2 79 //£/ <^vv3< THE SONGS OF SIDNEY HOMER, WITH THREE RECITALS OF SELECTED WORKS BY VERDI, HANDEL, BRAHMS, POULENC, IVES, LOEWE, FAURE, FLOYD AND OTHERS DISSERTATION Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of North Texas in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of DOCTOR OF MUSICAL ARTS By Jeffrey Snider, B. Mus., M. Mus. Denton, Texas December, 1996 2 79 //£/ <^vv3< THE SONGS OF SIDNEY HOMER, WITH THREE RECITALS OF SELECTED WORKS BY VERDI, HANDEL, BRAHMS, POULENC, IVES, LOEWE, FAURE, FLOYD AND OTHERS DISSERTATION Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of North Texas in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of DOCTOR OF MUSICAL ARTS By Jeffrey Snider, B. Mus., M. Mus. Denton, Texas December, 1996 Snider, Jeffrey, The Songs of Sidney Homer. Doctor of Musical Arts (Performance), December, 1996, 91 pp., 39 musical examples, appendix, bibliography, 32 titles. Now all but forgotten, the songs of Sidney Homer (1864-1953) were at one time well-regarded and often performed. Married to the great American contralto Louise Homer, he was in a unique position to have his songs performed by the great artists of the time. Unlike the cloying "parlor songs" of many of his contemporaries, his works consistently demonstrate a respect for both the great poets as well as the European art-song tradition. One of the most cosmopolitan of the American composers of his day, his involvement with Louise's career brought him into contact with many of the great composers and performers of the day including Massenet, Puccini, Humperdinck, Mahler, Toscanini and Caruso.
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