

Estimating the Burden of from , , and Hygiene at a Global Level Annette Prüss,1 David Kay,2 Lorna Fewtrell,2 and Jamie Bartram1 1World Organization, Protection of the Human Environment, Geneva, Switzerland; 2Centre for Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Wales, United Kingdom

extent, . This category includes We estimated the from water, sanitation, and hygiene at the global level taking from fecal–oral , arseni- into account various disease outcomes, principally diarrheal diseases. The -adjusted life cosis, fluorosis, and diseases from other year (DALY) combines the burden from death and disability in a single index and permits the toxic chemicals. comparison of the burden from water, sanitation, and hygiene with the burden from other risk • caused by lack of water factors or diseases. We divided the world’s population into typical exposure scenarios for 14 geo- linked to inadequate personal hygiene. graphical regions. We then matched these scenarios with obtained This would include diseases such as tra- mainly from intervention studies. We estimated the disease burden from water, sanitation, and choma and scabies. hygiene to be 4.0% of all deaths and 5.7% of the total disease burden (in DALYs) occurring • Transmission caused by poor personal, worldwide, taking into account diarrheal diseases, schistosomiasis, trachoma, , trichuria- domestic, or agricultural hygiene. This sis, and hookworm disease. Because we based these estimates mainly on intervention studies, this includes person-to-person transmission of burden is largely preventable. Other water- and sanitation-related diseases remain to be evaluated. fecal–oral pathogens, -borne transmis- This preliminary estimation of the global disease burden caused by water, sanitation, and hygiene sion of fecal–oral pathogens as a result of provides a basic model that could be further refined for national or regional assessments. This sig- poor hygiene, or use of contaminated nificant and avoidable burden suggests that it should be a priority for policy. Key water for irrigation or . words: burden of disease, , environmental exposure, hygiene, sanitation, water, water sup- • Transmission through contact with water ply. Environ Health Perspect 110:537–542 (2002). [Online 4 April 2002] (through bathing or wading) containing http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2002/110p537-542prüss/abstract.html organisms such as Schistosoma. • To a certain extent, transmission through vectors proliferating in water reservoirs or The Global Burden of Disease study (GBD) diarrheal and selected parasitic diseases, other stagnant water or certain agricultural estimated the burden of 107 major diseases based on the partial attribution of their dis- practices (e.g., malaria, lymphatic filariasis) and 10 risk factors at global and regional lev- ease burden to the risk factor (1). It was should also be included (how or whether els, using an internally consistent approach found that the worldwide risk factor this can be quantified is currently unclear). (1). Estimates were reported in summary accounted for 5.3% of all deaths and 6.8% • Transmission through contaminated measures of combining of all DALYs. Other communicable (e.g., from poorly managed water systems mortality and morbidity, in terms of the dis- typhoid, , schistosomiasis) and (e.g., legionellosis). ability-adjusted life year (DALY). This initial noncommunicable (arsenicosis, fluorosis, Although they are water-related, we did not approach has prompted a series of