Department of History Georgia State University P.O. Box 4117 Atlanta GA 30302-4117 USA

404/413-6355 [email protected]


Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins University, 1991, History. Dissertation: “Liberalism and the Rule of Law: Protest Movements, Public Order, and the Liberal Government, 1905-14.” Advisors: Professor David Spring, 1982-89; Professors Vernon L. Lidtke and R.K. Webb, 1989-90.

M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1984, History. First year paper: “Law, Conflict, and Class: The Syndicalist Prosecutions in Britain, February-June 1912.” Examiners: Professors Philip D. Curtin (modern world), Robert Forster (modern France), Vernon L. Lidtke (modern Germany), and David Spring (modern Britain).

A.B. Harvard College, cum laude, 1979, History and Literature. Senior paper: “William Morris, History, and the Working Class, 1871- 1896.” Junior paper: “Homage to Robert Tressell.” Advisor: Timothy J. Toohey.

Dip. St. Paul’s School, magna cum laude, 1975.


Associate professor, Georgia State University, 1999- . Instructor, University of , Fall 1995. Assistant professor, Georgia State University, 1990-99. Lecturer, University of Delaware, 1988-90. Instructor, The Johns Hopkins University, Spring 1988. Instructor, University of Delaware, 1987-88. Teaching assistant, The Johns Hopkins University, 1983-84, 1986-87.

Fellowships, Grants, and Honors

1 Best special issue award (co-recipient) for Our Americas: Cultural and Political Imaginings, Radical History Review 89 (2004), Council of Editors of Learned Journals, 2004. Research initiation grant (History), Georgia State University, 1994-95. Instructional improvement grant (Women's Studies), Georgia State University, 1994. Summer research grant, Department of History, Georgia State University, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 2005, 2014. Teaching fellowship, The Johns Hopkins University, 1986-87. Dissertation research fellowship, The Johns Hopkins University, 1985-86. Dissertation research fellowship, Fulbright Commission, 1984-85. Arthur O. Lovejoy honorary fellowship, The Johns Hopkins University, 1984-85. Frederic C. Lane teaching fellowship, The Johns Hopkins University, 1983-84. Fellowship, The Johns Hopkins University, 1982-83.



Women's Suffrage in the British Empire: Citizenship, Nation, and Race (Routledge, 2000), xxii + 252 pp. Co-editors Philippa Levine and Laura E. Nym Mayhall.

European Imperialism, 1830-1930: Climax and Contradiction (Houghton Mifflin, 1999), xix + 234 pp. Co-editor Alice L. Conklin.

Edited Journal Issues

The Whole World Is Moving: 1968 and the Long Global Sixties, World History Bulletin (in progress, forthcoming 2018).

Another World was Possible: A Century of Movements, Radical History Review 92 (2005): 1-198. Co-editor Duane J. Corpis.

Two, Three, Many Worlds: Radical Methodologies for Global History, Radical History Review 91 (2005): 1-190. Co-editor Duane J. Corpis.

Citizenship, National Identity, Race, and Diaspora in Contemporary Europe, Radical History Review 83 (2002): 1-216.

Microform Collection (Consultant Editor)

Sex and Gender: Manuscript Sources from the Public Record Office, Parts 1 & 2: Empire and Suffrage (Adam Matthew Publications, 2003), 36 reels.

2 “Editorial Introduction,” Sex and Gender: Manuscript Sources from the Public Record Office, Parts 1 & 2: Empire and Suffrage: A Listing and Guide to the Microfilm Collection (Adam Matthew Publications, 2003), 7-8.

Articles, Chapters, Essays, and Edited/Introduced Journal Fora and Sections

“Right to the Empire: The Komagata Maru and Imperial Citizenship before the First World War,” Charting Imperial Itineraries: Unmooring the Komagata Maru, ed. Satwinder Kaur Bains, Davina Bhandar, Rita Kaur Dhamoon, and Renisa Mawani (University of British Columbia Press, under consideration).

“Anticolonialism in the Early Twentieth-Century World: Indian Dimensions of a Global Moment,” World History Bulletin 32, 1 (2016): 4-23 (Introduction, 4-5).

“Commemorate, Educate, Conscientize: Antiwar Activism in the World War I and Vietnam War Eras,” PHS News (January 2016): 26-28.

“Border Crossings and Color Bars in a Globalizing World, 1890s-1910s,” World History Bulletin 31, 2 (2015): 4-19 (Introduction, 4).

“‘The Battlefield of Memory’: Commemorating the Vietnam Antiwar Movement,” PHS News (August 2015): 24-25.

“Advocating Peace, Debating War: A Centenary Forum on the First World War,” Peace & Change: A Journal of Peace Research 40, 2 (2015): 215-71 (Introduction, 215).

“Coloring the World,” Peace & Change: A Journal of Peace Research 40, 2 (2015): 226-33.

“The First World War Centenary: An Opportunity for Peace Scholars,” PHS News (January 2015): 19-20.

“Reframing the Edwardian Crisis: Contentious Citizenship in the British Empire before the First World War,” World History Bulletin 29, 2 (2013): 37-42.

“Critical Commemoration,” PHS News (Fall 2013): 11.

“Foreword,” Defiant Diplomat: George Platt Waller: American Consul in Nazi- Occupied Luxembourg, 1939-1941, ed. Willard Allen Fletcher and Jean Tucker Fletcher (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2012), xiii-xv.

“Critical Pedagogy: Radical History in Two Spaces,” Radical History Review 102 (2008): 23-26.

3 “Imperialism and American Empire in Global Perspective,” Empire Online (Adam Matthew Digital, 2008), n.p. (46 pp.). Co-author Yaël Simpson Fletcher.

“Opposition by Journalism?: The Socialist and Suffragist Press and the Passage of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1912,” Parliamentary History 25, 1 (2006): 88-114.

“‘The World Is Changing, and History Is the One That Is Teaching Us Where to Go and What to Do’: An Interview with Adelina Nicholls,” Radical History Review 92 (2005): 89-98. Co-interviewer Yaël Simpson Fletcher.

“New Historical Perspectives on the First Universal Races Congress of 1911,” Radical History Review 92 (2005): 99-152 (Introduction, 99-102).

“Toward a Global History of the Left,” Radical History Review 92 (2005): 164- 74.

“Justice for Bhopal,” Radical History Review 91 (2005): 7-12. Co-authors Takamitsu Ono and Alka Roy.

“Teaching a Gendered World,” Radical History Review 91 (2005): 131-69 (Introduction, 131-32). Co-editor/co-author Karen Sotiropoulos.

“Beyond the Nation-State: Teaching the History of the Americas,” Radical History Review 89 (2004): 215-42 (Introduction, 215-17). Co-editor/co-author Enrique C. Ochoa.

“The Subjects of Radical History,” Radical History Review 88 (2004): 163-65 (163-91).

“Double Meanings: Nation and Empire in the Edwardian Era,” After the Imperial Turn: Thinking With and Through the Nation, ed. Antoinette Burton (Duke University Press, 2003), 246-59.

“Film and History,” Radical History Review 83 (2002): 173-97 (Introduction, 173-74).

