Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Tech Explorer Student Newspaper Fall 10-30-1964 The Rose Tech Explorer - October 30, 1964 The Rose Tech Explorer Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rose_tech_explorer Recommended Citation The Rose Tech Explorer Staff, "The Rose Tech Explorer - October 30, 1964" (1964). The Rose Tech Explorer. 59. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rose_tech_explorer/59 Disclaimer: Archived issues of the Rose-Hulman yearbook, which were compiled by students, may contain stereotyped, insensitive or inappropriate content, such as images, that reflected prejudicial attitudes of their day--attitudes that should not have been acceptable then, and which would be widely condemned by today's standards. Rose-Hulman is presenting the yearbooks as originally published because they are an archival record of a point in time. To remove offensive material now would, in essence, sanitize history by erasing the stereotypes and prejudices from historical record as if they never existed. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspaper at Rose-Hulman Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rose Tech Explorer by an authorized administrator of Rose-Hulman Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Rose Tech EXPONENT VOL. VI No. 2 ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, TERRE HAUTE, OCTOBER 30, 1964 FREE WELCOME ALUMNI Homecoming — '64 Manion for GOP Friday and Saturday, October 30th and 31st, Rose Dean Clarence Manion, former Polytechnic institute will observe its annual home- Dean of Law at the University of coming Notre Dame, spoke here Friday cdiebra'Lion. With alumni retui n2;ng from afternoon, October 23, 1964. The throughout the nation to visit their Alma Mater, a Dean, who has been a constitutional full slate of activities is in order, and Blue Key Na- lawyer for the past 25 years, worked tional Honor Fraternity has risen to the occasion by under Eisenhower during the former presenting president's administration. He is one of the finest programs of events to be also the originator and director of seen in recent years. the Manion Forum, a radio- A new innovation in the home- Tomorrow evening the alumni and television program and publication coming weekend this year is the their wives or guests will gather advocating conservative politics. queen contest. From a field of in separate banquets at the Terre The Dean was in Terre Haute at thirteen candidates, submitted by Haute House. The alumni and sen- the invitation of the Goldwater- students of the school, a group of iors will be entertained by var- Miller Committee for political rea- five finalists has been chosen. This ious speakers and by the Rose Poly- sons. His speech was a brief analy- week one of these five will be technic Institute Glee Club. sis of the issues of the ensuing elec- chosen to reign as 1964 Homecom- The final event of the weekend tion. ing Queen by vote of the student will be the annual homecoming Dean Manion opened asking the body having tickets to the home- dance. In planning this affair Blue coming dance. question whether mankind can con- Key has taken into consideration The crowning of the queen and tinue to exist under God or whether her court will initiate the festivities the likes and dislikes of everyone the people will become servants tonight at 8:30 p.m. Addresses and has acquired the services of instead of free men. He sighted an from Coach Martin and the co- two musical groups for the even- example of indifference toward the captains of the Rose football team, ing. Warren Henderson and his last presidential election of 1960 Dave Hussung and Gib Bosworth, Orchestra, together with the Velvet- where 54,000 voters in the city of and the introduction of the team ones, a vocal group, will be play- Chicago failed to record their choice itself will immediately follow the ing in the Mayflower Room for those for either Nixon or Kennedy. When crowning. Under the guidance of who like their music slow. For those asked why they did not vote for the Pete Canalia, the master of cer- who like to "rock and stomp", top office on the ballot the voters emonies for the evening, a short the Noblemen, a rock and roll band, replied that they could see no dif- pep session and rally will be held will be providing entertainment in ference in the political ideals of in honor of the team, its captains the Prairie Room. At the candidates so why vote. They and coaches. At approximately 11:00 p.m. the Homecoming Teacher of the Year Blue Key considered either 9:30 p.m. one of the main attrac- Queen and her man right for the tions of homecoming weekend, lne court will be presented by Joe Grif- Professor Robert Steinhauser is The