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- ---- 7- - [tio l l Tigriculturcl and IndustriaI d 1ssociation of Queensknd

Patrona: His rxcellency the lRt. lion. Thomas Baron Denlmcin P.C., Gj C.M.aj., G.C.V.O., (overair-Gnerll ndl (:oniir~iiderll-inCijict of the (oinowcih of 1ustroii. is [xcellency 5ir William Macregor, COC M Ci, C I , \I I) ftc., (ovrnot of Queeislcild.

Coutici I, 1913.



Chairman : Hon. Treasurer:

Comm ittee :


Hon. Veterinary Surgeon:

Hon. Slolicitors:


- -- I I-~ ------i----_ __ C 38th Tnnual Report


i 1 Agricultural and industrial 1N ato10na1 Association of Queensland

For the Year 1913


OUR COUNCIL have pleasure in submitting their thirty-eighth Annual Report and Financial State- ment for the year ending 31st December, 191:1, and it ogives them much pleasure to once more con- gratulate the members on the progress and continued success of tie Association. Opening Ceremony. The Exhibition was opened on Wednesday, 1lth August, by His Excellency Sir Wm. MacGregor, G.C.M.G., C.B., M.D., who was attended by a Guard of Honour from the H.M.A.S. "Melbourne," and the Commonwealth District Champion Cadet Team (Norman Park), who carried the banner present- ed by Lady Dudley. Other distinguished visitors included Lady and Miss MacGregor, His Excellency Sir Gerald Strick- land (Governor of New South Wales), Capt. L'Estrange Silver (H.M.A.S. "Melbourne"), Lady Morgan, members of the Queensland Ministry, Sir Pope Cooper (Chief Justice of Queensland), Archbishop Donaldson, Archbishop Duhig, and Colonel Lee (State Military Commandant). The ceremony was conducted, as in previous years, in the ring in front of the Grand Stand. The Secretary, Mr. C. A. Arvier, read the following address :- May it. please your Excellency, \' have much pleasure, on behalf of the Council and Members, in ,.xhending to you and Lady MacGregor our heartiest welcome on the occ'asin of ofour 38th Annual Show, the fourth year you have honoured us by accepting the position of Patron to our Association, and we gratefully acknowledge the kind assistance voluntarily rendered to us tby yt,.ur Excellency in many details of our work. W\' also desire to extend a warm welcome to His Excellency the (,\,('vrnir of New South Wales, Sir Gerald Strickland, and to express our iplasure at his visit to Queensland on this occasion. II. is pleasant to record the continued prosperity of this State. The great increase in the dairying section is remarkable in this year's Show, the Butter House holding the largest number of individual entries ever known, and the Milking Tests in the Dairy Cattle Section containing a rcord not equalled in any other State in the Commonwealth-viz., 20 cows ciiniipet.ing for the prize for the cow averaging the greatest daily yield of butter-fat for 4.i hours. The phenomenal increase in the Live lock entries has taxed to the utmost the ground space, necessitting ijililitional horse boxes, fat cattle pens, dairy and beef cattle stalls, sheep and swine pens. The Commonwealth of Australia, for the first time, is taking part in our Show, sending an exhibit from Papua and Northern Territory. 're Queensland Government is showing a display of 76 models of $aniary Appliances procnred by the Commonwealth Government fronm tihe Royal Sanitary Institute, London, which will exhibit the latest scientile arrangements. The Agricultural Department's section is as extensive as ever, giving once again a wonderful display of products frimn North, South, and West Queensland. A heautiful exhibit of oranges, pineapples, and bananas is being shown by the fruit-growers of tihe Blackall Range and tihe North Coast Line, comprising over one thousand cases of these fruits. Ini thie District Exhibits, "B" Grade, there are five entries, including iliree new competitors who have never shown previously-viz., Wondai, Boonahm, and Higgenden-the old friends being Laidley and Kingaroy. 'l'the tidal entries number 7,000, constituting a record, while the eimtry fees amount to £1,t15, as compared with £1,018 last year. One Elf the new features of the Show is the Tallow Competition for tallow rendered from pots, and from digesters. An inlhresting feature of the Show is the One-Woman's Work, this year there being eight competitors-four town and four country-as agaiminsi fsImmr competitors last year. 'Thte miachuimery is very miich improved, the total value of mnactiniiery (in the grouIndls being estimated at £60,000. The ring events promise to be very much more attractive than ilm'iviilmms years, anI will include Sheep Dog Trials and Military Evimits 'i I110i Setrlday a flernoon. Tthere are fourteen Blood Horses competing for the Governor- General's Irojihy for the Champion Blood Horse of Queensland, and in 1ieIb Iraughmt Horse Section for aged Draughts, in one class there are 27 conpetiors. It is estimated the Live Stock exhibited will total 2,600 tIead. It is expected that this Show will equal, if not smrpims, any lprEviols 4,119. T'hie extended space granted by the (ioyerpnmumet-p ? a(rE, se'cur'ed from the Aeclimnatisation (Irounds-is fully icejlpled, ;muil t1at liifit 111P' 0 P0111 is Ile'eit fir Cutifre ciltlingEmnciEs is already apparent. liir' aminil 'elm lihiulfC tf thE Uiiitcil,I .1. .1 nIIN.Il) Chimnrm mn I . A. Alivi\ER Seretary. Arni His Excelleuicv Sir Wmut. Mac( regor read the f llow- ing rel: I thanilk you sincerely toP Fullr kidl welliuu to mUmywife mmd mnyself to yo ur TIhirty-eighthm .nnumal Show. Kne winug as I do tume grat immportance io t 1 datiryinug industry In facilitating the closer selllemuent ut thls State, I rejoice with you in the magniftcent exhibition we lhavc in Ihe I iry E atIl Sect ion, a clear record both as to quantity and quality. I j ohm with yi u in appreciation of t le act ion et the Comnmonwealhm iovrnnment in sending exhibits from the Northern Territory and frin PmpuN, cuIIInt ries to which too nmuch attention cannot he given, for qimistioin itof \ery grave immpiortance for Australia are oimcineteul Withi hoth .sides of Torres Straits. Tue arlicles shown by tile State Government are of interest in thliemiseves, l' and titake manirest to uis that the Government recognises the great educative value of this National Show. The fruit-growers 6f the North Goast Line iiay well be congratulated on te inagniicent exhibits they have prepared with so much care and trouble. It. is on such a large scale as to show us the line average quality of their products, wtichi are not merely selected show specimens. The lIve district exthitis are very remarkable, each in itself an interesting show, for, combined, they would form an instructive exhibition, were there nothing else on the ground. (Applause.) The One-Womian's Work Cttiiipetition is itne tf great interest. Nothing I I ave seen at the many district shows I have visited has so much excited my admiration as the w(tnderfitl versatility, cleverness, and resource of our women in the country in all that makes a lite bright, beautiful, and comfortable. The imiprovements you note in machinery is gratifying. Perhaps the day miay conic when it may be possible to show farming implements actually at work in a field. I notice with imiuch pleasure that there is such warm competition for te inne trophy so generously given by His Excellency time Governtr-GeInmeralI for the champion blood horse of mLimnsland. I respectfully offer sincere and hearty congratulations to ihe cotncil on tihe marked success of this Show. Events have shown heat you acted withi siittiti jutlgment and courage in never hesitating in lti face atf wtat tthreat'mied at one timmie to lbe a troublesome epidemic. I recognise in your wi rk connected wit I this National Show a great adt valuable public service, hlich, at tie cost of much time and trouble to yourselves, you Ihavi relndered to the State and to Australia. I have grat pleautire in declarimig thtie Exhibition open. Cheers were given for the two Governors, and Sir Wm. MacGregor then distributed the principal trophies to the var- ioUs winners. Official Luncheon. The Official Luncheon this year was again held in the Exhibition Concert Hall, and was a very' representative gather- ing, some 375 guests being seated. The President, Sir Ar- thur Morgan, occupied the chair, and proposed the toast of "The King," which was enthusiastically honoured. Mr. Frankel, in proiposing the loast of tIme "Governor," couplitig with it also the name of Lady MacGregor, expressed the pleasure the itimcil of t te Assn atnI ''i had int we lctmning to that Sh ow Sir Williaim anI Lady MacGregor. Sir William MacGregor not only totik a keen itn terest in tie Shows of Ithtat Association, bitt, also, he was .t fretjeuent visitor it tmany of the miost imip'trtamt c'tutty shows throughout ttit State. Applause. tHis hExcelleticy utlsit was deeply inlaresled in everytthing that mtade rftr the *dimatlotial anal industrial welfare oft thi' Stite. Intlee, that callricltertstc hIatt catistid Sir Willm It ac iregor's Iunite to he itIioutireh itt the various otier parts of tthe Empire iin which tie haIld resiteti. Hut ie venluriieih tn say tItat in no part tif the world was Sir Will i am .\hacirlerg'rtx's namIe mIore honoured ItthtI it was in )ucenslatid . Loud Atlause. His Excellency IIiatiakedt t titise present ft ir tlh e kind mantner in whict Ihey had recived Itie tast. Ile apprtciated also very much Itie kindly remitrks whuict hIath fallen frImin Mr. FHrankel's lips. 1e tendered his sincere antI hearty congrat tli a t ion to all connected withi the uianagetntit f tlie Associatiotn upon ttihe tmagniteetintt Sliow which they had produced this year. lHear, hear. Ie0 itiso was very glad to have with him his colleague from New Stimit hiWales, whtIo was by nio means a stranger in Australia. Apart fron j'ersttal conisideralions, lie lhad a very great tt'gartl for Sir Gerald St ricklhamnt, inuSiutichI as he lhin already ocelupied Government Houses in three of the Australasian States. He (Sir William MacGregor) had been thinking during the last day or two of the extraordinary contrast between the condition of Queensland now and that of the country two generations ago. Within the lifetime of many people still with them, Queensland had been peopled principally by on~ of the most primitive races now in existence on the globe, but that day they had a Show which hardly could be surpassed, if it could be equalled, by any other civilised nation. (Applause.) Without fear of contradiction he averred that there was no country in any other part of the world at the present time whose history afforded so realistic a romance in regard to the progress of civilisation as did Queensland. (Applause.) Let them contrast the condition of the country two or three generations ago with that of the State to-day, with her young and vigorous University, her colleges and innumerable schools. The State also possessed 4,500 miles of railway. He thought they would agree with him that such progress was without parallel to-day. (Loud applause.) Amongst the many good things which they had brought with them from the old country was the agricultural show. As most of them knew, the old country was the breeding ground for the pedigreed stock of the world. The agricultural show, therefore, had assisted greatly iu putting the old country in the proud position which she occupied to-day. And the agricultural shcw would be equally useful in this country, apart from the social amenities which it fostered amongst the people, for it showed those farmers who attended it the great gap that existed between the best that was on the showground and the worst that was left at home. He had seen enough to convince him that the difference between those two classes was very great. What they should aim at was thei adoption of a high general standard. The stock shown there was magnificent, but they needed to raise the standard of tiieir stock throughout the country. (Hear, hear.) Tlhe Show was useful, moreovcr, in that it showed the farmer where to get the blood that was neededI to improve his stock. It also showed how great was the amount of work done by the Executive Council of the Association. (Applause. Referring to Mr. Frankel's remarks, he wished to say that lie had ni, interest in agriculture other than a general one. He had no miioney in it, but his heart and head were in It. (Applause.) He knew how closely the development of the State was associated with agricultural interests. In those modern times, they heard of many new things--new religions, new Parliaments, new protection, and the new woman-(laughter) - but nothing in the world was so new and interesting at the present timn' as the new agriculture. 'Applause.) For 80 or 100 years scicence had done nothing for agriculture, but now there was no industry in thi world that was receiving so much attention from scientific men as tlr, tilling of thlie soil. (Applause. lie had been wondering whether tihey in Queensland were fully alive to what was going on in other parts if the world so far as the development of agriculture was concerned. In a brief speech which Lord Richard Cavendish, Chairman of the British Development Commission, recently made, he referred no less than foulr times to the enormous possibilities which lay wrapped up in scientifi agriculture, so far as England was concerned. Mr. Runcimnan, Chairman of the Board of Agriculture, who followed, said that more than £300,00o of the £500,000 placed at tile disposal of the Commission had been expended on agricultural developments alone. Both gentlemen emphasised the fact that although primarily a manufacturing country agriculture was far and away the most important industry in thl' country. If that were true of England, what must it mean to a country like Queensland? Mr. Runciman had pointed out that within 30 years. the character of the Ayrshire cow had been completely altered, a resull which was due to the establishment of Milk Testing Societies, such as he (the speaker) had advocated in Queensland. lie desired, moreover. ;o direct attention to the difference between tile systems of agriculture followed in the United Kingdom and the United States. In the former -country the soil still was yielding 32 to 34 bushels of wheat to the acre, whilst in the United States much of the land had been absolutely spoilt by faulty farming, and it would take the scientists of that country all their time to reclaim it for its original purpose. Although Queensland might not be in a position to spend half a million pounds on scientific agriculture, she should be able to profit by tile United Kingdom's scientific researches in that direction. In the old country all of the universities from the oldest to the youngest were busily investigating agricultural problems, and practically the whole of the country authorities were co-operating with the Government in the matter. The question for Queensland to consider-and she would nave to give serious heed to it before long-was whether she was going to follow in the wake of America or the United Kingdom so far as agricultural methods were concerned. The world nowadays was a single emporium, with only one market, and they would have to look abroad in order to keep abreast of the times. A Board of Trade journal, which he had received that morning, showed that Australian frozen beef was quoted at 35s. 6d., as against 37s. 6d. for Argentine beef, and chilled beef from the latter country was worth i(s. Gd. In that one direction alone-the improvement of cold storage, so that Australian chilled beef could be landed in London in first-class condition-lay an important field for scientific investigation. Loud applause.) Mr. John Reid, a Vice-President, proposed "The Visitors." He said the Association regarded the visit of Sir Gerald Strickland as a distinct comupliment, and the people of Queensland would look upon it as a great obligation. Sir William MacGregor had just expressed what was really Ihe aim of tIhe Associaltion-lo uplift the farmer to a Ihigher appreciation of the value of science in agriculture, and by showing the results of the farmers' work at tlie Annual Exhibition, indicating the progress that was being made year by year. People would leave this year's Exhibition ,confident that Queensland's interests-agricultural, pastoral, and manufacturing-were worthy of very great consideration. Hils Excellency tihe Governor of New South Wales, in replying to the toast, expressed himself as having been thrilled by the manner in which they had accepted the toast. Sir William MacGregor had spoken of new protection (a political question, without comment), the new woman (a beautiful thing to lie praised in silence), and new agriculture. But his mind was connected wilh Queensland more than anything else by the new Iniperialisnim. Applause.) There remained in his heart, second to the welcome of that day, the welcome which Ilt' State gave himi 30 years ago next Christmas, when coming straight from Trinity College to ueensland, liehe learnt tlie new Imperialism ;is tile giest of Sir Anthony Muisgra\ve in the old Government House. That new Imperialism was based 1111loyalty to tie Crown, and race and trladilioln ;ind education. It was also based on travel and the intercommunication of ideas which it broulght. Similarly, it was found in functions smc'i as this, where they had pleasant, intelligent, and instructive hospitality. It was a great Joy to come back to Queensland as the guest of the senior amongst all the Governors in the great colonial service. He was very proud that he went straight into that service from Cambridge, and he was thankful to tie then Governor of ueensland for having fired his mind with the spirit of the new Imperialism to the extent of prompting him to adopt the service as his walk in life. It was due to the recommendation of Sir Hohert Herbert, the Premier of the time, that lie secured a post. *Consequently, he hIad c(Jn there feeling very much at home among ntimate friends. A\rchbishop l)onaldson, at Cambridge, was his guide, -philosopher, and friend, taking charge of him, and keeping him out of mischief. It had been a great Joy, at a Parliainmenltiry dinner at Perth, to sit with Sir SamullP Grimft. the greatest jurist. in thle Empir, and an ornament to Quleenslad, ndl Mr. Tylor, Chirman of Committees, bothi of whonm he met in Queensland under ery different conditions, 30 years ago. The mleeting of sch men was an exmple of the spirit of equality and good-fellowship, and of the elimination of partisanship., whichi xisted under the Crown, and nder our great Judicial system. It reflected the spirit of interchange of ideas wiichi was making the' Empire new. He remnemered, too, withr gratitude, hiis indehiedness tIe ~ir rt eur Morgan for his oodl advice in a. criticl stage of hris crer. TIurning to the Ehibition, Sir Gerald said that during his fouri cliovcrnrhips in Australia he had nevr heemi to a show werei thle joy' of being together was so preinouncel wheren the surrndins, thei climate, thee innov'ation o~f distriuting the' prizes before evecryody, leadl gwe\n imn mocre dligt It was a sign of thee new Imperialism thiat a a ering uk" tis, were s~cial tie~s anet aspirtions were onmect et I vit It instrution and general pleasure', cocill take a~ ferem~st place ini

'Th1e Premcier 'Hon. [. F. I tenleam ,, inl ac'keowlelgieg tlie' toast ec'cise'tl teineseifYfrom anting in the na olllre' of a pliticl spech oni the gre tune I t I at it woid h't IllRonae ble to keepc thle ejmipanyi~ front tIe e grand palrade of stock. In the coolrs' of a fewv sentences tee~ remlarkedl that ticte yer~R ust ended pr ve. I for Q ue'nslamcel,, in everyPZtlejeartmnemif ntt inl n''a;rly everCy inldulsrya re~ord1, n' I t tee year ii POH1 whliit' tuie wire1 mewi Irgm.'ssing h~id fr~ Io eceedi e'\ en theI reart rclrd (if II il,il yer. ha.lways ve rys pte'sanlt ne~;cs B(utl ti brought wirl

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l1'.i'titk full11ailvauetage11~( oflll'l~ ttlehewing t:i, cli'ii keep ther heni

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Icenciy iiinl tiehrtr wau\'losseevn in itui wI1ev ins fwcu iten.ctxoii'iti ii gtatnarcontct ii with ll nos of t ~a'he State.il Suc anl xhoiition as it hail pr,~eviedthaIelsai 1Ier\ cii' iii e'mil;tcasi tie. inerllrenetnc'~ ofthell teeuenryi aid.\ cit, anu it. was imil ter~.'ugmmigo htte ol m day see'. le' id ut't ic' ;tsk i'rllan mnaeir'mn fi~trtir tolials i-itrton i exhoibior trit lf tic.'at ttlr,Stale. fruitss I~Tli llr(11 of ls theiralniu r as n n ItIe( Stiowr caleir~ ciiecrelat~ciou upon theliliro Sir Willinm MacGregor added lo the toast list "The health of the PresidenI," andtl said in his 25 years' experience of Governorships he had never given a commission to a deputy in whom he had the same unbounded confidence, and who possessed so much loyalty and capacity, as Sir Arthur Morgan. 'Applause.) A word of acknowledgment from Sir Arthur Morgan concluded the proceedings, and the company adjourned to the grounds, where the grand parade was still in progress. Attendance at the Show. Owing to the unfortunate epidemic that was raging through Sydney, and its suburbs, we this year have to report a lesser turnover and attendance than the previous year, and no doubt the scare frightened thousands of people from the other States and the whole of Queensland. The attendance at the Show as compared with last year shows a decrease of 8,400. 1912. 1913. Monday .. . . 7,000 .. 6,0)00 Tuesday .. .. 14,000 .. 11,000 Wednesday .. .. 57,000 .. 57,100 Thursday .. .. 33,500 .. 38,000 Friday .. .. 27,000 .. 21,000 Saturday\ .. .. 32,000 .. 29,000

170,500 .. 162,100 The weather proved fine and seasonable, and only for the said scare it is certain the receipts would have been greater. Revenue. Our total revenue fur the year was £12,279 6s. 7d., as compared with £12,470 15s. 4d. in 1912. GATE RECEIPTS show a total of £5,312 18s. 4d., as against £5,701 16s. 10d. in 1912. GROUND RECEIPTS for the use of Grounds for the year, exclusive of the Show, are £593 13s. (id., as against £546 Os. 9d. in 1912. MEMBERS' SUBSCRIPTIONS. It is pleasing to note the increasing popularity of the As- sociation, returns from this source reaching £2,323 13s. Gd., as against £2,251 17s. 6d. in 1912. MEMBERS' ROLL. The Members Roll shows an increase of Members, being as follows :- 1912. 1913. Life Members .. .. 99 .. 100 Annual Members .. .. 2022 .. 2040 Ladies and Youths .. .. 220 . . 205

