Flora Nwapa (Nwakuche), Novelist, Short Story and Children's
,--- . ' / FLOiiA NWAPA (13 Janua~~ 1931~ I /J (..;.fa.:.t.-S Gay Wilentz \~t ,~:;· East Carolina University ',_ ... .,,..,.,.,.., 1-- I' ··- -- ,.:~- ....~- , -iJ • - • ' .... _ !., {"' ,.._., .t l ft+----,# .,. (',... - "', -77 --- /' ue,G ,..,..._:., L-.': ~ . -.... '!l'· - 1 iJI ~ ~1-:, ::;.- t ·,:,, z-2.J/ -- -__,__ . BOO~S: Efuru ___ LLo.n~on: Heinemann,._ 1966); Idu (London: Heinemann£ dt~cc-.f10 it ... r~ (' ., --;··,.: ·:;:·;:.~ ~,,-,{~ J ~, I 6~c ¼. s L.P -.:,~~--~'--~~~--~ -crifiJ. a fi.,_e;(· -' ~ <J ~., ~ - . r.--'71 { 1970); This is Lagos (Enugu: Ni9eria:- Nwamife, 19·;1); Never Again ~/1' /\ (Enugu: Nwamife, 1975; Washington, D.C.: Three Continents Press, U.S. distribution); Wives at war (Enugu: Tana Press, 1980; - . A Washington, D.C.: Three Continents Press, U.S. distribution); One 1s Enough (Enugu: Tana Press, 1981); Washington, D.C.: Three London, 1972); ~~~~x_~ateE (Enugu: Tana Press, 1979; Washington, D.C.: Three Continents Press, U.S. distri bution); The Advent ures ,:::1 () .,. Ct. of Deke (Enugu: Tana Press, 1980); Journey to Space (Enugu: 'P-a1're ·. ., ' 't. \ rt.v.l~r~ '-;~,_a"/n r. I \ 12&0ss-, 1980); The Miracle Kittens ( Enugu: Tana Press, 1980). J / - '"'"--- I\- -------- - -- -- --------------- - ---- ------ -- . .. - · ---------· - - --- Flora Nwapa (Nwakuche), novelist, short story and children's book writer, publisher, is best known as Nigeria's first woman nove l ist and the first African woman writer to publish a nove l in Eng lish (Eturu 1966). Although early crit i cs of African 1 literature did not recognize the significance of her work, Nwapa now is widely praised for her ability to adapt the English language to capture the flavor of the Igbo idiom. Nwapa brings 0 "1 a fresh perspective ca.
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