“The Great Citizen,” Twentieth Century British History 12, 2 (2001): 250-56.

“Reflections on Radical History,” Radical History Review 79 (2001): 75-121 (Introduction, 75-76).

“The Soul of Man Under Imperialism: Oscar Wilde, Race, and Empire,” Journal of Victorian Culture 5, 2 (2000): 334-41.

4 “‘Some Interesting Survivals of a Historic Past’?: Republicanism, Monarchism, and the Militant Edwardian Left,” Republicanism in Victorian Society, ed. David Nash and Antony Taylor (Sutton Publishing, 2000), 90-105, 158-63.

“‘Women of the Nations, Unite!’: Transnational Suffragism in the United Kingdom, 1912-1914,” Women's Suffrage in the British Empire: Citizenship, Nation, and Race, ed. Ian Christopher Fletcher, Laura E. Nym Mayhall, and Philippa Levine (Routledge, 2000), 103-20.

“Learning from the Past, Learning from the Present,” Radical Historians Newsletter 82 (2000): 18-19.

“Around 1898,” Radical History Review 73 (1999): 128-71 (Introduction, 128- 29).

“The Give and Take of Mentoring: A Roundtable,” Radical History Review 72 (1998): 45-55. Co-authors Patrick Cannon and Aiko Joshi.

“Empires and Encounters III,” Radical History Review 71 (1998): 133-81 (Introduction, 133-36). Co-editor/co-author Monica van Beusekom.

“Empires and Encounters II,” Radical History Review 70 (1998): 102-48 (Introduction, 102-5). Co-editor/co-author Monica van Beusekom.

“‘This Zeal for Lawlessness’: A.V. Dicey, The Law of the Constitution, and the Challenge of Popular Politics 1885-1915,” Parliamentary History 16, 3 (1997): 309-29.

“Third World Nationalism and Revolution,” Radical History Review 68 (1997): 144-53 (Introduction, 144).

“Empires and Encounters,” Radical History Review 67 (1997): 129-86 (Introduction, 129-31).

“What Goes Around Comes Around: British Imperial History,” Radical History Review 67 (1997): 165-74. Co-author Fanny Elisabeth Garvey.

“‘A Star Chamber of the Twentieth Century’: Suffragettes, Liberals, and the 1908 'Rush the Commons' Case,” Journal of British Studies 35, 4 (1996): 504-30.

“‘Prosecutions ... are Always Risky Business’: Labor, Liberals, and the 1912 'Don't Shoot' Prosecutions,’ Albion 28, 2 (1996): 251-78.

“Sir Edward Grey,” “Richard Burdon Haldane,” “Marconi Scandal,” “Edwin Montagu,” and “Lord Northcliffe,” Twentieth Century Britain: An Encyclopedia, ed. F.M. Leventhal (Garland, 1995), 339-40, 345-46, 492-93, 525-26, 573-74.


“Rethinking the History of Working People: Class, Gender, and Identities in an Age of Industry and Empire,” Radical History Review 56 (1993): 85-98.


Judith R. Walkowitz, Nights Out: Life in Cosmopolitan London (2012), South Atlantic Review 79, 1-2 (2015): 217-20.

Matthew Johnson, Militarism and the British Left, 1902-1914 (2013), Journal of British Studies 53, 4 (2014): 1090-92.

Belinda Davis, Wilfried Mausbach, Martin Klimke, and Carla MacDougall, eds., Changing the World, Changing Oneself: Political Protest and Collective Identities in West Germany and the U.S. in the 1960s and 1970s (2010) and Kathrin Fahlenbrach, Martin Klimke, Joachim Scharloth, and Laura Wong, eds., The Establishment Responds: Power, Politics, and Protest since 1945 (2012), Peace & Change: A Journal of Peace Research 39, 4 (2014): 546-50.

Amy E. Martin, Alter-Nations: Nationalisms, Terror, and the State in Nineteenth- Century Britain and Ireland (2012), Journal of British Studies 53, 1 (2014): 250- 251.

Stephen Brooke, Sexual Politics: Sexuality, Family Planning, and the British Left from the 1880s to the Present (2011), Journal of British Studies 52, 1 (2013): 253- 55.

William C. Lubenow, Liberal Intellectuals and Public Culture in Modern Britain, 1815-1914: Making Words Flesh (2010), Victorian Studies 54, 4 (2012): 719-21.

Gal Gerson, Margins of Disorder: New Liberalism and the Crisis of European Consciousness (2004), Victorian Studies 49, 1 (2006): 151-53.

“Notes and Raves from the Collective, Summer 2004,” Radical History Review 92 (2005): 186-87.

Troubled Images: Posters and Images of the Northern Ireland Conflict from the Linen Hall Library, Belfast [CD-ROM] (2001), Radical History Review 90 (2004): 112-15.

Thomas W. Gallant, Experiencing Dominion: Culture, Identity, and Power in the British Mediterranean (2002), Journal of Modern History 76, 3 (2004): 681-83.

Mary A. Procida, Married to the Empire: Gender, Politics and Imperialism, 1883-1947 (2002), American Historical Review 108, 4 (2003): 1129-30.

6 David Cannadine, Ornamentalism: How the British Saw Their Empire (2001), Victorian Studies 45, 3 (2003): 532-34.

Ged Martin, The Cambridge Union and Ireland 1815-1914 (2000), Victorian Studies 45, 2 (2003): 282-84.

Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America, Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site, Atlanta, Georgia, 1 May-31 December 2002, Radical History Review 85 (2003): 282-85. Co-author Duane J. Corpis.

Bruce L. Kinzer, England's Disgrace?: J.S. Mill and Ireland (2001), Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 3, 2 (2002), http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_colonialism_and_colonial_history/v003/3 .2fletcher.html.

Peter Miller (dir.), The Internationale (2000), Radical History Review 82 (2002): 187-90.

Robert Gregg, Inside Out, Outside In: Essays in Comparative History (2000), Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 2, 1 (2000), http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_colonialism_and_colonial_history/v001/1 .2fletcher.html.

Paul Ward, Red Flag and Union Jack: Englishness, Patriotism and the British Left, 1881-1924 (1998), Albion 32, 1 (2000): 160-61.

Henry Pelling and Alastair J. Reid, A Short History of the Labour Party, 11th ed. (1996), Albion 29, 4 (1998): 732-34.

Susan D. Pennybacker, A Vision for London 1889-1914: Labour, Everyday Life and the LCC Experiment (1995), Social History 22, 2 (1997): 244-45.

Antoinette Burton, Burdens of History: British Feminists, Indian Women, and Imperial Culture, 1865-1915 (1994), Social History 21, 2 (1996): 250-52.

American Historical Association, Guide to Historical Literature, ed. Mary Beth Norton, 3d ed. (Oxford University Press, 1995), 882 (cit. 27.181), 885 (cit. 27.231).

Joseph White, Tom Mann (1991), Labor History 35, 3 (1994): 470-71.

Eugenio F. Biagini and Alastair J. Reid (eds.), Currents of Radicalism: Popular Radicalism, Organised Labour and Party Politics in Britain 1850-1914 (1991), Victorian Studies 36, 2 (1993): 262-63.

