REG. NO. 110705033




MEDAN 2016

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara Approved by the Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of

Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, Ph.D NIP : 19541117 198003 1 002 NIP : 19750209 200812 1 002

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR DECLARATION










Signed :

Dated :January 26th, 2016

Universitas Sumatera Utara COPYRIGHT DECLARATION













Signed :

Dated : January 26th, 2016

Universitas Sumatera Utara ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

Firstly, i would like to express my gratitude to the Almighty, Jesus Christ, the one and only Lord who is always with me and leads me. It is all because of Him that i can finish my study in English Department of Faculty of Cultural Study, University of Sumatera Utara. He always strenghtens me and shows me the way to solve every problem in my life. He still blesses me, gives me health, and recruit all that i need in my life especially in finishing my study.

Secondly, i would like to express by big thanks and appreciation to those who have given me advice, motivation, help, and pray me in accomplishing my paper. They are :

1. My beloved parents, Parbuktian Sibagariang and Mery Br Pasaribu who loves

me unconditionally and always support me until now i can finish my study.

Dad, Mom, thankyou so much for your kindness, love, advice, prayer, figting

and finance support for me. I contribute this paper and degree for both of you.

You always said that i must be patient and all will be well at the right time. I

do love you, Pak, Mak.

2. My dear uncle (Tulang) who always advice and motivate me to do the best in

my education. He always asked me to be patient in doing this paper. Tulang,

thankyou for your advice, support, and prayer for me. I do love you.

3. My dear siblings, Rumpo Sibagariang (sister), Yohana Sibagariang (Sister), Jurisen

Sibagariang (Brother), Desi Rinika Sibagariang (Sister), and Yohanes Sibagariang

(brother). Especially for my elder sister who always support me both moril and

financially. She always support me. When i begin to give up and stressed, she

always motivate me and cheer me up. I can say she is my moodbooster. For

you all, I love you, guys.

4. Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA, as the Dean of Cultural Studies Faculty, University

of Sumatera Utara ; Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS, as the Head of English

Universitas Sumatera Utara Department, University of Sumatera Utara ; Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, Ph.D, as the

Secretary of English Department, University of Sumatera Utara.

5. Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA, as my Supervisor and Drs. Bahagia Tarigan, MA as

my Co-Supervisor who has guided me in accomplishing this paper. Thankyou

for your valuable ideas, times, and patients. God Bless you both.

6. I also would like to express my great gratitute to all lecturers in English Department

of Faculty of Cultural Studies that have given me knowledge about English for about

four years. Thank you very much.

7. My dear boyfriend, Daniel Bimbingan Limbong, ST who always motivates me

to finish my study soon. He always reminds me not to be lazy in doing this

thesis. You are also my moodbooster. Thank you for your prayer, love, kindness,

support, and motivation, dear.

8. My beloved friend Henny Monalisa ‘Hani’ who always support and ensure me

that i will finish my thesis soon. Thank you, Hani.

9. My beloved friend, Nur Affanny who is always make me laugh crazily. Keep

fighting in doing your thesis, wak. I am sure you will finish it soon.

10. All my friends in English Department that i cannot mention one by one.

Finally, I realize that this paper is far for being perfect. But, I hope this thesis will be a valuable contribution to the readers. I warmly welcome and appreciate the advices and suggestions to develop this thesis.


Tri Oktaviani Br Bagariang


Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK

Skripsi ini berjudul Analisis Kontrastif Fonem pada bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Batak Toba. Skripsi ini menganalisisfonem-fonem vokal dan konsonan yang terdapat dalam bahasa Inggris dengan yang terdapat dalam bahasa Batak Tobakemudian membandingkannya untuk menemukan persamaan dan perbedaan fonem kedua bahasa tersebut.Fonem adalah unit terkecil dalam sebuah bahasa. Fonem juga diartikan sebagai pembeda karena meskipun satu huruf yang sama tetapi bisa saja memiliki bunyi fonem yang berbeda sehingga makna kata yang dihasilkan juga berbeda. Dalam thesis ini, penulis membandingkan fonem vokal berdasarkan tinggi rendahnya lidah, letak lidah dan bentuk bibir saat menghasilkan vokal tersebut, sedangkan fonem vokal dibandingkan berdasarkan tempat artikulasi, cara artikulasi dan bergetar atau tidak pada saat fonem konsonan tersebut dihasilkan.Skripsi ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan penelitian perpustakaan, sehingga penulis menggunakan beberapa sumber data tertulis yang didapatkan dari perpustakaan dan dari internet dalam pengerjaan skripsi ini. Kata Kunci : Analisis Kontrastif, Fonologi, Fonem, Vokal dan Konsonan Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Batak Toba.

Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT

This thesis entitled A Contrastive Analysis of Phonemes beween English and .This thesis analyze what vowel and consonant phonemes are found in both English and Toba Batak Language and then contrasts them to find out the similarities and the differences between both languages. Phoneme is the small unit of a language. It can distinguish a speech sound. The same letter can have the difference phoneme that can cause the difference meaning of a word.In this thesis, the writer contrasts the vowel phonemes based on the height of tongue, the position of tongue and the sape of lips when pronouncing them, while consonant phonemes are contrasted based on the lace of articulation, manner of articulation and the voicing when pronouncing them.This thesis applies qualitative research and library research, so the writer found some written source data from library and internet in doing this thesis. Keyword : Contrastive Analysis, Phonology, Phonemes, English and Toba Batak Language Vowels and Consonants.

