

place, at the right time. If, at this point in Science in Central Europe the project's evolution, another leader with other talents is needed, that in no way SIR - The views presented in your cover­ COPERNICUS; and the integration of reflects poorly on what Vogt has accom­ age of science in Central Europe (Nature Central and East European countries into plished. All of this has evolved in the best 372, 591; 1994) are not only of general established European organizations (such tradition of responsible scientific and fis­ interest but could also be very helpful for as CERN, ESA and EUREKA). cal decision. No scapegoats are needed. scientists and political decision-makers in Marie Stiborova W. Peck the Czech Republic. Department of Biochemistry, Division of Physics, Mathematics, But the most serious problem for Czech Charles University, and Astronomy, science in my opinion is the lack of any Prague, Czech Republic California Institute of Technology, consistent scientific policy. Pasadena, California 91125, USA As you mentioned, as a member of the SIR - I would like to correct what you say Czech parliament, I formally asked the about Czech universities, and particularly Prime Minister, Vaclav Klaus, why the about Charles University (Nature 372, But is it science? government had procrastinated for more 602; 1994). than two years about the results of a report It is true that Charles University has SIR - John Maddox's final question on the Prague Institute of Advanced Stu­ changed the rules for the award of do­ posed in his discussion of the debate dies (PIAS) prepared at the request of our cents hips and professorships but it has between Stuart Kauffman and John government and funded by PHARE, thus done so in a spirit quite different from that Maynard Smith about Kauffman's evolu­ wasting the financial resources of the presented in the article. We have raised tionary scenarios (Nature 373,555; 1995) European Commission. This is especially the requirements for both research and should be made even more specific. important because this document contains instruction. The statement that only Maddox asks: "Can a model be heuristi­ valuable recommendations on science candidates with teaching experience at valuable even when it entails only a policy. The answer was that the Czech Charles University may apply for profes­ sketchy correspondence with the real Republic has no formal obligation to use sorships is untrue. Candidates can fulfil world?" Given the universal concern of the results of such a study, and that the their teaching obligations at any university evolutionary biologists with the actual government is already preparing plans for in either the Czech Republic or abroad. principles and historical details of evolu­ the future development of Czech science Maly tion on the planet Earth, one needs to ask and technology. (Rector) of the Kauffman ideas how well they This is an interesting contrast to the Charles University, correspond to: (1) what is known about answer to my parliamentary question at 11636 Prague 1, Czech Republic pre-biotic conditions on Earth and (2) the end of 1992. I asked then if the what we know about actual mechanisms of government had or was preparing any biological development. The correspond­ policy for science and technology. The ence is, I believe, quite weak in both same prime minister told me that the Vogt defended areas. government was working on the project SIR- In November 1994, the US Nation­ The use of scientific ideas to construct and that it should be completed before al Science Board voted to support LlGO hypothetical worlds is, of course, an hon­ June 1993. (the Laser Interferometer Gravitational­ ourable intellectual pursuit but it is not The disappearance of the centralized wave Observatory), a project of enor­ science. It is science fiction. economic system makes it important to mous technical difficulty and vast scien­ Adam S. Wilkins re-define the role of scientific and tech­ tific promise, in spite of increases in both BioEssays, nological institutes, including universities budget and time scale relative to earlier Company of Biologists Ltd, and the academies of science. We must estimates. Austin Building, Pembroke Street, also set up new sources of funding and In an article on this important decision Cambridge CB22ED, UK build support for disciplines and techno­ (Nature 372,311; 1994), you reported that logies that were undervalued in the past unnamed sources blamed the increases but which are vital for progress. Closer solely on the 'management failures' of Taxol trademark cooperation is needed between both our Rochus (Robbie) Vogt, LlGO's first SIR - I support your view on "Names for republic and other Central and Eastern director. Although it is convenient to hi-jacking"l. Taxol has been widely used European countries with other European assign all increases to one simple reason, as a trivial name since its first characteriza­ countries. the actual situation is far more complex. 2 tion in 1971 . Taxol is derived from the With this in mind, the Committee of The National Science Foundation, Cal­ generic name Taxine tracing back to 18563 Science and Technology of the Council of tech and LlGO management, in various 4 which I have discussed in a review . Europe has organized a conference on measures, contributed to the increases. Bristol-Myers and an Indian company that "Scientific and technological cooperation Some of this is hinted at in the cost is using 'taxa!' as a trade mark should stop with the Central and East European coun­ increase breakdown given in the same doing so. tries" to be held on 5 to 7 June 1995 in article. The details of both the original In principle, no chemical name should Prague. This will address how science and time and cost estimate and the new one be misappropriated as trademark. technology can be reformed in the Czech are matters of public record. Nizam U. Khan Republic, and will appeal to the govern­ Some day, when the history of gravity Department of Chemistry, ment to help solve the problems. Topics to wave exploration of the Universe is writ­ Aligarh Muslim University, be covered include the comparative im­ ten, Vogt, together with Drever, Weiss Aligarh 202002, UP, portance of basic and applied research; and Thorne, will be counted among its India the reforms required for creating a nation­ most influential early participants. Vogt al capacity for technological innovation; took hold of LlGO when its future was 1. Nature 373, 370 (1995). the temporary or permanent loss of major highly uncertain, and by the force of his 2. Wan;, M. C. etal.J. Am. chern. Soc. 93, 2325-2327 intellectual and scientific resources; a cri­ personality, energy, vision and leadership (1971). 3. Lucas, H.Arch. Pharm. 95, 145 (1856). tical overview of international program­ brought it to the threshold of construc­ 4. Khan, N. U. & Parveen, NJ scient. indo Res. 46, 512~516 mes such as PHARE, TACIS, PELO- tion. He was the right person, in the right (1987) 400 NATURE· VOL 374 . 30 MARCH 1995