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The Rose Tech Explorer Student Newspaper

Fall 10-30-1964 The Rose Tech Explorer - October 30, 1964 The Rose Tech Explorer Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

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Recommended Citation The Rose Tech Explorer Staff, "The Rose Tech Explorer - October 30, 1964" (1964). The Rose Tech Explorer. 59.

Disclaimer: Archived issues of the Rose-Hulman yearbook, which were compiled by students, may contain stereotyped, insensitive or inappropriate content, such as images, that reflected prejudicial attitudes of their day--attitudes that should not have been acceptable then, and which would be widely condemned by today's standards. Rose-Hulman is presenting the yearbooks as originally published because they are an archival record of a point in time. To remove offensive material now would, in essence, sanitize history by erasing the stereotypes and prejudices from historical record as if they never existed.

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspaper at Rose-Hulman Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rose Tech Explorer by an authorized administrator of Rose-Hulman Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Rose Tech EXPONENT VOL. VI No. 2 ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, TERRE HAUTE, OCTOBER 30, 1964 FREE WELCOME ALUMNI Homecoming — '64 Manion for GOP Friday and Saturday, October 30th and 31st, Rose Dean Clarence Manion, former Polytechnic institute will observe its annual home- Dean of Law at the University of coming Notre Dame, spoke here Friday cdiebra'Lion. With alumni retui n2;ng from afternoon, October 23, 1964. The throughout the nation to visit their Alma Mater, a Dean, who has been a constitutional full slate of activities is in order, and Blue Key Na- lawyer for the past 25 years, worked tional Honor Fraternity has risen to the occasion by under Eisenhower during the former presenting president's administration. He is one of the finest programs of events to be also the originator and director of seen in recent years. the Manion Forum, a radio- A new innovation in the home- Tomorrow evening the alumni and television program and publication coming weekend this year is the their wives or guests will gather advocating conservative politics. queen contest. From a field of in separate banquets at the Terre The Dean was in Terre Haute at thirteen candidates, submitted by Haute House. The alumni and sen- the invitation of the Goldwater- students of the school, a group of iors will be entertained by var- Miller Committee for political rea- five finalists has been chosen. This ious speakers and by the Rose Poly- sons. His speech was a brief analy- week one of these five will be technic Institute Glee Club. sis of the issues of the ensuing elec- chosen to reign as 1964 Homecom- The final event of the weekend tion. ing Queen by vote of the student will be the annual homecoming Dean Manion opened asking the body having tickets to the home- dance. In planning this affair Blue coming dance. question whether mankind can con- Key has taken into consideration The crowning of the queen and tinue to exist under God or whether her court will initiate the festivities the likes and dislikes of everyone the people will become servants tonight at 8:30 p.m. Addresses and has acquired the services of instead of free men. He sighted an from Coach Martin and the co- two musical groups for the even- example of indifference toward the captains of the Rose football team, ing. Warren Henderson and his last presidential election of 1960 Dave Hussung and Gib Bosworth, Orchestra, together with the Velvet- where 54,000 voters in the city of and the introduction of the team ones, a vocal group, will be play- Chicago failed to record their choice itself will immediately follow the ing in the Mayflower Room for those for either Nixon or Kennedy. When crowning. Under the guidance of who like their music slow. For those asked why they did not vote for the Pete Canalia, the master of cer- who like to "rock and stomp", top office on the ballot the voters emonies for the evening, a short the Noblemen, a rock and roll band, replied that they could see no dif- pep session and rally will be held will be providing entertainment in ference in the political ideals of in honor of the team, its captains the Prairie Room. At the candidates so why vote. They and coaches. At approximately 11:00 p.m. the Homecoming Teacher of the Year Blue Key considered either 9:30 p.m. one of the main attrac- Queen and her man right for the tions of homecoming weekend, lne court will be presented by Joe Grif- Professor Robert Steinhauser is The two national honorary so- job. If this happened in Chicago burning of the bonfire, will take fin, President of Blue Key. This the Teacher of the Year for the cieties at Rose—Blue Key and Tau just how many voters in the rest place. Tomorrow's activities will will be followed by the Queen's academic year 1963-1964. Professor Beta Pi—tapped 33 this year for of the country did the same thing? Dance. begin with the homecoming game The queen will then pre- Steinhauser won the award by elec- membership at the annual Blue The Dean emphasized the point begin with the homecoming game. sent the homecoming