Universitas Sumatera Utara TABLE OF CONTENT


ABSTRAK...... i

ABSTRACT...... ii


Chapter I INTRODUCTION...... 1

1.1. Background of The Study...... 1

1.2.Problem of The Study...... 6

1.3.Objective of The Study...... 6

1.4. Scope of The Study...... 6

1.5. Significance of The Study...... 6

1.6. Method of The Study...... 7


2.1. Contrastive Analysis Theory...... 8

2.2. Definition of Phonology...... 10

2.3. Definition of Phoneme...... 10

2.3.1. Vowel...... 11

2.3.2. Consonant...... 12

2.4. English...... 13

2.5. Toba Batak Language...... 13

Universitas Sumatera Utara Chapter III THE METHOD OF THE STUDY...... 14

3.1. The Research Method...... 14

3.2. The Data Collecting Method...... 14

3.3. The Data Analyzing Method...... 15

3.4. The Data Analysis...... 15

3.4.1. English Vowel Phonemes Chart...... 16

3.4.2. Toba Batak Vowel Phonemes Chart...... 16

3.5. Review of The Related Literature...... 17


4.1. Analysis ...... 19

4.1.1. The Description of Phonemes...... 19

4.1.1. 1. Consonant Phoneme...... 20 Place of Articulation...... 20 Manner of Articulation...... 24 Voicing...... 24 Vowel Phoneme...... 25 Diphthongs...... 25 Triphthongs...... 26

Universitas Sumatera Utara 4.1.2. English Phonemes...... 26 English Consonant Phoneme...... 26 English Vowel Phoneme...... 31 English Diphtongs...... 33 English Triphtongs...... 34

4.1.3. Toba Batak Phonemes...... 34 Toba Batak Consonant Phoneme...... 34 Toba Batak Vowel Phoneme...... 37

4.2. Findings...... 39

4.2.1. Vowel and Consonant Phonemes in English and Toba Batak...... 39

4.2.2. The Similarities of Vowels and Consonant Phoneme in English and Toba

Batak Language...... 39

4.2.3. The Differences of Vowels and Consonant Phoneme in English and

Toba Batak Language...... 40


5.1. Conclusion ...... 41

5.2. Suggestion...... 42


Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK

Skripsi ini berjudul Analisis Kontrastif Fonem pada bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Batak Toba. Skripsi ini menganalisisfonem-fonem vokal dan konsonan yang terdapat dalam bahasa Inggris dengan yang terdapat dalam bahasa Batak Tobakemudian membandingkannya untuk menemukan persamaan dan perbedaan fonem kedua bahasa tersebut.Fonem adalah unit terkecil dalam sebuah bahasa. Fonem juga diartikan sebagai pembeda karena meskipun satu huruf yang sama tetapi bisa saja memiliki bunyi fonem yang berbeda sehingga makna kata yang dihasilkan juga berbeda. Dalam thesis ini, penulis membandingkan fonem vokal berdasarkan tinggi rendahnya lidah, letak lidah dan bentuk bibir saat menghasilkan vokal tersebut, sedangkan fonem vokal dibandingkan berdasarkan tempat artikulasi, cara artikulasi dan bergetar atau tidak pada saat fonem konsonan tersebut dihasilkan.Skripsi ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan penelitian perpustakaan, sehingga penulis menggunakan beberapa sumber data tertulis yang didapatkan dari perpustakaan dan dari internet dalam pengerjaan skripsi ini. Kata Kunci : Analisis Kontrastif, Fonologi, Fonem, Vokal dan Konsonan Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Batak Toba.

Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT

This thesis entitled A Contrastive Analysis of Phonemes beween English and Toba Batak Language.This thesis analyze what vowel and consonant phonemes are found in both English and Toba Batak Language and then contrasts them to find out the similarities and the differences between both languages. Phoneme is the small unit of a language. It can distinguish a speech sound. The same letter can have the difference phoneme that can cause the difference meaning of a word.In this thesis, the writer contrasts the vowel phonemes based on the height of tongue, the position of tongue and the sape of lips when pronouncing them, while consonant phonemes are contrasted based on the lace of articulation, manner of articulation and the voicing when pronouncing them.This thesis applies qualitative research and library research, so the writer found some written source data from library and internet in doing this thesis. Keyword : Contrastive Analysis, Phonology, Phonemes, English and Toba Batak Language Vowels and Consonants.

Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER I


1.1Background of The Study

Language is a very important thing in life because it is a tool of communication that human use everyday in doing all the activities. Language is a system of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar or the system of communication used by people in a particular country or type of work. Besides, language also functions as a unifier.

There are many kinds of language all over this world, for instance

English, Portugese, Indonesian, Mandarin, etc. Every language must be different and has its uniqueness. Although they are different, every people from different country must be able to communicate each other by speaking English because it is a unifier language which is used for International communication.

In this globalization era, English is vital as the international language. To be able to socialize internationally,everybody has to be fluent in

English,written and also spoken English. Because of the importance of English, many countries all over the world try to improve the ability of their people in using English effectively. A lot of information and knowledgeexists in books, magazines, newspapers use English. In Indonesia, English is also very important. skill is being the requirement in continuing study for instance for Master Degree, in applying for a job, and it is also is being the requirement in every company.

Universitas Sumatera Utara Learning English isveryimportant but the mother tongue language is also important. For instance, the writer’s mother tongue language is Toba Batak

Language.Toba Batak language is also the same as other languages which has grammar and phonemes that should be learnt. Toba Batak Language is a language spoken by Toba Batak people. Toba Batak is one of ethnics in

Indonesia which located in some areas in North Sumatera such as Toba

Samosir, Samosir, Parapat, Tarutung, Balige, Humbang Hasundutan, and all areas in Tapanuli Utara.The writer herself is Toba Bataknese.

In Indonesia, there are many ethnic groups which have their own languages such as Tobanese, Javanese, Malay, and many others. Though there are many ethinic groups with different languages, Indonesian people are still able to communicate each other by using one language that is Indonesian. We use language everyday. It can express somebody’s feeling such as happiness, sadness, and it can also make somebody laugh and cry.

Bloch and Tragger (1942 ; 5) state,” A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group cooperates.”Those show the function of language for human communication.

Learning language means learning linguistics. Linguistics is the science of language.This science makes language as its object. Linguistics has some branches such as Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatic and Phonology.

In this thesis, the writer analyze the phonology especially phonemes.

Chomsky (1968) states , “Theory linguistics is concerned primarily with an ideal speaker listener in completely homogenous speech community, who knows its languages perfectly and is unaffected by such grammatically

Universitas Sumatera Utara irrelevant conditions as memory limitations, distractions, shift attentions and interests and errors (randoms or characteristic) in applying his knowledge of the language in actual performance. To study actual linguistic performance we must consider the interaction of a variety of factors, of which the underlying competence is only one.

