Old Grad Passes Inspection
OLD GRAD PASSES INSPECTION GENERAL ALBERT Watson II , the United States Army's Comman dant in free Berlin, inspects broom of Mr. James S. Arnold, of the class of '99, during annual alumni broomstick drill. The alum nus shown behind General Watson is Jim Cook, ' 33. General Watson visited the campus at commencement to see his son, Cadet Albert Watson III , a junior student at PMC. THE 40TH reunion class of '22 had a wonderful turnout. Pictured in PM'C Stadium, back row, left to right, are Irwin B. Schmidt, George S. Jefferson, William D. Boswell II , Howard F. Battin, Frank E. Malinowski, William G. Henry, Jr., William J . Morris, Jr., John W. (Jim) Camplbell, Dr. Newton A. Wyman, Col. William J. Crow, Robert R. King , Col. James R. Allen, and John C. Per"y. The ladies in front, left to right, are Mrs. Battin, Mrs. Edward lupton, Jr., whose husband is deceased; Mrs. Malinowski, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Wyman, Mrs. Crow, and Mrs. King. Here's What Graduates Think Of New Alumni Auditorium Burt Mustin, '03-1 like everything about it. I was the new leGge, its auditorium, alumni room, and particularly impressed by the fact that the auditorium porch. was already in demand as a meeting place for several Wes Overholt, '27-The new dormitories and the groups, thus making it a community facility which Alumni Auditorium are concrete evidence that a ren would make PMC an even more important segment of aissance is taking place at PMC I wish to congratulate civic activities. President Moll for his inspiring leadership.
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