trophy to the tion sponsored by the Explorer, Key honors convocation. that the voters in the coming elec- At 2 p.m. The Engineers will fraternity whose homecoming dis- not to be confused with the new Tapped for membership in Blue tion will not be faced with two meet the Indians of Principia Col- play has been judged best by the Spectrum. Professor Steinhauser Key fraternity of campus leaders candidates of similar political lege. An elaborate half-time show panel of judges. The dance will graduated from Rose in1954,served in scholarship and extra-curricular backgrounds. Goldwater and John- has been planned, with Dick Hahn, end at 1;00 a.m. two years with the Army in Korea activities were Gus Carroll, Peter son are definitely not similar poli- member of the faculty, as Master This will end the program of ac- attached to an aero-reconnaissance Canalia, David Hussung, Andrew tically thus the people will have to of ceremonies. The show will begin tivities for the 1964 Rose Home- photo reproduction unit. He left the Szilagyi, Joseph Byrd, Mark Zaen- make a choice—there will be no with the presentation of the queen coming, and will be one of the finest Army a first lieutenant. Professor glein and Edwin Jirousek. Joseph middle of the road. and her court. After they have been homecomings ever due to the com- Steinhauser then brought his meth- Griffin, president, presented mem- He went on to say that we have seated, performances will be given bined efforts of Blue Key and the odical analytic procedures and bership keys. seen in Russia just recently how by the ROTC Band and our pre- Institute. Infectiously good humored person- Nominated for admission to Tau Mr. K. was removed and another cision drill Beta Pi, national leader put in his team, the Rose Rifles. Fenimore, Jerome Hoover, Stephen ality back to Rose as a teacher honorary engineer- place. The people ing society were told they had new James, Richard King, James Kuz- in February of 1957. Professor recognizing superior a leader scholarship and manovich, David LaRue, Jr., Paul Steinhauser has served on the Rose high character were after the switch took place—they Honors Convo Jim Brown, Lilienkamp, Roger Long, Alfred faculty that time with the exception Wilfred Otagura, Jeffrey had no choice what-so-ever in the Class honors, school awards Keeler, and Mayle_, Benedict Radecki, Norman of a year's leave of absence to Robert Wattleworth and matter. This is a direct contrast departmental prizes were presented James to our way Schuld, Allen Stanley, Ronald Tur- obtain a M. S. degree from Stanford Copeland. Membership keys of electing a president to 74 upperclassmen at the fall were presented or leader. Again the aski, Jr., James Wadsworth and in 1960. by Allen Stanley, Dean ques- honors convocation for superior William Watson. Professor Steinhauser's main president. tioned whether we had come to scholarship last year. A Juniors awarded class honors area of interest in the Mexhanical special Tau Beta Pi award the decision where we will elect The Bogart prize, awarded an- for the were William Ataras, Jr., Richard Engineering Department is thermo- the student showing the greatest government by the people or nually to the sophomore with the improvement whether Bonelli, Jr, Gilbert Bosworth, Jr., dynamics and heat transfer. Few during the second half we will be suppressed by highest cumulative average, was of his freshman the Jeffrey Brugos, Philip Carter, Jerry professors on the Rose faculty do year went to Richard government. He stressed that won by Wilfred Otagura. Shaw. The Hem- Davis, James Eddleman,Gary Funk, merely their jobs. All spend long we are faced by a crossroad which inway bronze medal, Special awarded each William Goodwin, Charles Hague, hours each week aiding students keys were awarded to is sharply divided. It does not go year to the freshman yearbook with the high- Larry Halstead, John Howlett, Ri- having difficulty or clarifying staffers by Modulus Editor to the left or right, but to the est grades, was won by Kim Saun- chard Johansen, difficult points to lost academic Gus Carroll. Named "Outstanding right or wrong and the right way ders. Jeffrey Keeler, Donald Lundgren, John Lynn, Fred- sheep. Professor Steinhauser' s Staff Head" was James Wadsworth. is the Republican way. The first MacLean Others award for a erick McKee, Edward Nowacki, Wil- easy-going and perfectly lucid were Bryan Carter, photo- What is liberty? For practical junior with graphy; Raymond high grades in mecha- fred Otaguro, Michael Prather, Ste- method of analysis and explanation Virostko, layout; purposes liberty means limited nics was won by Allen and James Grundy, government—where Stanley. phen Reiss, Kenneth Rich, Larry to any student needing aid, his advertising. you can limit The Nickerson awards Awarded honor it's force in civil en- Sachs, Robert Sandberg, Thomas willingness to teach summer keys for service by law and suits in gineering went to to Rose were courts. David LaRue, Sprouse, Thomas Takacs, Larry institute, his activities as flying Seniors Peter Cana- An unlimited government student showing the lia, Ed Delporte, cannot be told greatest im- Thomas, Joseph Tynan, Robert club moderator, and his own person- John Diefenbaugh, what to do as the provement, and Donald Endsley, people have Thomas Sprouse, Wattleworth, Alan