Technical Note Fire probability in South American Protected Areas August to October 2020 South American authors: Liana O. Anderson, João B. C. dos Reis, Ana Carolina M. Pessôa, Galia Selaya, Luiz Aragão UK authors: Chantelle Burton, Philip Bett, Chris Jones, Karina Williams, Inika Taylor, Andrew Wiltshire August 2020 1 HOW TO CITE THIS WORK ANDERSON Liana O.; BURTON Chantelle; DOS REIS João B. C.; PESSÔA Ana C. M.; SELAYA Galia; BETT Philip, JONES Chris, WILLIAMS Karina; TAYLOR Inika; WILTSHIRE, Andrew, ARAGÃO Luiz. Fire probability in South American Protected Areas: August to October 2020. 16p. São José dos Campos, 2020.SEI/Cemaden process: 01250.029118/2018-78/5761326. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13727.79523 Contact:
[email protected] Institutions Met Office Hadley Centre – United Kingdom Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alerta de Desastres Naturais - Brazil Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – Brazil This Technical Note was prepared with the support of the following projects: CSSP-BRAZIL - Climate Science for Service Partnership (CSSP) Brazil. Fund: Newton Fund MAP-FIRE – Multi-Actor Adaptation Plan to cope with Forests under Increasing Risk of Extensive fires Fund: Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI-SGP-HW 016) PRODIGY BMBF biotip Project – Process‐based & Resilience‐Oriented management of Diversity Generates sustainabilitY Fund: German BMBF biotip Project FKZ 01LC1824A João B. C. dos Reis and Ana C. M. Pessôa were funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq - 444321/2018-7 and 140977/2018-5, respectively). Luiz Aragão was funded by CNPq Productivity fellowship (305054/2016-3). Liana Anderson acknowledges EasyTelling, and the projects: CNPq (ACRE-QUEIMADAS 442650/2018-3, SEM-FLAMA 441949/2018-5), São Paulo Research Foundation – (FAPESP 19/05440-5, 2016/02018-2).