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Sadakichi Hartmann papers

Compiled by John Batchelor; machine-readable finding aid created by Apex Data Services Special Collections & University Archives The UCR Library P.O. Box 5900 University of California Riverside, California 92517-5900 Phone: 951-827-3233 Fax: 951-827-4673 Email: [email protected] URL: © 1999 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 1 Descriptive Summary Title: Sadakichi Hartmann papers Date (inclusive): circa early 20th century, undated. Collection Number: MS 068 Creator: Hartmann, Sadakichi, 1867-1944 Extent: 84.0 linear feet(108 document boxes, multiple containers) Repository: Rivera Library. Special Collections Department. Riverside, CA 92517-5900 Abstract: Sadakichi Hartmann (1867-1944) was a writer, poet, dramatist, and critic during the early 20th century. Hartmann was an important figure in early and had a diverse social circle that included , , and John Barrymore. This collection includes Hartmann's published works, unpublished manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, pastels, paintings, and diaries. Languages: English Access This collection is open for research. Publication Rights Copyright Unknown: Some materials in these collections may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). In addition, the reproduction, and/or commercial use, of some materials may be restricted by gift or purchase agreements, donor restrictions, privacy and publicity rights, licensing agreement(s), and/or trademark rights. Distribution or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. To the extent other restrictions apply, permission for distribution or reproduction from the applicable rights holder is also required. Responsibility for obtaining permissions, and for any use rests exclusively with the user. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], [date if possible]. Sadakichi Hartmann papers (MS 068). Special Collections & University Archives, University of California, Riverside. Processing History Compiled by John Batchelor, edited by Clifford Wurfel, with an introduction by Harry Lawton. Completed in 1980. Collection Scope and Contents Sadakichi Hartmann (1867-1944) was a writer, poet, dramatist, and critic during the early 20th century. Hartmann was an important figure in early modernism and had a diverse social circle that included Walt Whitman, Ezra Pound, and John Barrymore. This collection includes Hartmann's published works, unpublished manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, pastels, paintings, and diaries. A portion of this collection remains unprocessed. Please contact Special Collections & Archives for additional information regarding this material. Introduction (Historical Background) "The clapboard shanty known as "Catclaw Siding" is gone now, torn down many years ago, but in the summer of 1954 it stood on the desert flats of Morongo Indian Reservation, paint mostly worn away, wind rushing through its broken windowpanes. I was then a newspaper reporter, pursuing a story, and I badly wanted into the shack to see what secrets it contained. Ten years before it had been the last home of Sadakichi Hartmann (1867-1944), an almost forgotten American literary figure from the Mauve Decade. I studied the shack, carefully jotting down descriptive notes for my story. Then I walked away from it and knocked on the door of a nearby adobe house. The door was opened by a hauntingly beautiful woman with coal-black hair framing an olive-hued face. She listened suspiciously as I explained that I was a reporter and wanted to do a story on her late father, Sadakichi Hartmann. Then she slammed the door in my face. That was my introduction to Wistaria Hartmann Linton, who was to become a close friend and future collaborator with Professor George Knox and me in research on her father. Some weeks before had published Minutes of the Last Meeting, a popular memoir detailing the escapades of John Barrymore, W. C. Fields, and other Hollywood celebrities during their last years. The most memorable character in his book was Sadakichi Hartmann, whom he called "the magnificent charlatan." Fowler portrayed Hartmann as an ancient relic of the earliest Bohemian days of --now down on his luck, cadging drinks off Barrymore and various cronies for whom he performed as a witty and sarcastic court jester. There was much that was accurate in Fowler's

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 2 portrayal of the half-Japanese, half-German writer, poet, dramatist, and critic. There was also much that was hearsay with no basis in fact. Fowler had a gift for telling a good story that would amuse readers, and he enjoyed making a good story better whenever possible. He embroidered upon many of the legends that had clung to Sadakichi Hartmann, dismissed the old man's real achievements as drunken boasts, and conducted only superficial research into his subject's past. The book was an instant best-seller and cause-célèbre that summer in the San Gorgonio Pass. Many long-time residents of the two Pass communities of Banning and Beaumont had known Hartmann--if only as an eccentric and mysterious figure with aristocratic manners who prowled their streets in a heavy overcoat, rumpled white hair poking from under a felt hat. In 1923, Hartmann had moved his family to Beaumont, and from that base he had made periodic forays to Hollywood, working on films, writing movie criticism, and joining the John Barrymore crowd as a drinking companion. In 1938, then in his 70's, Sadakichi had built his old-age shack, "Catclaw Siding" as he called it, on land owned by a Cahuilla cattlerancher, Walter Linton, who was then married to his daughter, Wistaria. Now ten years after his death everyone in the San Gorgonio Pass was reading about him in Fowler's book. I had never heard of Sadakichi Hartmann when the book came out. I found the book entertaining, accepted all of Fowler's tales at face value, and liked Sadakichi's mocking tongue and indomitable spirit. I was surprised to find those reader's of the book who had known Sadakichi best angry at Fowler's portrait. I believe the first criticism I heard about the book came from Mrs. George Lardner, Beaumont Librarian, who enjoyed discussing literature and often had invited Hartmann to her home for lunch. "I have yet to meet anyone who knew Sadakichi well who isn't disgusted by Fowler's book," she told me. Dr. Guy Bogart of Beaumont was also indignant. "He was a poseur, yes," admitted Bogart, "but a charlatan, no! If you read Fowler's book you'll see only a drunken moocher--the seedy old man Fowler met in his declining years. Yet Sadakichi was a rare personality, who never surrendered his ideals or artistic integrity for a moment." I was puzzled by the fact that most of those local people who had known Sadakichi agreed Fowler had captured much of the man's personality--yet they still considered the book an injustice. No one denied that Hartmann drank a lot, no one denied that he lived off a string of patrons, no one denied that much of his behavior was outrageous. Yet most of those who had any personal relationship with Sadakichi professed admiration and respect for him. For that matter, it was clear that Fowler had also admired Hartmann, perhaps even envied his strange charisma. As newspaper bureau chief for the Riverside Press-Enterprise Co. in the San Gorgonio Pass, I immediately saw the potential for an interesting feature story. I had particularly wanted to interview Mrs. Linton about her reactions to the book. But the door had slammed shut on me. Several days later, Ruth Little, a local newspaper writer and friend of Wistaria, persuaded her to talk with me. During an afternoon, I learned some of the reasons for Wistaria's reluctance to grant an interview. During the years of WWII, Hartmann's family had almost been interned because of his German-Japanese heritage. Many townspeople had ostracized the Hartmann family and circulated rumors that Sadakichi was a spy. Both the FBI and County Sheriff's Department had hounded the family with endless questions, and sheriff's deputies in patrol cars often followed family members when they left home. Some of Hartmann's children had been embarassed by his unconventionality and flamboyant Bohemianism. They were the children of his second marriage to Lillian Bonham, and none of them had known their father at the peak of his career in New York at the turn of the century, when he had made and spent money freely. Instead, they had grown up in the midst of the Depression in the middle-class atmosphere of San Gorgonio Pass--with a father who boasted of past triumphs and didn't care what the neighbors thought of him. Fowler's book with its suggestion that Hartmann was a charlatan evoked mostly bad memories. Even so, Mrs. Linton admitted that she had laughed at parts of the book: "Some of it seemed so much like Dad!" "Catclaw Siding" had been closed since Sadakichi's death in 1944. Now Mrs. Linton agreed to let me look inside the shack. She turned a key in the padlock and we entered. A rain-stained "History of Modern Painting" at which mice had nibbled lay on the splintered floor. Rotted floorboards exposed bare sand beneath. In a corner of the shack was a battered grey trunk--Sadakichi's manuscript trunk. I lifted the lid, sifted through the papers, and was stunned by its contents. Inside were piles of unpublished manuscripts, published articles, short stories, and , and immense bundles of correspondence. I picked up one of the letters and read the name Ezra Pound. There were letters from George Santayana, Benjamin de Casseres, Douglas Fairbanks. The trunk was a bookman's dream. And there was more. Not only the contents of the trunk. Other materials had been stored in cupboards in Mrs. Linton's house. Among these was a scrapbook dating back to the 1890's marked "Revelations." And there was Hartmann's unpublished autobiography, never completed, but nonetheless several hundred pages offering rich insights into Sadakichi Hartmann's youth and early career for future researchers. And photographs: photographs by Gertrude Kasebier, J. C. Strauss, Rudolf Eickemeyer, --names of long dead photographers whose significance meant nothing to me as yet. Most of this material would have been widely dispersed and perhaps lost to research if it had not been for Wistaria Linton. Throughout his life, whenever Sadakichi needed money desperately, he sold his manuscripts or correspondence to rare

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 3 book dealers and collectors. Various auction catalogues from the early 1900's record scarce Hartmann materials that have simply vanished into private hands and have never been found. Fortunately, Wistaria recognized the importance of the Hartmann materials. As a young woman, her father had taken her education in hand, directing her reading, encouraging her interest in art, and taking her along as a companion on trips to museums or to visit literary or artistic friends. She curbed his recklessness whenever possible by talking him out of manuscripts or other items that seemed significant--or when that failed hiding them from Sadakichi. She began this habit as a teenager and continued it into Sadakichi's old age. The summer of 1954 Wistaria and I became conspirators together. I saw the possibility of an unusual literary expose. A series of newspaper articles recording the angry reactions of Sadakichi's friends to Fowler's book and a glimpse at some of his real accomplishments. Wistaria was delighted by my defense of her father. There was far too much Hartmann material for me to become even remotely acquainted with it in a short period--and too much that I didn't know about American art and literature. Nevertheless, we worked well together, delighted each time we uncovered a new facet of Sadakichi's past. The series, five articles titled "The Last Bohemian," appeared in the Riverside Daily Enterprise from August 4 through August 16. They were entertaining journalism, not scholarship, and looking them over today I find almost as many errors as we pinpointed in Fowler's Minutes of the Last Meeting. In February of 1955, they were singled out for an award as the best newspaper series of the year in California by the California Newspaper Publishers Association. I was transferred to the Riverside office of the Press-Enterprise Co. Wistaria. and I remained good friends. We talked occasionally about a scholarly book about her father, but by then I was well aware of the scope of such a task and my limited background in nineteenth century art and literature. Several years later Wistaria was offered a position in the Photographic Services at UCR, where she worked until her retirement in 1976. Eventually, I also joined the staff of the University. Wistaria was concerned about many of the more perishable materials in her father's papers and sometime in the mid-1960's we arranged with Librarian Edwin Coman to store these in the UCR General Library. As yet, however, she was uncertain about their final disposition. Meanwhile, unaware that much of the Hartmann collection was stored at UCR, Professor George Knox of the Department of English had become interested in Sadakichi Hartmann. Knox's field was nineteenth century and early twentieth century American literature, and while Hartmann was not a major literary figure, he was nevertheless a writer who had been totally ignored by scholarship while many of his lesser contemporaries had become fields of inquiry. It was Jake Zeitlin, the antiquarian bookman, who brought us together as he has done on many occasions with other scholars. Zeitlin had sold several Hartmann Manuscripts to the UCR Library and learned about the Hartmmann papers stored in the library. When Knox on a visit to Zeitlin & Ver Brugge mentioned Sadakichi to Jake, the bookman was able to regale him with his own personal reminiscences of the Bohemian writer, who in the 1920's had often hung out at Jake's shop. He then mentioned the collection at UCR, right in Knox's own backyard. The result has been more than ten years of friendship and collaboration in Hartmann research, during which we have edited four books in Hartmann scholarship, published the Sadakichi Hartmann Newsletter, and encouraged other Hartmann researchers or scholars in peripheral areas. Shortly before her retirement in 1976 from the University, Wistaria Hartmann Linton made the decision that her father's papers and other materials belonged in Special Collections & Archives at the UCR Library. While the Wistaria Hartmann Linton Collection makes up the bulk of the Sadakichi Hartmann Archives, the archives have been steadily growing over the years. Mrs. Dorothea Atma Gilliland of St. Petersburg, Florida, a daughter of Hartmann by his first marriage, made a substantial gift of Hartmann papers to the archives in 1972, although much of her material had been acquired earlier by the University of Oregon. Among the many persons who have donated Hartmann correspondence or other materials to the collection are Christel Gang, Nora Morgan, Helga Hanson, Raymond Brossard, Peter Krasnow, and C. Verne Klintworth. Recently, the UCR Library acquired a substantial collection of Hollywood materials from Gene Fowler's son, Will Fowler, including Hartmann manuscripts and taped interviews with Hartmann friends such as the painter John Decker and the actor Thomas Mitchell that were used in the writing of Minutes of the Last Meeting. Those of us who use the Sadakichi Hartmann archives must be indebted to the UCR Library for providing this catalogue of the collection. It is now possible to easily locate specific items in the collection or to form a partial idea of the contents of a particular item. At the same time, a definitive annotation of the collection that would have given us reference to all of the hundreds of artists, writers, photographers, and other notables that crop up in the archives would have been a virtually impossible task that would have delayed ready access to the archives for many years. With the publication of this catalogue, the UCR Library has provided a long needed and excellent tool for those carrying out research on Sadakichi Hartmann and many of his contemporaries. Our immeasurable indebtedness is to the daughter who as a young woman recognized the value of her father's papers and kept them from reaching the hands of private collectors. In recognition of her foresight, this catalogue is dedicated to Wistaria Hartmann Linton." Harry Lawton, University of California, Riverside, January 15, 1980

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 4 AL: handwritten letter, not signed ALD: draft of handwritten letter, not signed ALS: handwritten letter, signed ALSPh: handwritten letter, signed, photocopy AMs: handwritten manuscript AMsPh: handwritten manuscript, photocopy ANS: handwritten note, signed APS: handwritten postcard, signed Ph: photograph, photocopy PrAd: printed advertisement PrEdPh: photocopy of printed edition PrP: printed postcard PrPh: photocopy of print T/ALS: typed letter with handwritten additions, signed T/AMs: typed manuscript with handwritten additions TL: typed letter, not signed TLI: typed letter, initialed TLS: typed letter, signed TLSCC: carbon copy of typed letter, signed TMs: typed manuscript TMsCC: carbon copy of typed manuscript; a second copy TMsCCPh: photocopy of carbon copy of typed manuscript TMsPh: typed manuscript, photocopy TP: typed postcard

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 5 TPI: typed postcard, initialed TPS: typed postcard, signed Related Materials University of California, Riverside. Department of Special Collections & Archives. Sadakichi Hartmann-Guy Bogart correspondence (Call Number: PS3515 A787 Z48 1927). University of Oregon Libraries. Special Collections & University Archives. Sadakichi Hartmann manuscript collection (Collection Number: Ax 523). Hartmann family collections See also the Lillian Bonham Hartmann papers (MS 012) and Wistaria Hartmann Linton papers (MS 013). Index of Personal Names Names of correspondents, persons featured in articles, and titles of particular works by Sadakichi Hartmann with corresponding box information. Abhayananda, Swami:Box 13 Adamic, Louis:Box 12 (see Transcripts) Alexander, John White:Box 20 "Along Timberline":Box 5 Aman-Jean, Edmond:Box 21 Amy --:Box 13 Anton, Harold:Box 40B Armstrong, Will:Box 20 "Art Aphorisms":Box 5 "Art News":Box 17 "Aspirations of a Playwright":Box 5 "At the Training School":Box 5 Autobiography: "Baker Eddy": Ballard, Claude N.: Ballator, Alice R.:Box 13 Barrow, Thomas Frank:Box 33 Barrymore, John:Box 39 Beach, Howard A.: Beardsley, A.H.:Box 13 Beerbohm, Marvin: Beers, Jan van:Box 20 Bell, Curtis: Bender, Albert:Box 13 Bennett, Jeanne E.: Benton, Thomas Hart:Box 13 Ben-Yusuf, Zaida:Box 40A Berg, Charles I.:Box 21 Berlin, Ben: Betts, Louis:Box 20 Bjornson, B.:Box 19 "Black Smoke":Box 5 Bloiss, Harry A.:Box 20 Bogardus, Abraham:Box 40A

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 6 Bogart, George:Box 13 Bogart, Guy: Bohrod, Aaron:Box 13 Boldini, Giovanni:Box 40A Bonaventura, (Rome, Italy):Box 20 Bonham, Lillian: Borg, Sidney C.:Box 13 "Boston Lions":Box 5 Boyd, Ben:Box 13 Bradley, A.F.:Box 20 Breese, James:Box 13 Brossard, Raymond: Brown, William:Box 13 Brownell, William:Box 13 Bruguiere, Francis: Bruno, Guido:Box 35 Bruno's Weekly:Box 35 Buchanan, Ella:Box 13 Buckley, L.H., (Binghampton, N.Y.):Box 20 Buckner, Samuel O.:Box 13 "Buddha": Buehrmann, Bessie (Elizabeth): Burnell, W.E., (Buffalo):Box 20 Burroughs, John: "Bus Line Correspondence":Box 11 Butler, George B.:Box 20 Cahill, Holger: Calder, Mrs. (Nanette?):Box 13 "Can Poets Help?":Box 5 "Career of a Violinist":Box 5 Carlson, Erik:Box 19 Carnegie Funds:Box 11 Carns, Arthur L.:Box 13 Caro Delvaille:Box 20 Catclaw Siding Shack (photos):Box 39 Catlin, John:Box 13 Cauldwell, Leslie G.: Cecil, Arthur B.:Box 13 Cecily --:Box 13 Chamberlain, Edward:Box 13 Chaplin, Charles S.: Chapman, H.T.:Box 11 Chase, William M.: "Cherry Blossoms":Box 18 "Christ":Box 5 "Cimmerian Darkness":Box 5 Clark, Alvah (see School of Industrial Arts):Box 20 Clark, Frank Scott, (Detroit):

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 7 Clark, Rose: Clement, E.H.:Box 13 Clews, Henry:Box 19 Coburn, Alvin Langdon:Box 19 "Cock in the Air":Box 5 Coby:Box 11 Coles, Captain:Box 39 Colette --:Box 13 "Come Here":Box 5 "Confessions of an Ex-Journalist":Box 5 Constant, Sadi:Box 40A "Contributions to the Technique of Draughtsmanship":Box 5 "Conversations with Walt Whitman":Box 5 Converse, Frederick:Box 13 Conyers, H.B.:Box 21 Cooper, James:Box 20 Cooper, Marcelle:Box 13 Coppe, Francois:Box 19 Coppin, John S.: Coquelin:Box 40A Corcoran Gallery of Art:Box 11 Corke, H. Essenhigh:Box 20 Coubillier:Box 19 Coutant, Nellie:Box 40A Craig, Edward Gordon:Box 13 Crawley, Ida Jolly:Box 13 Cresmer, William T.:Box 13 Crinkle, Nym (A.C. Wheeler):Box 20 Crocker, Harry:Box 13 Dallin, Cyrus Edwin:Box 13 "The Dance Pavilion":Box 5 Davidson, Jo.:Box 13 Davies, Arthur B.:Box 13 Davis, Charles: Davis, Robert H.: Day, F(rank) Holland:Box 40A De Casseres, Benjamin:Box 13 Decker, John: Decker, Phyllis:Box 12 (see Transcripts) De Cleyre, Voltairine:Box 21 De La Tour:Box 20 Delsarte System:Box 31 Demachy, Robert:Box 13 "The Deserted Cottage":Box 5 Deutsch, Boris:Box 39 De Verley, Inez:Box 13 De Witt, Captain:Box 40A De Zayas, Marius:

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 8 "Diamond Lizard":Box 18 Dillon, Lou:Box 40A Dodsworth, Alice A.:Box 13 "Dolor":Box 5 Donoghue, John:Box 19 D'Ora, (Venice):Box 20 Dougherty, P.:Box 21 Dramatic Sketch:Box 5 "Drifting Flowers of the Sea":Box 18 Duhrkoop, Rudolph: Dumont, John E.:Box 19 Duncan, Isadora:Box 19 Durant, Will:Box 13 Durer, Albrecht:Box 20 Duse, Eleonora:Box 40A Dutton, J.W.: Duveneck, Frank:Box 20 Eakins, Susan M. (Mrs. Thomas Eakins):Box 13 Eakins, Thomas:Box 20 "Early Poems":Box 6 Eickemeyer, Rudolf, Jr.: Eisenstein:Box 21 Ellis, Havelock:Box 15 (see Sargents Court Correspondence) Ellis, William Shewell:Box 19 Erfurt, Hugo:Box 19 Ermates, Arthur:Box 38 "Esthetic Verities":Box 9 Eugene, Frank: Ewing Studio, (Washington, D.C.):Box 38 Fabijanovic, Stephanus:Box 13 Fabris, Alfred:Box 38 Fairbanks, Douglas: Falk, Benjamin Joseph: "Famous Lovers":Box 6 Feldman, Fred J., (El Paso): "A Few Words on Criticism":Box 6 Field, J.H.:Box 40A Fiene, Ernst:Box 13 "Fighting Japs":Box 6 Fisher, George:Box 33 Fisk, Bertha:Box 13 Flaishman, Leopold:Box 11 Fleckenstein, Louis: "Flirtation":Box 6 Ford, Kay: Ford, Tod:Box 13 "Four Views of San Jacinto":Box 6 Fournier, Paul:

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 9 "Fourteen Points in Favor of Sadakichi Hartmann":Box 6 Fowler, Gene: Fowler, Will:Box 34 Frederiksen, Carl:Box 19 Freer, Charles L.:Box 13 French, Daniel Chester:Box 13 French, Elizabeth:Box 13 French, Mary (Mrs. Daniel C. French):Box 13 Freystadt, George W.:Box 13 "From Sagebrush to Columbine":Box 6 Frost, Leon:Box 11 Gaiduschek, E.:Box 19 Gainsborough, Thomas:Box 20 Gallagher, Minerva Hartmann:Box (see Hartmann, Minerva) Gang, Christel L.: Garborg, Arne:Box 20 Gardner, Isabelle Stewart (Mrs. John Lowell):Box 13 Garo, John H.: Gauley, Robert:Box 13 Gellatly, John:Box 13 Genthe, Arnold:Box 30 Gerschel, Charles:Box 20 Gibbons, Austin Cedric:Box 13 Gilbert, John:Box 13 Gilliland, Atma Dorothea:Box (see Hartmann, Atma Dorothea) Gledhill, (Santa Barbara):Box 20 Godwin, Nora and Parke: Goldensky, Elias: Goldsmith, Mr.:Box 11 Goncourts:Box 19 Gordigiani, E.:Box 39 Gottheil, A., (Danzing):Box 19 Gottschalk:Box 13 Gottheil, W.G.:Box 40A Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de:Box 20 Grafly, Dorothy:Box 13 Grainer, Franz:Box 19 "Graveland in a Flat":Box 6 Greenwich Village:Box 35 Greuze, Jean Baptiste:Box 20 Groll, Albert L.: Gron, Victor:Box 13 Grosvenor Public Library (Buffalo): "Ground Fog":Box 6 Guilbert, Yvette:Box 40A "The Hand":Box 6 "Hanka and Dodoitsu":Box 6 Hansen, Ejnar and Helga:

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 10 Hansson: Harris, George:Box 13 Hartmann, Arthur M.:Box 26 Hartmann, Astor: Hartmann, Atma Dorothea (Dorothea Gilliland): Hartmann, Elizabeth Blanche Walsh: Hartmann, Carl Hermann Oscar (Sadakichi Hartmann's father):Box 39 Hartmann, Edgar:Box 16 Hartmann, Ernst Ferdinand Caspar:Box 27 Hartmann, Jonquil:Box 43 Hartmann, Minerva (Mrs. W.J. Gallagher):Box 16 Hartmann, Osada:Box (see Osada) Hartmann, Oscar: Hartmann, Paul: Hartmann, Robert:Box 26 Hartmann, Sadakichi:Box 34 (memorabilia) Hartmann, Tansy: Hartmann, Taru:Box (see Hartmann, Oscar) Hartmann, William:Box 13 Hartmann, Wistaria: "Hartmann-Eickemeyer" (by R. Hull):Box 35 Hartmannea:Box 6 Hassam, Childe:Box 31 "The Haunted Vine":Box 6 Hawthorne, Charles W.:Box 20 Hearst, Phoebe A.:Box 11 Heckman, R.G.:Box 26 Hemmerdinger, William:Box 34 Henderson, Daniel:Box 11 Henner, Jean Jacques:Box 20 Henri, Robert: Herbert, Henry:Box 13 Herkomer, Hubert:Box 20 Heyne, Anna:Box 39 Hier, Frederick, Jr.:Box 13 Higgins, Edgar (Eddie) F.: Hill, Richard: Hilsdorf, Jacob:Box 19 Hirsch, Fred S.:Box 13 Histed, E.W.:Box 19 Hobart:Box 40A Hoffman Studio, (Philadelphia):Box 19 "Hog Island":Box 6 Holbein, Hans:Box 20 Holladay, Paula:Box 11 Hollinger, W.M.: Hope, Charles:Box 13 Horowitz, Leopold:Box 19

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 11 "How Poe Wrote the Raven":Box 6 Hubbard, Elbert: Hull, Roger P.:Box 35 Hummer, Helen:Box 13 Huneker, James Gibbons:Box 30 Huntington, D.:Box 13 Hutchinson, Eugene R.:Box 19 "Ides of March":Box 6 "In Search of My Likeness":Box 6 "Instead of a Preface":Box 6 "Invisible Arms":Box 6 Jaegers, Albert (sculptor):Box 13 Janvier, Meredith:Box 40A " in the Sixties":Box 6 "Japanese Rhythms": Jarmig, Carl:Box 13 Jefferson, Joseph:Box 40A Johnson, --:Box 13 Johnson, Belle:Box 20 Johnson, Eastman:Box 19 "Journey to Sadakichi" (by Joe Weinberg):Box 36 Juhl, Ernst:Box 19 Kahn, Otto (?):Box 13 Kairiyama, T.:Box 13 Kasebier, Gertrude:Box 40A Katherine --:Box 11 Kaulbach, Frederick August von:Box 20 Keen, E.:Box 13 Keet, A.E.:Box 13 Keiley, Joseph T.:Box 11 Kennedy, Mary:Box 13 Kernan, Frank J.:Box 40A "Kiel":Box 6 Kielland, Alexander: Kimmel, Stanley: Kipp, Karl:Box 40A Klintworth, C. Verne: Klausner, Oscar:Box 30 Knaffle Bros., (Knoxville):Box 20 Knox, George: Koner, Max: Krakow, Louise E.:Box 13 Krasnow, Peter: Krauth, Alfred:Box 19 Kroll, Leon:Box 11 Kronberg, Louis:Box 13 Kryzanowsky, Romana:Box 13 Kuhn, Heinrich:Box 11

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 12 "Lady of Castle Rock":Box 6 "Lady of the Yellow Jonquils":Box 6 Lance, Elizabeth D.:Box 11 Lardner, Mrs. George:Box 33 "The Last Thirty Days of Christ":Box 6 Latoix, Mrs. B.D.:Box 14 Lawton, Harry: Leachy, --:Box 19 Le Beque, Renee:Box 19 Ledoux, Louis:Box 14 Leibl, Wilhelm:Box 20 Lenbach, Fritz von: Lersky, Helmar, (Milwaukee):Box 20 Lesseps, Ferdinand de:Box 21 Lesoir, George:Box 31 Library Company of Philadelphia:Box 14 Lifshey, Sadakichi Hartmann: Linder, Henry: Lindhe, Roy E.:Box 14 Link, Herman:Box 19 Linton, Wistaria Hartmann:Box (see Hartmann, Wistaria) Linton, Marigold:Box 39 Linton, Walter:Box 39 Lipton, George: Lloyd, J. William:Box 14 "London Days":Box 6 Lorey, Gustave:Box 19 "Lost in the Northwoods":Box 6 Loy, Mina:Box 33 Lucas, Albert Pike:Box 19 Lucille (Aunt):Box 39 Mabbott, Thomas Ollive: McAllister, John E.:Box 14 Macaray, Florence:Box 14 MacCameron, Robert S.:Box 20 McClure, Samuel Sidney:Box 14 McCormick, F.:Box 14 MacDonald, Pirie: MacDowell, Mrs. Edward:Box 14 MacFarlane, Ida:Box 14 McGeorge, Robert R.:Box 20 McGinnity, Joe:Box 40A McIntosh, Burr:Box 40A McMahan's Furniture:Box 14 McNear, Willa:Box 14 MacNeil, Herman Atkins:Box 14 "Maid of Shiloh":Box 6 Makintosh, Mary:Box 14

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 13 Mallarmé: "Malmaison":Box 6 Manet, Edouard:Box 20 Mann, Thomas:Box 14 Marceau, Theo:Box 20 Marie --:Box 14 Marigold Linton:Box (see Linton, Marigold) Markham, Edwin:Box 14 Marks, Robert:Box 14 Marsh, Frederick Dana: Marshall, A.:Box 19 Martin, D.B.:Box 14 Martinot, Sadie:Box 30 Martiny, Yvonne:Box 14 Marvin, C.F.:Box 14 Marx, Ben T.: Mason, Redfern:Box 12 Matthews, Brander: Maurice, Arthur B.:Box 35 Max, Gabriel:Box 20 Mayer, Louis:Box 14 Melchers, Gary:Box 20 Mencken, H.L.: Mervin Sales Co.:Box 14 Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York): Metzgar, Judson:Box 26 Meyer, Eugene:Box 12 Midway Studios:Box 14 Miller, Richard E.:Box 20 Minnigore, C. Powell: Mishkin:Box 19 "Miss Profile":Box 6 Mitchell, J.D.:Box 20 Mock, J. Ernest: "Modern Decameron Stories":Box 6 "Mohammed": Moholy-Nagy, L.:Box 14 Monahan, Michael:Box 14 Monsen, Frederick I.: Montlitury:Box 40A Moore, Edith K.: Moore, Matt: Morgan, Nora: Morgan, Roy: Morgenthau, Henry:Box 14 Morrissette, Bruce:Box 33 Morton, James F.:Box 14 Moschcowitz, Paul:Box 14

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 14 "Moses": Mosley (?):Box 14 "The Motion Picture":Box 6 "Munich Days":Box 6 Munter, Paul:Box 14 "Music Charts":Box 6 "My Lady's Lingerie":Box 6 "My Theory of Soul Atoms":Box 6 "Naked Ghosts":Box 7 Needham, Charles Austin:Box 21 Nelson, R.C., (Hastings, Neb.):Box 20 "New York's Homeless":Box 7 Newhall, Beaumont:Box 33 Newman, Percy:Box 20 Newman, William W.:Box 14 Nicholas, A.A.:Box 38 Niedringhaus, Charles:Box 14 Nineteenth Century Club:Box 12 "Nocturne":Box 7 "Notes for Lectures":Box 7 Nurva:Box (see Hartmann, Minerva) Nussbaumer, J. George:Box 20 "Obituary":Box 7 O'Brien, D.H.:Box 14 O'Connor, Jeremiah: Odenburg, J.:Box 12 "An Old Storck and His Wife":Box 7 Olesen, Olaf:Box 14 "On the Mechanism of Patriotism":Box 7 "On the Origin of Art":Box 7 "One-Thousand Happy Moments":Box 7 "O'Neill Laughed":Box 7 "Open Letters":Box 7 Orchardson, W.Q.:Box 20 Orpen, William:Box 19 Osada (Sadakichi Hartmann's mother):Box 39 "Osadda's Revenge":Box 7 Ota, Saburo: Ottendorfer, Oswald:Box 14 "Our Last Walk":Box 7 Ozias, Blake:Box 14 Paddock, W.D.:Box 21 Page, Walter H.:Box 14 Paget-Fredericks, J.:Box 30 Paintin, Ronald:Box (see Ron Paintin) Parkinson, Morris Burke: Parrish, Stephen:Box 14 Parrish, W. and G.:Box 40A

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 15 Patterson, Tom: Pearson, Norman Holmes:Box 33 Perry, T. Lockwood:Box 14 Peters, Isabelle:Box 14 Petzold, Adolph:Box 40A Phillips, Duncan:Box 14 Pierce, Henry Havelock: Pierce, Robert Bruce:Box 40A "Poems": Pohle, Frederick, (Buffalo):Box 20 Poillon, William:Box 14 Pollard, Sara:Box 14 Polowetzsky, Charles:Box 12 Possart, Ernst:Box 19 Post, William B.:Box 19 Pound, Ezra:Box 14 Pound, H.L. (see Ezra Pound):Box 14 Powers, Leroy:Box 12 Prall, Virginia M.:Box 19 "Prayer for the Jews":Box 8 Preface to Leaves on the Water (by Stanley Kimmel):Box 8 Pringle, Aileen: Proctor, A.T.:Box 19 Purcell, Mrs. W.:Box 26 Purdy, Lawson:Box 14 Puyo, C.:Box 19 Quick, Herb:Box 38 Quirt, W.:Box 14 Rachel:Box 40A "Rain":Box 8 Raphael, Sandro:Box 20 Redon, Odilon:Box 14 Reece, Jane, (Dayton):Box 20 Reed, Frederick:Box 14 Reeves, Alfred:Box 14 Reid, Roland:Box 14 Reineke, Miss:Box 20 Reiter, Josef (composer of "Sadakichi March"):Box 34 Reith, Julia:Box 14 "Religious Degenerations":Box 8 Rembrandt van Rijn:Box 20 Renoir, Auguste:Box 20 Rey, Guido: Reynolds, Sir Joshua:Box 20 Ridder, Herman:Box 14 "The Rise and Fall of Art":Box 8 "Rising Mist":Box 8 "Robert Marks of Detroit":Box 8

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 16 Robinson, Marie:Box 14 Rocker, R.:Box 14 Rohlfs, Charles:Box 19 Romm:Box 12 Ron (Ronald Paintin):Box 15 (see also Sargents Court Correspondence) Rood, Roland: Roos:Box 12 Rosen, Ray:Box 40B Rosenthal, Herbert: Rosenthal, Moritz:Box 12 Rosetti, Dante Gabriel:Box 20 Rota, Herb:Box 40A Roycrofters:Box 30 Rubens, Peter Paul:Box 20 Ryder, Albert Pinkham (American painter): "Sadakichi March" (by Josef Reiter):Box 34 Sage, Cornelia B.: St. John, Adela Rogers:Box 30 "St. Louis Art Situation":Box 8 Salter, Leon:Box 40B Saltman, D.J.:Box 12 Saltus, Edgar: "Salut au Monde":Box 8 Sandburg, Carl:Box 34 Sanders, Henry S.:Box 14 Santayana, George:Box 14 Sargent, John Singer:Box 20 Sargent, Franklin H.:Box 14 Sargents Court Correspondence: Sarony, Napoleon:Box 19 Scharf, Otto:Box 19 "Schemes":Box 8 Schlageter, Alberta:Box 15 Schliepmann, Elizabeth, (St. Louis):Box 20 Schneidau, Emil:Box 15 Schneider, Isidor:Box 12 Schoenheit, Edward D.:Box 15 "Schopenhauer in the Air":Box 18 Schrader, Fred:Box 15 Schroeder:Box 38 Schuler, J.W.:Box 40A Schull, Sherrill:Box 21 Schwab, Arnold T.:Box 33 Seaman, A.C.:Box 15 Selznick, David O.:Box 15 "Seven Weeks in a German Prison":Box 8 Sexauer, H.F. (see Sargents Court Correspondence):Box 15 Sexauer, Maya:Box 12 (see passim in Sargents Court Correspondence)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 17 Shannon, Sir James Jebusa:Box 20 Sharman, Grant:Box 26 Short Stories:Box 8 Sigel, Tobias: Simon, Lucien:Box 20 Sinclair:Box 40A Sipperell, G.J., (Buffalo):Box 20 "Slaughter of the Innocents":Box 8 Sloan, John:Box 30 Smith, Edison:Box 12 Smith, May L., (Binghamton, N.Y.):Box 20 Soissons, Comte de:Box 31 Spreckels, Alma:Box 15 Springer, H.J.:Box 19 Stedman, E.C.:Box 12 Steffens, M.J.:Box 21 Steichen, Edward J.: Stein, S.L.:Box 20 Stieglitz, Alfred: Stimson, John Ward:Box 15 "Story of Albert P. Ryder":Box 8 "The Story of An American Painter":Box 8 "Story of the Buddha":Box 8 "The Story of the Engineer":Box 8 Strauss, Alex:Box 15 Strauss, J.C., (St. Louis): Strindberg, August:Box 20 Stromberg, Gustaf:Box 15 Sturgis, George:Box 15 "The Stylus":Box 17 Sussman, Jeffrey:Box 35 Sutro, Florence C.:Box 15 Swift, Ivan:Box 15 T.M. ("Tramp Madonna"):Box see Lillian Bonham "":Box 8 "Tanka and Haikai": Tarkington, Booth:Box 15 Taubes, Frederic:Box 15 Tennant, T.D.:Box 15 "Three Years in Philadelphia":Box 8 Throop, Anne: Titian:Box 20 Titus, A.D., (Buffalo):Box 20 "To A.T.":Box 8 "To My Mother":Box 8 Toloff, J.T., (Evanston, Ill.):Box 20 Tompkins, F.H.: Towles Studio:Box 21

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 18 "Tragedy in a New York Flat":Box 8 "Tramp Madonna":Box (see Lillian Bonham) "Tramp Madonna" (story):Box 18 Troubetzkoy, Amelie ("The Princess"):Box 15 Tryon, W.D.:Box 8 "Vacant Bungalow":Box 8 Valentine, E.E.:Box 12 (see Transcripts) "Valiant Flyer of the Air":Box 8 "The Valley of Silence":Box 8 Vander Weyde, W.: Van Duzee, Edward P.:Box 12 (see Transcripts) Van Dyck, Anton: Van Haagen, Henry J.:Box 15 Van Noppen, Leonard:Box 15 Vaterlandischer Hilfsverein:Box 15 Velazquez, Diego:Box 20 Verbeck, Gustav:Box 15 "A Visit to John Burroughs":Box 8 Vonnoh, Robert:Box 15 Wade, Elizabeth Flint: Waide, Milton:Box 20 Wallace, --:Box 20 Walsh, Elizabeth Blanche:Box (see Hartmann, Elizabeth Blanche Walsh) Walt Whitman Society:Box 37 Warburg, Mrs. Felix:Box 15 Warrington, C.:Box 38 Warshaw, --:Box 15 Watson, Dawson:Box 19 Watts, George Frederick:Box 20 Weber, Harry (see Sargents Court Correspondence): Weinberg, Joe:Box 36 Weinberger, Harry:Box 15 Weir, Alden:Box 20 Wendt, --:Box 15 Wesselman, Cliff: Weston, Edward: Wheeler, A.C. (see Nym Crinkle): "When I Was King of Bohemia":Box 8 Whistler, James Abbott McNeil:Box 20 "White Chrysanthemums":Box 41 White, Clarence H.: Whitman, Walt:Box 40A Wiboldt:Box 34 Wiksel, G.P.: Wiles, Irving:Box 15 Williams, Margaret:Box 15 Williams, Wheeler:Box 15 Wilson, James:Box 12

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 19 Wilson, Maude: Winter, Margery: Wistaria (the flower):Box 8 "With Knapsack and Staff":Box 8 "Women as Delineated in Modern Literature":Box 8 "Women's Dress and the Artist":Box 8 Wood, Grant:Box 15 "Workers on Art Relief, Come Forth":Box 8 Wright, Dunbar:Box 38 Yens, Karl:Box 15 "A Youngster Dons Mikado Garb":Box 8 Zeitlin, Jake:Box 12 Zimmerman, Walter: Zimmermann, Frank M.:Box 15 Zola, Emile:Box 19 Indexing Terms The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the library's online public access catalog. Subjects Bonham, Lillian, 1883- Fowler, Gene, 1890-1960 Pound, Ezra, 1885-1972 Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892 Authors Poetry Genres and Forms of Materials Correspondence Diaries Manuscripts Photographs Works of art


Box 1 A. Sadakichi Hartmann's autobiography in original typescript and annotations. iv, 258 leaves, ca. 1940. Scope and Contents note Provenance: Gene Fowler, to his son Will Fowler, to UCR (purchased 1978). In slip-case.

Synopsis and preface: iv pp. Chronology, 3 pp. 1867-1935: "Appreciations": p. 4-21 "Books": p. 22 "Esthetic Verities": p. 23 "Photographed by": p. 24 "Hartmann(e)a": p. 25-28 "Osada": p. 28a-e "My Venerable Father": p. 29-37 "First Impressions": p. 38-41 "Japanese Reminiscences": p. 42-43 "Grandmother": p. 44-47

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 20 Autobiographies

"Uncle Ernst": p. 48-50 "My Brother Taru": p. 51-54 "Die Frauleins": p. 55-56 "Routine of the Day": p. 57-58 "Peculiar Traits": p. 59-61 "Early Eroticism": p. 62-65 "Books": p. 66-67 "Travels": p. 68-71 "Amusements": p. 72-75 "School Days": p. 76-83 "How a Tiny Gentleman Behaved": p. 84-86 "Kiel": p. 87-95 "At the Training School": p. 96-99 "Erbschleicherei": p. 100-103 "From Havre...": p. 104-106 "Three Years in Philadelphia": p. 107-121 "Hunger": p. 122-132 "My Trip to Munich": p. 133-142 "Munich Days": p. 143-155 "Midnight Performances": p. 156-165 "Vacation Trips": p. 166-172 "Paul Heyse": p. 173-177 "Clara": p. 178-189 "Charleroi": p. 190-193 "Boston": p. 194-202 "Boston Days": p. 203-211 "My First Apostasy": p. 212-216 "Holland and London Days": p. 217-227 "My Second Boston Season": p. 228-233 "Ruth and Hildegard": p. 234-243 "The True Days of Bohemia": p. 244-250 "Bebe": p. 251-258 Box 2 B. Typed copy made by Miss Madeline Parkinson, with holographic notes by Gene Fowler. 8, 315, 14, 9 leaves. Copied June, 1940. Scope and Contents note Provenance: Gene Fowler, to his daughter Jane and son-in-law Paul Morrison, to UCR (purchase 1971). In slipcase. Includes at end typescripts of Sadakichi Hartmann's "Early Poems" (14 leaves) 1886-89, and "Naked Ghosts" (9 leaves) 1887-1892, revised 1903.

Box 3 C. Carbon copy of B. 7, 315, 22 leaves, copied June 1940. Scope and Contents note Provenance: Wistaria Hartmann Linton to UCR. In cardboard box. Includes at end "A Japanese Romance" (22 leaves), and lacks "Early Poems" and "Naked Ghosts" in number B above.

D. Xerox copy of C. 315, 22 leaves. Box 4 E. Transcript of autobiography and complaint (Wistaria H. Linton vs. Gene Fowler, Viking Press, et al.) submitted as evidence in suit, 4, 1, 4, 245 leaves, folio. March, 1955. Scope and Contents note Provenance: Wistaria H. Linton.

F. Xerox copy of E.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 21 Autobiographies

G. Preface, TMs. 1933. General Physical Description note: 1 leaf.



Box 5 Miscellaneous Mss. General Physical Description note: 2 pp.

Miscellaneous Mss. General Physical Description note: 7 leaves.

Along Timberline, TMs, 14 pp., revisions. Art Aphorisms, Ams, 35 leaves, revisions and drawings. Aspirations of a Playwright, TMsPh, notes by Knox and Lawton, essay: 6 pp., 2 copies, revised. At the Training School, T/AMs, Autobiography: 5 pp. revised. Autobiography, TMs, 8 pp., very little revision, ca. 1939. Baker Eddy, T/AMs, drama: 67 leaves, much revision. Baker Eddy, AMs, drama: 95 leaves, revisions, written revised 1936, 1937. Black Smoke, TMs, short story: 7 leaves, some revision. Boston Lions, TMsPh, drama: 126 pp., some revision, written 1890-1896. Buddha, TMs, Author's Edition "To Marie", drama: 34 pp., no revisions, written author's edition 1891-1895, 1897. Buddha, Typescript, drama; 40 pp., not revised. Can Poets Help? T/AMs essay: 55 leaves, heavy revision (extracts from 1000 Happy Moments). Career of a Violinist, TMs, outline for drama(?): 4 pp., light revision. Christ, TCC, drama: 40 leaves, 3 copies, no revisions, written published 1888, 1893. Cimmerian Darkness, AMsPh, 143 leaves, heavy revision. Cock in the Air, AMs, drama(?): 23 leaves, heavy revision. Come Here, AMs, short story: 4 leaves, no revisions. Confessions of an Ex-Journalist, TMsCC, Autobiography: 20 pp., no revisions. A Contribution to the Technique of Draughtmanship. The Relation of Drawing to Handwriting, TMs, essay: 4 pp., light revision. Conversations with Walt Whitman, Typescript, essay: 42 pp., no revision but several marginal notes, written published 1894, 1895. The Dance Pavilion in the Mountains, TMs, short story: 12 pp., no revisions. The Deserted Cottage (continuation of With Knapsack and Staff), TMs, Autobiography: 9 pp., no revisions. Dolor, TMs, poem: 1 p., no revisions. Dramatic Sketch, untitled, AMs, drama: 17 pp., some revision. Box 6 Early Poems, TMsPh, poetry: 13 pp., no revisions, written 1886-1889. Famous Lovers, AMs, list: General Physical Description note: 6 pp.

A Few Words on Criticism, TMs, essay: 5 pp., some revision. Fighting Japs, TC, drama: 84 pp., some revision. Flirtation, AMs, essay: 6 pp., some revision. Flirtation (2), AMs, essay: 6 pp., some revision. Four Views of San Jacinto, TMs, "Pastels in Prose": 2 pp., some revision. Four Views of San Jacinto, mimeograph, "Pastels in Prose": 2 pp., no revisions. Fourteen Points in Favor of Sadakichi Hartmann, AMsPh, list: 3 pp., no revisions, 1919(?).

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 22 Manuscripts A-Z

From Sagebrush to Columbine, TMs, essay: 13 pp., some revision. Graveland in a Flat, AMs, short story: 12 pp., no revisions. Ground Fog, TMs, poem: 1 p., no revisions. The Hand, AMs, dramatic sketch: 9 pp., some revision. Hanka and Dodoitsu, AMs, poems: 1 p., no revisions, sent to E. Hubbard. 1907(?), The Haunted Vine, TMs, short story: 7 pp., no revisions. Hog Island, AMs, short story: 12 pp., medium revision. Hartmannea, mimeographed, list: 4 pp., no revisions, printed 1945. How Poe Wrote the Raven, printed article, essay: 4 pp. (introduction by Richard Tuerk), published in The Markham Review, vol. 3, no. 5. Also: "Poe and His 'Precursor' " by J.B.G., The Critic, vol. 30, no. 794. (Feb., 1973) (May, 1897) Ides of March, TMsPh, short story: 7 pp., some revision. In Search of My Likeness, AMsTPh, essay: 9 pp., some revision. Instead of a Preface, Transcription by Wistaria Linton, Letter to William M. Reedy: 8 leaves, 1916. Invisible Arms, TMs, short story: 6 leaves, light revision. Japan in the Sixties, TMs, essay: 3 pp., some revision. Japanese Rhythms, Ph of Matt Moore's copy in Sadakichi Hartmann's hand, poetry: General Physical Description note: 19 pp.

Kiel, AMs, Autobiography: 10 leaves, some revision, written 1915. Lady of Castle Rock, AMsPh, short story: 9 pp., some revision. Lady of the Yellow Jonquils, TMs, short story: 6 pp., some revision, submitted for publication 1907. Last 30 Days of Christ, excerpts from reviews: 6 leaves. London Days, AMs, Autobiography: 15 leaves, some revision, 1888/1915. Lost in the Northwoods, TMs, short story: 10 pp., some revision. Maid of Shiloh, TMs, short story: 10 pp., no revisions. Malmaison, short story, newspaper clippings: 3 pp., revisions. Miss Profile, TMs, short story: 7 leaves, light revision. Modern Decameron Stories, AMs, short stories: 71 pp., some revision. Mohammed (I), TMsCC, drama: 43 pp., no revisions, after 1916. Mohammed (II), TMsCC, drama: 41 pp., no revisions, after 1916. Moses, TMsPh, drama: 30 pp., some revision. The Motion Picture, TMs, essay: 17 leaves, light revision. Munich Days (I), AMs, Autobiography: 12 leaves, medium revision, written 1919. Munich Days (II), AMs, Autobiography: 7 leaves, medium revision. Munich Days, transcribed by Wistaria Hartmann, edited by her in 1954. Music Charts, AMs, graphs: General Physical Description note: 2 pp.

My Lady's Lingerie, TMsPh, essay: 52 leaves, some revision. My Theory of Soul Atoms, printed book, philosophy: 62 pp. and 21 typed sheets, some revision, revised 1922. Box 7 Naked Ghosts, T/AMs, prose poems: 51 leaves, no revisions, 1898. Naked Ghosts, TMsPh, poetry: 10 leaves, no revisions, written revised 1890, 1903. New York's Homeless, Ph, 4 pp.; Professional Beggars, Ph, 4 pp.; Among the Ragpickers of New York, Ph, 4 pp.; From the New York Crime World, Ph, 4 pp.: all translated by Sadakichi Hartmann from New York Staats-Zeitung. Nocturne, TMsPh of printed page, poem: 1 p., no revisions, sent to E. Hubbard, published in The Fra, 1912. Notes for Lectures: I. pp. 2 and 3 of lecture on Kafka, TMs II. pp. 1, 3, 4 of some (more than one?) art lecture, A/TMs III. Notices of several Sadakichi Hartmann lectures. Obituary, TMs, notice: 1 p., seven versions with revisions. An Old Storck and His Wife, AMs, short story: 28 pp., some revision, (Sidney Allan).

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 23 Manuscripts A-Z

On the Mechanism of Patriotism, TMs, essay: General Physical Description note: 10 pp.