Hayes (1955 : 1) states that phonology is a branch of linguistics concerned with the systematic organization of sounds in languages.Phonology is the study of linguistic systems, specifically the way in which sound represents differences of meaning in a language. It has traditionally focused largely on the study of systems of phonemes in particular languages, therefore used to be also called phonemic, but it may also cover any linguistics analysis either at a level beneath the word

(including syllable, onset and rime , articulatory gestures, articulatory features, etc.) or at all levels of language where sound is considered to be structured for conveying linguistics meaning.

Jones ( 1967 : 5) states that phoneme is the smallest phonetic unit in a language that is capable of making a distinction in meaning, as the m in mat and the b inbat in English. Linguistics one of the set of speech sounds in any given language that serve to distinguish one word from another. A phoneme may consist of several phonetically distinct articulations, which are regarded as identical by native speakers, since one articulation may be substituted for another without any change of meaning. Thus /p/ and /b/ are separate phonemes in English because they distinguish such words as pet and bet, whereas the light and dark /l/ sounds in little are not separate phonemes since they may be transposed

Universitas Sumatera Utara without changing meaning.Pike (1963 :63) states ,” A phoneme is one of the significants units of sounds, or a contrastive sound unit. According to

Jones (1972 :51),” Phonemes are capable of distinguishing one word of a language from other words of the same language. There is an English word sin and another English word siŋ.The existence of such words is a proof that the n and ŋ sounds belong to separate phonemes in English.”

It is constantly found in language study that several distinct sounds in a language have to be considered as if they were one for orthographic, grammatical and semantic purposes. Thus although the

English k’s in kiːp (keep) , koːl (call) and kuːl (cool) are distinct sounds, it is necessary for practical linguistics purposes to treat them as if they were one and the same.In fact, many of the elements of language commonly termed “sounds” or “essential sounds” are in reality small families of sounds, each family consisting of an important sound of the language together with other related sounds which, so to speak,

“represent” it in particular sequences or under particular conditions of length , stress or intonation.

If we talk about phonemes, we also talk about consonants and vowels. They belong to phonemes.Consonant is a speech sound in which the air is at least partly blocked, and any letter which represents this.

Consonants may come singly or clusters, but must be connected to a vowel to form a syllable. Vowel is a speech sound made by the vocal cords. It is also a type of letter in the alphabet. A vowel sound comes

Universitas Sumatera Utara from the lungs, through the vocal cords, and is not blocked, so there is no friction.

In this thesis, the writer discusses The Contrastive Analysis of Phoneme between English and Toba Batak Language. Toba Batak Language is a language of one of the ethnics in Indonesia. It is the same as other languages that has grammar and also phonemes and it is important to learn the phoneme of Toba Batak language.

Contrastive analysis is an analysis of comparing the structure of the first language with the second language to identify the differences and the similarities of both languages. Naibaho (2005:23) defines that contrastive analysis is used to compare two or more languages to find out the similarities and differences. Contrastive is a term used in linguistics to seek differences between units, especially one which serves to distinguish meaning in a language. Therefore, in this thesis, the writer tries to find the similarities and differences of phoneme between English and Toba Batak Language.

The reason why the writer chooses this topic to be analyzed in this thesis because it is useful tolearn speech sounds both in English and

Toba Batak Language. Besides, the writer also wants to improve and increase her knowledge towards phonology especially phonemes.

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1.2.Problem of The Study

The problems of the study are as follows :

1. What consonants and vowels phonemes are found in English and Toba

Batak Language?

2. What are the differences and similarities of consonants and vowels

phonemes between English and Toba Batak Language.

1.3.Objective of The Study

The objectives of the study are :

1. To contrast the consonants and vowels phonemes in English and Toba

Batak Language.

2. To find out the differences and smilarities of consonants and vowels

phonemes between English and Toba Batak Language.

1.4.Scope of The Study

This study will only focus on the contrastive analysis ofsegmental

phonemes (consonants, vowels, diphtongs and triphtongs) between English

and Toba Batak Language.

1.5.Significance of The Study

The significances of this study are as follows :


1. The writer hopes that this study will be useful for further researchers to make

a positive contribution to the information of the theory.

2. To give information about contrastive analysis to the readers.

3. To introduce the readers about Toba Batak Language.

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1.5.2. Practical

1. The writer expects that this study can help Toba Batak people to understand

English phonemes and also can help English People to understand Toba Batak

Language phonemes.

2. To help teachers teach English to Toba Batak students and vice versa.

1.6.Method of The Study

In this thesis, the writer contrasts the phonemes of two languages namely

English and Toba Batak Language. To complete this thesis, the writer needs some data about the two languages, namely English and Toba Batak Language.

Therefore, the writer does library reasearch by collecting the data through readingsome books, articles or any other written materials which have the information about the two languages.

Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER II


2.1. Contrastive Analysis Theory

Ridwan (1998:8) states that contrastive analysis is a method of linguistics

which tries to describe, prove and analyze the differences and similarities

between two languages compared. Tarigan(1992 : 4) states,” Analisis

Kontrastif adalah aktivitas atau kegiatan yang mencoba membandingkan

struktur bahasa pertama (B1) dengan bahasa kedua (B2) untuk

mengidentifikasi perbedaan – perbedaan di antara kedua bahasa.” Based on

the statements above, it can be said that contrastive analysis is to compare the

structure of source language and target language to identify the differences

both languages.

Tarigan (1992 : 4) also states that contrastive analysis was developed

and practiced in 1950s and 1960s as a structural linguistics applied in language

study and based on these assumptions : a. The main difficulties in studying new language caused by the interference of

source language. b. The difficulties can be predicted by contrastive analysis. c. The teaching materials can utilize contrastive analysis to reduce the effects of

interferences. Contrastive analysis is more success in phonology than other

linguistics fields (Richards 1987 : 63 ).

Universitas Sumatera Utara

According to Naibaho (2006 : 21 ) in general, the result of contrastive

analyisis is expected ;

1. To show, at least in theoretical framework, the similarities of two languages as: a. features that characterize natural language; i.e language universal b. similarities of languages compared particularly if these languages are related

known as inter language similarities.

