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UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES POSTAL ADDRESS ADRES5E POSTALE: UNITED NATIONS, N.r. 1OQIT CABLE ADDKEM ADRCMK TELECKAPHIOUE: UNATIONft NEWYOftK EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL CABINET DU SECRETAIRE GENERAL Rm. S-3840A - Tel. (212) 963-5495 -- FAX (212) 963-1185 RCFIMNCC: 14 January 2002 Dear Mr. Scognamiglio, I write in reply to your recent letter to the Secretary-General inviting him to deliver the keynote speech of the Aspen European Dialogue in Venice on 5 April this year. As you know, the Secretary-General is thoroughly familiar with the Aspen Institute and the quality of its programmes. I regret to advise you, however, that prior commitments prevent him from accepting your kind invitation to join you. On behalf of the Secretary-General I should nonetheless like to extend to you and to the participants in this year's European Dialogue his best wishes for productive discussions. Yours sincerely, Gillian Martin Sorensen Assistant Secretary-General for External Relations Mr. Carlo Scognamiglio Chairman Aspen Institute Italia Rome 20/12 '01 11:56 FAX 066796377 ASPEN ROMA I 121002 Aspen DEC 2J) 2001 Institute Italia Carlo Scognamiglio Chairman December 19,2001 Dear Secretary General, I am pleased to inform you that Aspen Institute Italia is organising the eleventh edition of the ' Aspen European Dialogue international conference, to be held on April 5-7, 2002 at Fondazione • . Cini in Venice. The meeting will open on Friday afternoon, April 5, closing with a lunch on | i Sunday, April 7. Aspen European Dialogue is Aspen Institute's most important event in Europe, gathering representative figures from political, economic and industrial arena at a European and international level; this initiative aims to stimulate in-depth discussion on crucial subjects regarding the building of the European Union from a political and economic pointsof view. Please find attached a list of selected participants to previous editions of the event. The key subjects for the discussion include Europe's new challenges after September 11, the institutional reforms, the role of the Union as an international actor with particular regard to security and defence policies. Furthermore, ample space will be devoted to the new challenges for enterprises in the new economic framework and the necessary order for a multicultural European society. The debate will conclude with a session dedicated to me role of the new generations in the frame of a Union close to the people. A detailed agenda will follow as soon as available. In accordance with Aspen tradition, the number of participants should not exceed 70 amongst our Italian and international Trustees and other important guests. Moreover, the press will not be admitted to the discussions and media representatives attend the conference at a personal level; this policy aims at encouraging open exchanges and each participant can intervene in a confidential atmosphere. The Hon. Kofi Annan Secretary General United Nations Organisation New York Piazza dei SS. ApostoH 49, 00187 Rome, Italy tel: +39.06,6796350 fax: +39.06-6796377 Via Carduca 2,20123 Milan, Italy tel: 1-39.02.72010095 fax; +39.02.72010097 20/12 '01 THU 04:56 [TX/RX NO 9811] @]002 ^ 20/12 '01 11:56 FAX 066796377 ASPEN ROMA We would be very pleased if you accept to join us during the keynote speech scheduled on Friday, April 5,2002 before dinner: if you wish, we may define together the topic you prefer to discuss. Marta Dassu, Policy Programs Director ([email protected]) is available for further details on the agenda. In addition, Alessandra Iacd.no, Program Manager of the event [email protected] is available should your staff require further information on the event- In looking forward to hearing from you soon/1 send my best regards. Sincerely, Carlo Scognamiglio 20/12 '01 THU 04:56 [TX/RX NO 9811] i]003 20/12 '0! 11:56 FAX 066796377 ASPEN ROMA ^ . , 1&1004 Aspen Institute Italia SOME PARTICIPANTS TO PREVIOUS ASPEN EUROPEAN DIALOGUE CONFERENCES Giovanni Agnelli, Honorary Chairman, FIAT, Turin; Madeleine Korbel Albright, Former Secretary of State, Washington, DC; Giuliano Amato, former Italian Prime Minister/ Rome; Juan Carlos Aparicio Perez, Minister of Labor, Madrid; RolfE. Breuer, Group Spokesman, Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt; Zbigniew Brzezinski, Robert E. Osgood Professor of American Foreign Policy, SAIS Paul NTitze School of Advanced International Studies,Washington, DC; Carl Eildt, former UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for the Balkans, Geneva; Guido Calabresi, Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, New Haven; Sergio Cofferati, Secretary General, CGIL, Rome; Jean-Marie Colombani, Editor, Le Monde, Paris; Vitor Constancio, Governor, Banco de Portugal, Lisbon; Francesco