2341 .. 2345 During the year four Life Members died, and five were- added to the roll of Life Members. PRIVILEGES AND SPACE CHARGES are slightly less than the previous year, being £1,769 -is. lid., as against £1,778 7s. 9d. in 1912. PROPERTY. The house has been let at a fair rental, while the grounds have been occasionally used for Junior Cricket, and by the Police at Show time, bringing in a gross rental of £69 2s. WEIGHT GUESSING competition realised £89, as against £115 3s. in 1912. ENTRY RECEIPTS. The entry fees received amount to- £1,133 14s. lid., as against £1,018 9s. 4d. in 1912. GROUND IMPROVEMENTS. The improvements on the Grounds were mostly temporary, the only permanent struc- ture being the Women's Lavatory and Retiring Room erected on the hill for the convenience of the public. The necessity for this was greatly in evidence, and it is an ornament to the Grounds. Plans and specifications were drawn up for the erection of a Horse Pavilion, which it is expected to complete as soon as possible. Extensive and expensive works have been done by the Railway Department, including the Sub- ways and Overhead Footbridge, towards which this Asso- ciation has paid £1,315 9s. 3d. PRIZE MONEY. The total Prize Money paid amounted to £3,857 16s. 6d., including £204 11s. 8d. as trophies, as against £3,70(i 10s. in 1912, being an increase of £.151 Os. 6d. Exhibits. LIVE STOCK. The decision to only allow animals t,> compete that are entered in the Stud Book was very advan- tageous, both in the Horse and Cattle Sections, and concur- rent with the examinations of stallions it was decided to approve of the examination of all mares over three years, thus insuring sound stock on both sides. TROTTING this year proved of great interest, and our entires showed a record. The attempt of "Delavan Wilkes" to lower the Queensland record of 2.20 4/5ths was not accom- plished, his best time being 2.21g. "Marvin Wilkes" and "Delavan Wilkes" tried to lower "Dan Patch's" record of 2.19 1/5th, but were unsuccessful. They, however, both trot- ted in exactly the same time, viz-2.20, when tried separate- ly, under similar conditions on the same day. RECORD HIGH JUMP. Mr. C. Jarvis' "Radium," as an exhibition jump, at the closing of the High Jumping Contest on Friday, 15th August, put up the splendid record of ft. lOins., and a Gold Medal was presented to Mr. Jarvis in re- cognition of his horse's fine performance. __

i DISTRICT' EXHIBITS. The scale of points was revised, and it is much to be regretted no entries were received from the A. Grade, but from the B. Grade, which were very high- class, there were five entries. We hope, however, the A Grade exhibits may be re-established at our next Show. The follow- ing is the results of the competition:- Points. Prize money. £ s. d. Fassifern .. 621 .. 109 6 10 Weinholt Shire . .. . . 103 3 3 Kingaroy .. 570k .. 102 0 4 Biggenden & Gavndah 544A . . 98 5 6 Lockyer .. 467.s .. 87 4 1 This includes £20 preliminary expenses voted to each district. This proved a valuable, educational and interesting division. To arrange in procuring entries a District Organiser was appointed, and to him must be attributed some of the en- tries. Strong efforts were made by your Council, in deputing the Secretary to attend the Northern Towns, to secure a North- ern District, but without success. A sugarcane exhibit was sent from Ayr, produce from Mt. Molloy, and quartz from Charters Towers. A very fine exhibit of sugarcane, raw sugar, and molasses was received from Nambour district, through the Moreton Central Sugar Mill Coy. ONE FARM EXHIBITS. There were two entries in this division, Messrs. Prevost Bros. and H. Franke competing, who received in prize money £56 10s. 9d. and £35 respectively, while the ONE WOMAN'S WORK had eight entries, four Town and four Country, the winners and prize money being as fol- lows :- TOWN- Points. £ s. d. Wilson, Miss A. .. 323 .. 12 4 10 Sattler, Mrs. .. 254 .. 9 13 1 Macginley, Mrs. D. J. .. 190 .. 7 5 1 Ferguson, Mrs. James .. 179 .. 6 17 0 CO NTRY- Schuster, Miss K. .. 348 .. 13 1 0 Tulloch, Miss M. S. .. 305 .. 11 8 9 Dunlop, Mrs. J. .. 285 .. 10 13 9 Noble, Miss S. .. 279 .. 10 9 3 FRUIT DISPLAY. The finest display of citrus fruits ever shown in was obtained this year from the Blackall Range and district, 1150 cases being staged, and proved a wonderful surprise to every visitor at the Show, as exhibiting the magnificent resources of the North Coast Dis-, trict. GOVERNMENT EXHIBITS. The space allotted to the Government Department was: Agricultural Department, 80ft. x 64ft., Railways 60ft. x 64ft., which was one of the finest Courts that has ever been shown; Aboriginal, 40ft. x 64ft.; Papuan and Northern Territory Exhibit 40ft. x 64ft. This is the first time that exhibits have been shown from this terri- tory, and they proved most interesting. A display from Cairns of the Gossypium Park Estates was also an object les- son of some of the possible future industries of Northern Queenland. The two trains on the railway line near the Grand Stand, exhibited by the Railway Department, afforded visitors an opportunity of comparing the up-to-date engine and carriage of to-day with those used in 1874. A kiosk of meteorological Instruments was displayed on the Grounds, un- der the control of the Commonwealth Meteorologist in Bris- bane, which was of instructive and educational value to those interested. The Chief Secretary's Department exhibited, on behalf of the Federal Government, 76 models and appliances from the Royal Sanitary Institute, also an exhibit from the National Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, which afforded an occular demonstration of the numerous hygienic appliances, educational models, charts, etc., approved and lecommended by the Royal Sanitary Institute. TALLOW COMPETITION. A new feature last Show was the introduction of classes for tallow, and this proved an interesting and instructive competition. MACHINERY. A Silver Medal was awarded to Messrs. George E. Fortescue & Sons, Ltd., Arncliffe, Sydney, for the Automatic Variable Geared Wind Engine exhibited. Saturday Afternoon's Programme included Military Events and Sheep Dog Trials, which proved a fitting finale to a great Show. Weighing of Cattle. For the first time in our history, Fat Cattle were weighed when received in thie yards, and it was most interesting to notice the utility and service this was to the owners and buyers. TROPHIES FOR THE SHOW. Our thanks are due to His Excellency Sir Wm. MacGregor for securing trophies in the Dairy Cattle Section. His Excellency donated £15 16s.; Mr. John-Cameron, Sir Thomas Robinson, and Messrs. Allan & Stark, Ltd., £10 10s. each; Mrs. Lumley Hill, Messrs. A. Midson, A. Moles, and Chapman & Coy. £'5 ;5s. each. His Excellency the Governor-General donated £15 ls. ; Messrs. Perry Bros., Ltd., £8 8s. ; Sir Arthur Morgan, E. Baynes, Esq., and Messrs. Hardy Bros., I.td., £5 5s. each in thie Horse Section; and R. D. Barry, Esq., £21 ; James Clark, Esq., £10 ; and Messrs. Cobbod & O'Brien, ru~stees of the late J. Howard Angas, and the Bank of Australasia, £r, 3s. each in the Beef Breed Cattle Section.

Comparative Statement of Entries, Brisbane Show The folloing table shos the comparison of entries for the years 1908, 1(00, 10,10, 10,11, 10,1, anid 1Q1.~ :

1908 *19C9 1910 1~1911 1912 1913 _.~ ___~._.~ i 14) i$ 9:15 100 170 17 112 I0 Swiliec 4; 21 109, 2; 812 29'. 5(4 .4.4P Wo~il 1731 Farmn ;tii Iimv 222 21 8'1 377 29 1 1I?"iticll.mre~ 377i -11$ $'. (Jme-F'ai'mn Exhibits'.. 14)74 I 259 209 '.2 *)89 41 26 s 4;I .le scImuu "rmiIlsl .4, 127()i 82o '.12

3s .44 4 '1 '.3 '79 '78( I0 .4 4

I'mm rls . 4;') 12214 I 3$ 24;

.44~ ;0

4;ti;3 4 .4 ;9

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Agoitanos to the how. 'Ithe Council recognise, with many thanks, thle assistanice of the Merchapits and Bankers of the Citl, the amounit sub,- scried inl Prize Doations amniuitingl 1(4 £898 I . , p~articul- lars of which will le founld in St~teiven C'. Australian Fleet. Owing to the good offices of Mr. W. F. Finlayson, M.H.R., the Commonwealth Warship "Melbourne" visited Brisbane at Show time. Our thanks are also due to the efforts of Mr. Finlayson for the Papuan and Northern Territory Exhibit, also the Small Arms' display from the Lithgow Factory. Railway Department. Exhibitors and passengers were fully satisfied with the service and attention given to them, and the exhibits were all delivered in time for the Show. Special day returns to the Show were run from Toowoomba, Boonah, Benarkin, and Gympie, and proved remunerative. Disqualifloations. The Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies have advised the following disqualifications:- G. B. Dance, three years, from 16th April, 1913, and his horse " Nero" for life, for malpractice in Trotting Events. McKenna Bros, three years, from 16th April, 1913, and their horse " Limerick " for life, for malpractice in Trotting Events. Addison A. Free, three years, from 16th April, 1913, and his horse " Little Jim " for life, for malpractice in Trotting Events. W. Hough and pony " Playgirl," two years from 6th August, 1913, for false declaration, Maiden Hunter's Plate. John Zahl, three years, from 12th July, 1913, for disor- derly and offensive language. As we are affiliated with this body, these disqualifications are in force at the National. Board of Appeal. In conjunction with the Chamber of Agricultural Societies our Association have approved of the following rules regu- lating the Board of Appeal, which has now been accepted by the Department of Agriculture, viz. :- (1) Any owner of a stallion who is dissatisfied with the refusl ,f a Government Certificate in respect of his horse may appeal against the decision to the Minister at any time within thirty days of the examina- tion, under the following conditions:- ,a) That the appeal be in writing, and be accompanied by the lodgment of £5, such amount to be forfeited in the event of the appeal not being upheld, unless the Board shall for good cause otherwise direct. b) That the appeal be accompanied by an undertaking to pay any railway fares and hotel expenses incurred by the Board of Appeal in connection with the settlement of the appeal. (c) That, in the event of refusal having been on tile ground or unsoundness, the appeal be accompanied by a certificate from a veterinary surgeon setting out that the horse has been found by him, on examination since the refusal' appealed against, to be free from all the unsoundnesses set out in Part II. of these Regulations. 'd) That, in tile event of refusal having been on the ground ofl being below standard for Government approval, the appeal lhe accompanied by a certificate from the President and two members of the Commillee of the Society under whose ulspices the parade was iheld, setting out that in their opinion th1. horse is of fit and proper type, conformal ion, and breeding to be approved Is a stud horse. , On receipl of Nolice of Appeal in proper form, and willi Ilhe abo\, conditions complied with, tIhe Minister will appoint a Board of App:il, vwhich shall consist of:- a' In the case of appeals against refusal of crtillcate on tlli( ,ground of unsoundness, a Government Veterinary Officer and Iwo practising Veterinary Surgeons. b() In the case of appeals against refusal of certiflcale as being below standard for (iovernment approval, a Governmnienl. Veterinary Oflfcer and two horsemen of repute and standing: Such Board shall act and decide on the appeal, and its decision shall be flnal, and not subject to review. '3) In the event of the appeal being allowed, refund shall be made of the deposit, and any expense paid by the appellant under Clause 1 (b). Further, the Board may recommend to the Minister the allowance of such of tlie expenses of the appellant in supporting his appeal as it may consider reasonable under the circumstances of the case, and tile Minister may, in his discretion, confirm Ihe recommendations in whole or in part, wliireuiipon allowance shall be made to the appellant accordingly. ',i No stallion in respect of which a Government Certilicale is refused will be allowed lo Ie' resubmitted for examination except in the cas of;I anappeal as herein provided for. In thle evenl of ally rejected stallion being resubmitted forI examination under another name or under such circumstances as in lhe opinion of the Minister are calculated to mislead thlie Examining Ofllcer into the belief that tilhe horse has not ir'i'ii usly been exaiuinid, tlihe owner of such rejected stallion, if proved' lo the satisfaction of I lie Minister tlhat lie is responsible for schl resiinmission, slihall be debarred fronm submitting any horse fir exami- nalioin fir such li, riod as the Minister shall determine. Definition of a Heifer. A decision hias been arrived at, viz. : that a heifer is con- si(lered a hleifer until she is three years old, with or withlout a calf. Definition of a Maiden Haok or Hunter. All horses are regarded as " Maidens " until they have won a first prize. Meeting of Dairy and Beef Cattle Owners and Breeders. The 7th Annual Meeting was held on the evening of Tues- day, 12th August, at the Cafe Arcadia, and proved a good medium for exchange of opinions between owners, breeders and those interested in the management of stock. The meet- ing was addressed by Mr. A. Buchanan (Ayrshire Judge), R. Anderson (Jersey Judge), G. H. Tate (Milking Shorthorin Judge), C. Baker (Beef Shorthorn Judge), and R. Bach (Hereford Judge), and the whole of the discussion was for the furthering of the improvement of the various breeds of cattle. 'he Minister for Agriculture (Hon. J. White) presented to the successful winners the two cups donated by the Department of Agriculture for the Jersey and Illawarra Breeder's Group, which were won by Messrs. W. J. Affleck (Kelvin Grove) and A. T. Water (Lanefield) respectively. Additions to the Library. The following books have been added to the library dur- ing the year:- Berkshire and Yorkshire Herd Book of Australasia, Vol. III. Draught Horse Stud Book of Australasia, Vol. VII. Australian Trotting Stud Book, Vol. II. Jersey Stud Book of Australasia, '.'ol. III., Part 2. Welsh Pony and Cob Society Stud Book, Vol. II1. Bristol Chamber of Commerce Year Book, 1913. 18th Report of the State Board of Agriculture, Kansas. Hull and its Progress. Pigs and their Management, by H. W. Potts. Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, Vol. XXV. Points on the Horse, by Captain M. H. Hayes. Queensland Draught Horse Stud Book, Vol. I. Report of Imperial Motor Transport ('onference. Visits to Shows. During the year, 89 Shows were visited by Mein- lers of the Council and its officers, viz. : Ayr, Beau- desert, Beenleigh, Blackall, Boonah, Brookfield, Charle- ville, Clifton, Cunnamulla, Esk, Gladstone, Glen Innes, Goon- diwindi, Ipswich, Kilcoy, Kingaroy, Laidley, Lowood, Lis- more, Maryborough, Marburg, Mitchell, Nambour, North Pine, Nanango, Pomona, Pittsworth, Rosewood, Roma, Rockhamp- ton, St. George, Southport, Toowoomba, Townsville, Warwick, Wondai, Woombye, Woodford, and Zillmere. Australian High Jump. Thie record is now held by Messrs. Eroni Bros.' " Land- lock," who, at the Bendigo Show, Victoria, on 1 ith October, jumped Tft. 2ins. Blow Fly Pest. This serious menace to sheep breeding was brought by our Chairman before the Council, and they, in conjunction with the Chamber of Agricultural Societies, interviewed the De- partment of Agriculture and Stock in this matter. A remedy is now being looked for by the Department's officers. Imperial Motor Transport Conferenoe in England. Sir Thomas Robinson, K.C.M.G., Agent-General for Queensland, kindly represented us at this conference, and subsequently forwarded us the full reports, which are now available to members. Offoie-Bearers. Messrs. John Macdonald (Chairman) and J. A. Hayes (Hon. Treasurer) were re-elected for the thirteenth consecu- tive time. Statement of attendances of the Council for the year is ipresented herewith :-

I 1^.

U . - 29 3 . ' ^ i i i' C{4) K. u'n uL U | j a

MaCidoniald, ,1. HIayes, .1. A. 1 :o 34 HIirn, ,1. I 20 3 Affleck, \V. .1. *Syins,P. ,.1 2 2t 23 SFuni't, 'T.I'. 1 20 30 Noyes, .\. 'T.. 191- 21 Baynes, E. .. 2 lit 21 F'rankel, P'. 1 1t; 24 Camlrii, .\. 1:--. 1 1Piekwrtlh, l;. 1 10 20 Ii-odi , .1. i 17 Brildk"s, Ii. _ - - 3 17

tAl\,-,nl tIhr,,l .i illne ss. *Lrav of absence granted. Hon. Life Member. In accordance with the resolution passed at the Annual Meeting 1st February, 1909, Mr. W. J. Affleck, having served on the Council continuously for the past ten years, is ap- pointed an Honorary Life Member. Aoolimatisation Crounds. It is with much regret that we have to report that the Brisbane Municipal Council have purchased the balance of these grounds. It will, of course, be known to members that b\ a recent Act of Parliament this ground could only be pur- chased by the Municipal Council or the National Association. It comes therefore rather as a shock to us to find the Muni- cipal Council have made private arrangements-without con- sulting the National Association or referring to them in any way-to take over the balance of this property. At a: recent meeting of the Council, members expresseJi their great regret at the action thus taken, more especiall- when it will be admitted by all that the work of the Natioal Association is of the greatest assistance to .Brisbane, and canl be looked on as one of the best assets of Brisbane. We have reason therefore to enter a strong protest against the purchase, more especially when it is considered how very much spare land tere is inl the vicinit, including the Victoria Park, and whichi could just as well b:e used f~r pulic purposes as the land purchased.

Death of Secretary--Mr. C. A. Arvier. It is with deep regret that we refer to the loss sustailed to the Association through the lamented death of our late Secretary, Mr. C. A. Arier, who died on 1th Noveber. He joined the Association as Accountanit inl the v'ear 19301, and owing to his ability, the Council, on the retirement of Mr. Burtt, promoted him to the position of Secretary in 19305, and much of the success and prosperity enoed by the Associa- hion is due to his energy and personality. At a special meetig of the Coucil, held on 13lth Novem- ber, in the absence of thle Chairman, Mr. Macdonald, who was in the country, Mr. John Reid paid a feeling tribute to thle late Secretary. He said:- They were all very sorry indeed to hear thaut mningn5 of Mr. Arvier's lea th. It was felt by the Council that it was only' eet thiat they sho0uld atherr tht aftrnon and rcord in their inutes the rofound regret thery all flt, and to ote a mnssage or condolnce and sympaty to Mr.. Arvier's wiiow. Mr. Arvir had ilone thle State great servic. 'ltose whon had heeti losely associated withi imi would flly apprciite thet facct Itt lie hand not metr~ly reidel~redl tlu~ A\ssicitioni rice, bIntt hlad lonii~ grea ';lf~ioudwo~rk for thec benfit o~f ther agri('tlt urat andi oilr tiitter- csl s inl 4)uienshul . Mlr. A\rvier hadt Jined l ie A\ssociation inl a sior inat e capancty, but. by hiis activ'ity and grit, ad conprli~nsive style of dloing his work, h~e had risen to ther highiest p~osition thec Associat~ion could offer. rfh,)s. wo had worked with hiim knew hiow mnuch1 theyS were indebted tetn yeaur. Ther sulccess of suchi aui Associtioii as thleirs greatly dependedr uoni thle initiative!, force, and personality of the nian wvho occupiedt Ihe posjiion of Secrtary, andi Mr. Arvier was far fromu lacking in thse qluliis, lie ovd thiat a1 'olte of ther dee~pest symlatliy~ be coninni- catecl ho Mlrs .Arier from thle Council This was seconed by Mr. A. XX'. Camerol, who said that M . Arier's sudden deathi had coe as a great shock to him, as lie had looked upon Mr. Arvier ore inl the ligt of a friendt than a servant of the Association. The motion was carried Lii .'' imu sly. At the meetiig of thle Coucil on1 7th Noveber, thle Chairman, Mr. Macdonald, made a sympathetic reference ti. the late Secretary, and said- He never fell anything so much as the death of Mr. C. A. Arvier. 'When Mr. Arvier died he (the Chairman) was absent from Brisbane. .and out of touch with 'phone or telegraphic communication, and wouldi have liked to be present at the meeting when they made reference to the late Secretary. He was very pleased to read the kind remarks made ly members of the Council, and he fully endorsed all that was saie. The late Secretary was a zealous man, and, as had been said, he was regarded more as a friend than an officer of the Association. He also mentioned that lie liad called on Mrs. Arvier, and assured her that, should sie needI assistanct' or adilvice, each and every ineml'r of HlietCouncil wvoulh r.adilJyv give it to her.I

Retiring Members of CounoH and Auditor. You are called upon to elect officers in place of the fol- lowing, who retire :- President: Sir Arthur Morgan. Vice-Presidents : Messrs. E. Baynes and John Reid. Council: Messrs. W. J. Affleck, H. Brookes, T. F. Fauset, P. Frankel, J. A. Hayes, and John Macdonald. Auditor : Mr. A. E. Harte. With the exception of Mr. E. Baynes, as Vice-President, and Mr. A. E. Harte, Auditor, all the above gentlemen are .eligible for re-election, Mr. Baynes being eligible for election as a member of the Council. The following six members of the Council remain in office for a further twelve months :-Messrs. A. W. Cameron, J. Hiron, A. T. Noyes, C. R. Pickworth, A. Spencer and P. J. Symes. Mr. R. G. Groom remains in office as Auditor for another twelve months. Staff. The staff have again carefully attended to the interests of the Association to the entire satisfaction of the Members ,of the Council. Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of the Council, JOHN MACDONALD, Brisbane, 6th January, 1914. Chairman.