2. To give a detailed description of the differences between languages compared.

3. To establish a linguistically hierarchy of difficulties.

Based on the theories mentioned above it can be concluded that contrastive

analysis is part of linguistics which concerns in finding out the similarities and the

differences between two or more languages.

Hanafiah (2007 :17) states that,” Analisis kontrastif mengacu pada

korespondensi antara aspek – aspek dalam bahasa yang dibandingkan.” This

means that contrastive analysis refers to the correspondences between the

languages contrasted. This can help the writer to contrast the vowel and consonant

phonemes in English and Toba Batak language.

Seaton (1982:115) states that, “Contrastive Linguistic is the scientific

description of the similarities and differences between two or more languages and

the speaker of one language will have in learning another.” Crystal (1992: 83)

states, “Contrastive Linguistic is the identification of points of structural similarity

and difference between two languages.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

2.2.Definition of Phonology

Phonology is a branch of linguistics that talks about language

sounds.Phonologyis the aspect of language concerned with the rules governing

the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of

syllables. Phonology is the study of phones or speech sounds(Ramelan 1999 :

1). The goal of phonology is to comprehend the system of rules that speaker

uses in apprehending and manipulating the sounds of her language (Hayes

2009 : 1).These are things which can be analyized such as (1) Articulation ,(2)

The process of speech sound , (3) Vowel and Consonant Phoneme, (4)

Cluster Phoneme and Diphtong, (5) The change of Phoneme, (6) Uptake

Phoneme, (7) Ortography, (8)Ambiguity in the pronounciation of phonemes. In

this analysis, the writer only analyzes Vowel and Consonant Phoneme.

Roca (1999 : 3) states that phonology is the study of linguistically

signifcant sound patterns, that is of the organization of the sounds of

speech.” The sounds that we produce when we speak also need to be

powered by air from the lungs.In fact, the physical act of speaking can

be likened to “playing” our mouths and larynxes withh the air coming

out of the lungs through the windpipe linking the lungs to the mouth

technically known as the “trachea”. Phonology is concerned with the

lexical (or underlying ) level with the level.

2.3. Definition of Phoneme

Phoneme is a minimum unit of a language which differentiate meaning.

Bloomfield (1961 : 79) states that ,” A minimum unit of distinctive sound

feature is a phoneme.”It can be concluded that that phoneme is a kind of

Universitas Sumatera Utara contrastive unit. For instance, the words think and think have different meaning

because there is sound changing or different pronounciation in each word.

Phoneme is devided into two, they are segmental phoneme and

suprasegmental phoneme. Segmental phoneme is phoneme consisting of sound

segments such as the consonant, the vowel, and semivowel sounds of a

language. Suprasegmental phoneme is relating to significant features ( as

stress, pitch, or juncture) that occur simultaneously with vowels and

consonants in an utterance.

2.3.1. Vowel

Basically, a vowel is any “open” sound where there is no obstruction or

“blocking” caused by teeth, lips, tongue, palate, or other articulators. In the

English alphabet, there are five vowels such as a, i, u, e, o. However, there are

many more vowel sounds in the English language. For instance, when you put

two “e” letters together like in “ speed” (/spi:d/), you get a long vowel sound


Abercrombie (1967 : 39 ) states that,” The basis of the syllable is the

sudden brief contraction of the respiratory muscles, and this contraction

expels a small amount of air from the lungs.” The air so expelled needs

for its escape to the outer air a relatively free and unrestricted passage

through the vocal tract, and it is this moment of list restriction in the

sequence of movements that make up the syllable that sis the vowel.

The vowel ‘carries’ the chest-pulse ; during it the speech organs in the

Universitas Sumatera Utara vocal tract are shaped so that the passage of the air is hindered. A

vowel is the nucleus or central part of the syllable.

2.3.2. Consonant

Consonant is sound where there is obstruction or “blocking” of the airflow

caused by lips, teeth, tongue, palate or even deep down in larynx.

Abercrombie (1967: 39) states that,” A consonant is a marginal part,

associated with the beginning and ending of the movement of air

engendered by the chest-pulse.” The stream of air expelled by the chest-

pulse can be both released and arrested by accessory articulatory

movements. These movements produce the consonants of the syllable.

A consonant at the end of a syllable is a movements of the

articulatory organs which so constricts the vocal tract that the passage of

air is cut down or stopped. It thus brings the syllable to an end ; it is

an arresting or closing movements. Thus in the word cease the -se

constricts the vocal tract, and ctus down the passage through it of the

air stream.This –se part of the syllable is called an arresting consonant.

A consonant at the beginning of a syllable releases the movement

of air engendered by the chest-pulse. It constricts the vocal tract as an

arresting consonant does, and it constricts it at the moment when the

initiator makes the sudden movement of the chest – pulse so that the air

is momentarily compressed behind the constriction.It ‘triggers’ the

syllable off : it is a releasing or opening movement. Thus in the word

Universitas Sumatera Utara cease, the c- acts in this manner, and is therefore called a releasing consonant.


English is a language used in many countries, such as America, England, and Australia, and it is also regonized as the international language. Therefore,

English has become the most popular language and widely used all over the world among many different countries. In this study, the writer uses American English as the object. American English, or United States (U.S.) English, is the set of dialects of the English language native to the United States.

2.5.Toba Batak Language

Toba Batak Language is one of ethnic groups’ languages in Indonesia.

This language is used by people in Sumatera Utara, especially in the area of

Toba Lake such as Samosir, Toba Samosir,and Tapanuli Utara. In this study, the writer uses Toba Batak Language spoken in Tapanuli Utara as the subject at this research.

Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER III


3.1. The Research Method

In carrying out a scientific study there should be the research method applied by the writer. In this thesis, the writer applies the “Library Research”.

Library research is a kind of research method, collecting data by reading some written information such as books, articles and journals and previous research findings.

Besides applying library research, the writer also applies qualitative research. It is generally used in linguistics research. Qualitative research is descriptive. It is also often named descriptive method. Nawawi (1995: 67) states, “Metode deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur atau cara memecahkan masalah penelitian dengan memaparkan keadaan objek yang diselidiki (seseorang, lembaga, masyarakat, pabrik, dan lain-lain) sebagaimana adanya, berdasarkan, fakta-fakta yang aktual pada saat sekarang”. From this statement, the writer concludes that descriptive method is a method used in solving problems by describing the data based on the findings.