7 Elaine Glovka Spencer, Police and the Social Order in German Cities: The Düsseldorf District, 1848-1914 (1992), Locus 6, 1 (1993): 90-91.

Mary Cowling, The Artist as Anthropologist: The Representation of Type and Character in Victorian Art (1989) and Carl Woodring, Nature into Art: Cultural Transformations in Nineteenth-Century Britain (1989), Isis 82, 312 (1991): 389- 91.

Conferences, Colloquia, and Seminars

“Teaching World History through Film Roundtable,” Southeast World History Association, Dahlonega, Georgia, October 2017. Moderator.

“New Women, Modern Girls, Modern Women: A Gender Lens for Teaching World History through Film, 1910s-1940s,” Southeast World History Association, Dahlonega, Georgia, October 2017. Paper.

“Moving the World: Social Movements and Global Change in the Twentieth Century,” Southeast World History Association, Dahlonega, Georgia, October 2017. Organizer.

“Framing Global Turbulence: The Great Speckled Bird and the Events of 1968,” Southeast World History Association, Dahlonega, Georgia, October 2017. Paper.

“Entangled Histories: Beyond the Confines of Nation,” Southeast World History Association, Dahlonega, Georgia, October 2017. Chair.

“Subjects in History, Protagonists of History: A Conference for Graduate Students and Early Career Scholars,” Department of History, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, August 2017. Convenor.

“Between the No Longer and the Longed For: John Reed and Ernst Bloch in 1917/18,” Subjects in History, Protagonists of History: A Conference for Graduate Students and Early Career Scholars, Department of History, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, August 2017. Introductory talk.

“Atlanta’s Great Speckled Bird and the Long Global Sixties,” Florida Conference of Historians, Punta Gorda, Florida, March 2017. Organizer.

“Orientations: Vietnam, Antiwar Activism, and the Great Speckled Bird,” Florida Conference of Historians, Punta Gorda, Florida, March 2017. Paper.

“Port Cities, Port Complexes, and Maritime Trade: 18th and 19th Centuries,” Florida Conference of Historians, Punta Gorda, Florida, March 2017. Chair and commenter.

8 “Identities in Flux between Empire and Nation,” Southern Conference on British Studies, St. Pete Beach, Florida, November 2016. Organizer.

“The Nation, the Empire, and the World: Bipin Chandra Pal’s Cosmopolitan Turn in Edwardian London,” Southern Conference on British Studies, St. Pete Beach, Florida, November 2016. Paper.

“Morality and the British Press: New Perspectives,” Southern Conference on British Studies, St. Pete Beach, Florida, November 2016. Chair and commenter.

“Transitions and Transformations in World History, 1500-Present: A Roundtable on Crafting and Using a Collaboratively Written World History E-Text,” Southeast World History Association, Chattanooga, Tennessee, April 2016. Organizer.

“A World in Flux I: Empires, Nations, and Movements in the Twentieth Century,” Florida Conference of Historians, Orlando, Florida, February 2016. Organizer.

“The Uses of Contention: Writing about ‘Indian Unrest’ around 1910,” Florida Conference of Historians, Orlando, Florida, February 2016. Paper.

“A World in Flux II: Empires, Nations, and Movements in the Twentieth Century,” Florida Conference of Historians, Orlando, Florida, February 2016. Chair and discussant.

“The Whole World Is Mobilizing: Global Dimensions of Peace and Antiwar Activism Around the Vietnam War,” Peace History Society/American Historical Association, Atlanta, Georgia, January 2016. Organizer.

“Antiwar Films and the Global Framing of Vietnam,” Peace History Society/American Historical Association, Atlanta, Georgia, January 2016. Paper.

“Engaging with the WWI and Vietnam Commemorations: A Workshop for Teachers, Researchers, and Activists,” Peace History Society, West Hartford, Connecticut, October 2015. Organizer and co-facilitator.

“Passages to Empire: The Traveling Politics of Anticolonial Advocates before the First World War,” Department of History, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, , October 2015. Paper.

“Empires, Movements, Media, Memory, and Mood in Historical Perspective: A Graduate Student Conference,” Department of History, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, July 2015. Convenor.

9 “‘Sikhs aboard Komagata Maru’: Looking into a Photograph from the Summer of 1914,” Empires, Movements, Media, Memory, and Mood in Historical Perspective: A Graduate Student Conference, Department of History, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, July 2015. Introductory talk.

“Assertion and Contention along the Color Line in the Early Twentieth-Century World: A Two-Part Roundtable,” Southeast World History Association, Savannah, Georgia, June 2015. Organizer.

“Sites of Encounter/Struggles for Recognition,” Southeast World History Association, Savannah, Georgia, June 2015. Paper.

“Assertion and Contention along the Color Line in the Early Twentieth-Century World, Part 2,” Southeast World History Association, Savannah, Georgia, June 2015. Chair and moderator.

“The Great War Reconsidered,” Association of Historians at Georgia State University Graduate Student Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2015. Chair and comment.

“Mentoring Women Graduate Students: Reflections, Suggestions, Questions,” Southern Historical Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2014. Paper.

“Colonial Soldiers and Racial/National Identities in the Victorian Empire,” Southern Conference on British Studies, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2014. Chair and comment.

“Empire, Race, and War in the Early Twentieth-Century World, Parts 1 and 2,” Southeast World History Association, Boca Raton, Florida, October 2014. Organizer.

“Empire, Race, and War in the Early Twentieth-Century World, Part 1,” Southeast World History Association, Boca Raton, Florida, October 2014. Chair.

“Coloring the World: Anticolonial Advocates Map Empire, War, Rights, and Revolution,” Southeast World History Association, Boca Raton, Florida, October 2014. Paper.

“‘In Exercise of Their Rights of British Citizenship’: The Komagata Maru and the Paradox of Imperial Citizenship before the First World War,” Charting Imperial Itineraries, 1914-2014: Unmooring the Komagata Maru, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, May 2014. Paper.

“Global Rights and Liberation Struggles,” Association of Historians at Georgia State University Graduate Student Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2014. Chair and comment.


“Connecting Movements I: African Links in Twentieth-Century World History,” Florida Conference of Historians, St. Augustine, Florida, January 2014. Organizer.

“Imperializing South Asian Struggles in South Africa and Canada before the First World War,” Florida Conference of Historians, St. Augustine, Florida, January 2014. Paper.

“Connecting Movements II: African Links in Twentieth-Century World History,” Florida Conference of Historians, St. Augustine, Florida, January 2014. Chair and discussant.

“Advocating Peace, Debating War: Disagreement and Division in Europe, China, and Brazil, c. 1900-1917,” Peace History Society/American Historical Association, Washington, D.C., January 2014. Organizer and chair.

“Empire from Within” and “Empires among Empires,” Empire and Aftermaths Faculty Workshop Roundtables, Georgia Highlands College, Cartersville, Georgia, October 2013. Co-organizer and facilitator.

“The First Universal Races Congress of 1911: Encounters Along the Global Lines of Color, Civilization, and Empire,” American Historical Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2013. Organizer and chair.