replica- methemoglobinemia) diseases were not con- consider that could be prevented by tions at the individual country level. Such sidered in this first assessment. appropriate water management in the pre- assessments provide an important input to The risk factor “water, sanitation, and sent estimate. the rational development and evaluation of hygiene,” as investigated here, comprises a Table 1 lists diseases relating to water, policies by the health sector and activities of number of interrelated transmission pathways, sanitation, and hygiene and their inclusion other sectors that directly manage or influ- composed of competing or complementing in the present estimate, but Table 1 is not ence the determinants of health. Additional events for causing disease. The number of exhaustive. The links between water and information required for the rational devel- resulting diseases is large. Fecal–oral diseases health are more extensive and complex than opment of such policies and activities account for an important part of this disease the more direct causes of health investigated in includes the effectiveness and cost-effective- burden and are the main focus of this article. ness of interventions, social considerations, Their transmission routes, illustrated in Figure the availability of resources, and the type of 1, are complex. Human and animal excreta Address correspondence to A. Prüss, World Health Organization, Protection of the Human Environment policy environment. can affect human health through drinking (PHE), 20 Avenue Appia, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Information on disease burden relating to water, sewage, indirect contact, and food Switzerland. Telephone: + 41-22-791-3584. Fax: + risk factors—rather than diseases—is likely through various pathways. This first exposure- 41-22-791-4159. E-mail: [email protected] more relevant to policy because it may allow based assessment of disease at the global level We gratefully acknowledge the comments and action to be directly targeted to modify expo- should therefore be considered an initial esti- suggestions provided by S. Luby and C. Corvalán sure. As a result of increasing interest in such mate, which will undergo refinement as addi- and the participants in the review meeting of the WHO Comparative Risk Assessment in Auckland risk factors, the World Health Organization tional information becomes available. in December 2000. is currently involved in assessing the disease Methods The views expressed in this article are those of the burden of about 20 risk factors in an inter- authors and do not necessarily reflect the position nally consistent way. Six of these risk factors In this assessment, we defined the risk factor of the World Health Organization. focus on environmental and occupational “water, sanitation, and hygiene” to include We acknowledge the valuable support and contri- health concerns, one of which is water, sani- the following transmission pathways, bution of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This report has not been subjected to tation, and hygiene. Methods for their assess- although not all of them are accommodated agency review and therefore does not necessarily ment are currently being developed (2–4). in the assessment presented below: reflect the views of the agency. An original estimate for 1990 examined • Transmission through ingestion of water— Received 6 August 2001; accepted 11 December water, sanitation, and hygiene in terms of such as during drinking and, to some 2001.

Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 110 | NUMBER 5 | May 2002 537 Articles • Prüss et al. works such as the GBD study and as reported value of 1.0. To illustrate the major differ- portion of food-borne transmission, and here. The role of inadequate water for food ences between scenarios II and I, in scenario accounting for likely ratios of person-to-per- production, and therefore , will likely II the load is mostly transferred son transmission through aerosols of certain be particularly important. caused from land to water, with insufficiently (estimated as up to 25% for rotavirus an estimated 11.7% of all deaths and 15.9% treated sewage being discharged to surface and astrovirus), the remaining fraction attrib- of DALYs in 1990 (1). or potentially contaminating drinking utable to water, sanitation, and hygiene is We estimated the disease burden for 14 water. In scenario I, the “ideal” scenario, this about 60%. This order of magnitude is sup- regions corresponding to those of the World would not occur. ported by intervention studies acting on point- Health Report 2000 (5). In this grouping, We calculated RRs between scenarios of-use treatment of in Canada countries are classified according to conti- from the literature. For the risk transition (8,9) and hand in the United States nent and level of child and adult mortality. between scenarios I and II (ideal situation to (10), reporting reductions of 40%, 35%, and Infectious diarrhea. Infectious diarrhea is regulated water supply), we used the review 48%, respectively. A 60% reduction in disease probably the largest contributor to the prepared by Mead et al. (7). It reports that corresponds to an RR of 2.5 [RR = 1/(1 – disease burden from water, sanitation, and about 35% of intestinal illness in the United reduction)] for scenario II when compared hygiene. It cannot entirely be attributed to States are food borne. After deducting the with scenario I (i.e., the “ideal”). water, sanitation, and hygiene because it is also transmitted through food at an indus- trial scale (other than irrigation by sewage) Pathogen Medium Environment Interface source and through the air. We therefore chose an estimation of disease burden based on expo- sure information, rather than attribution of Flies Dry sanitation disease burden. involving reuse Exposure. Although actual exposure occurs at the or individual level, Soil information on both exposure and risk is Hands generally only available at the community or regional level. We therefore adopted a Human Waterborne “scenario-based” approach for this estimate excreta sewage of disease burden. In this approach, we Food ascribed the population to typical exposure Nonrecycling Surface or situation scenarios (e.g., representative latrines water combinations of risk factors at commonly Humans encountered levels, which can be extended to include policy situations). We then com- Drinking water piled risk information from the literature to Animal excreta Ground match each of these typical scenarios. water Regarding water, sanitation, and hygiene, we used six exposure scenarios, defined in Figure 1. Transmission pathways of fecal–oral disease. Table 2. Different fecal–oral pathogen loads in the environment are associated with differ- Table 1. Diseases related to water, sanitation, and hygiene. ent scenarios, influencing the risks of con- Disease outcome Inclusion in current estimate tracting fecal–oral . To reflect this, Infectious diarrheaa Yes four of the scenarios were associated with Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers Included in infectious diarrhea for this analysis high and two with low or medium fecal–oral Acute hepatitis A Future inclusion pathogen load in the environment. A low to Acute hepatitis E and Fb Data may not be available in near future medium load is characterized by more than Fluorosis Future inclusion Arsenosis Future inclusion 98% coverage in improved water supply and Legionellosis Future inclusion sanitation and/or a regional annual incidence Methamoglobinamia Future inclusion of diarrhea of < 0.3/person/year. Schistosomiasisa,b Yes We selected the exposure categories accord- Trachomaa,b Yes ing to available information on exposure–risk Ascariasisa,b Yes a,b relationships and information from the Global Yes Hookworma,b Yes Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000 Dracunculiasisb Disease close to eradication (6). Table 3 shows the distribution of the pop- Scabies Current knowledge insufficient to attribute fraction to this risk factor ulation according to these scenarios. Denguea Current knowledge insufficient to attribute fraction to this risk factor Figure 2 shows the links between the dif- Filariasisa Current knowledge insufficient to attribute fraction to this risk factor ferent scenarios. Scenarios I and III do not Malariaa Current knowledge insufficient to attribute fraction to this risk factor a occur on a large scale and, in global terms, Japanese encephalitis Current knowledge insufficient to attribute fraction to this risk factor Leishmaniasisa Current knowledge insufficient to attribute fraction to this risk factor are probably negligible; hence their omission Onchocerciasisa Current knowledge insufficient to attribute fraction to this risk factor from Table 3. They are nevertheless impor- Yellow fever Current knowledge insufficient to attribute fraction to this risk factor tant in policy terms and therefore retained in Impetigo Current knowledge insufficient to attribute fraction to this risk factor the model described in Figure 2. Drowninga Current knowledge insufficient to attribute fraction to this risk factor Relative risks. The ideal situation (sce- aIncluding , salmonellosis, shigellosis, amoebiasis, and other protozoal and viral intestinal diseases; total disease nario I) has been ascribed a relative risk (RR) burden estimated in the World Health Report 2000 (5). bConsidered to be 100% due to water, sanitation, and hygiene.