On the Origin of Art, TMs, essay: 18 leaves, light revision. One-Thousand Happy Moments, TMs, Autobiography: pp. 1-130, light revision. One-Thousand Happy Moments, TMs, Autobiography: pp. 131-254, light revision. O'Neill Laughed, TMs, essay: 10 pp., some revision. Open Letters Osadda's Revenge, AMs, drama: approx. 120 pp. (very fragile), some revision, written ca. 1890. Osadda's Revenge, AMsPh, drama: 106 leaves, some revision, ca. 1890. Our Last Walk Together, printed booklet, Memorial: 7 pp., printed 1921. Our Last Walk Together, handwritten draft ("Crofton Fabrik" notebook) undated. Box 8 Poems, AMsPh, poetry: 42 leaves, some revision, introduction by Vance Thompson. Poems, TMs, poetry: 8 4-line poems, 1 p., no revision. Prayer for the Jews, TMs, essay: 5 pp., some revision, written published 1935, 1936. Preface to Leaves on the Water by Stanley Kimmel (preface by Sadakichi Hartmann), Ph: 6 leaves, printed 1922. Rain, TMs, poem: 1 p., no revisions. Religious Degenerations, AMsPh, lecture: 4 pp. (fragment), some revision, 1890's. The Rise and Fall of Art, TMs, a graph: 2 pp., some revision. Rising Mist, TMs, short story: 6 pp., medium revision, 1911. Robert Marks of Detroit, TMs, essay: 4 pp., some revision, 1933. St. Louis Art Situation, TMs, essay: 7 pp., some revision. Salut au Monde: A Friend Remembers Whitman, TMs, essay: 6 pp., very light revision, published 1927. Schemes, TMsPh and transcript, list of projects: 18 pp., light revision. Seven Weeks in a German Prison, TMsCCPh, Autobiography: 7 pp., no revisions. Seven Weeks in a German Prison, TMs, Autobiography: 11 pp., heavy revision. Short Stories, A/TMs, list: 8 pp., some revision, 1921. Slaughter of the Innocents, TMs, short story: 7 pp., light revision. The Story of Albert P. Ryder (also titled: The Story of a Painter and The Beginning), AMs, essay: 49 leaves, heavy revision The Story of an American Painter, TMsPh, essay: 47 pp., some revision, copyright (same as above). 1926 Story of the Buddha Series (of Pastels), AMs, essay: 3 pp., slight revision. The Story of the Engineer, TMs, short story: 6 pp., light revision. Tanka, TMs, poetry: 1 p., no revision. Three Years in Philadelphia, AMs, Autobiography: 15 leaves, medium revision, written rewritten 1891, 1915. To A.T., TMsCC, poem: 1 p. no revisions, written 1923. To My Mother, TMsPh, poetry: 1 p., heavy revision. Tragedy in a New York Flat, TMs, drama: 8 leaves, no revisions. Tragedy in a New York Flat, Author's Edition, drama: 12 leaves, no revisions, 1896. W.D. Tryon, newspaper clipping: 3 leaves, some revision. Vacant Bungalow, TMs, drama: 27 leaves, some revision. Valiant Flyer of the Air, printed copy and Ph, poetry: 4 pp., no revisions, to Marion Davies. The Valley of Silence, TMsCC, poetry: 1 p., no revisions, note on bottom, dated 1942. A Visit to John Burroughs, TMs, essay: 8 leaves, some revision. A Visit to John Burroughs, printed copy, essay: 3 pp., no revisions, dated 1921. When I Was King of Bohemia, TMsCC, list: 1 p., no revisions. Wistaria (the Flower), TMs, essay: 6 leaves, some revision.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 24 Manuscripts A-Z

With Knapsack and Staff, TMs, essay: 7 pp., medium revision, written and 1887 1915. With Knapsack and Staff, TMsPh, "Second draft of 1887 article", essay: 4 pp., light revision. Women as Delineated in Modern Literature, TMsPh, lecture: 42 leaves, some revision, 1890's. Women's Dress and the Artist, AMs, outline: 1 p., some revision. Workers on Art Relief Come Forth, TMs, essay: 9 leaves, some revision. A Youngster Dons Mikado Garb, TMs, Autobiography: 5 pp., some revision. Box 9 Esthetic Verities, TMsPh, revisions, written photocopy (negative) of original in Ridgeway Library, Philadelphia, unpublished, some revision. 1927-1933;

Manuscript Books

Box 10 Japanese Rhythms, AMs, poetry: 20 leaves, 1 of 11 copies. Tanka, Haikai, and Dodoitsu form. This copy for Matt Moore, in box, in blue leather slipcase. 1933, Japanese Rhythms, mimeographed edition, 2 of 100 copies, 1926, General Physical Description note: 12 leaves.

Moses, TMs, drama: 30 leaves, revisions, photographic reproduction (positive). 1934, Hartmann's choice of articles for Photo Interview book. (Chiefly from Wilson's Photographic Magazine), printed, numbered pages. Tanka and Haikai, Japanese Rhythms, printed from calligraphed copy. 1920, Poems, TMs, 1944(?).

Oversized Manuscripts

Box 18 Baker Eddy, TMsPh, drama: 72 leaves, medium revision, second revision. 1938, Buddha, PrEdPh, drama: 24 leaves, 1897. Cherry Blossoms, TMs, drama: 69 leaves, heavy revision, 1892. Diamond Lizard, TMs, drama: 63 leaves, no revisions. Drifting Flowers of the Sea, TMsPh, poetry: 22 leaves, no revisions. 1906, Japanese Rhythms, AMs with ALSPh, poetry: 11 leaves, handwritten copy for Frederick P. Hier. 1933, Mohammed, a dramatic poem in 3 acts. Schopenhauer in the Air, PrEdPh (includes copy of "Tramp Madonna"), stories: 28 pp., no revisions, 1899. Tanka and Haikai, Japanese Rhythms, PrEdPh, poetry: 9 leaves, script edition. 1920, Walsh, Elizabeth Blanche: On Natural Drama. Review of "Tragedy in a New York Flat", PrPh, E.B. Walsh was Hartmann's wife; Sadakichi Hartmann may have written this review. 1907. Drawings and artwork by Sadakichi Hartmann, General Physical Description note: 5 items.


From Sadakichi Hartmann

Box 11 AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHIC SALON TLS. New York, N.Y. 1904, June 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note German letter inviting participation in Salon Exhibition in December.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 25 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

BALLARD, Claude N. ALS. No place. 1929, May 26. General Physical Description note: 1p. Scope and Contents note Invitation to meet at Margery Winter's; wants to go to Schindler's.

AL. Beaumont, Ca. 1929, June 14. General Physical Description note: 1p. Scope and Contents note Picture of statue and comment on it.

TLS. Beaumont, Ca. 1929, Oct. 8. General Physical Description note: 1p. Scope and Contents note Mentions "the Court will never see me again."

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1929, Nov. 19. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Invites Ballard out so Sadakichi Hartmann can examine his poetry.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1929, Nov. 21. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends Japanese Rhythms as Christmas present for Ballard to copy; as his Christmas present, Sadakichi Hartmann does not want poetry; discusses poem "Snowfall."

APS. Beaumont, Ca. 1929, Dec. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Mentions Ballard's reaction to "Snowfall."

APS. Beaumont, Ca. 1929, Dec. 20. General Physical Description note: 1p. Scope and Contents note Will not help Ballard get a job(?).

APS. Beaumont, Ca. 1929, Dec. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Attempt to explain humor; thanks for Christmas present.

(with letter ALS. No place. No date dated Oct. 8, 1929). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invites Ballard to go to Schindler's with him.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 26 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

(was first item in file ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. No date 1930-1936). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sadakichi Hartmann visited but no one was home.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1930, Jan. 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks Ballard to read poems by Freystadt.

ALI. Beaumont, Ca. 1930, Jan. 15. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Wants him to send criticism to Freystadt; comment on Margery Winter; needs money; will be in Los Angeles for upcoming lectures.

PrP. Los Angeles, Ca. 1930, Jan. 20. General Physical Description note: 1p. Scope and Contents note Registered or insured article from Sadakichi Hartmann has arrived.

ALI. Beaumont, Ca. 1930, Jan. 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for offer; his planned arrival in Los Angeles.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1930, Jan. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Already has rooms; meet him at station.

ALS. No place. 1930, Jan. (?). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks Ballard to spread announcements of event at bookstores.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1930, Feb. 18. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Letter to Sadakichi Hartmann from Freystadt asking for return of poems; on back Sadakichi Hartmann requests that Ballard send off those poems.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1930, March 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends copy of "Nancy Pennington."

ALS. Warner-Kelton Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1930, April 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invitation to visit.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 27 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 5 pp. (torn fragments of other pages). 1930, June 16. Scope and Contents note He is sick and asks Ballard to pick up his things from Warner-Kelton Hotel.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1930, June 23. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Advertisement for his collection of short stories; on back: he needs keys.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1930, July 5. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Getting better; asks him to pick up pants from cleaner.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1930, July 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Again asks Ballard to pick up pants.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, July 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Directions to his new shack.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, July 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Tells of beauty of surroundings; complains of the times.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Aug. 4. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Wistaria is coming; Ballard invited again; Sadakichi Hartmann surrounded by young girls.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Aug. 26. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Asks Ballard to pick up things from Warner-Kelton Hotel.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Aug. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Release for his property.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Sept. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks Ballard to come back again.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 28 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Sept. 24. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends ticket so Ballard can visit.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Oct. 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Come up for birthday.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Nov. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Understanding for Ballard's problems.

TLS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Nov. 12. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Views on people, especially Margery Winter, at Sargents Court.

Pr. Ad. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, June 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Advertisement for My Crucifixion.

ALS. Pasadena, Ca. 1936, Jan. 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Would like to see him in a social way; will not entertain without fee.

AP. Pasadena, Ca. 1936, Jan. 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invitation to visit him at John Roberts.

APS. Beverly Hills, Ca. 1936, Jan. 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Will visit him.

APS. Pasadena, Ca. 1936, Jan. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Will visit him.

APS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1936, March 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Getting ready to leave so visit him soon.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 29 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Andover, N.H. 1936, April 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Hopes he got pastel from Chaplin Studio; "think of me a friend."

BROSSARD, Raymond (all photocopies) ALS. Banning, Ca. 1942, Sept. 23. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Financial problems; new book written; poem: "The Valley of Silence."

TL. Banning, Ca. 1942, Oct. 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Flyer for 1000 Happy Moments in a Lifetime.

T/ALS. Banning, Ca. 1943, Feb. 1. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Solicitation for funds on his birthday; concern that he won't get very much.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1943, April 15. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note His difficulties; Margery Winter's death reported.

AL. Banning, Ca. 1943, May 8. General Physical Description note: 7 pp. Scope and Contents note Margery Winter's death described; questions about Brossard's work; state of the world.

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1943, July 22. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note News of a brush-fire; questions about paintings at Sargents Court; blood transfusion; wants to put some of Brossard's work in the Los Angeles Art Museum.

TL. Banning, Ca. 1943, Sept. 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Orbituary (sic) of Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1943, Oct. 18. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note News of 74th birthday; poem.

Flyer for "A Dream-Journey and Japanese Perfume Symphony." BRUGUIERE, Francis (1880-1945) (all photocopies) (Letters dated are clipped together with cover note from The Friends of Photography. July 30, 1929, July 23, 1930, Jan. 17, 1931, and Dec. 31, 1931,

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 30 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1929, March 3. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends "Passport"; sees Matt Moore and Aileen Pringle; Stieglitz mentioned with "Jews are spoiling all that is left of art"; plans for review of "Esthetics from Socrates to Sadakichi"; mentions his dance.

ALS. No place. 1929, July 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants Bruguiere to send him some friends; still working on "swan's song."

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1930, June 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sent copy of short-stories; needs money.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, July 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks what he thought of previously sent books.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Oct. 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Announcement of birthday (69th).

TLS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Dec. 31. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Reasons for not writing autobiography; discusses Einstein, Stieglitz, Matt Moore, Aileen Pringle.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Jan. 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Book and article have not arrived; neither has Charles Lapworth.

TLS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Dec. 31. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Remarks on what he received; Einstein; sad state of economy.

Flyer for all of Sadakichi Hartmann's books with prices. BUS LINE CORRESPONDENCE ALS. Detroit, Michigan. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Explanation of lost bus ticket on trip from Philadelphia, Pa. to Washington, D.C.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 31 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

TLSCC from Dixie Bus Terminal, Inc. New York, N.Y. 1934, July 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cover letter to The Short Line, Inc. of Pa., West Chester, Pa. 1 p.

TLS. From The Short Line, Inc. of Pa., West Chester, Pa. 1934, July 31. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Checked for lost ticket; cannot do anything to help.

AL. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Suggests measures to protect against lost ticket.

TLS. Public Service Commission, Harrisburg, Pa. 1934, Sept. 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note They have no jurisdiction.

TLS. Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D.C. 1934, Sept. 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note They have no jurisdiction.

CARNEGIE FUNDS TL (copy). No place. No date (ca. Nov. 1943). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Reaction to not receiving grant.

CHAPLIN, Charles ALD. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Reaction to being forgotten by Chaplin.

CHAPMAN, H.T. TL. New York, N.Y. 1902, Jan. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests explanation for verbal attacks on Sadakichi Hartmann's character.

COBY AL. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Concerns the printing of a book.


Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 32 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS (photocopy). East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, May 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Trying to arrange traveling exhibition for Albert Rosenthal.

TLS (photocopy). St. Louis, Mo. 1914, Jan. 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Suggests exhibition by J.C. Strauss.

FLAISHMAN, Leopold ALS. San Francisco, Ca. 1919, July 2. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Lack of funds; future books to be published; Last 30 Days of Christ as his most recent work.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1924, Feb. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Leaflets sent to newspapers for notices.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1924, Feb. 27. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Leaflets and a reprint of an article from Camera (Feb. 2, 1924).

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1924, March 8. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses "Confucius"; experiences in WW I; human nature and reform.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1925, March 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Desert life; invitation to "step in".

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1925, March 22. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Literary figures he has known and his criticism of them; American Monthly.

AP. Beaumont, Ca. 1925, Oct. 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Lecture which was cancelled due to Chaplin's objections.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1925, Nov. 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses "Neue Freie Presse".

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 33 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1925, Dec. 8. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Answer to query from American Mercury, furnished to Sadakichi Hartmann in a letter from Paul (?); The Last 30 Days of Christ discussed.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1926, April 9. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Literary figures he has known and his criticism of them.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1926, April 11. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Camping close by; knows Earl (?).

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1926, Oct. 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Salutation: "Werther"; article in Mercury mentioned; book sales.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1926, Dec. 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Total disinterest in George Sterling, who had recently committed suicide, and Sterling's works.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1927, March 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note His omission from Who's Who.

ALI. Hollywood, Ca. 1927, May 18. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note His criticism of Mary Austin and others.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1927, Oct. 31. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note "This world is unprofitable and promise-crammed."

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1928, June 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note What is the matter, no answer to his letters.

PrAd. Los Angeles, Ca. 1933. Aug. 9. General Physical Description note: 5 pp. Scope and Contents note "Souvenir of a visit to New York" with critique by Holger Cahill; proof of an invitation to a garden party talk.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 34 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

FORD, Kay ALS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, Sept. 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invitation to pick up book.

APS. Banning, Ca. 1941, April 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invitation to visit.

APS. Banning, Ca. 1941, Dec. 31. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Talks of weather.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1943, Oct. 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Birthday announcement.

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1944, June 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Selling his pastels and The Last 30 Days of Christ.

APS. Banning, Ca. 1944, Aug. 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses Whistler Book; where he could stay in Los Angeles.

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1944, Oct. 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Announcement of birthday and "Orbituary".

ALS. From Kay Ford to Harry Lawton. 1973, Aug. 4. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses her relationship to Sadakichi Hartmann and the correspondence.

FOWLER, Gene (1890-1960) ALS. To Irvin C. Evans, Banning, Ca. 1942, May 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Concerns retrieving manuscripts sent to Fowler for biography.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 35 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. From Irvin C. Evans to Sadakichi Hartmann, Los Angeles, Ca. 1942, May 13. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Retrieval impossible until Sept. 1942.

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1942, May 16. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sent cover letter dated May 11, 1942; regarding breaking of contract with Fowler.

TLMs. Banning, Ca. 1942, Aug. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Wants his manuscripts back from Fowler and to cancel their arrangements.

FROST, Leon TDS. No place. 1940, Oct. 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Affidavit certifying authenticity of Sosen painting.

TLS. From Leon Frost to Ben Marx, Detroit, Michigan. 1940, Oct. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Returns Sadakichi Hartmann's pastel.

TLCC. No place. 1940, Oct. 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests fee for certification services.

TLS. From Leon Frost to Ben Marx, Detroit, Michigan. 1940, Oct. 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Will not pay for affidavit, returns it.

GANG, Christel TL. Banning, Ca. (?). 1944, Sept. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Announcements ready to send; asthma and money matters.

GOLDSMITH, Mr. ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1924, April 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks him to send typed ms. of "My Rubaiyat"; complains of ill-health.


Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 36 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. (photocopy). Beaumont, Ca. 1925, Nov. 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Offer to deliver lecture.

TLS. From Winifred M. Wynne to Harry Lawton. 1972, Oct. 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cover letter.

HANSEN, Ejnar and Helga ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, March 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants to get together with them because Wistaria is there; portrait can wait.

ANS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Dec. 29. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Weather; invitation to visit.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1932, Jan. 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Complains of lack of visits.

ANS. Tujunga, Ca. 1932, March 10. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Asks for ride to town.

TP. Tujunga, Ca. 1932, March 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Announcements of his lectures.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1932, Aug. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests that Helga come out and talk over some matter.

ALS. Hotel Holley, New York, N.Y. 1932, Dec. 22. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses Olesens, their painting styles and family life. Advertisement for Ejnar Hansen exhibition with picture of Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. No place. 1933, March 31. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Saw his portrait at Stendhal; sent out photos to art papers; mentions Willy Pogany.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 37 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

APS. Banning, Ca. 1934, No day. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Holiday Greetings.

APS. Banning, Ca. 1934, Jan. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asthma getting better.

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1934, May 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Announcement of publication of "Moses".

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1934, May 16. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note News of visiting Olesen's house, no one there; his traveling plans; suggestions which competitions to enter.

ALS. No place. 1934, May 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Well off with money; plans to go to Europe.

TLS. Andover, N.H. 1934, June. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Announcement of publication of "Moses".

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1935, May 25. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Wants to go to Denver, needs money.

APS. Washington, D.C. 1935, July 20. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note More instructions for federal funds.

ALS. Hotel Harris, Washington, D.C. 1935, Aug. 3. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Suggestions for making money by painting public buildings.

APS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1936, March 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Going to Chicago.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 38 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

TL. Banning, Ca. 1936, March. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Announcement of publication of Esthetic Verities.

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1936, April 30. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Announcement of "Comparative Chart of the World's Literature".

ALS. Hotel Madison, New York, N.Y. 1936, May 26. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Explains comments in a recent article; his plans.

TLS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1937, Feb. 3. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Inquires about friends; accident; advertisement for revised edition of History of American Art.

TLS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1937, March 26. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sent book; inquires about friends; advertisement for Sadakichi Hartmann as art appraiser and a list of Sadakichi Hartmann's books.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1938, April (?). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests $1.00 for shack.

APrP. Los Angeles, Ca. 1940, Aug. 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sadakichi Hartmann "amazed at the scarcity of replies."

APS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1940, Dec. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Danish greetings.

APS. Banning, Ca. 1941, March 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Found a copy of "Strands and Ravelings of the Art Fabric."

TL. Banning, Ca. 1941, April 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Open letter selling The Last 30 Days of Christ.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 39 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALI. No place. 1942, Aug. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note His problems with his heritage.

TPS. Banning, Ca. 1942, Sept. 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note In Danish.

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1942, Nov. 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Announcement of 73rd birthday.

TS (Christmas card). Banning, Ca. 1942, Dec. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Christmas Greetings.

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1943, Jan. (?). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note "Orbituary."

ALS. No place. 1943 (?). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends her a book of South American poets.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1943, July 26. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses his library.

TL. Banning, Ca. 1943, Aug. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note List of books in his library and their prices.

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1943, Oct./Nov. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Announcement of his 74th birthday.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1943, Dec. 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Finished book; needs money for arriving in N.Y., $5.00 advance subscription.

Pamphlet by Benjamin DeCasseres: "I Am Private Enterprise". Pamphlet by John G. Moore: "The Jacarandas Bloom".

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 40 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

APS. Banning, Ca. 1943, Dec. (?). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Christmas and New Year's greetings.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1944, Jan. 24. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Complains that Helga does not write about herself; his health is not too well.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1944, April 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Will exchange pastel for "anything that would make life a trifle easier."

APS. Banning, Ca. 1944, May 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Will send Timothy a pastel as soon as he gets material to pack it.

AL. Banning, Ca. 1944, Nov. 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note 75th birthday announcement.

ALS. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Suggestions for paintings.

AP. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Change in rules for Emergency Relief for Art.

HEARST, Phoebe A. TLS. San Francisco, Ca. 1916, No day. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Advertisement for "Tanka and Haikai".

ALS. San Francisco, Ca. 1917, Jan. 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Offers to perform for her and guests.

HENDERSON, Daniel TLCC. Banning, Ca. 1935, March 23. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Response to Carnegie Fund's denial of Sadakichi Hartmann's request for grant.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 41 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

HOLLADAY, Paula ALS. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Best never to meet again; best wishes.

HUBBARD, Elbert (1859-1915) ALS. New York, N.Y. 1907, June 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks for advance travel money.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1907, May 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Delayed by asthma.

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1907, Sept. 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends drawings for publication.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1907, Sept. 2-. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Inquires as to whether Hubbard received drawings.

TLI. From Hubbard to Sadakichi Hartmann, East Aurora, N.Y. 1907, Sept. 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Received drawings and manuscript.

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1907, Sept. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Reserves right to publish the manuscript later by himself.

KATHERINE ALS. No place. 1896. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Only does what he wants in art, will not do what she asks; reply on back: will not attend party on Jan. 1, 1897.

KEILEY, Joseph (1869-1914) APS. New York, N.Y. 1909, July 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for kind note and prompt reply.


Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 42 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

APS. Beaumont, Ca. 1925, May 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Suggestions for portrait painting.

KROLL, Leon (1884-) TLS. (photocopy). Banning, Ca. 1939, Sept. 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Included him in "Strands and Ravelings of the Art Fabric"; needs money to publish it.

KRASNOW, Peter (1890-1979) ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Oct. 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Ask him to visit to discuss something.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Nov. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invitation to birthday celebration, bring portraits for small exhibition.

ALI. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Dec. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note "I wonder what has ever become of you."

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Oct. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Good luck in Paris; requests von Sternberg's address.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1935, Jan. 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends root forms; invites him out.

APS. Washington, D.C. 1935, July 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Greetings; met Geller.

ALS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1937, Sept. 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Poem praising nature and Krasnow.

PrP. Banning, Ca. 1938, Dec. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Map with directions to his shack.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 43 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

APS. Banning, Ca. 1939, Oct. 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks for drawings; mentions birthday "which should be a national holiday but isn't".

APS. Sargents Court, Los Angeles, Ca. 1939, Nov. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asthma; invites them to take him for a ride.

PrP. Hollywood, Ca. 1940, Aug. 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Advertisement for "Strands and Ravelings of the Art Fabric".

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1942, Oct. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Notice of his 73rd birthday.

ALS. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Ill-health; suggestions for started portrait of Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Poem: "If words of mine..."

Tujunga, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Advertisement of "My Crucifixion".

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1943, Oct. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Notice of his 74th birthday; "Orbituary".

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1944, Oct. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Notice of 75th birthday.

Picture of Sadakichi Hartmann KUHN, Heinrich

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 44 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS (photocopy only). New York, N.Y. 1904, June 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invites him to submit work to "Internationale Photographische Ausstellung".

ALS (photocopy). Bedford Park, N.Y. 1904, July 31. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants him to at least send a "Gummidruck" which is unknown in America.

Box 12 LANCE, Elizabeth TLS. St. Louis, Mo. 1914, Jan. 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note "My Rubaiyat" finished.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1916, April 16. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Plans for going west; requests card of introduction; met motion picture actor; glad he inspired her.

ALS. The Kaiserhof Hotel, Denver, Colo. 1916, May 6. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Requests list of "intellectual elite of Denver".

TLS. Hollywood, Ca. 1923, Oct. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Notice for "Confucius".

TLS. From Charlotte E. Lance to George Knox, Ridley Park, Pa. 1971, July 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cover letter for above letter; draws connection between Seeman, Hubbard, Sadakichi Hartmann and E. Lance.

TLS. San Francisco, Ca. 1916, Nov. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Advertisement for "Tanka and Haikai".

TLS. Hollywood, Ca. 1923, Oct. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Notice for "Confucius".

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 45 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. From Charlotte E. Lance to George Knox, Ridley Park, Pa. 1971, July 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cover letter for above letter; draws connection between Seeman, Hubbard, Sadakichi Hartmann and E. Lance.

McDONALD, Pirie TLS. Banning, Ca. 1938, April. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks for contribution of $1.00 for shack, and typewritten reply, May, 1938.

MABBOTT, Thomas Ollive (1898-1968) TLS (photocopy and partial transcript). Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Oct. 18 (?). General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses contribution on Poe which Mencken rejected; discusses Stanard's The Dreamer.

MARX, Ben (all photocopies) TL. Banning, Ca. 1936, March 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Notice of completion of Esthetic Verities.

ALS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1936, June 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants letter.

ALS. (original). Banning, Ca. 1938, April. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Solicitation for shack.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1938, Oct. 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Announcement of completion of shack and birthday/housewarming party.

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1940, July 3. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Asks about living with Marx; movie money; trip East to sell pastels.

ALI. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1941, Jan. 21. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Trip with son(?); interested in autobiography and movies; pictures from newspapers with Sadakichi Hartmann captions.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 46 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1941, March 19. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Finished book; method of writing; fame; philosophy.

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1943, Oct. 21. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Notice of 74th birthday; "Orbituary".

TLS. No place. 1943, Nov. 10. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Book finished, needs money for typist; newspaper clipping: Hansen's portrait of Sadakichi Hartmann won first prize at the Los Angeles County Museum.

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1943, Dec. 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Talks of Freidenker Turnverein; Detroit debut in 1899; drawing.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1944, Feb. 10. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Financial and other living problems; inquires about non-arrival of his drawing; Fowler's biography of Barrymore mentioned.

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1944, Feb. 24. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Mentions missing drawing; troubles with Fowler; plans for future.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1944, March 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Poem as Spring Greeting.

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1944, March. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends Fowler's address; his "Liverwurst Drive"; value of his works; list of friends recently dead; mentions "drive" for 75th birthday.

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1944, April 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for package; talk of "Passports to Immortality"; Fowler.

APS. No place. 1944, June. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Astral experience article planned by Marx, encouraged by Sadakichi Hartmann

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 47 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

TLI. Banning, Ca. 1944, June 26. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Wants to travel East to set up fund to publish complete works; needs money.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1944, Aug. 28. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Plans to go to St. Petersburg, Fla.; encloses flyer for 75th birthday drive for printing.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1944, Sept. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Ill-health; bad summer; addressed 25 envelopes; Sadakichi Hartmann association talked about; hasn't seen Fowler for 6 months; gave first U.S.A. lecture on Nietzsche.

ALI. Banning, Ca. 1944, Sept. 28. General Physical Description note: 5 pp. Scope and Contents note Encourages "Detroit Drive"; wants enough for "car and trailer"; plans to publish "150 Books of American Literature" (pamphlet); complains of Fowler and Hollywood people; Decker sold pictures of Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1944, Oct. 23. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Problems with getting manuscript typed; manuscript of "Have You Hollyitis?" to be sent from New York; basic problems of society.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1944, Nov. 1. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Manuscript "Have You Hollyitis?" received by Marx; poor response to drive.

APS. Banning, Ca. 1944, Oct. 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Unable to have manuscript in N.Y. sent because person is in Milwaukee.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1944, Nov. 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses attitude to drive; plans to move to Detroit; activities for future.

MASON, Redfern (d. 1941) TLS. (photocopy). San Francisco, Ca. 1916, Nov. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Comments on Mason's remarks about him.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 48 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

MATTHEWS, Brander (all photocopies) TLS. San Francisco, Ca. 1916. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Concerns publishing of Japanese Rhythms.

ALS. Gainesville, Fla. 1922, Oct. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Tells of ill-health; trying to sell "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1923, Nov. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants to exchange "Confucius" for collection of Matthews literary essays.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1924, Sept. 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Announces publication of complete collection of poems.

APS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1924, Oct. 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for order.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1926, March 30. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Ill-health; writes two hours a day; monograph on A.P. Ryder along with others; asks for contribution.

TLS. Beaumont, Ca. 1926, Sept. 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Working on books; problems with daily living; requests help to get funds from Authors' Club of New York.

MENCKEN, H.L. (1880-1956) (all photocopies) TLS. New York, N.Y. 1921, Aug. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cover letter for stories submitted to be published.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1921, Sept. 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cover letter for story.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 49 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1921, Sept. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cover letter for essay.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1926, Nov. 8 (?). General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Will not allow editing of his own articles.

ANS. Mt. Holly Hotel, New York, N.Y. 1926. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note "Salute Mencken the Great."

ALS. Hollywood, Ca. 1927, Jan. 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses money.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1927, Feb. 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sees no reason to write for Mencken's periodical Mercury.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1927, March 22. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends manuscripts; he can edit anything but the stories; mentions Hubbard, Aileen Pringle.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1927, April 14. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Complains of payment; offer to write more articles.

ANS. No place. 1927. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cover note to submitted article.

ALS. No place. 1927, June 11. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for kindness; complains of article published; wants only to do commissioned articles.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1927, Aug. 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Needs money after illness.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 50 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1928, July 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends manuscripts from autobiography.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1928, Sept. 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Will not submit things again.

TLS. Beaumont, Ca. 1928. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Suggestions for articles.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1929, Jan. 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Concerning his omission from Who's Who.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1929, Sept. 24. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Cover letter; photocopy of inscription in Mencken's copy of "Confucius".

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1929, Oct. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cover letter for section of Esthetic Verities.

ALS. Hotel Holley, New York, N.Y. 1932, Nov. 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants to talk with Mencken.

ALS. Hotel Holley, New York, N.Y. 1933, Jan. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cover letter for article; plans to return to California.

ALS. Hotel Harris, Washington, D.C. 1936, Dec. 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Compliment on Mencken article; suggests he do one on Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1942, Oct. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Notice of 73rd birthday.

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TLS. From Betty Adler (Enoch Pratt Free Library) to George Knox, Baltimore, Md. 1971, May 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for gifts; only have one Sadakichi Hartmann letter.

TLS. From Betty Adler (Enoch Pratt Free Library) to George Knox, Baltimore, Md. 1971, June 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invites article.

METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART AL (draft). To Roland McKinney. No place. 194-?. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Enclosed is entry blank; thanks selection as judge; congratulations on new position as Consultant on American Art.

MEYER, Eugene ALS. Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, March 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Return pastel; reaction to Meyer's indifference to it.

MOORE, Edith ALS. Banning, Ca. 1944, April. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Letter for "Liverwurst Drive".

MORGAN, Roy (d. 1951) and Nora APS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1934, April 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Letter from Ray (Brossard?); financial questions.

ALS. Hotel Holley, New York, N.Y. 1934, April 27. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Plans new publication; delay in sending pastel.

ALS. Hotel Holley, New York, N.Y. 1934, May 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests directions to their place.

APS. New York, N.Y. 1934, May 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants to know when he'll be welcome; "Moses" done; asks for Ejnar Hansen notice.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 52 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

APS. New York, N.Y. 1934, June 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note "Moses" to be released; he will visit soon.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1934, June 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Plans for visiting Morgans.

ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1934, Aug. 14. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Giving reading and lectures; problems with The Last 30 Days of Christ; Bob Marks doing full length portrait.

ALS. Tobias Sigel stationery, Detroit, Mich. 1934, Aug. 30. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Book is out; questions about Ben Berlin's progress.

APS. Detroit, Mich. 1934, Sept. 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Questions Berlin's journey to New York.

ALS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1934, Sept. 25. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Plans to be a ghost-writer in Washington; Berlin's picture.

APS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1934, Oct. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses negative of photo of picture.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1934, Nov. 29. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Spent time with Marjorie; very ill-health; tries to sell books; negative of Berlin's picture; Ray Brossard's exhibition of 100 caricatures of Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1935, Jan. 7. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Bad weather.

PrP. Banning, Ca. 1935, Jan. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Advertisement for Sadakichi Hartmann lecture.

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TLS. Banning, Ca. 1935, Feb. 18. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sale of books is slow; bad weather; no news; tries to sell them a book.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1935, March 25. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Asks about Ben and her trip to New York; tries to sell them a book.

APS. Banning, Ca. 1935, April 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Not yet started his trip.

APS. Hotel Harris, Washington, D.C. 1935, July 22. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Article from Banning newspaper, July 11, 1935 about Sadakichi Hartmann; his comments on it; may have job.

APS. New York, N.Y. 1935, Oct. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Will stay in New York to give talks.

APS. New York, N.Y. 1935, Oct. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Will buy suit; saw Brossard; avoided Berlin because of Berlin's drinking.

APS. Banning, Ca. 1935, Oct. 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Lectures in Dallas and New York well attended.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1935, Nov. 25. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Feeling better; financial problems; plans for lecture tour in Northwest; his painting.

PrP. New York, N.Y. 1935, Oct. 18 (?). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Advertisement for Sadakichi Hartmann lecture in East Side Art Center.

Hotel Lamm, Los Angeles, Ca. 1936, Feb. 25. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Personal problems; plans for travel; recent head-on accident.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 54 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1936, March 24. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Writing attack on Art Relief situation; plans to go to Harmon on the Hudson; wants to visit before he goes there; will ship Berlin's portrait of Sadakichi Hartmann to N.Y.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1936, April 16. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Saw daughter; went to Harmon on the Hudson; thanks for hospitality.

APS. New York, N.Y. 1936, April 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sent "Chart".

ALS. Hotel Madison, New York, N.Y. 1936, May 8. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Asks her to type the enclosed; Art Digest published article on art relief situation; health problems; female impersonator.

APS. New York, N.Y. 1936, May 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends another, better packed "Chart".

APS. New York, N.Y. 1936, May 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Ezra Pound's comment in favor of Sadakichi Hartmann

APS. New York, N.Y. 1936, May 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for the list; sends biography of Francois Villon by Wyndham Lewis.

ALS. Hotel Madison, New York, N.Y. 1936, June 1. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Needs loan; pastel drive; Brossard coming East after "falling-out" with Margery Winter; Ben Berlin got $100.00.

TLS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1936, Sept. 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Finished 40 pastels; started drama "Baker Eddy".

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 55 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1936, Sept. 20. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Travel plans; wants to visit Baker Eddy landmarks.

TLS. Hotel Harris, Washington, D.C. 1936, Nov. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Tells of cast on foot and his accident (swimming pool).

TLS. Hotel Harris, Washington, D.C. 1936, Dec. 12. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note His pastel of "Christ in a boat on a stormy sea..."; condition of foot.

TLS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1937, Jan. 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Plans to visit one more time.

TLS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1937. Feb. 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Plans for his journey to New England.

TLS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1937, March 13. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Asthma attack; inquires about his visit; points of interest in New York to see.

TLS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1937, March 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Time of his arrival at Morgans.

APS. Washington, D.C. 1937, June 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Describes his trip to Washington, D.C.

TLS. Hotel Lamm, Los Angeles, Ca. 1937, Aug. 2. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes his trip to Southern California; his health; his living arrangements; work on Baker Eddy.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1938, April 9. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Requests $1.00 for shack; news of Sargents Court, Margery Winter's difficulties with Ben Berlin.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 56 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1942, Aug. 5. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Hot weather; train and car accident; book on "psychological analysis of the major power" written; worry about future; plans for trip East.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1943, June. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks for contribution; news of Brossard and Lipton.

ALS. Banning, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Retrieval of manuscript trunk; news of Margery Winter, Raymond Brossard.

A/TLS. Banning, Ca. 1935, Nov. (?). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Flyer for lecture tour; news of trunk and Sargents Court.

TL. No place. Transcript of letter by Lee de Forest. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discussion of radio.

ANS. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks how things in New Hampshire are.

NINETEENTH CENTURY CLUB AL. Draft. New York, N.Y. 1895. General Physical Description note: 10 pp. Scope and Contents note Demands explanation for cancellation of lecture.

O'CONNOR, Mr. TLS. New York, N.Y. 1935, Sept. 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests names of art patrons in Texas.

ALS. Hotel Harris, Washington, D.C. 1936, Dec. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Missed his exhibition but would like a catalogue of it.


Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 57 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1930, June 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants him to send pants left for cleaning COD.

POLOWETZSKY, Charles E. ALS (and two typed transcripts). Banning, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Praise of Polowetsky, the painter; flyer for ceramic bust of Sadakichi Hartmann

POWERS, Leroy ALS (photocopy). Buffalo, N.Y. 1911, Feb. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants to borrow his copy of "Conversations with Walt Whitman" to copy it.

ROMM ALS (photocopy). Asheville, N.C. 1922, Jan. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes events surrounding his arrest for "Christ".

ROOD, Roland (1863-1927) TLS (photocopy). New York, N.Y. 1904, Aug. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Response to Rood's objection to editing of his article.

ROOS ALS. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note German text: Glad he got pictures back, would not trust him for $500.00.

ROSENTHAL ALS (photocopy). Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, May 12. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Hasn't had a reply for request for money; "Cincinnati and Toledo as well as accepted" lectures.

SALTMAN, D.J. ALS. Banning, Ca. 1935, March 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Ill-health; attempt to sell book.

SCHNEIDER, Isidor (1896-) ALS. (photocopy). Beaumont, Ca. 1926, June. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests autographed copy of his Dr. Transit.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 58 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

SEXAUER, Maya (all photocopies of typed transcripts) No place. 1931, April 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Loan of $500.00 for publication of The Last 30 Days of Christ.

No place. 1931, June 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invites her to visit.

To (?), from (?). 1931, June 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discussion of Maya.

No place. 1931, July 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Should help each other.

No place. 1931, July 15. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Concerning their relationship.

From Maya Sexauer to Sadakichi Hartmann 1931, July 20. General Physical Description note: 5 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes their relationship and the actions of both of them.

Los Angeles, Ca. From (?) to Maya Sexauer. 1931, Aug. 6. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Relationship and problems they have; her loan to Sadakichi Hartmann; discussion of Lothar.

No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks her to pick up some envelopes for him.

No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invites her to come and take care of him.

No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses Sunday and the problems between them.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 59 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

Tujunga, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Details of loan.

No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants to end relationship.

No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Questions reasons for long letter.

SIGEL, Tobias ALS. Pasadena, Ca. 1932, Sept. 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Had to leave Tujunga; staying with a friend in Pasadena; asks for money.

SMITH, Edison Newspaper (Greenwich Villager, photocopy). New York, N.Y. 1933, May 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Picture of Sadakichi Hartmann; letter from Sadakichi Hartmann in Hollywood.

STEDMAN, E.C. (1833-1908) (all photocopies) ALS. New York, N.Y. 1896, March 1. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Troubles after publication of Christ; hopes Stedman can help him find a job.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1896, March 4. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for money; sends copy of "Art Critic"; still seeking work.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1896. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note In terrific need of $5.00.

No day. ALS. New York, N.Y. 1896. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Terrific need of money.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 60 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1897, Feb. 3. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for remarks on drama; to edit "Art News"; needs poem or short piece.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1896 (or 1897), March 13, General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Worries about publishing "Buddha" in America.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1897, Nov. 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Planned lecture tour.

ALS (and transcript). New York, N.Y. 1898, Sept. 26. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Needs money to publish; likes to publish something every year.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1903, Feb. 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Very bad off financially, needs job and loan.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1903, Feb. 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for assistance; difficulty finding a job.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1903, Nov. 10. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends poem for his 70th birthday, poem written Oct. 8.

ALS. Bedford Park, N.Y. 1903, Nov. 23. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Poor financial situation; sold all rights to books; needs money for publication of book of poetry.

ALS. Bedford Park, N.Y. 1903, Dec. 8. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Needs $10.00; note from Stedman: did not respond because he had just sent help and Sadakichi Hartmann's application to the Carnegie Trustees was pending.

ALS. The Camera Club stationery, Bedford Park, N.Y. 1903, Dec. 12. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Bemoans his situation and his illnesses; sends pastel.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 61 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Bedford Park, N.Y. 1903, Dec. 22. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Authors Club refused him money; artist's friends arranged raffle to benefit Sadakichi Hartmann; philosophy of life; praise for Stedman.

ALS. Bedford Park, N.Y. 1904, Jan. 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Stedman did not win raffle; raised enough money for awhile.

ALS. New York, N.Y. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests return of manuscript.

ALS. Bedford Park, N.Y. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Hasn't tried Author's Club; poor financial situation.

ALS. Bedford Park, N.Y. No date. Nov. 27. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for check and letter; appreciate what he can do at Author's Club.

ALS. Bedford Park, N.Y. No date. Nov. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note When will Stedman write, Sadakichi Hartmann needs help.

STIEGLITZ, Alfred (1864-1946) (all photocopies) ALS. No place. 1899, July 20. General Physical Description note: 5 pp. Scope and Contents note Anger at rejected article, blames Stieglitz; editors note from Camera Notes and list of "Officers, Trustees and Committees of the Camera Club".

ALS. No place. 1899, July 26. General Physical Description note: 8 pp. Scope and Contents note Will write article; discussion of Frank Eugene; Editor Fritz Matthies-Masuren; accepts Stieglitz' $12.00 for article; position of artist in society; note about baby girl.

APS. New York, N.Y. 1902, Oct. 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Postponement of Perfume Concert.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 62 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1902, Dec. 11. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Article on Steichen; wants to be invited to lunch.

TL. No place (New York, N.Y.?). 1904, Aug. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Lists wrongs done him by Stieglitz; reason Sadakichi Hartmann changed "sides".

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1908, Aug. 22. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Needs money; hopes all will be forgiven; "I swallowed my pride and wrote -- for my children's sake."

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1909, May 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Will write an article on the Unphotographic Art of the Future.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1909, June 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Enclosed titles of proposed articles which he will write for an advance at $25.00 an article.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1909, Aug. 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for check; encloses article; "plea for an ideal 'American' background."

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1909, Sept. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sent article but received no response.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1909, Oct. 31. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Starting "magazine devoted to art and self-expression"; needs contributions.

APS. New York, N.Y. 1909, Dec. 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Will meet with him; article: "That Toulouse-Lautrec Print"; mentions The Stylus.

APS. New York, N.Y. 1910, Nov. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Article is done.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 63 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

APS. New York, N.Y. 1910, Dec. 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note If letter for Sadakichi Hartmann arrives, please hold on to it.

ALS. Buffalo, N.Y. 1910, Dec. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends chart; will be in Buffalo until February.

ALS. Buffalo, N.Y. 1911, Jan. 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Needs money; article on Originality.

ALS. Buffalo, N.Y. 1911, Jan. 17. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends article on Originality.

ALS. Buffalo, N.Y. 1911. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Concerns parts missing from manuscript of Originality.

ALS. Hotel Euclid, Cleveland, Ohio. 1911, March 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Needs $25.00; lectures in Cleveland failed.

APS. Hotel Euclid, Cleveland, Ohio. 1911, March 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Needs $25.00 to get to Milwaukee lectures.

APS. Cleveland, Ohio. 1911, March 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Left hotel.

ALS. Cleveland, Ohio. 1911, March 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for kind letter; has to get to Chicago lecture; needs $10.00.

ALS. Milwaukee, Wis. 1911, May 31. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants to write an article; needs money.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 64 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Buffalo, N.Y. 1911, June 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Needs money to return to New York; could write an article.

ANS. New Thomson Hotel, Kane, Pa. 1911, Aug. 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note "Why don't you write? Are you mad about something?"

No day. ANS. New Thomson Hotel, Kane, Pa. 1911. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cover letter to something sent to Stieglitz.

No day. ALS. New Thomson Hotel, Kane, Pa. 1911. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Trying to recover his health; wants to write.

Printed announcement for publication of The Tramp Madonna and Other Short Stories. ALS. New Thomson Hotel, Kane, Pa. 1911, Dec. 10. General Physical Description note: 5 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for compliment; will not live in New York for health and family reasons; discusses Stieglitz' publishing of criticism, mentions White and Cortissoz; offers to do articles, list of subjects enclosed.

ALS. Philadelphia, Pa. 1911, Dec. 26. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Asthma; encloses critical article.

ALS. Philadelphia, Pa. 1911, Dec. 27. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for letter; ill-health.

Philadelphia, Pa. 1911, Dec. 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks for return of "motion" article so he can sell it to someone else.

ALS. Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, Jan. 16. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Stayed to do lectures; will travel south; contacted Baron de Meyer.

ANS. Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, Jan. 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note If he doesn't want picture, give it to a charity.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 65 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ANS. Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, Feb. 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Travel plans.

ALS. Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, Feb. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Writing and article, needs photos.

ALS. Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, March 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Explains he will give credit for photo.

TLS. Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, March 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note People who dislike Sadakichi Hartmann should be poisoned; criticism of Stieglitz' exhibitions and artists represented.

ALS. Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, March 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Directions for sending money; ill-health.

TLI. Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, March 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Stieglitz' upcoming lecture; needs work; encourage ideals of artists.

ALS. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, April 23. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends three articles: Henri Matisse, Arnold Genthe, exhibition of children's drawings; feelings for East Aurora.

ALS. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, May 1. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Defends Genthe article -- worth $12.00.

ALS. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, May 12. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Leaving soon, needs the $12.00.

ALS. Arden, Del. 1912, July 31. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Suggests article: "Dilemma of Professional Photography"; better health.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 66 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

APS. Arden, Del. 1912, Aug. 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note $15.00 is fair; wants issues of Camera Work.

ANS. Arden, Del. 1912, Aug. 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends article on the professional.

ALS. Arden, Del. 1912, Aug. 20. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Bad asthma; separation from family, division of goods; wants money to return to East Aurora.

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, Oct. 21. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends article for $25.00; comments on existence of Camera Work; improving health.

APS. Buffalo, N.Y. 1912, Oct. 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests letter from Stieglitz.

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, Oct. 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Rented place but needs $25.00.

APS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, Dec. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Hopes what Stieglitz said comes true.

TLS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1913, Jan. 12. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Poor health; wants Stieglitz to publish article on dancing done in 1890.

ANS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1913, Feb. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Starving; send money.

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1913, Feb. 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Needs money or he will starve.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 67 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1913, May 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants what has been published; asks about Reedy.

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1913, May 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Reedy mentioned; ill-health, doctors want to operate.

ALS. Grand Central Hotel, Wheeling, W.Va. 1913, Oct. 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Questions why his articles aren't published.

ALS. Stratford Springs Hotel, Wheeling, W.Va. 1913, Oct. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Lecture.

APS. Washington, D.C. 1913, Nov. 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants copies of Camera Work.

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1915, Jan. 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants copy of latest Camera Work.

API. East Aurora, N.Y. 1915, May 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Questions Stieglitz' sarcastic letter.

ALS. Homestead, Ca. 1918, July 19. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Stranded in California; war; needs money and/or encouragement; mentions Bruguiere.

ALS. San Francisco, Ca. 1919, April 20. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Needs $10.00; art-forlorn California; compares art and politics.

ALS. Gillette, N.J. 1921, March 4. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Asthma; wants manuscript of "The Red Vest"; complains of humanity's not wanting art.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 68 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

APS. Asheville, N.C. 1921, Nov. 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note In Asheville because of ill-health, not lack of money.

ALS. Albuquerque, N.M. 1923, Jan. 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants to know if any library has complete collection of Camera Work; immortality of printed word; asthma.

ALS. Albuquerque, N.M. 1923, March 9. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses his role on Camera Work; discusses other critics or "shysters"; requests 20 copies of Camera Work; future of world order.

ALI. Beaumont, Ca. 1923, Nov. 5. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Complains of poor sales of "Confucius"; disparaging remarks about who gets old copies of Camera Work.

TLS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Oct. 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants letter from him for 65th birthday; complains that he has to do Esthetica since no one else has "the impartial world-wide view".

TLS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Dec. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses Stieglitz burning his material.

TLS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Oct. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Doing additional chapter for History of American Art; wants information concerning art world in New York.

TLS. Banning, Ca. 1942, Oct. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Announcement of 73rd birthday.

TL. Philadelphia, Pa. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Concerns typesetting of an article.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 69 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALI. Philadelphia, Pa. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Financial problems; why not visit.

ALS. Bronx, N.Y. No year, March 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Death of youngest boy; asks Stieglitz to comfort Mrs. Hartmann, since Sadakichi Hartmann is out of town.

ALS. New York, N.Y. No year, Oct. 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Needs money for his perfume concert.

ALS. (New York, N.Y.?). No year, Easter Sunday. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Ill-health; needs money; will write an article on Matisse.

ALS. No place. No year, July 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Written articles on him; needs $10.00.

ALS. Chicago, Ill. No year, April 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Scarcity of money; wants copy of Camera Work.

ALS. No place (New York, N.Y.?). No year, Sept. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Complains of low fees for articles; discusses quality of articles.

API. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Suggestions for composition of photos.

ALS. No place (New York, N.Y.?). No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Needs money, will write an article on originality; has to get to Buffalo.

ALI. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Analyzes Stieglitz' problems; mentions Keiley; sends free poem.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 70 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS (A. Chameleon). No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Complains about Stieglitz' treatment of him; wants to write about (Marsden) Hartley; art and art criticism.

ALS. No place 1913 (?), July 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note In hospital with rupture; sold things from his art trunk.

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Needs money; very sick.

Typed transcripts of quotes from letters dated: Oct. 21, 1912, Jan. 12, 1913, May 27, 1913, July 19, 1918. TLS. From Elizabeth Blanche Walsh to Stieglitz, New York, N.Y. 1938, Oct. 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note She has written "The Confessions of an Author's Wife"; wants Stieglitz to write preface.

ALS. From Myra Wiggins to Stieglitz. Salem, Ore. 1907, March 26. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Praises Stieglitz, Camera Work, and Secession movement; tells of visit by Curtis Bell, accuses Sadakichi Hartmann of having sent him.

U.S. POST OFFICE TLS. From Post Office Department, Washington, D.C. 1936, April 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note They are considering Sadakichi Hartmann's claim on damaged picture.

TLS. From Post Office Department, Washington, D.C. 1936, April 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note They will give him $1.00 for picture.

TLS. From Post Office Department, Washington, D.C. 1936, June 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Inquiry as to where they should send the picture.

TLCC. R.D. Morgan stationery, Andover, N.H. 1936, June. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Complains of slowness of U.S. Postal System insurance.


Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 71 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Berkeley Heights, N.J. 1920, June 22. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Defends family against charge of trespassing; accuses his dogs of scaring Sadakichi Hartmann's family.

Transcript. Tujunga, Ca. 1932, Feb. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Hard times; asthma is better; invites addressee to visit.

AL. No place. 3 pp. (incomplete, first page only a fragment). 189- (?). Scope and Contents note Discusses criticism of Christ and its relation to religion.

WESTON, Edward (1886-1958) ALS. En route to New York, N.Y. 1915, Oct. 18. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Likes his pictures, will write an article about him.

TLS. From Ben Maddow to George Knox, Los Angeles, Ca. 1973, Oct. 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cover letter for above letter.

WHITMAN, Walt Pr Announcement. New York, N.Y. 1889. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Poems by Sadakichi Hartmann

WILSON, James (Sec. of Agriculture) TL(Ph). Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Feb. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Proposes that radio waves and air planes cause hot, dry weather.

WIKSELL, Dr. G.P. ALS(Ph). Banning, Ca. 1938, April. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks for $1.00 for shack.

ZEITLIN, Jake ANS. No place. 1927, Oct. 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invitation to Zeitlin and friends.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 72 Correspondence From Sadakichi Hartmann

APS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1928, April 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sadakichi Hartmann reading Jeffer's "Roan Stallion".

APS. Tampa, Fla. 1936, July 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Describes weather in Florida.

ANS. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invites himself to spend the night with Zeitlin.

ANS. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Will bring "Passports" and "Rubaiyat" to sell.

$3.00 cancelled check to Sadakichi Hartmann from Zeitlin. Bunch of announcements for Sadakichi Hartmann's books and lectures. MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS Prp. To Charles Lesson. Chicago, Ill. 1935, June 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Notice of Sadakichi Hartmann's lecture: Art of the Future.

AL. No place. 1 p. (fragment). No date. Scope and Contents note Discusses German history books.

List of names. Note about parallel letters from parents (?). TRANSCRIPTS OF VARIOUS LETTERS from Cornelia B. Sage 1916, May 19, from Edward T. Van Duzee 1916, May 20, from Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. 1925, Dec. 29, from Louis Adamic 1939, June 26, from E.E. Valentine 1924, Jan. 9, from E.E. Valentine 1927, Jan. 13, from J.W. Dutton 1894, Dec. 20, from James Henry Wiggins 1893, July 8, from Sadakichi Hartmann to wife 1890's, from Parke Godwin 1897, July 3, from Nora Godwin 1897, March 3, from Phyllis Decker 1940, Oct. 19, from Ben Marx 1944, Feb. 15, from Sadakichi Hartmann (copy of statement) 1937, Jan., from Sadakichi Hartmann to Daniel Henderson 1935, March 23, Statement about Sadakichi Hartmann by Paul van Arx, gardener Interview with Carrie Cahill from Sadakichi Hartmann: Open letter 1935, Sept., from offspring of Sadakichi Hartmann regarding Minutes of the Last Meeting 1954, June 16,

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 73 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

To Sadakichi Hartmann

Box 13 Swami ABHAYANANDA ALS. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1896, Feb. 23. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for support given by Sadakichi Hartmann at meeting.