“Placing and Displacing the First Universal Races Congress of 1911,” American Historical Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2013. Paper.

“The British Empire in Print: Prophecy, Punch-lines, Politics, and Publicity,” Southern Conference on British Studies, Mobile, Alabama, November 2012. Organizer.

“Pressing the Color Bar: Imperial Citizenship, Colonial Subjects, and Anticolonial Journalism, 1912-1914,” Southern Conference on British Studies, Mobile, Alabama, November 2012. Paper.

“Between the Imperial and the International: Transcolonial and Transnational Approaches to Twentieth-Century African and World History,” Southeast World History Association, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2012. Organizer and chair.

“Traveling Politics: Anticolonial Criticism and Transcolonial Connections in the British Empire before the First World War,” Southeast World History Association, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2012. Paper.

11 “Women and the World in the Early Twentieth Century: Gender, Race, Empire, and Modernity,” Southeast World History Association, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2012. Organizer and chair.

“Teaching History through Film: Three Themes, Three Takes,” Southeast World History Association, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2012. Organizer.

“‘Inflammable Material in World Politics’?: Global Movements and Global Turbulence before the First World War,” The First World War: A Centennial Appraisal of Global Origins and Legacies Roundtable, Association of Historians at Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2012. Paper.

“Communities in Conflict: Debating Irishness at Home and Abroad,” American Conference for Irish Studies, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2012. Chair.

“Ireland’s Edwardian Crisis, 1907-1914,” American Conference for Irish Studies, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2012. Paper.

“The Improvisation of Empire: Performance, Play, and Power in the Edwardian Era,” State Performances and International Play Seminar, North American Victorian Studies Association, Nashville, Tennessee, November 2011. Paper.

“Race, Civilization, and Peace: Centenary Perspectives on the First Universal Races Congress of 1911,” Peace History Society, Miami Shores, Florida, October 2011. Organizer.

“The ‘Modern Conscience’ Faces a World of Empires: Problems of Peace and Progress at the First Universal Races Congress of 1911,” Peace History Society, Miami Shores, Florida, October 2011. Paper.

“Rethinking the Edwardian Crisis: Contention and Citizenship in the British Empire before the First World War,” Southeast World History Association, Maryville, Tennessee, October 2011. Paper.

“The Modern West,” Southeast World History Association, Maryville, Tennessee, October 2011. Chair.

“From ‘Others’ to ‘Problems’: Managing Difference in France, 1920s-1970s,” Society for French Historical Studies, Charleston, South Carolina, February 2011. Chair.

“Solidarity Across Borders during the Long Global Sixties,” Southeast World History Association, Kennesaw, Georgia, October 2010. Organizer.

12 “‘A Very Important Force’: U.S. Student Activism around Southern Africa in the 1970s,” Southeast World History Association, Kennesaw, Georgia, October 2010. Paper.

“Empire, Race, Rights, and Cosmopolitanisms: Historical Perspectives on Globalization and Decolonization in the Early Twentieth Century,” Global Studies Association, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May 2010. Organizer.

“‘Devoted to the Interests of the Coloured Races of the World’: The African Times and Orient Review and the Globalization of Anticolonialism,” Global Studies Association, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May 2010. Paper.

“In Struggle in the South: A Great Speckled Bird Roundtable,” Student Activism, Southern Style: Organizing and Protest in the 1960s and 70s Conference, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, March 2010. Organizer, facilitator, and comment.

“British Identity, Empire, and Exile in Modern Times,” Georgia Association of Historians, Decatur, Georgia, February 2010. Comment.

“Civilizations, Races, Nations, Movements: Global Perspectives from the Early Twentieth Century,” Southeast World History Association, Salem, Virginia, October 2009. Organizer.

“‘The Rise of the Native’: The First Universal Races Congress of 1911 and the Formation of Anticolonial Subjects,” Southeast World History Association, Salem, Virginia, October 2009. Paper.

“Another Past is Possible: The History-Work of Global Peace and Justice Activists,” Global Studies Association, Boca Raton, Florida, May 2009. Paper.

“Social Movements in Historical Perspective: A Graduate Student Conference,” Special Collections and Archives, University Library, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2009. Convenor.

“Between Past and Future: Reading New Sixties Memoirs Now,” Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2009. Paper.

“1968/2008: A Discussion on Critical Commemoration of the Sixties,” War and Its Discontents: Understanding Iraq and the U.S. Empire, Historians Against the War/Peace History Society National Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2008. Organizer and facilitator.

“Empire and Opposition: A Workshop on U.S. History for Activists, Students, and Teachers,” War and Its Discontents: Understanding Iraq and the U.S. Empire,

13 Historians Against the War/Peace History Society National Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2008. Co-organizer and facilitator.

“‘Without Combination We Will Never Be Recognised’: Imperialism and Struggles for Recognition in the Edwardian Era,” Department of History Departmental Seminar, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, March 2008. Paper.

“Historians’ Roundtable: Colonial Borderlands, Frontiers, and Encounters,” New Voices Conference, Graduate English Association, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2007. Chair.

“Consuls, Citizens, and Empires: Sovereignty and Jurisdictional Politics in the Mediterranean Basin, 1820s-1920s,” American Historical Association, Atlanta, Georgia, January 2007. Comment.

“Glimpses of Twentieth-Century Britain and Empire,” Southern Conference on British Studies, Birmingham, Alabama, November 2006. Comment.

“History,” Locations of Power: First Roundtable between Emory University and the University of Cape Town, Institute of African Studies, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2006. Respondent.

“The Imperial Dimensions to Revolutionary Politics in France,” Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850, Atlanta, Georgia, March 2006. Comment.

“Culture and Politics in the Edwardian Era,” Southern Conference on British Studies, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2005. Paper.

“Women, Families, and the Modernization of the Nation-State,” Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Claremont, California, June 2005. Chair.

“Empire, Nation, Diaspora: Frontiers of Rule and Recognition before the First World War,” Identities: Four Dialogues, First German American Frontiers of the Humanities Symposium, American Philosophical Society and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, , Pennsylvania, October 2004. Paper.

“New Historical Perspectives on the First Universal Races Congress of 1911,” World History Association, Atlanta, Georgia, June 2003. Organizer and comment.

“Britishness and Imperial Belonging in Twentieth-Century Jamaica and London,” North American Conference on British Studies/Southern Conference on British Studies, , , November 2002. Comment.

14 “British Studies in the Classroom,” North American Conference on British Studies/Midwest Conference on British Studies, Toronto, Ontario, November 2001. Chair.

“Radical Historians and Transnational Activism,” MARHO: The Radical Historians Organization/American Historical Association, Boston, Massachusetts, January 2001. Facilitator.

“Women Writing, Writing Women,” North American Conference on British Studies, Pasadena, California, October 2000. Chair.

“Learning from the Past, Learning from the Present,” MARHO: The Radical Historians Organization/American Historical Association, Chicago, Illinois, January 2000. Paper.

“‘Luring Our Maidens from the Paths of Virtue: Suffragists, Socialists, and the Melodramatization of the 1913 Queenie Gerald Case,” Humanities Research Centre, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, England, May 1999. Paper.