Cossiga, former President of Italian Republic, Rome; RalfDaharendorf, Non-Executive Director, Bank Gesellschaft Berlin, London; Etietme Davignon, President, Societ<§ General de Belgique, Brussels; Ferruccio De Bortoli, Editor, Corriere della Sera, Milan; Guido De Marco, President of the Republic of Malta, Naxxar; Rodrigo De Rato Figaredo, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance, Madrid; Antonio De Sousa, Chairman of the Board, Caixa General de Depositos, Lisbon; Jean-Luc Dehaene, former Prime Minister of Belgium and Advisor to the President of the European Commission for Institutional Reforms, Brussels; Jacques Delors, President, Task Force on Education for the 21th Century, UNESCO, Paris; Rudi Dornbusch, Ford Professor of Economics and International Management, MIT, Cambridge, MA; Umberto Eco, Writer, Professor of Semiotics, University di Bologna, Bologna; Bill Emmott, Editor, The Economist, London; John Evans, Secretary General, Trade Union Advisory Committee-OECD, Paris; Antonio Fazio, Governor, Banca dltalia, Rome; Jean-Paul Fitoussi, President, OFCE, Paris; Franco Frattini, Public Administration Minister, Rome; Paolo fresco, President, FIAT, Turin; Baltasar Garzon, High Court Judge, National Court of Spain, Madrid; Anthony Giddens, Director, London School of Economics, London; Valery Giscard d'Estaing, former President of French Republic, Paris; Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, President, ENI- Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi, Rome; Mary Hamey, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Dublin; 20/12 '01 THU 04:56 [TX/RX N0 ASPEN William A. Haseltine, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Human Genome Sciences, Rockville, MD; Lord Haskins, Chairman, Northern Foods, Hull; Hans-Olaf Henkel, Vice President, Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e V., Cologne; Samuel Huntington, Chairman, Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, Cambridge; Lord Hard ofWestwell, former UK Secretary of State, London; Ove Hygum, Minister of Labor, Copenaghen; Karl Lanters, Member of the Bundestag, Berlin; Antonio Maccanico, Minister for Institutional Reform, Rome; Claudia Magris, Writer, Professor of German Language and Literature, University di Trieste, Trieste; Mario Monti, Commissioner for Competition, European Union, Brussels; Amre M. Moussa, Secretary General, The Arab League, Cairo; Giorgio Napolitano, President, Constitutional Affairs Committee, European Parliament, Brussels; Giinther Nonnenmacher, Publisher, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt; Tommaso Padoa Schioppa, Member of the Executive Committee, European Central Bank, Frankfurt; Massimo Ponzellini, Vice President, European Investment Bank, Luxembourg; Romano Prodi, President, European Commission, Brussels; Jordi Pujol, President, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona; Pedro Ramirez Codina, Editor, El Mundo, Madrid; Cesare Romiti, Chairman, RCS Editori, Honorary Chairman, Aspen Institute Italia, Milan; Renato Ruggiero, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rome; Paolo Savona, Professor of Economic Policy, Universita Luiss Guido Carli, Vice Chairman, Aspen Institute Italia, Rome; Rudolf Scharping, Minister of Defense, Berlin; Otto Schily, Minister of the Interior, Berlin; Henning Schulte-Noelle, Chairman of the Board, Allianz, Munich,- Horst Siebert, President, Kiel Institute of World Economics, Kiel; Allen Sinai, President and Chief Global Economist, Decision Economics, New York; Ttieo Sommer, Publisher, Die Zeit, Hamburg; Luigi Spaventa, President, Consob, Rome; Lucio Stanca, Minister for Innovation Technology, Rome; Hanna Suchocka, former Minister of Justice, Warsaw; Peter Sutherland, Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International, Co-Chairman, BP Amoco, London; Hans Tietmeyer, former President, Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt; Giulio Tremonti, Minister of Economy, Rome; Jean-Claude Trichet, Governor, Banque de France, Paris; Karel Van Miert, former Commissioner for Competition, Brussels; Antonio Vitorino, Commissioner for Justice and Internal Affairs, European Union, Brussels; Franz Vremitzky, former Chancellor of Austria, Special Advisor, Westdeutsche Landesbank, Vienna. Media representatives participate in the conference at a personal level. 20/12 '01 THU 04:56 [TX/RX NO 9811] ®005 20/12 '01 11;55 FAX 068796377 ASPEN ROMA . .. _ Aspen Institute Italia TEL: (39) 06 6796350 FAX: (39) 06 6796377 A I To: The Hon. Kofi Annan Secretary General Societa I United Nations Organisation Company: Fax n°: op I .&[£/ Da I From: Prof. Carlo Scognamiglio, Chairman Data I Date: 19-12-2001 N° pag: (compresa presente I including cover) MESSAGGIO / MESSAGE: Piazza SS« Apostoli, 49 00187 Rome, Italy tel: (39) 06 6796350 fax (39) 06 6796377 20/12 '01 THU 04:56 [TX/RX NO 9811].