vastgoedindex op Vastgoedtaxaties. Vastgoed Reëel, (2), 127-133. Vos, G.A. & Francke, M.K. (2000). Standardised Price Indices for the Regional Housing Market. In 7th ERES Real Estate Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-21). Bordeaux, France. Vos, G.A. (2000). NVM-Affordability-index. NVM-Woningtrends (pp. 22-25). Nieuwegein: NVM.

Academic publications (in/of books) – non-refereed Other Research F&O

Bergsma, S., Ganzevoort, J.W., Halder, N.H. van, Poel, J van de & Herkströter, C.A.J. (1999). De Veelzijdige Controller (pp. 9-16). Amsterdam: Vossiuspers AUP. Bouman, H., Jansen, R. & Peelen, E. (2000). Amsterdam Alley: de multimediabedrijfstak in de Amsterdamse regio. In Bouwman, H. & Hulsink, W. (eds), Sillicon Valley in de polder, ICT- clusters in de Lage Landen (pp. 315-330). Utrecht: Lemna. Ganzevoort, J.W. (2000). De organisatie als strategie. In Derix, G., The Vision Web. Op reis naar ’s werelds spannendste ondernemingsvorm (pp. 9-17). Schiedam: Scriptum. Ganzevoort, J.W. (2000). Puzzeltjes. In Koesveld, L. van (ed.), Toekomst en Directeur. NCD Jubileumuitgave (pp. 13-16). Badhoevedorp: Nederlands Centrum van Directeuren en Commissarissen. Ganzevoort, J.W. (2000). Leiderschap in de onderneming van de toekomst. In Krass, P. (ed.), Visies op Vooruitgang – The Book of Leadership Wisdom (pp. 351-358). Utrecht: Bruna Uitgevers. Ganzevoort, J.W. (2000). Tweede bedrijf: de eerste twee getuigen. In Bos, R. ten & Kaulingsfrek, R. (eds), ICT in de beklaagdenbank – een toneelstuk in 5 bedrijven (pp. 32-50). Zaltbommel: Thema. Kind, R. van der (2000). Retail Marketing. 2nd revised edition. Houten: EPN. Niks, W., Peelen, E. & Esterik, P. van (2000). Het faciliteren en stimuleren van transacties op het net. Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom. 150 pages. Beltman, R., Waalewijn, Ph. & Peelen, E. (2000). CRM, de klant centraal, Marketing Wegwijzer. Alphen aan den Rijn/Deventer: Samsom. 200 pages. Peelen E. & Vries, W. de, Jr. (2000). De balanced scorecard in de commerciële sector, marketing management modellen 1.1.9. Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom. 54 pages. Peelen, E., Waalewijn, Ph., Geffen, M. van & Beltman, R. (2000). De relatiegerichte organisatie, marketing management modellen 2.2.9. Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom. 80 pages. Peelen, E., Waalewijn, Ph. & Beltman, R. (2000). De relatiegerichte organisatie, marketing modellen 1.1.11. Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom. 84 pages. Peelen, E. (2000). De relatiegerichte organisatie. In Zetten, J. van (ed.), Voor de verandering, praktijkvoorbeelden van business engineering (10 pp.). Amersfoort: F&G Publishing.

Professional publications Real Estate Economics

Hordijk, A.C. (2000). ROZ/IPD Vastgoedindex. Vastgoedmarkt. July 2000.

102 Real Estate Economics & Other Research F&O – Eichholtz – Finance & Organisation

Kohnstamm, P.P. & Uittenbogaard, L.B. (2000). Marktpositie Bossche Investerings Maatschappij . Amsterdam: SBV.

Professional publications Other Research F&O

Banens, H.M.J.H. (2000). Integrale theorievorming ver te zoeken. Holland Management Review, (70), 66-73. Buitelaar, W.J. (2000). Book review of Hezewijk, J. van & Metze, M. (1998). De Macht, Het Netwerk, de prestaties en de wereld van de Nederlandse topmanagers. SUN. In De Economist, 148, (3), 429-430. Dirksen, E. (2000). Tien jaar na de val van de muur. Book review of (1999). The Second Decade- prospects for European Integration after Ten Years of Transition. Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands. In Internationale Spectator, 54, (6) June, 330-332. Dirksen, E. (2000). Economie: van plan naar markt. Chapter 3 in: Atlantische Commissie: Revolutie of Renaissance? Veranderingen in Midden- en Oost- Europa na 1989 (pp. 24-34). Onderwijsmateriaal voor de Tweede Fase. Den Haag: Atlantische Commissie. Ganzevoort, J.W. (1999). Innoveren raakt de kern van iedere organisatie. In Donkers, J. (ed.), Inspiring European Business Innovation; interviews met innoverende Europese ondernemers (pp. 4-6). Amsterdam: Annual Development BV. (Received in 2000). Ganzevoort, J.W. (2000). Leiderschap in de onderneming van de toekomst. In Caspers-Ubbink, E., Moeskops, A. & Mossinkoff, M.H.R., De Baak Managementwijzer – Leiderschap in beweging (pp. 21-26). Noordwijk: De Baak Managementcentrum VNO-NCW. Ganzevoort, J.W. (2000). Leiderschap in de nieuwe tijd. In Cramer, I., Gezien de toekomst. Visies op morgen en hun effect op management vandaag (pp. 76-81). Hilversum: KPMG Interim Management BV. Poel, J.H.R. van de (2000). Pensioenfonds is een mooi staaltje van menselijke beschaving. ABP- wereld , 3. Peelen, E. et al. (2000). Multi channels, de inpassing van informatie communicatie technologie ondersteunde kanalen in het contactproces met consumenten. Den Haag: KPN Telecommerce. 82 pages.

Popular publications Other Research F&O

Buitelaar, W.J. (2000). Een milleniumvraag. Mens(en)werk/Tijdschrift voor Arbeid , February, p. 9. Buitelaar, W.J. (2000). De druk van verbaal geweld. Mens(en)werk/Tijdschriftvoor Arbeid, February, p.11. Dirksen, E. (2000). Estland op weg naar het EU-lidmaatschap. Ablak , 5, (1), 9-10. Dirksen, E. (2000). Polen niet klaar voor EU-lidmaatschap. Ablak , 5, (3), 5-8. Dirksen, E. (2000). Hongarije en de Europese Unie. Ablak , 5, (5), 11-13.

Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to conferences, workshops and seminars Real Estate Economics

Brounen, D. (1999, 6 September). Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from European Property Companies. The Cutting Edge Conference, Cambridge, UK. Paper presentation.

103 Real Estate Economics & Other Research F&O – Eichholtz – Finance & Organisation

Brounen, D. (2000, 24 June). Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from the British, Swedish and French Property Share Markets. Real Estate Finance and Investment Symposium, Maastricht. Paper presentation. Brounen, D. (2000, 3 July). Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from the British, Swedish and French Property Share Markets. ABN-AMRO International Conference on Initial Public Offerings, Amsterdam. Paper presentation and discussant. Eichholtz, P. (2000). Modelling European Office Returns. Cutting Edge Property Conference, Londen, UK. Paper presentation. Eichholtz, P. (2000). Should Property Investment Companies be Pan-European? IPD/GPR European Property Strategies Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany. Paper presentation. Hordijk, A.C. (2000, June). Historical Times Series an inventory of possibilities. ERES conference, Bordeaux, France. Paper presentation. Hordijk, A.C. (2000, October). ROZ Index Valuations, Congress Centre VNO/NCW, The Hague. Paper presentation. Hordijk, A.C. (2000, April). Launch of the Dutch ROZ/IPD index, Congress Centre VNO/NCW, The Hague. Paper presentation. Kohnstamm, P.P. (2000). Urban regeneration in The Netherlands. University of Ulster, Belfast, Ireland.Paper presentation. Theebe, M.A.J. (2000, 7-9 January). The Inflation Protection from Your Own Home: Long-Run Evidence. AREUEA 2000 Annual Conference, Boston, USA. Paper presentation.

Contributions (lectures) to conferences, workshops and seminars Other Research F&O

Brouwer, M.T. (2000, 17-19 March). Deregulation of Public Utilities ; the Dutch Case, Presentation, International Conference of the Institute of Public Finance, EU Tempus Project no. IB-JEP- 13563-98, Sofia, Bulgaria. Brouwer, M.T. (2000, 28 June–1 July). Weber, Schumpeter and Knight on the Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development. Presentation, Accepted Paper in the context of the project Rise and Fall of Entrepreneurial Activities, FEE/UvA, and presented at 8th International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society Conference, Manchester, UK. Brouwer, M.T. (2000, 7-10 September). Entrepreneurship and Uncertainty; Innovation and Competition among the Many. Accepted Paper, presented at the EARIE Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland. Brouwer, M.T. (2000, 7-9 December). Deregulation of Network Industries; an Analysis of Dutch Telecommunications. Accepted paper, presented at 4th EUNIP Conference (European Network in Industrial Policy), Tilburg. Dirksen, E. (2000, 11 February). Economie. Lecture, Atlantische Onderwijsconferentie Midden- en Oost-Europa in de jaren ‘90’, Amsterdam. Dirksen, E. (2000, 5 May). Transitie in Midden-Europa. Lecture, ECOSY Conference Which European Social Model for the 21st Century?, Arnhem. Kind, R. van der (2000, 6 February). De verticaal georganiseerde retailers. Channel Panel, Ouderkerk. Lecture. Kind, R. van der (2000, 10 May). Failures and successes in E-retailing. Channel Panel, Ouderkerk. Lecture. Peelen, E. & Haarmans, J. (2000, 25 May). Improving the accessibility of websites by higher ranking in search engines, Paper presentation. EMAC Conference. Rotterdam. Peelen, E. (2000, 23-24 February). Customer relationship management. Customer Relationship Management Conference. Scheveningen. Paper presentation. Peelen, E. (2000, 10 March). Optimization of in- and outgoing flows of a tank terminal. QLORG Symposium. Breukelen. Paper presentation. Peelen, E. (2000, 15 March). Kan CRM commoditisering van de verzekeringsmarkt tegengaan? CRM voor verzekeraars: win de slag om de klant. KPMG Priority and Molenaar & Lok, Doorn. Paper presentation.

104 Real Estate Economics & Other Research F&O – Eichholtz – Finance & Organisation

Peelen, E. (2000, 7 April). CRM: State of the art.. Customer relationship management: the next level? NIMA. Rotterdam. Paper presentation. Peelen, E. (2000, 30-31 May). Multi channel management. Marketing 2001, Noordwijk. Paper presentation. Peelen, E. (2000, 7 June). ICT in het HEAO marketing onderwijs. CE-ICT congres, CE-Zomertraject 2000. Utrecht. Paper presentation. Peelen, E. (2000, June). Ervaringen met Customer Relationship Management. Jaarcongres HES. Amsterdam. Paper presentation. Peelen, E. & J. Hoekstra (2000, 30 September-3 October). The next station. DMSA Congres. Maastricht. Paper presentation. Peelen, E. & Wolfs, G. (2000, 31 October). Het exploiteren van klantendatabases voor een beter rendement. Het Nationaal Markerting en ICT Congres. Paper presentation. Peelen, E. (2000, 7-8 November). Vertrouwen bij het bouwen van een E-relatie. Focus, Garderen. Paper presentation.

Organisational contributions to conferences, workshops and seminars Other Research F&O

Peelen, E. (2000, 13-14 December). E-mail als extern communicatiemiddel. Chair of Conference, E- mail, de interne en externe mogelijkheden, FOCUS, Amsterdam.

Other lectures on research Real Estate Economics

Theebe, M.A.J. (2000, 6 December). Real Estate Performance Measurement: Index Construction without Smoothing, SBV, Amsterdam. Kohnstamm, P.P. (2000). Urban regeneration in The Netherlands. Budapest. Kohnstamm, P.P. (2000). Wonen in Welvaart, Bouwen en Wonen, Nirov 2000. Vos, G.A. (2000, 9 October). Topics of the Dutch Housing Market. University of Bristol, UK. Vos, G.A. (2000, 27 October). Housing Market Research. Management School, Antwerpen, Belgium.

Other lectures on research Other Research F&O

Banens, H.M.J.H. (2000, January). Koersmanagement. Lecture, study-day ‘Koersmanagement, Centrum voor Kwaliteitszorg, Antwerpen, Belgium. Brouwer, M.T. (2000, 22 February). Clicks and Bricks, E-commerce and Retailing, Presentation, ICL seminar on `E-Commerce, Here and Now’, Maarssen. Buitelaar, Q.L. (2000, 29 November). Onderwijsbeleid in verschuivend perspectief. Meeting of board and interim managers of primary education in North Holland. Akersloot. Dirksen, E. (2000, 18 May). Zakendoen met Polen. Lecture, Meeting Brabantse Exportsociëteit, Tilburg. Dirksen, E. (2000, 10 December). Economic problems in joining the EU; the Latvian case. Lecture, Bijeenkomst European Journalism Centre, Maastricht. Kind, R. van der (2000, 13 June). ICT-toepassingen in de detailhandel. Hoofdbedrijfschap detailhandel, Commissie ICT, Den Haag. Lecture.

105 Real Estate Economics & Other Research F&O – Eichholtz – Finance & Organisation

Participation in academic networks Real Estate Economics

Brounen, D. (2000). Member of the organising committee of the annual conventions of Vereniging Onroerend Goed Onderzoekers Nederland (VOGON). Eichholtz, P. (2000). Co-chair of the Maastricht-Cambridge Real Estate Finance and Investment Symposium, Maastricht. Eichholtz, P. (2000). Member of Board of Vereniging Onroerend Goed Onderzoekers Nederland (VOGON). Kohnstamm, P.P. (2000). Member Forum Deltametropool, Mipim Cannes. Theebe, M.A.J. (2000). Member of Woningmarktkring. Vos, G.A. (2000). Member of Postgraduate Master Course Committee Real Estate, SBV, Amsterdam. Vos, G.A. (2000). Researchcoordinator Stichting Beleggings- en Vastgoedkunde, Amsterdam. Vos, G.A. (2000). Member of Dutch Register of Valuers Committee (SRT).

Participation in academic networks Other Research F&O

Brouwer, M.T. (2000). Member of EARIE (Economic Association for Research in Industrial Economics). Brouwer, M.T. (2000). Member of EUNIP (European Network in Industrial Policy). Brouwer, M.T. (2000). Member of the International Schumpeter Society. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000). Chairman local committe conference 2000 of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), until June. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000). Member of the HRM Network, VU-UvA-EUR-KUB-KUN-TUT, until June. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000). Member of the Stuurgroep Amsterdam Institute for Labour Studies (AIAS), until June. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000). Chairman of the Committee of Experts, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions until June. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000). Member of the Network Industrial Relations and the Environment, until June. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000). Board Member of Nederlandse Vereniging voor Onderzoek van Arbeidsverhoudingen, until September. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000). Member programme Committee 'Sociale Cohesie', NWO. Peelen, E. (2000). Board Member Research Institute Notion (Universiteit Nyenrode). Peelen, E. (2000). Member Trend Board van het Platform ICT in Marketing. Peelen, E. (2000). Board Member Platform ICT in Marketing. Peelen, E. (2000). Chairman Overkoepelend orgaan samenwerkende HEAO’s op het gebied van inpassing van ICT in het marketingonderwijs.

Membership editorial staff or referee activities Real Estate Economics

Brounen, D. (2000). Referee for Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Journal of Real Estate Research. Eichholtz, P. (2000). Guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, devoted to the papers presented at the Maastricht-Cambridge Real Estate Finance and Investment Symposium. Eichholtz, P. (2000). Associate editor of Real Estate Finance, Journal of Property Research. Eichholtz, P. (2000). Referee for Real Estate Economics, Journal of Property Finance, Journal of Real Estate Research. Theebe, M.A.J. (2000). Referee for Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.

106 Real Estate Economics & Other Research F&O – Eichholtz – Finance & Organisation

Membership editorial staff or referee activities Other Research F&O

Brouwer, M.T. (2000). Referee for the Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000). Referee for Modernization of Work (K. Sisson, Warwick, UK). Buitelaar, W.L. (2000). Member editorial board team of Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000). Member of Advisory Council Manager’s Clout. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000). Correspondent for Tijdschrift voor HRM. Peelen, E. (2000). Editor in Chief NIMA-Marketing Lexicon. Peelen, E. (2000). Editor in Chief Marketing Wise, F&G Publishing. Peelen, E. (2000). Member of editorial board Tijdschrift voor Marketing. Peelen, E. (2000). Editor EMAC Conference. IJzerloo, J. van, Douw, L.M., Heemskerk, J.A., Schöndorff, R., Tettero, J.H.J.P. & Woodcock, N. (eds) (2000). A Changing China. Amsterdam: Sefa/Chain.

Membership of academic committees (including PhD committees inside or outside the UvA) Real Estate Economics

Eichholtz, P. (2000). Member of the program committee of the 2000 convention of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association and the European Network for Housing Research, Sweden.

Membership of academic committees (including PhD committees inside or outside the UvA) Other Research F&O

Buitelaar, W.L. (2000, 17 February). Member supervisory Committee Ph.D. Thesis J. Warning, RU Leiden. [Promotor F.D. Pot]. Kind, R. van der (2000). Member of Wetenschappelijke Raad voor de Detailhandel. Kind, R. van der (2000). Member of NIMA Retailgroep. Peelen, E. (2000). Member of educational board DMSA. Peelen, E. (2000). Board Member of NIMA/MIP. Peelen, E. (2000). Chairman of educatiecommissie NIMA/MIP (marketing en informatie communicatietechnologie). Peelen, E. (2000). Member of Raad van Advies Marketing Associatie Amsterdam. Peelen, E. (2000). Member of selection committee full professor of sales & account management, Erasmus University of Rotterdam. Peelen, E. (2000). Member of selection committee full professor of quantitative marketing research at University of Nyenrode. Peelen, E. (2000). Member of selection committee for universitair hoofddocent marketing, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen. Smit, A.F.J. (2000). Member of Satisfaction Measurement Research Group.

Membership of other relevant committees Other Research F&O

Kind, R. van der (2000). Member of Jury Scriptieprijs Vereniging Strategische Beleidsvorming. Kind, R. van der (2000). Member of Examination Board NIMA-Retail. Tettero, J.H.J.P. (2000). Member of Werkgroep 4 (Preventieprogramma) van Zorg Onderzoek Nederland (ZON). Tettero, J.H.J.P. (2000). Member of Kwaliteitswerkgroep campagnes Preventie, ZON.

107 Real Estate Economics & Other Research F&O – Eichholtz – Finance & Organisation

Research contributions in the media Other Research F&O

Buitelaar, W.L. (2000, 20 March). Interview Radio 1 on KLM. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000, 21 March). Interview TV-Noord-Holland on KLM. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000, 29 March). Roundtable conversation 'Weldenkende mensen', Radio 1. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000, 11 February). Interview Trouw on 'Prestatiebeloning'. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000, 7 June). Interview Trouw, on Philips-CAO. Dirksen, E. (2000). Rusland and the WTO. Interview, Radio1 Journaal, 6 June. Kind, R. van der (2000, December). De transactiekosten matrix in de oude en de nieuwe economie. Interview. Tijdschrift voor Marketing. Kind, R. van der (2000, October). Multichannel retailing. Interview. Informatie MAA. Peelen, E. (2000, 28 February). Met beleid internet op. Interview. Centraal Beheer Nieuws, pp. 16-17. Peelen, E. (2000, March). Permission marketing gaat traditionele marketing verdringen. Interview. Incentive, pp. 28-29. Peelen, E. (2000, May). NIMA-diploma’s (Voor de kans op een baan is een marketingdiploma niet meer nodig). Interview. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, p. 20.

Reprints Other Research F&O

Tettero, J.H.J.P. & Viehoff, J.H.R.M. (2000). Marketing voor dienstverlenende organisaties: beleid en uitvoering. 3rd reprint, 3rd edition. Deventer: Kluwer Bedrijfsinformatie/Kluwer.

Various Activities Other Research F&O

Buitelaar, W.L. (2000). Member Programma Adviesraad FNV-Bondgenoten, until March. Buitelaar, W.L. (2000). Execution External Funding project Eye-Opener, Strategie-ontwikkeling DSM.

108 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics

The Transformation of Europe: Monetary, Fiscal & Institutional Aspects Programme director: Prof. dr R. Beetsma Department: Economics (AE)


Foundation and Effectiveness (themes 1, 3, 5) ozis code: aec-fef Financial Intermediation (theme 2) ozis code: aec-fim Evolution, Transformation and Operation of Economic Systems (theme 4) ozis code: aec-etw

Members of the research groups

Subprogramme A. Foundation and Effectiveness

Prof. dr R. Beetsma (hgl) Drs O.O. Catalán Aravena (ud) Prof. dr C. van Ewijk (hgl) Dr P. de Hek (ud) Prof. dr H. Jager (hgl) Prof. dr C.J. Jepma (hgl) Dr F.J.G.M. Klaassen (postdoc) Dr E.W.M.T. Westerhout (oz) Prof. dr S.J.G. van Wijnbergen (hgl)

Subprogramme B. Financial Intermediation

Drs W. Daal (oio) Prof. dr M.M.G. Fase (hgl) Dr H.M. Prast (ud/uhd)

Subprogramme C. Evolution, Transformation and Operation of Economic Systems

Drs R. Aidis (bursaal) Ir D.J. Bezemer (aio) Prof. dr M.J. Ellman (hgl) Drs K. Gerxhani (bursaal) Dr R.K. Knaack (uhd) Drs L. Moers (aio) Drs R. Scharrenborg (guest PhD student) Drs M. Schouwstra (parttime PhD student)

Programme design

Objective and motivation Europe is the locus of many new economic developments. For example, national monetary policies have been replaced by a common monetary policy; a number of Eastern European countries are likely to join the European Union in the coming years, economies are ever getting more integrated and they all face important demographic changes. The research

109 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics programme ‘The Transformation of Europe: Monetary, Fiscal and Institutional Aspects’ will explore the (international) macroeconomic, monetary and transition economic aspects of the developments in Europe. This should enhance our understanding of these developments and enable us to come up with sensible policy recommendations.

Specific research themes The research programme is divided into five themes.

Theme 1 (Beetsma) explores monetary and fiscal policy and their interactions. Theme 1(a) falls into the highly active area of the ‘New-Keynesian macroeconomics’. It pays particular attention to the micro-foundations (i.e. the optimising behaviour of individual economic agents) of macroeconomic relationships and it emphasises the importance of imperfect competition and price rigidities. These seem to play an important role in practice and they have consequences for the conduct of monetary and fiscal policy. We will explore these aspects not only theoretically, but also empirically for the countries participating in European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Theme 1(b) investigates how fiscal policy affects the freedom of the to pursue its preferred policies. We pay attention to the strategic interactions between governments and the European Central Bank, the role of the budgetary criteria (as formulated in the Maastricht Treaty and the Stability and Growth Pact), and the shift to fiscal policy as an absorber of economic shocks.

Theme 2 (Fase) studies financial intermediation and its consequences for macroeconomic variables such as investment, savings, the balance of payments and prices. The project is set up in the tradition of economists such as Fisher, Schumpeter, Stiglitz and Tobin, and has both an analytical and empirical component, as well as historical institutional aspects. Special attention is paid to the interaction between authorities and the private sector. The central question is how and why changes in the money supply and in lending affect output. Does this transmission proceed efficiently and effectively via financial markets and financial institutions? How do the authorities attempt to influence the transmission? Key elements are interest rates and interest rate structures, the demand for and supply of money, credit restrictions, information asymmetries, costs of financial intermediation, supervision of financial institutions and the financial infrastructure.

Theme 3 (Jager) investigates the behaviour of nominal and real exchange rates. Theme 3(a) explores speculative attacks and, related to this, exchange rate policy. This is relevant for some countries in the European Union and in Eastern Europe that are not (yet) part of EMU. It is also an issue of concern for the European Central Bank. Although its policy is oriented towards maintaining price stability within the Euro area, in practice the ECB will find it hard to neglect the exchange rate of the Euro vis-à-vis the dollar and the yen. Theme 3(b) investigates empirically the supposedly negative influence of real exchange rate volatility on international trade, which is the key reason for European monetary integration, but which is still a largely unresolved issue.

Theme 4 (Ellman) explores the transition of the countries of the former communist block. This provides us with an excellent opportunity to analyse a large-scale process of economic transformation and allows us to draw some general conclusions for the theory of economic systems. It is also of great practical importance for the future of the European Union to know how these countries are developing and how they will be able to fit into the European Union. The project pays particular attention to the institutional aspects of the transition, the role of agriculture (a puzzling issue is the survival and viability of the former collective and state

110 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics farms), the role of the informal sector (which is much more important than was initially expected) and the role of ethnic issues.

Theme 5 deals with the economic and budgetary consequences of population ageing, which forms the general demographic pattern throughout Europe. Theme 5(a) (van Praag) studies the optimal mix between (unfunded) social security and funded social security. The changing age distribution might also cause a decline in labour productivity which may raise unemployment. To keep individuals employable we may give them additional training, i.e. investing in their human capital, or we may modify the age – wage relationship (demotion). Both types of measures will be investigated. Theme 5(b) (Beetsma) explores the international spillovers of pension policies. For example, the British public seems to fear that it will have to pay for the unfunded pension liabilities of Germany and Italy. Central elements in this project are the interactions between countries in the reform of their pension systems. In addition, we will explore the consequences of countries’ pension policies for the adherence to the budgetary criteria imposed on the EMU participants.