“Cultural and Social Dimensions of Sexual Harassment,” Dimensions of Sexual Harassment Conference, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, April 1999. Rapporteur.

“Radical History and Radical Politics: Forging the Link,” MARHO: The Radical Historians Organization/American Historical Association, Washington, D.C., January 1999. Paper.

“Capital, Labor, and Race in an Imperial Frame,” Southern Conference on British Studies, Birmingham, Alabama, November 1998. Organizer.

“Passages to India: Keir Hardie, Ramsay MacDonald, and the Edwardian Empire,” Southern Conference on British Studies, Birmingham, Alabama, November 1998. Paper.

“Imagined Empires II,” Southern Conference on British Studies, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1997. Comment.

“Imperial Categories, Imperial Identities: A Roundtable Discussion, Parts One and Two,” North American Conference on British Studies, Pacific Grove, California, October 1997. Organizer and moderator.

“‘Some Interesting Survivals of a Historic Past’?: Republican Undercurrents in Edwardian Militant Politics,” Humanities Research Centre, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, England, May 1997. Paper.

15 “Gender and Industry,” Annual Workshop of the Seminar in the Comparative History of Labor, Industry, Technology, and Society, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1997. Comment.

“William Morris and the Twentieth Century,” North American Conference on British Studies/Midwest Conference on British Studies, Chicago, Illinois, October 1996. Chair.

“What Goes Around Comes Around: Reflections on the New British Imperial History,” Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies, Los Angeles, California, March 1996. Paper.

“‘Luring Our Maidens from the Paths of Virtue’: Social Purity, Popular Radicalism, and the Melodramatization of the 1913 Queenie Gerald Case,” Department of History Faculty-Graduate Student Colloquium, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, December 1995. Paper.

“Gender, Race, and Law in the British Empire,” North American Conference on British Studies/Mid-Atlantic Conference on British Studies, Washington, D.C., October 1995. Organizer and comment.

“The Diaspora that was Empire: Negotiating Cultural Identities in, Against, and Beyond the ‘Motherland,’ 1850-1950,” American Historical Association, Chicago, Illinois, January 1995. Comment.

“The Last of the Radicals?: The Persistence of Radicalism in Later Victorian and Edwardian Britain and Ireland,” North American Conference on British Studies/Northwest Conference on British Studies, Vancouver, British Columbia, October 1994. Organizer.

“‘A Regular Phoenix of a Struggle’: Legalitarian Protest in the Edwardian Crisis,” North American Conference on British Studies/Northwest Conference on British Studies, Vancouver, British Columbia, October 1994. Paper.

“Interpreting the Edwardian Crisis: The Liberal State, Irish Home Rule, and the 1913 Larkin Prosecution,” Department of History Seminar, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, April 1994. Paper.

“Legal Patriarchy in Question: The Liberal State and Suffragette Militancy,” Women’s Studies Research Seminar, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1993. Paper.

“Responses to the First World War,” North American Conference on British Studies/Northeast Conference on British Studies, Montreal, Quebec, October 1993. Comment.

16 “Royalism, Republicanism and Avoiding Revolution in Great Britain,” Consortium on Revolutionary Europe, Atlanta, Georgia, February 1993. Chair.

“Culture, Class, and Colonialism: Rethinking the Remaking of the English Working Class,” American Historical Association, Washington, D.C., December 1992. Comment.

“State and Economy in Britain, 1906-1939,” Southern Conference on British Studies, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1992. Organizer.

“Holding the Ring?: The Liberal State and the ‘Don't Shoot’ Prosecutions during the Edwardian Labor Unrest,” Southern Conference on British Studies, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1992. Paper.

“Autobiography and Victorian Culture,” Southern Conference on British Studies, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1992. Comment.

“A Legal Patriarchy?: Women, Policing, and the Courts, c. 1839-1939,” North American Conference on British Studies/Western Conference on British Studies, Boulder, Colorado, October 1992. Organizer.

“‘A Star Chamber of the Twentieth Century’: London Police Courts and the Suffragettes, 1906-1910,” North American Conference on British Studies/Western Conference on British Studies, Boulder, Colorado, October 1992. Paper.

“Narrative Authority and Women's Lives in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Britain: Middle-Class Women's Representations of Working- Class Women,” American Historical Association, Chicago, Illinois, December 1991. Chair.

“The Uses and Abuses of Reformist Literature,” Southern Conference on British Studies, Fort Worth, Texas, November 1991. Chair.

“A Game of Cat and Mouse?: The Origins and Operation of the Prisoners (Temporary Discharge for Ill-Health) Act 1913,” Western Conference on British Studies, Tucson, Arizona, October 1991. Paper.

“The Modern British Monarchy: Ceremonies, Scandals, and Politics,” American Historical Association, Washington, D.C., December 1987. Organizer.

“George V, Constitutional Crisis, and the Mylius Prosecution of 1910-11,” American Historical Association, Washington, D.C., December 1987. Paper.

17 “An Edwardian Crisis of Law and Order?: Protest Movements and High Politics, 1907-14,” Institute of Historical Research, University of London, London, England, March 1986. Paper.

“The Home Office and the Struggle Against Suffragette Militancy, 1906-14,” Institute of Historical Research, University of London, London, England, November 1985. Paper.

“Rex v. Syndicalism?: The Syndicalist Prosecutions of 1912,” Centre for the Study of Social History, University of Warwick, Warwick, England, November 1985. Paper.

Oral History Collection

Great Speckled Bird Oral History Project, Special Collections and Archives, University Library, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, 2015- . Interview apprentice/assistant.

Popular Education and Public Scholarship

“An Age of Unrest, 1890s-1910s,” Democratic Socialist Dialogue, Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America, Little Five Points Community Center, Atlanta, Georgia, July 2017. Lead organizer and facilitator.

“Many Souths: Making Connections in Southern People’s History,” YDS in Atlanta: Southern Regional Conference, Decatur, Georgia, August 2015. Presentation.

“The British and the British Empire in WWI,” Sweet Briar College Atlanta Alumnae Club Living Room Learning, Atlanta History Center, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2014. Lecture.

“Many Lessons from Disaster, Reaction,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 15 April 2012, A7. Commentary on the centenary of 1912 Titanic disaster.

“Human Rights Day Every Day,” Atlanta Progressive Blog, 11 December 2008, a project of Atlanta Progressive News. Co-authors Azadeh N. Shahshahani and Janvieve Williams Comrie. Commentary on the sixtieth anniversary of 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

“What’s Going On: The Movement Defines the Moment, 1969-1971,” Madratz Infoshop, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2007. Co-organizer and presenter.

“Carry It On: The Past and the Future of the United States Social Forum,” First Existentialist Congregation, Atlanta, Georgia, July 2007. Co-presenter.

18 “People’s History: Southern Crossroads of the Local and the Global,” United States Social Forum, Atlanta, Georgia, June 2007. Co-organizer and co- facilitator.

“A People’s History of May Day,” Madratz Infoshop, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2007. Presentation.

“New Histories of the Black Freedom Struggle in the Twentieth-Century South,” Madratz Infoshop, Atlanta, Georgia, March 2007. Co-organizer.