AMY ALS (photocopy). Asheville, N.C. 192- (?), Aug. 18. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Sold four copies of "My Theory of Soul Atoms"; news of friends.

BALLATOR, Alice R. ALS. Hollins College, Va. 1939, Jan. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Explains her work and difficulties; sends photos for consideration in Great American Art Derby.

BEARDSLEY, A.H. TLS (photocopy). Wolfeboro, N.H. 1922, Aug. 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sorry about ill-health; sends $2.00 for "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

BENDER, Albert TLS. San Francisco, Ca. 1939, July 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 for shack.

BENTON, Thomas H. Typed transcript. No town. 1938, Oct. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Briefly discusses his painting "Suzana"; thanks for encouragement.

BERLIN, Ben ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1936, June 20-21. General Physical Description note: 6 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses visit to the Grand Canyon, describing living accommodations in great detail; inquires about a picture Sadakichi Hartmann had on exhibition in New York.

BOGART, Guy (1864-1944) TLS. Beaumont, Ca. 1938, April 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 for shack; praises Sadakichi Hartmann's art; discusses Robert Parkman.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 74 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

BOHROD, Aaron TLS. Chicago, Ill. 1939, Jan. 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends reproductions and photos of his paintings for consideration in Great American Art Derby.

BORG, Sidney C. TLS (photocopy). New York, N.Y. 1922, Sept. 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $10.00 for books; Sadakichi Hartmann should keep books and try to resell them.

ALS. Elmsford, N.Y. 1923, Oct. 1. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for pamphlet; brief philosophy, mentions Marigold and violets; mentions Aileen Pringle who is with Sadakichi Hartmann

BOYD, Ben TLS. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1930, Oct. 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Mentions Sadakichi Hartmann's picture on cover of Art Digest; tells of Brodhun's death; Camera Club.

ALS. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1936, July 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Contribution.

ALS. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1939, March 26. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Contribution; suggests Sadakichi Hartmann write autobiography; mentions Elizabeth Lance; Camera Club.

BREESE, James L. (d. 1959) ALS. New York, N.Y. 1900, Aug. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Acknowledges Sadakichi Hartmann's letters; offers to let him use his studio and model.

TLS (photocopy). New York, N.Y. 1922, Sept. 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $2.00 for "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

BROWN, William

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 75 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. (photocopy). Washington, D.C. 1921, May 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Informs Sadakichi Hartmann that copyright has expired and cannot be renewed.

BROWNELL, William C. (1851-1928) ANSL (photocopy). No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sorry, cannot send money.

BRUGUIERE, Francis (1880-1945) ALS. New York, N.Y. (written by Mrs. Bruguiere). 1922, July 3. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Sorry for Sadakichi Hartmann's illness (asthma); no answers about Hot Springs.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1923, Sept. 24. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for little book about Marigold; mentions Sadakichi Hartmann's leaving movie industry.

ALS. London, England. 1929, Feb. 14. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses weather, films, poets.

ALS. Chelsea, England. 1931, Dec. 12. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Sending book he illustrated; Swinburne's interview with Sadakichi Hartmann; complains of taxes and big finance; asks "when will the philosophical book appear?" (Esthetic Verities).

ALS. London, England. 1932, Feb. 18. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses O'Keefe, Sleighty; photography in his book; discussion of Whistler.

ALS. London, England. 1933, Dec. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks for Sadakichi Hartmann's impression of New York. (On pamphlet for his exhibition.)

BUCHANAN, Ella (d. 1951) ALS. Hollywood, Ca. 1942, Nov. 14. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Birthday greetings; mentions Sadakichi Hartmann's train wreck; talks of evil in the world; her brother's death.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 76 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

BUCKNER, Samuel O. (d. 1945) TLS (photocopy). Milwaukee, Wis. 1922, Aug. 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $5.00 for inscribed copy of "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

CAHILL, Holger (1887-1960) T. New York, N.Y. 1933, Nov. 28 to 1934, Jan. 26. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Read before lecture: "Art by the Few for the Few"; praises Sadakichi Hartmann

CALDER, Mrs. (Nanette?) ALS. New York, N.Y. 1938, May 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 for shack.

CARNS, Arthur L. ALS. New York, N.Y. 1922, Sept. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants two copies of "My Theory of Soul Atoms"; sends $10.00.

CATLIN, John ALS. Carmel, Ca. 1923, Nov. General Physical Description note: 13 pp. Scope and Contents note Answers Sadakichi Hartmann's questions concerning his actions during his two-year vacation; describes town of Carmel; includes four-line poem.

CAULDWELL, Leslie G. (1861-1941) TLS. Paris, France. 1938, Aug. 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 for shack; recalls painting Sadakichi Hartmann's portrait; includes picture of his portrait of Pershing.

CECIL, Arthur B. TLS. To Atma Hartmann. Los Angeles, Ca. 1932, May 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Informs Atma that he is sending contribution to Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1932, May 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cover letter for $1.00 contribution.


Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 77 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Pasadena, Ca. 1939, April 21. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Comments on his move closer to Wistaria.

CHAMBERLAIN, Edward ALS. New York, N.Y. 1894, Jan. 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses "Christ" and Sadakichi Hartmann's trouble with people finding it obscene.

CITY TICKET OFFICE P. Los Angeles, Ca. 1942, Nov. 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Prices for tickets to St. Petersburg, Fla.

CLEMENT, E.H. (d. 1920) ALS. Boston, Mass. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Address of possible job for Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS (with transcript). Boston, Mass. 1893, May 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Expresses anger because of poems Sadakichi Hartmann published without his approval.

COLETTE AS (Christmas card). No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Recalls when Sadakichi Hartmann lived with her family.

CONVERSE, Frederick (1871-1940) ALS. Westwood, Mass. 1929, April 15. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses Whitman music "The Mystic Trumpeter" and "Night-Day" tone poems; thanks for pastels in prose.

ALS. Westwood, Mass. 1931, March 2. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for poem; sends contribution.

ALS. Westwood, Mass. 1940, March 18. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for drawing; sends $1.00 for Sadakichi Hartmann's welfare.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 78 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

COOPER, Marcelle ANS (photocopy). Montclair, N.J. No date (late 1922). General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends check for $5.00

CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART ALS. C. Powell Minnigore. Washington, D.C. 1938, April 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Contribution for shack.

ALS. Jeremiah O'Connor. Washington, D.C. 1938, April 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Good wishes.

CRAIG, Gordon (1872-1966) ALS (and transcript). Genoa, Italy. 1927, Sept. 19. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for "Passport"; discusses money, amassing a fortune only to redistribute it; reference to Bernard Shaw.

ALS. Genoa, Italy. 1927, Nov. 24. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses stage scenery, including sketch of Italian traveling stage; mentions German, London stages; philosophical view of life.

APS. Genoa, Italy. 1928. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Suggests Sadakichi Hartmann send his recent lecture to "The Mask".

ALS. Genoa, Italy. 1928, June 10. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Dreams vs. reality: "all your wonderful and foolish dreams are realities."

TLS (and transcript). Genoa, Italy. 1930, Jan. 31. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Objects to the parts of Sadakichi Hartmann's "The Mask" article that refer to his use of scenery; mentions "Confucius" scenery.

CRAWLEY, Ida Jolly ALS. Asheville, N.C. 1935, Feb. 17. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note The progress of her museum and her own work.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 79 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

TP. From Post Office Department to Ida Jolly Crawley, Washington, D.C. 1936, March 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Concerns damage done to picture Sadakichi Hartmann sent.

ALS. Asheville, N.C. 1936, June 13. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Sadakichi Hartmann's philosophical manuscript; her case with the post office.

APS. Asheville, N.C. 1942, Aug. 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Praise for Sadakichi Hartmann's poem "The Valley of Silence".

CRESMER, William T. (d. 1959) TLS. Chicago, Ill. 1938, May 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 for shack.

CROCKER, Harry TLS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1941, April 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $10.00 for The Last 30 Days of Christ.

DALLIN, Cyrus E. (1861-1944) Fall. ALS (photocopy). Arlington Heights, Mass. 1922, General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sorry about ill-health; $2.00 for book.

ALS (and transcript). Arlington, Mass. 1934, June 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $5.00 for "Moses"; bemoans state of the world.

ALS (and transcript). Arlington, Mass. 1936, July 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Acknowledges receipt of "Chart" and sends money to cover cost; feels out of time with the age.

ALS. Arlington, Mass. 1938, April 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Received Sadakichi Hartmann's note; sends $1.00 for shack.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 80 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Arlington, Mass. 1940, Feb. 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends check at request of Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Arlington, Mass. 1940, Aug. 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends check for "fine copies of your recent plea for the ideals of humanity."

ALS. Arlington, Mass. 1941, Jan. 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note News of Dallin's son's death in France; sends check.

DAVIDSON, Jo (1883-1952) APS (photocopy only). Luzern, Switzerland. 1908, June 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Describes trip in Europe.

DAVIES, Arthur B. (1862-1928) ALS. Congers, N.Y. 1896, Feb. 18. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses his catalogue and his work.

ALS. No town. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Commends Sadakichi Hartmann on his book.

DAVIS, Charles ALS (photocopy). Mystic, Conn. 1922, Sept. 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $2.00 for book.

DAVIS, Robert H. (d. 1942) TLS. New York, N.Y. 1935, March 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends Sadakichi Hartmann a picture of "the Himalayan dome".

DE CASSERES, Benjamin (1873-1945) ALS. No town. 1938, April 1. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes briefly Sadakichi Hartmann's life in idealistic terms.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 81 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. No town. 1939, Oct. 3. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Uses Sadakichi Hartmann's epigram; praises The Last 30 Days of Christ.

APS. New York, N.Y. 1939, Dec. 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sending newspaper copy of Sadakichi Hartmann's article on modernism to Sadakichi Hartmann's wife.

ALS. No town. 1944, May 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks Sadakichi Hartmann for the photo: "The Two Hamlets".

ALS. No town. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Describes death of "old crowd".

deVERLEY, Inez ALS. Hollywood, Ca. 1942, June 7. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for poem "The Valley"; mentions her painting.

DODSWORTH, Alice A. (d. 1953) ALS. Palm Beach, Fla. 1937, March 7. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Her sister died; cannot send money.

ALS. Windsweep Sharon, Conn. 1938, Nov. 3. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends check as house warming present.

DURANT, Will ALS. To Atma Hartmann. Great Neck, N.Y. 1932, May 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends check to Sadakichi Hartmann in response to her request.

DUTTON, J.W. ALS. Boston, Mass. 1894, Dec. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Relates death of Sadakichi Hartmann's grandmother.

EAKINS, Susan (Mrs. Thomas Eakins) (d. 1938)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 82 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Philadelphia, Pa. 1921, Sept. 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Returns Sadakichi Hartmann's "Passports to Immortality".

ALS. No place. 1922, Oct. 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note $2.00; doesn't want book.

(On envelope of letter from Sadakichi Hartmann) Philadelphia, Pa. 1939, Jan. 5. Scope and Contents note Note from Mrs. L.G. Rodman that Mrs. Eakins has died.

FABIJANOVIC, Stephanus ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1930, Oct. 16. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes amount of charity in L.A. county and city.

FAIRBANKS, Douglas (1883-1939) Typed transcript. No town. 1923, Aug. 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses Sadakichi Hartmann's work for him and how to lighten it.

Typed transcript. No town. 1923, Aug. 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Acceptance of Sadakichi Hartmann's resignation because of ill-health.

Typed transcript. No town. 1925, Dec. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Glad to hear Sadakichi Hartmann feels better.

TLS. From C.E. Erickson for D. Fairbanks. Hollywood, Ca. 1938, Oct. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $5.00 check.

FIENE, Ernst (1894-1965) ALS. New York, N.Y. 1940, Sept. 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 for Sadakichi Hartmann's "resume on contemporary art conditions in the U.S.A."

FISK, Bertha

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 83 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1920, Nov. 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks and praise for book.

FORD, Tod TLS. Pasadena, Ca. 1925, March 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests Sadakichi Hartmann to evaluate collection of Japanese art left by Ford's father.

FOWLER, Gene (1890-1960) TLS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1940, April 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Humorous letter inviting Sadakichi Hartmann to Los Angeles for two weeks to work on biography.

ALS. Culver City, Ca. 1940, Sept. 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks Sadakichi Hartmann to be patient, work on biography will get under way soon.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1940, Dec. 25. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends check; discusses publication of unfinished biography.

Late spring. ALS. No town. 1941 (?), General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses Sadakichi Hartmann's ill-health; mentions work on biography.

ALS. Culver City, Ca. 1942, March 11. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends check; alludes to Sadakichi Hartmann's war-time troubles, gives that as reason for not finding publisher for biography.

ALS. Beverly Hills, Ca. 1942, March 25. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Complains of Sadakichi Hartmann's harsh treatment of him.

TLS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1944, March 31. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Denies ill-feelings toward Sadakichi Hartmann; sends money; promises overcoat.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 84 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1944, Oct. 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Congratulations; promises overcoat.

TLS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1944, November 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sent overcoat; praises Sadakichi Hartmann, deems him a friend.

Two typed scraps of paper from Gene Fowler (?) asking for Sadakichi Hartmann's manuscript of the autobiography and legal ramifications. FREER, Charles L. (d. 1919) TLS. Detroit, Mich. 1896, July 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Refuses to loan Sadakichi Hartmann $150; also will not loan paintings for European exhibition.

FRENCH, Daniel Chester (1850-1931) TLS (photocopy). Glendale, Mass. 1922, Sept. 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $6.00 for 3 copies of "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

TLS. Glendale, Mass. 1925, Oct. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends present for Sadakichi Hartmann's birthday (60th), wishes him joy for "the remaining 10 years of" his life.

FRENCH, Elizabeth (1878-1943) ALS. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1935, Feb. 21. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Does not want to do his showing in Wilkes-Barre.

FRENCH, Mrs. Daniel (Mary) TLS. Sarasota, Fla. 1938, May 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends gift for shack.

FREYSTADT, George W. ALS. New York, N.Y. 1929, Jan. 25. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Offers free services to help on autobiography; praises Sadakichi Hartmann

GANG, Christel L.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 85 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

APS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1941, May 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for letters and cards; orders book; will visit.

GARDNER, Isabella Stewart (d. 1924) ALS. Boston, Mass. 1923, Nov. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Payment of $10.00 for book.

GAULEY, Robert (1875-1943) ALS. Watertown, Mass. 1922, Sept. 5. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends $25.00 for copy of "My Theory of Soul Atoms"; suggests Dr. Atkinson's "Lessons on Tuberculosis and Consumption".

GELLATLY, John ALS. Menham, N.J. 1906, Nov. 18. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Deals with acquiring copies of pictures; discusses Dewing and Whistler.

GIBBONS, Austin Cedric TLS. Culver City, Ca. 1944, July 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses return of Sadakichi Hartmann pastel; Sadakichi Hartmann's son's death; "Aleutian Island" poem.

GILBERT, John (1897-1936) TL (copy?). No town. 1926, Dec. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Concerns "motion picture blue book, inc."

GODWIN, Parke and Nora ALS. Bar Harbor, Me. 1897, July 3. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Concerns sketch Sadakichi Hartmann sent and lack of payment for it.

Nora Godwin. ALS. No town. 1898, Dec. 22. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses her father sitting for Hartmann.


Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 86 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1895, March 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cannot afford to buy Sadakichi Hartmann pictures; discusses his recent visit to Sadakichi Hartmann

GRAFLY, Dorothy TLS. Philadelphia, Pa. 1936, May 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invites Sadakichi Hartmann to visit her.

APS. Philadelphia, Pa. 1938, April 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money for bricks for shack.

GROLL, Albert L. (1866-1952) Personal card. (New York, N.Y.) No date. Scope and Contents note Used to introduce Sadakichi Hartmann to Mr. Blackton; also 1 ticket to Sadakichi Hartmann's "Reading in German".

GRON, Victor APS. Springfield, Ill. 1908, Jan. 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wishes Sadakichi Hartmann happy new year.

HAMILTON, Hamilton ALS. Norwalk, Conn. 1922, Sept. 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $5.00 for "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

HAPGOOD, Hutchins (1869-) ALSP. Provinceton, Mass. 1922, Sept. 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $2.00 for "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

HARRIS, George TLS. Chicago, Ill. 1938, June 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Concerns statements by Sadakichi Hartmann in June 6, 1938 Chicago Herald-Examiner about artist working for money.

Hartmann, William

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 87 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. Walt Whitman Society stationery, Long Island, N.Y. 1940, April 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants to add Sadakichi Hartmann's name to the newly formed society's advisory committee.

HENDERSON, Daniel (1880-1955) TLS. New York, N.Y. 1934, Nov. 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cannot offer any more grants.

HERBERT, Henry ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1924, Aug. 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for book.

HIER, Frederick, Jr. (d. 1956) TLS. New York, N.Y. 1923, March 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Praises Sadakichi Hartmann; discusses photos of Sadakichi Hartmann by Steichen and Eugene; mentions "Christ"; sends money.

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1931, Feb. 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money; his son's death.

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1931, May 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks about manuscript "Naked Ghosts: Prose Poems".

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1931, Oct. 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses his plans for his children; his wife's suicide.

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1934, Dec. 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Stieglitz' photo showing; Sadakichi Hartmann literary chart.

HIRSCH, Fred S. TLS. Beaumont, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Text: "Welcome home again."

HOPE, Charles (d. 1942)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 88 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. London, England. 1926, May 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Acceptance of article for publication in "The Curtain".

HUBBARD, Elbert (1859-1915) TLS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, Aug. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Suggests Sadakichi Hartmann write advertisements to earn money.

HUMMER, Helen ALS. Banning Union District Library, Banning, Ca. 1939, May 6. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for A History of American Art.

HUNTINGTON, D. (1816-1906) ALS. New York, N.Y. 1895, Feb. 14. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Refuses Sadakichi Hartmann's offer to help with autobiography; encouragement to write.

ALS. Lake Mohonk Mountain House stationery, Lake Mohonk, New York. 1896, June 9. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends $10.00 and encouragement.

ALS. Lake Mohonk Mountain House stationery, Lake Mohonk, New York. 1896, July 1. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends $25.00; encourages him to find literary employment.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1898, Jan. 11. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses God; early Sadakichi Hartmann art criticism; sends $15.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1898, April 21. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends money; discusses art.

ALS. Wildmere House stationery, Minnewaska, New York. 1898, Aug. 10. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses war; his time in Spain; sends money.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 89 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Wildmere House stationery, Minnewaska, New York. 1898, Sept. 11. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends money, encouragement.

ALS. No town. 1898, Dec. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1899, July 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Tells of a family's plight.

JAEGERS, Albert ALS. Suffern, N.Y. 1922, Aug. 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sorry about his illness.

ALS (photocopy). New York, N.Y. 1924, Feb. 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $10.00; talks of his sculpture and writing a book about it.

JARMIG, Carl PS. Pasadena, Ca. 1939, Dec. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Christmas card.

JOHNSON AL. Mid, Ala. 1897, Oct. 3. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for Anne Throop's "Wind-Harp Booklet"; praises poetry; acknowledges receipt of Sadakichi Hartmann's "Art Journal".

PrP. Mid, Ala. 1898, Jan. 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Poem: "Old Farmer's Half Loaf."

APS. Mid, Ala. 1898, Jan. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Criticism of "Christ".

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 90 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

PrP. Mid, Ala. 1899, April 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Poem: "Old Farmer's Half Loaf"; likes "Buddha".

KAHN, Otto TLS. New York, N.Y. 1921, Sept. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Received seashore pastel; sends $25.00 for lecture tour.

KAIRIYAMA, T. ALS. Ithaca, N.Y. 1896, June 14. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Praises Sadakichi Hartmann's work as "beginning to fill an important field in the Western World".

ALS. Ithaca, N.Y. 1896, Dec. 28. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses "A Tragedy in a New York Flat" and Sadakichi Hartmann's pessimism.

KEEN, E. (?) ALS. No town. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Praises Sadakichi Hartmann

KEET, A.E. ALS. For 19th Century Club, New York, N.Y. 1895, April 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests bill for expenses of canceled lecture.

KENNEDY, Mary TL. To Mrs. Bonham (Lillian's mother). Toronto, Canada. 1916, Aug. 13 (?). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Urges Mrs. Bonham to welcome Lillian back and protect her from Sadakichi Hartmann, who is described as "the cleverest hypnotist" and extremely evil. Marginal note by Lillian.

KRAKOW, Louise E. TLS. For Architectural Book Publishing Co. New York, N.Y. 1939, July 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Death of Paul Wenzel; sends $1.00 for shack.

KRONBERG, Louis (1872-1965)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 91 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Paris, France. 1893, Nov. 21. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses life in Paris; meeting with student of Degas.

ALS. Paris, France. 1894, Jan. 6. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note His art studies in France.

ALS. Paris, France. 1894, April 24. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note His Italian journey; his exhibition.

ALS. Boston, Mass. 1904, Jan. 15. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Sorry he missed Sadakichi Hartmann in New York; will send painting.

PS. London, England. 1907, Dec. 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note No text.

ALS. Paris, France. No year, June 20. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses salons and galleries.

KRYZANOWSKY, Romana ALS. Ponce, Puerto Rico. 1941, Jan. 11. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Welcomes Sadakichi Hartmann's dance lessons; enclosed is a note from her mother.

APS. Ponce, Puerto Rico. 1941, Feb. 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Arrival in Puerto Rico; visiting her father's brother and sister.

ALS. Ponce, Puerto Rico. 1941, April 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses Sadakichi Hartmann's suggestions for dances.

ALS. Ponce, Puerto Rico. 1941, June 16. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Praises "Black Butterflies"; dance; her fondness of Sadakichi Hartmann

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 92 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Puerto Rico. 1941, Sept. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Clipping of photo "Returning from Work: Breton"; discusses dancing; general news.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1942, May 1. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes her flight back from Puerto Rico; her study at American Ballet School.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1942, June 21. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Answers Sadakichi Hartmann's questions about her father, mother, and herself.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1942, Aug. 21. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Tells of vacation; last week of dance school.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1942, Nov. 22. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Birthday greetings; complains of food shortages; and dance.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1943, Jan. 31. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Acknowledgement of receipt of present; dance; complains of war.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1943, Sept. 13. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Turned professional dancer; decision to stay in school.

Box 14 LAMB, Louis TLS. St. Louis, Mo. 1914, Jan. 10. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Explanation for not using typewriter on earlier poem and letter.

TLS. Chicago, Ill. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses "who is Sadakichi Hartmann?"; what poetry is; encourages more short stories.


Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 93 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Kenilworth (England?). 1894, April 17. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Agrees to let Sadakichi Hartmann have two pictures for the Art Critics exhibition; note praising Art Critic.

LEDOUX, Louis (d. 1948) TLS. New York, N.Y. 1922, Sept. 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $2.00 for "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

LIBRARY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA TLS. G.M. Abbot, Philadelphia, Pa. 1924, May 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for manuscript of "Mohammed".

ALS. D.C. Knoblauch, Philadelphia, Pa. 1930, Nov. 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Acknowledges receipt of "Confucius" manuscript.

ALS (and photocopy). D.C. Knoblauch, Philadelphia, Pa. 1935, March 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Still awaiting his manuscripts.

ALS. D.C. Knoblauch, Philadelphia, Pa. 1935, March 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Acknowledgement of receipt of two manuscripts.

TLS. Austin K. Gray, Philadelphia, Pa. 1935, March 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for manuscripts of "Moses" and "My Crucifixion".

TLS. Austin K. Gray, Philadelphia, Pa. 1935, Aug. 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for manuscript of Esthetic Verities.

TPS. Austin K. Gray, Philadelphia, Pa. 1935, Aug. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for pamphlet: "My Crucifixion".


Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 94 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS (photocopy only). New York, N.Y. 1907, July 25. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Memorial gathering for Joseph Sibbel; sorry to hear about Sadakichi Hartmann's ill-health.

LINDHE, Roy E. TLS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1938, April 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 for shack and good wishes.

LLOYD, J. William APS. Rosco, Ca. 1936, March 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Congratulations on having found a place for works to be preserved.

MABBOTT, Thomas Ollive (1898-1968) ALS. New York, N.Y. 1930, Oct. 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Acknowledges receipt of Poe "bit"; discusses Mrs. Stanard, an author; discusses "How Poe Wrote".

McALLISTER, John E. (d. 1895) ALS. Lisbon, Me. 1893, Oct. 23. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Answer to Sadakichi Hartmann's offer to help him come to Boston to study; worries about his mother and other problems.

ALS. Lisbon, Me. 1894, Jan. 7. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discouragement at not being able to reproduce nature.

ALS. Lisbon, Me. 1894, April 12. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Cannot accept offer to go to New York.

ALS. From H.M. Knowlton. No year, April 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Mr. McAllister died last Sunday.

MACARAY, Florence TLS. Hollywood, Ca. 1944, Aug. 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses death; enclosed is Aster Hartmann's "Aleutian Isles".

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 95 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. Hollywood, Ca. 1944, Sept. 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Encouragement and congratulations.

McCLURE, Samuel Sidney (1857-1949) TLS. New York, N.Y. 1892, Nov. 16. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Refuses to advance more money; requests manuscripts.

TLS (and transcript). New York, N.Y. 1892, Nov. 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sadakichi Hartmann required to submit manuscripts or pay off his balance.

TLS (and transcript). New York, N.Y. 1892, Nov. 18. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Outline of financial indebtedness; requires five articles.

TLS (and transcript). New York, N.Y. 1893, Feb. 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests Sadakichi Hartmann to stop making "missteps".

TLS. From John Phillips, New York, N.Y. 1893, Feb. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Last letter not a threat, simply a statement.

MacCORMICK, Frederick (?) ALS (photocopy only). New York, N.Y. (?). 1935, April 21. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for letter and enclosures; encouragement; cannot afford to give money.

ALS (photocopy only). New York, N.Y. (?). 1935, July 9. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Cannot send money, has lost everything.

MacDONALD, Pirie (1867-1942) TLS. New York, N.Y. 1938, May 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 for shack.

MacDOWELL, Mrs. Edward (1857-1956)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 96 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS (photocopy). Peterborough, N.H. 1922, Oct. 15. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends $10.00 for 5 copies of "My Theory of Soul Atoms"; state of art colony; essay on art colony.

TLS. Peterborough, N.H. 1938, May 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money for shack.

MacFARLANE, Ida ALS. Denver, Colo. 1917, Aug. 30. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note $5.00 for charts; wants to exchange pictures.

McMAHAN's FURNITURE TP. San Bernardino, Ca. 1944, March 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Parts Sadakichi Hartmann ordered have arrived.

McNEAR, Willa ALS. Monte Rio, Ca. 1930, July 11. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Cannot send money.

MacNEIL, Herman C. (1866-1947) TLS. New York, N.Y. 1922, Sept. 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Buys "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

MAKINTOSH, Mary ALS. No town. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Great praise for Sadakichi Hartmann; asks for $10.00.

MANN, Thomas (1875-1955) ALS (and transcript). Los Angeles, Ca. 1940, Sept. 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for letter; finishing Joseph novels.

MARIE ALS. Lakebay, Wash. 1909, Feb. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses new home "inhabited by anarchists, free lovers, etc."; praise and adoration for Sadakichi Hartmann

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 97 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

MARKHAM, Edwin (1852-1940) TLS (photocopy only). West New Brighton, N.Y. 1922, Oct. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests copy of "Soul Atoms"; discusses spiritual aspect of life.

ALS (photocopy only). West New Brighton, N.Y. 1922, Oct. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $2.00 for copy of "Soul Atoms".

MARKS, Robert (d. 1937) ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1933, Dec. 26. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for letter; requests more correspondence for support.

ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1934, March 19. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses world and art.

ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1934, April 30. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Praises Sadakichi Hartmann

APS. Detroit, Mich. 1934, Sept. 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Despair at Sadakichi Hartmann's leaving.

MARSH, Frederick Dana (1872-1961) ALS (and photocopy of transcript). Paris, France. 1894, Nov. 4. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note His trip to Europe; met with Sargent; "Christ".

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. (L.A. Biltmore stationery). 1931, Oct. 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Brief questions about Sadakichi Hartmann's movie, Broadway.

MARTIN, D.B. ALS. Kellogg Public Library, Green Bay, Wis. 1904, May 13. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Posed for Vanderlyn's "Airodna"; discusses Vanderlyn's work; praises History of American Art.


Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 98 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1922, Dec. 20. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Personal health problems.

MARVIN, C.F. TLS. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 1931, Feb. 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Replies to Sadakichi Hartmann that airplanes and radios do not contribute to drought.

MARX, Ben T. ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1944, June 19. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes recent trip to heaven, humorously.

ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1944, Aug. 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Talks of moving; mentions movie people.

ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1944, Aug. 31. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Mentions current state of world affairs; Nietzsche.

ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1944, Sept. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Difficulties with newspaper advertisement for contributions to Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1944, Sept. 20. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Newspaper announcement; Sadakichi Hartmann's dealings with Fowler.

ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1944, Oct. 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note More suggestions for birthday; Nietzsche.

ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1944, Nov. 2. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Announcement of birthday soliciting funds; mentions Sadakichi Hartmann's fund raising drive for Walt Whitman; letter describing contributor; book publication; list of contributors.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 99 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1944, Nov. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Bemoans lack of contributions.

Telegram, Detroit, Mich. 1944, Nov. 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Don't come to Detroit now.

MATTHEWS, Brander ALS (photocopy). New York, N.Y. 1922, Oct. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $5.00 for "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

MAYER, Louis ALS. Fishkill, N.Y. 1938, Aug. 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Talks of Sadakichi Hartmann lecture; sends $1.00 for shack.

ALS. Beacon, N.Y. 1943, April 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends check for support.

MENCKEN, Henry Louis (1880-1956) ALS. Baltimore, Md. 1936, Dec. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cannot undertake article Sadakichi Hartmann suggests.

MERVIN SALES CO. TLS. New York, N.Y. 1913, April 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Concerns fees for selling art work.

TL (copy). New York, N.Y. 1913, May 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sending catalogue; cannot make advance.

METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART TLS. From Alice L. Felton, New York, N.Y. 1939, Aug. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Received two portraits of Sadakichi Hartmann, one of Frank Duveneck by Joseph de Camp, one of John W. Alexander by Frank Duveneck; will keep them with material Sadakichi Hartmann sent earlier.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 100 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS(Ph). From William Clifford. New York, N.Y. 1939, Aug. 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Received package with donated material.

TLS(Ph). From William Clifford. New York, N.Y. 1939, Oct. 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Acceptance and handling of Sadakichi Hartmann's gift.

MIDWAY STUDIOS TL (photocopy). Chicago, Ill. 1922, Aug. 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $2.00.

MOHOLY-NAGY, L. (1895-1946) TLS. The New Bauhaus, American School of Design, Chicago, Ill. 1938, Sept. 12. Scope and Contents note Interest in Sadakichi Hartmann story; invitation to address students.

MONAHAN, Michael (1865-1933) TLS. South Norwalk, Conn. 1915, Aug. 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for cover for The Phoenix; sends check.

MOORE, Edith K. ALS. Pasadena, Ca. 1941, Sept. 11. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for records; report on Sadakichi Hartmann and Wistaria by her mother.

ALS. Pasadena, Ca. 1942, April 6. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for books; art of Mr. Hansen; comments on war.

MOORE, Matt (Actor) Telegram (typed copy). No town. 1925, March 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Train stops in Albuquerque, N.M., wants to see Sadakichi Hartmann

Telegram. Santa Monica, Ca. 1925, June 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Offers movie part to Sadakichi Hartmann

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 101 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Santa Monica, Ca. 1944, Aug. 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sympathy at Aster's death.

Photocopy of poem: "Prayer of an Unknown". MORGAN, Roy (d. 1951) ALS. Boston, Mass. (Bangor House stationery from Bangor, Me). 1942, July 21. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses Boston art galleries; liked Sadakichi Hartmann's poem.

MORGENTHAU, Henry (d. 1946) TLS (by Thelma Steifel, secretary). New York, N.Y. 1923, Feb. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $2.00 for "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

MORTON, James F. (d. 1941) TLS. Paterson Museum stationery. Paterson, N.J. 1938, June 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 for shack; discusses Paterson Museum.

TLS. Paterson Museum stationery. Paterson, N.J. 1940, March 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Money for poem; Sadakichi Hartmann should publish; discusses museum.

MOSCHOWITZ, Paul (1875-1942) ALS. New York, N.Y. 1922, Sept. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Has a copy of "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

MOSLEY ALS. New York, N.Y. 1896, Dec. 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Compliments Sadakichi Hartmann on recent article.

MUNTER, Paul TL (photocopy). New York, N.Y. 1922, Sept. 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $2.00 for "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

TL (photocopy only). No town. 1927, April 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Money for "Passport"; complains of times; Saltus biography.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 102 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

NEWMAN, William W. TLS. Huntsville, Ala. 1924, Sept. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Check for copy of Sadakichi Hartmann's poetry; discussion of source, inspiration of poetry.

ALS. Huntsville, Ala. 1930, July 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Returns book of short stories, no money to pay for them.

TLS. Huntsville, Ala. 1938, April 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money for shack.

Postcard from Newman in Europe, too faded to read. NIEDRINGHAUS, Charles W. TLS. Mt. Lebanon, Pa. 1938, Aug. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invention of "Smell Organ"; interest in Sadakichi Hartmann's "experiments with perfume concerts".

O'BRIEN, D.H. TLS. From Chief of Police. San Francisco, Ca. 1924, Nov. 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Have not caught thief yet; wants to interview Sadakichi Hartmann about it when he is in San Francisco next.

OLESEN, Olaf ALS. Harmon-on-Hudson, New York. 1932, Dec. 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invitation to meet with him after theater.

APS. From Mrs. Olesen. Harmon-on-Hudson, N.Y. 1935, Aug. 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Olaf recovering better.

OTTENDORFER, Oswald (d. 1900) ALS. Mannheim, West Germany. 1899, May 7. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses Sadakichi Hartmann's difficulties with New Yorker Staats-Zeitung; sends $150 but Sadakichi Hartmann must tell no one about it.

OZIAS, Blake

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TLS. No town. 1913, May 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Details of art sale and amount received.

PAGE, Walter H. ALS. New York. (The Forum stationery). 1895, April 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Withdraws invitation to Sadakichi Hartmann to address the Nineteenth Century Club.

TLS. From Isaac Rice. New York, N.Y. 1895, May 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Rice has no control over actions of Walter Page or The Forum.

PARRISH, Stephen ALS. Windsor, Vt. 1894, Jan. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Subscription to Art Critic.

PERRY, T. Lockwood ALS (photocopy). Asheville, N.C. 1922, Oct. 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $5.00 but will borrow Mr. Barton's copy (of "My Theory of Soul Atoms"?).

PETERS, Isabelle ALS. Albuquerque, N.M. 1938, April 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money for shack.

ALS. From Onida Peters. No town. 1944, Aug. 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Isabelle Peters is dead.

PHILIPS, Duncan TLS (and photocopy). Philips Memorial Gallery, Washington, D.C. 1936, Dec. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money and praise for pastels, especially "The Japanese Print" and "Forest Fire".

POILLON, William APS. New York, N.Y. 1910, Oct. 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for autograph volume.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 104 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

POLLARD, Sara TLS. Glendale, Ca. 1941, April 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks to be paid for recent and past work.

TLS. Glendale, Ca. 1941, April 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Again requests payment.

POUND, Ezra (1885-1972) TLS (and two photocopies). Paris, France. 1924, Aug. 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for "Confucius"; collaborate on Transatlantic Review; "Why do you use unnatural language half the time?"

TL. Rapallo, Italy. 1926, Dec. 21. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Criticism of production of "Il Ladro"; discusses film; starting a review.

TLI. Rapallo, Italy. 1928, Feb. 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Lists poems in- and out-of-print.

TLI. Rapallo, Italy. 1930, Feb. 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests photos for magazine.

ALS. From H.L. Pound (Ezra's father). Rapallo, Italy. 1931, Jan. 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Likes "Confucius"; note from Ezra on back.

TPS. Rapallo, Italy. 1931, Oct. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Pound's opera "Le Testament" to be broadcast.

TLS (photocopy only). Rapallo, Italy. 1932, May 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money; complains of U.S.A. not supporting the arts enough.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 105 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

API. Rapallo, Italy. 1933, Dec. 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Trying to get offer for Sadakichi Hartmann's reminiscences.

TPS. Rapallo, Italy. 1937, April 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Mentions Sadakichi Hartmann's table of great men.

ALS. Siena, Italy. To George Lipton. 1937, Sept. 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Suggests Globe do an article on Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS (photocopy and transcript). Rapallo, Italy. 1938, May 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money; requests older poems dated from 1900-1907.

Transcript and copy from Ezra Pound's Letters. Rapallo, Italy. 1940, March 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Suggests an organization that grants money for Sadakichi Hartmann to apply to.

Photocopy of excerpt from "Kulcher" on Sadakichi Hartmann PRINGLE, Aileen ALS. Hollywood, Ca. 1932, July 1. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Writes about her films.

PURDY, Lawson (d. 1959) TLS. New York, N.Y. 1931, Feb. 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses "Passport to Immortality"; his own experience with the spirit medium.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1938, April 6. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 for shack.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1938, Nov. 4. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Comments on Banning, Ca.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 106 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1940, April 15. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Receipt of book and his appreciation for it.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1942, May 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 on wife's suggestion for Sadakichi Hartmann's poems to her.

QUIRT, W. ALS. New York, N.Y. (?). 1941, Dec. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note His paper on Surrealism noted.

ALS. New York, N.Y. (?). 1942, Sept. 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses his papers and paintings, possibility of reproducing them; thanks for Sadakichi Hartmann's response to his papers.

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1942, Nov. 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Birthday greetings; America's treatment of artists lamented.

ALS. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for card.

REDON, Odilon ALS (photocopy and cover letter from Thomas Brumbaugh). Paris, 1899, March 3. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note France. Thanks for letter; can only send a few lithographs for publication.

REED, Frederick (d. 1937) ALS. Wellesley, Mass. 1907, July 15. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sadakichi Hartmann welcome to visit and directions to get there.

REEVES, Alfred TLS. Hollywood, Ca. 1936, Jan. 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Will return pastels sent to Charles Chaplin with Christmas card.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 107 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

REID, Roland ALS. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Unable to help, will try to interest others.

ALS. Colorado Springs, Co. No date (1922?). General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Sorry to hear of his condition.

REITH, Julia ALS. No place. 1906, June 10. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for book; misses and praises Sadakichi Hartmann

RIDDER, Herman (d. 1915) ALS (New Yorker Staats-Zeitung). New York, N.Y. 1899, April 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Refusal to accept Sadakichi Hartmann's request.

ROBINSON, Marie TLS. The Bookery, New York, N.Y. 1922, Sept. 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $2.00 for "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

ROCKER, R. (d. 1958) TLS. New York, N.Y. 1943, Nov. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Check final proof for Who's Who.

ROOD, Roland (1863-1927) TLS. From George L. Stout. Cambridge, Mass. 1942, March 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Reports the death of Roland Rood.

SAGE, Cornelia B. TLS. Buffalo, N.Y. 1916, May 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Letter of recommendation.

SANDERS, Henry S. APS. Toronto, Canada. 1938, Oct. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cannot contribute to shack.

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SANTAYANA, George (1863-1952) ALS (photocopy). London, England. 1922, Nov. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asking George Sturgis to send $2.00 for copy of "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

ALS (photocopy only). London, England. 1924, March 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Finds "Confucius" interesting, puzzling; end seems incongruous.

ALS (photocopy only). London, England. 1926, Sept. 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Praises "Japanese Rhythms".

ALS (photocopy only). London, England. 1927, May 21. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Questions "Passports"; requests a copy; sends money.

ALS (photocopy only). London, England. 1928, April 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses a philosophy of the beautiful.

ALS (photocopy only). To Mr. Bogart, Mayor of Beaumont. London, England. 1929, Jan. 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Offers to help Sadakichi Hartmann's family.

ALS (photocopy only). London, England. 1929, Dec. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for prints.

ALS (photocopy only). Rome, Italy. 1931, Oct. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note For various reasons asks that Sadakichi Hartmann no longer ask for assistance.

ALS (and transcript). Rome, Italy. 1937, Jan. 3. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Sent Sadakichi Hartmann a sketch of Boston; feelings toward Americans; discusses Oliver, a mutual friend.

ALS (and transcript). Rome, Italy. 1937, June 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Does not want anything from Sadakichi Hartmann but encloses check.

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ALS (and transcript). Rome, Italy. 1937, Nov. 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money, talks about world.

ALS (and transcript). Rome, Italy. 1938, Jan. 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sorry for delay in cashing check, because it was drawn on his London bank.

ALS. Rome, Italy. 1938, Oct. 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends sympathy; calls Sadakichi Hartmann the "Thoreau of the Pacific".

ALS (and transcript). Venice, Italy. 1939, Oct. 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Birthday greetings; move to Venice; hopes Italy stays out of war.

Typed transcript only. No town. 1939, July 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Poems "not for us in this age"; sends check.

SARGENT, Franklin H. (d. 1923) TLS (photocopy only). American Academy of the Dramatic Arts, New York, N.Y. 1895, June 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Delay in reading of the play.

Box 15 SCHNEIDAU, Emil TL. Cuneo Press, Chicago, Ill. 1944, Dec. 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends check for $5.00, check never cashed.

SCHOENHEIT, E. W. TLS. Asheville, N.C. 1942, June 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Dr. Von Ruch died in 1918.

SCHRADER, Fred (1857-1943) ALS. The Globe & Commercial Advertiser, New York, N.Y. 1908, Nov. 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sympathy at Sadakichi Hartmann's loss of job from New German Theater.


Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 110 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. From Alvah Clark. Trenton, N.J. 1930, July 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for pictures of Charles Rohlf's furniture.

SEAMAN, A.E. ALS. Denver, Colo. 1908, March 1. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Found Sadakichi Hartmann's brother, Oscar; sends Christmas greetings.

SELZNIK, David O. (1902-1965) TLS. Culver City, Ca. 1938, April 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 for shack.

SIGEL, Tobias ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1934, Sept. 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note German letter in verse.

SNELL, Henry Bayley (1858-1943) ALS. New York, N.Y. 1922, Oct. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sorry to hear Sadakichi Hartmann is ill.

SPRECKELS, Alma (d. 1968) TLS. San Francisco, Ca. 1919, Nov. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Lost copy of Gold Scab found; recovered; will pay $150 requested in return for all rights.

STIEGLITZ, Alfred (1864-1946) (all photocopies from Yale) TLS. New York, N.Y. 1911, Dec. 22. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Has no time to write because of Mrs. Stieglitz; upswing in his career; his trip to Paris; laments state of art in U.S.A.; art theory; financial problems; problems with Camera Work subscribers.

TN. New York, N.Y. 1912, Jan. 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money.

TN. New York, N.Y. 1912, Jan. 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Agrees to see Sadakichi Hartmann

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 111 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

TL. New York, N.Y. 1912, March 6. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Reason for not sending Camera Work; problems with U.S. customs; discussion of Hill.

TL. New York, N.Y. 1912, March 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Concerns typesetting difficulties with Sadakichi Hartmann's article.

TL. New York, N.Y. 1912, April 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money; will accept another article; revise enclosed article.

TL. New York, N.Y. 1912, Aug. 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note His public speaking failure in Philadelphia.

TL. New York, N.Y. 1912, Nov. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note From (?), concerning Stieglitz' ill-health.

TL. New York, N.Y. 1912, Dec. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Has no money, so all letters are unopened.

TL. New York, N.Y. 1913, Jan. 16. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Shortage of time is reason he doesn't write; American interest in "post-Impressionism"; no money.

TL. New York, N.Y. 1913, Feb. 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cannot help financially so letters go unopened.

TL. New York, N.Y. 1913, May 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Financial problems with Camera Work; season at "291"; Picabia's show and De Zayas.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 112 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

TL. New York, N.Y. 1913, May 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Problems with Mr. Reedy; has no money; reason for not sending Camera Work.

TL. New York, N.Y. 1913, Oct. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Financial difficulties in general.

TL. New York, N.Y. 1914, Jan. 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Relates only facts; will return article; bought Sadakichi Hartmann's articles to help him; Keiley died.

New York, N.Y. 1915, May 25. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Reply to Sadakichi Hartmann's comments on reading "291"; not interested in article on New Color Theory; taking a complete rest; "The toy-balloonist sends his greetings to the great aerialist".

TL. New York, N.Y. 1919, April 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cannot send money; his new work in photography.

ALS. Lake George, N.Y. (?). 1927, July 7. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Book arrived; many inquiries about Sadakichi Hartmann; O'Keeffe wants him to go to desert.

TL. New York, N.Y. 1930, Nov. 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Has no money; "burnt up negatives, prints, over 1000 copies of Camera Work".

TL. New York, N.Y. 1930, Dec. 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Mentions Coburn and Steichen; desire to burn all his possessions.

TL. New York, N.Y. 1931, Dec. 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Still showing his photographs; mentions Marin and O'Keeffe.

STIMSON, John Ward (1850-1930)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 113 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1890, Jan. 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Resigned his post at institute; refers Sadakichi Hartmann to inquire at the institute.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1893, No day. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Addresses problem of art and art instruction in the U.S.A.; Japanese art.

AS (Christmas card). From Mary R. Stimson. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Christmas greetings.

STRAUSS, Alex ALS (transcript). Banning, Ca. 1927, Dec. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for "Japanese Rhythms"; sends money; holiday greetings.

STROMBERG, Gustaf ALS. Pasadena, Ca. 1940, Sept. 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for "Strands and Ravelings of the Art Fabric"; comments on art.

STURGIS, George (d. 1944) TLS (photocopy). Boston, Mass. 1922, Nov. 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note As per Santayana's instructions he sends $25.00.

TLS. For George Santayana. Boston, Mass. 1941, Dec. 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Cannot, because of war-time regulations, remit money from Mr. Santayana.

SUTRO, Florence C. ALS. New York, N.Y. No year, Feb. 27. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Invitation; good wishes on book; mentions Olga Monsanto.

SWIFT, Ivan (1873-1945) APS. No place. No year, Dec. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for caricatures; seasons greetings.

TARKINGTON, Booth (1869-1946)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 114 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. Kennebunkport, Me. 1938, June 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends Penrod for Sadakichi Hartmann's grandson and $1.00 for shack.

Typed transcript. No place. 1939, Aug. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends check.

Typed transcript. From Mrs. Tarkington. No place. 1939, Aug. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Laments state of O'Henry's grave as seen in Sadakichi Hartmann's picture of it.

TAUBES, Frederic ALS. New York, N.Y. 1939, Feb. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for news of Great Art Derby of 1939.

TENNANT, T.D. ALS. Webster, N.Y. 1942, Jan. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Glad for picture of Sadakichi Hartmann; world condition is "damned rotten".

TROUBETZKOY, Amelie (1863-1945) (the Princess) ALS. Cobham, Va. 1934, March 3. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for pastel "Orion in the Desert"; wants a Sadakichi Hartmann poem; sends check; her own poetry discussed.

ALS. From Francis Shepherd. Castle Hill, Va. 1942, Sept. 10. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note The Princess is ill; she received his poem.

VAN DUZEE, Edward P. TLS. Grosvenor Public Library, Buffalo, N.Y. 1916, May 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Letter of recommendation.

VAN HAAGEN, Henry J. APS. To Dorothy Hartmann. New York, N.Y. 1915, Dec. 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Birthday greetings.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 115 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

AP. To Dorothy Hurst. New York, N.Y. 1933, Nov. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Clipping of Ripley's "Believe it or not" concerning Sadakichi Hartmann

APS. To Dorothy Hurst. New York, N.Y. 1934, Feb. 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Greetings; reason for not writing sooner.

Advertisement for Henry J. Van Haagen: Studio of Artistic Printing. VAN NOPPEN, Leonard ALS. Complanter, Pa. 1921, Dec. 31. General Physical Description note: 5 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for book ("My Theory of Soul Atoms"?); discusses both strengths and weaknesses of the book; he will base his poems on pure mathematics.

VATERLAENDISCHER HILFSVEREIN ALS. San Francisco, Ca. 1916, Dec. 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Accepting with pleasure his offer to help them in a fund-raising function.

VERBECK, Gustav (1867-?) ALS. New York, N.Y. 1902, Jan. 2. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes bad times; he has no money.

ALS. Bristol Ferry. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Instructions to get to his place.

VONNOH, Robert (1858-1933) ALS. Philadelphia, Pa. 1893, June 17. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Compliments "Christ"; sends stamps in payment of book.

ALS. Old Lyme, Conn. 1930, Oct. 31. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Tells of hard times selling paintings.

WALSH, Elizabeth Blanche TL (and transcript). No place. 189(?), Feb. 19. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Concerns financial problems; story of Henwood taking some of Sadakichi Hartmann's pictures as payment.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 116 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS (and transcript). New York, N.Y. 1918, Dec. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks for money; requests answer to letters; mentions poems, original torn up by Lillian Bonham.

WARBURG, Mrs. Felix AL (personal card). New York, N.Y. 1935, April 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Good wishes for shack.

WARSCHAW ALS (photocopy). Los Angeles, Ca. No date (1922). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Praise for "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

WEINBERGER, Harry (d. 1938) TLS. New York, N.Y. 1920, July 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Order for The Last 30 Days of Christ; calls it literature.

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1938, April 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 for shack.

WENDT ALS (photocopy). Laguna Beach, Ca. 1922, Sept. 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $5.00 from himself and $2.00 from Mrs. Montgomery for copy of "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

WIGGIN, James Henry ALS. Boston, Mass. 1893, July 8. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses "Christ"; unsure of its merits and who will read it.

WIKSELL, Dr. G.P. TLS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1938, April 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 for shack; comments on Walt Whitman; invitation to visit.

WILES, Irving (1861-1948)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 117 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS (photocopy). New York, N.Y. 1922, Sept. 2. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note He, too, has been ill; spoke to President of Artist Fund; $10.00 for "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1938, July 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 for shack.

WILLIAMS, Margaret (d. 1960) ALS. New York, N.Y. 1940, Feb. 15. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends money; Marion died.

ALS. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for poetry; sends encouragement.

WILLIAMS, Wheeler (1897-1972) ALS. New York, N.Y. 1939, Feb. 6. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Replies to Great American Derby; complains of modern tastes (New Negroism and Yiddish Primitivism); theory of art and proportion.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1939, Oct. 30. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Comments on painters: Charles Sheeler, Reginald Marsh, Jon Corbino, L. Lucioni, L. Kroll, H. Warneke, T.H. Benton, F. Taubes, E. Romano.

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1940, April 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Talks of his exhibition; describes scheme to provide more sculpture to public.

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1940, May 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends advance press proof of catalogue for this plan.

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1940, Dec. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note High praise for "The Last 30 Days of Christ".

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 118 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

TLS. New York, N.Y. 1942, Feb. 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for list of art patrons; trip to San Francisco and Palm Beach; buys "Buddha".

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1942, Oct. 29. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Birthday wishes; no money; being called into army.

WINTER, Margery TLS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1934, April 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Praises his five dramas; news of Ben Berlin and his planned Sadakichi Hartmann portrait; Ronald's broken jaw.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1934, July 25. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sadakichi Hartmann in Detroit; mentions The Last 30 Days of Christ; news of Roy Morgan; Ben Berlin's extract; read "Moses"

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1939, July 16. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Tells of depression; reading; worries about Ray; Ben's problems; death of Havelock Ellis.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1939, Sept. 8. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Apologizes for not writing; thanks for pastels; Roy hitch-hiking East; Ronald's ashes; her meeting with Ben's Boulevardiers (?); Ben's picture is "the strangest I have ever seen"; Sadakichi Hartmann's pastel "Where My First Dreams Came True".

