Index Locorum
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03749-6 - Foundation Myths and Politics in Ancient Ionia by Naoise Mac Sweeney Index More information Index Locorum A Archanians Aelian 781ff., 119 Varia Historia 786, 119 3.26, 149, 151 Clouds 8.5, 49, 161, 165, 188 595, 148 Aelius Aristides Ecclesiazusae Orations 724, 119 17.6, 195 1139, 86 23.4, 195 Lysistrata Aeschylus 1061, 119 f238–40, 22 Thesmophoriazusae Ammianus Marcellinus 237, 119 19.12.13, 111 289, 119 22.8.12, 49 369, 119 28.1.4, 49 538, 119 Andocides Wasps Against Alcibiades 353, 119 22, 32 1364, 119 Antoninus Liberalis Wealth Metamorphoses 308, 119 30.1–2, 73 Aristotle 34, 170 f76, 49, 161 Apollodorus Politics 1.4.9, 86 5.1303b, 115 1.50, 112 1252b–1254b, 4 1.9, 48 1290b, 125 1.9.16, 71 1327b, 19 3.1–2, 73 1327b 23–6, 1 3.8.2, 112 Asius of Samos E.6.2–4, 108, 122 F7, 91, 193 Apollonius Rhodius F14, 96 1.185, 71, 96 Athenaeus 1.187, 96 2.66, 97 Arctinus of Miletus 12.26, 63 Aethiopis 167e, 86 F1–2, 118 525c, 151 Aristaenetus Epistles C 1.15, 195 Callimachus Aristokritos (FGrHist 493) Hymn to Artemis f3, 73 225–7, 49, 52 Aristophanes 237–47, 140 230 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03749-6 - Foundation Myths and Politics in Ancient Ionia by Naoise Mac Sweeney Index More information Index Locorum 231 D G Demon (FGrHist 327) Gorgias f22, 161, 165 Encomium of Helen Diodorus Siculus 1, 9 3.55.6, 142 4.66.5, 110 H 5.79.1, 89 Hecataeus (FGrHist 1) 12.4, 33 f103, 180 15.49, 187 f119, 166 5.81.7, 81 f141, 85, 192 5.81.8, 94, 171 f226, 139 Diogenes Laertius f228, 162 1.1, 68 f240, 67 1.2, 163 Hellanicus (FGrHist 4) 1.3, 163 f48, 161 1.22, 23 f101, 168 1.28, 65 f125, 48, 49, 52, 161, 165 1.29, 23 Herodorus (FGrHist 31) Dionysius of Halikarnassos F45, 71, 99 4.25.4–5, 161 Herodotus Dionysius Periegetes 1.15, 39 – 827–30, 122 1.15 26, 32 1.16, 26 1.18, 195 E 1.18–19, 62 Eklogē Historiōn 1.22, 67 (vol.
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