[Droop's Victrola
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GE9M TSICftj~rXVASHINOION MV4 - g PIODA, the let soags while Alembalist will y the 0fTi Ifte vie. VAA tCocerte in Am r. the "MMA w we 11111r1 Music Films be @sleigS with =4ramsa ft wme Pautasy." "W ~ C Helps fame, whe wN Oed will give the owigase is a grAP J"~ MitwbO 1 TA=.llNMiE0 A W ahe Or- dhia i 011111111111 of tae T"s to CIDbs" Wackeasi. is a new tenor CIh sympheny t sg by UMme. Glush. eBAT'M --W. PAMW OT T GLU C ITasdy ar * - The now on "aie at LI William the remaining sea" S4101811, Fidsy. ddiscovered by 1ie Therser. Mra, ree' pwem. OOrert The eatuteof'P.l" coa- vocal instructor who discovered. ad Tell 'Passi Dreo'a, Thirteenth and 0 atreet. - jn' Story peed by 3lis laStand developed the voce of Roa Pee- ONWcAGO gTUPIBOY..u-P OSA. out ImiSestly a -e of these in pel., famous dramatic puprae of The Or- SAwho t which every grest Chicago lymphony o1asociety reom with affee- tho New York Metropoiitaa Opera In obestra with Frederick Stock. con- who the Style tiomaes w e 9T .oraterse wils Consapasy. opened 14tropol- Gripping ductor. am4 Priheda. violinist. will be neat be ga e evening Next. season both this )ear and last. heard at the Natiomal Theater t6, Otte T !te Thursday, January 97. at 4:30, under by the Cberst He sings as his drat Volumbia hear By . the of S.a, direetOr. &4 destral High JEnal'M..meth management Mrs. Wilson- aoless of the ord that appealing hung from Hiteby ever to Music ii to the Greene. Thia is the third oldest or- Peheel. under the Have you paused think what chestra in America and is probably Commnaity Service of the Distrkt of Koo "The Old-Fashi ined Glarde." the orchestra In the world not Columbia, Besy Davla. author of such popu only The so1448t1 a4 31e1 HoltaeaW having annual descits. Durn tar bits as "Good-bye. Broadway. Efotion is the life Qf musio-the love *ohg, the patri- This cosert w i introduce Vass Gawler, espreme; NeUlhN afr Hello, France." and "Jean," In as- Prihoda. the new t violin sensation. woody, eetralto: Martia RWaresor., otis ong. Prihoda has made a asting impres- tenor; Charles Trewbei Tittaa ether mew Columbia artist who makes to Wton on his huge audience, and the bass. with dith I, Athey at the big irat record thin month. "tea- "Tons pictures" came into being wken music needed and Arthur MayO St the p1aso. great Toseanial said that "it Paginini orgam Frank . Crumit's Soetbrn The ehoers of the Ketet will be sug- tucky." In tons, the stories of historyq ruaa. , of life itself. Played as well. sertainly he could not on the side of this reuord have played any beuer." sested by the bo eheirs of St. John's sons o"her ,."The Maraqillaise" is the heart of the stirring screen The program will be: Overture. Chureh, James ekinson, director, is e-I'm Coming Back to Dixie and danma that of Louis of "Carneval," Opus 10 (Dvorak); Myn- and St. tophea's Church,.H. Norman You." "Passion," story 14ftenth, King phony No. 4. F Minor (Tschaikow- Taylor. director. Paul Riese's College Inn Orehee- 1 t. as by the Motet Frazce, and of the no les famoug Madame Du Barry, which sky); Concerto for violin. Minor, Paul, produced never heard outside of Opus 64 (Mendelssohn); Tous l'uem, .Choral Society. has been shortened tra had been will continue all the coming week at Crandall's Metro- "Fintlanidia" (Siblilus). to include the moet interesting num- Cbicago until they roa4e a Columbia Theater. btrs. A collection will be taken up Record or the "fox-trot. "Get Up." politan RUENFT4rEmI CLUBn-/r'J'MSDA%. fur the milk fund of the Foundling. Robert Hood Bowers." Th dianma. wit& its en Fifteen street. The ora- composed by courtly scones+ The first concert of the Rubintelin Hospital sad the one-step. "Speed." composed of French Empire. unite a torio -begins at 8:16 V. m. thigret Club's series for the season will be himself. Two waltse grphic series of "tone by Paul Dieg reNrkeW Then comes the gay Mazurka of Wald- given Tuesday evening at s:30, at the INGAUN CONORMATBONAL. played by Prince'. Orchestra for Piet6 Is -as orebestral scare that teufel. NeW. MImonic Auditorium. Thirteenth obscurity to a posltioa that earihe4 The music for both services today Columbia Records this month are is yet at timnes with In quick suecession the ascenes de- and New York avensue. Myrna Shar- glowing praise. And her reputation (Inurest a Miss" and "Loulslana." giveigtippingly, and has increased -at Ingram Congregational Clubs." by Mr. IJeorge Eustis; "The "Kisa lilting elegance, by the Meteopolitan %elop: low, prima donna muprano of the artistry steadily will be given under the direction of First the to Chicago will be the in succeeding