Research in FTEs

Subprogramme A. Foundation and Effectiveness

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Beetsma, R. prof dr hgl - 0.13 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 AE 1 Botman, D. drs aio 0.60 0.60 0.45 0.45 - 0.45 AE 1 Carchedi, G. dr uhd 0.27 - - - - - AE 1 Catalan Aravena, O.O. drs ud 0.24 0.24 0.40 0.20 0.20 0.40 AE 1 Ewijk, C. van prof dr hgl 0.40 0.08 0.10 0.10 - 0.10 AE 1 Hek, P. de dr ud - - 0.07 0.07 - 0.07 AE 1 Horst, A. van de drs aio 0.60 0.60 0.45 0.45 - 0.45 AE 1 Horen, N. van drs aio - - 0.40 0.40 - 0.40 AE 1 Jacobs, B. drs bursaal 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 1 Jager, H. prof dr hgl 0.33 0.20 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 AE 1 Jepma, C.J. prof. dr hgl 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.20 - 0.20 AE 3 Klaassen, F.J.G.M. drs postdoc - - 0.80 0.80 - 0.80 AE 1 Ploeg, F. van der prof dr hgl 0.05 - - - - - AE 1 Polan, M. drs bursaal 0.10 0.30 - - - - AE 1 Scholtens, L.J.R. dr ud 0.30 0.08 - - - - AE 1 Westerhout, E.W.M.T. dr postdoc 0.09 0.26 0.26 0.26 - 0.26 AE 1 Wijnbergen, S.J.G. van prof dr hgl 0.08 0.04 0.20 0.20 - 0.20 AE 1

Total 1st flow of funds 3.66 3.13 4.73 4.53 0.20 4.73 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 3.76 3.33 4.93 4.73 4.93 PhD students 1.90 2.10 1.90 1.90 1.90

111 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics

Subprogramme B. Financial Intermediation Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Bondt, G. de drs bursaal 0.07 0.10 - - - - AE 1 Daal, W. drs bursaal 0.07 0.20 0.20 0.20 - 0.20 AE 3 Fase, M.M.G. prof dr hgl 0.09 0.09 0.16 0.16 - 0.16 AE 1 Prast, H.M. dr uhd 0.16 0.16 0.25 0.25 - 0.25 AE 1 Scholtens, L.J.R. dr ud 0.08 - - - - - AE 1

Total 1st flow of funds 0.40 0.35 0.41 0.41 0.00 0.41 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.07 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 0.47 0.55 0.61 0.61 0.61 PhD students 0.14 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.20

Subprogramme C. Evolution, Transformation and Operation of Economic Systems

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Aidis, R. drs bursaal 0.20 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 1 Bezemer, D. ir aio 0.60 0.60 0.15 0.15 - 0.15 AE 1 Ellman, M.J. prof dr hgl 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 AE 1 Gerxhani, K. drs bursaal 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 1 Knaack, R.K. dr uhd 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.16 0.24 AE 1 Moers, L. drs aio 0.60 0.60 0.40 0.40 - 0.40 AE 1 Scharrenborg, R. drs bursaal 0.14 - - - AE 1 Scharrenborg, R. drs gast 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 AE 1 Schouwstra, M. drs bursaal - - 0.20 0.20 - 0.20 AE 1

Total 1st flow of funds 2.64 2.90 2.53 2.55 0.16 2.69 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 2.64 2.90 2.53 2.55 2.69 PhD students 2.14 2.40 1.95 1.95 1.95

112 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics

Research Output

Key publications

Ewijk, C. van & Bovenberg, A.L. (1997). Progressive Taxes, Equity, and Human Capital Accumulation in an Endogenous Growth Model with Overlapping Generations. Journal of Public Economics, 64, 153-179. [Theme 1]. Fase, M.M.G. & Winder, C.C.A. (1998). Wealth and the demand for money in the European Monetary Union. Empirical economics, 23, 507-524. [Theme 2]. Hek, P.A. de (1999). On Endogenous Growth under Uncertainty. International Economic Review, 40, 727-744. [Theme 1]. Beetsma, R.M.W.J. & Uhlig, H. (1999, October). An analysis of the Stability and Growth Pact. Economic Journal, 109, 458, 546-571. [Theme 1]. Ellman, M. (2000). The 1947 Soviet famine and the entitlement approach to famines. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24, (5), 603-630. [Theme 4].


Klaassen, F.J.G.M. (2000, 28 January). Exchange Rates and Their Effects on International Trade. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers. [Promotor H.P. Huizinga, Co-Promotor F.C.J.M. de Jong] [cat. D]. [Theme 3].

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) – refereed Subprogramme A (Beetsma/Jager)

Beetsma, R., Peters, H. & Rebers, E. (2000). When to Fire Bad Managers: The Role of Collusion Between Management and Board of Directors. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 42, (4), 427-444. [B]. Beetsma, R. & Bovenberg, A.L. (2000). Designing Fiscal and Monetary Institutions for a European Monetary Union. Public Choice, 102, (3/4), 247-269. [B]. Catalán Aravena, O.O. (2000). A decade of Structural Adjustment in Nicaragua: an Assessment. International Journal of Political Economy, 30, (1), 58-75. [C]. Ewijk, C. van, Hakfoort, J. & Schnieders, R. (2000). Infrastructuur en regionale groei: een empirisch onderzoek voor Nederland, 1973-1993. Maandschrift Economie, 64, 357-383. [C]. Ewijk, C. van & Huizinga, F. (2000). Nieuwe uitdaging voor het beleid. Maandschrift Economie, 64, 5-22. Ewijk, C. van & Klundert, Th. van de (2000). Introduction, Special Issue on Trade and Growth. De Economist, 148, 137-139. [B]. Horst, A. van der & Heijdra, B.J. (2000). Taxing Energy to Improve the Environment: Efficiency and Distributional Effects. De Economist, 148, (1), 45-69. [B] Jager, H. (2000). Wát sterke Euro?! Maandschrift Economie, 64 , 2-4. [C]. Jager, H. & Zeilstra, A. (2000). Politieke beïnvloeding van het IMF. Maandschrift Economie, 64, 414-436. [C].

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) – refereed Subprogramme B (Fase)

Beurs, P. de & Prast, H.M. (2000). Kuddegedrag en financiële crises: de rol van psychologie op financiële markten. Tijdschrift voor politieke ekonomie, 22, (3), 55-68. [C]. Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Forecasting at the Central Bank: still à la Mode? Forecasting, 22-51.[C].

113 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics

Fase, M.M.G. & Folkertsma, C.K. (2000). Biobrandstoffen: milieueffecten en toekomstperspectieven. Maandschrift Economie, 64, 290-300. [C].

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) – refereed Subprogramme C (Ellman)

Ellman, M. (2000). The 1947 Soviet famine and the entitlement approach to famines. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24, (5), 603-630. [B]. Ellman, M. (2000). The Russian economy under Yeltsin. Europe-Asia Studies, 52, (8), 1417-1432. [C]. Gerxhani, K. & Schram, A. (2000). Albanian political-economics: consequences of a clan culture. Journal for Institutional Innovation, Development and Transition, 4, 5-14. [C]. Moers, L.A.M. (2000). Determinants of enterprise restructuring in transition: description of a survey in Russian industry. Post-Communist Economies, 12, (3), 307-335. [B]. Moers, L.A.M. (2000). What determines enterprise performance in Russia? A survey of the evidence. Journal for Institutional Innovation, Development and Transition, 4, 45-54. [C]. Moers, L.A.M. (2000). Coördinatieproblemen in de hervorming van plan naar markt. Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 22, (2), 42-57. [C]. Scharrenborg, R. (2000). Rusland: een nieuw economische orde of verder verval? Tijdschrift voor Politieke Economie, 22, (2), 58-67. [C].

Academic publications (in/of books) – refereed Subprogramme A (Beetsma)

Klaassen, F.J.G.M. & Magnus, J.R. (2000). How to reduce the service dominance in tennis? Empirical results from four years at Wimbledon. In Haake, S.J. & Coe, A.O. (eds), Tennis Science & Technology (pp. 277-284). Oxford: Blackwell Science.

Academic publications (in/of books) – refereed Subprogramme B (Fase)

Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Divisia aggregates and the demand for money in core EMU. In Belongia, M.T. & Binner, J.M. (eds), Theory and practice of Divisia monetary aggregates (pp. 193-228). New York/London: St. Martin/MacMillan. Fase, M.M.G. (1999). On substitutability among domestic money and cross-border deposits. In Fase, M.M.G., Kanning, W. & Walker, D.A. (eds), Economics, Welfare policy and the history of Economic Thought: Essays in honor of A. Heertje (pp. 199-210). Cheltenham/Northhampton: Edward Elgar. Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Tussen behoud en vernieuwing: geschiedenis van 1948-1973. The Hague: SDU. 703 pages.

Academic publications (in/of books) – refereed Subprogramme C (Ellman)

Ellman, M. (2000). Perestroika economics from the inside. In Maskin, E. & Simonovits, A. (eds), Planning, shortage and transformation (pp. 269-281). Cambridge Mass: MIT Press.

114 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) – non-refereed Subprogramme A (Beetsma/Jager)

Bartelsman, E. & Beetsma, R. (2000, 10 November). Fiscus en statisticus misleid. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, 909-910. Beetsma, R. & Bartelsman, E. (2000). Why Pay More? Tax Avoidance through Transfer Pricing in OECD Countries. CEPR Discussion Paper, 2543. London. Beetsma, R., Bettendorf, L. & Broer, P. (2000, 21 April). Vergrijzing, Arbeidsaanbod en Collectieve Lasten. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, 328-331. Beetsma, R. (2000). How to Deal with Asymmetric Shocks under European Monetary Union. Revue de la Banque, 2/3, 173-6. Ewijk, C. van (2000). Nut of noodzaak? Een kwestie van afweging. In Mainport Nederland: Wens of werkelijkheid. Curius- TuDelft, Delft. Ewijk, C. van (2000). When I get older... . CPB Report, 3, 3. Ewijk, C. van, Kuipers, B., Rele, H. ter, Ven, M. van de & Westerhout, E. (2000). Vergrijzing in Nederland: een hanteerbaar probleem. Tijdschrift voor pensioenvraagstukken, dec., 114-119. Ewijk, C. van, Rele, H. ter & Westerhout, E. (2000). Ageing in the Netherlands: a manageable problem. CPB Report, 3, 20-25. Ewijk, C. van & Renes, G. (2000, July). Naar een transparantere grondmarkt. Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting, 14-17. Ewijk, C. van & Tang, P. (2000). Efficient progressive taxes and education subsidies. Research Memorandum, 170. The Hague: CPB. 47 pp. Westerhout, E., Ewijk, C. van, Kuipers, B., Rele, H. ter & Ven, M. van de (2000). Ageing in the Netherlands. Centraal Planbureau, The Hague: SDU uitgevers. Westerhout, E., Ewijk, C. van, Kuipers, B., Rele, H. ter & Ven, M. van de (2000). Ageing in the Netherlands: A Manageable Problem. CPB Report, 2000/3. The Hague: Centraal Planbureau. Westerhout, E. & Douven, R. (2000). Reimbursement Systems in Dutch Sickness Funds. CPB Report, 2000/3. The Hague: Centraal Planbureau. Westerhout, E. & Ewijk, C. van (2000, April). In reply. CPB Report, 2000/4 . The Hague: Centraal Planbureau. Westerhout, E., Hoek, T. van, Mooij, R. de, Koning, P. & Pomp, M. (2000, 8 September). Keuzes voor de lange termijn. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, 690-694.

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) – non-refereed Subprogramme B (Fase)

Bondt, G.J. de & Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Institutional environment and monetary transmission. Revue de la Banque/Bank- en verzekeringswezen, 64, 149-155. Bondt, G.J. de & Prast, H.M. (2000). Bank capital ratios in the 1990s: cross-country evidence. Banca Nazionale des Lavoro Quarterly Review, 212, 71-97. Fase, M.M.G. & Vanthoor, W.F.V. (2000, 9 November). The Federal Reserve System: a comparative analysis. SUERF Studies. Fase, M.M.G. & Vanthoor, W.F.V. (2000). Het Federal Reserve stelsel belicht: proeve van een vergelijkende analyse. Financiële en Monetaire Studies, 18, (4). Prast, H.M. (2000). Finance and psychology: dangerous liaison or marriage of convenience? Wilmott- The Magazine N.1. Prast, H.M. (2000, March). Herding and financial panics: a role for cognitive psychology? Research Memorandum WO&E, 611. De Nederlandsche Bank. Prast, H.M., Bolt, W. & Stokman, A.C.J. (2000, April). Eurodynamiek verliest momentum: uitkomsten van de negende DNB-euro-enquête. Onderzoeksrapport WO&E, 617. De Nederlandsche Bank. Prast, H.M. (2000, December). Financial Stability and Efficiency in the Twentieth Century: the Netherlands. Research Series Supervision, 32. De Nederlandsche Bank.

115 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics

Prast, H.M. & Vor, M. de (2000, December). News Filtering, Financial Instability and the Euro. Research Series Supervision, 33. De Nederlandsche Bank.

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) – non-refereed Subprogramme C (Ellman)

Bezemer, D. (2000). Limitations on De-collectivisation in Central European Agriculture. TI Discussion Paper, 2000-037/2 . 29 pages. Gerxhani, K. & Schram, A. (2000). Albanian Political-economics: Consequences of a Clan Culture. LICOS Discussion Paper, 92/2000. (Centre for Transition Economics, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium.) 22 pages. Knaack, R. (2000). De Oost-Duitse sprong in het diepe. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4245), 179-181. Moers, L.A.M. (2000). Determinants of enterprise restructuring in transition: description of a survey in Russian industry. TI Discussion Paper, 2000-026/2 . 31 pages.

Academic publications (in /of books) – non-refereed Subprogramme A (Beetsma/Jager)

Ewijk, C. van, Kuipers, B., Rele, H. ter, Ven, M. van de & Westerhout, E. (2000). Ageing in the Netherlands. The Hague: CPB-SDU publishers. 136 pages. Ewijk, C. van (2000). Naar nieuwe structuren. In De Opdracht aan de Toekomst (pp. 10-15). Neprom. Westerhout, E. (2000). Kwaliteit en doelmatigheid in de zorg. In Trends, dilemma's en beleid. Essays over ontwik kelingen op langere termijn (pp. 123-144). Centraal Planbureau, The Hague: SDU uitgevers.

Academic publications(in /of books) – non-refereed Subprogramme B (Fase)

Fase, M.M.G. & Mooij, J. (2000, February). Inspelen op veranderingen: de Nederlandsche Bank in Leiden 1865-1969. Onderzoeksrapport WO&E, 608. Amsterdam: De Nederlandsche Bank. Fase, M.M.G. & Vanthoor, W.F.V. (2000). Het Federal Reserve Stelsel belicht: proeve van een vergelijkende analyse. Onderzoeksrapport WO&E, 618. Amsterdam: De Nederlandsche Bank. Fase, M.M.G. (2000, July). Financial intermediation and long-run economic growth in the Netherlands between 1900-2000. Onderzoeksrapport WO&E, 625. Amsterdam: De Nederlandsche Bank. Fase, M.M.G. (2000, July). Taxation, banknotes and the shadow economy. Onderzoeksrapport WO&E, 626. Amsterdam: De Nederlandsche Bank. Fase, M.M.G. (2000, July). Monetary policy rules for EMU. Onderzoeksrapport WO&E, 627. Amsterdam: De Nederlandsche Bank. Fase, M.M.G. & Tieman, A.F. (2000, November). Wage moderation, innovation and labour productivity: myths and facts revisited. Onderzoeksrapport WO&E, 635. Amsterdam: De Nederlandsche Bank. Fase, M.M.G. (2000, December). Beleggen in kunst. een samenspel van geldelijk rendement en psychisch inkomen. Onderzoeksrapport WO&E, 643. Amsterdam: De Nederlandsche Bank. Fase, M.M.G. & Mooij, J. (2000, December). Het bankwezen in het Hollands Noorderkwartier en het agentschap Alkmaar van de Nederlandsche Bank, 1865-1997. Onderzoeksrapport WO&E, 644. Amsterdam: De Nederlandsche Bank.

116 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics

Professional publications Subprogramme B (Fase)

Bolt, W., Prast. H.M. & Stokman, A.C.J. (2000). Eurodynamiek verliest momentum: uitkomsten van de negende DNB-Euro-enquête. Bank- en effectenbedrijf, July/August, 31-33. Bondt, G.J. de & Prast, H.M. (2000). Kapitaalgedrag van commerciële banken. Bank- en effectenbedrijf. October, 30-34. Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Review of Jorgensen, E.W. & Jorgensen, H.I. (1999). Thorstein Veblen: Victorian firebrand. New York. In Tijdschrift voor Politieke Economie, 22, 92-95. Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Review of Vries, Joh. de et al. (eds) (1999). Wereldwijd bankieren: ABN Amro 1824-1999. Amsterdam. In Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 115, 471-473. Prast, H.M. (2000). Beleggersgevoelens. Banking Review, October, 14-15.

Professional publications Subprogramme C (Ellman)

Eatwell, J., Ellman, M., Karlsson, M., Nuti, D.M., & Shapiro, J. (2000). HARD BUDGETS & SOFT STATES Social policy choices in central and eastern Europe. London : IPPR. 176 pages. Ellman, M. (2000). Don’t eliminate the welfare state, redesign it: Social policy lessons for transition economies. Transition, 11, (2), 29-30. Ellman, M. (2000). The social costs and consequences of the transformation process. In UN Economic Commission for Europe. Economic Survey of Europe 2000, 2/3 (chapter 5, pp. 125- 140). New York & Geneva. Ellman, M. (2000). The Russian crisis: the failure of what? In Beyond transition. Ten years after the fall of the Berlin wall (pp. 22-24). New York: UNDP. Ellman, M. (2000, March). Book review of Blejer, M.I. & Skreb, M. (eds) Financial sector transformation: Lessons from economies in transition. Cambridge. In De Economist, 148, (1), 122-123. Ellman, M. (2000). Book review of Woodruff, D. Money unmade. Barter and the fate of Russian capitalism. Ithaca. In Europe-Asia Studies, 52, (3), 576-577. Ellman, M. (1999). Book review of Desai, P. (1997). Going global: Transition from plan to market in the world economy. Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press. In Economic Systems, 23 ,(4), 381-383. Ellman, M. (1999). Review of Boone, P. et al. (1998). Emerging from Communism. Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press. In Economic Systems, 23 ,(4), 381-383. Ellman, M. (2000). Book review of Pikhoia, R.G. Sovetskii Soiuz: Istoriia vlasti 1945-1991. Moscow. In Slavic Review, 59, (3), 685-686. Ellman, M. (2000). Book review of Tinguy, A. de (ed.) (1997). The fall of the Soviet empire. Boulder, CO.: Columbia University Press. In Development and Change, 31, (4), 912-913.

Popular publications Subprogramme A (Beetsma/Jager)

Beetsma, R. & Jong, F. de (2000, 22 August). Uitstel Verkoop Staatsaandeel KPN is Onnodig. NRC Handelsblad. Beetsma, R. (2000, 26 July). Wanneer verdient een topmanager een hoger salaris? De Volkskrant, opinion page. Jager, H. (2000, 5 February). Zo'n zachte Euro was ons niet beloofd. Algemeen Dagblad, p. 13.

117 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics

Popular publications Subprogramme B (Fase)

Fase, M.M.G. (2000, 8 February). Ook hypotheekbanken moeten stabiliteit dienen: zeepbellen. Noordhollandsch Dagblad, p. 14. Fase, M.M.G. (2000, 8 January). M. & R. Friedman, Two lucky people: Milton and Rose D. Friedman memoirs, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1998. Het Financieele Dagblad, p. 25. Fase, M.M.G. (2000). D.C.J. van de Werf, Banken, bankiers en hun fusies, NIBE Amsterdam 1999. Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 115, 356-359. Prast, H.M. (2000, from 27 April on). Weekly column in Het Financieele Dagblad. Prast, H.M. (2000, April). AH-erlebnis in the driver’s seat. Commentary, eRaider.com. Prast, H.M. (2000, June). From LA to Bordeaux, from Bordeaux to LA. Commentary, eRaider.com. Prast, H.M. (2000, July). Love is blind, or why investors herd and panic. Commentary, eRaider.com.

Popular publications Subprogramme C (Ellman)

Aidis, R. (2000). Women in transitional economies. Fenn Mail, February, 12-14. Aidis, R. (2000). An overview of gender and economics. Fenn Mail, September, 11-13.

Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to conferences, workshops and seminars Subprogramme A (Beetsma/Jager)

Beetsma, R. (2000, 11 January). A New Policy Mix after European Monetary Unification? Theory and Some Empirics, ADRES/CEPREMAP/CREST Conference The Econometrics of Policy Evaluation, Presentation. Beetsma, R. (2000, 11 January). Does Lucas Critique Apply during Hyperinflations? ADRES/CEPREMAP/CREST Conference The Econometrics of Policy Evaluation, discussant of J. Vazquez. Beetsma, R. (2000, 6 April). Why Adopt Transparency? The Publication of Central Bank Forecasts, CEPR/Bank of Finland workshop The Transparency of Monetary Policy: Theory and Empirical Evidence, discussant of P. Geraedts. Beetsma, R. (2000, 12 April). Why Pay More? Tax Avoidance through Transfer Pricing in OECD Countries, CPB, seminar. Beetsma, R. (2000, 25 September). Labour-Market Imperfections and Decentralised Fiscal Policies in EMU, University of Milan – Bicocca workshop EMU Macroeconomic Institutions and Policies, presentation. Beetsma, R. (2000, 13 October). Why Pay More? Tax Avoidance through Transfer Pricing in OECD Countries, NAKE day, presentation. Beetsma, R. (2000, 7 November). Labour-Market Imperfections and Decentralised Fiscal Policies in EMU, Groningen University, seminar. Beetsma, R. (2000, 17 November). Labour-Market Imperfections and Decentralised Fiscal Policies in EMU, Tinbergen Institute Workshop on International Economics. Beetsma, R. (2000, 26 November). Interdependent Banking and Currency Crises in a Model of self- fulfilling Beliefs, CEPR/Bank of Israel/Tel Aviv University workshop The Analysis of International Capital Markets: Understanding Europe’s Role in the Global Economy, discussant of I. Goldstein. Beetsma, R. (2000, 2 December). Labour-Market Imperfections and Decentralised Fiscal Policies in EMU, CESifo Conference Issues of Monetary Integration in Europe, presentation.

118 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics

Ewijk, C. van (2000, 27 November). Participation forum, Labour Mobility and Housing in Europe, Madrid workshop sponsored by the European Science Foundation, organised by FEDEA in the framework of ENEPRI, Madrid, Spain. Ewijk, C. van (2000, 22 June). Participation forum, Toekomstige waarde van het Nederlandse loonmatigingsmodel, De Burcht. Ewijk, C. van (2000, 17 November). Participation forum, Financierbaarheid van het pensioenstelsel, Delta Lloyd, Amsterdam. Ewijk, C. van (2000, 29 May). Participation forum, Arbeidsmarktbeleid, Tinbergen Instituut, EUR, Rotterdam. Hek, P.A. de (2000, May). Theories and Methods in Macroeconomics, Presentation Endogenous Technological Change under Uncertainty. Hek, P.A. de (2000, June/July). Society of Economic Dynamics Meeting, Presentation Endogenous Technological Change under Uncertainty. Jager, H. (2000, 17 March). Towards a new international financial architecture. Clingendael course for East European diplomats. Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam. Lecture. Jager, H. (2000, 20 March). An application of the Walters critique to Southeast Asia. MIF, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Lecture. Jager, H. (2000, 22 November). Underlying inflation measures in Spain; a comment. The 3rd Annual Conference Measuring Inflation for Monetary Policy Purposes. De Nederlandsche Bank. Conference contribution. Klaassen, F. (2000, 17 May). Presentation Improving GARCH Volatility Forecasts with a New Regime-Switching GARCH Model, Tinbergen Institute, Econometrics Workshop, Rotterdam. Klaassen, F. (2000, 12 August). Presentation Why is it so Difficult to Find an Effect of Exchange Rate Risk on Trade? Econometric Society World Meeting, Seattle, USA. Klaassen, F. (2000, 2 August). Presentation How to Reduce the Service Dominance in Tennis? Empirical Results from Four Years at Wimbledon, Tennis Science and Technology congress, International Tennis Federation, London, UK.

Contributions (lectures) to conferences, workshops and seminars Subprogramme B (Fase)

Fase, M.M.G. (2000, 8 January). Measuring inflation in Europe, paper presented at Annual Meeting American Economic Association, Boston, MA, USA. Fase, M.M.G. (2000, 1 September). Introductory remarks and chairman/organiser session Economic models and monetary policy in Europe. 15th annual congress of the European Economic Association, Bolzano, Italy. Fase, M.M.G. (2000, 25 September). Continuance and change. Lunch seminar Tinbergen Institute, Rotterdam. Fase, M.M.G. (2000, 22-23 November). Chairman 3rd annual research conference DNB: Measuring inflation for monetary policy, Amsterdam. Prast, H.M. (2000, 9-10 October). Biased reactions to news: a source of financial instability? Bank for International Settlements Conference on Marrying the macro- and microdimensions of prudential regulation. Basel, Switzerland.