Welton and Mark ality and enthusiasm make him the.; Joseph Griffin, no power to voice sophomore with Philip Halt, the highest grades. Zaenglein. logical choice for this award. David Holobaugh, Er- opinions, an example here is Rus- Chemistry prizes, sponsored by Sophomores receiving honors (Continued Page 3 col. 3) sia. In the U.S. the individual comes the Johnson (Wax) first, Foundation, were were George Allen, David Batson, the government comes second. won by Dale Helms, Homecoming Calendar Are we ready to Charles Divine, John Bray, Johnny Cadick, Charles scrap this? Sena- George Allen, Edward Jirousek, tor Goldwater says no and is stand- Divine, JohnGraves, James Grundy, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1964 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1964 Norman Schuld and Barry Raft, ing to conserve this government. Torn Hakes, William Holmes, Dave Registration (Auditorium) — Chemical Rubber Publishing Co. Registration-8:30 a.m. He is a conservationist trying Helms, David Honey, Redick Horton, 9 a.m. to prizes were won by Charles Hopper (Computers in Business Re- preserve a resource of the country— James Kane, Ronald Long, Richard Annual Alumni Meeting (Audi- and John Graves. search in Mathematics —9:00 a.m. the Constitution of the United States Melton, Richard Osburn, Barry torium)— 9 a.m. A Chemical Rubber Co. prize (General Humanities— 1:00 p.m. and its companion, limited govern- Raff, Kim Saunders, James Tage- Smorgasbord —Buffet Lunch in mathematics was won by Dale ment. son, George Vasbinder and Robert Meeting of Class Agents and Funds (Field House)— 12:00 Noon. Helms and in physics by Jeffrey Dean Manion proceeded to express Walden. Committee (Terre Haute House, Football —Rose vs Principia- Keeler. Other mathematics depart- his opinion of the Democratic plat- (Rose Green Room —4:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. ment awards went to James Kuz- Poly News Service) form and Johnson himself. He Alumni Open House (Terre Haute manovich, Kim Saunders and Jeffrey DINNERS: noted that the main planks of the "The mind is the measure House) —4:00 p.m. Keeler. Campus Program-8:30 p.m. Democratic platform are peace, of a man. What he does may Annual Alurni Banquet (Terre Seniors winning class honors were Homecoming Queen, Bonfire, prosperity, and progress—or a not be What he is, so much as Haute House)— 6:00 p.m. James Abel, Robert Boroughs, Jim and Pep Rally clear definition of socialism. This what he thinks." — Carl C. Ladies Dinner (Terre Haute Brown, John Diefenbaugh, Thomas "Old Times Party" (Terre Haute Is completely opposed to Gold- Wood, Plains (Tex.) Record. House)— 6:30 p.m. Evans, James Fearday, Terreance House)— 9:30 p.m. Homecoming Dance— 10:00 p.m. (Continued page 2 col. 5) 2-THE ROSE TECH EXPONENT-OCTOBER 30,1964 (Continued from page I col. 5) water's individualistic system. After commenting on the U.S. EDITORIAL position as posessor of fewer re-. sources that some other "under-. With the recent problems encountered in publishing a paper call- sources than some other "under- ed the ROSE SPECTRUM, an entirely new staff has taken over the developed" countries, the Dean publishing and editing of a student newspaper. The EXPONENT is an lashed out at the concentration of entirely different and new: paper than was either the Spectrum or the power which has taken place in the EXPLORER. The goals of the EXPONENT are as follows: U.S. in recent years. He asked (1) The EXPONENT will try to cover abjectively news at Rose how does the government get its Poly and news that directly effects the engineer and scientist. power and take the individuals' (2) The EXPONENT will tr.Y to act as the vocal organ of the students at Rose. freedoms away. Answering his ques- (3) Although all news will be covered objectively, the EX- tion, the Dean explained that a PONENT will not hesitate to attempt to analyze various aspects of government gets its power by force, Rose life in articles with by-lines and letters that are signed. Letters as in Poland, or by treason, as in and/or articles can be submitted by students, faculty, administration, China and Eastern Europe. It was etc. the people in government who caused (4) As has been feared by some of the students, this newspaper the government to grow and be- will not be controlled by the faculty or the administration after all, it come powerful. was the student government, not the administration or faculty Woodrow Wilson said in 1912, "A that caused the editors of the now-defunct SPECTRUM to be placed on concentration of governmental pow- social probation. At the same time, the EXPONENT realizes that the er is what always preceeds the EXPONENT will be read by and in truth serves all groups - students, death of human faculty, administration etc. - and has a responsibility to all of these. liberty." In 1912 there THIS NEWSPA13ER CAN ONLY BE EFFECTIVE IF THE was no great concentration of pow- STUDENTS WILL COOPERATE. er in the federal government. This WCE comment was made as a theory and JAB not a fact. However, we have now RJC seen the greatest concentration of JH power within a federal government which has taken place with the people's consent, We voted in con- No place in the world is there anything the equal of the American centration because we wanted to rid