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Working Group for Publicity and Funding

Gammeltoft, Peder


Publication date: 2015

Document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record

Document license: Unspecified

Citation for published version (APA): Gammeltoft, P. (2015). Working Group for Publicity and Funding. UNITED NATIONS GROUP OF EXPERTS ON GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES Information Bulletin, 48, 29-29.

Download date: 08. apr.. 2020

NO. 48 MAY 2015

Preface  Message from the Chairperson 3

From the Secretariat  Message from the Secretariat 4 Geographical Names as

Special Feature – Cultural Heritage  Borgring- the battle over a name 5-6 Cultural Heritage  International Symposium on Toponymy: 7-8 Geographical Names as Cultural Heritage  The Cultural Heritage of geographical names 8-9 in the City of Petrópolis  The valorization of the Tunisian cultural 10-15 heritage  Geographical Name as Cultural Heritage 16  Preserving and promoting the historical- 17-19 cultural value ……

From the Divisions  Romano-Hellenic Division 20-22  Division francophone 22  America Division 23  Norden Division 24  Portuguese-speaking Division 24  Africa South Division 24

From the Working Groups  WG on Country Names 25  WG on Exonyms 25-26  WG on Toponymic Data Files and Gazetteers 27-28  WG on Evaluation and Implementation 29  WG on Publicity and Funding 29  Working Group on Cultural Heritage 30

From the Countries  Ukraine 31-33  33-37  37-38  39  Argentina 39-42  Mozambique 42-45  Tunisia 46-47  Republic of Korea 47  Lithuania 48-49  Indonesia 50-51  Viet Nam 52-55  Botswana 55

Special Projects and News Items  The Third High Level Forum on GGIM and the 56-57 UN-GGIM-Africa Meeting

Publications 58

In Memoriam: Dick Randall 1925-2015 59

Upcoming Meetings of Groups Associated 60 with Geographical Names

UNGEGN Information Bulletin No. 48  May 2105  Page 1

NO. 48 MAY 2015

Working Group on Evaluation and Implementation

Spanish version of the resolutions database suggestions to improve its tasks will be made. A specific focus will be placed on evaluating the implementation of The Spanish version of the UNCSGN resolutions database is resolutions, as discussed at the 28th Session in New , now open and available with English and French versions at 2014. The database is being hosted by the portal of the National The meeting is open to all UNGEGN experts. Any colleague Geographic Information Institute (NGII) of the Republic of interested in participating is advised to contact the Korea, who also provided technical and financial support for convenor. the database construction. A full Spanish text of 207 resolutions was provided by the Latin America Division. Sungjae CHOO Working Group Meeting, Copenhagen, 10-12 Convenor, Working Group on Evaluation and September 2015 Implementation Email: [email protected] The next meeting of the Working Group has been scheduled, jointly with the Working Group on Publicity and Funding in Copenhagen on 10-12 September, 2015. Current working conditions and procedures of UNGEGN will be reviewed and

Working Group for Publicity and Funding

The next Meeting of the Working Group for Publicity and Funding will be held in Copenhagen on September 12 at the Department of Nordic research, University of Copenhagen on September 10 - 12 together with the Working Group on Evaluation and Implementation. This meeting will be held in conjunction with the meeting of the Norden Division and the meeting of the Working Group for Cultural Heritage.

Peder Gammeltoft Convenor, Working Group on Publicity and Funding E-mail: [email protected]

UNGEGN Information Bulletin No. 48  May 2015  Page 29