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BHARATIYA NABHIKIYA VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Kalpakkam – 603 102. Kancheepuram Dt. (TN) TENDER DOCUMENT FOR INDIGENOUS AMC Tender No: BHAVINI/CMM/ IT&INST/1/110/2018/10002511 Downloading of Tender starts from - 30.06.2018 Last date for downloading of Tender up to - 03.08.2018 Date of Pre-bid meeting at 11.00 Hours - 25.07.2018 Due date for submission of tender in online up to 15.00 Hours - 03.08.2018 Date and time for opening of tender on 03.08.2018 at 15.30 Hours Your bid must be submitted in E-mode at our BHAVINI E-Tendering Web site i.e., https:\\bhavini.etenders.in . On or before the due date and time mentioned above. COST OF TENDER DOCUMENT Rs. 2360/- (inclusive of Tax) BHARATIYA NABHIKIYA VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Kalpakkam – 603 102, Kancheepuram Dt. (TN) PUBLIC TENDER DOCUMENT FOR AMC (PACKAGE) Tender No: BHAVINI/CMM/ IT&INST/1/110/2018/10002511 Downloading of Tender starts from - 30.06.2018 Last date for downloading of Tender up to - 03.08.2018 Date of Pre-bid meeting at 11.00 Hours - 25.07.2018 Due date for submission of tender in online up to 15.00 Hours - 03.08.2018 Date and time for opening of tender on 03.08.2018 at 15.30 Hours Your bid must be submitted in E-mode at our BHAVINI E-Tendering Web site i.e., https:\\bhavini.etenders.in . On or before the due date and time mentioned above. BHARATIYA NABHIKIYA VIDYUT NI GAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Kalpakkam – 603 102, Kancheepuram Dt. (TN) Contracts and Materials Managements Group TIN No: 33481602801 CST No.797722 Ph. 044-27480939 Mobile: 94433 16416 FAX.044-27480933 NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed tenders are invited “For and on behalf of Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited (BHAVINI)” by Executive Director (BHAVINI), PFBR Project, Kalpakkam-603 102, from the bidders who are fulfilling the qualifying criteria (Financial & Technical) given in Tender Documents for supply of items specified below conforming to the tender specifications: Tender No: BHAVINI/CMM/ IT&INST/1/110/2018/10002511 (Single Part Public Tender) S DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT NO. 1 Comprehensive maintenance of Desktop/Laptop for a period of one 575 NOS year as per the Scope of work mentioned in the tender. (List as provided in Annexure 1 in section - C ). *Note Bidder shall completely go through Technical Specification of Tender Document before quoting the rate for all the items of the tender) 2 Comprehensive maintenance of Servers for a period of one year as per 10 NOS the Scope of work mentioned in the tender. (List as provided in Annexure 2 in section - C) 3 Comprehensive maintenance of Printers for a period of one year as per 75 NOS the Scope of work mentioned in the tender. (List as provided in Annexure 3 in section - C ) 4 Comprehensive maintenance of Copier Machine for a period of one 35 NOS year as per the Scope of work mentioned in the tender. (List as provided in Annexure D4 in section - C) 5 Facility Management of IT and communication Infrastructure and 1 LOT equipments as provided in Section C, Sl no. 1 of Scope of Work Downloading of Tender starts from - 30.06.2018 Last date for downloading of Tender up to - 03.08.2018 Date of Pre-bid meeting at 11.00 Hours - 25.07.2018 Due date for submission of tender in online up to 15.00 Hours - 03.08.2018 Date and time for opening of tender on 03.08.2018 at 15.30 Hours Cost of each Tender document (Non-refundable) : Rs.2360/- (Inclusive of GST). Your bid must be submitted in E-mode at our BHAVINI E-Tendering Web site i.e., https:\\bhavini.etenders.in . On or before the due date and time mentioned above. The bidders who have downloaded the tender document from our websites shall intimate the same. The tenderers who are utilizing the website for downloading the tender documents and willing to quote as per the terms and conditions of tender document should ensure/send the Demand Draft or Banker’s cheque for Rs. 2360/- in favour of Manager (F&A), BHAVINI payable at State Bank of India, Kalpakkam 603 102 towards cost of tender documents before the opening of tender. Deputy General Manager (CMM) For and on behalf of BHAVINI. (The Purchaser) QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENT FOR TENDERERS The TENDERERS wishing to participate in this tender are required to meet the qualification as mentioned below. Requirement- A: Financial requirements 1. Average annual turnover of the bidder drawing last three financial years (i.e. 2016-17, 2015-16, and 2014-15) shall be equal to or more than Rs.1.62 Cr. In case of bidders having financial year closing on 31st December, the average annual turnover for the year 2017, 2016 and 2015 shall be considered. 