Naumburg Cathedral and the High Medieval Cultural Landscape of The
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STAGES AND OUTLOOK 1998 Acceptance of Naumburg Cathedral in the Tentative List for the Federal Repub- Naumburg Cathedral and lic of Germany 2005 Extension of nomination subject to the High Medieval Cultural include the surrounding cultural lands- cape Landscape of the Rivers 2008 Founding of the Förderverein Welterbe an Saale und Unstrut e.V. (Saale-Unstrut Saale and Unstrut Zscheiplitz Monastery Church Schönburg Castle World Heritage Association) 2008-2012 Inventory of all formative cultural land- scape elements (Land Register) AT THE CORE IS NAUMBURG CATHEDRAL 2011 State exhibition “Th e Naumburg Mas- ter” in Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul in Under the name of “Naumburg Cathedral and the High Unstrut. It illustrates the social and political dynamics Naumburg Medieval Cultural Landscape of the Rivers Saale and of its era. More than 3,000 surviving elements provide Unstrut”, the Saale-Unstrut region in the County of Bur- evidence of the signifi cance of the region. Nowhere else 2012/2013 Drafting of the nomination genland (Federal Republic of Germany, southern Saxony- in the world has such a great density of monuments 01.02.2014 Submission of nomination to the Paris Anhalt) is applying for inscription as a UNESCO World and cultural landscape elements dating from the High World Heritage Centre, followed by eva- Heritage Site. A nomination has been submitted to the Middle Ages survived in such a small area and in a largely luation phase UNESCO in Paris and the decision will be taken at the ses- authentic and landscape-shaping form. sion of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Vietnam 2014-2015 Exhibition “World Heritage? World Today, the specifi c frontier situation of the region, the in the summer of 2017. Heritage!”in Naumburg so-called land development, can be seen in this remar- At its core the nomination features the Naumburg Cathed- kably large number of monuments. Germanic and Slav 05.07.2015 39th meeting of World Heritage Com- ral. It ranks among the continent‘s most prominent works sections of the population met at the rivers Saale and mittee in Germany (Bonn), deferal of of medieval architecture and represents, with the twelve Unstrut. Christian missionary work and the competition nomination to be modifi ed and resub- founder fi gures in the west choir, a complex of interna- for territories and representation between a wide variety mitted tional signifi cance. Th e sculpture of Uta, in particular, is of secular and ecclesiastic rulers shaped the cultural Up to Dec 2015 Revision of nomination deemed to be a unique testimony to Gothic art. Th e ar- landscape. 01.02.2016 Renewed submission to Paris World chitecture, sculpture and glass paintings in the cathedral’s Many international scholars treasure this valley as a Heritage Centre west choir off er tremendous insight into the prosperity and unique showcase of medieval cultural exchange, and have Support us on our path to a World Heritage Site! artistic achievements of the European High Middle Ages. 2016 Evaluation of nomination promoted a nomination for the UNESCO World Heritage Sparkasse Burgenlandkreis At the same time, Naumburg Cathedral represents the core list. Th e people of this region are very proud of their heri- 2017 41st meeting of the World Heritage Com- Account for donations of the remarkable cultural landscape of the rivers Saale and tage. And look forward to sharing it with the world. mittee in Vietnam (Hanoi) and decision IBAN: DE35 8005 3000 3011 0081 23 SWIFT-BIC: NOLADE21BLK Goseck Castle Schulpforte, cloisters Rudelsburg Castle Publication data Publisher: Förderverein Welterbe an Saale und Unstrut e.V. Schönburger Straße 41, 06618 Naumburg (Saale) Tel. 03445 / 73 16 99 [email protected] Photos: Guido Siebert, Helga Heilig, Vereinigte Dom- stifterFrank Boxler, Jürgen Stehlik, Klaus Resen- berger, Saale-Unstrut-Tourismus e.V., Falko Matte Editors: Helga Heilig, Petra Wiegel, Felix Meister Production: Druckhaus Blochwitz Zeitz Edition: 2.000 (05/2016) 1 Naumburg largest and most important fortifi cation complex in Central 9 Schulpforte NOMINATED AREA Naumburg Cathedral and cathedral precincts (cathedral Germany as early as 1100. It continued to be of outstanding Pforta monastery, Romanesque House, Kleine Saale, town), Naumburg Old Quarter, St. Moritz Augustinian political and military signifi cance until well into the 13th Köppelberg and Saalhäuser vineyards monastery century. Th e Ludowingers also founded the town of Frey- Th e Pforta Cistercian