BHARATIYA NABHIKIYA VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Kalpakkam – 603 102, Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu. Tender No - BHAVINI/IT/08/111/10 Name of Work PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM FOR PFBR BHAVINI, Kalpakkam. BHARATIYA NABHIKIYA VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Kalpakkam - 603 102, Kancheepuram Dist. (TN) Tender No: BHAVINI /IT/08/111/10 Submission of Tender upto Opening of Tender Date Tim e Date Time 03.12.2008 14:00 hrs 03.12.2008 15:00 hrs Important Notes: • Tender forms shall be signed at the appropriate places by the intending tenderers. • The tenderer shall submit their offer in original Tender documents without changing the Tender format which satisfies each and every condition laid down in the tender documents, failing which the tender is liable to be rejected. • Contractor shall furnish the unconditional bid undertaking failing which their tender shall be considered incomplete and liable for rejection summarily. • This tender document should be returned with all papers intact without detaching any part of it. Tender Issued to M/s. …………………………………………………. By …………………………………………………… BHARATIYA NABHIKIYA VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Kalpakkam Name of the work: Design, material, construction features, engineering, manufacture, packing, transportation, delivery, unloading, safe storage, installation, testing, commissioning, training, documentation & guarantee of Public Address system for 500MWe Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor(PFBR) BHAVINI, Kalpakkam, Kancheepuram District,
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