3.2. The Data Collecting Method

The data collecting method is very important in implementing a study. In this analysis the writer analyzes the phoneme in English and Toba Batak

Language. Therefore, the writer collects the data from written sources which

Universitas Sumatera Utara are written in English and Toba Batak Language. The writer collected the data about English phonemes from Hayes’ book titled Introductory

Phonology and the data about Toba Batak Language from Adelaar’s book titled Reconstruction of Proto Batak – Phonology.

3.3. The Data Analyzing Method

In this analysis, the writer analyze the data by applying “ Contrastive

Analysis (CA).”Tarigan(1992 : 4) says,” Analisis Kontrastif adalah aktivitas atau kegiatan yang mencoba membandingkan struktur bahasa pertama (B1) dengan bahasa kedua (B2) untuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan – perbedaan di antara kedua bahasa.”The writer analyzed data based on phonological process of English and Toba Batak Language.

3.4. The Data Analysis

1. Analyzing the vowel and consonant phonemes both in English and Toba

Batak Language.

2. Making the contrastive analysis of English and Toba Batak Language

vowel and consonant phonemes.

3. Finding out the similarities and differences of vowel and consonant

phonemes between English and Toba Batak Language.

The writer contrasts the vowel phonemes between English and Toba Batak

Language based on the height of the tongue and the part of lip which move.

For instance, the vowel [e] in English is pronounced /Ɛ/ like in the word

bedand similar with the vowel [e] in Toba Batak language is also pronounced

/ Ɛ/ like in the word eta.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

These are vowel phoneme charts of English and Toba Batak Language.

Chart 1. English Vowel Phonemes


High i u

I ʊ

Mid e ǝ o

Ɛ Ʌ ɔ

Low æ ɑ

Chart 2. Toba Batak Vowel Phonemes


High i u

Mid Ɛ o

Low a

Universitas Sumatera Utara The writer contrasts the consonant phonemes with regard to the

place of articulation and the manner of articulation. For instance, in

English, /t/is pronounced in alveolar with the manner of articulation stop

voicedless while in Toba Batak language, /t/ is pronounced in dental

with the manner of articulation stop voiceless. The phoneme /t/ in both

language has different place of articulation . Those are the way how the

writer contrast the vowel and consonant phonemes between English and

Toba Batak language.

3.5. Review of Related Literature

To support this study, The writer consults theses, books, and articles

related to this study. They are as follows :

Muqomah (2014) in her thesis entitled,” Analisis Kontrastif Terhadap Fonem

Bahasa Arab Dan Bahasa Jawa serta Implikasinya Dalam Pengajaran

Bahasa Arab.” In this thesis, after she had analyzed the data, she found the

differences of vowel and consonant phonemes between Arabian Language and

Java Language.

1. Ridwan (1998) in his book entitled,”Dasar – dasar Linguistik Kontrastif.” In

this book, he explained that contrastive analysis is a method of analysis the

similarities and differences between two languages compared.

2. Tarigan (1992) in his book entitled,” Analisis Kontrastif dalam Pengajaran

Bahasa.” In this book, he explained that contrastive analysis is an analysis that

compares the first language with the second language and identifies the

differences between them.

Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. Azizah (2014) in her article entitled,” Kontrastif Analisis. ” In this article she

said that contrastive analysis is an analysis that contrasts two languages. She

also mention about the purpose of doing contrastive analysis.

4. Sitanggang (2009) in her thesis entitled, “A Contrastive Analysis Of Imperative

Sentences In English And Batak Toba Language .” In this thesis, she said that

contrastive analysis is a term used in linguistics to distinguish meaning in

language. In her thesis, she analyzed the imperative of both English and

Toba Batak Language. After analyzing the data, she found out the differences

and the similarities between the two language.

5. Adelaar (1981) in his book entitled,” Reconstruction Proto Batak –

Phonology.” In this book, Adelaar analyzed the phonology especially the

phonemes in all kind of Batak Language, such as Toba Batak Language,

Simalungun Batak Language, Karo Batak Language, Mandailing Batak

Language and Angkola Batak Language.

Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER IV


4.1. Analysis

4.1.1. Description of Phonemes

Phonemes is the basic speech sounds of a language. A phoneme may be defined as “ a group of speech sounds nearly enough alike to be treated as a unit for alphabetic purposes.Phoneme is grouped into two, they are segmental phonemes and suprasegmental phonemes (Hayes 2009

: 20).

Suprasegmental phonemes are stress, rhythm and intonation.Stress, intonation, and rhythm are necessary for speech communication.A stressed syllable in a word is generally spoken with more articulatory force, resulting in a syllable that is louder, longer in duration, and higher in pitch than an unstressed syllable.For example the word riddle, the sound of /ri/ should be stressed. Intonation consists of pitch contours peaking on the stressed syllable of the last content word in each phrase. A pitch contour is related to the height or lowness of a tone in comparison to surrounding tones (Lass 1984 :

50). For example when we say “Really?”. Rhythm is stresses tend to recur at regular intervals.

According to Pike (1968 :75) segmental phonemesare phonemes consisting of sound segments ; hence, the vowel, consonant, and semivowel sounds of a language.

Universitas Sumatera Utara Consonant Phoneme

Consonant is a speech sound that is articulated with complete or

partial closure of the vocal tract. Consonant phonemes are classified based

on the place of articulation, manner of articulation, and voicing(Hayes

2009 : 6) of articulation

The place of articulation of a consonantis the point of contact where an

obstruction occurs in the vocal tract between an articulatory gesture. The

place of articulation is classified into two, they are active place of

articulation and passive place of articulation(Hayes 2009 : 8). a. The Active Place of Articulation

The articulatory gesture of the active place of articulation involves the more

mobile part of the vocal tract. This is typically some part of the tongue or lips.