Contributions (lectures) to conferences, workshops and seminars Subprogramme C (Ellman)

Aidis, R. (2000, 26 April). Intrapreneurship and female entrepreneurship. Lecture, Maastricht School of Management. Aidis, R. (2000, 13 June). Organised seminar, Tinbergen Instituut on Gender and economics. Aidis, R. (2000, 6 July). Female-owned SME’s: Emancipatory or simply another survival strategy? Conference paper, Women 2000 conference, organised by the International Training Center for Women (ITW), Amsterdam.

119 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics

Aidis, R. (2000, 28 October). Entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity. Lecture at Maastricht School of Management. Aidis, R. (2000, 29 October). The business plan. Lecture at Maastricht School of Management. Aidis, R. (2000, 15 November). Financial resources for small and medium enterprises in Lithuania and the European Union. Lecture, Vilnius University, Lithuania. Bezemer, D. (2000, January). Risk, governance and change in Central European agriculture. Seminar paper, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. Ellman, M. (2000, 21 February). The Russian economy under Yeltsin. International symposium The end of the Yeltsin era. Hosei University International Center, Tokyo, Japan. Ellman, M. (2000, 23 February). Perestroika economics from the inside. Seminar, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Ellman, M. (2000, 28 February). The rise and fall of socialist planning. Lecture, Tokyo University, Japan. Ellman, M. (2000, 1 April). The Russian economy under Yeltsin. Plenary session, annual conference BASEES (British Association for Slavonic & East European Studies), Cambridge, UK. Ellman, M. (2000, 2 May). The social costs and consequences of the transition process. Spring seminar, UN Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva. Ellman, M. (2000, 30 July). Social costs and consequences of the transformation process. Paper at 6th ICCEES (= International Council for Central & East European Studies) world congress, Tampere, Finland. Ellman, M. (2000, 2 October). The Russian economy under Yeltsin. Seminar, FEE, Amsterdam. Ellman, M. (2000, 2 December). Dangers of EU enlargement for welfare and ways of overcoming them. Talk at PES Roundtable, Stockholm, Sweden. Gerxhani, K. (2000, 26-29 April). Tax evasion in the (in)formal sector: An experimental analysis. Paper at European Public Choice meeting, Siena, Italy. Gerxhani, K. (2000, 16-18 June). Tax evasion and the source of income: An experimental study in Albania and the Netherlands. Paper at the world meeting of the Economic Science Association (ESA), New York, USA. Gerxhani, K. (2000, 12 May). Tax evasion in the (in)formal sector: An experimental analysis. Transition economics seminar, Amsterdam. Gerxhani, K. (2000, 18-21 October). Organisation of the 2000 European meeting of the ESA at Amsterdam on behalf of CREED, Amsterdam. Gerxhani, K. (2000, November onwards). Involvement in an Educational Development Programme initiated by the University of Amsterdam and the University of Prishtina (Kosovo) to assist the latter in educational matters. Knaack, R. (2000, 18-19 May). Problems with the Czech accession to the EU. Lecture at conference of the CICERO Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal. Koort, J. de, Selm, B. van & Scharrenborg, R. (2000, 7-9 September). Russia and the IMF: Causes and consequnces of the August 1998 financial crisis. Paper presented at the 6th biannual conference of the EACES (European Association for Comparative Economic Systems), Barcelona, Spain. Moers, L.A.M. (2000, 20 June). Discussant of Economic effects of EU enlargement (Koos Bossers, CPB). CPB, The Hague. Moers, L.A.M. (2000, 23-24 June). Determinants of enterprise restructuring in transition; & Discussant of Institutions, governance and economic performance in post-socialist countries (J. Ahrens & M. Meurers, Goettingen University, Germany). International conference on institutions in transition 2000, Portoroz, Slovenia. Scharrenborg, R. (2000 27 February - 9 March & 8-16 May). As part of INTAS project, paid working visits to the Institute for the Economics of Transition, Moscow.

Organisational contributions to conferences, workshops and seminars Subprogramme A (Beetsma/Jager)

Beetsma, R. (2000, 13 October). Organiser theme session on Taxation, NAKE day.

120 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics

Beetsma, R. (2000, 17 November). Co-organiser of Tinbergen Institute Workshop on International Economics. Klaassen, F. (2000). Organisation of the Tinbergen Institute International Economics Workshop at the University of Amsterdam. Klaassen, F. (2000). Organisation of the Economics Colloquia at the University of Amsterdam.

Other lectures on research Subprogramme B (Fase)

Fase, M.M.G. (2000, 18 September). Speech on the occasion of the presentation of the book Tussen behoud en vernieuwing: geschiedenis van de Nederlandsche Bank 1948-1973. Fase, M.M.G. (2000, 21 December). Speech on the occasion of the presentation of the book Euromon: The Nederlandsche Bank’s multi-country model for policy analysis in Europe. Prast, H.M. (2000, 8 December). News filtering and financial instability: the case of the Euro. Paper presentation, De Nederlandsche Bank.

Participation in academic networks Subprogramme A (Beetsma/Jager)

Beetsma, R. (2000). CEPR Research Affiliate. Beetsma, R. (2000). Research Fellow Tinbergen Institute. Beetsma, R. (2000). Research Fellow CESifo, Munich, Germany. Beetsma, R. (2000). NAKE Research Fellow. Ewijk, C. van (2000). Research fellow Tinbergen Institute. Ewijk, C. van (2000). Research fellow NAKE (Netherlands Network of Economics). Jager, H. (2000). Research fellow NAKE. Jager, H. (2000). Fellow Amsterdam Institute for International Development (AIID).

Participation in academic networks Subprogramme B (Fase)

Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Institute. Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Member Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW). Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Member Hollandse Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Council Member of Société Universitaire Européenne de Recherches Financières (SUERF). Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Member Raad van Advies Amsterdam University Press. Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Member Bestuur Vereniging Nederlands Economisch-Historisch Archief (NEHA). Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Member Raad van Advies en Accreditatie Hogeschool Markus Verbeek. Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Chairman Adviescommissie Prijzen, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek. Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Member Beslissend college dwangsommen en boetes ingevolge wettelijke rapportageverplichtingen aan DNB. Prast, H.M. (2000). Moderator, Raider.com. Prast, H.M. (2000). Judge, International Business School Challenge organised by eRaider.com.

Participation in academic networks Subprogramme C (Ellman)

Aidis, R. (2000). Board-member, FENN (Feminist Economists Network in the Netherlands). Ellman, M. (2000). Fellow of the Tinbergen Institute.

121 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics

Ellman, M. (2000). Fellow of NAKE. Ellman, M. (2000). Fellow of AIID. Ellman, M. (2000). Member of the Economic Policy Group of the European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity.

Member of editorial boards or refereeing activities Subprogramme A (Beetsma/Jager)

Beetsma, R. (2000). Referee for European Economic Review, Economic Journal, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of International Money and Finance, Fiscal Studies, Economica. Ewijk, C. van (2000). Editor De Economist. Ewijk, C. van (2000) Editor, Editor in chief CPB Report. Hek, P.A. de (2000). Referee for Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. Jager, H. (2000). Chairman of both editorial board and core editors Maandschrift Economie. Jager, H. (2000). Member editorial committee Economisch Statistische Berichten.

Member of editorial boards or refereeing activities Subprogramme B (Fase)

Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Chief editor De Economist. Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Chairman editorial committee DNB Staff Reports. Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Referee Kredit und Kapital; Empirica, Economic Journal. Prast, H.M. (1999- June 2000). Member of editorial staff DNB Staff Papers. Prast, H.M. (2000). Referee for Journal of Macroeconomics; Netnomics; European Journal of Political Economy.

Member of editorial boards or refereeing activities Subprogramme C (Ellman)

Ellman, M. (2000). Associate editor Cambridge Journal of Economics. Ellman, M. (2000). Member editorial board Economics of Planning. Ellman, M. (2000). Member international advisory board Voprosy ekonomiki. Ellman, M. (2000). Member international advisory board Ukrainian economic review. Ellman, M. (2000). Once referee for Journal of Comparative Economics, once referee for Economic Systems, twice referee for Cambridge Journal of Economics. Ellman, M. (2000). Referee for research proposal for the National Council for Eurasian and east European Research, Washington DC.

Membership academic committees Subprogramme A (Beetsma/Jager)

Beetsma, R. (2000, 24 February). Member Ph.D. Committee R. Dur, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Ewijk, C. van (2000, 20 December). Member Ph.D. Committee L. van Goor, University of Amsterdam. Ewijk, C. van (2000, 13 September). Member Ph.D. Committee N. Draper, Catholic University of Brabant, Tilburg. Jager, H. (2000, 28 January). Member Ph.D. Committee F.J.G.M. Klaassen, Catholic University of Brabant, Tilburg. Jager, H. (2000, 25 September). Member Ph.D. committee R.-P. Berben, Catholic University of Nijmegen.

122 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics

Membership academic committees Subprogramme B (Fase)

Fase, M.M.G. (2000). Member Ph.D. Committee N. Draper, Catholic University of Brabant, Tilburg. Fase, M.M.G. (2000, 7 November). Member Ph.D. Committee M. van de Velden, Topics in Correspondence Analysis. [Promotor Prof. dr H. Neudecker, Co-promotor Dr. R. D. H. Heijmans]. Prast, H.M. (2000, 9 June). Member Ph.D. Committee I. van Lelyveld, Catholic University Nijmegen.

Membership academic committees Subprogramme C (Ellman)

Ellman, M. (2000, 28 November). Member Ph.D. Committee, L. Grogan, University of Amsterdam. Ellman, M. (2000, 15 December). Member Ph.D. Committee, E. v.d. Mortel, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Ellman, M. (2000). Member of Amsterdam University alfa and gamma subjects committee for KNAW fellowships.

Research contributions in the media Subprogramme A (Beetsma/Jager)

Beetsma, R. (2000, 1 November). Television interview on Euro, Radio Netherlands World Service. Beetsma, R. (2000, 11 August). Multinationals ontwijken massaal winstbelasting, article on research by Bartelsman and Beetsma, Algemeen Dagblad. Beetsma, R. (2000, 15 July). De winst gaat op vakantie, article on research by Bartelsman and Beetsma in FEM/De Week. Jager, H. (2000). Several interviews for daily and weekly journals as well as interviews for radio and TV programmes.

Research contributions in the media Subprogramme B (Fase)

Prast, H.M. (2000, 21-22 July). Bulls and Bears: Corporate governance en shareholder value, Business news radio.

Research contributions in the media Subprogramme C (Ellman)

Ellman, M. (2000, 3 May). Summary of paper at UNECE Spring seminar in Johnson’s Russia List (an internet newsletter). Ellman, M. (2000, 11 April & 25 October). Interviews, Radio Netherlands World Service. Ellman, M. (2000, 30 July). Interview, Finnish Radio. Ellman, M. (2000, 9 August). Interview, Trouw.

Various activities Subprogramme A (Beetsma/Jager)

Ewijk, C. van (2000). Deputy member Social Economic Council (plaatsvervangend kroonlid SER). Ewijk, C. van (2000). Member advisory council SCP. Ewijk, C. van (2000). Member Working Group on Ageing, European Policy Committee.

123 The Transformation of Europe – Beetsma – Economics

Ewijk, C. van (2000). Member Working Group on Public Finance Implications of ageing, OECD. Ewijk, C. van (2000). Member board of ENEPRI (European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes). Ewijk, C. van (2000). Member stuurgroep Fiscale verkenningen. Ewijk, C. van (2000). Member workgroup Vergroening belastingstelsel II. Ewijk, C. van (2000). Member Commissie van Sociaal Economische Deskundigen (CSED) of the SER . Jager, H. (2000). Member advisory committee of FONDAD (Forum on Debt and Development), The Hague. Jager, H. (2000). Member selection committee Isaäc Roet price.

124 Labour Market & Social Inequality – Hartog – Economics

Labour Market & Social Inequality Programme director: Prof. dr J. Hartog Department: Economics (AE) OZIS-code: aec-amo

Subprogramme: SCHOLAR

Members of the research group

Drs P. Cardoso (bursaal) Drs A. Ferrer-i-Carbonell (bursaal) Dr S.M. Groeneveld (gast) Prof. dr J. Hartog (hgl) Dr J. Hinloopen (ud) Prof. dr S. Martin (hgl) Dr J.G. Odink (uhd) Dr H. Pott-Buter* (ud) Prof. dr B.M.S. van Praag (hgl, univ. prof.) Dr C.M. van Praag (uhd) Drs A. Zorlu (bursaal)

Subprogramme SCHOLAR (1996-2000)

Dr S.H.A. Dobbelsteen (postdoc) Dr W. Groot (uhd) Drs B. Jacobs (bursaal) Dr B. van der Klauw (postdoc) Drs E. Leuven (bursaal) Dr H. van Lieshout (postdoc) Prof. dr H. Maassen van den Brink (hgl) Prof. dr H. Oosterbeek (hgl) Dr E.J.S. Plug (postdoc) Dr R. Sloof (postdoc) Dr J. Smits (postdoc) Drs J.M. Waterreus (gast)

* Dr H. Pott-Buter is also a member of the research programme Comparative Population and Gender Economics (Gustafsson).

Programme design

Research in this programme centers around core themes in neoclassical economic theory: efficiency and equity. It is well known that under specific conditions, a system of free markets generates an efficient allocation, but not necessarily an equitable or acceptable distribution of welfare. Labour markets play an essential role in this proposition: efficient allocation of labour is very important for overall efficiency, and the labour market is the locus where incomes are shaped, both directly and indirectly, as many social benefits derive from

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(former) labour market status. In the programme, models are developed that should help understanding the operation of the labour market, identify elements of inefficiency, analyse the effect of equity-based policy measures on efficiency and may be useful for guiding policy choices.

The programme is not strictly organised by sub-themes, but some clusters can be identified as recurring themes. Common element in the approach to each of the clusters is the strongly empirical outlook. The formal models usually have a definite neoclassical flavour, but most of the time they are opened up to allow for elements from other theories, if only for testing the relevance of such extensions. Empirical implementation is a prime target for most of our research. Public data sets are used, but the group has also created its own data sets (i.e. raised the money and organised the data collection). Some of these data sets have proven to be extremely valuable (e.g the Brabant data; see below). In each of these clusters, there is a fruitful interaction between positive and normative analyses. Results from positive analysis are used to assess responses to particular policy proposals, and elements from the normative analyses and policy debates set the agenda for empirical research.

One cluster of research deals with the relation between individual abilities, schooling and allocation in the labour market. How important are individual abilities for the labour market position that will be obtained, what is the role of schooling as an intermediary proces? How important is heterogeneity, how many dimensions are relevant for characterising individuals and jobs? We use the human capital framework to tackle many of these issues, but enrich it by proper allowance for the heterogeneities. The model is tested against alternatives (such as screening and other information-based theories) and is extended to cover the variety of allocation in the labour market. We seek to estimate structural models of entreprise-related and on-the-job training, to assess efficiency in training participation decisions and to estimate rates of return. We develop extended models of allocation in the labor market that squarely face the substantial heterogeneity of individuals and jobs; in such a matching view, the resulting earnings function carries the traces of both types of heterogeneity. We analyse labour market mobility and we investigate how immigrants find their way on the labour market. And we study the comparative impact of the institutional arrangements in the labour market to assess the relative efficiency of different wage bargaining regimes.

Another cluster deals with the position of women in the labour market. Leading questions are on the determinants of female labour supply, on identifying constraints that women face, on the determinants of the remarkably low female participation rate in the Netherlands compared to other nations and its long-range historical development, and on the role of child care facilities.

Measurement and analysis of social inequality are other recurring themes. One goal here is careful measurement of actual inequality of income. Another is analysis of the relations of social inequality with provisions of the welfare state and with issues of optimal arrangements that have to attain a balance. Here, we truly face the trade-off between equity and efficiency, with moral hazard as a key consideration in all the policy questions regarding the welfare state.

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Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Cardoso, P. drs bursaal - 0.15 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 1 Dobbelsteen, S.H.A.M. dr postdoc 0.80 0.80 0.33 0.33 - 0.33 AE 2 Ferrer-i- Carbonell, A. drs bursaal - 0.58 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 1 Groot, W dr uhd 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 - 0.20 AE 2 Groeneveld, S.M. dr gast ------AE 2 Hartog, J. prof dr hgl 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 AE 1 Hinloopen, J. dr ud - - 0.17 0.17 - 0.17 F&O 1 Horst, C. ter drs bursaal 0.35 0.25 - - - - AE 1 Jacobs, B. drs bursaal 0.20 0.12 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 2 Janssens, L. drs bursaal 0.60 0.10 - - - - AE 1 Jonker, N. drs bursaal 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 2 Leuven, E. drs bursaal 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 2 Lieshout, van dr postdoc 0.19 0.57 - - - - AE 2 Levin, J. drs aio 0.60 0.40 - - - - AE 1 Maassen van den Brink, H. dr hoofdoz 0.50 0.50 0.63 0.63 - 0.63 AE 2 Martin, S. prof dr hgl - - 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 F&O 1 Odink, J.G. dr uhd 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.13 0.17 0.30 AE 1 Oosterbeek, H. dr uhd 0.24 0.30 0.38 0.38 - 0.38 AE 1 Oosterbeek, H. dr uhd 0.40 0.25 0.21 0.21 0.21 AE 3 Oosterveld, P. dr oz 0.25 - - - - - AE 2 Plug, E.J.S. dr postdoc 0.66 0.57 0.57 0.57 - 0.57 AE 2 Pott-Buter, H.A. (see aec/bee)dr ud 0.15 0.11 0.17 0.09 0.08 0.17 AE 1 Praag, B.M.S. van prof dr hgl - - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 pm Praag, C.M. van dr uhd 0.10 0.21 0.40 0.40 - 0.40 F&O 1 Raita drs bursaal - - 0.20 0.20 - 0.20 AE 1 Sloof, R. dr postdoc 0.27 0.80 0.80 0.80 - 0.80 AE 2 Smits, J. dr postdoc - 0.72 0.07 0.07 - 0.07 AE 2 Teulings, C.N. dr hgl 0.05 - - - - - AE 1 Zorlu, A. drs bursaal 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 3

Total 1st flow of funds 2.79 2.80 3.82 3.57 0.25 3.82 Total 2nd flow of funds 4.27 5.48 4.40 4.40 4.40 Total 3rd flow of funds 1.00 0.85 0.81 0.81 0.81 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 8.06 9.13 9.03 8.78 9.03 PhD students 3.55 3.40 3.80 3.80 3.80

127 Labour Market & Social Inequality – Hartog – Economics

Research Output

Key publications

Oosterbeek, H. (1997). Returns to computer use: a simple test on the productivity interpretation. Economics Letters, 55, 273-277. Teulings, C.N. & Hartog, J. (1998). Corporatism or competition? Labour contracts, institutions and wage structure in international comparison. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ashenfelter, O., Harmon, C. & Oosterbeek, H. (1999). A review of estimates of the schooling/earnings relationship, with tests for publication bias. Labour Economics, 6, (4), 453-470. Groot, W. & Maassen van den Brink, H. (1999). The price of stress. Journal of Economic Psychology, 20, 83-103. Leuven, E. & Oosterbeek, H. (1999). Demand and supply of work-related training; evidence from Four countries. Research in Labor Economics, 18, 303-330.


Baarsma, B.E. (2000, 14 April). Monetary Valuation of Environmental Goods: Alternatives to Contingent Evaluation. [Promotores Praag, B.M.S. van & Lambooy J.G.] [cat. A]. Cruyce, B. van den (2000, 9 May). Statistische discriminatie van allochtonen op jobmarkten. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. [Promotor: Hartog, J. & Schokaert, E.] [cat. B]. Klaauw, B. van der (2000, 24 May). Unemployment duration determinants and policy.evaluation, Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers. [Promotor: Berg, G. van de & Ours, J. van] [cat. B].

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) – refereed

Groot, W. & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Overeducation in the labor market: a meta-analysis. Economics of Education Review, 19, 149-158. [B]. Groot, W. & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Life-satisfaction and preference drift. Social Indicators Research, 50, 315-328. [A]. Groot, W. & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Education, training and employability. Applied Economics, 32, 573-581. [B]. Groot, W. & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Skill mismatches in the Dutch labor market. International Journal of Manpower, 718, 584-595. [B]. Hartog, J. (2000). Over-education and earnings: where are we, where should we go? Economics of Education Review, 19, (2), 131-147. [B]. Hartog, J. (2000). Human capital as an instrument of analysis for the economics of education. European Journal of Education, 35, (1), 7-20. [C]. Hinloopen, J. (2000). Subsidizing cooperative and noncooperative R&D: an equivalence result? Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 9, (4), 317-329. [C]. Hinloopen, J. (2000). Strategic R&D cooperatives. Research in Economics, 54, (2), 153-185. [C]. Hinloopen, J. (2000). More subsidizing Cooperative and Noncooperative R&D in Duopoly with Spillovers. Journal of Economics, 72, (3), 295-308. [B]. Ikiara, M. & Odink, J.G. (1999). Fisherman’s Resistance to Exit Fisheries. Marine Resource Economics, 14, 199-213. [C]. Martin, S. & Scott, J.T. (2000). The Nature of Innovation Market Failure and the Design of Public Support for Private Innovation. Research Policy, 29, (4-5) (April), 437-447. [B]. Oosterbeek, H. & Ophem, H. van (2000). Schooling choices: preferences, discount rates, and rates of return. Empirical Economics, 25, 15-34. [B].

128 Labour Market & Social Inequality – Hartog – Economics

Sloof, R. & Winden, F. van (2000). Show them your teeth first! A game-theoretic analysis of lobbying and pressure. Public Choice, 104, 81-120. [B]. Sloof, R. (2000, November). Interest group lobbying and the delegation of policy authority. Economics & Politics, 12, 247-274. [B].

Academic publications (in/of books) - refereed

Groot, W. & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Job satisfaction, allocation and wages of men and women. In Diener, E. (ed.), Advances in Quality of Life Theory and Research (pp. 111-128). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher. Groot, W. & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Parenting between labor market and household. In Gerris, J. (ed.), The dynamics of parenting. Leuven: Garant Publishers. Hartog, J. (2000). On returns to education: wandering along the hills of ORU land. In Heijke, H. & Muysken, J. (eds), Education and training in a knowledge-based economy (pp. 7-36). Houndmills, London: MacMillan. Jacobs, B., Nahuis, R. & Tang, P.J.G. (2000). Human Capital, R&D and the Assimilation of Technologies in the Netherlands. In Ark, B. van, Kuipers, S. & Kuper, G. (eds), Productivity, Technology and Economic Growth (pp. 293-315). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Leeuwen, M.J. van & Praag, B.M.S. van (2000). The Costs and benefits of lifelong learning: the case of the Netherlands. In Day, C. & Veen, D. van (eds), Educational Research in Europe. (pp. 315-325). Yearbook 2000 European Educational Research Association. Leuven: Garant. Martin. S. & Valbonesi, P. (2000). State aid in context. In Galli, G. & Pelkmans, J. (eds), Regulatory Reform and Competitiveness in Europe 1 (pp. 176-201). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Martin, S. (2000). Product market competition policy and technological performance. In Norman, G. & Thisse, J. (eds), Market Structure and Competition Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Martin, S. (2000). Resource allocation by a competition authority. In Hope, E. (ed.), Foundations of Competition Policy Analysis. London: Routledge. Praag, B.M.S. van & Frijters, P. (1999). Different data sources for studying behaviour. Essay in Honour of Arnold Heertje. In Fase, M.M.G., Kanning, W. & Walker, D.A. (eds) (1999), Economics, Welfare Policy and the History of Economics Thought (pp. 290-309). Cheltenham, UK/ Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - non-refereed

Bovenberg, A.L. & Jacobs, B. (2000). Redistribution and the Case for Education Subsidies. Mimeo: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Bruin, S. de, Stapel, W., Groot, W. & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Een zorg minder? Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4266), 611-612. Edelman, E., Timmerman, W.A., Berkhout, Winter, J.M. de, Praag, B.M.S. van, Theeuwes, J.J.M. & Zijderveld, C. (2000). Substitutiegedrag in de lezersmarkt van dagbladen - Hilversum: Intomart; Amsterdam: Stichting voor Economisch Onderzoek der Universiteit van Amsterdam. SEO-rapport, 539, p. 84. Groot, W. & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). De verborgen kosten van de WAO. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4287), 1052-1055. Groot, W., Maassen van den Brink, H., Dobbelsteen, S. & Mierlo, N. van (2000). The economics of Early Childhood Education. Report OECD, OECD, Paris. Hartog, J. (2000). Hollen en stilstaan. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 85, (4249), 255. (column). Hartog, J. (2000). Review of Blanchflower, D.G. & Freeman, R.G. (eds) Youth Employment and Joblessness in Advanced Countries. In Journal of Economic Literature, 38, (4), 965-966. Hartog, J., Leuven, E. & Teulings, C. (2000). Wages and the bargaining regime in a corporatist setting. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers, TI 2000-013/3.