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Call from Mrs. Datig concerning scenario and part which concerned Sadakichi Hartmann

WOOD, Grant (1892-1940) TL. No place. 1939, Feb. 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invitation to visit.

YENS, Karl (1868-1945)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 119 Correspondence To Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Laguna Beach, Ca. 1930, Dec. 31. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for seven gifts.

ZIMMERMANN, Frank M. ALS. New York, N.Y. 1922, Aug. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sadakichi Hartmann should trust in "spirit guides and guardians" to help him; buys inscribed copies of "My Theory of Soul Atoms" for himself, Robert Langdon, and Arthur Mobius.

Sargents Court Correspondence

Box 15 AP. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Niagara Falls, N.Y. 1930, June 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Greetings; enjoy trip to England.

TLCC. From Margery Winter to Mother. New York, N.Y. 1930, July 7. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Plans for return to California; describes New York.

AL. From Margery Winter (?) to Nora Morgan (?). Los Angeles, Ca. 1930, Sept. 10. General Physical Description note: 18 pp. Scope and Contents note Leaving New York described; Harry Weber's work; Maya Sexauer's problems with herself and men.

TL. From Eddie Higgins to Nora Morgan. New York, N.Y. 1930, Oct. 22. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses politics; job situation; hardship of others.

TL. From (?) to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1930, Oct. 27. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses their friendship; her preferences in friends.

TL. From Margery Winter to (?). Los Angeles, Ca. 1930, Nov. 5. General Physical Description note: 6 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes trip from New York to Los Angeles.

TL (carbon copy for Nora). From Margery Winter to Eddie Higgins. Los Angeles, Ca. 1930, Dec. 2. Scope and Contents note Margery Winter struck Sadakichi Hartmann, he is upset; her visit to Sadakichi Hartmann; death of Jimmie (a pet) and the aftershock.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 120 Correspondence Sargents Court Correspondence

TL. From Margery Winter to (?). Los Angeles, Ca. 1930, Dec. 9. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Asks for news; her state of depression; mentions Sadakichi Hartmann more of Maya's problems.

TL. From Margery Winter to (?). (incomplete letter) 1931 (?), Jan. 22. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Quarrel between H. and R., her view of life.

TLCC. From Margery Winter to Harry Weber. Victoria, B.C., Canada. 1931 (?), Jan. 30. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Her arrival on boat, greeted by Byron, her brother; her difficulties with him and his wife (?).

APS. From Margery Winter to Roy Morgan. Victoria, B.C., Canada. 1932, Jan. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Having a good time with her brother.

TLCC. From Margery Winter to Havelock Ellis. Los Angeles, Ca. 1932, July 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Introduces Raymond Brossard's book. Reverse: Copy of Havelock Ellis' reply.

TL. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1933, Jan. 24. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Wrote to Byron; Mother out of work; Brossard's book.

ALI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1933, April 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants her to write; encloses carbon of another letter.

ALS. From Nora Morgan to Margery Winter. Rawlins, Wyo. 1934, March 26. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Their trip through West; nature forms remind Ben Berlin of Sadakichi Hartmann

TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1934, March 27. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note General daily news.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 121 Correspondence Sargents Court Correspondence

APS. From Nora Morgan to Margery Winter. Chicago, Ill. 1934, March 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Auto accident; all survived except auto.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1934, April 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Concern about accident, Ben's condition.

ALS. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1934, May 14. General Physical Description note: 6 pp. Scope and Contents note Introspection and reminiscences; Ronald to take a trip north; references to Sadakichi Hartmann, Ben's portrait of Nora.

TLCC. From Margery Winter (?) to Havelock Ellis, and to Nora. Los Angeles, Ca. 1934, June 22. General Physical Description note: 7 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses Sadakichi Hartmann's "Moses"; Raymond's paintings, charcoal of Sadakichi Hartmann; Sadakichi Hartmann's feelings about state of cultural business; P.S. to Nora.

ALS. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1934, Aug. 1. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Received letter from Sadakichi Hartmann, he is interested in using Ray's illustration for The Last 30 Days of Christ; discusses also her mother, Ray's pictures, pains of the artist.

ALS. From Mom to Nora Morgan. No place. 1934, Aug. 29. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Talks about Nora's call; money matters.

ALI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1934, July. General Physical Description note: 6 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses Goldberg and his possible help; mother's departure; Ray's painting.

TL. From Margery Winter (?) to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1934, Aug. 31. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Mother's trip to Salt Lake City; picture of Nora's portrait.

T/ALI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1934, Sept. 11. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Ben's trip to N.Y.; Mother's problems.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 122 Correspondence Sargents Court Correspondence

TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1934, Sept. 18. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Questions concerning Ben Berlin; Sadakichi Hartmann's letter concerning Ben.

TL. From Ben Berlin to Roy and Nora Morgan. New York, N.Y. 1934, Oct. 14. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Trip to and arrival in New York described; trips to Bellevue for "alcoholic poisoning"; asks for photos of his pictures; off alcohol. Oct. 16: Started picture for John; describes studio.

APS. From Ben Berlin to Nora Morgan. New York, N.Y. 1934, Nov. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for photos and letter.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1934, Dec. 31. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note About the nature of their correspondence and its privacy.

TL. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1935, Jan. 30. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Return of Mother; Sadakichi Hartmann's opinion of Ben Berlin; Sadakichi Hartmann initiated into Indian tribe.

TLS (photocopy only). From Margery Winter to Havelock Ellis. Los Angeles, Ca. 1935, April 15. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Sadakichi Hartmann's view of life and the poet; her relationship with Sadakichi Hartmann; Brossard's plans for trip; Berlin's paintings and fame.

TLICC. From Marger Winter to (?) newspaper reporter. Los Angeles, Ca. 1935, April 24. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for pictures; sounds as if job is good; Jack's trip East; news of Mother; Estelle's near death; Ray's book.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1935, June 4. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Morgan's trip to New York; news of H. Weber, R. Brossard, and Ben Berlin. Berlin.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Roy and Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1935, July 20. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Ray's planned trip to New York and New Hampshire; Sadakichi Hartmann in Washington and Boston; answered Ben's letter which included picture of him and his wife.

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TL. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1935, Nov. 18. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Ray Brossard's reports of travel and return; Sadakichi Hartmann's travels and opinions of Brossard and Berlin.

ALS. From Ben Berlin to Roy and Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1936, Jan. 25. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Report on Margery, Ray, Ronald, and Mrs. Winter; jailing of Margery and friends, including Sadakichi Hartmann; asks that Roy and Nora tell Relief people he has been in Los Angeles since last December.

TL. From Ronald to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1936, Jan. 25. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note His attempt to get on Public Works Assistance (?); Sadakichi Hartmann's return and opinion of Berlin's return to California; Berlin's return to California.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Roy and Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1936, Dec. 8. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note News of friends; Berlin's work; Brossard's leaving.

ALI. From Margery Winter to Roy and Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1937, May 29. General Physical Description note: 10 pp. Scope and Contents note Joey's citizenship; Brossard's time in New York; Ron in San Francisco; Berlin's drinking and their fondness for each other, his work for WPA; reacts to Brossard's pen and ink of Sadakichi Hartmann

Telegram from Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. 1938, Aug. 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note News of friends; worry about Roy and Nora Morgan.

TL. From Margery Winter to (?). Los Angeles, Ca. (Incomplete letter) 1938, Dec. 15. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note News of several friends; her physical problems.

ALS (photostat only). From Edgar (Eddie) Higgins to Mrs. Marion Winter. New York, N.Y. 1943, Dec. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for Christmas greetings; asks about friends.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 124 Correspondence Sargents Court Correspondence

(shortly after letter of Dec. 9, 1930?). TL. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date General Physical Description note: 8 pp. Scope and Contents note Maya Sexauer's personal problems; her feelings toward Maya Sexauer; visits by friends; Mr. Hural; view of life, youth, happiness; mentions cost of trip; problems in relationship with Sadakichi Hartmann

TLCC. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Her violin; Brossard's visit; visit by Weber's Scandinavian friend; Brossard's visit with Wagners and reappearance of Weber's Scandinavian friend.

TL. From Ronald to Nora Morgan (?). Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes surroundings; his poor relationship with Harry Weber.

T/AL. From Margery Winter (?) to Nora Morgan. New York, N.Y. (?). No date. Scope and Contents note Problems with money and jobs; Eddie Higgins; questions about the farm.

ALI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date (shortly after June 22, 1934 or April 15, 1935?). General Physical Description note: 10 pp. Scope and Contents note Talk of farm; Jack; H. Weber, Ronald, and Dave moved out; Ray working hard; trouble with police; Ben Berlin and A.H. working on Sadakichi Hartmann's portrait; discusses "Moses".

(after March 30, 1934). A/TLS. From Margery Winter to Roy Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for letter; Morgans have a new car; inquires about Brossard's work; drinking rubbing alcohol.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Morgan's journey West mentioned; mentions Stefan Zweig article on Freud and Maurice Samuel's Jews on Approval.

TL. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan (?). Los Angeles, Ca. (Incomplete letter) No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Describes the comings and goings of different people; her argument with Clark.

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(around Jan. 1932). TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Victoria, B.C., Canada. No date General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Encloses carbon of another letter; questions about cross-country trip.

TL. From Margery Winter (?) to Nora Morgan (?). Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note News of friends; simple life-style; Ben's marriage plans; talks of pollution.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Henri and Roy split up; news of other friends.

T/AL. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date (before 1934). General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note News of Ben Berlin; Ronald's job; financial matters; some news of Sadakichi Hartmann; discusses Raymond Brossard in third P.S.

TLS. From Margery Winter to Mrs. Rall. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses Maya Sexauer's presence at Sargents Court; she will try to discourage Maya from coming around.

TL. From Margery Winter to Edgar Higgins (?). Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Destroyed recently received letter out of anger; answers questions.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. New York, N.Y. No date (between July and Sept. 1930). General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Delays return to California; financial troubles.

ALS. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. (?). No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Enclosed in letter to Sadakichi Hartmann on Morgan's farm; news of Brossard's book.

T/ALICC. From Margery Winter to Mother and Nora Morgan. New York, N.Y. (?). No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Financial problems of Mother, she should ask people living there to help out.

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TL. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan (?). Los Angeles, Ca. (addition to another letter) No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes discussion between Maya Sexauer and herself; Roy and Nora Morgan's financial problems.

TLI. Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Victoria, B.C., Canada. No date (around Jan. 30, 1932). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Effect of Byron's secret letter to his aunt; sends carbon of her letter to Harry Weber.

TL. From Margery Winter to (?). Victoria, B.C., Canada. No date (around Jan. 30, 1932). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Talk of difference of life-styles between Byron and herself.

TL. From Margery Winter (?) to (?). Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Problems keeping Sargents Court clean; discusses Ray getting ready to leave; indifference to drinking; mentions other friends.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Victoria, B.C., Canada. No date (April 14, 1932?). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Nora's trip to California; improved relationship with Byron.

A/TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan (?). Los Angeles, Ca. No date (early April, 1934). General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Concern about car accident reported in March 30, 1934 letter.

TL. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date (Easter, 1934?). General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Arrival of Alec; plans for attending Church.

Several notes from Margery Winter to Nora Morgan about Ben Berlin. undated Several humorous fake newspaper clippings. Newspaper clipping about dust-storm. 1935, April 24. TL. From Margery Winter to (?). Los Angeles, Ca. (Part of this letter is missing) No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Activities at the house.

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TL. From Margery Winter and Edgar Higgins to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Fight between Eddie Higgins and R. Brossard; describes her general state of mental and emotional existence.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date (1934?). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Return to New Hampshire by Roy and Nora Morgan; letter from Jack who "has gone communistic".

ALI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Cleaned house; plans to visit Sadakichi Hartmann; received package from Roy and Nora Morgan.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Estelle (Jed's wife?). Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Talk of their marriage; planned trip north.

AL. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Alone with Brossard; fights and quarrels at house; at her Aunt Joe's dying.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan (?). Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Briefly back at Sargents Court from Aunt Joe's house.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan (?). Los Angeles, Ca. No date (about Jan. 1935). General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Sadakichi Hartmann visited for four weeks; received photo of Berlin's picture (of Sadakichi Hartmann?); comparison of poets to Ben Berlin; Don Miller is "self-appointed Sadakichi biographer"; mother in Kansas; Sadakichi Hartmann's comments on Berlin.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date (about Aug. 1934). General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Preparing for her mother's trip; news of others' trips.

ALI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for letters; Ray on way to New York; Ronald and Harry still there.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 128 Correspondence Sargents Court Correspondence

ALI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date (about Aug. 1934). General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Mailing of several letters and photos; Mother's trip.

AL. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. (ending to letter missing) No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses Maya Sexauer's family and personality; questions about Roy and Nora Morgan.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Roy and Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Talks of their farm and Ray's visit to it.

TL. From Margery Winter to (?). Los Angeles, Ca. (fragment) No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Encloses one of E. Higgins letters and talks about him.

ALI. From Margery Winter to Roy Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Talk of King (of England) crowding war out of headlines.

ALI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses Harry Weber's letter.

TL. From Margery Winter to (?). No place (Victoria, B.C., Canada?). No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sorry for not writing; Byron's war experiences; differences between herself and Byron.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Ben's marriage; Ray Brossard's health.

TLI. From Margery Winter to Esty (Estelle?). Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 5 pp. Scope and Contents note She "can't stand people anymore"; editing of Ray Brossard's book; news of others.

TLS. From Ray Brossard to Roy Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Talks of Berlin and his paintings; man stealing gas.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 129 Correspondence Sargents Court Correspondence

ALI. From Margery Winter to Ben Berlin. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for letter; sends encouragement.

A Revelation" by Havelock Ellis, sent to Nora Morgan by Margery Winter. No date. "

Miscellaneous Correspondence

Box 15 MORGAN, Nora ALS. To Harry Lawton. Andover, N.H. 1972, Sept. 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends letters originally to Sadakichi Hartmann; mentions Margery Winter.

TLS. From Nora Morgan to Dick. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Bring money to cash check; she is feeling better.

TLS. To Dick. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses his affair (with Black?); much mystical talk of his affair.

Also, backward photocopy of letter. BERLIN, Ben ALS. To John Sanborn (?). New York, N.Y. 1934, Oct. 26. General Physical Description note: 7 pp. Scope and Contents note Sent picture which he discusses (first picture of smiling lesbian); talks of women friends.

ALS. To Roy and Nora Morgan. New York, N.Y. 1934, Nov. 14. General Physical Description note: 14 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for letter and photos; talks of Naomi Carroll Haimsohn and his planned portrait of her; stopped drinking; financial matters; visit by Harry Weber.

ALS. To (?). No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Applying cubism and futurism to motion pictures; attributes of these art forms; publicity work for Lasky Studios and FBG Studio.

RALPH TLS. To Nora Morgan. New York, N.Y. 1930, Oct. 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Poor job situation on both coasts; requests job on farm.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 130 Correspondence Miscellaneous Correspondence

WEBER, Harry ALS. To Roy and Nora Morgan. New York, N.Y. 1934, Nov. 9. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Enjoyment on farm; Ben Berlin; Ray Brossard's manuscript.

SEXAUER, H.F. ALS. To (?). Santa Barbara, Ca. 1935, April 25. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Sale of land for stadium; news of business.

BROSSARD, Raymond TL. To his mother. Sargents Court, Los Angeles, Ca. 1934, Sept. 3. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Mentions his work; Sadakichi Hartmann several times; discusses Ben Berlin.

TLS. To Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Trip East; news of friends; his book.

RONALD (PAINTIN) ALS. To Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Earthquake story; drawing of squirrel.

ALS. To Nora Morgan. Los Angeles, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Drawing; general news of friends; asks about his family.

RED ALS. To Nora Morgan. No place (Marystown?). No date. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Personal health problems; weather.

MISCELLANEOUS TO Sadakichi Hartmann AL (photocopy). From son or daughter (?). New York, N.Y. 1922, Sept. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Worried about his health.

ALS (photocopy). New York, N.Y. (?). 1922, Sept. 18. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sorry about ill-health; encloses $5.00 for "My Theory of Soul Atoms".

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 131 Correspondence Miscellaneous Correspondence

APS. From (?). New York, N.Y. 1937, Sept. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for letter.

Christmas Card from (?). Los Angeles, Ca. 1942, Dec. 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note No text.

APS. From (?). New York, N.Y. 1908, Dec. 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Happy New Year.

APS. From (?). Bristol Ferry, R.I. 1907, June 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Received letter.

Printed card from Winston Liquor Store, from Colette M. Leinen. Rochester, N.Y. 1941, May 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Advertisement for store.

APS. From (?). Munich, Germany. 1901, July 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Greetings.

AL. From (?). No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Fragmented letter and poem in German.

From (?). Los Angeles, Ca. 1938, May 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Blank piece of paper, cover for check.

Correspondence to and from Lillian Bonham

Box 15 (To Lillian Bonham from Sadakichi Hartmannn) TL. No place. 1907, Aug. 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Hard week financially; low opinion of Hubbards; "White Hyacinths" ridiculous.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 132 Correspondence Correspondence to and from Lillian Bonham

ALI. New York, N.Y. (?). 1907, Sept. 20. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Arrangements for Lillian's "tramp" through upstate New York, and to meeting in Ossining; mailed her his "Swinging Lantern" (a poem?).

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1907, Sept. 24. General Physical Description note: 5 pp. Scope and Contents note Money matters; Lillian's coming to New York and plans to meet in November in East Aurora, New York.

ALI. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sadakichi Hartmann cannot meet her that night but will meet her the next night; sends something to read.

AP. Milwaukee, Wis. 1911, April 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note No text.

ALS. Hotel Pfister, Milwaukee, Wis. 1911, April 24. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Tells of beauty of sunrise; asks when she will join him.

ALI. Addressed to "L. Havel". Milwaukee, Wis. 1911, May 9. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money; lecturing every night; mentions picture of him on donkey; inquires about her health.

ALI. Addressed "L. Havel". Milwaukee, Wis. 1911, May 10. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends money; did 30 pastels, 2 articles; her desire to be self-supporting; talk of lectures; trip to Japan.

ALI. Milwaukee, Wis. 1911, May 24. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Doesn't want her to stay longer; talks of their relationship; asks her to destroy his letters.

Newspaper clippings. Erie, Pa. 1911, Oct. 9. 1. Reviews of several books by Sadakichi Hartmann 2. Reports on trial of Mrs. Horton and Sadakichi Hartmann's involvement.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 133 Correspondence Correspondence to and from Lillian Bonham

ALI. New Thompson Hotel, Kane, Pa. 1911, Dec. 3. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Requests that she copy some paragraphs from Dostoyewsky; discusses some of her pictures.

ALI. New Thompson Hotel, Kane, Pa. 1911, Dec. 11. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note She should go to Rohlf's for advance; he loves her too much to marry her.

ALI. New Thompson Hotel, Kane, Pa. 1911, Dec. 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note She is to pick up package.

ALS. Ellicott St., no town. 1911, Dec. (late). General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Arrived okay; sends money for Christmas dinner.

ALI. Aldine Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, April 3. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Ill-health; enclosed are illustrations of Sidney Allan (Sadakichi Hartmann) article.

ALI. Aldine Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, April 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note He is going to New York.

ALI. Aldine Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, April 7. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Ill health.

ALS. Aldine Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, April 9. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Thanks for letter; will visit if she tells him train schedule.

ALI. The Majestic Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, April 11. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Possible lectures at State College; feeling poorly.

ALI. The Majestic Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. 1912, April 12. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Found little house, will come to Quinton.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 134 Correspondence Correspondence to and from Lillian Bonham

ALI. New York, N.Y. 1912, April 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note He is going to Roycroft; pictures to Life under name Lillian Bonham.

ALI. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, April 23. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note His walks in country; same people there; feeling better; enclosed letter from Jean Pohl, who left home with lover and wants to hear from Sadakichi Hartmann

ALI. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, April 26. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Life's payment for pictures discussed.

ALS. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, April 29. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note His health problems; walk in country; money matters; enclosed is picture.

ALI. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, May 2. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Activities and strangers in East Aurora; financial problems.

ALI. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, May 8. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Money coming soon; she told her mother about them.

ALI. East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, May 13. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Gave talk; sold "Sea Nocturne" to the Fra; commissioned to paint portrait.

ALS. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, May 16. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Asks about his photo portraits.

ALI. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, May 17. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses letter writing habits; general news.

ALI. No place. 1912, May 20. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Received lost photos from Majestic Hotel; descriptions of his walks; Mrs. Kennedy mentioned, he is doing a portrait of her son.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 135 Correspondence Correspondence to and from Lillian Bonham

ALI. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, May 23. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Her pictures destroyed; Mrs. Kennedy mentioned.

ALI. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, May 27. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Picture of Mrs. Kennedy; may have a new art book to write; other possibilities for making money.

ALI. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, May 31. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Bad weather; may come to Quinton but does not want to meet her relatives.

ALI. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, June 1. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses her painting; activities of Sadakichi Hartmann and Mrs. Kennedy; news of friends.

ALI. Hotel Statler, Buffalo, N.Y. 1912, June 5. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note He is getting her a place in East Aurora; he and Mrs. Kennedy in Buffalo.

ALS. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, June 9. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Plans for her to go to East Aurora.

ALS. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, June 11. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note His plans for Mrs. Kennedy's money; wants her to send him some of Anne Throop's poems.

ALI. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, June 14. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Talk of cottage; he will not live with her.

ALI. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, June 16. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Her mother's visit; Mrs. Kennedy knows about their relationship.

ALS. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, June 19. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Her relationship to her mother.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 136 Correspondence Correspondence to and from Lillian Bonham

AL. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, June 19. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Clothing he sent her.

ALI. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, June 23. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Preparations for her trip; enclosed: book plate for Sadakichi Hartmann by Lillian Bonham.

ALI. Roycroft Inn, East Aurora, N.Y. 1912, June 27. General Physical Description note: 7 pp. Scope and Contents note Plans for Mrs. Kennedy's money; description of cottage; his plans for Lillian.

ALS. Arden, N.Y. (?). 1912, Aug. 4. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Money she should ask for her work.

ALI. Arden, N.Y. 1912, Aug. 9. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes Arden: full of anarchists and the like.

Card sent with flowers for anniversary. No date. Newspaper clipping. 1913, Sept. 10. Scope and Contents note Sadakichi Hartmann determines origin of painting estimated at $10,000 value, from Binghampton newspaper.

ALI. Hotel Lenox, Boston, Mass. 1913, Sept. 24. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Her problem with drunks; he is leaving Boston; plans to go to Bristol Ferry.

ALI. Wheeling, W. Va. 1913, Oct. 28. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Ill-health; plans for Huntington, W. Va.; photographs.

St. Louis, Mo. 1914, Jan. 10. General Physical Description note: 3 leaves.

1. Advertisement for My Rubaiyat. 2. Advertisement for Sadakichi Hartmann's art books. 3. Letter in Reedy's Mirror countering criticism of My Rubaiyat.

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ALS. New York, N.Y. 1915, Oct. 27. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Met painter Marcel Duchamp of Nude Descending a Staircase; staying in New York until he gets his money, then will go to Atlanta; got a job for Greenstocking.

ALI. Hotel Albert, New York, N.Y. 1915, Nov. 2. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Mentions Peggy, Apel, Ozias and Greenstocking; discusses Mrs. Apel; his difficulties with rooms and banks.

ALI. New York, N.Y. 1920, Oct. 15. General Physical Description note: 6 pp. Scope and Contents note House of Ordin; sends money; her intended move discussed.

ALI. Philadelphia, Pa. 1920, Oct. 21. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends money; asthma.

ALI. Philadelphia, Pa. 1920, Oct. 23. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Went to doctor, medicine helped him sleep.

ALS. Hotel Colonnade, Philadelphia, Pa. 1920, Oct. 27. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Moving and money discussed; mention of children.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1920, Nov. 6. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money; finances discussed; her need to move.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1920, Nov. 8. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note She has moved; his planned visit.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1920, Nov. 15. General Physical Description note: 6 pp. Scope and Contents note Problems of new house; his asthma; dinner plans; concern for her well-being; wants his "Japanese Signature".

ALS. Almo Hotel, Tampa, Fla. 1922, Nov. 19. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Problems with mail; plans to go to Huntsville; his lecture and exhibition.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 138 Correspondence Correspondence to and from Lillian Bonham

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1926, Jan. 20. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Anticipated birth; his longing to be home; money difficulties.

ALS. Mt. Holly Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1927, Sept. 30 (?). General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Wistaria has to finish high school.

ALI. Hollywood, Ca. 1927, Oct. 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note His reading; money, Stimson.

ALS. From Alberta Schlageter. Buffalo, N.Y. 1912, July 23. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note How is child; feels herself "a good father" (sic).

ALS. From Lillian's mother. Denver, Colo. 1912, April 30. General Physical Description note: 6 pp. Scope and Contents note Strongly objects to her relationship to a married man, Hippolyte Havel.

ALI. Hotel Laclede, New York, N.Y. No date (ca. Nov. 1920). General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Looking for a stove; asthma much better.

(To Sadakichi Hartmann from Lillian Bonham) ALS. No town. 1908, June 24. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Explains her feelings to him; sketch by Sadakichi Hartmann of Havel included.

ALS. Quinton, N.Y. 1909, Aug. 8. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Reason she left New York; trouble with landlord.

ALS. Quinton, N.Y. 1909, Aug. 10. General Physical Description note: 6 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes her sadness, view of the world, weaknesses, longing for Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Quinton, N.Y. 1909, Aug. 13. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Financial difficulties; her return to him.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 139 Correspondence Correspondence to and from Lillian Bonham

ALI. No place. 1913, Dec. 15. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Rubaiyat arrived; Wistaria requests seashell.

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1914, Feb. 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses anticipated birth; letter from Alberta.

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1914, Sept. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks Sadakichi Hartmann to come to East Aurora from Detroit.

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1914, Oct. 10. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sadakichi Hartmann's leaving; description of children.

ALS. (Hotel Tuller stationery, Detroit, Mich.) East Aurora, N.Y. 1914, Oct. 15. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends four photos, no money; discusses daily events.

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1914, Oct. 17. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Acknowledges receipt of check; discusses daily events.

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1914, Oct. 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Complains of no mail.

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1914, Dec. 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Describes her loneliness.

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1914, Dec. 2. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Thanks for books; asks about his argument with printer.

ALS. East Aurora, N.Y. 1914, Dec. 3. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Personal matters concerning children.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 140 Correspondence Correspondence to and from Lillian Bonham

AL. East Aurora, N.Y. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Her worry about Sadakichi Hartmann; disappointment that Sadakichi Hartmann couldn't make it home.

Correspondence from Anne Throop (all photocopies)

Box 16 ALI. No town. 1898, April 3 (?). General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Announcement of birth of boy; glad he liked her poem; poem enclosed.

ALS. No town. 1898, April 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Release for her possessions.

AL. New York, N.Y. 1898, April 20. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Releases Sadakichi Hartmann from financial responsibility for herself and her child. (Confusion of dates.)

ALS. No town. 1898, July 30. General Physical Description note: 6 pp. Scope and Contents note Philosophical discussion of soul, artist, genius.

ALS. Monroe, N.Y. 1898, Sept. 7. General Physical Description note: 10 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes sunset; her view of colors; her poetry; mentions baby.

ALS. No town. 1898, Sept. 10. General Physical Description note: 8 pp. Scope and Contents note Talks of baby; Margaret.

ALS. No town. 1898, Sept. 26 (?). General Physical Description note: 10 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses death of Mallarme; her life at the boarding house; work on poems; the baby.

ALS. No town. 1899, Feb. 10. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Received and liked the book.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 141 Correspondence Correspondence from Anne Throop (all photocopies)

ALS. No town. 1900, April 18. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Wants him to "lay before" his wife what she asked; will not dedicate poems to him; better not to write at all to him.

ALS. No town. 1900, April. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes her love (their love); the role of fate; breaks off relationship.

ALS. Morningside Heights, N.Y. 1904 (?), June 21. General Physical Description note: 6 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes stay of woman ("hideous woman").

ALS. No town. No date. General Physical Description note: 8 pp. Scope and Contents note Sadakichi Hartmann sent her "Drama of Renunciation"; asks Sadakichi Hartmann to be more honest with her; laments of their love, "The world may as well end for me".

ALS. Monroe, N.Y. No date. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Right after her arrival there; suggests he go to Georgia.

ALS. No place. 8 pp. (May be more than one letter). No date. Scope and Contents note Demands everything she has written and sent to him be returned to her; calls him weak and a liar; they have never been in love.

ALS. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Responds to Sadakichi Hartmann's request for the letters she had written but not sent; one letter about son; another about her own changes; last one about her vision.

ALS. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Asks Sadakichi Hartmann to keep the letters or return them.

AL. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 5 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses length of her letters; Sadakichi Hartmann didn't answer her questions; Sadakichi Hartmann to be brother-in-law when he visits and other honor-saving deceits.

ALS. No place. 16 pp. (Two letters). No date. 1. Sorry for letter mailed today; praises his kindness and support; being a goddess vs. being a woman.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 142 Correspondence Correspondence from Anne Throop (all photocopies)

2. Received his letter; she will work on poems every day; discusses her poems and experiences with nature; purpose of life; new book of poems: "Songs of (in) the Forest (of Life)" (?); money problems; suffering she does. Last two pages of "From a Broadway Window" manuscript: 1900. Page from letter about her letters. Poem: "The Flower of Memory". General Physical Description note: 2 pp.

AL. No place. No date. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note She explains her love and pain for him.

Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

Box 16 Hartmann, Atma ALS. Steam ship. 1901, March 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Describes boat on which he left.

ALS. Marquette Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. 1916, April 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note She is to persuade Mrs. Lloyd Williams to help her recover Sadakichi Hartmann's luggage.

ALS. Hotel Marquette, St. Louis, Mo. 1916, May 3. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Worries because she hasn't written; lost luggage.

ALS. Hotel Lankersham, Los Angeles, Ca. 1917, Sept. 14. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Look after his trunk with the manuscripts in it; asks about her relationship with Franz.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1917, Nov. 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sorry she and Franz can't get along; times are bad for art; keep trunk and violin.

ALS. San Francisco, Ca. 1918, Nov. 18. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Asthma attacks; ship trunk express; trunk had been sold to junk dealer; instructions for trunk.

ALS. No place. 1918, Dec. 25. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Fate of manuscripts and trunk and how he depends on them.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 143 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. No place (New York, N.Y.). 1920, June 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Arranges a meeting with her.

ALS. No place (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1920, Oct. 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asthma; difficulty giving talk; under treatment for asthma.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1920, Dec. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Plans for "Sadakichi dinner".

ALS. No place (New York, N.Y.). 1921, May 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invites her to see him.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1921, Oct. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Bad asthma; invites himself to dinner.

ALS. Hotel Laclede, New York, N.Y. 1921, Oct. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Bad asthma; asks her to bring him clothes.

ALS. Hotel Laclede, New York, N.Y. 1921, Oct. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Bring along "My Theory of Soul Atoms"; feels better.

ALS. Hotel Laclede, New York, N.Y. 1921, Oct. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Bring flowers and fountain pen.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1921, Oct. 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note She should come herself.

ALS. Asheville, N.C. 1921, Nov. 10. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Bad asthma on trip there, better now; expecting money; one talk given to photographers.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 144 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Asheville, N.C. 1921, Dec. 21. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note No more asthma; can't make money; asks for money; plans to return to New York.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1922, Feb. 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Invites her to visit.

ALS. Huntsville, Ala. 1922, Dec. 13. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Ill-health; needs money to get to Albuquerque, N.M.

ALS. Huntsville, Ala. 1922, Dec. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Recap of illness; needs money.

ALS. Peabody Hotel, Memphis, Tenn. 1922, Dec. 27. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Questions about her marital status; still has asthma but not as badly; needs money to keep going; complains about education level in South.

ALS. Memphis, Tenn. 1922, Dec. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks for $25.00 more to get to Albuquerque.

ALS. Peabody Hotel, Memphis, Tenn. 1923, Jan. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Leaving for Albuquerque, N.M.; needs money for food.

ALS. Albuquerque, N.M. 1923, Jan. 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Feels somewhat better; complains of the men she likes.

APS. Albuquerque, N.M. 1923, Jan. 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests "Literary Supplement" from the Sunday New York Times.

TLS. Emcee Studio, Albuquerque, N.M. 1923, Feb. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Advertising his "Japanese Poems"; bookselling venture to raise money.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 145 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

ALI. Los Angeles, Ca. 1923, Aug. 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Been in L.A. about 4 months; movie experience; has a little money; beleives he has TB.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1923, Sept. 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Still ill; mentions her consorts.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1923, Oct. 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Requests copies of "The Dramatic Mirror" and "Musical America"; planned move to desert.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1923, Nov. 10. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes his illness; discusses collecting his works; possibilities when he recovers.

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1923, Dec. 28. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Discusses Romm's collection of Sadakichi Hartmann's works; sends books and pastels for sale; Atma's mother wanting to re-marry.

APS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1924, Dec. 14. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Birthday greetings.

AL. Los Angeles, Ca. 1925, Oct. 4. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Questions why she doesn't write; asks that she mail letters for him (about 300).

ALS. Beaumont, Ca. 1928, Dec. 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Illness again.

ALS. No place (Los Angeles, Ca.?). 1929, Feb. 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Freystadt mentioned; selling article to Tom Devlin of the McAulay Company.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1929, March 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note More names to ask for money.

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TLS. Beaumont, Ca. 1929, Oct. 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Trunk mentioned; "Letters to a Married Man" should make money.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1931, Dec. 15. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Contribution drive for 50th anniversary in the USA.

ALS. Hotel Holley, New York, N.Y. 1932, Dec. 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Saving Sunday to be with her.

APS. Banning, Ca. 1944, Nov. 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants permission to come to St. Petersburg, Fla.

ALS. No place. No date (1920?). General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Do what she wants, but he will not go to Joel's.

PrP. St. Louis, Mo. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note List of his books.

AP. No place (Albuquerque, N.M.?). No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note "Will you get the New York Times next Saturday...?"

AL. Beaumont, Ca. 2 pp. (Incomplete). No date. Scope and Contents note Describes pictures: "Poppies from Flanders", "Stonehenge" (?), "Chilly Morn", and "White Path".

Pr. Invitation. To Sadakichi Hartmann exhibition in Greenwich Village. No date. Post cards with no text: Buffalo, N.Y. Lecture. 1905, Jan. 20. Chicago, Ill. Lecture. Jan. 24. Chicago, Ill. Jan. 24. Washington, D.C. Lecture. April 19. Milwaukee, Wis. June 1. Boston, Mass. Aug. 10. Pittsburg, Pa. Lecture. 1906, Feb. 8. Milwaukee, Wis. April 25. Racine, Wis. April 29. Springfield, Ill. May (?).

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Pittsburgh, Pa. May 1. Wheeling, W. Va. May 8. Des Moines, Ia. May 9. Des Moines, Ia. May 10. St. Louis, Mo. May 14. St. Louis, Mo. May 14. Minneapolis, Minn. Dec. 27. Minneapolis, Minn. Dec. 30. Chicago, Ill. Lecture. 1907, Jan. 3. St. Louis, Mo. Jan. 21. St. Louis, Mo. Jan. 22. Newport, R.I. May 25. Portsmouth, R.I. June 1. Portsmouth, R.I. No date. East Aurora, N.Y. July 5. East Aurora, N.Y. Aug. 13. Syracuse, N.Y. Nov. 22. Washington, D.C. 1908, April 8. Baltimore, Md. 1909, Nov. 2. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1910, May 3. Buffalo, N.Y. Dec. 24. Milwaukee, Wis. 1911, April 21. Milwaukee, Wis. April 21. Hartmann, Elizabeth Blanche Walsh TLI. No place. 1907, May 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note His good financial fortune.

TL. East Aurora, N.Y. 1907, July 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends money; wants girls to stay in school; convention is over; Hubbard mentioned.

Hartmann, Edgar ALS (photocopy). St. Petersburg, Fla. 1940, Dec. 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses tourists in St. Petersburg.

Hartmann, Minerva APS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1917, Nov. 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends address and good wishes.

APS. Forest Knolls, Ca. 1917, Dec. 20. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Season's greetings; liked Paul.

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TLS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Oct. 22. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes living arrangements; wants her to visit him; remembers how she sat up with him when he was ill.

Hartmann, Tansy ALS. Sargents Court, Los Angeles, Ca. No year, March 12. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $1.00 and a pastel for her birthday; bad trip to Los Angeles.

Hartmann, Wistaria ALS. Hotel Acacia, Los Angeles, Ca. 1924, Aug. 21. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Instructions on visiting him.

ALS. Hotel Acacia, Los Angeles, Ca. 1924, Nov. 29. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Questions about where she lives; her mother; will give talk in Boyle Heights.

ALS. Hotel Acacia, Los Angeles, Ca. 1924, Dec. 22. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Financial problems (bad checks to Sadakichi Hartmann); can't visit.

ALS. No place. 1925, July 24. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Article on Ryder; changes in the area; stay at Moore's.

ALS. Hotel Acacia, Los Angeles, Ca. 1925, Aug. 13. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Wants addresses from returned letters; sent books, one by Cole; bought used Edison phonograph.

ALS. Hotel Acacia, Los Angeles, Ca. 1925, Aug. 17. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends money for her to visit; bill from Pasadena woman.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1926, Jan. 28. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Coming home; Fairbanks Don Quixote scenario.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 149 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, July 17. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Talks of weather; describes finding his shack with Krasnow's help; mentions "My Crucifixion"; enclosed diagram of his house.

Notice of International Benefit for Sadakichi Hartmann on Sept. 8. ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Oct. 3. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Wants her to photograph him so he can make a calendar.

TLS. Tujuna, Ca. 1930, Oct. 20. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Lost ring he had for 25 years; her visit to take pictures; discusses welfare; legal problems of being sued.

TLS. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Nov. 15. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Visit by Goldschmidt and Japanese man.

TL. Tujunga, Ca. 1930, Dec. 4. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Has microscope to study "asthma sputum"; mentions Krasnow' alludes to Claude's relationship to Maya.

TLI (and photocopy and transcript). Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Jan. 21. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Talks of visits by others; riots by unemployed; photos; his mention in The Bookman; first to dance in the U.S.A. with Isadora Duncan.

TLI (photocopy). Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Jan. 28. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends money for Jonquil's visit; Stella from Berkeley visited; plans for cross-country travels; photographed by Stockton of Hollywood; Krasnow's San Francisco exhibition with Sadakichi Hartmann "mooditures"; typewriter design.

ALS. Hotel Acacia, Los Angeles, Ca. 1931, Feb. 3. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants her to visit him.

TLI. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Feb. 5. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Marches by unemployed; criticizes Chaplin's City Lights; saw "Genevieve".

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 150 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

TL. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Feb. 14. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Stanicci wrote; discusses Ginger, a pet; congratulates Tansy on school work.

TLS (photocopy). Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Feb. 17. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Munthe's book praised; her possible work copying.

TLS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, March 3. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note She can come "any old time"; his picture in Daily News.

TLS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, March 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Come after Cherry Festival.

TLS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, March 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Ill-health; notes on back: Sadakichi Hartmann at post office waiting for money.

TL. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, April 1. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Angered that she didn't visit.

TLS (photocopy). Tujunga, Ca. 1931, April 13. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Went to Alfredo (photographer) for supper; met Prince Troubetzkoy; nephew of famous sculptor; met Orsilli, Italian artist.

TLS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, April 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses her life-style; enclosed newspaper clipping.

TLI. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, May 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Her visit during vacation.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, May 17. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Partner (Maya Sexauer?) will help publish "My Crucifixion"; discusses knowledge.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 151 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

TLI. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, May 22. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Generation gap; tennis.

TLI. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, May 28. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Photos; her school vacation; book printing; visit to Matt Moore.

ALI. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, June 23. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Possibility of working for him; tennis.

TLS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, June 26. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Visits from Matt Moore; lack of response to announcements.

ALI. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Aug. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Expects to get a car; her visit.

TLS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Sept. 10. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note His portrait in Owl Drugstore; excursion was failure.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Oct. 23. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Appraised Japanese prints for Miss Pasko.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Dec. 1. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends $5.00.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Dec. 8. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Hard times; plans to return to New York with Atma.

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Dec. 15. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Suggests she use cards; discusses death of young girl.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 152 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Tujunga, Ca. 1931, Dec. 30. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Complains of company she keeps.

TLI. Tujunga, Ca. 1932, April 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Mentions Hansens, Jean Pohl; possibility of going to Tucson.

TLI. Tujunga, Ca. 1932, May 4. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Unlikely to go to Tucson; pessimism at response to drive.

TLI. Tujunga, Ca. 1932, May 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Poor response to drive; more response to drive.

TLI. Tujunga, Ca. 1932, May 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note (On back of letter to Sadakichi Hartmann from The Sun: Robert Davis will answer Sadakichi Hartmann's letter when he returns); visit from Isabelle.

ALS. Hotel Holley, New York, N.Y. 1932, Dec. 2. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Financial matters; Hansen's bust in Times; his accident with truck; discussion with Steichen on future of photography; welcome home dinner planned.

Birthday card. No place. 1933, June 6. ALI. Los Angeles, Ca. 1933, July 5. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Saw German stunt flyer; announcement for "Artists' Rendezvous Costume Ball".

Los Angeles, Ca. 1933, July 8. General Physical Description note: 2 leaves. Scope and Contents note Announcements of benefit for Sadakichi Hartmann after "yellow taxi trouble"; Cahill's opinion of Sadakichi Hartmann

ALI. Los Angeles, Ca. 1933, Sept. 7. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Visit by Tansy and J.; Schroeder's accident.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 153 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1933, Oct. 5. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Financial affairs.

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1933, Oct. 27. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Questions about Linton; another drive; help from Raymond Brossard.

ALS (and transcript). Pasadena, Ca. 1933, Nov. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note With Hansens; Ejnar plans Sadakichi Hartmann portrait; wants to visit Wistaria; Wiboldt sent print; notice of drive.

AL. Pasadena, Ca. 1933, Nov. 24. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Brush fires, newspaper clipping enclosed.

ALS. Pasadena, Ca. 1933, Dec. 11. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Hansen's Christmas sale; discusses Bogarts, Stimsens; wants to spend Christmas with her; newspaper clipping of his visit to her from Riverside County Press; enclosed letter to Wistaria from Helga Hansen: living and working arrangements.

ALS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1934, March 16. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note His glorious send off from Sargents Court crowd; impressions of Louisiana; talks of musical trio; out of money.

ALI. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1934, March 26. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Completion of "Moses" in less than a week; life with Atma.

ALI. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1934, April 10. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note 2 postcards of area; his plans for moving North.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1934, April 24. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Arrival in N.Y.; mentions Mrs. Goldman; publishing "Moses"; "Moses" notice enclosed.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 154 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1934, July 20. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Trip: New York to Albany to Rochester to Detroit; reprint of The Last 30 Days of Christ; "Moses" a failure.

ALS. Detroit, Mich. 1934, July 30. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Progress on printing; new studio; Bob Marks portrait of Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Los Angeles, Ca. 1934, Nov. 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Wants to move in.

PrP. Banning, Ca. 1935, Jan. 16. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Notice of lecture.

ALS. Washington, D.C. 1935, June 28. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Arrived in Washington.

ALS. Hotel Harris, Washington, D.C. 1935, July 3. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Trying to find apartment; news: Ben Marks died, chatted with architect Wright, other news.

ALS. Hotel Harris, Washington, D.C. 1935, July 28. General Physical Description note: 6 pp. Scope and Contents note Possibility of job; selling pastels; list of important people he has met; visit to Edgar; rupture bothering him so he gave up dancing; written up once.

ALS. Snow Creek Canyon (?). 1935, Sept. 13. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note On back of photo: plans for return to California.

Typed Transcript. No place. 1935, Oct. 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Talk of shack; note in unknown hand: Sadakichi Hartmann puts up predictions on board, Wistaria takes them down when they prove untrue.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 155 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

New York, N.Y. 1935, Oct. 11. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Announcement of Sadakichi Hartmann lecture.

AL. Los Angeles, Ca. 1936, Feb. 17. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Questions about building shack on reservation.

AL. Los Angeles, Ca. 1936, March 9. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Account of auto accident; relationship to Margery Winter; reason for visiting her; sorry children didn't like the clothes he sent.

ALS. Andover, N.H. 1936, April 3. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note His stay with Morgans.

ALS. Andover, N.H. 1936, April 22. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sending a "Star Chart"; encloses flyer for art appraisal service by Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Madison Hotel, New York, N.Y. 1936, April 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Sends stamps.

ALS. New York, N.Y. 1936, May 2. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Discussion of May Day parades; list of books by Sadakichi Hartmann

APS. New York, N.Y. 1936, May 15. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Praise of Indian craftsmanship at a New York museum.

Pr List. No place. 1936, May 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Contents of Esthetic Verities.

ALS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1936, June 25. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Back in Florida with Atma; book (Esthetic Verities?) accepted for publishing; health problems; philosophy of life.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 156 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

TL. Hotel Harris, Washington, D.C. 1936, Nov. 23. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note His hotel room and method of moving about in it; dancing; Nov. 24: criticizes photo of Cedric; her desire to be alone; discusses painter Benton; Nov. 25: interpersonal relations; wants something to be done to stop speeding and drunk drivers; praises health, parents, and children; Ben Berlin and Margery Winter; Ray Brossard in New York; Berlin's portrait of Sadakichi Hartmann now 3½×5 feet owned by Bogart; Hansen teaching at Chouinard Art School; Aileen Pringle; Edgar and Paul; the Morgans; Dudley Nichols, scenario writer; laments passing of friends; pastel painting and selling.

TLI. Hotel Harris, Washington, D.C. 1936, Nov. 26. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Stay in hospital; his activities in hotel.

TLS. Hotel Harris, Washington, D.C. 1936, Dec. 12. General Physical Description note: 7 pp. Scope and Contents note Hotel fire; his removal of foot cast; plans for future; pastels; complains of modern (surrealistic?) art; read Santayana's The Last Puritan; discusses Swedenborg's Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell; mentions his Morgenthau letter and repercussions.

TL. Hotel Harris, Washington, D.C. 1936, Dec. 25. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asks welfare department for old-age pension.

ALS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1937, March 20. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Asthma; plans to visit the Morgans; complains of seeing little outside of U.S.A.; poem by Barbara Hutton "daughter of Woolworth stores"; Atma; birth control; Jain religion; Texas school fire; 80 pastels; friends and interpersonal relations.

TLI. Hotel Harris, Washington, D.C. 1937, June 20. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Foot getting better; answers her questions; financial problems; discusses old age pension; letter from Cyrus C. Dallin; questions Bogarts action with "my big Ben Berlin portrait".

APS. Hotel Lamm, Los Angeles, Ca. 1937, July 7. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Passed through Banning on train.

TLI. Hotel Lamm, Los Angeles, Ca. 1937, July 25. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes neighborhood; news of friends: Sachs, Bogart, Wiboldt; describes El Paso; newspaper clipping enclosed: July 13, 1937, Hollywood Citizens News: Sadakichi Hartmann is back in town.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 157 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Hotel Lamm, Los Angeles, Ca. 1938, Feb. 7. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Weather; expected visitors; discusses Matt Moore and book.

ALS. Hotel Lamm, Los Angeles, Ca. 1938, Feb. 13. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Saw Matt Moore; Miriam; discusses possibility of shack.

TLI. Hotel Lamm, Los Angeles, Ca. 1938, Feb. 20. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Visits Matt Moore; general news.

ALS. Hotel Lamm, Los Angeles, Ca. 1938, March 6. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Ill-health; talk of shack.

ALS. Hotel Lamm, Los Angeles, Ca. 1938, March 17. General Physical Description note: 5 pp. Scope and Contents note Note to Sadakichi Hartmann from Bob Bogart; financial troubles; architect drew up plans for shack; book on Mendelian theory; Matt Moore.

ALS. Banning, Ca. 1938, Nov. 13. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note In better health; discusses shack; Wistaria's body.

TL. Banning, Ca. 1938, Nov. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Statement about age limit on Great Art Derby.

TL (photocopy and transcript). Hotel Lamm, Los Angeles, Ca. 1939, Jan. 18. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note News of friends; Margaret Mather, Lipton, Aileen Pringle, the Roberts, Matt Moore, Hansen; talk to Japanese Youth Alliance; Charles Chaplin.

ALS. Sargents Court, Los Angeles, Ca. 1939, Nov. 14. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Their illnesses; his asthma; Berlin's estate.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 158 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Sargents Court, Los Angeles, Ca. 1939, Nov. 24. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note His illness; wants her to acknowledge receipt of artist materials and caricatures; might finish work 3/4 finished by Berlin.

TLS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, Feb. 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Discusses upcoming draft; where to look for list of art patrons and contributors.

TLS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, May 22. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Working with Fowler; wants Literary Charts to give to Ben Hecht's guests; discussion of war.

TLS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, May 25. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Building fence; visiting her with Joe Weinberg.

TLS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, June 2. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Putting pipe-line to his shack; other instructions for work on shack; Fowler.

ALS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, July 7. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Wants overcoat and shoes; his health.

ALS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, July 16. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Dr. Hirschfield; Tansy; Jonquil; Wesselman; Fowler, and Decker.

TL. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, July 19. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Ill-health; Corinne; Wesselmann; Nurva.

TL. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, July 22-23. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Decker; Wesselmann; Fowler ordered all Sadakichi Hartmann's books; portrait; Mrs. Gang; Matt Moore; Tansy.

TL. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, July 27. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Ill-health; overcoat; publishing "Strands and Ravelings of the Art Fabric" in August.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 159 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

TL. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, July 29. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Went to art museum in wheelchair with Fowler.

TL. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, July 30. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note List of address books he wants.

TLS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. No date. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Better health; wants check book.

TL. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, Aug. 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Classification of motion pictures; Tansy; Decker; Fowler.

TL. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, Aug. 8. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Matt Moore; film idea; Decker and Fowler; doctor's bill.

TLS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, Aug. 19. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Tansy; manuscript.

TLS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, Aug. 22. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Travel plans; sends books.

TLS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, Aug. 27. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Needs pink list of Washington addresses; Secretary of War Stimson; Margery's last evening.

ALS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1940, Sept. 5. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Asthma; arriving on 1:00 train in Banning.

ALS. Hotel Addison, Detroit, Mich. 1940, Oct. 3. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Landscape in Texas; Tom Lea; Mrs. Bonerden's boarding house.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 160 Correspondence Correspondence to family members from Sadakichi Hartmann

ALS. Hotel Addison, Detroit, Mich. 1940, Oct. 8. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sold pastel; Marx and wife.

TLS. Detroit, Mich. 1940, Oct. 24. General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents note Has a large room; Detroit Free Press notice for Sadakichi Hartmann at Fisher Art School.

ALS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1940, Dec. 7,8,9. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Loss of blood from head injury from train accident; discusses "Hand Dance"; Fowler.

ALS. St. Petersburg, Fla. 1940, Dec. 12. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Aster in service; Tansy; plans "New World Order"; asthma better.

ALS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1941, Jan. 21. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Trip to California; comments about war; wants two copies of The Last 30 Days of Christ.

ALS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1941, Feb. 13. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Wesselmann; Fowler's title "is now 'No Room at the Inn' ".

TLS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. 1941, Feb. 19. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Fowler's family; Wiboldt's address; discusses Senator Johnson.

TLS. Gilbert Hotel, Hollywood, Ca. No date (1940?) General Physical Description note: 1 p. Scope and Contents Last page of letter: sends back film; Wesselmann's pictures of Sadakichi Hartmann and Tansy; film of Hand Dance. A two minute film of Hartmann performing his hand dance is in the collection of the California Museum of Photography at UCR.

Correspondence from family members

Box 15 Hartmann, Edgar

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 161 Correspondence Correspondence from family members

ALS. Quantico, Va. 1935, Sept. 2. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Requests Sadakichi Hartmann write a poem for a girl in Washington, drinking and money discussed.