538 VOLUME 110 | NUMBER 5 | May 2002 • Perspectives Articles • Burden of disease from water, sanitation, and hygiene

The multicountry study conducted by basic sanitation is already available. These coverage in improved water supply and sani- Esrey (11) provides data to allow calculation data are supported by the results of Esrey et tation in a reasonable time frame and of RRs between scenarios IV, Va, Vb, and al.’s (12) 1991 review. without simultaneous change in other major VI. According to this study, a reduction of After we quantified most of the transi- determinants of health, which is not possi- 20.8% in diarrheal disease rates (RR = 1.26) tions between the scenarios represented in ble. Some studies do, however, describe part can be observed when progressing from sce- Figure 2, the shift between scenarios II and of this risk transition between scenarios II nario VI to scenario Vb (i.e., when provid- IV remains the most “data-scarce” risk tran- and IV by acting on selected characteristics ing an improved water supply), and 37.5% sition. It represents the transition between of the differences of these scenarios. (RR = 1.6) when progressing from scenario high and low pathogen loads in the environ- These differences include VI to scenario Va (i.e., when providing basic ment, or more generally between developed • Additional improvement of drinking-water sanitation facilities). When progressing from and developing regions with incomplete quality (scenario IV to IIIa). Introduction scenario VI to scenario IV (i.e., when pro- coverage of improved water supply or basic of point-of-use disinfection has been stud- viding both an improved water supply and sanitation. ied by Quick et al. (13,14); reductions of basic sanitation facilities), a reduction of Intervention studies are not available 44.7% in the total population and 54.5% 37.5% is also achieved. This implies that no because transforming environments high in in children have been achieved (RR = 1.80 further reduction in diarrheal disease is pathogen load into environments low in and 2.20). Semenza et al. (15) found a 62% achieved by improving water supply when pathogen load would imply completing the reduction in diarrhea rates for an interven- tion with home chlorination of drinking Table 2. Selected exposure scenarios. water, compared with those living in areas Environmental fecal–oral with access to piped water (RR = 2.86), Scenario Description pathogen load whereas for individuals without a piped VI No improved water supply and no basic sanitation in a country that is Very high supply, the same intervention achieved a not extensively covered by those services, and where water supply is 85% reduction in disease (RR = 6.7). not routinely controlled • Improvement of basic hygiene (scenario IV Vb Improved water supply and no basic sanitation in a country that is not Very high to IIIb). Reductions in diarrhea morbidity extensively covered by those services, and where water supply is not have been reviewed by Huttly et al. (16); routinely controlled resulting in a median 35% Va Basic sanitation but no improved water supply in a country that is not High extensively covered by those services, and where water supply is not reduction in diarrhea incidence (RR = 1.54). routinely controlled No studies currently available adequately IV Improved water supply and basic sanitation in a country that is not High describe the benefits of continuous piped extensively covered by those services, and where water supply is not water supply. We consider scenario IIIb to routinely controlled complement scenarios IIIa and IIIc, because IIIc IV and improved access to drinking water (generally piped to household) High scenario IIIb acts on personal hygiene alone, IIIb IV and improved personal hygiene High IIIa IV and drinking water disinfected at point of use High whereas scenarios IIIa and IIIc act on II Regulated water supply and full sanitation coverage, with partial treatment Medium to low improving drinking water quality. for sewage, corresponding to a situation typically occurring in developed For estimating the disease burden, we countries used two approaches, which differed in the I Ideal situation, corresponding to the absence of transmission of diarrheal Low assumptions relating to risk transition disease through water, sanitation, and hygiene between scenarios II and IV. The most con- servative or “minimal” estimate would only Table 3. Distribution (%) of the population in scenarios, 2000. account for the improvement achieved by personal hygiene—that is, to simulate, par- Region (mortality in Scenario tially, the transition to a low-pathogen envi- children and adults) II IV Va Vb VI ronment. For a more realistic estimate, the African point-of-use improvement of drinking water Child: high; adult: high 0 54 5 6 35 has also been considered. Thus, the minimal Child: high; adult: very high 0 42 0 9 38 American estimate supposes that the difference in risks Child: very low; adult: very low 99.8 0 0 0 0.2 between a low- and a high-pathogen envi- Child: low; adult: low 0 76 1 9 14 ronment equates to what can be achieved Child: high; adult: high 0 68 0 7 25 with hygiene alone, whereas the realistic esti- Eastern Mediterranean mate considers improvements in hygiene Child: low; adult: low 0 83 5 8 4 and in water supply quality. As suggested by Child: high; adult: high 0 66 0 16 18 European the name, we consider the realistic estimate Child: very low; adult: very low 100 0 0 0 0 to be closer to . Child: low; adult: lowa 0798 112We obtained the resulting RR values by Child: low; adult: higha 0945 01multiplying the RRs between each scenario, Southeast Asian summarized in Table 4. The starting point is Child: low; adult: low 0 70 3 7 19 an RR of 2.5 for the transition between Child: high; adult: high 0 35 0 53 12 Western Pacific scenario I and II. For the “minimal” esti- Child: very low; adult: very low 100 0 0 0 0 mate, the transition between scenarios II and Child: low; adult: low 0 42 1 33 4 IV is represented by the benefits that can be reached by personal hygiene (35% reduction Adapted from Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000 (6), assuming that improved water supplies are most likely to have sanitation coverage. in diarrhea incidence; see Huttly et al. (16)]; aData required for analysis partly missing. this is described by an RR of 1.54. Because

Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 110 | NUMBER 5 | May 2002 539 Articles • Prüss et al. the “unexposed” group in risk transition RRs for diarrhea linked to hygiene practices As already mentioned, diarrhea and from scenario I to scenario II (described by from Huttly et al.’s (16) review, which esti- those diseases listed in Table 5 do not the RR of 2.5) becomes the “exposed” group mates a median risk reduction from the include all the diseases contributing to the in the transition from scenario II to scenario considered studies, without estimating confi- disease burden due to water, sanitation, and IV (characterized by the RR = 1.54), we can dence intervals. Because of these data gaps hygiene, but the burden from other diseases multiply the two RRs and thereby obtain the and the difficulties in combining the various cannot currently be quantified. RR for the transition from scenario I to sce- sources of uncertainty, we did not estimate To calculate mortality and disease bur- nario IV (2.5 × 1.54) of 3.85. Similarly, for an error margin for the overall results. The den, we combined the exposure distribution the realistic estimate, the transition from sce- main sources of uncertainties probably lie in in the population with the RR for each sce- nario II to scenario IV is described by an the lack of a reliable estimate for the risk nario. For estimating region-specific inci- improvement in hygiene (RR = 1.54) and transition between scenarios II and IV, rep- dence rates per age and sex group, we also by an improvement in water quality resenting the transition between a low and multiplied the fraction of the population (f ) [characterized by Quick et al. (13), RR = high pathogen load in the environment. We attributed to each scenario by its excess RR 1.80]. Thus, for the realistic estimate, the therefore adopted a minimal and realistic (RR – 1) (17) and multiplied their sum by RR at scenario IV (compared with scenario approach, using two different values (varying the baseline diarrhea incidence rate (IR). I) results from the multiplication of these by a factor of almost 2) for exactly this tran- This results in an overall incidence rate for three RRs (i.e., 2.50 × 1.54 × 1.80 = 6.9). sition between scenarios II and IV. These each age group within each region: The same applies for estimating the RRs for two estimates evaluate the sensitivity to the × IRage group, region = IRbaseline [fscenario I scenarios V and VI. shift in risks associated with this transition. × (RRscenario I – 1) + fscenario II Estimation of uncertainty. Because the In general, a sensitivity analysis seems to be a × (RRscenario II – 1) + … RR values originate mainly from surveys or suitable approach for estimating an uncer- × reviews that do not report confidence inter- tainty interval for this type of model. With a + fscenario VI (RRscenario VI – 1)] vals, evaluating uncertainty intervals around difference in risks of a factor of almost 2 the point estimates is difficult. Mead et al.’s between the minimal and realistic approach This baseline incidence rate corresponds to the (7) review does not estimate any uncertainty of scenarios III to VI, the uncertainty inter- rate that would have been observed in an ideal intervals but relies on very large data sam- val becomes about 50% around a point esti- scenario (scenario I), that is, the observed rate ples; Esrey’s (11) multicountry study pro- mate, which seems to be plausible. in countries falling under scenario II, divided vides confidence intervals for the transition Other diseases related to water, sanita- by the RR between scenarios I and II (2.5). between the scenarios. We report the RR for tion, and hygiene. The World Health Report We determined mortality by multiplying diarrheal disease rates as 1.26 (1.00–1.71) 2000 (5) provides figures on the disease incidence by case fatality rates. We took the for the transition between scenario Vb and burden of additional diseases that are exclu- year 2000 projections of the case fatality scenario VI (i.e., for improved water supply) sively (or almost exclusively) caused by rates and baseline diarrhea incidence rates and 1.6 (1.26–2.18) for the transition water, sanitation, and hygiene (Table 5). from Statistics (18), and popu- between scenario IV or Va to scenario VI We added these figures to the figures for lation figures from the UN World Population (i.e., for basic sanitation or basic sanitation diarrheal disease to calculate the overall Prospects (19). and improved water supply). We derived the burden of illness. We calculated DALYs as described in the GBD study (1), by introducing the inci- No improved water supply, no basic sanitation dence rate for the age group per region into

VI the DALY formula. With this formula, we discount health by 3% a year and perform age weighting. We chose these parameters High solely to ensure comparability with other Improved water supply, Basic sanitation, Va Vb no improved water supply no basic sanitation available information on disease burden. We made all calculations on a calculation spread- sheet (Excel). IV Improved water supply and basic sanitation Results Table 6 summarizes the resulting number of Continuous piped Improved water quality IIIa IIIb IIIc water supply deaths and disease burdens, according to the Improved minimal and the realistic approach. hygiene About 90% of this disease burden occurs

Fecal–oral pathogen load in the environment in children younger than 5 years. Figure 3 Low II Regulated water supply Table 5. Worldwide disease burden caused by selected water-related diseases other than infec- Ideal; no disease transmission tious diarrhea in 1999. I through water and sanitation Disease Deathsa DALYsa Figure 2. Scenarios determining transmission of fecal–oral pathogens. Schistosomiasis 14 1,932 Table 4. RRs associated with scenarios. Trachoma 0 1,239 Ascariasis 3 505 Scenario Trichuriasis 2 481 Approach I II III IV Va Vb VI Hookworm disease 7 1,699 Minimal 1 2.5 2.5 3.8 3.8 4.9 6.1 Total 26 5,856 Realistic 1 2.5 4.5 6.9 6.9 8.7 11.0 a× 1,000.