129 Labour Market & Social Inequality – Hartog – Economics

Hartog, J. & Zorlu, A. (2000). The effect of immigration on native earnings. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers, TI 2000-015/3. Hartog, J. & Webbink, D. (2000). Can students predict their starting salary? Yes! SCHOLAR working paper series, WP 10/00. Amsterdam. Hinloopen, J. (2000). How well do firms in different countries innovate? Research Memorandum 2000- 4. The Hague: Ministry of Economic Affairs. Hinloopen, J. (2000). R&D Efficiency gains due to cooperation. Research Memorandum 2000-3. The Hague: Ministry of Economic Affairs. Hinloopen, J. (2000). More on subsidizing cooperative and noncooperative R&D in duopoly with spillovers. Research Memorandum 2000-1. The Hague: Ministry of Economic Affairs Hinloopen, J. & Bartelsman, E. (2000). ICT en economische groei: een hypothese. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4254), 376-378. Hinloopen, J. (2000). De stille revolutie. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4253), 347. Hinloopen, J. (2000). De markt voor onderzoeksmakelaars. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4244), 152-155. Jacobs, B. & Wijnbergen, S.J.G. van (2000). Optimal Financing of Education with Imperfect Capital Markets and Risk. Mimeo: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Jacobs, B. (2000). Effects of Taxing Human Capital. Mimeo: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Jacobs, B. (2000). Leidt Belastingplan tot Meer Scholing? Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4246), 203. Jacobs, B. & Nahuis, R. (2000). We Don't See What We Learn: The Solow residual and a General Purpose Technology. Mimeo: Universiteit van Tilburg. Jacobs, B. & Nahuis, R. (2000). A General Puropse Technology Explains the Solow Paradox and Wage Inequality. SCHOLAR Workingpaper Series, 12/00. Amsterdam. Jacobs, B. (2000). Optimal Income Taxation with Endogenous Human Capital. SCHOLAR Workingpaper Series, 13/00. Amsterdam. Leuven, E. & Oosterbeek, H. (2000). Rendement van onderwijs stijgt. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4262), 523-524. Oosterbeek, H. (2000). Introduction to special issue on overschooling. Economics of Education Review, 19, 129-130. Plug, E. & Vijverberg, W. (2000). Schooling, family background, and adoption: Is it nature or is it nurture? SCHOLAR working paper series, WP1600. Amsterdam. Plug, E. (2000). Measuring family effects on future returns to childhood ability. SCHOLAR working paper series, WP1500, Amsterdam. Praag , B.M.S. van & Baarsma, B.E. (2000) Vliegtuigen horen, geld zien II. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4259) , 476-478. Praag, B.M.S. van & Baarsma, B.E. (2000). The Shadow Price of Aircraft Noise Nuisance. Tinbergen Institute, Discussion Paper, TI 2000-04/3. Praag, B.M.S. van, Frijters, P. & Ferrer-i-Carbonell A. (2000). A Structural Model of Well-being Tinbergen Institute, Discussion Paper, TI 2000-053/3 . Waterreus, J.M. & Dobbelsteen, S.H.A.M. (2000). Bonus beter dan loonsverhoging. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, 688-689. Waterreus, J.M. (2000). Prestatiebeloning in het onderwijs. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, 196. Zorlu, A. (2000). Illegalen in Nederland. Economische Statistische Berichten, 85, (4282), 956-758. Zorlu, A. & Hartog, J. (2000). The effect of immigration on native earnings. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, TI 2000-015/3. Amsterdam Zorlu, A. (2000). Ethnic minorities in the UK: Burden or benefit? ISER working paper, 2000-10. University of Essex, UK.

Academic publications (in/of books) - non-refereed

Groot, W., Maassen van den Brink, H. & Plug, E. (2000). Het tekort aan technisch opgeleiden. In Wieringen, A.M.L. van, Dyck, M. van, Hövels, B.W.M. & Nijhof W.J. (eds), Nieuwe

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Aansluitingen Tussen Onderwijs en Arbeid: Jaarboek 1999/2000 van het Max Goote Kenniscentrum (pp. 218-233). Amsterdam: Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie. Groot, W. & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Leven we met meer stress? In Maassen van den Brink, H., Groot, W., Janssen, P. & Houkes, I. (eds), De Prijs van Stress (pp. 9-12). Den Haag: Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie. Groot, W. & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). De prijs van stress. In Maassen van den Brink, H., Groot, W., Janssen, P. & Houkes, I. (eds), De Prijs van Stress (pp. 85-100). Den Haag: Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie. Groot, W. & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Klagen Nederlanders meer? In Maassen van den Brink, H., Groot, W., Janssen, P. & Houkes, I. (eds), De Prijs van Stress, (pp. 101-104). Den Haag: Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie. Hinloopen, J. & Bartelsman, E. (2000). ‘De verzilvering van een groeibelofte. In Soete, L (ed.), ICT en economische groei; preadviezen van de Koninklijke Vereniging van Staathuishoudkunde (pp. 61-82). Utrecht: Lemma. Oosterbeek, H. (2000). Ajut financer als estudiants d'ensenyament superior als Països Baixos. In Mora, J.-G., Solà, F. & Vilalta, J.M. (coords), Beques i ajuts als estudiants universitaris a Europa (pp. 79-94). UNESCO 2000. Waterreus, J.M. (2000). Fiscale faciliteiten voor onderwijs en scholing. In Wieringen, A.M.L. van, Dyck, M. van, Hövels, B.W.M. & Nijhof, W.J. (eds), Nieuwe aansluitingen tussen onderwijs en arbeidsmarkt (pp. 281-293). Amsterdam: Max Goote Kenniscentrum.

Professional publications

Groot, W. & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Meekijken in de glazen bol van het ROA, Second opinion rapport, Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen. Groot, W., Maassen van den Brink, H. & Plug, E.J.S. (2000). Het tekort aan technisch opgeleiden. In Nieuwe aansluitingen tussen onderwijs en arbeid. Jaarboek 1999/2000 van het Max Goote Kenniscentrum. Hartog, J. (2000). Book review of Blanchflower & Freeman, R.G. (eds). Youth employment and joblessness in advanced countries. In Journal of Economic Literature, 38, (4), 965-966. Jacobs, B. (2000). Income Contingent Loans and Graduate Taxes: An Empirical Investigation of Education Finance Reform in the Netherlands. Mimeo, The Hague, CPB Netherlands Bureau of Economic Policy Analysis.

Popular publications

Bovenberg, A.L. & Jacobs, B. (2000, 17 October). Aanpak Armoedeval Vereist Specifiek Beleid. NRC Handelsblad. Hartog, J. (2000). Economie sans gene. In Abma, H. (ed.), Inkeer, een onderzoek vanuit literatuur en beeldende kunst (pp. 92-101). Kortenhoef: Stichting Collage. Hinloopen, J. (2000). Book review of Kuenne, R.E. (1998). Price and nonprice rivalry in oligopoly: the integrated battleground. New York: St. Martin’s Press, Inc. & London: Macmillan Press Ltd. In The Journal of Economics, 72, (1), 113-115. Hoeven, P. van der & Waterreus, J.M. (2000). Academische armoede. Een redactionele inleiding op het thema. Idee (Tijdschrift van het wetenschappelijk bureau van D66), 21, (4), 8. Jacobs, B. (2000, 6 January). Kabinet Schendt Eigen Begrotingsregels. De Volkskrant. Jacobs, B. (2000, 28 January). Rendementsheffing is een Rampheffing. De Volkskrant. Jacobs, B. (2000, 13 March). We Zien de Nieuwe Economie Overal Behalve in de Cijfers. DeVolkskrant. Jacobs, B. (2000). Zal de PvdA het Ooit Leren? Over de Politieke Economie van de Staatsschuld. In Don, Jacobs, De Kam, & Wolfsson (eds), Schuld en Solidariteit. Amsterdam: Wiardi Beckman Stichting. Jacobs, B. (2000, 29 July). De Blinde Vlekken van IMF en Wereldbank. De Volkskrant.

131 Labour Market & Social Inequality – Hartog – Economics

Jacobs, B. (2000, 20 September). Paars Succes is meer Geluk dan Wijsheid. De Volkskrant. Maassen van den Brink, H. & Groot, W. (2000). Lusten en Lasten: over economie en emotie. Amsterdam: Prometheus. 173 pages. Maassen van den Brink, H. & Groot, W. (2000, 11 January). Schoonheid loont, ijdelheid kost geld. De Volkskrant. Maassen van den Brink, H. & Groot, W. (2000, April). De zielige man bestaat niet. De Volkskrant. Maassen van den Brink, H. & Groot, W. (2000, 9 August). Vanwege het hogere inkomen accepteren we steeds meer werkdruk. Financieel Dagblad. Maassen van den Brink, H. & Groot, W. (2000, 30 September). Tabaksfabrikanten aanklagen is zinloos. Vrij Nederland. Maassen van den Brink, H. & Groot, W. (2000, September). Liever geld dan een conciërge in het basisonderwijs. Plein Tijdschrift voor het primaire basisonderwijs. Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Monthly Columnist FOLIA CIVITATIS, Universiteit van Amsterdam Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Monthly Columnist AVANTA. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Praag, B.M.S. van & Ven, P. van de (2000, 20 October). Zuinige zorg komt Nederland duur te staan. Volkskrant, p. 13. Praag, B.M.S. van (2000). Is alles nou te koop? Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4244), 151. Ven, M.P.M. van de & Praag, B.M.S. van (2000). Ons geld of ons leven. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4268), 660-662. Waterreus, J.M. (2000). Kennisoverdracht in continu samenspel. Frans van Vught op zoek naar ondernemende studenten. Idee (Tijdschrift van het wetenschappelijk bureau van D66), 21, (4), 12-15. Waterreus, J.M. (2000). Docentbestendig lesmateriaal (boekbespreking van Prick, L.G.M., Onderwijs op de divan: een ontdekkingsreis). Idee (Tijdschrift van het wetenschappelijk bureau van D66), 21, (2), 30.

Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to academic conferences, workshops and seminars

Ferrer-i-Carbonell, A. & Praag, B.M.S. van (2000, September). The subjective costs of health losses due to chronic diseases. An alternative model for monetary appraisal. Presented at the Ninth European Workshop of Health Economics and Econometrics Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam. Groeneveld, S.M. & Jetten, B. (2000, 2-3 May). Overscholing en benutting van kennis en vaardigheden, Rotterdam (Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen), Sociaal-wetenschappelijke studiedagen, Amsterdam. Groeneveld, S.M. & Kooten, G. van (2000, 12 October). Overscholing en promotiekansen, Rotterdam (Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen). TvA/WESWA-congress, Amsterdam. Hinloopen, J. (2000, February). On the empirical distribution of the Balassa indes. Seminar lecture, CPB, The Hague. Hinloopen, J. (2000, March). ICT en economische groei. Seminar lecture at CentER/ KUN/ CPB Workshop, The Hague. Hinloopen, J. (2000, October). Dynamic efficiency and product market competition I: Noncooperative R&D. Conference lecture for NAKE annual conference, Amsterdam (DNB). Hinloopen, J. (2000, November). Competition and regulation in telecommunications markets Discussant for paper by P de Bijl at CPB seminar, The Hague (CPB). Hinloopen, J. (2000, December). R&D Efficiency gains due to cooperation. Conference lecture at annual EUNIP conference. Hinloopen, J. (2000, December). De verzilvering van een groeibelofte. Explanation and discussion on the preliminary report written for the Nederlandsche Vereniging van Staatshuishoudkunde, Amsterdam (DNB). Jacobs, B. (2000, 29 February). Optimal Income Taxation with Endogenous Human Capital. Presented at CentER Tilburg University.

132 Labour Market & Social Inequality – Hartog – Economics

Jacobs, B. (2000, 28-31 August). Optimal Taxation of Human Capital and Credit Constraints. Presented at the 56th Conference of the IIPF, Seville, Spain. Jacobs, B. (2000, 26 September). Optimal Taxation of Human Capital and Credit Constraints. Presented at the CPB Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, The Hague. Jacobs, B. (2000, 28-31 August). Optimal Taxation of Human Capital and Credit Constraints. Mimeo: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Presented at the 56th Conference of the IIPF Sevilla, Spain. Levin, J.S. (2000, 2-4 June). International conference Economic applications of quantile regression, Konstanz, Germany. Levin, J.S. (2000, 22-25 June). European Association of Labor Economists annual meeting, Milan, Italy. Martin, S. (2000, 8 January). Spillovers, appropriability and R&D. ASSA meetings, AEA session, Boston, U.S.A. Martin, S. (2000, 9 January). Competition policy toward high technology industries, ASSA meetings, Industrial Organization Society session, Boston, U.S.A. Martin, S. (2000, 9 September). Competition policy toward high technology industries, EARIE. Martin, S. (2000, 15 September). EU merger policy: economic perspectives, Fourth METU Conference in Economics Ankara, Turkey. Martin, S. (2000, 13 October). Strategic research partnerships: evidence and analysis, NSF Workshop on Strategic Research Partnerships, Washington DC, U.S.A. Martin, S. & Theeuwes, J. (2000, 20 October). Competition and innovation, Visie op marktwerking, Scheveningen. Martin, S. (2000, 11 November). Vertical foreclosure in experimental markets, Southern Economic Association meetings, Washington DC, U.S.A. Plug, E.J.S. (2000, 5-6 October). Schooling, family background, and adoption: Is it nature or is it nurture? Lecture at SCHOLAR evaluation meeting, Amsterdam. Plug, E.J.S. (2000, July). IZA seminar. Schooling, family background, and adoption: Is it nature or is it nurture? Bonn, Gemany. Plug, E.J.S. (2000, May). Schooling, family background, and adoption: Is it nature or is it nurture? ESPE conference. Lecture. Bonn, Germany. Plug, E.J.S. (2000). Researcher, European Commission's programme of Targetted Socio-Economic Research (TSER), Public funding and private returns to education. Praag, B.M.S. van & Hartog, J. (2000, August). Towards individual lump sum taxation a policy proposal and a research agenda. Invited lecture. Sevilla, Spain, Congres: The International Institute of Public Finance and Human Capital. Praag, B.M.S. van (2000, February). Poverty in the Russian Federation. Presentation for the Oxford Conference, Economics and the Pursuit of Happiness. Praag, B.M.S. van (2000, October). Structural model of well-being. Australian National University, Canberra Seminar in Economics Dept. Praag, B.M.S. van (2000, August). The structure of well-being, Lecture at Conference on Measuring Welfare and Well-being Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam. Praag, B.M.S. van & Hartog, J. (2000, 28 August). The individual lump sum taxation. Invited lecture. The International Institute of Public Finance. Sevilla, Spain. Sloof, R. (2000, March). An experimental comparison of reliance levels under alternative breach remedies. Lunch-seminar Universiteit van Amsterdam. Sloof, R. (2000, June). An experimental comparison of reliance levels under alternative breach remedies. International Meeting of the Economic Science Association, New York, U.S.A. Sloof, R. (2000, July). On the relation between asset ownership and specific investments. Games 2000, First World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Bilbao, Spain. Sloof, R. (2000, September). An experimental comparison of reliance levels under alternative breach remedies: The renegotiation case. BEaST, Barcelona Experimental Economics Workshop and Summer School, Barcelona, Spain. Sloof, R. (2000, October). An experimental comparison of reliance levels under alternative breach remedies: The renegotiation case. European Regional Meeting of the Economic Science Association, Amsterdam

133 Labour Market & Social Inequality – Hartog – Economics

Sloof, R. (2000, October). Experimental evaluation of solutions to the holdup problem. Seminar SCHOLAR, Amsterdam Smits, N. (2000, 3-6 October). Alternative Missing Data Techniques to GPA at fifth international conference on logic and methodology, Cologne, Germany. Waterreus, J.M. (2000, 6 October). Wages and Teachers’ Hours of Labor Supply. Presentation at SCHOLAR Seminar, Amsterdam. Waterreus, J.M. (2000, 13 October). Wages and Teachers’ Hours of Labor Supply. Presentation at NAKE Research Day, Amsterdam.

Organisational contributions to conferences, workshops and seminars

Martin, S. (2000, 11 November). Organisation of the session in the Southern Economic Association Meetings in Washington DC. Odink, J.G. (2000, 11-15 October). Leader of the delegation and organiser of the trip from the Kring van Amsterdamse Economen to New York. Odink, J.G. (2000, 15 January). Beleggen anno 1999, organiser 68e dies Kring van Amsterdamse Economen. Odink, J.G. (1999, 5-6 February). Public Funding and Private Returns to Education, organiser Tser- project PuRE meeting, Tinbergen instituut, Amsterdam. Odink, J.G. (1999, 26-29 August). Parijs, à la carte. Organiser of the trip from the Kring van Amsterdamse Economen to Paris. Plug, E.J.S. (2000). Organiser Labor Economic seminar series, Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam.

Participation in academic networks

Hartog, J. (2000). Fellow 12A Bonn and CES ifo München. Hinloopen, J. (2000, 3 November). Participation in NAKE; lecture for Ph.D. students on The market for knowledge brokers. Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Member of the Scientific Committee of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Wassenaar (1998-present). Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Member of the Board of the Max Goote Knowledge Center, Universiteit van Amsterdam, (1998-present). Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Member of the Social-Economic Council Working group (SCED/SER) on Labor Market Policies (2000-2001), The Hague. Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). National Coordinator Schooling, Training and Transitions, an economic perspective (EC), Targeted Socio Economic Research Project. Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Member of the program committee STOAS, activating knowledge, Wageningen. Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Member of the Committee Arbeidsgehandicapten en werk (Disability and Work), Ministry of Social Affairs, The Hague. Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Member of the Committee Ontslagrecht (Commissie Rood), installed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Ministry of Justice, The Hague. Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Member of the Central Planning Committee, CPB, The Hague. Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Member of the Expert Forum Almere (Commissie van der Zwan), Almere. Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Participant UVA campagnes 2000, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Martin, S. (2000). President of the Industrial Organization Society and a member of the Executive Committee of EARIE, the European Association for Research on Industrial Organization. Plug, E.J.S. (2000). Fellow, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany. Praag, B.M.S. van (2000). Member Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen (KNAW). Praag, B.M.S. van (2000). Member Hollandse Maatschappij van Wetenschappen. Praag, B.M.S. van (2000). Member of FEE Adviescommissie Wetenschapsbeoefening (ACW).

134 Labour Market & Social Inequality – Hartog – Economics

Praag, B.M.S. van (2000). Fellow of Tinbergen Institute.

Membership editorial staff or referee activities

Hartog, J. (2000). Member editioral board Labour Economics & Economics of Education Review. Hinloopen, J. (2000). Referee for The International Journal of Industrial Organization, The Review of Industrial Organization, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, The Review of Urban and Economic Development. Jacobs, B. (2000). Referee for Journal of Public Economics International Tax & Public Finance. Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Referee International Journal of Manpower. Martin, S. (2000). Managing Editor Internaitonal Journal of Industrial Organization. Martin, S. (2000). Associate Editor Review of Industrial Organization. Martin, S. (2000). Referee for European Journal of Polical Economy, International Economics, Review, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, European Economic Review. Plug, E.J.S. (2000). Referee for Labour Economics Economics of Education Review. Praag, B.M.S. van (2000). Associate editor Journal of Economics. Sloof, R. (2000). Referee for Computational Economics European Journal of Political Economy. Waterreus, J.M. (2000). Editor of Idee, periodical of the scientific institute of D66 (Liberal Democrats).

Membership of academic committees (including PhD committees inside or outside the UvA)

Praag, B.M.S. van, promotor with Prof. dr J.G. Lambooy (2000, April). Dissertation: B.E. Baarsma. Monetary Valuation of Environmental Goods: Alternatives to Contingent Evaluation. Universiteit van Amsterdam. Martin, S. (2000, 15 March). Co-supervisor of Ph.D. Committee of S. Tokar at the European University Institute.

Contributions in the media

Praag, B.M.S. van (2000, 5 September). Radio interview. KRO. Hilversum. Praag, B.M.S. van (2000, 14 September). Netwerk. Praag, B.M.S. van (2000, 19 September). NOS. Praag, B.M.S. van (2000, 20 September). Radio 1, Weldenkende mensen.

Membership of other committees

Martin, S. (2000). President of the Industrial Organization Society. Martin, S. (2000). Member of the Executive Committee of the European Association for Research on Industrial Organization (EARIE).

Unaltered reprints

Hinloopen, J. (2000). De markt voor onderzoeksmakelaars, Reprint 2000-4. The Hague: Ministry of Economic Affairs. Hinloopen, J. (2000). ‘De stille revolutie’, and ‘ICT en economische groei’, Reprint 2000-5. The Hague: Ministry of Economic Affairs. Hinloopen, J. (2000). Strategic R&D co-operatives, Reprint 2000-4. The Hague: Ministry of Economic Affairs. Hinloopen, J. (2000). Subsidizing cooperative and noncooperative R&D: an equivalence result? Reprint 2000-9. The Hague: Ministry of Economic Affairs.

135 Labour Market & Social Inequality – Hartog – Economics

Various activities

Jacobs, B. (2000, January-December). Part-time affiliation with Tilburg University and CentER under supervision of L. Bovenberg. Jacobs, B. (2000, June-September). Research project on education finance reform at the CPB Netherlands Bureau of Economic Policy Analysis. Jacobs, B. (2000, December). Working part-time at the CPB Netherlands Bureau of Economic Policy Analysis. Maassen van den Brink, H. (2000). Liefde voor de economie, over lusten en lasten. 368e Diesrede Universiteit van Amsterdam, Vossius Press, Amsterdam. Praag, B.M.S. van (2000, January). Appointed as University Professor at the Universiteit van Amsterdam.

136 Comparative Population & Gender Economics – Gustafsson - Economics

Comparative Population & Gender Economics Programme director: Prof. dr Siv. S. Gustafsson Department: Economics (AE) OZIS-code: aec-bee

Members of the Research Group

Prof. dr S.S. Gustafsson (hgl) Drs E. Kenjoh (bursaal) Drs E. Kuiper (guest) Dr H. Pott-Buter (ud)* Dr K. Tijdens (uhd) Drs S. van Velzen (guest)

* H. Pott-Buter is also member of the research programme Labour Market and Social Inequality (Hartog).

Programme design

Gender relations have undergone substantial changes over the last decades; there has been a strong increase in the labour force participation of (married) women, especially in the US and Western Europe. This increase doesn’t only have macroeconomic effects in the sense of an increasing use of social security, increasing costs for (old) age health care and tax revenues. It also has considerable effects on the microlevel, as it influences family decisions on fertility and the division of labour. The research conducted by the research group Comparative Population and Gender Economics aims at mapping out the economic effects of changes in women’s and men’s labor force participation, especially conditions under which work and family can be combined.

The interrelatedness between a) family decisions, b) the functioning of the labor market and c) economic fluctuations in child care provisions, parental leaves and tax systems, is a central starting point in this research. At a theoretical level, the research starts from individual decisions of women and men on family behaviour and participation at the labor market. This research is based on theoretical insights from economic demography, population economics and microeconomics of the family as developed by, among others, Schultz (ed) (1974), Willis (1974), Becker (1981) and Cigno (1991). The comparative approach integrates welfare state theory as well as gender into economic research and makes use of Esping-Andersen (1989, 1996), Sainsbury (1996), Lewis (1993) and others.

Leading research questions concern (i) the effects of changes in women’s and men’s labour participation on family decisions (fertility, division of paid and unpaid labour, return to the labour market after childbirth, the use of childcare); (ii) the influence of institutional differences between countries on both family behaviour and labour market participation; (iii) questions about organisational structure of firms in relation to gender and care, segregation and (iv) the relation between changing gender relations and neoclassical economic labour theory.

137 Comparative Population & Gender Economics – Gustafsson - Economics

The methods used are primarily of a quantitative, microeconomic nature. In addition use is made of a comparative perspective (including countries like the Netherlands, Sweden, the US, the UK, Germany and other OECD countries). In the research on organisations, empirical data analysis is conducted and research on economic theory makes use of historical methods and textual analysis.

In other research programmes at the FEE the effects of changes in women’s labour participation are only dealt with accidentally, for instance in relation to income differentials, social inequality and the Welfare State. The programme “Comparative Population and Gender Economics” directly focuses on economic effects of changing gender relations in the family, the market and economic institutions. As such, it constitutes a coherent perspective and develops concepts and expertise that is nowadays required to address current problems concerning labour, care and income in economic and social policy.

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean ABCDE 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Grogan, L. drs aio 0.60 0.60 0.45 0.45 - 0.45 AE 1 Gustafsson, S.S. prof dr hgl 0.33 0.33 0.41 0.41 - 0.41 AE 1 Kenjoh, E. drs bursaal 0.20 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 1 Pott-Buter, H.A. (see aec/amo)dr ud 0.15 0.10 0.17 0.08 0.09 0.17 AE 1 Tijdens, K.G. dr hoofdoz 0.50 0.30 0.30 0.30 - 0.30 AE 1 Tijdens, K.G. dr hoofdoz 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 AE 2 Tijdens, K.G. dr hoofdoz - 0.20 0.20 0.20 - 0.20 AE 3 Velzen, S. van drs aio 0.30 - - - - - AE 1 Wetzels, C.M.M.P. dr postdoc - 0.60 0.06 0.06 - 0.06 AE 1

Total 1st flow of funds 2.08 2.53 1.99 1.90 0.09 1.99 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.00 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 2.58 3.23 2.69 2.60 2.69 PhD students 1.10 1.20 1.05 1.05 1.05

138 Comparative Population & Gender Economics – Gustafsson - Economics

Research Output

Key publications

Gustafsson, S.S., Wetzels, C.M.M.P., Vlasblom, J.D. & Dex, S. (1996). Women’s labor force transitions in connection with childbirth. A panel data comparison between Germany, Sweden and Great Britain. Journal of Population Economics, 3, 221-246. Tijdens, K.G. & Klaveren, M. van (1997). Statutory Regulation and Workers’ Competence. The Influence of Dutch Works Councils on the Introduction of new Technology. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 18, (3), 457-488. Gustafsson, S.S. & Stafford, F. (1998). Equity-Efficiency Trade-offs and Government Policy in the United States, the Netherlands and Sweden. In Barnett, S. & Boocock, S. (eds), Early Care and Education for Children in Poverty. Promises, Programs and Long- Term Results (pp. 211-244). New York: State University of New York Press. Tijdens, K.G. (1999). Behind the screens: The Foreseen and Unforeseen Impact of Computerization on Female Office Worker’s Jobs. Gender, Work and Organization, 6, (1), 47-57. Gustafssson, S.S. & Meulders, D. (eds) (2000). Gender and the Labour Market. Econometric Evidence of Obstacles to Achieving Gender Equality. London: MacMillan Press Ltd.