SHOW DATES, 1914-O1th to 15th AUOUST. I


Armour. 1. P., Englatd. lIoli, W., Stnly Street, Suthl Brisbne. Badger, J. S., Brisbaner Tlramwas Coy.., Ltd. Holuper. C~eire, 'Eh~r" Wstwood. Counltess Street. Johnson, XV ., Markets. Farnett, Baron Lea -is, Sydney. J ot, J. P., J ostvale, '1oos nmba. Baynes, rnest, Suth Brisbane. l olilfe, E . Lichhart Street, Spring hill. Baynes, Harry, South Brisbane. lua, W.M., Queen Street. Beh a, Thomas, Garbeld, via Jerich. Kingsbury, J . J., Telegrphi Chamnlbrs, Queen Benjatmi, David, Creek Street. Street. Berry, i'. T., Henry Brry & Co., M\elbourne. Long, T. . 'I ., Staley Street, Suth Brisbane Brookes, 11., "Glentanler," Dalveei. Lukl, Grsley, elliiit ,ii, New~ Zealand. Brosvn, Mlrs. 1). L., Bowen Terrace, Newv Farm. Macatish, i.~ ., ''Bors,' lad~tte Rad, Mlacdotald, Joln, J liii Bidger &~ C,, Ltd., Burton, Arthur, lIriigstot," George Street, Q)ueen Street. Bribaite . Marcdlonllrd, I'. F;., Yaaiba Statiol, Blakw ate Bushnell, Rt., Nanang. Mlackay, R. S., Cawinoru e Wo'od, Garllovays. Cadell, i'. T., Deepwtr, New\\ I~tgltd,

Cameron, johit., Avoca, Albion. MC~nel, j. 11., Eale Strcet. Cardell, I. S., Indooroopily. MCullch, 1). B., Suth Brisbaner. Carr, I). R. A., Lotgpocket Roa:d, lndooroo. Mcill, W\alter, A\mantoor, Gypie pilly.. MLcod, A\.. Elizabeth Street. Carint~,t, Chas., Diamatitii Hsitl Noble, H. 0;., E~agle Stret Woollo tigabba. Oliv er, R., c BU. Burton~, Ser., A\lbiol. Carseldlite, . W1., Turbot Stre~t M~rkts. Oxlcy, I.. Griffith, Queenl Street. Chapnitl, IC., W\ickhlani Street, \'allley. 'rr, 0;. II., Queen, Street. Clark, . IC:. Kerr Street Toossoig. 'erssc, I)c Burghl ' Tabraa~lb, Beude -ert Clark James, Kerr Street, Tooo~tig. 'i ittoii * .\. , 1I)ai ore,' La igide R~.I Clark, J. 1., Kerr Street, Tooss ong#. Cotniito, 'r. S., TPurbot Street. P'ratt, 'I ., F~ruit Lxecl~attgc 'I urb .t Street. Cory, 0;. C., Toooomba. CotonA. .,Colonial Bank Chamllbrs, P'itt Rain, R., Roina Street. CtlStreet,. Sydey. Couldery, . H., Cedar Grove. Co~ley, Sir A1. S., Toowong. Rileyrts,lR . A.l dis &. to..~\ Clu ;~c.Bo Davis, S., Sydney. Delprartt, . 1., Tanborine M,~ttmittit Demack, W\. I-h., ost Office, lUtlinba. lutetlt Ur~n..W Doneley, I. Tlysonl, 'rouH. mb. Rigyu, \V. . Sot BVtri tattei ltsir~iur eCo Donknl, Ilemry, Queenl Street. trceiiSte Evans Cias. . Coinmisiuter t Rils ys Rohertslott., ., .\l rtia,'' UteesPdic~t u ~.i, George Street. Fanset, T. ., Eagle Street. Fergusoi, James, Queenl Street. RSe el,Al1. II.V td Street, Wi loow in.\ F'inlaysat,, . II., Turbt Street. Ruthing CI. L IXd. Gergen Street. Finlayson, V. ., MI.H.., Turb ,t Street. Savage.t A.llII., '(jatia,' Sl\~rtiol 5rra,I a, orrst, Iol. E. B., Eagle Street. Ftox, George. Ml.L.A., Yeroitga. c~rllStreet. Franrkl, I'., Edard Street. Gailey, Ricard, Courier Building, Quten Street Gurduml, I'. R., Ynndal Street, Snidgatc.r Corrie. .. '1)airy Bulletin.," SydnyS. Gray, l1In. G;. V., M.L.C., Quitlait~l Gray & City., Lul., Queen Street. pampr Cy., Ltd.,r Queen tret Griffith, Sir S. ., C.J., Sydley. Gunn, Dolnald, MI..., B olrel Statiot, Tralor, Cap. R. ., lagle Street. Goodiwindi. Hfardg~rve hilip, Mlontague RoaI~, Sotli Bris.- bane. Webster,,~ F. Il, Mryb Street. \i~kI L11i' Wirt .diiWarciSlyIIn ikt iti1t Harte, A. E., Queen Street. Hayes, I. A., Sadgae. IHiron, J., Toowong. 2t


Abercrombie, I). J., Commercial Banking Coy. Balls, J., Acme Engineering XXork*', Marga- of Sydney, Queen Street. ret Street. Abercrombie, W. X., Commercial Banking C y. Balthes, F., 659 Martin Street, Nes Farm. of Sydney, Valley. Barbour, James, I.S.O., Glenken, Biarra, I.k. Adams, B. W., John Cooke & Coy., Eagle Barbour, James (junr.), Kipper, via Esk. Street. Bardsley, F., Eagle Street. Adams, Win., Wn. Adams & Coy., Eagle Barlow, Hon. A. H., M.L.C., Toowong. Street. Barlow, W., Rosemount Street, Windsor. Addi., D., Addis Bros., Roma Street. Barltrop, A. H., River Road, New Farm. Affleck, W. J., "'Invermay," Ilerstou Road. Barltrop, W. H., Jackson Street. Affleck. W. James, National Mutual Life Asa.- Barnes, C. G., Coorparoo. cinatin, Queen Street. Barnes, F. J. W., Barnes & Coy., Roma St. Ablirii Dr. J. D., 69 . Barnes, J. II. S., Lyndhurst, lHughenden. .Alerii, W., Dalgety & Coy., Elizabeth Strict. Barnes, lHon. W. II., M.L.A., P'arliament Ahlcs. W. W., Elizabeth Street. House, Brisbane. Alder, E. I-i., Works I)epartment 'reasury Barnsley, F., People's Palace, Edward Street. Building. Barr, A. S., Turbot Street. Alder, Oscar. Old Samdgate R ad, Albioii. Barron, G. A., Broadway Hotel, Logan Road. Alesander, A., Dalgety & Coy., Elizabeth St. H., Hill Street, Wooloowin. Alexander, J., Boonah. Barry, Barry, T. T., Petrie's Bight. Allan. D. M., Walker Avenue, Temieriffe. C. B., 45 Elizabeth Street. M.L..., Allan & Stark, Ltd., Queen Barstow, Allan, J., Barter, G., Stanley Street, Siuth Brisbane. Street. Hampstead Road, South Brisbane Street. Barstow, E., Allan, J., Survey Office, George T., ?5 Town Hall, Queen Street. Street Markets. Barton, E. J. Allen. I., Turbot F. D)., Albilbah, Isisford. Allen,re., Colonial Mutual Fire Insurance Coy., Barton, R. Street. Bassingthwaighte, A., Jinghi Jinghi, Jon- Creek dawai. Street. Allm, S. R. F., Eard George, Rosevale, Dalb Dublin Street, Clayeyld. Bassingthwaighte, Anmos, N. E., B~t, W. . A\., Fereleigh, Lakeside. Amos, O. L., "'Sydenham,'" ikickam Tr- BBUr, race. J., Oakey Co-operativ e Dair (Coy. Dalby . Anderso, 0 ., Lanlan I.td.r, Gerew Strm, Insur. Sydney. Bauton, O. I1., Colonial Mutual Life Anders in, 0. .. (Y'Keefe Street, Ipswich Road ance Coy., Queen Street. A\nderson, W., Dagett Street, Valley. Batt, W. T., co Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Bul- Anderson, Wl., 'Sydenhatm,'' Wickimamll Tler. inba. race. Baulch, J., Forest lill. Andre\, F'. V.. Laghaw Street, Ness Farmm. Bayard, G .A., Melbourne Street, South Bris- Andrews , T., Langshaw Street, Ness Farm. bane. Andrews, B., Rana Street Markets. Baynes, F. IE., Titles Office, Executive Build- Appel. Htn. J. Ge,., M.LI.A., IHomne Secrettrv, ing, George Street. Treasury Buildings. Battershill, W., Taringa. Arhlnlill, I.. Hlardgravi. Road, West End. Beach, X., co Mrs. Parker, Duncan Street, Archer, E. W., Auto.-Srew Dropper Cry., Valley. L.td., Eagle Street. Beak, Thos., Charon's Ferry, Marlborough, Archer, Jolin, TIorsdale, Gladstone. sia Rockhamptun. Archibald, R. J., Brisbane Milling Coy., South Beal, A. E., Corner Edward & Adelaide Sts. Brisbane. Beardmnore, E. R., Moreheads Buildings, Mary Armstrong, J., Charleville. Street. Armstrong, Hon. '. Draytonm, M.L.A., l'ar. Beardmore, G. O., "Mascotte," Hardgrave liament louse, Brisbane. Road, South Brisbane. Armstrong, W. J., Clif Imgimneer's Office, Leatte, D.. Kenilworth, Eumundi. Railway Department. Becikei, M., d1/6I Queen Street. A-hby, P., MeWhlirter & Saim, Valley. Bledgc. . E. J., Isaac Street, Paddington. A till, A., Muaran ka. Btmtham, J. C., 99 Wharf Street. A 'ycaugh, J. Vi., HN l'ctrie Tlerrace. Bluendorf, C., Bunjurgen, via Bounah. Atherton, J. i., lisa, via Thleebine. Biers, J., Queensland Machinery Coy., Ltd., Atkins. E., Brunswsick Street, Valley. Albert Street. Atkinson, Ii. '.. .Xtkimisn & McLay, Fitz- Beirl(, lHon. T. C., M.L.C., Valley. r .v Chs. Adelaide. Bill. . S., c a R. larper & Coy.. Albert II tiles, W. , ( we m G art n r & Suts, XX'ill i a m itret. Street. Bell, B. C., Co Iclin Cooch iii, Boo nali. , M.LI.A., Cochi i Cooch in, Bo, ,nalh. Bailey, C. E., e 'a Cias. X'illett, 454 Etliward Bell, E. T. Street. Bell, F. M., Camboon, Chinchilla. Bailey, C. II., Gymple. Bell, John, Kent Road, Wooloowin. Bailey, J., Thomas Street, Red Hill. Bell, J. D., James Campbell & Sons. Creek St. Iailey, James, 477 Leichllmardt Street. Bell, V. D., Coochin Couchin, Boonai. Ilainie , T. E., Supre me Court George Street. Bergin. Isaac, Toomoo, Mungallala. Baines, IP., lDefmans e Millinig Cay., Constanice lergiin, H. P., Queen Street. Street, Valley. ilergin. V. 1L., 'I'oonoo, Mungallala. Baker, lP. R., Griffiths Bros., l'etrie's Bight. Bennett, G. W., 153 Edward Street. Baker R., Baker Bras., Cabailture. liernay , C. E., Adelaide Street. BItlwini. M., T'attersall's Club, Queen Street. IBerry, W. K., Slhersioud. ANNUAL MEMBERS.-Continued. Besley, E. C., Besley & Collis, Burnett Lape. Bridge, W. J., Kedron. Best, A. M., Kelvin Grove, Newmarket. Bracker, A. E., Edgecumbe, Texas. Best, J., Newstead. Bracker, H., Moreheads Ltd., Mary Street. Betts, B., Stevenson Street, Ascot. Bracker, W., Lesbrook, Inglewood. Bevington, W. J., Hill Street, Wooloowin. Brake, W., Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Bick, A. J., Bowen Bridge Road. Broadbent, H. G., Booval, Miles. Bick, R. E., Bowen Bridge Road. Broadbent, J. E., Booval, Miles. Bick, W. T., Bowen Bridge Road. BrJckway, Dr. A. B., Wickham Terrace. Biddle R J , Southport. Brodie, T. A., Nive Downs, Augathella. Biddies, P., Home Park, Netherby, N.C.L. Brodie, W. H., St. Olaves, Yeronga. Bigge, P. M., Wangaroa, New Farm. Brodribb, F. K., Gladstone Road, South Biggs, Henry, Exchange Hotel, Edward St. Brisbane. Biggs, J. T., Caboolture. Bronom, A. M., Miara, Yandaran, N.C.L. B'I'ngton, R., Redcliffe. Brosnan, E., Laidley. Billagton, W. H., Warra. Brosnan, J., lHotel Victoria, South Brisbane. Bingham, John, Alfred Street, Taringa. Brosnan, T. J., Nobby. Birch, F., Birch & Sons, Wickham Street. Brotherton, II., Indooroopilly. Birchley, H. V., Boundary Street, South Bris- Brown, A. Villiers, Aplin, Brown & Crawshay, bane. Elizabeth Street. Bird, John, Collingwood Street, I'addington. Blown, C. \., Queen Street. Bird, R. S.. "Borserker," River Road, Milton. Brown, D. F., General Hospital, Bowen Birley, L., Moxon & Coy., Eagle Street. Bridge Road. Birley, R., 224 Main Street, Kangaroo Point. Brown, F'. J., Lorinthia, Kelvin Grove. Biscoe, R., "Waroonga," McLennan St., Al- Brown, G., Music Store, Valley. bioun. Brown, George, Windermere Road, IHamilton. Bishop, C. \V., Millhill, Warwick. Brown, G. E., Narangba, N.C.L. Bissell, A. H., Arcade, Edward Street. Brown, G. M., Craven Cottage, , Black, Adam, Pajingo Station, Charters Tow- Taringa. ers. Brown, II. J., Albion. Black, R., Courier Building, Queen Street. Brown, J. J., The Springs, Laidley. Blacklock, G. H., Hornsby & Soins, Queen Brown, J. W., The Springs, Laidley. Street. Brown, Nugent Wade, Haddington, Sandgate. Blackman, A., Co-operative Dairy Coy., Chin- Brown, Norwood, A.B.C. Bank, Queen Street. chilla. Bron, Robt., Buzacott & Coy. Ltd., Adelaide Blanchfield, D., Tintenbar, North Coast, N Stceer Blank, C., Bowen Bridge Road. Brown, S. C. D., Commercial Bank of Aus- Bleechmore, G. T., George Wills & Coy., tialia Ltd., Queen Street. Wharf Street. Brown, T. II., Thos. Brown & Sons Ltd., Blocksidge, G. I-I., Town Hall, Queen Street. Eagle Street. Blo, 11, M., George Street, Milton. Browne, Col. R. Spencer, "Courier" Office, Blumnc, E. G., Stanley Hall, Albion. Queen Street. Bluildell, P. A., Queensland Trustees Ltd., Brownlow, C. J., Dalby. (.ueen Street. Brunckhorst, W. G. C., Ash & Brunckhorst, Boaid, F. L., Survey Office, Executive Build- George Street. ing George Street. Brunnich, J. C., Department of Agriculture and Bodtlcn, A. C, Butler Street, Albion. Stock, William Street. Bollard, W., Park Road, Yeronga. Bryant, G. H., Queensland Meat Export ,\ Bond, G. J., Perry Bros. Ltd., Queen Street. Agency Ltd., Mary Street. Bond, L. M., Perry Bros. Ltd., Queen St. Bryce, J. M., Adelaide Street. Booker, C.. J., M.L.A., Woolooga, Kilkivan Bryce, M. A., Chelmer. Junction Buchanan, Dr. J. D.. Ann Street, Valley. Booker Desmond, 'Bertholme," Moray Street, Buchanan, W. H. G. C., Fire Underwriters' New Farm. Association, Creek Street. Booth, E. Bell, Brisbane Tramways Coy., Ltd. Buckle, W. G., Nundah. Count-es Street. Bulcock, W., Creek Street. i.Loth W , Ascot. Bunning, G. E., Commercial Union Chs., Eagle Borton. M. W., Lands Department, Touwoomhl Street. Bostock, H. A., Ipswich. Burgess, J., Warwick. Bott, James, Kennigo Street, Valley. Burke, E. B., 172 Queen Street. Bott, J. P., 41 Kennigo Street, Valley. Burley, J. I., Clayfield. Bottger, C. J., 380 Adelaide Street. Burnard, J. E., Kent Road, Wool owin. £ottomley, J. P., Ipswich. Burnett, P. C., Merrimac Estate, Worongary, Bouchard, J., River Road, Touwong. S.C.L. B.ul ,..I. II.. Hiamilton. Burns, E., Albion. Bour'vr. Chasi Poral, Allora. Burslem, H. B., Lysaghts Galvd. Iron. I BL.wm.tn. I' M.I.. . \ alley. Ltd., Ann Street. Bowman, F. J. M., Bendemere, Yeulbah. Burton, E., Wanora. Bowman, F. W., Boonah. Burton, George, Milton. Bowman, R. C. C., Kin Kin, via Cuoran. Burt n, W. P., Booie, via Kingaroy. Bowman, W. R., Mia Mia, Boonah. Burton, W. R., Standard Shoe Leather Coy., Bowser, W. H., Windsor. Charlotte Street. Boyd, R. Carr, Stock Inspector, Esk. Burtt, F., Outridge Printing Coy., Queen St. Boyle, N. A., Thorn Street, Ipswich., Butland, W. H., Empire Theatre, Albert St. Bradford, E. E,. Bank of New South Wales, Butler, D. O. Charleville. South Brisbane. Butler, 1.. E., E. Buter & Sons, Queen Street. Bradford, Wm., Berlin Road, Hendra, Butler, F., Targinnie, Gladstone. Bragg, J. F.. 714 Ann Street, Valley. Butler, G., Fanning River, Ravenswood June- Brett, J., I'ark Street, Spring Hill. nion. 23