Presidential Election. From the conventions in the summer until the election in November all that you hear or see is political in nature. ourselves of the trouble of making our own decisions. However is there something lacking? Are we overlooking anything? Today the Pre- sident of the United in Look around yourself and ask your friends who their choice is for States holds his hands the greatest power in president in this upcoming election; then ask "Why"?. I feel sure you the world other than that of the Soviet will get more, "I don't knows", or "I'm really not sure" or "Be- cause I don't like the candidate", than you will good concrete ans- Union. Speaking as a constitutional lawyer, wers, but one thing everyone has in common and that is a very de- the Dean related that the laws of the finite opinion on who should run this country, even if they don't know U. S. cannot be en- forced against the President in the issues. Having these feelings for your man can be a good thing spite of the constitution. For better or and be part of the basis for democracy in this country however, do for worse the President these feelings sometimes go too far? is a pow- The principal of freedom of speech is one of the basic liberties erful man. What restrains him? guaranteed us by the Bill of Rights but when you start to talk with The President is restrained by the someone about the opposition's candidate how many people not only laws of God and his own moral won't listen but would like to have you silenced? Is this democracy or conscience and that is all. This is this close to what we are fighting against in places like Viet Nam? is why we must elect Senator Gold- Again look around yourself this time at the active supporters of water—a man whose character is one of the candidates. In this election are either Johnson or Goldwater unimpeachable and whose record people very tolerant of the oppositions ideas or are they BOTH bor- is impecable. dering on being fanatical in their ways. At this point in his speech the This campaign has been hard fought by both sides using all the de- Dean injected a little humor in vices at their disposal to get, not the best man, but "the parties man" the form of a story told about Pre- elected to the position of President of the United States11 Don't you sident Johnson by Edward P. Mor- think it's time that we put our country ahead of the party and elect gan on a radio program. It seems the best possible man for this difficult, if not impossible post? If you President Johnson had died and feel as I do then it is your job next Tuesday to get out and do your gone to heaven. He knocked on the duty as an American Citizen, and VOTE, not for the parties man, but Pearly Gates and waited for St. for the man YOU feel is best qualified for the job. Peter to answer. When St. Peter This means when you vote, you should have looked at both sides came he asked Johnson what he as objectively as possible by reading and listening to speeches and wanted. Johnson replied that he articles by and about both men and then deciding who the best man would like to be let through the is to run YOUR country. Pearly Gates. St. Peter opened his I hope you make a wise choice. book and looked for Johnson's name W.C.E. but could not find it. Upon hear- ing that his name was not in the book, Johnson asked how St. Peter expected his name to be there when he had just died five minutes ago. With this information St. Peter con- Are you wondering what the big to the attention of the entire soci- cluded that Johnson's name must question mark is all about? Well, ety here at Rose, write it up be in the day book and hurried we, the editors of the Exponent, (Typed, Double Spaced) and sub- as fast as he could to find it. feel that a part of the editorial mit it to the Exponent, Box 287, When St. Peter returned with the Imperial Lanes page should be set aside for you, and we will do everything we can book he found the Pearly Gates the students and administration, to see that your article, signed, were gone. so that you can have your views will appear in your newspaper. "Western Indiana Finest Billard Room" brought out in print on any sub- Deadlines for submitting articles Armed with Edward P.'s ject that you feel is worthy of will be the Friday before the paper joke, Dean Manion stated that there being printed. If you have some- comes out. Is a moral issue in this election thing you feel is worth bringing that cannot be overlooked. Johnson has associations with "jail birds" 16 LANES 20 TABLES In the editorial written by the three editors and the business mana. which makes this a moral elec- ger, one may have noticed that the last issue of the ROSE SPECTRUM tion. The crime rate is exploding in this country faster than the popu- was not condoned. We felt that the student body as a whole did not con- lation explosion. Along with this is done the paper. Asking any one person around Rose and it is evident the expansion of government. Be- that most everyone was glad something was done about the issue al- 3rd. St. C-1319 fore we can put government back 400 N. though not all agree that the right thing was done. But friends, very where it belongs we must correct little would have been done by the students had not just one man out the people who are in it and this of six hundred gathered