“Amazing Grace: The Politics of Past and Present in an Historical Film,” Key Sunday Cinema Club, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2007. Lecture.

“Whose Democracy?: Democracy in the South in Historical Perspective,” What Is Democratic Socialism? Roundtable, Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America, Atlanta Friends Meeting, Decatur, Georgia, January 2007. Presentation.

“People’s History: Stories and Strategies from the Intersection of the Local and the Global,” Southeast Social Forum, Durham, North Carolina, June 2006. Co- organizer and co-facilitator.

“This Week in People’s History” and “This Fortnight in People’s History,” Radio Free Georgia, WRFG 89.3 FM, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2006-June 2007. Community radio series lead writer, editor, and presenter.

“From Global History to Global Solidarity,” Charis Books and More, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2005. Discussant.

“The Road to Bhopal and Beyond: Historical Perspectives, Political Reflections,” Corporate Responsibility and Bhopal: A Panel Discussion, Association for India’s Development and Georgia Indo-American Chamber of Commerce, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia, October 2002. Presentation.

“A Usable Past: The New British Gender History,” American Association of University Women, Roswell-Alpharetta, Georgia Branch, April 1996. Lecture.

“Europe and the Atlantic World,” Rediscovering the History of the Americas, 1492-1992, Atlanta Clergy and Laity Concerned, First Iconium Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, October 1991. Presentation.

“Liberty, Equality, Democracy: The Past and the Future of the French Revolution,” Progressive Action Center, Baltimore, Maryland, July 1989. Presentation.

“The Home Office and Suffragette Militancy,” Friends of the Fawcett Library, University Women’s Club, London, England, May 1986. Lecture.



Georgia State University

Undergraduate Courses (Current)

The World since 1500 The Twentieth Century World Film and History Britain and the World since 1700 Cross-Cultural Encounters in World History Social Movements in History Empires

Graduate Courses (Current)

Historical Methods and Theory Issues and Interpretations in World History Britain and the Modern World Global Social Movements in Historical Perspective

Advisor (M.A. Non-Thesis Option Students)

Michael Dillon, History M.A., 2013. Elizabeth Anne Knapp, History M.A., 2014. Charles Morgan, History M.A., 2012. Jonathan Post, History M.A., 2010. Jessie L. Stiner, History M.A., 2013. Pablo Valenzuela, History M.A., 2011.

Director (M.A. Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations)

Mohammad Alhabib, “The Shia Migration from Southwestern Iran to Kuwait: Push-Pull Factors during the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries,” History M.A. thesis, 2010.

Abou B. Bamba, “Dubbing Modernization: The United States, France, and the Politics of Development in the Ivory Coast, 1946-1968,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2008.

Molly Marisa Baroco, “Imagining Haiti: Representations of Haiti in the American Press during the U.S. Occupation, 1915-1934,” History M.A. thesis, 2011.

20 Shannon Bontrager, “Nationalizing the Dead: The Contested Making of an American Commemorative Tradition from the Civil War to the Great War,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2011.

Jennifer Copland, “Companionate Lives and Consonant Voices in We Two Together: The 1950 Dual Autobiography of Irish and Indian Reformers Margaret and James Cousins,” History M.A. thesis, 2012.

Wendy Giere-Frye, “A Transpacific Peace Movement: Encounters between American and Japanese Peace Advocates, 1889-1919,” History M.A. thesis, 2018.

Jeff Ginn, “Irish Cinema from the 1920s to the 1960s: The Dream and the Reality,” History M.A. thesis, 1996.

Mark Honnen, “Securitizing British India: A New Framework of Analysis for the First Anglo-Afghan War,” History M.A. thesis, 2013.

Durf Humphries, “Peace and Mind: Religion, Race, and Gender among Progressive Activists and Intellectuals,” History M.A. thesis, 2007.

Sreevidya Kalaramadam, “Global Economy and Local Politics: Gendered Fields,” Women’s Studies M.A. thesis, 2000.

Idit Kolan, “A Couple That Fights Together Stays Together: Romance, Marriage, and Divorce in British Home Front Films of the Second World War,” History M.A. thesis, 2015.

Todd Lee, “The Image of the Enemy: British Stereotypes of the Afrikaner during the South African War, 1899-1902,” History M.A. thesis, 1993.

Claude M. Misukiewicz, “Lewis L. Lorwin and ‘the Promise of Planning’: Class, Collectivism, and Empire in U.S. Economic Planning Debates, 1931-1941,” History M.A. thesis, 2015. Co-director.

Megan Lane Neary, “Suffragists with Suitcases: Women Advocacy Travelers of the Early Twentieth Century,” History M.A. thesis, 2016.

Rachel Neiwert, “The Forgotten Edwardian: Israel Zangwill, Zionism, Suffragism, and Transnationalism, 1891-1926,” History M.A. thesis, 2002.

William C. Nicholson, “Anglo-Saxonism at the Crossroads: U.S.-Canadian Responses to Japanese Immigration to North America, 1905-1914,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2004.

Mike Rast, “Tactics, Politics, and Propaganda during the Irish War of Independence, 1917-1921,” History M.A. thesis, 2011.


Ted Rogers, “Evil and Englishness: Representations of Traumatic Violence and National Identity in the Works of the Inklings, 1937-1953,” History M.A. thesis, 2007.

Steven Michael Sams, “The Cauldron of Enmities: The Friends of Ireland and the Conflict between Liberalism and Democracy in the Early Nineteenth Century Atlantic World,” History M.A. thesis, 2005.

Kim Sanecki, “Protestant Christian Missions, Race, and Empire: The World Missionary Conference of 1910, Edinburgh, Scotland,” History M.A. thesis, 2006.

Georgia Beth Spencer, “‘Ours is a Great Work’: British Women Medical Missionaries in Twentieth-Century Colonial India,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2016.

Bryan Terry, “Towards ‘the World House’: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Global Vision of Peace and Justice, 1956-1968,” History M.A. thesis, 2014.

Kevin Walker, “The Indian Terrorist in the British Imperial Imagination: The Kennedy, Wyllie, and Hardinge Incidents in The Times, 1908-1914,” History M.A. thesis, 2001.

Carrie L. Whitney, “Covering Africa in the Age of Independence: Divergent Voices in U.S. Print Media, 1957-1974,” History Ph.D. disssertation, 2016.

Jiling Yang, “In Search of Martha Root: An American Baha’i Feminist and Peace Advocate in the Twentieth Century,” Women's Studies M.A. thesis, 2005.

Robin A. Young, “Other Voices: Social Comment in Frances Burney's Novels,” History M.A. thesis, 1994.

Patrick Zander, “Of Excavation and Empire: Unearthing the Role of Archaeology in British Imperialism, 1798-1921,” History M.A. thesis, 2002.

Reader (M.A. Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations)

Tahereh Aghdasifar, “The Neoliberalization of Space: Negotiating Female Homosociality in Tehran,” Women’s Studies M.A. thesis, 2011.

Zachary Bates, “‘All Men Born in Britain are Britons’: The Development of Britishness during the Long Sixteenth Century,” History M.A. thesis, 2015.

