Deliverable 4.4 Summary report on urban energy planning: Potentials and barriers in six cities 3 November 2015 Authors UCPH: Christian Fertner*, Juliane Große, Niels Boje Groth TU Delft: Evert J. Meijers, Arie Romein, Ana Maria Fernandez Maldonado, Roberto Rocco, Stephen Read * Contact:
[email protected] Abstract Main aim of report This is the final report (Delivera‐ ble 4.4) of PLEEC’s work package 4, dealing with urban / spatial planning and energy. It focuses on the (potential) application of measures and policies in urban planning to improve the energy performance of cities. Summaries and recommendations for each of the six PLEEC cities are given. WP4 location in PLEEC project Target group The main addressees are the PLEEC partner cities, Eskilstuna (SE), Jyväskylä (FI), Santi‐ ago de Compostela (ES), Stoke‐on‐Trent (UK), Tartu (EE) and Turku (FI). However, con‐ cepts and ideas discussed here are also relevant for many other cities and this is also emphasized in the report. The Deliverable is therefor also a direct input to Deliverable 6.1, which will provide a general model for the Energy‐Smart City. The report can also be used as a more general reference for planning practitioners, researchers and the inter‐ ested public. Main findings/conclusions Based on the case study (Deliverables 4.2) as well as the thematic (Deliverable 4.3) work, a list of 29 spatial planning measures and policies was elaborated. The measures can increase energy efficiency, reduce energy use or increasing the share of renewable energy in a city. The table shows the four sectors, as used in the Thematic Report, and nine related goals.