courage enough to obtain signatures and can only be done by electing a moral pressed charges against the men responsible for the paper. The new leader. We have a chance of hay- constitution of the Student Government will not attain usefulness un- ing a servant government by making less the students themselves want it to. Talk with your congressmen the right turn at the crossroads. or obtain a copy of the constitution to determine what is necessary to THE ROSE TECH EXPONENT In four years we might not elect present a problem in which you have an interest. I cannot cry student a president—we might be told who apathy, because the students were anything but apathetical about this National Ad Agency: National Advertising Service, Inc. will be our next president. issue. But I will cry irresponsible. If you feel something is wrong 420 Madison Ave. N.Y., N.Y. With this, Dean Manion closed Spectrum with the way things are, see what you can do to change them. More Published by the Rose his speech and entertained a very pointedly it is your responsibility to do so. But enough of that. few questions. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: William C. Egar III As far as the punishment which was meted out to Mssrs. Chapman ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Jeffrey A. Barton and Allard I will stay neutral. I will however, chastize, as it were the Judicial Council for not announcing the names of the "persons MANAGING EDITOR: Robert J. Crask or person" involved." Not only were students entitled to know, but ihe Old lorA 44/0 Itv atria. placed were equally BUSINESS MANAGER: John Howlett those on whom none of the responsibility was AVM/5E / WILL punished in the minds of the students. This made the entire staff dis- Ft/Lir/a/U6E7r-- NEWS EDITOR: Charles Webb connect themselves with the school newspaper. Such should definite- Let's hear the names from now on. FEATURE EDITOR: Lee Peters ly not have been the case. As a closing comment, I will be leaving Rose for the rest of the SPORTS EDITOR: Sandy Sutton semester. It is not an easy thing to do. Look around you and see what FACULTY ADVISOR: Lt. Col. J. H. Dougherty you would miss if Rose and its environment were taken suddenly away. You might, as I do, feel a certain amount of depression. I hope so. "Once again there is proof I know so. Think about it. that politics is the most prom- R.J.C. ising of all careers." 3—THE ROSE TECH EXPONENT—OCTOBER 30, 1964 A Pome On An Engineering Education Written in a Nash Rambler the most casually observing alumnus that the It is patent to even November 10, 1917—One of curriculum at Rose has changed, the most widely publicized But the change in curriculum probably doesn't worry him half as suffrage demonstra- much as the fact that he can't find anything since everything's women's been re-arranged. tions was held outside the For example, back in ought-eight they taught a shop course in White House. Forty-one which students learned to make useful things like Edsels and women from 15 states were Titanics arrested, drawing sentences But now they teach hairy courses in quantum mechanics. ranging from six days to six (Which is as useful as garage mechanics for one never knows when months. one will need to repair a stray quantum.) November 14, 1832—The first courses are shoved off on students who don't even wanttim. And many streetcar in the world made The math department now teaches the methods of survival in Banach its appearance in New York. space, "horse car" be- While in the physics department enthalpy and entropy (two old favor- It was called ites) have been elevated to an even higher place. cause it was drawn by two one is truly educated until he can take Maxwell's equations and horses on tracks laid out for This may all go to show that accrediting agencies don't feel that any its route. The streetcar had derive all of electromagnetic theory, three compartments with Or sit up through the wee hours memorizing chemical reactions 'til seats for 30 persons. his eyes are bleary. November 20, 1923—Critical kind of stuff is all that is We hope no one means to imply that this Df the growing trend of em- the or engineer to know: necessary for scientist ployment for women, an arti- It just ain't so. cle in Pictorial Review chided But we do think that somebody is gently hinting that there isn't time aunt, once the for becoming well rounded (whatever that may mean) to the the maiden American point of being spherical mainstay in the While trying to discover at the same time the nature of things terrestri- home, for seeking employ- al and atmospherical. ment. The article reported Larry E. Thomas that 8,549,511 women had jobs. (Continued page 1 col. 4) November 22, 1906—The SOS Peter Taylor and Larry Thomas. ACULTY nest Holt, Evan Johnson, David distress signal was adopted LaRue, Richard Reeves, Andrew And Sophomores James Kane, as the official warning for Lt. Col. J. H. Dougherty Szilagyi and Stephen Watson. 