monastery founded in 1137 housed a 5 Naumburg Cathedral is one of Europe’s highest-ranking burg in about 1185. Schweigenberg vineyard extends to the state school as of 1543. Th e monastery church boasts trea- Ebersroda medieval buildings in art history. It enjoys international west of Freyburg and is one of Germany’s most important sures dating from the High Middle Ages – richly decorated 6 recognition for its outstanding architecture and its sculp- vineyards in terms of cultural landscape. west façade, glass paintings and the “triumph cross” pain- Schleberoda tures and paintings. Together with the cathedral precincts, Th e former Zscheiplitz monastery church stands opposite ted on both sides. One of the greatest achievements of Cis- it forms the cathedral town, as compared with the so-called mighty Neuenburg Castle. tercian hydraulic engineering was the construction of the citizens’ town, today’s Naumburg Old Quarter., tel.: 0 34 464/35530 “Kleine Saale” canal. It provided a water supply and operated Weischütz, Visitors’ Service, tel.: 0 34 45/2301-120/-133, tel.: 0 34 464/27260 several mills. Th e Romanesque House in Bad Kösen is part Zscheiplitz, Tourist Information, tel.: 0 34 45/273125 Klosterbrüder Zscheiplitz, tel.: 0 34 464/27757 (Mr. Skupin) of this signifi cant hydraulic engineering project. It is one of 4 the very few Romanesque estate buildings to have survived 2 Schönburg 5 Schleberoda and 6 Ebersroda outside of the monastery area. Freyburg Standing directly by the River Saale on a mottled sandstone Th e villages of Schleberoda and Ebersroda were founded by Th e Cistercians were the major vintners by the rivers Saale Pödelist crag, Schönburg Castle was in the Middle Ages the most im- clearance in the High Middle Ages as part of intensive land and Unstrut. Starting from the Köppelberg vineyard, they portant defence safeguarding the possessions of the Naum- development. In both villages, the original ground plan of a laid out additional vineyards from 1195 onwards. burg bishops. From the Castle, there is a sweeping view of round village dating from this era has survived., Visitors’ Centre, tel.: 0 34 463/28115 7 Großjena 3 Goseck Naumburg Cathedral, Neuenburg Castle and Goseck Castle., tel.: 0 34 464/27260, Tourist Information Bad Kösen, tel.: 0 34 45/273124 Other excursion tips near Naumburg Rödel 8, tel.: 0 34 45/750218 Memleben monastery and imperial palace (34 km) Großwilsdorf 7 Rödel 10 Saaleck and Rudelsburg Arche Nebra/where sky disc was found (33 km) Kleinjena 3 Goseck Grosswilsdorf, old quarries on the Rödel high plateau Rudelsburg Castle stands on a plateau, towering over the Eckartsburg Castle (20 km) 1 Goseck Castle with monastery church and Dechantenberg Th e foam limestone slopes on the Rödel plateau supplied Saale valley. Directly opposite are the picturesque ruins of Merseburg Cathedral (35 km) vineyard cut stone of the highest quality for the construction of Saaleck castle. Th ese castles were built to guard the frontiers Zeitz Cathedral (29 km) 2 It is assumed that Goseck Castle was built as a frontier numerous monuments in the nominated region. Examp- of the Naumburg bishops and Th uringian landgraves. Schönburg castle as early as around 800. Adalbert later founded a Bene- les are the founder fi gures in the west choir of Naumburg, Tourist Information Bad Kösen, tel.: 0 34 45/273124 Naumburg dictine monastery in the castle complex and the monastery Cathedral., tel.: 0 34 463/27325 9 Wethau church was consecrated in 1053. Goseck Dechantenberg is Grosswilsdorf on the edge of the Rödel plateau is another, tel. 0 34 463/26553 Schulpforte the oldest continuously operated terraced vineyard in the example of circular settlements in the High Middle Ages. nominated area. Here two round villages have grown into one. 11 Flemmingen Bad Kösen 11, tel.: 0 34 43/3482588, Tourist Information, tel.: 0 34 45/273125 Flemmingen is a street village founded by Flemish settlers. Flemmingen Of great interest is St. Lucia Church with wall paintings 4 Freyburg 8 Kleinjena dating from the High Middle Ages. Saaleck 10 Neuenburg Castle, Freyburg Old Quarter, Zscheiplitz mo- Th e fi rst Ekkehardine fortress stood on Kapellenberg Hill, Tourist Information, nastery and Schweigenberg vineyard near Kleinjena. However, it was abandoned before 1028 in tel.: 0 34 45/273125 High above the little vintner town of Freyburg towers the favour of Naumburg. Th e layout of the fortress can still be monumental Neuenburg Castle. Closely associated with traced by site structures. Tourist programmes the history of the Ludowingers, it was already by far the, Tourist Information, tel.: 0 34 45/273125