ANNUAL MEMBERS.-Continued. Butler, J., Beeston Street, Kingsholme. Chambers, C. E., New Farm. Butler, W., Kilcoy. Chambers, Claude W., Queen Street. Butler, W., Roy, Staghurst, Kanangur. Chambers, E. M., Boundary Street, Spring Butters, I. W., Mayfield Street, Hamilton. Hill. Burrell, A. C., Roma Street. Champney, T. S., Cedar Grove. Button, A., Merthyr Road, New Farm. Chandler, E., H. V. McKay Harvester Coy., Button, H. W., Daandine, Macalister. Albert Street. Buzacott, W. J., "Queenslander" Office, Queen Chapman, A. E., Evans, Anderson & Phelan, Street. Kangaroo Point. Byram, H. W., Adelaide Street, Clayfi dl. Chapman, F. G., Evans, Anderson & Phelan, Byrne, Rev., Darra, Valley. Kangaroo Point. Caffery, P., Downs Co-operative Dairy Co., Chapman, H. A., Queen Street. Miles. Chanman, James, Chapman & Coy., Queen Cafli-h, A. L., Flavelles Ltd., Queen Street. Street. Cain, W'., Jane Street, West End. Chapman, J. F., Chapman & Coy., Queen Caldwell, J. D., 2 Riverview Terrace, Indo- Street. roopilly. Chapman, S. H., New Zealand Loan an:d A Caldwell, J. J., E. S. & A. Bank, Queen St. Coy. Ltd., Eagle Street. Caldwell, R. J., "Lyndern," Old Sandgate Chapman, W. J., c/o Robert Reid & Coy., Road. Ltd., Edward Street. Callaglian, M., Chasewater, Esk.. Chappell, A., His Majesty's Hotel, Queen St. Cameron, A. W., Bank of New South Wales., Chappell, T. H., New Queen Road, Queent,n, Queen Street. Charters Towers. Cameron, D., Wondalla, via Goondiwindi. Charles, F. W., Cloncurry. Cameron, D. C., Toowoomba. Charles, W. M., Gootchie, N.C.L. Cameron, John, Chinchilla. Charley, Major P., Belmont Park Richmond, Cameron, Dr. J. A., East Street, Ipswich. N.S.W. Cameron, J. G., Town Hall, Ipswich. Chauvel, J. A., Harrisville. Cameron J. G., Town Hall, Queen Street. Chayter, P. H., Queensland Agency Ltd., Cameron, John S., Town Hall, Queen Street. Creek Street. Cameron Pearson, W. Ipswich. Childs, D. J., Toombul Vineyards, Nudger. Cameron, W. F., Town Hall, Queen Street. Christensen, J., Cooper's Plains. Campbell, Alex., Argyll House, Adelaide St., Christie, C., Railway Reserve, Roma Street. Maryborough. Christie, Robt., Craigforth, Enoggera. Campbell, A. W., Rosalie. Church, J. F., Holmes & Church, Queen St. Campbell, C. W., James Campbell & Sons, Clacher, J., Christie Street, South Brisbane. Creek Street. Clapperton T. A., Tarong, Nanago. Campbell, E., Sea View Hotel, Sandgate. Clark, A. H., R. W. Thurlow & Coy., Ltd., Campbell, Eric, Argyll, Maryborough. Wharf Street. Campbell, H. A. G., Fernyhae, Enoggera. Clark, F. R., Turbot Street. Campbell, II. H., Queensland Agency Ltd. Clark, G. C., East Talgai, Hendon. Edward Street. Clark, James, Mark Street, New Farm. Campbell, G. P., James Campbell & Son', Clark, J. C., "Wybenia," Mark Street, New Creek Street. Farm. Campbell, P. M., Bowen Hills.. Clark, W. R., A. Macrow & Coy., Queen Street Campbell, Robert, Murweh, Clharleville. Clark, W. II., Watson, Ferguson & Coy., Campbell, T. H., Limestone Street, Ipswich. Queen Street. Campbell, V. F. J., Creek Street. Clarke, C. A., C. A. Clarke & Son, Queen Campbell, Win., Vulture Street, West End. Street. Campbell, W. P., "Allawah," Towers St., Al- Clarke, Edward, Clarke's Bridge, Thornton. bion. Clarry, W., Douglas Street, Coorparoo. Cannan, J. II., Insurance Office ,f Australia, Clatworthy, Major WV. J., Virginia Brick Queen Street. Works, Virginia. Cardew, P. L., Merton, Ipswich. Cleary, Denis, MeLennan Street, Albion. Carolin, J. P., Carolin Manufacturing Coy., Cleghorn, R. A., Petrie's Bight. Stanley St., W. Melbourne. Clements, II. A., Church Street, Valley. Carpenter, C., Mayne Road, Mayne. Clifton, R., Jesslands, Warra. Carr, John, Brisbane St., South Toowong. Coakes, W. J., Finney, Isles & Coy., Ltd., Carr, J. E., Hillside Crescent, IHamilton. Queen Street. Carr, W. B., Windsor Road, Hamilton. Coaldrake, T. J., Ipswich Road, Junction. ('arr. \. 'I'. I., L ng Pocket, Indooroopilly. Cobbold, F. E., Cobbold & O'Brien, Creek Carrl, D)an, Rothwells Cliiinhambers, Edw ard Street. Sirent. Cock, I. M., Sandgate Road, Albion. (Carr,,ll, J., O'Connelltow n. Coekerill, W. E., Stanley Street, South Brisbane Carter, E. G., "Kensington," .\AnnStreet. Cocks, R., Sherwood Road, Toowong. Carter. II. J., Charleville. (',lhen, B., Courier Building, Queen Street. ('art r, J. E., Elizabeth Street. Colloe, A. J., Toowoomba. Carver, F. S., Alfred Street, Valley. Cole, George, Thios. Brown & Sons, Ltd., Carver, F. W., Nundali Street, Sandgate, Eagle Street. Carvosso, Dr. A. B., 'Frescati," Ann Street. Cole,. James, Cole & Grice, Vulture Street, Carvosso, W. H., Supreme Court, George St. South Brisbane. Cass, James, c/o Wunderlich I.td., :163:Queen Coleman. John, The Arcade, 200 Edward Street Street. Collin, E. H., W. Collin & Sons, Petrie's Bight Calanagh, W. T., Tank Street. Collin, Capt. WV., W. Collin & Sons, Petrie's Chadwick, W. B., c/o Rihert R( id " C . f. a., Iight. Edward Street. Collin, Capt. W. J., W. C.llin & Sons, Petrie's Chaille, E , Chai'l .l t , ! ' . ighlt. Chailn , 11. M., Esk. Collin, V. F., Kent Street, Teneriffe. ANNSUA. M\EMBUERS. (ontrinued. Collings, J. S., hlathrne, Ialmoral. Collins, C., ramrookum, Beatudesert. C:r l, ., Brisbane Tramu\nys Coy., Ltd., Collins, Miss J., Tamyookum, Beaudesrt. Coutess Street. Collins, I'. W'., Telegraph Chamber, Q~ueen C'uffe, ., Little Jne tret1, V~st End. Street. Culn, A. K., Lurombab Stationl, Tar ,,iii. Collins, V., Spring Creek Station, Mlt. Surrie, Coen, D., Mlary lanld. via Cairns. Cully, Mrs. )., Samrck H-otel, Valley. Collins, Tbos., Lloyd Street, Coorparl,o. Cummings, A. j.. Goverrnmet 'rinting I )fice, Collins, R., W'ater Str~et, \'alley. Colachie, Robt., M\oray Street, New Faril. Cummings, Ii, B ~rorn. Connah, 'I'. ., I.O.S., A~dit )epartm eiit, Cilpples, II., Loidon lUaiik of utralia, Qtieei 'rraiiry Bilding. Stret. Connelly, B., P'otts Street, ESast Brisbate. Connoll~, I)r. F. Glynm, Creek Street. Crt i , Ci, inn, ader F., N as l Offic, L i srd Conay, I. J., co Enoci Baker, .Brulis ick Street. Cu a k 'I hos.,Ad .dlid e Strect. Cook, James, Laidley Suth. Ciitusli G;. 11., 257 Grgory Trrac. Cooke, ~lfred,Maleny, via Landsbor~uli. Dale, W\. F., Ltrobe 'Terrce, 'addingt. ii. Cooke, A. L. I., Australian Bank ~fCons- I )altn,P. . .N. Bank, Clifton. meree, Queenl Stre~t. j,;aiicc, . B., Chubbill Farm, Marburg. Cook, I)., Alstonville, N.S.W~. I )aiiil , J ess, Cnutgera, ia Jimboomb. Cooke, G. H., Eumundi. Coonan, J., TIaringa. Cooper, Sir 'ope, C.J., Supreme Court, Geourge ])alre, I . Eisk ha;iry C ., L.~k. Street. I )are, I., Mit. IUismrk ('.i . Da;iry Coy., Mt. Cooper, Wi'n., Cadury Bros., Ltd., Sydiimv\. Bisiiiar~k. Copland, C. I'., Emerald Dons, Emeral. Corney, Jnhii, Gatto. dlide Street. Corrie, D. M., Corrie Br, .s., Queen Stret~. lIarral, ., Illiott Uri., Ltd., Eagle Street. Corrigan, B. V'., Abbotsford Road, Bow en Hlills I )art, J. 1'., 'atrck Street, LaRidley. Coti, 0;. A., Chief Engineer's Office, Queenls- D~ath, R. , Dath, I enerson & Coy., Bulimrb. land Railways, City. Cory, A\. HI., Department of Agricultre anrd bert Street. Stock, William Street. Cosgrove, J., Ipswieh Road, Wolloonabba. Cy., lbrt Street. Costin, C. W., Parliamet Ilonse, George Stre~t I haetipI rt, R. J:.. Mludgeerab. Cottam, R. H-., Overstone, Boweti 'Ierrai'. I has cy, 10...... C., Southi Tooss 11g.g Cotte, R. C., Morrison Road, Eagle Junction. I Jasey, . II., c o Das cy, Illlidy Co.. Ann Cow\ley, 0. W., 4 O'Conell Street, Sydiiy. Street. Cox, C. H., Commercial Unin Assurance C., Ihas'C, Jams, ~ulttn 'ark. Siuth Brisbne. E'ale Street. Jav~\idoii,, A., dlide Street. Coxn, F., P'rairie I )s ilsoi,. A, utra~lian Est;~e, &: Mort- C,nl~, 0;., The Oaks, South Brisbane gager Co., Qiueen Stree. Crai, A., Charlotte Plains, Cunnamula. Ihaidh,,, l.)r., Sacngt . Cra ", A., Roma Street. Crai, II. G;., Lalgty &L Coy., Ltd., liitlm~i Street. I has e, II. j ., Ans~rtrall Es:tites &r M 'rtgage Crc!: V., JIa tiorne Street, Woolloongabba. Co., Quee.(II Street. Cr;? ,i, L., bb,tsnrdl Road, Mlayne Juction I)as es, II. R. , Cttnpbelll. Building, Creek Street. Queen Street. Crainmond, D., Toooomba. Cran, R. W\., :oe Ialety &i Coy., Ltd., Eliza- Dvis, Vi'. C., Mlarkets. lurbt Street. bthl Street. Ihas i, F. H . ,~rksliiri Ilsuraiice C~,v , Ed- Crane, li, '. A\., Statlcy River Co-op,. Dairy Coy., Woi,dfnrcl. Cras. loh, Wa'rren Street, Valley. Cra fr, G;eddes, 359BQnet-n Street. Cribb, . I-., Longreach Buildings, North uy is aL.I Street. Cribb, II. S., Bleak louse, Ipswich. I )as , N;.., )'iiesidSt, Ri yStreet \ut lien Cribb. . C'.. M.L.A., Garoie, Eanst Ipisnici. Cribb, R. J. Milton. Cribb. '. B~ridson, Blackst ne, lpssi I. Crombie. A\., "E~lplii," TI'oioomba. Cromell, C., Auto-Screw ropper Coy., Ea.;l,- Stret~r. Crolk, C. 6;., Surey Offie, Gorge Stret. Ihsi, H.d., l IueiloRer Cyee., dlieSre Croby, F. L.., Q)ueen's Road, lIamilt s. I)as ,s~ Stii, Audit ( iffo ,rl~1SRalsia; Ii ar CrsingI 6., Claser(tIon Pak, WIyandaL. Crostol, V. \'in., 2011 E-liiabetl tr~m t Crothers, V. (,., St. erg. I ).i~k,t.' I I., Vili r Street, ess Farm

Crowiher, 6. II., M~trose, Roewood. Cro t er, W\, New it-laid L~oan &t ~. . C y., L~td., Eagle Street. Cius, m~Iii, A\lbion, Cruse, j. S..N ew\ Saidgate Roadl, Clayfild. ANNUsvil. MEMBERs.-Continued.~l

Denhai, lion. U. 1'., MIL.... Chief Screary, Early, E. N., Chernside. Eecutive Buildings, George Street. Early, X. G;., Chlerm side. D~enni, . F., Hrtonl Riad, Kelvin Grovc. Ear aker, J., ~inchcuinbc, Carson, Ltd., Jeshon, A. P., A\gricultural Bank, William Creek Street. Street. Eastman, S. 1., Xunderlieh Ltd., Queen Street Deuchar, L, Commercial Bank of Australia, Edgar, G., Hoffnung & C~y., Charlotte Street. Ltd., Queen Street. dkins, R. 1-., Lonreach. Devine, A. ., Mlount Leinter, Dalby. Edmotds, C., Surey Office, George Street. Edmods, F. T'., Markets, Roma Strect. Devoy, J. N., Quili~l, Gray & Coy.. l.tdl., Edards, E. E., 2A7 W'ickham Terrace. Q~ueen Street. Edwrards, J., Hendr. Diddams, . J., C..., delaide Street. 1;d~ard,, I. M., Nicol Robinol, 1'ox Ed. Dincev~ F. X., 14o Adlaide Street. wrd, Queen Street. Dinsdal, T. IL, P~blic X'ork, Departiini, ldelr, J. R., M~argret Sreelt, 'f~oooomba. 'rn'asury Buildiii'.. 1:lg~tr, S A.delide S.S. Coy., Ltd., Queen Dix, 1. S., cou llanl & Stark, Ltd., (?ttt'enl Street. Street, E-llrtt,n Dr. II. B., Hlospitl for the ln.ae, Di. X'. D., e o' S. IrIofftitttg&Y Co.. lril Clarotte Stret. 1.11k,~ R. XN..Se. ing Mlacilti Coy., W\ick- Dixon.\ .X ., R~ren Rod. New 1- anti. hltn Street. Doctor, F:., 82 Harcoulrt Street, Nesi F'arttt Dod, D~r. ~sie, Xicklian TIerrac . 1.111i Ut C., 156 Queen~ Stre~t. Dodwll, . V., Canda Cycle & Motor .\tcney E~lliott, C. J. , Mlrhead~ Ltd .,X alry trct. Lt., Cre~k Stre~t. Dod~ell. Capt. R. II., t )t lnnec Deartinctitl J:lli~tt, W'. II., Nyali, Cuntuamolla. 'etrie 'i'rrace. J1liis, P., Costin Street. Valley. Dogget. Aldrmatii II., Ml~iyor of Bri'.ltcne, Donijahn, F., I~uglesberg. Street. Do 'i 1, Li., Doit lds 'tcn t Ltd. , !Ciiiiil~r J.\ rdell, S. i.. XVoodthill, Beaudesrt. Ri a1, Rtlcttttens~ fay. Sydny.

la-:ns. XX., BonaSlt nIs~rl Strit . I'artiir, I. II ., ''Norwd,' t~lcl S(iulgat Ra

Iloli'v. .X,. R.. I .... tnl, l)tain lark l Fa;rr ll, J., I )rra, G~otha( Street, Valley. 1' .111k tt r. ot,li Sm itli &: Faulknr, lii e St et. l),io~l, IvS. , Ct ibik, Strc aey. t ol. Dons ait, 1.. XX'acterl,o II t,'l, Anti Stretc Q~ueenl Stre~t. I t~ , Ad , plt K. ('..Xtl laide Stre~t. F ett\\itk, 0. J. , Rose Street, EagI,' Iunt u. I ergtisoti,, C. I)., Blokilg e & Fevrtu'.iii, ~l\In I fal, Q2ueen Stret.

I",'rrer, I)., Bryliog. Sirt. 55 ortl Str't' Llli,'bi . . IY1)Mclietiat :~., Strt, i loowlt. G,trge Str'e~t.

Iotiu.llni'.'.,d XX'. CI., 51 liueri I Stee, Sdit' Street. Southi Brisban. El ii iy~, II., 24- A .1 ~lid , Str it. l),vilc, 1)r.X.. Iall.iiot l't'.'e Ctab'r ~u'cii Street.

I i.lir. 1. . , c~o . X'.. ohnstttn & Co.~ J~iai, ,1. BculX' ~ C l'>ieti ettn t F;I lir, Mlr., l;trobe Street, Easrt risbae~. Qtti ini DrI)Iyt. 1". 5. , Brisbai,' ~lub ler, S. I)., o F;. . Walker & Coy., C lo.~ ljruinii..iid,L. Corrl.,bosseii Illli.r Cll. ~ liiltr, ,is 1., lth li lull. l'itiparik. . C.. Bellevtie Holtel, Cotiiit''. I~ittw\ tltr, 6. I. Chrlville.

F~letcrl Li., Erella S. &~ X. Railn y~. D~ul.tig rhIlp,u, Icrr ~~, Valley. Fltchr, . ILLrella S. &GXX'. Railo.ay

jig ettctr . F.. Foggi tt.1 J ie'.& Coy., TLurbot~ Street. ANNUAL MEMBERS.-Continued. Folk, II. S., The Shakespeare Hotel, Barcal- Gates, Wm., Clarence, Stanley Street, South dine. Brisbane. Foote, H., Ipswich. Geaney, C., City Mutual Life Association, Ade- Foote, W. B. H., Cribb & Foote, Ipswich. laide Street. Foote, W. H., Cribb & Foote, Ipswich. Geddes, James, George Street. Borbes, J. M., H.M. Customs, Queen Street. Geissman, Bernard, Tambourine Mountain. Forbes, W., c/o Moreheads Ltd., Mary Street. Gerrard, T. R., Moggill Road, Taringa. Ford, T. S., Innisfail, Wickham Terrace. Gibbon, Chas., Norman Parade, Eagle Junc- Foreman, C. M., Vulture and Stanley Streets, tion. South Brisbane. Gibson, Hon. Angus, M.L.C., Bingera l'lan- Forman, P. W., Jeffrey & Forman, Elizabeth tation, Bundaberg. Street. Gibson, Dr. A. J., Central Sugar Mills Bu- Forrest, J., Moiralan, North Quay. reau, Elizabeth Street. Forrest, P., Forrest, Lang & Roper, South Gibson, A. S., Yorkshire Insurance C.v. Brisbane. Edward Street. Forrest, P. M., Rocklands, Kangaroo Point. Gibson, C., Amy Street, Spring Hill. Forrest, T. W., Arthur Street, Woolloongabba. Gibson, D. S., Herston Road, Kelvin Grove. Forrest, W. T., c/o E. Baynes. Gibson, Joseph junr., Stafford on Kedron. Forster, G. C. D., E.S.C.A., Edward Street. Gibson, J. C., Bowen Terrace. Forsyth, James, M.L.A., Burns, Philp & Coy., Gibson, John, Lorne, Rockhampton. Ltd., Mary Street. Gibson, Dr. Lockhart, Wickham Terrace. Fortescue, E., Queensland Brewery Ltd., Eliza- Gibson, W., Senr., Hawthorne Bulimba. beth Street. Gilbert, C., 24 Queen Street. Forth, E. E., Silverwood Dairy Factory Ltd., Gilchrist, A. J., Longreach. Roma Street. Gilday, J. T., M.L.A., Copeland Street. \!' Foster, J., Hudd Street, Bowen Hills. ton. Foster, T., Forster Engineering Work., Mary Giles, J., Kelvin Grove Road. Street. Gill, G. R. Howard, Kent's Building.-. \Il<- Fowles, Rev. R. H., 423 Gregory Terrace. laide Street. Fowler, T. C., Aust. Land & Mortgage Coy.,. Gill, Herbert, Moreheads Ltd., Mary Stri-r. Eagle Street. Gillam, J. C., Clark Street, Clifton. Fowles, W. L., Under Secretary, Treasury, Gillespie, A., South Brisbane. Queen Street. Gillespie, A. L., Queensand Club, Gerirg; St. Fox, Frank, Lake Learmouth, Yaamiba. Gillies, D. J., Burringbar, N.S.W. Fox, G. H., Lotus Station, St. Laurence. Gillies, R. G., 111 Queen Street. Fox, John J., Goodna. G(oddard, H. A., 414 Queen Street. Foxton, G., Agricultural Bank, Treasury Gole, L., MacRobertson's, Roma Strert Building. Goodall, D.. c/o A. Goodall, Swan Hill Foxton. Col. J. F. G., Foxton, Hobbs & Mac- Goodchap, F. G., Bauman & Goodm,:.. nish, Albert Street. 199 Albert Street. Francis, Leonard, Treasury Chamlbers, George Goodyer, V., Nanango. Street. Goggs, M. B., Gibbon Street, Teneriffc. Franke, H., Caydor. Gooley, W., Perkins & Coy. Ltd., Mary Street. Fraser, C. Sankey, Queen Street. G.,rdon, C. A., Wynnnum South. Fraser, H. B., Railway Engineer's Office, Gordon, L., Raleigh. Ann Street. Gore, F., Goondiwindi. Fraser, W.. New Farm. Gotterson, R., Wandoo Street, Valley. Frederich A. L., Marburg. Gottwaltz, G. F., Warilla, Gin Gin. Frederickson, J. C,. Forest Hill. Gow, Alex., Petrie's Bight. French, L. B., Rose Street, Eagle Juinction. tGrace, M. G., "Brookhill" Lutwyche. Frew, L. R., Queen Chambers, 28H Queen Graham, A. D., Celtic Chambers, George St. Street. Graham, B. D., c/n Commercial Bank o, Frost, E., Park Road, Milton. Australia, Queen Street. Fryar, A. M., Bank of New Sluth W'ales., Graham, J., e i W. II. P'aling & Cy., L.t.d., Queen Street. OQuene Street. Fryer. C. E. S.. Railway Department, Ann Graham, W. E., Celtic Chambers, George St. Street. Graham, W. G., Lands Department, Ge-rgr Fuerriegel. W., Bald Hills, N.C.L. Street. Gailey, Richard (junr.), Courier Building, Gralton, A., Albion Hlotel, Albion. Queen Street. Gralton, Jame-, "Cnige," Merthyr R lad,Ni Gall, W. J., Home Secretary's Office, T1rea Farnm. sury Building. Grant, B. J., 'Port Office Hotel, Edward St. Gallagher, D. M., Gallagher & Coy., Queen Grant, B. W., Muirs Ltd., Queen Street. Street. Grant, Leslie de, lHoward Street, Bayswater. Gallagher, Rev. J., Darra, Gotha Street. V'al Grave, \W., Victoria Street, Fairfield. ley. Gray, J. L., Mountf,,rd Road, New Farm. Gallagher, M. J., Kedron Post Office. Grayson, George, Rocklyn, Allora. Ganlv. Rev. E. C., Holy Trinlity Rectory, Greaves, J., British Empire Hotel, Queen St Valley. Green, II. I., Bulimba. Garde, H. J., General Hospital, Bowen Bridge Green, Tames, New Farm. Road. Green, T. E., Wigton, Gayndah. Gardener, HI. J., Dalgety & Coy.. L.td., Eliza- Greenficld, A. P., George Street. beth Street. Creetnup, .A., Wylarahl, Bell. Gardener, T., Newmarket. G;renup, 1E. B.. Darey llael Redcliffe. Gardiner, F. P., Guthrie Street, Paddington. Greenup, R., Culcraigie, Eidsvold. Garget, A., Sandgate. Greenup, Victor, Wylarah, Bell. Garrick, J. Cadell, Telegraph Clht., Queen Greer, J., Sherwood. Street. Gregory, E., Junr. Railway Commissioner's Gartside, T. II.,Boonah. Office, George Street. 27

ANNUAL MEMBERS.-Cofltinued. via Too- Gregory, H., Gregory & Davidson, Edward Hart, H. M., Glen Heath, Yalangur, Street. woomba. Greig, J. R., Civil Service Store,, Adelaide Hart, J. H., Culterfel, Manly. Street. Hart, W., Culterfel, Manly. Gres-. 1.., Foxton, Hobbs & Macnish, Albert Hart, W. H., Hart & Flower, Adelaide Street. Stee.et. Hartigan, R., Graceville. Geecve?, R., Arcade, Edward Street. -lartman, C. I., Pittsworth. Grieves Thos., Wahroonga, Bro kstead. Hartnell, George, Lgie Plains, Warra. Griffiths, A. A., Toowoomba Foundry Coy. Harvey, C., Moore, Esk Line. Groom, R. G., Commercial Union Chambers, Harte, Mrs., c/o Daily Mail Ltd., Queen St. Eagle Street. Hastie, T. A., Ingham. Gross, E. R., Kroneeimcr Ltd., Edward Street. Hastie, We. A., Mareeba. Grove, C. H., Kelvin Grove, Nanango. Hastings, J. E., Silkstone, via Ipswich. Guess, G. A., Quinlan, Gray & Coy. Ltd., Hatch, R. O., Dalgety & Coy. Ltd., Elizabeth Street. Queen Street. Tele. Gunn, D., Junr., c o New Zealand Loan and Hawgood, E., do P. W. Collins & Coy., M.A. Coy. Ltd., Eagle Street. graph Chs., Queen Street. Gunn, W., Boolarnell, Tallwood. Hawkins, Thos., Court-le-roi, Kilcoy. Haddock, R. R., Bridge Street, Albion. Hawthorne, Hon. A. G. C., M.L.C. Queen Haigh, R., Department of Justice, Treasury Street. Buildings. Hayes, J. F., Nikholas Street, Ipswichl. Halford, I)r. A. C. F., Turrawan, Clayfield. Hayes, M. J., co'o Carl Zoeller & Coy., Queen Hall, H. E., Grated Hotel, Mary Street. Street. Hall, L. Alderley. Hayes, Owen, Terminus Hotel, Melbourcee St. Hall. N. G., 'rantitha Station, Bundaberg South Brisbane. Hall, Hon. 'T. M., M.L.C., Edwsard Street. Ilaylock, R., Emu Park, Rockhampton. Hallett, Joseph, Roseberry Street, South Haymen, M. C., Q. N. Bank, Queen Street. Brisbane. Haynes, C., .Edward Street. Halliday, A., Davey Halliday Coy. Ltd., .\nn Iealion, W., Spring Hill. Street. Ilealy, D., Baltic Separator Coy., 2'J Albert Halligan, J. C., Shakespeare Street, Coorparon Street. 1Ham, Isaac, Ipswich. Heasop, James, "Lakkan," Vulture St. East, Hamiey, W. O., Kob Street, Albion. South Brisbane. Hamilton, C. D., c/u Watson, Ferguson & Coy. Ilcaslop, Mrs. '1'., National Hotel, I'etrie's Queen Street. Bright. Hamilton, C. WV.,Lyttoo Road, Norman Brile Hecklemae, J. W'., Whinstanes. Ilameilton, (. L. I., Ruekybar, IIa kwnod. lleggie, R. W., )algety & Coy. ILtd., Iliza. IHamilton, K., Longreach. beth Street. IHamilton, W., Grey Street, South Brisbane. Heiner, E. F. ., tthow & MGcregor. lEd- Hamilton, Wm., Meade and Hlanilt ne, RIme.. seard Street. Street. Hleemineg. Ve. 1., W. II. Wilsun & Hemmeeing, Hamltey, II. If., Lanels Departmeiet. Geore Adelaide Street. Street. lenmpsted, S., Graceville. Ihammel, W. F., Beenleigh. Ilemsworth, M., 387 George Street. IHamnmer, Chas., Miller. Wade A\uto Ihilkieg HIensderson, George, 8 . Adelaide Street. Coy., 44 Roma Street. lenderson, J., Valley. HIlnmonnl , J. R., 240 Elizabeth Street. Henderson, J. C., Glen Road. Tnnl onan Ilamumoed, Neil, Mitehell. Henderson, W. ., Hillside Crescent, Iemntil- Ilampson, F. E., Enoggera Terrace, Red Iill. ton. Hampton, R. 1., Y.M.C.A., Edward Street. Ilendren, S. J., Indooroopilly. lIandley, H., Culverthorpe, Pampas. Henry, A. R., 3 sundary Street. WVest End. Ihansen. Chas., Nicholas Street, Ipswieh. Henry. J., Melbourne. Iardeastle, John, Beunah Hlenzell, Dr. A. P., Wiekhamn Tlerraece. Hardlie, Geo., Jeay Street, Bowen Ilills. Ilerbertson, F., Melrose, Gladstone. Harding, C. J., Yamnahuto, Ipswich. Heron, G. S., 24 Twine Strert. Wickhame 'Icr. IHarding, G. R., "Couliba." I)ean Street, I on race. wong. HIertzberg, A., Charlotte Street. IHarding, S. H., Yamahluto, Ipswicl. Ilertzberg, A. M., Charlotte Street. Iargrave, C., Liverpool Londoe & GIl6 leI-e Hetherington, J. W., Main Str.et. Kanaroo burance Coy., Queee Street. Point. Ilargreaves, J., Manly. Ilettrick, G., Windsor Road, Reel Hill. Harkness, J. M., II Empire Chambers, Wharf Hewitt, T. MI., Lismore, N.S.W'. Street. IHeydon, 'I'.. c, Henry Berry & C y., L.d., Harlen, W. G., Old Saudgate Road. Creek Street. Harley, C. H., R. S. Iews & Coy., Elizlaletl Hicks, John, Coorel-ba, Milton. Street. Higgins, J. ['., Leslie, via Warwick. Hharrap, S., Wellinglon Road, off Musgrav e lHiggs, Edwin, Kenilworth, Kaimkillenebut'. Road, Red Hill. Highet, W., Abbotsford Road, Bowen Hillk. Hharrington, C. H., Queee Street. Hill. Colin, Bellevue House, Bellevue. Harrington, H. E., Villiers Street, New Far. Ililt, F. 0. W.. Fassifern, Enegelsberg. Harris, 0. E. A., Kinegsholme. New Fareme. Hill, Harry, "Sue" Newspaper Coy., l'etrie'. IHarris, Hubert. Queensland Ambulance Traes- Bight. port Brigade, Aenee Street. Hill, Mrs. Lumley, Bellevue Ilouse, Bellesue. Ilarrison, H. A., Standard Shoee Leather Co.. IIill, R., Ilill Street, Kelvin C rov' Charlotte Street. I ill, Th. h., N',rmane Street. WVooluuwin. Harrison. H. WF.. Feord Sherringtutn L~te., Id- Ilill. V.. J.. Kelsin Grove. ward Street. Hill. V,. R. ., Dornoch Terrat e. South Bris. Hart, A., Culterfel, Maelny. SbaCee. Hart, F. M., Empire Cheanbers, Wh'learf Street. H ills, 0. B., Calala Farm, Ton oenoba. ANNUAL IMEMBERS.-Conwuea.