13arry Raff, David Slavkin and OCUS disabled ships by delegates tc Also Juniors Byron Buck, Robert Charles Webb. During the Blue Key tapping officer training schools. the International Radio Tele- Crask, John Howlett, David Hussung, Student Body President Joseph ceremony on Tuesday, October In his time at Rose, Col. Dougherty graphic Convention meeting ir Jeffrey Keeler, Donald Lundgren, Byrd awarded keys. 13, 1964, Lt. Col. John H. Dougherty has been active in campus organi- Berlin. John Lynn, Larry Sachs, John Slack, (Rose Poly News Service) - was tapped. Blue Key is a national zations as adviser to the camera honor fraternity of service, and club and this year to the school service is a synonym for Dougherty. newspaper. As our new adviser, Col. Dougherty graduated from The the colonel feels there is " a Citadel in 1941. He was in North need for defining responsibilities" Africa, Sicily, and Italy during and "there is a need for a paper World War II; in the Aleutian of this type on campus to serve Islands from 1946 to 1947; Germany the students and the faculty as a from 1949 to 1952; Korea from sounding board for both--freedom of 1954 to 1956; the Tulsa Engineering the press at the level need District from 1956 to 1959; Japan not be a basis for libelous or from 1959 to 1962; and at Rose, scandalous articles." which is his terminal assignment, Of Rose the colonel says "Rose from 1962 to June 30, 1965, when is a fine place, a great place as he will have completed about 25 a matter of fact, the possibilities years of active duty. The interven- are infinite. In a few years Rose ing years were occupied with will be thought of in the same further training at the Logistics breath as Cal. Tech and MIT." Management School, Command Col. Dougherty well deserves General Staff School, the Engineer his Blue Key for service to the Management Center, and other Army student body and to his country. Terre Haute's Finest Steak House TUCKER'S WANTED 30 N. Brown BS and MS ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE GRADUATES BUY Aeronautical Applied Mechanics NEVER BEFORE A Electrical Engineering Mechanics SPECTACLE LIKE IT! Industrial Engineering Physics SAMUEL BRONSION'S Mechanical Engineering Science YOUR Metallurgical Physics THE FALL • Op THUM Will be involved with such projects as developing Space and Life Support Systems, Engine and Afterburner Controls, Air Induction Control Systems, ROMAN Advanced Lightweight Propellers, Electron Beam Industrial Machines, Ground Support Equipment, Electronic Control Systems, Overhaul and Re- ROSE EMPIRE pair Programs, BioScience Studies, Industrial Valves. Hamilton Standard is presently working in the areas of Aerodynamics, Compressible Flow, Control Dynamics, Digital and Analog Computation, Elec- tronics, Electron Optics, Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer, Hydraulics, Hydro- dynamics, Instrumentation, Internal Aerodynamics, Kinematics, Magnetic Circuitry, Mechanical Metallurgy, Physics, Quality Control, Reliability, Servo- FILM mechanisms, Statistical Analysis, Thermodynamics, Tool Engineering, Tran- sistor Circuitry, Vibration.

SOCIETY • SAMUEL. BRONSTON SOPHIA "OREN For interview, see yourPlacement Officer, or write Supervisor STEPHEN BOYD ALEC GUINNESS JAMES MASON • CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER of College Relations, Personnel Department TICKET itotriTHE FALL Hamilton EMPIRE Standard Aircraft TECHNICOLOR' Windsor Locks, Connecticut AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER NOW Now Playing INDIANA .1. •


Tomorrow afternoon the Fighting In action on Sunday, October 11, SPORTS PAGE Sigma Nu pulled out of a 0-0 tie Engineers meet the Principia In Indians in what has turned out to be the last minute of play to beat the championship game of the Lambda Chi Alpha by a score of Prairie College Conference. At the 6-0 and gain its third win without a present the Engineers have second defeat. The game was a defen- place sewed up and a win Satur- sive stalemate until Sigma Nu day would put the crown in the scored the only touchdown on a pass hands of Coach Martin's capable from quarterback Ed Zaenglein crew. to Dave Honey which covered ten Optimism may be slightly pre- yards. The loss was the first for mature though. Beset by bad breaks Lambda Chi Alpha against two wins. and a considerable reduction in In the other action of the day, ranks by injuries, Rosie's boys Alpha Tau Omega handed Theta will undoubtedly have a tough job Xi its third straight loss of the on their hands. At the present season. Jim Sargent, playing quar- five starters are out with various terback for Alpha Tau Omega for pains only one of which, Ben Brad- the first time this year, proved to burn, will be back for the Home- be too much for Theta Xi as he passed coming clash. Notably missing Ain to Jerry Copeland and Dave last Saturday's actions were end McNally for touchdowns covering fifteen yards Joe Tynan and defensive standouts, apiece. Theta Xi never Bill Lewis and Bradburn. However, made it to the goal line and the game all is not black. It may be noted ended 12-0, giving Alpha Tau that Principia lost earlier in the Omega its first win against two season to Central Methodist, the defeats. Alpha same team which defeated Rose Tau Omega versus Lambda last week by a mere touchdown. Chi Alpha and Sigma Nu versus Also in the past weeks a great Theta Xi, games which were deal of improvement has been noted scheduled for October 8, had to be called off in the Engineers performances. because of rain. (L to R) Dave Hussing, Rich Reeves, Coach R. M artin, Lorin Van Gorder, Bill Lewis. It seems too that the offensive October 25 will see Alpha Tau