These are the following areas :

. The lower lip (labial)

. Various parts of the front of the tongue (coronal):

. The tip of the tongue (apical)

. The upper front surface of the tongue just behind the tip, called the blade of

the tongue (laminal)

. The surface of the tongue under the tip (subapical)

. The body of the tongue (dorsal)

. The base root of the tongue and the throat (pharyngeal)

In bilabial consonants both lips move, so the articulatory gesture is

bringing together the lips, but by convention the lower lip is said to be active

and the upper lip passive. In dorsal gestures different parts of the body of the

Universitas Sumatera Utara tongue contact different parts of the roof of the mouth, but this cannot be

independently controlled, so they are all subsumed under the term dorsal.

This is unlike coronal gestures involving the front of the tongue, which is

more flexible.

b. The Passive Place of Articulation

Hayes (2009 : 9) states that the passive place of articulation is the place on

the more stationary part of the vocal tract where the articulation occurs. It can

be anywhere from the lips, upper teeth, gums, or roof of the mouth to the back

of the throat. Although it is a continuum, there are several contrastive areas

such that languages may distinguish consonants by articulating them in

different areas. These are the passive of articuation areas :

. The upper lip (labial)

. The upper teeth, either on the edge of the teeth or inner surface (dental)

. The alveolar ridge, the gum line just behind the teeth (alveolar)

. The back of the alveolar ridge (post-alveolar)

. The hard palate on the roof of the mouth (palatal)

. The soft palate further back on the roof of the mouth (velar)

. The uvula hanging down at the entrance to the throat (uvular)

. The throat itself,the pharynx (pharyngeal)

. The epiglottis at the entrance to the windpipe, above the voice box


Universitas Sumatera Utara These are the kinds of place of articulation :

1. Bilabial sounds are made by touching the upper and lower lips together.

2. Labiodentalsounds are made by touchng the lower lip to the upper teeth.

3. Dental sounds are made by touching the tongue to the upper teeth.

4. Alveolar sounds are made by touching the tip or blade of the tongue to a

location just forward of the alveolar ridge.

5. Palato-alveolar sounds are made by touching the tip or the blade of the tongue

to the back area of the alveolar ridge.

6. Palatal sounds are made by touching the front of the tongue to the hard palate.

7. Velar sounds are made by touching the body of the tongue to the soft palate.

8. Glottal sounds are made by moving the vocal cords close to one another.

9. Uvular sounds are made by the tongue body straight back to touch the uvula

and neighboring portions of the soft palate.

10. Pharyngeal sounds are made by moving the tongue bodydown and back of


11. Retroflex sounds are made by curling the tongue tip backward and touching the

area just behind the alveolar ridge.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

According to Ritonga, the picture of organ of speech is as follows:

Chart 4.1

Source :http://ritongarasti.blogspot.co.id/2013/05/organ-of-speech-function-


Universitas Sumatera Utara Manner of Articulation

According to Hayes (2009 :7) , there are various manners of articulation.

1. Stop is the airflow through the mouth is momentarily closed off. This can be

done by the two lips.

2. Fricative, is a tight constriction is made, so that air passing to the constriction

flows turbulently, making a hissing noise.

3. Affricate is a stop followed by a fricative, made at the same location in the

mouth in rapid succession so that the result has the typical duration of a single

speech sound.

4. Nasal is when the velum is lowered, allowing air to escape through the nose.

5. Approximants are consonants in which the constriction is fairly wide, so that

air passes through without creating turbulence or trilling.There are two kinds

of approximants, they are lateral approximants and central approximants.

Lateral Approximants are happened when the air passes around the sides

of the tongue. Central Approximants are happened when the flow is through

a gap in the center. Voicing

Hayes (2009 : 6)states thatvoicing is determined whether the vocal

cords vibrate or not. Voicing is claissified into voiceless or voiced. If the

vocal cords vibrate, it is called voiced, for example the English consonant

phoneme /b/ but if the vocal cords do not vibrate, it is called voiceless, for

example the English consonant phoneme /p/.

Universitas Sumatera Utara Vowel Phoneme

Hayes ( 2009 : 12) states that vowel is language’s speech soundwhich

is produced, after said flow out of the glottis, not challenged by the vocal

organs but only disturbed by the position of the tongue, either vertically or

horizontally.She states that vowel Phoneme is classified based on the

height and the location of tongue.

1. The Height of Tongue

Based on the height of tongue , vowel phonemes are classified into :

a. High vowel

b. Middle vowel

c. Low vowel

2. The Part of The Tongue

Based on the location of tongue, vowel phonemes are classified into :

a. Front vowelsare produced by the moving of front tongue.

b. Central vowels are produced by the moving of the center part of tongue.

c. Back vowels are produced by the moving of the back part of


3. The Degree of Lip Rounding ( Rounded or Unrounded). Diphthongs

Diphtongs are sounds which consist of a movement or glide from

one vowel to another. Diphtongs have the same length as the long

vowels. For instance diphtong /eI/ in the word pain(Gaitan 2012).

Universitas Sumatera Utara Triphthongs

A triphthong is a union of three vowels (letters or sounds)

pronounced in one syllable. For instance triphtong /eIə / in the word

layer. (Gaitan 2012).

4.1.2. English Phonemes English Consonant Phonemes

Table 4.1

Table of English Consonant Phonemes



Universitas Sumatera Utara

/p/ sound bilabial, stop, voiceless

Example : pen



/b/ sound bilabial,stop, voiced

Example : but



/f/ sound labiodental, fricative, voiceless

Example : enough



/v/ sound labiodental, fricative, voiced.

Example : voice



/θ/ sound interdental, fricative, voiced.

Example : think



/ժ/ sound interdental, fricative, voiced.

Example : father



Universitas Sumatera Utara /t/ sound alveolar, stop, voiceless.

Example : two



/d/ sound alveolar, stop, voiced

Example : odd



/s/ sound alveolar, fricative, voiceless.

Exampe : see



/z/ sound alveolar, fricative, voiced.

Example : zoo


/ ʃ/ sound alveo-palatal, fricative, voiceless.

Example : she



/ Ӡ / sound alveo-palatal, fricative, voiced.

Example : pleasure


/ tʃ / sound alveo- palatal, affricate, voiceless.