Hind, R., 182 Edward Street. IHunter, Robert, Buruside, sia Laidley. Hindes, W., Queensland Agricultural College, Hunter, R. S., Mary Street. Gatton. Hunter, T. B., 62 Queen Street. Hindmarsh, Wm., Rawbelle, Eidsvold. lHunworth, C. W., \ilston Hill, Newmarket. Hinton, J. E., Fire Brigade, Ann Street. Hlurlbutt, G. E. N., '*Mornington," Gregory Hipwood, J., Eagle Street. Terrace. Hislop, W. A., George Street. Hussey, T., Geoffrey Street, New Farm. Hockings, A. 'V., Eagle Junction. Hlutchmnson, J., Rainbows Street, Sandgate. Hockings, H. C., cio Laycock, Littledike & Hutton, E., co Mrs. Cox, Ascot. Coy., Herschell Street. Iluttjuu, G., W'orks l)epartment, Treasury Hockings, W. S. T., Esanstane, Russell St., Building. South Brisbane. Hyde, C. it. W., Rode Road, Nundah. Hlodgson, Isaac, Taringa. Iugham, Thos., l'etrie'. Bight. Hodgson, F., National Mutual Chs., Queen Inglis, W., Manson Road, Hendra. Street. Inne, W'., liall Stre t, Va;tlly. Hodgson, John, Knapp's Creek, Beaudesert. Irjine, R. S., Foy & Gibson, \Vickham Street, Hodgson, W., Hodgson Press, Queens Street. Valley. Hofner, Rev. P. B., Post Office, Albion. Irving, W. L., "Rochdale,"'' urarrie, Hdgan, M., Brighton Road, South Brisbane. Isaacs, hi. R., Hoffnung & Coy., Charlotte Holding, W. 3., Dunlop Rubber Coy., Ade- Street. laide Street. I sitt, C. J ., 2 Bossen Terrace. Holdsworth, J. A., Karona, Newmarket. Isles, 1'. .\. J., Isles, Lose & Coy., Queen Hollander, J. L., Queensland Brewery Ltd., Street. Elizabeth Street. I sles, J. TI., I sles, 'L vc & Coy., Queeii St. Hlollingshed, C. F., Hardy Bros., Ltd., Queen Ison, V. C., , South Brisbane. Street. Jack, W. T, D)oonsidc, Eagle Junction. Hollingworth, T., Brookes Street, Bowen Hills Jackes, J.., Quarry Street, Ipswich. Holmes, A. G., Belfast Hotel, Queen Street. Jackson, .A. Ci., Svnchronome Electrical Coy., Holmes, E. J., Holmes & Church, Queen Street Ann Street. Holmes, F. L., N.Z. Insurance Coy., Queen Jackson, E. R., In Street. Street. Jackson, Dr. hi. S., St. Helen's hlu-pital, South Holmes, J., Langlands, Spring Valley, I'itts- Brisbane. worth. Jacks ii, J., Iangle Street. Holmes, Samuel. Myrtle Views, l'ittsworth. Jackson, R.. Eagle Street. Holtzberger, M., Rocklea. Jackson, W. ii., Beachwood, IIulmpybug. Homer, H., Rawbelle, Eidsvold. Jackson, W. J., c o J. Jackson & Coy., Lagle Hood, W. W., Birt & Coy. Ltd., South Bris- Street. bane. James. A. J. , eo I. P'ole & Coy., Ge' rgi' 1looper, F. C., Baroona Hill, MIilton. Street. Hooper, G. W. B., K.,otchie, Tambo. James, II., Ida Street, Hill Lad. Hooper, T. B., T. C. Beirne & Coy. Ltd., James, Les., Courier Building, Queen Street. Valley. Jarrott, A. F., 49 lost Office Chs., Sydney. Hooper, W., Woombye, N.C.L. .Iarrott, L., Maud Street, Highgate Hill. Ilooper, W. J., Albion. Iarvis C., Disputed Plains, Lismore, N.S.W. Hope, H. R., Railway Hotel, Dalby. Jennings, G., Pastoral Butchering Coy., South Horne, A. T., 5o Kennigo Street, Valley. Brisbane. Home, II. T., Coulabunia, Kingaroy. Jennings, T., Bowen Hills. Hlone, John, Co-operative Dairy Coy. Ltd., Jensen, Vie., 185 Queen Street. Maryborough. Jerome, A., Canungera. Horton, J. N., Inglis & Coy., Charlotte Street. Jewell, J. A., Glen View, Annerley Road, Iloalkin, Philip, Avenel, Roma. South Brisbane. Hosking, S. H., Racing Plain, Toogoolawah. Iohannes, G. E., Annie Street, New Farm. Houston, J., Roma Dairy Coy., Roma. Johns, ., Queen Street. Howard, J., Queen Street. I hn on, A., Cabolture. Howard, Thos., Princess Street, Bulimba. lhnson, G. E., Queen Street. Ilowell, R. A., Killarney South,. 3''hiusun, 0. V., is ereIl, N.5. W. Ilwes, W. E., HIowes Bros. Ltd., Roma Street Iohnson, S. J., Bald Hills, N.C.L. Iludson, A. 11., 303 Queen Street. jIohnson, W., Elizabeth Street. Iludson, H. H., Dalgety & Coy. Ltd., Eliza- ,ouhstJn, E. A., Reuter's Telegram Coy. Ltd., beth Street. Queen Street. IHudson, L. S., Hanworth, Longreach. I lhnston, George, Strathpine. Hudson, T., Old Sandgate Road, Albion. Johnston, James, Canada Cycle and Motor Ilufschmid, II., Burns, 1'hilp & C)'. Ltd., Agency Coy. Ltd., Creek Street. Mary Street. Jhluusun 'I. T., Aronson & Coy., l'ptv. L.ol., Ilugall, ii., Hamilton. Ilibeth Street. hiugall, H. H., Leichhardt Street, Spring Hill. Ilnes. A. I.. Waterwurks Road, Red li. Hughes. C., Seppelt Ltd.. Eagle Street. Jones, A. R., 276 Edward Street. Hughes, C. H., Maryborough. lones, Daniel, 138 Petrie Terrace. Ilughes. C. R. J., Stanley Street, South Bris- lones. I). 0., Sydney, Teebar, Br uweena. bane. Jones, Evani M., Tegian, Silkstone, Ipswich. Ilughes, E. F., 249 George Street. Jones, II. ., c'o Gordon & Gotch Queen Hunt, A. M., Maleny. Street. Hlunter, C. E., Hythe, Charleville. Jones, H. O., Blackstone, sia Ipswich. Hunter, HI., Mowbray Terrace, East Brisbane. Jines, Sydney, coe Gordon & Gotch, Queen Iunter, H. junr., Mowbray Terrace, East Street. Brisbane. Jones, T. A., Government Savings Bank, Ilunter, James, Burnside, via Laidley. George Street. lihoter, J. M., M. L. ., Parliament II >use, Jones,'I. L., FIggett, Jones & Coy., Turbot George Street. Street. ANNUALI MFBERS.-Continuze. Jrdan, ., lbrt Street. Krimnr, ~. C., Tuoo~umba I rdi, 11, Sany Street, Southi Brisban. Kronc, II. G;. ., c, 0 Mlchirter & Sj,I1 Val- .1rdan, , Quen Street, JIendr. .eIP~hsn, Ni.l.. Josephson anld Mloncriff, Kyle, D. ~.,e, u Edaord Dulop &: toy., Ed- Forbes &i Bland Sts., . Sydnely. ward Street. .u ctt, Intlijid Queenlandl Club, Gecorgc Kyl-Little Mliss, Nunkull, Cnboya. Street. I;hy, J. X., Lheys Ltd., 31 Vulture Street, I owitt, C., Stffrd Street, Ea;st Brisbane. Wollou ngabba. Ileh au, J , Strt hmore St t n, Sura(t 1.;Lilg, A ., I'rincheter Street, South B)risbae. .1 ud, ., Bross i'., Creek Roaid, B~laynley, N. SW I,alor, W. Fr., AM.I. Chambrs, E~dard St. Julius, R. ~.,Luva, Julius & Cy., 62 Creek 1.arbert, C. F., e~o G;. S. La~nbert, M~ry St. Street. 1and, Wi., Toowong. lut~r, ~. R., Queen's Road, Clayleld. Lang, J oln, Forrest, Lang &~ Roe~r, South lutin, II. V.., Stanley Street, W.oolloogcabba. Brisbane. K~t-, F. 11., 1leuon. 'lanlham, D, Mary Street. Ketig, L., Sanford R~ad, Indoropilly. Later, . ., Langp Street, Fairfield. kYetig, '1., W\arry Street, V'alley. Lathr, F., Mlertyr Road, New Frm. Ken, G;., cii~ Mis K(en, Arcad~e, dard St. L~a, II. J., euo olmes & Church, Queen Kenan, T. Rosebery Street, ighgte HIill. Street. Kly, R .M., Stphens' Road, Sooth Brisbane. La, L. A\., irminham M~anuf. Cuy., MIel- Kllett, \., TIhe Gables, Gry Street, South bourne Street, South Blrisbante. Brisbanle . Lawrence, J., Kedronl 1'ark Racing Club, Klly, C., Ann Street, \'arlley. Edwrard Street. Kelly, C. J., '-llid~.'' Ori l Road, Aot. Lareice, Mn., City View Diary. Bud~mba. Kelly, T. W., Joltit Bridg~e & Cy. Ltd., Lason, redk., Anti Street, Valle~. Queen Street. Leahy, P. J., Queen Street. Klly, J. ] ., Bowrn. Lee, Ft. S., New Zearland 'L~oanl and I.. Coy. Kell, 0, KellyBro,, Ann11 Street. Ltd., Eagle Street. Kelly,1'hos, ''RathlO'' C iistitiitiin Roald, Lecky, S. C., Bloen 'r'errarce. Lee. F. XV., New Zelald Loanl & MI.. Coy. K~lly, ., Bele & Coly. Lt., tO0 Queen St. Lt., Ea6le Street. K, Iso,, V'., 41 Creek Street. Le, Col. G. L., Victoria Balrracks, 'ctrie K ~li, J iIi, City t.'oiiii(il C~Illimbes, QIIt.IL e~trraeec Street. Lee, II. C., Be ly's Ltd., Courier Iltillding, kIluipson. A\. II., (;hm,~l . Cl~liinulla.l~r Queenl Street. Lere, . II., c 0 Bealer & C~y.'Ltd.. a2 Queen Streert. Brisbanc. W\,~hitialn Creei Clarecec Lees, . Mackenie Bailk 0 f North Q1uen- lnQueen Street. Kennedlrty, R. I)., Capbell '., Builigs, Creek LechanleI.. j., Celtic Chabers, G;elrge Street Street. Lemon, J. H. ,ndor. L~ennon, Wiln., Ml.LAr., HIudslo Riad, X'oo. hanm S treIt. loown~. L~eslie, 1. 1'., 272 Q)uen Stret. K1 rr. J* S., . te arut & 5,11, l.td1., Q~ucell L.'Estrang, D~r. G;uy, lower ill, lbinu. Street. L'Estralge, 1)r. Hnry, 113 ickham Te'rirace. Lthbridge, R.C., For~st Vale, Mitlell. Ke~s, Cw~~ai, \\'.n~i Lev.iiston., T'hs., Queenl Street. Kidney, II., Belfat I toe, Qlleenl Street. lewi, Jllhn, Roma Street. ilrue, ., F~iliney., Ilesc & C~y. Ltd.. Queeni L~iddle, K., Steph n's Rlld. Sou~th Brisbane. Street. iitbrody, G;. licUale &i Coy., Ltd., 52 Kil inton, J. II., (ilenre Gi~e, Foret lll. Queen Street. Ktlidrega, P'., c'o Rob~rt Reid &- Cl,r L~td. igltoller, C., Q~ueen Street. Edalrd Street. Lightollr, Dr. D. 11., fihhnds, .'ilbilU. Killg A\. L.. IrIIllba, Naral G IImbl)Igeer( I .isr, X'. ., Den hm Bro. , Ri in al Stric(t. Lines. t~ildblv, H. V., I ilgri, Wonndai. .indsy, K. Ji\,rabant &I Cliv., ClirI tte Street.

K~ig, 1. ., King & Kin . l.td., Quleell Stret1. iltrl, D. . .. Chartrs.\udn To c r5. m K lu, R .,A.\ltlaide Stret. it lr, V, Roserdale Sttion, R~lsi dle King,~ . K.. Sntli Bribani. Little, J. S., (iayndali Irk, W'. I I., C'ampbll's~ luildig~s, Creek .ittle, K., Queelrnsland Nati,,nl liamk Ltd., Street. Queen Street. Kithing. 1. I'., Mec~urtri & Ciy., r.Il dardc Stret~. Littlrir 11. F. Bre,~l Wimidic li&Co. K lasse,1. 'iork loel. Staly Street. Edard Str~et. S th Bribanelc. loyd, F'. R., Eda~rd;rs l)mralop, & Coty. L~td., Knligt, II., CIrner CIIl-t.LIoe.( f Lerilhart E~da rd Stret. Sret, \'atlley Locgan, G. D. . Plain t Dow~s,, Rlllestimnl L~ogn1, ., Fiver Wys, ~~'oollolnatbba. Kn~tt. V. C'., e Ii Matt~Lggllrt Bros. Adelaidte tlgan, .. 1 unr., Rose Fatrm, Graton tre~t. KIles S. i'., \ iuill O)il (l)'. l'pty.~ 'ltd., Loinax, J. R. Te'ntrFe~ld. N.S.. Kllnlimubar S uthl Brisbane. Xrapp, F., Sanla~te 1li doe, F., To ylllrlaw ahl via Ek C y., Suth Brisbaner. ANNUAL MEMBER.-(olitiued. Longland, George, Palmerino, Langside Road, Mark, Vi., Miriigtiii,' Greg .ry Tlerrace. Hamilton. M1arks, ltio. C. 1.., M.D., 101 Wickham Terrace Longwell, C. E., Old Sandgate Road. Marlon, A., Beenleigh. Longwell, J., Old Sandgate Road. Marsden, F., New Sandgdte Road, Albiot. Lord, F., "Eskdale." Towers Street, Albioii. Marsden, J., Christian Street, Albion. Love, James, Isles, Love & Coy., Queent Marsh, A. F., Garden Terrace, Nenmarket. Street. Marshall, A., Greshanm Street, East Brisbane. Lovekin, J. J., Wickham Terrace. Marshall, Thos., Brunswick Street, New Farm. Lovelock, W. C., 210 Roma Street. Marshall, Vi. F., Bundaberg. Loweke, A., Linville. Marshall, W. II., Vulture Street. \Vest Ejnd. Lowrey, S., 146 Queen Street. Marshall, W. McLean, Sarg od Bros., Ade- Lucas, F. S., Henry Berry & Coy., Creek laide Street. Street. Martin, F., , Auchendt1.,wer. Luck H. Courtenay, Commercial Travellers' Martin, (. N., Lands 1)epart mein, Gcorge Club, Elizabeth Street. Street. Lugg, .J., Primrose Terrace, Red Hill. Martin, R. II., St anyfell Vineyards, Burniside, Lugg, J. B., Primrose Terrace, Ithaca. Adelaid,. Luya, H. W. Brisbane Milling Coy. Ltd., Martin, '. S., loltey.. Ltl., Eanle Street. South Brisbane. Martyr, F., Morlteads Ltd., Marv Street. Lymburner, A., Survey Office, George Street. Marwick, II., c o Clark & Fauset, Eagle Lynch, Thos., c/o Mactaggart Bros., Ade. Street. laide Street. Mlasai, J., Briuso jk Street, Valley. Macansh, R., Varwick. Massey, J* 6., 1algety & Coy., Ltd., Eliza- Macansh, T. W., Warwick. beth Street. Macartney, Hot. F. II., M.L.., Thynne & Matthews, 1. l.., 9 lagle Ch-., Eagle Street. Macartney, A.M.P. Chs., Edward Street. Matthews, F.. II., Royal Batik ,f Queens. Macartney, J. A., "Boreela," Crescent Road, latil. Queen Street. Hamilton. Matthew s, J., 1:. Butler & S ni Ltd., Pet- Macaulay, J. J., Denham Bros., Rockhampton. tie's Bight. Macdonald, A. H. G., Miriam Vale. Mattheii s, \V. II., New steaidl Terrace, New- Macdonald, B. W., "Braeside," Hamilton. stead. Macdonald, Dr. R., East Street, Ipswich. May, .A. F., trttel Adelaide, Stanley Street, Macfarlane, A., Burnett Street, Ipswich. South Brisbane. Macfarlane, J. P., Eagle Street. May, G. D., Feni & cl.., r, E di'wad St. Macfarren, J. IT., Enqoiry Office, Queeiislanid Maya!l, .1. C. \stlondale, I'ittsorth. Railways, EdIt ard Street. Mavitard, R. S.. l.,rmt llulletiun,' IPEI Que,, Mackay, D., Queen Street. Street. Mackliji, II., Abbott Street, New Farm. Mlaynie, Dr. I. (''N., 'Miorlajis,''' ion tig. Macleord, Thos., Lutwyche Chambers, .de. Mayne, Vi. M. , ' Mi irlatid,' TowI" lg. laide Street. M1ayitis, J. T. loignilan ali Macmillan, J., Elizabeth Street. M eade . J1amite s, HRomta Strnee Macnaughton, Judge. District Court, Geirge Mederaf, II.. )e9nisen Street, Riekiampton. Street. Meek, Dr. R..\,iltuii, Street, S tth Bris- Macneil, J,. Forest Hill. bait. Macnish, W. J., 356 Queen Street. Mersoi, 1. 5., D)alg t & Coy. Ltd., liza beth Macpherson, 1.'., Waugh & Josephsiin. Tur- Street. but Street. Middletin, James, ,nites Street. Bus e ills Macrossan, II. D., M.L.A., John Street, Al.- Midsfit, A., E;monstun Street, South Bris. biupn. bane. IMacrossan N., Wooloowin. Millar, IT. G., ''No" raitie,'' Clavfeld. Mactaggart, D., Adelaide Street. Miller, N, >? Queen Street. Mactaggart, T., Adelaide Street. Miller, W. J., ''Wildia,'' L..idll,, Paraide, Ea-t Martaggart. W. S., Adelaide Street. Brisbatie. Maddison, G., Rider Ericeson Engitte Ciy., Miles.,ll.,. F. I)., M.L.C ., Asc' t. 112 Hunter Street, Sydney. Mile., J., Don se Street, l'additg tin. Maher, P. T.. Automatic Bakeries Ltd., 141 Millinigeit, A .C., Cmuriei Ritildiig , Queen Brtunswick Street, Valley. Street. Maher, Wm., Brunswick Street, Valley. Millingetn, II. S.. C iiuriir Iluilditig. Queen Main, M., c/o Leutnegger Ltd., Elizabitli St. Street. Maloney, C. J., Arthur Street, Teneriffe. Mills, C., Leielhlardlt Street, Spring liil. Malotey, Rev. J. J., Dara, Valley. hills, II. G., Newstead. Manchester, E. J. T., Metropolitan Water and Mills, 1., Ade laide Street. Sewerage Board. Albert Street. Mills, R A., . '.P Cst5 ., Eldn . rd Street. Mann, F. W. B., Gleitelg Street, South Bris- Mills ,i, A. W. . 1' ited Tlypen ri ters Suptplies bane. Coy. Lrtd.. 3d4 Queen Street. Mattson, E. G.. do R. W. Kennedy. Campbell Milte, J. 6., Mercaittile Mntual Insurance Buildings, Creek Street. Coy.,.'177 Queen Street. Mansoi, J. M., Brabanit & Ciy., Charlitte Minto, A. T., Royal luniuattie Coy., Queen Street. Street. Mant, C. 0., 284 Elizabeth Street. Mitchell. c uo L. F. Walket & Coy ., Albt rt St. Maplestoine, F. J., E.S. & A. Bank, Queen Mitchtell, J. M., Toowong Street. Muffati, A. A., Longreachi. Marchant, C. J., Boweit Street. Moffatt, (I., Morundah, Ase 'S. Marchant, Geo., Montrose, Taringa. M,1ile, F. Wii, Deputy Ciuratiir Initestate Estate,. Marconi, J. C., 18 Gotha Street, Valley. Treasury Building. Mark, J. H., "Medway," Eagle Farm Road, .Moleswortht, B. 1!., Corusiall Street, Thttup. Ilamiltont. si n F state. Mark, R. W. F.. "Mornington," Gregory Ter- M1olesi orith, Res . II. T'., C irn .ti Street.. race. ANNUAL. M1E!MBERS.-ContrtilUd.