Hartmann, Minerva ALS. Concord Junction, Mass. 1928, Feb. 15. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Can't send money; talks of not marrying better; asks for pictures.

TLS. No place. 1938, March 1. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Will try to help financially; discusses Tchaikowsky; mentions Sadakichi Hartmann's literary chart; mentions Wistaria.

ALS. No town. No date. General Physical Description note: 3 pp. Scope and Contents note Reaction to Aster's death.

Hartmann, Oscar (1840-1929) ALS. Denver, Colo. 1908, March 10. General Physical Description note: 4 pp. Scope and Contents note Describes life to Sadakichi Hartmann

Hartmann, Paul ALS. New York, N.Y. 1922, Sept. 3. General Physical Description note: 2 pp. Scope and Contents note Sends $5.00 for book; news of family.

Periodical Articles

A-Z General note All photocopies (oversize)

Box 17 Art News, V. I, no. 1-4; March-June, 1897. "Notes from Paris" (by) Sadakitshe Hartmann, in John Swinton's Paper, New York, p. 3, col. 1 & 2; March 27, 1887, April 3, 1887. "Parisian Night Asylums" (by) C. Sadakitshe Hartmann, in John Swinton's Paper, New York, p. 3, col. 1. May 22, 1887, Boston Daily Advertiser: Articles by Sadakichi Hartmann, 1883-1893. Boston Evening Transcript: Articles by Sadakichi Hartmann, 1888-1889. Brossard, Raymond. Letters and Reminiscences of Sadakichi Hartmann Buddha (Sadakichi Hartmann's play) - a review by C.H.A. Bjerregaard in Metaphysical Magazine, vol. 10, no. 5 p. 312-317. (Nov. 1899), "Alma Tadema's Favorite Model" (by) C. Sadakichi Hartmann, in The Commercial Gazette (Cincinnati), p. 13, col. 1 & 2. Jan. 2, 1892,

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 162 Periodical Articles A-Z

The Stylus, edited by Sadakichi Hartmann, vol. 1, no. 1-3; Dec. 1909 - Feb. 1910. The Weekly Review (Boston), vol. 3, (Sadakichi Hartmann was on staff at this time and certainly wrote most of the copy here reproduced.) Dec. 31, 1892 - April 29, 1893. Box 18 See MANUSCRIPTS (oversized) Box 19 "A.T. Proctor--A Maker of Exhibition Prints." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 44, A-1 (April 1907). "Adrift." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Stylus. A-1a "Advance in Artistic Photography." Sidney Allan. Leslie's Weekly, A-1b (April 28, 1904). "Aesthetic Activity in Photography." Sadakichi Hartmann. Brush and Pencil, vol. XIV, no. 1. A-1c (April, 1904) "After a Snowstorm." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times Bulletin, vol. XXXV, no. 3. A-2 (March, 1903) "Albert Pinkham Ryder." Sadakichi Hartmann. Magazine of Art, vol. 31, A-2a (Sept., 1938). "Albert Rosenthal--A Philadelphia Portrait Painter." Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 49, no. 667. A-2b (July, 1912) "Sidney Allan on Criticism." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 45, A-3 (Aug., 1908). "American Notes." Special Correspondent (probably Hartmann). The Amateur Photographer, vol. XL, no. 1036. A-4 (Aug. 11, 1904) "American Photographic Criticism." (Quotes Sadakichi Hartmann at length). The British Journal of Photography, vol. XLVII, no. 2081, re: F. Holland Day. A-5 (March 23, 1900) "American Photography at Russell Square--To the Editors." Sadakichi Hartmann. The British Journal of Photography, vol. XLVII, no. 2117. Defense of "American Photographic Criticism." A-6 (Nov. 30, 1900) "The American Picture World: Its Shows and Shams." Sadakichi Hartmann. Forum, vol. XIV, no. 9. A-7 (Sept., 1910) "Amerikanische Kunstphotographen." Sadakichi Hartmann. Dekorative Kunst, vol. 8, no. 8. A-7a (May, 1905) "An Analysis of Facial Expression: With Special Reference to Photographic Portraiture and Pictorial Representation--Introduction." Sadakichi Hartmann. Abel's Photographic Weekly, vol. IX, no. 217. (Series runs from A-8 through A-20.) A-8 (Feb. 24, 1912) "Chapter 1: The Study of the Face." Vol. IX, no. 219. A-9 (March 9, 1912) "Chapter 2: The Elementals of Facial Expression." Vol. IX, no. 221. A-10 (March 23, 1912) "Chapter 3: Methods of Rectification." Vol. IX, no. 223. A-11 (April 6, 1912) "Chapter 4: Methods of Rectification." Vol. IX, no. 225. A-12 (April 20, 1912) "Chapter 5: On the Shape of the Head." Vol. IX, no. 227. A-13 (May 4, 1912) "Chapter 6: The Proportions of the Face." Vol. IX, no. 229. A-14 (May 18, 1919) "Chapter 7: The Minor Expressions." Vol. IX, no. 231. A-15 (June 1, 1912) "Chapter 8: On the Forehead." Vol. IX, no. 233. A-16 (June 15, 1912) "Chapter 9: On the Expression of the Human Eye." Vol. IX, no. 235. A-17 (June 29, 1912) "Chapter 10: On the Expression of the Human Eye." Vol. X, no. 237. A-18 (July 13, 1912) "Chapter 11: On the Expression of the Human Eye." Vol. X, no. 238. A-19 (July 27, 1912) "Chapter 12: The Nose." Vol. X, no. 240. A-20 (Aug. 10, 1912) "The Annual Exhibition of the Wilkes-Barre Camera Club." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. 42, no. 6. A-21 (June, 1910) "Another Colors of Nature Method." Sterling Heilig (Sadakichi Hartmann?). American Amateur Photographer, vol. 16, no. 9. A-22 (Sept., 1904) "An Appeal to All Art Lovers." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. The Art Critic. A-22a

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 163 Periodical Articles A-Z

"Appreciation Overdone." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 45, A-23 (Nov., 1908) "Art and Artists: Painting and Sculpture." Sadakichi Hartmann. Musical America, vol. 1, no. 1. A-24 (Oct. 8, 1898) "Art and Artists." Sadakichi Hartmann. Musical America, vol. 1, no. 2. A-25 (Oct. 15, 1898) "Art and Artists." Sadakichi Hartmann. Musical America, vol. 1, no. 3. A-26 (Oct. 22, 1898) "Art and Artists." Sadakichi Hartmann. Musical America, vol. 1, no. 4. A-27 (Oct. 29, 1898) "Art and Artists: The N.Y.W.C.C." Sadakichi Hartmann. Musical America, vol. 1, no. 7. A-28 (Nov. 19, 1898) "Art and Artists: Academy of Design." Sadakichi Hartmann. Musical America, vol. 1, no. 8. A-29 (Nov. 26, 1898) "Art and Artists." Sadakichi Hartmann. Musical America, vol. 1, no. 9. A-30 (Dec. 3, 1898) "Art and Artists." Sadakichi Hartmann. Musical America, vol. 1, no. 10. A-31 (Dec. 10, 1898) "Art and Artists: Boston Artists." Sadakichi Hartmann. Musical America, vol. 1, no. 11. A-32 (Dec. 17, 1898) "Art and Drama: Ibsen's Peculiarities." _____. Musical Courier, vol. 37, no. 2. A-33 (Aug. 17, 1898) "Art and Revolt." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Blast, A-33a Dec., 1916 (?). "Art in Child-Portraiture." Sidney Allan. Smith's Magazine. A-33b "The Art of Coercion." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Curtain, vol. VII, no. 79. A-34 (July, 1928) "Art Photography and Its Relationship to Painting." Sadakichi Hartmann. New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, English translation by Hans Peter Breuer. A-35 (Jan. 30, 1898). "Artistic Photography and Interior Decoration." Sadakichi Hartmann. The House Beautiful, vol. XVII, no. 1. A-36 (Dec., 1904) "Ausstellung der amerikanischen Photo Secession in dem Carnegie-Institut zu Pittsburg." Sadakichi Hartmann. Photographische Rundschau und Photographisches Centralblatt, vol. XVIII, no. 9. A-37 (May 1, 1904) "The Autonomy of Pantomime." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Curtain, vol. IX, no. 106. A-38 (Oct. 1930) "An Appreciation of Charles H. Davis." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 13, no. 10. A-39 (Oct., 1909) "An Appreciation of Albert L. Groll--Landscape Painter." Sidney Allan. Brush and Pencil, vol. 11, A-40 (Oct., 1902-March 1903). "Academic Portraiture: Pirie McDonald." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 43, A-41 (Oct., 1906). "Background Relations." Attributed to Hartmann. Bulletin of Photography and the Photographer, vol. 4, no. 79. B-1 (Feb. 10, 1909) "Bjornson. The Great Scandinavian Novelist at Home." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Los Angeles Times, B-1a Aug. 7, 1892. "The Boldine Portraits." Possibly Sadakichi Hartmann The Critic, vol. XXVI, no. 826. B-2 (Dec. 18, 1897) "Note on Boldine." Possibly Sadakichi Hartmann The Critic, vol. XXXII, no. 830; no. 834. B-3 (Jan. 15, 1898) (Feb. 12, 1898) "A Branch of Cherry Blossoms." Camera Work, no. 29, B-4 (Jan., 1910). "Bread and Butter Talks: Give Your Customers What They Want" and "On Management." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography and the Photographer, vol. 5, no. 109. B-5 (Sept. 8, 1909) "Bread and Butter Talks: On Prices" and "On Amateurs." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography and the Photographer, vol. 5, no. 110. B-6 (Sept. 15, 1909)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 164 Periodical Articles A-Z

"Bread and Butter Talks: What to Study" and "On Success." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography and the Photographer, vol. 5, no. 111. B-7 (Sept. 22, 1909) "Brief Comment: Literary Doings and Sayings." _____. Current Literature, vol. XIX, Various notes, possibly Sadakichi Hartmann B-8 (1896). "Briefkasten." Letter from Sadakichi Hartmann, Sidney Allan. Photographische Rundschau und Photographische Centralblatt, vol. XIX, no. 12. B-9 (June 15, 1905) "Broken Melodies." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 38, B-10 (April, 1912). "The Broken Plates." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 6, B-11 (April, 1904). "Bessie Buehrmann--Under the Influence of the Secession." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. XXXIX, no. 11. B-12 (Nov., 1907) "Camera Impressionism--Dr. Arnold Genthe." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 14, no. 12. C-1 (Dec., 1910) "The Camera in a Country Lane." Sidney Allan. Scribner's Magazine, vol. XXXI, no. 6. C-2 (June, 1902) "The Carnegie Art Institute at Pittsburg." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Burr McIntosh Monthly, vol. XVII, no. 67. C-3 (Oct., 1908) "The Chances of Moving Picture Portraiture." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 51, no. 9. C-4 (Sept., 1914) "Chaplin's City Lights." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Curtain, vol. 10, no. 111. C-4a (March, 1931) "Charles Rohlfs: A Worker in Wood." Sadakichi Hartmann. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 49, no. 662. C-4b (Feb., 1912) "A Chat with Zola." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. The Saint Paul Pioneer Press, and The Courier-Journal, C-5 Nov. 13, 1892; Nov. 13, 1892. "Children as They Are Pictured." Sidney Allan. Cosmopolitan Magazine, vol. 43, no. 3. C-5a (July, 1907) "Frank Scott Clark--The Man and His Work." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. LII, no. 3. C-6 (March, 1915) "Clearness of Interpretation." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, no. 401. (On Mme d'Ora.) C-7 (April 14, 1915) "Alvin Langdon Coburn--Secession Portraiture." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 44, no. 606. C-8 (June, 1907) "Comparative Portraiture." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 44, C-9 (March, 1907). "Composition and the Functions of the Eye." Sidney Allan. Portrait, vol. 8, no. 10. C-10 (Feb., 1917) "Composition in Child Photography." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 46, C-11 (Jan., 1909). "Composition in Portraiture: An Introduction to a Series of Articles on the Law of Composition." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 45, (Series runs from C-13 through C-22a). C-12 (Jan., 1908). "Composition in Portraiture." (Review of series.) Abel's Photographic Weekly, vol. 1, no. 7. C-12a (Jan. 18, 1908) "The Placing of the Head." C-13 (Feb., 1908). "The Profile View." C-14 (March, 1908). "The Full Face and Three-Quarter View--Part I." C-15 (April, 1908). "The Full-Face and Three-Quarter View--Part II." C-16 (May, 1908). "The Management of Hands." C-17 (June, 1908). "On Standing Positions." C-18 (July, 1908). "On Sitting Positions." C-19 (Aug., 1908). "On Backgrounds." C-20 (Sept., 1908). "On Groups." C-21 (Oct. 1908). "On Tone and Value." C-22 (Nov., 1908). "On Light Effects." C-22a (Dec. 1908).

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"The Conquest of Light." Sadakichi Hartmann. Photographic Progress. C-22b "Constructive Criticism--No. 1. A Weekly Pictorial Review." (R. Duhrkoop). Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography and the Photographer, vol. 4, no. 97. (Series runs from C-23 through C-63. The artist(s) discussed will appear in parentheses after the series number. C-23 (June 16, 1909) "No. 2." (Hugo Erfurt and Jacob Hilsdorf). no. 98. C-24 (June 23, 1909) "No. 3." (H.J. Springer and R. Duhrkoop). no. 99. C-25 (June 30, 1909) "No. 4." (Herman Link and R. Duhrkoop). Vol. 5, no. 100. C-26 (July 7, 1909) "No. 5." (Paul Fournier and H.H. Pierce). no. 101. C-27 (July 14, 1909) "No. 6." (W.M. Vander Weyde, Elizabeth Flint Wade and Rose Clark). no. 102. C-28 (July 21, 1909) "No. 7." (W.M. Vander Weyde and R. Duhrkoop). no. 103. C-29 (July 28, 1909) "No. 8." (M.B. Parkinson and Paul Fournier). no. 104. C-30 (Aug. 4, 1909) "No. 9." (Otto Scharf and Robert Demachy). no. 105. C-31 (Aug. 11, 1909) "No. 10." (Davis and Eickemeyer, and Pirie McDonald). no. 106. C-32 (Aug. 18, 1909) "No. 11." (Paul Fournier and R. Duhrkoop). no. 107. C-33 (Aug. 25, 1909) "No. 12." (Sadakichi Hartmann Lifshey and Gustave Lorey). no. 108. C-34 (Sept. 1, 1909) "No. 13." (Sadakichi Hartmann Lifshey and Curtis Bell). no. 109. C-35 (Sept. 8, 1909) "No. 14." (W.M. Vander Weyde and Wm. Shewell Ellis). no. 110. C-36 (Sept. 15, 1909) "No. 15." (Curtis Bell and Pirie McDonald). no. 111. C-37 (Sept. 22, 1909) "No. 16." (B.J. Falk and Curtis Bell). no. 112. C-38 (Sept. 29, 1909) "No. 17." (Mishkin and Vander Weyde). no. 113. C-39 (Oct. 6, 1909) "No. 18." (J.C. Strauss and Vander Weyde). no. 114. C-40 (Oct. 13, 1909) "No. 19." (H.H. Pierce and William Orpen). no. 115. C-41 (Oct. 20, 1909) "No. 20." (Pirie McDonald and Eastman Johnson). no. 116. C-42 (Oct. 27, 1909) "No. 21." (Leopold Horowitz and C. Puyo). no. 117. C-43 (Nov. 3, 1909) "No. 22." (H.J. Springer and Carl Frederiksen). no. 118. C-44 (Nov. 10, 1909) "No. 23." (Curtis Bell and Alfred Krauth). no. 119. C-45 (Nov. 17, 1909) "No. 24." (Sadakichi Hartmann Lifshey). no. 122. C-46 (Dec. 8, 1909) "No. 25." (W.M. Chase and Dawson Watson). no. 123. C-47 (Dec. 15, 1909) "No. 25." (i.e.: 26) (Franz von Lenbach and Clarence H. White). no. 124. C-48 (Dec. 22, 1909) "No. 26." (i.e.: 27) (Sadakichi Hartmann Lifshey and Davis and Eickemeyer). Vol. 6, C-49 (Jan. 5, 1910). "No. 27." (i.e.: 28) (Sadakichi Hartmann Lifshey and Jeanne E. Bennett). C-50 (Jan. 12, 1910). "No. 28." (i.e.: 29) (Curtis Bell and Rose Clark and Elizabeth Flint Wade). C-51 (Jan. 26, 1910). "No. 29." (i.e.: 30) (B.J. Falk and Sadakichi Hartmann Lifshey). C-52 (Feb. 2, 1910). "No. 30." (i.e.: 31) (H.H. Pierce and W.M. Vander Weyde). C-53 (Feb. 9, 1910). "No. 31." (i.e.: 32) (Davis and Eickemeyer, and Leachy). C-54 (Feb. 16, 1910). "No. 32." (i.e.: 33) (A. Marshall and Mishkin). C-55 (Feb. 23, 1910). "No. 33." (i.e.: 34) (Painting of F.H. Tompkins and work of Franz Grainer). C-56 (March 2, 1910). "No. 34." (i.e.: 35) (Davis, Eickemeyer and Lenbach). C-57 (March 9, 1910). "No. 35." (i.e.: 36) (Gaiduschek). C-58 (March 16, 1910). "No. 36." (i.e.: 37) (A.P. Lucas, W.M. Chase and Eric Carlson). C-59 (March 23, 1910). "No. 36." (i.e.: 38) (Renee Le Beque and Hugo Erfurth). C-60 (May 11, 1910). "No. 37." (i.e.: 39) (Duhrkoop and E. Gaiduschek). C-61 (May 18, 1910). "No. 37." (i.e.: 40) (Max Koner and Franz von Lenbach). C-62 (July 20, 1910). "No. 38." (i.e.: 41) (Coubillier and Anonymous). C-63 (April 16, 1910).

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"Correspondence: to the Editor." Sidney Allan. The Photographer, vol. VI, no. 155. C-64 (April 16, 1907) "Correspondence: Letter to the Editor." By J.P. Chalmers in answer to C-64. The Photographer, vol. VII, no. 159. C-65 (May 14, 1907) "Correspondence: Letter to the Editor." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Curtain, vol. VII, no. 73. Re: Isadora Duncan. C-66 (Jan., 1928) "Criticism of Our Cover Design." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 20, no. 4. C-67 (April, 1916) "The Daguerreotype." Sadakichi Hartmann. Photo Era, vol. XXIX, no. 3. (Photocopy and original). D-1 (Sept., 1912) "Dawn Flowers: To Maurice Maeterlinck." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 2, D-2 (April, 1903). "A Day at the Salt Meadows." Sadakichi Hartmann. Harper's Monthly Magazine, vol. CVI, no. DCXXXVI. D-3 (1903) "De Zayas." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 31, D-3a (July, 1910). "The Death of Napoleon Sarony." Anonymous, probably Hartmann. The Daily Tattler, vol. I, no. 3. D-4 (Nov. 10, 1896) "The Decadence of Sculpture." Sadakichi Hartmann. Altruria. D-4a "The Deserted Cottage." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Mirror (St. Louis). D-4b "Dispossessed." Sadakichi Hartmann. Mother Earth, vol. 2, no. 1. (Second copy of above from an unknown source). D-4c (March 1907) "The Difficulty of Photographing Sculture." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. 60, no. 5. D-5 (May, 1923) "Dolor." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 2. D-6 (April, 1903) "The Drama." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Shakespeariana, vol. 4, On Hamlet. D-6a (1887). "Drapery and Accessories." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photo-Miniature, vol. X, no. 109. D-7 (June, 1910) "Drapery in Portraiture." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, 46, D-8 (May, 1909). "Eastman Johnson: American Genre Painter." Sadakichi Hartmann. International Studio, vol. 34, no. 134. E-0 (April, 1908) "Ecclesiastical Sculpture in America." Sadakichi Hartmann. Catholic World, vol. 77, E-1 (Sept., 1903). "Edward J. Steichen, Painter-Photographer." Sidney Allan. Camera Notes, vol. 6, no. 1. E-1a (July, 1902) "Eremites of the Brush." Sadakichi Hartmann. American Mercury, vol. 11, no. 42. E-1b (June, 1927) "Ernst Possart." C.S. Hartmann. Shakespeariana, vol. 5, E-1c (1888). "The Edgar Saltus I Knew." Sadakichi Hartmann. Bookman, vol. 58, E-1d (Sept., 1923). "Essentials of Portraiture." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photo-Miniature, vol. VIII, no. 95. E-2 (Nov., 1908) "The Esthetic Significance of the Motion Picture." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 38, E-3 (April, 1912). "The Exhibition of Children's Drawings." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 39, E-4 (July, 1912). "Exhibition of Photographs by Members of the Camera Club of New York, Sidney Allan. American Amateur Photographer, vol. XVI, no. 5. E-5 April 13-30, 1904." (May, 1904) "Exhibition of Photographs by Rudolf Eickemeyer, Jr." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Notes, vol. 3, no. 4. E-6 (April, 1900) "Exhibition of Prints by Virginia M. Prall." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Notes, vol. 4, no. 4. E-6a (April, 1901) "Exhibition of Prints by Wm. B. Post." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Works, vol. 4, no. 4. E-6b (April, 1901) "Elias Goldensky, Maker of Gum Prints." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 49, no. 606. E-7 (June, 1912)

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"Elias Goldensky, Photographer, 75." Obituary. The New York Times, E-8 Thursday, March 11, 1943. "Exhibition of Photographs by Elias Goldensky at the New York Camera Club, Sadakichi Hartmann. American Amateur Photographer, vol. XV, no. 4. E-9 Feb. 10-27, 1904." (April, 1904) "Eugene R. Hutchinson--Professional Pictorialist." Sadakichi Hartmann, Photo-Era, vol. 32, no. 6. E-10 (June, 1914) "Faded Leaves." Alexander Kielland (translated by Sadakichi Hartmann). Poet-Lore, vol. III, no. 6. 2 copies. F-0 (June, 1891) "Features of the Human Face." Sidney Allan. Portrait, vol. VI, no. 9. F-0a (Jan., 1915) "The Feldman Studio, El Paso, Texas." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 18, no. 443. (Original and photocopy). F-1 (Feb. 2, 1916) "Feminine Beauty the World Around." Sadakichi Hartmann. Metropolitan Magazine, Photos by R. Eickemeyer, Jr. F-1a (Oct., 1904). "A Few American Portraits." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 49, no. 670. F-2 (Oct., 1912) "A Few Genre Subjects." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 16, no. 5. F-3 (May, 1912) "A Few Reflections on Amateur and Artistic Photography." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Notes, vol. 2, F-4 (1898-9). "A Few Reflections on American Amateur and Artistic Photography." Sadakichi Hartmann. The British Journal of Photography, vol. 45, no. 2005. Reprint of F-4. F-4a (Oct., 1898) "The Fight for Recognition." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 30, F-4b (April, 1910). "Fifty Years of Bad Luck." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 30, F-4c (April, 1910). "The 'Flat-Iron' Building: An Esthetical Dissertation." Sidney Allan; and "To the 'Flat-Iron.' " Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 4, F-5 (Oct., 1904). "The Flower-Maker." Sadakichi Hartmann. Mother Earth, vol. II, no. 10. (Original and photocopy). F-6 (Dec., 1907) "Francois Coppé: The French Poet and His Work." Sadakichi Hartmann. Providence Journal, F-7 (Nov. 2, 1892). "From a Hollywood Studio." The Curtain, vol. 4, no. 46. Announcement of a series. (Series runs from F-7b through F-14). F-7a (Oct., 1925) "Chaplin the Conceited--His Luck--and His Genius." no. 47. (Original and photocopy). F-7b (Nov., 1925) "Patrons of the Pictures--The Amateurs and the Aspirants--'Fame in a Month.' " no. 48. F-7c (Dec., 1925) "The Meteoric Career of Aileen Pringle--Screen Technique--Pictorial Values." Vol. 5, no. 49. F-8 (Jan. 1926) "Charlie Chaplin--His Methods--His Imitators--'The Most Lonesome Man in Hollywood.' " no. 50. F-9 (Feb., 1926) "Chaplin's Personality--Intellectual Standard of Hollywood." no. 54. F-10 (June, 1926) "Hollywood in Fiction and in Fact." no. 54 (should be 55, assume was 54 and rest of year works out). F-11 June "Film Critics--Some Advice to Fairbanks--Art and Moneymaking." no. 59 (should be 60). F-12 "The Future of the Films--Chaplin and Immortality." Vol. VI, no. 69. F-13 (Sept., 1927) "From a Hollywood Studio." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Curtain, vol. VI, no. 71. F-14 (Nov., 1927) "Frederick I. Monsen." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. 41, F-15 (Jan., 1909). "The Game is Up." Sadakichi Hartmann. Mother Earth, vol. 1, no. 4. G-1 (June, 1906)

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"A German Pictorialist--Rudolph Duhrkoop." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. 39, no. 6. G-1a (June, 1907) "A German Practitioner: A. Gottheil of Danzig." Sidney Allan. Photo-Era, vol. 34, no. 2. G-2 (Feb., 1915) "The German Theatre in : An Open Letter." Sadakichi Hartmann. G-2a "Gessler's Hat." Caliban. The Camera, vol. 8, no. 11. G-3 (Nov., 1904) "The Glorification of Color." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 31, G-3a (July, 1910). "The Goncourts." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Boston Evening Transcript, vol. 64, no. 19,184. G-3b (April 29, 1893) "Guido Ray--A Master of Detail Composition." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. 39, no. 3. G-3c (March, 1907) "The Gum Process and Its Proper Application." Sidney Allan. Photo-Era, vol. 19, no. 1. G-4 (July, 1907) "Hats in Portraiture." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 46, H-1 (March, 1909). "The Head in Portraiture." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 46, H-2 (1909). "Henry Clews, Jr." Letter from Sadakichi Hartmann to Henry Clews, and reply. New York, H-2a 1910. "Henry Havelock Pierce, An Appreciation." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. LII, no. 4. H-2b (April, 1915) "Histed--Photographer of Celebrities." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 44, H-3 (Oct., 1907). "The Hoffman Studio, Philadelphia, Pa." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 49, no. 669. H-4 (Sept., 1912) "How a Talkie Dialogue is Written." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Curtain, vol. X, no. 119. (Original and photocopy). H-5 (Nov., 1931) "How Photographers May Be Helped by the Study of Paintings--Part I." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. XL, no. 10. H-6 (Oct., 1908) "How Photographers May Be Helped by the Study of Paintings--Part II." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. XL, no. 11. H-7 (Nov., 1908) "How Leading Photographers Mount Their Prints." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 51, no. 6. H-8 (June, 1914) "How to Make Large Heads--A New Phase of Photographic Portraiture." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 50, no. 675. H-9 (March, 1913) "How to Win a Competition." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera and Dark Room, H-10 (Oct., 1905). "In Perfume Land." Sadakichi Hartmann. Forum, vol. 50, no. 1. I-1 (July, 1913) "In Quest of Pictorial Incidents: River Scenes." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 20, no. 6. (Series runs from I-1a through I-12). I-1a (July, 1916) "A Few Words on Line Interest." Vol. 20, no. 7. I-2 (July 1916) "Silhouette Effects in Landscape Work." Vol. 20, no. 8. I-3 (Aug., 1916) "Various Methods of Figure Delineation." Vol. 20, no. 9. I-4 (Sept., 1916) "How to Add a Special Interest to a Landscape." Vol. 20, no. 10. I-5 (Oct., 1916) "The Picturesque Value of Tree Trunks." Vol. 20, no. 11. I-6 (Nov., 1916) "Have Pictorial Incidents an Artistic Significance?" Vol. 20, no. 12. I-7 (Dec., 1916) "The Tang of the Sea." Vol. 21, no. 1. I-8 (Jan., 1917) "Domestic Pets." Vol. 21, no. 2. I-9 (Feb., 1917) "Snow as a Picture Maker." Vol. 21, no. 6. I-10 (June, 1917) "About a College Town." Vol. 21, no. 7. I-11 (July, 1917) "On Portraiture." Vol. 21, no. 8. I-12 (Aug., 1917) "The Influence of Artistic Photography on Interior Decoration." Sidney Allan. Camera Work, no. 2, I-13 (April, 1903). "The Influence of Visual Perception on Conception and Technique." Sidney Allan. Camera Work, no. 3, I-14 (July, 1903).

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"The Inquisitorial System." Caliban. The Photo Beacon, vol. 16, no. 11. I-15 (Nov., 1904) "International Exhibition of Pictorial Photography--Albright Art Gallery." Sadakichi Hartmann. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 48, I-16 (1911). "The Invisible Drama." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Curtain, vol. 11, no. 121. (Original and photocopy). I-17 (Jan., 1932) "Japanese Conception of Poetry." Sadakichi Hartmann. Reader Magazine, vol. 3, no. 2. J-1 (Jan., 1904) "Japanese Drama." Sadakichi Hartmann. Forum, vol. 47, no. 6. (Original and photocopy). J-2 (June, 1912) "Japanese Fiction." Sadakichi Hartmann. Forum, vol. 45, no. 6. (Original and photocopy). J-3 (June, 1911) "John Donoghue." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 21, J-4 (Jan., 1908). "The John E. Dumont Exhibition Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Notes, vol. 3, no. 1. J-5 (April 11-25)." (July, 1899) "The Jubilee Exhibition at the Hamburg Art Galleries." Ernst Juhl (translated by Mrs. Sadakichi Hartmann). Camera Work, no. 5, J-6 (Jan., 1905). "John H. Garo--An Appreciation." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 19, no. 4. J-7 (April, 1915) "Keep Up Appearances." Sadakichi Hartmann. Greenwich Village, vol. 2, no. 6. K-1 (Oct. 30, 1915) Box 20 "The Landscape Work of the Salon Club." Sidney Allan. American Annual of Photography, vol. 19, L-1 (1905). "Leitmotiv." (Preface to Anne Throop's book). Sadakichi Hartmann. L-1a (1897). "Lighting the Face in Portraiture." Sidney Allan. L-1b "Ein literarischer Gast." Caliban. New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, L-1c (March 4, 1898). "Little Tin Gods on Wheels." Juvenal. The Photo-Beacon, L-2 (Sept., 1904). "The Little Wayside Station." Sadakichi Hartmann. Mother Earth, vol. 1, no. 7. L-2a (Sept., 1906) "Looking for Good Points." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 17, no. 422. On Frank S. Clark. (Series runs from L-3 through L-23). L-3 (Sept. 8, 1915) " 'Child Portrait.' May L. Smith, Binghamton, N.Y." vol. 18, no. 450. L-4 (March 22, 1916) " 'A Family Group.' Jane Reece, Dayton, Ohio." Vol. 18, no. 457. L-5 (May 10, 1916), " 'Hortense.' Frederick Pohle, Buffalo, N.Y." Vol. 18, no. 449. L-6 (March 15, 1916), " 'An Idyllic Pastime.' Toloff, Evanston, Ill." Vol. 17, no. 429. L-7 (Oct. 27, 1915), " 'In the Library.' Elizabeth Schliepmann, St. Louis, Mo." Vol. 18, no. 452. L-8 (April 5, 1916) " 'Lou Tellegen.' Gledhill, Santa Barbara, Calif." Vol. 18, no. 447. L-9 (March 1, 1916) " 'Mother and Child.' May L. Smith, Binghamton, N.Y." Vol. 17, no. 427. L-10 (Oct. 13, 1915) " 'Mother and Infant.' W.E. Burnell, Buffalo, N.Y." Vol. 18, no. 459. L-11 (May 24, 1916) " 'Out of Door Group.' J.C. Strauss, St. Louis, Mo." Vol. 17, no. 432. L-12 (Nov. 17, 1915) "Portrait by R.C. Nelson, Hastings, Neb." Vol. 17, no. 424. L-13 (Sept. 22, 1915) " 'Portrait.' Frank Scott Clark, Detroit, Mich." Vol. 18, no. 456. L-14 (May 3, 1916) " 'Portrait.' Fred J. Feldman, El Paso, Texas." Vol. 18 no. 462. L-15 (June 14, 1916) " 'Portrait.' Helmar Lerski, Milwaukee, Wis." Vol. 17, no. 431. L-16 (Nov. 10, 1915) " 'Portrait.' L.H. Buckley, Binghamton, N.Y." Vol. 17, no. 428. L-17 (Oct. 20, 1915)

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" 'Portrait.' W.E. Burnell, Buffalo, N.Y." Vol. 18, no. 453. L-18 (April 12, 1916) " 'Portrait of William J. Connors.' Frederick W. Pohle, Buffalo, N.Y." Vol. 17, no. 430. L-19 (Nov. 3, 1915) "' 'Rockabye Baby.' Knaffle Bros., Knoxville, Tenn." Vol. 18, no. 458. L-20 (May 17, 1916) " 'Ruth St. Denis.' J.D. Toloff, Evanston, Ill." Vol. 18, no. 448. L-21 (March 8, 1916) "'Sisters.' Elizabeth Schliepmann, St. Louis, Mo." Vol. 17, no. 425. L-22 (Sept. 29, 1915) " 'Youngsters.' G.J. Sipprell, Buffalo, N.Y." Vol. 18, no. 451. L-23 (March 29, 1916) "Looking for the Good Points." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Camera, vol. 21, no. 10. (Series runs from L-24 through L-32). L-24 (Oct. 1917) Vol. 21, no. 11. L-25 (Nov., 1917) (On Gledhill). Vol. 21, no. 12. L-26 (Dec., 1917) (James Cooper and Percy Newman). Vol. 22, no. 1. L-27 (Jan., 1918) (Miss Reineke). Vol. 22, no. 3. L-28 (March, 1918) (Belle Johnson and Frank Scott Clark). Vol. 22, no. 7. L-29 (July, 1918) (Weston). Vol. 22, no. 9. L-30 (Sept., 1918) (J.D. Toloff and May L. Smith). Vol. 22, no. 10. L-31 (Oct., 1918) Vol. 22, no. 11. L-32 (Nov., 1918) "The Man Without A Pose--S.L. Stein." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine. no. 43, M-1 (Dec., 1906). "The Management of Hands." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. 56, no. 11. M-1a (Nov., 1919) "Manipulation as a Means of Individual Expression." _____. The American Amateur Photographer, vol. 17, no. 8. M-1b (Aug., 1905) "A Master in Child Portraiture." Sadakichi Hartmann. Photo-Era, vol. 29, M-2 (Jan., 1912). "Masterpieces of American Portraiture." (Richard E. Miller). Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, no. 408. (Series runs from M-3 through M-14). M-3 (June 2, 1915) (Alden Weir). no. 409. M-4 (June 9, 1915) (Gari Melchers). no. 410. M-5 (June 16, 1915) (James J. Shannon). no. 411. M-6 (June 23, 1915) (George B. Butler). no. 412. M-7 (June 30, 1915) (James McNeil Whistler). Vol. 17, no. 413. M-8 (July 7, 1915) (John S. Sargeant). no. 414. M-9 (July 14, 1915) (Robert MacCameron). no. 415. M-10 (July 21, 1915) (Thomas Eakins). no. 417. M-11 (Aug. 4, 1915) (William M. Chase). no. 418. M-12 (Aug. 11, 1915) (Frank Duveneck). no. 419. M-13 (Aug. 18, 1915) (Louis Betts). no. 420. M-14 (Aug. 25, 1915) "Masters in Portraiture--Albrecht Durer." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 48, (Series runs from M-15 through M-41). M-15 (June, 1911). "Anton Van Dyck." Vol. 48, M-15a (March, 1911). "Auguste Renoir." Vol. 46, M-16 (Sept., 1909). "Caro Delvaille." Vol. 47, M-17 (Aug., 1910). "Dante Gabriel Rossetti." Vol. 47, M-18 (March, 1910). "De La Tour." Vol. 49, M-18a (March, 1912). "Diego Velasquez." Vol. 48, M-19 (Aug., 1911). "Édouard Manet." Vol. 46, M-20 (Aug., 1909). "Francisco Goya." Vol. 47, M-21 (Oct., 1910). "Franz von Lenbach." Vol., 46, M-22 (Oct., 1909). "Friedrich August Von Kaulbach." Vol. 47, M-23 (Feb., 1910). "George Frederick Watts." Vol. 46, M-24 (Nov., 1909). "Hans Holbein." Vol. 49, M-25 (Aug., 1912).

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"Hans Holbein." (Reprint of above article in The Photographic Journal of America, vol. 55, no. 2). M-26 (Feb., 1918) "Hubert Herkomer." Vol. 46, M-27 (Dec., 1909). "James McNeil Whistler." Vol. 47, M-28 (April, 1910). "Jean Baptiste Greuze." Vol. 48, M-29 (July, 1911). "Jean Baptiste Greuze." (Reprint of above article in The Photographic Journal of America, vol. 54, no. 3). M-30 (March, 1917) "John W. Alexander." Vol. 47, M-30a (1910). "Joshua Reynolds." Vol. 48, M-31 (Feb., 1911). "Joshua Reynolds." (Reprint of above article in The Photographic Journal of America, vol. 54, no. 2). M-32 (Feb., 1917) "Lucien Simon." Vol. 47, M-33 (July 1910). "Max Koner." Vol. 47, M-34 (Jan., 1910). "Peter Paul Rubens." Vol. 49, no. 671. M-35 (Nov., 1912) "Raphael." Vol. 50, no. 674. M-35a (Feb., 1913) "Rembrandt." Vol. 48, M-36 (Nov., 1911). "Rembrandt." (Reprint of above article in The Photographic Journal of America, vol. 55, no. 1). M-37 (Jan., 1917) "Thomas Gainsborough." Vol. 47, M-38 (Nov., 1910). "Titian." Vol. 49, no. 672. M-39 (Dec., 1912) "W.Q. Orchardson." Vol. 47, M-40 (Sept., 1910). "Wilhelm Leibl." Vol. 47, M-41 (Dec., 1910). "Methods of Character Interpretation--Paper II--By Emphasis of Physiognomy." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 15, M-42 (Nov. 11, 1914). "Methods of Character Interpretation--Paper III-By Emphasis of Personality." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 15, M-43 (Nov. 25, 1914). "Methods of Character Interpretation--Part VI--By Manipulation." Sidney Allan. Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16 no. 387. (On Charles Gerschel). M-44 (Jan. 6, 1915) "Methods of Character Interpretation--Part VII--By One Direct Source of Light." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, no. 389. (Wallace). M-45 (Jan. 20, 1915) "Methods of Character Interpretation--Part VIII--By Diffused Light." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, no. 391. (Bonaventura of Rome). M-46 (Feb. 3, 1915) "Methods of Character Interpretation--Part IX--By Pictorial Treatment." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, no. 393. (H. Essenhigh Corke). M-47 (Feb. 17, 1915) "Methods of Character Interpretation--Part X--By Dress and Accessories." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, (D'Ora of Vienna). M-48 (March 3, 1915). "Methods of Character Interpretation--Part XI--By Decorative Treatment." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, no. 398. (H. Essenhigh Corke). M-49 (March 24, 1915) "Methods of Character Interpretation--Part XII--By Flat Treatment and Pattern Device." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, no. 400. M-50 (April 7, 1915) "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The Lantern, M-50a (Aug., 1913). "Milton Waide--One Man of Photgraphy." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 44, M-51 (1907). "The Misanthrope--Letter to the Editor." _____. The Camera, vol. 10, no. 1. M-52 (Jan., 1906) "Misapplied Relief?" Sadakichi Hartmann. The Art Digest, M-52a (May 1, 1936). "Mob Psychology." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Curtain, vol. VIII, no. 90. M-53 (June, 1929) "Modern Chiaroscular Deficiencies and Their Influence on Pictorial Art." A. Chameleon. Camera Work, no. 26, M-54 (April, 1909).

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"Modern Portraits." Sadakichi Hartmann. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, no. 399. (Jean Jacques Henner). M-55 (March 31, 1915) "Modern Portraits." Sadakichi Hartmann. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, no. 402. (Lucien Simon). M-56 (April 21, 1915) "Modern Portraits." Sadakichi Hartmann. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, no. 403. (Charles W. Hawthorne). M-57 (April 28, 1915) "Modern Portraits." Sadakichi Hartmann. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, no. 405. (William M. Chase). M-58 (May 12, 1915) "Modern Portraits." Sadakichi Hartmann. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, no. 406. (Jean van Beers). M-59 (May 19, 1915) "Modern Portraits." Sadakichi Hartmann. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, no. 407. (Robert Henri). M-60 (May 26, 1915) "Modern Scandinavian Authors: Kielland, Garborg, Strindberg, Ola Hansson." Poet Lore, vol. 3, M-60a (1891). "Monologue." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 6, M-61 (April, 1904). "The Mother and Child Picture in Portraiture." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 46, M-62 (April, 1909). "The Mother and Child Picture in Portraiture." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. 53, no. 7. M-63 (July, 1916) "A Munich Artist: A Visit to Gabriel Max." C.Sadakichi Hartmann The American, vol. XII, no. 310. M-64 (July 17, 1886) "Munich and Bayreuth." Claude Phillips. Fortnightly, vol. LX, no. CCCLVIII. M-65 (Oct. 1, 1896) "My Experiences at the Fairbanks Studio." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Curtain, vol. 4, no. 37. M-66 (Jan., 1925) "My Experiences at the Fairbanks Studio." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera!, vol. 6, no. 42. (Reprint of M-66). M-67 (Feb. 2, 1934) "A New Departure in Light and Shade Arrangements." Sadakichi Hartmann. Photo Era, vol. 29, no. 5. N-1 (Nov., 1912) "A New Departure in Photography." Sidney Allan. The Lamp, vol. XXVII, no. 1. N-2 (Feb., 1904) "A New European Departure." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. LII, no. 1. N-3 (Jan., 1915) "The New Kodachrome Process of Color Photography." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 16, no. 407. N-4 (May 26, 1915 "A New Phase of Activity." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times Bulletin, vol. 36, no. 10. N-5 (Oct., 1904) "A New Power of Artistic Expression: The Pictorial Movement in Photography." Sidney Allan. Smith's Magazine, N-5a (Jan., 1908). "The New York Camera Club." Sadakichi Hartmann. Photographic Times, vol. 32, no. 2. N-6 (Feb., 1900) "A Note on Louis Fleckenstein and His Work." The Photographic Times-Bulletin, vol. 36, no. 10. N-7 (Oct., 1904) "Nym Crinkle, the Critic." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. The Theatre Magazine, vol. 6, no. 11. N-8 (Jan. 18, 1890) "Old Colonial Rooms." (Listed by Sadakichi Hartmann as one of his). Camera Work, no. 32, O-1 (Oct., 1910). "An Old Topic Once More: A Discussion of Tonal Qualities." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. 45, no. 1. O-2 (Jan., 1913) "On Backgrounds." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Journal of America, (formerly Wilson's), vol. LIV, no. 1. O-3 (Jan., 1917) "On Composition." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Notes, vol. 4, no. 4. O-4 (April, 1901) "On Exhibitions." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Notes, vol. 5, no. 2. O-5 (Oct., 1901) "On Exhibitions, Juries and Awards." Sidney Allan. The Photographer, vol. VII, no. 159. O-6 (May 14, 1907) "On Genre." Sidney Allan. Camera Notes, vol. 4, O-7 (1901).

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"On Impressionism." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 9, no. 7. O-8 (July, 1905) "On Light Effects." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. 54, no. 3. O-9 (March, 1917) "On Originality." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 37, (Original and photocopy). O-10 (Jan., 1912). "On Pictorial and Illustrative Qualities." Sidney Allan. Camera Notes, vol. (Two copies). O-11 6, (Dec., 1903) no. 4. "On Plagiarism and Imitation." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Notes, vol. 3, O-12 (1900). "On Sitting Positions." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. 53, no. 12. O-13 (Dec., 1916) "On Sitting Positions." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. 57, no. 3. O-14 (March, 1920) "On Strictly Commercial Lines--Theo. Marceau." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 43, O-15 (1906). "On the Arrangement of Groups." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. 57, O-16 (Jan., 1920). "On the Arrangement of the Skirt in Portraiture." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 46, O-17 (1909). "On the Composition of Two-Figure Portraits." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, no. 46, O-18 (July, 1909). "On the Composition of Two-Figure Portraits." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. LII, no. 5. O-18a (May, 1916) "On the Lack of Culture." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 6, O-18b (April, 1904). "On the Possibility of New Laws of Composition." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 30. O-19 (April, 1910). "On the Use of Furniture in Portraiture." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 46, O-20 (June, 1909). "On the Use of Furniture in Portraiture." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. LIII, no. 6. O-21 (June, 1916) "On the Vanity of Appreciation." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 5, O-22 (Jan., 1904). "On Tone and Values." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Journal of America America, vol. LIV, no. 2. O-23 (Feb., 1917) "Once More Matisse." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 39, O-24 (July, 1912). "The One-Print Exhibition." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, no. 44, O-24a (May, 1907). "An Open Letter." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. II, no. 6. O-25 (June, 1907) "An Open Letter from Sidney Allan" and "Replies." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 44, O-26 (June, 1907). "An Answer to an Open Letter." Sidney Allan. The Photographer, vol. VII, no. 163. O-27 "Correspondence: The Open Letter." J.D. Mitchell and J. Geo. Nussbaumer (separate comments to O-27). The Photographer, vol. VII, no. 165. O-28 " 'The Open Letter.' " Harry A. Bloiss. The Photographer, vol. VII, no. 167. (Reply to O-27). O-29 (July 9, 1907) "Originality: The Power of Producing New Conceptions." Cluny. The American Amateur Photographer, vol. 17, no. 6. O-30 (June, 1905) "Our American Art Museums (Toledo and Milwaukee)." Sadakichi Hartmann. Arts and Decoration, O-30a (Aug. and Oct., 1915). "Our Second Pilgrimage." Klingsor the Magician. Camera Work, no. 33, O-31 (Jan., 1911). "The Overland Limited." Sadakichi Hartmann. New York Call Magazine, O-32 (May 23, 1920). "A Painter Photographer--J.H. Garo." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, no. 43, P-1 (March, 1906).

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"Painters and the Public." S. Hartmann. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, no. 44, P-2 (Feb., 1907). "Parisian Night Asylums." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. John Swinton's Paper, vol. 4, no. 189. P-2a (May 22, 1887) "Phono-Film Infection." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Curtain, vol. VIII, no. 87. P-3 (April, 1929) "The Photo-Secession, A New Pictorial Movement." S. Hartmann. The Craftsman, vol. 6, no. 1. P-4 (April, 1904) "The Photo-Secession Exhibition at the Carnegie Art Galleries, Pittsburg, Pa." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 6, P-5 (April, 1904). "A Photographer of New York Society--A.F. Bradley." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 43, P-5a (Feb., 1906). "A Photographer of Pretty Women." Sadakichi Hartmann. American Amateur Photographer, vol. XVIII, (Will Armstrong). Two copies. P-6 (Feb., 1906). "The Photographer with an Artist's Temperament." Sidney Allan. The American Annual of Photography, vol. XXVIII, (Robert R. McGeorge). P-7 (1913). "A Photographic Enqûete." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Notes, vol. V, no. 4. P-8 (April, 1902) "The Photographing of Types." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. LIX, no. 5. P-9 (May, 1922) "Photography vs. Old Masters: Series I--A Few Madonna Pictures." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 14, no. 3. (Series runs from P-10 through P-15). P-10 (March, 1910) "Series II--The Choice of Subject." no. 4. P-11 (April, 1910) "Series III--The Principles of Portraiture." no. 5. P-12 (May, 1910) "Series IV--The Conventions of Drapery." no. 6. P-13 (June, 1910) "Series V--A Few Remarks on the Nude." no. 7. P-14 (July, 1910) "Series VI--Fancy and Study Heads." no. 8. P-15 (Aug., 1910) "Pictorial Progress." Sadakichi Hartmann. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 50, no. 12. P-16 (Dec., 1913) "Picturesque New York: The Esthetic Side of Jewtown." Sidney Allan. Camera Notes, vol. VI, P-17 (Feb., 1903). "A Pilgrimage to the Secession Shrine at Pittsburg." Klingsor the Magician. Camera Work, no. 6, P-18 (April, 1904). "Placing of the Head." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. LIII, no. 2. P-19 (Feb., 1916) "A Plea for Good Taste and Common Sense." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 42, P-20 (1905). "A Plea for Good Taste and Common Sense." Sidney Allan. American Amateur Photographer, vol. 17, no. 10. P-21 (Oct., 1905) "A Plea for Localism." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 9, no. 12. P-22 (Dec., 1905) "A Plea for Straight Photography." Sadakichi Hartmann. American Amateur Photographer, vol. XVI, no. 3. (Two copies). P-23 (March, 1904) "A Plea for the Picturesqueness of New York." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Notes, vol. IV, no. 2. P-24 (Oct., 1900) "Pleasing Expressions: An Appreciation of the Working Methods of A.O. Titus of Titus and Burnell, Buffalo, N.Y." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography, vol. 17, no. 426. P-25 (Oct. 6, 1915) "A Poet of Sunshine and Mist--a Recorder of Atmosphere: Maude Wilson." Sidney Allan. Photo-Era, vol. 27, no. 6. P-25a (Dec., 1911) "Pointers on Composition from Sidney Allan." _____. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 47, P-26 (Feb., 1910). "Pointers on Composition from Sidney Allan." _____. Abel's Photographic Weekly, vol. V, no. 130. P-27 (June 25, 1910) "The Popular Element in Pictures." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. XL, no. 6. P-28 (June, 1908) "Popular Landscape Photography." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. 47, no. 9. P-29 (Sept., 1914)

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"Portrait Painting and Portrait Photography." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Notes, vol. III, no. 1. (Two copies). P-30 (July, 1899) "The Portrait Print--Its Significance in Interior Decoration." Sadakichi Hartmann. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 46, P-31 (Aug., 1909). "Portraits at the Paris Salon." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 47, P-32 (June 1910). "Portraiture and Picture Making." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 50, no. 5. P-33 (May, 1913) "Portraiture at the Buffalo Exhibition." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 47, P-34 (Dec., 1910). "Possibilities--Figure Composition." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 16, no. 2. P-35 (Feb., 1912) "The Pretty Woman in Photography." Sadakichi Hartmann. Cosmopolitan, vol. 43, no. 1. P-35a (May, 1907) " 'The Prince of Photographers': Morris Burke Parkinson." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 42, P-35b (Nov., 1905). "Print-in-Ground Backgrounds." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography and the Photographer, vol. 5, no. 108. P-36 (Sept. 1, 1909) "Print-in Ground." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 13, no. 10. P-37 (Oct., 1909) "The Problem of Perfect Illusion." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 16, no. 4. P-38 (April, 1912) "Professional Pictorialism." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. L, no. 11. P-39 (Nov., 1913) "A Professional Pictorialist-- Sadakichi Hartmann Lifshey." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 9, no. 10. P-40 (Oct., 1905) "The Profile View." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. LIII, no 3. P-41 (March, 1916) "Puritanism--Its Grandeur and Shame." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 32, P-42 (Oct., 1910). "Quite in the Gentlemanly Interest." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Times Bulletin, vol. XXXVI, no. 9. (Corthell). Q-1 (Sept., 1904) Box 21 "Random Thoughts on Criticism." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Notes, vol. III, no. 3. R-1 (Jan., 1900) "The Recent Exhibition of the Photo-Secession Society." Sidney Allan. Camera Craft, vol. III, no. 6. R-2 (May, 1904) "Recent Conquests in Night Photography." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Times, vol. XLI, no. 11. R-3 (Nov., 1909) "Recent Italian Writers." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Poet-Lore, vol. 2, no. 11. R-3a (Nov., 1890) "Recent Work by J.C. Strauss." Sadakichi Hartmann. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 51, no. 10. R-3b (Oct., 1914) "Repetition, with Slight Variation." Sidney Allan. Camera Work, no. 1, R-4 (Jan., 1903). "A Reverie at the Sea Shore." Sadakichi Hartmann. Harper's Monthly Magazine, vol. CV, no. DCXXVIII. R-5 (Sept., 1902) "Review of the Exhibition (Professional Photographer's Society of New York)." Sidney Allan. Bulletin of Photography and the Photographer, vol. 4, no. 88. R-6 (April 14, 1909) "Review of the Exhibition of Photographic Studies by Charles I. Berg." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Notes, vol. IV, no. 1. R-7 (July, 1900) "Rialto Echoes." Caliban. New York Dramatic Mirror, vol. 42, no. 1,074. R-7a (July 22, 1899) "The Ride Into the Desert." Sadakichi Hartmann. Mother Earth, vol. II, no. 12. (Original and photocopy). R-7b (Feb., 1908) "Roaming in Thought." Sidney Allan. Camera Work, no. 4, R-8 (Oct., 1903). "Rodin's Balzac." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 34/35, R-9 (April-July, 1911).