Example : chair


Universitas Sumatera Utara /ʤ/ sound alveo-palatal, africate, voiced.

Example : edge


/k/ sound velar, stop, voiceless.

Example : kill



/g/ sound velar, stop, voiced

Example : get



/h/ sound glottal, fricatives, voiceless.

Example : hymn



/m/ sound bilabial, nasal, voiced.

Example : mitt



/n/ sound alveolar, nasal, voiced.

Example : tin



Universitas Sumatera Utara /ŋ/ sound velar, nasal, voiced.

Example : sing



/l/ sound alveolar, lateral aproximant, voiced.

Example : late



/ɹ/ sound alveolar, retroflex approximant, voiced.

Example : read



/ʍ/ sound bilabial, glide, voiceless.

Example : what

/w/ sound bilabial, glide, voiced.

Example : we



/j/ sound palatal, glide, voiced.

Example : yes

Universitas Sumatera Utara English Vowel Phonemes

According to Hayes (2009 : 22) English vowel phonemes can be devided into

twelve as follows :

Front Central Back

Unrounded Unrounded Unrounded Rounded

Upper High / i / / u /

Lower High / I / /ʊ/

Upper Mid /e/ /ə/ /o/

Lower Mid /ε/ /Ʌ//ɔ/

Low /æ/ / ɑ/

Table 4.2.

Table of English Vowel Phonemes

/i/ sound front, unrounded, upper high.

Example : beat



/I/ sound front, unrounded, lower high.

Example : bIt


/e/ sound front, unrounded, upper mid.

Example : bait


Universitas Sumatera Utara /Ɛ/ sound front, unrounded, lower mid.

Example : bet



/æ/ sound front, unrounded, low.

Example : bat



/ǝ/ sound central, unrounded, upper mid.

Example : about



/Ʌ/ sound back, unrounded, lower mid.

Example : run



/ ɑ / sound back, unrounded, low.

Example : father



/ u / sound back, rounded, upper high.

Example : boot



Universitas Sumatera Utara /ʊ/ sound back, rounded, lower high.

Example : foot



/o/ sound back, rounded, upper mid.

Example : boat



/ ɔ / sound back, rounded, lower mid.

Example : bought

all English Diphtongs

Gaitan (2012) states that English has eight diphtongs, they are :

1. Three (3)ending in ‘ǝ’

• /Iǝ / in the word ‘ear’

• /eǝ / in the word ‘bear’

• /ʊǝ / in the word ‘tour’

2. Three (3) ending in ‘I’

• /eI / in the word ‘paid’

• /aI/ in the word ‘time’

• /ɔI/ in the word ‘voice’

3. Two (2) ending in ‘ʊ’

• /ǝʊ/ in the word ‘home’

• /aʊ/ in the word ‘ loud

Universitas Sumatera Utara English Triphthongs

According to Gaitan (2012) English has five triphtongs, they are :

• eI + ǝ = /eIǝ / in the word ‘player’

• aI + ǝ = /aIǝ / in the word ‘fire’

• ɔI + ǝ = /ɔIǝ / in the word ‘loyal’

• ǝʊ + ǝ = /ǝʊǝ / in the word ‘ lower’

• aʊ + ǝ = /aʊǝ / in the word ‘hour’

4.1.3. Toba Batak Phonemes Toba Batak Consonant Phonemes

Adelaar ( 1981 : 6) devides Toba Batak Consonant Phonemes into 14, they

are :

Glottal Velar palatal dental bilabial

Stop Vd g j d b

VL k t p

Nasals ŋ n m

Liquids Vb r

Lt l

Fricatives (h) s

Table 4.3

Table ofToba Batak Consonant Phonemes

Universitas Sumatera Utara / h / sound glottal, fricatives.

Example : horas means ‘Hi’ (Greeting word)

holan means ‘only’

ho means ‘you’

/g/ sound velar, stop, voiced.

Example : goar means ‘name’

gok means ‘ full’

gait means ‘joke’

/k/ sound velar, stop, voiceless.

Example : poltakmeans ‘rise’

halak means ‘people’

habong means ‘wings’

/ŋ/ sound velar, nasals.

Example : ringgas means ‘dilligent’

linggom means ‘shadys’

ronggur means ‘thunder’

/j/ sound palatal, stop, voiced.

Example : jugul means ‘naughty’

jingar means ‘cruel’

jabu means ‘ house’

/d/ sound dental, stop, voiced.

Example : denggan means ‘good’

dongan means ‘ friend’

dalan means ‘ways’

Universitas Sumatera Utara /t/ sound dental, stop, voiceless.

Example : tao means ‘lake’

tano means ‘land’

luat means ‘area’

/n/ sound dental, nasals.

Example : nasida means ‘they’

niang means ‘thin’

/r/ sound dental, liquids, vibrant.

Example : ro means ‘come’

bodari means ‘night’

gurak means ‘boiled’

/l/ sound dental, liquids, lateral.

Example : loja means ‘tired’

laho means ‘go’

lagu means ‘ generous’

/s/ sound dental, fricatives.

Example : sada means ‘one’

suga means ‘thorn’

sabam means ‘patient’

/b/ sound bilabial, stop voiced.

Example : boru means ‘daughter’

bohi means ‘face’

bagak means ‘pretty’

Universitas Sumatera Utara /p/ sound bilabial, stop, voiceless.

Example : pitung means ‘blind’

paet means ‘bitter’

pat means ‘foot’

/m/ sound bilabial, nasals.

Example : mulak means ‘go home’

male means ‘hungry’

miak means ‘oil’ Toba Batak Vowel Phonemes

Adelaar (1981 : 5) devides Toba Batak Vowel Phonemes into five, they are as

follows :

Front Central Back

Unrounded unrounded rounded

High I u

Mid ε o

Low a

Table 4.4

Table of Toba Batak Vowel Phonemes

Universitas Sumatera Utara /i/ sound front, high, unrounded.

Example : inong means ‘mother’

ias means ‘clean’

iba means ‘I’

/ε / sound central, mid, unrounded.

Example : eta means ‘let’s’

ende means ‘song’

hepeng means ‘money’

/a/ sound central, low, unrounded.

