1920 Annual Report

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1920 Annual Report ATIOAL Agicultural and Industril 3iI Association of Queensland. * Specially Authorised Society. t 4 9 4 4 4 i 9 p 9 of* 9 t 9 1]1 4 V 0 .S' ROLL, t 9 )NORS and V J $ ITATI'EME NT S If I 4 Ii I 9 1 To be submitted to the * ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, TUESDAY. 1st FEBRUARY. 1921 i OFFICES: 3rd Floor, Courier Duidng, ~Queen Street, Brisbane. I TELEPHONE 5500. i SHOW GROUNDS: Dowen Park. I'''--~ r ~ TELEPHONE-'ly1651, H R.H. the Prince of Wales at the National A.& I. Association's Exhibition, 28TH JULY, 1920 Front o', left to right \. .Tliji I ll;Ioi Ioi. .T.1 illc. \I I '. .1. ~'viic. V t T.i e~'i;l Iit I, SIr. 1Iilct Second BoK, left to right--\Mi. Rot. JO!( e. '.1. G cu W\auli~ I lIo. Sleitnil .i. ~. Ii iro, Mi'.. \\~.. ffle. NMr. .Lvrai~I c'otrs Il~cutCr .A .Agcnt . I-ca v Adii al ii LjuciiellI~IxIlu . X(loi \ .I.l~ok ('lijet Inai~uetou c'1;iikoiii.l.1. I'. I'(,uitluiiuili'v aiuli NI. II. ~. 1'iill.. Back ow-JI. .1. aiii utar'~~cl I\. K. L. Kj ~cri en 11ic I. S~. I)et . Ari tlt inC'. MII. (.. B. 1'ikoR.OtJI. j~ __6__ ___ ~___~________ _~_ _____ __ _~_ ~_ ;_~_; ~~ _( _ _ _ ia I Indust N~tional AgrcUturaAsociation of7Queenl.and I Patron : His Excellency the Rt. Hon. H. W. J. BARON FORSTER, *1 P.C., K.C.M.G., Governor-General and Commander-in-Cbief of the Commonwealth of Australia. ijis Excellency the Rt. Hon. Sir MATTH EW NATH AN, G.C.M.G., P.C., overnor of Queenmlqnd. COUNCI'L, 1920. President : C.HARLES E. McDOUGAL, REq. V Vice-Presidents : * Id P'. J. SYMES, Esq. L W. M. CHARLE, Ees. Obinnn: Hon. Tresaur: I., E. BAYNE, Esq. P. FRANKEL, Rleq. Clommittee : W. J. FFLECK, Req. J. HIRON, eq. R. T. BELL, eq. R. JOYCE, Req. J. P. BOTTOMLEY, Req. J. MACDONALD, eq. H. BROOKE~, Req..- A. T. NOYRS, eq. H. S. CRIBB, Eq. C. R. PICKWORTH, Req Trutees: Sir A. S. COWLE, Kt. U. AlLEY, Eeq. nn VA*.aim4Ba,' lnaun! IE~ oalrsr: Mesrs. OSSOR6NE & wAUGH,. ..i ".T:' I r SPECIALSPECIAL NOTICE. Members are -notifiednotified that the Annual General Meeting willwrill be held in the Association's Offies,Offices, (3ourierCourier Building, at 3 p.m. on Tuesdy,Tuesday, 1st February, 1921. ft- 1st FTebruary, 192. 1. * 4 Nominations for Members of (3ounilCouncil Closelose 10th January, 191.1921. JT. BAIN, ecretary. ;.' L 45th Annual Report OF THE COUNCIL OF THE National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland For the Year 1920. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, OUR COUNCIL have more than ordinary pleasure in submitting their Annual Report and Financial Statement for the year 1920. Perusal of the Financial Statement submitted i t hil in1 l h-l/\ th l >t f/~/yiii*P t hlji *r^ h ellIWIIll Will IIUW LllaLb VllUvI ll UI1 ll yJV l exceeds by over £10,000 that of any previous one-not excepting the Jubilee Year Show of 1909 with its two weeks gate takings. Weather conditions during Show week were perfect, and possibly influenced the great good nature with which the visitors tolerated the crowding and pushing to which all were subjected. That not one accident, of even a minor nature, was reported speaks volumes for the organisation by the Police Force on the ground, assisted by your own staff. Amongst the visitors were representatives of every State in the Common- wealth and not a few from overseas. Sixteen visiting press representatives and special photographers had opportunity given them of noting the marvellous productivity of Queene- land's soil, and their expressions of astonishment showed how impressed they were with the illimitable possibilities of our State. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Starting the year 1920 with a bank debit of £933/3/5, we ,1 have not only paid this amount off, but in addition have expended £6,535/9/7 upon Permanent Improvements, £1,121/17/9 was paid towards the purchase of property in |, Gregory Terrace, £80 for Folding Chairs, and we finish the year with a bank credit of nearly £1,000. As before stated, the position is very satisfactory. Our revenue totalled £26,312/18/3, the expenditure, including the items previously referred to, amounting to £24,404/13/11. Gate takings were responsible for £11,374, as i compared with our next best on record, £7,208. Members' Subscriptions, including nomination fees, total £4,821, as compared with the previous best record of £2,548. Donations to the Prize Fund were of exceptionally generous proportions, totalling within a few shillings of £1,200, as compared with £991, the previous record. Entry Fees increased by nearly i; £200, Ground Rents by nearly £500, Privileges by £200 and ; Space Rents by £200. Expenditures were necessarily heavy, 3 as will be noted upon reference to our Statement of Revenue and