Grogan, L. (2000, 28 November). Labour Market Transitions of Individuals in Eastern and Western Europe. Tinbergen Institute Research Series [Promotor Gustafsson, S.S.] [cat. A].

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) – refereed

Hansen, J., Lippe, T. van der & Tijdens , K.G. (2000). Percepties van loopbaankansen van mannen en vrouwen binnen het bankwezen. Sociale Wetenschappen, 43, (1), 48-72. [C]. Pott-Buter, H.A. (2000, June). Dilemmas in Health Care. Japanese Journal of Social Security and Population Research, 131, 66-82. [C]. Riemsdijk, M. van & Tijdens, K.G. (2000). Arbeidsflexibilisering: een proeve van Nederlands onderzoek. Bedrijfskunde, 72, (4), 4-9. [C]. Tijdens, K.G. (2000). Flexibiliseringsstrategieën van bedrijven en de rol van interne arbeidsmarkten. Sociale Wetenschappen, 43, (1), 32-47. [C]. Tijdens, K.G. & Rambelje, C. de la (2000). Prijsconcurrentie en kwaliteit van de arbeid in de autobranche. Een onderzoek naar arbeidsverhoudingen, arbeidstijden, bezetting, beloning, kwalificatie en organisatiecultuur. Tijdschrift van Arbeidsvraagstukken, 16, (1), 35-45. [C].

Academic publications (in/of books) - refereed

Gustafsson, S.S. & Wetzels, C.M.M.P. (2000). Optimal Age for First Birth: Great Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden. In Gustafsson, S.S. & Meulders, D.E. (eds), Gender and the Labour Market. Econometric Evidence of Obstacles to Achieving Gender Equality (pp. 188-209). London: MacMillan Press Ltd.

139 Comparative Population & Gender Economics – Gustafsson - Economics

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - non-refereed

Brekel, C. van den & Tijdens, K.G. (2000). Keuzemogelijkheden in CAO’s. AIAS research report, 3. Amsterdam. Klaveren, M., Tijdens, K.G. & Wetzels, C. (2000). Telewerken: Wie, waar en wanneer? Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4278), 2-11 & D22-D26. Paping, R. & Tijdens, K.G. (2000). Meer keuzevrijheid: haalbaar en wenselijk? Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (11-8), 613-615. Tijdens, K.G. (2000). Vraag en aanbod van huishoudelijke diensten in Nederland. AIAS research report, 4. Amsterdam. Tijdens, K.G. & Meer, M. van der (2000). Flexibele regels. Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen CAO-afspraken en het bedrijfsbeleid over flexibilisering van de arbeid. AIAS research report, 5. Amsterdam. Tijdens, K.G., Klaveren, M. van & Wetzels, C. (2000). Wie kan en wie wil telewerken? Een onderzoek naar de factoren die de mogelijkheid tot en de behoefte aan telewerken van werknemers beïnvloeden. AIAS research report, 6. Amsterdam.

Academic publications (in/of books) - non-refereed

Kuiper, E. (2000). The organization of women economists in Europe. In Fiedler, A., Förtsch, N. & Maier, F. (eds), Frauen und Wirtschaftswissenscahften an Hochschulen - Geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte in der Lehre -. Berlin: EFAS. Tijdens, K.G. (2000). Werken in de ICT-sector: onder welke voorwaarden? Amsterdam: Stichting FNV Pers. Tijdens, K.G. (2000). Het ontstaan van ondernemings-CAO's bij de banken. In Meer, M. van der & Smit, E. (eds), Innovatie of imitatie: CAO-vernieuwing op ondernemingsniveau. Den Haag: Elsevier. Tijdens, K.G., Lippe, T. van der & Ruijter, E. de (2000). Huishoudelijk werk en de zorg voor kinderen: herverdelen of uitbesteden? Den Haag: Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie. Tijdens, K.G. & Vliet, M. van. (2000). Secretaressen over de inhoud van hun functie. Amsterdam: Stichting FNV Pers.

Professional publications

Gustafsson, S.S., Wetzels, C.M.M.P. & Tijdens, K.G. (2000). Vind de vrouwen: Genderanalyse van het industrie- en fiscusbeleid . Onderzoek in opdracht van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Directoraat-Generaal Industrie en Diensten. Meer, M. van der, Liempt, A., Tijdens, K.G., Velzen, M. van & Visser, J. (2000). The trade-off between competitiveness and employment in collective bargaining: the national consultation process and four case studies of enterprise bargaining in the Netherlands. Report to the ILO. AIAS research report, 1. Amsterdam. Tijdens, K.G. (2000). Promoting Gender Equality at the Workplace. Case studies from the Netherlands. Report to the European Foundation. Dublin, Ireland. Tijdens, K.G. (2000). Employment Options for the Future: Actual and Preferred Working Hours, National Report for the Netherlands. Report to the European Foundation. Dublin, Ireland.

140 Comparative Population & Gender Economics – Gustafsson - Economics

Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to academic conferences, workshops and seminars

Gustafsson, S.S. (2000, 15-17 June). Child care in the Netherlands, Between Government, Firms and Parents, European Society for Population Economics Annual Meetings, Bonn. Gustafsson, S.S. (2000, 5-7 July). First key note speech: Temporary Contracts, Shorter Work... or Shorter Employment Spells? How Mothers of Young Children in Germany, Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden adapt to the Flexible Labor Market. The 4th International Conference of German Socio-Economic Panel Users, Berlin, Germany. Gustafsson, S.S. (2000, 25-26 August). Maternity and Non-Standard Work Arrangements: Panel Study Analyses Comparing Germany, Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden. Paper presented to the conference on Non-Standard Work Arrangements in Japan, Europe and the United States, W.E. Upjohn Institute, The Japan Foundation and Japan's Women's Univeristy, Brook Lodge, Augusta, Michigan, U.S.A. Gustafsson, S.S. (2000, 6-10 September). Invited key note speaker: A New Crisis in European Populations? Effects on Maternity and Social Protection Around Childbirth. EISS (European Institute of Social Security) Conference on Confidence and Changes, Managing Social Protection Systems in the New Millennium, Göteborg, Sweden. Gustafsson, S.S. (2000, 30 September). Invited key note speaker: Gender Mainstreaming of Economic Theory and Research. 4th European Feminist Research Conference, Bologna, Italy. Gustafsson, S.S. (2000, 24 October). Gender Mainstreaming of Economic Theory and Research. Seminar presentation, The World Bank, Washington D.C., U.S.A. Gustafsson, S.S. (2000, 27 October). Can Postponement of Maternity in the 1990s be Explained by Changes in Time Spent Out of Work? Invited paper to the Conference on Cross-National Comparative Research Using Panel Surveys, Sponsors: the Health and Retirement Study, National Longitudinal Surveys, Panel Study of Income Dynamics University of Michigan Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A. Gustafsson, S.S. (2000, 30 October). Vind de vrouwen: Genderanalyse van het industrie- en Dienstenbeleid. Presentation of results research project at seminar at the Directoraat-Generaal, Industrie en Diensten, Ministerie van Economische Zaken, The Hague. Kenjoh, E. (2000, 15-17 June). Can Postponement of Maternity in the 1990s be Explained by Changes in Time Spent out of Market Work? Panel Data Analyses Comparing the 1990s to the 1980s across Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden. The 14th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics, Bonn, Germany. Kenjoh, E. (2000, 25-26 Augustus). Conference on Non-Standard Work Arrangements in Japan, Europe and the United States, W.E. Upjohn Institute, The Japan Foundation and Japan’s Women’s University, Brook Lodge, Augusta, Michigan, U.S.A. Kenjoh, E. (2000, 3-6 October). Can Postponement of Maternity in the 1990s be Explained by Changes in Time Spent out of Market Work? Panel Data Analyses Comparing the 1990s to the 1980s across Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden. the 5th International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Cologne, Germany. Kenjoh, E. (2000, 26-27 October). Conference on Cross-National Comparative Research Using Panel Surveys, Sponsors: the Health and Retirement Study, National Longitudinal Surveys, Panal Study of Income Dynamics University of Michigan Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A. Kuiper, E. (2000, 15 August). Gender and Economics as a Science. Paper presented at the IAFFE Conference, 14-17 August, Istanbul, Turkey. Kuiper, E. (2000). On value and wealth, dependency and denial. Paper presented at the 19th Women's Conference, Vienna, Austria. Kuiper, E. (2000, 8 February). Organizing feminist economists in Europe: a strategic investment? Invited speaker at the International Conference in honour of Margaret Maruani, Women in Economics and Decision Making Process, Brussels, Belgium. Kuiper, E. (2000, 7 June). Gender and economics as a social science, paper presented at the SASE conference, LSE, London, UK.

141 Comparative Population & Gender Economics – Gustafsson - Economics

Kuiper, E. (2000). Gender & economic theorizing, Tinbergen Seminar, Amsterdam. Lippe, T. van der, Tijdens, K.G. & Ruijter, E. de (2000, 14 April). Outsourcing and domestic technology in the household: women's strategies to facilitate paid work? Paper presented at the NAD conference, Maastricht. Pott-Buter, H.A. (2000, 11 May). Arbeid en zorg in nieuw perspectief, Jubileum Passage, Jaarbeurs Utrecht. Riemsdijk, M. van & Tijdens, K.G. (2000, 2 May). Het meten van flexibilisering. Paper presented at the SWS-dagen, Amsterdam. Tijdens, K.G. (2000, 14 February). Kinderopvang in de AVO-data. Gebruikersdag data Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, Den Haag. Tijdens, K.G. (2000, 31 March). Gender Equality at the Workplace in the Netherlands. Paper presentation for the research project Gender Equality at the Workplace, Brussels, Belgium. Tijdens, K.G. (2000, 24 June). Social exclusion and the gender perspective. Presentation at the Final ECASS users meeting, University of Essex, UK. Tijdens, K.G. (2000, 30 June). Flexibele regels, een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen CAO-afspraken en het bedrijfsbeleid over flexibilisering van de arbeid. Paper presentation at the annual AIAS conference on CAO vernieuwing Decentralisatie en Europese coordinatie, Amsterdam. Tijdens, K.G. (2000, 5 September). Determinants of Gender Equality at the Workplace. Paper presentation for the research project Gender Equality at the Workplace, Dublin, Ireland.

Organisational contributions to conferences, workshops and seminars

Kuiper, E. (2000). Chair session at SASE Conference, LSE, London, UK. Kuiper, E. (2000). Chair sessions at IAFFE Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. Tijdens, K.G. (2000, 10 March). Organisation Seminar on Firms’ Flexibility Strategies, AIAS, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Tijdens, K.G. (2000, 10 November). Organisation Seminar on Firms’ Flexibility Strategies, AIAS, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Participation in academic networks

Kuiper, E. (2000). Vice-president International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE). Kuiper, E. (2000). President Feminist Economics Network in the Netherlands (FENN). Kuiper, E. (2000). Coordinator IAFFE-Europe. Kuiper, E. (2000). Member Groenlinks Economen Forum. Pott-Buter, H.A. (2000). Member of the Dutch Health Care Insurance Board (Bestuur College voor zorgverzekeringen).

Membership editorial staff or referee activities

Gustafsson, S.S. (2000). Referee for Schmollers Jahrbuch, Journal of Applied Social Sciences Studies, European Journal of Population, Journal of Population Economics. Gustafsson, S.S. (2000). Joint editor with D. Meulders, Gender and the Labour Market. Econometric Evidence of Obstacles to Achieving Gender Equality, Applied Econometric Association Series, General editors. London: MacMillan Press Ltd. Kuiper, E. (2000). Associate Editor Journal Feminist Economics. Tijdens, K.G. (2000). Referee for The European Journal of Women’s Studies, the Flemish Ministery of Labour for its research program VIONA, NWO, the federal services for scientific, technical and cultural affairs in Belgium (Brussels) for its research program AGORA, the federal services for scientific, technical and cultural affairs in Belgium (Brussels) for its research program on Datawarehouses and Social Cohesion.

142 Comparative Population & Gender Economics – Gustafsson - Economics

Membership of academic committees (including PhD committees inside or outside the UvA)

Tijdens, K.G. (2000, 14 March). Member PhD committee dr. C. Korevaar, Fac. Economische Wetenschappen, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Tijdens, K.G. (2000, 28 April). Member PhD committee dr. P. Peters, Fac. Sociale Wetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Tilburg. Tijdens, K.G. (2000). Member of the Advisory Committe for the Living Conditions Surveys, Statistics Netherlands, The Hague.

Contributions in the media

Gustafsson, S.S. (2000, 28 January). Ons leven wordt ingewikkelder maar ook gelukkiger, Econome Siv Gustafsson ziet voltooiing van emancipatie over dertig jaar. OPZIJ, 1, 80-83.

Various activities

Kuiper, E. (2000). Manager RESAM, Research Institute of the FEE. Tijdens, K.G. (2000, June). Visiting ECASS-researcher at the University of Essex, Centre for Micro Social Change, UK. Tijdens, K.G. (2000). Actual and prefered working hours, research commissioned by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in Dublin, Ireland. Tijdens, K.G. (2000). NWO grant for the proposal A Dutch Collective Labour Agreements Database and Monitor (DUCADAM). Tijdens, K.G. (2000). NWO grant for the proposal A Question Bank related to the use of ICT in organisations. Tijdens, K. (2000). AIAS Research Program. Amsterdam, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies, Universiteit van Amsterdam (in co-operation with Hartog, J., Heijden, P.F. van der & Visser, J.).

143 Methodology & History of Economics: Concepts, Models and Measurement - Blaug & Reuten - Economics

Methodology & History of Economics: Concepts, Models and Measurement Programme directors: Prof. dr M. Blaug & Dr G. Reuten Department Economics (AE) OZIS-code: aec-etp

Members of the research group

Prof. dr M. Blaug (hgl) Dr Ir M.J. Boumans (ud) Drs H.K. Chao (bursaal) Prof. dr A. Heertje (hgl) Drs H.B.J.B. Maas (ud) Prof. dr M.S. Morgan (hgl) Dr G.A. Reuten (uhd) Drs P. Rodenburg (bursaal) Drs R. Went (bursaal)

Programme design

Economics is often derided by natural sciences for not being a proper science, yet economists are convinced that their methods are good ones for learning about the economy. The aim of the research group is to increase our understanding of economics and to explain just how it is that economics may work as an effective scientific discipline. More concretely, our research examines the ways in which economists relate their economic theories to the economic world by an examination of three key elements in scientific practise: economic concepts, economic models and economic measurements. (Despite their obvious importance, the latter two topics in particular have been unduly neglected in our field.)

B 1 Task One is to examine the development of the key concepts and variables used in economic theories, to explore how they relate to the relevant aspects of the real economy they are supposed to represent, and to enquire and assess how these concepts are incorporated into models in theoretical, applied and policy domains in economics.

B 2 Task Two is to examine the role of models, the crucial scientific tool of modern economics and econometrics. It is through the manipulation of models, particularly in mathematical form, that economists now mostly "do" their economics. The problem here is to develop a good account of exactly how models function in economics and under what conditions they can act as a knowledge-producing device.

B 3 Task Three is to analyse strategies for successful measurement in economic science. This task covers both an analysis of the conditions (theoretical and practical) that are required for measurability (measurement in principle) of economic variables, and the development of criteria for good measurement formulas appropriate to our concepts.

These three elements are studied (concurrently) through a series of case studies each of which applies the methods of philosophical and historical analysis to the development and current practise of economics. By studying these cases with the help of theoretical frameworks (based on analyses from the philosophy of science), we expect that, in due course, we will be able to make some more general inferences about the practical ways in which economic science succeeds in generating economic knowledge.

144 Methodology & History of Economics: Concepts, Models and Measurement - Blaug & Reuten - Economics

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Blaug, M. prof dr hgl - 0.11 0.11 0.11 - 0.11 AE 1 Boumans, M.J. dr ir ud 0.12 0.24 0.40 0.40 - 0.40 AE 1 Chao, H.K. drs bursaal 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 1 Heertje, A. prof dr hgl 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.10 AE 3 Maas, H.B.J.B. drs ud 0.05 0.32 0.40 0.40 - 0.40 AE 1 Morgan, M.S. prof dr hgl 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.05 - 0.05 AE 1 Reuten, G.A. dr uhd 0.33 0.40 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 AE 1 Rodenburg, P. drs bursaal - 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 1 Vromen, J.J. dr ud 0.03 - - - - - AE 1 Went, R. drs bursaal 0.20 0.20 0.13 0.13 - 0.13 AE 1 Went, R. drs gast - - 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 AE 1

Total 1st flow of funds 1.53 2.57 2.79 2.79 0.00 2.79 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 1.63 2.67 2.89 2.89 2.89 PhD students 0.80 1.40 1.33 1.33 1.33

Research Output

Key publications

Reuten, G. (1998). The status of Marx's reproduction schemes: conventional or dialectical logic? In Arthur, C. & Reuten, G. (eds), The Circulation of Capital: Essays on Volume II of Marx'’s 'Capital' (pp. 187-229). London: Macmillan. Boumans, M.J. (1999). Representation and stability in testing and measuring rational expectations. Journal of Economic Methodology, 6, 381-401. Blaug, M. (1999). Misunderstanding Classical Economics - The Sraffian Interpretation of the Surplus Approach. History of Political Economy, 31, (2), 213-36. Maas, H. (1999). Mechanical Rationality: Jevons and the Making of Economic Man. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 30, (4), 587-619. Morgan, M.S. & Morrison, M. (eds) (1999). Models as Mediators - Perspectives on Natural and Social Science (pp. 1-37, 66-96, 196-249, 347-388) (with contributions of the Research Group members Morgan, Boumans and Reuten). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

145 Methodology & History of Economics: Concepts, Models and Measurement - Blaug & Reuten - Economics


Ravoo, M. (2000, 20 October). A Transaction Cost Analysis of Scheduled international Air Transport of Passengers. Universiteit van Amsterdam. [Promotor A. Heertje] [cat. C].

Academic publications (excl. publications in/of books) - refereed

Blaug, M. (2000). No history of ideas, please, we're economists. Journal of Economic Perspectives, winter, 145-164. [A]. Blaug, M. (2000). Is competition such a good thing? Static efficiency versus dynamic efficiency. Review of Industrial Organisation, winter, 1-12. [B]. Blaug, M. (2000). Henry George: A Rebel With A Cause. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 7, (2) Summer, 270-288. [C]. Heertje, A. (2000). Hennipman en de kwaliteit van het bestaan. Maandschrift Economie, juni, 171- 177. [C]. Morgan, M.S. & Backhouse, R.E. (2000). Is data mining a methodological problem? Journal of Economic Methodology, 7, (2), 171-182. [B]. Went, R. (2000). Game, Set and Match for Mr. Ricardo? The Surprising Comeback of Protectionism in the Era of Globalized Free Trade. Journal of Economic Issues, 34, (3), 655-677. [B]. Went, R. (2000). Making Europe Work The Struggle to Cut the Workweek. Capital & Class, 71, (Summer), 1-10. [C].

Academic publications (in/of books) - refereed

Blaug, M. (1999). Karl Marx. In Jessua, C., Labrousse, C. & Vitry, D. (eds), Dictionnaire des Sciences Economiques (pp. 423-31). Paris: Presses Universitaire de France. Blaug, M. (2000). Competition as an End-State and Competition as a Process? In Walker, D.A. (ed.), Equilibrium Vol II (pp. 272-96). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Blaug, M. (2000). Entrepreneurship in the History of Economic Thought. In Swedberg, R. (ed.), Entrepreneurship; The Social Science View (pp. 196-216). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Blaug, M. (2000). Equity finance, internal funds and involuntary unemployment. In Backhouse, R.E. & Salanti, A. (eds), Macroeconomics and the Real World (pp. 215-219). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Blaug, M. (2000). The Disease of Formalism in Economics, or Bad Games that Economists Play. In Pejovich, S. (ed.), The Economics of Property Rights (pp. 168-94). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Morgan, M.S. (2000). Explanatory strategies for monetary policy analysis. In Backhouse, R.E. & Salanti, A. (eds), Macroeconomics and the Real World , Volume I: Econometric Techniques and Macroeconomics (pp. 141-153). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Morgan, M.S. & Butter, F. den (2000). What makes the empirical models-policy interaction successful? In Butter, F. den & Morgan, M.S. (eds), Empirical Models and Policy Making: Interaction and Institutions (pp. 279-312). London/New York: Routledge. Went, R. (2000). Globalization: Neoliberal Challenge, Radical Responses. London: Pluto Press. 170 pages.

Academic publications (excl. publications in/of books) - non-refereed

Blaug, M. (2000). Endogenous growth theory. Research Memoranda in History and Methodology of Economics, 00-7. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics. Boumans, M.J. (2000). Fishers instrumental approach to index numbers. Discussion paper, DP MEAS , 3/00. LSE Centre for the philosophy of the natural and social sciences.

146 Methodology & History of Economics: Concepts, Models and Measurement - Blaug & Reuten - Economics

Boumans, M.J. (2000). Fishers instrumental approach to index numbers. Research Memoranda in History and Methodology of Economics, 00-3. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics. Chao, H-K. (2000). Milton Friedman and the Emergence of the Permanent Income Hypothesis. Research Memoranda in History and Methodology of Economics, 00-5. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics. Heertje, A. (2000). P. de Wolff, Levensbericht. KNAW, Amsterdam. Heertje, A. (2000). Economie, wetenschap en kunst. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 18, (02), 10. Heertje, A., Roscam Abbink, M. & Wachters, L.H.J. (2000). Milieumythe Betuwelijn; boekbespreking vervoer. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 23, (6), 520-522. Maas, H. (2000). An Instrument can Make a Science: Jevons's Balancing Acts in Economics. Discussion paper, DP MEAS , 2/00. LSE-Centre for the Philosophy of Natural & Social Science. Maas, H. (2000). An Instrument can Make a Science: Jevons's Balancing Acts in Economics. Research Memoranda in History and Methodology of Economics, 00-2. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics. Morgan, M.S. (2000). Experiments Without Material Intervention: Model Experiments, Virtual Experiments and Virtually Experiments. Research Memoranda in History and Methodology of Economics, 00-1. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics. Reuten, G. (2000). The interconnection of Systematic Dialectics and Historical Materialism, Research Memoranda in History and Methodology of Economics, 00-6. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics. Reuten, G. (2000). Capital's Sublimation: interest and labour expulsion an essay on Marx's “Capital III”. Research Memoranda in History and Methodology of Economics, 00-9. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics. Rodenburg, P. (2000). Tracing the Changing Measures of Unemployment in Dutch Unemployment Statistics 1900-1940. Research Memoranda in History and Methodology of Economics, 00-4. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics. Went, R. (2000). The Combination of Free Trade and Free Movement of Capital: Globalization in the perspective of imperialism. Research Memoranda in History and Methodology of Economics, 00-8. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics.

Academic publications in/of books –non-refereed

Boumans, M.J. (2000). Tinbergen. In Reinalda, B. (ed.), Biografisch Woordenboek van het Socialisme en de Arbeidersbeweging in Nederland. Amsterdam: IISG. Heertje, A. (2000). Introduction. In Heertje, A. (ed.) Isaac de Pintos "Traitéé de la circulation et du crédit", Vademecum zu einem niederländischen Pionier des Denkens über die Staatsverschuldung (pp. 5-8). Düsseldorf: Verlag Wirtschaft und Finanzen. Heertje, A. & Polak, J.B. (2000). Preface. In Polak, J.B. & Heertje, A. (eds), Analytical Transport Economics. Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar. Heertje, A. (2000). Klant as a Neo-Popperian. In Essays in Honour of Mark Perlman. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Heertje, A. (2000). Een ongepubliceerde brief aan Pareto. Liber Amicorum, P. Tommissen. Uitgeverij APSIS: La Hulpe. Went, R. (1999). Westeuropa in der Triade-Konkurrenz (des)integrierende Auswirkungen der Einheitswährung. In Altvater, E. & Mahnkopf, B. (eds), Ökonomie eines friedlichen Europa (pp. 64-74). Münster: Agenda Verlag.

147 Methodology & History of Economics: Concepts, Models and Measurement - Blaug & Reuten - Economics

Professional publications

Heertje, A. (2000). Review of Samuels, W. (ed.) (1998). European Economist of the Early 20th Century, Vol. 1 Studies of Neglected Thinkers of Belgium, France, The Netherlands and Skandinavia. Edward Elgar. In The Economic Journal, 110, (461) February, 190-191. Heertje, A. (2000). Review of Creedy, J. (1998). The History of Economic Analysis - Selected Essays. Edward Elgar. In De Economist, 148, (4), 557-558. Heertje, A. (2000). Review of Sidak, J.G. & Spulber, D.F. Deregulatory Takings and the Regulatory Contract. In De Economist, 148, (1), 125-126. Heertje, A. (2000). Europa ontbeert een sterke politieke unie. Meningen verdeeld over toekomst euro. DNB magazine, juli, 19. Went, R. (2000). Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen als substituut voor democratie en sociale rechten. In Noordegraaf, H. & Workum J. van (eds), Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen: een nieuwe fase in het kapitalisme (pp. 87-103). Kampen: Kok.