Example : aha means ‘what’

anak means ‘son’

abit means ‘clothes’

/u/ sound back, high, rounded.

Example : unang means ‘don’t’

dabu means ‘fall’

ulok means ‘snake’

/o/ sound back, mid, rounded.

Example : oppung means ‘grandparents’

poda means ‘advice’

onan means ‘market’

Universitas Sumatera Utara 4.2. Findings

4.2.1. Vowels and Consonants Phonemes in English and Toba Batak


a. English has twelve vowels, they are /i/, /I/, /e/, /Ɛ/ , /æ/, /ə/, /Ʌ/, /ɑ/, /u/,

/ʊ/, /o/ , and /ɔ/ , 25 consonants they are /p/ , /b/, /m/, /ʍ/, /w/, /f/, /v/,

/θ/, /ժ/, /t/, /s/, /d/, /z/, /n/, /l/, / ɹ/, /ʃ /, /tʃ /, /Ӡ/, /ʤ/, /j/, /k/, /g/, /ŋ/, /h/,

eight diphtongs, they are /Iə/ , /eǝ/, /ʊǝ/, /eI/, /aI/, /ɔI/, /ǝʊ/, /aʊ/, and five

triphtongs, they are /eIǝ/, /aIǝ/, /ɔIǝ/, /ǝʊǝ/, /aʊǝ/.

b. Toba Batak Language has five vowels, they are /i/, /a/, /u/, /o/, /Ɛ/ and 14

consonants, they are /h/, /g/, /k/, /ŋ/, /j/, /d/, /t/, /n /, /r/, /l/, /s/, /b/, /p/, /m/.

4.2.2. The Similarities of Vowels and Consonants in English and Toba

Batak Language.

a. Based on the height of tongue, the position of tongue, and the shape

of lips in pronouncing vowels, English and Toba Batak vowels have

some similiarities. Vowel /i/ is pronounced in front, high, unrounded,

/u/ is pronounced at the back, high, and rounded and /o/ is

pronounced at back, mid, and rounded in both languages.

b. There are also similarities in some consonants of both English and

Toba based on the place of articulation, manner of

articulation, and the voicing, for example : /p/, /b/, /k/, /g/, /h/, /m/, /ŋ/


Universitas Sumatera Utara 4.2.3. The Differences of Vowels and Consonants in English and Toba

Batak Language.

a. English has diphthongs and triphthongs but Toba Batak Language

doesn’t have.

b. English has vowels of /I/, /e/, /æ/, and /ə/ but Toba Batak Language

doesn’t have.

c. In English, vowelƐ // is pronounced in front, atmid, and with

unrounded shape but in Toba Batak Language , it is pronounced

atcentral, mid and with unrounded shape of lips.

d. Based on the place articulation, there are some differences drawn

between English and Toba Batak consonants, for example /d/, /t/, /n/,

r/, /l/, /s/ consonants, in English are pronounced with alveolar but in

Toba Batak language they are pronounced with dental.

e. Based on the manner of articulation, in English, the /j/ consonant is

pronounced with glide but in Toba Batak it is pronounced withstop.

f. English has /ʍ/, /w /, /f/, /θ/, / ժ/, ʃ/z/,/, /t /ʃɹ /,/, / Ӡ//, /ʤ/ consonants, but

Toba Batak Language does not have these consonants.

Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER V


5.1. Conclusion

Phoneme is a basic speech sound of a language. Phoneme is devided into two, they are segmental phonemes and suprasegmental phonemes. Segmental phonemes are phonemes consisting of sound segments such as vowel, consonant, diphthongs and triphthongs. Suprasegmental phonemes are phonemes consisting of significant features of sound such as stress, pitch, juncture, and intonation. In this thesis, the writer analyze the segmental phonemes. Vowel is a speech sound which is produced with no obstruction or blocking by any articulators. Consonant is a speech sound which is produced with obstruction or blocking by teeth, lips, tongue, and other articulators. Diphthong is a sequence of two vowels that functions as a single sound. Triphthong is a union of three vowels pronounced in one syllable.

In this thesis, the writer analyzes the segmental phonemes, such as vowel, consonant, diphthong, and triphthong. From the analysis, the writer conclude that

English has 12 vowels, 25 consonants, eight diphtongs and five triphthongs while

Toba Batak Language has five vowels, 14 consonants, and no diphthongs and triphthongs. In English there are four plosive consonant sound, nine fricatives consonant sounds, two africate consonant sounds, three nasal consonant sounds, one lateral-approximant consonant sound, one retroflex-approximant consonant sound and three glide consonant sounds. There are nine voiceless consonant sound and 17 voiced consonant sounds. There are five bilabial sound, two labiodental sound, two interdental sounds, seven alveolar sounds, four alveo-palatal sounds, three velar sounds, one palatal sounds, and one glottal sound. In Toba Batak

Universitas Sumatera Utara Language consonants, there are six plosive sound, three nasal sounds, two liquid sounds, and two fricative sounds. There are one glottal sound, four velar sounds, one palatal sound, six dental sounds, and three bilabial sounds.

From the analysis, the writer also conclude that there are some differences and similarities in both language related to phonemes. For instance, English has

/ə/ vowel while Toba Batak Language does not have it. This is one of the differences. In English, the /p/ consonant is produced in bilabial, with stop and voiceless, the same with Toba Batak Language. This is one of the similarities of both language related to phoneme.

The objective of this study is related to teaching process. The writer aims that this thesis can be a reference for teachers to teach English to Toba Batak

Students and for the teachers to teach Toba Batak Language to English students.

5.2. Suggestion

Phonology is one important aspects of linguistics. It talks about

how to pronounce a speech sound. Phoneme is the small unit of phonology.

It is very important to learn phonology especially the phonemes because

each language has different phonemes. Pronounciation can affect the

meaning of a word. The wrong pronounciation can cause misunderstanding.

This thesis will be able to help the teachers to teach the phonemes

(pronounciation) of English to Toba Batak students and vice versa.

The writer would like to suggest the readers who are interested in

the field of study should do further research in analyzing about phonemes

of English and Toba BatakLanguage. I expect this thesis can become a

reference for those who want to analyze the phonemes of both language.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


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