two national honorary so- job. If this happened in Chicago burning of the bonfire, will take fin, President of Blue Key. This the Teacher of the Year for the cieties at Rose—Blue Key and Tau just how many voters in the rest place. Tomorrow's activities will will be followed by the Queen's academic year 1963-1964. Professor Beta Pi—tapped 33 this year for of the country did the same thing? Dance. begin with the homecoming game The queen will then pre- Steinhauser won the award by elec- membership at the annual Blue The Dean emphasized the point begin with the homecoming game. sent the homecoming trophy to the tion sponsored by the Explorer, Key honors convocation. that the voters in the coming elec- At 2 p.m. The Engineers will fraternity whose homecoming dis- not to be confused with the new Tapped for membership in Blue tion will not be faced with two meet the Indians of Principia Col- play has been judged best by the Spectrum. Professor Steinhauser Key fraternity of campus leaders candidates of similar political lege. An elaborate half-time show panel of judges. The dance will graduated from Rose in1954,served in scholarship and extra-curricular backgrounds. Goldwater and John- has been planned, with Dick Hahn, end at 1;00 a.m. two years with the Army in Korea activities were Gus Carroll, Peter son are definitely not similar poli- member of the faculty, as Master This will end the program of ac- attached to an aero-reconnaissance Canalia, David Hussung, Andrew tically thus the people will have to of ceremonies. The show will begin tivities for the 1964 Rose Home- photo reproduction unit. He left the Szilagyi, Joseph Byrd, Mark Zaen- make a choice—there will be no with the presentation of the queen coming, and will be one of the finest Army a first lieutenant. Professor glein and Edwin Jirousek. Joseph middle of the road. and her court. After they have been homecomings ever due to the com- Steinhauser then brought his meth- Griffin, president, presented mem- He went on to say that we have seated, performances will be given bined efforts of Blue Key and the odical analytic procedures and bership keys. seen in Russia just recently how by the ROTC Band and our pre- Institute. Infectiously good humored person- Nominated for admission to Tau Mr. K. was removed and another cision drill Beta Pi, national leader put in his team, the Rose Rifles. Fenimore, Jerome Hoover, Stephen ality back to Rose as a teacher honorary engineer- place. The people ing society were told they had new James, Richard King, James Kuz- in February of 1957. Professor recognizing superior a leader scholarship and manovich, David LaRue, Jr., Paul Steinhauser has served on the Rose high character were after the switch took place—they Honors Convo Jim Brown, Lilienkamp, Roger Long, Alfred faculty that time with the exception Wilfred Otagura, Jeffrey had no choice what-so-ever in the Class honors, school awards Keeler, and Mayle_, Benedict Radecki, Norman of a year's leave of absence to Robert Wattleworth and matter. This is a direct contrast departmental prizes were presented James to our way Schuld, Allen Stanley, Ronald Tur- obtain a M. S. degree from Stanford Copeland. Membership keys of electing a president to 74 upperclassmen at the fall were presented or leader. Again the aski, Jr., James Wadsworth and in 1960. by Allen Stanley, Dean ques- honors convocation for superior William Watson. Professor Steinhauser's main president. tioned whether we had come to scholarship last year. A Juniors awarded class honors area of interest in the Mexhanical special Tau Beta Pi award the decision where we will elect The Bogart prize, awarded an- for the were William Ataras, Jr., Richard Engineering Department is thermo- the student showing the greatest government by the people or nually to the sophomore with the improvement whether Bonelli, Jr, Gilbert Bosworth, Jr., dynamics and heat transfer. Few during the second half we will be suppressed by highest cumulative average, was of his freshman the Jeffrey Brugos, Philip Carter, Jerry professors on the Rose faculty do year went to Richard government. He stressed that won by Wilfred Otagura. Shaw. The Hem- Davis, James Eddleman,Gary Funk, merely their jobs. All spend long we are faced by a crossroad which inway bronze medal, Special awarded each William Goodwin, Charles Hague, hours each week aiding students keys were awarded to is sharply divided. It does not go year to the freshman yearbook with the high- Larry Halstead, John Howlett, Ri- having difficulty or clarifying staffers by Modulus Editor to the left or right, but to the est grades, was won by Kim Saun- chard Johansen, difficult points to lost academic Gus Carroll.
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