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"Rudolph Eickemeyer, Jr." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Times, vol. 32, no. 4. R-10 (April, 1900) "Rudolf Eickemeyer, Jr. An Appreciation." Sidney Allan. Photo-Era, vol. XV, no. 3. R-11 (Sept., 1905) "The St. Louis World's Fair Photographer's Impressions." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Photographic Times Bulletin, vol. XXXVI, no. 11. S-1 (Nov., 1904) "The Salon Club and the First American Photographic Salon at New York." Sadakichi Hartmann. American Amateur Photographer, vol. 16, no. 7. (Two copies). S-2 (July, 1904) "Searchlight Vista." Sadakichi Hartmann. Mother Earth, vol. 3, no. 3. (Original and photocopy). S-2a (May, 1908) "Sherril Schull, Portrait Pictorialist." Sidney Allan. Photo-Era, vol. XXVIII, no. 4. S-3 (April, 1912) "Shooting in Japan." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Outing, vol. 21, S-3a (March, 1893). "Should an Artist Be National or Cosmopolitan?" Sadakichi Hartmann. Greenwich Village, vol. 2, no. 1. S-3b (June 23, 1915) "The Silhouette Idea in Landscape Photography." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. XLVII, no. 4. S-4 (April, 1915) "Simple Separate Persons." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 50, no. 673. S-5 (Jan., 1913) "The Solitary Horseman." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 7, S-5a (July, 1904). "Some New Haikai." Sadakichi Hartmann. Greenwich Village, vol. 2, no. 2. S-5b (July 15, 1915) "Some New Ideas in Picture Frames." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. 45, no. 10. S-6 (Oct., 1913) "Some New Ideas in Portrait Photography: A Visit to the Studio of Howard A. Beach." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 48, S-7 (1911). "Some Problems in Home Portraiture." Sidney Allan. The Photo-Miniature, vol. XII, no. 141. S-8 (Sept., 1915) "Some Whistler Etchings." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 16, no. 6. S-9 (June, 1912) "Standing Positions." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. 57, no. 4. S-10 (April, 1920) "Story-Telling Photography." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. XL, no. 4. (On H.B. Conyer's work). S-11 (April, 1908) "Structural Units." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 36, (Original and photocopy). S-12 (Oct., 1911). "Studio Bonaventura, Rome, Italy." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Journal of America, vol. LII, no. 9. S-13 (Sept., 1915) "Studio Talk." Sadakichi Hartmann. International Studio, vol. 27. (Linder). S-13a "Studio Talk." Sadakichi Hartmann. International Studio, vol. 29, (Aman-Jean). S-13b (1907). "Studio Talk." Sadakichi Hartmann. International Studio, vol. 29, (Childe Hassam). S-13c (1907). "Studio Talk." Sadakichi Hartmann. International Studio, vol. 29, (Charles Austin Needham). S-13d (1907). "Studio Talk." Sadakichi Hartmann. International Studio, vol. 30, (W.D. Paddock, P. Dougherty, R. Henri). S-13e (1908). "Studios of Sweet--An Appreciation." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 19, no. 8. S-14 (Aug., 1915) "Subject and Treatment." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Notes, vol. 5, no. 3. S-15 (Jan., 1902) "A Summer Reverie in the Woods." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times Bulletin, vol. XXXIV, no. 10. S-16 (Oct., 1902) "The Swinging Lantern." Sadakichi Hartmann. Altruria. S-17 "Tacahpua." Sadakichi Hartmann. Altruria. T-1

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 177 Periodical Articles A-Z

"Talks on Composition I: Training the Pictorial Scene." Sidney Allan. Kodakery, vol. II, no. 8. (Series runs from T-1a through T-12). T-1a (April, 1915) "II: Emphasizing the Point of General Interest." no. 9. T-2 (May, 1915) "III: Controlling Shapes." no. 10. T-3 (June, 1915) "IV: Reliable Formulae in Landscape Work." no. 11. T-4 (July, 1915) "V: Avoid Unnecessary Detail." no. 12. T-5 (Aug., 1915) "VI: How to Obtain a Decorative Effect." Vol. III, no. 1. T-6 (Sept., 1915) "VII: Significance of Geometrical Shapes." no. 2. T-7 (Oct., 1915) "VIII: Foreground, Distance and Middle Distance." no. 3. T-8 (Nov., 1915) "IX: On the Division of Light and Dark Planes." no. 4. T-9 (Dec., 1915) "X: The Pictorial Value of Shadows." no. 5. T-10 (Jan., 1916) "XI: Place Your Figures in Space." no. 6. T-11 (Feb., 1916) "XII: Have Your Values Correct." no. 7. T-12 (March, 1916) "Talks on Composition: Some Individual Forms of Landscape Composition." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Camera, vol. 20, no. 6. (This series runs from T-13 through T-24). T-13 (June, 1916) "Second Paper: Legitimate Imitation." no. 7. T-14 (July, 1916) "Third Paper: Divided Points of Interest." no. 8. T-15 (Aug., 1916) "Fourth Paper: The Repetition of Shapes." no. 9. T-1641661 (Sept., 1916) "Fifth Paper: The Diagonal Foreground Line." no. 10. T-17 (Oct., 1916) "Sixth Paper: Line Feeling in Figures." no. 11. T-18 (Nov., 1916) "Seventh Paper: The Vanishing Point in Out-of-Door Work." no. 12. T-19 (Dec., 1916) "Eighth Paper: The Picturesqueness of Odd Forms." Vol. 21, no. 1. T-20 (Jan., 1917) "Ninth Paper: On Pattern Design." no. 2. T-21 (Feb., 1917) "Tenth Paper: The Japanese Foreground Idea." no. 3. T-22 (March, 1917) "Eleventh Paper: Color Values in Monochrome Representation." no. 4. T-23 (April, 1917) "Twelfth Paper: The Pictorial Importance of Rhythm." no. 5. T-24 (May, 1917) "The Technique of Mystery and Blurred Effects." Sidney Allan. Camera Work, no. 7, T-25 (July, 1904). "Terpsichore's Art Discussed." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. The Theatre Magazine, vol. 6, no. 25. T-25a (June, 1890) "Texture in Photography." Sadakichi Hartmann. The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac, vol. XIV, (Contains the missing Eugene portrait of Hartmann). T-26 (1900). "That Toulouse-Lautrec Print!" Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 29, T-26a (Jan., 1910). "Theatre Libre of Paris." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Boston Evening Transcript, vol. 63, no. 19,055. T-26b (Nov. 26, 1892) "To Walt Whitman." C. Sadakitshe Hartmann. T-26c "The Towles Studio." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 45, T-27 (Nov., 1908). "Twenty-five Years of Photographic Activity." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 46, T-28 (Jan., 1909). "Twilight Hours (poems)." Sadakichi Hartmann. Free Press (Tujunga), T-29 (1931). "Two Hours with Coppée." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Boston Evening Transcript, vol. 63, no. 19, 050. T-30 (Nov. 19, 1892) "The Unconventional in Portrait Photography." Sidney Allan. Photo-Era, vol. XIII, no. 2. U-1 (Aug., 1904) "Unphotographic Paint: The Texture of Impressionism." _____. Camera Work, no. 28, U-2 (Oct., 1909). "Unexpected Charity (Stories from My Own Life)." Sadakichi Hartmann. Mother Earth, vol. 1, no. 9. U-3 (Nov., 1909) "The Value of Apparently Meaningless and Inaccurate." Sidney Allan. Camera Work, no. 3, V-1 (July, 1903).

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 178 Periodical Articles A-Z

"Visions of the Nude." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 31, V-2 (July, 1910). "A Visit to the Chicago Art Institute." Sadakichi Hartmann. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 48, V-3 (1911). "A Visit to Lesseps." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Boston Evening Transcript, vol. 63, no. 19,096. (Ferdinand de Lesseps, builder of the Suez Canal). V-3a (Jan. 14, 1893) "A Visit to John Burroughs." Sadakichi Hartmann. The Century Magazine, vol. 101 (n.s. 79), no. 5. V-4 (March, 1921) "A Visit to John Burroughs." Sadakichi Hartmann. Modern Essays and Stories, Reprint of above article. V-4a (1922). "Voltairine de Cleyre." Sadakichi Hartmann. Mother Earth, vol. 10, no. 2. (American anarchist). V-5 (April, 1915) "Von den New Yorker Theatern." Sadakichi Hartmann. Buhne und Welt. V-6 "A Walk Through the Exhibition of the Photographic Section of the American Institute." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Notes, vol. II, no. 3. (Two copies). W-1 (Jan., 1899) "Walter Zimmerman's Travel Pictures." Sadakichi Hartmann. American Amateur Photographer, vol. 15, no. 9. W-2 (Sept., 1905) "The Well-Made Print--Steffens." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 43, W-2a (Nov., 1906). "What is a Camera Club?" Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 16, no. 3. W-3 (March, 1912) "What 'Grandpa' Has to Say." Grandpa. The Camera, vol. VIII, no. 9. W-4 (Sept., 1904) "What is the Commercial Value of Pictorial Prints?" Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times Bulletin, vol. 36, no. 12. W-5 (Dec., 1904) "What is the Matter with Eisenstein?" Sadakichi Hartmann. The Curtain, vol. IX, no. 108. W-6 (Dec., 1930) "What Photographers May Learn from the Old and the New Masters: Paper I, On the Choice of Subjects." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. XLII, no. 9. W-7 (Sept., 1910) "What Photographers May Learn from the Old and the New Masters: Paper II, On Interiors." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. XLII, no. 10. W-8 (Oct., 1910) "What Photographers May Learn from the Old and the New Masters: Paper IV, On Drapery." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. XLII, no. 12. W-9 (Dec., 1910) "What Remains." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 33, W-10 (Jan., 1911). "What the Editors Are Saying of 'Composition in Portraiture.' " Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. 46, W-11 (1909). "Where Are the Gestures of Yesterday?" Sadakichi Hartmann. The Curtain, vol. IX, no. 97. (Original and photocopy). W-12 (Jan., 1930) "White Chrysanthemums." Sadakichi Hartmann. Camera Work, no. 5, W-12a (Jan., 1904). "Why Was Rembrandt?" Sidney Allan. American Annual of Photography, vol. XXX, W-13 (1916). "Wilkes-Barre Camera Club Exhibition." Sidney Allan. The Camera, vol. 19, no. 5. W-14 (May, 1915) "A Winter Ramble." Sadakichi Hartmann. Harper's Monthly Magazine, vol. CIII, no. DCXVIII. W-15 (Nov., 1901) "Yellow Leaves." Sadakichi Hartmann. Reedy's Mirror, vol. 22, no. 39. Y-1 (Nov. 21, 1913) "The Younger Generation." Sidney Allan. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. LI, no. 8. Y-2 (Aug., 1914)

Additional articles

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 179 Periodical Articles Additional articles

Box 21 "Landscape and Figure Composition." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. 41, and vol. 42, (Series runs from L-33 through L-44). (1909), (1910). "Chapter I." Vol. 41, no. 5, p. 164-171. L-33 (May, 1909) "Chapter II." Vol. 41, no. 6, p. 203-208. L-34 (June, 1909) "Chapter III." Vol. 41, no. 7, p. 253-262. L-35 (July, 1909) "Chapter IV." Vol. 41, no. 8, p. 285-296. L-36 (Aug., 1909) "Chapter V." Vol. 41, no. 9, p. 332-339. L-37 (Sept., 1909) "Chapter VI." Vol. 41, no. 10, p. 371-377. L-38 (Oct., 1909) "Chapter VII." Vol. 41, no. 11, p. 412-420. L-39 (Nov., 1909) "Chapter VIII." Vol. 41, no. 12, p. 462-470. L-40 (Dec., 1909) "Chapter IX." Vol. 42, no. 1, p. 22-31. L-41 (Jan., 1910) "Chapter X." Vol. 42, no. 2, p. 49-57. L-42 (Feb., 1910) "Chapter XI." Vol. 42, no. 3, p. 97-104. L-43 (Mar., 1910) "Chapter XII." Vol. 42, no. 4, p. 137-145. L-44 (April, 1910) "The Man Behind the Gun--J. C. Strauss." Sadakichi Hartmann. (n.p., M-1c n.d.) "Methods of Character Interpretation. Paper I: By Straightforward Realism." Bulletin of Photography, vol. 15, p. 518-519. M-68 (Oct. 21, 1914), "A Photographer of Japan -- Arnold Genthe." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. 42, no. 12, p. 458-464. P-43 (Dec., 1910) "What Photographers May Learn from the Old and the New Masters: Paper III: On the Nude." Sidney Allan. The Photographic Times, vol. 42, no. 11, p. 420-426. W-16 (Nov., 1910) Scrapbooks

Hartmann's German Scrapbook (from Oscar Klausner)

Box 22 (cf. listing with scrapbook for contents). Nov. 18, 1898 to Dec. 30, 1900

File with loose pages from Scrapbook General note (found in floorboards of Linto house. Basically concerned with acquaintances of Sadakichi Hartmann and obituaries)

Box 22 "Zum Tode Paul Verlaine's" No date: "Sichtbarkeit der Farben auf grössere Entfernungen" "Mary Ellen Eastside" Arnold Schroeder in Auto Accident" "Lifelike Color Film for Pocket Cameras" 1935, April 18: "America's Native Music" No date: "Mrs. Surratt an Innocent Victim" "Angel Dancers Done with Tramps" "Inside a Sixty-four-day Limit" "La Pierreuse" "Queen of Zanzibar" by Francis S. Saltus "Dublin" by Bart Kennedy "Great Theatre City" "Fanatic Dunlap Was Buried Secretly" "Tones in Color" "Dentist's Riches Do Good in a Queer Way" "Vampire" (poem) "Langtry's Fame Recalled" "Trial Pacts by Villagers Not Unusual" "Der Fall Kuhnert" --magic trick-- "Sleeping with Window Open Dealt Blow" 1932, Dec. 29: "Nine Times More Wavelengths Given Radio" No date:

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 180 Scrapbooks File with loose pages from Scrapbook

"J.C. Strauss, Photographer, Dies Aged 67" "Remarkable Escape from Death" "Pennsylvania Annual" "Gustav Cramer Dies After Operation" 1914, July 17: "...Is Shot by Playmate" 1911, April 21: "William B. Potter Dies at Age of 67" 1914, July 15: "Between the Atoms of Time" No date: "Noted Sculptor Saved from Pauper's Grave" "All Food Stuff Now Are Adulterated" "Wilde's Forbidden Play" "The Killer of Swans" "A Tough Girl Who Is Really Tough" "To One Departed" (poem) by Anna H. Branch "Einladung zur Jagd" (poem) by Paul Heyse "The Secret of Ancient Music" "Haunted by a Voice" --flood in L.A. Times-- 1934, Jan. 6: "County Flood-Control" 1934, Jan. 7: "John McGurk's 'Suicide Hall' Gone from the Bowery" in New York Herald 1902, March 23: "Modern French and German Opera" by Arthur Elson in The Etude No date: "Harry Thaw Shoots and Kills Stanford White in Madison Square Roof Garden" 1906, June 26: "Hobo Feast Asked in Reitman's Will" 1942, Nov. 16: "Widow Fails to Aid Jury in Probe of Dodson Death" 1933, Sept. 21: "Dr. Bruguiere, Record Says, Has 4th Wife" No date: "Hunting Wild Bees" "Edgar Allan Poe Memorial" "John H. Garo, Artist, Is Dead" 1939, Nov. 1: "Suicide of Count Zubof" No date: "E.C. Stedman, Banker Poet, Dies Suddenly" 1908, July, 19: "Death Stays the Hand of Daniel C. French, Aged and Noted American Sculptor" No date: "Julius Grunzig" (obituary) "A Life in Prison for a Woman's Love" "The Costliest Metal" "Loaded Pistol for Husband" "Society Girl Lost Her Mind" "Wandering House Vainly Seeks a Resting Place" "Funeral Today for Dr. L.M. M'Cormick" 1922, Jan. 11: "Noted Author of India is S.F. Visitor" No date: "Morgan Robertson Dead" 1915, March 24: "Frau Berta Mener" (obituary) 1921, Feb. 9: "J.G. Huneker, Critic, Is Dead" 1921, Feb. 9: "Death of Reedy" 1922, July 8: "Mother of Artist Killed in France Petitions to Administer Estate" 1941, March 11: "Hanlon Brothers to See 'Erminie' " No date: "Moore Picture Actors' Mother Called by Death" 1924, Oct.: "Nearly Married His Own Daughter" No date: "Art Notes" "Fix Cause of Death of Dr. Rahtjen" 1925, Jan.: "The French Academy" by Pierre de Lanux No date: "Two Artists Victims of Asphyxiation" 1912, April 1: "Isadora Duncan, Dancer, Killed" No date: "The Human Bats of Discord, Theme of Montesquiou" "Rejected Models Caused Sculptor to End Life" (John Donoghue) "The Sea Madness" (poem) by F. O'Neill Gallagher "Sculptor Donoghue's Body Identified" 1903, July 6:

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 181 Scrapbooks File with loose pages from Scrapbook

"Agnes Ethel, Once Stage Star, Dead" No date: "Park Godwin Dies, Aged 88" 1904: "Fought 'Car Ahead' Order 500 Blocks" No date: "Wrote to Actress, Lands in a Cell" "Die letzten Buren" (poem) "Liebe im Traumland" (poem) by Georg C. Viereck "Queer Hotels" "Ein neues Leben Jesu" "Double Tragedy All Due to Love" 1895, Feb. 7: "Citizen Train" No date: "Young Girl Struck by Lightning in the Street" "Daughter of the Late Julian Ralph, Weds" "Historic Greenwich Village Homes" "Beauty (Baron de Riviere's daughter) Who Adorns $2 Bill Is Accused" "Tragedy Hits Third Time at Art Circle" (Margery Winter's death) 1940, Aug. 19: "Die Ruhe des Mogul" (poem) by Ernst Lenbach No date: "Miss Steiner Holds Mines at $2,000,000" "Judge Ponders Jap Plea" 1944, July 15: "Orchestra Manager Dead" (George H. Wilson) 1908, March 19: "James Jeffrey Roche Passes Away in Berne" No date: "Stage Star Dies Poor" (Sadie Martinot) 1923, May 7: "Three Themes of Verse Told by Woman Poet" (M. Madelva) No date: "La Soularde," "My Grandmother," and "The Ingenue" (poems) "Gedichte" by Theodor Sufe "Diana (Duffe-Cooper) in Life Fight" "What to Wear" "Sonia Made 'Atmosphere' as She Sold Cigarettes" "Noted Sculptor, P. Martiny, Dies; Local Resident" 1927, June 26: "Actor Power on Way to 'Finer Role' " 1937, Jan. 2: "The Value of a Hypodermic Case" No date: "Noted Author (Edmund Russell) Dead in N.Y." 1923: (poem) by Wells Hawks No date: "Cavalier Accepts 'Bob,' Says Friend" "Richmond Home of the Lost Lenore" "Crowd at East Side Funeral" (Shaikewitz) 1906: "Mathieson, Actor Killed in Arizona, to be Buried Here" 1932, Feb. 19: "Donor of $5,000,000 to Art Units Can't Pay Wife's Rent" 1931, Sept.: "U.S. Jury Indicts Duncan Renaldo on Passport Charge" No date: "Schomer (Shaikewitz) Hebrew Novelist, Is Dead" "Miss Sage is Given Degree by Syracuse" "A Chinese Dinner in New York" by Julian Jerrold "Public Can't Get to Art Museum So (Francis E.A.) Curly Quits" 1915, Feb. 26: "A Schedule of the Moral Effects of Colors" No date: "Sculptor Perry Sticks to Jail" "167 Vegetables at Society Dinner" --shape of women-- "Poe Centenary Celebrations" "Under the Willows" (poem) by Strickland W. Gillian "The Great Profile," Newsweek obituary of John Barrymore --Walt Whitman article in Time-- 1943, Dec. 6: "Iowa's Painter," Time 1942, Feb. 23: "Citizenship Won by Alien Over Protest" No date: "Julian Wendt, Sculptor, Dies" 1942, June 23: "Ida Kruse McFarlane" No date: "Barrymore's Funeral Services to Be Private" 1942, May 29: "Susan Eakins Dies" No date: --Reginald Bathurst obituary in Time-- 1943, June 28: "Dies in Sweden" (Marta Af Ekenstam) 1939, Aug. 4:

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 182 Scrapbooks File with loose pages from Scrapbook

"Lowengard, Duvcen Head, Dies" No date: "Ida M'Farlane Is Dead After Long Illness" 1940, June 19: "Death Stays the Pen of Peyton Poswell--a Full Career at 57" Art Digest 1937, Jan. 1: "One Europe" (review of Crusade for Pan-Europe by Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi) Time 1943, Nov. 29: " 'Millionaire Hobo' Dies from Effects of Long Self-Denial" No date: "Yamanaka Re-Opened" "Lanthrop Drowns" "Horatio Walker" "East-West Romance Recalled." Los Angeles Examiner 1942, Feb. 11:

(Scrapbook: Revelations: Tome I

Box 23 1893 to 1911 Reviews of Sadakichi Hartmann's works: Christ, Buddha, Tragedy in a New York Flat, The Art Critic, History of American Art, Japanese Art, The Whistler Book. Also announcements of and reactions to his lectures and readings. Clippings of Sadakichi Hartmann's conflict with Upton Sinclair at Helicon Hall. Box 24 Atma D. Hartmann-Gilliland's Scrapbook of clippings and lecture announcments for Sadakichi Hartmann

"Red" Scrapbook (Webster's Dictionary)

Box 24 1916-1938 Announcements of lectures and reports of Sadakichi Hartmann's activities

Skrip-Skrap (collected by Claude W. Ballard)

Box 25 Almost exclusively announcements of Sadakichi Hartmann's books, readings, and lectures.


Photocopy of pages from scrapbooks Hartmann Art Essays in Aileen Pringle's scrapbook Photocopy of "Red" Scrapbook Photocopy of Atma Gilliland's scrapbook Biographical Materials

Miscellaneous Family Correspondence

Box 26 Astor Hartmann. 1 letter from Astor (?). 1 typed leaf and 3 photostats of poems by Astor. 11 letter from U.S. Army. 1 post card change of address from Astor. Draft of a letter by Sadakichi Hartmann to U.S. Army. Letter of Wistaria H. Linton to Pvt. Walz (a friend of Astor's). 1 rejection slip to Astor from Saturday Evening Post, 1938. Robert Hartmann. 1 U.S. Army form naming Wistaria as beneficiary and sending her an allotment. 1 ALS to Wistaria. Inglewood, Ca. Feb. 21, 1955. Scope and Contents note About Wistaria's suit against Fowler.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 183 Biographical Materials Miscellaneous Family Correspondence

Wistaria Linton 1 PCS to R.G. Heckman, Banning, Ca. Oct. 2, 1957. 1 ANS to Helga Hansen, Banning, Ca. March 30, 1945. Atma to Harry Lawton. Letters from Atma to H. Lawton, Nov. 1969-1971. 1 enclosure of advertisement for S. Kimmel's "Leaves on the Water" for which Sadakichi Hartmann wrote the preface. Letters to Wistaria. From Atma D. Gilliland. St. Petersburg, Fla. Dec. 4, 1944. Scope and Contents note Describes Sadakichi Hartmann's death there and burial in Royal Palms Cemetery.

1 APC from Matt Moore, July 29, 1954. 1 TLS from Judson Metzgar to Wistaria. Los Angeles, Ca. Feb. 23, 1950. Scope and Contents note With a pencilled note from Sadakichi Hartmann to J. Metzgar enclosed.

2 APC and 2 ALS from Mrs. W. Purcell, 1944-1958. 1 TLS from Grant Sharman to Wistaria. Los Angeles, Ca. Aug. 10, 1959. Scope and Contents note Thanks for photocopy of Sadakichi Hartmann's Tanka and .

Letters of Nurva (Mrs. W.J. Gallagher) to Wistaria. ALS. To Lillian Bonham Hartmann. 1934, May 19. ALS. Concord, Mass. 1944, Dec. 1. General Physical Description note: 4 p. Scope and Contents note About Sadakichi Hartmann's death.

TLS. Concord, Mass. 1945, Dec. 15. General Physical Description note: 5 p. Scope and Contents note About family.

ALS. So. Acton, Mass. 1955, Oct. 21. General Physical Description note: 4 p. Scope and Contents note About settlement with Gene Fowler.

ALS. So. Acton, Mass. 1956, Jan. 19. General Physical Description note: 4 p. Scope and Contents note Family matters.

TLS. So. Acton, Mass. 1957, Apr. 22. General Physical Description note: 4 p. Scope and Contents note Describes what Sadakichi Hartmann manuscripts she has to send to Ridgeway Library (3 p. typed).

"How I Made My First Pictures." Nurva Hartmann. The Camera, vol. 14, no. 6. (Ghosted by Sadakichi Hartmann?). (June, 1910) Arthur M. Hartmann.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 184 Biographical Materials Miscellaneous Family Correspondence

1 notice and 1 advertisement in the Musical Courier (New York), Photocopies. Sept. 16 and 30, 1896. Oscar T. Hartmann. 1 ALS. Denver, Colo. Jan. 25, 1914. Scope and Contents note To Wistaria?

Tansy Hartmann. 1 ALS. Gilbert Hotel Stationery, Hollywood, Ca. July 16, 1940. General Physical Description note: 4 p. Scope and Contents note To Wistaria. Has met most of Sadakichi Hartmann's friends; visited the Deckers, the beach and the Krasnow's.

George Knox to Dorothea Gilliland. Riverside, Ca. Aug. 11, 1969. General Physical Description note: 2 p. (2 copies).

Miscellaneous family items. Letters, notes, newspaper clippings.

Sadakichi Hartmannn: Early Life to 1900

Box 27 Staatsarchiv Hamburg. General Physical Description note: 1 roll microfilm of Hartmann family records.

Sadakichi Hartmann miscellaneous holographs General Physical Description note: (2 items).

General autobiographical items, typewritten and autograph. Folder of transcriptions of microfilm from Staatsarchiv Hamburg with translation. A document signed from Hamburg Amtsgericht to Sadakichi Hartmann concerning his omission from Ernst Ferdinand Caspar Hartmann's will. Biographical chronology. Biographies from reference books. Photocopies of pages from Philadelphia City Directory. 1882-86 Sadakichi Hartmann holographic list of publications to March, 1891. 1891 Photocopies of biographical articles: (1) Introduction to Buddha, Confucius, Christ, by H. Lawton and George Knox. Newspaper report of Sadakichi Hartmann arrest, Dec. 22, 1893, and letter from Boston Boston Public Library, re: Christ. 1893 Photocopies of pages from Boston City Directory. 1894-95 Photocopy of review of "Tragedy in a New York Flat." 1896 Atma Hartmann's baptismal certificate, Paris, France, Oct. 6, 1899. 1899

Sadakichi Hartmann: Mid-Life, 1900-1930

Box 28 "History of American Art," reviews and bibliography. 1901 Lecture tours. Cover letters and list of topics, program of a presentation of a "perfume concert" at the New York Theatre, Dec. 7, 1904. 1904-06 Program of readings from Sadakichi Hartmann's four dramas, Buffalo, N.Y. 1910 Will and testament, 1911 General Physical Description note: 1 typed leaf.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 185 Biographical Materials Sadakichi Hartmann: Mid-Life, 1900-1930

Program of recitation in English and German, San Francisco, May 21, 1913. 1913 General Physical Description note: 1 leaf.

1 exhibit card with description of Greenwich Village, 1915, and Sadakichi Hartmann's move to San Francisco. 1915 Photocopies of articles about Sadakichi Hartmann, and 1 card noting lecture by Sadakichi Hartmann, Jan. 9, 1916, Brooklyn, N.Y. 1916 3 cards and 1 photocopy of lecture announcements. 1917 Photocopies of articles about Sadakichi Hartmann and family living in San Mateo County, Ca., July-Aug., 1918. 1918 Invitation card to Japanese Dinner celebrating Sadakichi Hartmann's 51st birthday. 1920 "The Last Thirty Days of Christ," background and reviews. Knox, George. Introduction to "The Last Thirty Days of Christ." Program of lectures, Nov.-Dec., 1921, Asheville, N.C. 1921 Price list of Sadakichi Hartmann's books and program of lectures, Hollywood, Ca., Jan., 1923. 1923 Program of lecture, July, 1924, New York (?). 1924 Program of lectures, Jan.-Feb., 1925, Hollywood. 1925 2 tickets to "A Japanese Perfume Symphony," May, 1926, Los Angeles, Ca., and 2 programs to readings by Sadakichi Hartmann, Hollywood and Glendale, Ca. 1926 Photocopy of ad for "Passport to Immortality," ticket to talk and programs of reading, Hollywood, Ca. 1927 2 programs to readings by Sadakichi Hartmann, Hollywood, Ca. 1928 2 programs to readings by Sadakichi Hartmann, Hollywood, Ca. 1929

Sadakichi Hartmann: Late Life, 1930-1944

Box 29 2 lecture programs, Albuquerque, N.M. and Hollywood, Ca. 1930 San Jacinto Mountain (Sadakichi Hartmann drawing). Newspaper article on Sadakichi Hartmann theory of weather, in Illustrated Daily News, (Los Angeles, Ca.), Feb. 26, 1931. 1931 Invitation to lecture, Los Angeles, Ca., March. 1932 Photocopies of articles about Sadakichi Hartmann in Art Digest, 1930-1932. Programs for 2 lectures, Los Angeles; "Souvenir of a Visit to New York," by Holger Cahill, about Sadakichi Hartmann 1933 Announcement of Sadakichi Hartmann's 63rd birthday. Announcement of party, Hollywood, Ca. 1934 Photocopies of 2 articles from American Spectator, (1935) about Sadakichi Hartmann 1935 Invitations and announcements of lectures, Hollywood and New York; letter of introduction from Joint Application Bureau. Photocopy of article about Harris Hotel Fire, Washington, D.C., Dec. 7, 1936. 1936 AN quoting Ezra Pound on Sadakichi Hartmann Typed page of ms. (letter?) dated Nov. 23, 1936. 1 page letter--"Good luck," from Mrs. J.E. Spingarn. 1938 Flyer for Great Art Derby Nov., 1938. Catalogue of exhibit at Palowetski Galleries, N.Y., 1938. Statement about Sadakichi Hartmann's Great Art Derby of 1939; and nominations for the 1939 Art Derby, N.Y. 1939 Typed statement signed about Sadakichi Hartmann's status during World War II. 1942 Photocopy of FBI report on Sadakichi Hartmann; one envelope. 1943 Announcement of Sadakichi Hartmann's 75th birthday. 1944 Newspaper obituary notices, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, New York Herald Tribune, Los Angeles Daily News, and Banning newspaper.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 186 Biographical Materials Sadakichi Hartmann: Late Life, 1930-1944

TLS. Minerva to Dorothy Gilliland. 4 p., reaction to news of Sadakichi Hartmann's death. Nov. 27. Telegram. Wistaria to D. Gilliland. Nov. 23 (?). TLS. Wistaria to Atma (Dorothy Gilliland), reaction to Sadakichi Hartmann's death. Dec. 5. TL. To Dorothy Gilliland from Mrs. W.J. Gallagher (Minerva) with copy of Sadakichi Hartmann's Last Will and Testament Nov. 23. (dated 1935). Article: "The First Hippie," by Richard Hill. Swank, vol. 16 (April, 1969) no. 2. 1969 Item from the Los Angeles Herald Examiner, about Sadakichi Hartmann in Banning. (Photocopy). 194- Stenographer's notebook with lists of books to read. (Knox and Lawton background notes.) 193- Background Material General note Gathered by Knox and Lawton The items in this section are listed in the order they were received and were not reorganized into sub-groups.


Box 30 Conversations with Walt Whitman (with notes by unknown). Boston Period: Purity in Print, by Paul S. Boyer, (re: American Watch and Ward Society, Boston). 1968 "Eleonore Duse." The Weekly Review, Boston, vol. III, no. 80. (Jan. 28, 1893) "Boston Letter." Charles E.L. Wingate. The Critic, vol. 24, no. 637. (May 3, 1894) "Authors in Decadence." Editorial. Providence Journal, (May 30, 1892). Sadie Martinot: Who's Who on the Stage, 1908. The New York Dramatic Mirror, vol. XXXII, no. 82. (Sept. 22, 1894) The New York Dramatic Mirror, vol. XXX, no. 771. (Oct. 7, 1893) Advertisement (newspaper), (Aug. 30, 1893). Boston Evening Transcript, (Aug. 29, 1893; Oct. 3, 1893; July 10, 1893; Aug. 12, 1893; Aug. 29, 1893). New York Times, (May 10, 1923). 1890's: Several photocopies of The Lark. Review of "Buddha". Roycroft Period: Elbert Hubbard: Genius of Roycroft. David Arnold Balch, 1940. "Nemesis." Michael Monahan, 1926. Photographers: "The Boy in the Dark Room." In Search of Greatness. Yousuf Karsh, (re: John H. Garo). 1962 "John H. Garo--A Study and an Estimate." A.J. Philpott. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. LI, no. 6. (June, 1914) "Personal Recollections of Dr. H.W. Vogel." Edward L. Wilson. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. XXXVI, no. 507. (March, 1899) "Arnold Genthe." Will Irwin. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. L, no. 7. (July, 1913) "Lecture by Rudolph Duhrkoop Before the Photographers' Association of America." Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. XLVIII, no. 637. (Sept., 1911) "Up and Down Fifth Avenue." Harry H. Brodine. Wilson's Photographic Magazine, vol. L, no. 10. (Oct., 1913)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 187 Background Material Articles

Photo of Sadakichi Hartmann by Louis Fleckenstein, Pittsburgh, American Photography, vol. XIII, no. 6. 1919, (June, 1919) "The Photographers' Metropolis." Abel's Photographic Weekly, vol. III, no. 59. (Jan., 16, 1909) Once Upon a City, 1958. "The American Pictorial Photographs for the International Art Exhibit at Glasgow." . Camera Notes, vol. IV, no. 4. (April, 1901) "Albert Groll's Work in Landscape." New York Period: "In Bohemia" (poem). John Boyle O'Reilly. The Bookman, vol. 3, (1902-3). Manhatten Kaleidoscope. Frank Weittenkampf, 1947. "Luchows." Benjamin De Casseres. American Mercury, vol. XXIV, no. 96. (Dec., 1931) "Mouquins." Benjamin De Casseres. American Mercury, XXV, no. 99. (March, 1932) "Red-Ink Days." Benjamin De Casseres. American Mercury, XIII, no. 49. (Jan., 1928) "Tragic Publishers, By One of Them." Guido Bruno. Pearson's Magazine, vol. 39, (July, 1918). And He Sat Among the Ashes. William Schack, 1939. San Francisco Period: "Ghost Walks in the House of Passion--Art Climbs Hill." Hortense Russell. San Francisco Bulletin, (190-). Hollywood Period: " 'We've got more going for us than the Edsel' had, say movie makers." T.E. Foreman. Press-Enterprise, (Aug. 8, 1971). Thief of Bagdad notices. Thief of Bagdad: Development of Discussion of (outline ms.). April 28, 1923 Hollywood film programs. "Gene Fowler Tells of His Writing Plans." van Gelder. New York Times Book Review, (Sept. 15, 19--). General Background Materials: Hearn on (typed transcripts). "Ghosts." Edgar Saltus. Smart Set, vol. 43, no. 2. (1914) The Rest of My Life. Carolyn Wells, 1937. Programs of Plays Attended. (From S. H.'s trunk.) Background: Art "Art in America." Henry B. Fuller. The Bookman, vol. X, (Nov., 1899). "The Paris Salon." Karl Kasdy. Boston Journal, (June 8, 1892). "The Salons of 1892." John Preston Beecher. The Collector, (June 1, 1892). James Gibbons Huneker. Arnold T. Schwab, 1963. Art and Life in America. Oliver W. Larkin, 1949. Background: Dance Modern Dancing and Dancers. John Ernest Crawford Flitch, 1912. Mallarmé: Un Jardin, (two photocopies). Dec., 1894, The House Beautiful (journal), vol. 1, no. 2. (Jan., 1897) "American Literary Men in Paris." Theodore Stanton. The Critic, vol. 30, no. 786. (March 13, 1897) "Les Trois Formes." Jonathan Sturgis. Mercure de France, vol. 15, (Sept., 1895). "The Lies of Naturalism." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. The Theatre Magazine, vol. 7, (Nov. 10, 1890). "Impressionism: What Is It?" Charles H. Chaffin. Camera Notes, vol. IV, no. 3. (Jan., 1901) "Symbolism." F. Colburn Clarke. Camera Notes, vol. V, no. 1. (July, 1901) "The French Symbolists." Adolph Cohn. The Bookman, vol. 1, no. 2. (March, 1895) "The Symbolist School in France." P.G.K. The Artist, vol. XXX, (April, 1901).

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 188 Background Material Articles

"Tinkling Symbolism." William Sharp. The Critic, vol. 26, (May 25, 1895). "Decadence in Modern Art." Frederic Harrison. Forum, vol. XV, (June, 1893). A History of American Art, vol. 1, (1902). "Symbolism in Art." Photo-Era, vol. III, no. 7. (Dec., 1899) "F. Holland Day: An Estimate." Herbert Whyte Taylor. Photo-Era, vol. IV, no. 3. (March, 1900) Mercure de France, vol. 28, (Nov., 1898). "Vance Thompson's Plagiarism of Teodor de Wyzewa's Articles on Mallarmé." Bruce A. Morrissette. Modern Language Notes, vol. LXVII, no. 3. (March, 1952) Letter from Elizabeth S. Blake to Michael J. Elderman (re: Mallarmé and Sadakichi Hartmann). "Un Correspondant Americain de Mallarmé." Elizabeth S. Blake. Revue d'Histoire Litteraire de La France, vol. 68, (Jan. & Feb., 1968). "Impressions of Maurice Maeterlinck and the Theatre de L'oeuvre." Richard'). Hovey (?). Poet-lore. "Paul Verlaine." Anatole France (translated by M.G.M.) The Chapbook, vol. 1, no. 4. (July 1, -?-) Copies from The Chapbook on French Literature and Symbolism. "A Symbolism in Sculpture." The Daily Tatler, vol. 1, no. 10. (Nov. 18, 1896) Saburo Ota: "Carl Sadakichi Hartmann and Japan." (Typed copy). Edgar Saltus on Sadakichi Hartmann: "Sadakichi Hartmann." Edgar Saltus. The Biblio, vol. 3, no. 5; vol. 3, no. 11. (Nov., 1923) (May, 1924) "With Wit and Love." (Review of Minutes of the Last Meeting). Newsweek, vol. XLIII, no. 14. (April 5, 1954) "The Spirit of Christmas." The Bookman, vol. XXXII, no. 4. (Dec., 1919) "The Drama Shelf." Bookman, vol. LVIII, no. 6. (Feb., 1924) "Letter to the Editor." Marie Saltus. Bookman, vol. LVIII, no. 5. (Jan., 1924) "The Whistler Book." (Review). Literary Digest, vol. XLI, no. 21. (Nov. 19, 1910) "The Edgar Saltus I Knew." Sadakichi Hartmann. Bookman, vol. LVIII, no. 1. (Sept., 1923) "Modern Scandinavian Authors: Kielland, Garborg, Strindberg, Ola Hansson." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Poet-lore, vol. III, no. 1. (Jan., 1891) Good Night, Sweet Prince (excerpt). Gene Fowler, 1944. The Nation, vol. 73, no. 1900. (Nov. 28, 1901) Rebel in Paradise. Richard Drinnon, 1961. "Art." The Nation, vol. 91, no. 2372. (Dec. 15, 1910) Oscar Klausner: Letter from W.T. Rabe to George Knox (re.: Klausner and Sadakichi Hartmann). Article on Sadakichi Hartmann by Oscar Klausner. C. Verne Klintworth letter to Lawton. Christel Gang letters regarding Sadakichi Hartmann J. Paget-Fredericks. Adela Rogers St. John: Letter about Sadakichi Hartmann and a typed article: "The Ex-King of Bohemia Among the Bay Bohemians." Gordon Curzon. John S. Coppin: Letter to Knox. Guy Bogart: (Interview) Article sent to The New Yorker, June 15, 1936. John Sloan: New York Scene, From the Diaries, Notes, and Correspondence, Edited by Bruce St. John. 1906-1913. John Sloan: A Painter's Life. Van Wyck Brooks, 1955.

Articles on Sadakichi Hartmannn

Box 31 Artists on Sadakichi Hartmann:

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 189 Background Material Articles on Sadakichi Hartmannn

"Requiem (In Memory of Sadakichi Hartmann)." Helga Hansen. Art Digest, vol. 19, no. 6. (Dec. 15, 1944) Art and Life in America. Oliver W. Larkin. (Excerpts from Chapter 25. Original and revised editions). "Five Portraits on Galvanized Iron." Benjamin De Casseres. American Mercury, vol. 9, (Dec. 26, 1926). Literary Lanes and Other Byways. Robert Cortes Holliday, 1925. Living My Life. Emma Goldman, 1931. The Confident Years: Van Wyck Brooks, 1885-1915. 1952. Between Sittings. Joe Davidson, 1951. Thomas Moran: Artist of the Mountains. Thurman Wilkins. Sculpture in America. Wayne Craven, 1968. The Roving Critic. Carl van Doren, 1923. Danton's Inferno. Danton Walker, 1955. "An Early Estimate of Sadakichi Hartmann." James G. Huneker. Musical America, (1897). Edgar Saltus: Don't Rush Him. Hugo Sonnenschein. Brentano's Book Chat. Carl Van Vechten and the Irreverent Decades. Bruce Kellner, 1968. "Books More or Less Amusing." H.L. Mencken. Smart Set, vol. 62, (Aug., 1920). Note by Ezra Pound. Canto LXXX. Ezra Pound. "The Limbo of American Literature." Gorham B. Munson. Broom, vol. II, (June, 1922). Tales of San Francisco. Samuel Dickson, 1949. Tales of San Fransisco. Samuel Dickson, (Chapter on Sadakichi Hartmann). 1959. "The Passing of '291.' " G.B. Pearson's Magazine, vol. 38, (March, 1908). Fragments from Greenwich Village. Articles on Art and Theater (possibly by Sadakichi Hartmann). Miscellaneous Poems by (?). Musical Courier articles about Sadakichi Hartmann Musical Courier articles about Sadakichi Hartmann by James G. Huneker. Soissons. Boston Artists: A Parisian Critic's Notes. S.C. de Soissons, Boston, 1894. "Review" of above. The Art Interchange, vol. 33, no. 4. (Oct., 1894) "Sascha Schneider." Vol. XXXII, (Oct., 1901). "Arnold Bocklin." The Artists, vol. XXXI, (Aug., 1901). "Her Majesty the American Woman." The Artists, vol. XXIII, (Oct., 1898). "Maxime Gorky." The Contemporary Review, vol. 80, (Dec., 1901). "Jean August Ingres." Contemporary Review, vol. 92, (Sept., 1907). In Monte Carlo. Henryk Sienkiewicz (translated by Soissons). "Modern German Lyric Poetry." Contemporary Review, vol. 77, (April, 1900). "Jean Arthur Rimbaud." Contemporary Review, vol. 81, (June, 1902). "Paul Verlaine." Forum, vol. 24, (Sept., 1897 - Feb., 1898). "Arnold Boecklin." Contemporary Review, vol. 88, (Nov., 1905). "The Ideal in Art." Contemporary Review, vol. 118, (Oct., 1920). "Deutsche Chansons." Contemporary Review, vol. 83, (April, 1903). "The German Drama of Today." Contemporary Review, vol. 89, (March, 1906). "The German Movement Against Pessimism." Contemporary Review, vol. 79, (March, 1901). "The Modern German Novel." Contemporary Review, vol. 85, (Feb., 1904). "Maeterlinck as a Reformer of the Drama." Contemporary Review, vol. 86, (Nov., 1904). "The Spiritual Art." Contemporary Review, vol. 109, (May, 1916). "The Pictorial Art of Japan." Contemporary Review, vol. 100, (Sept., 1911). "Pictorial Art of Asia." Contemporary Review, vol. 99, (May, 1911). A Parisian in America. Boston, 1896.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 190 Background Material Articles on Sadakichi Hartmannn

The Aesthetic Purpose of Byzantine Architecture and Other Essays. Boston, 1914. "The Delsarte System." Nym Crinkle (A.C. Wheeler). The Voice, vol. VIII, no. 6. (June, 1886) George Lesoir articles in The Theater Magazine: "In the Limelight's Glare." Vol. V, nos. 15 - 26; Vol. VI, no. 2. (June 15, 1889 - Oct. 26, 1889) (Nov. 9, 1889) "The Chinese Play." Vol. V, no. 16. (June 29, 1889) "The Snake and the Lute." Vol. V, no. 18. (July 27, 1889) Articles from The Theatre: "A Modern Disease." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Vol. VII, no. 8. (Dec., 1890) "A Few Notes on Portrait Painting." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Vol. VII, no. 10. (Dec. 15, 1890) "Romeo and Juliet." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Vol. VII, no. 11. (Dec. 20, 1890) "Sybil Johnstone." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Vol. VII, no. 14. (Jan. 24, 1890) "My Autobiography." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Vol. VII, no. 15. (Jan. 31, 1890) Short items on contemporary theatrical events by Sadakichi Hartmann "An Austrian Dramatist." (Eduard Bauernfeld). Emil Friend (possibly Sadakichi Hartmann). Vol. 9, (June 1, 1892). "In the Limelight's Glare." George Lesoir. Vol. VI, no. 1. (Nov. 2, 1889) "Otto Hegner." James Huneker. Vol VI, no. 1. (Nov. 2, 1889) "Cues, Cuts, and Changes." Cousin Pons (possibly Sadakichi Hartmann). Vol. VI, no. 2. (Nov. 9, 1889) "The Wounded Toe in Art." Nym Crinkle, and "In the Limelight's Glare." George Lesoir. Vol. VI, no. 3. (Nov. 16, 1889) "In the Limelight's Glare." George Lesoir. Vol. VI, no. 4. (Nov. 23, 1889) "How She Became a Millionairess." Emil Friend. Vol. VI, no. 4. (Nov. 23, 1889) "The Great Unknown. A Resume." George Lesoir. Vol. VI, no. 4. (Nov. 23, 1889) "In the Limelight's Glare." George Lesoir. Vol. VI, no. 5. (Nov. 30, 1889) "In the Limelight's Glare." George Lesoir. Vol. VI, no. 6. (Dec. 7, 1889) "With the Germans." Frank White (possibly Sadakichi Hartmann). Vol. VI, no. 6. (Dec. 7, 1889) "Edmund Russell." Ariel (possibly Sadakichi Hartmann). Vol. VI, no. 6. (Dec. 7, 1889) "Richard Voss." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Vol. VI, no. 7. (Dec. 14, 1889) "In the Limelight's Glare." George Lesoir. Vol. VI, no. 7. (Dec. 14, 1889) "In the Limelight's Glare." George Lesoir. Vol. VI, no. 8. (Dec. 21, 1889) "Mansfield as Richard III." Fileur (Sadakichi Hartmann). Vol. VI, no. 8. (Dec. 21, 1889) "Twelfth Night." Karma (possibly Sadakichi Hartmann). Vol. VI, no. 8. (Dec. 21, 1889) "The Foolishness of the Ibsenites." Nym Crinkle. Vol. VI, no. 9. (Jan. 4, 1890) "The Rivals." Emil Friend. Vol. VI, no. 9. (Jan. 4, 1890) "A New Departure in Germany." Sadakichi Hartmann. Vol. VI, no. 10. (Jan. 11, 1890) "Idea Models." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Vol. VI, no. 18. (March 22, 1890) "Notes and News." Frank Linstow White. Vol. VI, no. 18. (March 22, 1890) "Notes and News at the Amberg." Frank Linstow White. Vol. VI, no. 19. (March 29, 1890) "Evolution in Acting." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Vol. VI, no. 12. (Jan. 25, 1890) "Recent New York Productions." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Vol. VI, no. 15. (Feb. 15, 1890) "What They Are Doing at Amberg's." Frank Linstow White. Vol. VI, no. 13. (Feb. 1, 1890) "Dollars and Sense." J.R. Sawin. Vol. VI, no. 14. (Feb. 8, 1890) "Ernest Possart's Farewell Performances." Frank Linstow White. Vol. VI, no. 14. (Feb. 8, 1890) "A Mistaken Toleration." J.W.R. Sawin. Vol. VI, no. 15. (Feb. 15, 1890)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 191 Background Material Articles on Sadakichi Hartmannn

"Notes at the Amberg." Frank Linstow White. Vol. VI, no. 15. (Feb. 15, 1890) "What the Germans Are Doing." Frank Linstow White. Vol. VI, no. 16. (Feb. 22, 1890) "The Goncourts." C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Vol. VI, no. 17. (March 8, 1890) "News at the Amberg." Frank Linstow White. Vol. VI, no. 17. (March 8, 1890) "A German Novelist and Dramatist." (Paul Heyse). C. Sadakichi Hartmann. Vol. VI, no. 17. (March 15, 1890) "Our German Theatre." Frank Linstow White. Vol. VI, no. 17. (March 15, 1890) "Novelties at the Amberg." Frank Linstow White. Vol. VI, no. 21. (April 12, 1890) "A Timely Hint." M. Esteye. Vol. VI, no. 22. (April 19, 1890) "In 'Clover' at Amberg's." Frank Linstow White. Vol. VI, no. 21. (April 19, 1890) "Wool-Gatherings in the Academy of Design Exhibition Rooms." M. Esteye; "A Persian Comedy." (possibly Sadakichi Hartmann); "European Dramatists." C. Sadakichi Hartmann; "A French Play at Amberg's." Frank Linstow White. Vol. VI, no. 23. (April 26, 1890) "Cues, Cuts, and Changes." Vol. VI, no. 23. (April 26, 1890) "Milloecker's Autobiographical Sketch." Emil Friend. Vol. VI, no. 24. (May 3, 1890) "Marie Bashkirtseff." E.Sadakichi Hartmann (Sadakichi Hartmann). "The Drama in Munich." Melvin G. Winstock. Vol. I, no. 5. (April 19, 1886) "Clara Morris." Karma. Vol. VI, no. 1. (Nov. 2, 1889) "The Lost Art--Pantomime." Vol. V, no. 22. (Sept. 21, 1889) "Grace Filkins." Vol. V, no. 23. (Oct. 5, 1889) "A Lady Travelling Steerage." Mrs. Sadakichi Hartmann. Boston Evening Transcript, vol. 63, no. 19, 076. (Dec. 21, 1892) Anne Throop: "The On-Looker." "Out of the Wonderful East." "A Pastel Artist." "Wind-harp." "Review of 'Whisperings of a Wind Harp.' " Art catalogues: List of "Names for Sadakichi Project." "Oeuvres de Peter Krasnow." Paris (Feb. 16 - March 3, 1934). From: Sinclair Lewis, An American Life. Mark Shorer, 1961. E.H. Hansen, Pasadena Art Museum, March 11 - April 8, 1956. Dates for Autobiography. Articles attributed to Sadakichi Hartmann Addresses of people who knew of or about Sadakichi Hartmann Reviews copied from Sadakichi Hartmann's scrapbook with translations: "Sadekichi (sic) Hartmann." P.G. Sonntags Correspondenten, Baltimore, (Feb. 8, 1903). "Die amerikanischen Symbolisten." A. von Ende. New Yorker Staatszeitung, (Sept. 3, 1897). "Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas." George Viereck. Sonntags Correspondenten, (Aug. 31, 1902). "Sadakichi Hartmann." Otto Coubron. "Christ." (Review). Hamburger Fremdenblatt, (May 24, 1893). "Amerikanische Literature." Die Gesellschaft Munchen. "Die Dramen Sadakichis." Otto Coubron. (May 14, 1911). Book announcements. Delsarte materials: "A Craze for Delsarte." Peggy Pendennis. The World, (Typed transcript and two photocopies). (Aug. 16, 1891). "The Delsarte Method: Three Frontiers of Actor Training." E.T. Kirby. "The Genteel Transition American Delsartism." Letters to Lawton re: Willie Boy and Sadakichi Hartmann

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 192 Background Material Supplementary Material

Supplementary Material

Box 32 History of Japanese Literature. W.G. Asten, 1899. Bibliography (Sadakichi Hartmann 's own list of works). Hartmann bibliography (location of items). Separate folders concerning Sadakichi Hartmann 's MSS in New York, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Harvard, Yale, Chicago, Oregon. Sadakichi Hartmann periodical article listing at Free Library of Philadelphia. Lecture announcements. Corrections for Buddha, Confucius, Christ. References to articles by Sadakichi Hartmann Empty envelopes. Box 33 Ray Brossard (see also oversized Box 37). "She's the Modern Woman." (Mina Loy). The Kansas City Star, (Feb. 17, 1917). Letters from Thomas Barrow to George Knox. Outline for Lawton's Sadakichi Hartmann series. Bibliography of Sadakichi Hartmann articles on photography. Miscellaneous information on Sadakichi Hartmann (including quotes from letters and "Newsletter"). Interviews re.: Sadakichi Hartmann Letters to Lawton/Knox on Sadakichi Hartmann from George Fisher, Ben Marx, Bruce Morrissette, Museum of Modern Art, Norman Holmes Pearson, Saburo Ota, A.T. Schwab, Beaumont Newhall. Art criticism from James Gibbons Huneker. Arnold T. Schwab, 1963. Interview with Mrs. George Lardner. Manuscripts and library papers list. Articles on Sadakichi Hartmann (see oversized Box 37). Tom Patterson article on Sadakichi Hartmann (Aug. 12, 1973). Newspaper clippings. Catclaw Siding (plans, etc.). Miscellaneous Sadakichi Hartmann material. Research items. Various bills of Sadakichi Hartmann Cancelled checks and stubs. Various receipts and bills. Box 34 "The First Hippie." Richard Hill. Swank, vol. 16, no. 2. (April, 1969) List of pastels by Sadakichi Hartmann Art work, Sadakichi Hartmann's and others. List of artists who recorded Sadakichi Hartmann Sadakichi Hartmann by Brossard (see oversized Box 37). Drawings and art work by Brossard (see oversized Box 37). Wiboldt drawing of Sadakichi Hartmann Sadakichi Hartmann by Brossard. Photographers and other artists: Eickemeyer, Weston, Carl Sandburg, John Decker. Gene Fowler: The Young Man from Denver. Will Fowler, 1962. Letter from Fowler to Elizabeth Blanche Walsh. Reviews of Minutes of the Last Meeting. Reviews of Minutes of the Last Meeting, and news of Wistaria's suit. Wistaria's complaint against Fowler. "Sadakichi March." Music by Josef Reiter. "Sadakichi Hartmann: 'The Education of America in Art Matters.' " William Hemmerdinger, 1974. Advertisements for Sadakichi Hartmann's books. Review of White Chrysanthemums. Review of The Valiant Knights of Daguerre.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 193 Background Material Supplementary Material

Copyright forms for Sadakichi Hartmann Publications/announcements for lectures and readings, etc. UCR Exhibit, 1970. UCR Exhibit, 1958. Catalogue galley proofs, UCR Exhibit, 1970. "Hartmann Newsletter" mailing list. UCLA Exhibit, 1959. Walt Whitman Society (see oversized Box 37). Lock of Sadakichi Hartmann's hair. Sadakichi Hartmann priced bibliography. Sadakichi Hartmann bookplate by L. Bonham. Research material (on 3 × 5 cards). Sadakichi Hartmann miscellany (outline of grandchildren's hands, and sketches). Ink illustrations by Sadakichi Hartmann for White Chrysanthemums (see oversized Box 37). Artwork: Ten sketches of/by Sadakichi Hartmann Background articles on Sadakichi Hartmann N.Y. train schedule, 1940. Box 35 Miscellaneous newspaper clippings. Greenwich Village. Ed.: Guido Bruno, 1915. Bruno's Weekly, several mentions of Sadakichi Hartmann "Books: The Rubaiyat of Hartmann." Jeffrey Sussman. Manhattan Tribune, (June 5, 1971). Hartmann-Eickemeyer TMsCC by Roger Hull. Miscellaneous articles on Sadakichi Hartmann Articles with mention of Sadakichi Hartmann and reviews of his books. Articles on photography by various authors. Obituaries of photographers. "The New York of the Novelists, Part III." Arthur B. Maurice. The Bookman, vol. 42, (Nov., 1915). Photo-Secession. Robert Doty, 1960. "Djuna's (Barnes) Exhibit." Bruno's Weekly. Catalogue for sale of Mary M. Ward Library, (Original and photocopy). 1913. Copyright form for Christ (photocopy). Lists, including "Pictures disposed of." Box 36 Lawton: Press-Enterprise series on Sadakichi Hartmann (5 files). Article on Gene Fowler. Article on Wistaria's suit against Fowler. Articles about Sadakichi Hartmann Article about Enemy Alien Control. First draft of "Editor's Introduction" for Valiant Knights of Daguerre. Index of names for the Valiant Knights of Daguerre. Newspaper advertisement for exhibit catalogue. "Literary Hippie a Big Draw." Tom Patterson. Press-Enterprise, (Aug. 12, 1973). Correspondence re.: Valiant Knights of Daguerre. Literary contracts of Knox and Lawton. Miscellaneous articles. Legal agreement between Sadakichi Hartmann and Gene Fowler (see oversized Box 37). Theater articles possibly by Sadakichi Hartmann (see oversized Box 37). Letterhead paper for Sadakichi Hartmann Newsletter. Newsletter materials. Japanese art materials and literature. Research notebook. Savings account booklets. "Journey to Sadakichi" (poem) by Joe Weinberg. Bogart list (of names and addresses in Sadakichi Hartmann's hand).