31oluney', G., Toowoanmba. M usgrace, K., cto Royal Bank of Queens- Monteftore, II. A., Joudaryani. land, Queen Street. Monteith, H., 334 Queen Street. Musson, C., Elizabeth Street. Moon, A., Adelaide Street. Myers, G., Edward Street. Mooney, W., '21 Queen Street. Myers, W., 26 Rodger Street, Spring Hill. Mo're, E., Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Mylett, J. L., Beaudesert. Moore, E. F., Harlin, Brisbane Valley Line. McAllister, R. A., Vacuum Oil Coy., Bulimba. Moore, F. J., Lomond, Indooroopilly. McAnally, S. J., 87 Arthur Street, New Farm. 3Moore, I. J., Barambah, Goomeri. McCallum, A. K., Laidlaw Parade, East Bris- Moore, J. C., The Peaks, Marbang.., S. & bane. W. Railway. .1MeCallum, J. M., Longreach Buildings, North Moore, J. E., Toogoolawah. Quay. Moore, Col. Robt. A., Police Magistrate, North .McCarthy, D. J., Warwick Butter & Dairy- Quay. lug Coy., Allora. Moore, T. II., Colinton. M1cCarthy, Rev. J. T., St. Brigid's, Red Hill. Moran, 11. S., A.M.P. Chs., Edward Street. McConnel, A. J., Dugandan. 31orcom, W. N., Biggs & Mrcom, Eagle McConnel, E.., Cressbrook, Esk. Street. McConnel, E. J., Marshlands, Wondai. Moretti, G. C., West End. McConnel, E. W., Mount Brisbane, Esk. Morgan, Sir A., Parliamcnt House. George McCook, R., Roma Street. Street. McCowan, C. II., Nemyle, Wellcamp. Morgan, E. F., Albion. McCowan, H. G., Bungeworgorai. Morgan, L., c,o Dalgety & Coy. Ltd., Eliza- McCowan, R., Queen Street. beth Street. McDaniell, J., London Bank Chs., Creek Morgan, S. A., Albion. Street. Morgan, S. J., Water Supply Dtpartment, Al- McDonald, Dr. A. J., Laidley. bert Street. McDonald, Arthur Yaamba, Rockhampton. Morris, C .1., 43 Queen Street. McDonald, G. M., Cellbridge, Fernvale. Morris, F. E. , Colonial Mutual Fir, In ur- .McDonnell, Ilon. F., M.L.C., George Street. ance Coy., Creek Street. Ml)unnell, James, Margaret Street, New- Morrison, J., Station Master, .lbioii. market. Morruw, Thos, Morr si Ltd., Ci rge Street. Mc)ougall, C. E., Lyndhurst, Warwick. Morse, ., 42 Adelaide Street. McDougall, D., Cooyar Station, Cooyar. Mort, A., Franklvn Vale, Grandthhester. MlcDougall, J. H., Fernberg Bakery, Rosalie. Morton, C. R., Yeronga. McDougall, M1. A. R., W'ongongera, Chin- Mountcastle, S., cu Robert Reid & Coy. Ltd., chilla. Edward Street. McFadden, W. J.. Elizabeth Street. Mowatt, . 1. unr. Old Sanulra; t Ri ad, lCGhie, F., E.S.C..A., Ltd., Edward Street. Wooloown. McGill, J., Oriel Road, Ascot. Mulcahy, J.. Incom' Tax Office, William St. ).clGinn, R., tipper Kedron Mulcahy, '., William Street. McGrory, A. P., Russell Street. South Bris- Muir. M., .1cWhinrer & Son, Brunsoi-k Street, bane. Valley . Mcl;rath, P., Sandgate. McGrath, W. J., ti2 Queen Strett. worth. MclCjreg..r, J. C., .\tthow & McGregor, Ed- Mullen, 1.. Moorooka. ward Street. Mullen, T., Chelmer. \tcGuffie, W. A., Queen Street. Muller, O., Nelson Street, South lribsane. MeGuire, 1.. Royal Exchange Hotel. Albert Mullett, H., Gin Gi. Street. Mulligan, F. R., lHolme. & ChurchI 272 Qui. en MIntosh, R. .l., Woloin. Street. \l, Intyre, James, Oakvalc, Christmas Creek. Mundell, George, Rednirlcy. \ia Mik - \l intyre, John, Oakvale, Christmas Creek. MIunell, J., Bungabanii Mlil~. \lcKee, Thos., Forest Hill. AleKellar. A. R., Survey Office, Executive MIunro, 11., Kingary. Buildings, George Street. Mun, Ranidall, Boombali, St. t eorg,. .McKenna, Dr. T. R.. "Namoi," Norman Par- Miuir(,. V. . 'Ri.'-Roy.'' I ndooro..pillv. ade, Eagle Junction. Murphy, 1)., Li'ilican. Milmerran. \leKie, F., Sturmfels Ltd., Creek Street. Murphy, F. W'., Town Hall Ch'., Qucin Street. McLean, Dr. J. B., Brisbane General Hos- Murphy, G. S., .Murphy, Varno d & Coy., N./. pital. C Is., Queen Street. .McLean, lb. Dornoch Terrace, South Bris- Murphy, J. 1.. 'Tooheys L.td., Eagle Street. bane. Murphy, lHo. I'., I..C., National Mutual McIean, R.. City Mutual Life Insurance Coy., Chs., Queen Street. Queen Street. Murray, C. I., Muselle lDansus, Richmond. Metennan, IH., e' i Ilirt & Coy. Ltd., South Murray, C. R., Moslle Do'.' us. Richmond. Brisbane. Murray, E.. Queensland Farmerrs C,-op. Coy. MlcLennani, K., Albin. Ltd., Booval. McLeod, I). W., Feiis. ick & Coy., Edward Murray, Gavin II.. Cowan Ilills, Blackall. Street. Murray, . R., Stesvenson Street. Hamilton. McLeod. D. W., junr., FeInwick & Coy.. Ed- Murray, IlIon. J.. "Tullibardin," New Farm. ward Street. Murray, J. P., Yarrum, Wilston. !.cld, J.J.W., Fenwsick & Coy., Edward Murray, J. S.. Boggabri, N.S'. Street. Mnrray, N. R., Beaconsfivld Station, Ilfri- Melanus, A. IH., Wunderlich & Steel Art c,,mbe. Coy., Queen Street. M urray, R., ildon 1 lill. McNab, A., 30 Adelaide Street. Murray-Prior, T. B., Mlarr. io, 13 nah. \IcNab. D. 309., Adelaide Street. Al Nab, J ., l)ati Ilendersont & C y., Bulimba. ANUAL. MEBERS.-( wi/inl iwdc. McNab, R. S., Dath, ~lenderson & Coy., BitI' O'Dw\yer, F'., Ednictidstonc. tret, Southl Dlii imba. banc . McNab, R. J., 30 Adelaide Street. Qeirich'.. C. .. Eale Stet. McNicol, S., d/o inchome, Car. ct Ogg, A.. E., Marlolna. incoitl. Coy., Creek Street. Ogg, C. l' .. Coii'ulo. Ricl~tn. MePhie, Alex., Toooombl. Ogg, C. ~., Edmo..tone Stret, Ncwm~arkr t McShane, . H., Mlargaret Street, Tcic'.'ci,llba O'Hara, R . L. Glenelg, Wanr'.'ick. MacVean, J., c/n Morehad'. Ltd., Mlary Street Okeden. W'. F:. l'arrv Ker ~l. McWhinney, MI., Edwfard Street. O'Keeff, T. W\.. l)alhv. Mc'Uhinney, R., F~armer'' C -op. Di.. Ccy. O'Leary. Fathr, Sc. Jcceplt'', Knlgaro~ 't. Ltd., 60 Roma Street. O~e'.en 0., Nunll(I;h McWhirter, . Brtnsick Street. \'allc. McWhirtE, . Junr., Br'.i,ic Stree. \'allc'y. O)'Loan, I I.. Nrth Pline. MWilliani, T. M . rhtt&Ct. hr lotte Street. Stret. Nason, 0. tatitn Stree, .\lbi~n Iick O'Mlara, I., Fedr~l Ch.,uber. Qitreei Sret. wich. Ou~~,, A.. ~i Mlr.ac hlau & C.. Bell. Naylor, . 1I'.. Srat. Nele, Clretie. Coopr''. Plaii... O'Rilly, Cla'.. 1) mi i 1ircce, South Neale. 0). I', Jcdtn'.oit & SOt1i, Queen.l Stri.t. Needham, F. II., Canning Dow'l, \Va;r'.ii I Nd'. n. ~. Jl., Bri'.bane Trt'.'. itY'. C. y. Lt. ConItte','. Street. Nesbit, ame'. Queen Street. O'Kork. 1'., Lt'.'. yc he Chin bet r', Adelaide Nevil, X. 6;., Outline Strilt, I'.tldiigtn. Stret. Newmal. 0;. K., 177 Anti1 Stre~t. Nea~l, 0;. N., Da;lgety1 & Ci. .tl. , :liii . Stoc,rk \'illiatnn Stret. t0t'bccrue, Cat. .X. S..''lit oct.;IIII1I ."..c..t ( )'bccrTie, 'ctc. (., Sticffotrl 1II KercTii ( )'Se~, I.7. Ilrii'ti'e ~ Iiiill iu.. Queet n '. bethic Street. .d ~lr

N'ihla', (. I. Iignllactcl," Satitrlilr. f lictic e. lrea'.sur'. lItilliig~.

Nielti~l', Cla.. S., Nicliill'., Il.:t ill &: [hit- O'.rel,\c.II. Otrel..l~t ,irinc St, ler. George Str ct

icltith. ihl, i.ltt.rRc'. c Rln Rid lill.

C)r~atite, iI\.. thatlI . gage ('c, Courier lUtildin. : t .llr

Nicitl. I . II.. EF;ttlliic Stret, Sili Bnili.tcIc Ni 'it~i I'. Vt., Qictii Stret. i;, . .a''Stri ctc Nobh C. H., Sation Street, Woitlooli.l Nb, cli'.'S..tl Fernh1illMi c',Gii cce PIti ker. I., I)'.' ifall ('te~.. Nitt1it;Iti 1, ., Iliarr;., '. a Ek Ilgi trr, (. Vt..nl Kvcr c ic,ll~\clle ~ 'l'eler~cpl ('Ii., Quee n Street. Ncrti A\. II . ''Citicah.'' Spriitg'tre. I'agitl. \V. R.t i'.c I:l~etiaci titte,('ic ce t Nirtt. C. H., RedlancI ay.

N'ic..'' trtlt R. H. *L Bootali Nicyc'. A\. 'I'.. Bank i f Ai'r;tlttia,~i (?tiectI Street. l It'. .1 QtCetc Stet. ~Nyc.. Lutgli Stret. gagiC'' ('~i., Ciurier Buildin. l'altttr, l..., I',tlr. Itri . er iu ii tttdarn

O'Ijirw, (. (' , Vlly Bri".'. ry. Bri~ic..'.u Street. I.ter, (tjct.Iiii S~tut trt \lcr

Qiut Street. 0'Cntell, I).. Ceee Factiry. Soutlbrti,I.

E)'Cnclicr, S. . Tattcr.all' ('hilt. Qiic'e ii St. ('Ccit oct r I. ''Dupt r hc.' ()ley

di' '.ert ANNSUAL, MEMBERS.-Cofltifllierd. P'ritchard, A\. L, Meieramibi. eak, J. F'., ,u o ibbs, Bright &t Coy., Eagle P'ritchard G;. 11., Autraliaa Sugar 'roducers' Street. A\ssciatioll, dsard Strect. P'earso, Capt., Goernlor II.i. Gaol, South 'ro, Thos, C.M.G., Mloray Street, Nesv ka;rm. Brisbane. P'rovince, '1'. R., Roslyl, \-ia Mount P~er. I'eate, T. R., ~dward Street. 'rye, 1). C., Nestle &; Anglo.Su\iss C. I'ecl, J. Ii., Norman P'arad, Eagrle Junctiol. Coy., Toogoolawab. 'eirce, P. G., Capbell Street, Iuwecn Hills. 'irce W. P., Gibbs, Bright &I Coy., E:agle ney Lie. Street. 'unchar, E:. C., P'atriotic A\ssuranlce Coy.,' leirce, W'. C., Campbe~ll Street, iun 1.:gla Street. Hlills. I'urcell, 'r., :11 George Street, Spring lull. 1'cener, J., Queensland Falrmers' C-~p. (ov. 1'ye, F. B., 'Dahiow," Kidstoii Street, Albion. Ltd., Laidley. I'y, Mlajr 'I, Departmnt f P'ublic Work,, l'nfold, X. H., Magill, he~r A\delid, S.. TIreasury Building. l'enhaligon, J. T., Kenmore. Q2uinlal, J., d/o Gold~borongli MoIrt &; Cy~., P'enhaligon, W. 11., Roserdalc, Ind~oroopilly. Q~ueenl Street. I'~nneather, Carpt. C., Comptroller General of1 Qluilal, . .., Robert Street, bIl,os on Prisons, Treasury Buidings. Q~uinl, R. J., Beaudesert I ratmss y, Beau- I'nningto, II., Broukes Street, lio~en II ill. dc sert., Ircer, E. D)., Burns, I'ilp &I Cv. 1.. Quinn, ., 2-16i Queen Street. Mary Street. Rae 1. C.,A\nn Street, Valley. P'erkins, E. ., B. urt &r C~y., Pcrry Street. Raff, A. C., Railwacy D~epartmnlt, Ann~ Street. 'errett, ., Queenland Farmerscl~ Co-op. Coy. Rariney, G~eorge, Cock's Ro~d, Chermside. Ltd., Boonah. Ralsto~, A\. V., L. E. Walker &r Coy., Albert 'rrett, J. 'I., Coolabuia, Kingaroy. Street. P'etersen, H. A., ox 638X C. '.., Brisbaie. Ratlston, ., QI.N. Bank, Beaudse~rt. Ralston, . B., ellamp. 'arki I'etcrson J. P.,illata,' Kdronll Ralston, W'. V, Q.N. Bank Ltd., Queen St. 'etrie, A. L., M.L.A., Abbtsf~rd Roa:d, Mrynle Ramsay, . L, Bnelhory, Umbiral. Ramsay, . F'., Talai, Cliftol. Qu eor Street. Randall, J. W., City Buildings, Edwtard r. 'etty J. JI., Q. N. Bank, VaRlley. Rands, W'. FL., 356l Queen Street. 'helau, , Ponix Foundry, Kanaroo 1't. Rankil, (i;., Jane Strect, W'est ~ndl. P'helanJ, .\lbion Street, Albion. Rarnkin, W'. 1)., Baroona, Cunainmulla. 'helan, R F., Lands Department, George St. Ranson, R. li., Eagle Street. P'hillips, A. S., Queen Street. Raymondl, A. J., River Trrace, Ksi.ro I'hilp, lion. R., M.L.A., Prlinient Iluec, P'oint . George Street. Raymold. . L., Chster Street, eneriff 'ipps, ., Taylor Sreet, off Logan RoadL. Reader, B. A\., ,o 13urn, l'lilp &r Cy., Ltd., Ilhipps, J. II.. WIarren Street, V'alley. Mai~ry Street. I'ipps, . 'I'., (icorge Street. R,.adlin, N~., Oxle~. 'iipps, IA'. 'J'., Rthdlonnell Street, Auehrn- Real, hlis holnour MIr. .lutic, SupIremle Cuit.l flower. (ic~rge. Stree~t. Hres, Js., Coorparoo. ickworth, CR., Singer Seing a nchine Cv., Ree, 'Iho.. Margaret Street. Queen Street. HReev. J. I )., (ilenelg Street, Soth Bri ~l.si. Iicworth, J. ., ~lizbth Stret. P'ierce, J. WL in'rSain adlt Street . ierpoint, N., James Stret, WVooos in.i~l Rid, 3. A\. ., Ste art &- ~lsydb, Ann bru ect.. Qucen Street. Reid, Robrt R., 94j ikhtiii Street, \'.sll v. j'itt. C. W'., Nrrasotig Carlsille. Re.ltonl, R. F., Sdny Street, Eale lii Street. R~ltn,i R. II., Sydo~v Stret, l:agle !i one Ilatrier, W'., 40 \dlide Stret. tion. lrlmrid~e, 3. . S.. Va;lley. Rciion. \\a.Ii., (onlnonsveatll lluildinl.r,\I I'sintol. WI. 1., W'yna, Kinga;ry. tic.(;orge Street. l'le, II. Re illi ld, . lK, .1 t((t

