'4 & *1 4 Che LnUc Secrctap mr. R.RlrutI ~CiR Kamerunqa (Cairns) Tropical State Nursery Exhibit. NT; II ei~ IZI=C ,2C iig - 4~1 tok experiment ttion Exhibit. _ ____~I __ iv, 4 U.- :~~~' . I- - n .4. ' Wn. Wwihit - ---- 7- - [tio l l Tigriculturcl and IndustriaI d 1ssociation of Queensknd Patrona: His rxcellency the lRt. lion. Thomas Baron Denlmcin P.C., Gj C.M.aj., G.C.V.O., (overair-Gnerll ndl (:oniir~iiderll-inCijict of the (oinowcih of 1ustroii. is [xcellency 5ir William Macregor, COC M Ci, C I , \I I) ftc., (ovrnot of Queeislcild. Coutici I, 1913. President: Vice-Presidents: Chairman : Hon. Treasurer: Comm ittee : Trustees: Hon. Veterinary Surgeon: Hon. Slolicitors: Sertry: - -- I I-~ ------- -- i----_ __ C 38th Tnnual Report 01 THE COUNCIL. O1 Til i 1 Agricultural and industrial 1N ato10na1 Association of Queensland For the Year 1913 LAL)IES AND GENTLEMEN. OUR COUNCIL have pleasure in submitting their thirty-eighth Annual Report and Financial State- ment for the year ending 31st December, 191:1, and it ogives them much pleasure to once more con- gratulate the members on the progress and continued success of tie Association. Opening Ceremony. The Exhibition was opened on Wednesday, 1lth August, by His Excellency Sir Wm. MacGregor, G.C.M.G., C.B., M.D., who was attended by a Guard of Honour from the H.M.A.S. "Melbourne," and the Commonwealth District Champion Cadet Team (Norman Park), who carried the banner present- ed by Lady Dudley. Other distinguished visitors included Lady and Miss MacGregor, His Excellency Sir Gerald Strick- land (Governor of New South Wales), Capt. L'Estrange Silver (H.M.A.S. "Melbourne"), Lady Morgan, members of the Queensland Ministry, Sir Pope Cooper (Chief Justice of Queensland), Archbishop Donaldson, Archbishop Duhig, and Colonel Lee (State Military Commandant). The ceremony was conducted, as in previous years, in the ring in front of the Grand Stand. The Secretary, Mr. C. A. Arvier, read the following address :- May it. please your Excellency, \' have much pleasure, on behalf of the Council and Members, in ,.xhending to you and Lady MacGregor our heartiest welcome on the occ'asin of ofour 38th Annual Show, the fourth year you have honoured us by accepting the position of Patron to our Association, and we gratefully acknowledge the kind assistance voluntarily rendered to us tby yt,.ur Excellency in many details of our work. W\' also desire to extend a warm welcome to His Excellency the (,\,('vrnir of New South Wales, Sir Gerald Strickland, and to express our iplasure at his visit to Queensland on this occasion. II. is pleasant to record the continued prosperity of this State. The great increase in the dairying section is remarkable in this year's Show, the Butter House holding the largest number of individual entries ever known, and the Milking Tests in the Dairy Cattle Section containing a rcord not equalled in any other State in the Commonwealth-viz., 20 cows ciiniipet.ing for the prize for the cow averaging the greatest daily yield of butter-fat for 4.i hours. The phenomenal increase in the Live lock entries has taxed to the utmost the ground space, necessitting ijililitional horse boxes, fat cattle pens, dairy and beef cattle stalls, sheep and swine pens. The Commonwealth of Australia, for the first time, is taking part in our Show, sending an exhibit from Papua and Northern Territory. 're Queensland Government is showing a display of 76 models of $aniary Appliances procnred by the Commonwealth Government fronm tihe Royal Sanitary Institute, London, which will exhibit the latest scientile arrangements. The Agricultural Department's section is as extensive as ever, giving once again a wonderful display of products frimn North, South, and West Queensland. A heautiful exhibit of oranges, pineapples, and bananas is being shown by the fruit-growers of tihe Blackall Range and tihe North Coast Line, comprising over one thousand cases of these fruits. Ini thie District Exhibits, "B" Grade, there are five entries, including iliree new competitors who have never shown previously-viz., Wondai, Boonahm, and Higgenden-the old friends being Laidley and Kingaroy. 'l'the tidal entries number 7,000, constituting a record, while the eimtry fees amount to £1,t15, as compared with £1,018 last year. One Elf the new features of the Show is the Tallow Competition for tallow rendered from pots, and from digesters. An inlhresting feature of the Show is the One-Woman's Work, this year there being eight competitors-four town and four country-as agaiminsi fsImmr competitors last year. 