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 194 Background Material Supplementary Material

Miscellaneous papers. References to Sadakichi Hartmann in The Mirror, 1905-1914. Poems by Elizabeth Blanche Walsh. Box 37 Oversized material previously listed. Photographs

Sadakichi Hartmann photographs. circa 1889-1940.

Box 38, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann as he appeared as lecturer and entertainer at the Hotel Vendome, Boston. (1) 1889. Box 38, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann as he appeared as lecturer and entertainer at the Hotel Vendome, Boston (enlargement of #1). (2) 1889. Box 38, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann holding a child's hand. (3) circa 1890. Box 38, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait (possibly by Ben Yusuf). (4) circa 1898. Box 38, Folder 1 Contact prints: Sadakichi Hartmann holding a child's hand (duplicate of #3); Sadakichi Hartmann in front of an oriental screen; Sadakichi Hartmann profile; Two children; Sadakichi Hartmann with a child; Elizabeth Blanche Walsh. (5a-f) Box 38, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann in front of an oriental screen (enlargement of #5b). (6) Box 38, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Rudolf Eickemeyer, Jr. (negative included). (7) circa 1900. Box 38, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann on chair with cigar by B.J. Falk. (8) circa 1899. Box 38, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann on chair with cigar by B.J. Falk (enlargement of #8). (9) circa 1899. Box 38, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann seated in a chair wearing a suit and hat. (10) 1906. Box 39a Sadakichi Hartmann on a pedestal, portrait by J.C. Strauss. (11) circa 1905. Box 39a J.C. Strauss and Sadakichi Hartmann pictured together wearing suits. (12) 1905. Box 38, Folder 2 J.C. Strauss and Sadakichi Hartmann pictured together wearing suits (duplicate of #12). (12a) 1905. Box 38, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by W.M. Hollinger. (13) circa 1905 . Box 38, Folder 2 "Sidney Allan" portrait by J.C. Strauss. (14) circa 1906 . Box 38, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann profile by Steichen. (15) circa 1905 . Box 38, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by B.J. Falk. (16) circa 1899. Box 38, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by B.J. Falk. (17) circa 1899. Box 38, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by B.J. Falk. (18) circa 1899. Box 38, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Paul Fournier. (19) Box 38, Folder 2 "Sidney Allan" portrait by Strauss Studios. (20) circa 1907 . Box 38, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann and Professional Photographers' Society, Buffalo, NY. (21) circa 1905 . Box 39a Sadakichi Hartmann and Professional Photographers' Society, Buffalo, NY (enlargement of #21). (21a) circa 1905 . Box 38, Folder 2 Press cliipping of Sadakichi Hartmann and Professional Photographers' Society, Buffalo, NY. (21a) circa 1905 . Box 38, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Howard Beach. (22) 1914 . Box 38, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by J.C. Strauss, St. Louis, MO. (23) 1913 . Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait. (24) circa 1915 . Box 39a Sadakichi Hartmann portrait (enlargement of #24). (25) circa 1915 . Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann at monument to Robert Louis Stevenson (signed), San Francisco, CA. (26) 1916 . Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann at monument to Robert Louis Stevenson (signed), San Francisco, CA (enlargement of #26). (27) 1916 . Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait (note on back: "Only good for a pastel sketch"). (28) Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann snapshot (signed). (29) Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann snapshot (mounted/signed). (29a) Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Schroeder. (30) circa 1920 . Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Bessie Buehrman. (31) Box 39a Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Bessie Buehrman (duplicate of #31). (31a) Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by A.A. Nicolas, Kane, PA. (32) 1912 .

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 195 Photographs Sadakichi Hartmann photographs. circa 1889-1940.

Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Van Dyck Studio, Denver, CO. (33) 1916 . Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Dunbar Wright, San Francisco, CA (signed by Wright). (34) Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann profile by Edward Weston (2 copies). (35) 1917 . Box 39a Sadakichi Hartmann as "Oswald." (36) 1917. Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait (inscription: "Merry Christmas, XVIII"). (37) 1918 . Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann reading "California Demokrat," San Francisco, CA. (38) circa 1915 . Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann profile (signed). (39) 1914 . Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann profile (signed). (40) circa 1920 . Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann and John Burroughs. (41) 1920 . Box 38, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann and John Burroughs (duplicate of #41). (42) Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann as court magician, partial picture, Sadakichi Hartmann held by hair. (43) 1923 . Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait (caption: "Life sentence for asthma"). (44) Box 39a The Court Magician by C. Warrington. (45) Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann profile by Klintworth. (46) Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann looking toward sky. (47) 1926 . Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait (caption on back: "Sadakichi Hartmann: his imitation of Joseph Conrad"). (48) 1929 . Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann front-on shot by Matt Moore. (49) 1926 . Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann profile by Matt Moore. (50) Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann front-on shot by Matt Moore. (51) Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Klintworth. (52) 1922 . Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait; signed. (53) 1929 . Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann back (note on back: "My latest portrait--I wish I was as stout as the desert air makes me look"). (54) circa 1929 . Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann profile, looking down. (55) Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait with pipe by Stockton, Hollywood, CA. (56) 1925 . Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann profile by Arthur Ermates, Hollywood, CA (signed: "From Father, 1927"). (57) 1927 . Box 38, Folder 4 Scene from The Thief of Bagdad. (58) circa 1940. Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann profile in costume from The Thief of Bagdad. (59) circa 1940. Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann from The Thief of Bagdad taken by Wistaria Hartmann Linton. (60) circa 1940. Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait from The Thief of Bagdad taken by Wistaria Hartmann Linton. (61) circa 1940. Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann in costume from The Thief of Bagdad. (62) circa 1940. Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann in costume from The Thief of Bagdad taken by C. Warrington. (63) circa 1940. Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann in costume from The Thief of Bagdad taken by C. Warrington (duplicate of #63). (64) circa 1940. Box 38, Folder 4 Sadakichi Hartmann in costume from The Thief of Bagdad taken by C. Warrington (enlargement of #63). (65) circa 1940. Box 38, Folder 4 Scene with Sadakichi Hartmann from The Thief of Bagdad (includes negative). (66) circa 1940. Box 38, Folder 4 Scene with Sadakichi Hartmann from The Thief of Bagdad (enlargement of #66). (67) circa 1940. Box 38, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by J. Ernest Mock. (68) circa 1930 . Box 38, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by J. Ernest Mock. (69) Box 38, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by J. Ernest Mock (duplicate of #69). (69a) Box 38, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait. (70) Box 38, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann with Cliff Wesselman. (71) Box 38, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann in Tujunga, CA by Wistaria Hartmann Linton. (72) Box 38, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann in Tujunga, CA by Wistaria Hartmann Linton (enlargement of #72). (73) Box 38, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann in Tujunga, CA by Wistaria Hartmann Linton. (74)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 196 Photographs Sadakichi Hartmann photographs. circa 1889-1940.

Box 38, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann in Tujunga, CA by Wistaria Hartmann Linton (enlargement of #74). (75) Box 38, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann's shack in Tujunga, CA. (76) 1931 . Box 38, Folder 5 Multiple images of "Essence of Sadakichi" by Herb Quick. (77a-h) Box 39a Image of "Essence of Sadakichi" by Herb Quick (enlargement of #77a-h). (77i) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann at Matt Moore's house. (78) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann at Matt Moore's house. (79) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann by Alfred Fabris. (80) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann by Alfred Fabris (duplicate of #80). (81) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Alfred Fabris (includes negatives). (82) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Alfred Fabris (duplicarte of #82). (83) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Alfred Fabris. (84) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait when younger. (85) circa 1900 . Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann profile (caption on back: "Sadakichi puzzled about the generosity of bonus veterans"). (86) 1936 . Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait (cut), (caption on back: "Just another snap"). (87) 1940 . Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann with grandchildren (caption on back: "Methuselah and his grandchildren--or is it Lazarus!"). (88) 1938 . Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann with grandson Sargents Court pictures. (89) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann in truck. (90) circa 1937 . Box 38, Folder 6 Ben Berlin, Sadakichi Hartmann, and Raymond Brossard. (91) 1935 . Box 38, Folder 6 Ben Berlin with "Flowering Decadent" (painting). (92) 1937 . Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann and Margery Winter. (93) circa 1938 . Box 38, Folder 6 Raymond Brossard. (94) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann at Sargents Court. (95) Box 38, Folder 6 Sargents Court. (96) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait (97) circa 1935 . Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann profile by Bob Davis for Davart Co., New York, NY. (98) circa 1938 . Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Ewing, Washington, D.C. (caption: "A study of wrinkles" and signed by Sadakichi Hartmann). (99) 1936 . Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann with pastel, from Kay Ford. (100) circa 1930 . Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait. (101) circa 1930 . Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann profile by C. Vernon Klintworth. (102) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann in robe with pipe at Tujunga, CA by Wistaria Hartmann Linton. (103) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann next to trench. (104) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann next to trench (enlargement of #104). (105) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann sitting by Wistaria Hartmann Linton. (106) Box 38, Folder 6 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait. (107)

Sadakichi Hartmann photographs. circa 1940-1944.

Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait; inscribed at bottom: "Hink"? (108) circa 1940. Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait; inscribed at bottom: "Hink"? (duplicate of #108). (109) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann snapshot (caption on back: "Up to his old tricks seeing his horse come in last The Great Also Ran"). (110) 1942 . Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann seated on rocks. (111) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann with three grandchildren. (112) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann in St. Petersburg (note on back: "Left Morgans' " and mentions letter to Henry Morgenthau). (113) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann visiting the Fowlers Catclaw Siding shack (in envelope): (114) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann sitting on rock. (115) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann in front of shack under construction. (116) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann in front of shack under construction (enlargement of #116). (117)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 197 Photographs Sadakichi Hartmann photographs. circa 1940-1944.

Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann in front of shack under construction (duplicate of #116). (118) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann sitting in uncompleted shack by Wistaria Hartmann Linton. (119) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann sitting in uncompleted shack by Wistaria Hartmann Linton (duplicate of #119). (120) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann sitting in uncompleted shack by Wistaria Hartmann Linton (duplicate of #119). (121) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann watching construction of shack by Wistaria Hartmann Linton. (122) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann watching construction of shack by Wistaria Hartmann Linton (enlargement of #122). (122a) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann watching construction of shack by Wistaria Hartmann Linton (enlargement of #122). (122a) Box 39a Sadakichi Hartmann watching construction of shack by Wistaria Hartmann Linton (enlargement of #122). (122b) Box 39, Folder 1 Completed shack. (123) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann watering plants by Wistaria Hartmann Linton. (124) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann watering plants by Wistaria Hartmann Linton (duplicate of #124). (125) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann watering plants by Wistaria Hartmann Linton (duplicate of #124). (126) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann looking at flowers. (127) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann looking at flowers (duplicate of #127). (128) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann's shack. (129) 1941 . Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann's shack (enlargement of #129 with caption on back: "How it looks now from the east"). (130) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann's shack (enlargement of #129). (131) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann's shack (enlargement of #129). (131a) Box 39a Sadakichi Hartmann's shack (enlargement of #129). (131b) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann exiting shack by Wistaria. (132) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann exiting shack. (133) Box 39, Folder 1 Shack before completion. (134) Box 39, Folder 1 Shack before completion. (135) Box 39, Folder 1 Fence posts, road, and mountains. (136) Box 39, Folder 1 Fence posts. (137) Box 39, Folder 1 Road (inscribed: "Road that leadeth to the poet's shack"). (138) 1939.. Box 39, Folder 1 Shack (note on back: "Father's shack and San Jacinto"). (139) Box 39, Folder 1 Shack under construction. (140) 1938. Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann at gate (caption: "You see, the gate is made out of the end of an iron bed stead; will the horsehoe bring me any luck!"). (141) 1943. Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann standing at the gate in front of his shack (negative of #142). (142a) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann standing at the gate in front of his shack (enlargements of #142). (142b-c) Series of four pictures of Sadakichi Hartmann's shack. circa 1950. Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann's shack. (143) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann's shack. (144) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann's shack. (145) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann's shack under construction. (146) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann's shack under construction (duplicate copy of #146). (146a) Box 39, Folder 1 Walter Linton's house By Cliff Wesselman. (147) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann with grandchildren. (148) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann with grandchildren (duplicate of #148). (149) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann with Wistaria's whole family. (150) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann with Wistaria's whole family (duplicate of #150). (150b) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann and Wesselman playing chess. (151) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann at chess board (caption on back: "A novel opening"). (152) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann with hand in front of face. (153)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 198 Photographs Sadakichi Hartmann photographs. circa 1940-1944.

Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann with mountains in background. (154) Box 39, Folder 1 Sadakichi Hartmann with mountains in background. (155) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann with hands on hips. (156) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann with hands on hips. (157) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann with hands on hips (duplicate of #157 with caption: "What weather is it in the world today!"). (158) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait (caption: "What's to be done?..." signed by Sadakichi Hartmann). (159) circa 1940. Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann profile (signed by Wesselman and Sadakichi Hartmann). (160) 1940. Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann portrait. (161) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann with John Barrymore as Hamlet. (162) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann with John Barrymore as Hamlet (enlargement of #162). (163) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann with John Barrymore as Hamlet. (164) Box 39a Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Fabris. (165) circa 1940.

Sadakichi Hartmann's family.

Box 39, Folder 2 Osada; Sadakichi Hartmann's mother (negative included). (167) Box 39, Folder 2 Carl Herman Oscar Hartmann; Sadakichi Hartmann's father. (168) Box 39, Folder 2 Carl Herman Oscar Hartmann; Sadakichi Hartmann's father (enlargements of #168). (168a-c) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann's grandmother. (169) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann's grandmother (enlargement of #169). (170) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann's grandmother (enlargement of #169). (171) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann and his brother, Taru. (172) Box 39, Folder 2 Captain Coles; Sadakichi Hartmann boarded with him 1880-1883. (173) Box 39, Folder 2 Captain Coles; Sadakichi Hartmann boarded with him 1880-1883 (enlargement of #173). (174) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann as a naval cadet (?). (175) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann at age 13. (176) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann at age 13 (negatives of #176). (176a-b) Box 39, Folder 2 Anna Heyne; companion of Sadakichi Hartmann's grandmother and his governess. (177) Box 39, Folder 2 Anna Heyne; companion of Sadakichi Hartmann's grandmother and his governess (enlargement of #177). (178) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann's father. (179) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann's father. (180) Box 39, Folder 2 Sadakichi Hartmann's father and stepmother. (181) Box 39, Folder 2 Aunt Lucille (?). (182) Box 39, Folder 2 Aunt Lucille (?) (enlargement of #182). (183) Box 39, Folder 2 Aunt Lucille's mother. (184) Box 39, Folder 2 Aunt Lucille's mother (enlargement of #184). (185) Box 39, Folder 2 Sheet of 19 contact prints. (186) Box 39, Folder 3 Elizabeth Blanche Walsh portrait by Frank Eugene. (187) Box 39, Folder 3 Elizabeth Blanche Walsh portrait by Frank Eugene (enlargement of #187). (188) Box 39, Folder 3 Elizabeth Blanche Walsh portrait by Frank Eugene (enlargement of #187). (188a-b) Box 39, Folder 3 Elizabeth Blanche Walsh portrait by Frank Eugene (negative of #187). (189) Box 39, Folder 3 Elizabeth Blanche Walsh portrait by Frank Eugene (negative of #187). (190) Box 39, Folder 3 Elizabeth Blanche Walsh color slide of portrait in frame. (191) Box 39, Folder 3 Elizabeth Blanche Walsh color slide of portrait in frame (negative of #191). (192) Box 39, Folder 3 Elizabeth Blanche Walsh color slide of portrait in frame (enlargement of #191). (193) Box 39, Folder 3 Elizabeth Blanche Walsh color slide of portrait in frame (enlargement of #191). (193a) Box 39, Folder 3 Anne Throop portrait. (194) 1894. Box 39, Folder 3 Anne Throop portrait (enlargement of #194). (195) Box 39, Folder 3 Anne Throop portrait (enlargement of #194). (196)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 199 Photographs Sadakichi Hartmann's family.

Box 39, Folder 3 Anne Throop portrait (enlargement of #194). (197) Box 39, Folder 3 Lillian Bonham portrait. (198) Box 39, Folder 3 Lillian Bonham portrait. (199) Box 39, Folder 3 Lillian Bonham portrait. (200) Box 39, Folder 3 Lillian Bonham portrait. (201) Box 39, Folder 3 Lillian Bonham portrait. (202) Box 39, Folder 3 Martha of Basel. (203) Box 39, Folder 3 Martha of Basel. (204) Box 39, Folder 3 Lillian Bonham's profile portrait . (205) Box 39, Folder 3 Lillian Bonham sitting in garden. (206) Box 39, Folder 3 Unk, Lillian Bonham, and Wistaria Hartmann. (207) Box 39, Folder 3 Unk, Lillian Bonham, and Wistaria Hartmann (enlargment of #207). (208) Box 39, Folder 3 Lillian Bonham and three children. (209) Box 39, Folder 3 Lillian Bonham's profile in Denver, CO. (210) 1916 Box 39a Album of Lillian Bonham's post-card sketches of Sadakichi Hartmann. Box 39, Folder 3 Wistaria Hartmann as child by Sadakichi Hartmann. (211) Box 39, Folder 3 Wistaria Hartmann as child by Sadakichi Hartmann (duplicate of #211). (212) Box 39, Folder 3 Wistaria Hartmann as child. (213) Box 39, Folder 3 Wistaria Hartmann as child. (214) Box 39, Folder 3 Wistaria Hartmann as child. (215) Box 39, Folder 3 Wistaria Hartmann as child. (216) Box 39, Folder 3 Wistaria Hartmann as child. (217) Box 39, Folder 3 Wistaria Hartmann as child. (218) Box 39, Folder 3 Wistaria Hartmann as adult in bathing suit. (219) Box 39, Folder 3 Wistaria Hartmann Linton with her children and husband. (220) 1941. Box 39, Folder 3 Marigold Linton. (221) 1936 Box 39, Folder 3 Marigold Linton in bathing suit. (222) 1953. Box 39, Folder 3 Marigold Linton in bathing suit (duplicate of #222). (223) Box 39, Folder 3 Marigold Linton at her graduation. (224) 1954. Box 39, Folder 3 Marigold Linton in darkroom. (225) Box 39, Folder 3 Grandson with wheelbarrow. (226) 1936 Box 39, Folder 3 Grandson with monkey on his back. (227) Box 39, Folder 3 Grandson with a pile of bricks. (228) 1930 Box 39, Folder 3 Grandson at the ocean. (229) Box 39, Folder 3 Paul Hartmann portrait, Tampa, FL. (230) 1969. Box 39, Folder 3 Paul Hartmann portrait, Tampa, FL. (231) Box 39, Folder 3 Contact sheet of Sadakichi Hartmann's grave in St. Petersburg, FL. (232) Box 39, Folder 3 Picture of Sadakichi Hartmann's hand. (233) circa 1930. Box 39, Folder 3 Sadakichi Hartmann's signature. (234) Box 39, Folder 3 Lillian Bonham with Marigold and Wistaria taken in Buffalo, New York by Sadakichi Hartmann (negative included). (235)

Artwork General note All items are photographs of originals unless otherwise noted.

Artwork by Sadakichi Hartmann Box 39, Folder 4 Head of Christ. (235) Box 39, Folder 4 Head of Christ (negative of #235). (236) Box 39, Folder 4 Head of Christ (enlargement of #235). (237) Box 39, Folder 4 Head of Christ (enlargement of #235). (238) Box 39, Folder 4 Head of Christ (enlargement of #235). (239) Box 39, Folder 4 Watercolor, 4×6 (original). (240) Box 39, Folder 4 Pencil profile (original). (241) Box 39a Oil landscape, 9×12 (original). (242) Box 39, Folder 4 "October Fiesta" pencil sketch (original). (243) Box 39, Folder 4 "Boat" pencil sketch (original). (244)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 200 Photographs Artwork

Sculptures of Sadakichi Hartmann. Box 39, Folder 4 Relief by Lillian Bonham. (245) Box 39, Folder 4 Bust by Ejnar Hansen. (246) Box 39, Folder 4 Bust by Ejnar Hansen (duplicate of #246). (247) Box 39, Folder 4 Bust (author unknown). (248) Sketches and watercolor of Sadakichi Hartmann. Box 39, Folder 4 Portrait by Marx. (249) Box 39, Folder 4 Pencil sketch by F.H. Thompkins, Boston. (250) 1893 Box 39, Folder 4 Self-portrait (?). (251) Box 39, Folder 4 Self-portrait (?) (duplicate of #251). (251a) Box 39, Folder 4 Sketch by Leslie Caudwell. (252) 1894 Box 39, Folder 4 Sketch by E. Gordigiani. (253) 1897. Box 39, Folder 4 Sketch by E. Gordigiani (enlargement of #253). (254) Box 39, Folder 4 Sketch by E. Gordigiani (enlargement of #253). (255) Box 39, Folder 4 Sketch by E. Gordigiani (enlargement of #253). (256) Box 39, Folder 5 Portrait by John Decker. (257) Box 39, Folder 5 Portrait by John Decker (duplicates of #257). (257a-b) Ink drawings of Sadakichi Hartmann. Box 39, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann seated by John Decker. (258) Box 39, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann reading Poe at Schindler's by Boris Deutsch. (259) 1928 Box 39, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann reading Poe at Schindler's by Boris Deutsch (duplicate of #259). (259a) 1928 Box 39, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann reading Poe at Schindler's by Boris Deutsch (negative of #259). (259b) 1928 Box 39, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann by L.G. (260) Box 39a Sadakichi Hartmann by L.G. (enlargement of #260). (261) Box 39, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann with Denver caption by Lillian Bonham. (262) Box 39, Folder 5 Sadakichi Hartmann with children by Lillian Bonham. (263) Box 39a Sadakichi Hartmann with pagoda head by Lillian Bonham. (264) Box 39, Folder 5 "The Critic" by Lillian Bonham. (265) Box 39, Folder 5 "Madonna" by Raymond Brossard; Christmas card (original). (266) Box 39, Folder 5 Ink sketch of Sadakichi Hartmann by Raymond Brossard (original). (267) Box 39, Folder 5 Ink sketch of Sadakichi Hartmann by Raymond Brossard (2 leaves; original). (267a) Paintings Box 39, Folder 5 Brochure, "The Paintings of John S. Coppin" featuring an image of a full length portrait of Sadakichi Hartmann. (268) circa 1954 Box 39, Folder 5 Full length portrait of Sadakichi Hartmann by John S. Coppin. (269) Box 39, Folder 5 Portrait by John Decker, with note from Sadakichi Hartmann about colors. (270) 1940. Box 39, Folder 5 Portrait by Peter Krasnow. (271) circa 1930. Box 39, Folder 5 Profile by Frederick Dana Marsh. (272) Box 39, Folder 5 Portrait by Marvin Beerbohm. (273) 1940. Box 39, Folder 5 Cubist portrait by Ben Berlin. (274) Box 39a Cubist portrait by Raymond Brossard. (275) Box 39, Folder 5 Portrait by Ray Brossard (smaller version of #275). (275a)


Box 40A Ink of Bruno's Garret by Herb Rota (276) Yvette Guilbert, actress, Paris circa 1889, (277) Coquelin, French comedian (278) Mallarmé (279) Joseph Jefferson (280) Montlitury 1887, (281) Befreiungshalle 1885, (282) D. Garrick, English actor (283) Sadi Constant, French actress (autographed) (284)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 201 Photographs Miscellaneous

Frank J. Kernan, actor (autographed) 1895, (285) Eleonora Duse, Italian actress (286) Rachel, French actress (287) Enlargement of #287 (288) Mallarmé (289) Dr. Guy Bogart with Sadakichi Hartmann pastel (290) Captions for UCR exhibition (291) UCR exhibition: Old photo equipment (292) Couple (293) UCR exhibition: Display case of Sadakichi Hartmann books and articles (294) Display case of scrapbooks and manuscripts (295) Bust and pictures of Sadakichi Hartmann (296) Exhibition room (297) Correspondence and picture (298) Dramas (299) Group of men 1920, (300) Pamphlet for Leaves on the Water (301) Karl Kipp (302) Matt Moore (signed) (303) Zaida Ben-Yusuf, self-portrait (304) Walt Whitman relief by Lillian Bonham (oversize) (305)

Negatives General note (all items listed below are reproductions unless otherwise noted)

Box 40A From The Valiant Knights of Daguerre: Advertisement for Camera Notes by Sinclair (306) Advertisement for Camera Work by Marius de Zayas (307) Advertisement for the Ilotype Company (308) Sadakichi Hartmann by Howard D. Beach (309) "Mutual Attraction" by Curtis Bell (310) "Ravvy and Caddy" by Curtis Bell (311) "Two Little Dutch Girls" by Jeanne E. Bennett (312) Untitled by Jeanne E. Bennett (313) Whistler by Giovanni Boldini (314) "Waiting for Fair Weather in Brittany" by W.G. Gorthell (315) "The Goose Picker" by Nellie Coutant (316) Elizabeth Blanche Walsh portrait by Frank Eugene (317) Bertha Galland and "Nicky" by B.J. Falk (318) "Curfew Shall Not Ring Tonight" by B.J. Falk (319) "Girl Feeding Birds" by B.J. Falk (320) B.J. Falk portrait (321) "May Morning" by J.H. Field (322) "A Pastorale" by Louis Fleckenstein (323) Elias Goldensky, Philadelphia, Pa. (324) Meredith Janvier, Baltimore, Md. (325) Lone Bear by Gertrude Kasebier (326) "At Rest" by Burr McIntosh (327) "Iron Man" Joe McGinnity by Burr McIntosh (328) Lou Dillon by Burr McIntosh (329) J.E. Mock, Rochester, N.Y. (330) Niagara Falls, N.Y., July 1850, (331) "Sleeping Girl" by W. and G. Parrish (332) "The Butterfly" by Adolf Petzold (333)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 202 Photographs Negatives

"A Girl Dancing" by Henry H. Pierce, Boston, Mass. (334) Untitled by Henry H. Pierce, Boston, Mass. (335) "The Bridge" by J.W. Schuler (336) "Madame G." by Elizabeth Flint Wade and Rose Clark (337) "A Franz Hals Type" by Elizabeth Flint Wade and Rose Clark (338) "The Newspaper Office at Night" by W.M. Van der Weyde (339) "The New York City Hall at Midnight" by W.M. Van der Weyde (340) "The Plaza, New York, N.Y." by W.M. Van der Weyde (341) "The Single Building" by W.M. Van der Weyde (342) "A Torch Light Parade on Fifth Avenue on a Wet Night" by W.M. Van der Weyde (343) "George Washington Statue on the Steps of the Subtreasury in Wall Street" by W.M. Van der Weyde (344) Captain de Witt, Princton, N.J. 1903, (345) "In Brittany" by Walter Zimmerman (346) "A Vitre Street" by Walter Zimmerman (347) Famous photographers: Zaida Ben-Yusuf Anthony Hope (348) Governor Roosevelt (349) Portrait of a Lady (350) Bessie Buehrmann An Artist (351) In a Paris Studio (352) Portrait (353) Donald Robertson (354) F. Holland Day The Gainsboro Hat (355) "I Thirst" (356) Miss Ben-Yusuf (357) Rudolf Duhrkoop Child Study (358) Head of a Girl (359) Portrait of an Old Lady (360) Study (361) Young Man in the Panama Hat (362) Rudolf Eickemeyer, Jr. A Decorative Study (363) Fleur-de-lis (364) Halycon Days (365) Late Afternoon in Winter (366) Portraits of Mrs. R. and son (367) Untitled portrait (368) When Age Comes Stealing On (369) Frank Eugene Adam and Eve (370) The Horse (371) Lady of Charlotte (372) Man in Armor (373) Miss Jones (374) Miss Lillian (375) Nude: A Study (376) Sir Henry Irving (377) Untitled portrait of a woman (378) Untitled portrait of a man (379) Benjamin Joseph Falk H. Snowden Ward (380) Sadakichi Hartmann (381) Untitled (man sitting with book and flowers) (382)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 203 Photographs Negatives

John H. Garo H.H. Kiston, Sculptor (383) Elias Goldensky Gum print (384) Imber, Esq. (385) Untitled portrait of a woman (386) Hobart "Billie" Burke (387) W.M. Hollinger Untitled portrait of a child (388) Untitled portrait of a man (389) Untitled (woman and child) (390) Meredith Janvier Dr. Jacobi, New York (391) Untitled (woman and child with a book) (392) Gertrude Kasebier Blessed Art Thou Among Women (393) Portrait (394) Untitled (woman on ground mending clothes) (395) Pirie MacDonald General Adna R. Chaffee (396) Louise Gunning (397) Burr McIntosh The Meadows (398) Walter J. Travis, American Golf Champion (399) J. Ernest Mock Untitled portrait of a woman (400) Frederick I. Monson At the Well--Hopi Land (401) The Canyon de Chelly (402) Henry Havelock Pierce Untitled portrait of a man (403) Guido Rey The Cage of the Blackbird (404) Ciociara (405) The Encyclopaedist (406) Feeding the Pigeons (407) Lady Tying Her Bonnet (408) Morning Prayer (409) Edward J. Steichen The Flatiron Building (410) In Memoriam (411) The Little Round Mirror (412) Rodin: Le Penseur (413) Adolf Stieglitz The Terminal (414) J.C. Strauss Convention Picture (415) Miss Maude Hellman and J.C. Strauss (416) Portrait (417) Clarence H. White Morning (418) Maude Wilson Among the Hills (419) An Altar-Dresser, San Juan Capistrano (420) Mist from the Ocean (421) Santa Barbara Mission (422) Negatives by unknown photographers

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 204 Photographs Negatives

City Street Scene, people with umbrellas (423) Nude child at ocean (424) Man with overcoat and hat (425) Woman at door examining dress material of another woman (426) Woman at a door (427) Woman playing piano (428) Woman with umbrella and bonnet (429) Woman and child in a chair (430) Woman seated holding a small pitcher (431) Woman seated next to a small copy of statue of Venus de Milo (432) Three women seated, man standing at door (433) Nude woman, torso (434) Profile of an Indian woman (435) Portrait of a lady (436) Small trees with buildings in background (437) Portrait of a child (438) Portrait of a man with head resting on his hand (439) Portrait of a man (440) Portrait of a man (441) Portrait of a man (442) Miscellaneous negatives Ben Berlin, Sadakichi Hartmann, Ray Brossard (443) Ben Berlin, Sadakichi Hartmann, Ray Brossard (444) Ray Brossard, standing (445) Ray Brossard, sitting (446) Ben Berlin and Margery Winter (447) Sadakichi Hartmann in truck, Ray Brossard dancing (448) Ben Berlin, Sadakichi Hartmann, Margery Winter (449) Sargents Court (450) Margery Winter, Sadakichi Hartmann at Sargents Court (451) Sadakichi Hartmann and Margery Winter (452) Sadakichi Hartmann (453) Line drawings of faces (454) Margery Winter and Ben Berlin (455) Ronald P------, Sadakichi Hartmann, and Margery Winter (456) Ray Brossard dancing (457) Ray Brossard standing (458) Ray Brossard sitting (459) Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Bruguiere (460) Bust of Sadakichi Hartmann by Ejnar Hansen (461) Same as #461 (462) Same as #461 (463) Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Peter Krasnow (464) Sadakichi Hartmann reading Poe by Peter Krasnow (465) Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Polowetski (two copies) (466) Stieglitz and Kitty by Steichen (467) Flatiron Building by Steichen (468) Typed quote (469) Guido Bruno caricatures by Herb Rota (470) Negatives from Sadakichi Hartmann catalogue Sadakichi Hartmann portrait by Marvin Beerbohm (471) The Birth of Sadakichi Hartmann by Raymond Brossard (472) Cubist portrait of Sadakichi Hartmann by Raymond Brossard (473) Sadakichi Hartmann thinking of Heliogabalus by Raymond Brossard (474) Portrait of Sadakichi Hartmann by John Decker (475) Sadakichi Hartmann by Ejnar Hansen (476) The Old Philosopher by Ejnar Hansen (477) Garret-Splendor by Sadakichi Hartmann (478)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 205 Photographs Negatives

The Acrobat and the Magician by Sadakichi Hartmann (479) The Redheaded Woman by Sadakichi Hartmann (480) Sadakichi Hartmann Reading His Poetry to an Invalid by Peter Krasnow (481) Sadakichi Hartmann Reading His Poetry to Young People by Peter Krasnow (482) Sadakichi Hartmann by Albert Rosenthal (483) Robert Bruce Pierce portrait by Abraham Bogardus (484) Untitled (man) by Bogardus (485) La Fille Au Capuchon by Jeanne E. Bennett (486) Three Women in a Field (487)

Extra prints of illustrations for Valiant Knights of Daguerre

Box 40A Sadakichi Hartmann by Howard Beach (488) Two Little Dutch Girls by Jeanne E. Bennett (489) Elizabeth Blanche Walsh by Frank Eugene (490) Curfew Shall Not Ring Tonight by B.J. Falk (491) Girl feeding birds by B.J. Falk (492) Same as #492 (493) Same as #492 (494) Winter Evening by John H. Garo (495) Elias Goldensky portrait (496) Waiting for Fair Weather in Brittany by W.G. Gorthell (497) Meredith Janvier portrait (498) Sadakichi Hartmann by Gertrude Kasebier (499) Lou Dillon, World's Champion Trotter by Burr McIntosh (500) Niagara Falls, N.Y., July 1850, (501) Sleeping Girl by W. and G. Parrish (502) Henry H. Pierce portrait (503) A Dancing Girl by Henry H. Pierce (504) A Franz Hals Type by Elizabeth Flint Wade and Rose Clark (505) Madame G. by Elizabeth Flint Wade and Rose Clark (506) George Washington Statue on the Steps of the Subtreasury on Wall Street by Van der Weyde (507) The New York City Hall at Midnight by Van der Weyde (508)

Negatives commissioned by Sidney Berger

Box 40A Images of Sadakichi Hartmann (534)

Tape recordings made by Harry Lawton General note (all items are photos of originals unless otherwise noted)

Box 40B Harold Anton (509) Harold Anton (510) Claude Ballard (511) Claude Ballard (512) Ray Brossard (513) Helga Hansen (514) Atma and Paul Hartmann (515) Atma and Paul Hartmann (516) Atma and Paul Hartmann (517) Atma and Paul Hartmann (518) Atma and Paul Hartmann (519) Stanley Kimmel (520)

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 206 Photographs Tape recordings made by Harry Lawton

Stanley Kimmel (521) Peter Krasnow (522) Ray Rosen (523) Ray Rosen (524) Leon Salter (525) Harry Weber (526) Harry Weber (527) Unlabelled (528) Unlabelled (529) Unlabelled (530) Unlabelled (531) Unlabelled (532) Unlabelled (533)

Tape recordings from the Will Fowler Collection made by Gene Fowler General note (These recordings are located in Box 3 of the Will Fowler Collection)

On Sadakichi Hartmann On Sadakichi Hartmann Reminiscing about Sadakichi Hartmann and Decker Reminiscing about Sadakichi Hartmann and Decker On Sadakichi Hartmann Posthumous Publications

Box 41 White Chrysanthemums, Literary Fragments and Pronouncements, by Sadakichi Hartmann Compiled and edited from writings of the period 1891-1944 by George Knox and Harry Lawton. 1. Earliest typescript 2. First draft (two copies) 3. Original draft (final) 4. Printer's copy of final draft 5. Galley proofs (two copies) 6. Master reproductions 7. Page proofs Miscellaneous Research Materials

Letters to Harry Lawton and George Knox

Box 44 Letters to Harry Lawton and George Knox Scope and Contents note re: Sadakichi Hartmann

Photocopies of Sadakichi Hartmann's works

Box 45 My Rubaiyat Bruno Chap Books, Tanka and Haikai Japanese Rhythms My Rubaiyat, third edition Last Thirty Days of Christ (four copies)

Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 46 Pringle scrapbook: Sadakichi Hartmann's art essays

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 207 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

"Red" scrapbook Atma Dorothea Gilliland, two scrapbooks Extra pages of scrapbooks

Box 11a, Folder 1

1907, October 9

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

She is out of town, he wishes he could had been with her "during the day when the sun shines in early in the morning."

Box 11a, Folder 1

1907, October 15

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, n.p.

Scope and Contents note

He wants her to stick to her program, she is traveling too fast for him.

Box 11a, Folder 2

1909, August 9

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Philadelphia, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

He wonders why she thinks he will object of her going to visit her sick mother!

Box 11a, Folder 2

1909, August 12

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4, ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He writes that he had "packed up things with the studio."

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 208 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11a, Folder 3

1910, January 25

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He wants his wife to stop "weeping. Thre is no earthly use in that unless it gives you pleasure."

Box 11a, Folder 3

1910, April, 15

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, San Francisco, CA

Box 11a, Folder 3

1910, October 9

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He writes, "I like to drink and want to drink but not too much, and that is more difficult than not drinking at all. It takes more will power."

Box 11a, Folder 3

1910, November 5

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Buffalo, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He believes he is a little nearer to the goal, but does not know yet "exactly how I have made out."

Box 11a, Folder 3

1910, November 18

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 209 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

A letter containing money order "got astray, but it will be traced, so it will reach me, I hope, soon."

Box 11a, Folder 4

1911, October 5

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Erie, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

He compares porches of Erie with Buffelo.

Box 11a, Folder 4

1911, December 20

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Kane, Pa.

Box 11a, Folder 5

1912, August 5

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Philadelphia, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

He is sending a receipt of the insurance of the "goods" that he is mailing.

Box 11a, Folder 5

1912, August 23

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, n.p.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 210 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Scope and Contents note

His asthma is "pretty bad."

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, December 3

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Detroit, Mich.

Scope and Contents note

He writes his lectures "now don't take place at all, there is a general revolt...I can tell it some day to you much better than explain it by writiing."

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, February 19

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He still does not know if he will stay in St. Louis. He is wondering how the children are changing and is hoping that "growing more beautiful than your description."

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, December 9

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He is listing a list of things that his wife should send him.

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, December 6

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 211 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Scope and Contents note

He thinks his Western campaign has begun; there was an article in the paper of Sunday, December 6 issue, "I may soon start something but I am badly handicapped by lack of money."

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, November 29

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He has moved to a new address and has seen a few poeple, "things seems to be rather is Sunday, and I well see nobody but just write letters."

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, November 26

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Columbus, Ohio

Scope and Contents note

He has always money problem. In this letter he is trying to comfort his wife, "I am sorry, dear, that your debts worry you. Mine do too, but cheer up, we will get along somehow."

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, November 25

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Columbus, Ohio

Scope and Contents note

He had lunch with a family in their house; he writes "we too some day will have a palace that W. & M. can play in it."

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, November 24

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Columbus, Ohio

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 212 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Scope and Contents note

He finds it almost impossible to meet the exact hour of the appointments.

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, October 27

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Detroit, Mich.

Scope and Contents note

Schmidt is finally coming back, so he would know what he is going to do, "I am rather tired and disgusted and upset."

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, October 21

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Detroit, Mich.

Scope and Contents note

Ford is running for Senate, representing Lansing, Mich.

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, October 17

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, Detroit, Mich.

Scope and Contents note

One evening at the hotel, six people came to him and introduced themeselves. He believes they recognized him from his pictures in the newspapers or in his books, and he finds it "quite remarkable."

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, October 14

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Detroit, Mich.

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 213 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

He will give a talk to the students of the School of Design; after the talk there will be tea and he is "supposed to meet a very rich old lady."

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, October 9

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Detroit, Mich.

Scope and Contents note

He lost his cane on the way to Detroit.

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, December 15

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He writes "I'll come home after my St. Louis experience, I rather starve in S.A. than here." He aslo says that streets are filled with unemployed people, who have no money to spare.

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, January 19

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, January 2

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Buffalo, N.Y.

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, February 9

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 214 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

Followup to his February 8 letter

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, January 4

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

After his lecture, there will be a party where 200 people are invited.

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, January 15

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He hopes his lecture "will be a huge success." Afte the lecture buffet lunch will be served.

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, January 8

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He writes that he had forgotten to take the "cut of the bookplate with" him.

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, January 21

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 215 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He wants her to send him the gas bill that he "will attend to it."

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, January 26

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He has been appointed the director of an "X" art school.

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, January 31

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

While sleeping he swollowed his plate, which had stucked in his throat, and had to go to the hospital to have it pull out.

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, February 2

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

It seems his wife did not like two people that he was working with in St. Louis, "nor I am astonished that you did not like them - whom did you ever like - it is not necessary either, but it is nice if you can get along with all people and care just for a few."

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, February 5

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 216 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He is sending her money for the gas bill and informs her that he is having a new plate made.

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, February 8

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He has received the news of the birth of his second daughter; wonders how Wistaria reacted to her and writes that "will know this week wether I am going to stay in St. Louis or not."

Box 11a, Folder 6

1914, January 10

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He writes that the "book does not sell as well as it should be. I am listing it but that cost money."

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, December 18

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 5 pp., ALS, Savannah, Ga.

Scope and Contents note

He describes his trip from Baltimore to Savannah on a boat. He writes that "this will be a memorable trip as it is the first time I really go South...The passengers are rather dull, hardly a pretty woman on board...a lot of old men, and some big fat men and women that eat... quantities of the rather good food."

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, December 26

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 217 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He went to see Ryder. He thinks he looks a men over 70. He writes "what is the matter with all men that they degenerate so early in life."

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, December 24

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He complains about money, "if I can, what is the use of leading a strenuous life."

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, December 9

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He finally has a check to pay the gas bill and the rent.

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, December 16

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Atlanta, Ga.

Scope and Contents note

On his way from Washington to New York, he will go to the "Theresa after all, as I can get special rates and it is more centrally located."

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, December 16

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 218 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Atlanta, Ga.

Scope and Contents note

He writes that he does not "regret of having made the trip, I get a lot of material for pictures and a story, I always wanted to write something about the colored people, and this it may lead to something else in the picture."

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, December 13

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Savannah, Ga.

Scope and Contents note

He writes about the gallery, "no arts and craft ... not even a first class photographer, but quite a good gallery, with some excellent pictures." (it includes an excerpt about his impression of Sevannah and the gallery)

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, December 13

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, Savannah, Ga.

Scope and Contents note

He describes houses in Savannah; he writes about the branches of the trees, "strange, are also the yellow leaves." About the cemetery, "is the much beautiful cemetery I have ever seen."

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, February 11

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

Mock wants him to write another article about him and that will "square the debt." He wants his wife to send him the pholto of Mock, which he believes is "in...suitcase in the grey cardboard."

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, December 10

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 219 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He is going to Atlanta, after that he will be back to New York to start a ...movement, "I mean perform some plays..."

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, November 6

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He promises his wife to pay the gas bill, and will do his best to raise a part of the money that they owe to the landlord.

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, December 10

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, Baltimore, Md.

Scope and Contents note

He is in the train for Baltimore. He will try to get home for Christmas, if only for a day or two.

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, February 12

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Binghamton, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

It seems he owes to his landlord some $45.00 rent. He wants her to write to their friend Carl E. Schmidt for money, "flatter him a little."

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, December 4

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 220 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He is in New York to make some money, but so far he has only two dollers to send to his wife. He is pleased that the hall where he gave a talk was full, and 20-30 people were standing.

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, December 6

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He writes about his second meeting being as "crowded as first, even more so...The audience is not as stupid as you may think--guite a number of artists, Jewish poets, librry girls, etc."

Box 11a, Folder 6a

1915, September 4

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Cleveland, Ohio

Scope and Contents note

He writes about "Old Schmidt" who had opened a new pashionable place near the hotel. "Strange that people who have enough money to retire always want to make more."

Box 11a, Folder 7

1916, April 8

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He writes her that he has not written to her brother, only long time ago to her mather, who it seems, has neglected to mention it to her. "Nobody has a right to dictate to you." He wants her to come to St. Louis, "Nobody will make trouble, if you love me and trust me absolutely. Thie is an education for all of us."

Box 11a, Folder 7

1916, February 20

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 221 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 PP., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Follow up. It seems they have forged checks in addition to other illegal activities. He writes that going to prison does not concern him, "I don't care if I go to jail for 5 years, you will too."

Box 11a, Folder 7

1916, March 4

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 14 pp., ALS, Philadelphia, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

He tells his wife that he has been always loyal to her and has not been with other women for the last 4 years. He promised to take care of her, "if you are really dying away...I will take care of you and nurse you as nobody else can."

Box 11a, Folder 7

1916, March 17

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 5 pp., ALS, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

He wants to know why she sold the furniture, how much she got, who sold it for her, "this is absolutely necessary for my welfare." (includes pictures)

Box 11a, Folder 7

1916, March 30?

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He wishes her happiness, "be happy if you can, but you have destroyed my life and happiness completely...I do not blame you; well what is the use. So long for the last time."

Box 11a, Folder 7

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 222 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

1916, November 6

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, San Francisco, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He likes San Francisco; he wants her to move there with her children...but before she moves she should sell a picture of Hughes...he is always in need of money.

Box 11a, Folder 7

1916, February 18

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Buffalo, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Another follow up letter, "you will come back to me by the 29th of February...or I will make public all those little transactions...I absolutely mean what I said...I do not care what happens to me."