, ( HRss c, ut Islle, A.. E.wc arya~ Reyticil, War,vrcg Renlla,~ Southir Au.trl.I.~1 RenS, We. R An Sret Street. l'.sme, ., AdIpsss eli. lopnte, H., Bowei Bridge. CRdy ~rc Richrs, A\. F., Balf~ur Stre~t, New Farml. lrer, il. BoRry (ramikarS o'ol, (ir Richardsrn, C A., Kangaroo Creek, via Mloore. gory 'l.'e~JRrc.y Ce'l;rr ll Ridgewy, . C., New Zealndl ILoan & M AI. 'oso, W. Cr, 14cl Quen reet.~rl ~n Cy~. Ltd., Eiagle Street. l'Iltn, C.. 11., Ket's Btlitg,.,lIi Rlitcie. P. Fi., George Street. I'etn ' lrtStreet. Richlardson, N., Idooroopilly. 'oells, C. A., Moeaslt l,hd.Mry~, Mary~ NSreet Robb. P. A., Victoria 'radc, Wuoloossli. Powetllr, F ;.,delaid Street. Rberts, A. A., Goudna. Roberts, Edwin, T'orovoba. Rhert, J. C, Chambersr rNab and Me. NaAelaide Street. hdsbeis, J* Cecil, ('rosly, Kingthorpe. ANNUAL MEMBERS.-Continued. PEo.trts J. M., Nugget Polish Coy., Williams- Sachs, M. J., Sachs & Coy., Warren Street, town, \ ictoria. Valley.. Roberts. Reginald, His Majesty's Theatre, Sachse, F., c/o Mrs. H-assell, "Loduma," Queen Street. Bowen Terrace. Roberts, S., Barry & Roberts, Queen St. Sagar, W. II., New Zealand Insurance Coy., Roberts, T. A., Nestles & Anglo-Swiss C.M. Queen Street. Coy., Creek Street. Saint, G., Annie Street, New Farm. Roberts, T. R., M.L.A., Toowoomba. Saltmarsh, A. C., National Insurance Coy. of Robertson, H,, Robert Reid & Coy. Ltd., Ed- N.Z., Creek Street. ward Street. Sanders, A., Pring Street, HIendra. Robertson, J., Petrie Post Office, North Pine. Sands, R. O., New Farm. Robertson, Mure, Bank of New South Wales, Sapsford, N., Adelaide Street. Queen Street. Sattler, A. W., "Avondale," Norman Street, Robertson, W., Mount Helmet, Springsure. Wooloowin. Robertson, Wmin., Brghton Road, South Brisbane Saxby, G. R., Stevenson Street, Hamilton. Robertson, W. H., "Corlty Side," Southport. Saxelby, D., Queensland Farmers' Cu-op. Robertson, Dr. W. N., Wickham Terrace,. Dairy Coy., Grantham. Robins, Garfield, Delamore, Kedron. Sayle, G. R., c/o Watson, Ferguson & Coy.. Robins, G. Howard, Delamore, Kedron. Queen Street. Robin., \V. E., Auchenflower. Scarborough, T., Sydney Street, New Farm. Robinson, A., 55 Adelaide Street. Scarr, II. L., Brunswick Street, Valley. Robinson, G., Samford. Schooley, B. L., Intercolonial Boring Coy. Ltd. Robinson, J. Nicol, Nicul, Robinson, Fox & Ann Street. Edwards, Queen Street. Scott, A., 593 Gregory Terrace. Edward Street. Robinson, R., Co-operative Dairy Coy. Ltd., Scott, A., Goombungee. Scott, A. B., The Vee-dee Coy., Temple Court, Robinson, W. R., Collins & Robinson, Creek King Street, Sydney. Street. Scott, A. H., HIornet Bank, Taroom. Scott, A. R., Hornet Bank, Taroom. Robinson, W. R., T. G. Robinson & Coy., Mar- Scott, C. E., Hornet Bank, Taroom. garet Street, Toowoomba. Scott, II. W,. 184 Queen Street. Rode, A. P., Post Office, Apsley, Gympic Road. Scott, J., Toorak Hill, Hamilton. Rode, W. J., Brunswick Street, Valley. Scott, Dr. Kerr, Brunswick Street, New Farm. Roden, (.. Logan and Albert Co-op. Dairy Scott, M. M., Gray Road, Hill End. Coy., Beaudesert. Scott, M. O., Toowoomba. Rodgers, A., Torrens Vale, Lanefield. Scott, P., Hamilton. Roger-., 1. L. R., Ruthven Street, Tlow,,omnba. Scott, R. L., Hornet Bank, Taroom.n Rogerson, A. F. C., Glen IInes, N.S.W. Scott, W., Glenmoral, Taroom. Rohan, F., Gin Gin. Scougall, Stuart, Bowen Terrace. Rollston, F.. Charters Towers. Seabrook, G. K., Queensland Deposit Bank, Rooksby, Capt., Water Street \\Wrt, South Adelaide Street. Brisbane. Scaly, Edward, Stock Exchange Clulb, Queen Rose, G. H1., c o Robert Reid & Coy. Ltd., Street. Edward Street. Searl, J. J., Butter and Dairying Coy., War\\icIk Rosling, W. H., Yarraman, Ascot Vale Road, Seil. Robert, The Plain, Kilcoy. Flemington, Victoria. Senior, G. J., Beruda. Ross, A. C., Eurella, S. & W. Railway. Seppelt, X. A., Eagle Street. Ross, C. J., Queensland Meat Export and Sewell, W., Post and I'elegraph Department, Agency Coy. Ltd., Mary Street. Queen Street. Ros., II. I. 11., 94-96 Edward Street. Shackel, T., Thorn Street, Kangaru oin t. Ross, .1., Mayne Road, BJwen IHills. Shambrook, W\n., Toogoolawah. Ross. John, "Castleton," \Westbouri Street, Shand, G. A., Queensport. South Brisbane. Slhannon, J., Wyalla, Toowoomba. Rossiter. M. C., Rockhamptoni. Shanin in, P. W., Under Secretary, Lands De- Rothwell. T. J., Edward Street. partment, George Street. Rowe, Dr. L., Dunwich. Sliarpe, F. R., Thos. Heaslop & Coy. Ltd., Rowe, Rev. G. E., Methodist Clhurch, A.lbert Roma Street. Street. Shaw, E. J., Coominglah, Eidsvold. Rowley, J., Gilbert Place, off George Street. Shaw, l)r. II. Costello, Wickham Terrace. Rudd, Wnm., Airedale, Christmas Creek. Shaw, J., River Road, Milton Terrace. Ruddle, E. II., Royal George Hotel, Valley. Shaw, W. II., clo Australian Estates and M. Rudde, W., Royal George Hotel Valley. Coy. Ltd., Courier Building. Ruddle, W. B., Royal George lHotel, Valley. Sheard, II,, Latrobe Terrace, Paddington Ruhl, C. R., c/o John Bridge & C',y Shipley, G. W., Simpsonu, Halligan & Coy., Queen Street. Queen Street. Rushlng, E., 6l Arthur Street, New Farm. Short, F. E., Junction Road, Eagle Junction. Russell, A. E., Indooroopilly. Silvester, W. S., 4 Federal Chs., Queen St. Ruthnilg, W., Edward Street. Simons, Dr. C. N., Upper Roma Street. Rutledge, Sir Arthur, Supreme Court, George Simpson, A. E., Alderley, Enoggcra. Street. Simpson, George, Eagle Street. Ryan, James, Normanby Hotel, Normanby. Simpson, G. 11., Milmnerran. Ryan, P., Peak Crossing. Simpson, N. M., 206 Elizabeth Street. Ryan, T. A., 184 Queen Street. Simpson, l., Bald Hills. Ryan, Mrs. W. H., Myall Street, Gympie. Simp..n, 'Theo, Zillman Road, Hlendra. Ryder, W. H., Home Secretary's Department, Sinclair, Duncan T., 288 Queen Street. Treasury Building. Sinclair, T., Wide Bay Co-op. Dairy Coy., Rylatt, Geeo., Baisbane, Grammar School. Gympie. Sabine, F. W., George Wills & Coy., Wharf Sinnamon, B,, ()xley. Street. Sinnamon, J., Miggill. 35

ANNSUALl MEMBERS.-Contucd.tt l

:.krmnai, J. II., (-prati'. Dir Coy., Stanle, J. Hi., Quleenlslanld htestmnt Coy., .Malely. Queen Street. ~kerman, . K., C-oprative Dairy Coy., Stanle, Jo. Ilenry, Thel 'r'rcacry, Queenl St. Mlleny . Stark, B. J., Beeneligh. .ikipper, . J., A~ustral ILanld and( Flitiati~e Stark, R. B., llan &C Strk Ltd., Qeen Street. MIortgage Cy., Eale Street. Strling, F ., Dalby. .rlad, . S., Blrisbanle Tramways C., IcLtd Steel, R. ., Victoria I suruLnce Co., A.M. I'. Couitesh, Strect. Builins, Edwrd Street. Steele, 'I. B., Commril Unlionl Ai\1tatice *lacer, ., Iulimba Street, iUulimba. (os\. Ea;gle Street. Steer, (. R. . Rarilway:~ C'tat1 i ; sior's Offie, George Street. ;,nirl, ,A,Snnnybank. tephlens, A\. 0., Bisbatie 'Itamss1ys C IY. Lt., Counllt~s Street. : mitc, A. A., Bu . ip&Cy t ,~r ~r Ste phns, 1'. ., inely I 'his &: Coy. l.td Quen Street. Strlin~, . T'., (hibowerl I'itt so~rtli ,nit, . W\., 3!(4 G~cor~e Street. Stevtns,, I. 1K:., Bu,..c tt & C~y. Ltd,, A.\d ,mith, C. W\., Refrigrating o., A.,on lide Streut.

Stevnson, '\. L., Stck Exscang e Club, Queenl Strcet. Strict. Stesi .urt, A. L.,A\le. Sten rLIt : S~,,s, QueenCL Street.

Quccol Street. titr~c 1.t. , I ps~~cl. Smith, Jame, JUundabeg. Stess art, J. I:. \c. x Stei art &- Sn,i Lt.. Smiith, J* I:., dard Street. Q~uen Street. 'imitli, I '., Moreheds L~td., Ma, y~ Street. Stn rt, Rev. R~,,brt, I'olitt Street, NoldahiI t i.1 I. V'., Steel F~nce and Dropple- Cy, 247; .'lliilec Street. South Brisbam'.

Sitl, U,. I ., MVoh a vi Ki~cpl Uc~cl. Stitt, I'hmt1, Ilaies~ llro~. Soulthl BTibaute "mnitli, . S .\srl.nl, Latilan 1 liai Stodnrt, Jams, . I...\. , Chirli~tte &~ Market StreeCts. M~rtgagec Coly., Eagcle Street. Stod~rt, R. Nil., Charlotte & Markt Street;. Smith, S. ]3ryanlt, Qucendsanld Advrtiiig Coy.

.SiliJ, S. j., II ill Street, ('.reurv 'Ierr~se snrith, S. R. F~lcel, "Lysal," Woiadai. Stoe, I. Jutitr.. ~iudSr Roa~, Red~ Ilill. S init h 3, itely,, I'o ,t aild 'Id ra np 1),~lpart- Str , H .,Al.\lid, Street. tnt tl, Qo e,' ii Stret. Street, W~.i\ !i .\rtltur Stre t, New Farm Sith, \\. '., Lotireachl. Smiti, V . R. . lbert Stret. StomItIt, C., TelgCra;ph Chamllbr;, QuIen Street Stump, L,., Clareice lItl, South Brisbane. Ltd,, Q~ueenl Street. Sturinjels, 1.'. 1., ('rek Street. Sne(.liig Vi., Mo.JI)rteadS Ltd., MaryT?St. Snevek. A\.. hieiry Steet, Springf 11111. Sneyl, A., James Street, W~olo~siii. Sodeat, I oin1, 1ps~ilt Road. Stiiter, H., lyterld. Sodeti, Vi., Upp~ler ~letlg Street, Soothl UriS. Sitth rIanil. I'. , Cl uri er iidittg.lKt wi~ard St.

Slomnita, 1.. L., dou G; Mly r,E, ;r .InI Street.. Sutton, C. I'. Ne;; In,. Sutchrlii, R. '., Nutida. Svnsen, ( iRtt Normnami ll'.rk. Southe~rn, ('. ''.,39Custottt., Chlambers, Q~uen Stre~t. Bri-b uit Soot hi,~iina 1. .Me rtlyr Riad a ai B~raiii.. kk tr~t t, Ncv I'aran. So dii, J. H., Sanlg.te S~vetnaat, I I i , It ,Ih,.inLt &E Ci'., Spark, Ir. . J. S., Vulture Stt cet, Suthr Chal;rlntti Sttt itt i~crn tl,*; I1. liUnt;;; ick Street. Vlley Sprk , A. jour., )riel Road, Clayeld. Sprke, Eri, '''a~iguhi,'' Hamilton. Sprke, J.ilns, Lytdley, J)alby. Sprk', W\. II., M~lb,urne Street, Suthi Uris. lvott t.i

S':yti. 1. ., I'neialmt lio. Ltlld., Edwaktrd St. Syntes I ii,'r,\, llhcc~lagtu I;l'akChrt Speeritig, 'I'., Gramitltatim.tre haner, H. I.. BlrSuti' Trimunay C'lroy.e Lt. Sliecler, A'.,YCitida.e l Counter,ss ' Sur t. trt Spene, .. I., F~c;.Rc o.Ld.Wa TatL, C'lia. ober somi,, 'Itit &~dC.,d 143r ('it. Street. lotteI, ( Street.I( 'l'rlintom. 'I'. , I'r ara,~ 'Ile~r:iuiert r\iiCr,

Staffr~d, A., Stimadr aiyCy. 0M.r

Statahey, II. C'., 2U~ Qameem Street. ANUAL MEBES.-COfiltlLed.

Telord, I'., E3ducation Dcpalrtmentl't reansry Teede, Jos., e!o I. Buttcrs, ayfld Si, Build ing. Ascot. Theodore, . .,M.L.., 'rlimlentlloIuc, Tylr, Christiai, Brisbane Street, Hu ma. George Strect. Tlynan, A\. I., ley Brs., Ruma Street. 'lomas, A., Down s Co-oprative Dniry C~y., UhI, L. G;., L. Uhi& Sons Ltd., Q~ueen St. Cifton. hlmaunl F. '., Co-operative Dairy Coy. 1.i11l Thomas, M\rs. A\. Leis, Blakstolie, Ips il. Cabooltur. Thomas, ., Marcagart Brs., Adelaide Sjt. U~ndr Secretary, Deplartmnt of A\griculture .' Thomas, 11., Hart's Road, Toong. Stock, ~illim Street. rliomas, J., Sadfrd 1Itouse, Park Rd 1..drwood,,l' 1. Eagle Street. Mlilton. Thmpson, R., c o 1algcty &C . Lt., l':liza- Va;llly, 1'. D., Grahaml Street, Suth lbrihbuii~ beth Street. \~lntile, 11. J., C~lonial Miutual Life A\ rlompsoi, R. V'., c,uo )alety & Coy. Lt., cition, Queen Street. Elizabethl Street. TIhompsol, 1)r. R., W\iekl~rat Te'rrace. V'alentine W., Molrris Street, ff Gla-i ii. ihlonpsonl, V., vi'o Illg~ty & C~y. Ltd., Elizar Road. beth Street. \'alentinc, '. A\. J., :Lj!9 Queen1 Street. '1'holmpsol, W~. I.. .11(1(01 Bnk Ci-., Crek Voller, . ', In omne lax1 O)ffice, W\ilionII Si. Street. Vouller, I'. C., 171 Queeni Street. V oss, J. P'., Toow oig. Nesv Zealaud ('Is., Uleen Stre~. \'osle s, G;eorge, .rth ur Street, '1 ouw iiil~

I'h~m sol, F., Slluny~cid , Low r 'ic irace Si., \\Vgncr, A. J., Cemetery Road, Nunlahill Patdding tll. V\'agnecr, G. W\'., Cemetery Road, Nndtli V~;lker, A\. C., ingra. nish lbert Street. W\alker, F.. F:.,Albcrt Street. \\Vallil, Ie ry, an, i'cs Stree't, W'~oloo winll rllimsnl, 1., fllmoinoi Br,'., (jeori' Stret. W'alls, ., Q)uen's Road, Clyfd. ihonmsonl R. . Snita~riuml I cleall i 1 .'~~ ?. Wa.;lmsley, II. ,~ Springf edl O'de~. Edard Strect. \\Vlnley, .1.. lab cr1, Serwood.tl

Street. Street. Iiii Imann,I . , I)rlhy Wa';lh, Rev, :ltherI St. P;tick's, Vally~. llhnemaunll J. S., K yra, D~alby. Wa';ls, J. ~.,''1 ilenook,'', MoraTy tret, Ne'w

bane. \\'arl 5, J . .\. , H ainn Slray Cy.I. ~cltde CII'., QueenCI ree~t. Pint. \\ lter, C. 1.., Ase t. 'IlIrIOW, I., Alice &. Gergeac Srets, .\l~ioi. T'hurlow, R. '., Whal;rf Stre~t. Street. Waltr, HI. \'.,N ew Zeal a mcl Iln ra ce ' .v Q ueciil Stret. limms, . 1). ., St. G;eorec. W~lter, VI~ i cm I.. F. VIalki'r C~Cy.. lb c ri Si VI dttcr.. '. S., ''Asirca;,'' Banuk Stret, \\ e-t '1 lall, lis, Rial ti Stret, C orfiaroo~ VI lters R. Johinsiin & Suis, Q~ueen~ St. '1'. ., J. '1., Warik Blutter &l D~airyinlg Coy., WValton A I:., Walton Bis,, riilssviek St lexacs. VI dlton IL'. \, Brnswick Stret, Vanlly. VI altoti VI. lriiiisik Stre~t, Vtll y. b'lie, 11,0I1. . ,~.. , In'trfrl.i~s 'i lliain Street1 VI irrick I . \larf Stre~t. lohey, lorlv.lrm'..I'. Southl Bribane VI irl .\ Kciiii St ret, '~11y

t, c. o.,l ''teir \'marr, . 'N., Queenl Stret1. 1.0 R~ C.,I'c~ina Wa';rdll, V'. I).. V\miilati. Street. '.Lr, Set. 1.,A., t.rn Ol~I~, lr t 'r~lu, ('. ,( 'i. e S't~r i~, 'Imertfe .\ 1I~\

Ir ii, 1)aa. i i~ ri fiS~, .~~h Strict.

I ke c, . I., Umnitheriicrt Station,~l Guiit \\'.trs, I'. c '. M~oJfliii & C'y. , l'e iii' Bigt. ITIicett. . 1., 1 tnperli.Il Oils. Coy., MarylT St. Wa'tr, Jani's, ]litlmllc. ('lri'.tii~ts (' r k Truter T. 0I., VIaterirkJlll.lRd, A-hg rolT~I Stret. 'horn, H. ~ Iel. Red,lll r~., 'wr tr Wason, A., do L E. V'lker &: C .y., Albert St W'ato, A., Q)uecilaul lied tead C., Mliltoni Road, Mlilton. Turner, . B., Tioilin ls, Boundary St.

W\ason~, II., (lureh Sret, Valley. Tlurner, J. '., nliam Btro, dward Stret. Wat so~n. II. V.. Stafford Strert. Fast Bisbane.

l'irpin, W. S, Ilai~dra. ~~'t s.,t, V. 6.. '"~allaroo,"~ Makerston Street. 37


Watot, J.W., I'afldW.Lfld~tt, Mitchell. ~ilims, E'., Er.'1.0., Qtteett Street. \'atsof, MI.I). J.,K "ensinton,'' lirourt St., iliams, L., Chermide. Nev. Frm. XC'illiam, Iloyd, 26 Marrket Street. 'A atr.'n. Richar, oo'.l. Williams, M. L., Cairns, Charlville. Xilliams, S., Lucarno, Aeot. W\atts, F., Edward Street. X~illiams, S., Sidtey Xilliamsl & C., hck. WVatts . M., Laids I)epartmelt. Ge''rge St. \Vanugh, Georrge, 2'.19 Quleen Street. \X'ethrill, X. ., Chmbr of CommerICeCC ilo C~(rge Street. ncer Buildin. W\illis, C.. Chrmside. XXbb, lfred, e,~o A. Oe~rend 'Cinra,'' B" enr X'ilsoti, A\. B., 14:1 Q)ueen Street. laidec Strect. \Xtc~lb I.' X Staffri-,rlKd'oi-lt it.

\V'tr. '.' i. Qoceti1 Street.

Webter, J. F.. XX'bstcr\ Cafe, Qoee n Street'1 W\ilsoi, B. ., tunc treet.I~fic Kal St., K;rand\\ jek, iss, R., ~ltloti,)l Cleve X\iI..On,. 0\yi., lrO(itg.k Natlti Sydey. X'ilsonir, 0. ., lp..wiclat.~ )i~C?. )L~~ Xilottr, G.XV ., Aricademb, Edo rdlr Se,~ W'.tcott, R., "'enttl ,'' llinjt'ott~ 'lTcFc. XXilti. . Chees 1"c~tory, Mernimac X'il soi, Itt, Mrtle Fatie, XXola tSIDC a st XXte', It., 14( rth~r Street, S~ring Hlill. J W'heler, los., HO7 Main St, Kangaro. Pt. ~ilsoit ''. 'ie l~brif. Xlereat, J. II., Quy Street, Btiiua~. XX'iIsoti, XX'., Stoi Crnrl, I. iat Rad WVhite, A\. Mi., Bolivi, N.S.V. X'ilott, XX'., rk'reet T Io br~illEttil sLt W\hite, C. F., 1ikedal, Stanthorp. XIktnt,X' F:e.:2 or'Ste. W\ i te, ~. 0., 'Oakd t,'' I'Coitit eli [err at~ IUowen Hills, X'itltirel, X' ., Coeae Ic~tinlrs'Co. Ok '' '.'Je, I'. S., cl o 1)tttloltl Rubbr cv!., .X~lcb XX'it,'Ie,n.Be,~rK.,, Xittcteombr Cs,t & Cv laide Street. Ctreek tret

etlttr, ~illiaml Street. W\hit, 11. B., Ma;rs Stret, X'iltil. Winit~fe,XV. 0., Ki nst~tt, SC Ll:r,) It W\hite, J . L..,Maytttc JIttetiolt.

XX'instoitB.,Browtt Stet,Ktg.toit

lar d Sre~t. E:;ale Strect.

X'~ie, X. TI. I'., '( )akdei,'' O)C ittielll Fur.- X ilt.ni X'. ., Rosei St~l\:reet, .Xttttt'r l e~ !. \ilcombeX'., Xol sit

XX'tK. d D. Bi tl,'r 'I'. 0 . , Ccii tr;LI Ci. , Q tte' (. lch Offic, C~tt cr Btt i Id tt XX'oodl, 1"K., 1 Gregory11 irlre.

Sr~et. Xo,uL~ lItIcs1 . Bridg Street Ac;lbion IIIII(I W\it kban, L., l'tited Itsrane,'~ C.o. l.tl XX~d ,.. , Qtta.IIr Stig Ii t.,SitI ibn Creek Street. XX'oIIIllteadJ, Cha,. , 'Irittgn((r X\illin'i, eliI, ,r,lt'adsl Ltd

X'ilrnittli, I)., N'ulgee Kroal, lbiti. X'ottott, I'. 5\., 31). \Ili 'y.. Perry Stl. t XXi li, . XX cktaii tre, '.ly X'ildertiltl I.. N'tlger SR,.t, .X~bitt . X'ilkiii,)I. J. , I )i ( tltrati I)Ljl5~ill

XXilkittsott,~ 1. .,. l.)owst'. Street.olitt

'.rliacitetitI bitse 1 VI'ilb ~ks,(1. C'. e .tl;itit Strct

W\illiam'., , I'try Street,1 ortliate. W'illiam,, A\. I.. e o ~lemngslLtd., Mlut ky. STATEMENT A. Prize Money offered in Connection with the 38th Annual Show, August, 191 3.

I £ s dj £ s dj £ s £ s HI-osQN 1161 16i o 145 0 i 6 13 0 39 18 0) Cattle .I 754; 1'7 I 138 12 6 '79 11 0I149 11 0) 1124 12 Sheep . . 8719I o 12 1 0 2?65 126 5 Goats . 24 0 241 0 Swine . . 171 10 oj 6 01 5 5 Dogs . 83 15 01 6 5 01 930 0 Poultry . . 696 5 01 I 0seo(19 6i96 15 Wines .I 138 0 138 0 Farm & Dairy I I8't 0 .5 50 230 19 Aploulture '23 jg 0l 220 27 1 Horticulture 659 18 65~ 18 District I Exhibits I 1000 0 0 37 I 0 54L 1 1000 0 One-man Farnil 200 0 01? I One-womaln's I Worki .I 72 0 72 0- Fine AZrts 11 21 0 Artisans . 1i 1 Il 7 7 Schools .I 6, 11 Women's IH 1 3 Industries 0115 62 17 Leathres Wood (Thops I i 9 Sheep Dog :i : Trials 25 0 0 Tallow (~ofl- I ci 173 17 0 I 2 2I petitiun i 18 (P 0 Young Jidges' Confcllton I :1 ;( Militatry Evecntsi Weight (luessing 0 I*E2O4 11 0 I£573i 7 C. STATEMENT B. Prize Money Paid.(including Trophies) in connection with the 38th Annual Show, August, 1913.