540 VOLUME 110 | NUMBER 5 | May 2002 • Environmental Health Perspectives Articles • Burden of disease from water, sanitation, and hygiene

graphically represents the actual rates per the previous estimate of the GBD study (1) transmission of water-related diseases (source person of DALYs from diarrheal disease in was based on expert judgment of attributable factors, pathway factors, behavioral factors); b) children younger than 5 years per region, as fractions. With the new approach presented the complex exposure patterns at household determined from the realistic estimate. here, it would be possible, for example, to esti- and community level; and c) the scarce infor- Figure 3 shows that the disease burden can mate the health gains that could derive from mation on the risk factor–disease relationship. be up to 240 times higher in developing various improvements, such as increasing In terms of a “true” picture of the disease regions when compared with a developed access to improved water sources or increasing burden due to water, sanitation, and hygiene, region. Disaggregating these data into sanitation coverage. The new estimates reflect the estimates reported here are conservative smaller regions or different strata of the pop- the region-specific exposures, as opposed to for a number of reasons: ulation (e.g., socioeconomic strata) would assuming a single attributable fraction for all • The exposure approach does not account lead to even greater differentials. developing regions (1). Additional precision of for all routes, such as exposure to recre- When adding the disease burden from the estimates could be obtained by calculating ational water or sewage polluted shellfish. diarrhea estimated by the realistic approach an attributable fraction, based on the exposure • Numerous diseases are not currently quan- to other diseases related to water, sanitation, data and RRs determined in this model, and tifiable, particularly those relating to water and hygiene (presented in Table 5), the totals applying it to a reliable burden of disease esti- resource management and agricultural amount to 2,213,000 deaths and 82,196,000 mate for each of the considered conditions, methods involving disease vectors. DALYs per year. This amounts to 4.0% of all that is, values previously obtained from • We based the estimate predominantly on deaths and 5.7% of all DALYs if compared national burden of disease studies. risk information from intervention studies; with the figures reported for 1999 (5). As already shown by the preliminary esti- in water, sanitation, and hygiene, interven- mates performed in the original GBD study tion studies tend to underestimate attribut- Discussion (1), water, sanitation, and hygiene are major able risk, because an intervention needs to The discrepancy between the present results causes of mortality and disability. Indeed, be implemented at community level in and earlier estimates (1) can be explained by this group is one of the most important risk order to eliminate related disease burden. the different method employed here, and a factors overall. The burden created by this The diseases listed in Table 1 (including trend of decreasing overall mortality over risk factor exceeds many major diseases (e.g., malaria, leishmaniasis) with as yet unknown time (20). In fact, we determined the case- malaria or ). fractions due to water, sanitation, and hygiene fatality rates, a direct input parameter into Diseases related to water, sanitation, and sum up to a total of 1,609,000 deaths and the calculations, on the basis of Global hygiene disproportionately affect poorer 67,482,000 DALYs for 1999. A significant Health Statistics (18); the rate decreased sig- members of society. The reasons behind this nificantly between 1990 and the projections are complex and interconnected. They 1,000 made for the year 2000, which we used in include better access by the more wealthy to our calculations. The decrease in these case- services and/or less polluted environments. 237 fatality rates is the main driver of the The estimate presented here represents 234 164 163 decrease of disease burden over time. the disease burden due to water, sanitation, 146 116 The present method represents a clear and hygiene from a selected group of ill- 100 76 71 improvement over the previous estimates by nesses. As we have shown, quantification of an approach based on combining exposure the disease burden due to water, sanitation, 22 with evidence-based exposure–risk informa- and hygiene is a complex task because of a) (log scale) 11 10 tion, in a manner open to scrutiny, whereas the numerous interrelated causes leading to 10 Table 6. Disease burden from diarrheal disease, total deaths, and DALYs per region, 2000. Region/mortality in Minimal approach Realistic approach a a a a