Box 11a, Folder 7

1916, February 19

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He writes, "I love you, and will die without you, so please do what you can, by the 26th (in Sadakichi Hartmann will cease to exist) at 12 p.m. that night," then he adds (just kiding).

Box 11a, Folder 7

1916, April 29

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, St. Lous, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He wants her to meet him at Denver to dicide where to go from there. "We won't stay there...You do not need to be afraid of anything, besides they do not need to know." It seems he is referring to the problems that they were having.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 223 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11a, Folder 7

1916, January 2

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He is booked for about 7 or 8 readings and talks; he expect to be home by the 18th or 19th of January and he hopes his wife finds time to do somthing else "besides cleaning, mending and watering the flowers."

Box 11a, Folder 7

1916, February 18

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 6 pp., ALS, Buffalo, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

It seems his wife has left him and gone to Colrado Springs. He accuses her of making him the "laughing stock of the village." Also land lord locked him out and "I am now absolutely homeless." He asks his wife if "was it your intention to get rid of me and kill me?"

Box 11a, Folder 7

1916, February 18

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 11 pp., ALS, Buffalo, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Follow up letter. He wants her back, if she would not come back until February 27, he will "inform the district attorneys of all states where we did something illegal together." He accuses her having an affair with Krang, "I suppose he always came when I was not at home, and the child may not even be mine."

Box 11a, Folder 7

1916, April 1

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 224 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

He wants to know where she would like to move; he preperres the west such as Santa Baraba. He also scolds her, "You are a very very bad girl and mother, as you do not seem to understand the one person who loved you...some day again will talk...and be nicer to me."

Box 11a, Folder 8

1918, March 27

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, San Francisco, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He does not want to go where his wife is, "I get a cough each time I come back. I don't mind that as long as it is not asthma."

Box 11a, Folder 8

1918, May 8

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, San Francisco, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

His asthma is over for the time being, and he will write again as soon as there are any news to tell. He is expecting something from M.P., "if M.P. would send something, it would be a great help."

Box 11a, Folder 8

1918, May 6

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, San Francisco, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He is expecting a letter from the Chambers, and if letter "should come, let me know at once, don't send it."

Box 11a, Folder 8

1918, March 15

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, San Francisco, Ca.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 225 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Scope and Contents note

He is looking for a house and hoping to pay it in installments.

Box 11a, Folder 8

1918, March

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, San Francisco, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He writes about Alma Sprechels (she seems to have connection with the Belgium Relief Fund), "she is so stupid or rather tired out. She would like to be a leader but somehow can't manage to be recognized as

Box 11a, Folder 8

1918, May 6

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, San Francisco, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

It seems the weather in San Mateo (where his wife lives) causing his asthma to come back. He complains that for 32 hours he had it, "I will never come to San Mateo again if I can help it."

Box 11a, Folder 9

1920, January 28

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New york, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He thanks his wife for her trouble of finding a lost page and sending it to him.

Box 11a, Folder 9

1920, January 12

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New york, N.Y.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 226 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Scope and Contents note

He writes that "it will please you to know that I have a new coat."

Box 11a, Folder 9

1920, January 30

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Philadelphia, Pen.

Scope and Contents note

He had an asthma attack and had to call an osteopath.

Box 11a, Folder 9

1920, February 2

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Philadelphia, Pen.

Scope and Contents note

He is complaining about the cold, " some of the nights must have been terrifically cold."

Box 11a, Folder 9

1920, February 10

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He wants to know if he has mailed $10.00 to his wife. If she has not received it, he must have lost it.

Box 11a, Folder 9

1920, February 18

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 227 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

He writes that his book is coming along, but his health is still very poor.

Box 11a, Folder 9

1920, January 31

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Philadelphia, Pen.

Scope and Contents note

He writes "what a wonderful blessful feeling it is, to be able to lie down again at full length without any breathing difficulty."

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, June 13

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He wants to go home on weekends, because he writes on saturday and sunday all offices are closed in New York, and everybody goes away.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, September 12

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He has made his mind to leave New York after a series of lectures in October.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, August 15

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 228 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

He lunched with "Brugrenie," talking about "Moore?" and he is hoping that "B" will get some more photographs out of it.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, August 8

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He is struggling from day to day "just to get hold of a few dollars." If he can not make it in New York, he will start a lecturing tour in September.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, August 4

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He writes that his asthma was pretty bad when he arrived in New York, then it changed into a "dismal cough."

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, August 22

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He is writing all the time and has already sent six articles to the publishers.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, June 14

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 229 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

He advises his wife to use "iodine" for the itch of the children, "I fear it will take the children a week to get over it; wash them as little as possible."

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, August 18

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He asks his wife to go to the Castle and ask if they can have the house, "I have the 35 and we better take it at once.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, June 11

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He expresses his grief over the death of his daughter Marigold, "I miss her so much. There is no event in my life which has shown me the futility of things as much as her death."

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, June 23

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Whenever he is alone, his thoughts invariably turns to their daughter Marigold. " It is difficult to persuade myself that she is gone."

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, November 28

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 230 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

He does not like the people of Asheville. "They seems to think of nothing else but to soack the tourists and invalids." He wants his wife to move with him, and points out that they would not stay there for ever, "but a year or so would not be bad."

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, October 12

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Concerns money.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, October 21

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He writes he is hungry, but he "can't charge in the hotel so have to be satisfied with a cup of coffee from outside...Pardon my sins and keep the children warm. There is still hope."

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, October 24

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Concerns his health. "I just managed to give the first lecture. There is only one thing to do: to leave as soon as possible."

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, August 12

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 231 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

He is pleased that his financial situation is getting better.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, November 4

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

Since he does not life the ordinary hotels and hate boarding houses, he lives in a "House of Mystery." His first talk in Asheville will be to the Asheville photographers.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, August 24

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He is making plans to take a few trips with his wife.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, December 17

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 6 pp., ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

He went horse back riding and fell hurting three fingers of his left hand, but nothing serious. He is getting ready for an art exhibition.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, December 21

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 232 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Because he has no money and it is already late, he is not going to send anything for Christmas. He wishes that children should have a pleasant time. He also writes that the door had fallen on his right foot, for three days he could not walk, had too much pain.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, December 22

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

He is sending her some money and he is very concern for not hearing from her.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, December 25

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

He is unhappy in Acheville, he wants to move back to New York, but he has no money. He thinks he can get a few hundre dollars, if he can sell a painting. He also writes that "the chances for photographic work are everywhere the same. If you had once mastered the trade you could get work easy enough."

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, September 10

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He had a meeting with "Chenbr?" which is "always a stenuous affair. He likes my article about him. This article will surely go over and I hope to get a good price for it."

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, September 5

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 233 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Scope and Contents note

When he was sending his friend "Old Schmidt from detroit" to Germany, he met some of his acquaintances among the passengers, "it made me feel blue as I would like to go too."

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, September 2

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He has been writing all week. Monday being the Labor day, he can not send her money, but if she needs money, he advise her to borrow some from Mr. B.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, August 26

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Concerns his health.

Box 11a, Folder 10

1921, November 3

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

He writes about his impression of North Carolina.

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, December 19

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Memphis, Tenn.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 234 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Scope and Contents note

He is on his way to Albuquerque but has no more money to leave Memphis. He wants her to make sure that "children have some sort of a Christmas. I will try and forget that is is Christmas and eat doughnuts for dinner."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, September 23

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 5 pp., ALS, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

It seems he has sent 200 letters to advertise his pastils. He has received only 29 answers--"literary men 2, business 2, artists 4, photographers 2, rich men 3, pinters 5, sculptors 5, married ladies 4, ordinary business men 2." He has sold one pastil.

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, December 29

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Memphis, Tenn.

Scope and Contents note

He has to make up his mind to go to New York or to Albuquerque, "to go back to N.Y. or to stay here for instance in Memphis means suicide; my body is too much worn out, and I have very little power of resistance left."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, December 22

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Memphis, Tenn.

Scope and Contents note

He is still in Memphis trying to get some money ($45.-)to make it to Albuquerque. He wants her to write often to "keep up my courage."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, September 4

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 235 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, Palmetto, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

He complains about his wife's spending habit. He gave her $40 and she spent it "in a wild goose chase, and now you are still...and I am here, nothing accomplished. We will never learn."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, November 11

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

He complains that when he does not send money regularly, she does not write and he begins worrying. He blames her for leaving Asheville and going to North, "if you at the time had written a cheerful letter...I would have stayed in Asheville and saved myself a lot of unnecessary suffering."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, January 3

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

He wants to know about the house that his wife wants to rent. He is asking if there is playground close to it, how near are the neighbours, how far is from the station, etc.

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, January 11

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

He advises her, purely for business reasons, to call herself Mrs. L. Bonham Hartmann or Lillian Bonham Hartmann. "Unless you want to establish your artistic name as Lillian Bonham."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, January 16

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 236 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

He thinks those who buy his pastil die or get in a trouble, "fate does not seem to deal very kindly with people who buy pastils of me."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, January 21

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

He advises her to borrow a few dollars, so that "you don't starve or freeze and that none of the children will fall sick."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, January 27

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He is back in New York and writes to his wife if she could "get the house sufficiently warm for me, I might venture out on a mild day just for a few hours to talk matters over."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, January 29

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He writes "Did you find out about that photographic advertisement. I really think that something could be done in that line."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, August 21

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 237 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Palmetto, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

He writes about his impression of the town (not very flattery). It has about 2500 inhabitants, "but I can't imagine where they live...Also churches are not conspicuous. Can't get my mimeographing done here and probably have to go to Tempa for it, which is three hours away."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, December 16

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Huntsville, Ala.

Scope and Contents note

He decides to go to Albuqueque and believes this is his last chance. "I hope my sufferings will end there..." He also writes that he worries about her and the little ones, and he has written to several people to send her some money.

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, August 21

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Palmetto, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

If he stays in Florida, it would not be in Palmetto. "Palmetto is really no health resort at all, but indifferently striving to become one."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, August 24

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, Palmetto, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

It is only a week he is in Palmetto, and he feels as if he had a new lease on life. He asks her to write on the top of every letter "Don't come back, whatever you do." He believe one day she also will join him.

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, October 7

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 238 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, Jacksonville, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

He writes about his daughter Atma: "You are wrong about Atma. she is really a very nice motherly sort of a girl when at her best..."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, November 25

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 6pp., ALS, Huntsville, Ala.

Scope and Contents note

He does not like small towns, such as Palmetto, Gainseville, and now Huntsville. In those towns "isolation is simply awful." He wants her to write him a "nice incouraging letter" if she can.

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, November 24

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, Huntsville, Ala.

Scope and Contents note

He is in Huntsville and he wants her to come and visit him. The air-fare is more than $120.00 and he does not have it.

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, Nov. 20, etc.

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 8 pp., ALS, Huntsville, Ala.

Scope and Contents note

Miscellaneous pages written on different dates and on different subjects. He complains about their living condition, "I wish that we were settled somewhere, and then uncertainty and everlasting suffering and worry were over!"

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, November 14

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 239 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3pp., ALS, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

He criticises the people in St. Petersburg, "I have never seen such crowds of rich and old people in my life, not even in Los Angeles. Main street looks like a sanatorium."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, October 5

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, Jacksonville, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

He apologize for his October 1 letter, "was written in a sinister black mood." He writes about his visit to St. Augustine, "what pleased me best (artistically)...were the gravyards. The tombstones, almost 400 years old, were so beautifully yellow and mellos in time, but I believe there are no corpses underneath, they must have been washed away...long ago."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, October 14

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 7 pp., ALS, Gainesville, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

He is complaining about the weather, no opportunity to make money in Gainesville, but he wants to stay in Florida at least until spring, and then may be he will try El Paso, Texas, or Albuquerque, N.M., "whatever I'll do, I am not coming North again."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, September 8

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, Palmetto, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

His daughter Atma has remarried but he has not seen her yet. He wants to know if Wistaria is helping her in the kitchen, if she is he will send her a "dollar or so."

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 240 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, October 1

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 7 pp., ALS, Jacksonville, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

He complains about his health and the weather in Florida, "the whole trouble with Florida is that the land is too low, ofen below the sea level, so there is mosture everywhere..." He wants her to write to some people and ask for moneny. "Still every $10 or so will help...well, it is a gamble - I'll let you know what to write when the time comes."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, September 18

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

He is staying with his daughter at St. Petersburg--he seems to be happy. He writes that he is going to give a talk at the Art School, "Altho' I do not really care to do this sort of thing at present, I can't refuse money when it comes my way easily."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, September 13

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, Palmetto, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

His daughter Atma and her husband came to visit him; she is married Otis Hurst, champion light weight boxer of Florida. He is advising his wife not to pay the rent until 25th of the month. "When you come, you simply don't pay for the last month."

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, September 9

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, Palmetto, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 241 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

He is complaining about mosquitoes; he fears that his wife and children could get the fever too. "Of course, now the supposidly beautiful season is going to start, but I don't believe anything any more until I

Box 11b, Folder 1

1922, November 3

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Scope and Contents note

He has hung the pictures (draws the locations on the wall where the pictures are hung); if he sales a picture, he will send her money and pay his own rent.

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, April 30

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He is having difficulty to raise $188 for the fare, "as that is not all, you need money on the train, I have to chance to borrow any money, I have to earn it all." He also is upset with his wife's landlady, she "must be a beast, still I do not understand how she could have objected if you had offered her ten dollars for two weeks more or something like that."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, May 5

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

His health in Los Angeles is steadily improving, so is his finance--it seems--"There is more than a bare possibility that I will get a job as a motion picture actor...they want me to play an Indian Prince." He believes, if he gets the job, he will be paid $250 per week for several weeks. It is the Fairbanks Studio that wants him and all will be decided in a few days.

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, May 20

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 242 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He writes about his arrival in Los Angeles and his problems to setle down. He has bought a used suit, "as good as new...I look quite swell. It is $60-75 suit, so indeed a great help." Aileen, who has a beautiful apartment will take care of his pictures, "that is she will once more exert her influence over both sexes."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, January 27

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Scope and Contents note

he thanks her for the tie, "made in Japan." He writes that there are no artists in Albuquerque. "I am the only one. They are all up in Sante Fe (35) and about 50 in Texas."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, October 5

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, February 19

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Scope and Contents note

He is concerned about his teeth. If he wants to give public lecturies, he needs a plate. But to have a plate made in Albuquerque would be very expensive; he wishes he was in Los Angeles, where a Japanese dentist "if he is still alive and there, would make me one at cost price, juste as he could make one for you if you should ever get so far West again."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, February 17

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 243 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Scope and Contents note

He writes about his works, "the art books are the most difficult to get as they are out of print, and I really had to charge $10 a volume to make it pay." He askes about the tie that she has sent him. "Did you buy it or did Wisteria make it! What do you mean by saying 'Wisteria is out as usual'. Do you not make her help you. You better do, it is for her own good."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, February 11

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 6 pp., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Scope and Contents note

He writes about the life of his doctor, Dr. Abams?, in detail. "To me he was the greatest...I have ever met." With this letter there is also a clipping from "Albuquerque Morning Journal" describing Hartmann's exhibit. "Mr. Hartmann has been known...leading critics. He has exhibited his paintings with Sloane, Glackens and Perrine, who are leaders in modern art."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, February 6

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian 39987

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Scope and Contents note

He is tired from hanging 60 pictures on the wall for his exhibit. He already has sent 50% of his circuler letters. " I hope a few pictures will be sold. I made the prices rather low."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, February, 23

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Scope and Contents note

It seems she wants him to stay in the west and, at least for the time beeing, he agrees with her. He is asking about "Rubaiyats" that she has mail to him, "too bad you did not send them first class. Probably did not have the necessary postage."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, February 3

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 244 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian 39983

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Scope and Contents note

He wants to know why she wants a road map. "Do you intend to walk and get choked by sand storms in the dead land. Nearly 55% of all New Mexico is uncultivated, lack of water makes it look like the desert." He writes that he has discovered "Vic Vapor Rub. It is much more efficient...and smells like pine woods."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, March 9

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Scope and Contents note

He has located her mails and package which were misplaced in the post office. he advise her to take a job in New Brunswick, "if you can manage...It might help to solve the problem."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, January 23

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Scope and Contents note

He is still struggling with the altitude of the city. He points out that Denver is higher than Albuquerque, and he was in a much better condition there. He also writes about the people, "I do not know whom I like best or least, Negro, Mexican or Indian. They are all lazy and stupid." He goes on describing them one by one.

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, January 19

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Scope and Contents note

He lists the names of his new acquaintances, among them Mr. Walter, former mayor of Albuquerque, Mrs. La Belle, president of Women's Club, etc. He points out that the Mexicans and Indians live by themselves. "They have villages of their own...Houses are all built with bricks, that is certain kind of soil mixed with water."

Box 11b, Folder 2

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 245 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

1923, January 12

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Scope and Contents note

He gives his opinions about the city and he thinks he will get use to live there, "I believe Albuquerque will do in the long run." He has a gassip section, he writes about his daughter Otma "who is once more in New York and Miss Hartmann once more, I do not know how she manages those things."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, January 7

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Scope and Contents note

He has arrived in Albuquerque. He describes his trip from Texas to N. Mexico. "All Texas and N. Mexico up to 2 hours from Albuquerque is desert like, earth dotted with cactus grass - no other vegetation to speak of, vary few settlements, no traces." His main concern is "how my body will fare here."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, January 5

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Amarillo, Tex.

Scope and Contents note

Since his train was a few minutes late, he missed the connection and he will spend a day in Amarillo, Tex. He likes the people in Texas, "there is more snap to them than in the old South."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, January 3

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, Memphis, Tenn.

Scope and Contents note

He is leaving for Albuquerque via Oklahoma City. He sends his address there and asks his wife to write rightaway.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 246 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, February 4

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Scope and Contents note

He remembers his daughter Marigold's birthday. "She would be nine years old. I was drinking champagne...when the telegram arrived...She is right here with me now in the little white frame."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, March 12

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Scope and Contents note

He wants to leave Albuquerque; he has received a telegram from a friend of his who will be passing through Albuquerque on his way to Los Angeles. "Let us see what that will do. I may join him !? He'll be delighted to pay for my meals anyway."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, March 21

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He is in Los Angeles, but he does not sound happy. "These are hard days! I split with you...This develish asthma...after all this is a more favorable climate and as I am once here, I'll stay here and make the best of it."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, March 23

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He writes about two friends of his, Matt M. & Aileen P.? He thinks they are the most beautiful persons in the world, "in a way Aileen is just like a daughter to me, as much as Atma." Soon he will starts lecturing at $5 the tickect, and in a few weeks he will have enough money to send her to join him in Los Angeles.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 247 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, March 29

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

To her concern about her looks and appearance when she comes to Los Angeles, he writes "As for your looks and appearance, I think you look a d- side better at any time than those clubwomen who stroll with their ugly clothes and faces and think that they are ok."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, April 4

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

She has moved a new place, he advises her not to get in trouble with the authorities. He wants her to send the children to the school and have them vaccinated. "Vaccination is compulsory in most of the larger would not try to keep the children out of school for that reason, would you?"

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, April 7

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He has sent her $40, "that should help a little and cheer you up." He is selling copies of his books to movie stars, "easy eough if you get to see them, but it is a hard job to get anywhere near them." He also is trying to sell some of his pictures, but that also is hard since he does not have a studio to display them.

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, April 20-23

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 5 pp., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 248 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Scope and Contents note

He seems quite happy in Los Angeles; he is getting ready to have the family moved in Los Angeles and he has steady work for a change, "I have the bigest part in the Arabian Nights production next to Fairbanks." After that, he believe, he can get any position "if I wish to continue a little while longer."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, April 5

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He will start lecturing; the first one will be on Sunday, and from then on every Sunday, "at least such is the plan. Much will depend on its success. It will be exceedingly difficult on account of my teeth."

Box 11b, Folder 2

1923, February 20

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., ALS, Albuquerque, N.M.

Scope and Contents note

He writes about Dr. Abrams that "is of divine origin only a trifle far back, like all good Jews he is a descendent of Jehovah." He also mentions that he bought the World's Almanac, but just what he wanted "the altitudes in different states are left out in this issue."

Box 11b, Folder 3

1927, October 5

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He complains that he got sick at the time when he should have been busy selling tickets or pictures. He wants Wistaria to have her teeth fixed but how to get the money, "that's the problem."

Box 11b, Folder 3

1925, August 7

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 249 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He apologize to her for his behavior, "too bad that we did not get along any better last time." He seems to be down, "I have so many disappointments that I feel very discouraged at times."

Box 11b, Folder 3

1927, September 1

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

It seems she has sent him a list to do shopping; he does not want to purchase shoes because "it is always doubtful if they fit."

Box 11b, Folder 3

1927, September 30

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He complains about the time passing so quickly and he has to raise "a bigger sum pretty soon," as the rents have to be paid for his and her places.

Box 11b, Folder 3

Miscellaneous pages

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 9 pp., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.?

Scope and Contents note

A collection of letters written from different cities and carry different dates. In one he encourage his wife to keep doing her art works, in another one he writes about Wistaria, she seems to be in Los Angeles and he promise to send her home with the afternoon bus or train.

Box 11b, Folder 3

1927, September 13

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 250 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1 p., ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He wants her to come to Los Angeles on the bus for the weekend and "I may then be able to tell you the good news?"

Box 11d, Folder 1

1914, October 21

French, Wilfred A. to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 1, TLS, Boston, Mass.

Scope and Contents note

Rejection letter of one of his articles.

Box 11d, Folder 1

1922, November 5

Alsman, Eve to "Sadakichi's pastels weird as strange artist himself"

General Physical Description note: Printed

Scope and Contents note

Excerpts from different newspapers.

Box 11d, Folder 1


Hartmann, Sadakichi to "Passport to immortality"

General Physical Description note: 1, PrAd

Scope and Contents note

An advertisement for Hartmann's book which was published in 1927, "limited author's edition."

Box 11d, Folder 1


Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 251 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

"The Saint Souis art study club"

General Physical Description note: 2 pp., PrAd, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

The club advertisement about its activities, including six lectures to be given by Sadakichi Hartmann.

Box 11d, Folder 1

1916, February 13

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Lillian Bonham

General Physical Description note: 1

Scope and Contents note

A telegram to his wife, "glad you made the move, will come and see you..."

Box 11d, Folder 1


"Sadakich Hartmann"

General Physical Description note: 1, PrAd, Buffalo, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

An invitation to attend the reading of his series of four dramas.

Box 11d, Folder 1


"Sadakichi Hartmann"

General Physical Description note: 4 pp., New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Announcement about his lectures and reading in New York.

Box 11d, Folder 1


"Scenes from the Thief of Bagdad"

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 252 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

General Physical Description note: 4, Ph

Scope and Contents note

Cat. No. 111, 130, 149, etc.

Box 11d, Folder 1


Brossard, Raymond to "A sketch"

General Physical Description note: 1, Signed

Scope and Contents note

"Sur-ralist sketch of Sadakichi Hartmann, without obligation to the artist" (original)

Box 11d, Folder 1


"Sadakichi Hartmann"

General Physical Description note: 1

Scope and Contents note

A public invitation to his hotel.

Box 11d, Folder 1


"Sadakichi is back"

General Physical Description note: 1, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

A form letter of invitation for a dinner to raise money to pay for the publication of Sadakichi's book.

Box 11d, Folder 2

1916, February 21

Kray, F.L.? to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 3 pp., ALS, n.p.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 253 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11d, Folder 2


Duvean, Catharine Macvicar to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 6 pp., ALS, n.p.

Scope and Contents note

The first part is a quote from a poem, may be her own, the rest is addressed to Hartmann. She writes about his "Rubaiyat," her feelings for him, etc.

Box 11d, Folder 2

1916, February 24

Hartmann, Sadakichi Document

General Physical Description note: 1, DTS, n.p.

Scope and Contents note

He listed the names of his children (including an illegitimte son) as his heirs.

Box 11d, Folder 2

1925, June 1

Fujimoris, J? to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 1, TLS, Tokyo, Japan

Scope and Contents note

A thank you letter for Hartmann's donation of his book, Confucius, to the library of the Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan.

Box 11d, Folder 2

1923, October 4

Luter, John W. to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 1 p., TLS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

Letter is from the attorney of Mrs. Kathryn H. Stewart, Hartmann's land lady. It seems he has not paid the rent for the month of October 1923 and other debts.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 254 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11d, Folder 2

1921, October 12

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Inness,George Jr.

General Physical Description note: 1, TLS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Because of his health he has to leave New York, and he is asking Inness for financial support.

Box 11d, Folder 2

1927, January 30

La Rocque, Rodrick R. to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 1, TLS

Scope and Contents note

An "endorsement for the Motion Picture Blue Book"

Box 11d, Folder 2


Hartmann, Sadakichi Document

General Physical Description note: 1, PrAd, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

A document asking information from the people who wants to be listed in the "Motion Picture Blue Book." It will be edited by Hartmann.

Box 11d, Folder 2


Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 6 pp., TMs, n.p.

Scope and Contents note

A part of the Hartmann's autobiography.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 255 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11e, Folder 1

1907, September 28

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He wants to know since when she started preferring the rainy weather. "Whenever you tell me that you had a good time, it is the case of a rain or hailstorm."

Box 11e, Folder 1

1907, September 9

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 6, ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He wants his wife to come to New York. He warns her about difficulties she will be facing as she starts looking for a job--he advises her to ask "extra 100" from her mother, which could help her until she makes up her mind what she wants to do.

Box 11e, Folder 1

1907, September 4

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 5, ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

It seems Lillian's mother sent him her love. He writes "Tell her that such formality is not love at all, merely a pleasant sensation, or rather physical imitation. I suppose we have to be thankful for all we get. It seems to me that most people have not the slightest idea what love is." He has written seven articles and worked on a story, ' gone over it again and again. You can't imagine what ... torture it is to finish a story."

Box 11e, Folder 1

1907, August 28

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 256 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

He complains that his wife does not write often because she thinks she does not have much to write, "Life, you know, is not made up of big events but of minor acts, thoughts and sentiments. Why don't you try and write your future diary to me!"

Box 11e, Folder 1

1907, August 22

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He writes about a vacation he has just taken; he promises her that he "will look about and see if there is any kind of opening for you here in N.Y."; and he is hoping that twelve of his stories will be published before Christmas.

Box 11e, Folder 2

1908, February 2

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Pittsburg, Pa

Scope and Contents note

He writes that things are progressing rather slowly. "Well I'll get something out of it anyhow. Have the promise for a lecture at 100 for ..."

Box 11e, Folder 3

1910, January 15

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, New York, N,Y,

Scope and Contents note

He describes his feeling during a snowstorm; "I felt lonesome like a little wolf left out in the cold."

Box 11e, Folder 3

1910, September 23

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, New York, N,Y,

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 257 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

He does not understand her reference to the 23rd. "What did ever happen on the 23th of Sept. Did you leave East Amora in that date three yers ago? And why so sad! Cheer up, little girl, and make the best of

Box 11e, Folder 3

1910, December 29

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, New York, N,Y,

Scope and Contents note

He complains about the weather; but it seems he is happy for a change, he writes "I had a very peaceful life. Eat well, sleep well, drink perhaps a little too much and write a lot." He also writes that he has not yet seen her sister--"They keep her away from me, dangerous man that I am."

Box 11e, Folder 3

1911, January 3

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Buffalo, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He is sending her money to come to Buffalo and promises that she will have good time if she will be good.

Box 11e, Folder 3

1910, January 10

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3, ALS, New York, N,Y,

Scope and Contents note

It seems his wife owes money to Mrs. Richards; so he promised to send her $5 that she can pay ger debt, and he writes that Mrs. Richards is a "wonder, tell her that I think so. People like to be flattered."

Box 11e, Folder 4

1911, January 3

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bohman, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Buffalo, N.Y.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 258 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11e, Folder 4

1911, December 7

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Kane, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

It seems his wife is in Buffalo and he does not want to go there. He will stay in Kane until after Christmas and then go to Philadelphia--he is hoping she will join him in the following year. He adds "...was here for two days. He is a harmless good fellow. I rather like him. He has the artistic temperament. I can't get along for any length of time with any body but artists. So you here to remain an artist do you hear."

Box 11e, Folder 4

1911, January 3

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Buffalo, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He is sending money to his wife to come to Buffalo, and hoping she will have good time, "but you must be good."

Box 11e, Folder 4

1911, November 13

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, State Collge, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

It seems he wants to send a letter to his mother and he wants to address Lillian's letter to her maidan name. "Could I address you Mrs. L Bonham...I fear it will look rather funny in a small place like Kane, Pa. where have only one village P.O. to send special delivery letter to two Mrs. Hartmanns."

Box 11e, Folder 4

1911, December 8

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Kane, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 259 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

It seems she owes money to Mrs. C. and Sadakachi does not have money to send her to pay her debt. His letter is quite nasty. He writes "It is not the baby, dear, it is all a matter of money. You never were able to support yourself, how can you now - tired out and without any clothes - support a baby in the bargain....She would, no doubt, trust you if she knew you were really married, but an unmarried woman with a child nobody trusts..." He advise her to do housework, "I fear all you can do is manual work."

Box 11e, Folder 4

1911, November 23

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Kane, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

He writes that he has solved the problem of two Mrs. Hartmann. "One is my mother. By the way give it any name you like. Wistaria...She can keep it until she is old enough to select one herself."

Box 11e, Folder 4

1911, November 10

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, State Collge, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

He needs his wife's help for a lecture on art. "I need the art lecture after all. So roll it up and mail it at once by special delivery."

Box 11e, Folder 4

1911, October 30

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Erie, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

It seems his wife does not understand how one gets tired by sending art circulars. " Well if you only know what I had to do. Send out a 1000 circulars, write the addresses and do the folding and stamping, and ... hundred typewritten letters with enclosed tickets which I had to sign... if I don't make anything--it will be a nice mess."

Box 11e, Folder 4

1911, October 16

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 260 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Erie, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

It seems they have a baby daughter and the question is what to name her. "It is her name and shall be as far as I am concerned, until she can select a name for herself. ... I suppose it is that Mrs. Pabe? bothering you to call her Wistaria."

Box 11e, Folder 4

1911, October 9

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Erie, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

He advises his wife to go back to the ..."if they have changed residence and have a nice room for you ... I may drop in on you some day unexpectably."

Box 11e, Folder 4

1911, October 13

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3, ALS, Erie, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

On November 11 he will be going to State College, Pa. He is hoping she will join him there, but he "must first know what there is for me to do this winter." He writes about his health and that he is not drinking "one whisky occasionally (2 this week) and a glass of bear for dinner, that is my limit."

Box 11e, Folder 4

1911, October 4 & 6

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4, ALS, Erie, Pa.

Scope and Contents note

In both letters he describes his trip to Erie; he visited schools to give tham atlas & glag; in one school he found "only the teacher and one pupil."

Box 11e, Folder 5

1912, July 1

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 261 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He is sending money to her to join him; he wants her to wear a hat--he has drawn the shape of the hat--"Get a hat shaped like this ...I think you will book best in it, and if I could persuade you to wear a veil..."

Box 11e, Folder 6

1913, October 11

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Wheeling, W.V.

Scope and Contents note

He is in West Virginia, his hotel is comfortable, trying to arrange some lectures and he has received her article, which he thinks is allright.

Box 11e, Folder 6

1913, October 31

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Wheeling, W.V.

Scope and Contents note

In addition of his complains about the city, he advise his wife not to let Wistaria bother her too much. "Make her obey you, as you will have your hands full. Could you make me a good copy of the caricature?"

Box 11e, Folder 6

1913, December 16

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He writes that he is very tired from seeing people and attending to the sale of the books. Even though he does not have money, he will manage to be with her for the New Year. He closes his letter by asking if she is teaching Wistaria words with the blocks.

Box 11e, Folder 6

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 262 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

1913, November 28

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

His book will be out 'in time - circulating begins next week - to day to Kajiwara, with him to Art Museum in Park."

Box 11e, Folder 6

1913, November 15

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4, ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He is very excited, his poem will be published, will cost $250.- but he has time until February 14 to pay and he has two endorsements; he mentions the names of those two people and tells his wife to get their names "sink deep into your memory, as they are in a way the re-maker of S. H. ... Really, the publication of the poem means new life to me - the sunny South for you, Eruope for me, some day."

Box 11e, Folder 6

1913, November 9

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

It seems November 8 was his birthday, "Yesterday was my birthday, and I am now two years younger than I was before (44), so you will finally catch up with me." He does not know how long will stay in St. Louis, may be until December 20, and "then pay you a holiday visit."

Box 11e, Folder 6

1913, November 5

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Huntington, W.V.

Scope and Contents note

He is in a new town, where the weather is fine and his health if fair, but, it seems, he is not happy with the arrangement, "this lecturing business gets on my nerves - and there is nothing in it. My idea is now to go directly to St. Louis ... see if I can get my poem published."

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 263 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11e, Folder 6

1913, October 23

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Wheeling, W.V.

Scope and Contents note

It sems his lecture did not go well, the "lecture was dismal ... I did not even get what I invested - I am ... for the moment so I will do some writing and picture selling if possible."

Box 11e, Folder 6

1913, October 24

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Wheeling, W.V.

Scope and Contents note

He is trying to recuperate financially. He has change is place; there are hills all around this new place and he will make some excursions if the weather permits, but most time he will write: "I will now write to the landlord. A task just as nasty as the weather."

Box 11e, Folder 6

1913, September 14

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4, ALS, Boston, Mass.

Scope and Contents note

On his way to Boston, he meets a group of people who run games in the fair grounds. He finds them different, "and there conversation! more interesting to me than that of circus people, as I had never met that type before."

Box 11e, Folder 6

1913, September 12

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Hartford, Conn.

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 264 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

He visits some lady and describes her: "Well ... was at home, but I get a picture in my memory of her life - she would not open the door, and so I went around to ... there she sat, she must be 65, her hair hanging all around her. I saluted her in my politest manner, but she snapped at the window with her comb. She was always queer and does not seem to have changed."

Box 11e, Folder 6

1913, July 12

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3, ALS, Rochester, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He writes that he went to Mock's (photographer) country place, which is overlooking a valley; he has two daughters who reminded him his mom "(only they are much more lady like). Made me feel a blue - the girls just adore their father and work with him - as a home like this was once my dream."

Box 11e, Folder 7

1914, January 13

Sellagetts, Alberta to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 7, ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

Letter is written by a 22 year old women who has just given birth to a daughter whose father she claims is Sadakichi. She is asking Sadakichi to support her and the little girl financially, "You helped Dreamy before Wistaria's birth and since her birth too." It seems Sadakichi sends this letter to Lillian and asks her "what do you say to this. Seriously do you believe it. Advise me, dear heart."

Box 11e, Folder 8

1914, February 15

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, St. Louis, Mo.

Scope and Contents note

He is sending her $15- "the very best I can do at the moment."

Box 11e, Folder 9

1916, November 3

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 265 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, San Francisco, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

The hotel that he is staying seems to be very convenient, "everything seems to be in reach." His trip to San Francisco was interesting, and he finds women as "beautiful here as they were uninteresting in Denver."

Box 11e, Folder 9

1916, November 12

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, San Francisco, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He has left the hotel and is living with a photographer for a week then will rent a furnished room. He is scheduled for three lectures; he thinks San Francisco has a peculiar climate, "it is too cold and mist ... and there are no appropriate heating apparatuses as people don't use them in the right and generous way. ... I have met quite a number of interesting people, they are very hospitable, but it is difficult to get any money from them."

Box 11e, Folder 9

1916, November 15

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4, ALS, San Francisco, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He wants her to write more cheerfully. "It is surely just as cold here as in Denver and I suffered greatly. And if Mrs. V. grows silent, it is because you never make the slightest effort to please anybody."

Box 11e, Folder 9

1916, November 21

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, San Francisco, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

His first reading was well attended "55 persons actually paid the one dollar admission. With reporters etc there was a total about 72. This was considered a great triumph for so short a time. But of course it went all for expenses. The next two time there will be real profit."

Box 11e, Folder 9

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 266 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

1916, November 26

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, San Francisco, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

It seems he has published a new edition of the Japonese poems and he thinks his wife would like to know more about it. "I will send you a copy as soon as I have one to spare. You will see that I publish in better taste than Bruno."

Box 11e, Folder 9

1916, November 30

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, San Francisco, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

This is a letter of instruction - how to buy a train ticket, what to wear, children's ages, with whom to travel, etc.

Box 11e, Folder 9

1916, January 11

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, New York, N.Y,

Scope and Contents note

He writes that he has too many troubles and he is sorry that she has her troubles; he can send her only $20.- "I think I hope you will forgive me. I will come home all fagged out and I fear with very little money."

Box 11e, Folder 10

1919, October 15

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

In Rochester he had no luck with Eastmans, but he met with a few of his old friends. "Everybody here and elswhere knows about my House of Mystery and Redwood City episodes. It's time that I come to my own."

Box 11e, Folder 10

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 267 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

1919, November 5

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

It seems his wife is going to have a baby, he wants to have her in the East with him, but he does not have $350.- for the trip and for renting a place. He is trying to have a book published that he can make some money.

Box 11e, Folder 10

1919, October 9

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3, ALS, Detroit, Mich.

Scope and Contents note

On his way from Detroit to New York, he will stop at Rochester to find out if the "Eastmans have any work for me." He will try to raise some big money, so that he "can carry out some of my plans and that your trip will be merely an (expensive) incidental." In the conclusion of the later, he advises her to have all her teeth fixed so that they will last for some years.

Box 11e, Folder 10

1919, September 30

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3, ALS, Detroit, Mich.

Scope and Contents note

He caught hay fever by going to Mt. Clemens; "Fortunately I am almost over it, but Detroit is no place for me." He is booked for a reading of "Sebbeus" in a restaurant, one dollar is the admission, and he is hoping to make a few dollars. "But I think I'll soon go the New York and tro to raise some big money for publication a transp;oration (this latter of special interest to you)."

Box 11e, Folder 10

1919, September 23

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3, ALS, Omaha, Neb.

Scope and Contents note

In Omaha he believes the art is yet "unhuman, its all business. ... No art dealer, no picture buyer." Though there are a few women's clubs which aspire to encourage and develop art, he had no luck with them. "There is nothing to do immediately

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 268 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

so I decided to go straight to Detroit where I am sure to make some

Box 11e, Folder 10

1919, November 1

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3, ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He is comparing New York city with Detroit, "But Detroit was even worse, where they have wider streets and more autos. Here many streets are so narrow that they have to pass in single file, one this way and the other in the opposite direction with the cars in the middle. ... I have not yet been in the Sub and wan't go if I can help it." His readings are going well, he is making money but he thinks to do better "it needs more advertising in N.Y. to draw a crowd."

Box 11e, Folder 11

1920, September 28

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

It seems he is having problems with his health, "I either have to improve greatly or will be forced to leave N.Y. for good." He is pleased with his doctor, he "is very much interested and believes he can cure me in time. Surely he has done wonders as far as the asthma is concerned."

Box 11e, Folder 11

1920, November 4

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

His asthma is back, he wants to leave New York but he wants her to move a new place, "I'll come out as soon as you have moved."

Box 11e, Folder 11

1920, November 17

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 269 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

He has lost his address book; first he missed it in Philadelphia, "I felt so bad at the time and many other times, that it might hav dropped out during one of these awful coughing attacks. They are record all Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco addresses."

Box 11e, Folder 12

1921, November 20

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

He is giving lectures and is very "busy seeing people and addressing envelops (that everlasting occupation of mine I wish you once had the job)," and he never had so many auto rides in "my life as I

Box 11e, Folder 12

1921, November 25

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4, ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

He writes that all his acquaintances are photographers except the two ladies who are painters. He thinks they are a sort of a wedge, but "one does not get very far with this sort of a wedge. It might get stuck. I called on one rich lady who aspires to be a society leader. She has a beautiful estate ... I do not get very well along with this kind of people. I am so serious and cynical in all matters pertaining the art."

Box 11e, Folder 12

1921, November 14

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 3, ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

He complains about his health and the expenses that they are living apart; he wants her to move with him, "You better get ready, slowly, think of your own apperance particularly." He does not want to pay full fair for one of his children, "...really has to pay lot by saying that he will be five in January, it can be avoided. (Two months make little difference in a child's appearance and nobody could prove it)."

Box 11e, Folder 12

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 270 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

1921, November 12

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

He is in Asheville and seems to like it; he meets two sisters, both painters; he describes them, he finds them friendly but he does not think very highly about their paintings.

Box 11e, Folder 12

1921, December 8

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 4, ALS, Asheville, N.C.

Scope and Contents note

He complains about his health and the weather, "I come to think more and more that I could live anywhere if I had a steam heated room, proper diet, and no many (money worry)." He also is talking about selling prints. "But you had to create the demand, and it is a long way from selling a few prints to real money making."

Box 11e, Folder 13

1922, September 27

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS

Scope and Contents note

He writes that he has an item of interst for her: "Your Alice Graig is advertised as teacher of children in Robert Reid's Art School in Colorado Spring." He also goes on telling her about her trip to Tempa, Florida, to meet him, "All you will have to do is to write half a dozen letters or more, and then wait for the result."

Box 11e, Folder 14


Hartmann, Sadakichi to Bonham, Lillian

General Physical Description note: several pages, ALS, n.p.

Scope and Contents note

There are eight letters--no publication place, no date--in this folder. The main theme of all letters is the lack of money to send her, in one he writes: "... As it is I will stay as long as I can afford it, which won't be very long. And then I will resume my homeless wanderings."

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 271 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11e, Folder 15

1933, April 24

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Tansy

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He is writing that Wistaria? is working part time in Santa Monica. "Perhaps she will come down soon to se you,"--she lives in Laguna Beach, Ca.

Box 11e, Folder 15

1934, December 15

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Tansy

General Physical Description note: 3, ALS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He advise her not to tell to the relief workers that he is on the reservation, "they will find out anyway from press notices and people telling - but don't you say anything except that." He also writes about his pastels exhibition, which was a "big fizzle financially."

Box 11e, Folder 16

1924, June 20

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Wistaria

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Los Angeles, Co.

Scope and Contents note

He is back at Los Angeles and looking for a job, "I think, I can get a job again in the movies if I hang on."

Box 11e, Folder 16

1930, August 5

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Wistaria

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Los Angeles, Co.

Scope and Contents note

He wants to know if "dambell Carlos been there."

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 272 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11e, Folder 16

1932, January 2

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Wistaria

General Physical Description note: 2, AL, Tujunga, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He is writing about a lady with the name of Sedarte, "I think she is half crazy or takes dope - amusing study anyway - she is surely a good musician."

Box 11e, Folder 16

1928, November 10

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Wistaria

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Los Angeles, Co.

Scope and Contents note

It seems Wistaria is upset with him, "My dear Wistaria - when you came home I talked to you but you prefered not to talk to me - well let it pass!" He also writes that he is expecting to sign a movie contract.

Box 11e, Folder 16

1927, February 14

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Wistaria

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Los Angeles, Co.

Scope and Contents note

It seems Wistaria wants to come to Los Angeles to see the "Miracle Play. "... may be I'll send you with someone else, as it will be hard for me to see it the second time and yet I may be able to stand it."

Box 11e, Folder 16

1933, November 29

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Wistaria

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Pasadena, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He writes that he has a bad rupture, " I simply can not walk long distances just now."

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 273 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11e, Folder 16

1927, January 3

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Wistaria

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Los Angeles, Co.

Scope and Contents note

He finds United buses comfortable, "but they take you all over Southern California before you reach Los Angeles." Also he does not enjoy traveling on Sunday, "I sh'all never travel on Sundays again, as long as my name is Kich (but also that may change)."

Box 11e, Folder 16

1924, December 28

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Wistaria

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Los Angeles, Co.

Scope and Contents note

He wants her to send "a nice New Year card to three people." He writes the addresses of those people and advise her to put in corner "Hartmann Family."

Box 11e, Folder 16

1922, October 7

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Wistaria

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Jacksonville, Flo.

Box 11e, Folder 16

1922, October 7

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Wistaria

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Jacksonvill, Flo.

Scope and Contents note

He is sending $2 to Wistaria and asking her to give .75c to Aster and keep the rest and, in return, he wants her to write a "real nice long letter ."

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 274 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11e, Folder 16

1925, September 26

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Wistaria

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Los Angeles, Co.

Scope and Contents note

He is sending her an announcement of his talk, "I will be very busy next week." He also wants her to send him a drawing of her new house and the yard.

Box 11e, Folder 16

1926, January 3

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Wistaria

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Los Angeles, Co.

Scope and Contents note

He wants her to say a lot in her latter, "If you hav'nt much to say, say a lot anyway, that is the art of letter writing." He also wants to know if Aster got his teeth fixed, "how did he like it."

Box 11e, Folder 17

1941, February 21

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Hartmann, Robert

General Physical Description note: 2, TLS, Los Angeles, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

It seems his son Robert is building a shack for him; he wants him to keep a good record of his expenses, "Kindly keep strict account on all expenses. When relatives do things together they should do it in businesslike fashion, just as if they were avoids any unnnecessary dispute and unpleasntness."

Box 11e, Folder 18

1933, November 29

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Eagle, Red

General Physical Description note: 1, TLS, n.p.

Scope and Contents note

He wants to spend a few days at Mrs. Red Eagle's ranch, "I am too impoverished to stay at a hotel, but perhaps I can find a room for a few days or a week."

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 275 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11e, Folder 19

1942, November 8

Hartmann, Sadakichi to Contemporary

General Physical Description note: 1, TL, Banning, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

He is requesting contribution for his new book - entitled, "Thousand Happy Moments..." He closes his appeal with the words, "Any word of cheer or small contribution will be received with enthusiasm."

Box 11e, Folder 20


Hartmann, Sadakichi to

General Physical Description note: ALS

Scope and Contents note

In folder 20 there are fifteen post cards sent by Hartmann to his family members from different places and times. In folders 21 & 22 there are empty envelopes and telegrams.

Box 11f, Folder 1

1907, August 21

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, New York, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

She writes about the weather in New York city and goes on telling him that, "I try to imagine you in New York smoking the same cigars and drinking the same pale-ale."

Box 11f, Folder 1

1907, August 27

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 7, ALS, East Aurora, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 276 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

She writes that there was not much in the paper about Hartmann, only "to mention about your being a Japanese poet." She goes on telling him that, "... Only it troubles me to think that after all I may disappoint you. It seems like a long climb to reach your mental altitude."

Box 11f, Folder 1

1907, August 28

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 5, ALS, East Aurora, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

She writes about their experience in Rochester, N.Y. It seems she went there with someone with the initial of W. (she refers to him/her only as W.). Also she writes that when "I asked W. what she had to tell you, she said tell him I dreamed of him last night, but she said it wasn't appropriate to tell me. She won't let me tell any more."

Box 11f, Folder 2

1912, May 24

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 4, ALS, Quinton, N.J.

Scope and Contents note

She writes that her mother and borother are coming to visit her, but she is not happy about it, " I wish they wouldn't at all. That will interfere with you and I don't like it." She goes on writing that, "You lament because you cannot be as great as Michael? - But you've made the most of life that you could under the conditions which you had no control over - and which molded you."

Box 11f, Folder 2

1912, August 9

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 4, ALS, East Aurora, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

She writes that Wistaria's baby sister asked her if Hartmann was her father, "I told her you used some of the rooms for storage, and I rented the rest from you. No one else has questioned. They'll soon get used to the lack of a 'baby's papa' and forget that have one around is the usual custom!"

Box 11f, Folder 2

1912, August 13

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 277 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, East Aurora, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

She writes that she dreamed they both died at the same time and were buried together and that she was "supremely happy! I don't care if I had a soul or not just as I could lie with you for ever. I suppose Mrs. K. would like it too! and G.T. does in her secret heart, and Mrs. E.B.H. will when she get old!"

Box 11f, Folder 2

1912, July 30

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, East Aurora, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

She has her own stationery and for the first time she is using it by writing to Hartmann, "I christen this paper by writing to ylou."

Box 11f, Folder 2

1912, August 17

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, East Aurora, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

She thanks him for the flowers, "I had a surprise yesterday of a box of flowers ... So you won't wait until I die? ... I feel much stronger but cannot eat much yet. My stomach must be weak - I get enough so quick - I used to eat and eat, and eat, but never again, I guess."

Box 11f, Folder 2

1912, July 29

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 4, ALS, East Aurora, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

She writes about Wistaria's photo, "Isn't that the funniest little photo of Wistaria - the one in which she looks like you!" She also writes that "Get rested and take good care of yourself - to please Mrs. Kennedy." She wants to send her a pastel, "a little landscape in pastel which may be is good enough for her."

Box 11f, Folder 2

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 278 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

1912, June 29

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 4, ALS, Quinton, N.J.

Scope and Contents note

She writes that "I dreamed last night you came back to me and I read everything in your face before you said a word ... I thought you had a 'falling out' with Mrs. K. on account of drinking! ... 'Dream haven' is just the name for our home."

Box 11f, Folder 2

1912, April 8

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, Quinton, N.J.

Scope and Contents note

She is complaining about her life, but it seems she is more concerned about Hartmann, "I keep thinking of how you ought to be resting - but keep urging yourself on the drink, drink, drink. Some day there will be a sudden ending. I am so worried that I can take pleasure in nothing and the world seems dull, indeed."

Box 11f, Folder 2

1912, July 24

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 3, ALS, East Aurora, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

She wants to know how Hartmann is getting along with the photographers "without drinking with them!" She is keeping busy with her work, which is her only salvation, "You know what I said when I first met you, that I could never cross the chasm of my early training to reach your heights. The dark cloud that bounced over me as a girl will never be lifted for me to comprehend - what?"

Box 11f, Folder 2

1912, July 29

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, East Aurora, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

She writes that she is going to give up writing him letters "except to tell you what I've done, that I'm striving hard to make things, for that is all you want anyway."

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 279 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Box 11f, Folder 3

1913, November 18

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, East Aurora, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

She is sending him drawings and hoping that he will not think they are bad. She is also happy that Hartmann is keeping busy, "I am so glad things are moving for you."

Box 11f, Folder 3

1913, November 13

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, East Aurora, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

She wants to know if he is goind to see any of the artists, "Tell me who they are, and if you see any nice paintings."

Box 11f, Folder 4

1914, December 14

Bonham, Lillian to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 2, ALS, East Aurora, N.Y.

Scope and Contents note

She writes about their two children, Wistaria and Marigold, "See how Marigold gets bigger all the time because she drinks so much milk." She also describes one morning how first she started caughing, then Marigod, and "then Wistaria joined in and there was a coughing chorus."

Box 11f, Folder 5

1927, January 13

Valentine, E.E. to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Basking Ridge, N.J.

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 280 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

This is a thank you letter for $2 that he had sent to Mrs. Valentine, who was in charge of the cemitery where Marigold was buried. "The evergreen tree is growing very beautifully and is spreading so that it covers almost entirely the grave of your little daughter. As the little tree seems to speak of an everlasting love so I trust you may some day be re-united in love and happiness with your daughter."

Box 11f, Folder 6

1928, January 5 &14

? to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 4, ALS, Corona, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

Probably they are business letters--could not read a word.

Box 11f, Folder 7

1938, April 26

Phillips, Duncan to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Washington, D.C.

Scope and Contents note

It seems Hartmann has sent a painting to the Phillips Memorial Gallery in Washington, D.C. This letter is a reply to his inquiry about the painting--first Phillips did not like it but now he wants to keep it and sending him a check for fifty dollars.

Box 11f, Folder 8

1942, January 13

Macavoy, Florence B. to Hartmann, Sadakichi

General Physical Description note: 1, ALS, Hollywood, Ca.

Scope and Contents note

She writes that "the title of your forthcoming thesis intrigues me ... what a world of 'blood, lust, greed and fears,' to paraphrase Winston."

Box 47


Art Digest

Scope and Contents note

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 281 Miscellaneous Research Materials Photocopies of scrapbooks

Issues of Art Digest from January 15, 1937 through November 1, 1944.

Sadakichi Hartmann papers MS 068 282