£ s <1 £ s d £ s d| £ s d £ s Horses 780 9 0 145 6 0 76 13 0 39 18 0 1042 6 Cattle 620 2 (6 138 12 6 79 11 0 149 11 0 987 17 Sheep 87 0 0 12 1 0 26 5 0 125 6( Goats 20 0 0 20 0 Swine 91 10 0 6 6 0 5 5 0 103 1 Dogs 65 0 0 6 5 01 71 5 Poultry 207 11 7 0 10 6 208 2 Wines 83 0 0 83 0 Farm and Dairy 53 6 6 23 2 0 54 12 0 5 5 0 136 5 6 Apiculture 7 5 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 10 8 0 Horticulture 47 19 0 47 19 0 District Exhibits 480 0 0 480 0 0 One-Farm Exhibits 91 10 9) 5 5 0 96 15 9 Collection of One- Woman's Work 71 12 8 71 12 8 Fine Arts 17 17 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 21 0 0 Artisans 7 7 0 7 7 0 Schools 9 13 0 S6 9 0 7 17 6 6 14 0 30 13 6 Women's Industries .7 10 0 6 6r, 0 2 2 0 55 18 0 Leatheries 3 3 0 6 6 0 9 9 0 Wood Chops 60 15 0 60 13 0 Sheep Dog Trials 13 1 6 i11 18 6 25 0 0 Tallow 18 0 0 18 0 0 Young Judges 3 3 0 3 3 0 6 6 0 Military Events 71 0 0 71 0 0 Weight 7 5 0 7 5 0 14 10 0 Guessing j l£2939 17 6 | 390 17 0 | 268 11 0 1 204 11 0 3803 16 STAT EMEN T


is Excellency the Grover- Bank of New South Wles nor-Gneral (troph) 15 Ii o Baynes, lE. (trophy) .. hIis Excllency the G~over- Bridgei, John & Co., Liii1. nor of Quensland risbne Gns Co . (trophy)...... () Hayi\nes Iro.ro.... B~ibne Nespper Co. 11111 ,e Edwa;rdl & Sons (troph2)...... Chapnman & Co. (trophy) Cribb & Foote.... lropli)...... 21 0 O Camnrpbll & Sns, ,Janies Conllin, B. M...... itropliyj...... I 15 r o c:olibolt &: O)R'BIen1( tro- BRIisan 'P'rnwa ss Co. phy) Ltd...... I IS. (1 rCollins, Jon &r Sonls N~eWbrte~r & Soil...... 15 15 0) Inlally & Co., Ltd. .. hn~iry B~rry & Co.....I 12 12 0) ''IlilyS tandalrd''...... Finey, Isles &; Ca., TLii 12 12 () *'J iry Bulletin,'' Sdney lad, W.I...... 11 11 o (trophy)...... 5501 Camron, .1. '£10 and £t Eton & Co., . ~. 550 Is), (trophy £10) . . 11 1 o Eshnlagen, P. & E. C. Blume, E. G...... 10 10 o'1rne nd Gralzir" Brisbne Newspaper Co., (Sydny) a a (I O PI'p, Norman / Falrmcr'' Ltd...... 10 10 tT, Brisbne W~ol SllingR Ltd., Sydlny).... Brokrs' Assn...... 120 10 o Frmrs' Co-opraive Beirne &: Co., T. C:...... 10 10 o istriuting Co.. hlordrn & Si~ns...... 10 10 ) Uibson ros...... Lindeman,Ltd...... 10 10 o Gily, ...... Monrelwads, Til...... 10 10 o ltff~nung & Co S... New Zeland Lon &PM.. Hanrdy rs. (trophy) Co.. Ltd...... 10 10 0 lInI ton,.J. . Pb., TLd. Cyrli~ "The Pasliirall rvie~w' . 1 10 o honward Mlolr & Ro~inson, Sir ''iia C. rophy)...... trophJ)...... 10 10 O liii1. Mlrs. LTilmly (I ri- stewrt & Sons, TLt .,A 10 10 550~ Sulnday Times Nwlpapr .1 a O Insiinee )mee or AgIs~- cos. ,"B free'' . . . 10 10 T,, Clark, James~ 'lropII) . 10 0 O trlia...... Perry Bros. (iroph) . 8 8 Siturmfls, L~td...... 8 8 Brown & Broad.l...... () ( o) oIIil:niii Ban of1.\iie .trali 6 'Londlin~...... e e O) L~...... P'artnr .11111 ''rzir' o~ %cliirray,It. & W. Ltd. Nleilioiirmi C 0)

Co., Iii...... 5 5, 4ngas Trustees !trphy 5 5 () Co.~~l,Ltd...... Rank of Non inlOnenslanill 5 5 Sr, flirt & Co,.. i...... 5 5 Hro~wn, ''luo. & Snls, O Oer.llsLutd...... nun Bnnk of nI laslla;lfi I ro- 551 hy) ri 5 FRodrlh, F. K ..... 5 5 5 1) LIST OF PRIZE DON'ORS-Conltinuted ich, E. & Co., Ld.. 5 3 0 Kodak (Australia) Ltd.. 2 20O Rowe's, Ltd...... 55 0 Lysaht's Gala. Iron Pty., "Sydney Mail" ...... 55 0 Ltd...... 2 0 "Farmer's azete" 550 Laycok, Littledyke & Co. 2 0 Svcnsen, Capt...... 55 0 Lnd Newspaper (Sydney) 2 0 Thurlow, B. '. & o.. 5 5 0 Mlorrows Ltd ... 2 0 ''Town & cointry Jour- Mlaor of Brisbane (Aidl. nal"...... 55 0 H. logett) 2.. 0 Telegraphl N~spaper Co. 350 Mlclonnell & East ... 2 0 Union Bank of Austalia, Nisen, F. W'. (trophy) 2 Ltd...... 35 0) O'Shea, P. J...... 2 0, Walker, L,. E...... 3 5 0i Paul &~Gra, Ltd...... 2 I) Wests, Ltd...... 53 0 Quensland Pine Co. .. 2 0 \Villiamso,..CLd 5 Syms, P. .T...... 2 0 Wendt&Co W1. 35 0 ~Aeils, E:. &ECo., iLtdl. 2 0 idson, A\. trophy... 5 0 0 tear Dwson & C., 0 Province, Tijo~s...... 50 0 'trophy...... 2 Zoeller & Con., Ltd. ,tro- 0 phy)...... 5 0 Wi nhrIo.A '2 0 ''Stock &a 'in Journl'' 4 4 0 Story & Ransy...... 2 0 Sydneyr &C Melbourne Stne ,J.. inn...... 2 I, Publishing Go.. .. 4 4 0 "Anstralian M~eat Trades4 Reuter's Telegram Co., Revie"...... 2 0 Ltd...... 3 13 G, Tritton, F...... I Commercilnon A\ssur- A\nderson, A. (Orintal 0 ance Co...... 3l 3 0 Hiotel)...... I Frankel & Co., Philip . 3 3 0 Balls, S...... I 0r "Farm Bulletin Reader" 37 3 0 Clley, Mrs. I). (Shaml- 0 Gibbs, Bright & Go.. .3 37 0 r~ck Iotel)...... I .Johnson & Sons. .. 3 0 ChI~rk, Ct. C...... I .Jersey Entuisiast, i /o C~lirk, W. Treasury ''Farm liilltin'' lItel...... 10r Mloses Wardl & Sons ... Davey~),Illidaoy C...... 10O I hnovaltl ( Trarisent mni i: Mitchell, J. . tlrophly hleD...... I 1 0, Papwortli, Mlrs...... hInl'a, B...... I 1 0) Prkins & C'(., Ltd. Reid, obe~rt & Co., tdl. TIanlor Estats C., Lt. (trophy) Veil '~ral1Cnrriage Co.. Toas, Ms. .... FreeleagusII Bros.... ilysn, W. F., Mhl..n Webster, B...... G~itigiK &CSon., Ltd., Gerge Aust~rl Press~ &CAdrt lis - ingf, L~td...... Gijril yle, 1'iiss 1\f...... "Biling'' Iil...... l~tniirae, Mlrs.... Bryce, rLtd...... I7rt ~,Itc...... Ralyard & (:(...... Cooke & ie(., john .1 1li'c k & Gore.... hayesr, Owen r'ltcrmliIus hIotl' 110 Dany, V...... 1oliison, E. F. ( reshia~ni Dvies, II. II...... Elhiotbt Bros...... Foy & ~ibsoni Pt., Liii,. V'isit Steam~ Laundry~1'~ Lt.fl l.ahieys~ Ltd...... ciallalirF, MI ...... Issnecr, Miss .... GreCOjI, .1Iioll'~...... Maeky& o., ). / trophy...... 110 LIST OF PRIZR DONORS-Continued

Moore & MoMahon Thorne, W ...... (Palace Hotel) ...... Wiley, Mrs. S...... McKinnon, Mrs...... Bracker, H ...... McCook, R...... McVean, W. A...... MoGuire, B...... Massai, J...... Neylan, H. (Mayor of Williams, C...... South Brisbane) .... White, T. (Sportsman's O'Donohue (Union Hotel) Arms) ...... Raine, R ...... Coxon, G...... Raymond, A. J...... Gunn, D...... Ramsay, E. L...... Hill, Walter John ...... Smith & Paterson (trophy) Kemson, A. H...... Stewart, C. J...... 1 MacUonald, Dr. A. J . . . . Spencer, T. A...... 1 0


Comparative Statement from 1891 to 1913.

Donations Cash Prizes towards Yea. Cash ze Prizes Paid Entry Fffs. Members' Privileges and Sa(exclusive of subscriptions. 'aes. Space. i Trophies.)

18.11 807 10 0 274 11 (0 174 17 I) 835 11 0 263:8 0 2 251 16 8 18.32 1099 7 6 191 15 0 171 13 0 723 7 li 2091 15 7 453 0 0 1893 472 4 0 75 12 0 101 13 0 515 8 o 1254 4 9 270 18 3 1894 62'7 13 0 93 9 0 125 1 0 535 13 U 1715 8 3 280 7 9 1895 636 18 2 97 16 6i 140 11 0 565 16 0 1885 13 2 308 16 6 1896 76( 0 0 101 10 0 143 16 06 9 0 2020 12 4 279 12 8 1897 International Year 1898 619 13 0 85 11 6 120 0 4i 530 15 (I 1422 8 2 253 1 6 1899 787 15 6 162 17 0 200 7 0) 9 0 2201 10 5 344 10 0 1900 993 15 0 289 12 6 243 11 0) 7 (I 2296 19 9 483 9 4 1901 1325 15 6 412 10 6 263 14 0 8 (i 2234 0 3 473 5 9 1902 1209 7 0 445 15 0 253 5 1 570 1:3 i 1832 18 7 615 6 0 1903 1206 7 9 448 1 0 338 511 844 14 0 2457 7 0 910 8 9 1904 1885 0 9 459 14 6 357 311 H88311 fi 2535 3 3) 9830 18 6 1905 1568 1 0 489 1 0 449 7 11 928 4 (I 3063 16 8 1015 7 0 1906 1888 6 9 568 18 0 507 14 9 1117 I) II 3782 8 7 1399 17 0 1907 2017 2 6 484 17 6 737 7 1 1298~()2 6 (i 3960 17 0 1265 18 6 1908 2458 3 9 492 17 0 741 2 0 1487lll7 12 4i 4320 13 5 1840 4 8 *1900 83978 2 7 1021 15 9 934 19 5 2458 18 0 7488 11 9 2065 5 8 1910 2611 10 6 596 6i 0 889 7 (1 2009 2 6i 4633 14 1 1522 18 1 1911 8359 6 9 665 4 o 1038 14 9 2160 14 (i 4975 0 6 1609 1 8 1912 8516 6 0 687 13 6 1018 i9 4 2251 17 6 5701 16 10 1778 7 9 1913 3603 16 6 604 5 0 1133 17 11 13 6 |53J 16 4 S1769 5 11 * Jubll Year. GRAND STAND ACCOUNT.

EXPENDITU~RE. 4:ost in Books t 1st January, 1913 * £5i0 0 (3ranl tand Furniture, nd clock * 1PD £5828 00O

RECEIPTS. 5110ow Time: £~Ii Bar Piilege (Sow lime) 4a;terhig Privilege ~andry 11tpcipts * 9.3 £687 2 11



* i:C0 0 4) M ainicipal Hlt's Ini a' I £4644' 6

REC EIPT. l~iilt tsf I';r~l~l~,ck 1100 Rriit (IP Il~,use £69 2 0 __~~ STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and

RECEI PTS. £ s dl £ s. '

Commission on ala~ * 104) 3 II )onations * .1 133 t I I Eitry Fees G;rounds * s:i 1I3 4; (Itne Recipts Priilegers '7T7 1:1 Spac"! Charges Sundry Rcceii'ks * 251)R 14; () Subscriptions Interest

t2,279 4; Credit Balance ~ovt. ~avings st January, 113 iOO0 1 (4 Credit Balnc. Bank of Nrthi Quensland, 1st *Ianur, ' ci 12,68i 0 lr Blance, Bank of orthi Qucwei~- laud, 31st Dccniher, ~1: 281 4 :r

£12,h~ i',

J 441UN A. I IA YI:S, I Iqi. Trea1(~ 'Pt EXPEND)ITURE at 31st December, 1913


.\drtising . 1 1) (1

7 1 4)

4;tring . 418 8S 4 .) 1.)

Freigt . 1:I 14 4;

cieicrl Epenses 136i 11) ' hlire of Firnihiire 38 131 4; 88 1 9 3WO 11 4) Ii 51 ~n Yce .Ci~ :~ll'l 85 8 O

531 17 4

51)i 137 MIiihrs' BWadgi

Prizet A/e.~l .llc) 25r 14) 2

Ribbons 138 13 S;taps . JIll 15C5~ Sldijis) and7~Wa's. iB 3i ;I

95 !II 1

I:;lriillc~d *1111 I~lt cui'rcet tlis Ilfll hly ut It ii;i11y, I 914. ,ATINA LAljiculura (eIndustaal ~f~IAL'~i.Z~vASsociation of Queenslanod SHnEEP -M ERINOS

11th to 16th AUGUST, 1913 lne Woolled Rain East Talgai, lIendon Ewe C. C. clRrk 0.~ C. Clrk East Talga, Hendon CHAMPIONS OF Strong Woolled East Talgal, endnu QUEENSLAND Ram St'rong Woollel East Talgai, IIlnon H ORSES-BLOODS Ewe . C. Clrk 'I' . Clapprton '14'14IM'1, Nacnango Gr~nd Chamiuii East Blood Stallion "McILWRAITH" Ra~m TagCai, Hendon TROTTERS (tnd Chan~ipin rotting Stallion "DELAVAN VILES" Johln Ric Ewe East Talgl, Hndn Mare "STELLA CAMRPBELL' W. Ui. Ison irish&Ic LINCOLNS DRAUGHITS .. C. M~ayall Avonnlir, Pittswurtl Stallion "ROYALI SCOTCh' J. 1.Lon x X~Lulill a~ :.lallRIMa Avondle, Pitt sori I "CAIGIE CHARM"I 'land A Mare ogicl jul l BORDER ECETERI COBS (iorgo 'Inrtnll Warra Stallion "MlE DANG" X~a rra Mare "BUTTERUP" IT.Hb~n I r is haii,'~ ROMNEY MARSH P ON I El I,. Stallion I' I, Hr I41'' Mare ''TIIIXIE''II\:N lIribatie HACKI Flack "BENS ARNOLD" Plains, Lis- ANGORA GOATS 111(1 14( 'I 'AN" SSingle Ilarnel HARNESS HORSE ild4rJn lll, lrisbane is "MlAIIENGO"O Mliss E. 0. rury illon hlill. risbane Horse SADDLE PONY Saddle Pony i c4V~ SWVINE "M'ONA".HL HARNESS PONY IMPROVED BERKSHIRES Harness Pony *.V~ Y.1M11111SM N'' Itispital for Insane tioultia1; "A~YLI.'ul'OI~AI '' I''sl-,itdl for Insne l;id htIa, CATT LE- BEET Shorthorn Huh1 'LYNDRIIURST ROYAL PEER" C. E. Mlcoii~allIa\1c , Cowv 'OXI"OD'S DUCIES S 2nd''J. 1. loinax adlu TORKOHIRES Hereford Bull "LOD GLRE" C. iIlly 13l'II Ut li I "I' E 04 Cow *'EJPnESS'' .I. II .MJC(onel & (r.'l~roukl :-'4n TAMWO RTHS ' lIiAI 114114iKF II I TI"J' l-Ieneolnt A~sylunl I liliw~ie~l DAIRY 1 Ayrsire Bull ''IIIJYAL, PRINCE iiF MEROO'' J. &r . PI'tenl I ahl\crt "STIIAI 'HIll IKE c:1IEl:'NU'1 ' hI~nec~lent Asylum !)uIlwiiil Cow 'JAUTNTY OF' COOLAN- 5;1111414(1 lllns CArTTA" Jersey Bull "AIISTON1 )UE" DOGS E.uli ~ilru ii .%ltug~.uihl Cow PUrSY'S PIDE" Vu~iIIiiPa 'rcrluound Dog IiELEIIT'' A\. C. Ballt Milking Shorthorn "110 AL STA~N AR D" 'Pu, ~4 ~ Bitchi ''CII. TRANEN'!' .".IIII JEl~'' Bull S'VjIk, I 4JI1(14IlSetd 'eychoind Dog 'BENt.' 'Ott S. har~is Milkitng Shorthorn "M Bitch ELBAD." IS OIY' .hi. Keiclly K~ing SI.. S. ~risane Cow titr, Dog 'iBi i.' F'. N. Woodine Lncoln Red Cow "BR\C:EBIDUE~ II." 'lanI .Xgclricul- * huttonl Bitch "DA.IS" Nirs. A. .. Collins lalle 141 ______(iIlIJN I.B.Cadwl Illawarra Bull "YOL'tIC RICHIOND" NV. P'. Buron Bl, ingal roy Cow FYLOWER" 1. C:. Bowman Kiin Kin, Coc rPa Ii .NSOM~hE" I. Criste Enlogera Holstein Bull "UNITED STTE" Q'b~ld Agricul- titl on I. Christie "tlIe, Dog "H(I LNCE" Elogera tual College .. A\. Outhiwlte liedl Hill, Brisbane ,,Cow "IJUIESS Ncustlu' & An~lo- 'l4444g4olW'l) Bitch ".UYA\LL QU'EEN larck Edwardls ;uttle Dog, Dog R'INO;ER" lliln, Brisbne SWissi (:(III~IIsed N. Byre pswich~ Milk Co . ttle Dog, Bitch "LAS\SIE" NV. Bre Milking Competi- "ANC" NI cliii l*c hue. c.liuin~as Creck LI~II Terrier, Dog "AI)V lcEK" A. L. Stewart thou hlaziilton, ~risbane Mlrs, J. Llghtbody Th~lompon Estate. South Brisbane I

3 kldogS DogS "LORD ROBERTS" H. Ein iogarl, N..W. , 'Bitch "H. BANK~IDE GEMI" clarke &~ Pattrick Box 1471, G.P.i Sydney erier, Afrde, "BOOJOOM" DF. . . Brock- ickham Terra way Brsbane Terrier, Scottish, "UATHKIN RODERIC H.Liddell Stephens Road, Sot Dog Brisbane Terrier, Scottish, "CATHKIN ORAG" H. jldrll Stephens Roadl, Soii" Bitch Brisbane Terrier, Irish, Dog "OH. TWISTER" 4 . .. Stevetnson Indloorooplly Bitch "RASDIANCE" C:. .. Stbevenson Indooroopilly STerrier, Fox, Dog "O:H. U;LEDO N b,1t KB" Isiiai' I11m lpswich Terrier, Fox, Bitch "IRETON IRANIAr" H. .\. .Misgravc 16 Bond S~t., Sydne. Trrier, Australa- "O. UN(ION BOXEIR sian, Dog V. .1. Gonrman P~trie Terrac, Bri.( i( Terrier, Australa- "LADY LAIINOTO N :. F. Wood 1291 Gregor'y Trrerrac. sian, Bitch Brisbane Spaniel, Cocker, "KIARO BANG" Dog Spaniel, Cocker, "KOTUPNA RUBRY" A\. T. oyes iIrisl~ane Pug, Dogr, "ROY" I l'i' 0111't SI, eu B:. I loctocr t~ia ro Bit cli 'BLA,.CKi PRINCEISS" l~remiirt St.Neu Frm POULTRY Plymoth Bock, S~ing~le Comb, .. . hansings Silkstonc, Ipsich Barredt Plymouth Rock, Single Comb,. stili Mororook, S.C.L. White WVyandott, White Ii' .. Luidley Orpinton, Black, Cock \V'. ~ind Hrsrker t., ockamp tin Orpington, Black, Hen II. Cono~ Moury St., NewV Frm Leghorn, Brown A\. L,. SI ecwart Ilaitton, Brisbne Leghorn, White, Cockerel A.. aberts 4loodlna Leghorn, White, Pullt A.Atl Mloorook, .C.L. Old Engflish Game A\. Pries I hy \nn St., Vlley Indian Game, Hen A .C mm in g Atiglrov, Brisbane Indian Game, Pullet :. chanrsern, Jun. Esk Modern Game Bantams li.I. OI,,rterls 'PI'cwrs Old Enlish Came Bntaom~ c I istr Indian Runner nIclt .i. Sodern Bronzewing Tu'lrkeyA.'. trs Pigeon, rao n .. .\. Lan Pigeon, Show Homer1 i..I \~'icktiamnn 'erric, lRrisb~roei Pigeon, Fantail .WY Pigeon, Miapie . ra ~iahmr Doze]!I~l \'ictoria t., Fairnld Pigeon, Tunl~~r..iale '1'ti ouis St.r~,ed lull n Pigeon, Baldliead D.A Cnar . Yorkshire ao'l Canary. Norwic, Pharinhead .1 F h Canar, C~ret Bred C os ton V'ilitirs St., e~wFarm Cnry, Norwichi Crested C.hr WVIN LS Hock .\iidrey X'lkinscin & C Piothlin. N.S.WV. Claret Pentold & Co Port Penflold & Co. Sherry