Dexter L. Blackman, “Stand Up and Be Counted: The Black Athlete, Black Power, and the 1968 Olympic Project for Human Rights,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2009.


Sarah Broome, “Stri Dharma: Voice of the Indian Women’s Rights Movement, 1928-1936,” History M.A. thesis, 2012.

Francesca Coin, “Pickles and Pickets after NAFTA: Globalization, Agribusiness, the U.S.-Mexico Food-Chain, and Farm-worker Struggles in North Carolina,” Sociology Ph.D. dissertation, 2007.

Beryl Diamond, “The Career of Henry Muddiman (1629-1692), English Journalist: A Study in Seventeenth-Century Press and Politics,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 1994.

Gabriel Garcia, “‘The Powerful Sap of the Nation’: Property, Comunidades, and National Identity in Peruvian Indigenismo in the 1920s,” History M.A. thesis, 2016.

Christy Caroline Garrison, “Still Here: The Enduring Legacies of Dorothy Bolden, Ella Mae Wade Brayboy, and Pearlie Dove’s Community Leadership in Atlanta, 1964-2015,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2017.

Shannon L. Goodall, “Jameson's Raid: The Melodramatic Representation of and the Public Reaction to His Infamous Ride,” History M.A. thesis, 1998.

Helen Quinones Greeson, “Gendering the Republic and the Nation: Political Poster Art of the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939,” History M.A. thesis, 2012.

Fakhri Haghani, “The Notion of ‘Self’ in Iranian Women's Post-Revolutionary Literature,” Women's Studies M.A. thesis, 1997.

Fakhri Haghani, “The ‘New Woman’ on the Stage: The Making of a Gendered Public Sphere in Interwar Iran and Egypt,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2008.

Ryan Haney, “Race to the Top: A High Stakes Test for Democratic Education,” Educational Policy Studies M.S. thesis, 2011.

Veronica Menezes Holmes, “Scattering the Fragments Again: The Displacement of the Traditional African American Community of Lynwood Park,” History M.A. thesis, 2005.

Veronica Menezes Holmes, “Stories of Lynwood Park,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2008.

Christopher William Huffman, “The Waffen-SS Soldier in World War II: Fanaticism, Everyday Life, and the New Military History,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2005.

23 Terrence Lee Kersey, “The Upcountry Antebellu Georgia Yeomanry: A Comparative Analysis,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2017.

Ethan Key, “Onesimos Nasib and the Macaafa Qulqulluu: Language, Religion, and Culture in Ethiopia,” History M.A. thesis, 2017.

Eric E. Kleist, “The Leviathan Swims in Muddy Waters: Nikolai I. Bukharin and the State,” History M.A. thesis, 1997.

Eric E. Kleist, “European or Oriental?: British Perceptions of Russia in the Nineteenth Century,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2003.

Derrick Lanois, “Fatherhood of God; Brotherhood of Man: Prince Hall Affiliated Freemasonry, Manhood, and Community Building in the Jim Crow South,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2014.

Louise Milone, “Walking with the Whirlwind of Change: Adrian Dominican Sisters and American Society in Transition, 1960-2017,” History M.A. thesis, 2017.

Louisa Bond Moffitt, “Anna Young Thompson: American Missionary, Cultural Ambassador, and Reluctant Feminist in Egypt, 1872-1932,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2003.

Christopher Cleveland Montrose, “Christian Missions and Islam: The Reformed Church in America and the Origins of The Moslem World,” History M.A. thesis, 2006.

Lauren Moran, “South to Freedom?: Anti-Apartheid Activism and Politics in Atlanta, 1976-1990,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2014.

Laura Gilstrap Musselwhite, “A Word to the Gentle Reader: Elizabethan Catholic Devotional Literature,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2005.

Catherine Atieno Jimbo Odari, “The Unknown Nationalists: Indian Migration, Integration, and Involvement in the Creation of the Kenyan Republic, 1895- 1970,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2017.

Takamitsu Ono, “‘Is GSU Apparel Made in Sweatshops?’: The Student Anti- Sweatshop Campaign at Georgia State University,” Sociology M.A. thesis, 2002.

Charmayne E. Patterson, “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread: African American Megachurches and Prosperity Theology,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2007.

24 Masako Nohara Racel, “Finding Their Place in the World: Meiji Intellectuals and the Japanese Construction of an East-West Binary, 1868-1912,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2011.

Kristin Robbins, “Learning from Learners: Gender Dynamics in Two Constructivist EAL Classes for Vietnamese Refugees,” Women's Studies M.A. thesis, 1999.

Andrew Smith, “Which East is Red?: The Maoist Presence in the Soviet Union and Soviet Bloc Europe, 1956-1980,” History M.A. thesis, 2017.

Christine Lauren Smith, “Dangling Damsels: The Gendered Nature of Executions at Tyburn, 1625-1685,” History M.A. thesis, 2016.

Dennise M. Turner, “Race, Culture, and French National Identity: North African, West African, and Antillean Communities in Paris, 1950-1990,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2016.

Monica Waugh-Benton, “Strike Fever: Labor Unrest, Civil Rights, and the Left in Atlanta, 1972,” History M.A. thesis, 2006.

Robert H. Woodrum, “Race and Industrial Transformation in the Alabama Coalfields, 1933-2001,” History Ph.D. dissertation, 2003.

Examiner/Reader (M.A. Non-Thesis Option Students)

Josh Eswine, History M.A., 2014. Elizabeth McCree, History M.A., 2013. Michael Saeger, History M.A., 2013. Richard Weatherby, History M.A. 2018. Jim Weathersby, History M.A., 2012. Allen Welch, History M.A., 2015.

Reading and Research Groups

Trans-Empire Research Cluster, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, 2005-10. Convenor.

British, Irish, and Imperial History Thesis and Dissertation Group, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, 1997-99. Convenor.

Postcolonial Studies Faculty/Graduate Reading Group, Emory University and Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, 1995-97. Co-convenor.

History and Theory Faculty/Graduate Reading Group, Emory University and Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, 1991-97. Co-convenor.


Colloquia, Roundtables, Seminars, and Workshops

Crafting Proposals for the 2014 SEWHA Conference Mini-Workshop, Association of Historians at Georgia State University Graduate Student Conference, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2014. Co- organizer and co-facilitator.

Teaching and Writing About Film Mini-Workshops, Institute for Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, March, September 2014. Co-organizer and co-facilitator.

“Preparing for Graduate Exams in History: A Roundtable,” Association of Historians at Georgia State University, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2012. Presenter.

Dissertation Prospectus Writing Workshop, Department of History, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, August 2008-February 2009. Organizer and facilitator.

“Teaching Modern World History,” Association of Georgia State University Historians, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2003. Presenter.

“How We Survived Semester Conversion: A Roundtable,” Department of History Seminar, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1998. Organizer and chair.

“Film and History in the Archives and the Classroom: A Roundtable,” Department of History Seminar, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, October 1998. Organizer and chair.

“Teaching to Empower Students of History,” Association of Georgia State University Historians, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, February 1998. Presenter.

“Graduate Students, the Academic Job Market, and Publishing,” Department of History Workshop for Graduate Students, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, May 1996. Presenter.