Popular publications

Heertje, A., Pieretti, P. & Barthelemy, Ph. (2000). Principes d' Économie Politique. De Boeck Université, Belgium. 3rd edition. Heertje, A. (2000). Economie in een notendop. Amsterdam: Prometheus. 1st, 2nd and 3rd imprint. Heertje, A. (2000). Gevraagd: een progresieve sociaal democratie. Socialisme & Democratie , 57, (7/8), 328-332. Heertje, A. (2000, 14 January). Juridische opleiding behoeft eerder meer dan minder economie. Folia, p. 2. Heertje, A., Sandwijk, M. van & Vrolijk, T. (2000, 15 January). Schoolboeken. Ingezonden brief. NRC. Heertje, A. (2000, 21 January). Introductie micro- en macro-economie; in memoriam Piet de Wolff (1911-2000). NRC. Heertje, A. (2000, 26 April). Over "de nieuwe economie bestaat niet". Carp, 9. Heertje, A. & Booij, L. (2000, 18 May). Politiek staart zich blind op asfalt. NRC. Opinie. Heertje, A. (2000, June). Economie en cultureel erfgoed. In Het verleden en de toekomst (pp. 33-36). Utrecht: De Federatie van Stichts Erfgoed. Heertje, A. & Roscam Abbing, M. (2000, June). Kabinet moet aanleg van Betuwelijn heroverwegen. NRC. Heertje, A. (2000). Stop de Netelenbosifixering. Het Parool, 3 July. Regio, De Meerlanden, nr. 8, Sept. 2000, p. 84: Info Regio, Amsterdam, nr. 7, Sept. 2000, p. 46. Heertje, A. & Amelung, S.B. (2000). Betuwelijn moet les zijn voor het Noordzeekanaal-gebied. Alkmaarse Courant, Eigenzinnig, 25-7-2000; Rotterdams Nieuwsblad, July 2000; Gooi- en Eemlander, 28 June 2000. Heertje, A. (2000, October). Niet-reproduceerbare economie. In De boerderij voorbij. Het landelijk gebied op zoek naar een nieuw evenwicht (p. 10). DHV Associatie voor Strategie en Beleid. Heertje, A. (2000). Mijn generatie steekt liever geld in verzamelingen dan in opties. In Brummelhuis, S.J. (ed.), Een zwever ben ik nooit geweest - een tijdsbeeld in 15 portretten (pp. 25-30). Amsterdam: Brummsbooks. Heertje, A. (2000, 11 January). Nieuwe kans Betuwelijn te stoppen. Het Parool. Heertje, A. (2000, 25 October). Wim Duisenberg, architect. Het Parool. Heertje, A. (2000). Letters and Columns in Newspapers and Weeklies: NRC, Gooi- en Eemlander, Aelus-magazine, Rostra, Vrij Nederland, Felix Meritis, Het Parool. Maas, H. &. Meer, J. van der (2000). Iedereen zoekt naar ordening? De Helling, tijdschrift van het wetenschappelijk bureau van GroenLinks, 13, (2), 5-8.

148 Methodology & History of Economics: Concepts, Models and Measurement - Blaug & Reuten - Economics

Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to academic conferences, workshops and seminars

Blaug, M. (2000, 17-18 February). Is there really progress in economics? Lecture to European Society for the History of Economics, Graz, Austria. Boumans, M.J. (2000, 30 November). Calibration. Measurement Meeting, London School of Economics and Political Science, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, London UK. Boumans, M.J. (2000, 30 June-3 July). The axiomatic approach to indices. History of Economics Society annual meeting, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Boumans, M.J. (2000, 30 June). How economists model the world to numbers. INEM Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Boumans, M.J. (2000, 28-30 April). The axiomatic approach to index numbers. HOPE Annual Conference 'The Age of Economic Measurement', Duke University, Durham NC USA. Boumans, M.J. (2000, 20 April). The axiomatic approach to index numbers. Workshop 'Axiomatization of Economics', Tinbergen Institute, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Boumans, M.J. (2000, 23 March). The physicist Jan Tinbergen. Seminar 'A many-sided Jan Tinbergen’, Department of Social Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Maas, H. (2000, 28-30 April). Instruments of Precision. Paper presented to the History of Political Economy workshop 2000 'The Age of Economic Measurement, Duke University, Durham NC, USA. Maas, H. (2000, 21-22 April). Instruments of Precision', paper presented to ECHE (Economic Conferences on the History of Economics), EUR, Rotterdam. Maas, H. (2000, 8 November). An Instrument can make a Science: Jevons's use of the balance in economics. Lecture held for the WTMC (wetenschap, technologie, maatschappij en cultuur) research group, University of Maastricht. Maas, H. (2000, 30 November). An Instrument can make a Science: Jevons's use of the balance in economics', lecture held to Centre for the Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences, London School of Economics, London, UK. Morgan, M.S. (2000, November). Simulations in economics: using models to create evidence, History and Philosophy of Science Societies Joint Meeting, Vancouver, Canada. Morgan, M.S. (2000, June). Experiments without material intervention: Model experiments, virtual experiments and virtually experiments. Invited Speaker at international meeting: `Towards a More Developed Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation', Free University, Amsterdam. Morgan, M.S. (2000, March). Princeton University, History of Science Colloquium: Modelling the Economy as an Hydraulic System (with Marcel Boumans). Morgan, M.S. (2000, February). Invited Discussant: International Workshop Series on `Model Organisms, Cases and Exemplary Narratives' Princeton University History of Science, USA. Morgan, M.S. (2000, January). University of Pennsylvania History and Sociology of Science Colloquium: Modelling the Economy as an Hydraulic System (with Marcel Boumans), University of Pennsylvania, USA. Reuten, G. (2000, 16-21 July). Capital's internal opposition-in-unity: finance capital and managerial capital. 10th International Symposium on Marxian Theory, Universiteit van Amsterdam / Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam. Reuten, G. (2000). Capital's internal opposition-in-unity: finance capital and managerial capital: comment on papers by Chris Arthur, Riccardo Bellofiore, Martha Campbell, Paul Mattick, Fred Moseley, Patrick Murray and Tony Smith. Went, R. (2000, 29-30 September). Discussant at the conference of the European Economists for Alternative Economic Policies, Brussels, Belgium. Went, R. (2000, 2-5 November). Globalization as emerging new stage of capitalism: towards a new long boom? Conference of the European Association of Evolutionary and Political Economy (EAEPE), Berlin,Germany.

149 Methodology & History of Economics: Concepts, Models and Measurement - Blaug & Reuten - Economics

Organisational contributions to conferences, workshops and seminars

Blaug, M. & Boumans, M.J. (2000, 19 June). Workshop Entrepreneurship (with W. Baumol and others), Tinbergen Institute, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Blaug, M. & Boumans, M.J. (2000, 10 March). Workshop 'Behavioral Economics', Tinbergen Institute, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Boumans, M.J. (2000, 20 April). Workshop 'Axiomatization of Economics', Tinbergen Institute, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Maas, H. (2000, 10 October). Organiser of Tinbergen Institute Seminar in Institutions and Decision Analysis, Michael White (Monash University, Australia): "Welcome to the machine: Jevons' formulation of the post-classical economic problem". Morgan, M.S. (2000). Organiser for Measurement in Physics and Economics seminar series: London School of Economics, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science Summer and Autumn semesters? London, UK. Reuten, G. (2000, 16-21 July). Organiser 10th International Symposium on Marxian Theory, Universiteit van Amsterdam / Tinbergen Institute (sponsored by NWO), Amsterdam.

Other lectures on research

Reuten, G. (2000, 11 April). Loonmatiging, werkgelegenheid en beleidsconcurrentie in het perspectief van de EU. Lecture for policymaking officials of Ministerie van SZW, Instituut Clingendael, Den Haag [Netherlands institute of international relations Clingendael]. Reuten, G. (2000, 11 May). Participant forumdiscussion of meeting of experts of the political party GroenLinks on the Possible necessity of control on short-term capital exchange [Mogelijke noodzaak van controle op het kortlopend kapitaalverkeer]. Utrecht. Reuten, G. (2000, 14 November). Cyclical economic development and the `New Economy'. Lecture for Attac, Amsterdam. Went, R. (2000, 22 January). Lecture on the EMU. Seminar organised by the Red-Green Alliance, Copenhagen, Denmark. Went, R. (2000, 19 September). Lecture on Globalisation. ATTAC-Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Went, R. (2000, 25 November). Lecture on Globalisation. ATTAC-Vlaanderen, Gent, Belgium.

Participation in academic networks

Boumans, M.J. (2000). Member of Nominating Committee, International Network for Economic Method (INEM). Boumans, M.J. (2000). Affiliate researcher of LSE Centre for Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences. Maas, H. (2000). Affiliate researcher of LSE Centre for the Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences. Morgan, M.S. (2000). Research Fellow Tinbergen Institute. Morgan, M.S. (2000). Research Co-Director, Measurement in Physics and Economics project, London School of Economics, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science. Morgan, M.S. (2000). Elected Member, Executive Committee: International Network for Economic Method, 1996-date. Morgan, M.S. (2000). RES Representative, Economic History Society Council, 1999-date. Reuten, G. (2000). Research Fellow Tinbergen Instituut. Reuten, G. (2000). Research Fellow NAKE. Went, R. (2000). Elected Member, Executive Board of the Nederlands-Vlaamse Vereniging voor Institutionele en Politieke Economie VIPE.

150 Methodology & History of Economics: Concepts, Models and Measurement - Blaug & Reuten - Economics

Membership editorial staff or referee activities

Blaug, M. (2000). Executive editor Journal of Economic Methodology. Blaug, M. (2000). Editorial Board Economics of Education Review, Feminist Economics, Journal of the History of Economic Thought. Boumans, M.J. (2000). Referee for American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Methodology, Journal of the History of Economic Thought. Heertje, A. & Polak, J. (2000). Editors Analytical Transport Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Heertje, A. (2000). Editor Isaac de Pintos "Traitéé de la circulation et du crédit", Vademecum zu einem niederländischen Pionier des Denkens über die Staatsverschuldung. Düsseldorf: Verlag Wirtschaft und Finanzen. Maas, M. (2000). Referee for Journal of Economic Methodology. Maas, M. (2000). Editorial Board De Helling, tijdschrift van het wetenschappelijk bureau van GroenLinks. Morgan, M.S. (2000). Editorial Board, History of Political Economy, 1988-date, Journal of Economic Methodology, 1996-date, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 1997-date. Morgan, M.S. & Butter, F. den (eds) (2000). Empirical Models and Policy Making: Interaction and Institutions. London: Routledge. Reuten, G. (2000). Corresponding editor Capital & Class. Reuten, G. (2000). Editorial board Tijdschrift voor Politieke Economie.

Research contributions in the media

Reuten, G. (2000, 1 May). VARA Radio 5, `Punch'. Interview and discussion on The other side of capitalism. Reuten, G. (2000, 1 May). Het Financieele Dagblad. `Statement' on the EMU. Reuten, G. (2000, May). Spanning, 2/5, pp. 14-15. Interview on merit pay. Reuten, G. (2000, 24 July). NOS Radio 1, Ochtendjournaal. Short interview on the salary of managers. Reuten, G. (2000, Augustus). Genoeg, 4/21, pp. 6-7. Interview on the growing gap between rich and poor.

Various activities

Morgan, M.S. (2000). British Academy Research Readership: 2 years funding for full-time research on Models and Their Making.

151 Experimental and Political Economics – Van Winden – Economics

Experimental and Political Economics (CREED) Programme director: Prof. dr F.A.A.M. van Winden Department: Economics (AE) OZIS-code: aec-exp

Members of the research group

Dr N. Bardsley (postdoc) Drs R. Bosman (aio) Dr S. Falconieri (postdoc) Drs J. Grosser (bursaal) Dr T.J.S. Offerman (ud) Dr A.M. Riedl (postdoc) Drs M. Rostek (bursaal) Drs V. Sadiraj (bursaal) Prof. dr A.J.H.C. Schram (hgl) Drs I. Seinen (bursaal) Dr J. Sonnemans (ud) Drs A. Ule (bursaal) Prof. dr F.A.A.M. van Winden (hgl)

Programme design

The research programme comprises two main projects: the economic analysis of political decision-making, and experimental economics with special emphasis on issues of political decision-making. Theoretical as well as empirical research methods - in particular, laboratory experimentation - are used. Most of the research is fundamental.

The research of this programme is carried out within the Center for Research in Experimental Economics and political Decision-making (CREED), a research institute of the Faculty of Economics and Econometrics. CREED was established in 1991 by a PIONIER-grant from the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Scientific Research (NWO).

An important facility is the CREED-laboratory for experimental economics, one of the very few dedicated computer laboratories in Europe. Its focus on political decision-making and experimental economics distinguishes CREED internationally.

Economics of political decision-making This project is concerned with the demand for and the endogeneous supply of government policies, the ways in which coordination takes place through the political decision-making process, and the effects thereof on the economy. Important research topics are:

Political participation and influence: voter behaviour and the activities and influence of interest groups; Interaction between the public sector and the private sector: issues of international political economy; the development of social capital and its importance for the provision of public goods; Political economy of public and private institutions: issues of fiscal federalism; the public affairs management of private organisations.

152 Experimental and Political Economics – Van Winden – Economics

Experimental economics The main objective of laboratory experiments in economic research is to create a (political) economic process in a laboratory environment which enables sufficient control and accurate measurement. Experiments are used for three purposes: the testing of behavioural assumptions and predictions of existing (competing) theories, the searching for facts that are instrumental in the construction of descriptive and explanatory theories, and the evaluation of (new) institutions to assist policy makers. Research in this area is particularly stimulated by, and provides feedback for, the aforementioned economics of political decision-making project. The major lines of research are:

· Voting and electoral competition: the behaviour of voters and political candidates; · Lobbying and political pressure: ways and means of political influence attempts by interest groups; determinants of the effectiveness of influence attempts; · Emotions and economic behaviour; impact of emotions on economic behaviour; incorporation of emotions in economic models; · Markets and institutions: the functioning of markets and (the design of) institutions. · The evolution of cooperation: the development of cooperative behaviour over time.

153 Experimental and Political Economics – Van Winden – Economics

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Bardsley, N. dr postdoc - - 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 AE 3 Bosman, R. drs aio 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 1 Falconieri, S. dr postdoc - - 0.27 0.27 - 0.27 AE 1 Grosser, J. drs bursaal 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 1 Offerman, T.J.S. dr oz - 0.30 0.80 0.80 - 0.80 AE 1 Offerman, T.J.S. dr ud 0.80 0.50 - - - - AE 2 Riedl, A.M. dr postdoc 0.24 0.30 0.30 0.30 - 0.30 AE 3 Riedl, A.M. dr postdoc 0.36 0.50 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 AE 2 Rostek, M. drs bursaal - - 0.10 0.10 - 0.10 AE 1 Sadiraj, V. drs bursaal 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 1 Schram, A.J.H.C. prof dr hgl 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 AE 1 Seinen, I. drs bursaal 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 - 0.60 AE 1 Sonnemans, J. dr ud 0.30 0.40 0.40 0.40 - 0.40 AE 1 Ule, A. drs bursaal - - 0.20 0.20 - 0.20 AE 1 Winden, F.A.A.M. van prof dr hgl 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 AE 1

Total 1st flow of funds 3.50 3.90 5.17 5.17 0.00 5.17 Total 2nd flow of funds 1.36 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.24 0.30 0.80 0.80 0.80 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 5.10 5.20 6.47 6.47 6.47 PhD students 2.40 2.40 2.70 2.70 2.70

Research Output

Key publications

Offerman, T., Schram, A.J.H.C. & Sonnemans, J. (1996). Value orientations, expectations and voluntary contributions in public goods. The Economic Journal, 106, 817-845. Dijk, F. van & Winden, F.A.A.M. van (1997). Dynamics of Social Ties and Local Public Good Provision. Journal of Public Economics, 64, 323-341. Offerman, T. (1997). Beliefs and Decison Rules in Public Good Games - Theory and Experiments. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer. Riedl, A., Fehr, E. & Kirchsteiger, G. (1998). Gift exchange and reciprocity in competitive experimental markets. European Economic Review, 42, 1-34. Jacobsen, B., Potters, J., Schram, A.J.H.C. & Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). (In)accuracy of a European political stockmarket: The influence of common value structures. European Economic Review, 44, 205-230.

154 Experimental and Political Economics – Van Winden – Economics

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - refereed

Bardsley, N. (2000). Interpersonal Interaction and Economic Theory: The Case of Public Goods. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 71, 1-37. [C]. Gerxhani, K. & Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000). Politics in Transition Economies; Consequences of a Clan Culture. Journal for Institutional Innovation, Development and Transition, 4, 5-14. [C]. Jacobsen, B., Potters, J.J.M., Schram, A.J.H.C., Winden F.A.A.M. van & Wit, J. (2000). (In)accuracy of a Political Stockmarket: The Influence of Common Value Structures. European Economic Review, 44, 205-230. [A]. Keser, C. & Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). Conditional cooperation and voluntary contributions to public goods. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 102, 23-39. [B]. Potters, J. & Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). Professionals and students in a lobbying experiment. Professional rules of conduct and subject surrogacy. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 43, 499-522. [B]. Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000). Sorting out the Seeking: The Economics of Individual Motivations. Public Choice, 103, 231-258. [B]. Sloof, R. & Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). Show them your teeth first! Public Choice, 104, 81-120. [B].

Academic publications (in/of books) - refereed

Riedl, A. & Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). Führt das Lohnsteuer-System zu Budgetdefiziten? Ein makro-ökonomisches Experiment. In Neck, R., Holzmann, R. & Schneider, F. (eds), Staatsschulden am Ende? Ursachen, Wirkungen und Zukunftsperspektiven. Vienna: MANZ- Verlag.

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - non-refereed

Bardsley, N. (2000). Control Without Deception: Individual Behaviour in Free-Riding Experiments Revisited. CREED Working Paper. Universiteit van Amsterdam. Bardsley, N. & Moffatt, P.G. (2000). An Econometric Analysis of Voluntary Contributions: The Random Effects, Two Limit, P-Tobit Model. CREED Working Paper. Universiteit van Amsterdam. Bardsley, N. & Sugden, R. (2000). The Bond of Society. UEA Papers in Philosophy, New Series 10. University of East Anglia, UK. Brandts, J., Saijo, T. & Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000). A Four Country Comparison of Spite and Cooperation in Public Goods Games. CREED Working paper. Universiteit van Amsterdam. Falconieri, S. (2000). The Impact of Lobbying on the Allocation of Political Authority. Working Paper. Ente Ginaudi. Goeree, J.K. & Offerman, T.J.S. (2000). Efficiency in Auctions with Private and Common Values: An Experimental Study. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, TI 2000-045/1 . Goeree, J.K. & Offerman, T.J.S. (2000). News and Winner’s Curses in Second-Price Auctions: An Experimental Study. CREED Working Paper. Universiteit van Amsterdam. Riedl, A. & Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). An Experimental Investigation of Wage Taxation and Unemployment in Closed and Open Economies. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, 2000- H 112/1. Riedl, A. & Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). Does the Wage Tax System Cause Budget Deficits? A Macro-Economic Experiment. Tinbergen Institute Discussion paper, 2000-094/1 . Riedl, A. & Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). Die makro-ökonomischen Auswirkungen verschiedener Formen der Finanzierung der Sozialversicherung: Ein makro-ökonomisches Experiment als Politikberatungsinstrument. CREED Working Paper. Universiteit van Amsterdam. Rostek, M.J. (2000). How do income distributions change in Europe? Luxembourg Income Study

155 Experimental and Political Economics – Van Winden – Economics

Working Paper, 240. Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracure University, Syracuse, NY, USA. Sadiraj, K. & Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000). Informed and Uniformed Investors in an Experimental Ponzi Scheme. CREED Working paper. Universiteit van Amsterdam. Sadiraj, V., Tuinstra, J. & Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). On the dynamics of interest group formation and endogenous policymaking. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, TI 2000- 022/1. Seinen, I. & Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000). Social Status and Group Norms: Indirect Reciprocity in a Helping Game. CREED Working paper. Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Professional Publications

Winden, F.A.A.M. van, Riedl, A., Wit, J. & Dijk, F. van (2000). Experiment: het Plan Van Elswijk. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, 197-199.

Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to conferences, workshops and seminars

Bardsley, N. (2000, 12 May). Control Without Deception. Individual Behaviour in Free-Riding Experiments Revisited. ESRC Research Seminars in Game Theory. UCL, London, England. Paper presentation. Bardsley, N. (2000, 16-18 June). Control Without Deception. Individual Behaviour in Free-Riding Experiments Revisited. ESA Conference. NYU, New York, USA. Paper presentation. Bardsley, N. (2000, 22-24 September). Control Without Deception. Individual Behaviour in Free- Riding Experiments Revisited. ENDEAR Workshop, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Paper presentation. Bardsley, N. (2000, 18-22 October). Voluntary Contributions to Public Goods: Reciprocity or Inequality Aversion? ESA Conference, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Paper Presentation. Bosman, R. (2000, 16-18 June). Earned income or manna from heaven in a power-to-take game experiment, ESE 2000 conference, New York, USA. Paper presentation. Großer, J. (2000, 12 January). Should I organize the conference? An experiment on a public good game with alternating, single decision makers. Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance (CeNDEF) Workshop on Economic Dynamics. Amsterdam. Paper presentation. Großer, J. (2000, 17 June). An aspiration adaptation model of issue voting. ESA conference. NYU. New York, USA. Paper presentation. Großer, J. (2000, 19 October). The Impact of Group Size Uncertainty on Voter Turnout - An Experiment on a ‘Standard’ and ‘Modified’ Participation Game. Annual European meeting of the Economic Science Association (ESA). Amsterdam. Paper presentation. Großer, J. (2000, 20 October). Personal and General Standards of Fairness in an Experimental Investment Game. Annual European meeting of the Economic Science Association (ESA). Amsterdam. Paper presentation. Großer, J. (2000, 15 November). The Impact of Group Size Uncertainty on Voter Turnout - An Experiment on a ‘Standard’ and ‘Modified’ Participation Game. University of Cologne. Cologne, Germany. Paper presentation. Offerman, T.J.S. (2000, 11 March). Efficiency at Auctions with Private and Common Values: An Experimental Study. 2000 Annual Meeting of Public Choice Society. Charleston, SC, USA. Paper presentation. Offerman, T.J.S. (2000, 19 October). News and Winner’s Curses in Second Price Auctions: An Experimental Study. European Economic Science Association Meetings 2000. Amsterdam. Paper presentation.

156 Experimental and Political Economics – Van Winden – Economics

Offerman, T.J.S. (2000, 11 December). Does Auctioning of Entry Licences Affect Market Prices? Lunchseminar series 2000 of the Faculty of Economics Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Paper presentation. Riedl, A. (2000, 2-3 May). Information and the Creation of Social Capital. 9e Sociaal- wetenschappelijke studiedagen. Amsterdam. Paper presentation. Riedl, A. (2000, 8 May). Moral property rights in bargaining. Research seminar at the Institute for empirical economic research. University of Zurich. Zurich, Switzerland. Paper presentation. Riedl, A. (2000, 16-18 June). Information and the Creation of Social Capital. Annual meeting of the Economic Science Association. New York, USA. Paper presentation. Riedl, A. (2000, 19-22 July). An experimental investigation of wage taxation and unemployment in a closed and an international economy. CESifo workshop on Labor Markets. Venice, Italy. Paper presentation. Riedl, A. (2000, 30 August-2 September). Social (in)stability, distributive conflicts, and investment in poor and rich economies. Annual meeting of the European Economic Association. Bolzano, Italy. Paper presentation. Riedl, A. (2000, 19-22 September). An experimental investigation of wage taxation and unemployment in a closed and an international economy. Annual meeting of the Verein fuer Socialpolitik. Berlin, Germany. Paper presentation. Riedl, A. (2000, 23-24 September). Public debt and social security: a macro-economic experiment. ENDEAR workshop on experimental economics. Barcelona, Spain. Paper presentation. Riedl, A. (2000, 18-21 October). Moral property rights in bargaining. European regional meeting of the Economic Science Association. Amsterdam. Paper presentation Riedl, A. (2000, 8 November). On the Economic Performance of Input vs. Output taxes: A Comparative Experimental Analysis. Research seminar at the Dept. of Economics, Humboldt University. Berlin, Germany. Paper presentation. Sadiraj, V. (2000, 10-12 March). Interest Groups and Social Dynamics in a Model of Spatial Competition. 2000 Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society and the Economic Science Association Charleston, SC, USA. Paper presentation. Sadiraj, V. (2000, 26-29 April). Interest Groups and Social Dynamics in a Model of Spatial Competition. The 2000 Annual Meeting of the European Public Choice Society Siena, Italy. Paper presentation. Sadiraj, V. (2000, 24-26 May). Interest Groups and Social Dynamics in a Model of Spatial Competition. Seventh Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics,Vienna, Austria. Paper presentation. Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000, 26-30 April). Tax Evasion and Choice of Income: An Experimental Study; Annual Meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Sienna, Italy. Paper presentation. Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000, 15-19 June). Experiments on Tax Evasion. ESA conference. New York, USA. Paper presentation. Winden, F.A.A.M van (2000, 31 January). An experimental study of the Plan Van Elswijk. FEE seminar. Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Paper presentation. Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000, 27 April). Reconstructie Nationale Rekeningen en de analyse van de ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse volkshuishouding 1800-1940. Instituut Geschiedenis, Universiteit Utrecht. Utrecht. Comments and panel discussion. Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000, 16 June). An experimental investigation of wage taxation and unemployment in a closed and small open economy. Annual Meeting of the Economic Science Association, New York University. New York, USA. Paper presentation. Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000, 3 July). An experimental investigation of wage taxation and unemployment in a closed and small open economy. CESifo. Munich, Germany. Lecture. Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000, 26 August). On emotions. Conference on Measuring welfare and well- being. Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam. Invited paper presentation. Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000, 23 November). On the economic performance of input versus output taxes: a comparative experimental analysis. Volkswirtschaftliches Forschungsseminar, Universität Zürich und ETH Zürich. Zurich, Switserland. Lecture.