Omega up unit or "go team" is just coming against undefeated Sigma Nu while Theta Xi will be looking ball, basketball and track for Law- into its own since the freshmen for its first victory of the year rence Central High School, At Rose, on the squad now have a few games when it meets Lambda Chi Alpha. Bob has earned two letters in foot- under their belts. Couple this with MEET THE TEAM Scheduled for November 8 is Alpha ball and one in track. the already existing fine defensive Mike Atkins—Senior end playing Bob played for the Riverside- Tau Omega against Theta Xi and Larry Rose, freshman guard from unit and the chances of carrying his third year for the Engineers Brookfield team (Illinois) where Lambda Chi Alpha versus Sigma St. Mary-of-the Woods, lettered home the crown Saturday afternoon from Kettering, Ohio. he earned the varsity letter. Upon Nu. three years in both football and brighten considerably. Ben Bradburn—A real fine athlete entering Rose, Bob made his pre- I. F. Standings After 3 Games tennis at West Vigo High School. Throwing more light on the situa- from nearby Rockville, Ind. Despite sence felt from the Team beginning; he tion, Coach Martin has stated that W. L. Pct. a lack of size (5' 10", 155 lbs.), lettered his David Hagedorn—Freshman stu- Sigma Nu freshman, sophomore, in his opinion the team looked 3 0 L000 Ben has stepped up to college and junior years and last year dent manager from Tell City, Ind. Lambda Chi better last week against Central Alpha 2 1 .667 football in fine style, starting as a received the most valuable line- Alpha Tau Methodist than it has in the last Omega 1 2 .333 defensive back and backing Bos- man award. Theta Xi 0 couple of games and he believes 3 .000 worth up at quarterback. Guard Dave Hussing is a native that as a unit they are finally will suit up for their last Home- freshman Yeah Rah Steve Mueller—A fine of Louisville, Kentucky. At Wag- coming around. He also noted that coming in the Rose and White. prospect from Mount Prospect, Ill., gener High School Dave made a The six men (?) that you see despite the close setbacks of pre- They are: ends Mike Atkins and Steve at 6 feet and 170 pounds will name for himself, receiving the jumping around in front of the stands vious weeks the team is still full Jim Able, Tackle Richie Reeves, see a lot of action at offensive school letter and being selected at the home games this year are of spirit and confidence. guard Dave Hussing, center Bob center. for the All-County team. He, also, largely responsible for the increase With the end of the season rol- Blahut, and halfback Bob. Clark. John Shambach—One of the big has a good reputation at Rose and In spirit and pep displayed by this ling around it is fitting to recog- Let's all be there to help bring men on the Rose squad at 6 ft., has lettered and this year was year's student body. They are Ed nize the six seniors who Saturday home the crown Saturday.. 1 in., and 200 pounds holds down elected co-captain by his team- Jirousek, John Diefenbaugh, Dave the tackle position. John is a fresh- mates. Dave is a senior, stands Honey, Jerry Steinman, Rick man from Shelbyville, Ind. 5 ft. 10 inches, and weighs 190 Flowers, and last but by no means John Zedalis—Another big fresh- pounds. least, Guzzy Gessel, Mr. Mutchner CORNER says, "They have -M done an I man(6 ft. 4 in., 200 pounds) from Junior Larry Sachs is a mem- out- Gary, Indiana, with two letters in standing job organizing the student ber of the Rose cross-country team. The Intramural Football League, and 5 losses. football from Gary Tolleston High body and while they don't have many Larry lettered in both track and under the direction of Jim Carr, The leading team of the Sopho- School. of the physical attributes of some cross country in high school and Intramural Director and Cross more class and the only team of Richard Reeves—As a Senior of the previous Rose cheerleaders at Rose. He is from Indianapolis Country Coach began in September the Sophomore class left, since the Rich is starting his fourth year mana- liowe. from the sororities at Indiana State with a big bang; and, from what I other team did not have a as starting tackle for Rose. At Denny Lind of Brooklyn, Indiana, and St. Mary's-of-the-Woods, they hear tell, it must have been a real ger like the Seniors have, is the 6 ft. and 180 pounds, he has faced is another Rose harrier. Denny has have been doing a much better job big bang what with the new block- Sophomore team. They are right up many bigger men, but has always earned his letter in cross country of cheerleading. They have added ing rules posted on the bulletin near the top of the list with 9 done a commendable job. Rich's at Rose in addition to three letters color and interest to the games board. wins and being beaten only by the home town is Brownsburg, Incl. at Martinsville High School. He and their efforts have been much Going into the last week of play, Junior II Team. Joseph Tynan—Joey is a Junior stands 5 ft. 7/12 inches and weighs appreciated by the members of the the Junior II team is leading the from Indianapolis Cathredal High 128 pounds. Denny has also earned football team." The best team of the Freshmen School. His 195 pounds give a little his letter as a member of the pack with 10 wins and 1 loss so class is the Speed II team which