seasons. Musical Alliance of the United lStetos' Orchestra of thirty strains ot the Prelude Opera Comnpany, Mrs. Henry Hunt McKee. The pro- Willard Howe; "The ld.m: MUSICAL INSTRUCTORS play- Hiset's "LArlesieane," then the an. solo artist, with Isaac Van Grove at Pierre Monteaux. conduetnr. will 8 n. service .s as by andla'. under Ame- the present the Schubert "Overture In the gram for the p. song, "By the Waters of Minnetonka" era, its gifted conductor, dante and minuet fi'om the Pam. suite, piano. follows: "Praeludium." for organ ierniee Randall: doeSymphonyVioni. going into the bright entrance march Mine Sharlow is rapidly fulfilling Italian Style," V major, a Schubert "The King of Love" (Lieurance). y MRS. DANIEL of and il ienberv's all predictionn made for her, ingratiating work said to be in- (Bach); anthem, "The levelopment of National Opera.' "rk. $uiider. Teache' of 81 Added to the passions of and Louis his court in having (Ashford); soprano solo. "Angelp ,douard W. kings "Coronation March." the process'onal established herself as one of the fluenced by toppini. The- symphony Mrs by Mrs.. Alblon; ('ompouillot 130 U g'yjXT N. UAlir Ifi51 eourtiers there are the of will the "Military Ever Bright and Fair" (Hantell. for the Scott, "Lotus passions moving onk to the Chopin "Polonaise favorite lyric sopranos of the Chicago be Haydn Sym- Warner Gibbs: tenor solo. "The Pub piano by C'yril the life. Militaire." Company. A program of unusual phony." because of the free use of by Mrs. Frank people-patriotism, anbition, lican" (Van de Water), Timothy J. ILnd.""The National'played 1k-ace Carillon."'Byram, ois u h N oh -beauty has been arranged, with the percussion instruments. The "Suite E flat by!m -love. Charming scenes of fetes the ROMANCE AND FATE. the French 'on- Quinn: postlude. 'March" in Miss Mary Cryder. with an original MISS4 MARY I PANEL KELLY lawns of the of Versailles are following selections: "Patti, Batti" Franculse." by living P'upil of Imve mbarwealga. Berlin Palace torpance returns. "Dreams' the '(Moart); "Bo" jour, Buson" (Old poser. Roger DucAsse, with its (Bohm.) poa on the carillon read b Mr 3166 1 N. W. Phone Col 2014 contrasted in ominous scenes when song out of Wagner's "Tristan,' 'r'ture. HoUrree, recits- The soloist at the mgrning service Anal. Pugh.r ta the French Revolution its firat Frenth); "My Mother B140 Me Bind spirited I.Studio. VIOLIN STUDIO given throbs out the story of dreams shat- My Hair" (Haydn); "Saper Vorreste,' tive and air, and Minuet, will com- was Miss Helen Howison, soprano. Mrs. William Atherton Du Puy, na- MANDOLIN. nutterings among the tempestuous tered in the love story of Jeanne and and "Arletta" from "The Masked plete the program. tional President of the lege il Lauieie Taught io Ton 16*6eoaa. masses ofthe people. he will Colnia Rd. N.W. her young lover, Jeanne whom Ball" aria. of MT. PLASAT CON4AT1O[AL -UKULuLT.Shito, 1772 in the (Verdi); "King Thule." Instrqments Salable, Col. $659. Theme the musa depicts great does not then know as the great, the "Jewel Song" and recitative, from STE. OMER AND DAUGHTER. masterpieces of musie literature. Fol- seductive Du Barry who has ruined prealsideeague, the drama Gounod's opera "Faust"; "Black Bird Mme. Louise Homer. America's The following musical programs low the music and find how a nation by her charm upon its king Song" (Cyril Scott); three folk songs, Claude Robe- i told in tone. Tragedy, the "Phedre Overture" of greatest contralto. and her.daughter. have been arranged by Sqotch. American negro. and Ihe Miss Louise Homer, soprano, will be son, organist and director, for the FRENCH MISTOR1Y IN MUSIC. Massenet. "Zuni Indian Blanket": and "Floods heard In recital at Poll's The- services at Mount Pleasant Congre- Death, Tschaikowsky's great "an- of (Raehmaninoff). joint The "Robespierre Overture" of Li- and Spring" ater, Wednesday, February 2. at 4:30 gational Church today. The Mount telf gives out the first dmgnousw rum- dante" to the fifth symphony, Tickets may be obtained at the of- of of voices. under RECORDS o'clock, under the management Pleasant Chorus fifty BERT WIWAMS Tuchaikow- bling of the 'drna that is to unfold then opme strains of the lce of T. Arthur Smith. 1306 G street. Mrs. Wilson-Greene. Mme. Homer the direction of Norton M. Little, will soar out from >ky sikth symphony, that -grips the service. itself. As the strains heart until it with the ominous needs no introduction to Washington aing at the morning the orchestra the rich 'cello sound& pauses T3ELMA GIVEN-FRIDAY concert lovers, as her fame in opera The music for the vesper service the cadeice of the Chopin "Funeral the solo No.