Expenditure, but every care was exercised in dealing with the various items. TIIE PRINCE'S VISIT. The arrival in Queensland of Il.R.I. the Prince of Wales this year, and his visit to our Exhibition, is an epoch in the State's history from which in future prominent events will be dated. Possessed of a personality which charmed all with whom he came in contact, it was universally admitted that Britain could not have choseli a more fitting ambassador than His Royal Highness. He specially honoured your Association by officially opening the Annual Exhibition, and as he devoted several hours of his all too limited time to a close inspection of the primary products and live stock of our State, we cannot other than feel that our 1920 Exhibition will never be forgotten by the Prince, and are sure it will never be forgotten by those : who had the pleasure of meeting him there. That it has done much to advertise our State cannot be gainsayed The Prince, accompanied by his Suite, representatives of the Federal and State Parliaments, and other officials, arrived ! at the Museum gates at 11 o'clock, on Wednesday, 28th July, and after introduction to members of your Council, immediately entered the Annexes, where lie spent over an hour inspecting the District and One Man Farm exhibits, the Government Displays, and the many displays made by individual exhibitors ,- k*l ^ f ^ y^t'fWA ^^^'^^^-f~ ..-.- .- • 4'.. and business houses. It was noted that the Prince appeared to be as keenly interested in the individuals responsible for the exhibits as in the exhibits themselves and expressed a wish to meet both the ladies and gentlemen responsible for the wealth of primary products shown. Immediately the inspection of the Annexes exhibits terminated, the Prince, accompanied by his suite, departed by way of the Museum Gardens and entering the Show Grounds at the lower gate was driven twice around the ring where nearly 100,000 Australians gave him a reception of such enthusiastic warmth that we doubt if he will ever forget it. Upon arrival in front of the Grand Stand, the Prince was received by a Naval Guard of Honour and afterwards con- ducted by your President, Vice-Presidents, Chairman and Members of Council to the dais where he was officially welcomed and presented with a charmingly executed address, beautifully illuminated, and worded as follows:- To His Royal Highness, Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David, Prince of Wales, Earl of Chester in the Peerage of England, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of C'arrick and Baron of Renfrew in the Peerage of Scotland, Lord of the Isles and Great Steward of Scotland, K.G., P.C., C.M.M.G., G.M.B.E., M.C. May it please Your Royal Highness It is with keenest gratification that, as representatives (of the National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland, we have the honour of welcoming you to Queens- land, a State which we justly consider to be one of the richest jewels in the great Empire over which you will one day he ailled upon to rule. In the wealth of her natural resources, Queensland has Ino peer; she is a land of boundless possibilities, with unlimited areas of rich unoccupied agricultural and pastoral lands, a land where every mineral is known to exist, a land rich in forest areas, and with abundance of everything except the hundreds of thousands of people whom our lands are well fitted to support in affluence-ani whom we hope to welcome, in annually increasing numbers, to our sunny shores. At this, our 44th Annual Exhibition, we present for your inspection examples of live stock equalling the best raised in any part of the world, anl the variety and quality of the farm and dairy produce submitted to-day cannot other than impress you with the boundless possibilities of our State. Althougj so young conmmercially, the display of Queensland manufactured goods exhibited in our pavilion is eloquent testimony of the energy and p)erseverance of Queensland manufactures. We do homage to you as representing our Most Gracious bov\ereign, and pray that you will accept assurance of our devotion and allegiance to the Throne. The people assembled here to-day join with the members of our Association in similar assurance. Signed, on behalf of the National Agricultural and S:lstri;l Assu,'iit ion of Queensland. (Si.tied) ('. E. McDOIGALL, President. I':iHNET RAYNES, 'hairman. J. BAIN, Secretary. At exactly noon on Wednesday, 28th July, His Royal Highness stepped to the front of the dais and, after expressing his appreciation of the welcome tendered him, declared our 44th Annual Show officially open-an announcement which was received with the greatest enthusiasm by the thousands present.
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