children and adults Deaths DALYs Deaths DALYs per 1,000 DALYs 1.1 1.1 1.1 African 1 Child: high; adult: high 169.2 5,905 340.7 11,888 Child: high; adult: very high 202.6 7,095 406.8 14,247 American Child: very low; adult: very low 0.5 64 0.5 65 Child: low; adult: low 47.9 1,752 97.6 3,573 0 Child: high; adult: high 10.2 380 20.7 769 Eastern Mediterranean Child: low; adult: lowb 33.5 1,233 68.9 2,535 Child: high; adult: high 119.8 4,393 243.0 8,910 European Child: very low; adult: very low 0.8 76 0.8 76 Child: low; adult: lowb 2.0 157 4.2 321

Child: low; adult: highb 1.5 124 3.0 256

African (child: high; adult: high) adult: high; (child: African

European (child: low; adult: low) adult: low; (child: European

American (child: low; adult: low) adult: low; (child: American European (child: low; adult: high) adult: low; (child: European

Southeast Asian high) adult: high; (child: American

b high) very adult: high; (child: African

Child: low; adult: low 50.1 1,801 101.9 3,660 low) adult: low; (child: pacific estern

W Southeast asian (child: low; adult: low) adult: low; (child: asian Southeast

Child: high; adult: high 406.1 12,968 817.4 26,099 high) adult: high; (child: asian Southeast American (child: very low; adult: very low) very adult: low; very (child: American

Western Pacific high) very adult: low; very (child: European

Eastern mediterranean (child: low; adult: low) adult: low; (child: mediterranean Eastern

estern pacific (child: very low; adult: very low) very adult: low; very (child: pacific estern Eastern mediterranean (child: high; adult: high) adult: high; (child: mediterranean Eastern

Child: very low; adult: very low 0.3 28 0.3 28 W b Child: low; adult: low 40.1 1,946 80.6 3,912 Region Total 1,085 37,923 2,187 76,340 (mortality strata) Percentage of total disease burden 1.9% 2.6% 3.9% 5.3% compared with WHO data (5) Figure 3. Diarrheal disease from water, sanitation, and hygiene: DALYs per 1,000 children (under 5 a× 1,000. bData required for analysis partly missing. years old) by region.

Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 110 | NUMBER 5 | May 2002 541 Articles • Prüss et al.

fraction of this burden should likely be added locally specific scenarios and risk estimates if Shapiro C, Griffin PM, Tauxe RV. Food-related illness and to the estimate presented here. An additional available. death in the United States. Emerg Infect Dis 5(5):607–625 (1999). factor that needs be considered is malnutri- The results presented here also show the 8. Payment P, Siemiatycki J, Richardson L, Renaud G, tion, related to , which alone high potential for disease reduction by sim- Franco E, Prévost M. A prospective epidemiological accounts for a burden more than double that ple interventions such as safe drinking water study of gastrointestinal health effects due to the con- sumption of drinking water. Int J Environ Health Res reported here. storage and disinfection in the home (13), 7:5–31 (1997). Regarding infectious diarrhea, the present which is illustrated by the difference of dis- 9. Payment P, Richardson L, Siemiatycki J, Dewar R, estimate (based on the “realistic” approach) is ease burden between the “minimal” and Edwardes M, Franco E. A randomized trial to evaluate the risk of gastrointestinal disease due to consumption very close to the total figure reported by the “realistic” approaches. of drinking water meeting current microbiological stan- World Health Report 2000 (5), despite our Although the estimates presented here rep- dards. Am J Public Health 81(6):703–708 (1991). conservative approach, in particular in terms resent a good baseline estimate, we need addi- 10. Black RE, Dykes AC, Anderson KE, Wells JG, Sinclair SP, of DALYs. The comparison of the method tional research to disentangle the complex web Gary GW, Hatch MH, Gangarosa EJ. Handwashing to prevent diarrhoea in day-care centers. 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542 VOLUME 110 | NUMBER 5 | May 2002 • Environmental Health Perspectives