THE IVANSK PROJECT e-NEWSLETTER Issue Number 14 September – October 2005 Welcome, dear reader, to the latest e-newsletter of the Ivansk Project. You are one of over 250 people who receive our newsletter on email, or perhaps you are one of those without email whose friends and family regularly print copies for you to read. Our readership is increasing steadily, and includes people in Canada, Colombia, Israel and the U.S.A. Many readers have told us how much they enjoy receiving the e-newsletters, including historical memoirs of Ivansk, present day photos and stories of visits to Ivansk by members of The Project. Your correspondence with new ideas, suggestions for improvement and material for publication are very much appreciated. If you know of others who would like to receive this e-newsletter on e-mail, please forward their e- mail addresses to the editor, Norton Taichman <
[email protected]>. While we have no budget to mail out copies, we are able to forward back copies electronically to whoever requests them. We look forward to the future (hopefully about a year from now) when the e-news will describe the dedication of our completed restoration of the Ivansk Cemetery. Even more than death, we seek to memorialize life by collecting histories and memories of our people who lived in Ivansk for hundreds of years. Unlike many other Polish shtetlach, there has never been a Yizkor Book for Ivansk, and we are hopeful that material made available as a result of our work will help in fulfilling this function, commemorating the lives of Ivansk’s Jews.