Qjlir Fa Fentpalnrf
QJlir f a fentpalnrf Volume 16. Issue ^29. DURHAM, N. H., JUNE 3, 1926. Price, 10 Cents HARRY W. STEERE, JR. BOOK AND SCROLL PRES. HETZEL ON PRESIDENT OF CLASS EARLY TRYOUTS HOST TO VISITORS PLANS FOR ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT The final meeting of the year of Leads Graduates For Next Two Years FOR DEBATERS OF UNIVERSITY STAND COMPLETED TOUR OF EUROPE Book and Scroll was held in the par —Miss Marian Arthur Is Vice- lor of Smith H all last Monday night President— Class Day Speak Tau Kappa Alpha Latest at eight o’clock. Representatives of Group to Hear Lectures ers Chosen Commencement Speech by Dr. William F. Anderson By Well-Known Statesman Honorary Campus Society T h e N e w H a m p s h ir e , T h e Golden Bishop of the Methodist-Episcopal Church, Boston B u ll and Spires were guests of the Harry W. Steere, Jr., Amesbury, organization. WILL LEAVE JUNE 23 N. E. LEAGUE FORMED COMMENCEMENT BALL FRIDAY BEGINS PROGRAM Mass., was elected president of the The meeting was opened with in graduating class of the university at troductory remarks from President Party Will Consist of Educators, Ed Two Subjects for Debates— Probably a meeting of the seniors held in Neville, who stressed the necessity The Rev. Vaughan Dabney, Pastor of Second Church, Dorchester, Mass. to itors, and Other Men of Public Life Men’s and Two Women’s Inter Thompson Hall last Monday evening. of making plans for the coming year. Deliver Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday Morning in Men’s Gymnas — To Study Economic and Polit collegiate Contests— Tryouts Miss Marian Arthur, Manchester, The organization has some very in ium— Alumni Day Scheduled for Saturday— Week Ends ical Situation of Europe in September was elected vice-president; Elsworth teresting plans under way which will With Commencement Exercises Monday, June 14 D.
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