'Thte miachuimery is very miich improved, the total value of mnactiniiery (in the grouIndls being estimated at £60,000. The ring events promise to be very much more attractive than ilm'iviilmms years, anI will include Sheep Dog Trials and Military Evimits 'i I110i Setrlday a flernoon. Tthere are fourteen Blood Horses competing for the Governor- General's Irojihy for the Champion Blood Horse of Queensland, and in 1ieIb Iraughmt Horse Section for aged Draughts, in one class there are 27 conpetiors. It is estimated the Live Stock exhibited will total 2,600 tIead. It is expected that this Show will equal, if not smrpims, any lprEviols 4,119. T'hie extended space granted by the (ioyerpnmumet-p ? a(rE, se'cur'ed from the Aeclimnatisation (Irounds-is fully icejlpled, ;muil t1at liifit 111P' 0 P0111 is Ile'eit fir Cutifre ciltlingEmnciEs is already apparent. liir' aminil 'elm lihiulfC tf thE Uiiitcil,I .1. .1 nIIN.Il) Chimnrm mn I . A. Alivi\ER Seretary. Arni His Excelleuicv Sir Wmut. Mac( regor read the f llow- ing rel: I thanilk you sincerely toP Fullr kidl welliuu to mUmywife mmd mnyself to yo ur TIhirty-eighthm .nnumal Show. Kne winug as I do tume grat immportance io t 1 datiryinug industry In facilitating the closer selllemuent ut thls State, I rejoice with you in the magniftcent exhibition we lhavc in Ihe I iry E atIl Sect ion, a clear record both as to quantity and quality. I j ohm with yi u in appreciation of t le act ion et the Comnmonwealhm iovrnnment in sending exhibits from the Northern Territory and frin PmpuN, cuIIInt ries to which too nmuch attention cannot he given, for qimistioin itof \ery grave immpiortance for Australia are oimcineteul Withi hoth .sides of Torres Straits. Tue arlicles shown by tile State Government are of interest in thliemiseves, l' and titake manirest to uis that the Government recognises the great educative value of this National Show. The fruit-growers 6f the North Goast Line iiay well be congratulated on te inagniicent exhibits they have prepared with so much care and trouble. It. is on such a large scale as to show us the line average quality of their products, wtichi are not merely selected show specimens. The lIve district exthitis are very remarkable, each in itself an interesting show, for, combined, they would form an instructive exhibition, were there nothing else on the ground. (Applause.) The One-Womian's Work Cttiiipetition is itne tf great interest. Nothing I I ave seen at the many district shows I have visited has so much excited my admiration as the w(tnderfitl versatility, cleverness, and resource of our women in the country in all that makes a lite bright, beautiful, and comfortable. The imiprovements you note in machinery is gratifying. Perhaps the day miay conic when it may be possible to show farming implements actually at work in a field. I notice with imiuch pleasure that there is such warm competition for te inne trophy so generously given by His Excellency time Governtr-GeInmeralI for the champion blood horse of mLimnsland. I respectfully offer sincere and hearty congratulations to ihe cotncil on tihe marked success of this Show. Events have shown heat you acted withi siittiti jutlgment and courage in never hesitating in lti face atf wtat tthreat'mied at one timmie to lbe a troublesome epidemic. I recognise in your wi rk connected wit I this National Show a great adt valuable public service, hlich, at tie cost of much time and trouble to yourselves, you Ihavi relndered to the State and to Australia. I have grat pleautire in declarimig thtie Exhibition open. Cheers were given for the two Governors, and Sir Wm. MacGregor then distributed the principal trophies to the var- ioUs winners. Official Luncheon. The Official Luncheon this year was again held in the Exhibition Concert Hall, and was a very' representative gather- ing, some 375 guests being seated. The President, Sir Ar- thur Morgan, occupied the chair, and proposed the toast of "The King," which was enthusiastically honoured. Mr. Frankel, in proiposing the loast of tIme "Governor," couplitig with it also the name of Lady MacGregor, expressed the pleasure the itimcil of t te Assn atnI ''i had int we lctmning to that Sh ow Sir Williaim anI Lady MacGregor. Sir William MacGregor not only totik a keen itn terest in tie Shows of Ithtat Association, bitt, also, he was .t fretjeuent visitor it tmany of the miost imip'trtamt c'tutty shows throughout ttit State. Applause. tHis hExcelleticy utlsit was deeply inlaresled in everytthing that mtade rftr the *dimatlotial anal industrial welfare oft thi' Stite. Intlee, that callricltertstc hIatt catistid Sir Willm It ac iregor's Iunite to he itIioutireh itt the various otier parts of tthe Empire iin which tie haIld resiteti. Hut ie venluriieih tn say tItat in no part tif the world was Sir Will i am .\hacirlerg'rtx's namIe mIore honoured ItthtI it was in )ucenslatid . Loud Atlause. His Excellency IIiatiakedt t titise present ft ir tlh e kind mantner in whict Ihey had recived Itie tast.
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