157 Experimental and Political Economics – Van Winden – Economics

Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000, 15 December). Emotions in an investment game. Workshop on Economic and psychological studies of emotions. Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Paper presentation.

Organisational contributions to conferences, workshops, and seminars

Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000, 15-25 September). ENDEAR Summer School, Network Meeting, and Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. Participation as network-coordinator. Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000, 15 December). Workshop on Economic and psychological studies of emotions. Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Co-organiser. Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000, 19-21 October) The European meeting of the ESA. Amsterdam. Co- organiser.

Participation in Academic Networks

Bardsley, N. (2000). Research member of TMR-project ENDEAR (European Network for the Development of Experimental Economics and its Application to Research on Institutions and Individual Decision Making). Offerman, T.J.S. (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Institute. Riedl, A. (2000). Research member of NWO Research project Creation and Returns of Social Capital: Social Networks in education and labor markets. Riedl, A. (2000). Research member of TMR-network ENDEAR (European Network for the Development of Experimental Economics and its Application to Research on Institutions and Individual Decision Making). Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Institute. Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000). Fellow NAKE. Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000). Member of the board of CREED (Center for Research in Experimental Economics and political Decision-making). Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000). Member of the executive board of the Economic Science Association. Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000). Research member of the TMR-project ENDEAR (European Network for the Development of Experimental Economics and its Application to Research on Institutions and Individual Decision Making). Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). Member Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). Fellow Tinbergen Institute. Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). Coordinator research group Institutions and Decision Analysis, Tinbergen Institute. Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). Member Coordination Committee ESF Scientific Network Human Reasoning and Decision making. Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). International Coordinator TMR-project ENDEAR (European Network for the Development of Experimental Economics and its Application to Research on Institutions and Individual Decision Making). Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). Director CREED (Center for Research in Experimental Economics and political Decision-making). Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). Research fellow CESifo, Munich, Germany.

Membership editorial staff or referee activities

Bosman, R. (2000). Referee for Experimental Economics. Offerman, T.J.S. (2000). Referee for Computational Economics, Experimental Economics, Economic Journal, International Journal of Industrial Organization. Riedl, A. (2000). Referee for European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

158 Experimental and Political Economics – Van Winden – Economics

Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000). Editor Experimental Economics. Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000). Referee for Econometrica. Sadiraj, V. (2000) . Referee for American Journal of Political Science. Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). Editor European Journal of Political Economy. Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000). Member editorial board Public Choice.

Membership of academic committee (including PhD committees inside or outside the UvA)

Schram, A.J.H.C. (2000, 18 February). Member of Ph.D. committee, M. Verberne, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000, 24 February). Member Ph.D. Committee R. Dur. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Winden, F.A.A.M. van (2000, 14 July). External examiner Ph.D.-thesis M. Levati, University of York, UK.

Various activities

Riedl, A. (2000). Winner of the Hicks-Tinbergen Medal for the best paper in European Economic Review for years 1998/99 awarded by the European Economic Association.

159 Other Research AE – Economics

Other Research AE Department: Economics (AE) OZIS-code: aec-ovo

Members of this research group

Klaasse Bos, A.K. Wahab, I. Wesseling, V.F.M.

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC Comp Total Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE dean 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 Klaasse Bos, A.K. drs ud 0.18 0.13 - - - - AE 1 Voort, R.C. van der drs ud - - 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.10 AE 1 Wahab, I. dr uhd 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.13 - 0.13 AE 1 Wesseling, V.F.M. drs ud 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.08 AE 1

Total 1st flow of funds 0.37 0.32 0.28 0.13 0.18 0.31 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 0.37 0.32 0.28 0.13 0.31 PhD students 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

160 Amsterdam Economics (SEO) – Keuzenkamp & Theeuwes

AMSTERDAM ECONOMICS (Stichting Economisch Onderzoek - SEO) Programme directors: Prof. dr H.A. Keuzenkamp & Prof. dr J.J.M. Theeuwes OZIS-code: seo-seo

Subprogrammes Recently the SEO research program in applied economic research has been subdivided into 4 subprogrammes or ‘clusters’:

· Urban and Regional Economics · Labour and Education · Health and Social Security · Regulation and Competition Policy

Members of the research group

Drs B.E. Baarsma (oz) Drs E.E. Berkhout (oz) Drs P.H.G. Berkhout (oz) Drs N.M. Brouwer (oz) Ir H.M. Budil-Nadvorníková (oz) Drs P. Cardoso (bursaal) Drs F.A. Felsö (oz) Drs A. Ferrer-i-Carbonell (bursaal) Drs D. de Graaf (oz) Prof. dr H.A. Keuzenkamp (hgl) Drs L.M. Kok (oz) Drs M.J. van Leeuwen (oz) Dr W.J.J. Manshanden (oz) Drs E.S. Mot (oz) Drs A.C. Muskuns (oz) Prof. dr J.J.M. Theeuwes (hgl) Drs C. van der Vegt (oz) Prof. dr J.W. Velthuysen (hgl) Drs J.M. de Winter (oz) Drs C.E. Zijderveld (oz) Drs M. Zijl (bursaal)

Programme design

SEO Amsterdam Economics was founded in 1949 as a contract research institute by the Department of Economics of the University of Amsterdam. Since then, SEO has operated successfully in the market for applied economic research and analysis. Today, research is carried out by a staff of about 25 professionals, mostly economists and econometricians. With its supporting staff of about ten, SEO is a middle-sized economic research institute and a major player in the higher segment of the market for applied economic research in The Netherlands. Contract research and consultancy for international organisations (Worldbank, European Commission, US AID, US Bureau of the (Census) is a growing concern of SEO

161 Amsterdam Economics (SEO) – Keuzenkamp & Theeuwes

Amsterdam Economics. Research results are published in the SEO research report series and frequently presented at seminars and conferences.

Core markets

SEO consists of four research clusters:

Urban and Regional Economics An important activity within this cluster is the monitoring of the regional economy of greater Amsterdam, resulting in a yearly publication discussing the economic conditions and prospects of the Amsterdam area. Other activities in this cluster are the research of the building and housing market and the development of a value assessing instrument for commercial and office buildings.

Labour Economics and Education Economic analysis in this cluster concerns the transition from education to the labour market, the educational choice of pupils and students, wage structure and labour income inequalities and the development of the Dutch information economy. Annually published research monographs are the Education and Labour monitor analysing the initial labour market experiences of higher educated labour market entrants and the Study Choice Monitor documenting the educational choices of students at the end of secondary schooling.

Health Care and Social Security The health care and social security cluster is concerned with two related fields of study: health economics and the analysis of social security. Important projects of the health and social security cluster are the development of a allocation model for social security benefits (to provide local authorities with incentives to get welfare recipients back on the job), research on local poverty policy, the demand for medical treatments and the success of policies for improving the working environment.

Regulation and Competition Policy This is a research area of growing importance, for example due to the recent installation of the Dutch Competition Authority (NMa), and the development of regulation policy in the last years. It belongs to the new innovative research fields of this moment. Recent research projects concern the telecommunication market and vertical integration in the market for schoolbooks. The contractants who commission SEO research vary greatly. SEO research is independent of the commercial or political interest of the contractants. Research contracts can be from ministries, local governments or international organisations, but also private companies and non-governmental institutions contribute an important part to the contract portfolio. As of 1999, there exits formal co-operation with PricewaterhouseCoopers, by which SEO regularly provides economic-analytic work for them.

Organisation SEO Amsterdam Economics is an independent research institute without much bureaucracy. Most of the research is done in house, but SEO co-operates frequently with other research institutes such as, Intomart, the SCO-Kohnstamm Institute, AROMedia, ECN and AIAS (Amsterdams Instituut voor Arbeidsstudies). SEO has an executive board of 7 members and a board of advisors who regularly meet and discuss the research programme of SEO. The

162 Amsterdam Economics (SEO) – Keuzenkamp & Theeuwes management team of SEO (consisting of the management and heads of research clusters) takes care of daily policy.

Science SEO regularly publishes in Dutch and English professional journals. In September 1995 SEO-Intomart got an award for 'best applied research', for the publication of an article on the programming of classical concerts (a research in commission of The Royal Concerthall Orchestra in Amsterdam). Only by publishing or lecturing, a research institute stays 'alert' and keeps abreast of the newest developments in applied economic research. SEO holds an NEN- EN ISO 9001 quality certificate for Applied Economic Research and Consulting.

Research in FTEs

Name Title Function Total Total ABCDE ABC 2000 Comp Total 2000 Dept Funding ABCDE ABCDE 2000 dean 2000 1998 1999

Keuzenkamp, H, prof. dr hgl - - 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 SEO 3 Theeuwes, J.J.M. prof. dr hgl 0.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 SEO 3 Velthuysen, J.W. prof. dr hlg 1.00 0.66 - - - - SEO 3 Zijl, M. van drs bursaal - - 0.40 0.40 - 0.40 SEO 1 Other Employees - oz 12.20 16.54 17.07 17.07 - 17.07 SEO 3

Total 1st flow of funds 1.60 8.00 0.40 0.40 0.00 0.40 Total 2nd flow of funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3rd flow of funds 15.60 19.60 19.07 19.07 19.07 Total 1st-3rd flow of funds 17.20 20.40 19.47 19.47 19.47 PhD students 1.20 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40

Research Output

Key publications

Laroui, F. & Leeuwen, M.J.J. van (1996). Fiscal policy and greenhouse gasses, the case of the Netherlands. Ecological Economics, 18, 231-241. Hargreaves, C., Johnstone, N., Laroui, F. & Leeuwen, M.J. van (1998). Comparative, energy and environmental policy for the residential sector: applying Dutch standards to the UK housing stock. Energy Economics, 20, 173-202. Woittiez, I. & Theeuwes, J.J.M. (1998). Well-being and labor market status. In Jenkins, S.P., Kapteyn, A. & Praag, B.M.S. van (eds), The distribution of welfare and household production: international perspectives (pp. 211-230). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ferrer-i-Carbonell, A., Muskens, A.C., Leeuwen, M.J. van & Velthuijsen, J.W. (2000). Behavioral responses to environmentally-related taxes. COM/ENV/EPOC/DAFFE/CFA(99)111/FINAL. Paris: OECD. Keuzenkamp, H.A. (2000). Probability, econometrics and truth: the methodology of econometrics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

163 Amsterdam Economics (SEO) – Keuzenkamp & Theeuwes


Baarsma, B.E. (2000, April). Monetary valuation of environmental goods: alternatives to contigent valuation. Amsterdam: Tinbergen Institute. [Promotor J.G. Lambooy, B.M.S. van Praag] [cat. A].

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) - refereed

Bergh, J.C.J.M., Ferrer-i-Carbonell, A. & Munda, G. (2000). Models of individual behaviour and imlpications for environmental policy. Ecological Economics, 32, (1), 43-61. [B]. Berkhout, P.H.G., Muskens, J.C. & Velthuijsen, J.W. (2000). Defining the rebound effect. Energy Policy, 28, (6-7), 425-432. [C]. Galinis, A. & Leeuwen, M.J. van (2000). A CGE model for Lithuania: the future of the nuclear energy. Journal of Policy Modeling, 22, (6), 691-718. [B]. Theeuwes, J., Lane, J. & Stevens, D. (2000). High and low earnings jobs: the fortunes of employers and workers. Review of Income and Wealth, 46, (2), 213-230. [B]. Wijck, P. van & Theeuwes, J. (2000). Protection against unfair contracts: an economic analysis of European regulation. European Journal of Law and Economics, 9, (1), 75-91. [C].

Academic publications (in/of books) – refereed

Ferrer-i-Carbonell, A., Muskens, A.C., Leeuwen, M.J. van & Velthuijsen, J.W. (2000). Behavioral responses to environmentally-related taxes. COM/ENV/EPOC/DAFFE/CFA(99)111/FINAL. Paris: OECD. Bergh, J.C.J.M. van den & Ferrer-i-Carbonell, A. (2000). Economic theories of sustainable consumption. In Heap, B. & Kent, J. (eds), Towards sustainable consumption: a European perspective (pp. 117-123). London: The Royal Society. Keuzenkamp, H.A. (2000). Probability, econometrics and truth: the methodology of econometrics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Leeuwen, M.J. van & Praag, B.M.S. van (2000). The costs and benefits of lifelong learning: the case of the Netherlands. In Day, C. & Veen, D. van (eds), Educational research in Europe (pp. 313-325). Yearbook 2000 European Educational Research Association. Leuven: Garant. Voogt, M., Oostvoorn, F. van, Leeuwen, M.L. van & Velthuijsen, J.W. (2000). Energy modelling for economies in transition. In Maxwell, J.W. & Hagen, J. von (eds), Empirical studies of environmental policies in Europe (pp. 59-97). ZEI Studies in European economics and law, 3. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Academic publications (excluding publications in/of books) – non-refereed

Baarsma, B.E. (2000). Monetaire waardering van milieugoederen: alternatieven voor contingent valuation. Nieuwsbrief Milieu en Economie, 14, (1), 14-16. Berg, B. van den & Mot, E.S. (2000). Honorering, verwijsgedrag en prikkels. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4274), 791-793. Berkhout, E., Groot, I., Manshanden, W. & Theeuwes, J. (2000). SIC Industriemonitor: november 2000. SEO-rapport, 568. Amsterdam: SEO. Berkhout, P.H.G., Winter, J.M. de & Zijl, M. (2000). Studie en Werk 2000: HBO-ers en academici van studiejaar 1997/1998 op de arbeidsmarkt. SEO-rapport, 547. Amsterdam: SEO. Berkhout, P.H.G., Kok, M.H.C & Ophem, J.C.M. van (2000). De toegevoegde waarde van de museumjaarkaart. SEO-rapport, 543. Amsterdam: SEO. Brouwer, N. & Muskens, J. (2000). Behoefteonderzoek ateliers en atelierwoningen Leidsche Rijn: de enquêteresultaten. SEO-raport, 557. Amsterdam: SEO.

164 Amsterdam Economics (SEO) – Keuzenkamp & Theeuwes

Brouwer, N. & Meulenbeek, H. (2000). Ruimte voor kunstenaars: de behoefte aan ateliers, repetitieruimtes en (woon-)werkplaatsen in Amsterdam. SEO-rapport, 550. Amsterdam: SEO. Bruijn, P.J.M. de (2000). Bedrijfsmigratie in de regio Amsterdam. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4268), 663-665. Budil, H., Theeuwes, J. & Zijderveld, C. (2000). De economische betekenis van het auteursrecht in 1998: rapportage 2000. SEO-rapport, 559. Amsterdam: SEO. Butter, F.A.G. den, Vuuren, A.P. van & Zijl, M. (2000). Geaggregeerde en gedesaggregeerde voorspellingen van de werkgelegenheid. Tijdschrift voor economie en management, 45, (1), 23-41. Felsö, F., Leeuwen, M. van & Zijl, M. (2000). Verkenning en stimulansen voor het keuzegedrag van leerlingen en studenten. Beleidsgerichte studies Hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek , 74; SEO-rapport, 545. Zoetermeer: Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen / Amsterdam: SEO. Graaf, D. de, Mot, E.S., Muskens, J.C., Poot, T.P. & Praag, B.M.S. van (2000). Leven in Veenendaal 1999: de verdeling van armoede en welvaart. SEO-rapport, 544. Amsterdam: SEO. Graaf, D. de, Mot, E., Muskens, J. & Poot, T. (2000). Rondkomen in Leiden 2, de verdeling van armoede en welvaart in 1999. SEO-rapport, 548. Amsterdam: SEO. Graaf, D. de, Hop, P. & Leeuwen, M. van (2000). Vissen in elkaars vijver?: studiekeuze van havo/vwo-leerlingen, Studiekeuzemonitor 1999. SEO-rapport, 537. Amsterdam: SEO / Aromedia Data Service. Hartog, J., Ferrer-i-Carbonell, A. & Jonker, N. (2000). On a simple survey measure of individual risk aversion. Discussion paper, TI 2000-074/3 . Amsterdam: Tinbergen Institute. Hop, J.P., Knottenbelt, K. & Leeuwen, M. van (2000). Instroom en uitstroom in de regio Rotterdam: analyse met gegevens uit de Studie Keuze Monitor 1998 en 1999. SEO-rapport, 538. Amsterdam: SEO, AROMedia Data Service. Jong, U. de, Leeuwen, M. van & Roeleveld, J. (2000). Studievoortgang van eerstejaars studenten cohort 1997/98. Deelname aan Hoger Onderwijs deel 5. SCO rapport, 579 / SEO-rapport, 535. Amsterdam: SCO Kohnstamm Instituut / SEO. Junggeburt, J.F.H. (2000). You’ve got no mail: arbeid en arbeidsrelaties in de nieuwe economie. Oratie 20 oktober 2000. Amsterdam: Randstad holding. Keuzenkamp, H. & Muskens, J. (2000). Armoedeval ontwricht armoedebeleid in Leiden. B&G, 27, (10), 10-14. Keuzenkamp, H. (2000). Na vier jaar. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4240), 63. Keuzenkamp, H. (2000). Nieuwe economie is niet zo nieuw. De Journalist, 105, (13), 43-44. Keuzenkamp, H. (2000). De nieuwe hemel. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4254), 367. Leeuwen, M. van, Jong, U. de, Roeleveld, J. & Zijl, M. (2000). Wie kan de toegankelijkheid van het hoger onderwijs vergroten? Deelname aan Hoger Onderwijs, deel 8: verslag van een studiedag. SCO rapport, 584 / SEO-rapport, 546. Amsterdam: SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut / SEO. Leeuwen, M. van & Hop, J.P. (2000). Instroom in het Hoger Onderwijs: het studiekeuzegedrag van havo- en vwo-leerlingen. Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs, 18, (1), 3-14. Leeuwen, M. van & Zijl, M. Oplossen van het tekort aan technici. AEolus magazine, 2, (3), 4-7. Manshanden, W.J.J. (2000). De verborgen arbeidsreserve in Lombok, Utrecht-West. SEO-rapport, 554. Amsterdam: SEO. Manshanden, W.J.J., Winter, J.M. de & Felsö, F. (2000). Bouwen voor de toekomst: ontwikkelingen in de jaren negentig en prognoses voor de periode 2000-2005 naar regio, type en bestemming. SEO-rapport, 566. Amsterdam: SEO. Meulenbeek, H., Mot, E. & Zijderveld, C. (2000). Werken in de persoonlijke dienstverlening: motieven en voorwaarden. Waarom willen mensen ‘wit’ werken in de persoonlijke dienstverlening. SEO-rapport, 552. Amsterdam: SEO. Praag, B.M.S. van & Baarsma, B.E. (2000). The shadow price of aircraft noise nuisance. Discussion paper, TI-2000-04/3. Amsterdam: Tinbergen Institute. Praag, B.M.S. van, Frijters, P. & Ferrer-i-Carbonell, A. (2000). A structural model of well-being: with an application to German data. Discussion paper, TI 2000-053/3 . Amsterdam: Tinbergen Institute.

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Praag, B.M.S. van & Baarsma, B.E. (2000). Vliegtuigen horen, geld zien II. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4259), 476-478. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). Chips, bits en jobs. SEO-rapport, 555. Amsterdam: SEO. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). Hangplaatsen voor werknemers. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 85, (4268), 655. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). De jacht op de oudere werknemer: het advies van de SER. Tijdschrift voor gerontologie en geriatrie, 31, 7-9. Vegt, C. van der, Muskens, J. & Manshanden, W. (2000). AEV Amsterdamse Economische Verkenningen : groei, arbeid en ruimte: scenario’s van hoge groei in de regio Amsterdam. SEO-rapport, 536. Amsterdam: SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut / SEO. Vegt, C. van der, Muskens, J. & Manshanden W. (2000). Amsterdamse Economische Verkenningen, voorjaar 2000. SEO-rapport, 549. Amsterdam: SEO. Winter, J.M. de & Vegt, C. van der. (2000). Economische betekenis van de farmaceutische industrie: een analyse van de productie-en werkgelegenheidseffecten. SEO-rapport, 553. Amsterdam: SEO.

Academic publications (in/of books) – non-refereed

Groot, A.W.M. de, Praag, B.M.S. van, Velthuijsen, J.W. & Zijderveld, C.E. (2000). Wie dan zorgt … In Hazeu, C.A., Eggelte, J.J.A. & Butter, F.A.G. den (eds), Naar een vrijwel volledige arbeidsparticipatie (pp. 143-217). Werkdocument, W 113. Den Haag: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (1999). Incidentele loonontwikkeling in relatie tot prijzen en kosten. In Schwarz, T., Vedder, L. & Faber, F. (eds), Trendshop 2000: verslag van de studiebijeenkomst op 3 February 2000 (pp. 13-18). Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties / Kenniscentrum Arbeidszaken Overheid. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (1999). Labour market institutions and the Dutch model. In Labohm, H.H.J. & Wijnker, C.G.A. (eds), The Netherlands’ Polder Model: does it offer any clues for the solution of Europe’s socioeconomic flaws? (pp. 31-33). Monetaire monografieën, 17. Amsterdam: De Nederlandsche Bank. Webbink, D.H., Berkhout, P.H.G., Felsö, F., Leeuwen, M. van, Zijl, M. et al. (2000). De belangstelling van afgestudeerden voor een wetenschappelijke loopbaan, De belangstelling van studenten voor een wetenschappelijke loopbaan. In Vucht Tijssen, L. van (ed.), Talent voor de toekomst, toekomst voor talent (pp. 99-129). Zoetermeer: Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen. See: www.minocw.nl/pers2000/0079.html, Persbericht 7.

Professional publications

Arninkhof, M. Felsö, F. Frisbush, S. & Velthuijsen, J.W. (2000). Does emissions trading stimulate innivation? Amsterdam: PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Berkhout, P.H.G. & Winter, J. de (2000). Schoolverlatersbrief 2000. Zoetermeer: Arbeidsvoorziening Nederland. Berkhout, P.H.G. & Zijl, M. (2000). Een kwestie van kwaliteit: kenmerken van hoger opgeleide starters bij de overheid. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. Brouwer, N., Meulenbeek, H. & Zijderveld, C. (2000). De markt voor de beeldende kunst: de markt en de financiële positie van de beeldend kunstenaars 1998. Zoetermeer: Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen. Copius Peereboom, E., Felsö, F. Halen, C. van, Velthuijsen, J.W., Verhoog, R. & Vissers, P. (2000). Vergroening belastingstelsel 21e eeuw en milieugerichte technologische ontwikkeling. Samenwerkingsrapport PriceWaterhouseCoopers & SEO, 3 delen. Amsterdam: PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

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Manshanden, W.J.J., Winter, J.M. de & Felsö, F. (2000). Bouwprognoses 2000-2005. Den Haag: Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). Leuk werk als je het kan krijgen: T. IJdens, Schots en scheef: artistiek werk tussen markt en organisatie. Boekmancahier, 12, (45), 301-304. Wassenaar, A.E.A., Theeuwes, J.J.M. & Vos, E.L. de (2000). Bemiddeling en kwalificatie van arbeidsgehandicapten: onderzoek naar de gebruiksmogelijkheden van het vakwerkbestand van de arbeidsintegratie voor de schatting van een econometrisch duurmodel. Hoofddorp: TNO Arbeid.