“Teaching a World History Survey,” Department of History Seminar, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, December 1990. Presenter.

Guest Lectures and Presentations

26 “World History, Gender History, and the First Universal Races Congress of 1911,” Issues and Interpretations in World History, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, July 2015.

“Beyond Historiography,” Research Seminar, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2015.

“Empire, Indigenous Peoples, and (Self-)Representation,” New Directions in Women’s Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2013.

“The (Re)Turn to Labor History,” Introduction to Historical Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2009.

“Good Muslim, Bad Muslim?: Representing Muslims and Islam in Contemporary British Cinema,” Europe in Modern Times and Europe from the Cold War to the European Union, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia, April 2008.

“This Happy Breed?: Britain and the British Empire in the 1940s,” Europe in the Era of the Two World Wars, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia, December 2007.

“A Luta Continua: The United States Social Forum in Historical Perspective,” Special Topics in Women’s Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2007. Co-presenter.

“What Did You Do in the War?: Personal and Historical Reflections on Antiwar Activism, 1969-2007,” United States History, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2007.

“Edwardian Mappings: Forms, Flows, and Fixes of Empire,” History and Politics of Maps, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, March 2005.

“What is Radical History?: Personal, Political, and Professional Reflections,” Introduction to Historical Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2005.

“The English Revolution in Global Perspective,” The World since 1500, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2004.

“The Rise, Fall, and Refoundation of Mediterranean Communism,” Nation and Empire in Southern Europe, University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, December 2002.

“Imagined Communities: Nation, Gender, Race, Colonialism,” Citizens, Subjects, and Strangers, University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, October 2001.

27 University of Delaware

Undergraduate Courses (1995)

The World since 1648 Nation, Race, and Gender in the British Empire

Undergraduate Courses (1987-90)

Western Civilization since 1648 Modern Britain Modern Ireland Modern World History

Guest Lectures and Presentations

“Politics, Purity, and Empire: Varieties of Feminism in Pre-WWI Britain and Ireland,” Women’s Studies Interdisciplinary Program Research on Women Lecture Series, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, November 1995.

“Teaching a World History Seminar,” Teaching World History, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, May 1990.

“Western Civilization or World History?,” History Program for Secondary School Teachers, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, March 1990.

“Victorian and Edwardian Feminism,” History of the Women’s Rights Movement in the U.S., University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, November 1989.

The Johns Hopkins University

Undergraduate Course (1988)

The Edwardian Crisis: Politics and Society in Britain and Ireland, 1905-1914

Guest Lecture

“Marx and Mid-Victorian Britain,” Occidental Civilization since 1648, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, March 1989.


Editorial Board

Radical History Review Editorial Associate, 2004-11.

28 Radical History Review Editorial Collective, 1995-2004 (co-chair, 2000-02). Steering Committee, 1999-2003. Teaching Radical History Committee, 1995-99, 2002-04.

Executive Board/Committee

Executive Committee, Georgia Conference, American Association of University Professors, 2015- . Economic Status of the Profession Committee, 2015- (chair).

Executive Board, Peace History Society, 2013-16. Nominations Committee, 2014.

Book Prize Committee

Morris D. Forkosch Prize, American Historical Association, 2009-11 (chair, 2011).

Conference Planning/Program Committees

Great Speckled Bird Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorations, 2017- . Southeast World History Association, 2017. Southeast World History Association, 2012. Historians Against the War, 2006-08. North American Conference on British Studies, 1999-2002. Sexual Harassment Conference (Law, Management, Sociology, Women’s Studies), Georgia State University, 1998-99.

Consultant/External Assessor/External Examiner/Reader

Senior Honors Program, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, May 1991.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2006.

American Historical Review, 2004. British Scholar, 2009. Gender & History, 1998, 2003, 2004. Historical Journal, 2006. Journal of British Studies, 1998, 2006, 2007. Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, 2002. Journal of Historical Sociology, 1998. Journal of Women's History, 1998, 2005, 2010. NWSA Journal, 1995. Radical History Review, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014. Victorian Studies, 1992.

29 Ashgate, 2003. Duke University Press, 2006. Hackett Publishing, 2016. Palgrave Macmillan/St. Martin's Press, 2002, 2003. University of California Press, 2016.

Georgia State University


Minority Faculty Mentoring Committee, 2004-06.


Reed-Fink Fellowship for Labor History Selection Committee, 2010- . Merl Reed Fellowship for Labor History Selection Committee, 2006-09.

Institute for Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Collaborative Teaching and Scholarship Committee, 2014-16. Ad Hoc Affiliate Faculty Committee, 2013-14 (co-chair). Fifth-Year Lecturer Review Committee, 2010. Pre-Tenure Review Committee, 2009. Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2002- . Graduate Studies Committee, 1996-2000 (director, 1998-2000), 2004-05, 2006- 08, 2009-13. By-Laws Committee, 1994-96. Outreach Committee, 1993-94.

Honors College

Curriculum Committee, 2014-15.

College of Arts and Sciences

Secretary of the Faculty, 2006-11. Curriculum Committee, 2001-04. Triennial Evaluation of the Chair Committee, 2001 (chair).

Department of History

Library, Media, and Technology Committee, 1999-2003 (chair, 1999-2000), 2014- . Programs and Research Committee, 2009- . Promotion and Tenure I Committee, 1999- . World History Program Committee, 2002-05, 2009- (chair, 2017- ).


World History Search Committee, 2008-09. Visiting Lecturer/Visiting Instructor Search Committee, 2008 (chair). West Africa Search Committee, 2007. Visiting Instructor/Visiting Lecturer Search Committee, 2007 (chair). Early Modern British World Search Committee, 2004-05. Atlantic World History Search Committee, 2003-04 (chair). Diversity Committee, 2003-09. Executive Committee, 2003-05. Twentieth-Century Germany Search Committee, 2000-01. Early Modern Europe Search Committee, 1999-2000. Director, Departmental Seminar, 1998-99. Graduate Studies Committee, 1998-2005. By-Laws Committee, 1998-2001. Awards and Prizes Committee, 1998-99 (chair). Bernard P. Bellon Prize Committee, Atlanta Seminar in the Comparative History of Labor, Industry, Technology, and Society, 1997. Nineteenth-Century Europe Search Committee, 1996-97. Ad Hoc European Curriculum Semester Conversion Committee, 1996. Ad Hoc Modern European History Positions Sub-Committee, Executive Committee, 1995. Bernard P. Bellon Prize Committee, Atlanta Seminar in the Comparative History of Labor, Industry, Technology, and Society, 1994. Undergraduate Studies Committee, 1992-99. Liaison, Atlanta Seminar in the Comparative History of Labor, Industry, Technology, and Society, 1990-98. Freshman Studies Committee, 1990-92, 2005-09. Advisement Committee, 1990-92, 2005-09. Petitions Committee, 1990-91.

University of Delaware

Department of History

Global History Advisory Committee, 1989-90.

Professional Associations

American Association of University Professors American Historical Association North American Conference on British Studies Peace History Society Southeast World History Association Southern Conference on British Studies World History Association