2. The bidder shall have executed single purchase/Work order value for an value equal / more than Rs. 51.92Lak. (or) Two number of purchase/service order copies for an value equal / more than Rs. 32.45 Lak (or) Three number of purchase/service order copies for an value equal / more than Rs. 25.96 Lak. for the similar job in the immediately preceding five years as on the bid submission date. Proof of completion in the form of contract completion certificate is required along with the respective purchase order. 3. Tenderer should submit their profit and loss account and Balance sheets for the last five financial years (i.e. 2016-17, 2015-16, and 2014-15, 2013-14, and 2012-13) with the bid. In case of bidders having financial year closing on 31st December, the average annual turnover for the year 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013 shall be considered. Requirement-B: Technical requirements 1. Bidder shall have executed Maintenance contract of IT equipments (PCs, Laptops, Printers, Servers, data network) and copier Systems in any of the Government / Public Sector Units / Private Offices / Educational Institutions / IT Sectors / Business Establishments in the last five years. (Proof shall be submitted) 2. Bidder shall be an ISO 9001 certified company. 3. Bidder shall have their office at Chennai for immediate support. IMPORTANT NOTE Bidder shall quote for the entire item listed in the indent failing which the offer will summarily be rejected. DGM (CMM) For and on behalf of BHAVINI. (The Purchaser) SCHEDULE TO FORM NO.CMM-44A(REV.1) BHARATIYA NABHIKIYA VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) TIN No: 33481602801 Kalpakkam – 603 102. Ph. 044-27480939 Kancheepuram Dt. (TN) Mobile: 94433 16416 Contracts and Materials Management Group FAX.044-27480933 SL. QTY UNIT RATE No. DESCRIPTION Rs. P. Comprehensive maintenance of Desktop/Laptop for a period of one year as per the Scope of work mentioned in the tender. (List as 1. provided in Annexure 1 in section - C ). *Note Bidder shall completely go through Technical Specification of Tender Document before quoting the rate for all the items of the tender) Comprehensive maintenance of Servers for a period of one year as 2. per the Scope of work mentioned in the tender. (List as provided in Annexure 2 in section - C) Comprehensive maintenance of Printers for a period of one year as 3. per the Scope of work mentioned in the tender. (List as provided in Annexure 3 in section - C ) Comprehensive maintenance of Copier Machine for a period of 4. one year as per the Scope of work mentioned in the tender. (List as provided in Annexure D4 in section - C) Facility Management of IT and communication Infrastructure and in Section– E. quoted Should be Rates 5. equipments as provided in Section C, Sl no. 1 of Scope of Work Note: 1. Quote your prices on onsite service Basis(Free delivery basis) . In case Free Delivery not possible and applicable Delivery / Freight charges shall be furnished on lump sum basis for delivery at site. 2. Indicate your ST & CST registration No. 3. Kindly indicate whether you are registered with DGS&D/NSIC/SS/ DPS/NPC etc. and attach copies accordingly. 4. Your offer shall be submitted with all Catalogues / Leaflets. 5. The price quoted shall be firm. 6. Liquidated damages will be levied in case of delay of item beyond stipulated delivery period in terms of clause no. 15.2.11 of CMM-02/Rev.0 7. Supplier will have to furnish Bank Guarantees towards a Security deposit and Performance of the items in our format for10% of the total order value for satisfactory execution and performance of the contract in terms of conditions mentioned in our tender enquire enclosed. 8. The Offer shall be valid at least 120 days from the date of opening. 9. Incomplete quotation is likely to be rejected. 10. Taxes & duties shall clearly be indicated in your quotation. 11. Material Test Certificate shall be furnished by the supplier, if required in the event of an order. 12. Item should be guaranteed for trouble free performance as per CMM-02(Rev-0). 13. Purchaser reserves the right to place an order for either full or part quantity of the item/s tendered or withdraw the requirement in part or full without assigning any reasons. BHARATIYA NABHIKIYA VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Only tick ( √) and fill Applicable Delivery Terms General Instructions 1.PRICES 1. Quote your prices on Free Delivery Basis. In case Free Delivery not possible, applicable charges shall be furnished on percentage basis for Free Delivery delivery at site. FOR destination 2. Please note that our standard payment terms will be 30 days from the FOR dispatching Station date of receipt & final acceptance of material.