beef to the right end position and Rose basketball team. far in the season, hey are fol- has won 5 games and lost 3. The his good hands make him a prime lowed close behind by the Junior I following are members of this team; pass receiving target. Ron Rufatto, freshman end from team with 9 wins and 1 loss Sandy Bardes, Hilmer Jarbae, Tom Lorin Van Gorder—Lorin in his Terre Haute, lettered two years BOO and the Sophomore I team with 9 Johnson, David Keiser, Barry Lang- Sophomore year has lettered in in football and three years in track Lenhardt E. Bauer, Terre Haute wins and one loss. lieb, Monte Riggs, Bill Schwenker, his Freshman year and three years at Garfield High. attorney and generalissimo of the The Junior II team, also last years Nelson Smiley, Craig Weerts, and at Terre Haute Wiley, where he Freshman tackle Paul Lanham Strawberry Hill Cannoneers, self- Sophomore II team,composed of Jim Jerry Wones. accumulated the honors of All- of Du Val Senior High in Lanham, described as "Terre Haute's last Lane, Tom Sprouse, Bill Bess, Bob The remaining standings, going Valley, All-Conference, and Honor- Md., was a letterman for three line of defense," has given a salute Rose, Don Lundgren, Steve Daugh- Into the final week of play are, able Mention on the All-State team. years in high school football. cannon to the Rose athletic depart- te ry, Jay Sinex, Dwight Garbe, Rello BSB 4-6, BSB 11-8-6. Deming 4- He is living up to these honors Bill Lewis, Jr., fullback from ment. The cannon is guarded by a Christea, Pete Taylor, Mike Red- 6, Speed I 4-6, Speed III 4. at Rose where he is starting of- Gary, is a four-year letterman in detachment of the Rose ROTC En- man, Scott Skjordahl, Chester Choy- and last but not least BSB III 1-9. fensive and defensive end on the football, basketball and track for gineer Battalion and fired when- Hee, Bob Wattleworth, Steve Wind- During the time between Octo- left side. William A. Wirt High School. He ever the football team takes the ier, Byron Buck, Mont Williams, ber 7 and 10, the Intramural Golf Pete Bradham—Pete is a Sopho- was named to the all conference field or scores in a game. Sandy Sutton, Eddie Jirousek, Max Tournament was taking place at the more transfer student from the second team, and received all city After the season is over, the Joseph, Larry Michael and Jim Phoenix Country Club. The results Air Force Academy and a product and all state honorablention. cannon will be placed in the trophy Phelps are undefeated in two years. were Gravitt 73, Parker 74, Garbe of Effingham (111.) High School. To highlight his college career, case in the field house. It is hoped The top Senior team, and the only 79, Mercer 83, and Borst 100. At 5 ft. 9 in., Pete is playing de- Bill received the most valuable that the firing of the cannon will Senior team, is struggling along B oh Gravitt, the winner of the tourna- fensive halfback and linebacker for player award for the 1963 season. become a tradition for all future with the manager usually spend- ment with a score of 73 for 18 the Engineers. Charles Stewart, freshman guard football games. ing three hours on the day of the holes, is a Freshman from Law- Jeff Brugos—A product of Mer- from West Terre Haute, played game rounding up nine,, renceville, Illinois. Bob has played rellville High School, Jeff has two football and ran track three years Man can no longer live by to play. They are rated in the long golf for about six years and was letters in football to his credit and for West Vigo High School. bread alone—he must have a list of eleven teams having 3 wins on the Lawrenceville High School captained the team his Senior year Ken Kerchner, three-year letter- credit card. golf team during his four years at at Merrellville. At Rose he has man in football and track for Car- high school. He is planning to go lettered his Freshman and Sopho- mel High School, returns as a Telephone L-8755 Personalized Service out for the Rose Golf team this more years, going both ways at sophomore to the halfback spot spring. offensive and defensive halfback. where he earned a letter last season. Joe Parker, who came in second Sophomore Jim Forbes of Terre Terry Joyce, freshman fullback with a 74, is a Freshman from Ak- Haute is one of Rose's fine backs. from Griffith, earned letters two of Jim and Jack Shop ron, Ohio. He has played for about A graduate of Wiley High School his four years in high school foot- eight years, three of those on the where he played three years of var- ball. •APPointments Available Tuesdays Only golf team at Revere High School sity football, Jim hopes to earn Jose lbaney, a freshman tackle in Akron, and is also planning to his letter this year. As for vital from New York City, played base- •Specializing In Flat Tops go out for the golf team here at statistics, Jim is 5 ft 10 inches ball and basketball in his CYO Rose this next spring. With com- tall and weighs 190 pounds. League while attending Brooklyn •All Styles Hair Cuts petition like this working for Rose Technical High School. this spring, Bob Blahut, a 5 ft. 10 in., 190 806 South 7th St. Terre Haute, Indiana the golf team should pound senior center, has distin- Senior halfback Bob Clark of be able to better their three wins guished himself in his Rose career. Indianapolis earned letters in foot- of last year.