Popular publications

Baarsma, B.E. (2000). Monetary valuation of environmental goods: alternatives to contigent valuation. Economenblad, 23, (3), 1-2. Baarsma, B.E. (2000). Monetaire waardering van milieugoederen: alternatieven voor contigent valuation. Rostra Economica, 45, (234), 14-17. Berkhout, P.H.G., Leeuwen, M. van & Zijl, M. (2000). Aankomend student verdiept zich wel degelijk in opleiding. Ingezonden brief. Havana, 7, (8), 4. Junggeburt, J.H.F. (2000). MBA recruitment & employment, introduction to the professional master programmes (PMP). Amsterdam, Breda: Hogeschool van Amsterdam/ Breda.. Keuzenkamp, H.A. Column in De Telegraaf (de Financiële Telegraaf): (2000, 3 februari). Spreken is goud., (2000, 17 februari). Overvloed en onbehagen, (2000, 2 maart). De nieuwe economie, (2000, 16 maart). Blauwtje kan geen kwaad., (2000, 30 maart). Meer kennis is macht, (2000, 13 april). Kennis & kapitaal, (2000, 27 april). De glazen bol van economen, (2000, 11 mei). Van dubbeltje naar kwartje, (2000, 25 mei). schoonheidswedstrijd (2000, 8 juni). De Melkertval, (2000, 22 juni). Ziektenkosten, (2000, 6 juli). De brainport slibt dicht, (2000, 21 juli). Arbeidsproductiviteit, (2000, 3 augustus). Groot, groter, grootst, (2000, 17 augustus). Eenmaal, andermaal? Bekocht!, (2000, 31 augustus). Staan in de spits, (2000, 14 september). Ga toch fietsen!, (2000, 28 september). Marktwerking in Mokum, (2000, 12 oktober). Een tweetal techneuten, (2000, 9 november). Statistische illusie, (2000, 23 november) Drie privatiseringen, (2000, 8 december). Ict en Hollands Glorie. Keuzenkamp, H.A (2000, 24 januari). GVB gaat langzaam vooruit. Het Parool. (Brieven), p. 11. Keuzenkamp, H.A. (2000, 17 november). Scheve tanden komen consument duur te staan. De Volkskrant, p.13. Keuzenkamp, H.A. (2000). Subsidietherapie voor EZ. Financiële Telegraaf, p. 43. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). De afgrond in of doormodderen? Rendemens, 2, (6), 38. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). Column in Trouw, p. 7: (2000, 11 januari) De nationale knuffel, (2000, 8 februari) Hoe de polder verzonk, (2000, 7 maart) Hamlet met zorgverlof, (2000, 4 april) Virtuele beterschap (2000, 9 mei) Prestatieloon is goed, (2000, 11 juli) Werken als het uitkomt, (2000, 8 augustus) Armoedeval, (2000, 5 september) Op kosten van de buren, (2000, 3 oktober) Gaan voor goud, (2000, 30 oktober) Arbeidscommissarissen, (2000, 28 november) Nuchter internet. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). Europa weet het even niet. LISV magazine, 1, (6), 19. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). Europese Commissie moet scherper toezien op Zuid-Europese energiemarkten. Energie Nederland, 3, (15), 11. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000, 5 mei). Immigratie kan helpen recessie te voorkomen. de Volkskrant. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). De jacht op de oudere werknemer. Rendemens, 2, (1), 27. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). Onwillige paarden drinken niet. Rendemens, 2, (2), 27. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). De nieuwe thuiswerkers. Rendemens, 2, (3), 27. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). Forever young. Rendemens, 2, (4), 43. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). Vier minuten en luttele seconden. Rendemens, 2, (7), 35. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). Een onterechte afwijzing. Rendemens, 2, (8), 34.

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Other activities

Contributions (lectures) to conferences, workshops and seminars

Baarsma, B.E. (2000, 10 April). The value of aircraft noise nuisance using the well-being evaluation method. Presentation prepared for the symposium Monetary valuation of nature and environment. Amsterdam: Tinbergen Institute. Berkhout, E.E. (2000, 23 November). Studie Keuze Monitor 2000. Presentation on the occasion of the evaluation-meeting organised by Aromedia Data Services during the Studie Beurs 2000. Utrecht, Jaarbeurs Utrecht. Berkhout, P.H.G. (2000, 28 June). Jongeren bij de overheid. Commentary on the report Een kwestie van kwaliteit, kenmerken van hoger opgeleide starters bij de overheid. Symposium Positie van jongeren bij de overheid. Haarlem, Provinciehuis. Berkhout, P.H.G. (2000, 6 November). Een kwestie van kwaliteit. Presentation of the results from the report Ministeriedagen 2000, organised by Stichting ISCD International Students Career Development. Rotterdam: Aula Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Berkhout, P.H.G. & Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000, 17 November). Presentation second opinion paper Discussiemiddag Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur & Wetenschappen bij de voorbereiding van HOOP 2000. Voorspellen op de arbeidsmarkt: voetangels en valkuilen. Zoetermeer, Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen. Felsö, F., Leeuwen, M. van & Zijl, M. (2000, 24-26 May). Verkenning stimulansen voor het keuzegedrag van leerlingen en studenten. Paper Onderwijs Researchdagen 2000. Leiden. Haanstra, F. & Muskens, A.C. (2000, 23-25 February). Arts labour market development and developments in higher arts education in the Netherlands in the 1990’s. Paper presented at the Conference The long run; long term developments in the arts and cultural industries. Rotterdam. Junggeburt, J.H.F. (2000, 30 October). Uw leiderschap in de huidige en toekomstige arbeidsmarkt. Visie, Forum Leiderschap met inspiratie in een snel veranderende omgeving. Amsterdam. Junggeburt, J.H.F. (2000, 15 November). De werkgever als merk, bent u een aantrekkelijke werkgever. Masterclass Human Resources, positiebepaling in een veranderende markt. Organised by Direction in co-operation with Universiteit Nyenrode. Noordwijk. Keuzenkamp, H.A. (2000, 11 February). Expertmeeting Stichting Noordzeekanaalgebied Sterk, schoon en slim. Amsterdam. Keuzenkamp, H.A. (2000, 17 April). Lecture D66-Symposium De nieuwe economie. Den Haag. Keuzenkamp, H.A. (2000, 29 May). Lecture Effectiviteit arbeidsmarkt maatregelen. Rotterdam: Tinbergen Instute. Keuzenkamp, H.A. (2000, 20 September). President Forum Na Prinsjesdag. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Keuzenkamp, H.A. (2000, 9 November). CBS Conferentie. Lecture Nieuwe Statistiek. Den Haag. Keuzenkamp, H.A. (2000, 21 November). Referent, Discussant CPB zorgconferentie. Den Haag: Centraal Plan Bureau. Keuzenkamp, H.A. (2000, 12 December). Lunch lecture De Nieuwe Industrie. On the SEO report SCI Industrie monitor 2000. Den Haag: Ministerie van Economische Zaken. Leeuwen, M. van (2000, 10 March). Lecture Wie kan de toegankelijkheid van het hoger onderwijs vergroten? Sympsium organised by UHA, Hbo-raad, Ministerie Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen, SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut & SEO. Amsterdam. Leeuwen, M. van (2000, 9 October). Paper Contractonderzoek, wetenschap en ISO-certificering. Seminar Kwaliteit: hoe hoog leggen we de lat. Organised by Centraal Plan Bureau. Scheveningen. Praag, B.M.S. van & Baarsma, B.E. (2000, 2-5 June). The shadow price of aircraft noise nuisance. Presentation prepared for the 4th ATRG Conference. Amsterdam. Roeleveld, J. & Zijl, M. (2000, 10 March). Wat betekent verandering in de studentenpopulatie voor motivatie en studiekeuze. Lecture Wie kan de toegankelijkheid van het hoger onderwijs vergroten? Symposium organised by UHA, Hbo-raad, Ministerie Onders, Cultuur en Wetenschappen, SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut & SEO. Amsterdam.

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Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000, 3 February). Incidentele loonontwikkeling in relatie tot prijzen en kosten. Bijdrage studiebijeenkomst met sociale partners en andere ‘smaakmakers’ om meer zicht te krijgen op belangrijke trends en ontwikkeling voor de toekomst. Den Haag. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000, 7 May). Discussiebijeenkomst De nieuwe gastarbeider. Amsterdam: De Balie. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000, 22 June). Co-referent Symposium Toekomstige waarde van het Nederlandse loonmatigingsmodel. Amsterdam: Vakbondsmuseum. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000, 12 September). Chairman Panel discussion Copyright Administration. International Conference on Copyright and the Cultural Industries. Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000, 4 October). Discussant, panel member Seminar To a European Labour Market. Diemen. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000, 5 October). Discussant Roundtable III What social policy for ageing societies? Europe-East Asia Seminar on Social Policy, Poverty Reduction and the Life Cycle. Organised by Amsterdam Institute for International Development (AIID), ASEM-financed project Lessons toward the New Social Policy Agenda in East Asia and the World Bank. Amsterdam. Theeuwes, J.J.M. & Ester, P. (2000, 12 October). Introduction/opening congress Met het oog op de toekomst van de arbeid. Trends en nieuwe vormen van arbeid en organisatie in de 21ste eeuw. Plenary meeting organised by the magazine Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken in co- operation with WESWA, SISWO. Amsterdam. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000, 20 October). Paneldiscussion. Paper Concurrentie en innovatie. Conference Visie op marktwerking. Organised by Ministerie van Economische Zaken. Scheveningen, Kurhaus. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000, 6 November). Paneldiscussion Overheid als werkgever, eenheid in verscheidenheid. Ministeriedagen 2000, organised by Stichting ISCD International Students Career Development. Rotterdam, Aula Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Zijl, M. (2000, 10 March). Lecture. Aansluiting vooropleiding. Symposium organised by UHA, Hbo- raad, Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen, SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut & SEO. Amsterdam.

Membership of academic networks

Keuzenkamp, H.A. (2000). Member of the Commissie van advies Nationale Rekeningen, CBS. Keuzenkamp, H.A. (2000). Member of wetenschappelijke klankbordgroep ICES. Keuzenkamp, H.A. (2000). Member of the Board of AIAS. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). Chairman of the Advisory committee Arbeidsmarktstatistieken of the CBS.

Membership editorial staff or referee activities

Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000) Managing editor Labour Economics. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). Member of the editorial board of Bedrijfskundige Signalementen. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). Member of the editorial board social and cultural publications of the Amsterdam University Press. Theeuwes, J.J.M. (2000). Managing editor of Labour Economics: An International Journal (North Holland) (1994-1999), member of the editorial board since 1999.


Board Faculty Dean FEE: Prof.dr. J. van der Gaag Managing director: Dhr R.K. Popma Managing Director RESAM Research Institute: Prof. dr J. Hartog. Managing Director Onderwijsinstituut: Prof.dr A. Schram

Advisory committees The Advisory Scientific Committee (Advies Commissie Wetenschapsbeoefening, ACW) advises de Managing Director RESAM on academic issues and research policy. Members of the ACW are Prof. dr M.M.G. Fase, Prof. dr ir J.G. de Gooijer, Prof. dr F. Hartmann, Prof. dr C. Hommes, Prof. dr B. van Praag, Prof. dr F.A.A.M. van Winden, vacancy.

The External Advisory Committee (EAC) advises the Managing Director RESAM on research policy and strategy. The EAC meets once every two years and is involved in the self-evaluations and VSNY visitations, like the one in 2001. The members are Prof. dr. J. van Benthem, UvA , Dr. H. Don, Prof. dr. M. Epstein, Rice University, Houston, USA, en Prof.dr. B. Wolfe, University of Wisconsin, Madison (USA), vacancy.

Programme directors Empirical Econometric Methods: Development and Application: Prof.dr J. F. Kiviet Operations Research: Prof.dr N. van Dijk Equilibrium, Expectation & Dynamics: Prof.dr C.H. Hommes & Prof.dr H.N. Weddepohl Actuarial Science: Prof.dr H. Wolthuis Accounting, Organisation & Society: Prof.dr F. Hartmann & Dr A Kolk Information Management - Prima Vera: Prof.dr ir R. Maes Financial Economics: Prof.dr E.C. Perotti Regional Economics: Prof.dr J. Lambooy The Transformation of Europe: Prof.dr R. Beetsma Labour Market & Social Inequality: Prof.dr J. Hartog Comparative Population & Gender Economics: Prof.dr S.S. Gustafsson Methodology & History of Economics: Prof.dr M. Blaug & Dr G.A. Reuten Experimental and Political Economics (CREED): Prof.dr F.A.A.M. van Winden Amsterdam Economics (SEO): Prof.dr H. Keuzenkamp & Prof.dr J.J. Theeuwes

Address Faculty of Economics & Econometrics Universiteit van Amsterdam Roetersstraat 11 NL-1018 WB Amsterdam RESAM Bureau, kr. E3.65 Phone: +31-20-5254276 Fax: +31-20-5254036 [email protected]

170 Name Programme Department E-mail code

Abcouwer, A.W. bik-bik AIM [email protected] Abdalla, N. ake-oon KE Aidis, R. aec-fef AE [email protected] Amman, H.M. ake-e&d AE [email protected] Baarsma, B. smm-rue F&O [email protected] Banens, H.M.J.H. f&o-ovo F&O [email protected] Beetsma, R. aec-fef AE [email protected] Bethlehem, J.G. ake-eem KE [email protected] Bezemer, D. aec-fef AE [email protected] Blaug, M. aec-etp AE [email protected] Bogers, J. ake-act KE [email protected] Bondt, G. de aec-fef AE [email protected] Boot, A.W.A. fim-aip F&O [email protected] Bos, T.M. aim-ovo AIM [email protected] Bosman, R. aec-exp AE [email protected] Boswijk, H.P. ake-eem KE [email protected] Botman, D. aec-fef AE [email protected] Boucherie, R. ake-oon KE [email protected] Boumans, M.J. aec-etp AE [email protected] Bouwman, C.H.S. fim-aip F&O [email protected] Brounen, D. f&o-ovo F&O [email protected] Brouwer, E. seo-seo SEO [email protected] Brouwer, M.T. f&o-ovo F&O [email protected] Bruin, P.T. de ake-eem KE Buitelaar, W.L. f&o-ovo F&O [email protected] Bun, M. ake-eem KE [email protected] Carrare, O.V. fim-aip F&O [email protected] Carchedi, G. aec-fef AE [email protected] Cardoso, P. seo-seo SEO [email protected] Casteren, P.H.F.M. van ake-eem KE [email protected] Catalan Aravena, O.O. aec-ovo AE [email protected] Chao, H.K. aec-etp AE [email protected] Choo, C.W. bik-bik AIM Christiaanse, P.W. bik-bik AIM [email protected] Ciborra, C.U. bik-bik AIM Cohen, N. f&o-ovo KE [email protected] Cramer, J.S. ake-eem KE Daal, W. aec-fef AE [email protected] Dannenburg, D. ake-act KE Dedene, G. bik-bik AIM Dezelan, S. fim-aip F&O [email protected] Dhaene, J. ake-act KE [email protected] Diks, C. (CeNDEF) ake-e&d KE [email protected] Dijk, N.M. van ake-oon KE [email protected] Dirksen, E. f&o-ovo F&O [email protected] Dirksen, V. bik-bik AIM [email protected] Dobbelsteen, S.H.A.M aec-amo AE [email protected] Don, F.J.H. ake-eem KE [email protected] Driehuis, W. f&o-ovo KE Duin, C.W. ake-oon KE [email protected] Eekelen, A. van seo-seo SEO

171 Eichholtz, P. f&o-ovo F&O [email protected] Ellman, M.J. aec-fef AE [email protected] Es, G. van seo-seo SEO [email protected] Euverman, T.J. ake-ovo KE [email protected] Ewijk, C. van aec-fef AE [email protected] Fase, M.M.G. aec-fef AE [email protected] Ferrer Carbonell, A. seo-seo SEO [email protected] Franx, G.J. ake-oon KE Ganzevoort, J.W. f&o-ovo F&O [email protected] Gerxhani, K. aec-fef AE [email protected] Giersbergen, N.P.A. van ake-eem KE [email protected] Gooijer, J.G. de ake-eem KE [email protected] Goovaerts, M.J. ake-act KE [email protected] Griffioen, G.A.W. ake-e&d KE [email protected] Grogan, L. aec-bee AE Groot, W. aec-amo AE [email protected] Groot, L.R.T. van der a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Grosser, J. aec-exp AE [email protected] Gustafsson, S.S. aec-bee AE [email protected] Hartmann, F.G.H. a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Hartog, J. aec-amo AE [email protected] Hasselt, P. van fim-aip F&O Heeren, A. van a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Heertje, A. aec-etp AE [email protected] Heerwaarden, A.E. van ake-act KE [email protected] Heijmans, R.D.H. ake-ovo KE [email protected] Hommes, C.H. ake-e&d KE [email protected] Hoogendoorn, M.N. a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Hoorn, A.I.J.M. van der smm-rue F&O [email protected] Horst, A. van de aec-fef AE [email protected] Horst, C. ter aec-amo AE Huisman, T. ake-oon KE [email protected] Huizing, A. bik-bik AIM [email protected] Irsel, H.P.G. van bik-bik AIM Ivnitsky, O. ake-oon KE Jacobs, B. aec-fef AE [email protected] Jacobsen, B. fim-aip F&O [email protected] Jager, H. aec-fef AE [email protected] Jägers, H.P.M. bik-bik AIM [email protected] Janssens, L. aec-amo AE [email protected] Jepma, C.J. aec-fef AE [email protected] Jong, F. de fim-aip F&O [email protected] Jong, M.W. de smm-rue KE [email protected] Jonker, N. aec-amo AE [email protected] Kaas, R. ake-act KE [email protected] Kampschoër, G.W.J.M. a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Kaper, E. ake-ovo KE Kenjoh, E. aec-bee AE [email protected] Keuzekamp, H. seo-seo SEO [email protected] Kind, R. van der f&o-ovo KE [email protected] Kiviet, J.F. ake-eem KE [email protected] Klaasse Bos, A.K. aec-ovo AE [email protected] Klaassen, F.J.G.M. aec-fef AE [email protected] Kleibergen, F.R. ake-eem KE [email protected] Klein, A.A.B. ake-eem KE [email protected]

172 Klijnstmit, P. a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Knaack, R.K. aec-fef AE [email protected] Kohnstamm, P.P. f&o-ovo F&O Kolk, J.E.M. a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Koster, E. bik-bik AIM [email protected] Koster, H.A.J. f&o-ovo F&O [email protected] Koster, H.F. f&o-ovo F&O [email protected] Kuiper, E. aec-bee OZI [email protected] Kumcu, A. smm-rue F&O Lam, H.M. bik-bik AIM [email protected] Lambooy, J.G. smm-rue F&O [email protected] Langendijk, H.P.A.J. a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Leenaars, J.J.A. a&c-acc AIM Leeuwen, M.J. van seo-seo SEO [email protected] Leuven, E. aec-amo AE [email protected] Levin, J. aec-amo AE [email protected] Lieshout, van aec-amo AE [email protected] Ligterink, J.E. fim-aip F&O [email protected] Litjens, R. ake-oon KE Maas, H.B.J.B. aec-etp AE [email protected] Maassen van den Brink, H. aec-amo AE [email protected] Maes, R. bik-bik AIM [email protected] Majoor, G.C.M. a&c-acc AIM Makhloufi, A. El smm-rue F&O [email protected] Manshanden, W.J.J. seo-seo SEO [email protected] Manzan, S. (CeNDEF) ake-e&d KE [email protected] Marsman, S. ake-oon KE Martin, S. f&o-ovo F&O [email protected] Mauser, A. a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Meulemans, A.C.J. f&o-ovo AIM [email protected] Moers, L. aec-fef AE [email protected] Molenkamp, G.C. a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Morgan, M.S. aec-etp AE [email protected] Napel, H. ten ake-ovo KE [email protected] Odink, J.G. aec-amo AE [email protected] Offeren, D.H. van a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Offerman, T.J.S. aec-exp AE [email protected] Oijen, P.H. van fim-aip AIM Oly, G.G. aim-ovo AIM [email protected] Oosterbeek, H. aec-amo AE [email protected] Oosterhaven, J.A. bik-bik AIM Oosterveld, P. aec-amo AE Ophem, J.C.M. van ake-eem KE [email protected] Peelen, E. f&o-ovo KE [email protected] Perotti, E. fim-aip F&O [email protected] Piest, P. f&o-ovo F&O Plug, E.H.S. aec-amo AE [email protected] Poel, J.H.R. van de f&o-ovo FABU [email protected] Polan, M. aec-fef AE [email protected] Pott-Buter, H.A. aec-amo/bee AE [email protected] Praag, B. van a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Praag, B.M.S. van seo-seo SEO [email protected] Praag, C.M. van f&o-ovo F&O [email protected] Prast, H.M. aec-fef AE [email protected] Ramer, R. ake-ovo KE [email protected]

173 Raychandjuri, A. aec-bee AE Reuten, G.A. aec-etp AE [email protected] Rhayour-Alami-Mulder, B. smm-rue F&O Riedl, A.M. aec-exp AE [email protected] Rodenburg, P. aec-etp AE [email protected] Rooijen, J. van a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Rossetto, S. fim-aip F&O [email protected] Sadiraj, V. aec-exp AE [email protected] Scharrenborg, R. aec-fef AE [email protected] Schilder, A. a&c-acc AIM Schindele, I. fim-aip F&O [email protected] Schouwstra, M. aec-fef AE [email protected] Schram, A.J.H.C. aec-exp AE [email protected] Schrijver, A. ake-oon KE [email protected] Schulp, M. f&o-ovo AIM [email protected] Seinen, I. aec-exp AE [email protected] Sloof, R. aec-amo AE [email protected] Sluis, P.J. van der ake-eem KE Smid, C.L. ake-ovo BR [email protected] Smit, A.F.J. f&o-ovo KE [email protected] Smits, J. aec-amo AE [email protected] Sonnemans, J. aec-exp AE [email protected] Spreeuw, J. ake-act KE [email protected] Swinkels, G.J.P. bik-bik AIM [email protected] Tettero, J.H.J.P. f&o-ovo KE [email protected] Teulings, C.N. aec-amo AE [email protected] Theebe, M. f&o-ovo F&O [email protected] Theeuwes, J.J.M. seo-seo SEO [email protected] Thio, B. ake-e&d AE [email protected] Tijdens, K.G. aec-bee AE [email protected] Tordoir, P. f&o-ovo F&O [email protected] Tuinstra, J. ake-e&d KE [email protected] Truijens, J. bik-bik AIM [email protected] Truijens, O. bik-bik AIM [email protected] Uitermark, P. f&o-ovo F&O Ule, A. ake-oon KE [email protected] Vaassen, E.H.J. a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Veen, M.L. van der a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Velden, H. van de ake-e&d KE [email protected] Velden, M. van der ake-ovo KE [email protected] Velthuysen, J.W. seo-seo SEO [email protected] Vernooij, A.I.J. bik-bik AIM [email protected] Vinig, T.G. bik-bik AIM [email protected] Volgenant, A. ake-oon KE [email protected] Voordijk, L. f&o-ovo F&O Vos, G. f&o-ovo F&O [email protected] Vries, E.J. de bik-bik AIM [email protected] Vylder, F.E.C. de ake-act KE Wagener, F. ake-e&d KE [email protected] Wahab, I. aec-ovo AE [email protected] Wal, J. van der ake-oon KE [email protected] Wallage, Ph. a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Wateringen, S. van de a&c-acc AIM [email protected] Weddepohl, H.N. ake-e&d KE [email protected] Went, R. aec-etp AE [email protected]

174 Wesseling, J.A.M. bik-bik AIM [email protected] Wesseling, V.F.M. aec-ovo AE [email protected] Westerhout, E.W.M.T. aec-fef AE [email protected] Wetzels, C.M.M.P. aec-bee AE [email protected] Wijnbergen, S.J.G. van aec-fef AE [email protected] Winden, F.A.A.M. van aec-exp AE fvwinden@fee. uva.nl Wit, J.G. de smm-rue F&O [email protected] Wolde, A.M. ten f&of-ovo F&O [email protected] Wolthuis, H. ake-act KE [email protected] Wouters, C. smm-ovo F&O Zerom Godefay, D. ake-eem KE [email protected] Zorlu, A. aec-amo AE [email protected] Zou, L. f&o-aip F&O [email protected]

175 APPENDIX III: Abbriviations

AAA American Accounting Association ACW Advies Commissie Wetenschapsbeoefening Advisory Board of Science AE Algemene Economie Economics AEO Actuariële wetenschappen, Econometrie en Operationele Research Actuarial Sciences, Econometrics and Operations Research AIAS Amsterdams Instituut voor Arbeidsstudies Amsterdam Institute for Labour Studies AIB Academy of International Business AIID Amsterdam Institute for International Development AIM Accountancy and Information Management ADI Anton Dreesmann Instituut AIM Accountancy & Information Management ALM Asset and Liability Management AoM Academy of Management CenDEF Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance CEPR Centre for Economic Policy Research CPB Centraal Plan Bureau Central Planning Bureau CREED Center for Research in Experimental Economics and Political Decision Making DNB De Nederlandsche Bank The Dutch Central Bank DUCADAM Dutch Collective Labour Agreements Agreements Database and Monitor EAA European Accounting Association EAE European Economic Association EC2 Electronic Channelling and Electronic Commerce (EC)² European Conferences of the Econometrics Community ECAIS European Conference on Accounting Information Systems EDEN European Doctoral Education Network EIASM European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management EIBA European International Business Academy ENDEAR European Network for the Development of Experimental Economics and its Application to Research on Institutional Decision Making EMU European Monetary Union EUR Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam ESPE European Society for Population Economics FAA Financial Accounting and Assurance FEE Faculty of Economics and Econometrics FENN Feminist Economics Network in the Netherlands FICM Foundations of Information and Communication Management F&O Department of Finance & Organisation IAFFE International Association for Feminist Economics JEL Journal of Economic Literature KAE Kring van Amsterdamse Economen Circle of Amsterdam Economists

176 KE Kwantitatieve Economie Quantitative Economics KNAW Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences KUB Katholieke Universiteit Brabant Katholic University Tilburg LSE London School of Economics MIF Master of International Finance MRE Master of Real Estate MUB Wet op de Modernisering van het Universitair Bestuur Law on Modernising University Governance NAKE Netwerk Algemene en Kwantitatieve Economie NIAS Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies NOBEM Netherlands Organization for Research Business Economics and Management NWO Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research OC Organisational Control ODCL Organisational Design, Change and Learning PPP Purchasing Power Parity RESAM Research Institute of the FEE, Universiteit van Amsterdam SCHOLAR Schooling, Labour Market and Economic Development SEO Stichting voor Economisch Onderzoek Amsterdam Economics TI Tinbergen Instituut Tinbergen Institute TNO Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek Applied Scientific Research ULB Université Libre de Bruxelles Free University of Brussels (Belgium) VU Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Free University Amsterdam WIMM Wetenschappelijk Instituut voor Milieu-Management Scientific Institute for Environmental Management


Roetersstraat 11 NL-1018 WB Amsterdam phone: 020-525 4276 fax: 020-525 4036 [email protected]